bunnyboy-juice · 2 months
me (not joking, very stressed): i think im going to have a mental breakdown if something else goes wrong here.
everyone irl: hahahhahaa ur so funny(:
#i am literally 2 secobds from vomiting over how stressed i am about some worm stuff#*work stuff#but im glad my discomfort is entertaining for them 🙃🙃🙃#(im seriously fine i just have crippling anxiety to the point i speedran the medcard process in my state from how mt assessment went)#(and this would stress Anyone out so yk. i feel like im dying hahahaha)#im also aware mt reaction 8s an over reaction#it just like. kinda sucks that even when im being genuine no one believes me ;~;#no one really believes me unless im like. Actively spiraling in front of them#and then instead of offering support 9/10 ppl get mad and scared and upset that im having a reaction Period#bc they are so large and disproportionate 🤩#anyway. i may actually vomit about this cauze.my stomach wont calm down#and like theres truly solutions there#theres truly things that can be done#im just..so crisised out#between work and personal i have literally not had a SINGLE MONTH this year w/o some major crisis happening around me that im pulled into#i feel so sick#and i have to isolate myself to fix this but dont have the tiiiiiiiiiime available#so yk. doing Great (':#yes this is why ive been extremely online the last few months and Shari everything#i Cannot keep this in and i Cannot talk to people abt it#bc im at a place now where if im asked probing questions theres a 80% chance im gonna wanna explode#and ethically kt doesnt feel ok to go to people Knowing this will happen#im so deeply bot ok rn i am like. woozy#oh no
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jaseygay · 1 year
damn they really kicked gym class heroes off the tour
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ivanisdying · 2 months
ranting (blitz&stolas relationship)
(ive been very inactive i apologise..)
i cannot fathom how angrynthe whole blitz n stolas thing is making me.. ppl hating on both sides but they r both in the wrong??? stolas saying hes never looked down on him when he HAS. has bro forgot the entirity of season 1?? stolas constantly called him his 'little imp' or his 'little plaything', and never really took him seriously. blitz could see that as mocking. but even then stolas's nickname for blitz is blitzy and he uses it infront of striker implying its a petname not that hes mocking blitz. in the first pilot ep he says along thw lines u do ur job and ill do mine. the whole deal was that in order for blitz to keep using the book was for him to have sex w stolas. so idk... another thing about the book. i think it was his only excuse to keep seeing stolas which is why he begged and begged for it. saying he NEEDS the book. he was about to apologise and you CAN HEAR IT "stolas, wait, im s-" AND THEN HE GETS TELEPORTED OUT... YOU COULD SEE HIM REACHING FOR HIS ROBE.. the fact their argument was where the crystal thing was and its when everything started. . . in an episode when stolas is laying down in the bed and blitz is crawling over to him he eyes the book as its the reason why he was doing it. in apology tour he pushes the book out of the way and is only looking at stolas !>!@>?!?!!@?! he doesnt care ab the book he cares ab STOLAS they both said what they needed to say but i dont think either of them fully took it in. stolas shpuldve let blitz talk but HE DIDNT.. in apology tour you can see his expression change whenever he looks at stolas and it BREAKS ME. and blitz apologises to verosika i think she actually forgave him. instead of calling him blitz-O she just calls him blitz which might imply a friendship or acquaintance in the future.. she gave him cake and left n i think she realised blitz is his own biggest hater. iv3 kinned blitz since the beginning tho i rlly liked moxxie.. silly guy stolas has complete right to be mad at blitz because he cant keep giving himself to someone who wont hear him out. but i beleive when blitz realises he loves him itll be too late. "im not in love w u anymore" "i didnt know u ever were" GHJRHFJDHFJH when blitz got jealous over stolas making out w another guy.. jealousy = feelings
blitz is harder to understand and sympathise for because he lashes out and gets upset by anger. it def has to do with his self hatred. notice how when stolas mentions anything about him leaving blitz splits and starts freaking out. he def has abandoment issues or bpd.. i think him n verosika is a reason why hes too scared to actually commit to another relationship.
they NEED to short shit out and have a gen talk or their situationship will go nowhere. it pains me knowing how bad they both struggle. in apology tour when blitz starts looking at him with a guilty look he sees stolas as his depressed and alcoholic self. and even when the guy asked to dance HE STILL LOOKED AT BLITZ FOR APPROVAL. i dont get why ppl hate on stolas for making out w a guy drunk when blitz did the same thing?? when they are walking down the hall stolas had covered every family photo except for leaving a space for where octavia was and rhat broke me... blitz doesnt believe anyone could actually love him. let alone a prince. and he says this multiple times but i dont think stolas really hears him. their trope is that stolas fell too early and blitz fell too late owls only fall in love once and he's pinged on him since they were kids LIKE ?!!?!?!? if stolas found out that he was bought to spend the day w him i think he'd distance himself even more. i need blitz to break down in stolas's arms like js something. im beginning to believe blitz does feel remorse for his actions and actually starts to feel bad ab what hes done. ghgghghhg this relationship makes me wanna rip my hair out and scream and roll on the floor (I mightve missed some things but this will conclude my rant)
I SWEAR vizzie is allergic to happiness ....
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rebo-chan · 27 days
KHR Mandela Effects
Okay, this one, I'll admit I'm probably delusional for. Only because, unlike the fon interview, I'm the only one who remembers it. There **WAS** a frame in the manga during Shimon arc where Mukurowl tells Chrome that they should abandon Tsuna bc there's no way they're gonna win against Daemon. Chrome refuses and IN RETALATION FOR HER AUDACITY, he PECKS HER. I DISTINCTLY REMEMBER THIS. and I know theres a few frames where he like digs his claws into her, but thats not it I REMEMBER IT BEING A LIL PECK. AND HER CUTE LIL 'ow!' I hunted.. for this scene tirelessly. Now, you may think of that moment where he like claws at her during shimon when Daemon possesses his body but thats NOT IT!! IT WAS CLEARLY A PECK. nobody else believes me yall im suffering. The worst part? There's proof of me liveblogging this to one of my friends and going "EHJNHH MUKURO JUST PECKED CHROME" it was about 2 years ago. Where did it go. I need answers. Its such a clear frame in my memory yall IM LOSING IT.
So, this is one I'M NOT insane about because there are other people who remember this. There was a scene where Checkerface claimed that he doesn't care what happens to the Vongola rings or the mare rings, because they are 'weaker' parts of Trinisette than the Arcobaleno pacifiers are. You see, we were discussing how that makes no sense because there'll all the same set of 7 rocks that were broken into twenty-one pieces how could they be WEAKER? yall, you need to understand I have had BEEF with checkerface for saying that for YEARS. BECAUSE IT SOUNDED STUPID. HOW IS THE ASPECT OF TRINISETTE THAT WE'VE BEEN FOLLOWING FOR 400 CHAPTERS THE WEAKER HALF?? Well, lucky me BECAUSE IT DIDNT HAPPEN. We went to go read Checkerface's appearance in Rainbow arc and he says NOTHING even remotely close to that. WHERE DID THIS BELIEF COME FROM? You see, though, unlike the Mukuro peck and the Fon interview, I am NOT upset that byakuran is fucking with me here. Frankly, I am pleased. Thank you for fixing what was ALWAYS MEANT TO BE, Byakuran.
