flower-boi16 · 2 days
I just finished watching The Full Moon, here are my thoughts.
+The opening musical number is good & is admittely pretty catchy. I expected it to be some god awful love ballad between Stolas and Blitz, and thank god it didn't end up being that.
+The scenes of the Cherubs being horrified of the stuff at Blitz is buying are pretty funny I'll admit
+Nice to see the Dhorks and Cherubs back as well as a team up between the two. That's a fun idea
-The Dhorks just. Randomly appear out of nowhere to capture the Cherubs...? Where did they come from????
-The Cherubs for some reason try to lie about being excorists...? Why??? Why are they lying about this??? Why can't they just tell the Dhorks their beef with the Imps???
-So the Dhorks got more funding from the government because of the incident that happened the last time they met with the Imps, implying that they did send the footage they had, implying that the government now knows about the existance of demons. Ok so woulden't an incident as big as this get on the news...? Did this thing get on the news or no???
-The Cherubs are screaming right behind Blitz yet he NEVER hears them for some reason????
-Blitz being on completely good terms with Fizz still feels very weird to me. Like Fizz just instantly forgives Blitz for the sheer amount of physical and emotional truama he gave him in one episode and their back to being buddies again. It just doesn't feel earned is what I'm saying.
-So it's revealed that Loona and the others were following Blitz throughout the whole episode, which is how they were able to find the cherubs. Ok so if they were following Blitz around then woulden't they have seen the Cherubs? They were plainly hiding on the roof in the first scene, anyone could see them. Did they see the Cherubs at first? And if they did, why didn't they attack them earlier???
-The whole fight feels oddly very slow. Like I just felt bored while watching this fight scene unfold and that sucks because season 1 was able to create good fights, and even season 2's first half has some well-animated fight scenes. Why do the movements of the characters here feel so sluggish now???
-One of the Cherubs for some reason doesn't cut Millie's tail off and stabs her leg instead even though it's literally the thing that’s strangling her.
-Millie throws st. Cherub with her tail after that which she for some reason didn't do earlier.
-Moxxie makes quip in front of one of the Cherubs when he could’ve just instantly shot him in the face there. Seriously that was such an easy opportunity
-That fucking line where Stolass says "I thought so highly of you, I didn't know you felt so low of me" is PEAK Stolass victimization and Blitz being demonized. Plus it makes no fucking sense; like, BITCH YOU WERE SEXUALLY ABUSING HIM. OF COURSE HE WAS GOING TO HATE YOU FUCKING IDIOT.
-The whole finale scene is very confusing to me. It starts out good enough with the show actually ackgnowlegding Stolas' mistakes for once but then towards the end the framing begins to shift into Stolas victimizing and Blitz demonization, all culminating in that final line. "Oh no Blitz hurt Stolas' feelings he's such an asshole!!!". Like although the show sometimes acknowledges Stolas' mistakes it's rendered null by the show Still framming Blitz as an asshole for not understanding that Stolas has real feelings for him, even though all Stolas has been doing is SEXUALLY ABUSING HIM.
It all feels gaslighty to me. And the line where Stolas says that Blitz not realizing that Stolas has genuine feelings for him and thinks it's just for sleeping with him shows that the reletionship can't work makes it sound like Blitz is apart of the problem for not reconizing that Stolas loves him, even though, again, Stolas has been treating Blitz horribly throughout the first season so why WOULD Blitz think that Stolas loves him???? It's just more Stolas victimization painting him as the sympathetic one while Blitz is once again framed as the asshole by the narrative. I'm sorry. But I'm fucking TIRED of it. I'm tired of Stolas victimization. I'm tired of Blitz being demonized. And I'm TIRED OF THE FANDOM BLAMING BLITZ AS THE TOXIC ONE HERE WHEN HE'S NOT.
And sadly, the Blitz demonization is only going to get worse from here judging by the latest trailer.
This episode was just as awful as I was expecting it to be. 2.5/10.
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AITA - I invited my brother to my work event but he is also my friend's ex, she also works with me.
