#How to Rank Locally lake forest
snowberry-crostata · 2 years
Clothing of Skyrim, Part VI: Regional Variations
Time to take a break from my dissertation-induced haze to write more nonsense about how the Nords of different holds dress! This time, we talk about the regional clothing styles of The Reach, The Pale, Haafingar, Falkreath, and Whiterun.
The Reach
The traditional clothing and decorations of Nords living in The Reach has been strongly influenced by cross-pollination with the Reachmen clans and by the marvels left behind by the Dwemer. Beadwork is more prominent in this region than anywhere else in Skyrim. Descriptions of Nords living in the Reach say that those wearing traditional dress can be heard before they are seen, given away by the clink of silver and the rattle of beads. Geometric designs inspired by Dwemer carvings feature heavily in their weaving and embroidery. Unsurprisingly, silver jewelry and embroidery using silver thread is often commissioned by high-ranking citizens as marks of status. 
The Pale
Strong maritime influences can be seen in the traditional ways of dress for Nords living in The Pale. Shellwork incorporated into jewelry and embroidery is common, with pearls and mother-of-pearl being particularly prized. In the sparsely-populated tundra south of Dawnstar, fur is essential to survival. Trade in furs and pelts makes up a large part of the local economy. The abundance of horker and the locals' reliance on the beasts for meat also drives the production of elaborately carved scrimshaw ornaments, jewlery, and tools made from horker tusks.
Haafingar’s traditional dress is rarely seen these days, having fallen out of favor compared to the cosmopolitan Nibean and Colovian fashions which grace the high houses of Solitude. Still, a few elements of traditional Haafingar designs remain popular. Echoing the city’s crest, wolf fur trims and pelts are seen as a mark of regional pride, with ice wolf pelts being particularly prized. Likewise, richly dyed red wool reflects the color of the hold’s banners. Both the furs and wool textiles serve a practical purpose in addition to being decorative; Haafingar is one of the northernmost holds of Skyrim, and the heavy clothing helps insulate locals from the cold winds blowing in from the Sea of Ghosts. In addition to Colovian and Nibean influences, Haafings have adopted elements of other cultures' styles as well. Elaborate braid sewn onto dresses, tunics, and capes underscores the influence of Breton cities Farrun and Jehenna, Solitude’s close trading partners. 
Floral motifs are a defining feature of weaving and embroidery coming out of Falkreath. Taking inspiration from the hold’s abundant forests and lakes, traditional designs incorporating vines, leaves, flowers, and animals (particularly deer) are popular. Falkreath remained part of the Colovian Estates well into the Third Era and their distinctive ways of dress still influence clothing in the region. Fur-trimmed clothes in the Colovian style, as well as pointed hats and hoods, continue to be worn by the locals of Falkreath Hold to this day. 
Vast fields of flax are grown on the White Plains and tundra cotton is indigenous to this region. It is therefore no surprise that linen and cotton dominate the local textile industry. The colors seen on cloth produced in this region tend to be muted, with locals preferring subtle yellows, creams, and pale blues. As a reflection of one of the hold's main exports, the Whiterun guards' helmets sport a decorative comb in the shape of a horse and a long plume of horsehair.
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romanpunks · 2 years
RomanPunk#607 - Alexa Servilianus
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Born in 242 AD in Mediolanum, Alexa Servilianus quickly rose through the ranks of Emperor Aurelian's legion in Germany after stepping into a dimension portal in Lake Como and returning equipped and skilled with the lightsaber. ATTRIBUTES
ID#: 607/1000 Name: Alexa Servilianus Race: Roman Type: Soldier Avatar Rarity: Common WAX Rarity: Common Class: Fighter Attack: 7 Defense: 7 Speed: 8 Tagline: "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword never tried laser weapons."
Date of Birth: 242 AD Place of Birth: Mediolanum Backstory: Always the adventurous type, Alexa grew up in a poor family in the city of Mediolanum in northern Italy where her illegitimate father was a soldier who died in battle and her mother was a servant woman for a local equestrian family. Alexa spent many of her days as a youngster sparring and wrestling with the local boys. As she came of age, however, pugilism and physical contact with the opposite sex became increasingly taboo and a series of awkward altercations caused her to venture north to Lake Como to live in the wilderness at the age of 13 where she would fish and hunt wild boar to survive. Early one morning before dawn, while fishing on her makeshift raft, she noticed a faint glow emanating from deep below the surface. Curiously, she held her breath deeply and dove the 30 feet below the surface to investigate. As she swam through the pellucid waters, the sapphire glow became brighter. Kicking furiously, she grasped for the light and all of a sudden seemed to somehow turn 180 degrees, as if she passed through a mirror. Startled, she briskly kicked her way back to the surface of the lake, and was awestruck by what she saw next...
Ships, in all directions! But not just on the water, floating through the air! As if a dozen shiny, glowing castles were hanging in suspended animation. Her raft was nowhere to be found, yet surrounding her on every shore were lavish buildings - bright villas, impossible towers and massive rectangular boxes littered everywhere. Suddenly, barren forest and empty skies were transformed into a bustling hive of future civilization. Shocked and tired, Alexa began to paddle towards the nearest shore. As she reached the long, blue dock, thoughts of excitement and bewilderment overtook her; she climbed a silver ladder to a strange white, glassy ship. There on the deck of the ship was a strikingly beautiful, dark-skinned woman wearing a red swimsuit and black sunglasses, lounging in the glow of dawn.
"Why, isn't this a sight for tired eyes," the lady remarks while examining Alexa from head to toe. "Now, tell me, how does such a lovely young child find her way onto the private yacht of Adelia Vibulanus?"
To be Continued...
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wickedsrest-rp · 2 years
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NAME: Wicked’s Rest Park Rangers
PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE: As far as the general public is concerned, Wicked’s Rest State Park has a hefty staff due to how advanced some of the trails are… and some of the dangers lurking within them. While the park has many entry points, official and otherwise, the Park Ranger stations are often peoples’ first stop. If you wish to use the amenities such as parking, lodging, or set up a camp, you can fill out a permission slip at the station. Given the size of the park, it’s not plausible for Park Rangers to know what’s happening throughout the whole park – however, you may run into some of the Park Rangers patrolling trails, helping folks out, and even just enjoying the outdoors. Most people appreciate the sense of safety this provides. Especially after reading some of the copious warning signs about “wrinkly bear territory” or “isolated slime rain” and the complicated trail ranking system.
Many residents and tourists alike enjoy some of the guided hikes and classes put on by the Park Rangers. After all, most Park Rangers are familiar with the local flora and fauna and know just what to avoid out on the trails. When all it takes is one wrong turn to end up as a vinemaw’s lunch, their expertise is really handy. 
Outside of those in Club Cryptid, most think the Park Rangers are your ordinary albeit overly-attentive rangers. A few members of Club Cryptid have their own conspiracy theories that the Park Rangers are trying to hide the cryptids, but most write those off as rumors. Most.
RECRUITMENT & TRAINING: Often, interns are recruited from the Wildlife Ecology program at UMWR. These internships allow for the hiring manager to get a good gauge on whether someone would be a good long term fit for the team. Interns are always supervised by a Senior Park Ranger. Often, supernatural hunters looking to “settle down” are hired as well.
Wicked’s Rest State Park has a longer training period for their Rangers and staff than most other state parks. This is because the director, James Pursefield, knows just what he’s up against in the forests of Wicked’s Rest. As a result, the staff who actually make it past the training are usually in the know about the supernatural threats lurking in the trees, rivers, and lakes. Even then, quite a few of the Park Rangers don’t believe in the supernatural and simply believe that Wicked’s Rest has a more elaborate wildlife ecosystem than most. Throughout their training period, they learn about many of the common problems encountered in Wicked’s Rest State Park and how to keep visitors safe from them. 
MISSION: The mission of the Park Rangers at Wicked’s Rest State Park is to keep all visitors safe during their visit. They strive to protect the general public while still keeping supernatural knowledge under wraps. Many of the educational resources they put together for visitors give vague warnings without giving away the directly supernatural nature of many plants and animals. They come up with a lot of adages like “Skin that flaps, it’s a trap; oozing slime, you won’t be fine,” to ensure public safety while still maintaining a degree of secrecy.
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bestofmoroccotour · 2 years
Best of Morocco Vacations and Cultural Tours
Morocco is a land of beauty, magic, and mountains. Morocco is a fascinating country involving stunning landscapes. Travelers to Morocco travelers can indulge in several exciting activities. To make the most exciting and best Morocco tours, you should research the places and activities to try that will turn you totally romantic.
Morocco is a land of temptations that lures tourists making them surrender to all the beauty of the place. It is always a dream to visit Morocco, one of the best places to visit with the biggest of tourist attractions and spots. Demand for Moroccan vacations has risen significantly each year to explore this enchanting kingdom that stretches from the imperial cities and the Atlas Mountains to the sand dunes of the Sahara Desert.
Morocco as a Tourist Destination
Morocco is one of the major destinations for international tourists traveling to Africa. Morocco recorded a total of 3 million tourists in 2020, ranking 53rd in the world in absolute numbers. Comparing the number of tourists to Morocco's total population it emerges a very respectable picture. The tourism sector alone generated about US$4.51 billion in Morocco. This equates to 3.4% of the gross domestic product.
Most Visited Tourist Places of Morocco
Rabat – Beautiful Capital City- Located on the coast, Rabat is the country's capital and one of Morocco's top tourist attractions. The year-round good weather and quiet Moroccan beaches are just a few of the reasons for its popularity. Its exquisite experience makes it one of the best places in Morocco!
Marrakech - Marrakech, also known as the Red City, is the kingdom's fourth largest city after Casablanca, Fez and Tangier, with a population of over one million and remains the country's tourist capital.
The best Morocco Tour starts from Roman ruins to historic monuments, beautiful places to astonishing colonial structures, highest mountains to tranquil lakes & rivers, golden sand dunes to vast cedar forests, and its urban settings & rural areas enough to mesmerize you.  Visiting Morocco would be a unique experience. It should not be missed. Morocco Tours will meet your expectations of a high-end tour.
Morocco is a great example of how a country continues to recognize the past, embrace the present and look to the future. Other cities such as Casablanca, Tangier, Chefshoouen, Ouarzazate, Essaouira, El Hei Jadida, Agadir, and many others seamlessly blend the past with modernity.
Morocco Cultural Tours
Moroccan culture tells stories of ethics and civilization, people, their behavior, traditions, festivals, and religions that are considered most important to the local people. Moroccan art and culture are excellent. , the Moroccan cultural language is completely different. See Berber tents and experience camel trekking. The tourists will see many things such as the Fes guest house, the Moroccan climate, Moroccan women, Moroccan food, Moroccan education, and much more. The French-Muslim fusion makes Morocco a unique travel destination.
Best Of Morocco Tours is a world-class tour operator offering tailored Morocco Cultural Tours according to the needs and budgets of the customers. The tour company is known to be offering a full-range of tour & travel services. The company has a stable business relationship with travel services, event planners hoteliers, local guides, transporters & others. To know the tour services in detail, visit the website.
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birdieseo12 · 4 years
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duckprintspress · 3 years
Synonym Stumpers: Walk
Sometimes, finding the perfect synonym can feel impossible, especially since a thesaurus (or a synonym post on Tumblr) will list words that have similar meanings without providing information on how similar those words actually are. Figuring out the nuances and subtle variations between umpteen words that all mean almost-but-not-quite the same thing can be one heck of a stumper but never fear: you want to find the perfect word and we are here to help!
On this edition of Synonym Stumpers - Walk! How many times can you say someone walked across a room before it gets boring? Fortunately, there are lots of awesome words that mean “walk.” Unfortunately, they all mean something a smidge different - and those variations can mean the difference between an evocative turn of phrase and a clunker that makes your readers go, “put away your thesaurus already!” Here’s our handy-dandy guide to our favorite synonyms for “walk,” and what each means!
Note that no one list can be exhaustive, and in certain contexts all of these words make sense, can be used, and might have subtly different meanings. In the end, the best way to learn the nuances of words is to read extensively. No thesaurus or list of synonyms, no matter how thoroughly annotated, can give a complete sense of all the possible usages of a word! 
