#and it isnt always nice and it annoys and troubles the people around him and of course himself beyond a way he can control
electricpurrs · 9 months
i keep having embarrassingly deeper-than-they-should feelings about caboose that im not sure what to do about, with how i feel like i relate in a pretty genuine and sweet way to him in an autistic level and i do feel like reading him that way makes real sense but im just incapable of feeling very good about it when its very very clear caboose's neurodivergent esque behavior is applied exclusively to make the butt of the joke off how stupid he is. i care about him a lot as a character but i mostly just wanna rip him off r-slur-loving rooster teeth's hands and handle him with a minimum level of respect
#i dunno i feel about bad about it like if i even acknowledge my reading of him it comes off badly when once again hes the dumb one#going off topic onto a tangent i think i just yearn for a fictional representation of autism that isnt just easy and palatable#like there are lots and lots of autistic and autistic coded and autistic read/head cannoned characters out there#but it feels like its always just. nice character whos very nerdy about a subject or is kinda weird or awkward at times#its always just this ''high functional'' kind of autism where the proof theyre autistic are a few traits here and there#there just arent characters who stutter and mumble and get lost with words and sound weird and have weird voices#and say genuinely weird things in genuinely inappropriate times. who genuinely come off as weird or dumb or childish#who struggle with simple things or dont get concepts or instructions or things said at them#autism that isnt quirky or always fun or always endearing or easy to deal with or easy to dismiss#i cant think of a single character in media who i relate with in an autistic level in how my autism actually feels beyond the superficial#and i think thats why i get a genuine comfort in caboose of all things#in how unapologetically and undeniably weird and kinda dumb and kinda childish he comes off#and it isnt always nice and it annoys and troubles the people around him and of course himself beyond a way he can control#i get touched by the moments here and there when people actually treat him well#when tucker takes some time to gently explain to him that church isnt coming back.#and when hes given a sincerely emotional moment to say goodbye to church and well as that one episode of season 14#or generally when characters are nice to him or talk in ways he can understand better#i dunno i just really do like him#which i guess just backfires when it feels specially hurtful when hes called dumb and stupid and is hated and threatened#and condescend upon and treated as useless and incompetent and just a burden the others need to take care of#mannnnn i hate rooster teeth#🧃
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merakiui · 3 years
Hello! I come with an odd request, its smth i just thought of out of the blue, but can you write something for Diluc, Kaeya and Xiao's reaction to a GN!reader who has a soft spot for slimes? :")
Like they actually get followed by slimes but they dont hurt them or anything, theyre like their personal bodyguards of sorts ahhaha
I just find the slimes so cute, but if this isnt too interesting to write for its okay ;;3;; Thank you for your time!
Diluc, Kaeya, and Xiao with an S/O who Likes Slimes
note - awww this was a very cute ask, anon!! also, I hit the 900 followers milestone! omgomgomg thank you all so, so much!!!!! your support and nice messages are what keeps me going! :D <3 <3
🔥 Diluc 🔥
Diluc always thought slimes were annoying and troublesome. They’d get into his vineyards and bother his workers with their aggressive nature.
So he’s isn’t amused when he watches you walk up the winery steps, a group of slimes hopping behind you. He has to stop his work because he’s just so confused. Why aren’t you using your weapon to take them down? Why are they following you?
Maybe you’ve got some sort of attractant on you that’s enticing the slimes. Whatever it is, he doesn’t exactly care. He just wants those slimes off of his property.
Diluc stands out in the open, expecting an explanation as his workers look on in mild worry and bewilderment. It’s not exactly common to see so many slimes peacefully mingling with a person.
Even though he tries to dislike the fact that all of these slimes are bothersome, it’s hard to deny the fact that you’re so happy around them. You’ll tell him that one just started following you and suddenly it became an entire fan club of slimes, all of whom seemed to find comfort in your presence.
Diluc doesn’t really understand the logic or reason behind that, but as long as you’re safe and the slimes don’t wreak havoc he supposes it wouldn’t hurt to let them stay for a little bit.
Your cheery mood definitely influences this choice and he finds the sight to be endearing.
But that doesn’t mean the slimes get to stay forever. Diluc doesn’t want to risk losing business as a result of the slimes, so you’ll have to either spend time with them away from his property or on specific days.
Maybe the two of you have a small picnic in the forest and the slimes join you!
He doesn’t want to admit it, but whenever the slimes surround you like enthusiastic puppies he thinks it’s quite adorable.
🧊 Kaeya 🧊
He considers it to be charming in its own unique way. At first he assumes the slimes are up to no good, but when you hold him back from attacking he’s very confused.
And then the slimes hop over to you and they don’t even try to hurt you. He’s even more surprised when you go over and pat one of them, as if they’re your friends.
Once you explain that the slimes have taken a liking to you ever since you saved one of them, you’ve made it your goal to never harm them. So they’ve become your little guardians.
Kaeya thinks that’s absolutely adorable. His sweet, lovely partner surrounded by slimes… It’s a strangely cute sight!
Under the guise of a flirt, he’ll say how the slimes resemble overprotective children shielding their parent. And he slyly says something about how he could be the father. The lot of you can be one happy family!
But then the slimes turn on him, threatening him with their own elemental abilities. You can’t help but laugh as they surround you in their attempts to drive Kaeya away.
Whenever he tries to come within touching distance of you, your new friends are quick to lash out. Kaeya pouts about it, somewhat jealous that you’re giving the slimes all of your attention.
“I just want to hug you, my dear,” he says. “Perhaps even kiss you, but those slimes are quite tricky…”
Once you’ve had your fun, you’ll find a way to show the slimes that Kaeya means well. He is your lover, after all, and he’s not going to hurt the slimes. At least, you make him promise not to hurt them.
He doesn’t mind the slimes as long as they’re not going to cause any harm to Mondstadt and its people. And, of course, no harm to you!
The slimes have always looked cute, so he supposes he’d rather have small, cute things fawn over you rather than aggressive hilichurls.
☁️ Xiao ☁️
He probably noticed it when he was watching you from Wangshu Inn. You were coming back from a long day of commissions and a trail of slimes were following you.
He thinks it’s strange at first and then even stranger when they aren’t attacking. But there aren’t any signs of demonic influence and the slimes don’t appear agitated, so it’s really none of his business.
Maybe it’s safe? Xiao can’t be sure, so he meets you outside just in case. It’s a surprise to see him out in the open, but he just wants to know why you’re bringing dangerous monsters back to a public space.
You’ll have to assure him that they won’t cause anyone trouble. After all, the slimes are your friends! They helped you out when you were struggling during one of your commissions.
He’s a little relieved to know they don’t harbor any ill intent towards you, but he still has his doubts. Xiao doesn’t really think the slimes mean well; they’re always so quick to attack anyone within their proximity so it’s very weird to see so many gathered around you, peaceful and unbothered.
But you’re absolutely positive that they’re safe and won’t disturb anyone. They’ve started treating you like a friend and you think it’s only fair if you reciprocate those feelings.
Eventually, Xiao warms up to the slimes. It’s cute…in a weird way. He likes seeing you so happy whenever the slimes come hopping over to you.
As long as they don’t try to use their elemental powers against you, he’s fine with them crowding around you. Although he will get annoyed if they continuously prevent him from spending some alone time with you.
It’s a silly sight to watch him chase away the slimes as if they were stray cats.
At some point, though, he is going to want them to leave you alone. It can be tricky to have so many slimes near you when you’re trying to go on dates with him or relax after a long day of work.
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
Give Yourself a Try
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader enemies to lovers
Synopsis: you and Peter hate each other, which becomes a problem when you’re given a group project
Part two and three
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“Good morning Ned.” You kindly greeted as you took your seat in front of Peter in your first period physics class.
“Morning Y/n.” Ned said back, gearing up for what he knew was coming.
“I really like your makeup today, Y/n.” Peter smiled as he leaned forward in his seat. “Is it hard balancing your schoolwork with your job at the circus?”
“Not at all.” You smiled sweetly at him as you turned around. “I could get you a job there if you’d like. We’ve been needing something small to feed to the lions between shows. You’d be perfect.”
“Small? Darling, you must be mistaken.” Peter kept a sickly sweet grin on. “I’m bigger than your boyfriend of the week over there.”
“Silly goose.” You scrunched your nose at him. “Harry Osborn is not my boyfriend. And just so you know, steroids are really bad for you. I’m worried about your well being.”
“I’m not on steroids.” Peter hissed, dropping the act. “Stop trying to start that rumor.”
“Why not?” You shot back. “You had no trouble spreading the rumor that I was the one who killed Herbie the hamster when we all know it was you who left the door open after cleaning his cage.”
“Are you kidding me? That was fifth grade.” He whispered harshly.
“I will never forget it.” You snapped back.
“Ahem.” The teacher cleared her throat as she stared at you and Peter with an annoyed expression. This was an everyday occurrence in her class, and any other class you had with Peter. You hated each other and everyone knew it. You and Peter stopped arguing and slumped in your seats, giving each other one last look of disdain.
“Instead of a final exam this semester, I’ll be giving you a final project.” The teacher continued. “You’ll be working with one other student.”
“Nice. We can finally present our work on quantum physics.” Peter excitedly high fived Ned.
“Can you guys reschedule your virgin convention for later?” You asked seriously. “I’m trying to listen.”
“Because of the disappointing grades on the last project, I will be assigning your partners.” The teacher went on.
“Don’t worry.” Peter whispered to Ned again. “We could still end up together. We got an A last time so she knows we work well together.”
“We got an A last time.” You mimicked his voice and moved your hand like a puppet.
“Yeah. An A.” Peter said as he leaned forward in his seat. “You know, like your bra size.”
“What did you just say to me?” You snapped as you whipped around. He had on his infamous shit eating grin that you hated.
“Young man, can you please stop interrupting our conversation?” He said as he held up a hand. Your jaw dropped at the insult, face growing warm with anger. You decide not to give him the satisfaction of an insult exchange and turned around in your seat. Your teacher began to list off the partners for the projects.
“Leeds, Stacy.” She called out. “You’ll be working together.”
“Sorry, man. But also, not sorry man.” Ness frown quickly turned into a smile. “Gwen, over here!”
“Aw.” You snickered as you turned around on your chair. “I feel bad for whoever gets stuck with you now. That poor, unfortunate soul.”
“Parker. L/n. You’ll be working together.”
“What?” You and Peter screamed in unison. You gave each other an angry look before looking at your teacher in protest.
“You two are always holding up my class and I’m tired of it.” She held up a hand. “This project will teach you how to finally get along and stop disrupting me while I teach.”
“Mrs. Avery, with all due respect, I can feel myself getting more disruptive already.” You told her.
“I think that’s your STD.” Peter mumbled.
“You two need to learn how to be professional and amicable.” She ignored your protest. “You won’t always like your peers. But you will always have to collaborate with them at some point.”
“I understand that.” You assured her. “But if we do this project together, my fist is going to collaborate with Peters face.”
“That’s a threat.” Peter piped up. “I’d like to file a report.”
“And I’d like to take that report and shove it up your-“
“Enough.” Mrs. Avery cut you off. “You will be working together and that is final.”
You both shrunk in your seats, fuming with anger over the teachers decision. You didn’t cause any more disruptions throughout the class and quickly left once the bell rang.
Peter saw you at your locker, which was coincidentally next to his locker, spraying some perfume on.
“Darling!” Peter exclaimed as he stood next to you. “So good to see you! You know how much I love when you hog all the locker space and make the entire hallways smell like perfume.”
“Why, thank you.” You touched your hand to your heart. “As I’m sure you know, some of us prefer to smell like things other than Neosporin and baby powder. After all, that’s your signature scent and I’d just hate to step on your toes.”
“I didn’t know. Thank you for opening your gigantic mouth and telling me!” Peter said through a toothy grin.
“Oh, Peter.” You laughed airily. “You’re very welcome, you sad sack of shit.”
“Classy.” Peter faked a smile as he opened his locker. “Do you want to come over to my house after school to work on the project? I live walking distance from here.”
“What? No.” You scoffed. “You’re not getting me to a secondary location. We’ll work in the library.”
“Actually, we won’t, because it’s closed for maintenance.” He replied with a tight smile.
“I wish you were closed for maintenance.” Yoh grumbled as you zipped up your bag.
“Hilarious.” He fake laughed loudly. “Are you coming over or not?”
“Not.” You said in disgust. “I don’t know you or your parents. You might try to kill me as a part of some Parker family cult ritual.”
“My parents are dead.” He told you, unamused. “It’s just me and my aunt.”
“Is your aunt a cult leader?” You asked.
“No.” He groaned.
“Cult member?”
“No. All she does is cheat at cross world puzzles and shop at Whole Foods.” He said.
“So you lied.” You slammed your locker and looked at him. “She’s in the Whole Foods cult.”
“Can you try not to be difficult for two minutes, please? We need to get this project done.”
“Jokes on you, Parker.” You folded your arms. “Difficult is my lowest setting.”
“Ooo. Scary.” He mocked you. “What’s your highest? Because I’m pretty sure I saw it last Tuesday when your backpack got stuck on the door handle and you decided to blame me.”
“I know that was your fault. And I go from difficult to hooligan to the step mom from Parent Trap.” You shrugged.
“And they said women aren’t funny.” Peter replied as he slapped his knee. You raised an eyebrow at him, judging him for his material.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled.
“You’re gonna be sorry.” You told him. “Where do you live again?”
“Waking distance from here. I said that less than five minutes ago.” He rolled his eyes at you.
“Well I didn’t hear that because I tune you out when you speak. You know, like most people do.” You said sweetly.
“Wow, you’re so funny.” Peter said sarcastically. “If I meet you here at the end of the day, will you come home with me?”
“Fine.” You huffed. “I’ll go home with you. But if I start detecting any cult shit going on, I’m leaving.”
“Fine by me.” He scoffed. “I’ll see you later.”
“Are you ready to go?” Peter asked after the last bell had rang. You shouldered your backpack and shut your locker, feeling unusually anxious around him. You could deal with Peter for 40 minutes at a time when all you did was trade insults. Something about walking to his home together and spending time alone knocked the confidence right out of you.
“I’m ready.” You nodded.
“What, no insult?” He asked. “No mocking of my voice?”
“We were assigned each other as partners so we could learn to be civil, right?” You shrugged. “I guess I’m just mature enough to give it a try.”
“There she is.” Peter smiled as you began to walk in the direction of his apartment. “There’s my girl.”
You looked to the side when you heard him say this, unsure of how it made you feel. You often called each other pet names ironically, but this felt different. There was a change in the dynamic between the two of you and it was clouding your judgment.
