astro-b-o-y-d · 2 years
why are you as a 29 year old white person making jokes about asking if people are white have you considered getting a hobby outside of ducktales. thank you
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funtime29nm · 4 months
“Aren’t I just heavenly?”
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Hai! My name is Angel! (or Shu/Nightmare/Hiro i dont care what you use!)
My pronouns are he/it/lune !
I am a MINOR so any blogs with any NSFW or any PROSHIP DNI
Im asian-latino (Chinese-Mexican) and aroace spec, polyam and nonbinary !!
I mainly post about utmv but i also enjoy analog horror, walten files and one piece!
Dividers on my asks by @cafekitsune
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My Blogs!
🪽 Im a mod for @ask-the-cat-cafe !!
🪽(Former artist for hhsau)
My Main Tags Are!
#evil princess nightmare / #EPNM
#angelic asks
#nm talks
#cres gets fucking crazy !
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Heres my links !
My cardd!
Links to my other socials!
My server!
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lambfromfield · 5 months
ohhh new media is all fun and games until “nothings changed” “everything’s changed.”
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sungrave · 9 months
Im re-reading all the ACOTARs for some unexplainable reason and holy toblerone.
Turns out Im always here for Ianthe slander. Im always here to say Nesta and Tamlin deserved better.
Im always here to say the inner circle is over glorified and Morrigan needs to get over herself.
Unfortunately im also here to say Elain doesnt deserve Lucien - but also Jurian and Vassa are better friends to him than Feyre ever was.
That being said Feyre might have the excuse of being young for all her shortcomings but i will never ever forgive her for what she did not just to Tamlin but for the whole Spring Court. The regular folks did nothing to her yet they had to suffer just cUz fUck tAmLin.
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ohemaa-warrior · 4 days
While I'm here, don't say you have a good mash recipe when it's cheesless??? Get out of the kitchen you're taking up space
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kreiburgs · 29 days
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im actually fucking angry about how much chemistry carmy and claire have. like goddammit. i want to hate this woman. but every scene shes in w carm is fucking ELECTRIC.
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dragoncarrion · 2 years
Getting jumpscared by tumblr user heropaws reblogging my old warriors oc
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rustyspoon--man · 15 days
hold on I have a gift
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idiotwithbackpain · 1 month
i- omg im sur wtf???? i- HURH? THAT'S BULLSHIT
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mitchipedia · 6 months
At the supermarket today I was in line at the cash register behind a rotund voluble middle-aged gentleman who chatted up not one but TWO middle-aged women, also in line. He laughed “HURH HURH HURH” with every sentence. A real John Candy “Planes, Trains and Automobiles” vibe.
I also saw another gentleman, sinewy build, with leathery skin, wearing plaid shorts, a sweatshirt, a leather tyrolean hat and a small knapsack on his back. His clothes were weathered and so was he. It was a good look.
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bookshop · 1 year
no one cares about avatar unless there's an airbender attached
I wrote this absolutely unhinged comment in response to Adam Burnas's attempt to quantify Avatar's cultural impact on Ryan Broderick's Garbage Day newsletter, only to realize that I couldn't even post it after I was done, so I hope you all like some salty thoughts on fandom and geek culture and cartoon-inspired rap lyrics and my experience as an internet culture reporter leading me to conclude that truly no one gives a fuck about James Cameron's Avatar.
Hi, Adam, I apologize for the length of this comment and for being a bit negative here, but a) I had MANY THOUGHTS!!! and b) you shaded the beloved fandom I was actively in for nearly a decade, so I have to protest.
Inception's strong AO3 presence is far and away reflective not just of the fact that it happened to have two hot guys in it, but of the film's overall cultural staying power. Within the fanfiction community, Inception fic has a reputation for being very smart and complex and layered and really playing around with both the film's worldbuilding and its metanarratives. Seeing it written off as "hurh hurh handsome boys" felt super dismissive and unnecessary.
I also felt like your read on the rap lyrics you were searching was also somewhat perfunctory and dismissive. For example, Space Jam's cultural resonance within rap lyrics also aligns with that of MANY other animated works (I wrote a whole article once for ex on how popular Dragonball Z is with hip-hop artists), and I think there's likely a lot more going on there than just people dropping Nike references, especially given how objectively popular Space Jam is with 90s kids. You seemed exhausted by having to sort through a bunch of random Nike mentions, but I feel like there's probably something deeper in there to find.
Again, seeing all of this cultural saturation summed up as "cartoons and sexy boys" felt really dismissive, especially when you're also trying to get us to take seriously the argument that references to Avatar as primarily "something big and blue" make a case for it having cultural staying power as a film/world/artwork.
Why? To me, those references strongly suggest that the collective cultural understanding of Avatar that's being spread is of a big blue bloated empty film whose contents are negligible. Nothing to do with the film or its characters or its world, but as a collectively understood white elephant.
As for the data, you spent a lot of time telling us that Avatar *is* culturally relevant to some people, somewhere, while showing us data that consistently suggests the opposite. I kept waiting for you to look at the relevance of Avatar in your chosen categories *over time* to see both how it fared compared to your other films and how much it waned or rose in the cultural conversation as time went on. That you didn't do this seems like a huge gap in any attempt to quantify its cultural impact and staying power.