The 'virgin' line. (Said like a horror clips youtuber). This one is for me and my friend ketchup because we are the ones that remember this distinctly. There is a scene where Reborn calls Yam and Tsuna a virgin for getting embarrassed about thinking about girls in the bath. NOW I KNOW YOU'RE THINKING ABOUT THAT ONE SCENE IN FUTURE WHERE THIS EXACT THING HAPPENS, BUT NO IN THAT SCENE DEPENDING ON THE TRANSLATION HE EITHER CALLS THEM IMMATURE OR CHILDISH. OR SAYS THEY'RE ACTING LIKE KIDS. See, heres the thing its easy to chalk this up to a translation thing. The problem is, both me and ketchup saw this same translation, and NEITHER OF US ARE ABLE TO LOCATE THAT TRANSLATION. WE'VE CHECKED ALL THE DIFFERENT MANGA SITES WE CAN THINK OF, WE'VE USED VIZ'S TRANSLATION OF THE MANGA, WE LOOKED AT THE ANIME SUBTITLES. I WENT ALL THE WAY BACK TO AN OLD ANCIENT ASS ANIME SITE THAT STILL HAS THE OLD FAN TRANSLATIONS (So Viz's translation calls them 'deathperation' but most fan translations will call them dying will flames. thats how you know the dangerous) THAT IS OLD AND GRAINY AND LOOKS LIKE I'M WATCHING A HORROR MOVIE AND THE SCREEN IS GONNA CHANGE ANY MOMENT TO BE A PICTURE OF THE GIRL FROM THE RING. N O T H I N G. Where IS IT. I'M GONNA CRY.
Alright yall that's all the ones that have been on my mind, but please if you have any mandela effects on this series in your own memory please share. SOMETHING HAPPENED, AND I WILL GET TO THE BOTTOM OF IT. WHEN DID BYAKURAN SWITCH US UP.
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gayspock · 4 months
yeh last one
my honest truth is i have never gone back on a thought ive had during whatever the fuck you want to call my little Moments as it were. like ive never had a screaming, crying, throw-up fit about how much i really need to hurt myself and looked back on it and thought i dont any more or regretted feeling like that. idk. embarrassment over the fact i might , when lucid enough to do so, end up going on a little whinge on here (ironically as iam now). cuz god shut up. but i dont rlly take any of that shit back ever. like i can carry that certtainty fucking with me that nothing ive ever been upset over has been something ivve come to think otherwiseon. and idk idk i say this bc idk. something something. i think abt how so often its like yeppp its a mental breakdown, but fucking is it. like is it actually. is it ever. am i irrational. i feel like the only ways in which its truly irrational isthinking it mattered enough to get that worked up in the first place like its ever going to mean something or going to be different . io genuinely wonder how many hours ive spent of my life just spiralling how its never meant anything how it keeps just getting worse how its never going to matter how much it hurts to anyone at all but me, really, how amny times have i been to the brink or tried really hard or done any number of fucking things and its never made a single difference not even slightyl for so so long. and the only thing there is between that and this is jsut pushing it forward to tomorrow and it sitll doesnt help im still not like a fucking person or whatever . i ts just been non fucking stop it never fucking stops no matter what i do or try or how long i do something or try something and people wont even believe it . youre not doing it enough youre not trying enough and you keep on doing it you keep on but more and more doors shut inyourface and you still can neverjust find anything . anything at all. not a single fucking thing even for once and youre not astrong fucking person or whatever i dont fucking know you just want to curl up and die like why do i keep doing this what difference is it ever going to make where am i going im going nowhere and who for who fucking for for ME i dont tink ive ever been worth it to anyone and certainly not to myself and even if it was i cant get anywhere and i dont think i mean anything and i dont know i keep thinking would it happen if like even/ for second to have something thats worth it for a second like o if i wasnt entirely alone if it was real if something jst. it doesnt even have to be a passion ro an interest just something that isnt fucking nothing butif you had that you wouldnt be here in the first place . thats the conceit of it. im not fucking depressed im not fucking clinically unwell im jsut a fucking useless piece of shit and no i cannot fucking cope with that its fucking horrible theres nothing and i cant manage it i cant manage being alone every wakinghour of my life i cant imagine feeling so isolated and alienated and doing things on my own i cant manage the constant fucking failures and inadequacy i cant
and i think . respectfully its fucking reasonable to want to killmyself because why why why the fuck would i want to be alive thats not a fucking chemical imbalance wat is the fucking point and theres nothing you can fucking Say to unfuck that thats the natural fucking rejection that respectfully everyone else can also fcking understand because god knows i dont know i dont know whats wrong with me or why i just cant do enough to do anything i dont fucking know i dont know why im never enough for anythingand . and what ma i trying oto prove and i dont know why it matters i dont know why i keep caring as if it fucking matters, man, thats the embarrassing thig that really is it i feel so fucking ashamed of myself because i feel liek im still setting ym expectations so so fucking hgih for myself getting upset in the fucking first place lik e come on dude its long long long past the point why come on just shut up and you know like god what are you doing iits so fucking desperate and pathetic to keep fucking going and i wish i never existed or whatever i wish or whatever ugh or whatever who saidthat oh was it me i dont fucking know i hat ebeing alone thats what i hate the most i hate how its just alwayslike this i hate being near people sometimes i hate fucking talking to people because it justfeels like everything i cant fucking manage all of the time i keep getting so so fucking upset over dumb fucking shit getting so fucking sad and jealous and miserable and its not fucking fair i jsut i dont know why eveyrone else has had something or someone even jsut once i feel like im just floating through everyone and even thats such a fucking stretch i just . i cant do it any more i feel so ugly adnd unwanted and i feel like i cant do anything to ever help it i feel like i jsutcant blamepeople i can tblame anything but myself for existing and ijust feel like the only way to fix it is out and WHATEVER
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My thoughts on the new episode :>
- The change in voice for npc Beth I love this
- “Oh.” “Ron” “what are we” DYING. The qpr ever <3
- Beth doing the Ron thing at the end of the “ad” reminded me so much of Beth’s voice during the beginning of Snarl Back Someday 💔
- “Maybe got married to the doodler…?” “No we definitely didn’t get married to the doodler” “awww”
- Freddie really out there stealing Ron from Beth lol
- Taylor out here getting Paeden’s power which was given to the Daddies for free 💔 (the ability to see whether something is higher, equal, or lower than them)
- The spirit of Paeden lives on !!!!!
- Hehehe Taylor didn’t get a Teen Fact
- Linc Fact: Parent Teacher Days/Essentially SFW Date Nights are Linc’s fave days of school because he can go do whatever he wants
- Normal Mustache Fact: Essential oils for his mustache, it’s doubled in strand count 8>>16, plus smells like lavender
- Scary Fact: She doesn’t run errands, she walks them. Bitch
- Anthony Fact: He knows he can fix a person I don’t even know :> He’d make her a trans rights activist
- Daddy magic collection jar folk music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Ron and Darryl got sent to the timeout room 😭 bet Paeden’s there
- Oooh do we think Taylor’s lost his interest in survivalist stuff?? That makes me unreasonably sad :c
- Freddie’s song!!!!!!!!!!! I’d unironically listen to that tbh
- Oh boy is this bouta get angsty
- Oh boy they’re getting upset with normal oh dear oh dear
- I’m nervous for the rest o’ this
- Oooh right Normal’s a cheerleader!!!! He should be pretty decently in shape!!!!!
- Henry and Normal parallels (the pyramid deaths, and the Tony Pepperoni)
- “I was myself” she takes responsibility she takes responsibility Beth plays Scary so well this is amazing omg this is so well done I’m crying good god
- “I eat mop” hahaha very funny
- “You seem nice” “no. I’m a bad girl” something something the symbolism of Dood adoring the Bad Girl thing and Scary only wanting to do what’s right now and wanting to redeem herself, but Dood still caring and loving being a Bad Girl
- “Terry kept saying he was proud of me, but he never met me when I was someone to be proud of” 💔 you don’t need to be something special to be proud of that’s why Terry loved you (sobbing sobbing sobbing screaming throwing up good god)
- Hell cops eyyyyy Jodie Foster
- I can’t believe Linc wants to steal the ambulance
- Remember when Linc wrote letters to the firefighter’s families? So do I.