You let Peter do all the talking as you walked home, thankful that he lived so close to the school. He spewed out ideas for the project the entire elevator ride up and didn’t stop until you were standing outside his bedroom door.
Peter stopped talking and opened the door, gesturing for you to go inside. You made a face at him before walking, staying in one spot as he shut the door and sat down. You were frozen as you looked around his room, not liking how human it made him. He had notes from classes you didn’t have with him strewn around and an open first aid kit on his desk.
“You can sit.” He chuckled when he noticed how stiff you were.
“I’m scared to.” You admitted.
“I don’t know.” You answered honestly. Something about sitting on this boys bed with him seemed finalizing, like you’d be opening a door you couldn’t close.
“Just sit down.” He repeated. “I didn’t rig the place with boobytraps, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“That’s what someone who rigged the place with booby traps would say.” You replied as you took a hesitant seat on his bed.
“There. Isnt that nice?” He asked sarcastically.
“No.” You said immediately. “Am I the first girl to ever sit on your bed?”
“Psh. No.”
“I’ll take that as a yes ma’am.” You mumbled.
“Whatever.” He replied. “What do you want to do the project on?”
“How about micropenises?” You suggested. “You won’t even have to do any research.”
“Haha. So funny.” He rolled his eyes. “You are so annoying it’s actually impressive.”
“Please.” You laughed. “You so have a crush on me.”
“What?” His entire face went red. “No I don’t.”
“No I don’t.” You mimicked his voice. “Yes you do. That’s why you’re up my ass all the time.”
“That makes no sense.” He scoffed.
“It makes total sense.” You insisted. “You know I’ll never like you back, so you made me hate you. That way, you still get to talk to me all the time. Genius, really. I applaud you.”
“That’s a nice little fantasy you’ve created for yourself. Is that what you tell yourself to help you fall asleep?” He teased you.
“Yep.” You smiled brightly. “Right after I finger blast myself to the thought of you in your Catholic schoolboy sweaters.”
“Oh my God.” His cheeks turned even redder at your inappropriate joke.
“And they said women aren’t funny.” You used his words from earlier.
“They were right.” He said, making you laugh.
“God, I love it when you talk down to me.” You fanned yourself. “Can you tell me how to change a tire?”
Peter began to laugh as well, looking at you as you both laughed. You quickly stopped laughing when you realized you just gave him a genuine smile and looked away.
“Do you want to do the project on tensile strength?” You suggested to break the tension. “I know you’re weirdly into that.”
“How’d you know?” He wondered.
“You almost popped a boner when we talked about in last month.” You teased him. “It’s just rope, dude.”
“It’s not just rope. It’s the force-“
“-the force required to pull something until it breaks. I know.” You finished his sentence. “I’m smart too, you know.”
“Oh.” He was dumbfounded that you knew something he was interested in. “I didn’t know.”
“Yeah.” You nodded. “Women use brain sometime. Woman say smart thing like man.”
Peter laughed again, realizing you were actually kind of funny when you wanted to be.
“I’m not a misogynist, you know.” Peter said after a beat. “You don’t have to make jokes like that. I may not like you, but I respect you.”
“You respect me?” You raised a skeptical eyebrow at him.
“I respect all women. The strongest person I know is my Aunt. Plus, I’ve still never met anyone who was as smart as my mom. I wouldn’t be half the man I was if it weren’t for the women who raised me.” He shrugged. “But it would be ignorant and naive of me to only respect woman who are related to me in some way. So I respect all of them unless they give me a reason not to.”
“Have I given you a reason not to?” You batted your eyelashes at him.
“Not yet.” He chuckled to himself. “You’re annoying, but you’re brilliant. I know you would never admit this, but we’re basically the same person. You’re just more extroverted so you have more friends and popularity. And you’re smart but you don’t make that your whole personality, so it impresses more people when you let your intelligence show.”
Your body language shifted when you realized he was actually a nice guy. He clearly paid attention to you and was impressed by what he saw. You didn’t say anything, so Peter kept going.
“People lean in to listen when you start speaking instead of tuning you out.” He brought up your insult from earlier, and you felt bad. You didn’t realize he admired you in any way and you felt guilty for always teasing him. Peter’s kept his eyes down, playing with his fingers to distract himself.
“You’re…you’re kind of every thing I wanted to be.” He said quietly. You smiled softly at him, but he didn’t see it. It was the first time you had a nice moment with Peter, and you didn’t hate it. You could tell he was beginning to panic for sharing so much, so you reached forward and tilted his chin up to look at you. His wide eyes met yours and you gave him a small smile.
“How did your parents die?” You asked quietly, immediately ruining the moment.
“Damn.” Peter pulled away with a shocked laugh. “When was your first period?”
“All right. I get your point.” You rolled your eyes. “That was a little abrupt.”
“You’re telling me.” He teased. You sat in silence for a moment, neither of you sure where to go from there. You knew Peter was still processing you touching his face, so you talked first.
“My parents are dead too.” You said without looking up at him.
“They are?” He asked, scooting a little closer to you on the bed.
“Yeah.” You looked up and gave him a sad smile. “But if you think we’re gonna take a turn and fall in love because we have similar trauma, you’re wrong. I can’t stand orphans.”
“But you’re an orphan.” He reminded you.
“Never mind.” He shook his head. “I have a feeling I won’t be getting through to you.”
“Probably not.” You agreed. “Tell me more, though. Did your parents die doing something cool?”
“I don’t really know.” He shrugged. “It was a plane crash. That’s all I’ve been told.”
“Oh.” You nodded. “Sounds lame.”
“A plane crash?” You raised your eyebrow. “That’s so boring. Yawn.”
“Excuse me?” He laughed in shock again. “Fine. How did your parents die?”
“Firefighters.” You said proudly. “Died saving three children.”
“Wow.” Peter sat back, stumped.
“Yeah.” You nodded. “I was one of them.”
“Seriously?” His eyes widened as he fought the urge to hold your hand.
“No. I’m fucking with you.” You began to laugh as he let out a groan.
“Why would you do that to me?” He whined. “You had me, for a minute there.”
“What can I say? I’m an actor.” You flipped your hair ostentatiously.
“What actually happened?” He wondered. You stopped smiling and bit your bottom lip.
“Drunk driver.” You told him. He didn’t fight the urge this time and reached over to take your hand in his. You stared at your interlocked hands, wondering if you should pull away or not. On the one hand, he was your enemy. But that didn’t make his warmth any less inviting.
“I’m sorry.” He said softly. “That must have been really hard on you.”
“You know the feeling, don’t you?” You asked with a sad smile.
“I do.” He nodded. “And I know how much it sucked to not have someone who knew how it felt. You don’t have to feel that way anymore. Neither of us do.”
You opened your mouth to speak but quickly shut it, not wanting to ruin the moment again. The guy holding your hand was not the same guy who sat behind you in physics. This guy was someone you actually liked.
“I might have misjudged you, Peter Parker.” You laughed shyly. “You might not be as unbearable as I remembered.”
“And you might not be the frigid bitch I thought you were.” He matched your tone.
“Watch it.” You warned.
“Sorry.” He mumbled.
“You were right.” You said after a beat. “We are pretty much the same person. I never realized that before.”
“Maybe that’s why we don’t get along.” He shrugged, rubbing soft circles into your hand.
“I’d be willing to give it a try, if you were.” You said sheepishly. “Who knows? I might just like you.”
“You want to give this a try?” He asked, eyes lighting up in excitement.
“Why not?” You shrugged. “What do I have to lose?”
“Okay.” He nodded eagerly. “Then we’ll try.”
“Cool.” You smiled.
“Cool.” He said before leaning in for a kiss. Your eyes widened as his fluttered shut, making you realize you were on different pages. His lips made contact with yours for a few seconds before you pushed him off.
“What the hell are you doing?” You asked as you covered your mouth with your hand.
“Kissing you?” He asked in confusion as hurt flashed in his eyes.
“Why the hell would you do that?” You exclaimed, still in shock. You got off the bed and backed away from him, trying to process what just happened.
“You said we were giving it a try!” He was shouting now too, but not out of anger. “I thought we were finally admitting that we like each other.”
“I meant giving friendship a try! I never said anything about a relationship.” You shouted. You quieted down when you saw the upset look on his face. “You... you like me?”
“I thought it was obvious.” He said quietly. “I-I thought you knew. You said it before and I just…I thought you knew.”
“Peter, I was joking when I said all that stuff.” You calmed down and sat back on his bed. “I didn’t actually think you liked me.”
“Oh.” He blinked a few times before looking down. “I…I do.”
“Peter, I’m sorry.” You reached for his hand again but his withdrew it.
“No, it’s my fault.” He shook his head and got off the bed. “I misunderstood the situation.”
“Peter, wait.” You caught him by the wrists and pulled him back down to the bed. He sat down again but looked anywhere but at you. You could see that his eyes were glassy so you put a hand on his face.
“You were right.” His voice wavered. “I did like you and I did think you’d never like me back. That’s why I always tease you. I just wanted you to talk to me.”
“Pete.” You whispered, rubbing his cheekbone with your thumb.
“I’m sorry. I really don’t want to be here right now. I’ll email you my part of the project and-“
You cut him off by wrapping your hand around the back of his neck and pulling him into a kiss. You both had your eyes closed this time and it lasted much longer. Your lips moved against his slowly and you could feel how inexperienced he was. Even so, it was perfect. You pulled away after a minute and looked into his eyes, feeling better now that there were no traces of sadness in them.
“You kissed me.” He said, dumbfounded.
“I can’t know I don’t like you back if I never give you a chance.” You shrugged as you withdrew your hand from his face.
“Well what did you decide?” He asked curiously. You puckered your lips and tilted your head, staring at him as if you were making a decision.
“I still think you’re super annoying.” You concluded.
“Okay.” Peter nodded.
“But it’s an annoying I’m willing to put up with.” You decided as you slipped your hand back into his. Peter broke out into a smile and nodded again.
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cynettic · 3 years
Hello, can I request a reaction with childe, albedo, xiao and diluc where their SO is pretty clumsy and one day, they (the characters) just snap and say mean things? Please end it with comfort or something nice, my heart isnt strong enough to handle full angst :')
Clumsy S/O x Genshin
Summary - As someone clumsy, the genshin boys often pay special attention to your little accidents and mishaps. One day they snap, comforting ending though ;-;
Pairings - ClumsyReader x Childe / Albedo / Xiao / Diluc
Warnings - A bit of possessive behaviour for Xiao- but otherwise, a tad bit of angst at the beginning of each one.
A/N - After I wrote Albedo’s hc I realized that seeing him angry… would be really hot. Might write up a degradation one after-
“Stop it! It’s not funny anymore!”
It wasn’t surprising that once again, you’d managed to trip on your own feet and now somehow the vase sitting on the stool next to the couch had fallen… and broke.
But it was the first time you’d heard those words come from him.
“What do you mean… stop?”
Childe had never said anything about your clumsy antics, always picking you up and laughing or teasing the situation off. On the occasion that you got hurt, he’d tend to your wounds and make you promise to be more careful. Of course there was always a next time, and next time, and text time…
Until Childe had enough.
“From falling- tripping over your feet and taking down everything with you! No one tumbles around this much… so either you’re just doing this for fun or- or…”
He began to realize after those words that he’d taken it too far. When glancing at your teary eyes and how your figure started to shake he knew he couldn’t take those words back.
He knew it wasn’t your fault, he knew you tried to be as careful as you could.
But it was so frustrating.
You were still laying on the ground from the fall, and he bent down to help you up. You didn’t look him in the eyes, and an empty feeling buried itself in his stomach when you stood up.
“I’m… sorry.”
It was you who spoke these words, shoulders still shaking. You knew it might’ve been frustrating or annoying for Childe.
The two of you are just standing there, Childe feeling ten times guiltier because you apologized, and you feeling terrible because you’d broken another vase and he’d yelled at you for it.
The two of you feel so bad about it- ;-;
It isn’t till Childe acts out and pulls you into a hug that you realize he felt bad for yelling at you. Sure he may have been frustrated, but it was only cause he was worried about your well being, he didnt want you getting hurt.
“Im sorry Y/n… I didn’t mean to act out like that. I know you're trying your best.”
“What happened.”
It was supposed to come out as a question, his eyes trailing over the mess of his lab and the sorry pitiful state it was in.
It didn’t come out sounding like a question.
Seeing Albedo angry of all things was only a myth among the knights of Favonius, a joke to Klee, and a topic never brought up to the citizens of Monstadt.
Albedo? Mad?? Impossible.
Well, you were living proof that it indeed wasnt a myth to see the alchemist angry.
“I fell…” was all you said in response to his glare. “I wasn’t paying attention and I tripped against the table… I’m sorry…”
Of course you were sorry, just waiting for Albedo to get home and maybe scanning the lab and all his experiments while he was away. No bad intentions, but unfortunately your bad habit of tripping over your own feet summoned itself at the worst moments.
Usually, Albedo would catch you with utmost ease. A reflex he’d learned from Klee before she went sprinting out to cause more of a ruckus. If you were to get hurt, he’d usher or carry you back into his house before patching you up. It was always quick and painless, but he made you repeat why you’d fell and how to avoid it.
Albedo wouldn’t be comforting you now.
“You fell?” He simply asked, his tone menacing enough to know that it was something important in that jumble of experiments. “You seem to do that a lot nowadays don’t you?”
You’re at a loss for words, “I’ll help you clean it up… I didn’t mean to-”
Not wanting to mention how the glass shards had cut your hand, you stood up with wobbly knees to start picking up the pieces of glass. You were sure your boyfriend had put a lot of work towards this, and you felt terrible for having ruined it all.
Albedo isn’t a savage tho.
He notices the cut on your palm, and your shaky figure as you begin to clean up the mess you’d made. He knows that cleaning up the lab as soon as possible is important, but you’re still his top priority.
“Come here.”
When you don’t immediately go to him, he walks to you. Taking your wrists and getting a good view of the injury. He tugs you to the doorway to get you fixed up, and realizes that you’re shaking, a little bit too much…
“It… seems I was a bit too harsh earlier.” He fully faces you, expression softening. “I’m sorry, I know you didn’t mean to, none of the items on the table were of any importance if it makes you feel better.”
Please let him wipe any stray tears if you do cry, he didn’t mean to sound so angry, and really doesn’t care too much about what was on that table. Poor man’s just had a tough day at work.
“I worry for you, every single minute of every goddamn day- every moment that my eyes aren't on you! Why don’t you make it easier for me and just sit still?!”
