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nocturnal-birb · 1 year
Nothing like a good loop of Spillways to get shit out of your system
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kaeyapilled · 11 months
extremely burned out from genshin impact. i really am just waiting for kaeya hangout
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me when i want to YELL ABOUT MY OCS but i am UNSATISFIED WITH MY ART STYLE!!!!!!
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jzixuans · 11 months
also shout out to demon slayer for being probably the first media that has consumed me mind body and soul that despite the brain rot, i have absolutely zero desire to seek out nor engage with its fandom
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foxboyirl · 2 years
its raining rn too . .. Girl help i want to run away from everything irritating and go straight to the forest. splashing around in puddles and rolling in mud would cure me entirely
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nordarknessdimsthesky · 10 months
A linguistic analysis of tumblr hyperbole in the tags
This post expands my previous analysis of hyperbolic reactions to cluster tags by themes. There were too many themes, some of them overlapping, to create a cohesive graph. Instead, I present several overarching themes from a data set of 50 tags observed and documented in various corners of tumblr.
1. Feeling Normal™️
Tags within this cluster profess Normal feelings (read: extreme excitement, enthusiasm, obsession, derangement, etc.).
#mmmmrrrghuhhhhghhh #I'm so normal about it teehee #absolutely not rending my clothing #feeling very normal and not feral at all #i will simply never recover #gif sets sent to personally destroy me #i can't cope #the eyes #i'm a puddle #i am INCONSOLABLE #i am DISTRAUGHT #IM NOT OKKAAAAAAYYYYYY #FEELING TOTALLY ONE HUNDRED PERCENT NORMAL
2. Feralness
The following data points conjure animalistic behavior. There’s a non-zero amount of biting and chewing involved.
#chomping biting barking #biting my arms off #rattling my cage #[incoherent biting noises] #chewing glass #chewing through wood #*shaking the bars of my enclosure* HELLO!!!!!!!! #climbing the walls #biting gnawing chewing #im gonna rip off my front door and eat it
3. Noisy Emotional Outbursts
These tags encompass crying, screaming, yelling, and other loud reactions.
# shaking sobbing crying #SCREAMIIIING BANGING MY HEAD ON THE WALL #*no thoughts only wailing* #i am SOBBING #IM CRYING LIKE A BITCH #*just fucking yelling* #S C R E A M #screeching into a pillow #brb sobbing for 5-7 business years
4. Throwing
All of these tags except the last one involve being thrown instead of throwing things. I, personally, am entertained by the range of places/situations people are throwing themselves into.
#i am going to THROW MYSELF into the SEA #hurl me into the sea #hurl me into the sun #trebuchet me into the sun #hurl me straight at europa #vent me out of an airlock #slam me against a wall #put me in a box and throw me down the stairs #throwing myself into traffic you know? #just defenestrate me already #defenestrate me #absolutely hurl me through plate glass #i'm going to start tossing furniture
5. Bodily Harm
There’s a good deal of overlap with the previous theme. Nearly all of the tags involving throwing would result in varying degrees of bodily harm. Here are the tags outside of the Throwing subgroup.  
#im going to throw upppppp #tearing my hair out #banging my head against the wall #SCREAMIIIING BANGING MY HEAD ON THE WALL #biting my arms off #microwaving myself #crumple me up and microwave me
6. Absurdism
My personal favorite cluster. The imagery conjured and resulting comedic hyperbole is just [chef’s kiss].
#im gonna rip off my front door and eat it #crumple me up and microwave me #put me in a box and throw me down the stairs #defenestrate me #absolutely hurl me through plate glass
7. Keysmashes
These tags center less around meaning and more around style, so they form the last group. A handful of these could fall under Noisy Emotional Outbursts because they represent reaction noises. In my linguistic judgment, keysmashing increases the hyperbole – consider augh versus aughfhghghghhh – the latter reads as prolonged and more intense emotionally.
#aghdjakgsjadhjaka * #hrhrhrhgnnnghhhhh #aughfhghghghhh #mmmmrrrghuhhhhghhh #I'm so normal about it teehee #waughfhghghh #oughhhhghghhh
*one digression in a friend discord server was how people interpret keysmashes in their minds. Some hear the first couple letters and then some sputtering, others hear static. It’s a common joke that you need a minor in linguistics to understand conversations in this friend group. Such is the nature of things when the chaos linguist energy is strong.