Note the second, the writer of this list primarily speaks US Northeast English. Other dialects may have subtle differences in these words.
Words on this list: amble, ambulate, constitutional, go on/by foot, hike, hoof it/leg it, limp, lumber, march, meander, mosey, pace, pad, plod, saunter, shamble, shuffle, stalk, step, stomp, stump, stride, stroll, strut, toddle, traipse, tramp, troop, trudge, turn
(read more)
amble: ambling can have a few different implications. It suggests a certain aimlessness - “she ambled around the garden” - or, alternatively, a casual attitude - “we ambled through the mall.” Ambling is the opposite of purposeful or rapid walking - if someone is described as ambling, they are unhurried, calm, at ease, likely not walking in a straight line, and probably easily distractable (eg, by seeing a pretty flower or a store they’d like to visit in the mall). When someone ambles, nothing is urgent and all is well. Alternatively, in specific instances, ambling can imply that something is wrong with a person - for example, they may be drunk or wounded. It’s a close synonym of meander and stroll, and related to shambling.
ambulate: yes, ambulate means walk. No, you shouldn’t use it in most cases, unless having your character sound like a thesaurus is intentional, or you are describing certain kinds of limited motion, especially those involving a movement aid/assistive device such as a cane or a foot scooter. For example, a character walking with crutches might ambulate across a room. A robot might self-describe their movement as ambulation. However, in most contexts it will sound stilted, old fashioned, or weird.
constitutional: a constitutional is a type of walk specifically undertaken to improve or maintain health - exercise, but specifically walking as exercise. The term is dated, but would be appropriate in many Western historical settings in the 18th and 19th centuries. “The professor left to take his daily constitutional” is an example of usage. 
go on/by foot or travel on/by foot: one of our relatively straightforward synonyms. It specifically implies a mode of travel. It would be odd to say someone “went by foot across the room,” but more appropriate if describing how a journey is undertaken. It can be a little stilted, though, or old-fashioned. In a lot of contexts it’s probably better to just say walk. “How did you go to the store?” “I traveled by foot.” That sounds weird. “How did you go to the store?” “I walked.” That doesn’t sound weird. “How are we getting to the show?” “Oh, we’ll go by foot.” That also doesn’t sound weird. Just pay attention to your context.
hike: hiking always means the same as walking, but it implies a slog or a trek - a certain ruggedness, if you will. The most obvious context is when one is walking in the forest or climbing a mountain, but “hike” is also appropriate when the destination is far away or off the beaten track - for example, “yeah, I went down to Sal’s yesterday, that was quite a hike!” A person might hike around a lake, hike up a mountain, or hike at a state park, but unless the purpose is intentionally ironic, no one would ever hike to the local corner store or across a room. It is a close synonym to striding.
hoof it or leg it: these are both colloquial ways of saying walk, and make the most sense used in dialog, rather than in description, though it would depend on the point of view character and the type of narrative (as in, first person versus third person). Both imply a certain haste, while still meaning walking. “She legged it to the barn to keep up with the horses” would potentially make sense as a description. Alternatively, “should we drive to the store?” “naw, let’s just hoof it” would be a common way to use this.
limp: limping specifically indicates that someone is having trouble with one of their legs and is therefore walking unevenly, perhaps in a stumbling fashion. They might be injured, or have long-term damage, or use a movement aid, etc. Limping will always imply unevenness of gait. Be very careful using limp as an adjective to describe a person (“the limp man”) as this is increasingly considered ableist, similar to the words “lame” or “gimpy.”
lumber: not to be confused with “lumber” as in wood, lumbering is a plodding, heavy way of walking. It also implies that the person doing it is large in size, and sometimes has a negative/stereotyping connotation that the person doing it is a little dull/unintelligent. Because of that negative (and unreasonable) implication that a large person is automatically stupid, use this one sparingly and only in contexts where it’s clear that the second isn’t the intention (unless your goal is to show that your narrating/PoV/speaking character is the kind of jerk who would describe someone that way, in which case...go for it.) Lumbering is similar to plodding, trudging, and shambling.
march: marching, in its more obvious usage, refers to the way that soldiers in rank walk - high, purposeful steps. However, it can also be used in more casual contexts to suggest a certain type of obstinate stomping. “Furious, he marched across the room and slapped his hand on the table,” is an example of the second usage. In the second usage, march is a close synonym of stomp.
meander: meandering is specifically aimless, casual wandering. It also suggests that a person isn’t going in a straight line. Think of meandering in the way it’s used to describe a stream - a meandering stream has a slow flow in a course with many twists and turns and no purpose behind its course. When used as a term for walking, that’s what meandering implies - a lack of intentionality and haste. It’s a close synonym of ambling and similar to strolling.
mosey: moseying is similar to sauntering, and suggest a certain casual way of walking and an easy attitude. This word is specifically associated with the Old West and cowboy stories, and it’s easiest to imagine it in those terms - when someone has spent a lot of time on a horse, there’s a certain loose-boned way of walking, shoulders back, torso relaxed, pelvis scooped forward, legs a little bowed. That’s a mosey. In most other contexts, mosey would be a very odd word choice. Even other settings with many horses (such as a fantasy or medieval or Mongolian environment) using moseying would be out of place. In most contexts, it would be more appropriate to use sauntering or strolling.
pace: pacing, when used as a movement word (as opposed to its meaning of “keeping pace”) refers specifically to walking back and forth through a regular course. Pacing is most often associated with someone being deep in thought, anxious, or anticipatory - when someone walks back and forth repeatedly across a space, that’s pacing. It can also be used to refer to, for example, a guard walking an established, consistent patrol. “Paces” is another word for “steps,” though it’s a little old fashioned - in this regard, it’s similar to strides.
pad: padding is specifically walking softly and carefully, and also usually implies that the person who is padding is either barefoot or in socks. It would be pretty odd for someone to pad while in shoes, since it’s very difficult for someone to move quietly in shoes. However, unlike stalking, padding has a benign implication. Someone might stalk to quietly sneak up on someone, whereas they’d be more likely to pad if they’re trying to be silent so as not to wake up a friend. 
plod: plodding is a heavy step, often associated with drudgery and exhaustion. For example, a manual laborer carrying a heavy load could be described as plodding, or someone whose steps have slowed as they come near the end of a long journey might be plodding. It’s a word with weight to it, and fatigue, and slowness bourne specifically of being so loaded down that one can hardly go farther. Plodding also has a hint of determination in it - “even though they were exhausted, they plodded on.” It’s similar to lumbering, trudging, and shambling.
saunter: while a lot of words for walking imply a certain awkwardness or fatigue, sauntering is the opposite - a saunter is a cocky, confident, pleased way of walking. It might be accompanied by a saucy wink. The implication to “sauntering” is that the person doing it is carefree, unworried, and unhurried. It’s similar to strolling, but with the addition of utmost self-assurance.
shamble: there’s a good reason shambling is the word we use most for zombies - it heavily implied disordered, clumsy movement. Consider the other meaning of shambles - that someone or something is a mess - and translate that over to a type of walking, and you’ll have the right idea. Shambling communicates hunched shoulders, uneven steps, and difficulty moving - that can be due to undeath, or old age, or injury, or fatigue, but whichever one the writer intends, shambling will include those connotations. It’s a close synonym with shuffle and similar to plodding and lumbering.
shuffle: similar to shambling, shuffling is a slow, stilted way of walking that suggests the person moving is having difficulty. Further, shuffling also specifically means that the person is not lifting their feet. They’re walking by kind of...sliding forward...and going very slowly, taking small steps. It’s most commonly associated with old age, and people who shuffle tend to have poor balance and to be easily challenge by obstructions, such as dips in the roads or stairs. Shuffling can also be caused by injury or extreme fatigue. It’s a close synonym of shambling.
stalk: stalking is a creeping, stealthy way of walking, most commonly associated with sneaking up on someone or something. It also often (but certainly not always!) has a negative connotation. In the same way that a criminal might stalk their victim (as in, following them, scaring them, calling them, doxxing them, etc.), a person who stalks as their way of walking is most likely trying to ambush someone or something. When it’s not directed at one person stalking another, it’s often linked with hunting - a hunter will stalk their prey. In its most benign, stalking could be someone trying to scare a friend; at its most violent, assassins stalk their victims.
step: this is one of the closer synonyms for walk, but it does have some subtle differences. Saying “she walked into the sunlight” would imply someone walked from a shadowed area into a brighter one and then continued; saying “she stepped into the sunlight” instead implies that someone emerged from a shadowed area into a brighter one and then stopped. That said, stepped is probably the most interchangeable with “walked,” though in some contexts it’ll sound awkward or overly formal. “She walked across the room” sounds more casual and modern than “she stepped across the room,” and while it’s hard to define the exact difference, the second suggests a certain intentionality and carefulness that just using “walked” doesn’t.
stomp: stomping is a lot like marching, but without the same military-precision connotation. A soldier marches; a toddler stomps. Stomping is also most likely loud and communicates anger, unhappiness, or frustration. Someone might stomp their feet to disperse some anger during a fight, for example. That said, as I indicated - the standard usage of “stomping” has a connotation of youth and unreasonableness, so if it’s used to describe a grown person, it can imply a certain juvenile inappropriateness to that person’s behavior. As such, use it carefully when describing an adult. If you don’t want to convey that the person is being petulant, it would be better to choose a different word. Stomping is similar to marching and tramping.
stump: though spelled very similarly to stomping, stumping is actually closer in meaning to limping than to stomping. Like stomping, stumping is a loud, heavy way of walking, but like limping, it implies some kind of balance issue that’s causing someone to walk unevenly. Stumping could, for example, apply to someone who has a club leg or peg leg or another historical form of prosthesis. Stumping also implies clumsiness, though, so be careful using it to apply to certain types of people because it could come off as ableist depending on the context.
stride: striding is a specific long-stepped way of walking, and includes the implication that the person who is striding is most likely tall. When used as a verb, striding will always suggest that a person is taking large, rapid steps within a deliberate way, most likely towards a destination (rather than aimlessly). When used as a noun, though, it can be a close synonym for step - “she took two steps” and “she took two strides” mean basically the same thing (though a stride is still longer - two steps would be shorter than two strides). As another way to consider a stride - in some fantasy and historical settings, “one stride” is used as a unit of measurement roughly equivalent to a yard in modern Imperial usage. It is a close synonym of hiking.
stroll: much like ambling, strolling is a casual, easy way of walking. Strolling is a little less aimless than ambling, though - “she strolled through the park” suggests that, even though she is not in a hurry, she’s also following a path and perhaps has a destination in mind. It’s still not very purposeful, but it’s a little more purposeful than meandering or ambling are. Because of how “stroll” has been used historical, it sometimes can conjure up an image of luxury and privilege - imagine an English gentleman, with his arm looped around his wife’s, and her other hand bearing a parasol. This doesn’t mean strolling shouldn’t be used in other contexts, but note that depending on those contexts, it can potentially be a little subversive - to suggest someone poor or who works very hard is strolling is to imply they have a leisure that they may not usually have access to. Strolling is a close synonym of ambling and similar to meandering.
strut: peacocks strut. Strutting is a cocky, over-confident way of walking and includes the connotation that the person (or animal) doing it is trying to show off. In that sense, it’s also often used insultingly - “just look at that jerk, strutting about like he owns the place!” However, it’s not always negative, and can be used to suggest someone is showing off in a more positive sense, like they’re proud of an accomplishment - “she put together an outfit she loved and strutted her stuff at the club.” When used as a direct replacement for walking, it would also connote a higher step, a stiff back - a certain formality (potentially to the point of ridiculousness) to the way that the person is moving.
toddle: intentionally similar to the noun “toddler,” toddling is most closely associated with the way young children or animals move when they don’t quite have control of their limbs yet. It’s clumsy, stumbling, and the person toddling likely falls a lot or needs to be supported. When not used in the specific sense of a youngster, it can apply to (for example) someone who has just stood after a long time bedridden, or who has woken up and hasn’t gotten their bearings yet. When used specifically as “toddle off,” it can be used in dialog (or, in rare instances, description, depending on the point of view character) to say someone is leaving. “Well, if we’re done here, I’ll just toddle off!” is a usage that doesn’t imply clumsiness, but rather suggests someone is leaving casually and in an unhurried manner.
traipse: traipsing is a light-hearted, fleet way of moving, closest to skipping, which isn’t on this list because skipping isn’t walking. Traipsing is bright and happy, casual and a little quick but not in a hasty/hurried sense. It’s often associated with youth. When I imagine someone traipsing, they’ve got a bright smile, a swinging skirt, and maybe a balloon - they’re joyful and spirited and their steps are carefree.
tramp: tramping is a close synonym for stomping, and suggests heavy steps. However, it doesn’t have stomping’s connotation of petulance; instead, tramping is more focused on the firmness and volume of the walking. However, because the noun “tramp” refers to a vagrant, homeless person, or someone very messy, it’s wise to use this word carefully where it’s clear that’s not the intention. While that kind of messiness is not part of the meaning of tramp as a verb, the words will still potentially evoke each other when used in narrative, so it’s best used sparingly.
troop: while it can be similar to marching - especially when used to apply to a group of people - trooping doesn’t have as much of the military implication (even though it’s the same word as “troop” = “soldier). Trooping is a steady walk, and implies covering some distance - it’s similar to plodding, though with less implication of fatigue.
trudge: trudging is very close in meaning to plodding, though it has a slightly greater implication of effort. For example, “he trudged through the deep mud” gives the sense that it’s very difficult, slow going, whereas “plodding through deep mud” would sound a little off because plodding lacks the aspect of the walking itself being a slog (Neither would actually be wrong, though, trudged would just be the better of the two to use in that context). It’s a close synonym for plodding, lumbering, but unlike those, it’s farther from shambling.
turn: “take a turn” is another historical term similar to constitutional. It’s dated for modern usage, but to “take a turn” is to go for a walk, though instead of having health-related implications, turns are more for pleasure.