Xiao is protective.
That fact is known, its accepted, you might even find it endearing.
But Xiao has lived a much longer life than you, he’s seen the people he loves crumple and drain away. Watched them fade from his life one at a time, so he’s dedicated to making sure you stick around.
He knows that eternity isn’t an option for you, so he makes sure that the time you both have together is s a f e . Which means yes, he will catch you every single time you fall. Especially if it’s off the Wangshu stairs that you somehow always trip on?
The poor boy worries excessively for you, so much that he will try to hurry up the process of clearing out the normal hilichurls or threats that lie around Liyue Port.
But on the very rare occasion that you somehow end up into trouble without him there…
You don’t yell “Xiao” like he told you to, you know he makes such an effort on making you safe, a bit too much… you don’t want to summon him to every trouble you have. You’re independent, one scrape isn’t going to kill you.
“I’m fine,” you simply say when he comes back to find your whole hand encompassed in bandages. “Just tripped.”
Xiao is not impressed.
He worries too much, far too much, and seeing you brush it off when he tries so hard to make sure you’re never in pain- he wishes you’d just sit still, wait for him and not trip on your own feet when doing such mundane things.
“I worry for you, every single minute of every goddamn day- every moment that my eyes aren't on you! Why don’t you make it easier for me and just sit still?!”
You’re obviously taken aback by the statement, “Xiao?” You offer him a comforting hug, trying to loosen his stiff muscles. “It’s impossible from protecting me from everything y’know… I appreciate your worry but I’m fine.”
But that’s a matter that is strained between the two of you, and will continue to be that way until either Xiao somehow lets go of his protective anxious faze, or you just accept it.
Either way, the boy will continue to catch you when you fall. Even if you broke apart from him, left him, you’d still occasionally feel the lightest touch when you trip over your feet and feel yourself steadied.
“Are you doing this on purpose?!”
Just like Xiao, Diluc is fairly protective over you, especially if it concerns your health.
He’s often not quick enough to catch you, but instead picks you up in his arms and sits you on the table to make sure you’re not hurt.
You often get bruises, but nothing more serious. He makes sure to kiss them better- something you jokingly stated once, and he’s actually taken it seriously.
“Kissing it will make it feel better? You’re sure?”
Overall, Diluc was very understanding to your clumsy antics. Maybe even find it endearing on a hard day of work, either way, he’d never yell at you for it.
Until he had enough.
It’s exhausting, to hear something clatter and know that you’d probably tripped. Tripped and harmed yourself in one way or another, the options were infinite, and Diluc’s anxiety could heighten at the slightest crashing noise.
“Are you doing this on purpose?!”
Eventually it became too much and he asked you that exact question, hands tangling through his hair as he stared at you wide eyed, furious. There you were on the floor, just a single chair knocked down as you were beginning to shakily stand back up.
“No… of course not. I wouldn’t do these things for fun-“
It’s not like you enjoyed absentmindedly stumbling into objects, it just… happened. Diluc was usually so patient and understanding… so why?
“I know… it’s just...” he rubbed the temples on either side of his face with his thumbs, frown set in a line. “I keep worrying and worrying- every time I hear a noise like that…”
It doesn’t take long for him to sort this out through a conversation, and then settle that you need to be more mindful and careful, something you have to improve on. He will simply watch on the sidelines, catch you when he can, and coax you when you end up hurt.
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Stressful streaming [Corpse  x reader]
Paring: Corpse husband x Female!reader
Summary: “What if y/n isnt a good gamer (they do something else on yt and never really got into it) so they just really suck at being the imposter? And everyone is trying to make them feel better but they feel super crappy about ruining the game for everyone- especially when they get paired up with corpse?” Requested by anon
“can I request something where y/n and corpse are dating, she is the group's baby and everytime she kills everyone's like 'yeah, that's cute bUT YOUR BOYFRIEND THO'.” Requested by anon
Warnings: Idk, this took a complete 180 midway through, and even idk what’s going on anymore. Fluff?  Comfort? Cuddles???
Words: 2k
A/N: Open for requests. And a two for one, you know me at this point.
The two of you had been living together for quite a while now. And you had been public about your relationship for a long time, had it been up to either of you, nobody still wouldn’t know. But it’s definitely better on both of your nerves not having to tiptoe around each other when you recorded, or he streamed.
You really enjoy books, so that’s what you naturally made the topic of your YouTube channel, book reviews. You had always recorded yourself reading and made it into a time-lapse after, it was when easier now that you didn’t have to worry if Corpse said anything and you looked up to answer him. You weren’t really into gaming so it surprised you a lot when Corpse had sat you down yesterday and asked if you wanted join them in the game today. The other had been bugging him to get you on call for longer than just saying a quick hi and then leaving him again. You weren’t much of a people person, honestly neither of you were. But Corpse was still better at interacting with others. Both of your setups was already in the studio, due to you liking edit your videos when he streamed, so you could still be together. Despite you mostly reading whenever he streamed, because then there wasn’t a chance he accidentally got caught on your camera.
Your routines worked for each other, but this was new territory for you. Both being live and gaming. You were nervous. To put it out there you were straight up shaking of nerves. Sure you wouldn’t be live yourself, and it was just among us, you had seem him play it a million times, but it still scared you what if you said something stupid, or did something stupid. Then you wouldn’t be able to cut it out, everyone would know in an instant.
Corpse greet his stream, as you load up your game, you’re fiddling with the hem of his sweater, makes him feel like he’s closer than the short distance that’s between you, because right now he seemed like an ocean away.
He shows you how to join the call and you accidentally squeak in chock as someone yells into their microphone. You can feel Corpse moving beside you, as he tries his best not to laugh at you.
“Shut up.” You mumble, and lightly shoves his shoulder.
“Me?” A guy with an irish accent asks.
“No! Not you, I’m so sorry that wasn’t to you- Corpse stop laughing at me!” You cut your own sentence off. As he now is completely failing at keeping himself from laughing, inviting everyone and their mom to listen to his beautiful laugh. You sulk for a bit, before he composes himself.
“But you’re just so damn cute.” He pets the top of your head, and walks back to his own setup, where chat is going rocket speed. He tries to read a couple in passing, but he turns his attention back to you when you whine.
“I’m not a child!” you pout at him and sticks out your tongue. A smile right on your lips as he copies you. You just love this man with all of your heart.
“Never said you were.” He teases back, before he starts to greet the people in the call. You realise most of your nerves have disappeared, no longer shaking, you’re getting a bit excited to do this. You listen closely when corpse says the name of each of the people in the call. You only knew the names before joining, but not what voice that belonged to whom.
When you’re finally in the game, Corpse suggests you put on the white skin and a flower. Your reply?
You lean close to the microphone and goes. “No.” And picks the yellow skin with the plant hat, declaring you’re now a citrus fruit.
“Corpse, how in the world did you catch someone like her?” you think her name was Rae asked.
“I didn’t she caught me.” He admits, happily. “Still having trouble believing she chose me.”
Earning an awe from the rest of the call. Two lovebirds.
“Simp!” someone yells in the call, you’re not really sure who, in the sea of mixed noises. Earning a laugh from you.
Crewmate flash across your screen, and you didn’t totally mean to peak, but you saw the red flash from his pc. As the game starts up and your character isn’t moving you realise you don’t know what you’re doing. Corpse realises too when his character starts to circle yours and nothing happens.
“Babe you good there?” He looks over at you, as you’re pressing each key on your keyboard testing out what happens. He chuckles at the sight. “let me help you.” He gets up, and leans over you, as he shows you how to move. His own character standing still, as he helps you around the map and shows you how to do the tasks. You happily let him guide your hands, enjoying the warmth he radiates as he stands near you.
That’s when a warning flash over the screen. Emergency meeting. You think it said. A screen with a portrait of all of your characters comes up.
“Corpse you good there, you haven’t moved all game?” Felix asks.
“Oh, sorry, I was helping Y/N with how to play.” Corpse answers over your mic.
“Hey guys, how do I make my name red like Corpses?” you innocently ask, with a gleam in your eyes as you look up at Corpse knowing damn well why his name is red. He’s the bad guy.
Corpse furrows his eyebrows at you. Glaring at you, as the rest of the call is laughing, it doesn’t take long before his astronaut is floating across the screen ejected into outer space. He leans close to you, making sure to mute your microphone first.
“You sure you want to play like this kitten?” He whispers to you, you respond by smacking his shoulder, and once again telling him to shut up.
Corpse helps you through the rest of the game. He makes sure you’re good before walking back to his own chair and greets his chat, finally paying attention back to them. Another game starts and the two of you  are imposters together. Corpse quickly goes over the rules of impostors, and it doesn’t take long before you have made your first kill, not noticing Sean was in Nav together with Rae.  But before he’s able to report it,Corpse comes to your rescue by venting into the room and killing Sean. The relief is short lived as  Felix comes running into Nav and see the two of you standing over Seans body, quickly reporting.
“Y/N you’re doing good, but you need to press the report button when it comes visible.” Felix starts out. “Also, it’s Corpse, there was a body in Nav, Sean. Wait Rae and Mark is dead too.” You smile to yourself as you realise he didn’t discover Raes body in there too, you feel a bit of pride.
Corpse looks over to you grinning at him. “We walked in together I was showing her where the report button is and how to use it.” Corpse defends himself. “She never found a body in the last game.”
“That’s true.” You choose to ignore he fact you’re lying to these strangers, and tell yourself that you’re technically speaking the truth. You never found a body in the last game.
“I’m sus of you Corpse, but we have no other evidence.” Felix says,
“And we shouldn’t vote on 7.” Toast comments. Everyone votes skip, and the two of you live to see another round.
The next kill is by Corpse, and you immediately report it, stating you found it in… what was that room now called?
“We found it in… that room?” You try and look over at Corpse for help.
“Electrical, headed there for wires.” Corpse quickly takes over to cover for you. Knowing full well the rest very much knows it’s the two of you.
“I think it’s a self-report, Y/N you’re trying out some big brain strats, but I saw you vent from med bay.” Toast tells the rest. You curse underneath your breath; you are starting to catch on the rest are trying to be nice. But you get it, you’re ruining the game for them, especially Corpse. A few seconds passes as everyone votes and your astronaut is sent into the vacuum of space. You sigh.  You watch as Corpse, gets one kill before it gets reported.
“What was everyone’s last task?” Grease asks the group. He gets an array of answers, but all to him seems nowhere near the body.
“I’m still sus of you Corpse.” Felix says, “You either failed card swipe twice, or forgot you already faked it.”
“How could it have been me? I was with you the entire time.” Corpse responds.
“That’s not true, when lights went out I couldn’t find you, and we just split up before I found the body now.” Felix tells the other incriminating Corpse. It doesn’t take long before he gets voted off. He looks a bit annoyed at the outcome. Knowing it was a risky kill. But instead in your mind you take it as he’s annoyed you were his partner. You reach out for his hand, and he takes it, you stroke it a few times and he seems to calm down again.
“It’s been fun you guys, but I’m not really good at this, I think I’m going to get back to do some reading. It was fun though.” You announce to the rest, Corpse watching in confusion over the sudden need to leave. The others bid their goodbyes. You get off the discord call. And closes up the game and shuts off your pc.
“Hey chat, I’ll be right back, I’m taking a quick break before we continue.” Corpse mutes his setup and walks over to you. While doing that you’ve frustratedly put your head in your hands, and is onboard the blame train for ruining the game for the others. Corpse wraps his arms around you and brings you right back to reality and where you belong, in his embrace.
“Babe, are you okay? Do you need me to stop the stream?” He carefully asks.
“I’m sorry I ruined your game. I really tried my best, I promise.” You sigh, looking at him, and leaning into his hug and the warmth.
“You didn’t ruin anything, Y/N. You made it better, I had a fun time with you, even if we weren’t the best pair.” Corpse starts peppering you in kisses alround your face until you start giggling.
“There is my beautiful Y/N.” He smiles at you, he knows he’s so whipped, and he wouldn’t give it up for anything in the world when he sees that smile of yours.
“Thank you.” You mumble as you put your neck into his neck, cuddling up against him. “Can I stay for the rest of your stream?” He doesn’t need to answer, he just sits back down in his own chair, and you automatically and easily, swing a leg over him. You cuddle into his chest and listens as he starts talking to his chat again.
“Y/N says thanks for everything, but this is really out of her comfort zone, and I’m proud of her for having done it.” He praises you to the rest of the world. He looks down at you smiling. He mute his mic as he whisper to you. “You’re still my favourite impostor, kitten.” You giggle, and he turns his attention back to the game. Getting ready to be a crewmate.
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anne-i-write · 3 years
moriarty the patriot headcannons
| requested by anon: “uhhh kinda weird lmao but how would the moriarty bros react to an s/o from the future? (Headcanons) thanks! OwO” |
william x reader; louis x reader; albert x reader
word count: 1355
tw: a few swears, if i’m missing any please let me know!
a/n: i’m so sorry that these are coming out so slow please enjoy!
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william: 317 words
as soon as you wake up he’ll be staring at you intently
“where am i?”