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faithisasuperstar · 6 months
i’m not a violent dog → coral
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coral!tbosas x reader
notes → in which you get to understand coral a little better. feminine intended reader.
warnings → descriptions of brandy’s dead body, other typical thg warnings. also me giving characters angst alert!!! not edited & uploaded via iphone (i didn’t know how to end this lol) AND ME NOT REMEMBERING HOW THE BOOK WENT LMAO
     you barely managed to choke back a scream as brandy’s body dangled in front of you. heavensbee hall went silent, as the crane hauling her limp form, which was ridden with gunshots, paraded through the street. below brandy, the tributes could be vaguely made out, chained up. you couldn’t help but scan over them quickly, trying desperately to account for coral. spotting her, you sighed, though not of relief. perhaps it was shame that this is what your home had come to, exploiting the youth of it’s country. maybe it was even sympathy for coral, but seeing her in the state she was in brought anything but relief. coral was slouched over, making herself as small as possible, a stark contrast to the brave face she had put on at the zoo, when you had first met her. swallowing the vomit that threatened to rise, you decided to give her a visit later that night.
     when the time came, you vowed to immediately make your way to the zoo, declaring that determining her safety was more important at the moment. and as soon as class ended, you were off. peacekeepers formed a wall in front of the entrance, forcing you to buy your way in. after arguing with the peacekeeper, who finally gave in when you had offered him payment, you were allowed visitation, but only under supervision and for a limited amount of time. you tried to be polite with the gruff older man, making small talk with him as he guided you to the monkey cage, but once you saw coral you were out of his sight.
     “coral!” you cried. once she had noticed you she made her way to the front of the enclosure rather slowly. they still had the tributes chained up. “please tell me you’re not hurt.”
     “not. but i can’t take much more of this.” she admitted. her gaze was fixed to the floor, and the refusal to look you in the eyes broke your heart.
     “i.. i know. i’m trying my best to help but dr. gaul won’t give me the time of day.” you explained, eying her with worry. “i can’t believe they’ve chained you up like this, it’s inhumane.” while that was true, compared to the rest of the list of things the capitol was enforcing, this hardly scratched the surface.
     “i wish they’d just kill me already.” coral muttered, voice gravelly.
     “please, coral, don’t say that. you can win, i know you can.” you pleaded. her eyes bore resentment at your words.
     “why do you believe that, huh?” she gripped the bars that separated the two of you forcefully, “because i’m big and scary? do i intimidate you?” her voice rose and her tone grew angry. the chains holding her hands together rattled as she moved. seeing as you almost flinched, she scoffed, slouching once more. “i don’t want to be the way i am, y’know,” coral mumbled, her lip quivering. “i’m.. i’m not violent. i don’t know why i fight. we’re all animals to them, that’s all we’ll ever be.” her words brought tears to your eyes. 
     the dehumanizing of the districts had gone on for far too long. there had been countless encounters with your classmates where the district people were referred to as “animals,” and the thought truly disgusted you. but up until this point you had merely been a pawn. despite the countless opportunities you were given to speak up to your classmates, you remained silent. even worse, you had ignorantly laughed along with them in the past. but what better way to wash away your guilt than play the savior in someone else’s story? even if the ulterior motive went unbeknownst to you, the privilege you had couldn’t be ignored by yourself. you could make a difference if you tried, if only you knew how. the best you could do for now was try to get your tribute out of the games alive.
     “you’re not an animal, coral. you’re a girl. a strong one, and a really, really brave one. coral, please.” you begged her, you didn’t quite know what for, though. “the fight you have in you is nothing to be ashamed of, it’s how you survived. i’m sorry, coral. i’m so so sorry.” you broke down, allowing the tears to spill from your eyes. “i wish i could do more to help you. this is so… messed up,” you sobbed.
     “back home, they tell us not to cry. there’s too much work to be done for tears. me and my siblings start work before dawn, and we work till night. if only they could see me now,” she laughed humorously. “and the things they’d say about you, gosh… you wouldn’t last a day there, princess. i can’t imagine you being able to haul crates of fish. let alone be able to catch one.” you pressed your forehead against the bars and let her words hang in the air. after a minute or so, her head rest against the bars as well, nearly touching yours. silence rang in the air as the two of you sat, contently.
