#Hungarian Dance No. 4
pianosheet · 4 months
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connorsnothereeither · 2 months
what is virgil's fav song on violin?
I think if he’s in a very good mood, his favourite song to play is Brahms Hungarian Dance No.7 in F Major.
But, I think Virgil plays the violin a lot while he’s thinking, using it to keep his hands busy and his mind clear, and I think when he’s doing that, playing as a tool almost, not for fun, his go-tos are Mazurka in A Minor Op.64 No.4 by Chopin, and Tchaikovsky’s Song Without Words Op.2 No.3
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blacknwhitemood · 28 days
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Back side:
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Some details - behind the Iron Curtain:
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Made in Hungary with the original price:
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Catching Up With - inner paper cover:
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Black Celebration with But Not Tonight at the end (USA edition):
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Blue vinyl (German edition):
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Violator in French and the new edition inside:
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This is my DM vinyl album collection - so far. I also collect 7" singles, you can read about it in another post. These albums released in the "original" year in different countries like West Germany, U.S.A., France, Yugoslavia and Hungary. It shows well the age of Depeche Mode that some of these countries are no longer exist.
Original DM LPs are rare if I don't want to order them from eBay for a fortune and uncertain delivery. I must be lucky - and I was. I bought them from a website where buddies like me sell their used items, a guy regulary sends me e-mails about his duplicates, I'm really appreciated. There is a second hand music recording shop not far from my flat, I remember I went there first time in October to buy MFTM in blue version (haha, now I know how rare it is). The shop was crowded, sellers were busy, I was a bit nervous. One of the customers asked loudly over the LP heap "So where is that Depeche Mode you talked about?" I turned there, he was given MFTM by the shop owner. "I leave it here for now, someone will really need it" - he said and I went to him for the vinyl "I was coming exactly for this album, I'm not kidding. I'm buying this" - we were laughing, the owner said this LP had arrived to the shop 17 minutes before I got it.
Or I just find them in my mother's potato cellar (!) where my sister left them in the early 90s: the Hungarian version of MFTM, and Violator by Virgin Records. I had to wash some black mold off them… I found the original price sticker from 1987 (280 HUF - today it would cost 15,000 HUF) and Violator has sticker at the front in French "L'album inclus Personal Jesus & Enjoy the silence". These were my first DM experience in my childhood when I was prepearing to a music high school and I learnt all of those strange songs on piano.
Unfortinately two important studio albums are missing yet from the 80s: one of my favourite, Some Great Reward, I'm sure we will find each other one day. I could've bought Speak & Spell but only the American version, too much differences, I prefer the other one. My Black Celebration is American too, that means you can find one more song at the end of B side, But Not tonight - this song has never released in Europe. I also love my Catching Up With, because the cover is wow (I mean hot), and the inner paper cover is full of photos, this way they promoted the band in the States. This singles collection released only in the USA, this is the American version of The Singles 81→85 with 4 differences. And I need SOFAD and it' singles, I'm afraid it's gonna be a difficult advanture.
Basicly I don't want to keep 2 or more versions of the albums, beside MFTM Violator is duplicated in a funny reason. I went to Müller shopping soaps and while I was standing in line at the checkout and I got a sight of vinyls next to puffed corn. "What if there is DM?" There was. Violator, new edition that you can order all of the albums in any time. This was my very first DM album, I just couldn't leave it there, my heart was beating loudly. After this I've decided to collect original vinyls only, because they have souls. Decades ago someone bought it and listened to is with joy and perhaps he or she was in love with someone and went to a concert or a flat party and they were dancing… When I hold these old, crumpled albums in my hand I can feel the past. It makes me so happy.
A Broken Frame 1982 Made in Yugoslavia (Jugoton)
Construction Time Again 1983 Made in West Germany
Catching Up With Depeche Mode 1985 Made in U.S.A.
Black Celebration 1986 Made in U.S.A.
Music For The Masses 1987 Made in West Germany (blue vinyl)
Music For The Masses 1987 Made in Hungary (Gong)
Violator 1990 Made in France (Virgin)
Violator 2016 (new edition - Sony)
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harpygon · 2 months
Okay @vixonimus I watched the 2004 hungarian version thoughts under the cut (bc it‘s quite a lot)
I really enjoyed it. I had feared that my not understanding hungarian and having to rely on subtitles would linder my enjoyment but I am glad to report that it didn‘t.
