#Hyper-Sexualization Of Asian Women
m0ther-of-p3arl · 2 months
at this point i will fully just be blocking anyone who says they're voting third party idk how to get it into your brains that by voting third party YOU ARE VOTING FOR DONALD TRUMP. if he wins, you're not getting another chance to vote, you're not getting another election, because he WILL become the dictator. he has smart people behind him, horrible people, but people who know what they're doing and know how to manipulate laws and twist them in ways where trump can do whatever he wants.
if you are voting third party, you are taking away our one chance at winning this thing.
kamala harris is a good candidate. she is the most pro-palestinian candidate we are EVER going to get who actually has a shot at winning this thing. she's a black and south-asian woman who understand the struggles that minorities face and does her best to fix them. she is smart, she is pro-abortion, she is literally the most liberal candidate we will EVER HAVE who has a remote chance at winning. she has a positive stance on lgbtq+ rights and worked to make sure the gay and trans panic defense was removed. she protected children and women and people of all kinds who were sexually assaulted. she made it so that children who were SEX TRAFFICKED wouldn't be prosecuted for BEING TRAFFICKED.
she is a good candidate. hell, she's a GREAT candidate. she's leagues better than biden, at this point i honestly don't know what you all are hoping for. we are never going to get the hyper-liberal, massively far left candidate some of you seem to be hoping for. that's just not a possibility: this is politics. you can't appeal to that tiny corner of the population and still hope to win. i wish you could, but that's just now how it works at this moment in time. kamala harris might be the best presidential candidate in the history of the united states.
and even if she wasn't: have you forgotten what 2016-2020 was like?! have you forgotten who we're fighting against?! because donald trump is a nightmare scenario. he is literally the opposite of everything that liberals and far-left people like myself stand for. when bush was running against al gore, the only reason that there was even a supreme court case that appointed bush was because too many people voted third party. you can't do that shit. i wish you could, i wish we had more options, but we just fucking don't.
so, yeah: come november, go out and vote, and when you do, vote for kamala harris. vote for her so we don't lose everything that we as liberals are fighting for, vote for her for those of us who are too young, vote for her for the best-case scenario that the palestinian people will ever have in this current political climate.
please. please, please vote harris. it's the only option atp.
(i will not be doing discourse in the replies or reblogs. don't even try it.)
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"Mainstream gender" as a system of oppression.
Imagine mainstream gender as a line. On one end of the line is "man," and on the other end is "woman" – this is the gender binary. The connecting line itself is representative, loosely, of "non-binary" gender. (I think this image is suitable, and if others disagree, I think that's more representative of how arbitrarily the binary is defined, rather than this image of it.)
This gender spectrum, dubbed "mainstream gender" because it's what the institutions of society use, only applies to certain groups – the group that controls it, really. White people.
Black people cannot access mainstream gender because they are barred from it via hyper-masculinization that borders on animalization. Black men are viewed as hyper-aggressive and predatory. To the white masses, the concept of "soft" Black masculinity is as real as the transatlantic slave trade (i.e., vague notions of it existing, but no personal experience with the implications, so it floats in the periphery until it's brought up again by a Black person). Black women, regardless of how much they lean into "traditional" femininity, will never be viewed as feminine. Black women will always be viewed as loud, aggressive and "man-ish," the latter contributing to transphobia that impacts both black trans women and black cis women.
By contrast, East Asians are hyper-feminized. East Asian men are stereotyped as soft and small and are portrayed as having little sexual appeal (and those who are viewed as sexually desirable are seen as exceptions to the mainstream; sexy despite their femininity). East Asian women are equally unable to escape femininity and are hyper-feminized to the point of infantilisation, both of which contribute to hyper-sexualization and fetishization. The hyper-femininization of East Asian people also lends itself to transphobia targeted at East Asian trans men (recall: the 2016/17 obsession with smol bois).