     “alright, girly, time’s up. you’re way too close anyway.” the peacekeeper approached you after a while, grabbing your arm and sweeping you away before you could object.
     “coral!” she glanced up at you. “i’ll see you tomorrow.” coral took that as reason to get ahold of herself, suppress her vulnerability and impress the cameras tomorrow. besides, the cameras weren’t the only thing she wanted to impress. maybe, just maybe, if coral won the games she could have you too.
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omg-snakes · 1 year
What would you say counts as "safe" supervised interactions between snakes for enrichment? I've let my corn snakes interact before and obviously I'm always watching for any outright signs of hostility but is there anything else (besides breeding behavior... I found this out the hard way but thankfully nothing R rated happened because of it and I don't think either snake was stressed about it?) I should keep an eye out for?
Hey friend!
While corn snakes aren't social animals, there have been studies to suggest that young snakes in particular benefit from brief interactions with others of their species. As long as both snakes are properly quarantined and proven healthy, well-fed but not too recently so, and around the same size, these can be a safe and fun way to provide some enrichment! Just make sure the interaction is on neutral ground and try not to put them face-to-face immediately. Sniffing a section of body first is less off-putting.
As you already mentioned, outright hostility is a sign that the interaction needs to stop immediately. Other stress signs to watch for are head flattening, body puffing, hissing or huffing, tail rattling, and tense s-shaped neck posture. One snake may try to bolt or flail. Hard shoving of the other snake with the body is another sign that they're not having a great visit.
You also mentioned courtship behavior, which for the uninitiated is a herk-a-jerk twitching dance of sorts where the snakes will make body contact and contract their muscles to show how strong and buff they are. This is not only limited to breeding, and can also be used to establish dominance between newly-introduced snakes as a sort of, "hey hi nice to meet you, check how fit I am! This is my territory and we can hang but don't try any funny business 'cause I'm swole. :)"
Both boys and girls, and even baby corn snakes might do it. I've seen the behavior in hatchlings when they are separated and reintroduced to sniblings. As long as one snake is not trying to get on top of the other, they're not actively wrestling, you're absolutely certain you're not introducing a male and a female, and it's not actively breeding season, it should be fine to let them dance a little.
A good visit is two snakes who have relaxed and curious body posture, they may be very curious and sniff each other a lot, who aren't trying to crawl all over each other but also aren't trying to escape. It might not look like they're really that interested in each other, but if they aren't stressed then they're probably deriving some sort of enrichment and mental stimulation.
If you're wanting to gauge how a corn snake might react to another before you try introductions, try giving them the other snake's shed, or put a tennis ball in one snake's enclosure for a few days and then move the ball to the other's cage so that they can sniff it. If their reaction is nervousness or fear, maybe skip an in-snerson* visit.
I hope this is helpful!
*snake person
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The Doctor And His Snake, Bond (Scenario) SCP 049 X Snake SCP Reader
[Hello My Sexy Muffins I am here with a new chapter, and this chapter is a request that is damn near a year old off of Archive of our own. So here it is at long last. I did not know what type of snake-like reader the person wanted so I went with something like a naga but full-body snake. So the upper half is not just a human body but is a human shape with arms and such but scales cover its whole body. Snake eyes and tongue and such. Only hair and upper body shape are human really and nose and such Please enjoy this chapter here all my sexy muffins!]
(SCP 049's POV) (Bonding In Breach)
I was walking through the halls during a breach to see someone I wanted to know more about. They were a snake-like creature, they had been here for some time. I have feelings for them. They had no gender so they were hard for me to understand fully. I wanted to court them. To make them mine. I did not know how to tell them how I felt. I was able to get several rats for them to eat. A nice meal for them. I hold the cage as I walk. I make it to their cell they are under the large heat lamp on the rock enclosure.
They lift their head up and look at me. Their tongue tastes the air as I walk in.
"Hello, Darling." I say and set the cage down.
"You brought me a treat?" they ask hesitantly.
"Yes I did, I know they've been restricting your food. So I brought some Rats for you to eat."