- Teeny The Teen Normal
- “It’s impossible not to look in a mirror…” LINC ANGST OH GOD
- The teens trying to cheer Normal up <3333333
- Ron’s back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoooo
- That metaphor is really really good for Scary I really like that
- All in all this is one of my favorites this season. There was so much angst I adored this :> I cannot wait to see what happens with Normal and Scary
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john-barkston · 1 year
Me venting about life:
you know i don't consider myself queer even tho I am Aro / Ace and can find either gender attractive. I have short "boy" hair because I think it finally makes me look like /me/. I am comfortable in my body. I don't believe in marriage or having kids. I don't believe in god. I think religion (yes all of them) is a poison. It took me until my late 20s to realize this about myself. And ever since I've never felt like I couldn't be this person except I am heavily reminded every time I talk to my mom, that she wouldn't like who I am....or at least who I am would devastate her to the point of physical heartbreak.
There's a loooot of family drama going on in the background right now and long story short, im the only person my mom feels comfortable unloading to. which is fine. my dad is dead. her parents are dead. her siblings are insane so not a lot of options, oh, problem, shes also mega christian and she still thinks (or at least hasn't told me otherwise) I am also some what christian. She weeps to me, tells me she doesn't think she can go on like this, how she is hurt by my brother's actions. And I get it. It sucks. It seems like her own son doesn't want to be around her / wants to keep the grand kids from her. There's a lot to unpack about his marriage but we won't go into that either. but I can only offer her an ear. I cannot give advice. The advice I would give would be too harsh, or in the case of GO TO A FUCKING THERAPIST, too secular or something. She never really believed in therapy even though she desperately needs one. (There is A LOT more to this i am not sharing but i promise i am not trying to make this about myself lol even tho it ends up about me T v T ah)
anyway......drama aside She continues the conversation and makes a silly little comment about a conversation she had with my childhood bestfriend's mom about why neither of us are married. (its a joke about how we were scarred for life from a heinous and impromptu "sex ed" bible study thing at an event we went to. We were in 6th grade and they had the whole "you're gonna die and go to hell and get stds and here's some nasty pictures on a fucking projection screen." She tells me how mad I was about it, and how it upset my friend so much. And how they can laugh about it now but obviously it was upsetting and uncalled for. -the did not know it was happening btw. gotta love church events just doing whatever they want in the name of god) This may be a joke, but I know she thinks something wrong must have happened for me to not be married and have kids. She blames her bad relationship with my dad. She blames silly things like this. She blames ....well idk what else, but she's never stopped to consider I don't want that life, because hmmm I just don't!
ugh anyway I lost my steam....point is, I can never be true to my mom. She is way too emotionally unstable for me to come out with it. I want to. I want to be me. I see my friends getting to be themselves around their parents, talking about queer shit, just being human, but i'm always keeping my mouth shut or dodging conversations with my mom, and of course I will always be there for her because I love her but, man, it's rough. I am so sorry for everyone who has ever had to keep their true selves from their family. AND I DON"T EVEN HAVE IT BAD LOL. I am the most vanilla queer you can be.....but man even then....
thank you for coming to my ted talk. it is very lame that this tumblr post is my vent blog L O L but oh well. typing it out helped and publishing it makes it go out into the void and away from me so yeah.....= v = bye.
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gladiolidiaries · 2 years
quackity priv tweets talking about content/his english audience
12/22/22: im feeling under the weather guys no driving stream i am sorry :(
12/7/22: Want to take the time to thank all the English speaking viewers who take the time to learn o try to learn the Spanish language to understand some of the content. It’s the coolest and cutest thing ever. Don’t worry to those who don’t anyway, lots of HUGE stuff coming for yall
10/19/22: I’m genuinely upset that throughout my career I’ve been seen as a horrible cook for all the silly little cooking streams I’ve done, when I OBVIOUSLY am not that shit at cooking. On Saturday I’ll do an actual serious cooking stream to prove all of you wrong because I’m sick of it
10/11/22: thank u guys for being so sweet and so nice to me at twitchcon. had a blast meeting every single one of you, both from my English speaking and Spanish speaking community i will proceed to yell from happiness AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
9/17/22: i'm going through so much footage and so many scripts that explain SO much. I wrote all the scene contexts with such depth, this is gonna be amazing
9/15/22: In one of the upcoming days I’ll be doing a FULL ON behind the scenes stream of ALL the Las Nevadas footage/scripts/images/bloopers I’ve obtained throughout almost 2 years of DSMP. :)
8/25/22: i cant believe how fucking crazy this whole lore is ending up looking like lol
8/13/22: Despite it being short, had so much fucking fun with this stream can’t wait to do it again soon. Love and appreciate u guys so much
7/30/22: I just hit a million subscribers on my Spanish channel and I cannot thank you guys enough for everything. Iwouldn’t be able to do this in Spanish if not for the insane support my English community has brought me throughout the years. Love and appreciate you all so much ❤️; It may not seem out of the ordinary but being able to do all this in Spanish as well has been a dream I’ve had since I was a kid. I feel so blessed to have TWO amazing communities. Cant wait to bring a lot more incredible content to everyone!!!!
7/27/22: miss u guys!!
6/26/22: I REALLY MEAN IT WHEN I SAY I LOVE AND APPRECIATE YOU GUYS SO MUCH ❤️; I feel so emotional, a few days ago I got to stand inside the boxing ring of the BIGGEST ever Twitch event ever made in history with many of my Spanish friends. You guys have given me these opportunities and I’m so fucking grateful to have TWO massive and supportive communities!
6/15/22: For the next 3 days (or less) I’m participating in a huge Spanish Minecraft event on my alt Twitch channel :-) Super appreciative of those who come and support the streams despite not knowing Spanish. In one of these days I’ll raid into my main and do an English stream btw ^_^
4/2/22: Hey guys, sorry for the lack of activity recently. I’ve been working hard on literally my favorite fucking video of all time. I say this for each video I make and I mean it every time. It’s coming out soon and im so fucking excited for you guys to see. Big fucking plans ahead ily
3/20/22: i remember after working on my last lore stream every day from morning to night for a month, i remember the morning after the stream, i woke up at 5AM and i literally just went to the beach and sat there for an hour it was so nice. im so happy to see everyone getting the merch; i have so many projects in the works and i can’t wait to replicate this feeling many more times in my life
3/9/22: I just filmed the most incredible video I think I’ve ever done in my career. I’m so fucking happy for these opportunities. Love you all I’m so excited to show you
2/24/22: AHHHHHHH school has been super difficult on me recently but i have so many projects on standby ready to go!!! thank you guys so much for the patience i promise theres some really big stuff for you all soon!!!!
2/12/22: i miss you guys. ive been incredibly busy but working some incredible fucking stuff. i feel excited and very blessed
oh thanks for sending that. i think deep down he probably wants to shift to Spanish only but knows that a big % of people are attached to his english content so he keeps trying to say that things are coming
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sweetshrimpyboi · 2 months
😳☣️ For Collin if you’re doing belly asks!!
Also Freckles for the soft asks! :0
Ooooh thank you so much for the ask anon and heck yeah I love doing the little ask games they are way too much fun XD
"😳 Is there anybody in your character's life who blushes at the sight of their belly? Maybe somebody who can't help but stare? Perhaps even somebody who just can't keep their hands off it? How does your character feel about that?"
