tanlotts · 1 year
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Nuka World activities for when you clear the parks: join a cult and then go visit a haunted house 🛸🏰
These fun little drawings were a wonderful idea @suppuration , thanks so much for the idea! Oh, and to answer your question about my thoughts on the Nuka World Hubologists I’ll say that I really adored the “plot twist” during their quest, yes I did think they wanted to ride an actual alien ship. They’re a fun and intriguing group to interact with, they also have a rather interesting story along with some lore. But I wish that they had a little more to offer after becoming a member of their alien cult.
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thefalloutwiki · 2 years
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Pictured: The ESS Quetzel, a spaceship owned by the Hubologists in Fallout 2.
You can read more about it here
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njadastonearm · 1 year
my favorite part of Nuka World is the Hubologists :)
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what-even-is-thiss · 2 months
Nobody told me there were hubologists in Fallout 4 hell yeah forget the brotherhood of steel forget the nuka-world raiders I’m gonna go join a cult
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Fo4 Companions (+Sturges, DiMA, and Travis) Reactions To Being Taken To Nuka-World
➼ Word Count �� 1.1k ➼ Warnings » None
MacCready really wants to take his son to the Kiddie Kingdom. He thinks it'd be fun to show him around the castle, although, he'll try to avoid the fun house. He thinks it's too creepy, and all the ghouls set him on edge, especially Oswald. There’s something about magicians that MacCready finds weird.
Nick only really went to Nuka-World to make sure you stayed out of trouble, he couldn't care less about the carnivals, however, he did find the Grandchester Mystery Manor kinda exciting. He liked the chase and the detective work that was vaguely required for the quest. It was a nice change of pace from his usual work.
Cait hates it there so much. All the slaves remind her of when she used to be one and she'll probably end up beating the gang leaders, specifically Mason (he just annoys her the most) But after she's done and satisfied, she'd love to visit the little rigged box games that sit on the sides of the roads. She wants to prove to you that she can actually beat them and not fall into their money traps.
Danse thinks the place is absolutely disgusting. He can't stand the sight of so many raiders in one place. He'd want to leave immediately and call in for backup just to have the place cleared. Then maybe the Brotherhood could make better use of the area. He goes around promising the settlers that help is on the way and that they’ll be freed soon.
Preston also can't stand it there. He'll constantly be on edge if you take him. He’d much rather spend his time with the hubologists than anywhere near the raider gangs and will gladly help get them their spacesuits.
Codsworth can't help but want to tidy the place up. Those overflowing trash cans will be no more! Codsworth refuses to let one piece of plastic pollute any of the areas. The raiders will harass him for it, but after 200 years with nothing to do, he's so happy to be given a worthwhile task.
Piper’s dead set on finding Bradberton. Thinks it'll make good press and she's semi-interested in meeting the man who invented Nuka-Cola. She'd get along with Sierra well enough that they'd end up roping you into joining their little hunt. Interviews the absolute shit out of him and it makes him want to die even more.
Curie finds the Safari Adventure zone so exciting. She loves analyzing the gatorclaws and doing research on the ghoulrillas, but her favorite part of Nuka-World is Cito. She and Cito become close friends really fast. Their general innocence is something they bond over very quickly. Curie will ask a lot of questions to Cito, and Cito will gladly share his livelihood and culture with the excited synth.
Strong thinks the Operators and Disciples look too much like robots and ends up massacring all the raiders in the park. However, he really likes the Disciples' base cause there are very convenient corpses everywhere for him to eat. He’d be fine with Mason until the Pack tried to put a bomb collar on him and put him in a cage, then he kills them too.
Hancock and the ghouls at Kiddie Kingdom will be as close as close can be. Hancock will help Oswald defend the area and will become a sort of second Mayor to Kiddie Kingdom. The lot of them are going to have a blast. He convinces Oswald to get rid of most of the radiation and makes the place into a pretty nice place to live for ghouls and people alike.
