juvellianthebee · 2 months
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language learning revelation i had
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bardigrade · 7 months
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hella1975 · 1 year
im genuinely the dumbest person alive
#im so fucking angry with myself im SO stupid#like yes im only 20 ive never really handled my finances alone before#this is only my second year of paying rent EVER there was bound to be mistakes#and im lucky to have a family that can support me when those mistakes inevitably occur. but my fucking goddddd#basically i didnt plan ahead and turns out my TOTAL student loan for this year covers my TOTAL rent this year#but ofc the installments dont cooperate and the sums are different per semester etc#so instead of looking ahead and going 'oh shit my last loan won't be enough to cover my last rent installment'#and using that very easy to make observation to figure out that i need to be saving the leftover money from my loan throughout the year#i instead went 'omg i have leftover loan this term!' and fucking spent it#im short £600. im going to owe my parents £600#and yes in the grand scheme it's not a huge amount of money like it could have been#but not only will i not be able to pay my parents back until july bc i CANT take out of my america savings#and i definitely cant start saving up £600 ON THE SIDE OF TRYING TO SAVE A GRAND FOR AMERICA#but on top of that being in debt to my mum is the worst thing in the entire world and now i have no choice but to be in debt for 3 months#before i can even start paying it back. like that's 3 entire months that she's going to use it as a stick to beat me with#like not only does she sometimes REFUSE to take money that i earn waitressing bc she insists on having the debt paid through actual labour#but she's also just a complete bitch about it and i know it's very spoilt to expect not only to be covered when i get into debt#but to also expect her to be nice about it but like. im not asking her to CODDLE me i get initially it makes sense for her to be angry#but she could at least acknowledge that i ALWAYS beat myself up over shit like this way more than anyone else will#like im so mad rn im trying not to cry just bc im so FRUSTRATED and the entire time she's fucking shouting in my face#about how she moved out at seventeen and had three jobs at uni and no one to support her etc etc#and just name-callling shit im already calling myself like it was an HONEST MISTAKE#she's acting like i purposely went behind her back and took £600 when i was very visibly horrified when i figured it out#and i immediately came clean to her regardless of how scared i was to admit it. im just so mad like i know i sound spoilt#and like im huffing and puffing over something that could have been SO MUCH WORSE if i didnt have my parents to cover me#but like. i can pay her back within 2 WEEKS of waitressing. ive never handled my rent before. i didn't do it on purpose#and im more annoyed with myself than she can ever be and she KNOWS that about me. so like. please dont shout at me lol#it's just i was SO proud of myself for saving for america and how hard ive worked and i should have known i was gonna fuck it up somehow#& now the £1500+ i'll total have saved for america that i worked so hard for is gonna be tainted bc i owe £600 all bc of my own stupidity#hella goes home
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britneyshakespeare · 6 months
i hate that i've been complaining about everything in my life lately but if you're a frequent reader of my personal posts (side note, if you are: why. also i'm sorry) but if you remember earlier this week on tuesday i slipped outside and hurt my knee. i didn't end up seeing a doctor about that bc they literally had no openings when i talked to the secretary she was like i am so sorry sweetie. we can't take you for the rest of the week and i was like oh. and after a couple days it didn't hurt sooooo much although i think the limp ive been walking w has not been doing me any favors. but now today especially (? for some reason) BOTH of my legs were really hurting. i'm wondering if that might somehow be related to me getting my period today bc sometimes. you know how period pain can just end up wherever it wants. but then around 8 o'clock today i stubbed the SHIT out of one of my toes and i think i might have injured it (? i dont think it's broken but i cant stand on it and it's been hours). this is my left foot and the knee i hurt on tuesday was on my right leg. i am literally limping on both sides of my body now and i cant stand or walk.
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bmpmp3 · 1 year
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I WANNA get back into painting so heres a little gouache picture
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jvzebel-x · 11 months
"Had the gods taken me in that moment, there would have been no heaven that could have equalled my joy. Then, as always happens, the tab came due."
x. "NPCs", Drew Hayes
"All plans eventually fell apart, it was in their nature. Reality never complied with expectations, and one who expected plans to be pulled off perfectly was often overtook when chaos exceeded order."
x. "Split The Party", Drew Hayes
"You can teach technique. You can build muscle. You can train reflexes. But that kind of stubbornness comes from the soul."
x. "Going Rogue", Drew Hayes
"Try not to dwell on it... not because it doesn't matter, but because you'll never find the answers you need inside your own head. Our minds memories cannot be trusted; spend too long in there trying to find a memory that doesn't exist and you'll end up creating it. Imagination is a powerful thing-- especially when combined with uncertainty and selfdoubt. I've seen others build their own hells around them, with the fears of what they might have done."
x. "Siege Tactics", Drew Hayes
"Luck wasn't necessarily against them; they'd come out of far too many dire scrapes to believe such a thing. But theirs was not a luck that often put their feet on an easy path. Theirs was more a fortune of narrow misses and critical strikes."
x. "Nobel Roots", Drew Hayes
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udurghsigil · 1 year
can't stress enough that you guys don't have to answer every single ask you get. in fact you can just delete them. especially if they are causing you psychic damage.
