#I use the lasso tool most of the time and I don’t know WHY it looks so much better than my brushes
juvellianthebee · 2 months
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I never read a wrinkle in time but wanted to since it's the book Ted recommended to Roy in Ted lasso.
(Am I supposed to be the little girl?)
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However, I did read a lot of analysis of the relationship this book has to do with Ted Lasso and Roy and leadership and anger.
I know that the writers posting it probably has more to do with time travel but I wanted to share with you guys this great analysis that I found interesting.
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Before Meg, Calvin, and Charles Wallace’s first expedition to Camazotz, each of the Mrs Ws gives them a gift. Mrs Who gives evocative quotations to the boys; pragmatically, her glasses to Meg. Mrs Which gives them the gift of a command, to stay together, which will of course be forsaken. Mrs Whatsit, most frustratingly and meaningfully, gives each of the children something they already have: to Calvin, his ability to communicate, to Charles Wallace the resilience of his youth. And to Meg, maybe my most treasured line of the book: “Meg, I give you your faults.”
“My faults!” Meg cries. I’ve always heard it as incredulous. How dare Mrs Whatsit not only make the gift something Meg already has—what kind of gift is that!—but also something so horrid. Her faults! The things that make Meg’s life so hard. The things about herself that she hates—the things that make her hate herself. They will turn out to be what lets her stay out of IT’s power.
Surprisingly, the gift of Meg’s anger as a model for Roy never comes up on the show. Instead, the book is described as “A lovely novel.”—True—“It’s the story of a young girl’s struggle with the burden of leadership as she journeys through space.”
Which… I guess is also true? But I’ve never thought of it that way. When I was eight years old and wrong in so many of the same ways as Meg, what I held onto was the hope that my flaws might also be my gifts and powers—my stubbornness, yes, and bossiness and the way I could never fit in.
I never even noticed Meg was a leader. Charles Wallace is really the chosen one, the one with powers, the one the malevolence zeroes in on to try to control.
And Meg doesn’t lead in the ways we usually think of as leadership. The Mrs Ws direct the plan, they and Meg’s father direct the tessering leaps of action. What Meg does is accept responsibility.
In the end, though, Meg’s faults only get her so far. They keep her out of IT’s clutches in their first encounter, but just barely—her faults are a gift but they’re a danger, too; from the start she’s worse at tessering and more susceptible to the Dark Thing than anyone else. We don’t know why but I’ve always felt her surliness is the Dark Thing’s way in. And her faults can’t save Charles Wallace. The only thing that can do that is what she has despite her faults, regardless of her faults, the deeper gift so bedrock-strong that her angst and anger can’t shake it. Love.
Standing in IT’s chamber, having realized that what she has that IT does not (that riddle being another gift she’s given) is love, Meg thinks that if she could love IT she could probably defeat it, “perhaps it would shrivel up and die, for she was sure that IT could not withstand love.” But loving the ambassador of malevolence and evil is the work of a saint, not of beautifully flawed Meg Murry. “But she, in all her weakness and foolishness and baseness and nothingness, was incapable of loving IT.” (I’ve always found that line so hard on Meg, I have to read it as her own persistent self-loathing and not an authorial proclamation.) Meg can’t love IT, but to love Charles Wallace requires no force or effort, it’s in her as easily as she breathes (once she can wrest her breathing from IT’s relentless tempo). And so she does, the hugest, simplest thing.
That’s the gift, after all. Sure, to be reminded that her stubbornness and anger are useful tools against IT and the forces of darkness. But moreso—and this is what so many of us needed to be told when we were reading this book as children, or again as adults today—that our flaws can be our strengths. That maybe Meg doesn’t need to hate herself. That stubbornness and anger and feeling different and wrong may actually be beautiful. They can be given back to us as gifts, all our faults can, if we’ll receive them.
Who is IT?
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The antagonist.
I don't know if in stranger things Will would be Meg and El Charlie Wallace (since Charlie and Meg are siblings and El is the one with powers.) Or if it's the other way around since Will was the one possessed (could he be possessed again?) But like I said it's probably more related to time travel.
Or defeat the great villain with Love.
I just wanted to talk about it.
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altschmerzes · 1 year
First Sentences Game!
tagged by @disappearinginq (thank youuuu!!!)
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
putting the rest of this under a cut so it’s not a huge long post! decided to take a leaf out of disappearinginq’s book and use only WIPs that haven’t been posted yet so >:) enjoy. we got 4 ted lasso fics, 2 9-1-1 fics, 2 locked tomb fics, 1 now you see me fic, 1 flashpoint fic, and 1 ffxv fic. yes that adds up to 11. it’s a surprise.
i have included the opening...... Couple Of Paragraphs. Or for these lmao because as always with me, i cannot help it and it is longer than intended.
tagging some folks up front no pressure but if you want an excuse to share your stories or brag on yourself this is your cue. i dont think it matters if it’s posted fics or wips - @heavensenthale @appalachianapologies @bold-and-nosy @nativestarwrites @impossiblepluto @roguelibrarian (and anyone compelled to do this who can go ahead and take this as a sign to say i tagged you and Do It)
1. Love Stuck - ted lasso
the aromantic jamie tartt fic. jamie realizes he’s aro, and this becomes a study of his and keeley’s post-breakup friendship and how aromanticism can open doors and allow for more freedom and personal choice in relationships for non-aro people too.
The only warning that Keeley gets before Jamie shows up at her house is a text message that she knows he sent by voice-to-text because of its use of capital letters and the complete lack of emojis. It announces his imminent arrival and apologizes for the lack of warning, explaining that he forgot to do that until he was almost there, all in one long, run-on sentence without punctuation. She has just enough time to grab a cardigan, because she’d been getting kind of chilly anyway, and pause the episode of Sex and the City she had been watching before he’s ringing the doorbell.
When Keeley opens the door, Jamie bypasses any kind of perhaps typically-expected greeting. While this isn’t exactly unusual for him, what he says is.
“I’ve got great news,” he tells her, smiling like he really does have great news, which helps to somewhat offset the sense of foreboding she’d been starting to feel. “I am not in love with you. Can I come in?”
2. Wriggle Up On Dry Land - ted lasso
au where everything is pretty much the same except for the part where jamie is the fifteen year old groundskeeper’s assistant who works part-time at nelson road. proceeds approximately through the timelines/events of seasons 1 and 2 (and maybe 3 depending on how that goes).
At this point, Ted has been in England for less than forty-eight hours, he’s slept for somehow both too many and not enough of those hours, and people keep saying things to him that are ostensibly in English but have no coherent meaning he can wring from his exhausted, jet lagged brain. This, he thinks, is a reasonable explanation for why it takes him several moments to process what he’s seeing when he reaches the coaching office.
One hand loosely gripping the strap of his backpack, the other holding out his keys in preparation to unlock the office, Ted stands there for a long time and blinks. The office does not need unlocking, it turns out, because the door is already open. The door is already open, and there’s what appears to be a kid crouching next to it, doing… something to the lowest hinge with a screwdriver. The boy glances up when Ted approaches, but makes no direct acknowledgement of him and goes immediately back to whatever he’s doing with the tool.
Now. On the one hand, this is a teenager Ted has never seen before and he is messing with the door of the head coaching office. That feels like bad news. On the other hand, he is wearing a grey zippered jacket with the Richmond logo on one lapel and STAFF embroidered underneath it in cursive. That, and his non-reaction to Ted catching him mid-potential-mischief, seems to indicate maybe this whole situation is above board after all.
“Uh,” Ted says after the silent pause has gone on long enough that he officially feels like he’s being rude. “Good morning?”
3. the bus curse 5+1 - ted lasso
Five Times The Curse Of The AFC Richmond Away Game Post-Game Bus Ride Home (Mostly Referred To Simply As 'The Bus Curse' For Conservation Of Time) Ruined The Night And One Time It Tried To But Couldn’t. tl;dr bus is haunted (roy voice It Is Not) (for fun and profit the chapter titles for this are ‘twitter’ ‘illness’ ‘the heavy existential burden of captaincy’ ‘nightmare’ ‘injury’ and ‘double birthday’)
The most important thing to understand about The Curse Of The AFC Richmond Away Game Post-Game Bus Ride Home (mostly referred to as ‘the bus curse’ for conservation of time) is that it doesn’t fucking exist.
