how am I having more thoughts on the Cardcaptor!Katsuki thing?
Okay okay some plot notes:
I'm sticking this AU in a weird-ass place! During Katsuki and Izuku's last year of middle school!
So they're not in UA, but this is post-sludge villain so they're a bit weird, Kats is NOT dealing with the trauma well, and Izuku is still training with All Might.
This does mean they're not getting involved in the main plot of bnha yet, but they /can/ run into some characters on the adventures. (Maybe the Heroes are responding to the chaos the Cards make, maybe their future classmates are caught up in said chaos, hell you can toss a villain or two in because some of them might know things about the cards).
Also this is a CC-esque au so similar canon deviations exist. Like Katsuki being transfem but not actually out yet.
Card nonsense kicks off pretty early in.
So I'm imagining that Katsuki is having a Bad Time™ and just wants to be alone for a hot minute. Wanders off during the school day and ends up in some backrooms of the school library. Finds the book with the cards. All the cards except Firey excape(because this one vibes most with her). Kero appears and while Katsuki is like ?????? he gives the plot dump of 'hey! Magic is real! You're destined to deal with this shit!"
Izuku also gets involved because he noticed Katsuki sneaking off, followed like the little fuckin stalker he is, and saw the whole card scattering/Kero infodump thing.
Katsuki and Izuku are in a weird ass place right now because it's post-sludge but pre-ua. So Katsuki is trying to figure out what the fuck is up with Izuku and whether her life is a lie and all that but hasn't really had the push to confront all that. And at first she's pissed at Izuku but Kero is a decent mediator to this situation and it's. it's the first time any kind of adult(as much of an adult as a little cat bear thing is) has kinda. Taken control and firmly but kindly said 'hey knock that shit off' so it's easier for her to really just take a step back and take a breath and actually like. Properly be able to listen to Izuku because again: Kero is saying 'hey the guy was worried about you that's a good thing' instead of 'lmao he's worried about you he thinks you can't handle this show him you can through force!'.
bonus points for Katsuki getting dragged into Izuku's nonsense and finding out 'oh you met mcfucking ALL MIGHT and he's training you as a successor????'. Which. Yeah def spins everything because fuck it All Might is the ultimate authority on right and wrong so if All Might thinks Izuku is a good person worhty of respect Katsuki is switching it up right now. (and feeling guilty for everythig in the past so whoops more of Kero being like 'kid you're FINE!!)
Swinging over to Yue! I mentioned before but he was determined to handle the passing of the torch to a new holder better than the Clow-Sakura transfer he was going in optimistically but GOD he meets Katsuki and is like "THIS??? IS WHAT I HAVE TO DEAL WITH???"
So like. He still does something similar to last time in hiding in plain sight to keep an eye on the new holder. I don't think he'll go full dual personality again because while I love Yukito that's A Lot. But also there's like.... There's not really anyone in Katsuki's life where he could slide in as a 'haha you're not going to question me being here!'.
Which leads to the idea of Yue basically faking being a teacher and is now on the Aldera staff but he's the only sane person in this place and is constantly on the verge of killing his coworkers because holy FUCK how do y'all treat children like this????
All Might gets dragged into this because Izuku has Katsuki meet him and tbh with Izuku helping Katsuki figure out the Card stuff they get into nonsense that's /technically/ vigilantism according to the law but Katsuki is the only one who can deal with the situation.
The actual collecting of the cards happens over that school years so Katsuki has all of them by the time she and Izuku go to UA (and also they're all a bit healthier about things both each other and themselves).
At UA, Katsuki initially tries to keep to just using her Quirk for this shit instead of the cards(though she's become used to using both in tandem). This only works so well beause ofc when bigger threats come out, she's not going to hold back out of some weird 'oh it's not fair to-' no people are in danger she's gonna use everything she has to save them.
So while we don't get someone Eriol-esque crafting situations, the Plot forces her to transform the Cards into her own versions.
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silverfoxlou · 2 years
Larries act like Louis wasn't alongside H**ry in the biggest boyband in the world and he doesn't know what that level of fame is like. Did they forget he HAS experienced all that already? Do they think it's gonna "change" him? And if I don't get a ticket and someone else who doesn't like him as much does, so what? I am not more worhty of a concert than them. It's clear what matters to Larries: rainbows at shows, his talking and interacting with fans, him being "available" to them, not his music.
It's clear what matters to Larries: rainbows at shows, his talking and interacting with fans, him being "available" to them, not his music.