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lelianaslefthand · 4 months
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straylaughs · 4 months
stressed and having absolutely zero drive within me to complete anything god how is this year already off to such a great start
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soldier-poet-king · 8 months
Read the conju novella on break and now diagnosed as gods saddest wet little creature. If I thought that it would alleviate my pining bc it's about found family and friendship and all those good things, now I'm just DOUBLY pining 🤡 he needs to be needed and I'm. I'm. IM.
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ruairy · 5 months
#had theeeee worst battle of my whole bg3 life yesterday when i went to rescue halsin#hadn't saved for a billion years#had no short rests left#didnt think that maybe i should go and long rest before entering the worg pens bc i maaaybbee had none of my good spells or healing spells#instead i ran in and got stuck in a battle where my guys kept eternally dying over and over#rinsed most of my potions and revifys trying to Stay alive#halsin was the Only reason i got through the fight at all#and then after the fight i had two dead party members no healing spells to get my guys enough hp to get out of turn based#and go to camp#astarion was stuck on like 4 hp woth necrotic damage and kep Dying as soon as a switched off turn based#shadowheart kept stepping in fire surface and caustic brine that i had no way to get rid of#had to rinse More revify scrolls toget to a point i could get to camp#left gale behind so i could do his silly revival quest and hes the only reason I didn't go insane bc hes adorable#i am Only on balanced mode i cant believe how bad i am at this game#i am Dreading the fight in the house of grief and vs orin i had soooooo much trpuble with them in explorer#and im using different builds so idek if i can use the tech i ended up using to beat those fights#i was going to take shadowheart down a mixed cleric druid build#but now im like no........maybe i need a dedicated healer actually......#luckily i was then fully healed to take on dror ragzlin#and it was mostly an easy fight#but lmao
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snekdood · 6 months
its too easy to become a conservative bc all it takes is to shut off your brain, which is why you shouldn't become one
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okay nishiki fans may infantilize him but at least they’re not like daigo fans…99% of them are DERANGED and i feel at times they care more about the ships than daigo himself…
speaking of ships if i see one more minedai piss fic i might actually mail someone a pipe bomb. i’m joking, of course. i would never do that nor would i ever send death threats on the internet haha..
i cant even knock you for the idea of people overlooking daigo as an individual and instead sees him as a piece to pair off with
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It is truly so frustrating when the plot hinges on a character trusting the word of someone they have no reason to believe and doing zero fact checking
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electricpurrs · 9 months
i keep having embarrassingly deeper-than-they-should feelings about caboose that im not sure what to do about, with how i feel like i relate in a pretty genuine and sweet way to him in an autistic level and i do feel like reading him that way makes real sense but im just incapable of feeling very good about it when its very very clear caboose's neurodivergent esque behavior is applied exclusively to make the butt of the joke off how stupid he is. i care about him a lot as a character but i mostly just wanna rip him off r-slur-loving rooster teeth's hands and handle him with a minimum level of respect
#i dunno i feel about bad about it like if i even acknowledge my reading of him it comes off badly when once again hes the dumb one#going off topic onto a tangent i think i just yearn for a fictional representation of autism that isnt just easy and palatable#like there are lots and lots of autistic and autistic coded and autistic read/head cannoned characters out there#but it feels like its always just. nice character whos very nerdy about a subject or is kinda weird or awkward at times#its always just this ''high functional'' kind of autism where the proof theyre autistic are a few traits here and there#there just arent characters who stutter and mumble and get lost with words and sound weird and have weird voices#and say genuinely weird things in genuinely inappropriate times. who genuinely come off as weird or dumb or childish#who struggle with simple things or dont get concepts or instructions or things said at them#autism that isnt quirky or always fun or always endearing or easy to deal with or easy to dismiss#i cant think of a single character in media who i relate with in an autistic level in how my autism actually feels beyond the superficial#and i think thats why i get a genuine comfort in caboose of all things#in how unapologetically and undeniably weird and kinda dumb and kinda childish he comes off#and it isnt always nice and it annoys and troubles the people around him and of course himself beyond a way he can control#i get touched by the moments here and there when people actually treat him well#when tucker takes some time to gently explain to him that church isnt coming back.#and when hes given a sincerely emotional moment to say goodbye to church and well as that one episode of season 14#or generally when characters are nice to him or talk in ways he can understand better#i dunno i just really do like him#which i guess just backfires when it feels specially hurtful when hes called dumb and stupid and is hated and threatened#and condescend upon and treated as useless and incompetent and just a burden the others need to take care of#mannnnn i hate rooster teeth#🧃
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