The entire thing is choreographed so great (especially the ensemble: the fan-dancing-girls, the one guy in the Bad Ischl scene who just twerks for like 30secs straight, also that one guy who kisses Lucheni‘s suitcase in Kitsch?? The ensemble is so expressive and fun.)
Also the stage-scenery is good (I really liked the design of it. Elisabeth‘s dressing room and the setting during first 4 years are my favorites but most of them are really nice)
costumes are a little meh… there are no vines and in general they aren‘t spectacular but it didn‘t bother me to hell and back or anything.
It is really good at guiding the watcher through the story: Things get shown, connected, explained by Luchini,and are generally sensible.
There is a lot of politics but it is done in a way that is cohesive and easily understandable: The Hungarian side of things gets shown at every step of the way (as well as the disparity in opinion in Eljen which explains/shows later hungarian unhapiness in a way that the german versions don’t?), The austrian commoners/developement of nationalist hatred and antisemitism also get‘s shown clearly and distinctly. Elisabeth‘s development and both personal and political impact (position as an idol, grasp at power, complicity in negative development, abandonment of responsibility in favour of personal freedom). Sophie‘s desperate attempt at upholding the absolutist system she believes in. Franz Joseph‘s deadly impassivity, inwhich he just follows his mother or Elisabeth and otherwhise just wallows in his broken heart letting his country sink into hatred. AND ALL OF THIS WITHOUT GETTING CONFUSING.
Rudolph especially works as a kind of centerpoint for many of these political arcs (except Sophie, they don‘t have the „Kind oder Nicht“ scene which would‘ve connected them), but otherwise he deals with about everything listed above. (I especially feel the way he stumbles into „Hass“ is really nice and kinda solves many of the problems people bring up about it feeling disjointed).
During „Mama, wo bist du“ he brings up shadows a lot, which along with a lot of other references to the downfall of the Habsburg Empire ties really nicely into the political angle (also just shadows have so many meanings: Literal shadows, his fears in general, the downfall of the empire, the growing hatred in the empire, his own declining mental health)
I didn‘t like how in „Wenn du mein Spiegel wärst“, Rudolph‘s entire request was about his divorce? In the german version there‘s a line about it sure, but making the entire thing about a marriage we never heard of before when his entire arc was about politics and literally comitting treason against his father, that seemed really disappointing to me.
Tod for Rudolph is pretty much something pressuring him into taking more of a political stance (both bc his own rising desperation and bc ofc the manifestation of death is interested in further nearing the Death of the Habsburg Empire) and it works so well i feel. for Elisabeth it‘s a little muddled bc of the „romance“ angle that Lucheni‘s framework (or Meta-reasons whatever you want to call it) places on it (Not a fan of death solo). But in general it‘s not the worst Tod I‘ve ever seen? At times he really seems to be desperation and hopelessness (like when he tries to tempt her into suicide by talking about the end of the world; end of the world being both the eventual end of the monarchy and also her childhood and her pre-first child death world) and at other‘s he‘s just luring her in. („You are just decoration to his bed“ was fire though) (that‘s good btw.)
I also likes that he just pops up, that‘s important in Tod for me. He‘s the manifestation of death and not an actual person, he will further death in every form that it takes and everywhere it might take place (again political angle very important)
(I‘m not sure I can be impartial about FJ in this version bc his actor is just very attractive to me. He seems sympathetic and totally unable to do anything except obey, wallow and simp. But I really liked the depiction of his unsureness in the first act, how he goes from a really lovesick guy marrying his wife to „clearly very annoyed but is trying to hold it together for both her and the empire“ to „at the breaking point grovelling but also still upset will scream about something being just education“ to „okay babe I will give you whatever you want forever actually haha“ and then doing nothing ever again except being sad missing and worrying about his wife. BUT yeah I really liked FJ in this version :) )
The physical depiction of Elisabeth‘s father and Sophie as ghost‘s as a symbol of Elisabeth‘s growing self-doubt/self-hatred were very nice.
I never heard a version of „fröhliche Apokalypse“ I didn‘t like and this is no exception :)
(Also that Todcheni handkiss moment???)