This. Exactly.
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saintqueer · 2 years
Hey, just wanted to say I’m really sorry to hear about your job. I know it doesn’t help anything but I’m thinking about you and hoping things turn around. I was able to find some part time stuff on Indeed really quickly that helped get me through some rough times, I hope you are able to as well. It’s hard out here man. I don’t personally enjoy tarot readings, so I can’t help you there myself. But if you need anything desperately be sure to reach out to people on here. I’d be happy to chip in on meals and rent when I can. Be well and please don’t stay quiet if times get too hard. We are all in this life together. With love.
Thank you thank you thank you! The encouragement I've already gotten from this community is so heartwarming. I put 9 months into this company on promises they'd transfer me to full-time salaried asap. Only for them use me at half-cost as contractor and then drop me on my ass a week before Christmas.
It is hard out here and corporations are trying to maintain the status quo they had before Covid to keep people under their control. The only way we can get through this hellscape is to stick together and help each other. Sometimes it can be hard to think of yourself as worhty of help, I know I struggle with that. I am happy to help at the drop of a hat when I am doing well but when I turn it around on myself, it's hard to turn off the voice in my head telling me that I'm begging and don't deserve help.
Trying to fight that and the compassion I've seen on here really has helped. Thanks for the advice and one of my first orders of business is updating my resume.
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wow i just cant really get passeed it i just dont know. i know noeone will ever see these and they certainly wont guess who i am but man, i just dont think that i can pretend anymore i am pretending so much about my life and so much about who i am. i dot dont think that my life is anywhere how i i planned for it to be. im already 22 and im about to turn 23 realy soon ai just feel like i let my parents down and more importantly i feel like imletting myself down, i have been througha whole lot of fucked up things in my life and i jst dont get how i can fuck up this bad.
i have a shitty job, i was makeing more money at 18 than i am now. My body is unhealty and ugly and as much as i would kike to change i dont really know what to do to gain the motivation. i feeel like i have a whole lot of obsticles in my way and its not helping however i dont know. '
if i could manifest anything it would be the motivation to eat nothing but healthy things, hva e aperfect wardobe , do healthy things everyday throught my day and to have a healthy relationship with my artner. these things seem so easy to say but obtaining them has taken litterally tekn up my whole life and i still havent achaived anything. if i cant figure it out in 23 years whos to say i can figure it out in another 23 ears?
how do i just allow myself to do this . how have i gone through so much and made it through so many diffrent levels f hell only to hae gotton nothing from it but truama responces and defeat . its not like the movies, it not romantic to be abused . it not romatic to eat aay your pain, it not romatic to just graze through life with no money.
the relationshi i have with money is beyond fucked uo i dont know what to do with it. i am relyant on my signifigant other for money and its fucked up. there are so many things that i need but i am afraid to spend moeny on but the things i dotn need like histty food are so easy to spend money on and i dont know what thats all about. like wtf what am i suppose to do with this. how do i fix this. i hat eowrk somuch every job and job type i hat ei dont like the work itself and i dont like my cowerkers, the workers theselves can couse me to be okay with not eating anything bt a bag of chips for dinner for two weeks if that means i dont have to kr with them anymroe. plus i have no friends
at my age there is no inbetween, you either are super succeful and have a shit tone of money already and are succeful or your super broke just like me and the succesul people dont want to hang out with a bum like me and a oerson who is broke is working all the time and doesnt have time or the money to go and and do stuff.
when your olnly friend is your partner it drags you down especially when that person doesnt act like they like you anymore, even when ou hear the " i love you" of the " i care about you more than anyone" but when you look into there ayes and they have nothing but irritation and disdain its fucked, it makes you worry especially if you have been through the situation where someone says all the right things but hates you and tell you in other ways, like by their actions and by there mood toward you, before. you begin to worry.
" is this the same thing that was happening back then?" " is this going to be like this forver " " i remember those looks and those moods"
it makes you wonder if you are cabable of having someone love you or if you are worhty of the correct kind of love . the trauma repsonses click on without you even thingking about it and it ruins your relationship with your signifigant other and with yourself over and pver again.
you would tell a friend but you dont have any, but they do . they talk about it to all of their 90 frinds and family that would listen and form opinions about you. which sould be fine and it wouldnt bother you if you could do the same thig but all you have is you. and you dont even like yourself or think there is anythig you can do to make yuourself lovable.
the things in life that fuck with you them most are the things you create for yourself wheather or not they be on purpose or all by accient, you hurt yourself the most.
and allowing other to do it to you too.