Honestly none of my characters really have any relationships or folks they are bonded with in their stories (im really not good at writing that sort of thing sadly as much as ive tried its not something im good at and it ends up making me frustrated so I keep things kinda to the one character. ;v;/) So I cant answer if anyone would stare or want to touch his tum but I can say that his reaction would be absolutely flustered beyond belief Collin is the type that he LOVES attention (its why he is a performer after all and why he will go out of his way to enterntain anyone XD) And like having his tummy fawned over and being rubbed he would melt into it like you wouldn't believe definitely full on embracing it though he wouldn't really understand why thats such an entertaining thing for someone to do but goodness he would roll with it and definitely he would love the sensation! :3 His kiddos tend to be on the more active side so he does have a bit of a sore belly so it would also be a very very comforting feeling to have it taken care of :3 "☣️ Are there any particular foods that really upset your character's belly? How does it affect them? Do they make an effort to avoid it? If not, how frequently do they eat it?"
In Collin's case a food that he both cant resist but tries to is those huge bags of cotton candy you see at circuses and fairs he LOVES it so dang much but because he has no self control when it comes to eating it he will eat way too much of it and it will without fail make him sick this has happened so many times before he goes out to perform and it makes it harder for him to do a satisfying performance (even if the audience is happy with it he isn't) so he tries to avoid it at all costs but when he sees the machines up and going his resistance kinda flies right out the window and he will down bag after bag of it and then his stomach is messed up. A lot of time it doesnt help that the sugar rush makes him hyper so he is running on a sugar rush (his little ones getting antsy too) and thus making the nausea worse because he cannot stop moving by the time he crashes he is definitely going to lay down in his dressing room and just kinda curl up there but his babies don't get the memo most times ;o; The circus Collin works at is known for their treats so he is on the daily snacking on all sorts of tasty foods! Onto the soft ask!
"freckles - most-worn article of clothing?" My absolute most worn clothing (I literally wear them everytime I go out the house which isn't a whole lot but still) are these blue/green basketball shorts they are my literal favorite pair that I have ever owned and they make me happy they are kinda tied with my light blue crocs but like I figured I would go with the shorts mainly because like thats pretty much all I wear out and about no matter what shirt I wear those shorts tend to be what goes with it! Thankies for the ask anon I super appreciate it eeee!! <3
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the-firebird69 · 9 months
Audioslave - I Am The Highway
and the macs could not handle it.  out in cali working and barely making it.  struggling for pennies. only. and they had to be majestic. sing this son. are fn faggots. lsers.  low lifes too arnd are the jerks in the video. its not even mac daddy.  and he said it to them you think this is hard your nuts.and they laughed o we sing this and stuff  and he said pay me what you owe me today or yorud ead they said no and you cant touch us...and why so upset and ohry man..cant satnd cali and he is a hard man and they laughed we make a big deal out of it.  like i said you aint seen nohtin and  you are in for a treat love it your plan you say good.  good.  look pal im not one of your tardsd you distance yoursel shut p or dissappear.  and they sa this he hates us and to their bosses. and no shit your blabbing singing the song we are so beaten on this blows.  they are whemps and true move a car na sh use trheats all around.  2006 work sucked was hard and they made it too hard.  and he works a menial job and they srcream it
and to my hsuband he was working and made no savings.  and it is ridiculous.  
and they mess w ppl brain surgeries and swaps and kill tons and take relatives of all. hold them run bodies by and make a mockerty of the whole systemt the boo hoo it is so hard.  we think mb they mean driving so long and wow what attitudes.  and carpet ride....thinking what my husband said it your daft.  why is he on a carpet ride now.  what gives here shitheads.  you blame us you pay.  and they said it we are big k blame you and no you dont...you die for it. for real pssy bicth.  and they were hit and quite a lot ad due to this conversation.  messed up a lot.
and really theyhad jason prisoner he wants at them 
i cannot believe this sh and really the language it is to him only they say and he says show me the carpet ride you fags and they wont an he says where is it..the easy way and so on. ihave to work hard only to be on susbistance and knw it i so id ont see it. no.  were aholes to me. the whole way and for what crime they have me do stuf. i got really mad said this you shrunk me down hated me the whole time used me up let me go wandiering in utah and hteyfound me helped me. he had them they said othewise and no they said ok we are down too. and i said i am...and why and we tlalked goo this is the way the path the light and they bowed. and i did .  and i was small and is there food and well meican and ok park city but they had it and good mm yes good.  and no i said thank you ahahah lol.  and leche and yes good.  but wow man they are ahoes they were macs. hated us the whole way especially his mom. she is a turd now. and look hs claws. and fans and did not.  they were aweful.  mean.  
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legstheoctomobster · 11 months
Yeah, you do have bpd please don't tell people to harass my friend she did absolutely nothing to you. She's not anti LGBTQ please get help for your toxic coping mechanisms you do know there is low cost and free therapy if you can't afford it.
I really don’t wanna be a bitch rn but my patience has been exhausted for the last few months. I know this is you, Kelly. That, or someone is talking in your name. I’m gonna try being nice, but also honest this time.
I don’t wanna disturb anyone else with this long ass post so here
First of all, take a look at this:
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It clearly shows me saying NOT to tell anyone to harass you. And I’m sticking by that. It’s a horrible thing to send people to attack you over petty ex friend drama (which is why IM NOT DOING THAT)
Also I believe you when you say you’re not anti-lgbtq. However you cannot say that, and post shit like this:
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(Idk if it’s just me, but I have a sneaking suspicion I’m the bitch that you were talking about in that post.)
Even if it was for satire, you should’ve made it clear. And even then, some jokes just shouldn’t be made like the aids one, and I know that you know that. And being neurodivergent yourself, you know NOT to use the r-slur. I don’t care if it’s dark comedy, you cannot say you’re progressive and say shit like this.
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You ridiculed my art, even if it had nothing to do with you (considering I had you blocked for 6 MONTHS when I made this)
Coming from a fellow selfshipper, it’s not that hard to not like someone’s ship art of your f/o and not be a dick about it.
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And you wanna know how I found this?
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Good to know my intuition is improving :p
Also strange how you call me a troll yet still use my art for your roleplay account.
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I know the anon asks hasn’t been one incident. I have posts from August from this. I don’t have any from May bc I deleted them, thinking it was a single incident (turns out I was wrong)
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This is the only one I have left, bc I wanted to believe this wouldn’t happen again, and that you’d be an ADULT and move on. I was wrong!
I blocked you bc I didn’t want to be a piece of shit and hurt you with my baggage and stress. Could I have been a little gentler? Sure! But this doesn’t warrant you stalking my page for the past 5 months; almost half a year is wasted on this. I’m still reflecting on our relationship (if my last post made it clear), but I wouldn’t STALK your damn page!
Now if it’s not clear enough.
✨Leave me alone✨
Please just move on. Get out of my life. It’s okay to be upset about what happened, but leave me alone. I’m not worth hyperfixating on, I guarantee you. I’m a random kid on the internet that you’re going to forget about.
Hopefully this is the last time I’ll talk to you. Even if I’m enraged by your behavior, I do wish you well.