“durham, england, 1880… and in my room”
it takes you like ten minutes to process everything that’s going on because: “i’m dreaming right??? or did i actually shift???
after finally accepting the fact you indeed did not shift and are not dreaming, you finally looked at the man who had stayed silent during your incoherent ramblings
“you seem more awake now, is it alright if i ask a few questions?”
hhh he’s such a gentleman
you both honestly take this whole time shift thing really well
louis definitely walks in on you two and he’s like,,
“who tf are you and how did you get in”
sdjkfhd pls its so funny when you guys converse
his speaking manner is so refined and yours is just,, yours
but he loves it
he thinks its cute
he comes up with a story for you because there were people who were no doubt going to question how you came into his life
and from there you two hit it off really well
accidentally said you two were to be wed during a conversation and the nobles went insane
when you are on the carriage ride back from the party he apologizes for saying something so out of line
“i wouldn’t mind being married to you, william.”
this man always has something to say but THIS
he wanted to respond with something witty but you just,, existed and made him melt
“let’s go buy a ring tomorrow then.”
asks you questions about the future
only trivial things, never if his plan works in the long term
but judging by the way you talk about your previous life he can tell that everyone is somewhat equal, except for “the dumbass politicians” you speak about
oh did i mention he picks up your swears too LMAO
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louis: 459 words
 he’s heading back to his room when you come OUT of his room
“who tf are you, how did you get into this house, and why are you here”
instant kill mode
you think you’re dreaming so you’re like,, ok cool and you tell him most of your life story and he’s like
has never been more dumbfounded in his life
who is this person and what are they wearing and why are they telling me their life story
eventually the rest of the moriarty team gets involved and matters are settled lmao
you all agree that staying in the manor is the best course of action at the moment
louis thinks you’re taking this a little too well so he’s still a little sus of you
like seriously,, the future?? cmon now
the people you’re working for probably made those weird clothes for you
but anyways
you’re helping him clean the house and cook
“this is fun,,, but honestly?? if i have to do this by myself everyday i would cry”
you keep saying this and you know it’s getting annoying for louis but he ISNT TALKING
if you can’t beat em, annoy em
finally gives in
“how did you used to wash clothes in the future?”
and you get this big smile on your face and you start TALKING
you’re so excited that he finally spoke to you
even tho you know you lowkey annoyed him
but you’re talking and louis is like,, huh
you’re talkative, but not annoying at all
you have little stories that make him laugh sometimes
needless to say you both get closer
but it isn’t until one night louis is making rounds around the manor that he passes by your room and hears crying
so he’s worried and he goes into your room
bruh you try pulling that shit where you wipe away your tears and be like “oh i’m okay!”
like,, no u aren’t
louis makes you spill what’s bothering you
“my friends, my family… are they okay? are they looking for me?? they must be so worried”
note that you’ve already been at the moriarty estate for about two months without any word that you can return to your own time
and louis holds you
he teaches you more about the year that you’re currently stuck in and he tries to take your mind off of the bad things
asks william to buy more books to indulge you bc you have some book withdrawals bc “WHAT DO YOU MEAN A TALE FOR THE TIME BEING HASNT BEEN PRINTED YET” followed by a short crying session
he’s a really good boyfriend
you taught him what a boyfriend was and he couldn’t stop thinking about how much society’s view on relationships changed
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albert: 579 words
is walking down the streets at night when he sees you barreling down the road in your clothes
you look pretty scathed when you run right into him
“are you alright?”
you’re scared and out of breath but he’s wearing what you can only assume is a uniform of england
he takes you to his place and tries to calm you down
he asks you questions and you tell him everything straight out
you know you look crazy but you couldn’t bring yourself to care
you were just walking back from a friend’s place IN BROAD DAYLIGHT and you felt dizzy and you woke up alone in a dark alleyway
“where are you from?”
you obviously give him your city but he corrects himself
“what year are you from?”
doesn’t want to believe you bc you’re all frantic and maybe insane
but your clothes just seem to different for him to brush off the possibility
tells you to sleep it off and gives you his bed
he’s already writing a letter to his brothers that he’s possibly coming back with someone
“ohoho brother albert has a suitor now?”
anyways, albert asks you more questions about your other life as you’re both on the train to durham
albert went out to buy you more fitting clothes before leaving and you couldn’t even repay him
but he tries to get you in a comfortable position so you don’t spiral again
but he’s genuinely nice about it when he finally accepts the fact that you are in fact from the future
funny enough, you both don’t get each others names until you get onto the train
“oh, my name is albert james moriarty”
and you’re briefly like “oh like sherlock’s nemesis” but then you remember that this is only the victorian era
sherlock holmes doesn’t exist, it’s just a coincidence
so you both get to the manor and he introduces you to the moriarty team and this is where you’re like,,
oh my God
this is real and i know the ending
you suddenly want to travel back further in time and never meet them bc they’re all really sweet towards you
and you got attached to them more than you should have
albert notices you’re a little tense so he makes small conversation to get your mind off of things
“i do like to play the piano”
they have a piano delivered to the house to make you feel more comfortable and hopefully keep you occupied
itching and nostalgic (ironic), you play songs from rachmaninoff and joe hisaishi, despite it being from the future
everyone knows chopin so shhh
“that’s beautiful, did you compose that?”
“no, but another composer did, i don’t even think he exists yet”
you’re very adamant on keeping things the same
like,, no i’m not going to tell you how to create a washing machine because i don’t want to mess up the timeline if i do go back to the future
you do get very sad occasionally because you are homesick and being placed in a world where you have only heard stories of is very disorienting
but albert and the boys make up for it
albert always tries to be by your side and if he can get his hands on a piano sheet he’ll buy one for you and see if you already know it
it’s always nice to have them around, but you know the troubles you’ll eventually have to face
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moriarty the patriot taglist: @zoehanji
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violetnotez · 3 years
Haaaaiiii! I don't know if you've done this before, but can you do a headcanon with Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, and Kaminari (separately) dating a slim thicc reader who's waaaaay to kind to everyone for her own good? Sorry if that was specific lol. It just suits my life.
HC: Slim Thicc + Overly Nice Reader | BNHA
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Music Genre: Pop | BNHA
Characters: Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki
Warnings: cursing, suggestive content
Music Collection | Tip Jar | Requests!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:
Shop Owner Note: The fuq how did you describe me in four words lmaoooo-I really liked this idea alot!!!!! Also I only did Bakugo, Izuku and Shoto caus emy brain got fried, so hope thats okay!
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Midoriya most definitely drink his respect women juice
He was raised by his mother after all
doesnt mean the boy cant be a little perverted-
He just loves your body!!!!!
How can he NOT love everything about it, from the way your school tights slightly squeeze your thighs to the point where he feel like he cant breath
Or when you wear his shirts and its tighter around the chest and flowy around you waist
Mmmmmm lets not forget your hero suit- this man would probably kiss the shoes of the person who made your suit
Cause DAMN they really made it as tight as possible and he just loves it sm
Lets be real this dude has probably popped a boner by accident just thinking about your hero suit 😶
He is very much respectful about you and keeps his raging hormones horniness to himself
He is ALWAYS making sure you feel comfortable in your relationship, whether its from holding hands to cuddling, he will always make sure you give your consent
Now, when it comes to your kindness, this is something Midoriya probably loves the most about you
But he does find it really concerning when he notices you say “yes” to everything somebody asks you to do for them
And running yourself down, not looking as energetic as yourself
He is very observant, so he notices little things that signal you are little overwhelmed 
Like your clothes arent as perfectly ironed as they used to be, you seem to be forgetting your own things while remembering to bring everybody else’s, your smile seems strained, and you just look stressed
He is so incredibly empathetic- it pains him to his s/o look so distraught 
It does anger him a bit that these people can so easily take advantage of you, and not even care that you arent feeling your best because of what they asked of you
But he swallows down the anger, offering to help you with whatever you need at your dorm room
He tries to make it as stress free as he possibly can, bringing your favorite snacks and playlist of music to calm your mind
But at some point hed give you a very gentle talk,,,,
He knows you havent been feeling too great, whether you deny it or not, and he wants you to know that its perfectly okay to not say “yes” to every person
He knows you mean well and you want to help everyone out of the generosity of your heart, and he loves that about you
But you as a person are important, and you come first over anyone
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚
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Like Midoriya, just LOVES your body
Like cmon, how can he NOT
Dude is a ass+boob man change ma mind 
At first he deifnitely denies it-
Him??? Stare at your ass??? Pshh he was looking at the oven baka, if anything your ass was blocking his view-
You would know you caught him red handed cause he face would get redder than Momo’s hero suit and he would actually stutter—-
Which would make him extrmeely annoyed and he’d be cussing a storm+be in a grumpy mood for an hour or two
But once you two get more comfortable in your relationship-
He will have use every opportunity to just be meannnn
And by mean
I mean turn slapping your ass into some sick game
Like if you dont yelp and cuss him out whats the point?
Once he slapped you so hard he legit left his big ass hand print on your butt cheek and you were about to slap his smug ass back....
But off a 50ft building  🙃
Also a big softie too
Like when you to cuddle he loves cuddling into your chest 🥺🥺
To him it’s just so comfyyyyyyyyyy
Honestly, Bakugo can’t understand at all how you can be so nice to people
It confuses him???? But he finds it really....nice???
Like half the stuff you do for people Bakugo wouldn’t ever dream of doing
He knows he’d either give that person an intimidating, dirty look or just laugh at them, cause yeah right he’d waste his time with their stupid problems
But you are totally different than him-you had a lot more patience and sympathy than he had, always coming to everyone’s rescue it seemed like
He finds it attractive and to him, it confuses the hell out of him how he does
But what bothers him is how much time you spend away from him
He won’t ever admit it, but he feels lonely when you’re not around
And what’s even worse-is by the time you do hang out with him, your too tired to even properly pay attention to him after running around and doing everything for everyone else
Bakugo the Attention Whore
One day this dude would have enough, as he’s been getting the bad end of the stick for a good couple of weeks——
He just barges into were ever your at, and doesn’t give to shits what so everrrrr
Bakugo has one mission in mind: getting his s/o back
Wouldn’t acknowledge anyone but you, grabbing your wrist and yanking you out of the room even if your protesting with him
“The hell are you doing Bakugo, let go-“
“No 😠”
“Pleaseeeeeee I was in the middle of working on something-“
“I said NO 😠😠😠”
Angry Pomeranian Activated
Once stop dragging you until he locks you in his room, forcing you to hear him out
He HATES being emotional or open, but at that, he starts spilling his guts through gritted teeth and choppy sentences,,
Saying that you waste too much time in thise “extras”, that they don’t deserve as much time as you give them, and that you have more “important” things than do all their work for them
*cough cough him being the more important thing
But hoenstly, you feel a little bad for him,,,,,
So you compromise with him and promise you’ll spend more time on him
He’s pretty happy with that,
but now he takes it one step further to make sure you deifnitely have enough time to hang out with him
If he’s around when someone asks you for help, he’ll cut them off and lie straight theough his teeth, saying you two have a “date” and squeezing you close to him with an iron grip
“Wait-Bakugo-we didnt have a date planned-“
“Tsch, now we do-“
Shoto Todoroki
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I have said this timeeee and timeeee againnnn
But Shoto really is the definition of innocence
So really, it wouldn’t ever dawn on him on how killer his s/o’s body is
He’s just kinda like....yeah I know they have a butt and chest? Doesn’t everyone?😶
This poor Boi someone help him
It only really sets it after a few months of being together that he’s actually really, really in love with your body
Like how did he never notice how good you look in leggings?
Or how soft and comfortable your chest is?
And why does he want you to squeeze him with your thighs? 😳
Hormones are ragingggggg
And also veryyyyyyyy protective over you
Shoto is very observant and quiet in social situations, usually opting to check out his surroundings instead of trying to be sociable
So he’ll catch from time to time classmates commenting on you and your figure, and it never sits very well with him
At first when these incidences happened he was very conflicted, not understanding this intense jealousy and need to protect you
But after a while of contemplating his feelings, he understood it was because he was protective of you
And ohohoohohoh
This man is PROTECTIVE
He does little things you would never reallly notice until you actually do
Like when he takes you home after hanging out or a date, he lingers a little longer outside your door to make sure you’re inside safely
Or when you’re walking together he will make sure your walking inside the street and away from the cars
Also has a tendency to grab your waist or your hand when a group of men come your way
He just gets paranoid okay 🥺🥺🥺
And because he’s so protective, he doesn’t practically like that you’re being taken advantage of sometimes because of your kindness
Especially when it comes to other men
On a few occasions Shoto has spotted you in a sticky situation with a guy who was being a little too close for comfort
It would make you uncomfortable of course, you had a boyfriend you already loved a lot-
but you felt kind of bad just being a total bitch to this guy who desperately wanted a chance
So you’d just awkwardly laugh and smile with their stupid pick up lines, trying your best to be polite but also show you weren’t interested
But Shoto at this point has radar for when your in trouble, and just pops out of nowhere 💀
He’s not the type to flaunt his relationship by impulsively kissing you or anything like that, but he’ll show it in subtle ways
Like calling you “dear” or wrapping his arm around your waist
Honestly, the look of pure relief and comfort in your face shows more than Shoto could have ever done,,,
And that Shoto was deifnitely someone that was more than just a “guy fiend” and soemthing like that
Also Shoto would give them a look that could kill and that instantly scares the shit out anyone lmao
These dudes faces would deflate like balloons real quick, cause at this point everyone knows who Shoto Todoroki is
And how the hell can they compete with that
Instant “oh shit my bad” type energy
After those incidents, Shoto locks down way harder
He practically has you glued to his side, and he doesn’t let go
Like at all
Get used to it cause for the rest of the day Shoto is gonna be following you around like some body guard 💀
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© Violetnote 2020
None of these characters or shows are my own, only the storylines and narratives I create are mine. Copying, stealing, plagiarizing, rewording, or using my storylines in other media, claiming to be your own, or reposting without my consent is not allowed.
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arkitiore · 3 years
Do with the amount what you wish, just have fun <3
You think this is funny huh? Think I'll just share a couple headcanons and not take the flower number into account at all huh? Well think again.
🌺x66 - sweet headcanons
33 things Connor loves about Nines and 33 things Nines loves about Connor:
Connor loves:
1. How Nines is taller, the perfect height for hugging
2. His minimalistic fashion sense
3. The grave seriousness in his tone when he uses a swear word
4. That he likes cats
5. That he will pet Connors head as if he were a cat
6. The blue of his eyes
7. How he prefers to drive instead of taking a taxi
8. his small smiles
9. how he looks at him when he thinks Connor isn't paying attention
10. How he'll only dance with him in private
11. How he acts so stoic in front of humans
12. and yet so gentle when they're alone
13. how he's secretly unnerved by insects
14. how he holds connors hand while he sleeps
15. and keeps the nightmares at bay via interface
16. how he never complains about carrying Connor around when he gets bored
17. how he measures out the precise amount of thirium he needs to the ml
18. how he can always tell what connor is feeling
19. how he can always tell when connor does or doesnt want to talk
20. how he'll fight fights on connors behalf even though connor is perfectly capable
21. how he is secretly vain
22. how he is an avid reader
23. that he writes books that no one knows about
24. how he is always awkward around children
25. but how he is always kind to them anyway
26. how he puts Connors thirium in the freezer to make a slushy even though he thinks it is absurd
27. how he always tells Connor he looks nice when he gets dressed
28. how he and Hank get on so well...in their own way
29. how he threw a coffee at Gavin Reed that one time
30. how everything on his desk has a precise place.
