#halloween town au
shoujo-wizard · 8 months
omegaverse steddie thoughts to b had
Halloween town AU with soulmate elements
Young witch omega Steve who never knew of Halloween towns existence till his 13th birthday came & he woke up to his bed floating underneath him & his parents had a screaming match that night & his father slams the door behind him as he leaves so Steve runs away to Halloween town tht night by wishing he could b with his beloved but mysterious maternal grandmother Marlene Cravenwell who he only gets to see at Halloween & when he opens his eyes the next morning he's in her house on her couch & she isn't as surprised to see him as he thought but she just waves it away by stating their family has always been stronger than the average witch
She takes Steve out to the market & various shops along the main street of town introducing him the whole time as her grandson & a talented witch, she buys him necessities like clothes, hygiene products, & nesting materials saying she's had a room ready & waiting for him in her house since he was born an omega visibly disappointed Richard Harrington who clearly wanted an alpha or beta child & Annabelle Harrington who never recovered from her postpartum depression
So Steve stays in Halloween town & spends the summer learning the basics about witchcraft from his grandmother & then the summer turns to fall & his mother hasn't contacted Marlene abt her missing son & he doesn't want to go back anyway & so she enrolls her beloved talented grandson in the local school where he's instantly latched onto by werewolf Robin who can smell the potential for their friendship & the 2 quickly become inseparable & grow closer every year not even separating in high school like every1 assumed they would & when she presents as an alpha every1 assumes they'll get together but nah she just becomes his unofficial guard dog against alphas w less than pure intentions bc she can smell their true feelings
Then one night three years after Steve arrived in Halloween town someone new moves into the house across from Steve's window & his grandmother is telling him to stay away from their new neighbors instead of taking him along with her to greet them & the next day a new alpha boy is at school dressed in black with dark sunglasses & an equally dark umbrella the rumors reach Steve's ear before he even has a conversation w the alpha; his name's Eddie Munson, he moved to town literally the night before, & he's a vampire whose ancestors killed a witch
Cut to: they have a class together the next day & the only available seat is next to Steve & Robin doesn't take the class with him & when Eddie sits down oh no he smells amazing & then Eddie is asking him for a pencil & as he passes him the pencil their eyes meet then glow purple & wind sweeps through the classroom even with the windows closed & there's a chorus of gasps as everyone (including the 2 of them) process that they found their soulmate
Cue Steve's first heat being triggered by this event & taking him out of school for a week & Eddie's corresponding rut doing the same & both of them feeling tortured because their soulmate is right there but their guardians have said they can't get involved with each other
Maybe there's an evil warlock they have to defeat, maybe they have to reckon w the past where Eddie's ancestor killed a witch, maybe their families vehemently disapprove
In the end though they end up bonded to each other & Steve graduates with a pregnant belly & months later gives birth to a pup with pointed teeth & a unique diet & witchcraft in their bones
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maplesyrupsimping · 10 months
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Halloween Town AU 🎃🦇🍁
So I thought I’d make an official AU post~ This is my Welcome Home AU! 🩷
In this alternate reality Welcome Home is a neighborhood that is Halloween themed and all the neighbors are now monstrous and spooky!
I have also made Home into a puppet-man character as well as a house.
I do plan on making some lore for this at some point as well.
Wally- Vampire
Howdy- Mothman
Eddie- Dogman
Barnaby- Frankensteinesque monster
Frank- Demon
Julie- Still a rainbow monster, just made her more feral
Sally- She wears a pumpkin head, still a star
Poppy- Ghost
(My OC) Rosemary- Witch with a barn owl familiar named Luny
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missallanious · 14 days
That merman jotaro tho. Does he have legs or a tail?
He's got the whole webbed-feet-and-powerful-tail Fishman thing going on 👌
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spookikookiboo · 10 months
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The Pumpkin King
I am getting excited for Halloween…
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luxmoogle · 2 years
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Wiggling my way towards a Halloween Town design..
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So here's the thing about Edgar.
The previous Pumpkin King of Halloween Town wanted it to be a dark and terrifying place, with less room for kindness, and claims that he was making great progress with this!!! Which means Edgar was close to converting his people to harsh ways. The only thing stopping him is the fact that he's FORCED to step down, because his reign aa King has been going on for too long!
But Edgar doesn't *want* to give up his Crown. More importantly, he doesnt want to lose his control.