The amount of Nuka-World merch that Deacon will start to gather would cause any sane person to weep in distress. He has way too much fun wearing Sierra's cappy glasses and especially loved going around and finding the hidden Cappy's. He'd force you to go on this little treasure hunt with him, it'd be good for the two of you to take a vacation anyway.
X6-88 only wants to spend his time in the Galactic Zone. The space themes with all the robots make him feel intrigued, even if everything there is hostile. He’ll try and see if anything he finds there could be useful to help further the progression of the Institute’s success. He'd get along well enough with Nisha, but if you and her ever got into an argument, he'd be at your side in an instant spitting threats at her and the rest of the raiders.
Dogmeat has a great time chasing the Pack members around because of the little stuffed animals they have attached to them. He gets a little scared when they throw him into the dog-fighting arena though.
Old Longfellow’s favorite part is fighting the Mirelurks at the industrial plant. It reminds him the most of home. It's also the most non-desert-like area in the entire park. Longfellow doesn't have much of an opinion of being brought there, he's just glad you took him instead of Gage, that way he can make sure you're not being taken advantage of in any capacity. He thinks the entire 'boss' ordeal is suspicious and doesn't trust anyone in Nuka-World.
Gage’s favorite part will always be the grill area. Just something about being above it all that makes him feel at ease. It's where he spends the most time anyway, I mean, it's quite literally his home.
Sturges likes walking around in one of the cowboy outfits that the sheriffs give you. He thinks it matches his accent nicely and he just loves the Southern theme of the Dry Rock Gulch in general. He was really interested in Colter’s power armor too when you two first showed up and at some point probably left to take it apart.
DiMA definitely prefers the foggy atmosphere of Far Harbor better than the sunny, chaotic energy that Nuka-World holds. At any rate, the Raiders there are gonna hate him. They think he talks too much and they'll probably try to kill him. Nevertheless, he still likes to scrounge around for any pre-war technology to study or areas to look into.
Travis doesn't know why you decided to take him there. He'll be cowering behind you the entire time, so worried about everyone staring at him. Even when you tell him that you're technically the boss, he doesn't want anything to do with it. He refuses to turn his radio on while you're there, he's so scared that Red-Eye will come down and fight him over who has the better station.
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thornfield13713 · 2 months
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...once again, they really weren't worried about lawsuits, huh.
I do wonder if Hubologists were a known breed of kook before the war. According to the wiki they're mostly in California, though, so even if they were, Georgia probably wouldn't have run into them, having lived all her life either in England or on the American East Coast. That said: she can spot an obvious scam when she sees one. Oh, she's sure they believe in it, but risking rad exposure over this doesn't sound fun, and honestly, she doesn't believe two words of their spiel and has no real interest in joining up with them, so she's not particularly bothered about it either way.
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erikageiger · 6 months
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Been a while since I posted anything here... so here are some pics from my ongoing adventure in Nuka-World with my hubby Jake. 🥰
(...btw, that last pic is from the space ship in the Hubologist quest. Even after the quest, companions can idle and use the animation marker, it's a great spot for... well, that kind of photo 👀)
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whoredmode · 2 months
i miss the loan sharks from sr1. of all things. it was such a small thing but i felt like their inclusion really did add charm to stilwater as a whole. and i love game mechanics that are more or less just there to make things harder for you.
it’s why like. in the imaginary sr1 remaster that exists in my head i want there to be actual philosotologists to interact w outside of just forgive & forget. like i want an activity character based around them. something maybe along the lines of the epsilon missions in gta or the hubologists in fo4 (wow i wonder what all three of these things have in common) where like you essentially do busywork and/or pay them in exchange for promises of something greater. unlock special outfits for doing the activities. get a chance to either kill them or steal your money back in the end.
but it’s why i bring up the loan sharks bc them existing in sr1, while potentially a lil helpful initially, are just there to make things more difficult. and i think that’s fun. it’s something that more than anything adds to the larger worldbuilding of stilwater itself, and sr1 has a potential gold mine w the introduction of a literal cult in their city and they just do nothing w it. like yeah taps my sriv rewrite sign or whatever but like come onnnn
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shitty-fallout-art · 1 year
hiiiiiiii mortimer my friend mortimer do u have any thoughts/ideas/hcs on one XERXO my new friend XERXO. i just think he's neat
my first thought is that its a damn shame this guy isn't voice by billy west, other than that i can only speculate since I don't play 76 myself.