So my brother (M 45ish) lives about 6 states away, I (F 31) see him 3-4 times a year if he has time to come, he has a busy life so it varies how often he's able to visit. This upcoming visit he plans on coming in during a huge work event where my workplace is hosting at an amusement park, the place is not small in any sense of the word. I really want to attend because on a normal day I can't afford to go to this place but I got some free tickets and they are letting us buy additional at a discounted rate. So I invited our while family thinking it would be a great activity for everyone and I can still get to spend time with my brother while having fun. Today, I get a message from my friend (F 27) that works with me telling me that I have no consideration for her feelings, I intentionally picked the same time as her, and I was just trying to hurt her. Here's the problem, I didn't even know about her plans to go until after I extended my invitation to my family. I truly think if I told them "oh sorry, none of you can go because our brother's ex has a problem with it" that sounds ridiculous. So I wasn't backtracking after already inviting them. Then we decided we wanted to go in the evening because we have company exclusive ride time from 8-11 and none of us want to stay there all day just to be there for that so we said we'd go around 5, which is when my friend decided to go. My brother just got married to his best friend and I understand she is hurt but they have been broken up for almost a year now and she's angry that I invited him because seeing him and his "bitch ass wife" as she put it would ruin her entire day. She genuinely even threatened to ruin our entire day if I actually bring him then called me selfish. She asked me how I would feel if she brought my ex (low blow mind you, that was a 4 year abusive relationship and then he shot himself in front of me. Hes now disabled in a nursing home) I told her that seeing him wouldn't bother me because I've worked past that with my therapist and I've learned to be bigger than that, I refuse to let seeing him hurt me. She asked and I gave her an honest answer about how I truly felt. Apparently, that was an attack on her because I was then called a cunt and told not to talk to her. I never once called her names during this entire conversation, I'm not that person. I even offered a solution of sharing my live location so we can avoid each other but that wasn't enough. She just wasn't going to be happy if he went. So in a sense of things, she's trying to make me pick sides but her choosing to have a relationship with someone states away that didn't work out isn't something that I feel I should have to be in the middle of. AITA?
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violentlydefending · 28 days
guess who decided to play dead souls before 5. guess who's really bad at third-person shooters. guess who's using a ps2 controller wired through an xbox controller emulator to play a ps3 game. guess who's having one of the times, ever.
#I CAN'T TELL IF I'M HAVING FUN OR NOT. GENUINELY.#the core gameplay loop is tedious and repetitive but i do catch myself enjoying it. sometimes funny shit happens.#sometimes i perform a tandem blast and both me and my partner get blown the fuck up bc my depth perception sucks and i just laugh and laugh#wish that (esp later on in the game) there could be more quarantine zone entrances/less blockades bc traveling around is Not Fun for sure#it's still kinda got that yakuza charm with its distinct tonal balance/whiplash but the aforementioned frustrating traveling makes#things like finishing up substories (the main source of said charm for me) and crap annoying as shit#all the mutants fucking suck btw.#none of them are satisfying or fun to deal with and they're fucking everywhere#crybabies shrieking is fucking annoying hermits rolling into me like they're fucking sonic the hedgehog is fucking annoying#aggros acting like they're still in a beat-em-up when they're NOT is fucking annoying etc etc etc#i had to farm like 90 aggros to get medals for majima's weapon upgrade. which sucked. what the hell is up with that drop rate.#i mean i didn't HAVE to do anything but i WANT to get everyone's final weapon upgrades#i savescummed baccarat for akiyama's#and even THAT was less tedious than farming aggros#ALSO WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FORKLIFT SHIT. THAT SHIT SUCKED. ryuji just use your big strong muscles and move the stupid crates yourself#I HATE THAT FORKLIFT. I GAME OVER'D TO IT LIKE 5 TIMES.#also kiryu's presence just. feels kinda tacked on. ryuji should've been the real ''main'' protag for sure imo#oh yeah also a bunch of the mutants were l4d ripoffs but that's not new#contra.txt
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allenwalkerbitch · 11 months
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I cannot believe Hoshino has me so utterly charmed by a man whose biggest character trait is "undying loyalty to Malcolm C. Levellier," but 247 really was one of the Link chapters of all time huh
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concert-bflat · 11 months
Thinks about how. Gloreth only starts looking at Nimona differently/strangely when her parents call her a "monster". Just throws that label with such a negative connotation on her. Gloreth fucking fights for Nimona immediately in the beginning saying that she's her friend and never once looks at her with ridicule until her mom just holds her by the shoulders and tells her she's a monster, straight in the eye, straight in the face. And just the word is enough to cause the change.