Words I excluded from this post because they’re a little too far from “walk” but may still be a good word for you: advance, canter, escort, exercise, file, foot, go, hit the road, jaunt, knock about, lead, leg, locomote, parade, patrol, perambulate, promenade, prance, race, ramble, roam, rove, run, schlepp, scuff, slog, tour, traverse, tread, trek, wander, wend one’s way. All of these are great words but they’re not close synonyms for the literally act of walking.
(and a final apology...this is our first synonym stumper post and it got significantly longer than anticipated and I don’t have the brain to edit it right now...let me know if you see any mistakes, disagree with my personal sense of these words, want to add another word, or have any questions!)
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My Tunnels Are Long and Dark These Days
Featuring snapshots of the three most important road trips in Zemo and John's journey of working together.
To love is to pretend, don't try to love yourself again That is the worst kind of pain We're not those kinds of freaks, amen We're a different sort of breed of men
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Zemo sat slouching in his seat, one hand hanging out the window of the truck, another draped on the steering wheel. The road stretched out in front of them, disappearing into the shadows of the mountains and forests. The sun was not up yet, it was early morning. 5AM, where no one rose out of bed but the office workers, the labourers, the soldiers coming out of their blanket shells. And where no one entered into slumber but the gravediggers, the night-shifters, the soldiers retreating into their blanket shells. The truck had been trotting along the road for hours, a small brown beetle with its headlights shining pale yellow, framing the one-meter radius ahead of it. Twenty-four hours ago had been when they first kicked the ignition into its churn in the region of Kashgar (a former trading town along the Silk Road), and when the prospects of a proper ceramic toilet had bit the dust. Twenty-four hours come and gone, with Zemo quietly helming the operation.
From Kashgar, they had traveled to Karakul under the cover of night, a journey that had taken them six hours. There had been no scenery of note but white moonlight glinting off the peaks of the two tall snowy mountains, Muztagh Ata and Mount Kongur. The shimmering scales of the Karakul lake had enraptured Zemo for hours, greeting him whenever a sharp jolt in the road woke him from his slumber.
And now, after resting a few hours at a local abode, they continued on to Tashkurgan, where from there they would go right into the borders of Pakistan.
A small muffled sound came from the lump beside him. “What’s the situation?” John mumbled blearily, poking his head through the covers. Zemo cast him a sideline glance, frowning at his sleep-mussed hair and squinted eyes. “It’s not your turn yet.”
With a snort, John closed his eyes again and rolled over, facing away from Zemo. He settled into another deep sleep.
A big, military-looking truck drove by them, momentarily blinding Zemo with its headlights. Heartbeat quickened in his chest, Zemo sat up straighter and observed the truck through the rearview mirror, hoping for its retreat. He glanced quickly towards his small driving compartment, doing a mental catalog of the materials there: a driver’s license, a forged visa to pass the border customs, fake passports with cover identities for himself and Walker… good, very good. All according to plan. Zemo rolled down the windows of his truck slightly, listening intently. The roar of the military truck did not fade into a distant hum. Instead, there was the screech of tires and the sudden whirring which indicated only one thing- Walker had better practiced the cover story that Zemo told him to, or the ensuing events would be catastrophic.
The urgent, piercing honking behind them startled John into wakefulness. He bolted up, then as if realizing that there was nowhere to go, settled back gingerly into his seat. “Zemo…”
Zemo tightened his grip on the wheels. Flexed his knuckles once, twice. Gently, as if petting a startled cat, rolled the ball of his foot over the brakes. “Anderson, don’t panic,” he says with practiced calm. “Remember what we rehearsed?”
“Yeah, Niki,” John replies. Though his face was carefully composed, the telltale twitching of his leg told Zemo otherwise.
All John had to do as Anderson was play the part of a slightly confused USA diplomat, heading from China to Pakistan over some matters of a proposed trade deal. Niki was to be his driver and translator, a man who had been an exchange student in China briefly where he picked up some basic Mandarin. Zemo had learned barely enough to get the both of them through a ten, fifteen-minute exchange. For the rest of his persuasion, he’d have to rely on the forged documents and the facade of confidence. If all went well, they would be sent on their merry way very quickly, and deliver all eight billion dollars worth of SHIELD information straight into the hands of Contessa. Of course, Zemo had taken an innocent, ‘accidental’ look at the confidential information, and deemed it useless enough to give to the woman. If it were anything that he found potentially dangerous, he would dispose of it immediately. Dry kindling could turn into a wildfire in Contessa’s hands, and that was the kind of risk he would never take.
“Stay calm. I will settle it quickly. The officers don’t want to make a big deal out of this either- we will be on our way soon,” he hissed to John as soon as he heard the crunch of boots on the tarmac.
Zemo rolled his window down to the silhouette of a heavily-clad soldier, who was covered head to toe in military gear. His eyes seemed to be narrowed, whether it was from suspicion or simply fatigue.
“有签证吗?” (Do you have a visa?)
“有。” (Yes.) Zemo reached into the compartment and retrieved the documents. The soldier took a quick look at them via the torchlight and passed it back to him. Then, tipping his chin at John- “他是你的朋友?” (Is he your friend?)
“他是我的老板。” (He's my boss.) Zemo struggled to recall the words for a moment. “我帮他翻译。” (I help him to translate.)
“对于游客来说,这时间挺早的。你们从卡拉库尔来的?” (This time of day is quite early for a tourist to be travelling. Are you coming from Karakul?)
Zemo blinked, processing the words. “可以…重复吗?” (Can you... repeat that?)
The guard sighed, then said slowly- “你们从,卡拉库尔,来? ” (You came, from, Karakul?)
The pieces slot into place in his head. 卡拉库尔 - Karakul. You… from… you came from Karakul.
“对,对。抱歉,我的华文不好。” (Yes, yes. Apologies, my mandarin isn't good.)
The guard laughed, but there was no condescension or meanness in it. “对于老外来说,发音挺好。” (For a foreigner, your pronunciation is pretty good.)
He continues, “好,好,谢谢。打扰你了。不多说了,你们走吧。” (Yes, yes, thank you. Sorry for the disturbance, you can go.)
Zemo, displaying the kindest smile he could, nodded and bade the man farewell. He turned off the lights in the car and smirked, knowing John could see it- This is how a professional works.
Another voice rang out, different from the one earlier. “先别走。” (Don't go yet.)
Zemo’s foot froze at the pedal. John’s expression was one of pure confusion and panic, his calmness now barely held together. Through the conversation earlier, Zemo had already sensed him vibrating with stagnant energy, and now it was manifesting in dangerous, careless ways. Zemo quickly reached out to touch John shoulder and calm him down- he's learnt that the other man responded best to physical contact, something he himself detested.
John’s wild gaze lifted to a point above his shoulder and lingered there.
The sharp rapping at the glass behind him are like bullets to his ears.
Zemo turns around, “为何…” (Why...)
His voice died in his throat. Standing there outside the car, equally shocked- Karlen Constantine.
Zemo could recognize that face anywhere. The rounded jaw, the brittle mouth, and that hateful, hateful look in his eyes.
The same look he gave when Zemo framed him for murder and left a two-million-dollar bounty on his head in Madripoor. Eight years ago.
Zemo takes quick stock of the situation. Judging by Constantine’s badges- high ranking. Heavily armed. A long, long road ahead of them. Walker has no shield, not yet. That was still in the process of being manufactured in Romania. Car chases weren’t an option. Evasion wasn’t an option. Anything other than negotiation would lead to their death. Zemo swallowed the saliva that rested heavily on his tongue.
“Karlen, please,” he says. John inhaled loudly behind him, he ignored it.
“You son of a bitch,” Karlen laughed gleefully. “Oh, this has made my day. I’m going to enjoy this.”
“What the fuck is going on, Zemo?” John snarled, ditching the pseudonym. He knew the game was up, the only question was how they were going to get out of this situation.
“Karlen, I’m invaluable to you,” Zemo continues carefully. His heart is pounding wildly in his chest, and it’s taking every iota of energy in him to keep his voice steady, to prevent the wave of panic from engulfing his mind. Any wrong word, any wrong move, and he would be dead within minutes. The car was bulletproof, but at such close range… with a shotgun, no less… Zemo knew the specs of the glass well, but he loathed taking risks. “I can-”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Karlen screamed, spittle hitting the glass. “Both of you, get the fuck out. Hands where I can see them. Slowly. Fucking do it slowly, or I’ll blow a hole in your leg.”
With steady breaths, Zemo complied. He could feel the adrenaline rushing up to his brain, reducing everything to a frantic pulsing in his muscles, the instinctual urge to run or fight. He got out of the car, hands raised to his shoulders, holding John’s gaze steady- don’t do anything rash. Follow my lead. And surprisingly, John did. He followed without a single word of protest, even though Zemo knew he was aching to throw a punch, to smash his fist into someone’s temple, or feel the satisfying recoil of a gun vibrating against his bones.
Zemo felt the cold barrel of a gun pressed between his eyes, at the same time that John jolted forward and cried, “No!”
“Don’t FUCKING move!” Karlen roared again, clicking off the safety. “Stay where you are or I’ll fucking kill him. Zemo, he answers to you, right? Tell him.”
Zemo glanced away to catch John’s horrified stare before his head was painfully yanked back by the roots of his hair. “Hey. Eyes on me. What did I say?”
“John, don’t move,” Zemo said slowly, grimacing as Karlen’s grip tightened.
“Now kneel.”
Zemo complied, breathing heavily. He could feel the fur of his jacket sticking to the back of his neck, and how hot his entire body felt, alight with energy. The aching of his scalp and knees had faded into a dull buzzing, overtaken by the hyperawareness of Karlen, his every movement, and Walker’s unyielding presence at his back.
As if sensing the same, Walker leaned forward carefully to place himself in Zemo's peripheral vision, discreet enough that Karlen wouldn't notice.
"Three years. Three years, I had to run and run and run. All because you stabbed me in the back, like the fucking coward you are. We were friends, but that didn't mean shit to you, did it? I'm glad your fucking wife and kids died. I hope they suffered. Oh yeah, I hope they screamed. I'm going to make this very painful for you too, Zemo."
Zemo's hands were trembling with the force of keeping them from Karlan's throat. It was taking everything he had to restrain himself. He tipped his chin up, looked straight into the matching pair of hateful eyes, and spat at Karlen's feet. "Fuck you."