I think its highly possible that there's a tie between him and the hubologists at Nuka world. Since their "religious writings" come from Definitely Not L. Ron Hubbard (scientology? What's that? Never heard of her), I believe that Invaders From Beyond Our Galaxy may have actually been based on of one of his works. His persona would obviously have been skewed from the works canon, but the legacy of what he said and did would influence those cultists beliefs and cement their ideology in some ways.
(I honestly want to see a three way stand off between him, the hubologists, and jason brights group, im down to bet on a fucking cult fight.)
I think its also very, very possible that Kent knows who he is/was, though arguably not a fan of his by any means.
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twosides--samecoin · 1 year
13 and 20 for the Fallout Asks, please!
13. Which companion quest did you enjoy the most?
RJ. Only because it kicked me in the ass to start writing fanfic and to be a creative person again after a really long hiatus. It was left unfinished, for me to finish it and lay it to rest. His story is deserving of a game of its own, let alone a DLC-sized adventure to actually complete the story. I kinda don't care that it's canonically left unfinished anymore because I made his story mine.
20. Which is your favourite faction? Why?
Shi in Fallout 2 are a faction that inspires me a lot. In my fic, Long Time Running, my two Sole Survivors Jack and Olivia have a background in melee combat. Jack was a successful boxer and met Nora when he was not quite yet a champ, right when she started law school. Olivia grew up in Vault 150 and they had a dojo where her father was the judo sensei. She is worried about getting her red belt (basically a master's ranking) and Deacon points out to her that she can get training in Chinatown on the west coast. He's referring to the Shi.
The Shi are kind of the one example of the games really showing off hand-to-hand combat in the worldbuilding. Like, yeah, we have Veronica Santangelo using a power fist in FNV. You have baseball bats and super sledges. There is always unarmed/melee available but it's largely up to the player - It is a "hey you can do this build if you want". The modern games don't show unarmed as part of a lifestyle in the world, when martial arts/hand to hand combat really is a part of you. I was in judo as a kid and really loved seeing the Shi - these games are much quicker to encourage gun use.
Who else, faction-wise? F3: The Little Lamplighters, obviously. Love those rag tag kids :) Bonus: When the Hubologists appeared in Nuka World my mouth dropped. I really cherish the shoutouts to F1/F2 in the Bethesda titles, rare though they are.
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calder · 2 years
hubologists and i agree that society cannot progress without reinventing the gravitron
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calcinator · 2 years
I was wrong about the Children of Atom.
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I’m a little late to the Fallour 4 DLC party, as my system only now can handle what I bought to get an actual wearable pip-boy.
The return of the Children of Atom in Fallout 4 always irked me. The original radiation-worshiping cult was just a bunch of idiots in Megaton who envied the instant death of most of the war’s victims and didn’t understand that the “power of the atom” wasn’t some mystical metaphor but a literal aspect of physics.  I saw the Children of the Atom as a nod to the Planet of the Apes and nothing much else.
So when they show up in Fallout 4, suddenly aggressive and, most galling off all, actually dangerous, and yeah, I was annoyed. A lot of Fallout 4 is a greatest hits collection of FO3 and New Vegas but with less role-playing. So it seemed like a hollow borrow that ignored the core element of the concept. IE, that the Atom-worshipers are comedic idiots barely worth bothering with outside protecting them from themselves. Making them threats was giving them too much dignity. It missed the point.