But not only is mainstream gender a tool of white supremacy, it also (obviously) is inherent to patriarchy (or, patriarchy is inherent to mainstream gender).
The binary is defined and propagated by men. So while all gender rules are arbitrary and constantly changing, "man" is always strictly defined, and the relief of "man" becomes "woman." This is evident both in masculinity being viewed as "gender neutral," as well as the sense of authority men feel over women's gender, commenting on makeup, how women dress, etc. As a result, the gender "woman" is inherently centered around "man."
In de-centering men, lesbians lack the rules to adhere to mainstream gender. That is why lesbianism is often described as a gender experience because lesbians operate on a new gender spectrum, specific to lesbians.
However, different from race, sexuality is not a visible barrier, and it can take work to exit from mainstream gender. Terf "lesbians" are not lesbians because they cling to the relief of "man" to define their gender; they're gay women. Similarly, white lesbians who prioritize their whiteness will continue to exist within mainstream gender. This also explains why white non-binary people are "like that." While they do not adhere to the binary of "man" and "woman," in participating in the system of whiteness, they remain within the confines of mainstream gender.
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passerineee · 5 months
hi! i’m passerine! this is my about me because u probably should’ve made one a long time ago.
i’m a writer, violinist, singer, and occasional artist.
i’m genderfluid, and alternate between she/they, he/they, and they/them. if you’re not sure of my pronouns, just use they/them. i’m also trans, asian, avian, therian, and agrosexual.
my avian side is a kea parrot hybrid, which means i’m half kea parrot and half human. i’m also a red fox therian!
as for my sexuality, i alternate between A TON of them, so i’ll give you the basic rundown.
the two sexualities i’m most often is homoromatic pan and omnisexual leaning towards women. when i’m using he/they, i’m usually homoromatic, and when i’m using she/they, i’m usually omni. i’m also always polyamorous. my other sexualities that i sometimes am are: demisexual, asexual, aromatic, and aroace.
i have alexithymia (the inability to express or recognize emotions), and kinda ADHD, except it’s mostly the HD and instead of not being able to focus, i hyper fixate on things. i also have restless leg syndrome, which makes me unable to stop fidgeting my legs, and means i lack vitamin E
also this probably isn’t relevant, but fun fact: i’ve changed my name three times, so i can technically tell you my name rn bc it’s not my legal name. (i’m not going to tho bc it feels weird. i might in the future.)
also with people i’m closer w irl i prefer nicknames, but with people i don’t know very well i prefer my real name.
i’m a fan of mcyt, specifically Lizzie (LDshadowlady), Pearl (PearlescentMoon), Gem (GeminiTay), and Shelby (Shubble), but i also watch grian, scar, scott, joel, and others!
dni interact if you’re:
a wilbur soot supporter
just anybody who’s negative to a valid cause
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1eos · 8 months
I would love an excerpt from that intersectionality chapter
some bits from the opening:
Since the Everyday Sexism Project started, many of the stories we have catalogued have described not just sexism but sexism intermingled with other forms of prejudice – racism, homophobia, transphobia, classism, ageism, disableism, stigma around mental-health problems, and more. Again and again, we’ve heard from women in same-sex relationships being fetishized and asked for threesomes when they’re just trying to walk down the street, trans women mocked and belittled and hounded from public spaces, Asian women being labelled as ‘easy’ or ‘obedient’, sex workers accused of being complicit in their own assaults, disabled women infantilized and patronized and countless similar stories. I chose to include this chapter in order to put a spotlight on these issues of ‘double discrimination’ (or, indeed, triple or quadruple) because it has proved to be a major recurring theme within the project and is a crucial focus for modern feminism. The severity and frequency of the problem merits closer examination. However, it should be noted that, though this section is designed to give these intersections between different forms of prejudice the attention they deserve, they also run throughout the other sections of this book, just as they should be present in all feminist discourse and activism. The inclusion of this chapter does not conveniently distance and compartmentalize its subject matter as one clean-cut area of sexism, and nor is it intended to ‘other’ those subjected to such double discrimination. Intersectionality means being aware of and acting on the fact that different forms of prejudice are connected, because they all stem from the same root of being ‘other’, ‘different’ or somehow ‘secondary’ to the ‘normal’, ‘ideal’ status quo. So, just as women suffer from sexism because our society is set up to favour and automatically take men as the ‘norm’ from which women deviate, so the same is true for people who are ‘different’ from other dominant norms – such as being heterosexual, white, cisgendered, and non-disabled.