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voyagerstypewriter · 2 years
Monday, November 14th 2022
What a day of being present. Taking an hour to meditate was a great decision that really allowed me to do some reconstructing of my mindset. I AM WORTHY. I AM WISE. I AM CONFIDENT. I AM TAKING BIG STRIDES. I AM NOT BECOMING NEW I AM ALWAYS WORKING AND BEING PRESENT. Continuing to take that TIME out for myself is extremely important as I move forward because this roller coaster will take off again and emotions will be high in December when trying to figure out fashion week. Tonight, as I prepare for sleep (we see our mistakes last week and clean them up and try our best next week - QB1) quick, I was so fucking out of shape today on the treadmill I had a shortness of breath and felt like my lungs and heart hurt so bad. The vapes and the weed are definitely a factor but the abuse of the vape is the biggest factor as I use it so much. I think this may be the first time in my life that I believe that it would best and safe for me to ease off the vape because cold turkey could have me feeling terrible. My health is always been something I cared about but today showed me something different because I physically couldn’t push through the fatigue but had to stop because of past decisions. I told my roommate to journal today and I hope he took it in a way that he should find ways to improve himself and when I told him he said that sounds terrible because he actually needs to so I don’t continue to be mean to him when I decide to just not respond. My other roommate got fired today and this mans life seems like it got put on fast forward. In hindsight, shit has been popping off and I wish the best for him and will be there to support but oh man welcome to unemployed and that dream you want, make it real. See how you use your team away from making a paycheck and see how bad you want it. I’ll be there to help though. My casting went well today = meditation. I felt that I was confident from the inside in rather than materialistic or based on how I looked that day. I AM WORHTY. My agent also confided in me again but this time felt like another chapter we were building and more than I know it I may someone he truly feels he can talk too about the other guys. I never tell and I always keep it straight forward and reassure him that what he feels is valid and right. I can just feel that connection between me and him being something that lasts a lifetime, more than modeling, more than creative but real family, I got his back forever. I have became a bit distant from family but again we don’t need to talk everyday. I do miss my mom though and i’m excited to see my family on Thanksgiving. BV first true meeting that will get things off the ground, there’s no turning back and the only person that can have it prepared is me. THANK YOU for spending money on yourself. Aime Leon Dore boy. Balenciaga boy. The excitement you get from new clothes is obviously something that hits your heart different. Don’t compare the money to the amount of happiness it brings you. I love clothes, I love dressing up and I spend money because that shit makes me happy. What makes you happy? Writing makes me happy for sure. This account serves the next level of what I use tumblr for and not only that, I LOVE MY FUCKING IPAD, GREAT INVESTMENT IN MYSELF. The way separation from my computer to my iPad makes me feel like it is my personal notebook, one for life. Well to end, its a good day to have a good day. Plan to include things but not by each hour, not by each minute but what you decide is fulfilling day for yourself and that could be anything.
Thank you Captain Alexander
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fluffyblaire · 4 years
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ship me w/ a fictional character and i’ll reply with a gif 💖
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gheysnakeredacted · 4 years
Wow, I guess Quackity never truly got over Schlatt huh
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hitorimaron · 5 years
kepa-shanyang reblogged your photo:The Space Within - Chapter 21 by hitorimaron
What in the name of all that is magical !!!
Stahp it you, this is way too sweet (ノ・д・)ノ
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redrivus · 6 years
forever wondering how fab replies so beautifully wtf
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sluttyenha · 2 years
Bloop I am back 💅🏼
Omg jealous sex with Jay thooo like imagine y/n and her loving boyfriend jay are hanging out with other members in the dorm and they all bake cookies because manager said "you need to make some content for weverse" so all 7 members plus 1 girlfriend get to baking but OH NO???
clumsy y/n squeezed the whipped cream packet too hard and it quirted all over her face :( but then Heeseung was next to her and he so quickly picked up a tissue to wipe everything off. He knew what he was doing cupping and slightly caressing her face while cleaning it y/n looking shocked and staring at him with her big doe eyes listening obediently Hee calling her "clumsy" and "you always need my help don't you?~" in a very condescending and flirty tone
Jay cannot stand it and after baking cookies he yanks y/n's hand and heads to those expensive love hotels and goes ruthless on her and whispers harshly in her ears "Can Heeseung fuck you like I can?" "Do you think he can make you feel as good as me?" And our favorite line "you are mine, you belong to me" and he says all this while she is a whimpering mess below him.