He plans to keep control over Halloween Town by manipulating the next King, and calling all the shots behind the scenes(while acknowledging that HE wouldn't be their ruler anymore, he makes Oogie promise to carry out all his demands anyway). He is singlehandedly fixing the competition because he has been easily influencing Boogie, and finds him the perfect execution to still influence his Town the way HE wants to.
Which means Halloween Town was originally going to be dark and terrifying, and not in the good way -- which also means Jack Skellington winning the contest spared all the Town from suffering from such a fate. From having a Leader that lies to them, controls them, refusing to change his rule -- from being under Oogie's unknowingly-terrifying reign, because he was impressionable and was going to indebt himself to Edgar.
Jack is kind, loyal, and wishes to remain friends with Oogie despite their difference in status. He always looks to people as his equal - despite Boogie having a different mindset when having the opportunity to be in power.
Jack being the Pumpkin King prevented Halloween Town from becoming something...worse.
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paintsplash1712 · 6 months
My KH related headcanon for today: if Riku ever came with Sora to Christmas Town, he'd look like a Nutcracker
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grxyfeelings · 2 years
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ahhh i forgot to post this here
but my halloween town! version of Roxas! the vengeful wraith
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teaspoonofdragons · 9 months
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mbat · 4 months
wait with all of this mlp infection stuff, is anyone acknowledging ashes.town? its a fallout mlp game and not really an infection game, but its undeniably the darkest of the pony.town game family, and i feel like itd be pretty good for making stuff in for this, at least a little lol. also like, theres corpses to take screenshots next to aifjahf
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texeoghea · 8 months
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im sick but god forbid i miss halloween. heres a little doodle of Winter :] he was supposed to be dressed as Jack Skellington, but it looks like he got a bit carried away…!
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shoujo-wizard · 8 months
can't stop thinking abt the omegaverse steddie Halloween town au
I've got some world building to establish because my brain is rotting away I already have 2 wips for steddie but (I'm going to show my age here) the plot bunnies will not leave me alone
Witches live a very long time but they aren't immortal like a vampire, witches begin to age at a very slow rate at around their 20s & remain free of the physical ailments associated with age their entire lives
Vampires can be born as well as made, Eddie was born a vampire which meant tht unlike vampires tht r made he's going to age like a human child till his 20s after which he won't age at all unless he wishes to
Halloween town is closer in aesthetic to a charming little new england town in or near the mountains versus the Indiana suburbs where Steve grew up
The town is a small part of a magical reality connected closely to human reality, it's a single continent but it's the size of middle america + all of north america there r separate kingdoms like in a fairytale & Halloween town is a part of the one nation tht elects its government officials & heads of state every 8 years the nation is called Gatterlean its landlocked & surrounded by mountains the capital city of Gatterlean is Fortune & Halloween town is just a small town in a county called Holday far from the glamor of the capital
Also I've decided tht capitalism is a human thing so it doesn't exist in Halloween reality
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maplesyrupsimping · 10 months
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Halloween Poppy Partridge
Poppy is more depressed and sad than fearful in the Halloween Town AU, but she does still worry a lot. She can alter her form from mist to fully formed as a ghost and choose to even be solid and less see-through. She also has telekinesis and like all ghosts she can pass through solid objects and walls and fly/float. Her barn looks more haunted and abandoned.
One of her favorite things to do it knit with spider webs! She welcomes spiders into the barn, it’s pretty infested. 🕷️🕸️
Her absolute best friend is Sally, though everyone in the neighborhood are friends of course
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 2 years
Jonah tries talking to alt Cesar and Seth points a shotgun in his face-
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He’s just trying to help
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msweebyness · 8 months
Descendants: Darcy’s Boogie
It is I, with my first ever Descendants short! This is the last installment of Sparky and I's NBC 30th Anniversary Special! This takes place in the "canon" universe, with the change of including my Nightmare Before Christmas OCs, Darcy Boogie and Jack Skellington Jr (or JJ). For background on these two, check out my post for Artzy's art of them! (And Sparky's Rescendants AU) As usual, @imsparky2002 and @artzychic27!
Here's the background for this short: Halloween is coming up in Auradon, and every year, Halloween Town hosts a huge celebration of spooks and scares for the youths of the whole kingdom. Normally, Ben himself, assisted by JJ would organize the festivities, but this year, as a show of good will to the Villain Kids now living in Auradon, he's decided to hand the reins to none other than the Boogeyman's daughter, which Darcy so graciously accepted. But are they prepared for the best she can do?