"You are too good for me." They chuckle. "So what do you want to talk about today doctor?"
"What was your life like in your old home?" I ask and hand a squirming rat to them they swallow it whole.
"It was much better than this, I was free to hunt and soak up the real sun, I miss the real sun, I hate this fake sun but need it or I could die." They complain. "Though I did get to meet you. So it is not the end of the world."
I felt my cheeks heat up under my mask. Did they really mean that to me? They then grab my hand and pull me on their rock with them. Wrapping their lower body around me. A rattling noise from their tale.
"Just stay here with me and let me hold you." They tell me and wrap their arms around me.
I knew they are bonding with me. I did not know this would go so well so soon. I smile. This proves that they feel the same. That we were meant to be. They Are MY Sweet snake and I am the only one who can be with them like this. Forever.
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS it was sweet and soft, I hope you all enjoyed this and stay sexy all of sexy my muffins!]
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fangswbenefits · 8 months
Ooooh the way seeing the latest chapter of the arrangement pop up on my dashboard had me hooting and hollering like a damn chimpanzee rattling the cages of my enclosure!!!! Thank you for sharing your writing and feeding the void in my heart that screams for pining 😤😩
I am a sucker for pining 😌 sure... it's painful at first... but if handled well.... oof... it can be so, so satisfying 🙏
And thank you so much for reading it! Seems like many people are going feral 👀 new chapter in a few days hehehe 🩷
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fearforthestorm · 1 year
gnawing at the walls rattling the bars of my cage if i dent get enrichment in my enclosure RIGHT FUCKING NOW i am going to MAKE POOR DECISIONS
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sunniireii · 19 days
Unwinding from a day of touching and making out with my gorgeous beautiful boyfriend and I wish he knew how fucking insane he makes me. Like I'm talking FERAL
Like growling in my cage, rattling the bars of my enclosure, I just want him so goddamn BAD!!! I wanna touch and feel him everywhere and press on parts and see what makes him moan and listen to his little pained whimpers when I bite him and perhaps peg him and get him pregnant
Wanna call him my little puppy and call him a good boy while he plays with my body and tells me how beautiful and cute I am, want him so bad
I just want him and need him and UGGGHHHHHH
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☼☼ SOLARs MAGNIFICENT CATALOGUING OF TAGs (!!!!) ☼☼ (all added to the bottom of this post for navigating convenience! like the letter labels in a dictionary!! alphabetical order not guaranteed.)
[ THIS IS HARD TO READ ON LIGHT MODE!! if you opened it in another tab n it showed up with a white background, go here instead! ]
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act 1: the sun is a deadly laser (i am, unfortunately, not.) >>> SELF TAGS! stuff that i made! or something like that! .. scribblings on the walls (text posts) // the deranged ramblings and annotations within the confines of my prison. .. solar.png (my art??) // patterns akin to primitive cave drawings. .. hammers this to the top of my enclosure (pinned/info stuff) // warnings, hazard signs, beware of dog, etc
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act 2: empty plastic organization bins (chaos abounds in the lair) >>> SORTING TAGS! only my soul knows how i choose the tags for each post. i would say my heart, but that things squishy. bleh .. q (queue) // pronounced "kiu". what is going on with english. do i even want to know?? .. cool graphics tag (nice pictures) // visuals of any sort that i particularly like!! gif shitposts? best art ive seen in my lifetime?? Here Goes .. the divine compels to Art (inspo) // subset of cool graphics that i wish to consume- ahem. to study under a microscope and learn from! .. rattling metal bars with a stick (stimboards or gifs) // trakatrakatraka heheheheee .. HSFGDHJ (hsfgdhj) // cackling like the terrible gremlin that i am. no im not good at keysmashes, yes i always use this predetermined one .. see also: hall of fame (fav, the best ones) // i would frame these and put them in my wall if i had the guts to .. see also: fine china cabinet (hehehehe) // things that would go to hall of fame, but for Mysterious Reasons(tm) i am instead snatching to the Display of Shinies .. look at this later tag (remind me to do it..) // useful, interesting, and/or free