Roy is fully ready and willing to die on this hill and go to his grave still swearing up and down that the ‘curse’ is superstitious bullshit, just like the one on the training room. Sure, he’s experienced two flat tires and a radiator overheating on the way home with Richmond, which never happened with any previous team, but that’s probably because management always hired the cheapest charter possible. Sure, the driver once stopped off for petrol and simply never came back from inside the station, but that’s because the bloke apparently had some kind of epiphany and decided to radically change his life, not because of the bus itself. Sure, there have been some dozen-odd other assortment of events ranging from inconveniences to calamities that have disrupted specifically the return bus journey from away matches, but there are explanations for all of them, none of which involve any kind of curse.
4. Never Been In Love - 9-1-1
the aromantic evan buckley fic. buck has a very rocky time coming to terms with being aro, and then telling everyone about it. ft internalized arophobia, romance repulsion, found family, the power of queer friendship, and the way the episode with red the retired firefighter was the perfect set-up for an aro character realization but of course they’d never go there.
The thing about dates is that, theoretically, at some point they are supposed to go well. And it’s not like Buck’s never been on dates that he has fun on. He has! A lot of them, actually! He’s a people person, he always has been, he likes spending time around others and spending time one-on-one is extra nice - it feels nice to bask in the attention and to focus his attention solely on someone else for a while. However, there always comes a point where the woman Buck is out with starts blatantly flirting and he knows he needs to flirt back, or he just… remembers that he’s out on a date and not just hanging out with a cool person he wants to get to know better, and it all goes sour.
The end of it is, even when Buck’s dates go well, they don’t. The mere fact that they’re dates is enough to thoroughly ruin the experience, either in the moment or in hindsight, particularly once there’s an expectation that there are going to be more dates and, at some point, a relationship. And that… Buck really just doesn’t know what to do with that.
5. One-Way Mirror - now you see me
oneshot set between movies 1 and 2 that gets at explaining some of the shifts in character dynamics and digs into what it would be like for dylan to mesh with the team when they were already a team and he was on the outside. lot of focus on what happened to create such a faith in him from jack specifically.
The nice thing about setting yourself up to look like the lawman who got duped by a team of criminals just a little too smart for him is that, when you announce your intention to take a sabbatical, nobody really asks too many questions. Dylan must have played his role effectively, because not an eyelid is bat when the Agent who got too invested in fugitives that ultimately eluded him decides to take off for a while. He has the leave accrued, it’s a matter of putting in the paperwork. Fuller is a little concerned but Evans waves it through with barely a thought. Cowan swans around the office dripping smug satisfaction, and Dylan keeps his head down and swallows it.
He goes to France to visit Alma first. While things are still white-hot in the fallout of the case, the Horsemen are laying low in the area. They’ll take off for a house the Eye has arranged soon enough, but in the handful of days intervening Dylan gets on a plane to Paris. Alma deserves some answers after everything she went through on this case with him, and if it means he’s going to get arrested after all, well, so be it. The others are set up, they’ll be okay.
6. untitled fic about mercymorn and augustine in a doc labeled ‘rotates them’ - the locked tomb series
this is simply me losing my mind about this dynamic, getting somewhat at how they came up with the plan they attempted to enact in ht9.
“Do you love your brother?”
Augustine stops in his tracks, facing away from her. His body twitches in a horrid, disarticulated little spasm, like a marionette that’s been electrocuted. The question has hurt him, and she can tell.
Good, Mercymorn thinks. Pain sharpens the senses.
“How dare you ask me that.”
Mercymorn does not back down. For one thing, she does not, as a rule, back down. Ever. For another, she’d caught up to him here and brought up the subject for a reason, and it isn’t just to torment him with it.
7. One Right Move - flashpoint
time loop of the episode one wrong move where lou young died. spike relives his best friend’s death over and over and over until he can figure out how to make it stop.
This is the way the world ends. This is the way the world ends.
This is the way the worst day of Michaelangelo Scarlatti’s life ends - not with a bang, but with the echo of one.
Explosions have not been an unusual occurrence in Spike’s world to date. Moments of ground-shaking thunder and fire have come and gone for him the way a lawyer conducts depositions or a surgeon draws a dotted line indicating where they plan to cut - something that is an incomprehensible oddity to those outside the profession, but as familiar as the tree on the corner of the street you drive down every day to those inside it. While the detonation of a bomb may be the worst or most shocking thing to happen in the life of just about any random person you grabbed off the street, it’s Tuesday for Spike. Even when they go bad, they still ultimately go. He doesn’t spend hours reliving them after the smoke has cleared.
This time, he does. Laying on his side on the couch in Greg’s living room, the moment that mine went off replays again and again. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if he’s imagining it or if something is still actually exploding, because Spike can still feel himself shaking from the percussive force. Or maybe shaking from something else. It’s hard to tell, now, in this diluted, slipping evening that doesn’t feel remotely real.
8. Can’t Grow A Proper Branch - 9-1-1
5+1 of five times someone got one of the pieces indicating that buck’s childhood and family were Really Fucking Bad and one time he just straight out told someone.
Man plans and God laughs.
When Bobby was growing up, the Nash family’s next door neighbor had been a Rabbi and his wife whose older daughter had been his age. Often, when his parents were working late, Bobby would end up at the Rose house, playing with Sarah Rose or doing homework with her at the kitchen table under Rabbi Rose’s quiet supervision. Man plans and God laughs. A Yiddish proverb Rabbi Rose had been fond of. Even though it’s been decades since he’d lived in the house in St. Paul next door to the Roses, decades since he’d last spoken to the man at all, the phrase he’d used so often still pops into Bobby’s head sometimes. It even makes its way out of his mouth now and then.
From the moment they meet, it feels to Bobby like Evan Buckley is God laughing at his plans.
9. Game Over. Try Again? - final fantasy xv
the first time noctis had to use a phoenix down on each of his friends. exploring game resurrection mechanics from a narrative standpoint.
Gladio has been twenty years old for all of nine days when he dies in an assassination attempt that leaves Noctis without a scratch. It all happens so quickly that there’s no time to feel the energy in the air change before the shooting starts.
A second before the first bullet shatters what had been a perfectly fine, unremarkable afternoon, Gladio’s hand closes around Noctis’s arm, the other plants in the square centre of his back, and he’s being shoved so hard it propels him several feet forward. He’s all ready to be pissed, to whirl around and demand that the big dumb bastard explain what, precisely, his issue is when a chunk of concrete explodes from the waist-high wall he’s landed behind. Noctis isn’t really sure what he thinks is happening at first, but ‘someone is shooting bullets at me because they are trying very hard to kill me’ is not it.
10. baby heist au - ted lasso
the one where bex decides to leave rupert, rebecca decides to help her, an extremely unlikely friendship forms, and i cast spell of ‘hold a baby’ on the entire richmond greyhounds roster.
The first thing that enters Rebecca’s mind when she gets the initial message is suspicion. She stares at her mobile, squinting at the text from the number - unattached to anyone in her address book - and trying to piece together who it could possibly be from.
Hello Rebecca. I was wondering if you might have time for a coffee and a chat soon. I have something I’d really like to discuss with you.
It came through just as she was walking to her desk upon first arriving at the office, and caught her so off-guard that she’s still standing there in the middle of the room looking at the screen when the second message arrives.
Oh, this is Bex by the way. Bex Harper.
A third, not a moment later.
Well. Bex Mannion I guess.
bonus 11. baby heist au 2: 2 heist, 2 baby - the locked tomb series
modern au (i know, but bear with me) where it’s like pov. you are ortus nigenad. you are in your very early twenties. you have come to the unfortunate realization that you are in a cult and you have Fucking Snapped and you cannot be here one more moment longer. on your way out, you decided to take a pair of toddlers with you. pov. you are abigail pent. you are a professor and you live with your husband in the top floor of a duplex. a young man with a pair of little girls just moved in downstairs, and you’ve got the feeling there’s something Going On with them.
The bottom unit of the building has been empty since before Abigail moved into the upstairs of the duplex on Primis Street. She’s never met the person who owns it, and so there has never been an opportunity to ask after this curiosity, despite her desire to know if there was a reason for it. Magnus tells her that it’s probably just not a keenly desired neighbourhood, especially for the university demographic comprising most of their area, but still she has always wondered.
When someone does move into it, Abigail doesn’t notice at first. It’s such a shock the first time she hears a sound and looks out of her unit just in time to see the downstairs door close behind someone that she nearly calls after him on the spot. She manages to repress the instinct, but she calls Magnus immediately upon going back inside.