There‘s probably more but this is everything that‘s in my head immediately after watching it :)
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ballet-symphonie · 19 days
Hello, First your blog is amazing and I am happy that you are back as much as you have time! I wanted to ask if you have seen the NZ 7 grade Vaganova Academy exam class that is posted in Vaganova's youtube channel? If so or if you have time at some point to watch it, I would love to hear your opinion about it. Would be also interesting to hear if some dancer / student specially caught your attention and why? I wish you all the best rest of your season!
Hey Ale, have you watched the Vaganova Exam made by Nikolai Ziskaridse? If so, I would love to hear your thoughts about it! In my opinion his dancers are beautiful and modern, but not "Vaganova" anymore. They look way more athletic (not that this is a bad thing) and have other qualities like quick jumps and turns but lack precision in the extensions and the in-between-steps. Also there was no real Adagio, which was for me always the main part in a Vaganova-Exam. When I watch these girls, I can see them in Europe and the US, but not so much in Russia.
Do you think the other teachers will adapt to this style or might it be just this one class?
Two questions about the latest VBA exam, I'll bundle them together.
I honestly wasn't very impressed, but I haven't been impressed by Tsiskaridze's ventures as a pedagogue with boys. The girls are talented, especially the girl who is the 'point' of the pyramid section. They are all clearly strong and can get through some grueling and sometimes nonsensical combinations but they seem to lack the finish, extra stretch and generous epaulment. The precision and polish that Vaganova is so often championed for is just a little bit lacking, most notably in the shape and turnout of the passe, the super stretched lines and the plasticity of the spine. This exam looked less polished than the majority of others I have seen, there were numerous issues of musicality and just some moments of sloppiness that normally get ironed out.
I also think some of the little details were neglected in favor of flashy combinations and harder elements. In the coda combinations at the end, the much harder pirouettes sans pose are better executed than the simple stuff like the tour pique and saut de chat. There are also a lot of little things, girls not walking to their places with perfectly stretched feet, exists from the room looking a bit haphazard...you won't see this in Kovaleva's exams.
Now onto the structure. I felt like the combinations of the exam were poorly designed, confusing and without cohesion. It's hard for me to tell the goal of each combination. There are 4 or 5 pseudo adagio combinations but intermixed with some jumps here and there, and then there are the multiple mini pointe work ballets that just don't feel like exam material. Some parts of the exam are so overly choreographed with formations that it's difficult to really see the skills of all the girls. Especially at the end, certain girls are dancing much much more than others, the exam is about allowing the panel of judges to asses all of their skills and grade them....hard to do that when girls are offstage and not dancing all the combinations.
Yet the content is challenging for sure, consecutive grand degage, hops on pointe with double ronde, and all at a blistering pace, which is another big change. Gone are the luxurious and dreamy adagios that seem to go on for forever, executed with mindblowing control.
Seperately, there is a huge conglomeration of different port de bras, lots of more stylized arm positions that are associated with different ballets. Stylized port de bras has normally been reserved for character exams or for the acting exam, also the mix of so many different styles (Spanish, Hungarian, 'eastern') in the same combination at times feels strange and quite out of place? Like what is the point/benefit of that choice?
The music selection doesn't help either. Each piece of music combination kinda blends together, but it kinda feels messy and lost? And sometimes the movement seems choreographed over the music rather than to it. Where does one start and the next begin? And why is almost everything at such a blistering pace? I wish there was more emphasis on finesse and detail, rather than speed, especially when they're still in school.
What is mostly absent, curiously, are the inclusions of famous passages from the classical heritage. I think I saw only two brief ones, and one at nearly double time. The most famous professors of VBA (Kovalava, Vaseileva, Udalenkova, etc) often interweave sections of variations or famous choreography seamlessly into the exams. Professionals will catch these references instantly, which I always thought was an excellent way of showing the students' level of preparedness for the stage.
TLDR: I haven't liked what I have seen from Tsiskaridze's past classes of boys, and I don't think the choices he made in structuring this exam are beneficial to the development of the girls.