It barely sounded like his own voice. The hate was thick sewer sludge, bubbling past the broken glass in his throat. A blinding burst of red splattered across his vision- Zemo flinched from the force at which the rage slammed into his mind. I will kill you. I will peel your skin from your bones, bit by bit. You're going to be screaming like a pig by the time I'm done. Constantine, you'll wish you were dead-
Karlen punched him so hard his entire body collapses to the side. Zemo tasted blood on his tongue, and god, it was pouring out of his nose. It wasn't broken, however- he turned his head just in time to prevent that. The lights look blurry- his eyes were watering.
Another kick connected with his stomach and Zemo cried out in pain, curling up into a ball.
Stop, stop, fucking stop, someone was shouting. When his head finally stopped ringing, he realised that it was John.
"You're friends with this guy?" Karlen laughed. "Oh, come on. He's just going to stab you in the back too. In fact, I'm sure he's already plotted multiple ways to kill you or fuck you up."
"He's tried," John laughed mirthlessly. His voice dropped into a low growl, a voice meant for spilling dirty little secrets- "Many, many times."
"And guess what, I'm still here. You aren't. A word of advice? Don't take yourself so seriously. You don't mean shit to him if you can't keep yourself around," John continued.
Zemo struggled to push himself back up, panting hard. He can't gather enough air to shout, stop talking. Those words laid like a brand against his skin, spelling out the name John Walker, a possessive claim.
I'm special, John Walker practically crowed.
And Zemo hated that he was right.
"If you like him so much, you can join him." Karlen laughed, raised his gun to John Walker, and fired.
He was fast.
John was faster.
The bullet buried itself harmlessly into the ground. The soldiers startle, reaching for their guns. One shot, Karlen's body dropped. The muffled thump launched Zemo's body into action. His fingers found a gun, and without blinking he whirled and pulled the trigger three times.
A few more shots rang out, and two more men are down.
Zemo swayed on his feet, but before he could collapse, there were strong arms around him, leading him to the car. He's shoved into it in a daze. John Walker entered through the other side, at the wheel.
"Shh. Shh. Hey. Hey, princess, look at me." A damp cloth was pressed into his hands, and he instinctively brought it up to his nose to staunch the bleeding. They're both breathing harshly from the fight. Gunpowder blue eyes stared back at him, brows furrowed. Light glanced off the mirror, staining John's hair a warm golden. Zemo was reminded of his vintage brass rulers, the beautiful old smell they had...
Wait. Light? He lifted his head to see the sunrise, then the time on the electronic clock. 6.05 AM. The tourist buses would be moving out soon, which meant-
"Drive," he whispered, and John kicked the car into high gear without a word.
"I'll text Contessa to put a roadblock on both sides and clear up the scene as quickly as possible. Once at Tashkurgan we'll leave the car, take the tourist bus, and blend in with the rest. I will arrange for Contessa to meet us earlier than was planned. When we arrive in Pakistan, we need to get past the border security. Even though we're compromised, this will not be risky. It's broad daylight and there are too many people at the border to cause a scene. The congestion will be in our favour. Clear?"
"And the next time, I'll tell Contessa that travelling at night is a bad idea."
John frowned. "Hey, don't blame yourself. No one knew this was going to happen."
"We were nearly killed, John."
"Yeah, what's the big deal? Do you know how many times I've nearly been killed, Zemo? More than I could count. And trust me, this does not even come close." John laughs brightly. "We got outta there fine, yeah? Trust me. Not even close. It was a team effort."
Zemo looked down, and saw the slight quivering of his leg that John tried to hide. He dragged his eyes up to John's face, and recognised the tiny, near-imperceptible strain in his eyes... something you would not catch unless you were specifically looking for it.
You can be a really good liar if you tried, John.
"You're special to me, you know." the words came out in a rush, stumbling over one another. It sounded like a confession, and Zemo hated how it made his heart stutter, how his hands tingled, how the pain and the anger faded away into a schoolboy-nervousness.
The entire world, bottled down to a single response.
And he waited for an answer with bated breath, though he was uncertain of the question he had asked, if any at all.
My ending thoughts:
John Walker tells Zemo about love, like how a parent tells their child about the unobservable universe, about the untouched depths of the ocean, as if whispering: don't fear the unknown, for we'll explore it together.
Inspiration and images were taken from:
Zion National Park, United States (Utah)
Black Canyon of the Gunnison, United States (Colorado)
Trollstigen, Norway
Transfăgărășan road, Romania
Karakoram Highway, China-Pakistan
Images were taken from Google, not owned by me.
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clareguilty · 4 years
Follower Giveaway Fic :)
This is my last fic for my most recent giveaway! I’ll have to come up with a title at some point so I’m very open to suggestions Pharah/Reader Rated: M | No Warnings Word Count: ~1500 (woah i didnt go over this time pls be proud of me)
Fareeha: I’m out front whenever you’re done <3 no rush!
You smiled at the message. It was the first time you and Fareeha had been in the United States at the same time, and she was excited to take you out and show you Grand Mesa.
Apparently she had spent a lot of time at the watchpoint when she was growing up. When you told her your research project would be taking you there for a few months she could hardly contain herself, gushing about how gorgeous the mountains and the forests were.
“It’s nothing like Europe or Egypt,” she had said. “There’s so much sky- so much horizon! And the colors of the forest!”
You had fallen even more in love with her as she described the landscape. You were more skeptical about the states, having heard how they handled the crisis and everything after. They had never seemed appealing, and you only ever went because business required it.
But your heart beat a little faster as you shut down your workstation and hung up your lab coat. Just because you had only seen the underfunded laboratory and the sprawling but austere watchpoint didn’t mean that Fareeha wasn’t going to show you something wonderful.
You stepped out of the doors to the lab and there she was. Faded jeans, even more faded band tee under a well-worn leather jacket, leaning against a sleek black motorcycle. A motorcycle?! She grinned at you from behind a pair of sunglasses. “Baby,” she she gestured to the bike, “meet my baby.”
“You have a motorcycle?” you asked in disbelief.
“Only when I’m on this continent,” she shrugged. “It’s no fun riding anywhere else really. McCree gave her to me when I finished basic training and I’ve cherished her every day since.”
“Sounds like I have some competition,” you teased.
She laughed and pulled you in for a kiss. “You’ll love her too.”
She procured two helmets, and you couldn’t help your blush when you realized she had gotten your favorite color. You let her help you put it on, a little nervous as she swung her leg over the bike and instructed you to to the same. You slid up until you were flush against her back, squeezing tight with your thighs and wrapping your arms around her waist.
“I won’t let you fall off,” she promised. “You ready? We’re just going to ride into town first and then I’ll show you the real adventure.”
You nodded, squeezing her tight to let her know.
Fareeha revved the engine and took off towards the gate. While she may have spent most of her days in a rocket suit, you were more accustomed to office wheely chairs, and you held on tight as she raced through the open gates and down the mountain to the small town.
The ride was exhilarating, and you could see how Fareeha could love this. It was so close to flying. You looked out over the valley, watching the rocks and trees race by.
You hadn’t been to town yet, having only landed on base two days ago. Usually, you made it a point to check out the local area when you traveled, and you were glad you had Fareeha to show you around this time.
The town was quaint, a few roads with low, scattered buildings. The usual chains and stores gave way to a main road with small, unique shops. Fareeha parked her bike outside of a well lit restaurant, patting the top of your helmet playfully. “I’ll be right back,” she grinned.
Not even three minutes later she was back with two white paper bags. She carefully tucked them into what you discovered to be an insulated saddlebag. “Alrighty,” she clapped her hands. “You ready for the main event?”
You nodded. “I can’t wait to see where we’re going.”
Fareeha took off out of town, racing up a different road into the mountains. You clung to her tightly, watching the shadows grow long and the light disappear behind the peaks. Riding in the twilight was even more exhilarating, but you trusted Fareeha as she easily navigated the winding roads.
She slowed after you passed a roadsign, carefully turning off the road onto a path you never would have noticed even in the daytime. It was much slower going from there as she pressed on through the trees on a gravel path.
And then the path ended. A wide line of white stones at the edge of the treeline reflecting the evening light. A beautiful shallow lake, just at the base of the mountains, surrounded by quiet forest. Fareeha helped you off the bike and took your helmet. “What do you think?”
“It’s beautiful!” The mountain peaks reached so high, but the sky still looked so wide beyond them. The lake was so still and peaceful, hidden by the trees. “How did you find this place?”
“Jesse brought me out here when I was young. He found it on his own bike and snuck me out  when mom was away on a mission.” She pulled a thick blanket from her pack as well as a field lantern to keep the both of you warm. You grabbed them from her and set them out on the soft dirt and pine needles while she got the food. “Southwestern brisket and scotch!” She presented you with a takeout container.
“Real fancy,” you grinned. 
“It’s the true Grand Mesa experience. I’ll take you to some fancy restaurant when we’re back in Europe, but tonight we rough it.” She cracked open the bottle and took a long swig.
“I’m a scientist, Faree. I don’t really ‘rough it.’” You rolled your eyes but you took a hearty bite of your food. It was delicious. Fareeha was a hardened soldier, used to a life of travel and survival. She could spend a night in the mountains no problem. You were used to labs and fancy research facilities and had only camped occasionally. But it was nice to see this part of Fareeha. She was usually so stoic and professional. It was only when you were alone that you got to see this side of her, and now she was really in her element.
You snuggled up into her side, watching the stars crawl across the sky and the moonlight ripple on the lake.  
Fareeha listened as you explained the research you were working on, pretending to understand the technical jargon and sympathizing when you complained about the poor management of the American labs. You, on the other hand, were very excited to hear about all she had been doing recently and didn’t need to feign interest. She had been all over the world in the past month it seemed, heading the new Raptora program and working between the Egyptian army and the UN as well as the corporate side of things.
“You do too much,” you pouted. “I never get to see you.”
“Aww,” she leaned in to kiss you. “I miss you every day.”
You had long since finished your food, and the bottle of scotch was nearly empty. The summer night was perfectly warm between the field lantern and Fareeha’s arms around you.
“You know,” you let your hand slip under her jacket, “I’ve never had sex outside before.”
Fareeha laughed -- threw her head back and howled. You smacked her arm. “I was trying to set the mood!”
She pulled you in close by the hips, still laughing as she pressed her lips to your cheek. “You did great, babe. The mood is set.”
You settled on her lap, straddling her thigh as she kissed down your neck, pulling your jacket off and pushing your top up. She had to stop kissing you in order for both of you to take your shirts off, but she was absolutely delighted to be able to squeeze your tits.
“I wanna eat you out,” she said, pressing her thigh up against you.
You were already reaching for the fasten of your pants, shoving them down and off as Fareeha climbed over you. It was uncoordinated, a little desperate. As though you were two clumsy teenagers and not a leading scientist and a high ranking military officer. It was something you had never had before.
Fareeha kissed and nipped a path up the inside of your thigh, holding your legs apart. You wound your fingers in her hair, grinding against her as she ate you out. She slipped two fingers inside you and curled them just right to have you gasping and moaning. The sound seemed to carry so far in the woods.
She didn’t stop until you had come twice, and then you returned the favor as the moon climbed higher in the sky and shone down on the peaceful lake.
“Thanks for this,” you kissed her as the two of you curled up to sleep.
“Of course, I’m glad I got to bring you up here. This place is really special to me.” She squeezed you tight and looked up to the stars.
“You’re really special to me,” you said.
“Ugh, you’re so cheesy!” she groaned, but she was smiling.
“I can’t believe you have a motorcycle. That’s so hot.” You looked over to where the bike was parked, gleaming in the moonlight.
Fareeha followed your gaze. “Yeah. My other lady love.”
You looked up at her with a wicked gleam in your eye. “You know… I’ve never had sex on a motorcycle before.”
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glowyjellyfish · 3 years
Year 1 Summer/Fall, Tuefel
Sometime I’m going to have to look back and see whether I have been even slightly consistent in titling these posts.
Anyway, despite various uncertainties I persevered in playing Lake Buena Vista, the Disney-themed BaCC I won’t shut up about! Today I played the Tuefel household, aka the Evil Queen’s household; she’s the last and lowest-ranking Royalty in the hood.
Get ready for a little Drama.
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Remember how I was all excited about pairing Grimhilde here off with Anastasia Tremaine? Well, Grimhilde had other ideas. She’s a Romance sim, and huntsman Humbert Forester is right there.