0 notes
uwooyoungs · 5 years
#oh god oh god som eone end me o h g o d#i just... i was trying to forward an email to my mom abt some shit thats been happening on campus#but i hit reply instead#and had written abt like what was going on and like why people are upset and like how the adminstration now caved abt a decision#and i fuckin g sent that reply to th e college president#i actually want to D I E#i cannot believe that happened#i sent an apology right away and hopefully it doesnt sound TOO horrible#as i think i sounded at least kind of impartial#and im sure at this point the president has heard worse.. people are n o t happy with her#but STILL#god thank god she doesnt actually know who i am#and thank go d i never really have to actually interact with her#altho this does mean i might have to skip some graduation activities out of pure fear that she'll see me and somehow recognize me#as the fuckin idiot who replied to her email in a potentially inflammatory way#i also have to hope and pray that she doesnt look at all her emails and will just ignore it#if she responds i am not even looking at it im sending it straight to the trash so i never have to think about it again ajlgdsk#i can not believe my life right no w holy fuckin g shit#my heart.... is abt to fuckin explode out of my chest#seriously i would like to thank every single possible deity that i have no personal relationship to the president of my college#and that in a few weeks i will never have to even be in her vicinity again#i just.... i cant i CANT#this WOULD happen#if yall understood the Drama that's been happening on campus u would understand why im actually losing my shit rn#ultimately i need to keep telling myself that basically everything in the accidental reply was basically impartial except for the last bit#abt the 'administration apparently caving and putting him on administrative leave'#that... sounds less good#but oh fukcing well i guess#prayer circle that she doesnt read student emails everyone :))))))))
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strawberryama · 2 years
younger, tiny fem reader x hotaru haganezuka~
content : age gap!!! (early/mid twenties reader. If you arent comfy with that/dont like it, just dont read it. Easy as that.), lil bit o blood /Hotaru cuts his hand, tsundere-ish? reader, fingering, squirting, one (1) cunt slap, “good girl,” i didnt beta read im sorry;;
Word Count : 3.2k
Minors DNI!! 18+
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The yell startled the daylights out of the man, freezing him in his tracks. If the shout wasn’t enough, the ice cold glare directed at him by the housekeeper surely would do the trick.
“I cannot believe you,” the young girl griped. She quickly grabbed the older man’s by the arm, leading him around the corner of the veranda. For such a young thing, she sure had grip as strong as the ore Hotaru worked with.
“What is it this time?” he groaned.
______ quickly came to a halt, huffing up to him in disgust and frustration. “Are you trying to upset me? Or are you truly that dense?”
“Me?! You’re the one grabbing me and yelling at me!”
“Take your mask off for one second maybe and you’d get it through that thick skull of yours!”
Hotaru’s voice immediately rose in pitch, mocking the girl. “‘Take your mask off’…nag, nag, nag! You say that like I wear this for fun!”
Sick of the bickering, ______ reached up for the clown mask. Surprisingly, Hotaru didn’t put up much of a fight as it was shifted to the side of his face. Not even when the soft palm of ______’s hand pushed against his cheek, directing his attention to behind them. That’s when he finally caught sight of what she meant.
A trail of dark red drops had followed them, letting all in the building know of Hotaru’s whereabouts. Looking to his arm that ______ held onto, he saw a deep wound in the palm of his hand. He must’ve gotten it while working. Normally something like that was hard to miss, but he was the kind of man to submerge himself entirely in his work. He wasn’t too shocked, but he’d normally remember a cut like that.
“Idiot,” ______ muttered as she moved his mask back over, covering his face. She wasted no more time, tugging Hotaru into the kitchen.
Hotaru’s arm was finally released once he sat upon a little wooden stool. For once, he had no retort. The housekeeper was as feisty as he was, but he knew she was just trying to take care of him. So Hotaru sat patiently, waiting with his palm up.
Truthfully, he felt a bit bad for dragging his blood all over the veranda. That would be her job to clean up. He knew even if he offered, she would refuse. It’s not like she’d let him help with dinner either. ______ was even more stubborn than him. But still, she did all the work. That was why she worked there, of course. That way everyone could focus on their work without living in shit conditions.
Hotaru’s gaze met ______’s as she knelt before him, gently taking his hand in her smaller one. In her other hand, she held a wet rag. ______ wiped up all the excess blood that spilled from the wound. As she applied a bit of pressure, Hotaru studied her face. She was pretty cute he had to admit; the way her tongue poked out a bit, and the scrunch of her eyebrows as she concentrated. Fuck…she adorable.
“______, why haven’t you taken a husband?”
The girl didn’t even miss a beat, not looking up. “Why haven’t you taken a wife? You’re much older than me.”
“I’m thirty-seven!”
“Exactly! So mind your business!”
______ set aside the wet rag that now was dyed red, reaching for the bandages she set besides her. At first, she was gentle, not wanting to put too much pressure on the wound. It seemed only superficial but having more blood seep out would only make a bigger mess. That was the last thing she wanted; especially with the veranda to clean after this.
“______. Are you seeing anyone at least?”
“No. Are you, old man?”
“I’m not that old!”
“Then why haven’t you married and had kids then? Hm? By now you should be on your, what? Third kid, at the very least?”
“And you should be on your second!”
“Why does it matter to you?!”
“None of your business!”
The more they bickered, the tighter ______ wrapped up Hotaru’s hand. But after his last comment, it shut down their argument. As she came to the end of the bandage, ______ was more gentle.
“______,” Hotaru began for a third time.
“It’s too tight…”
She gave a bit of a huff but quickly unwound the bandage. ______ was more gentle this time, getting it just right. This time Hotaru allowed her to focus, no longer provoking her. With the accurate amount of attention given, this time around, the bandage was wrapped not too tight, not too loose.
______ gave a gentle pat to his hand before pushing off her knees to stand up. “There. Now be more aware next time. I’m nothing special and can’t heal or whatever. I’m just a housekeeper.”
Hotaru sat still on the wooden stool, staring at his hand. He flexed his fingers, gently opening and closing his fist. It was easy to move with. This was far from the first time ______ had patched someone up. And now that he was thinking about it, she missed a step.
Raising from his seat, Hotaru held his hand out, palm up. “You missed the last step.”
Setting the bloody rag in a bucket, ______ turned to him, eyebrow raised. “Uh…no I didn’t?”
“Yeah. You did.”
“Enlighten me.”
Fuck. Hotaru could feel his face warming up. He didn’t think about her asking what it was. But it’s too embarrassing to say. “You have to-!” Fuck fuckfuck!!! His voice cracked.
“Ahem. Kiss it better.”
The bewildered look on ______’s face slowly morphed into one of embarrassment. Her cheeks turned red and she couldn’t even find a witty retort. That was something she only did for the younger kids in the village. Since when did this old man expect that of her?!
But at a loss for words, she took his hand in both of hers. ______ couldn’t even look up at him. She quickly lowered her head, softly kissing his palm wrapped up in the bandages. As fast as she went down, she came right back up, avoiding all eye contact.
Turning towards the bucket with the rag, ______ grabbed it in haste. “G…Get better.”
She quickly made her way out, returning to the trail of blood on the veranda
Hotaru’s hand healed up just fine and quickly much to everyone’s relief. A cranky Haganezuka was never a pleasurable experience, but a cranky and injured Haganezuka was even less desirable. He thankfully was back to work though, and his first assignment was done already.
It was late in the night when he’d finally finished, and truthfully, this was the first time Hotaru was unsure of something he’d made. He had made plenty of beautiful swords; never once did he doubt them or their craftsmanship. But this - this was something new. Something he wasn’t entirely certain of. What if the recipient hated it? What if they thought it was stupid? Even worse, what if they wouldn’t accept it at all?
Hotaru had left his mask behind cause of how late it was, certain that it’d simply be those within the village around. He approached a specific room with light foot steps, noticing the lantern light was still glowing. Perfect. She’s awake.