“What? Since when?” he asks when Abigail tells him they’ve finally got neighbours.
“I haven’t the faintest idea! I just saw him coming home. Didn’t see much, just the door closing behind him, but I think he’s young. There’s not even a car out front! It’s all quite mysterious.”
Things do not clear up from there, especially not once Abigail catches her first glimpse of the children.
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ladybugkisses · 1 year
Hi! I am in desperate need of some art advice if you’re generous to spare some- how do you improve art efficiency? I really need to draw faster. Ultimately I know that the more I practice the faster I’ll be, but its a lil discouraging when one full body lineart takes me like two and a half hours ;-;
i’m sorry but i gotta start off by saying sLOW DOWN DUDE, where’s the fire why do you need to draw faster?? because unless you’re doing it for work and there’s a deadline, you don’t need to worry about it- even artists who draw seemingly simple designs can be slow!
and honestly, i might take even longer than you when it comes to lineart, even when i use the brush that allows me to work faster. so maybe i’m not the right person to come to this because i think this really depends on person to person, but
with that being said, here’s my two cents anyway:
i think while it’s true that constant practicing gets you a long way, you might wanna experiment a bit too
you probably want your art to look consistent and would rather keep doing the same thing yet somehow faster, but to improve your art and technique you’ll have to try new things until you find what works better
figure out shortcuts and don’t worry about being too precise, i promise you nobody is going to notice nearly as much as you, if at all. i’m constantly told my lineart is super clean and smooth and yet it always looks imperfect to me because i’m the one working on it the whole time
try a different brush: i have two different brushes i like to use for lineart, the smooth one and the textured one- the textured’s the one that takes less time to work with because i can get away with the imperfection of it, but it still looks nice in the end
i personally don’t like it, but the linework tool might help you get things done faster too
no shame in trying something new and not enjoying the end result, even if you might come out of it not really figuring out something you like, at least you’re learning what you don’t want to do
speaking from my own experience here, lineart can be the most tedious part of drawing but that doesn’t mean the rest has to be! coloring is usually a breeze for me- nothing wrong with using the magic wand, lasso, selection and bucket tool. i’ve seen people claim those are lazy shortcuts but if it doesn’t look bad because you’re using them correctly then wHO CARES
that’s about all the advice i can think of, sorry if it’s not enough but i hope you get at least a little something out of it 👍🌟
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zulivaris · 3 years
Art Block tips that helped me
 I’ve recently experienced art block after 3 or so months of overcoming my last one. Thankfully this block only lasted a few days thanks to some things I’ve observed and noted down from the previous time. So I’m sharing these few tips in hopes that it might help someone get unstuck :D!
First and foremost if you’re tired, sad or anxious don’t be surprised that you can’t make art, go and take care of yourself by treating yourself with kindness and patience, the sketchbooks and canvases will wait for you :)
The tips are under here:
Separate art studies from the creative time:  When you do art studies you’re there to focus on specific things, learn and understand how things work so you can apply them later in your art. Studies take a lot of energy and focus and are the opposite of the creative "flow” of making your own pieces. If you combine the two the results are either unfocused studies or stiff drawings. When you sit down at your desk ask yourself “Do I want to learn something new or do I want to create something of my own?”
When you have an idea don’t be afraid of being messy: Let’s say you want to make a picture of several cats kolo dancing in the moonlight. How do you go about doing this? Well since you came up with the idea you already have a vague image in your mind, sketch it out with simple shapes, stick figures, circle and spheres etc Don’t worry about cat anatomy, or the dancer’s moves, sketch out the essence of it. This method removes the need to be perfect or accurate. 
Ok after the messy sketch then what? Well now that you have sketched out the essence of your idea (and hopefully had fun doing so) now you go on to look for references! You put the creative process on pause and you can do a few brief studies if you need to: anatomy, color schemes, values, poses. Pick out a few of your favorites but don't obsess over them, they are a guide, a tool.
You know much more than you think. You’ve probably been drawing for a few years now. You’ve probably done some studies and drawn more than one type of subject. Then you have already internalized some of that information. I used to be obsessed with capturing the minute detail of the subject, and not be able to draw ANYTHING without reference. Instead of a useful tool, references became another obstacle to my creativity. That’s perfectionism my friend, and that’s no good. Here is an exercise a good friend of mine offered: Draw a few characters, animals and objects from imagination. Make sure that the subjects have no personal value to you (no ocs for example) so that if you make a mistake you won’t feel bad about it. Make the process relaxed and comfortable, pour a nice cup of joe, listen to your favorite music ... You will notice that you do indeed know how to draw some things without reference, and it’ll help with your confidence. 
The more you do studies the more you understand This seems evident but the more you understand your subject the freer you can be and the easier it’ll be to draw it from imagination in the future. If you really struggle with something to the point of frustration (as in you can’t get it right even with reference) It means you have to study it. Have a study list, for example: hands, perspective, color theory etc. And one of those days you want to study pick something from the list, and look for videos on youtube or useful sites like line of action etc. Only study one thing at the time. You can go from studying hands to studying arms since they’re more immediately connected, but you can’t study hands and then jump to learning perspective right after. Trust me you can learn perfectly fine with the resources online, and I’m sure you’re clever enough to do it :D
Mistakes don’t mean you “suck”  I’ve noticed that the two most common causes for art block are perfectionism and lack of self-confidence.  The two can often go in tandem which is worse :’D But let me remind you of something, you can fix your piece along the whole process. Use erasers, lasso tools, liquify , select, paint it all over etc If something looks off to you then you also know deep inside how to fix it. Useful ways to see what clunks: flip canvas horizontally (helps with placement, proportions), turn the image to grayscale (helps to check values and where your eye tends to look), look at your image in thumbnail size and ask yourself if it’s clear, see the pose’s silhouette and ask yourself if you can tell what the character is doing etc. Don’t fret, everything can always be fixed :)
Perfectionism, sometimes it stops you before you begin Perfectionism causes you to overwork a piece, it makes you draw less, it makes art stressful, it brings insecurity. Let’s remove it with a simple exercise. It can be combined with the “draw things from imagination” once you’ve drawn something you like: dont do line art, don’t shade it, keep it as simple and crude as possible and then...post it. Yes, post it. You’re not at your best? You’re only human, this will help you embrace that very human side of you. You make mistakes. So what? The more mistakes you make the more you know what you need to study and the better at art you become. Mistakes are there to show us what we need to learn. See them as another tool and not a sign of failure.
Make the process as enjoyable as possible: You like art. You love drawing. Never forget this. Otherwise why are you drawing if you don’t enjoy it? It’s easy to fall prey to the mentality of those relatable memes that “art= suffering” or “I can’t even draw the other eye”. No no no my friends, these messages are fueling your insecurities instead of overcoming them. Let me tell you what, art is fun. It is. Art is fun, because I decided to make it fun again. And you should decide on that too. Personally I adore lineart but my hand-eye coordination is lacking to do it digitally, so....I just skipped it. Yes. I skipped it. I do the sketch, I clean it up a bit and then jump onto color which I adore. It allowed me to draw more and more freely. When I draw I listen to music, make strokes with the rhythm, I take breaks often and I drink my favorite iced teas. If you don’t like coloring do it in grayscale, if you love lineart then do that etc It doesn’t mean you won’t learn your weak points in the future with studies and practice, but you won’t let your weaknesses prevent you from drawing at all. No no, you won’t let them. You draw because you want to, despite of them.
Don’t wait for inspiration, provoke it  Inspiration is not a divine and capricious muse. You make inspiration. It’s easy just collect all the things you like, music, artists, objects, characters, animals, patterns, plants etc Make boards on pinterest or similar sites, combine things you like. You like suits? You like birds? You can draw a bird in a suit, or a bird-inspired suit design, there is frankly a lot of ideas that can spring up from little things like these.
When a project stops being enjoyable either pause it for now or move on to the next thing. Pieces aren’t precious. They’re not “the one time I got x right” they are one of many. This advice goes mainly to hobbyists who can afford the luxury of passing to a new project. I have a WIP of a character who is overly complicated (I enjoy a challenge from time to time) sitting for half a month. I sometimes come back to it and add something... but as soon as it starts to create discomfort and insecurity instead of enjoyment I move onto something else. In the meantime I created 3 or 4 new pieces. If I had waited on finishing that piece I would have been severely creatively and physically exhausted. The art comes from you, not inspiration. The more art you make the better you become.