31. how he has taken up carving and woodworking recently
32. how he refuses to change his hair from the cyberlife standard
33. how he loves him
Nines loves:
1. How Connor is smaller, the perfect height for hugging
2. his colourful and sometimes absurd fashion sense
3. how liberally he throws around swear words
4. that he likes dogs
5. but he cuddles up to him on the sofa like a cat
6. the brown of his eyes
7. how he will only take taxis to get around despite being perfectly capable of driving
8. his huge grins
9. how he looks at him when he thinks nines isnt paying attention
10. how freely he moves about and can dance without a care
11. how he can have a conversation with almost anybody
12. but saves the most genuine parts of himself for when theyre alone
13. how he collects bizarre collections of random objects
14. how he clings onto nines hand when he sleeps
15. how he will switch between singing off-key and singing in a pitch-perfect imitation of an artists voice
16. how he runs preconstructions of how to knock people unconscious when they annoy him, and then sends them to nines
17. how he climbs onto nines back or shoulders when he's bored
18. how he can always tell what nines is feeling
19. how he can always tell when nines does or doesnt want to talk
20. how he is constantly getting himself into trouble
21. how he can be overtly vain
22. how he has no processor to mouth filter sometimes
23. how he prefers to watch tv
24. how he is so good at interacting with children
25. how he is so sharply intelligent
26. how he makes nines put his thirium in the freezer to make slushies and drinks them with a straw even though the concept is absurd
27. how he looks good in everything he wears
28. how he talks to sumo as if the dog can understand him
29. how hard he laughed when Nines threw a coffee at Gavin Reed that one time...
30. how he keeps everything in a state of organised chaos
31. How hes taken to sewing recently.
32. that he changes his hair so often and refuses to wear it in the Cyberlife standard
33. that he loves him
ehehehe i made myself feel soft doing this.
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thechangeling · 3 years
I was reading your co-signing the narrative post- great post btw- and your thoughts on Kit Lightwood helped me figure out exactly what bothers me about the way other characters talk about and treat him.
So, there’s this kind of this running “joke” in TLH that Christopher’s interests are boring, that everyone else puts up with it him as though it’s this big nuisance, that everyone zones out hearing him talk… and on and on and on.*** And then there’s this scene where Grace is genuinely interested or at least not bringing him down about his self-expression and the things that bring him joy, and that’s romanticized as special when it’s really kind of the bare fuckin minimum. Like, I’m not saying James/Matthew/Thomas had to immerse themselves completely in every sciency detail but the constant “jokes” implying that Christopher’s work is boring or incomprehensible or not worth their time is just so tiring. There’s always an undercurrent of “Christopher’s just playing around uselessly” (which is not true and even when he’s having fun with his work then it’s still automatically WORTHY and VALUABLE because it makes him happy!) Not to mention this recurring problem directly contradicts the value that Christopher’s work has (beyond its inherent value) when he sends it into the world to literally save lives: the poison antidote, the fire messages that will probably come about in CoT.
And the thing is, the merry thieves’ disinterest is directly meant to foil grace’s interest in order to lend the Grace/Kit relationship a certain significance, as CC assigns to it. I’m not saying shared excitement over an interest/hobby/career/field/etc isn’t sweet platonically or romantically. I just really dislike how the idea CC is using is “no one else can bear to tolerate Kit’s ‘quirks’ but Grace, and that is Endearing, and so they are Soulmates (TM)” rather than the much healthier and positive idea that “Kit does cool sciencey stuff which his family and friends generally don’t share as strong a passion for but still don’t huff about it like it’s somehow a chore or a burden on them, and then Grace comes along and she does happen to share a similar passion and that’s the beginning of their ties to one another.” That second reasoning is what could make their friendship really refreshing; we don’t need ableism poorly twined into romance to enjoy that relationship.
I haven’t read TDA in a while but I’m thinking we could also find touches of this with Ty partly because so much of when we see him is from Kit’s POV? Not that Kit means harm or thinks himself heroic but CC on the other hand is a repeat offender in “abled/white/straight/cis character is ultimately and completely responsible for the salvation of disabled/POC/queer character in this aspect.” And I’m kind of half dreading the wicked powers for that reason among others …
I apologize if all this seems obvious or rambly. I do sometimes have trouble articulating things exactly but when I read your post i had a lightbulb moment and I wanted to note it down.
Have a great day!
***Side Note: this is why I really enjoy fan-created content that explores Christopher’s relationships with people (even people he didn’t interact with on-page in the canon) without that annoying and problematic aspect built into the framework of the relationship.
^^^^^^^^^THIS ALL OF THIS!!!!!!
Full disclosure this is gonna be kind of long sorry. But you have stumbled across my favourite topic to rant about. Allistic saviorism. Basically the name is pretty self explanatory. It's when an allistic person fictional or otherwise has the desire to or actively attempts to essentially "save" the autistic person from the horrors of the world or their life, or even themselves because they think that the autistic person isn't strong or capable enough to fix/handle it on their own. All of this is usually done for very self serving reasons. Part of this is also allistic people being praised as heroes for being nice to autistic people or asking them out, or loving them.
I don't neccesarily think that kitty is an allistic savior ship on it's own. I think that there are definitely peices of those beliefs scattered throughout the books and it might get worse in TWP. That's honestly something that I'm worried about too tbh. But honestly I think that the fandom made it a billion times worse.
This mainly allistic fandom wanted to romanticize the idea of Kit taking care of Ty and shouldering the burden of his "unpredictability." Kit is the only one who can get through to Ty. The only one who understands the mystery that is Ty 🙄. Some of this is canon too. For example, Ty can look Kit in the eye, he lets him touch him. He doesn't wear the headphones when Kit's around right? And Kit was able to calm him down during his meltdown.
And while some of this is really cute from a romantic perspective, it's also kinda problematic because it reeks of allistic saviorism. It promotes the idea that Kit is like Ty's "cure." And that's just impossible.
And honestly I know I've contributed to this in some ways. Because if I'm being perfectly honest with you, there's a part of me that enjoys that. The romantization of autism.
The idea of being taken care of.
The idea that someone could love an autistic person and see them as "beautiful" and "extraordinary" and all the things Kit calls Ty, was incredibly moving and appealing to me as a kid. It still is. Because I grew up on stories of charity cases and allistic saviorism making headlines with prom dates. I was super secretive about it, but I was always a romantic growing up. But I thought that it was impossible for me to have a real love story because people like me don't get that. (Not to get all sob story on you sorry. I overshare. It's an autistic thing.)
And there are some really compelling things about kitty that really do work. And I'm not trying to suggest that Kit learning to help Ty with the ...shall we say more colourful traits of his disability is a bad thing always. It's not. But I think the issue is with Ty's lack of pov and Ty's lack of a narrative in the books. It makes him seem like less of a completely developed character and more like, "Kit's" you know?
And because we don't have Ty's pov we don't really get what makes Kit have this sort of calming effect on him or why it's different. And more importantly we don't get why Ty's letting him in, we only get Kit pushing past his boundries. The entire thing becomes about Kit essentially and that's at the root of all allistic saviorism.
Also like you mentioned before, Kit is seen as special to a certain extent because he can handle Ty. That's not neccesarily something the character believes obviously, but again with CC co-signing the damn narrative with the way she makes the impact Kit has on Ty such a big deal in everyone's eyes and in QOAAD she really emphasizes the drain Ty's necromancy plan is taking on Kit, suddenly Ty's grief becomes all about Kit and with no pov from Ty, it's more allistic savior bs.
Honestly most of this isnt actually THAT bad it's just when you throw it all together and look at the ugly history and let's be honest present, of autistic people being silenced and spoken over by our caregivers and loved ones and we are treated like burdens on them, and how those people are praised for loving us, it kinda looks bad. But the fandom definitely made it worse.
I always get criticized for criticizing kitty by allistic people with, " well if you think they're so toxic then why do you even ship them?" Which is a piss poor take lacking in any nuance. An autistic person has the right to critique a dynamic involving an autistic character. More to the point, you can love something and be critical of it. I swear when this fandom finally figures that one out... we could accomplish so much.
I'm really hoping this is making sense it's like 2 in the morning. As for Grace and Christopher's dynamic I agree with you. I basically have nothing to add. Bare minimum. Should not be idolized. The way the others treat him should not just be brushed off as no big deal. It's ableism.
Basically it's just a bunch of classic mistakes that come from a neurotypical abled writer writing nd characters. Some mistakes are more damning then others. But it does make me scared for TWP.
I can only hope.
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laterzgators · 4 years
How the gang would be like in modern times.
Kinda basing this off of texts I have with my friends because I get reminding everyday that my old friend group (kinda still my friend group.) are like the gang.
He would have like an iPhone 6 in 2020. And he would be so upset about it. But he wouldn’t complain cause his brother didn’t have money for him to have an iPhone 11 or something.
He uses every platform to text. He probably only texts like Johnny and sometimes Dally.
Johnny and him would FT for hours and during them be like “look what I sent you.” And then proceeded to a meme.
Still a whiny baby boy but 2020 edition
Didn’t pay attention to politics cause he isn’t voting so he has no say. :/
Would probably watch anime- but like mainstream.
Has two instagram accounts one for public people he knew and a secret one to post what he wanted cause Darry probably looked into his phone-
Tries to show Darry how to use a smartphone. Darry won’t understand it. But he tried.
Track team until COVID hit 🙄
Hated virtual learning. HATED IT.
Especially when Darry didn’t have work that day he would peep into Soda and Pony’s room to see him on his desk on a call.
Pony putting his arm down shooing him away. “Darry...I’m in class please shh.” “Don’t worry bout me I’m just listening. Making sure these teachers actually are teaching ya.”
Somehow went brain dumb with this type of learning some days so when a teacher would ask him to answer something he would mute and turn off the camera or leave the call.
He was happy when he did know the answer a certain day.
• Having to text Johnny or Two bit to join a class cause the teacher was doing attendance.
Texts Ponyboy and Dally pretty evenly. Though Pony would start being whiny when he didn’t answer. Johnny also probably had an older phone like an iPhone 6 or se maybe even an LG but he wouldn’t complain. He was just fine with having a phone. At least it worked.
Has a whole Instagram account about memes. Pony probably helps manage it.
Watches anime with Pony cause he finds it interesting. Does he understand what’s going on? No not at all but if Pony likes it then it’s okay.
Does really like Naruto though-
He hates school. It’s bad enough he skipped it most days. But now ITS AT HOME SO HE HAD NO EXCUSE TO NOT DO IT!
He would usually join the zoom calls but he kept his camera off and was on mute. His parents were probably arguing-
Some days he could be with Pony at his house and did his zooms from there.
Pony spamming him to join the class.
Pony: “Johnny Mr Fullb-“
Johnny: “I’m about to join just be patient pony.”
Dally sent him a nude once and he was SCARED. Dally used social media for that purpose but we will get more into that later-
He apologized a lot btw-
FT calls were fun cause he would put his phone in a certain position and do work and Pony being high on adrenaline would run around his room and you could see it on camera. It was funny.
Where do I even start for this man....
Poor Johnny once got sent one on accident.
He is still traumatized
Virtual women and real women double bonus for him. He would text or dm one chick and be asking a girls number physically at the same time.
Mans gotta multitask-
Bully people on the internet.
Mainly pony for some reason. He did it playfully but Pony would get upset so quickly-
Pony.boy_curtis posted a picture. Caption: Read this poem at school and I’ve been vibing with it.
Comments: @Dal_winSton: Haha THATS dumb. (And more spam of him that includes 😀 that emoji.)
People would call him an eboy and he didn’t like that. He was just edgy in his own way.
Stole a iPhone 11 Pro so that’s how he has this phone.
GC with the whole gang existence and he was like “This is dumb we see eachother everyday.”
He was a weird teen-
My manz always texted Ponyboy when he was to lazy to speak.
Texted a lot of people cause he was that guy. But mainly Steve, Sandy (when they were still a thing.), Darry, and Pony.
His IG was filled with nice pics of him and girls just commenting about how handsome he was. He got annoyed of it at a point and turned off the comment section.
Probably had tiktok and made Pony get it.
Had a free subscription of Spotify and my boy loved his music.
Texting pony is like.: “Hey could you tell Darry that I got the eggs he needed earlier.” Pony never told him. Darry got home with a carton of eggs and started yelling that they wasted money on extra eggs. And Pony stood there after hours of finally looking at the text and would just back up.
Random girls dming asking if he was single.
It made him uncomfortable.
But Steve would grab his phone and say random things to the girls and they’d leave him alone.
He didn’t understand Pony’s memes but liked them cause they were on his page.
He or Darry probably asked later on what it meant.
“Uh-huh.” Is the response after Pony took an hour explaining it.
Still didn’t get it.
Followed every single person he knew or liked on Instagram or any platform.
Pony just yelled back sure.
You thought Soda was bad nah Darry is a full on Karen-
Had probably had a flip phone until 2018
Loved Karen memes. Pony would see him liking them on fb and he’d just LAUGH.
Yelling at Pony to help him with his phone.
Pressed the wrong buttons all the time.
Probably had an LG-
DIDNT get texting 🤦‍♀️
Telling Pony not to talk to strangers on the internet.
Would have Rants on Facebook.
He pays for cable even though no one in that house used the Tv except him.
Would be so confused on the GC
In the GC: Two Bit: Calm down Jamal dont pull out the nine.
Darry: Who is Jamal and what do you mean by pull out the nine??
It’s scary seeing him in our times-
Two Bit Matthews.
All the memes all the jokes he understands it.
He is an intellectual.
Was barley passing school. He was usually on his phone in class.
He probably also had tiktok.
Dmed girls all the timeeee-
Hey good looking
You have been blocked by this user
Yeah he didn’t realize girls didn’t like that
Had a whole page dedicated to memes because obviously.
DIDNT join virtual school at allllll
He was busy playing roblox like the cool kid he was.
He is legit a 9 year old-
Hated wearing masks but he did it.
Still hung out with Pony and the gang even with Corona.
He spammed the GC at like 4 a.m when he was super sleepy but still awake and asked all kinds of questions.
“If we call an orange orange can we call orange fruit?” Confusion.
He was something else-
Texted Soda during work.
Also texted Evie during work.
Google was his new best friend.
He used google a lot he just did.
Only had Instagram cause Sodapop begged.
He got used to it after a while.
Would get Ponyboy in trouble whenever he posted something that he knew could get him in trouble
Would post pictures of Darry doing random things and say “Superman” in the caption. LOL
Used LMAO a lottt for some reason
On the GC if someone was spamming he’d just say SHUT UP. Like a lot but he would.
He never wore his mask and if he did it was on his chin.
Pictures of chocolate cake.
That’s probably it lol.
That’s all. I hoped you liked it. Sorry I’m posting so late lol-
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soopysoap · 3 years
Uh, I read your post about having an 80's au for the foreigen kids. And since I'm a Foreigen kids stan, can you tell me more about it?