Without even announcing himself, Hotaru slid back the shoji. “Excuse me, ______-“
Never in his life, had Hotaru made a larger mistake, nor a more embarrassing mistake. The very moment he stepped inside he was met with a high pitched shriek and a pillow to the face.
“Get out!”
This was the first and the last time, Hotaru decided then, that he’d ever be nice. He grabbed the pillow, practically growling. Throwing it right back, he yelled, “Do you mind? I’m trying to be nice!”
Once the pillow left his hand though, he finally got what exactly cause ______ to shriek. Her kimono was undone and she was in a compromising position, to put it nicely. Hotaru felt his face heat up instantly. In fact, his whole body was on fire. He had to act fast before someone else walked by, or someone came over wondering why ______’d yelled in the first place. The only problem was Hotaru’s brain had completely shut off.
His body moved completely on its own. It stepped into ______’s room fully before shutting the sliding door.
“Calm down! Calm down! I am so sorry,” Hotaru panicked. He began to kneel down, trying to bow deeply as an apology.
All the while, ______ was trying to cover herself and preserve what little dignity she had left. To be caught with two fingers as far as they’d go into her cunt was embarrassing as is. But to be caught like so by one of the most attractive men she’d ever laid eyes on, was even more psychologically damaging. And now he was bowing before her, forehead at the edge of her futon mattress.
“Get up. Please, this is the worst! This is so embarrassing!”
. . .
. . .
It took a moment but the pair eventually settled down and sat face to face. Though neither of them could really look each other in the eye. The tension was so thick that it was suffocating.
It wasn’t until Hotaru cleared his throat that the silence was cleared. “I made you a gift.”
______ perked up a bit, tilting her head. “Wh…Why?”
“A-A, ahem! A thank you for all the work you do, and for taking care of my hand. I made you a hair pin.”
“A hair pin?” ______ sounded so soft. Hotaru’s heart nearly stopped when he looked towards her and saw the look on her face. She was precious. The look of wonder and surprise suited her well. It made her look adorable.
Hotaru slowly took the wooden box out from his sleeve, setting it on the floor for ______. She didn’t hesitate to reach for it. Her eyes lit up as she opened the box and marveled at the jewelry. It was simple, but it was gorgeous. Hotaru had made a silver hair pin with a crescent moon at the end as decoration. It must’ve taken him forever. This was so different from the swords he forged. Nonetheless, it was flawless and clean, just like his other work. It was beautiful.
“Th…Thank you, Hotaru. It’s stunning!”
She had the purest smile; a smile that Hotaru hoped wouldn’t leave his memories any time soon. If he got to see that smile everyday, then he’d keep fighting for another day, one at a time. He’d decided right there and then, ______’s smile was his motivation for anything and everything.
“I’m glad you like it. It’s late though, so I’ll let you return to your…activities,” he mumbled the last bit. Hotaru began to stand up but felt a soft hand grab onto his wrist. Mid-stand, Hotaru looked down to the younger woman, eyes wide.
“Actually, would you…stay?”
That was how Hotaru came to his current situation. A situation he’d had impure thoughts about, sure, but never thought would happen.
Sat in between his legs was ______, kimono open and sliding off her shoulders. Her face rested against his collarbone as she tried to hide her embarrassment. She was the one that had boldly asked if he would ‘lend a hand.’ Yet here she was, whimpering as one of his hands fondled her left breast. All the while, his other hand ran circles over her inner thigh.
“You’re all bark and no bite after all, aren’t you?” he chuckled. He was putting up a good front, but inside, Hotaru was also malfunctioning. How was it even possible for her skin to be so soft?! And the little whines that left her lips were driving him up a wall! Focus, Hotaru! You’re just gonna help her, then head to your room for the night, he told himself.
“Hotaru, I need you,” she whined breathlessly.
“Where’s your manners?”
_______’s hips jolted as Hotaru’s hand grew closer to where she needed him. “Pl-Please! Please, Hotaru!”
“There you go.”
Hotaru wasn’t always the most patient despite his craft, so once he got what he wanted, he gave in. This scenario was no different. His callused fingertip dipped into her folds, running up and down slowly. He collected her slick, trailing up to her clit, gently rolling it a few times.
The moan that left ______’s throat, pleading for more, was heavenly. Hotaru wasn’t going to make it without cumming in his pant if she sounded this good now. He wasn’t even a finger in yet. He was getting aroused at the thought of what she may sound like when he gets two fingers into the tight cunt.
He applied more pressure as two of his fingertips drew circles over that oh so sensitive clit. Each movement elicited a breathy whine or throaty moan from ______. Each one got more and more needy. This wasn’t enough. She wanted more from Hotaru. She needed more from him.
______ tilted her head up, eyes pleading with him. And while Hotaru wasn’t too experience, he could see what she was silently asking for. Which he was happy to supply. He craned his neck down, his lips meeting her own with a soft grunt. Hotaru began to flick ______’s clit side to side quickly, swallowing every whimper of hers. He began grinning into the kiss as he felt her body shaking against his broad chest. She was so damn sensitive.
Breaking the kiss with a sigh, he let out a deep chuckle. “You’re so needy.”
“Inside, pl..please. I-I need you inside,” she panted.
“I don’t know. You’re already so sensitive, ______,” Hotaru teased.
“Please! I can handle it! I promis-! Ah!”
A sudden sharp slap to her cunt interrupted _______, causing her to jump. The pitiful, helpless look in her teary eyes was enamoring. He wasn’t planning on teasing her too much, but Hotaru was in love with that look. It was one he never saw during the day. He already knew this had to be his favorite side of her; a side that only he got to see.
Hotaru let out a dramatic sigh, looking down at the housekeeper. “I suppose, since you said please, I can indulge your request. After all,” he began. He spread her pussy lips with two fingers. “you’re so wet. You’re a good girl and can handle my fingers, right? You wanted me to stay cause they’re thicker and longer, yeah?”
______ gulped, nodding. She was practically salivating at the thought of what his fingers would feel like. “M-Mhm..”
“Good girl. I’ll start slow.”
And just as promised, one fat, long finger began to prod at her tight hole. Her cunt wrapped about his finger as he gently pushed in. Even Hotaru let out a groan at the tightness, causing ______ to feel lightheaded. God, his moans are the hottest thing I’ve ever heard, she thought.
______’s slick was practically dripping down Hotaru’s hand at this point. As he began pumping his finger in and out, ______’s moans only got louder. Her fingers couldn’t reach as far as his. And just one finger was nearly the stretch of two of hers. Everything about Hotaru was bigger and better in the best way possible. His pace began to pick up steadily, causing her hips to grind to meet with it.
Then the calloused pad of his fingertip hit a spot that had ______ yelping, breath hitching. Figuring it was just a fluke, Hotaru experimentally curled his finger like he just had. The shudder that left _______’s body was sinful. The broken moan was hot. He needed more.
Hotaru was relentless, his free hand wrapping about her waist to press her firmly against him. With each curl of his finger, ______ would squirm and whine, tears of pleasure building up. It only sent her over the edge each time her hips pressed into his palm, clit grinding against the heel of his hand.
“W-Wait! Hah! H-Hotaru! Please-“
Her cries fell on deaf ears though as the older man was out of it. Hotaru was allowing for his body to take over, intuition trying its best to make ______ feel good. Was it too soon to add another finger? Hotaru’s body didn’t let his thoughts fester for too long, deciding on its own.
Eagerly, Hotaru added his ring finger, forcing it into ______’s cunt. Her walls ached at the stretched and she threw her head back against his chest. ______ grabbed Hotaru’s thighs, nails digging into the meat of them.