That’s about it :D I know it’s long but I prefer to be thorough and cover all the possibilities. If you have read of this: Thank you so much I hope this helps you at least a bit, if it helps only 1 other person I’d still be very happy. Have a nice one, and kick art block’s butt!
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talatomaz · 3 years
crossing paths pt.ii | diana prince x lance!reader
a/n: reader has the powers of telekinesis. i’m not sure if I like how this went tbh but oh well
warnings: mentions of fighting
word count: 2.7k
masterlist | request list | request rules
pt.i | pt.ii
reader is sara & laurel’s younger sister who works with team flash. after her and cisco’s experiment goes sideways, she finds herself trapped on an unknown earth not unlike her own
i do not give you permission to repost or translate my fics on any platform - likes/reblogs are okay and are much appreciated
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Home Sweet Home.
Exiting the train station, you exhaled a deep breath and took in your surroundings. Most importantly, the huge sign that had “WELCOME TO CENTRAL CITY” scrawled across the board.
After the events of the day, you’d decided that the best course of action would be to make your way to this Earth’s Central City.
You’d figured they had to have a Star Labs which you knew would hold the necessary equipment you needed to fix the extrapolator or at least the communication function so you could contact Cisco.
Luckily, whilst on your journey, you’d managed to hack into the train’s wireless computer so you could then erase the museum’s security footage from your phone. The footage of your fight with the robbers was the last thing you needed getting out.
Hailing a cab, you made your way to Star Labs, having pocketed one of the maps that detailed the route to the facility from the train station.
In little over 20 minutes, you had arrived. Paying the driver with what little cash you had left, you craned your neck to look up at this Earth’s Star Labs.
It was different to the one back home. Yes, it was modelled fairly similarly but this had a more...robotic feeling and was definitely a lot darker than yours.
Though you supposed that was because this Star Labs seemed to be more full, several employees walking in and out of the building.
Whereas the Star Labs back home, whilst full of technology, was only home to Team Flash and no one else. The risk far too great for ordinary people to see what you were doing.
Entering the building, you quickly donned a white lab coat and went in search for the equipment you needed to fix the breach device.
Finding a secure room, you put on your mask and used your powers to open the door.
As you walked in, you let out a small gasp. The room was larger than you’d expected; filled to the brim with computers and screens all hooked up to one another. Making your way to one of the larger ones, you began writing a line of code. Then you took out the extrapolator, placing it on the table and grabbed some tools that were on the desk.
You started to mend the broken device, remaining careful and alert incase someone was going to catch you. You were about halfway through when you felt a familiar rush of air and found yourself in an unknown area.
Not unlike Star Labs, it was filled with computers and the like but also held training equipment in the far side of the room. Then you felt yourself tied to the back of a chair, staring up at a group of men.
You recognised most of them, except the one that could only be described as a half-man, half-cyborg hybrid.
“Oh fuck.” You murmured to yourself.
This was all you needed.
To be captured by none other than Batman, Superman and the Flash.
“Yes, indeed. Who are you?” Superman asked, his arms crossed over his chest.
You narrowed your brows, analysing each of their outfits. This Earth’s Superman outfit was different to the one back home. Batman, you’d never really met before so you couldn’t comment.
But the most interesting was the Flash’s outfit.
It appeared to be made up of metallic materials whereas Barry’s was made out of intense heat-resistant and abrasion resistant polymer and some other stuff that Cisco had explained to you that you didn’t take note of.
“More importantly, where are you from?”
You heard a familiar voice say behind you.
You turned your body, as best you could since you were confined to a chair, and felt your jaw drop at the female who stood before you.
Not only was she the woman you’d met earlier at the museum but she was freaking Wonder Woman!
“Holy shit. Cisco is going to be so jealous he didn’t come here.”
“Who’s Cisco? And where did you come from?”
Not giving you time to answer, the brunette continued, “I saw you earlier at the Metropolis museum. You told me about the criminals.”
“We tried to pull the security footage but it had mysteriously been erased.” The man you nicknamed Cyborg said. “Why were you at Star Labs?” He asked.
“You know. You gotta let a girl answer before you continue asking questions.” You joked.
“This isn’t a joke. Tell us who you are.” Batman spoke for the first time, his voice coming out hoarse and rough. Probably from a voice distorter.
“I will. As soon as you untie me.”
When the five of them stared at you, you sighed.
“Guess I’ll do it myself then.”
With a flick of your fingers, the ropes that bound you came loose and you stood to face the group.
They immediately went into fighting stances, ready to take you down if need be.
“Oh, for God’s sake,” you scoffed, “I’m not going to hurt you. I just don’t like being tied up. Unless we’re in the bedroom.” You teased, laughing to yourself.
“You’re a meta.” Wonder Woman commented.
Placing your hand in your pockets, you were about to reply when you felt that they were empty.
“Wait, where the hell is the extrapolator?”
“Oh, you mean this?” The Flash said, holding the device in his hand.
“Give that to me.” You ordered, charging your way to the speedster before Batman stood in your way.
“I don’t think so.”
“Barry, that is not something to play around with. Give me that.” You repeated.
“Wait, how do you know my name?” He paused, everyone’s eyes trained on you.
“It’s a long story. Now please, put down that device.” You sighed when he placed it on the table beside him.
When he put it on the surface, he must have accidentally pressed a button because Cisco’s body popped up like a hologram.
“What on Earth?” You heard Wonder Woman say.
“Y/N! Where the hell are you? Woah, is that Batman?!” Cisco’s voice crackled through the device as the hologram glitched.
“Cisco, the device broke. Can you track what Earth I’m on using the GPS?”
“I can try. But I need you to fix the small chip that’s in the extrapolator first.”
The Cisco hologram glitched out and faded away.
“Shit.” You murmured to yourself.
“What do you mean ‘what Earth’? Who are you?” Batman said.
Sighing, you spoke, “I’m not from this Earth.”
“You’re an alien?” Barry exclaimed.
“What? No! The only alien here is Clark.”
You gestured towards the Man of Steel.
“How do you know who I am? Did Lex send you?”
“Oh, please. As if I’d work with that idiot. Besides, I like his sister much better. As I was saying, I’m from an Earth called Earth Prime.”
Then you gave them all a brief explanation of the rebirth of the Universe and how you’d arrived here.
“Ever heard of Everett’s many-worlds theory? Simply put, this Earth is not the only Earth that exists. I come from a parallel Earth where I work with the Flash and several other heroes, including Supergirl and Batwoman. Though no one’s seen Kate in a while.”
Looking into each of their eyes, you could still see apprehension.
Facing Wonder Woman, you held out your wrist, “Use your lasso of truth and you’ll see I’m not lying.”
“How did you-”
She started before you interrupted her, “Do it and then I’ll explain.”
You watched as she removed the rope from her armour and wrapped one end around your wrist.
Your eyes widened as the rope started to glow a bright yellow, the material feeling warm against your skin.
“What I just said was true. And I know about all of you. Your parallel selves are my family and friends back home. And Wonder Woman-”
“You may call me Diana.” She interjected, flashing you a kind smile.
“And Diana,” you corrected, “you’re somewhat of a Legend where I come from. I visited Themyscira once, it was beautiful.”
“My home is hidden from Man’s world. How did you see it?”
“My sister, Sara, travels through time with her team and when I worked with her for a brief period, my friend, Zari, and I, took Helen of Troy to your island to save her. Anyways, you do exist on my Earth but no one really knows of you.”
Diana stared at you for a few moments, her intense glare making you weak in the knees, if you were being honest.
It was as if she was looking right into your soul.
Whatever she saw must have pleased her because her gaze faltered and she removed the lasso from you.
“She’s telling the truth, guys.”
“Thank you. Now I need to fix the extrapolator or I won’t be able to get home.”
“So that little thing can make anyone travel between worlds?” Cyborg asked.
“Yes, exactly.”
“It’s like one of those damned mother boxes that almost destroyed our world.” Bruce said harshly. “We can’t risk having that here. We need to destroy it.”
“Don’t even think about it.” You spat out, your hands clenched at your sides.
You narrowed your eyes, watching for any indication of movement from the vigilante.
The only warning you had was Bruce’s muscle tensing before he reached for the table that held the device.
In a quick motion, you used your powers to throw the former into a pile of boxes to break his fall.
The playboy rose to his feet and charged at you, ignoring the shouts of his team.
You blocked his punch and deflected his kick. Ducking when he swung his arm, you used all your strength to throw him over you.