"In fact, twerking itself is a perfect recent example of the hyper-sexualization of black women, having been famously and deliberately adopted, alongside other aspects of black culture, by former Disney pop princess Miley Cyrus, in her bid to shed her pure, good-girl image for something more ‘risky’ and ‘sexy’. But by consciously employing a dance move associated with black women (and indeed by using black women as literal objects and props, as she did during her notorious VMA performance), Cyrus has simply contributed to the idea of the appropriation of black culture, by a woman, as an immediate means to appear raunchy, oversexed and vulgar. This is a tool that Cyrus, as a white woman, may pick up and put down again should she ever wish to lay her ‘risqué’ persona to rest. The same cannot be said of the black women whose image she’s helped to caricature and over-sexualize."
-Laura Bates, Everyday Sexism
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spider-xan · 7 months
Also, it will never not be annoying that for decades, the most prominent and popular Asian woman X-Men or any Marvel character was a British white women in the hijacked body of a hyper-sexualized Chinese-then-Japanese ninja who is the poster child of the tits and ass comic book woman pose smh
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dykeulous · 4 months
when will liberal feminists stop obsessing over climate terrorist women & rich female celebrities and start talking about palestinian women? when will liberal feminists stop obsessing over radfems minding their own businesses & start actually talking about marginalized trans women? when will liberal feminists stop calling radfems racist and start talking about medical misogynoir & the rates of femicide against black women & hyper sexualization of east asian women/hyper degradation of south asian women? when will liberal feminists stop calling radfems misogynistic & then turning around and labeling radfems as “angry ugly hairy male-hating dykes”? when will liberal feminists stop defending religious misogyny & labeling it as “religious freedom”? when will liberal feminists stop calling themselves feminists?
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luckyjasmine · 2 years
“Disposable Bodies at the Nail Salon” zine made for my Asian American Women’s Experience class (2022).
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femmesweetheart · 2 years
There’s just something that bugs me about ppl who say things like “lesbians/sapphics are so prudish and frigid for not being open about their sexuality while I’m gonna go get railed and send nudes to someone I just met” like?? Okay? Have you failed to consider that most of us have gotten unwanted sexual attention since we were literal children?? The fact that you ignore that black, brown and Asian women when we say how we’re always hyper sexualized And are uncomfortable about talking about ourselves that way in public? How it’s none of your business how many times or how we have sex and just because we are not sexual in our online presence doesn’t mean we aren’t in our private life? And I can’t speak for everyone but as a brown woman I never had a chance to be innocent and not sexualized?? You may have as a white person, but I never had that. Anyways you’re not obligated to know the ins and outs of someone’s sex life and its fucking invasive that most of you demand it from lesbians specifically
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sylvanas-girlkisser · 2 years
Wait wait I'm confused. What do "orc-sized cocks" have to do with black man being killed? Is there some missing context here?
I will admit there's a lot of background knowledge required to see the issue with that particular phrase, as it is, sorta incidentally a culmination of a lot of other issues which, especially if you're from a white and/or sheltered upbringing you might be blind to.
Content warning for discussions of rape and racism.
So, first of all black men have long been (and still are) fetishized as powerful, animalistic and hyper sexual; epitomized through the idea that black men all have abnormally large penises. Intelexual has a really good video about this topic which unfortunately is only available on her patreon, but you can watch the teaser to get a brief rundown of the topic HERE.