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top 5 folk dances ? ^^
Anyways. My top 5 Folk Dances: 1. Vjalla E Pllanes (Albania) This dance is so good. It has everything. It has scarves, it has a bunch of very unique figures that stand out from one another, there's a section where you just fucking SPIN for eight counts as much as you can, and the double-headed eagle is a classic. I love this dance so so much and it looks great.
2. Dance of Ikaria (Greece) EXACTLY THE SAME FOOTWORK as the Serbian dance Biserka/Bojarka and Romanian Boiereasca but I really love the Greek music specifically that was chosen for it. This dance is made to mimic the sound and feeling of waves crashing against the rocks of the islands old Greek monastaries were located on, including Ikaria! It's a dance where you intentionall mimic the feeling of being off balance, and the entire circle of dances sort of rocks back and forth like the barrel of a washing machine. In a small circle, the energy and feeling is so great that I literally feel like I am back in the Indian/Pacific ocean.
3. Ördög Útja (Drumul Dracului) (Csango Peoples, Romania/Moldova) Okay so I didn't credit Romania/Moldova alone here because there is a really important distinction to be made with the Csango Peoples: they are Not Romanian. They're of Hungarian descent and speak a Hungarian dialect, they just live In Romania. It's kind of like Opsa (below) where it's an immigrant group's work, but crediting Hungary entirely feels a little disingenuous, so there we go. Anyways, rant aside, this is the worst fucking dance I have ever danced (/aff). My folk dance group lovingly calls it the Fitness Gram Pacer Test of dances. You think you are done but you are Never Done. The footwork is actually pretty simple, but the real catch with this fucking dance is that it keeps getting faster and the songs can easily go one for over 5 minutes. Traditionally, this dance is done to hype everyone up for the big hunt, and they can easily do it for over twenty minutes straight. Me? I'll just die. We like to haze newcomers to our folk dance classes by having them go into this dance with no warning whatsoever and everyone hates us for it. It's one of our most popularly requested dances. The feeling is universal.
4. Opsa (Croatia/Serbian/USA) The thing with Opsa is that it is so stupidly simple. You just chat with your friends while you dance it! You hold hands, you chat, and whenever it's time to shout "OPSA!", you shout "OPSA!" I do not know what opsa means, and at this point I'm scared to ask. It's great. This dance is a great dance to start off the day, to end the day, or just for when you want to chat.
5. Sicilian Tarantella (Sicily) I was taught the Neapolitan Tarantella (Italy) first, and By God. That's definitely the harder but more "authentic" tarantella, but if you do not know how to dance in a ballroom position, then it is Hell. And let me tell you, most people do not know how to dance in ballroom position. However, the tambourines are always a delight, and the Sicilian Tarantella still retains a lot of the charm of the Neapolitan Tarantella while making it a lot more accessible to beginners. In a dance that relies on the fact that you at bare minimum have a partner, but ideally four people, you should either get a group of people who know how to dance or dance an easier version so people can still have fun. Anyways, that's my spiel.
Special mentions to: Das Fenster (Germany), T'smidje (Beligium), Eastbourne Rover (England), High Green Mountain (Taiwan), Istanbul Bar (Turkey/USA), Udarata Kandukara (Sri Lanka), and Fado Português de Nos (Portugal)
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thatguynana · 9 months
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wearemercs · 2 years
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Red Sonya of Rogatino by TudorPopa
The field-pieces of the Sultan were barking like deep-toned dogs, knocking chips off the battlements. The Janizaries were advancing, kneeling, firing, reloading as they came on. Bullets glanced from the crenelles and whined off venomously into space. One flattened against Gottfried's hauberk, bringing an outraged grunt from him. Turning toward the abandoned gun, he saw a colorful, incongruous figure bending over the massive breech.
It was a woman, dressed as von Kalmbach had not seen even the dandies of France dressed. She was tall, splendidly shaped, but lithe. From under a steel cap escaped rebellious tresses that rippled red gold in the sun over her compact shoulders. High boots of Cordovan leather came to her mid-thighs, which were cased in baggy breeches. She wore a shirt of fine Turkish mesh-mail tucked into her breeches. Her supple waist was confined by a flowing sash of green silk, into which were thrust a brace of pistols and a dagger, and from which depended a long Hungarian saber. Over all was carelessly thrown a scarlet cloak.