You also say at one point that Avatar is "exactly where it should be" which feels like a strange assumption. Why *should* it belong anywhere at all in the cultural mix, and what factors have granted it such a place? I would have enjoyed some interrogation of that idea.
You say that Avatar is a movie that isn't made to perform well as a GIF. Really? It's a dazzling visual feast, a CGI spectacle, the kind of thing GIFs would surely enhance. You don't really consider that maybe its failure to succeed in such a visual medium despite it being such a visual film is an especially telling failure.
And you don't make any attempt to find and qualitatively examine another avenue -- fanart is the obvious medium that comes to mind -- by which fans of the film could really respond to the film's visuals and world in a way that both reflects their appreciation for the movie and helps boost its cultural impact.
I'm also really surprised you didn't look for Avatar memes on KnowYourMeme etc? If Avatar has no real memes to speak of (other than people mocking its use of Papyrus font, which arguably counts!), isn't that another giant sign that its cultural impact is negligible?
For that matter, why not look on Reddit to see how many subreddits are dedicated to Avatar (the first film), and how active they were in the years prior to the second film's production?
As an internet culture reporter, if I were tasked with writing this article, this is how I would report this out. You repeatedly assert that Avatar must be meaningful to certain communities or platforms, but then never show us which/where those communities are. So I'm honestly less convinced that Avatar is a cultural icon now than I was before looking at all your data.
Also! "But it also begs the question, where are all the people saying no one ever talks about Gravity or Mr. & Mrs. Smith or Hancock?"
... Dude people DO talk about Mr. & Mrs. Smith constantly, that movie has had significant cultural staying power haha. But also none of these other films made a zillion box office dollars which is the main factor that you have to consider in comparing them to the one movie that did. For so many of them to have more quantifiable data in their favor than Avatar is astonishing.
Crucially, the communities that you identify as ones that would be meaningful contributors to the film's lasting relevance are ones that gravitate towards the types of genres of which you seem dismissive. That certainly matters in terms of impact! Certainly on Tumblr, which is still one of the biggest fuelers of cultural conversations that travel far beyond Tumblr itself, Goncharov is already bigger and more significant to the community by orders of magnitude than Avatar ever was.
And I think it's hugely significant that the Goncharov memers chose Avatar, the big, blue, bloated, fully mainstream, pretty but essentially empty movie, to contrast Goncharov with. That says a huge amount about what type of stories and art and forms of creation people in those communities value and aspire to make more of.
That sense of transformativity may be difficult to quantify, but I think it's doable. I just think you probably won't get there searching Genius for lyrics mentioning "Jake Scully."
And honestly, I don't think you'll get there at all with Avatar. I just don't think, ultimately, there's anything there to find.
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cinnachilla · 10 months
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Hurh heuh I love beetles. So beetle mecha and the pilot. I’ve been making scratchier art lately, but I like it more. It makes me feel like I haven’t lost how good the sketch is cuz everytime I do proper lineart, it sucks ass.
I’m also getting a little bit better at drawing mechas. I try to look at a lot of references to get nice looking joints. Still not great at drawing joints, wires, and gears on my own though :(
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the-sun-and-th3-m00n · 10 months
SCREEEEEEEEEEE- <a small child jumps off a neatly stacked block castle - ruining it entirely - and clings to SUN’s back>
Hello strange person! I’ve been here a whiiiiiiiiiile, <half an hour> do you have food?
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Sun quickly snaps his head towards where the scream comes from , only to be bombarded by a Child.
“ GAH ! — ” Sun shrieks , Completely taken Off-Guard.
“ HURH- N-NOW NOW , SUNSHINE ! YOU SHOULDN’T SNEAK UP ON PEOPLE LIKE THAT ! ” Sun stutters , trying to recompose himself whilst handling the situation.
Sun carefully grabs you and takes you off his back ; now holding you infront of him.
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slimerancher-pals · 1 year
Based on a role play I did with @slime-notes-fromslimerancher
Candy was hoping around joyfully until she trips over a rock and tumbles into a strange creature. It had a tar arm she thought it was a tar. "Eeak! pwease dwon't hwort meeee!" She squeaked.
"Hey, it's ok. I won't hurt you. I was just thinking of my crush he's so big and cute."
"Hurh?" She said with a confused face. What's his name? She asked. "Oh, I can't tell you that he lives are here somewhere he could be anywhere my name is blaze what's yours?" He asked, looking at her."I'm candy," She said joyfully. "Let's be fwiends!" She added. "OK, sure." Replied blaze.
Sorry if it isn't how it actually was. I'm tired.
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scopekale · 1 year
❤🌸❤🌸❤🌸❤🌸❤🌸❤🌸❤🌸❤🌸❤ you've been tagged to send love to 10 or more of your mutuals ❤🌸❤🌸❤🌸❤🌸❤🌸❤🌸❤🌸❤🌸❤
what if i didn’t have ten mutuals hurh what then
@4letteraroace @tqnk @itsyourstarboy @capitalisticveins @ilikerocksalot @ajfromthestars @anotherboredfan @draagonfruiit @star-sheeps @ezshifts
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