An air of trepidation filled the hearts of the Auradonian teens and their Isle-born friends made their way towards the ramshackle building on the outskirts of Halloween Town that had been selected as the hub for Auradon’s annual Youth Halloween Celebration. None other than the boogeyman’s daughter had been appointed by Ben to coordinate the scares and festivities. No one knew what to expect and it had them on edge…
"Ben...as much as I love Darcy, and as great as it is that you want the newer VK's to know we have trust in them...are you sure this was a good idea?”, Jane said softly, her voice trembling as she clung to Carlos’ arm.
“It’ll be fine, guys! Darcy was really happy when I asked her if she’d like to do this! And besides, JJ said she actually kept it pretty tame!”, Ben assured brightly, optimistic as always.
“Yeah, by Boogie standards!”, Jay snarked, earning a smack to the head from Evie.
Finally, they reached the massive, oaken doors of the house, which seemed to open by themselves in response to their presence.
“Hmph! Pretty standard fare for someone who claims to be the best of the best!”, Chad Charming scoffed as they walked in, only to shriek when he felt a hand creep up the back of his neck and a dark cackle echoed through the shadowy entry hall.
“Oh…don’t you worry, Chad. This ain’t even the beginnin’!”, a familiar female voice purred, before all the lights suddenly went out, the room now illuminated only by eerie green candlelight.
This only lasted a moment as an entire display of blinking casino lights illuminated the darkness, accompanied by a funky rhythm that played from an unknown source.
With a devilish smile, Darcy Boogie stepped into the spotlight and began her song.
DARCY: Now, scarin’ all those Isle creeps was becomin’ such a bore!
The same thing every day gone by, just wasn’t fun no more
Darcy mimed a yawn as she remembered how monotonous her scares on the Isle had become with time, but she had no time to dwell on the past. She had a fresh audience to cater to!
Better look out Auradon, I’m about to get my shot! (Thanks, Benny Boy!)
With a playful giggle, she patted the young king on the head (from a higher vantage point, as he was a good bit taller than her), making Mal huff in annoyance at his side.
It’s Darcy’s day to show her stuff
And I'm gonna give it all I got
I just can't wait for you to see the spectacle I’ll make
With a smirk of devious glee, Darcy pulled a lever on the wall, which caused trap doors to open along the floor, bugs of all kinds swarming out over the feet of the Auradon Kids, who yelped and scrambled to avoid them.
"Oh my GODS, Eeeew!", Audrey squealed, prancing on the spot in revulsion, "Where did she even GET this many bugs?!"
But I guess that all depends
On how much terror you can take!
Darcy gave another menacing cackle, before giving the group of frightened teens a playful wave as she disappeared into the shadows and allowed her friends to say their piece.
UMA: Spooky hour approaches
And just out of sight
The assembled teens turned with a start to the pirating sea witch sitting on the top level of the old fountain in the center of the room, grinning nonchalantly as she fingered the blade of her sword.
HARRY: A creature is stirring
To give you a fright
The ‘Hero’ kids shrieked as the pirate dropped down in front of them, hanging upside down while brandishing his hook with a maniacal grin.
GIL: The hearts of the heroes
They’re racing with fear
Sitting up on a ledge, swinging his feet back and forth, Gil’s bright and cheerful smile looked unusually menacing overlaid by the shadows that entrenched the room.
PIRATE TRIO: They won’t get no sleep, cuz our Boogie Gal’s here!
With a maniacal laugh in perfect three part harmony, the pirates all vanished into the shadows as Darcy reappeared with a dramatic flourish, the casino black-lights making her appear to almost glow.
DARCY: Look out cuz that Boogie Blood is back in town!
(Pirate Trio: Woah-oh-oh!)
Darcy felt that the residents of Auradon had been growing soft in the absence of a Boogie to remind them what lurked in the dark, but that was going to change now that she was here! She had plans to remind the world of why her family name sent a chill down your spine!
Honey, you ain’t ready for what’s gonna go down!
(Pirate Trio: Woooah-Oh!)
Darcy grinned and the Auradon kids shrieked as all the lights went out once more, before the floor dropped out beneath them and they were sent plummeting down a steep ramp that landed them in a lower level of the old house. Like the room before it, this new location was quickly illuminated by glittering casino style lighting.
HARRY: Nowhere to run
With his signature crazed giggle, Harry flipped a lever that sealed the passage through which the teens had come, trapping them in the room.