That’s what I thought at the time.
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Far Harbor makes the Children of Atom the main aggressors, as they’re now a violent cult. They’ve decided the Island is their sacred land, and have been dumping radioactive waste into waterways, trying to poison the local community of Far Harbor, and are open about their desire to scourge the nonbelievers from the land.
I’m walking up the mountain with Old Longfellow, and we run into one of their zealots on the road. And between the time when she declares proudly that the people of Far Harbor will be wiped out by the radioactive fog for being blasphemers  and the time that my rocket-powered baseball axe ended the conversation it all clicked.
I had been wrong about the Children of Atom. They were never comedic fools who needed to be protected from themselves. They worship poison and death and seek to spread it to others. Even if they get what they want, the after-affects will destroy countless other lives in the process. They weren’t a mere nod to Plane of the Apes, they were a clear and open metaphor that even I, despite my background, had missed.
Suddenly, they were the best part of the Far Harbor DLC, and I only ever did one quest, the vision quest that gets you through the door. Because on top of having the DLC, I had mods, including excavator armor..
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Lower physical protection, but excellent radiation resistance. I had brought it to Far Harbor to deal with the fog. It rendered the cult’s gamma guns as meaningful as Tektus’s sermonizing.
No member of the Children of Atom reached division in Far Harbor.
Segmentation is another matter.
Now I’m really looking forward to meeting the Hubologists in Nuka World. And so is she:
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ragedaisy · 8 months
for the fallout OC asks: 3, 4, 26, & 32 for Toby & Derek?
3. What is their SPECIAL? Derek Roy: S:10 P:6 E:9 C:10 I:8 A:7 L:4 Toby Quinn: S:2 P:7 E:6 C:10 I:6 A:8 L:10
4. What perks or tagged skills do they have? Derek Roy: Confirmed Bachelor, Lady Killer, Terrifying Presence, Chem Resistant Immunity, Pain Train, Sniper, Sneak Toby Quinn: Confirmed Bachelor, Rad Resistance Immunity, Sneak, Gunslinger, Ricochet
26. How would others describe them / their disposition? Derek Roy: at the vault Derek was a distrustful bully who loved to gloat. He was not subtle with his threats. Only a handful of people had his respect and loyalty. Since he was banished he can't afford to be seen as mean, so most of the time he plays the part of a fun-loving and helpful do-gooder instead. (At what point does it stop being an act?) Toby Quinn: Toby is a sweet gay stoner, who is always full of fun ideas, though not all of those are sensible. He is also extremely likeable, almost implausibly so. (Is it a mutation, like his rad immunity?) All his ex-boyfriends are dangerous, but none would ever hurt him.
32. What is their go-to weapon or weapon class? Derek Roy: Power armour. Sniper riffles, gauss riffles, and for those special occasions: the syringer the Overseer gave him 😈 Toby Quinn: when Toby was a kid growing up near Nuka World, a fellow Hubologist taught him how to use a revolver to fend off bloodworms and mirelurks; Toby is an excellent shot. He's not too bad with a sniper riffle either. These skills serve him well whenever money runs out and he has to do another caravan guard gig
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vaas · 1 year
the problem with nuka world is that it is not very good. the other problem with nuka world is that it is almost good its so close to good theres so many things in there that Could be good but they Just couldnt do it they just couldnt push it through. i like raider radio and gage and the park itself and how weird the raiders are and the decapitated frozen head in the vault thats still alive and the company town and the fucking hubologists i like it so much! i wish it was good.
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gent · 2 years
wtf our periods are synced. i wonder if the hubologists’ periods are synced too
rev. i need you to onow that getting this ask made me laugh out loud which made me spit out hot coffee all over myself
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a-fellow-courier · 1 month
Do you have a moment to talk about becoming a level one Hubologists?
“Excuse me, what is that?”
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