stuff i want to come back to. sometimes just ideas .. distillate for gender extract (Gender,,,) // i am putting these in. the spirally overcomplicated glass tube thing and injecting the resulting compound into my bloodstream like some sort of wretched hrt .. gnawing the bars of my cage (WOOFWOOFBARKBARK /pos) // (I AM NOT BEING NORMAL ABOUT THIS) - you know how cats nibble the corner of things sometimes. yeah,, .. stares respectfully (something got in my eye ow gimme a sec) // like one would, standing at the edge of a grave. things i resonated with (unfortunately, Squishy Heart is at it again. FEELINGS (ack)!! GET THE BROOM!) .. rules to live by (good advice) // Wise Words from mad prophets. we are on this website after all
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act 3: rng (random name generator) >>> SUBJECT TAGS! i like giving silly names to some of them. .. wild metal on the dash (metal sonic!!) // statistically, i purposely go search for them most of the time. sometimes he does be on my dash tho...... .. benrey spotted (temp tag,,) // confirmed gamer sightings .. cherry flavored halls (lil hal!!) // id swear there was a black and red type but eh. thats the next closest thing i guess .. hermit crabs and/or traffic cones (hermitcraft/traffic) // yay silly block people doing Crimes!!!! .. tango of the tek variety (tangotek) // you know the one and only .. honkhonk (sky:cotl) // HONKHONKHONKHONK (hi) .. the bl(orb)os (portal) // sometimes a guy is just spherical in nature. sometimes theres many of them! (mostly the cores, but also general portal tag)
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act 4: There Might Be More!! I Probably Forgor! I Will Add Them Later!
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abreathofthewild · 8 months
A FEW OF MY (CURRENT) FAVORITE PHRASES (or phrases I am testing out and already know they're going to be added to my vocabulary):
Any variation of "feral" or anything subsequently implying that I am a caged animal:
Rattling the bars of my enclosure
Gnawing on a bone
Claw marks in the curtains
God put some enrichment in my enclosure
PAUSE (emphatically, with vigor, holding your hands up in a stop motion while doing so)
Biting my fist/eating my fist
For fun, as a little treat
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the-what-now · 3 years
Andromedatober #3
Day 3- Chase
(Day 1- Alone)
(Day 2- Memories)
(Day 4- June)
What was Calderon Lynch, Captain of the Andromeda Six, prepared to put up with when he woke up this morning?
Whatever it was, it wasn’t fucking this.
It was bad enough that his neck hurt, the ship’s air conditioning was broken (again), and he’d walked into the kitchen to find that someone had finished off his favorite coffee. Now he had the gunslinger in his face, in a tizzy over his missing lizard. The very same lizard he’d been against bringing onto the ship from the beginning. But hey, it wasn’t like anyone in this crew listened to him anyway.
Cal let out a long, slow sigh. It’s fine, he told himself, June he could handle; the big man was among the least irritating of his crew members, and he wouldn’t be bothering him if it wasn’t important.
“Where did you see him last?” Cal mumbled, barely turning his attention from the shitty instant coffee he now had to make do with.
“He was in his enclosure when I left him earlier this morning, and when I came back he was gone!” June responded, face furrowed with worry, “I know I had it secured, I don’t normally make mistakes like that—“
“Uh-huh. And how long was he left alone?”
“Well, not long I don’t think. I just went to get some practice in, walked around to find that rattling you were talking about, the prince asked me if he could play with Lizzie but I told him he’d have to wait cause he was still sleeping, and—“
That did it. Cal set his mug down with a loud thunk at the mention of him, staring at the World’s Best Dad lettering with the fury of a thousand suns.
“Xami.” He hissed under his breath, uttering the name like a curse. And with that he turned on his heel and stormed out of the kitchen without another word, on the warpath to track down the offending stowaway.
To Cal, the answer was clear: find Xami, and he’d find Lizzie. He was unsurprised, though, to find that no one else in the crew could tell him where the prince had gone; Ryona had been in the infirmary all morning, Ayame and Bash weren’t paying attention as usual, Xami was still avoiding Vexx like the plague, and Damon just plain couldn’t be assed to help him (“You pay me to stab people and look pretty, Commander, not keep tabs on runaway royals.”). Because nothing could ever be easy.