He reached into his cape and you flung whatever he was about to hurl at you into the wall. He swiped at your legs, making you stumble to the ground. You picked yourself up and when he ran at you, once more, you used your powers of telekinesis to rise in the air above him.
You extended your hand in front of you and lifted him in the air to face you. He struggled within your hold before you both looked down at Diana who’d shouted.
“Enough! Y/N, put Bruce back on the ground.”
With a crash, Bruce fell to the floor whilst you gracefully landed upright on your feet.
“Bruce, this device isn’t as harmful as the mother boxes. And it is her only way home, we cannot destroy it.”
Diana said calmly as Bruce huffed and murmured a curse.
“Listen, Batboy. I will kick your ass again if you don’t shut up.” You said, meaning every word.
“I’m not trying to be hostile here but I only came here to prove my theory which I’ve clearly done so now I just want to repair the device and go home.”
Walking over to the table, you picked up the extrapolator and inspected it. Your heart dropped when you saw a crack in the chip.
You knew that there was no way to fix the locator.
“Y/N, is everything okay?”
Your voice not strong enough to answer, you shook your head. Clicking the communication button, you saw Cisco’s hologram appear again.
“Y/N, have you fixed the GPS chip yet? Y/N, what’s wrong?” Your friend asked in concern.
“The chip’s broken. Majorly so. I’m going to need to replace it but the only replica of the chip is-”
“Here.” Cisco finished. “Is there a Star Labs near you?”
“Yeah, I went there earlier to fix the damage but there wasn’t any chip. I checked.”
“Okay, I just need to create another extrapolator and then somehow come and get you.”
“Cisco, you know that can take weeks.” You sighed.
“Y/N, it’ll be fine. We’ve been stuck on other Earths before. Including with a telepathic gorilla. I doubt there’s any Earth worse than that.” He said, trying to inject some levity in the conversations.
“You’re right. Look, don’t tell the team. You and I both know that they’ll just worry and I don’t need them telling Sara or Dinah either because they’re too protective. Just lie and say that I was missing Laurel and decided to take a vacation.”
“You got it. Stay safe, y/n. And keep this extrapolator with you so I can speak to you.”
“You got it. Bye, Cisco.”
Once again, the hologram faded away and you hung your head.
Cisco was right.
It was not the first time this had happened and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. You were damned if you’d let this get you down.
Clearing your throat, you straightened and faced the group, having forgotten that they were there for the entire exchange.
“Guess I’m going to be in your hair for a little while longer.”
It had been 3 weeks since the day you’d arrived on this Earth.
Diana had kindly invited you to stay with her whilst you waited for Cisco to arrive. You remained in constant contact with the latter; he wanted to keep you updated on his progress.
You were still on rocky terms with Bruce, him not appreciating you beating him. He was stubborn and irritating but reminded you of Oliver in that regard.
You helped the Flash with his speed, giving him tips on how to manage it and retain his strength which you’d learned from having closely worked with Barry all these years.
You also got on fairly well with Superman and Cyborg and even met Aquaman who tried to hit on you the moment he saw you.
But out of everyone, you’d grown close to the Amazonian warrior. The first night you’d stayed with her, you found yourself talking to her all through the night until the sun had come up.
She had told you about her family back home and you told her about yours. You supposed it was easier to tell her than anyone else since she’d endured so much loss and pain and understood what it was like to be separated from her family.
“Y/N, you ready to go?”
Interrupted from your thoughts, you turned to face the beautiful brunette who had a soft smile painted on her face.
She had asked you to dinner a few days before, telling you she wanted to give you both a relaxing evening. You had graciously, and rather, immediately accepted the invitation.
The truth was that, over these past few weeks, you found yourself hoarding a crush on the Goddess.
You could have disregarded it as a schoolgirl crush but the last time you’d ever felt like this, was when you were with Thea. But that had ended amicably after she found love with Roy.
“Yeah, let’s go.”
After eating outdoors at a small bistro, the two of you strolled down the street. Then your heart skipped a beat when she slid her hand in yours.
Looking up at her, you saw a gleam in eyes as she smiled at you which you reciprocated. You basked in the feel of her hand against yours, her warmth spreading through you.
Then you both jumped when her phone started to trill in her pocket.
“Diana Prince.” She answered her phone, humming in response before disconnecting the call.
“That was Bruce. He needs us at Star Labs. Both of us.”
She answered when you opened your mouth to ask just that. Closing your mouth, you nodded and ducked with her into an alley so you could both fly to the building.
“What is it, Bruce?” Diana asked as the two of you walked into the facility.
“The mainframe’s been going crazy. It’s as if someone’s breaking in here but no one actually is.” Cyborg answered instead.
Running up to the screen, you noticed the flashing alarms on the screen.
“Well, at least you guys have better security than we do.”
Pulling up the schematics of the building, you furrowed your brows at the thermal energy reading.
Parting your lips, ready to voice your confusion, you jumped back when a breach opened up in front of you.
When it closed, it left two people in its wake.
Barry and Sara.
“Y/N, Cisco told us what happened. We’re here to take you home.”
Glancing behind you, your eyes fell on Diana whose eyes flickered between you and your friends.
“God, I’m going to kill Cisco.”
<- Part 1
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“Kent v The Shitty Knee Itself”- Ted Lasso
A sort-of-sequel to "Kent v Linebacker," but this can still be read on its own. Part 2 of 3 of my fics about Roy Kent's shitty knee.
Part 1 // Accompanying AU
WORDS: 1649
Roy Kent is old as shit.
His daughter is a fucking toddler. His son is in preschool.
And he has fucking arthritis.
“What the fuck do you mean I’ve got fucking arthritis?” Roy Kent explodes at the doctor, who waits patiently for his outburst to finish. “I’m in my fucking forties! I’ve got two fucking babies at home! What the fuck am I supposed to do when my fucking daughter needs to piss and we’re all sprinting into the bathroom? I can’t fucking potty train on a shit leg.”
His wife rubs his shoulders comfortingly; the news is less surprising to Keeley, who gave a damn when the doctors mentioned arthritis could develop, and who is also extremely endeared by her husband’s priorities, which apparently lie very firmly with teaching their daughter to pee in the toilet.
Roy shouldn’t be shocked either; he’s had a limp for a long time now, and progressively worsening pain. He’s been elevating his leg whenever possible, to the point where Ted pulls chairs up for him or sits down first so Roy doesn’t feel awkward (on good days, Roy scowls at Ted and stays standing, but these occurrences are increasingly few and far between). It’s been a long time coming, and as much as the great Roy Kent hates to admit weakness, his shit knee is getting shittier.
Keeley had forced him to go to the doctor when Roy scooped up both their children, one in each arm, and proceeded to fall on the floor in a heap of small limbs and curses. He again made the case that he was fine, but there’s a limit on how much Tylenol one person can take in a day, and Roy’s exceeded that limit for weeks.
He walks like he’s on a hill, wobbling as he drags his right leg behind him. Keeley remarks on how uneven his gait is, and Lily, his precious fucking baby, demonstrates just how wonky Roy is by limping around too. It makes him laugh, but then his gaze meets Keeley’s, and he realizes there’s not much he can do aside from accept his fate and ask Dr. Patel why his knee is failing him (again, the fucking thing).
Arthritis. Fucking hell.
“The majority of your symptoms can be mitigated by limiting any strain on your leg. This includes walking, lifting, twisting, standing, stairs-”
“-breathing, blinking, fucking doing any shit worthwhile-”
“We can also prescribe medication, but given the amount of pain you reported, I think the best option to look at is a walking assistant.”
“What, like a cane?” Roy snorts. He feels Keeley still behind him, then he looks up at Dr. Patel, who’s gazing back at him, entirely serious.
“A fucking cane.”
“It’ll alleviate the weight on your leg. Ideally, you won’t need it every day, but it’ll make a difference when discomfort gets too high.”
“Fuck no.” Keeley squeezes his shoulder. “Fine. Fucking hell.”
It’s an adjustment. Roy walks back to their car, cane-less for the time being, limping, and imagines a cane in his hand. Imagines being able to straighten up, and not going to bed in fucking agony after a long day.
He also imagines showing up to the football club with a cane in his hand and Jaime fucking Tartt the fucking muppet smirking at him with his stupid fucking face, and he wants to turn around and tell Dr. Patel he’ll never use a fucking cane in his fucking life. Then he imagines having a stick to beat Jaime with when he’s being a prick, and Roy grins to himself at the thought.