This myth about black male sexual prowess has long been used as a way to enact violence upon black men by white people. For example during the time of slavery, white women caught having sex with or straight up raping their slaves would use this myth to paint themselves as victims of the black man's aggression to preserve their "purity" when in reality they of course held ALL the power in the relationship. Similarly, white men would attempt to "prove" their "masculine superiority" over the supposed inherent animalistic masculinity of black men; through acts like castration, buck breaking, and raping married black men's wives. Khadija Mbowe talks a lot about this, such as in THIS VIDEO.
Later a black man having raped a white woman became the go to excuse to justify lynchings, an excuse you still see carry over to this day with the way white (womens) tears are used to weaponize the police against black people. As well as a number of tropes found in interracial and cuckoldry porn.
I feel like it should go without saying but black men aren't genetically predisposed to having incredibly large genitalia (black male sex workers oftentimes wear prosthetic dicks, in order to adhere to the fantasy desired by white audiences).
What does any of this have to do with orcs you ask? Well orcs as a type of fantasy creature, were invented by Tolkien and portrayed (by Tolkien's own admission) using anti-Asian imagery of the time (as well as industrialized imagery more on that later). They were portrayed as short, ugly, cowardly, violent and with a taste for raw meat.
That's a pretty far call from the modern incarnation of orcs, which originated with the hugely (and I cannot emphasize this enough HUGELY) racist creator of DnD: Gary Gygax. He popularized the image of orcs as large, muscular, violent, dimwitted, sexually aggressive creatures with low brows, wide lips and deep voices; who live in tribes and survive by raiding "civilized" cultures. It was only in FIFTH EDITION, they stopped including a line in the half-orc racial description about how the majority of half-orcs are the product of male orcs raping human women.
If you feel like there can be drawn pretty clear parallels between orcs, and racist representations of African cultures, there's a reason for that: Gygax was a completely unapologetic racist. Again, before Gygax, orcs were not tribal, they were industrialist, living in barracks and destroying the environment to fuel their warmachine. LegalKimchi has a really good video about the racism inherent in DnD (and DnD adjacent) worldbuilding, which you can find HERE.
And a lot of the authors that came after Gygax might not have been quite as bad, but they replicated these tropes in order to represent an inherently evil culture so you know, lets not pretend that the fantasy genre for most of its life time hasn't been OVERWHELMINGLY white.
Which brings us back to the infamous "orc sized penis". Because the issue is very specifically with the lack of contextualization in the story in question. The line is dropped off-handedly as the first reference to orcs in the story, with the only context being that it is larger than a large human penis. We have no other knowledge about orcs at this point in the story, it is not expected that we will need more knowledge; that we can use our genre knowledge to extrapolate from this one line what orcs will be in this story - I.E. a stand-in for white womens fetishization of black male bodies, that gives you an easy shield if people accuse you of racism.
Also, lets not pretend that white sapphic communities are immune to this kind of fetishization either, just because it doesn't map one to one on to sapphic material. We have all seen that kind™ of Fareeha Amari content.
Sidenote but speaking of fetishization of black women, Tee Noir has a really good video about that topic, though again mostly focused on heterosexual relationship. You can watch it HERE.
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creativeprojectleona · 6 months
What is sexual racism?
Having a specific partner preference for a certain race group is known as a form of discrimination. For example if a person only dates Asians, is that racist? Yes. Racism is a belief that all members of that race are the same in some way that’s superior or inferior to other race groups. Racism and dating is seen as someone seeing a group of a race as less attractive, less worthy, less than your dating and sexual expectations. Emma Tesler who works to help people find love says sexual racism is a very common thing and a thing that a lot of people experience. Making negative assumptions of big groups of individuals that you have never met based solely on the colour of their skin. But it's also about social forces shaping our preferences and we will never learn from it unless we acknowledge that. Emma recorded that 55% of her clients were white and 90% of her clients had racial preferences and 89.9% of them wanted a white partner. Our brain is known to take shortcuts when we try and think of hot people, we think of celebrities straight away, and when we try and search up hot people it will come up with mostly white celebrities. Hollywood is known to make movies about white attractive people in multidimensional roles and other racial groups not so much. It’s slowly getting better but most shows and movies still have the idea that white is good lookin, smart, successful, and basically the default. Not only this but because of the media there are also other shortcuts that our brain makes, for example black= struggle, Asian= nerdy, latinx= macho, and Muslim= foreign and so on. This isn’t just learned from the media but also school, society, family etc. Ways we can work on this is to socialise with other races and to go on dates with other races and try and retire or brain.