“H-Hotaru, mm!”
Hotaru took advantage of her head being tossed back, slotting his lips perfectly into hers. He groaned into the kiss, ______ whining in response. She let out a muffled squeal as she felt Hotaru’d released her squirming body only to add more and more pleasure. His fingertips began to attend to her swollen clit again, rolling the abused nub.
There was so much stimulation going on. She was going to drown in the pleasure. She was going to go absolutely brain dead. The only thought on her mind was Hotaru. Hotaru. Hotaru! Hotaru Hotaru Hotaru!
His name came out in a jumble as she felt her vision get splotchy. She was hot and couldn’t keep up. Both of the thick, strong fingers were curling into her tight cunt. The noise they made was obscene. It almost threatened to drown out the moans that Hotaru let out, right in _______’s ear.
“Cum,” he panted softly. “Be a good girl and cum for me”
_______’s head began to shake back and forth, unable to take the pleasure she was being given anymore. She let out a choked whine and her vision filled with splotches. Her dripping pussy squeezed even tighter about Hotaru’s fingers and he was forced to stop pumping. His other hand never stopped flicking her clit though. Not even when the clear liquid squirted out and all over his arm.
Hotaru watched in awe as the younger girl writhed under his touch, cumming about his fingers and squirting onto him. He did that; he’d made her feel this good.
He finally let up, giving her abused cunt some room to breathe once ______ stopped squirting. Her grip on his thighs loosened and she slouched in exhaustion against him, gasping for air.
There was one thing that the sword smith was curious about though. The thick, creamy fluid that coated his two fingers. He didn’t even give ______ time to stop him before him stuck them in his mouth, tongue swirling about and lapping up every drop. ______ weakly reached up to his arm, whining in protest but it was too late.
“Tasty,” he murmured as his fingers popped from his mouth. “Perhaps next time, I know what I’ll be partaking in.”
Looking down with a grin, Hotaru chuckled. “What?”
______’s arm that reached for Hotaru’s hand fell. She was still catching her breath after the orgasm he’d managed to rip out of her. She was truthfully a bit surprised her eyes were still open.
“Let’s get you cleaned up and to bed.”
“Thank you.”
Snuggled up to Hotaru as he carried her bridaly beneath the veranda in the cold night air, ______ sighed softly.
“It truly is a wonder you’ve not taken a wife, old man.”
“And I suppose,” he mocked. “it’s a wonder you’ve yet to take a husband, after all.”
pt 2, you animals
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doodlebloo · 3 years
Ok to preface I am not a c!beeduo origins believer. They arent going to live together or have a plotline together or anything like that probably im sorry but its the truth.
Secondly tho I cannot get the idea out of my head of like. Prissy snob end prince o!Ranboo, and o!Tubbo tries to befriend him because it's funny and they go on being weird sort-of friends for a while, like just not Getting each other bc Ranboo cant figure out what Tubbo's Angle is and then eventually o!Ranboo does something really mean and o!Tubbo gets upset and Ranboo is like "Well why does it matter? You're only here for the money anyway" and then it is revealed that Tubbo actually likes being his friend and thinks he's cool and funny! but not enough to put up with shit like this. So Tubbo leaves and Ranboo has to sit and reevaluate his preconcieved notion that "friends" are people who do everything you say and are at your every beck and call and never disagree and okay now that he thinks about it that sounds more like a servant, and so he has to learn to give his first genuine Apology.
Idk im a sucker for the trope of like a spoiled brat being taught what real friendship is, I also think o!Tubbo would be messy and rowdy and Exactly the kind if person Ranboo's parents would HATE to see him hanging out with which is of course a MAJOR reason Ranboo keeps him around but also I think o!Tubbo would be down to earth enough to help o!Ranboo like realize how you're supposed to Treat People. Like he's still a priss but now he'll gaslight FOR o!Tubbo instead of against him ykwim.
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alicanta77 · 4 years
NCT Dream Reaction: You surprising them by speaking their native tongue
mr confused bilingual is so shook when you surprise him
he would have literally no idea that you were even learning
so when you just started talking to him
he probably initially responded in the same language, not quite registering that it isn’t the language you normally speak in together
when it finally sinks in, he just pauses exactly where he is
and slowly turns towards you with that wide eye stare he does when shocked
“yooooo when did you learn that???” *cue the giggles*
is taken aback as to how much you already know
and promises to do his best to help you learn more if you want
really likes being able to switch between both languages with you
since he does that a lot already, he’s now not as worried about accidentally excluding you from the conversation
sometimes switches to see your progress and give you any tips he can
is a quiet supporter but everyone can see he’s immensely proud of you
absolutely and completely melts into the softest pile of uwu you can imagine
he already thinks you’re the most perfect, adorable, precious thing on the planet
and now you’ve gone and surprised him with this and his heart cannot take it
pinches your cheeks
then kisses them
then hugs you
and gives you his trademark temple kiss
and smothers you in a level of affection you weren’t quite prepared for
is asking you to repeat it all throughout the day
is also asking what else you know
constantly teaches you little useful phrases
and looks at you with the softest eyes when you get it right
he literally swears that he falls in love with you all over again
as you as you speak to him his head shoots up
stares at you with wide eyes
cue the confused puppy noises
definitely asks you to repeat what you just said 
before breaking into the biggest smile
also definitely gives you a massive hug and forehead kiss
is already so proud of you and what you’ve learnt
is also really touched that you wanted to surprise him with this
is one to ask if you want help rather than just call himself your teacher
if you say yes he’ll be so patient and calm and happy to teach you
if you say you want to learn it by yourself, he’ll be fine with that
he’ll likely just slip in and out of the language so that it helps you learn it and become more familiar when speaking
is also fiercely protective of you if anyone tries to tease you about it
so don’t anger or upset this one
cause he will do anything for you
one of the few things he wouldn’t tease you for
is initially really surprised at your ability
had ZERO idea that you were even learning so is completely blown away
also incredibly confused as to how he didn’t notice
but praises you to the ends of this earth
maybe teases you once or twice early on
until he sees just how much effort and time you’ve put into this
and goes into the full supportive boyfriend mode
helps out whenever he can and becomes your personal tutor
as long as you buy him food in return
is always proud of your progress
and constantly gets you to show off to others
is also likely the most encouraging
like he nods along when you stumble over your words, or helps you out when lost and ALWAYS makes sure to remind you of your achievements and how far you’ve come when you begin to get disheartened
the BIGGEST smile comes across his face
audible giggles at how adorable you are
and 100000000% pinches your cheeks
absolutely INSISTS on being your personal teacher
yeah you’re not gonna have a say in that
rewards you with a kiss every time you get something right
and comforts you with two kisses when you get something wrong
is obnoxiously supportive of you and how well you’re doing
uses it as a bragging tool
“yeah well my s/o is the smartest bubba on the planet so do the goddamn dishes jisung”
also brings it up literally whenever and wherever *see example above*
he’s just so proud of you that he thinks everyone in the world should see it
also talks to you in the language you’re learning so that you can improve
has never ending patience when he teaches you so it’s very easy for you to learn
he knows exactly how hard it is to learn another language
so is MAJORLY proud of you when you start comfortably speaking to him
makes you repeat what you said to every person you come across
just wants to show off how awesome his s/o is
has the cockiest smirk on his face when you show off your skills
“yeah that’s my s/o, they’re awesome what about it?”
but inside his head sounds a bit more like
so don’t be fooled in the slightest
since he has experience with learning another language, he would be another one to teach you
gives you a little nod with a smile on his face every time you get something right
really loves seeing your progress and never fails to remind you how well you’re doing
wide eyes and confused face stares at you for about 20 seconds
before eventually melting into a soft little smile
“wow that was really good”
is another one who will ask you to repeat what you said
since he was the one who helped chenle the most
i strongly believe that he would be so excited and prepared to help you
unlike the others
i don’t think jisung would show you off to the other members
he’d wait until you wanted to show them and they enjoy watching their shocked reactions
they’re all staring at you with wide eyes and he’s just sitting there like
“yep they’re cool, pretty and smart”
also has the biggest heart eyes you can imagine
if anything this just makes him ten times more whipped for you
which is apparently possible
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If HoO was a diary-type format
okay a follow-up to this post (and my tags, specifically) because i can
Percy’s chapters would be essentially the same as the PJO series, with funny chapter titles and sarcasm. There would be tons of little references to Annabeth, and lots of “I could’ve kicked Jason ass, fyi”. There isn’t a lot to say on him because we already know what he’d narrate like, but I imagine he wrote the PJO series in the few months between the wars (or at least started it) so he knows how to narrate. His chapters would be some of the longest.