Are you secretly a writer? Because all of your asks are post-worhty . Definitely. That's such a good plot and the way you present it is also 🤌🏻
But jealous jay😩💫 that too because of flirty hee 🤩
Not him ramming into her , hands going around her neck like the perfect necklace, looking like it belongs there. Just as you do to him <3 making you repeat again and again that you are his and no one can fuck you as good as him 😎 you moans as loud as ever~ . Looks like the neighbours who are beside their room aren't sleeping peacefully tonight but oh well 🌚
Meanwhile perv!hee jerking off to the memories of him touching and caressing you face , wishing that he was your boyfriend so he could fuck you like how jay would be doing now😩
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sydsliftingface · 7 years
So, when you’re listening to The Weeknd, are you receiving or giving the lap dance? It’s for.... scientific research.
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yuri-maze · 3 years
Best Domlene fanfictions (Dominique Di Pierro/Darlene Alderson - Mr. Robot)
So, I have decided to gather all my favourite fanfictions from my favourite ships, and to start from Domlene because I am butthurt about Sam Esmail playing with our gay feelings. Updates will not be very consistent but you can be sure I will look into every corner of the Internet (shouldn’t take that long, since the serie is not that popular and Domlene is not that heavily shipped), I will read every single fanfiction that I deem worhty and add it in here if it’s really good. Let’s start then, shall we?
[Last update: 3 March 2022]
tuesdays with darlene by lunchables [T] [17,747 words] [incomplete]. Darlene is a bartender and Dom is a Law student. I read this like 10 times because it’s just that good.    
System Update [part 13 of Recovery Mode] by nouseforaname [T] [38,419 words]. Dom and Darlene decide to take the big step.
Backup [part 12 of Recovery Mode] by nouseforaname [M] [13,463 words]. Darlene is excited to celebrate a special day and wants Dom to be as excited about it as she is.
Heavenly [part 11 of Recovery Mode] by nouseforaname [T] [6,235 words]. Dom is in a delirious state after taking painkillers and starts rambling about how perfect her girlfriend is. Too wholesome.
Pieces [part 10 of Recovery Mode] by nouseforaname [T] [6,610 words]. Dom finally gets to meet Mr Robot.
Small Talk [part 9 of Recovery Mode] by nouseforaname [E] [13,911 words]. Darlene doesn’t know how to stop talking when she’s drunk. Dom looks for a way to shut her up.
Imposter [part 8 of Recovery Mode] by nouseforaname [M] [13,890 words]. First Christmas together.
In The Clear [part 7 of Recovery Mode] by nouseforaname [M] [15,210 words]. Dom is a workaholic and gets sucked into work and Darlene is far from pleased about that.
Making A Mess Of It [part 6 of Recovery Mode] by nouseforaname [T] [40,876 words]. Darlene gets to meet the DiPierro fam over Thanksgiving and is anxious about confronting Dom about Susan Jacobs.
Debugging [part 5 of Recovery Mode] by nouseforaname [T] [4,903 words]. Darlene is sick and more insufferable than usual, but Dom takes care of her like a good gf. Dom is so whipped. My heart was melting into a puddle while reading it.
Eating At The Movies 101  [part 3 of Recovery Mode] by nouseforaname [T] [1,979 words]. The Alderson siblings introduce Dom to their Halloween tradition. More like Dom and Darlene being adorable af and Elliot third-wheeling them.
Just Say It  [part 2 of Recovery Mode] by nouseforaname [T] [17,101 words].  Two tsunderes coming to terms with their feelings for each other. This is a gem, just like the whole Recovery Mode series, and pretty much everything written by this author.
Back to Sanity [part 1 of Recovery Mode] by nouseforaname [T] [26,858 words]. This is soo good. Elliot and Darlene are trying to heal after all that shit went down with the Dark Army, Dom comes back from Budapest and soon meets again a certain short-tempered hacker.                                                                  
oral fixation by MerakiWitch [E] [2,272 words]. Inspired by Dom’s canon lollypop habit. Title is pretty self-explanatory.
come into the water by MerakiWitch [G] [1,276 words]. Dom is a sailor, Darlene is a siren.
10:47 AM by deeeepsteep_ (roguefreyja) [M] [1,557 words]. Darlene wakes up and is horny.
Between the Drinks and Subtle Things (The Holes in My Apologies) by HobbitSpaceCase [E] [1,556 words]. Because we all love some (semi-drunk) hate sex.                  