A terrific detonation drowned her words and a swirl of smoke blinded every one on the turret, as the terrific recoil of the overcharged cannon knocked the firer flat on her back. She sprang up like a spring rebounding and rushed to the embrasure, peering eagerly through the smoke, which clearing, showed the ruin of the gun crew. The huge ball, bigger than a man's head, had smashed full into the group clustered about the saker, and now they lay on the torn ground, their skulls blasted by the impact, or their bodies mangled by the flying iron splinters from their shattered gun. A cheer went up from the towers, and the woman called Red Sonya yelled with a sincere joy and did the steps of a Cossack dance.
- The Shadow of the Vulture, Chapter 4, Robert E. Howard (1934)
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shtibididopdopyesyes · 8 months
15 APH Poland headcanons
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1. In fact, Poland isn’t a big fan of skirts. He prefers crop tops.
2. He prays to God every morning after waking up and every night before going to sleep.
3. Prussia constantly mocks Poland for his feminine looks. Pol cries very easily and starts to hate his own body when something like this happens. It falls for Lithuania to comfort him.
4. He takes lots of care for his appearance, so he always puts perfume on during meetings, showers two times per a day and uses pretty girly products. He sings while showering pretty often too.
5. Poland speaks soooooo many languages. He speaks Polish (Native), Kashubian (Expert) Silesian (Expert), English (Expert), German (Expert), Russian (Expert), Latin (Expert), Lithuanian (Expert), French (Intermediate), Hungarian (Random words) and Greek (Random words).
6. His favourite food, beside Paluzski, are Pierogi, Żurek and chocolate.
7. His tummy is very, very slightly pudgy and is a home to all those delicious Paluszkis. It’s also really soft, making it the perfect pillow.
8. Poland loves plushies. He sleeps with tons of them.
9. He is extremely ticklish and loves to be tickled. Pol is ticklish everywhere, but his navel is like 11/10, wow, so sensitive.
10. When it comes to tickling, the people who tickle him the most is Liet.
11. Pol has a small phoenix tattoo on his shoulder blade. The only ones who know that are his closest friends. He also wants a navel piercing, but he is afraid cuz he is so sensitive there.
12. From all nations (in Hetalia), Poland is most active and famous on TikTok.
13. Poland is very good at belly dancing. He learned it from Turkey.
14. Poland is like a big brother figure to both Latvia and Liechtenstein.
15. The reason why he likes pink so much, is because his flag is white and red, and when you mix white and red - you get pink.
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emailsfromanactor · 4 months
In today's email, Redfield introduces us to the cast of the musical Little Me:
We quietly intone iambic pentameter and play cursory tricks with our weapons while near to naked dancing girls scurry among us making quick changes and skipping toward the wings for their next entrance. Sid Caesar makes myriad costume changes and make-up alterations (he plays seven roles) and moves relentlessly back and forth between his dressing room and the stage, constantly surrounded by costume and make-up helpers. The chorus singers and dancers, both male and female, are over-made-up—which is traditional in musical comedy—and this affords them a grotesque appearance face to face. They stare at me and my fellow Shakespeareans as though we were a breed apart—both admirable and peculiar. This is something akin to a Hungarian staring at a Sikh. He knows the Sikh is human, but what’s the rest of the story?
This production was a post-Broadway tour, featuring some of the original Broadway stars. For a taste of the show - and how weird they must have looked backstage compared to the Hamlet cast - here's the Broadway cast on The Ed Sullivan Show! Starting at 4:02, in case linking to the spot doesn't work.
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mayonaisalspray · 4 months
Some weeks you find an absolutely amazing album that you listen to for hours on end, with an interesting attention to detail on the package and disc, and songs that go harder than Tungsten. And then some weeks you listen to 25 classical tracks in a row. Without stopping.
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Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate classical music. I think it can be really good! It just looks boring as fuck. And it’s volume 4. I don’t have any other volumes, this is the only one.
25 Golden Classics is, you guessed it, a collection of 25 Classical music pieces. I think it was made by a company called Madacy Entertainment? Not sure tbh.
Rating: Yellow
It’s fine. I kept falling asleep listening to it. Would be great for background music in a car or for studying but for critical listening it’s just alright.