Where did Asian fetishisation come from?
How the page act and Asian fettish tie into each other is that the act was to “end the danger of cheap Chinese labour an immoral Chinese women”
There was a deadly Atlanta area shooting spree in 2021 which was said by the shooter that it was motivated by a sex addiction and that it wasn’t racially motivated. Even though 8 people were killed and 6 of them were Asian women. He says it's just a sexual addiction but he chose to shoot Asian run businesses yet claim the crime as not race related.
The page act didn’t allow the marriage between Asian/ people of colour to marry white people to keep white people “pure” .The page act discriminated against Asian women and stereotyped Asian women as seductress, subservient and diseased.
There’s also the likelihood of hypersexualisation contributing to the asian fetish, it roots historically + representation. There is a belief with Chinese women that have immigrated to other countries in the late 19th century that they were prostitutes or in sex work. With late 19th century movies with Asian women written by white men, there’s a fantasy around Asian female bodies and a stereotype.
Both fear and fetishization of Asian people is a concept known as orientalism, orientalism is a concept by Edward said who was a cultural literary theorist. See the bodies of the east are always represented in a particular way which is in opposition to the west.
west= strong East= weak
west= rational East= irrational
west= masculine East= feminine
Since the east is already viewed as feminine, then men in the East are viewed as masculine feminine and women are seen as hyper feminine. Orientalism can lead to sexual violence and the demasculation of Eastern men with stereo types of eastern men having small members.
kimberlé Crenshaw was a critical race theorist who took the term intersectionality which is to think about race and gender inequities not only as intertwined but also about how they actually exacerbate each other.
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notafuckingflower · 6 months
Liyou's interview notes
originally I had planned to transcribe our interview and post it here, but my computer did not catch the interview audio :(. So I will be posting my interview notes in its place.
Liyou (she/her) is my close friend who is also a student at UW. She is Asian American but has lived in both America and Japan. She lived in Japan up until high school. Liyou is also a cosplayer who posts on social media.
_start of interview_
_asked her to first talk about some experiences she has had related to Asian fetishization_
Liyou recounted a time when a guy asked her out. She politely declined because she was not interested and the guy gave her a creepy vibe. When she rejected him, he told her that he only liked her because she was Asian. She thought he had only said that to hurt her, but he started dating another Asian girl two weeks later.
Liyou discussed how men, specifically a certain type of men which she describes as "white guys who like anime", seem to take more interest in her when she would mention that she had previously lived in Japan
Liyou describes the reasoning for men's hyper interest in Asia and Asian women as superficial and stereotypical as they assume Asian and Asian women are like how western media portrays
Liyou describes how she feels Asian women are oversexualized in media. She specifically mentions that Asian women are portrayed as freaky yet submissive, like a sort of sex slave.
Liyou describes her disgust with the normalization of the troupe of a sexually deviant and submissive Asian woman. She describes how western media takes pieces of culture and sexualizes them using the example of a Japanese school girl
Liyou does not like the usage of Japanese school girl uniforms in a sexual manner because she associates those outfits with children and her own experiences of going to school in Japan
I asked Liyou if she felt these stereotypes have effected her dating life and outlook on romance
Liyou says yes because when guys approach her or ask her out she is weary that they only like her for her race due to her experiences
Liyou mentions that these experiences are also not just related to her, she has seen it happen to her mom and friends.