Nimona's getting fucking attacked and prodded and Gloreth doesn't even feel sorry for her just because she's now re-contextualizing everything around her but with that word. I'm so sick. She looks not in hesitance but at disbelief before she runs away. She sees Nimona trying to defend herself from literal Danger in any way she can (she's just a kid and she's fighting with people who won't listen, never will, people that she can't get through) but just sees that as more proof of her being violent, monstrous. She sees her friend all alone, with the odds and the world stacked against her despite them being. so similar but just tells her to go back to the shadows.
And like. Of course she believes those words calling Nimona a monster and takes them to heart. Her parents, the ones she would probably trust most are the ones that told her that. And she's young, she doesn't know much about the world or much better. And of course, her parents and the whole village don't know any better. They didn't see what she saw. They don't know or feel the need to know much more than the definition of the word "monster". But it hurts. God it hurts. It's wrong. It's not fair. It's really not fair.
And it causes this whole legend that will stay with Nimona to ridicule her for generations and generations and birth this system that she's trapped by and causes everyone to be so brainwashed. The one that makes people scared and build walls. That births unecessary distrust.
God. Even in the scroll illustrating Nimona and Gloreth, Nimona is portrayed as such a bigger and scarier threat than she ever could be or would be, until Nimona internalized and gave into those images and despair of course. It's not fucking fair.
Thinking about how when the villagers saw Nimona as a "normal" person they were happy for her just living her life and playing with her friend, she was just another kid being happy like she and every ("normal", apparently) person deserves to be, and they were allowing her to be happy then when they find out what she really is they hate her. They call her a monster and drive her out immediately. They don't look into the details that contradict the stigma, they just feel betrayal when they weren't even the ones who were betrayed (Nimona couldn't fucking help being who or what she was. And she was her own person. She was still. A someone. Why do things have to be different now?). I'm so sickkk.
Thinks about how Nimona feels so hopeless as to just. Accept and yield to that label. That label that was passed down to Gloreth. To the whole world. Such simple but awful words. Aughhhhhhhhhhh
Another post I saw talks about how this is a movie about how hate is taught. And oh my god it is. Hate it taught. It's done so simply yet so, painfully effectively. So devastatingly. And that hate teaches people to hate the world back. God I fucking loooove this movie
Also Nimona's such a Creature /pos /affectionate she's so relatable I fucking love her and I'm insane okay that's the post bye
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plumbogs · 5 months
dustindirk yuri???
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AHHAHHAH i still need to find clothes i like for them. specifically some more baggy butch tops for dustin... im pretty sure conversions exist of those baggy shirts that they wear in their original form but for now she's in a tank top because that bar doesn't have AC
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dustin (names subject to change) is the other half of the "turning streets into a racetrack crew". she acts like a tough bitch but she's actually sensitive and a little dorky. her gf is a lot more shy than she pretends to be. they're like the world's biggest bags of hot air. but they don't have to put up any fronts when they're alone which is so cute...
i'm also still finding a particular niche for dirk. sorta grungy punky gothy femme-ish and i need more cc jewelry to really get that through. and nails for everyone in general. and more tattoo overlays. they are a trashy couple but they're genuinely in love so much. ride or die. whatever i'm normal
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if that bar wasn't an empty shell for photo purposes they'd get kicked out. handsiest couple at any event they're at ever get OFF of that nasty dive bar you're getting grease on it
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zevrans · 6 months
#yeah man.. had a few hours of back and forth argument with my friend..idk really if i want to call her that now#but it was an eye opening mess.. it all started with her sending me dreadwolf trailer and i said it's all promises talk#and literally it went downhill from there she claimed that it's been announced like a year ago i said it's been in development for years#it then went to a fandom talk and how she thinks people in fandoms are pathetic and etc bullshit#how being a fan of something is not normal#and being invested in fiction and vgs and fandoms is something ppl with little responsibility do..#man i can't even write out all the stuff she said i genuinely felt so bad after this argument#i don't think i ever want to speak to her again#people having fun in her understanding is pathetic childish and a sign of a person not having enough responsibilities in life??#jfc i never realized just how truly toxic she is...#i mean deep down i did i just didn't want to admit to myself.. her general attitude to people being fans of something is just sickening#i'm determined to not write to her at all unless she reaches out which i doubt#she just shitted on everything despite me trying to expain how fiction can even literally save people#i tried expaining to her why some people are telling other ppl to not buy dreadwolf and pirate instead#i said about the fucked over emplyees of bioware and what she said was#it's a cruel world but idgaf it's business cry me a river - something along these lines#she literally has zero empathy i understand it now#the way she only selectively cares about wars going on in world#i said if people can boycott companies that support wars why cant they also support people who suffer from companies#she said and i qoute 'to compare war to people being fired wow that's something'#i was not comparing i just tried to find empathy in her to no avail#anyways.. i am so dissapointed in her and in myself that i didn't see this sooner#tbd