...I reasoned that they cannot legally marry as he is a peasant, Snow White is not likely to grant an exception for the literal villain of her story, and therefore Grimhilde is still going to pursue marrying Anastasia, as that is a nice legal pairing between a queen and a noble lady. (...and Grimhilde’s gonna use magic to produce children, of course.)
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Then, of course, I turned her into a proper evil witch, and this happened. I... don’t play with witches often, I forgot this is a problem. I’ll have to get some mods so she can be her normal stylish self again. In this round, she certainly seems to enjoy it.
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Humbert wound up in an appropriately servile role, planting the garden and making dinner, while Grimhilde dicked around making potion reagents and waiting for somebody to concede her permission to participate in Politics (ie, she struggled to find the job in the paper. But I have decided that means Snow White was refusing to work with her at first.)
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So here’s where the real drama begins. I’d already had Grimhilde make friends with Anastasia on the phone, and here she was doing a walkby! I had Humbert quickly greet her while Grimhilde wrapped up her magic alchemy.
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Things went pretty well!
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...then Grimhilde makes this face. That’s fine, she is probably just being an evil witch, right?
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NOPE. She goes off to the bedroom to WooHoo Humbert, leaving Anastasia...
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...alone on the couch, waiting to be acknowledged.
And then afterwards, trying to get back on track, I had Grimhilde come back out and be kind and flirty to her guest.
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Anastasia dreams of the wealth she’s going to have when she marries the Evil Queen, not realizing that Grimhilde just walked away. It’s fine, they sent her home shortly after.
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Eventually, Grimhilde got the Politics job required of her. Not sure whether it happened at the time of this picture, but eh it flows nicely.
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...and with her handmade reagents, she cast spells to improve her mood for work.
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Meanwhile, Humbert spent his time between gardening, cooking, and WooHooing making friends with Brom Bones, a surprisingly good match for him if I can pry Grimhilde away, but an apt friend either way. I feel like the Huntsman would enjoy going hunting with Brom Bones and then grabbing drinks or something.
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The next night, I had Grimhilde invite Anastasia over, and Ana went for her first kiss! omg I want it to be sweet, but it has turned into “nooo Ana Grimhilde is using you look out”
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Their date went really well all things considered, a Dream Date despite Grimhilde starting off bored and frustrated. Anastasia, I have concluded, is probably a bit willfully unobservant.
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...and then as soon as Anastasia’s back is turned, Grimhilde cackles evilly. I mean, what else can I do with that?
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And Grimhilde went right back to bed with Humbert. I have no idea, guys, I mean, she’s a Romance sim. I thought at first she’d maybe have a brief thing with Humbert before they separated to start more legal families, but she has zero interest in ending it, is quite happy to string Anastasia along while she sleeps with Humbert, and keeps making unhappy and evil faces as soon as Anastasia’s back is turned. Well, I guess everyone here except Humbert is evil, so Anastasia is using Grimhilde to social climb and Grimhilde is using her to potentially start an evil royal dynasty, but it’s really hard not to feel bad for Anastasia here.
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Anyway, Humbert started trying to befriend the local wolf as he tended the garden...
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Grimhilde worked on her magic and took advantage of Anastasia’s connections to work on making an evil ally in Lady Eleanor Tremaine, to one day overthrow the tyrranical rule of Good.
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...and Humbert and Grimhilde absolutely insisted on WooHooing on the couch.
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At one point, Grimhilde got promoted to Politics level 2, because I forgot to give her a Job Stoppinator, and just look how smug and satisfied she is. She can rule just as well as Snow White. Better. She’ll show them. She’ll show them all!
(she will not be allowed another promotion until Snow advances appropriately, I just thought this was funny)
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And she serenaded Humbert! Who are you Grimhilde? Why do you think you’re a Disney Princess now? You’re the villain, you don’t get a love song!
That’s about it for this round; no pregnancies, alas. It sure would have been fun to have a Huntsman/Evil Queen oops baby, but I figure Grimhilde’s vanity makes her exercise EXTREME caution about procreation. She’s already going to use her magic to impregnate Anastasia after they marry--and they will marry, make no mistake, everything I said earlier about legality still holds true, and they made plenty of headway in their relationship, plus you know Eleanor Tremaine isn’t going to let her daughter let a Queen go no matter what. She’s just... more into Humbert, and doesn’t make the evil faces after interacting with him so much. Possibly just because he’s right there.
I should probably be putting these at the beginning of posts, but a quick rundown of these two: Queen Grimhilde Tuefel is a Romance sim who wants to WooHoo with 20 Different Sims (I know, right? I’ll probably let her, though; at least it’s attainable); her traits are Perfectionist, Diva, Dramatic, Evil, and Dislikes Children, and her hobby is Music & Dance. Humbert Forester, a commoner, is a Popularity sim who wants to Become a Celebrity Chef; his traits are Loves the Outdoors, Loner, Eco-Friendly, Animal Lover, and Gatherer, and his hobby is Sports. I am planning, as I often do, to have Grimhilde open a magic shop selling reagents and potions, but that’s a long way off. Humbert may work towards unlocking cuisine, but since Prince Consort Florian also has that goal, it’s much more likely Humbert will just end up working in somebody’s restaurant. We’ll see, though.
Next up will be the Blue Fairy, Blue Celeste, the first Noble household, and I might not get to it next weekend due to Life. We shall see.
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fleetwoodmactshirt · 4 years
roadtrip headcanons (requested)
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i think they’d all have a different vibe and a different energy. i didn’t really rank them best to worst, i just explored what i think the vibe of a road trip with each of them would be like. i also let loose and slipped in some super self-indulgent personal hcs/one-shot au idea that is a WiP about ezra as an intriguing handsome stranger you encounter on your solo cross-country road trip. as a treat. s/o to @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa​ for suggesting whiskey’s fav song.
frankie morales is the road trip king. no matter how spontaneous, frankie can whip a road trip plan together smoothly. he’s got a spacious truck, he’s got a cooler, he’s got the coziest blankets, he’s got the travel pillow, he’s got the camping gear, he knows the best scenic routes, he’s got the best classic tunes, he’s got the best snacks. he makes homemade sandwiches and burritos, wraps them tightly in tin foil. he heats up frozen pizzas, cuts them into slices. he stores it all in the cooler for lunches. when the supply runs out, you gorge yourselves on burgers and fries at roadside diners. but every morning he’ll stop in the nearest town to buy some apples, or some fresh fruit/veg of some kind. if they’re ripe he’ll get avocados that he’ll cut in half for you both to scoop out with a spoon to eat plain while you sit together in the bed of his truck in the shade of a lake you’ve stopped at for the afternoon. but he surprises you with your favourite junk food and snacks. he lets you borrow his cap if the sun is in your eyes; he’s got a spare, more threadbare one in the glove box. he’s low key done the research on the best places for stargazing; you lie back nestled together under a blanket, in the bed of his truck, gazing upwards; you listen as he describes the constellations, tracing them out with his finger.
max phillips. business road trips but max’s...condition necessitates driving at night only. liminal spaces. driving through the night, sleeping in business hotel rooms during the day, dust motes floating in the thin streams of sunlight peeking through the cracks in the curtains you’ve pulled shut. you see incredible sunsets and sunrises from the highway. you also see some undeniably weird shit late at night on road trips with max. he watches you eat breakfast food at 2 am in neon lit 24/7 diners. while on the road he passes you lots of candy throughout the night; he stocks up from the hotel vending machines. but no matter how much caffeine and sugar he tries to fuel you with, sometimes you’re lulled to sleep by the peacefulness. you nestle your head against max’s shoulder; it’s not the most comfortable position to drive in but he can’t bring himself to readjust and shift away from you. solitary brightly lit gas stations that are like an oasis of light breaking the pitch darkness. the two of you feel utterly alone sometimes; the world has shrunk down to only you, max, in this car, driving along this empty, dark stretch of road, a blush of purple on the edge of the horizon signalling the dawn.
based on how oberyn canonically took his daughters to explore an abandoned holdfast, i think his road trip energy would be all about the journey and not the destination. road trips with oberyn and ellaria would be meandering and adventurous. sometimes you’re riding shotgun and sometimes you’re sitting in the backseat with ellaria laid out and napping beside you, sun hat dipped down covering her eyes, her long legs stretched across your lap. if the three of you come across a motel you enjoy he’ll feel no urgency to leave; the days blur together and soon you’ve spent a week soaking up sun by the pool and sleeping in late entangled together in a pile of limbs after long passionate nights. day by day you may not even travel very far; he wants to stop and explore. hike amidst rock formations, swim in hot springs, explore the local museums; whatever catches his or your fancy. if he sees a billboard on the side of the road advertising local caves, or a petrified forest, or hears rumour of nearby ghost town that’s all but disappeared off the map, you’ll suddenly find yourselves veering off down small country roads, hours from the highway, seeking out pleasure, adventure, mystery. 
marcus has a hilton rewards card so you’re staying at hilton garden inns every night. clean sheets. comfortable beds. complimentary breakfast. it’s very pleasant. middle class fancy. holds out his hand for you to drop some snacks into his palm so he can remain focused on the road while you’re both munching. let’s you curate the spotify playlists.
roadtrips with javier are always last minute decisions to just take off, head to a gorgeous but isolated beach you’d heard about that’s a few days from here. he doesn’t get many opportunities for long stretches of time off, so when he does you don’t hesitate. you might not even wait for a rational time to leave. it’s midnight and you guys just speed off into the darkness. you just threw some essentials into a bag, jumped in his jeep, and booked it. you gotta buy toothpaste and toothbrushes at a gas station, and you borrow javi’s deodorant stick because you forgot yours. greasy fast food containers, half-empty cigarette packs, and snack wrappers litter the dashboard. his aviators perched on his nose, one hand resting on the wheel, the other curled around your thigh, javi on a road trip is relaxed. he’s leaving all his burdens, his worries, everything weighing on his chest, all of it, behind him. literally, the more distance you guys put between yourselves and where you were, the more uplifted his spirits. when your favourite song comes on the radio, and you’re shimmying in your seat, he can’t keep his eyes off you, his gaze flicking between you and the road. he sings along under his breath, bobbing his head almost imperceptibly and tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, a slow smile spreading across his face.
whiskey pulls up to your house at 5 am on the dot, the obnoxious custom sound of the horn of his bronco rattling the windows and scaring the birds out of the trees lining the street. country music jams ONLY. you argue over his taste in music; does he enjoy being a walking cliche? he will not accept any song that doesn’t have a twang to it. he’d be an aux cord hog if he knew what an aux cord even was. so much for your favourite spotify road trip playlists. “spot fly? spot what fly, where?” still has mixtapes he made himself, the same ones he’s been playing since forever. forces you listen to all his favourite songs, the ones he knows all the words to, while he obnoxiously sings along and ignores your eye-rolling. but he doesn’t ignore how your feet start tapping absentmindedly to toby keith’s ‘whiskey girl’. the corner of his mouth quirks up in a smirk that quickly becomes a broad grin as he reaches over to smack your thigh, laughing he’ll make a country girl of you yet. startled out of your daze, you vehemently deny you weren’t enjoying the song, he doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about. he insists he knows the best places to stop, which means you always end up driving far off the highway to some little mom and pop diner that has killer apple pie for lunch. in the evenings you always end up in some honky-tonk bar that’s joined to a motel and yes, there’s line dancing, and yes he manages to twist your arm and convince you to join in. 
ezra…..as a man who’s floated from planet to planet, following jobs and leads, for the better part of his life, he’s found himself smooth-talking his way into being a lot of people’s unexpected travel companion out of necessity over the years. road trip ezra is on the run from someone or something; maybe the law, maybe not. all you know is this beautiful, mysterious stranger you met under dubious circumstances somehow, with his roguish grin and drawling accent, his kind eyes and eloquence, convinced you to let him ride along with you. you ran into him in the grungy diner attached to an even grungier motel in some desolate nowhere town. you recognized him; he’s unmistakably the lone figure on the side of the dusty road, his thumb stuck out, that you drove past yesterday. you’d driven past but that blonde streak had been unmissable and you won’t admit it but you’d felt his gaze on you long after you’d left him in the dust. ezra’s endless chatter on the road isn’t unwelcome; he knows seemingly innumerable facts about local folklore, flora, and fauna, and he never seems to be depleted of stories. you’d made the conscious and contrary decision to make this cross-country road trip alone, rebelling against a lot of cautionary advice, but somewhere along the way loneliness had creeped in under your skin and settled there. this handsome stranger may have an edge of danger to him but later when he’s bringing you to heights of ecstasy in a motel room you won’t give a damn.
maxwell lord flies everywhere in a private jet. the worst.
din djarin’s entire life is basically one long never-ending road trip. but in space. i figure earth-bound din on a conventional road trip would basically be how we see him: no nonsense. no frivolities. no music; travels in total silence. gets where he needs to go. stops for soup, as needed. stops for repairs, as needed. stops to work an odd job with some really sketchy people for some gas money, as needed. din’s road trip energy would be like that john mulaney joke. you’d see the mcdonalds sign lit up and shining in the distance and plead for him to stop so he’d pull into the drive-thru, order one black coffee and keep driving. except if you’ve got the baby with you; he gets a chicken nugget happy meal for the kid. he’s a good papa! and of course you’d get whatever you wanted too, he provides and cares for his loved ones after all.