We also discuss modern sites for asian fetishization. has it gone away? or has it just taken another form? I mention ABGs.
Liyou brings up that she feels people have taken to social media to fetishize and objectify not just Asian women, but also Asian men.
Liyou points to Kpop as an example as female fans take their obsession with male kpop idols to a next level by expressing that the only want a Korean guy as a boyfriend.
Liyou finds this ironic because she describes the culture in Korea as one that tends to put first born sons on a pedstal, causing some Korean men to be spoiled and rude. She uses this example to explain that not every Korean man is going to be just like your favorite kpop idol
Liyou also points out how western social media tends to take more of an interest in things simply because they are Asian/from Asia. She uses the example of makeup.
Liyou also feels that social media and the representation of Asian women sets untenable body standards. She feels the need to be shorter and skinnier
Liyou also recounts that people have commented on her boobs and curvy body shape and compares these features to other Asian women, "you have big [insert body part] for an Asian woman" "you are so [body descriptor, ex curvy] for an Asian woman"
Liyou also feels that Asians are used for a sort of appeal due to the sensualization in media. She describes how social media guides for "cute selfies" or "cute poses" will only use East Asians for pose examples. The poses might not be even cute or relevant to the topic but users use East Asians for that sensualization factor.
Liyou also mentions disturbing comments she gets on her social media posts as a cosplayer, with people "faceclaiming" her, or expressing that they want to be Asian like her
I express my confusion for some "faceclaiming" lingo and Liyou describes a whole transracial movement on social media that I've never heard of before
Liyou explains that this transracial movement has users doing facial exercises and manifestations in hopes of making themselves look "more Asian"
_end interview_
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Interracial Love Does not Solve Racism
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“No More Washee Washee,” C. 1890
“There was also on Liu Kanghi’s side an acute consciousness that, though belonging to him as his wife, yet in a sense I was not his, but of the dominant race, which claimed, even while it professed to despise me. This consciousness betrayed itself in words and ways which filled me with a passion of pain and humiliation. “Kanghi,” I would sharply say, for I had to cloak my tenderness, “do not talk to me like that. You are my superior.... I would not love you if you were not.”
The Story of One White Woman Who Married a Chinese
While it may seem like, in this quote, Minnie, the protagonist of the story, is a slave to patriarchy, history recontextualizes many of the issues that crop up in her relationship. In the Making of Asian America: A History, Erica Lee writes, “Many of the Arguments in favor of restricting Chinese immigrants also framed the problem explicitly around the sexual danger that both Chinese men and women allegedly posed to the country and its citizens…Moreover, Chinese men were depicted as undermining gender roles in American society, because they engaged in ‘women’s work’ of cooking and cleaning.”
If Chinese men are then stereotyped as effiminate, which then translates into their oppression, then Minnie’s desire to place Liu in a patriarchal position is not born from her own subscription to male-dominated society. It is born from a desire to place Liu in closer proximity to whiteness.
When she becomes conscious of her social standing within her relationship, the guilt and shame eats away at her, leading to her attempts at structuring their love around the ideals she has come to value in white society. Additionally, the imposition of patriarchy here may also be Minnie’s own prejudices bleeding through.
This crops up again when Minnie asks of Liu monogamous relations (because she has already stereotyped him as hyper-sexual) to which he points out that not every Chinese man follows the tradition of taking a second wife.
While narratively, I understand the constant contrast between Liu, her current husband, and her ex, there is a racial aspect to the aggression she characterizes in her ex versus Liu. It almost manifests as a battle for desirability between white and Asian men.
“There was nothing feigned about my Chinese husband. Simple and sincere as he was before marriage, so was he afterwards. As my union with James Carson had meant misery, bitterness, and narrowness, so my union with Liu Kanghi meant, on the whole, happiness, health, and development. Yet the former, according to American ideas, had been an educated broad-minded man; the other, just an ordinary Chinaman.”