That’s what he tells Keeley on the way home: he’s on the fence. That there’s a stigma he doesn’t want, that he remembers this the pitiful looks he received after his first injury and after surgery. It’s fucking bullshit, that he’d be looked at differently just because of a fucking rod in his hand, or because his stupid knee is fucked.
“Since when does Roy Kent care about what other people think of him? I mean really,” Keeley tells him, patting his thigh. “Everyone decent won’t bat an eye, and anyone who does is a prat.” She shrugs. “It’s a flawless system, really. Good way to sort people out.”
Roy grunts in agreement and drums his fingers on the door. He sighs, leaning his head back.
“What if I can’t keep up with Lily and Ollie? What the fuck am I supposed to do with little kids?”
“We’ll adapt,” Keeley promises, offering her hand. Roy takes it and presses it to his lips. “They already know they can’t run from you, or bowl into you at full speed-” Roy snorts at this. “-so now we tell ‘em that they gotta be patient.”
“They’re gonna be the most patient kids on the planet,” Roy muses, but his chest feels lighter. His wife is fucking amazing.
“They’re fucking perfect, they are. And besides- they don’t love you cause you can lift them or up throw them around or run around after them.” She squeezes his hand. “They love you ‘cause you’re you, Roy. You’re their dad.”
Roy nods silently. She’s right, as always. His heart is warm, much lighter against his ribs. “Thanks, babe,” he tells her, and Keeley beams at him.
They adapt. Roy remains in awe of the resilience of children- Lily and Oliver don’t give a damn that he uses a cane, except they quickly have to delineate that it’s not a toy, so Oliver doesn’t hit anyone with it, and so that Lily doesn’t hit Oliver with it. Because of this, Roy has to be careful not to threaten anyone at Richmond with his cane while his children are around. One day, his kids will learn to do as their dad says, not as he does, but for now, his babies swear and scowl, and pick up on every bad habit Roy shows them. It’s fucking adorable.
The first month is the hardest. Roy and Keeley decide to grant him some grace- he doesn’t have to do shit like garden or mow the lawn, or anything too strenuous. It’s uneven, in the beginning, and Roy goes to bed every night feeling like a shit husband for everything that’s unloaded on Keeley. They fight about it, eventually, and Roy apologizes to Keeley with tears in his eyes. They find a balance, which involves a chair in every room in their house and somebody hired to do the lawn. Their roles have shifted, but it’s a pattern he’s familiar with by now. He’s gone through so many major changes with Keeley: switching careers and marriage and injury and parenthood twice over. And using a cane isn’t any harder than having a newborn and a toddler, so they manage. After all, they’re unstoppable together.
Nobody on the team makes a comment on the cane, except Ted leaves sticky notes on it whenever Roy isn’t paying attention, and Roy wouldn’t mind so much if they weren’t positive fucking affirmations, the corny twat. Then the rest of the team follows suit, and they sign it and put stickers on it and all sorts of supportive shit, and Roy tells only one person this, but he kind of fucking likes it (against his better judgment, of course).
Commentators and the press are not nearly as kind. There’s any number of articles written about him and how old it makes the football world seem. Roy wants to fucking kill all of them, but Keeley reminds him that all the pricks have shown their true colors, and one day he finds a picture of a particularly insensitive reporter that has been utterly defiled and left out in the locker room. Roy tucks this away in a drawer in his office, and he’s almost nicer at practice that day.
Beard and Ted match his slower pace as they walk out to every match, which isn’t subtle even from the offset, but they don’t say anything about it and neither does Roy. He also realizes that he’s never the only one sitting in a group of his friends, even if it’s just him and Ted, or Keeley, or Rebecca, or Nate.
Yoga gets much harder, then he and the yoga moms spend a night researching yoga for people with shit legs, and yoga gets easier again. If they want to do a challenge night, Roy shifts into the role of yoga instructor, which he’s fucking great at, thank you, and so what if he gets to drink more wine because of it.
And his fucking knee feels better. His medication works, but the cane helps the most. Ted and Keeley had told him ever since his initial injury to be kind to himself, to rest when needed, and to not be a stupid stubborn prick about his health. This mindset turns out to have a few merits, and maybe it’s even a good habit he can teach his kids.
It says a lot about him, this cane that accompanies a man in his forties. He needs it because he was a professional footballer who injured himself preventing a goal in one last game. Who needed surgery cause his energetic maniac of a son ran into him. Whose wife told him to use it with pride, because he’s Roy fucking Kent and his family and friends love him so screw everyone else. Whose coach used it as a tool to force positivity onto Roy, whose team and kids decorated it with messages of love and smiley faces and the two worst signatures he’s ever seen (though he credits Oliver and Lily for trying). It’s a symbol of persistence, of the pain he’s endured, of those who rallied behind him.
Roy Kent. Married to Keeley Jones. Father of Oliver and Lily. Coach at Richmond AFC.
And he happens to use a cane.
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currentfandomkick · 4 years
Marinette did not sign up for this part 9
so not as polished but it wouldn't shut up. enjoy!
first part here previous part here ao3 here
            Ladybug focused on talking to Bunnix first. Why? Bunnix would get the information she needed—one way or another. Perks of time traveler family on your side—a few questions and you get a lot of answers quickly.
            “Bunnix, you saw what was happening to Chat’s suit, right?”
            “Yeah, and uh… might want to restrain him or something until your threat level goes down.”
            Ladybug froze at that. “Explain—now.”
            Bunnix rubbed the back of her neck, looking away from the screen and Ladybug’s gaze. “okay, so long story short, Chat isn’t working with all his abilities.”
             Ladybug sighed as she knew where this was going. “Just like how my suit is too similar to Bridgette’s to be mine, not hers.”
             Bunnix nodded. “I’m not sure if it’s a holdover from the old timeline, or just a Black Cat miraculous thing—family was out of the loop for a gen or two before Grand-père—but if his stories are right, then this won’t calm down until after you’re safe from whatever life-and-death thing sent him off AND he believes it…”
             “Bunnix.” She needed more than that. “What’s happening?”
             “Uh, you know how he’s the only one with a color as part of his name?”
             Ladybug nodded.
              “There’s a reason for it. I don’t know how, timeline hopping side effects and all, but I’m pretty sure that he’s controlling condensed destruction for his Cataclysm, and it’s either leaking—which is bad—or he has some shadow ability. The Chat Noir from Grand-père’s timeline was after his Ladybug to free him from a curse his shadows… well Grandpère changed the timeline a lot for a reason. Whatever happened, haunted him.”
              Ladybug took a deep breath. High threat coming from her partner… “Chat Blanc bad?”
              “Honestly? Chat Blanc is a walk in the park by comparison.”
              Ladybug felt sick.
              “Got it. So what set him off—Murder Robin situation escalating?”
              Bunnix sighed. “Probably when the guy showed up.”
              The building rocked.
              “Gotta go, Bug out!”
              Ladybug snapped her compact shut and ran to where she could feel Chat—another perk of being Ladybug. Always knowing where your other half is when transformed—and sighed in relief when she saw he was hit by Miss Sting before he got anyone.
              Murder Robin was not doing good. Probably. She couldn’t read him.
              “Get him back to Paris and leave him at the museum—secret passage.”
              Miss Sting nodded, grabbing Chat Noir and throwing his frozen form over her shoulder as she ran.
              Green Lantern ran to the room only to see a paralyzed Chat Noir carried by Miss Sting.
              “Should I be worried?’
              Ladybug rubbed her temples.
              “Stay in the library, I’ll fix this.”
              “Please.” Ladybug wanted to scream or cry or something because this is more than too much and overwhelmed would be a welcome change from how she felt at the moment. She was far beyond overwhelmed, in over her head, and whatever other way someone could think up to describe her current situation.
             Green Lantern closed the door for her, walking off.
             “Lucky charm.”
            Why was she given knitting needles? (she missed how Damian’s eyes went wide at the sight of them, something clicking.)
             “Miraculous Ladybug!”
             Ladybugs filled the room, undoing whatever Chat’s cataclysm did to it. it was an old training room, one she hadn’t fixed all the way before…
             A series of training dummies, wooden ‘blades’ (swords, knifes, spear staffs) and a few staffs appeared.
             Ladybug didn’t even say spots off before her timer ran out. Tikki blinked curiously at where they were.
            “Not now Tikki, just, please?”
            Marinette took out a macron from her purse and gave it to the tiny goddess. Tikki took it with a sigh. “Do you want me here for this?”