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legacysam · 6 months
I'm lucky that my job is usually pretty easy, but due to technical issues it was bonkers today and will probably be the same tomorrow and I am ready to throw the entire IT department into a volcano
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eliseliedl · 2 years
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welcometogrouchland · 5 months
FINALLY watched Ready Or Not (2019) with the fam and FUCCCCKKKKKK FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT WHEN WOMEN ARE COVERED IN BLOOD AND FIGHTING FOR THEIR LIVES TOOTH AND NAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELL FUCKING YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#ramblings of a lunatic#it is. dare i say underrated? like I genuinely think it's so good but i feel like it's left out of discussions on modern slashers#yeah it's not THE MOST depthful piece it's not a jordan peele movie but it's still got it's moments (''FUCKING RICH PEOPLE!'')#idk maybe it's just bc it doesn't have one particular killer and that's what most slasher fandom revolves around far as i can tell#i can't say anything I'm boring I'm a big final girl stan#I've only seen one scream and went into it only knowing that my friends really liked the killers in that movie#and i was like yeah they're neat but mostly i came away screaming SIDNEY!!!!! FUCKING SIDNEY PRESCOTT LET'S GOOOOO!!!#(note i have only seen 1 scream movie. also i know there's a lot of complicated scholarly discussions to be had abt scream-#-and it's depictions of two close male killers as like. a deviant homosexuality thing and how that eclipses-#-the parts of scream that are arguably feminist. that's a whole other can of worms. i did really love Sydney tho)#i love grace too a-tier final girl. Samara Weaving is a scream queen in my heart she's so good in the role#my only complaint is i would've put a sort of. Up (2009) married life esque scene w/ Grace and Alex getting to know each other#but i get that that's a hard sell to put off and also in the context of the film grace and alex haven't known each other that long#which works directly against the biggest strength of the married life sequence#so honestly I'm not fussed#anyway yeah. fun time! even my mom enjoyed it despite the fact she normally doesn't like gore
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magpieddd · 9 months
Going to the french riviera tomorrow <3 can't wait for those 10+ hours of train
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dennisboobs · 7 months
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this is genuinely... so funny to me. like the hilarity of copypasting rational tweets. i'm literally right. it's not even a funny copypasta because it's literally just. objectively correct. it's a criticism of twitter culture and that makes it funny to you because...... god forbid you actually have empathy for other people. caring is for losers if you're on twitter dot com, you have to be snarky and funny at all times.
#moots & friends keep sending me shit and im just like. lmfao this is embarrassing for YOU guys. i stand by everything ive said actually.#i'm sorry you think trying to have a genuine conversation about harmful behaviours is cringe#you consider yourself an activist and will retweet every fucking post abt current events#but you can't actually be bothered to make a positive change in your own life.........#the fact that most of them stop responding after they realize im not going to freak out and give them something emotional is very telling#it's not even like most of them disagree they literally just want to make fun of me for...... caring. like ok. weird hill to die on idk#im at the point where im considering privating my tweets just so i dont continue to get ppl responding but#i think its important that ppl can see my responses. because i stand by them and clearly other ppl do too#theres been a lot of mixed responses but a lot of people have actually ended up agreeing with me after some back and forth#which i appreciate. i didnt want to start fuckin. twitter drama. but like. ill take it#i dont interact with sunnyblr at all so i think this is a good opportunity to potentially change at least a few ppls perspectives#and if youre too far gone to the point where you think that someone caring about perpetuating homophobic rhetoric is funny#i. dont really want to interact with you anyway lol. get better soon xoxo#last post about this on here im. putting this to rest.#ada speaks#genuinely disgusting how many of these ppl will say shit like. ppl are dying. like... yeah. what are YOU doing to help.#retweeting a donation link or someones random carrd doesnt do shit actually. performative armchair activism.#same ppl tweeting vapid shit while acting like theyre above engaging with me on this#i was venting about people qrting glenns old tweets with stupid shit because it was clogging my tl actually lol
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luvsavos · 8 months
so not only does genki canonly exist in the reboot but it seems strongly implied that he and doc ketchum worked together at some point??? i do not like that concept At All!