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gorillatripsafaris · 3 years
Choose The Finest Gorilla Trekking Companies Before You Go For A Vacation in Uganda
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Gorilla Trekking is an exciting Adventure Uganda Safaris excursion in which tourists go into the deep tropical rainforest in pursuit of the endangered mountain gorillas. They spend one hour with them in their natural environment once located. Uganda is one of Africa's top Gorilla Trekking locations since it is home to half of the world's mountain gorillas, which can be found in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Kibale Forest National Park, and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park in south western of Uganda.
Do you want to find the finest companies of Gorilla Trekking in Uganda? Are you looking for low-cost or high-end gorilla tour operators? There are a few of them in this guide.
Mountain Gorillas In Uganda and Rwanda have benefited their respective tourism businesses by generating revenue from the sale of gorilla licenses each year. You may have heard many stories about gorilla trekking and be eager to experience it in either of the two nations, Uganda or Rwanda.
Chimpanzee trekking in Kibale, gorilla trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, and other primate viewing trips in Uganda and Rwanda are available via the following businesses. Here you find the list of tour businesses given here only includes reputable firms. There are numerous deals and Uganda Safari Packages available in Uganda that can include additional Uganda Safari Destinations.
Where Are The Mountain Gorillas Found In Uganda?
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Mountain gorillas may be found in Uganda's Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. Tracking takes place in five sites in these areas: Buhoma, Ruhija, Rushaga, Nkuringo in Bwindi Park, and Ntebeko in Mgahinga National Park. All of the places together have over 18 gorilla groups, however the permit number is limited since only 8 persons are permitted to visit a gorilla family every day for one hour.
Buhoma, located on the northern edge of the forest, is the most well-known and popular tourist destination. Rushaga, Ruhija, and Nkuringo are located on the southern edge of Bwindi, giving you access to numerous gorilla families.
Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is the smallest park, measuring 34 kilometres in length. The park is home to one of the gorilla families that move between Uganda and Rwanda, making trekking this tiny gorilla population challenging. It is also part of the larger Virunga Conservation Area, which encompasses 434 kilometres of volcanic mountains that connect Uganda, Rwanda,
How Many Gorilla Families Are Found In Uganda?
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There are numerous gorilla families in Uganda, however only a few have been habituated for tourist visits. By habituation, we imply creatures that have become accustomed to the presence of humans. This is also a time-consuming operation. Uganda Safari Tours has over nine gorilla families, thus the nation can only issue a maximum of eight licenses each day.
Buhoma has 4 gorilla families , Ruhija has 3 gorilla families (Bitukura,Oruzogo and Kyaguriro family) Rushaga has 6 gorilla families and 2 more for Habituation Experience and Research Nkuringo has 1 gorilla family.. These include the Habinyanja, Mubare, and Rushaga families who live in the dense tropical jungle. If you've ever seen films of humans meeting gorillas on the grounds of a resort, you've most certainly seen buhoma.
Both the Bitukura and Oruzogo families may be found in Bwindi's southern Ruhija region. The Nkuringo, Nshongi, Kahunje, Rushaga, and Businge families live in the southern portion of Bwindi.
In recent days, it has also been feasible to follow the Nyakagezi family, Mgahinga National Park's sole habituated family. Because the gorillas cross the border, viewing is unpredictable. According to UWA, the Nyakagezi family is one of the most entertaining gorilla families to walk with. It also has a larger number of silverbacks than the rest of the group.
Things To Be Done After Trekking Mountain Gorilla In Uganda:
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·         You may travel to Uganda to go Gorilla Trekking, but you may find yourself doing a variety of other activities as well. Just take a deep breath, and you'll appreciate to the ultimate mountain Gorilla Trekking Guide.
·         Bwindi forest is home to 120 animal species, 30 elephants, 360 bird species, and over 200 butterfly species. Furthermore, the African Bird Club ranked Bwindi as Africa's top birding location.
·         The gloomy woodland is also not the easiest place to view birds, and an experienced bird guide can lure them out of the jungle by expertly mimicking their sounds. Bird watching is also a great activity to do after going gorilla trekking.
·         There are 324 tree species documented in Bwindi, including gigantic fern trees, bushes, and vines. There are also nature walks that aid in seeing orchids and monkeys, as well as guided bird watching safaris that can be booked.
·         There is also a stroll that is highly suggested to observe several of the three waterfalls that are located inside the section. If you have the leisure, you may go for a day stroll from one side of Bwindi to the other.
·         The Mgahinga gorilla national park is also one of the few places in Uganda where travellers may view golden monkeys. I also believe that this guided hiking trip above the calderas and inside the bamboo forest was excellent, which implies that permits may be purchased when you arrive in Mgahinga.
·         Uganda, as a country, offers numerous activities to do and sights to visit, so you may regret rushing home. There are wildlife safaris to see lions, elephants, 100 different bird species, chimp trekking, friendly people, lake rides in dugout boats, and white water rafting.
·         White river rafting, village community project visits, tasting Ugandan food, quad riding, fishing, African dancing, and boat excursions to see the gorgeous waterfalls, hippos, and crocodiles. These are just a few of the attractions in Rwanda.
Tips Of Buying A Gorilla Trekking Permit In Uganda
In order to reserve the gorilla permits in Uganda, you will need to agree which gorilla family you would like to visit. The reservations office will also guide you on which family to trek, these will advise on your fitness level and the accommodation favourites. The gorilla families are also spread over a wide area and it’s so important that you book the accommodation which is within an hour’s drive and its a few minutes’ walk.
To buy the gorilla permits, you should visit Uganda wildlife Authority office, Kira road, Kampala or send an email at [email protected].
The Tips of Buying Gorilla Permits in Rwanda                       
Buying gorilla permits in Uganda its advisable to do it through a local tour operator though one can still get them through Uganda wildlife authority offices in Kampala. Here you don’t have to agree on a particular gorilla family when buying your gorilla permits in Rwanda. You will also be given a family to track on the day of your actual gorilla trek, and this will depend on your fitness level.
Rwanda gorilla trekking permits can be got through a local tour operator or at RDB tourism and conservation offices or you can send an email at reservation @Rwanda tourism.com.
Where To Stay In Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
Buhoma Region:
There are adequate and pleasant budget facilities for hikers, students, and researchers approximately 2 kilometres from the Buhoma entrance to the national park. The earnings from the gorilla conservation camp are used entirely towards conservation.
Buhoma Lodge is one of two beautiful lodges in Bwindi National Park. This lodge is likewise a premium eco resort located on a hill with stunning views of the rain forest.
Bwindi Lodge:
The Nkuringo gorilla camp is located on the summit of the hill. This camp overlooks the Bwindi Forest, while on the other side; guests can see the Virunga Volcanoes' eight volcanic peaks.
Where To Stay In Mgahinga National Park?
Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is about a 5-minute walk away from Mount Gahinga Lodge. It's nestled among the volcanic peaks, it's a four-star eco-lodge, and it serves good meals. Every stay includes a complementary message and several well-developed community projects, which are a big hit with the guests.
Expectations on Your Gorilla Trekking In Uganda:
Gorilla trekking registration as well as briefing takes place at Uganda wildlife Authority park offices from 7:45 am and trekking also begins at exactly 8:30 am. In Uganda, you will be given a specific gorilla family to trek at the time of buying the gorilla permit. Some of the gorilla permits are so easier to track than others; and this also depends on what altitude they range, or what exact distance they cover during the day.
This trek usually takes 1 to 3 hours before finding the gorilla family. In case you are so fit, going through these dense forest of Bwindi , with the ranger riding through the occasional branch with his blade in front of you, can be a loving adventure.
There are several advantages to taking Gorilla Trekking Safari with Saso Uganda Safaris.
At SASO Uganda Safaris Ltd we believe and work towards ensuring that tourism maximizes the benefits to local communities, minimizes negative social and environmental impacts, and helps local people conserve fragile cultures, habitats and species.
Here the travelers are not only assured that their coming benefits local communities and economies and that the business is operated ethically and in a socially and environmentally responsible manner, but they also have a more fulfilling holiday experience with our Gorilla Trekking Tips.
Visit our site to know further information at gorillatrips.net
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birdieseo12 · 4 years
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Get Ranked Fast on Youtube, Google, Yahoo and Bing - Birdie SEO
We all know that it’s very difficult and expensive to be found on page one of Google. By using Social Media, we can effectively attract the right target audience to come click through to your website, getting you found on pages one to five of Google search results. Contact us today at 949-284-4441!
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rpgexperience · 3 years
My servant Devil - session 18
Abigail is relaxing after the long journey while Lucian is unpacking the luggage, when there’s a knock on the door and mayor Bongart informs Abigail that he’s about to go to the pub where all the villagers are gathering to say goodbye to the woman who was burnt that day. Abigail joins him  to get to know the people and maybe even start the investigation. 
Bongart leads Abigail and Lucian through the  cold dark village to a pub near the main square, inside is light and warm, much nicer than the chilly night outside, it seems like a beacon of hope in the grim village. There is laughter and music coming from inside, very different atmosphere to what Abigail had expected. Everybody is cheerful and celebrating. Bongart explains: “When there is not much else you can do, the last thing which they can do is to celebrate. Please don't judge them, this is a grim time and they are relieved that the devil got banned... at least for now.” Abigail looks around and notices one sad looking woman. She sits down with her and tries to start a conversation. The woman explains that she’s sad because she has lost her only daughter today and tells Abigail that the village is cursed and she should leave as soon as possible. Then she gets up and leaves, leaving Abigail sitting there alone which doesn’t take long as three girls of about Abigail’s age join her soon. 
They are carrying huge glasses filled with beer and place one in front of Abigail too. All the people  in the village are huge, much taller, stronger and all the women has massive bosoms, which they proudly carry around in very revealing dresses. The girls introduce themselves to be Franka, Karla and Hanna. They chat with Abigail, Franka immediately asking about Lucian, who is standing at a bar, desperately trying to get somebody’s attention to  get Abigail some drink. They all seem to be rather interested in him and in bedding him, getting excited when Abigail tells them that they aren’t together. Franka advices Abigail to quickly get  Lucian because she will never find anybody as hot as him and if she’s not fast enough, somebody else will take him. Then she winks devilish, lifts her breasts up so they are almost falling out of her dress and makes her way over to Lucian. She wraps her strong arms around him, pulling  his face down to her and gives him a big smooch on his cheek, half pressing his face into her bulging bosom, while Karla and Hanna giggle. Abigail watches it with mouth hang open, sting of jealousy piercing her heart. Karla pokes Abigail and explains that Franka is actually engaged and is just joking around. Franka’s seduction attempt turns out unsuccessful and Lucian shakes her off and walks to the table. Karla and Hanna introduce themselves to Lucian, Abigail then quickly starts asking the girls about the curse to get their attention away from Lucian. They don’t manage to tell her anything new before Franka arrives and asks Lucian is he asks Abigail to dance yet. He blinks surprised and says that he doesn’t want to disturb the conversation and doesn’t think that Abigail would like that. This isn’t enough to stop Franka’s matchmaking: “And have you asked her yet?” [originally in German]. Lucian turns to Abigail flustered, asking her if she’d like to dance, to which she happily agrees. He is surprised that she actually agrees but quickly masks it and leads her to the dance floor. 