           Marinette glanced at Murder Robin. Who was tied up, and she could feel had words to say but was going to butcher probably.
           “Private conversation this time. He came after me as me, not Ladybug.”
            Tikki nodded, finishing her cookie in one go.
            “You know how to call me if you want,” Tikki said before phasing through the floor. She likes to check on the plants on the lower levels.
            Marinette took a deep breath. “So, I get the whole rival heir thing and how off-ing rivals is a big thing in history, but uh…” and she forgot where she was going with this. Great.
            “Is it safe to say the flowers were not an adequate apology?”
            Marinette blinked. “What.”
            That was what those were for? Really?
            “The flowers, my teachers said the language of flowers was an important consideration when apologizing, and given your residence I assumed you were not familiar with Arabic, and I doubted your intelligence in English given your grades…”
            Marinette rolled her eyes. “You try being the main hero on-call 24-7 and see how well you do learning your non-sense language. Why didn’t you just say it in French?”
            “That is…” she had a feeling this had backstory he wasn’t wiling to share. “A fair judgment.”
            Marinette took a deep breath, trying to incorporate this tid-bit. Murder Robin was apologizing with the flowers. Which… many levels of ‘who raised this kid?’ and ‘I am assuming child custody’ warring in the back of her mind. He did try to kill her once…
            “And given your lack of defensive abilities, I assumed you would require weapons more suited to your frame, stature, activity level given your social media—”
            “Are you social media stalking me too?”
            “And your boutique. But that’s not the point—I wanted to ensure your safety once better understood that certain things taught to me were wrong. That I was wrong, and I needed to apologize for it.”
            Marinette was seriously debating if this kid was from another timeline. She wouldn’t put it past one of the Kubdels to do it either—the whole family could randomly have a ‘cousin’ appear for a bit to fix something later down the road and no one would be able to tell the difference…
            “So why the daggers?”
            “Mother favored them, I assumed it would be a good weapon of choice for you. I misunderstood your preferences… I hope the rapier is making a fine decoration to your liking at least.”
            “Used it in a few akuma attacks at home actually, so good call there, awkward explanation to Maman and Papa as to why I had one and why I was hiding it.”
            Robin’s face soured a bit. “Yes, Agreste’s… gift.”
            Marinette decided that was a sore spot to examine another time.
            “Yeah, big weapons aren’t my thing.”
            “My mistake. I hope the knives and throwing stars have been to your liking at least.”
            Marinette felt awkward about her (very reasonable) reaction as the (still foreign) information began to shift the picture. Insecure kid with a questionable home life that is in desperate need of socialization… “The ball point pen was a good call—had to add a few decorations to it so I stopped mixing it up. The Swiss army knife is really useful on the days I knew there was going to be too much going on to remember where I put my backup tiny tool kits.”
            Robin nodded at that. “And the throwing stars?”
            “Uh, may have turned a one or two into hair accessories, but haven’t really had the time to test them out with everything.”
            Robin nodded, mulling something over. “Okhti Al Kobra?”
            Marinette looked at him when he spoke, trying to get his meaning(s) and not just the surface. If Alya was there, she’d use her gut. But Marinette’s gut is an overacting jerkface that she refuses to trust at the moment…
            She might ask to borrow Wonder Woman’s lasso later.
            Or see if Alya has leveled up as a Fox enough yet to sense what Marinette needs her to. Maybe she could just borrow Trixx?
            “I haven’t told the others who you are.”
            Marinette paused at that. “But it’s the Ghosts of Gotham, you guys kind of know everything.” And are unofficially the ‘check’ to the superhero community if anyone goes rogue. At least for who the bats met. Crap—is there a file on her too? Maybe she’d ask the LoS if they could destroy hers…
            “I assumed the same. Apparently Father didn’t know about you until Aquaman confronted him on the matter.”
            Oh… oh. Oh! She… she outted herself. great. Wonderful.
            Marinette sighed. “That’s… good. I think.”
            “I doubt they’ve realized who you are yet. If my memory serves, Grandfather said only those most trusted by the God-touched could figure out their secret identities.”
            Marinette was grateful for Trixx’s twist to all miraculous magic, she really is.
            “So safe on that front, for now.”
            Marinette had a feeling he had more to say on the matter, and let him find what he had to say.
            “I know your identity, and that compromises you… You may compromise my own. I am Damian Al-Ghul Wayne.”
            Marinette’s brain shorted for a moment and needed time to reboot. And proof… and time to understand what just happened (and get the urge to kidnap this child out of her system. That was. No. Bad. She thinks. Maybe… he’s tiny and doesn’t even have magic protecting him! probably.)
            “Do you mind if I…”
            Robin—Damian. Damian lifted his head and nodded quickly.
            Marinette took off the mask and memorized his face. Shape is congruent with what she remembers of the latest Wayne Heir in a picture when Adrien and Kagami got at the Wayne Galas last year. It was the first time either family was invited.
            She had a feeling Ro—Damian. Damian was behind that… He could have been gathering information, but why? to learn about her, or Kagami who she knows he’s fenced against.
            Kagami who might have put things together and she needs to damage control there next. Great. (What is she the guardian of again? Lately its felt like miraculous wielders and not the kwami.)
            Marinette could sense Rena getting close.
            She put Robin’s mask back on and transformed wordlessly. Tikki must have returned at some point.
            “Can I come in?”
            Ladybug and Robin were in place then. both behind more comfortable masks.
            Ladybug went to the door and slipped into Gaurdian. The chances anyone besides her team knew it were slim… and she’d rather not ask Wonder Woman for her lasso… just in case.
            “Can you do me a favor?”
            “Yeah girl, what do you need?”
            “Just… let me know how you feel about his next answer.”
            At Rena’s nod, Ladybug turned to Robin as she let Rena in.
            “Have you answered my questions truthfully?”
            “Did you withhold information you believe to be important?”
            “Not consciously.”
            Ladybug looked at Rena.
            “I…” Rena kept scanning him, looking for something. “Why the…” she trailed off as her eyes went wide. “oh. Oh That happened.”
            Ladybug raised an eyebrow. “Uh, those were very loud whoosh with a bell. I think that means truth, just, wow.”
            And Rena’s ability to sense lies has a new manifestation, good. Downside—Alya will probably have it too and she may have been trying to delay this…Trixx will be happy at least, and no need for lasso of truth.
            “Well, I’ll be back in a bit. Rena, feel free to go home for a bit and rest up.”
            Marinette almost screamed when she got home. She’d only be in her room for fifteen minutes tops—but still.
            Maman and Papa told her they’d be at a catering gig tonight, so she didn’t have to worry about them checking up on her once they left.
            No, she had to worry about the pics she was checking from her feed a year ago… which included Damian’s face for the Wayne Gala.
            She could have been a Wayne.
            She’s not, and she’s not mad just… wow. (Gotham/bullet dodged?)
            Which meant Bruce Wayne is likely Batman, and by order of appearance… Nightwing must be Dick Grayson-Wayne, Red Hood (who makes zombie jokes, like, a lot according to Gotham’s #Batwatch #OnlyinGotham twitter accounts) is probably Jason Todd, who died. Timelines match and she has questions. Many. But then there are more horrible realizations to make. Like Red Robin is probably Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne (does he have a not-first name anywhere in his name?) who she consulted as Marinette and designed a suit for two days ago. And his blonde friend (who was in her bakery. She debated her. just. Fuck.) was probably Spoiler who is the current Batgirl, and if she bothered to check his friends’ list, she’d probably find the girl’s real name. Cass was obviously black bat (only one who doesn’t mouth off in every fight, gave very short responses during their debate but agreed with Marinette so is probably smarter than the rest). Oracle is a mystery (thankfully. She’s certain she’d lose her tech forever if she found out who the woman was and it wasn’t on said woman’s terms).
            Just… a lot to take in.
            Once her parents were gone and Marinette had her brain (mostly) back, she texted Adrien that “latest situation was handled, talk tomorrow.” In response to him trying to make her phone explode with the sheer volume of texts he sent her.
            Not even five minutes later Chat made his way into her room, shadows still rolling. “What happened?”
            “I… long story short? I’m pretty sure he’s been brainwashed or something and Fox’s seal of approval on him telling the truth—he was leaving flowers and weapons as apologies and ‘here, to protect yourself’ things which is kind of sweet in a really, really messed up way that I do not have the capacity to process. He won’t be a problem—I have his secret identity and he has mine—apparently the other Bats haven’t figured it out, and didn’t know about me until I blew up.”