#mar.txt#saints row#professor genki#doc ketchum#<- does he even have a tag ik he doesn't even have a wiki page#saints row 2022#genuinely baffled that ive seen quite literally ZERO mention ANYWHERE that a) he does in fact show up in murder circus (well not HIM him#but someone dressed as him and he's talked about + afterwards kev mentions that definitely wasn't the real him because he's immortal,so#apparently immortal in his case not only means unaging but also straight up unable to die)#and b) there's. so many things referencing him on boot hill?? a TON of cat heads that appear to quite obviously be stylized genki,that#appear to have been painted over a different colour than pink,booths that say smthn like 'the doc and professor show',and on the main#hidden history thingy (which i ALSO couldn't find a SINGLE guide for/barely any mention of on google ANYWHERE) that has doc's face painted#on it saying smthn like 'doc says hello' there's a little sign tacked on that says 'genki lives!!!' which. ??????#i wonder if they worked together and doc tried to fuck him over at some point,possibly by killing him#which obviously did not work#anyways. murder circus is fun so is the reboot and i'm baffled at how so few people seem to have put the (imo quite obvious when you see#them) pieces together that the reboot likely IS in fact a direct tie to the reboot ending of gat out of hell#anyways im completely normal about saints row and genki can't you tell i definitely didn't stay up way past my bedtime specifically to#grind out murder circus so i could see genki (he's got some nice Drip™️ btw it looks kind of marshall-inspired)#i'm going to be slowly going ever more slightly insane over pondering wtf the connection between he and doc ketchum is
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trans-leek-cookie · 11 months
someone talking about the ways media and common tropes/depictions of things that are either explicitly or implicitly linked to marginalized people are demonized and presented badly is not a fucking opportunity for you to flex how you're doing it Differently And Better
#I'll rb the post but I domt want to add it on cause it feels. Not my place maybe#Anyway fun fact! You can think that all you fucking want! Close your God damn mouth about it and figure out if it actually adds to the#Conversation! Marginalized ppl don't have to hear about how you're hashtag Not Like The Others!!! TAKE IN THE INFORMATION AND CONSIDER IF#THE THINGS YOU DO TRULY DEFY STEREOTYPES OR ARE STILL IMPLICITLY INSPIRED BY THESE BIASES!!! AND DO IT QUIETLY OR WITH SOMEONE WHOS WILLING#TO LISTEN! NOT ON THE POST INFORMING YOU OF THE PROBLEMS EXISTENCE#Also I'd move this tag up but genuinely idk if I can do that atm. But I'm LITERALLY guilty of the same shit. I immediately jump to no true#Scotsman the subject because I want to defend it!!! Yes I recognize the pattern is wrong and yes I genuinely believe it isn't necessarily#Inherent! But I still have to confront the fact that it's so prominent and to many people inseparable from the subject#(That being disability and body horror). I will say: my immediate instinct was to disregard any body horror that is just like Real Shit Tha#Happens To People as body horror but that's not helpful! I can't just say well it's not body horror BECAUSE PEOPLE STILL CALL AND SEE IT AS#BODY HORROR!!! I HAVE TO STOP AND CONSIDER THE LARGER IMPLICATIONS. My PERSONAL OPINIONS do not matter and the pedantic discussion is#Something to be had with friends or used as it's own criticism of the genre not ON THE POST CALLING OUT A REAL ISSUE! Anyway just.#Both artists and consumers have to be critical of What we see as body horror/what others tell us is body horror/what we accept as body#Horror bc/what we create as body horror etc. We NEED to confront that and we can't just say I Wouldn't Do That! We need to understand that#It goes deeper than that!!! Also YOU DONT INHERENTLY KNOW WHATS POSSIBLE FOR A HUMAN TO EXPERIENCE#There's so many things that ppl can experience and Live With! There are obviously things that are fatal so u rarely hear abt them but human#Beings can survive a lot of things!!! And here's the thing: the rarer something is the shittier it feels to have it misrepresented!!!#At the very basic level: CHECK IF THE THING YOU WANT TO USE AS BODY HORROR IS A RECORDED PHENOMENON AT LEAST!!! FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK#DO THE BARE MINIMUM
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bibiana112 · 2 years
What is the earliest special interest/ hyperfixation you remember having? (Mine was Lilo and stitch which is probably not that surprising)
In media? Probably atla In general though I think it was wildlife? I think mostly big cats, sharks and turtles oh! And dinosaurs of course lol