GIL: No place to hide
Gil grinned as he hit a button on the wall that shone a bright spotlight on their captives, illuminating their every move.
UMA: So say goodbye
Uma gave a mocking little wave to the terrified group as she called their attention to where her bestie was waiting to continue the show.
DARCY: 'Cause Darcy’s gettin’ her Boogie on! It’s my turn this time!
(Pirate Trio: She’s got her boogie on!)
Darcy gave the teens a predatory grin as she stepped out onto a balcony above them, her face illuminated by the flashing lights all around them as she twirled a dagger between her fingers.
HARRY: Who's the one gonna make you scream?
Harry grinned suavely as he swung up to sit on the ledge beside Darcy, enjoying the glints of fear in the eyes of the young do-gooders at the gleam of his hook.
GIL: Who’s the Isle’s queen of Halloween?
Gil swung over to perch on Darcy’s other side, giving her a playful bow as Uma came to stand beside her best friend, resting an elbow on her shoulder.
DARCY: This year, when Halloween comes ‘round
The screams are gonna roll!
Darcy let out another menacing giggle as she let the dagger fly from her fingers, Chad giving a high, girlish shriek as it pierced right between his feet.
Yes, 'cause I got my boogie on
And I feel it in my soul!
When Darcy stomped on a panel of the floor after performing a smooth turn, spikes emerged from the walls around the room, slowly creeping towards the group as they gasped in terror.
It was then that the ‘future queen’ decided now was a good time to run off her mouth.
MAL: Now I think this has gone far enough
So I suggest you listen up
Mal crossed her arms and tried to appear intimidating, though this failed to impress the Boogie girl by any means.
Halloween is sweet in Auradon
Can’t let things get too rough!
With a mocking smile, Darcy rested her chin on her hand as she responded to Mal in the way one would to appease a petulant child.
DARCY: Okay, Dragon Lady, you’ve made your point
I hear you loud and clear
Darcy gave Mal a look of mock sympathy, nodding as if to comply with what she was saying, only for a devious grin to overtake her features once more.
But these spooks need a little spice
And so I volunteer
With a loud whoop of laughter, Darcy flipped down from the banister landing a mere ten feet away from the heroes, before giving a sharp whistle.
We'll fill the halls with creepy crawls
So just sit back and watch
At her call, a plethora of bugs, snakes and spiders crawled and slithered out of the darkness, surrounding the group of teens as Darcy clapped with pride and joy.
Cause this year, Darcy Boogie’s gonna kick it up a notch!
HARRY: Darcy’s in charge now, and things will get wild!
Harry leaped down to land on Darcy’s left side, brandishing his hook with a maniacal grin. The show wasn’t over yet, and he couldn’t wait to see the main act!
GIL: She’ll stop their pulse, and do it with a smile!
Gil jumped down to land at Darcy’s other side, practically bouncing on his heels with anticipation. This was the scariest part of the whole deal, and it was gonna be awesome.
UMA: Papa Oogie, he taught her well!
With a smile, Darcy blew a kiss to an image of her dear ol' daddy on the wall, before turning back to face the frightened teens. He had taught her everything there was to know about terror, and she was ready to put it to use.
PIRATE TRIO: And now she’s got us all under her spooky spell!
Uma was the last to jump down, perching on the fountain once more as she allowed a snake to creep up her arm, scratching it under the chin as Darcy resumed the tune.
DARCY: Look out cuz that Boogie Blood is back in town!
(Pirate Trio: Woah-oh-oh!)
Honey, you ain’t ready for what’s gonna go down!
(Pirate Trio: Woooah-Oh!)
Suddenly, the hero teens were raised above the ground on a platform, which shot them back up to the room they had started in, but now the shadows along the walls seemed to be swiping out at them.
HARRY: Nowhere to run
GIL: No place to hide
UMA: So say goodbye
The pirates cackled as they all brandished their weapons and made sure every exit was sealed off. There was no getting away for the teens now!
DARCY: 'Cause Darcy’s gettin’ her Boogie on! It’s my turn this time!
(Pirate Trio: She’s got her boogie on!)
From somewhere unseen, Darcy’s maniacal laughter sounded as a swarm of bats flew about around the AK’s heads, making them squeal.
HARRY: Who's the one gonna make you scream?
GIL: Who’s the Isle’s queen of Halloween?
The Pirate Trio all gave dramatic bows as Darcy emerged from the shadows with a small flip switch in hand. The teens eyed it nervously. What now?
DARCY: This year, when Halloween comes ‘round
The screams are gonna roll!