Best Track: Hungarian Dance No. 6 in D major
It’s just different from everything else, more energetic, more exciting. A little whimsical. The second part is dramatic which is cool. Idk man I’m sleepy
Worst Track: Syrinx For Flute Solo
This track didn’t make me want to fall asleep! Because it’s a flute solo. And not even a very interesting one at that.
Not sure what the rating means, or what CD Sunday is? Check out the intro post here!
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boccadorata · 1 year
🔥 + classical music!!
i love love love classical music but honestly i think people have way too many misconceptions about it. there's the popular 'classical music is the height of the auditory art form, it is Superior and others are inferior, it shows the height of western civilization' (not fucking true, duh) and also 'classical music is pretentious and everyone who likes it is stuffy' (also not true :( there are definitely pockets that are pretentious, comes with the territory of music fans LMAO, but it's way more approachable than people give it credit for)
but the one that really gets to me is 'classical music all sounds the same / just study music / sends me to sleep / sounds generic / etc etc' and its so stupid to get that heated about it i know but IT'S NOT!!!!! IT'S NOT TRUE!!!! classical music is what people, alkin people, listen(ed) to, it is highly variable -- yes, it has its realms of conformity and nonconformity (academic art vs surrealists, etc ....) but it is just so vibrant and speaks of so many voices. if classical sounds the same to you you're not listening to classical
again people tend to boil it down to just one thing when classical music is really more of an umbrella term and it is very frustrating. i fully believe there is a niche of classical that can appeal to almost all sorts of music tastes. i get it, it's daunting. that symphony is an hour long, you don't know what minor and major mean, people are using so many big words, wagner is there, but i just wanna sit people down and go pleaese. PLEASE just take a chance on it (abba favorite classical composer)
here's some REAL classical music to sleep/study to (a mix of faves and 'must listens' that i have a fondness for)
string quartet no. 4 - béla bartók
piano trio no. 2 - dmitri shostakovich
st. luke passion - krzysztof penderecki
the rite of spring - igor stravinsky
choir concerto - alfred schnittke
le tombeau de couperin - maurice ravel
symphony no. 5 - gustav mahler
eine alpensinfonie - richard strauss
gayane - aram khachaturian
verklärte nacht - arnold schoenberg
scheherazade - nikolai rimsky-korsakov
symphony no. 10 - dmitri shostakovich
hungarian dances - johannes brahms
iron foundry - alexander mosolov
violin concerto - jean sibelius
erlkönig - franz schubert
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Trimester 4 Reflections
some things I wanted to say because I can't keep up with studyblr but I will try this year and holy fuck gotta wake up in 3 hours but hear me out dear void
1. I got a 9.7 cgpa for this trimester, it was my first trimester for my sophomore year in which I am actually doing literature and art courses for my joint major and I actually felt very empty didn't feel happy or sad cause mental health be eh but people in life were supportive and gave me virtual hugs, fed me brownies and boost but yeah it's an achievement I should acknowledge
2. my research essay course, wherein we literally learnt the art of researching and academic writing at a intermediate scholarly level, was centered around the zenana, the domestic segregated space for women in islamic, hindu and even sikh communities and it was a literary essay on how ismat chughtai, a renowned urdu short story writer in 1940s and amrita shergil, a Hungarian-Indian avant garde painter who was a pioneer of modern art india, confront the male gaze inside the domestic sphere through their short stories and paintings
3. wrote a essay on why fleabag (the loml) is an Aristotlean tragedy
4. made an illustrated prose poetry book on a sci fi short story here's the link
5. did a project on genre of sci fi stories with a classmate, who has come to be a person whose presence I deeply appreciate and admire, she's very artsy cool kind talented passionate, and WE MADE IT SAPPHIC
6. did an experimental multi media installation of spoken word, drumming, stand up, dancing, an original song, which was all produced by pathways in the arts class, the group gave me lotta grief but all talented people, we did the performance in a loop thrice, the theme was "the womb as an open space concept: the dichotomy of the self and social"
7. read so much literary theory but it was uwu with class discussions
8. love the faculty of lit arts division
9. one prof gave us a book and a seed pencil for the successful performance mentioned above
10. it was a stressful trimester but it substantiated my belief and raised my morale about why I love literature and arts and it's so good so cool that I am studying it
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tears-of-a-goddess · 9 months
15 mutuals 15 questions
Tagged by @eggmeralda
1. Are you named after anyone?
A Hungarian song my father heard in the hospital while my mom was having me.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Few weeks ago before a breakup.