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bkghq · 2 years
Am sorry love , whoever this is please dont let thier get to you, you are very beautiful and lovely person<3 and usally people who hate / bully are the ones who is most unsucure and you dont desvere any of thier "hate" you are very strong person, maybe you migth not belive it but you are and very worhty ❤ and i don't know whats happening in your personel life since am not a part of it but trust me everybody has problems and you are not alone <3 and dont forget that every problem has a solution and even if you struggle, you are still doing your best <3 with all my best wishes i hope everything will be ok for you ❤💖 we love you<3
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bro come here im giving u da biggest kith ever you're saur sweet ONG and dw i'm fine now ! i have saur many gud ppl in my life who make me saur happy (including u!!) its Important 2 look past what ppl w no life have to say lmao . . . anywho i hope u're having a great day mwah
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zehnhaseeb · 2 years
rey i am getting on the floor proposing to you with a ring i made myself. because i love you so much i went and started mining for gold and when i found the gold i went to a volcano and scooped out some lava by hand and i used it to melt the gold and then while it was soft and squishy and boiling hot i molded it with my bare hands into a perfectly smooth ring and then i went mining again for the most beautiful gem stone in the entire world, not a diamond because you're worth something so much prettier and rarer, and when i got the prettiest gemstone that reminded me of you i connected it to the ring also by hand and with my bare hands i engraved on the inside of the ring a beautiful poem about love and right now im proposing to you with this ring. what do you say
kieran i didnt wanna post this ask iwas gonna keep it in my askbox and look at it and cry all day every day . im also making a ring for u btw im going hunting w grubs and worms and fish and garfield and dogmatix...theyre taking me all around the world to find smth that represents you. which is actually not possible bc ur so INSANELY lovely wonderful stunning gorgeous beautiful kind talented smart funny nothing will ever compare . BUT when i get smth that's close to being worhty enough of u ill forge a ring from it (w my bare hands) and give it to u (as a surprise). also my answer is yes of course always forever
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my-stupid-advice · 2 years
I wanna share something, that happned long tıme ago so ı had onnline freinds from Twitter and we used to tallk etc and they knew i didnt liked myself so when i told that am taking a break from Twitter i somehow dideced to check Twitter and when i saw the messges they were tallking about me how i didnt loved myself and etc they werent unsuluting but it really got me and i got really sad about ıt felt offensive and i didnt said anything to them and when i came back ı told them i saw Thier messges now and i didnt said i saw them before too and becuase of that theres a little guilt left in me i told this to my sis and she said "its not about feeling guilty, do not overthink"note:sorry if i bother you or you feel not ok remmber that you are worhty and loved💜 and if not ok ıgnore this ask
It's okay, you're always welcome to send me messages!
I know how you feel though. Rest assured it's not only you- often people who struggle with anxiety or depressive thoughts overthink things from their past. It's called being retrospective, but that can cause feelings of guilt, even though those things aren't relevant anymore.
The only advice I can offer you is when you feel yourself spiralling towards those thoughts, try and distract yourself by thinking of something more pleasant, like a good memory, or looking at cute cat pictures, or reading a book that you like. I hope this helps!
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For what happned Today this goes+me @zuzu-fr ,@j4mel4 ,@katsuichu, got hate and lies about sending Zuzu hate and Zuzu get hate too but we are bold and strong! We are so much barver than this "anon" and idk if you guys needed to heared this but you matter and cared about! And we are not goning to let the hate get to us!no no cus haters gonna hate and testers gonna test! And as for you dear annymous, thank You for being honset(but this isnt a compelment) but we are not your therapist and you cant cut us off! And also the other(other bolgs etc) people who been getting hate on Dont listen to haters! They are just jelly of your succees! And remmber you are vaild no matter what they say! Dont end your life! You are worhty and you are beutfull! And if they come at you again heres what you do; slap thier faces off Queen/king! And as for me am not goning to give up and am not afriad of You! No! Am strong And barve girl! And not goning to let the hate get me! And the other bolgs! İ will countine to stay strong And smile! No matter what! And for all the people who has been struggling with this! Stay strong And smile! Cus you are beutfull and very strong person! And jesus loves You! You are amazing , barve, determinte! So dont let them get you Queen!
Edit: you all people are beutfull♥️@zuzu-fr ,@katsuichu ,@j4mel4 +the other poeple who has been getting hate never forget this ok?
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