The dancing is very different to both row and couple dancing which Abigail is used to. It doesn’t seem to have any order and she is rather confused by it. Lucian however just grins and leads Abigail, spinning her and lifting her, much like everybody else around. He knows how to dance this? Lucian is laughing and looking so… free. He spins her around and they dance more and more until they are both panting heavily and he is holding her in a tight embrace. They make their way back to the table, Abigail very thirsty. 
Suddenly the door is being opened again, and just like that the atmosphere in the entire room seems to freeze. The laughter stops, the music stops playing, as a very tiny girl with blond hair and bright blue eyes enters - is it a child or a short woman? Behind her enters a huge man. He looks more like a wild animal than human, his massive arms packed with muscle, he has short blond hair, next to him even Lucian, who is tall but very lanky, looks like a tiny twig. Judging by the reaction of the people, the girl appears to be of high rank. The villagers seem almost frightened of her, getting out of her way. Or are they scared of the huge man? She makes her way to the bar and the mayor greets her as Fräulein Lichtenburg. He gives the musicians a cue and they start to play slow music, the people begin to unfreeze, however the light and cheery atmosphere is gone now. Lady Lichtenburg is observing the people, especially Abigail, who quickly looks away, talking with Lucian about her. He informs Abigail that the girl is Henrietta von Lichtenburg and is probably waiting for Abigail but she’s too intimidated by her and instead chats with the girls at the table. 
The girls tell Abigail about a holy hot spring in the forest nearby - the most extraordinary thing in the village. It’s said to heal all wounds and diseases. They suggest to take Abigail and Lucian there for a visit and some fun. They are about to head home then, annoyed with the local countess von Lichtenburg ruining the fun. She’s 28, way older than she looks, her husband fell from horse and passed away a few months back but some people gossip that she had caused this. After her husband’s death, she fired all the staff from the castle and lives there alone now with the big scary guy. In the end, the girls advice Abigail to stay away from her and leave. 
Abigail would love to do that but the countess seems to be waiting for her, so she gathers all her courage and walks up to her, Lucian following her. The countess seems to know who she is, immediately addressing her as Lady Maglocke. Lady von Lichtenburg knows the Maglocke family and claims to be honoured by Abigail’s visit but her body language says the opposite. She looks like a very big weight lies on her shoulder. She gives the people in the pub a sad look. Abigail feels like lady von Lichtenburg knows exactly what curse is going around and what’s causing it. Abigail asks about it but lady von Lichtenburg says that this is not a good place to talk and invites Abigail for dinner: “How about tomorrow evening? You can stop by after you have had your visit at the holy spring. I am sure you are going to enjoy that, it might help you loose up your tense muscles a little bit.” How does she know about her plans for tomorrow?! They weren’t speaking that loudly. Abigail masks her surprise quickly and politely thanks the small lady who then takes her leave. After that Abigail and Lucian also exit the pub and walk back to mayor’s house and catch some sleep. 
Abigail’s sleep is calm and without nightmares, though her back hurts in the morning from the uncomfortable bed. Lucian serves her breakfast and dressing her up for a bath. Just as they walk downstairs and outside, they bump into Bongart asking where they are going. When he learns that the girls are taking Abigail and Lucian to the holy spring, he says that it’s not appropriate for a young man to go alone with the ladies there and forces his way to accompanying the group. 
A couple minutes later Lucian sits squeezes between Abigail and Franka, looking very not happy about his situation while Franke is bluntly hugging his arm and running her boobs along it, trying to touch him in any inappropriate manner she can, while Bongart sits with Karla and a very shy Hanna on the other side of the carriage. The ride takes about half an hour, through the forest and up a hill, where the stones are getting more massive and he forest darker. The air feels very chill,  Abigail appreciates being squeezed next to Lucian who radiates a crazy amount of heat. Franka complains that it’s cold, looking at Lucian, hoping to get warming from him but he instead asks Abigail if she’s cold and wraps his arm around her to warm her up which yields Abigail jealous looks from all the other girls. 
Eventually they reach a cave in a wall of a mountain, hidden by greenery. The entrance is marked by two large stones engraved with strange but familiar symbols. Lucian watches it with same surprise as Abigail and explains to her that it’s in the language of angels. The place has been blessed, it is actually holy, the border to the celestial  realm is thinner, the energy is able to flow through, so it can actually be used for healing. The cave inside is actually very bright. It seems naturally lit by the cleverly captured and reflected light from marble-like stones. After a bit of walking, they read a large bright, perfectly round room. The ceiling looks like it’s made of gold naturally carved into the stone and is decorated with a wall painting showing the Heavens. There the corridor splits into two. Bongart divides the group into two, leading Lucian with him down one of the corridors and sending the ladies to the bigger bath down the other. This causes a large disappointment for all the girls. 
This isn’t enough to stop Franka and they all walk down the corridor - inside is a big natural hole filled with water. A single beam of light is falling through the ceiling, illuminating a spot in the middle of the lake. The water has a beautiful turquoise colour, calm, perfectly smooth like a mirror. While Abigail admires the place, the other girls undress completely and rush into the water, destroying the calm image. Abigail wakes up at this and also begins to undress, hesitating a bit embarrassed to take off her undergarments but everybody else is naked, so she follows. The water feels hot at first, but it doesn’t take long to adjust to the temperature and enjoy the warmth.  Abigail swims through it, her marked hand burning in the water, glowing faintly. I guess the God doesn’t like my pact with the devil… 
All the other girls are already at the other side, outside of the water, so Abigail quickly swims after them, gritting her teeth in pain. There are many holes in the wall, through which one can peek to the other bath. Lucian is talking with Bongart, standing with his back to the girls, has a towel wrapped around his hip. His back is slim but well-defined, he doesn’t look beefy but strong muscles are visible on his back. He looks like a well-composed picture, like an artist made precise plans where to place every single curve on his body and formed it to perfection. There is not a single spot misshaped on his entire body. His skin is very light and he seems to almost glow in the faint light that is falling through the ceiling. There are no wings or marks for them on his back, however when he moves in the light, Abigail has a feeling that she has caught a faint glimpse of them, like a shimmer in the air. Abigail isn’t very happy about the other girl getting to see this too as they are drooling and sighing dreamily. Suddenly, Lucian turns around and looks directly at Abigail behind the wall, amused smile playing on his lips. She quickly moves back from the wall. How can he see her?! Franke disturbs Abigail’s thoughts: “Oh my god, what do you think, how is he in bed? Come on, I want to see what’s under the towel.” Abigail looks at them blushing, how can they say and imagine such appropriateness? Franka doesn't stop and continues talking about how she’d totally want to let him take her. Abigail is rather confused at this, she’d want that? Isn’t it horrible? She wonders while getting flashbacks to the bad night with Ambrose. Franka opposes, saying that it would be total ecstatic feeling from such a guy like Lucian. The girls agree that sure, it can be a bad experience and hurt with some men who only care about their satisfaction but Franka shares her observations: “I have seen how he looks at you and treats you. He would never hurt you. He would carry you on his hands if you just asked.” The girls get Abigail thinking, could it be true? Could Lucian feel that way? Could it actually feel nice with him? She returns to her hole in wall to continue watching. He is standing with his front now, his chest looks naturally grown, from front he looks even more like a marble statue carved to absolute perfection by the most skilled ancient greek masters. He is still watching the girls, somehow through the wall, while the mayor has gone into the water. Then he gives them a bit of a devilish look and steps behind a boulder which is just so conveniently positioned that it blocks all of the views and drops his towel, entering the water. While the other girls sigh disappointed and dive into their bath, Abigail watches a bit longer and although nothing interesting can be seen anymore, she notices that he’s keeping his arms out of the water. 
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jaspernspv902 · 4 years
What’s Holding Back the USA Study Scholarships for Africans Industry?
Why Study in the US?
Historical history
America is arguably the location to go to in order to analyze overseas and Visit the Americas. When its power standing has long been questioned quite a few occasions previously decade, it is referred to as the land from the cost-free. Developed over a revolution from Great Britain for independence in 1776, The usa has grown substantially for your young place, Regardless of its background of becoming in wars. Obtaining their own personal Civil War after which staying players in the two Earth Wars, America attained its standing from Intercontinental involvement in these tragedies. It had been write-up Entire world War II when the region was capable to practical experience a increase, and gained its title like a superpower.
Social progress
The us has its individual exceptional culture and with regards to the area you head over to, a person might have varying encounters, as well as their reactions will rely on the specified place. On the whole, the United States are divided into the next areas: Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Mid-Atlantic, West and Southwest. When researching, it is sensible to exploration the region you may be residing in. Due to nation becoming the fourth premier in the world, the local climate is significantly unique, and you can experience unique climates by likely a handful of states absent. With various temperate zones, this also prospects to varied landscapes to view even though studying abroad, creating for fascinating family vacation ideas.
Cultural and geographical variety
The usa is enduring numerous actions and political variations. Among the best attributes with regard to the US is the proper to independence of speech and assembly. Due to the power to protest, the Civil Rights Movement and the Females’s Motion, along with LGBT legal rights, have successfully passed via their maximum legislation-generating physique, Congress. As a result of this, America is a popular location for immigrants, Specially people who have been exiled by their communities due to politics, faith or even race/ethnicity.
Overall, The us is often a melting pot of various waves of immigration and migration, which makes it a really perfect place for the Intercontinental pupil. In cities like Los Angeles, Miami, Ny city and Boston, the immigrant inhabitants is significant sufficient that you can come to feel in your own home. Dependant upon your interests, you might find yourself in a large metropolis, compact town, the nation or even in a very college or university town (we’ll describe this later). You could potentially be in a place that is certainly dense with forests, hills, deserts, lakes, and so on.
Science and technological know-how advancements
Given that Globe War Ⅱ, the US has grown to be the global leader in Science and Technologies. It's captivated prime proficient Students and experts from everywhere in the entire world to understand their scientific pursuit. Since 1950, about half from the Nobel Prizes laureates are with the US. These days it's the home of engineering giants like Apple, Microsoft, Google, Fb, Intel between a number of other leading organizations from the market.
Financial ability
Being the whole world’s greatest economic system, the US could be the driving power for business enhancement in pcs, pharmaceuticals, aerospace, armed service machines, and so forth. US pounds is a world forex, recognized for trade through the entire world. Nearly ¼ of the earth’s 500 biggest firms have their headquarters from the US and the biggest stock exchanges and transactions take place on a daily basis in Nasdaq and New York Stock Trade.
All the above truly helps make the US a land brimming with chances. On top of that, it truly is household to most of the most effective universities on this planet. Down below you'll be able to read through more about the American Instruction procedure.
University graduates
The US Academic Program
Neighborhood University (Junior College)
America has two sorts of better stage education. There are actually Neighborhood colleges (two-year colleges), and you'll find universities (4-year colleges). At a Neighborhood university, people can acquire an Affiliate’s Diploma, that is around sixty credits. It will require a complete-time school student two a long time to get this degree, and it can be less expensive than finding out at a College. At some Group colleges, college students can get paid a bachelor diploma in four a long time, which happens to be also provided by all universities. Learners with an Affiliate Degree can transfer directly in the 3rd calendar year of the university software with their credits becoming rolled into your bachelor degree, that is much more distinct and it has other necessities. Go through more about Neighborhood Colleges during the US for international students.
Universities, Then again, are larger sized and considered the “conventional” American college. Universities generally have study teams, many choices for routines and an array of options to “key” and “insignificant” in. For an undergraduate (a pupil that's acquiring a Bachelor Degree, generally known as a 4 12 months degree), A serious is the subject matter These are getting the diploma in. Such as, I come about to become an American scholar who majored in psychology. This means that I took nearly all of my classes in psychology. Now, I also minored in sociology, meaning which i took a number of lessons On this issue, but I did not think about it. Determined by which College you go to and what you need to do, you'll be able to big, slight and also double major and minor in countless topics.