They're really just random n messy ideas and i forget how many there are but i'm throwing them all here
so the whole thing takes place in highschool and mainly surrounds the cockswolds cotswolds (mainly mark but rebecca is usually there too)
most of them are seniors, rebecca's a junior
mark is an unpopular nerd, therefore the main character because it's the 80s. so is rebecca but she's not the main character
uhh everyone else is kinda just there
like there are no side characters all the foreign kids are kinda equal focus- wise but the main one is mark i guess
like the leader of their group idk idk
estella is the stereotypical rich popular girl, but she's also a closeted lesbian they're all closeted tbh so she's trying to hide that from her mom. Her mom, instead of being all 'Blah blah blah brrak hearts to fuel my life' or something she's just obsessed with status and how popular Estella is. She's always pleased when Estella has a boyfriend, but it's not often. Basically Estella is more smiley and happy than she usually is, but she's stil usually indifferent. Smiles either when she's genuinely happy or wants something. Most of the time she's deadpan or rolling her eyes
Gaydamien is the rich popular jock, his ego is huge. His dad (since he cant be the son of satan in this one) is the principal of their school. He usually gets what he wants, no matter what. Instead of "You dare [insert something here] to the Prince of Hell????" its that but with "Damien Thorn???" yknow because of his last name. He's been dating Estella to boost his ego, mainly. Doesn't realize he likes guys yet. Estella and Damien hate each other, but everyone believes they're dating because they're too scared to say otherwise. They complain about each other to each other AND to people in private.
Pip is just- he's less of a nerd but more of a kid that's just. There. He isn't nerdy but he definitely isn't popular. At all. He's just a pushover man idk what to tell you. He's usually being bullied. He has a huge crush on Damien, because he got him out of trouble with some other jock like. Once. Always gets giggly around him, it's funny to watch. Also very passive aggressive @ Estella because she's dating him. They have very few classes together, but whenever they do he's always like "hey :) so hows damien" and she responds with "why would i know" and he's like "because??? youre dating him???" and she looks really confused for a second and then is like "OH- Oh yeah okay uh. I don't know. So." and then she starts complaining about him or something and pip is all ":) why not just break up?"
Pip also hates Christophe
Which, speaking of, Christophe is also an annoying egotistical jock who plays football with Damien. Damien and Christophe are best friends. Christophe and Gregory are dating in secret
Gregory is the stereotypical gay kid. No other way to put this. If Ryan Evans from High School Musical had a superiority complex. He's a theatre kid, and takes pride in tha- OH MY GOD. Rachel??? Maybe he's Rachel Berry from Glee??? it would kind of work idk,, ok uh anyway yeah he's always bullied for being openly gay and it sucks but he took defense classes in Yardale (yes he's still a transfer from Yardale, yes he constantly mentions it) so he's able to hold his own. But Christophe usually steps in to get Gregory out of there and tend to his wounds.
Rebeccaaaaaa she's the unpopular girl, just started school and doesnt know shit about it after being homeschooled almost her whole life. Has a little crush on Estella, but Estella "Doesn't" notice her. (Estella just thinks of her as some pretty girl who isnt worth her time) Rebecca usually keeps to herself, is usually gossiped about. Estella never gets involved, but whenever she'd get asked about it, instead of defending Rebecca she just says "I hardly believe any of the rumors. She was homeschooled, not taught in witchcraft or satanisim. Or whatever else everyone's saying. Everyone should really calm themselves, if they were so worried about what people thought of them when Rebecca started going here then they should get that in order first before ruining Rebecca's social life. God. You all have to grow up." So, not necessarily a defense but also not an insult. Rebecca still finds it sweet.
Mark is a neerrrrrrd 80s main character. Minus the popular love interest and yearning 😩 And also if the main character had a god/superiority complex.. he's bullied the most other than Gregory, mostly by Damien n Christophe. Girls don't like him, guys don't like him, he really only had Pip and Rebecca for a while. Pip because he's overly nice to almost everyone and wanted to befriend Mark immediately. Usually during lunch Mark sits with Pip and Rebecca. Mark has to hear about Damien all the time from Pip though, so that's annoying.
Uh I know that Pocket is TECHNICALLY a foreign kid but idk shit about him and dont really think about him but he's Estella's cousin and often hangs out with her since he doesn't really have a friend group. He's also really good friends with Pip. BUT since this is a horror au he dies off early
After theyre all friends some stuff happens yada yada yada Gaymien realizes he's pan and has a crush on Pip, Estella takes Rebecca out for a makeover , Christophe gets severely injured because this is a horror au as well, Damien and Pip make out at some point-
Estella and Rebecca both know that theyre Lesbians but they refuse to admit that they like each other
Kinda thinking of this as if it was stranger things or something so i definitely want there to be like... a series of bad events. everyone thinks everythings cool and fine and whatever and there are moments where our group kinda just get to chill n' be kids. idk i just want there to be a falling out in the group and then they all realize they need each other or something dumb like that
also for some fun chill moments we can have estella and rebecca walking around holding hands and laughing n' stuff bc they love each other idk idk
and after the falling out when they all join together again estella is the first to see some scary stuff but she was also the first to drop everyone except damien and christophe (because of her mother) and so she blames herself and doesnt think she can go to them and just has to deal with it on her own
eventually she tells damien who immediately tells pip who immediately wants to get the group together again
everyone's (the cockswolds) are reluctant to hang out again because of the way they were just forgotten so easily, but they go anyway. because of the horror stuff. they both are pissed at estella though
at some point estella gets badly hurt and rebecca saves her and starts nursing her back to health
estella: why are you... why are you doing this. dont you hate me?
rebecca: i'm doing it because i actually care for you, idiot.
estella: i care for you i just... couldnt...
rebecca: what? spend time with a lowlife like me?
estella: you know thats not what i meant-
they go on like that for a little while longer until they wind up confessing to each other "Because I love you! Is that so fucking hard to believe?!" Would be rebecca's and Estella's would probably be "I don't hate you! You're my favorite person, and I hated having to stop hanging out with you! I love you, okay?!" it would be :) fun
damien and estella come out to each other first. well- damien doesnt really come out he just tells her how confused he is and they hug it out and estella tells him she's a lesbian and they both talk a little while longer and decide that breaking up would be the best idea
thats all i've really figured out for sure,, i have some more ideas but this is. a lot already so. i'm just gonna stop before i write too much 👉👉 anyway, anon ily ty for this. also sidenote: the horror stuff has to do with weird sacrificial cults. i know i have nothing for that and really only talked about how everything starts and drama instead of the interesting stuff but 🥴 i have no defense i just love my kids ok drama is fun
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Meeting and Dating Don Dawson
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(Not my gif)(requested by anonymous)
- Don and you first meet when you’re walking through the halls during class time to go deliver something for your teacher. He was ditching class with a friend when the two of you “bumped into each other” and by that I mean you passed them while they leaned against a group of lockers.
- He does a doubletake when you walk past him for the first time. He isn’t shy about his leering either, he full on turns toward you and stares. After he’s gotten a good look, he turns toward his friend, waggles his eyebrows, and tails it after you.
- It kind of spooks you a little when he comes up beside you with an enthusiastic “how ya doin!” but you smile awkwardly and greet him back. He tries to chat you up while you walk back to class; he’s kind of cute so you don’t exactly mind.
- You pause outside of your class to talk a little more but your teacher cuts your conversation short with a teasing comment to you and a cocked brow to Don. He in response starts to flirt with your teacher, earning himself a smile and giggle from you. He winks at you one last time before he disappears back into the hallway and your teacher closes the door.
- He catches you when you’re walking to your car after school and propositions you in his usual fashion. You say “yeah, no thanks” and get in your car, leaving him in the dust. It was at that moment, watching your car disappear down the road, that he decides he has to have you.
- You thought the ordeal was kind of funny so you aren’t too bothered when he approaches you while you’re out with some friends. The two of you just so happened to go to the same place with your individual friend groups. He doesnt proposition you this time, thankfully.
- Now Don, at first, just thought you were hot and was trying to shoot his shot and to weasel his way into your pants. But as he’s talking to you he realizes that he really likes you, like you’re fun to talk to and you’re really interesting. He starts to feel this connection with you that he’s never really had with anyone else.
- Even though he doesn’t want to “admit it” he forms a little crush on you. He starts to talk to and hang out with you more; making it kind of obvious that he likes you with his flirting and innuendos. And you like it, him and the attention, so when he says “Hey why don’t we go grab a bite to eat sometime.” You tell him to “name a date and you’ll be there.”
- It takes him only a few seconds to respond.
- For your first date he gets a few beers and sodas and takes you out to a field where you sit in the bed of his truck and stargaze. He goes to kiss you once or twice but you don’t let him, you know how he is with girls and want to test him a little before you give in. Either way everything goes well and you agree to go out with him again.
- Although he accepts your refusal he probably still complains to the guys that you aren’t letting him “do anything”. But your refusal is more entertaining rather than anything else, he likes you as more than a lay so it doesn’t bother too much. He’s more determined and excited than annoyed.
- For your third date you’d gone to a concert together and the two of you had your first kiss as the band played. Definitely a very memorable experience and one you’re glad to remember. After your first kiss he knew for sure that you were the one.
- For the most part you have a very playful relationship.
- A lot of nicknames although most of the time he’s joking when he uses them. Like he’ll say a bunch of them in a row to get your attention or when he’s smothering you in affection.
- A few genuine ones still slip out sometimes.
- He kind of just lets you do whatever you want to him. Put his hair in pigtails, put make up on him, do his nails, crawl all over him, climb him like a monkey, anything you want as long as the evidence can be erased or go unnoticed.
-  He loves affection and touching you and all that but he isn’t all that into pda. He likes the joking, quick funny stuff but keeps most of what he does behind closed doors unless you’re hanging around some of his good friends who also have their girlfriends there.
- He likes to lay his head in your lap and have you play with his hair.
- Lots of hugs.
- Piggyback rides.
- Double dates with Simone and Pink.
- Matching overalls.
- You’ve probably put flowers in the pocket of his overalls and he secretly finds it so precious. You’ve definitely snuck little notes in them without him knowing and when he finds them he can’t help but smile.
- Smacking his arm and giving him looks to get him to behave, you try your best to keep him out of trouble even though he makes it pretty difficult.
- He watches you a lot, especially whenever you walk away...he likes the view.
- He’s usually pretty animated and goofy, its kind of just how he is so you get to observe all of his adorable and funny quirks.
- You’re nearly always smiling or laughing when you’re with him.
- Playful flirting.
- Him trying to jokingly yet not so jokingly proposition you.
- Lewd jokes, he laughs hysterically whenever you grimace at them.
- Going to his football games and cheering him on.
- Meeting him after football practice and kissing behind the bleachers.
- Hanging out in the back of pickup trucks.
- Dawson’s kinda cool with everyone so he has a lot of friends around the school and subsequently everyones pretty friendly to you. All your friends probably like him. 
- Going to parties with him and getting invited to others just for being his girlfriend.
- He always has a beer ready for you or shares his own with you, if you’re into that sort of thing.
- Going on little adventures with him.
- Hes pretty much down to do whatever you have in mind.
- Concert dates.
- He’ll play tackle/pounce on you and start kissing all over your neck and face; he’s pretty fond of that move.
- Secret handshakes.
- He’s a good listener, he likes hearing about what’s new in your life and things that you’ve done recently.
- He hates seeing you upset; he’s not very good at comforting you but he tries to get you to forget about whatever’s bugging you.
- Play wrestling.
- If you mention wanting something he’d 100% go out and grab it for you.
- He’s got major big brother vibes, do with that what you will.
- He gets involved in a lot of crazy shit so be prepared for some killer stories. He thinks its cute when you look worried for him.
- Constant compliments.
“Looking good.”
- Making fun of each other.
- Play arguing and punching.
- Tricking you into doing something suggestive; mostly when you’re alone, he doesnt want to completely embarrass you...or give his friends a free show.
- He admits he’s an asshole so be prepared. Although to be fair a lot of his asshole behavior is just a front. He’s actually really sweet once you get to know him, especially when you’re his girl/he likes you.
- He does think its kind of funny when you get mad at him...well it depends on how mad you get and how mad you stay. If you grumpily trudge off, rolling your eyes at him in front of his friends then he’ll probably laugh and joke with them.
- A lot of “oh come on babe it was just a joke!”
- It isn’t until you really stay mad that he no longer finds it as funny. He doesn’t like fighting with you but you always inevitably do. In a fight you’ll argue for a while before he tries to just end it as painlessly as possible. At that point he isnt even really sorry nor does he think you’ve settled things, he just doesnt want to fight anymore.
“Okay, okay,okay, alright, so-”.
- Sometimes his attempts to calm things really just backfire for him, like if you feel like he isn’t really listening and just trying to brush you off. It really depends on what you’d fight with him about.
- When you’re holding a grudge he’ll make jokes and bets with his friends, condescendingly saying how you “think you’re mad at him”. He says it himself: he’s an asshole. Although in these moments a lot of his asshole behavior is just him being spiteful because he’s hurt that you won’t talk to him.
- He does know how to apologize when he’s done something wrong or upset you. Like I said he’s usually really sweet even if he doesn’t act like it sometimes. It’s the reason you can come to forgive him especially during the “trial” part of your relationship (up next).
- He flirts too much, thats always been his problem, that and he’s sort of a hypocrite about it; he thinks he can flirt with other girls but you arent allowed to flirt with other guys. He doesn’t understand the injustice but after your first really big fight and subsequent breakup; most likely where he sees you go out with another guy, he finally learns his lesson.
- He’s a pretty coolheaded guy but he definitely doesn’t like people flirting with or having a thing for you even if he’s a playboy and would usually partake in the locker room talk with them. When you came along he was kind of like “Well I’ve finally settled down and I like this one a lot so back off.”.
- He gets a lot of girls coming after him so you’ll probably get a little jealous every now and again. He tries to assure you as best as he can that he isn’t interested in them.
- He’s a football player so there’s at least a little pent up aggression in him. He’s ready to bust a lip to get a guy off your back or stop him from trying to get with you.
- He wants that nuclear family type of future, with a nice house, picket fence, and son to play catch with in the yard. He never thought he’d imagine a future with a girl before but here he is, and he... kinda likes it.
- He’s definitely dropped a “Mrs. Dawson” on you after you teasingly called him Mr. Dawson. You’d just been trying to mess with him but then he had to go and make you all flustered and giddy.
- Dawson will probably go to college on a football scholarship. Before you came along he was planning on screwing a lot of chicks but now thinks “I’d be pissed if she screwed a guy while I was gone” and stops the temptation where it starts. He comes a long way during your relationship.
