#Howdy’s place
maplesyrupsimping · 10 months
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Halloween Howdy!
Howdy’s Place in Halloween Town has everything you’d need; from costumes, props, decorations and of course candy! He also has an assortment of cursed and magical items alike. But those special items he keeps in the back.
He takes payment in jokes and candy, but loves a good scare! Tell him a scary story or startling him will make him laugh after the initial fright, just make sure you don’t do it while he’s carrying merchandise.
Howdy’s favorite customer is Rosemary! They always order the most interesting things for their spells and potions. Julie and Barnaby are always able to give him the best scares though.
Howdy’s wings shimmer iridescent blues, greens and purple in the moonlight~ Im also redesigning his antennas to fan out and be stripped black and purple. He also had a ring of fluff around his neck and chest, not super fluffy just like curly longer hair. Which Howdy also does have, like a mullet going on, with longer hair in the back.
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sweetest-honeybee · 3 months
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Pt.3 of reuploading GSWAU stuff uwu
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still unwell over the prospect of Howdy slowly putting the pieces together and having a complete mental breakdown over it. Laughingstock edition!
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clownsuu · 1 year
Omg what if Wally had an emo phase! WHAT IF WALLY-
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I was just gunna keep all his hair down, but I just felt it was just not Wally enough, so he gets a lil curl smhh
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Bonus Julie and of course Howdy smhhh
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asking-trader-howdy · 2 months
You ever consider switching names with Shopkeeper! Howdy? Cos you fit the shopkeeper archetype better than the other Howdy does, who also fits the trader archetype better than you do. You know, since you're stuck here in this lil shop, while the other is always moving about and doesn't have a set-in-stone location.
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Shopkeeper!Howdy belongs to @/cosmic-meteorites
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Steve didn’t want a dog.
The seizures started not long after they officially slammed the gate shut on the Upside Down, but it was suspected that they were probably happening before that. It’s subtle for the most part. It takes a while before anybody notices the shifting behind the eyes, the confusion, the dull drag that sinks into Steve’s body and tightens everything up.
They call them absence seizures. And then when Steve convulsed on the Family Video carpet, they say grand mal. They say brain damage and likely permanent, and it’s scary.
It is always scary when Steve’s brain betrays him, when his memory slips and his body fails, and Eddie knows that it’s frustrating. He knows that Steve hates it. He’s been on the opposite end of Steve’s mood swings, of the tears and the anger at going from a kid with no adult supervision to an adult that can’t drive their own car anymore.
He knows the fear that creeps into Steve’s voice through the phoneline when he’s somewhere he doesn’t recognize and doesn’t remember how he got there because Eddie is there. He is on the other end of the line. He is there for the confusion, for the messy emotions, for every breakdown and the attempted break up and Steve saying that he was holding Eddie back when all he ever did was keep Eddie together.
But it is scary.
It is so fucking scary every time that Eddie sits and waits by Steve’s side for him to come back to himself, fearing – always fearing that there might come a day that he doesn’t. But it’s scarier when he’s not there.
Steve does not want a dog.
The first time Eddie brought up a service animal, there are three adult men living in Wayne’s trailer. He’s flipping through a magazine and Steve says no. He says that they can’t afford a dog, much less a service animal and no, Steve would not ask his parents about it. He was lucky enough that they let him stay on their insurance after they kicked him out.
The second time Eddie brought it up, there is money. There is money for a trailer of their own. There’s money for Steve to go to school. There’s a label that signed them and talks of a nation-wide tour, and there’s a song on the radio, and Steve says no. Steve says that it’s unnecessary. He says that he’ll move in with Robin and Nancy while Eddie tours. That it’s okay.
The third time, they have an apartment of their own. Eddie has more money than he’ll ever know what to do with and Steve says no. He’s teaching first grade and he’s happy all the time, and he tells Eddie no. He says that it’s an almost invisible disorder and that sometimes he can pretend that it doesn’t exist. He says he can pretend that none of the bad stuff ever happened, and if he has a dog then it’s just a neon sign that says he’s got his head cracked open. He says people treat him like he’s something that can break when they know, and he hates it. He says it's like they’re all waiting for him to shake apart.
The fourth time – the medicine change, the overnight at the hospital – Steve doesn’t let Eddie get the words out of his mouth. He’s upset and he thinks that no one listens to him, and he says no. He says when he thinks about dogs than he thinks about dark nights, and the junk yard, and the creatures that weren’t dogs but kind of were, and he doesn’t want to be there anymore. They closed the gate. It’s not fair that the Upside Down still lives inside him.