The Story of One White Woman Who Married a Chinese
Of course, this quote does say that Minnie adores her relationship with him, but this love she has found is predicated on the rejection of her white ex. Thus, I find that Minnie never overcomes the racist notions that typically keep white people from racially mixing. Rather, she brings it into an intimate space with a non-white man all the while desiring, to a certain extent, whiteness in him.
- Ysabella Porche
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eradicatetehnormal · 1 year
I love how Youtube has opened up a new space for journalism.
Anyways, I read through the comments of the video after watching the whole thing, and it made me remember how awful the discourse around sex work and porn is. Those two topics are one of the few that make me feel like I'm socially moderate.
Anytime time we talk about sex work and the effects of porn, it's almost always "Sex work is empowering for women and gives them the autonomy to objectify themselves" or "Sex work is demeaning to women, puts them in danger, and is immoral." It's just like, why those two extremes? I wish these topics could be treated with the moral grayness they deserve. Neither side really understands the other.
The side that's saying sex work is empowering is just kind of ignoring how it's really just a job. Take away all the social stigma and criminalization, women are just kind of doing what they've been able to do for a while now. Working. Can it be empowering? Depending on the person, sure, but it's about as empowering to women as a whole as say, working as a cashier at Walmart. Cool that we can provide for ourselves :) Actually getting into it though, a lot of people making this point do deliberately ignore how dehumanizing it actually is to work for say, the porn industry. A lot of people get boiled down to their categories. Shem*le, ebony, Asian, BBW, things of that nature. This does unfortunately contribute to how these groups get treated in real life. It may not be the main or only source of problems such as trans women and queer people generally having higher rates of experience with sexual violence, but it certainly doesn't help.
With the anti-sex work side, they hyper-focus on human trafficking, when most sex workers get into the industry out of choice. It's not because of glamourization either. Quite frankly, aside from Pretty Woman, which is a debatable example, I don't know what media these people are watching where sex workers and their jobs are seen as ideal. Any time I see a sex worker in a movie or tv show, they're either dumb, drug addicts, dirty, or dead. If you ask the vast majority of women across all ages if sex work, whether it be OnlyFans modeling, escorting, stripping, etc. would be their first choice of work, I guarantee that most of them we'll say no. Because most of us understand. Most of us know, if not the physical danger, the social harm it could cause us to sell our bodies. Places won't hire us, people will refuse to date us, people will assault us, and we will be disowned by family. I'm not gonna lie, thinking of sex work as being an easy job where you spend 15 minutes with a dude at some motel or you take pictures of yourself and get paid thousands, is a dude thing. It's an outlook you can only have if you don't have to deal with social stigma or the threat of pregnancy.
When it comes to the actual video that I linked, the woman herself shows a good dichotomy of these two sides. On one hand, she understands and is empathetic to abused sex workers. She isn't just dog-whistling about survivors of trafficking, she genuinely wants to help them and she sees their value as humans. That's a great thing, especially with her being a Christian, a group of people who put down and scorn sex workers. At the same time though, she does seem to blame things like porn for being the main reason people would call prostitutes and feel entitled to sex. Even though she recognizes the loneliness of those who'd even think about it.
Upon doing further research. The organization has lobbied Congress to decriminalize sex work, but it also has urged people part of its safehouse to not read magazines with progressive-leaning outlooks on sex. The organization she runs, "Hookers for Jesus" is also unsurprisingly anti-LGBTQ, which discriminates against a lot of people who might benefit from an organization like this as homeless queer people are 3-7 times more likely to take up sex work in order to survive.
IDK how to end this. So yeah.