- I can see him proposing to you after he gets out of college and settles down with a nice job. He’d make a personal kind of special occasion out of the proposal, something that involves a sentimental part of your relationship.
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cloneslugs · 3 years
Wolf + Yayoi + Akiyama :)
this is seriously ill im sorry
First Impression: well he seems neat <3
Impression Now: he's very soft and kind.. <3 and very cool very nice man i love you wolf
Favorite Moment: the whole rice thing b/t the divine child and him and kuro, this isnt a moment but i enjoy how he speaks to people he makes me (: 
Idea for a Story: I'd like to see him first meeting Kuro ^__^ that would be cute.. or how he grew up w Owl bc it seems so … … … well anyway he has a lot of cool background that would be fun to explore 
Unpopular Opinion: i think people draw him smiling too much in some interactions i dont want him to even remotely have a sense of humor or even emote well tbqh, not that i think hes unhappy or anything but like well … + also people are freaks w him but that's another story.. i dont think he would date grandpas
Favorite Relationship: kuro <3 it's cute how he actually engages in conversation w Kuro i like how he talks w him and how Kuro talks w him it's nice.. i think his relationship w Owl is interesting but not . good. Emma + Isshin + Sculptor & every other friend he meets i enjoy esp Kotaro ^^
Headcanon: *gives him transgenderism + autism + homosexuality*, selectively mute (:, he also just has a general issue w socializing & when he doesnt know what to say he defaults to repeating people or just ignoring people, he likes being called Wolf by like Kuro and whoever but Isshin deciding to call him Sekiro makes him feel a little something (:, he can "cook" + knows lots of misc skills like sewing and stuff, doesnt like loud noises, doesn't like being in water -_-, i think he has trouble differentiating b/t what he likes v what he dislikes bc hes used to just putting up w things and never really got to acquire preferences ever hes accustomed solely to survival, he's done kuro's hair for him before <3 but he does it very quick and messy but he tries 
First Impression: ig this is her k1 substory idk i just kind of like . wow this lady seems cool ig goodbye 
Impression Now: … hi <3 she holds a very very special place in my heart now i miss her everyday please babygirl come back to me i need you back ive written out how you can come back please 
Favorite Moment: her k1 substory always makes me sad um.. everything in k2 when shes taking charge.. i love watching her interact w kiryu they have a really interesting relationship.. i like when she got on ryuji for his bullshit and i really really like her introduction in k2 i love watching her handle shitty lieutenants <3 i love you.. oh also whenever she looks sad + worries over daigo thank you for being a mom ma'am <3
Idea for a Story: um i have a lot of stuff already written for her bc im a sicko .. um ig most interesting to me is how her relationship w dojima developed & also what she was up to when dojima died and daigo went to prison right after bc i think about that period (+k1 substory) a lot.. </3 seeing what she was doing in 3 when daigo was shot would be nice iwant her to be homophobic to mine i think <3 ik a rggo event covered it but id like to see more of her when she stepped up to he acting chairman & how that went ig more in depth.. or just her general role w the dojima family back when it was relevant and uh yeah <3 
Unpopular Opinion: um i personally would never call her a milf that feels so :x idek to me gross almost not even bc im a homo or anything i just never would it feels too disrespectful aieeeeeee 🙈 also i wish people didn't care for her just as daigos mom or her being more compotent than daigo or whatever idk people are weird about them in a stupid way and i </3 ik shes just a side character but whatever.. also i hate everyone who writes her like "yes i married dojima for power and i crave violence" fuck you im the only right person ever 
Favorite Relationship: um daigo.. i have lots of thoughts they are so nice together ilove them very much <3 kiryu and kashiwagi are very cute w her too they respect her very much its sweet <3 i think nishiki and kiryu helping out w daigo as dojima members when daigo is little has very sweet potential b/t lady dojima and them not saying they outright would be seeking for a maternal figure but um.. also well kashiwagi uhh well i want her to move past her [k2] baggage and um.. um.. 🙈 boyfriend 
Headcanon: she's so bisexual shes very very bisexual and she knows it and no part of it even concerns her shes just bi + also her first major crush was on a girl that went nowhere and it embarrasses her to death <3, her dad is who introduced her to wielding a sword it was a very unorthodox introduction and came about by kind of bittersweet means but she very much enjoys it (he didnt teach her anything more than the very very shoddy basics he really just helped introduce), she comes from a very non-traditional [japanese] family, really bad vanity issues i wont publicly elaborate on, um something about dealing w loneliness, she was like daigo and was top of her class in school, she comes off as prett7 different outside of professional settings + acts a lot colder and meaner than she actually is around work people bc that's the only way she thinks she'll be taken seriously, she was a very excited first time mommy <3 she still loves daigo more than anything, she used to sporadically grow her hair out and chop it all off and grow her hair out and chop it all off growing up mostly as a teen -_-, she doesnt socialize well but shes good at parroting and imitating proper social etiquette,  she has an "older sister", she loved kiryu and then she hated him more than anything and now she likes him again, perfectionist but a lot of things come naturally to her, not very expressive but her eyes give away a lot, she used to really like kazama very fondly until she didnt, shes not much of a hand-to-hand combat fighter but she can handle self defense, cooking does not come naturally to her ):, shes kept every gift + prize daigo has gotten for her, shes not much for gifts (from people not daigo) but she likes flowers 
First Impression: he's funny (: 
Impression Now: he's still just funny <3 but also bisexual i love him he's very endearing and easy to like 
Favorite Moment: hanging out w haruka in rgg5 or any time he is having fun w hana <3 his one substory in rgg5 where you get more of his background is nice or when he first gets together with shinada + tanimura is funny.. anything that's not rgg6 um
Idea for a Story: i want him to hang out w haruka more <3 or just some of his day to day life.. what he splurges on when he does ummm.. background on when he and hana first met + his ex fiance, hin hanging out w the rest of the group .. anything fun i think ^_^
Unpopular Opinion: he has annoying/questionable moments but so does everyone in the series um.. akiyama/hana is superior when he crushes on her hard vs her to him idk if that's even unpopular ummm idk idek any freak stuff w him nobody talks about akiyama much 
Favorite Relationship: hana (: trans bisexuality <3 him + kiryu & haruka are sweet together, him and tanimura are fun.. i think hes a nice central point for both 4+5 protags i just enjoy him <3 hes good w people 
Headcanon: hes the least athletic i think that's canon though, tried to keep a fish tank in the office but hana ended up taking over + then getting rid of it but by then he wanted an office cat or bird or something "more interesting" so that hed feel like taking care if it but by that point she put her foot down on animals, tries out lots of misc hobbies that he eventually drops (golf, tennis(very embarrassing), gardening, etc (mostly sports bc he feels like a lazy piece of shit sometimes + gets splurges of Yeah Fitness!!!)), all kinds of math teams and etc growing up he actually really likes math, has a lot of gifts he chickened out on giving hana just kind of buried in the office, bad at video games, can't cook, he buys lots of cheap things bc he doesnt really see the point of splurging on fancy unnecessary stuff, magazine hoarder bc he just picks up whatever for a mindless read when at the store and forgets if he's gotten it before 
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moonlightskids · 5 years
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enemies to lovers
fluff (????)
how did you get stuck in this situation? all you had to do was take your team, bravo, to the near town, clean it off of the zombies and then go back while the alpha team covered you. it was a rutine mission, that’s why the president had accepted you taking the lead instead of always perfect leader team bang chan, god you hated his guts, he was always so charming and good at fighting and using weapons, he’s never lost a team member and if you were to count, he probably had killed more of those disgusting creatures than you.
chan had arrived at the protected zone a whole year after you but already, he was way better, and it pissed you off that not only did he know but that he was such a show off, always with his stupid smirk and showing his muscles, you feel miniature when you’re next to mr. do it all and now with this stupid mistake, you’re about to sign your rendition.
you were stuck in a bridge, alone, and all you had to hide was a stupid burned car. you’ve sent the rest of the team back after you fell down two floors trying to keep your new recruit, jeongin, safe. and when you realized there was no way you were gonna get back before sunset because of your broken foot you tought it’ll be better to at least save the team.
the radio brings you back to the present and you hear chan’s voice, “bravo, where are you?”, he’s mad, of course he’s mad, if he was the one on this situation he’ll probably had find a way to go back with the team, or even had avoided any of this to happen, “why didn’t you come back with the team”, sucking up your ego you let him know of your situation. you’re mot far away from the camp but with your foot hurting like this and moving so slow, there’s no way you’ll make it in time before the dead wake up. after a moment of silence chan orders you to stay where you are, well hidden and wait for him.
“you can put other lifes in danger if you decide to get back here”, you say with fake annoyance in your voice, but truth is you don’t hate chan, i mean, you can’t exactly stand him but he is too nice to be hated and way too hot, and you’re worried that him getting in trouble for you will result on losing him like it happened two years ago with woojin. in a rutinal mission you ended up in an unfavorable situation and to save you, woojin had lost his life.
“there’s no way you’ll make it on your own, just listen to me for once, bravo, and stay where you are”, so you do as he says and sitting inside the burned car you wait for him. it takes him 20 minutes to reach your position and when he arrives, he doesn’t seem too happy to see you. without a word, he starts working on your broken foot that has started turning blue because of the effort of walking with it. after cleaning the wound, he traps it between two pieces of wood, the force sending a wave of unbearable pain all way through your body.
“can’t you be a little careful” you groan, after finishing , he just gives a dead stare and standing up, he puts your arm on his shoulder so you can start walking.
“careful? if you had been careful, we wouldn’t be in this situation”
“i didnt ask you to come with me” you deadpan, tired of his constant nagging about everything.
“oh, so you rather i let you die all on your own?” he questions, a scoff leaving his plump lips, “you know, it wouldn’t kill you to be nice for once”, you shut up, there’s no point in discuss with him and you need all your strength to be able to make it back without passing out because of the pain, the meds he injected tone it down but there’s still a sting that comes every time you settle down your foot.
20 minutes later, the sun is gone and all that illuminates the walk is the moon and the laps your gear has. in other conditions you’d had make it already but you’ve had to stop two times because of your foot. sitting you down one more time, chan looks at you, you know he’s worried, even if he tries to hide it as the good leader he is, you notice in the way he can’t stop looking around and how he chews his lower lip.
“lost something?”, his eyes look irritated and he’s looking directly at you, catching you staring at his lips, “this isnt the time to play a stupid crush, bravo”
you roll your eyes in responde, why does he has to be so annoying, “you know i have a name right, alpha?”. when he’s about to reply, the two of you hear it, a loud screech that sends chill down your spine and you’re standing up as fast as you can.
“get on my back”, the tone of his voice and the look on his face let’s no space to discution and for once, you’re thankful he is such a strong guy. climbing on his back, chan start running, really fast for someone that’s carrying a whole person plus all the military gear. just when you can see the big doors of the camp, a clust of zombies appear on your left, there’s not too many, but with you unable to run and chan’s arms busy, the zombies seem like a big threat. putting you down chan turns you around so he can look at you.
“run to the doors and get inside, i’ll distract them, and don’t look back” his instructions come fast and you’re embarrassed of how scared you feel, not for you but to lose him.
“no”, your answer is as strong as you can, “i’m not leaving you here”
“there’s no time” the desperation in his voice is noticeable and it strickes a string in your heart you didn’t know you had, is he actually worried about you?, “please, y/n, just go inside”. as if on cue, you notice people standing near the doors, signaling for you to run, when you turn around, chan has already made his way to the zombies, shooting them as fast as he can. you decide to listen to him but just as you’re about to run you see one of the creatures hold onto his arms send him rolling down the hill. changing plans you run towards him, you’re not losing him.
throwing yourself down the hill, you know you’ll regret it, you start killing them the most you can, but you need a distraction. going through the things on your gear you find a bomb and there’s a plan, taking off the safe, you throw the artefact as far as you can and throw yourself over chan so you can protect him from the explotion. the sound and heat is enough to make the zombies forget about, and still laying on too of chan, you feel them running past the two of you. when things are calm again, you finally get up. the look on his face is confusion, he looks like he’s about to kill you but also like he wants to hug you.
“are you out of your mind?” he exclaims, trying not to yell and bring the zombie’s attention back on you, “i gave you an order, why can’t you ever listen to me”. you don’t reply, your mind is full of happiness seeing he is well and without thinking, you lean down to kiss him, a sweaty pasionate kiss. reacting, you feel chan’s hands go to your face, pressing you harder against him, desperation and relief plasmed on them, your hands are going through his arms, chest and shoulders looking for a wound and when you find nothing, they go up to meet his. when the two of you separate for breath, his eyes have lost all the annoyence and there’s only a slightly tone of adoration in them.
“i told you I wouldn’t leave you behind” your words come out as a whisper and you can’t believe after a year, you’ve finally kissed him. your finger traces his lip, waiting for him to do something. his hand takes your and he presses a kiss on it.
“thank you”, in the distance, you can hear the sound of footsteps, the rest of the team coming to the rescue.
hello, if you liked my au you can read mayhem by @kpopchangedme which is also an apocalypse au!!!