3. Do you have kids?
Not yet.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not very much.
5. What sports do you play/have played?
I danced and went on trips. Wasn't very gifted at sports.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their eyes and the way they carry themselves.
7. What’s your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings all the way! I love comfortable stories.
9. Any special talents?
Can survive in harsh environments.
10. Where were you born?
In a rough area of Hungary.
11. What are your hobbies?
I write poetry, meet up with friends and I love driving (not a hobby since gas prices went through the roof)
12. Do you have pets?
Yes, I am the proud soulmate of the smartest turtle to ever exist.
13. How tall are you?
5'9/175 cm, which is considered quite tall for a woman where I'm from. But I love it.
14. Favorite subject in school?
15. Dream job?
At this point - something that pays the bills and allows some creativity. But if we're talking DREAM dream then heiress😂
Tagging: @kedreeva @thewitcherdaily @topaziraphale @minuty @maureen2musings @agnes-nutter-witch
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cowgremlin11 · 1 year
so for my creative writing class i sent in cardinals but it had a reordered start where it went war thoughts -> bird -> gay ppl and for revisions my prof was like 'ok cool what if uhh bird after scolding' and im like lol no that doesnt fit w character so hes like 'what if reorder it so its them coming back from a delivery? if he worked for the speakeasy hed be a bartender' AND THAT MADE ME LAUGH DW DR J GIVE HIM ONE LESS KNEE AND HELL BE A BARTENDER
but ok so after i reordered the actual chpater i rly liked it so now im reordering it in the final portfolio but it requires context from the dance AND from atlas's warning and like. thats 5-6k right there. this project has to be 4200 words MAX.
dr j also was like hey yeah whyd mordecai spill his guts cus i toootally forgot to make it explicit that theyre into each other so like. with the new cardinals opening its vik yearning for mordecai and when thats coming from austrio hungarian king viktor YEAH YK ITS FUCKIN GAY PPL (for context all ive written for this man is gay shit bc my style is gay shit and he loves it cus hes the kinda guy who says 'the world NEEDS this right now' i love this man dearly)
so like hey dr j how would you feel if i actually gave you 5k+ for this one thing abt gay people dancing together, their boss saying pls stop, then they dont stop yes i know its literally 3 different times and places but look even more gay ppl!
i have to work on a completely new opening if i cant figure out a way to condense ch 3+4 lol
anyways this is due tuesday :) probs not gonna post a chapter tomorrow, but i might. idk. 2 exams monday. i need something to distract myself.
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whumpshaped · 1 year
thank u @whumpsday and @whump-queen 🥰
1. Are you named after anyone? nope but a bunch of kids' parents who were born around the time i was born got inspired by my name and named their kids that too
2. When was the last time you cried? yesterday, i cry every single day for no reason. also over the rps im doing w my friends-
3. Do you have kids? absolutely not and i never will
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? not over the internet but irl yes i think so
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? height, especially for short ppl. im not terribly used to ppl being shorter than me so when they are im like. huh. tiny.
6. What’s your eye color? blue!
7. Scary movies or happy endings? idk man im sentimental lately. happy endings
8. Any special talents? none
9. Where were you born? i was born in the very town i was then raised in, even though its a smaller town, and they moved the hospital section that does pregnancy and birth stuff not long after. i was one of the last babies born there and you cant be born there anymore, at least not in a hospital
10. What are your hobbies? writing and drawing and languages and whump in general and rp-ing w friends and apparently im once again into watching american trash tv and cooking and possibly baking and fiber arts (knitting and crocheting)
11. Have you any pets?
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12. What sports do you play/have played? karate, swimming, dancing(?), and then i played tabletennis properly and competitively for 7 years
13. How tall are you? 168cm or 5'6
14. Favorite subject in school? english, later german, i liked hungarian literature too, and now its prob legal english lol
15. Dream job? i dream abt not having to work so i could just write and draw and crochet
having a bad anxiety day and afraid to bother ppl so i wont tag but if u see this and wanna do it. im inviting u. tagging u. biting u
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