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vvh0adie · 1 year
the fight to not see jungkook as a sexual being is giving highkey racist by ya'll. if you known anything about the sexual agency of asian men, you'd know that they are often seen as the counterpart to the hyper-sexualization of black people, specifically black woman. like you're lying if you've never seen that dating study of black woman and asian men being considered less desirable in dating.
during the culture of that study, men may have had sex with black woman but they weren't looking to date/marry them. they wanted someone to get their dicks wet. black woman were not viewed as viable life partners just one offs to for the EXPERIENCE.
and women weren't dating/marrying asian men because they saw them as sexually desirable in the way you find describe sexual attraction to someone you ACTUALLY like. they wanted this weird fetishization of asian men, someone who will whisk you away from your "boring white life" and take care of you like some demure househusband. we love a househusband, but one that's seen as more than that. like you want him for his culture, not because you love him. oooh~ that's sounding familiar.
why do you think it was so popular to make "small penis" jokes about these men? people literally used to see asian men as undesirable and sexless. this shit has been going on since the chinese exclusion act. an although jungkook isn't chinese, white people do not give two fucks. any poc knows how there has never been any forethought to make distinctions. and just because jungkook's ancestors don't come from american soil, doesn't mean it didn't affect his country. western media is still available in eastern countries so "mainland asians" have access to the way western media sees them. hell america military even occupied korea for a time, who knows what fucked up ideologies they brought with them?
also why do think there is a huge boom in asian media to engage with black media especially the hip hop gangsta aesthetic? back in the 90s and 2000s it appealed to SOME asian men because they saw black men as the pentacle of what masculinity was -even tho that too was toxic, seeing as it encouraged the hyper-sexualization and perceived violence of blackness.
when you've been stripped of being afforded sexual agency, you think any kind of sexual expression is healthy. these men were striving for something they couldn't attain. hell even black men have a hard time.
if white men are supposed to be in the middle of what manhood is ; desirable, but not sexually deviant and powerful, but not inherently violent, then black men are sexually deviant and inherently violent while asian men are nonsexual and inherently nonviolent.
when you've been told all your life that you can't get hoes, you will forever be a loser, and you're weak, you will look to seek how to get like the men. by any means necessary. even at your own demise.
but jungkook is going beyond his predecessors and actually finding a sexual expression that suits him. that should suit ALL men. the man is literally singing about how much he LOVES AND CHERISHES his woman in a health expression of male sexuality. sure its sexually explicit, but it should be.
i applaud him for that. and now there is a whole generation of asian men who know they can be sexual in healthy ways because they don't have someone telling them that the way they do it is not man enough and they're not doing it in a way that actively harms women.
if jungkook wants to be sexual he has a right to do that. and the fact that ya'll see being sexual as a problem is really making me open my eyes as to why ya'll felt comfortable calling megan all kinds of sluts and whores.
i hope jungkook becomes even more sexual, but not to spite ya'll. just so he can live as a normal human being.
the man is 25yrso, what are ya'll on about? and don't even me started on how he "had to apologize" for getting piercings.
jungkook has made it very clear he wants to be the tattooed, pierced, rugged boyfriend WHO HAS A HEART OF GOLD. he has that typical male aesthetic that so many asian men have been told they can't have but its not at the expense of harming others.
what more do ya'll want? he is the what all these fanfics and edits have been wanting?
if you don't like the explicit version then go listen to it, but keep that puritan bullshit somewhere else.
here ya'll asses go (link)
anyway if you are asian and would like to add on or give nuance to something i missed then please do. i read a few things but ultimately relied on how toxic black sexuality functions in the opposition of toxic asian sexuality.
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3dayweeknd · 2 years
im starting to rly hate even twitter porn like im tired of logging on and seeing http asians all over my feed it’s disgusting I don’t care if u like asian girls focusing on a specific race and fetishizing it is vile and i hate it I hate oOoH wAtCh mE dEstRoY tHiS cUtE liTtLe aSiAn pUssY 😍😍😍bc actually eat shit everyone sees asian women as hyper sexual little animals were there for your sexual pleasure and to fulfill whatever fucked up fantasy you have and it’s disgusting I hate it I hate everyone
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deadlinecom · 2 years
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