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mistymark · 5 years
nct dream x hogwarts
nct dream as hogwarts students // 2.3k words // masterlist // send requests here
r e n j u n
the only slytherin in the gang
probably muggle-born but also top of most of his classes
what can he say hes amazed by this shit
really good at theory-based subjects especially
history of magic is his bitch lets be real
sketches in his books and stuff
says he likes sketching with quills the most because theyre more aesthetic
donghyuck says its because hes pretentious
but the whole group pitched in to get him some really nice canvases and paints and other tools
one of his paintings is hanging in the school somewhere, and the little girl in it smiles and greets all the students as they walk past
somehow she always tries to spit on people who had been annoying him recently - and them only
sometimes she spits on Donghyuck for no reason
jeno laughs and says its because she has a crush on him
uses magic for the dumbest things just because he can
he mastered the wingardium leviosa spell within a week because he couldn't be bothered getting up to get things
when he gets close to graduation, hes pretty much practicing simple wandless magic
once freaked out the first years because jaemin charmed a storm cloud to hang around him for an entire day
it flashed lightning when he got particularly annoyed, which was a lot because that cloud was annoying as shit
has a really old owl that literally looks evil but has called it something like “snuggles”
laughs when he unintentionally swoops too low and skims other students’ heads on mail day
buys all his friends gifts during the holidays and comes back with bags filled with fun shit
pretends he never buys gifts for chenle and jisung
always ends up giving them more
cause hes soft like that
but he headlocks them after to show his dominance
has a habit of throwing his cases in the general direction of the dorm when he comes back from holidays and accidentally hitting other students
plays quidditch in his free time
debates strategies with Jeno during their free periods
gets called a traitor by his own captain
couldnt really give a shit about his own team, he prefers to support his friends
wears his school uniform properly and is the only one in the group who does so
j e n o
a Gryffindor
probably quidditch captain
and dubbed the best player on the team
super humble about it too
always commends his team for doing their best when they lose and every member loves him a lot
the captain that's always saying stuff like “it doesn't matter how this game ends... as long as we try our hardest and play as a team”
the entire team rolls their eyes at his cheesiness but the lack of pressure keeps them at ease
and majority of the time they play really well
though its clear his focus is on quidditch, he still does really well in his classes
cant cook but is somehow rlly good at potions??
likes all the really tiny creatures in care of magical creatures
and they like him too
has a slightly damaged snitch that he carries around with him at all times
one of the wings broke during his first ever game of quidditch and he never got rid of it
he keeps it in the pocket of his robes and fiddles with it when he's anxious about something
has a really good poker face when he's stressed and you'd never know until you hear the soft clicking of his hand playing with it in his pocket while he studies
has a terrible poker face when something confuses him though
during class its so obvious when he doesnt get something
renjun once charmed question marks to hang around his head and everyone in the class died laughing
even jeno
overall great sense of humour
he brought a cat
of course
and its always getting him into trouble for wandering into the off-limits areas of the castle or into the restricted section of the library
once jaemin joked that the cat was actually an animagus that was purposely trying to get him in trouble 
and jeno was spooked for like a week
wouldn't let the cat sleep on his bed and almost had a heart attack when he saw it wandering the halls between classes
but there was nothing wrong with the cat
shes just a curious girl
had a major glow-up between 6th and 7th year and everyone fell in love with him lmao
like everyone knew he was fit from quidditch but they didnt know he was that fit you know
d o n g h y u c k
an annoying brat
at least when he first arrived at Hogwarts in first year
has really good intentions though
everyone thought he would get sorted into Slytherin 
like the second he stepped on the train and found his way into mark lee’s compartment everyone was like this kid has GOT to be a Slytherin
but no! hufflepuff
true fullsun
used to be a beater on the quidditch team but he was forced to quit until he got his grades up
but he ended up commentating because he couldnt play
and who can actually talk that fast other than the lee donghyuck
and actually found that he enjoyed that more
so even when his grades were t h r i v i n g
he stayed as a commentator
absolutely hilarious and everyone loves him for it
is Not afraid to call out foul plays
mutters quick apologies to the professors when they scold him but does it again later anyway
tbh is actually really popular
known for being dared to stand on the Slytherin table and sing at the top of his lungs 
and actually doing it
he got two weeks detention
“worth it” - donghyuck, circa. 2019
has a talent for defence against the dark arts
acts like the smartest person in the room during that class
hes lowkey right tho
(don't tell him)
wears his tie way too loose and constantly gets told off about it
promises professors he’ll fix it then walks away and just,,, doesnt
his Hufflepuff scarf hangs off his bed frame back home
had a toad for his first few years of hogwarts but the toad ended up passing away so now he has a really troublesome owl
the owl itself is a good boy, flies fast and efficiently, but has a nasty habit of pecking donghyuck when hes hungry
“but hes hungry all the time” he whines when jaemin explains the bird’s just hungry. meanwhile, jaemin’s owl is sitting softly beside him, her eyes closed as he pets her
every first day back from holidays hyuck has red lines on his hands, arms and ears from the owl
chenle says its for giving the poor bastard a terrible name
donghyuck never actually refers to his owl by his proper name, always things like “bastard” and “dipshit”
theres a conspiracy theory about the owl’s real name and no one in their group will spill the secret
complains that the animals in care of magical creatures like him more than his own pet
“lol tru” - Chenle
j a e m i n
ravenclaw’s biggest flirt and most popular student
probably didnt even want to run for house captain but still got the position
theres a rumour that he was offered head boy but he turned it down
was the first one to find the kitchens and claimed it as the unofficial hang out spot for their group
if you’re ever missing jaemin, he’s probably in the kitchens chatting up the elves and stealing food every now and then
carries snacks with him everywhere for when he needs to comfort one of his babies house members
literally all the younger year levels feel so comfortable coming to him with their problems
has no issue with staying up in the common room to talk through things with someone
is known to walk people to their classes and then bolt to his own classrooms so hes not late
50% of the school is already in love with him
he was given the angel reputation back in first year and it hasn't let him down
is kind of a troublemaker tho
teases his classmates and even some professors that he has a good relationship with
really really loves transfiguration
probably wants to become an animagus
also wants to be an auror
absolutely loves defence of the dark arts
his owl is white and regal
like genuinely beautiful
she always looks like shes happy to see you
just like her owner uwu
he named her something sweet and meaningful
when Renjuns owl isnt able to fly, jaemin’s owl is eager to take Renjuns mail back to his family for him
wears his jumper all year round
its a good look though,, no ones complaining
was on the quidditch team up until his final year
he dropped it to focus on his studies and also being house captain
it takes him forever to go anywhere because he stops to talk to everyone
somehow knows everyone in school
even the third years in other houses??
runs errands for teachers with a smile
offers to buy food when the group goes out
c h e n l e
another muggleborn
but fits in so well
like the boy is just a natural at magic
unfortunately it doesnt always transfer into his grades
he has such a great interest in everything,,, just not on what hes learning
learnt fourth year history of magic in his first year but still almost failed his exam at the end of year
also hes the best other hufflepuff in the group
didnt understand quidditch for at least a year
ended up in the team in second year and is actually really good
probably the goalie
has the loudest laugh in school
the older professors claim they can hear him from the other side of the castle
somehow gets his hands on all the coolest magic stuff
has the marauders map no doubt
bought himself an invisibility cloak to mess with his friends
makes his professors laugh a lot
fist bumps everyone in school istg
like chenle w h y
really good at muggle studies too
made sure to select it as a subject the entire time he was at hogwarts as a slack class
doesnt really study and then feels threatened when someone gets a mark close to his
studies his butt off for the next test to maintain his status as top rank
definitely had a rat first year because he thought they were cool
and also because he knows rats can be pets like ??? wyd with owls you guys ??? shouldn't they be out in the wild or smth??
was super depressed when he found out how short the lifespans of rats were
ended up having to buy an owl in third year because rip nugget 2k15 :((
his owl is Small
thought it would be funny to call it renjun
but then renjun wouldnt talk to him for almost a week
visits the owlery at least once a week during his free periods to check on his owl
collects his thoughts up there
also rlly likes feeding the owls
sometimes steals Jeno’s cat
catch him in his dorm studying on his bed with Jeno’s cat sleeping in his lap
chenle claims its because the cats like the warm greenhouse vibe the Hufflepuff dorm has going on
but the real reason he bribed the cat into loving him when he first met it
probably was the one to lead the cat to the off-limits areas of the castle
j i s u n g
Gryffindors best seeker to date
kinda shy but is rlly admired by everyone
likes to piss jeno off by missing practice every two practices to study
but low-key hes so good he doesnt really have to go at all
doesnt want a career in quidditch but is constantly reminded he could have one if he wanted it
easily the most popular boy in his year
got asked out a few times this year and awkwardly rejected them all in the nicest way possible
he has a cat thats just as long and skinny as he is
jeno likes to call it sungie and it now responds to that name
enjoys care of magical creatures but very hesitant towards the creatures
but because of his care and precaution, the animals all really love him lmao
gets really soft around them now
seriously oblivious to his admirers tho
chenle once said if the triwizard tournament was to be brought back jisung would be the one to be chosen
has lived in fear ever since
okay jokes
boy could totally win
the only one in the group who has attempted and can successfully perform wordless magic
he knows way too many jinxes and charms off the top of his head that he can easily jinx you without even uttering a word
once was studying in the great hall when one of his friends teased him about rejecting someone and without looking up from his book he just lifted his wand and waved it, jinxing the apple in his friend’s hand to bite him
got detention but honestly the professor was so pleased with his progress it was only a one hour session
has a lot of sass 
never Fully awake at breakfast
always looks really good in the evenings tho
he comes down to breakfast with his tie half undone and the top button of his shirt open
undoes the top buttons when he’s stressed too
professors love having him as a student
especially because they know he hangs out with jaemin
but the fact that he was in renjun and Donghyuck and Chenle’s group was enough for them to be wary
but hes the perfect blend of fun and focused in lessons
likes studying outside in summer
enjoys walking around school grounds during the holidays
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sameteeth · 4 years
NOT to be found family on main BUT pls consider.. lucy adopting/parenting the lost boys after max gets killed
the boys all survive, albiet with injuries that take a while to heal bc they were all injured w Vampire Killing Intent. theyre all laying around in the hotel when lucy marches in, first aid kit in hand and sam being dragged reluctantly w her. micheal tags along too. lucy is horrified at the messy ass cave but doesnt clean bc she knows its not Her Space, its the boys and she respects their privacy/independence.
marko is doing the worst, since the boys could only give him rudimentary first aid before rushing off to attack micheal/the frog bros. he’s feverish and delirious and thinks lucy is his mom. she cradles his cheek and pets his hair as she patches up his chest (marko is trans and lucy is like Hell Yeah Another Trans Son). the stake missed his heart but his lungs are fucked now bc getting stabbed as a vamp is Not Great.
dwayne is next- he’s got a big scar on his back and nerve damage from the electrocution. maybe some cool lightening scars once he heals up. he has more trouble w memory now bc yknow. brain damage. lots of flashing can possibly trigger seizures for him, and he has issues with movement disorder type things- tics, uncontrollable shaking, etc.
paul is just absolutely covered in burns, and his hair is falling out in chunks bc his skin is peeling off. think acid burns? his skin gets a little melty and he’s got some bad scarring, esp in his face once he heals. he takes the longest to heal just because he can’t do much of anything without tearing his skin up bc its super delicate as it grows back. its a very frustrating process. hes normally a cheery dude but he kinda falls into a funk trying to recover.
david is similar to marko in his injuries. he’s got some lung issues afterwards but he mostly heals ok. he’s more guarded around lucy, and he heals quicker bc hes the lead vamp and has been around the longest/is stronger than his brothers.
other than marko who passes out after calling lucy mom and crying a little theyre all REALLY nervous around her, theyre all like dogs baring their teeth when they cant even stand up. but lucy just goes about her business and tries to help them. sam is scared shitless of the vamps but lucy is 100% fearless and has NO issue telling david off for trying to get up when he should be resting. she brings them animal blood (courtesy of the widow johnson) with straws stuck in it like caprisun and sits there holding an actual caprisun and drinking it with them. she plays pauls records when he asks but usually picks stuff she recognizes as opposed to newer music that sam and micheal like. dwayne finds it kinda nice, bc she likes groovier/more chill music rather than super harsh or fast music. micheal apologizes to david and david apologizes (sort of) to micheal. david is a very prideful dude after all, but he does genuinely feel bad for ruining the emerson’s house/lives because his crazy ass “dad” wanted a make-believe family.
and just bc i hate max- he turned david against his will after seeing him as a kid and thinking “hm id love to be a father but alas i am a vampire, guess i will stalk this abused child until he is adult-ish age and take him as my own!”. no one gave a shit when max took david since his family sucked. david was basically an impromptu parent for a ton of neighborhood kids and his siblings bc his parents were shit and didnt care about him- it was more of an image thing anyways. so he has all the Big Brother instincts but was forced to grow up too young and has trouble cutting loose bc of this. (ill get into this in a later post maybe?). anyways max took all the lost boys in against their wills/without their consent, which is why david doesnt ask micheal to join, he just gets him to drink the blood. which i always thought was fucked up anyways. david only knows vampires who were forced to turn (him and all the lost boys).
meanwhile star takes some time to recover away from the boys and regains her humanity a bit- she does love their little family, cobbled together out of a lot of desperation and a lot of love, but she needs some time away to think things over now that she knows it wasnt david who was holding her there, it was max. laddie is super worried about his big bros and goes completely nonverbal (normally he is semiverbal). star is worried about him and convinces lucy to take him to see the boys after the more gorey wounds have healed, bc although laddie has Seen Some Shit he is also a Literal Child and doesn’t deserve to be exposed to that. and now that he has a Genuine Adult who isnt a weird vampire looking after him, lucy can make sure he gets looked after and treated like a child. bc although the lost boys did their best, none of them are really Parents.
lucy backs off once the boys are more healed, but they end up spending a lot of time at the emerson’s anyways!! they help rebuild the house and clean up, since the plumbing got fuckin destroyed and the house is kind of missing a wall. grandpa is annoyed abt it but he puts the boys to work(at night ofc), since he’s crotchety but he’s also noticed that the missing/murdered people usually arent good people. paul loves to bake with lucy and dwayne loves to cook/try new recipes for people who will appreciate a fancy meal (hes secretly grandpas fav for the food only). paul also loves to bond w lucy over music and actually gets on well with sam- he’s got a slacker middle child vibe that sam warms up to eventually and they become super tight! marko and sam have a youngest-sibling rivalry (kind of) but it eventually fades from constant bickering into them tag-teaming whining at david or micheal or dwayne for whatever they want this time. micheal and dwayne vibe really well bc dwayne likes to spend quality time w people by sitting with them in silence, doing their own thing, and micheal enjoys just vibing w people since sam is loud and his mom always anxiously fills silence w chatter. nothing against her, but sometimes its a lot for micheal, so he enjoys just sitting with dwayne in silence for hours at a time.
marko realizes maybe 2 months after they recover that he called lucy mom and avoids the house for like a week out of embarrassment, but lucy just smiles and calls him her crafty animal son and pats his stupid mullet. he loves to bring her animals, especially birds since she has some experience keeping birds. they dont keep the wild animals but lucy does notice that more wildlife seems to come around the house now that the lost boys are visiting. sam and david have the funniest relationship bc sam is like “fuck you i fucking hate you” and david is like “my friends little brother foams like a rabid chihuahua when i come over pls help”. sam wont be rude to david bc lucy said be nice but he will also not Interact Unless Necessary so like. david will be like “hey! champ..! how was... school!” bc hes trying to be fucking nice but he hasnt interacted with childrne other than laddie in Years and sam will be like “good.” and they just fucking stare at each other while dwayne does ollies in the background until marko and paul roll in with scissors and bleach like “WHO WANTS A MAKEOVER MICHEAL ALREADY GOT ONE” and micheal is chasing them with tinfoil in his hair with a stuffed woodchuck in his hands ready to murder
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