The assassin did, however, mention seeing him down at the docks, muttering something about trying to steal his reading spot. So there Cal found himself, pacing the dingy downstairs for the smallest of clues. Where could he have--
He stopped, kneeling down to pick something up off the floor, crinkling the discarded cellophane that had been tossed on the floor. Candy wrapper. He couldn’t be far. Straightening up, he got to work on hitting all the spots the prince could usually be found, prowling like some feral stray cat.
Not here. Not there. Not there either. Cal was almost ready to throw his hands up and tell June to find his own damn pet, when something caught his ear. A quiet skittering from the hallway outside, followed by footsteps, quick and light. There! He burst out of the room just in time to see the tail end of that familiar black coat, vanishing around the far corner. Cursing under his breath, Cal gave chase, unconcerned with the noise he was making. So close, he was so close…
He turned the corner to find his quarry nowhere in sight, and several doors he could have gone through. He threw open every single one of them, growing increasingly manic with every empty room. Nothing. It was as though the stowaway had vanished into thin air. That’s it, he’d had enough.
“Where the fuck--”
A low chuckle, sounding from somewhere above him. Cal looked up to find a sight that both relieved and infuriated him: Xamidimura Peg’asi, perched up in the rafters, Lizzie nestled safely in his arms and looking down on the captain with a shit-eating grin. “Looking for something?” He called down, violet eyes dancing impishly. Cal glared up at the Tilaari.
“What the hell are you doing up there?” He growled. Xami shrugged, patting the lizard gently.
“Trying to catch this little guy. June had just told me he was sleeping when I saw him so I figured he must have gotten out. No idea how he got all the way up here, but I grabbed him just in time. You’re welcome,” he adds, sticking his tongue out slightly.
“Get down here. Right now.” Cal demanded. Rolling his eyes in amusement, Xami hopped down from his perch without protest, landing lightly on his feet in front of the captain. It still surprised him sometimes, how nimble the young prince was despite living such a sheltered life. But right now he was too angry to give it much thought.
“Jeez,” Xami snarked, “this is the thanks I get? Maybe I should just mind my business next time the bitey lizard escapes his cage. Not like Bash needs all his fingers, anyway.”
“Don’t lie. You let him out yourself.” 
Xami put a hand to his heart in mock horror. “Why, sir, I’m offended by that allegation! I am a good, upstanding navigator, and I always try to do right by my crew!” When met with only a continued glare, he frowned, “But seriously, why would I do that? June already told me I couldn’t see him, you really think I don’t know how to take no for an answer?” 
Cal relented slightly, his expression morphing into a dry hint of a smile. “Never stopped you before,” he retorted. The prince looked up thoughtfully at that. He did have a point. 
“Lizzie! There you are!” June suddenly appeared at the end of the hallway, rushing towards the two of them and taking his beloved lizard from Xami, the Tilaari happily handing him off.
“Found him trying to scale the wall,” Xami said with a laugh, “clever little dude gave you the slip.”
“Y-yeah, I guess he did,” June agreed, then looked at Cal sheepishly, “I’m so sorry, Captain, I just checked his enclosure and it looks like there was a latch loose. He must have gotten it open somehow.” The tight smile slid right off Cal’s face at that. Xami had been telling the truth, then. June’s gaze darted between the two of them for a moment, before he cleared his throat awkwardly. “Anyway, um...thanks for finding him, Xami. I’ll get that door fixed right away. Sorry. Again.” And with that, June turned and shuffled down the hallway and out of sight, Lizzie in hand.
Cal could barely stand to look Xami in the eye, so smug was his expression. Instead he stared at a spot on the floor, mumbling an apology. “So...sorry. I guess.”
“Hm? What was that? I didn’t catch it.”
“I’m...I’m sorry.” Cal repeated, a little louder through gritted teeth.
“And whatever are you sorry for?” 
“For not believing you. About the lizard.” He barely had time to react before feeling Xami’s arms wrap around him, the prince smooshing his face unceremoniously into his chest.
“Of course I forgive you,” Xami laughed, looking up to flash him a crooked grin, “I could never stay mad at you...sir.” Cal let out a breath of a laugh, running his hands through the Tilaari’s pale hair. He had to admit, this pain in the ass had his good points too. And he’d miss him an awful lot if he were gone.
“Yeah. Likewise.”
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