Annabeth would probably have the roman-numeral system. She would be a good narrator but a little bland, but with lots of details on architecture she noticed. She constantly has to stop herself from going on rambles about it. She notes down how exasperated she is over the Jason/Percy thing. Her chapters wouldn’t be too long but not short, either.
Jason would absolutely be using the roman-numeral system. His chapters would be a vague combination of Percy and Annabeths, with Annabeth’s formal writing style and Percy’s constant jabs, plus a little sarcasm (he is sarcastic, yall just flatten him)
Frank’s.... okay so listen everyone else would make little funky references to things because of their respective hyperfixations but Franks constantly referencing his grandmother’s teachings, and his chapters are on-track for the most part.
Piper’s.. idk honestly she talks about her friends a lot and Cherokee legends/stories? Honesty im not that connected to Piper’s character so i cant rlly do her here.
Hazel’s are short because I refuse to believe anyone in the 40s taught her (black, girl, dyslexic, “witch”) to read/write. She’s learning, and shes very proud of herself for doing so, (so is basically everyone else). Honestly Frank probably wrote hers for her (aw) but she’s actually good at narrating otherwise.
Leos are just... chaos. He gets the narration across but he also goes on side-tangents constantly. His are filled with [Editors note: Five page long ‘How the fuck does the Athena Parthenos work?’ tangent was here] or ‘[Editors note: This page was burnt accidentally and rewritten from memory, may not be accurate] or some other variation of workshop-themed destruction. His chapters would be the longest, then they edit out the tangents and cussing (he calls everyone else (except like, Hazel and Annabeth) bitch and you CANNOT change my mind) and it’s like, third-longest next to Percy and Annabeth/Piper.
Reyna’s being a mix of Jason and Hazel (She cant write well either, its literally canon). She’s not sure why Hedge and Nico insisted but honestly it lets her get everything out so she stopped complaining real quick.
Nico’s are so fucking short but he gets the job done somehow?? He’s depressed and traumatised and he knows these will be read later eventually so he isn’t talking about himself too much. Actually, no, he writes the narration in English and the personal parts in italian. But he also takes the time to explain myths and different tellings, with a TL;DR of the important parts.
And in general:
Occasionally they have to stop narrating bc trauma (I.e, During the scene w/ Kym, Percy was the initial narrator, but he realised he couldn’t because he was way too upset and his thoughts were too up-front, so he let Jason narrate it and his draft was voided.)
They aren’t supposed to look at each others pages but that doesn’t stop them because they want to know what each other are thinking. 
There are occasionally notes from others in peoples chapters, like Percy saying “Okay, the word I was looking for was “cyan”, thanks Annabeth” or in Hazel’s there’s “I think the word is “geocentric”? (it is - Frank :))” 
The parts of the diaries (lets be real they need a few) later to be MoA was written first. Sometime during HoH, Jason/Piper/Leo wrote TLH and got Hazel/Frank to start SoN. BoO and the final parts of SoN were written at the same time.
This means that Jason/Percy c o n s t a n t l y note things down in brackets during the time they were amnesiacs. Jason’s “(now, I obviously know why CHB felt like enemy territory)” and Percy’s “(For the record, yes, I knew him and he knew me. It’s complicated. It’s fine(..ish) now)” are good examples.
OVERLAPPING POVS! Gods like during the “crazy dolphin” bit Percy was the primary narrator but Jason/Piper took the time to tell their POV and its just WILDLY different stories. 
Or just little notes like Leo noting something down “Frank gave me a fucking heart attack with that :/”
Gods let these kids have spelling errors. If it is in the diary format let it have doodles in the sides (percy, leo, piper, hazel would all do it dont lie). I think they would have a written diary then type it out so spelling errors would be edited out but the actual physical diary would be so full of errors and pictures in the margins.
Reyna and Nico’s copy got lost/wrecked so many times their POVS are all re-written from memory post-war, but they try to keep it as long as the originals (Reyna leaves out the feelings parts and Nico cuts out the italian parts, but still).
Cupid scene is still Jason’s pov, BUT it completely skips over the actual outing/getting the sceptre/anything that so much as hints what happens there. I imagine it goes:
‘Welcome to Salona,’ Favonius said. ‘Capital of Dalmatia! Birthplace of Diocletian! But before that, long before that, it was the home of Cupid.’ 
The name echoed, as if voices were whispering it through the ruins. 
Something about this place seemed even creepier than the palace basement in Split. I had never thought much about Cupid. I’d certainly never thought of Cupid as scary. Even for Roman demigods, the name conjured up an image of a silly winged baby with a toy bow and arrow, flying around in his diapers on Valentine’s Day. 
‘Oh, he’s not like that,’ said Favonius. I flinched. 
‘You can read my mind?’ 
‘I don’t need to.’ Favonius tossed his bronze hoop in the air. ‘Everyone has the wrong impression of Cupid … until they meet him.’
[Unfortunately, for the next part I got knocked out (...again), so I can’t say for sure what happened. Nico wasn’t up for narrating it as he sustained a pretty nasty shoulder injury. So, sorry, but I guess this part is a secret. I’m going to pick up where I woke up.]
Nico was picking up a sceptre when I came to. ‘Oh, good,’ He said. ‘You’re up just in time for us to head back. We’re shadow-travelling this time, I’m sick of the wind.’
(Yes I copy-pasted the top part and made it first-person)
But yeah Jason would be 100% willing to make himself sound like an idiot to keep Nico’s secret and you can fucking fight me on that one.
Also, like, imagine they did little ending notes? like couple sentence comments at the end?
“Fucking sucked. 0/10, would not recommend. On the other hand, Hazel’s so fucking powerful, good for her. Good for her.” - Percy Jackson, on The House of Hades
“Huh? Oh, yeah. Glad we got that all wrapped up, but we still have Mud-face to deal with yet. (And figuring out how to find [REDACTED])” Leo Valdez, on The House of Hades
“Got gaslighted by a 13-year-old 80-year-old but also met Hazel and Frank and honestly that outweighs the shitty amnesiac experience.” Percy Jackson, on The Son of Neptune.
“It was... an interesting first quest. Can’t say I enjoyed it, but it was a good learning experience. (Is that good? I don’t think Mars will take well to me disliking the quest).” Frank Zhang, on The Son of Neptune.
“Yeah... can’t say I want to do that one again. Meeting everyone at camp was fun, but not like that.” Jason Grace, on The Lost Hero.
Y’know? Just little things like that. 
That's it for now but you get the point
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