Majors, Minors - opt for subjects within your curiosity
When you find yourself majoring/minoring in a very matter, you are trying to get a vocation related to this subject; it is crucial to understand what you need to do. When you can transform your important (I did myself. I had been originally a political science main), it might be tricky to transfer previous credits into your new method. Sometimes, people must remain in higher education for a longer period mainly because of the modify, but don’t get worried! Several go to high school all all over again, owing to altering their head. To me, this is The great thing about the American faculty program. In lieu of staying forced into a system, you may Specific your personal pursuits and judge on subjects that you may want to be in for the future. For Global pupils subjects like organization, Worldwide relations, it, tourism and even the social sciences are significant-desire factors thanks to their capacity to transform quickly again in one’s home state.
Best rating universities
You'll find many alternative College rankings. A lot of them are created in America, which may reveal that a lot of US universities are remarkably rated. Having said that, there is absolutely no doube that lots of the globe's foremost universities are American. Rankings alter from calendar year to calendar year, even so the faculties that usually rank in the best 30 in the United States are:
California Institute of Technological know-how
Stanford College
Massachusetts Institute of Know-how
Princeton University
Harvard College
Yale College
University of Chicago
University of Pennsylvania
Johns Hopkins University
College of California, Berkeley
Columbia College
College of read more California, La
Cornell College
Duke College
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University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Northwestern University
University of Washington
Carnegie Mellon University
Big apple University
College of California, San Diego
Georgia Institute of Technological innovation
University of Texas at Austin
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College of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Washington University in St Louis
Brown University
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of California, Davis
University of California, Santa Barbara
Boston University
Scholarships to check in United states
Diploma and scholarship
USA has a number of the greatest tuition expenses in the world. It is standing to have superior tuition costs during the US, but that also ensures that schools have cash to provide back to learners as scholarship. For that reason couple American learners pay back the checklist price, Particularly to the costlier faculties. Some scholarships are only available for American citizens but most universities offer you some scholarships for Global college students far too.
Academic scholarships are the most typical. They offer students that manage great grades a scholarship discounted of five-thirty% on the tuition fee. Complete scholarships are very rare on undergraduate amount Except you are a extremely gifted athlete or have other equal abilities. On graduate stage it is easier for proficient Students to receive massive scholarships, frequently in return for expert services to the school such as getting a teacher assistant or research assistant.
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Buy and Sell Homes with Noah George – The Most Reputed Realtor You Can Work With
Noah George is an experienced realtor the majority of people in North Carolina trust for all their real estate needs. He has a huge amount of experience of selling over 1100 properties. In 2005, Noah entered the real estate industry and since then he has been working as a professional real estate broker in North Carolina. He understands all the ins and outs of working as a real estate agent.
Noah George got married to Helen Joy in the same year he started working as a real estate broker. He’s the proud and happy father of three beautiful children. When he isn’t doing real estate work, he can be seen walking down Main Street in Hendersonville, listening to music, eating at locally-owned restaurants and camping/hiking in the nearby national forests. In 2011, Noah George started a weekly local radio program to discuss the local real estate market. People interested in real estate can listen to him every Monday 9AM on FM95.3/AM1600 or Stream Live at www.WTZQ.com. Listen Live every Thursday 10AM on FM107.7/AM1450 or Stream Live at www.WHKP.com.
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Noah George attended and graduated from the Columbia International University. He used to work as the Southeast Manager in a successful internet company based in Lakeville, Connecticut. He is proud to be ranked as the number 1 agent in the Hendersonville Board of Realtors. Whether you want to buy or sell a residential property in North Carolina, contacting and consulting with Noah George can be of big help to you.
If you are looking for a reliable and experienced real estate agent to buy or sell residential property in North Carolina, George Noah is the best name you can work with. He has been serving as the professional real estate broker for quite a long time, and therefore he understands everything involved in the process of selling or buying a property.
Noah George is currently running a real estate company named ‘’George Real Estate Group.’’ You can visit his official website to know more about how they work to bring you the best real estate deals. Whether you want to know about a home’s value or are looking to sell your home, visiting George Real Estate Group is the best thing you can do.
With George Real Estate Group, one can find the best real estate deals in any of the following locations: Charlotte, NC, Asheville, NC, Statesville, NC, Concord, NC, Gastonia, NC, Waynesville, NC, Waxhaw, NC, Denver, NC, Lenoir, NC, Fort Mill, SC, Lake Lure, NC, Salisbury, NC, Matthews, NC, Lancaster, SC, Lincolnton, NC, Huntersville, NC, Hendersonville, NC, Hickory, NC, Brevard, NC, Morganton, NC, Rock Hill, SC, Monroe, NC, Black Mountain, NC, Burnsville, NC, Arden, NC, Cornelius, NC, Maggie Valley, NC, Indian Land, SC, and Weaverville, NC.
If this is your first time buying or selling a property in any part of North Carolina, it is highly advised that you work with a credible and experienced real estate broker like Noah George to avoid any problem involved in the buying and selling of a property.  You may also visit Noah’s website dedicated for the people of North Carolina. The website brings you listings with stunning and shine photos, 3D walkthroughs, videos and virtual tours.
Using Noah’s website, one can search all the properties for sale in North Carolina and stay posted on everything their real estate agent do along the way. If you’re looking to sell your home, the team at George Real Estate Group will market your listing exactly where investors are looking at.  Users can stay up to date with the latest reports on their neighborhood.
There are several things you should consider when buying a house to stay on the safe side. Here’s what Noah George recommends considering when buying a new home:
What type of lifestyle you want?
First off, determine the lifestyle and core values that matter the most. Perhaps you need a hyperlocal, walkabble and environment-friendly urban lifestyle. Maybe you need a rural country life. Or perhaps you are looking for a low maintenance setup suiting frequent travel. There’s no use to settle for anything less than you need. Imagine your lifestyle for both today and years to come. This will go a long way toward helping you choose the features you would like in your home. Think of your day to day life with regard to running errands and commuting to work, and also image how you want to celebrate your holidays and weekends.
Do you plan to host large gatherings or host parties?
Would you like to travel or stay home?
How often your guests will stay over?
Does any of your family members work from home?
Do you use public transport?
How many vehicles will you use?
Try to answer these questions while buying a new house. This is how you can find the right property meeting your requirements. However, you should also look for other aspects such as number of bathrooms, bedrooms, kitchens and privacy.
Facilities in the Neighborhood
That’s biggie if you have or plan to have kids. The presence of elementary schools is good, but having a high school in the surroundings is considered a big plus.
Pet Friendliness
Do you need some outside space to walk your pet? If you want to have uncommon pets, be sure to check the neighborhood restrictions. If you’re planning to buy a house in a neighborhood that is governed the association of homeowners, the HOA may have other restrictions beyond the town rules.
Some people love their cars, and want a spacious garage and a roomy access to freeways. Some need greater walking potential. There are a lot of websites available on the internet, which provides you with walkscore of a property. So, you can easily check the bike-ability and walkability of any property from a scale ranging from 0 to 100.
Have something to say about Noah George? Please feel free to offer your thoughts in the comments below.
Source Link: https://zedoff.com/buy-and-sell-homes-with-noah-george-the-most-reputed-realtor-you-can-work-with/
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ren-c-leyn · 4 years
Happy WBW Ren! 🎊 Since I've been focusing a lot on architecture, I would love to hear more about your world's architecture for any of your WIPs! 😄
Happy WBW to you as well, hyba =)
 I don’t have a monolithic architecture in any of my WIPs. Each culture has their own style and even within the same culture there’s some differences depending on the area, what’s available, and the local preferences. 
 As a rule of thumb, though, I think of wood & stone buildings for the human lands, mostly blocky in style. Though again it depends on the exact location. The colors of stone, what kinds of wood, how much stone to wood, and the sizes depend on the area. For example, the boarder near the wood elf territory will be made mostly out of wood, and most of this wood will be from the elven-hybrid trees, and likely have an unusual coloration compared to what other humans in that world, and probably even we, are used to seeing. While the towns closer to the sea or the dwarven lands will be more stone and evergreen wood.
 Wood elves live in cities in the trees, both built on the branches and within the trees themselves. They’re really big on living with their environment, as the trees are their sacred gift from the gods, so most of it is still living trees that they maintain and care for. They’ve woven branches and saplings together to have them grown into buildings over time and seal holes with loose wood from fallen trees and such. They probably started off very practical and simple, adding roofs to splits in the trunks or weaving some tangled branches of the ancient trees together to form a stable platform, but became more ornate and had patterns woven in as generations got the hang of the technique.
 High elves live on floating cities in the middle of bodies of water. Most of their land is swamp, rivers, lakes, and other waterways so there isn’t much in the way of solid ground so they’ve built the foundations of their cities on stone stilts. Some buildings are free floating in their lakes, but those are mostly special places maintained by water wizards to keep them afloat, such as the palace where the council members reside and govern things. Pretty much everything is decorative and fancy in High Elven lands. The armor, the buildings, I think they even lay their roads in fancy patterns and such. I imagine there’s a lot of fountains as well, cause why not? There’s water everywhere.
 Dark elves tend to live underground since the surface of their territory is harsh and unforgiving. They carve very complex and ornate housing tunnels. Each family has their own tunnel with their own symbols carved into the walls and such. There’s also housing for servants/slaves as well as guards and soldiers within the tunnels of the family they work for. These tunnels are mostly dimly lit, and that’s mostly done by the glowing mushrooms they cultivate.
 Moon elves, like High Elves, like things fancy. Statues, carvings, patterned roads, ect. However, they also like duller, more gray-scale colors, if that makes sense? Less saturated, more muted. I imagine they have lots of towers built out of the sharp, grey-blue/grey-purple stones that dot the landscape. They also have color changing stones, kind of like opals where it seems to change color as you look at it from different angles, that they use for decorative elements and status symbols. 
 Vampires I imagine have a style similar to old Victorian style architecture. And the higher in the ranking they are, the more fancy the mansion and it’s gardens are. They like color, but dark colors. Everything will be painted like that deep forest green, blood red, navy blue, but not black.
 Orcs also live underground, but they build up through the mountains they live. So, imagine walking up to this mountain, and there’s a globe shaped thing coming out of one of the peaks. There’s smoke stacks poking out of random spots of some of the slopes. There’s a thick, cloudy-glass window being held by the jagged face of a cliff, that sort of thing. And there’s a kind of colorful glow that always peaks out from these orc cities from the crystals that is their sacred gift from the gods. They use them to light things, decorate, worship, they’re in the middle of a lot of their life and thus tend to have a lot of decorations around them. There’s probably lots of carvings depicting great glories in hunts and battles as well as cautionary tales and just old folk tales in general scattered throughout the cities.
 Dwarves depends a lot on where they are. Lowland dwarves will typical live above grounds in sturdy stone homes. As you get higher up into the mountains, they begin to make their homes more and more under ground. Unlike the orcs, they leave as little signs of their underground homes as possible, and unlike dark elves they don’t confine themselves to designated tunnels. They carve empty space out between the buildings for easy travel, and there’s even enough room on their streets for their livestock and carts to go through without issue. The streets are roomy enough that humans could wander around comfortably, but the buildings are squat so it would be difficult for a human to enter one without hunching down. As such, foreign traders typically conduct business out on the street.
 Beastmen tend to be nomadic, so they don’t have an architecture style to speak of. Some set up wood cabins to trade with the handful of travelers that dare go that far north.
 No one in current times knows what fairy buildings look like, as most go mad or give up on trying to reach their settlements within three days of crossing the boarder down into their territory from the endless stream of complications, pranks, and magical mischief. There is nothing but rumor, speculation, and a few tattered journals that have conflicting reports.
 Goblins on the mainland don’t have a territory of their own, and thus tend to live in whatever accommodations that the native peoples have. The settlements they’ve made in the neutral territories, however, tend to consist of buildings made of thin, flexible woods that have been woven tightly together, sealed with clay or a sort of grout-like material on the inside to keep pests and weather out, and then insulated the best it can be. It’s not uncommon for these homes to have woven fences made of the same flexible woods with plants growing through them or thorny hedges for extra layers of protection from whatever dangers come. I’m still working on what the homeworlds of my sci-fi project look like as of now, I have a basic aesthetic in mind for most of them, but it’s probably going to be a bit foggy until I get to a part where it becomes relevant. 
 Thanks for stopping in, I hope you have a nice day =) 
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