#I know that I have a book about sharks and other sea creatures that have the pictures as puzzles it's from when I was so small#there was an incident way back when I still went to sunday school where I took my dinosaur fun fact magazine w me and got scolded#not because I was reading it instead of paying attention or anything that asshat just thought dinos were fake and unholy or something#man I can't really remember which tyle of animal I fixated on First but I sure did#I knew a lot of stuff I kind of miss that#I got so SO many turtle plushies at some point I am so sad my big one that has a pouch with eggs got mold in her like genuinely sad#mom: "oh yeah when you were six you were so talkative you'd tell a taxi driver about animals and stuff as well as if you were a grown up!''#me: ''....... that's that's because I was interested on that doesn't that strengthen my point?''#mom: ''no it proves you were actually great at communication and then something happened so can't be autism :)''#I remember being normal about finding nemo too bit less because of the actual movie and more because of the research they put into it#like I got the book from it that compared the real animals with how they are in the movie and watched the bonus features like a lot#especially the angler fish like it scared me at first but I got really into deep sea creatures at some point too#and lions and tigers and onças were just easy to find on wildlife channels#I got my turtle plushies from a conservation institute and I got a bunch of other stuff too#I might as well have bought one of each of everything in the gift shop lol#I used to be able to tell right away which species one was and knew exactly which ones could be found on national beaches#man......#I'm gonna stop for now lol#a tag for asks#no wait actually I have a couple more stories akdhkajs fuck ok#so like I vividly remember going to fairs about these regularly when I was really really small#like every year or so there'd be two events I liked a lot#one was the dinosaur one which would have skeleton replicas some videos about them being wiped out but my favorite part#was near the end where they'd have. buried some fake fossils on sand#and us kids were given proper brushes and everything to play paleontologist#I remember also some animatronics there literally just one in a box where you could input commands cause it was such high tech at the time#I got home with one of those egg things that would slowly dissolve on water and give you a surprise tiny dinosaur too#I saw them on regular street market fairs all the time but they were too expensive to get outside of the occasion#the other was a shark one where you could pet one! debatable ethically now that I'm grown but back then it was awesome!#I know the species and it was a calm bottom feeder one but I never learned it's name in english anyway thank u!!!! this was fun!
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revelmaven · 2 years
#im fucking tired of having to be a perfect example all the time#having to be perfectly behaved and pleasant and kind and reasonable#while everyone else is permitted to do anythign they want to me#im so angry#i am SO angry that im not allowed to show that i'm autistic and i'm not allowed to need accomodations and i dont get to be taken seriously#but entitled rude people can come to my place of work and scream in my face and tell me im worthless and get away with it#ESPECIALLY when they claim to be neurodivergent and so that should excuse it#nothing excuses you being an asshole. you CHOOSE how you act. your conduct is YOUR responsibility not something you can palm off#and accept no responsibility for#sorry man ive been autistic my whole life and it's never caused me to tell someone to fuck themselves bc i didnt want to use manners#ive been autistic my whole life and never demanded to be allowed to do whatever i want with no restrictions because im special#like fun fact its almost like being neurodivergent isnt a catch-all free card to be an abusive asshole#crazy that#im genuinely so angry about this i hate it#i hate that im the only one who has to behave#that i DO that i CAN control myself even to the point where i dont even Raise My Fucking Voice at these assholes#and somehow it's still my fault when they don't want to be told what to do#i can't take people's entitled aggressive dangerous fucking attidues anymore im going to fucking snap#and i swear to god i seem to be the only person in the immediate situation who thinks it's remotely serious#i am NOT okay#im fucking terrified for my safety and im furious and im going to fucking snap#i can't take it anymore#i can't take these customers lying through their fucking teeth and humiliating me for fun#this is fucking insane how is anyone supposed to live with this?#anyway if u know me irl etc etc#trauma files#vent#ignore
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