Eddie does not bring it up again.
It doesn’t matter anyways.
It’s been years. They built a system. There are still seizures, still dissociative episodes and sleepwalking, and still the rare but terrifying grand mal seizures that sits like Chrissy Cunningham cracking to pieces in Eddie’s chest. There are appointments and medication, but there is family and friends, and they take the precautions they know to take and learn to take more. And it works.
It works until it doesn’t.
Corroded Coffins’ popularity started to drop off in the early 2000s. They don’t tour too much anymore, but sometimes Eddie leaves for a week to play a couple shows out of town and that was what he was doing four years ago. Neither of them think about Robin visiting her parents or the research position that took Dustin all over the world, or that half of their friends have moved out of the state. They say their goodbyes and they kiss each other, and Eddie comes home to blood tacky in the carpet.
He came home to Steve at the bottom of the stairs after having a seizure and falling, bleeding and in pain, unable to move and calling for a help no one can hear for three days. They have a system, but there are cracks big enough to fall through. Steve may not want a dog and maybe it isn’t what he needs, but it’s the only thing Eddie knows to ask about.
Eddie asks again for the first time in years, sitting next to him in the hospital. Steve says yes with bruises on his face and taste of a concussion on his tongue, and they get a well-trained dog with light fur that Steve names Ozzy.
Eddie feels for the first time in years like he can take a full breath, a little more of his fear slipping away.
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chez-cinnamon · 11 months
Will Howdy make the first move or will Frank/Eddie? I can just imagine Howdy using two of his arms each to “pin” them to the wall and rizz them up
Frank and Eddie have definitely tried to make the first move, like while out berry picking they tried giving him some flowers, but they keep being distracted by how gorgeous he looks while smiling, or how cute his hearty laugh is....
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Eventually Howdy does make the first move by doing exactly that: pining them against the wall. Yet he encouraged them to do it themselves <3
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Can I see more insane Frank? I love his\their design!
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Here are some doodles! :)
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slimey-wallz · 3 months
Working on a certain neighborhood 🎶✨✨
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TW: Scopophobia and slight Selaphobia!!
(eyes and an ounce of flashing lights!)
Opening door and windows! (I recommend not actually going in there)
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Made the eyes so that they kinda just follow you 💕
Don't worry home, I'll make the others soon!
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I also made whatever the heck this is:
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krasytoonz · 7 months
THAT FANKID IS SO CUTE! Does she have a name?
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Shes just an example of a fankid design for howdy x barnaby, but no she doesn’t have a name!
But what if I tell you that she isn’t even their kid. What if Howdy just happened to ask someone’s kid to be in his ‘family-targeted’ advertisement lol
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waywardted · 1 year
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Who put a firecracker up your butt and lit it? You did!
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sleepy-bear-tm · 1 year
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Fate is a cruel thing, is it not?
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nastylillad · 7 months
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the house mom. more behind the scenes than on the floor. shes a bit nervous around customers now a days but very protective of her girls. a big mama bear :o) she always has everything you might need on her (she stores small things in her tail!! the floof comes in handy). back in the day she used to be a bunny, but shes grown a bit more conservative over the years, keeping mostly to just her previous clients she got close to and her coworkers (fambily <3) even though shes always up and about in the dressing rooms helping everyone out she still has such a warm and cozy vibe. when the manager is stressin tf out cuz the owners coming by, shes always there with a nice hot cup of chamomile tea….and of course keeping the assistant manager in check. she may be soft….be she is NOT to be messed with. while shes very lenient with her girls, shes not a wet towel. she WILL put u in ur place if ur being stupid.
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everyone's favorite menace to society
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vladacatfire · 1 year
There is 2 sides of Howdy Pillar
The 1st one is a cannon himbo cutiepie
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xraytheredx · 9 months
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Welcome to the neighborhood~! 🏡✨
I couldn't stop myself from drawing up just the neighbors; I sprinted the whole nine yards for over a month! XD It was worth it though; I even pixelated plant life for the first time, and they came out pretty well! >u<
Would like to give a bit of thanks to @carnivalcarrion for pointing out some hidden details that I wouldn't have thought to look for, especially in the bodega! (Check out their rant about it, and all their awesome art while you're at it! https://www.tumblr.com/carnivalcarrion/727782616285249536/x)
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