Yes, 'cause I got my boogie on
And I feel it in my soul!
When Darcy hit the small switch, the heroes suddenly found themselves in the center of a large roulette wheel, with various blades of all kinds swinging around them and casino lights blinding them with brightly colored flashes.
GIL: They’re scared
HARRY: They’re sick
UMA: They’re horrified
The three pirates cackled as they looked down from their perch at the Auradon kids' expressions, each one a picture of dread and regret. (Even the normally fearless Lonnie was looking a tad rattled, quite the feat!)
DARCY: Come on, Heroes, look alive
Or this will be a holiday your weak hearts won’t survive!
Darcy placed a cloth hand over her chest in a “bless your hearts” gesture before she let loose another wild laugh as the blades narrowly missed her captives.
UMA: It’s over now, they’re toast!
GIL: They’re done!
HARRY: They’ve had a decent run!
The three teenagers gave playful, teasing waves to the Auradon Kids before disappearing into the shadows to watch the final act.
DARCY: There's a brand new Boogie here in town
And I've only just begun
Darcy had every intent of carrying on the legacy of frights her father had left behind in Halloween Town. While her tactics might not be lethal or as extreme as his, she still loved to indulge in some good screams! She cackled as she disappeared into a hole in the floor and the heroes were each deposited into different slots on the giant wheel.
DARCY: Look out cuz that Boogie Blood is back in town!
(Pirate Trio: Woah-oh-oh!)
Darcy re-emerged in the center of the roulette wheel, posing dramatically as the lights gleamed around her. She was ready to give them the final scare.
Honey, you ain’t ready for what’s gonna go down!
(Pirate Trio: Woooah-Oh!)
The heroes all screamed as what appeared to be boiling hot lava (a favor from Hades) rose up from vats in the floor, encircling the roulette wheel and making the room grow hotter by the second. Darcy cackled like a loon as her creepy crawly companions scuttled around and over the heroes.
HARRY: Nowhere to run
GIL: No place to hide
UMA: So say goodbye
The pirates taunted the Auradon teens as they threw daggers that narrowly missed them, making them cry out in fear.
DARCY: 'Cause Darcy’s gettin’ her Boogie on! It’s my turn this time!
(Pirate Trio: She’s got her boogie on!)
Darcy took in the sound of the screaming around her, relishing each one. This was what her kind lived for, tasting the fear and panic of their victims.
(Pirate Trio: Woah-oh-oh-oh! Wo-oah oh-oh!)
(Pirate Trio: Woah-oh-oh-oh!)
GIL: She’s gonna boogie down!
Uma, Harry and Gil clapped for the shoe as the lights began to flicker out, the lava receded, and the bugs scuttled back into the darkness. Their first performance had been a rousing success!
HARRY: The ghouls of the Isle are taking over the night!
GIL: Happy Halloween to all
UMA: And to all a good fright
DARCY: Yes, 'cause I got my boogie on!
And I feel it in my soul!
As their captive audience was finally allowed to flee the scene when the heavy doors suddenly flew open, Darcy and her “helpers” burst into maniacal, gleeful laughter as a tall, sharply-dressed young man with shaggy red hair and a bemused smile stepped out of the shadows. Darcy turned to face him with a grin.
“See, Darlin’?, she said with a playful giggle as she walked over and took his hand, “I told ya I wouldn’t go overboard!”, with a coquettish grin as she wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
“Well, they won’t be sleeping soundly for some time, my bleeding heart. You put on quite the unforgettable show.”, JJ said, taking one of her hands and pressing a kiss to her knuckles, producing a blush she tried her best to hide.
"That's the idea, ain't it? Gotta live up to my family's reputation.", Darcy said, blushing even brighter as the Pumpkin Prince pulled her close again, their faces an inch apart.
"You did much more than that, my black butterfly. You have a style all your own, and it sends my heart out of my ribcage.", he told her, earning a soft mutter of "Sap..." in response, before he leaned down and the two shared a kiss in the shadowy hall. Two frightful souls, simply meant to be.
I hope you all enjoyed the show, and that it gave you a fitting fright! I love Darcy so much and I hope you all love her too! Song is reworked from this amazing number from the web series, The Villains' Lair!
Oogie's Boogie (The Villains Lair) - YouTube
Let me know your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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luxmoogle · 2 years
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A sneek at my new improved versions for their halloween town attire..  (Puppet!Roxas & Puppet!Xion)
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