            Chat’s shadows settled on his suit. Returning to the familiar leather pattern. “Really?”
            Marinette nodded. “Really. Its to the point I have to remind myself not to adopt him—he needs help, and I doubt letting tiny child fight is a good thing.”
            “Anything on Bat-threat?”
            A smile twitched on Marinette’s face. “We both know you already checked.”
            Chat grinned at that. “Yeah. Wonder Woman took out four bodies and threw them into those tube thing-ies.”
            Marinette shook her head. “Oh, and you have a new thing that I have to watch for.”
            “Oh, I do?” Chat looked around, examining himself.
            Marinette shook her head at him fondly. “Shadow suit.” Once she had Chat’s attention, she continued. “You were a little…”
            “I’m going to guess not me?”
            “Miss Sting said paranoid in her messages, extra aggressive and then you almost killed brainwashed murder bird.”
            “Are we changing the nickname now?”
            “… honestly I’m debating just calling him a crow at this point. Maybe fix his suit to match so there’s less awful traffic light.”
            “It would be a great public service,” Chat added as he wrinkled his nose. “who makes a child a traffic light.”
            “Apparently the donor.”
            “Donor needs fashion advice.”
            “Can’t, he’d try to ruin mine with a god-awful color scheme, and I refuse.”
            Chat snorted at that. “So, these guys… where do we stand?”
            Marinette hummed. “Sent the ‘not trusting them at all’ back already… I say we keep Robin for now and figure out what the hell made him think murder is okay and if its still encouraged then…”
            “Then we do a ‘this is my many times removed relative who lives here now?’”
            “No. I tell Gina, she gets the documents ready, and then I introduce him as my bio mom’s cousin’s kid and tell them he’s staying in paris and wants to connect.”
            “You do realize his mother probably has a stance on this.”
            “Shhh, cousins.”
            “Shhh, someone is bound to notice.” Chat countered, shaking his head.
            Okay, would gotham notice a Wayne missing? Probably. Would they really try to look for him is the question… and how easy would it be to fool them if they did find him? Maybe have Trixx help with Markov?
            “I doubt he uses social media, so low chance there. He thought everyone knew the language of flowers… I think either he was taken from a cult, the bats are a cult, or both.”
            “I’m leaning to both, why else would he be that level of offensive to fashion?”
            Marinette snorted at that. She has met many fashion disasters that never needed a cult as an excuse.
            Batman was… nervous.
            Wonder Woman was giving him and his kids (minus Damian. Who has not made contact with them yet…) a series of looks that he knew meant trouble.
            “In our defense,” Dick began.
            “There is a baby bat in danger, what were you expecting?” Stephanie continued.
            “And you were the one that thought we should be ready for any contingency,” Tim added while clinging to some unholy combination of energy drinks.
            “Little sister. Needs help.” Cass tacked on. “We help.”
            When eyes turned to Jason, he only gave one explanation: “Kid facing city-wide drownings regularly, brainwashed buddies daily, and superpowers, and extra overt terrorist targeting the kid. What were you expecting?”
            Tim snorted at that. “Me thinks he forgets he taught us how to bend and break rules.”
            Stephanie nodded from her location. “We weren’t told it was no bats, just no Batman.”
            Diana glared at Bruce.
            “By the time I checked their trackers, they were turned off and no longer responding to their communicators.” he had a feeling Agent A or Oracle may have helped them… but no proof.
            Jason rolled his eyes. as they did have a ‘Bat-free’ set of comms—a set of phones they changed just enough that Bruce couldn’t keep track of them and relented to a ‘civilian only’ cells that he would not track, tap, or try to under threat of Babs.
            “We are very independent,” Tim added as he drank his questionable concoction. Bruce didn’t even ask where he got it from at this point.
            Wonder Woman narrowed her eyes. “I am making this clear now—you are not to approach, contact, or even look into Ladybug, her identity or her city’s issues without her explicit permission. Am I clear?”
            There was grumbling from his kids.
            “Crystal,” Batman answered. Once Diana seemed satisfied for the moment, he decided to ask. “Have you heard anything about Robin?”
            Diana paused. “Not yet. When Ladybug has what she needs, she will likely send him back, or ask to keep him in a location she deems secure until this matter has blown over.”
            Bruce didn’t like that. At all.
            His kids didn’t either, each readying for a fight.
            Diana could tell what they were thinking. She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Given Ladybug’s age, and that now two of you,” she cast a glare at Jason, “Have threatened her and her team in the mask, I doubt she will be very trusting. Nearly being killed by fellow heroes is not something one gets over very quickly.”
            Tim rolled his eyes. “She’s a bat, give her like, two, three weeks tops. You get over it.”
            Diana shot Bruce, not Batman, but Bruce a look.
            “I was lost in the time stream when that happened.”
            Diana rolled her eyes.
            “To be fair,” Dick added, “Damian has tried to kill most of us at first, me included, but you get used to him.” At Diana’s eyes getting wider, he backtracked. “He’s gotten a lot better since we worked on the Robin code and he’s working on his own. Top of his list was apologizing to those he wronged just… didn’t do it the best way.”
            Tim snorted. “Speak for yourself.” He got a lot of photography equipment and Redbird back… plus a few other things as Damian’s form of apology. The only one he wasn’t that big on was the ‘I will invade your hideout to ensure you are resting properly’ no matter how many times he said he was on black out. It didn’t help that Dick encouraged it and Jason had already been doing that. The only ones who gave him breathing room was Stephanie and Cass, which is why they are his favorites.
            Dick sighed. “He used flowers and weapons on the girl for two years.”
            Diana twitched at that. Ladybug had been twitchy because she thought she was being watched. That… didn’t bode well.
            Bruce made a pained sound. “Please tell me he left a note.”
            “He didn’t.”
            The bats did what they have a habit of doing during these situations. Look at each other, sigh, and maybe drop their head into their hands in shame. Mentally of course. Externally they can’t—gotta keep up appearances and all.
            Jason broke the silence. “So, who’s turn is it to fix it, because not it.”
            “You were disqualified before this started.”
            “Not it!” Stephanie said quicklying.
            “Not it,” Cass agreed.
            “I got it the last time, not it.” Tim added.
            “Batman you were already disqualified,” Diana stated before Dick could avoid being it.
            “Why is it always me?” Dick wanted someone to explain why he’s in charge of every other Bat’s problems. He loves them, he loves helping them, and Damian is his Robin (Bruce can fight him on that, he knows that was Bruce is for himself, he is to Damian).  But it would be great if someone else did this too. “Can’t Babs help?”
            “Who’s taking care of Gotham again?” A voice said over the intercom. “My birds.”
            Dick sighed. “I get it. But I can’t do much from this end.”
            Diana whistled to get the bats to stop. “He will handle this himself.”
            The group shot each other looks. In theory he could, in practice… they wanted their contingencies, okay?
            Marinette transformed and went into the portal, this time with Chat at her side. she noticed the shadows started to move once they got in the temple… she’d need more information on that another time.
            Chat rolled his eyes. “Don’t I always?”
            Marinette narrowed her eyes.
            Chat looked away and went into the room from before. Green Lantern had taken to checking up on Robin while they were gone.
            “Should I be worried?” Green Lantern asked.
            Ladybug raised an eyebrow at Chat. “Probably not.”
            She could feel Green Lantern look at her.
            “This isn’t going to stop until he thinks the threat is gone…”
            Ladybug glanced between Chat and Mur—Damian. Damian. Damian who had the worst murder apology tactic in history. (Seriously, flowers and weapons. What the hell?)
            Chat walked up to him. “Not going to apologize for protecting my Lady.”
            Robin didn’t seem insulted. “I would have to remove you as her partner if you did.”
            Ladybug almost choked. Shadows were moving more.
            Green Lantern sighed.
            Chat glared. “Well you can’t.”
            “I will not as you have proved to at least have a functional brain. Your skills leave much to be desired, but you are at least capable of adequately protecting my sister.”
            The shadows were settled at least… for now.
            “Why you little!”
            “What—he started this!”
            Ladybug sighed. She had a feeling these two weren’t going to get along anytime soon.
            “Is that enough for you to get he doesn’t want me dead or anything?” Ladybug asked Chat, keeping an eye on the shadows.
            “For now.”
            “Well we don’t have any leverage.”
            “She knows who I am.”
            “I checked.” Ladybug admitted. “He is who he said and I’m sticking with ignoring the implications for another time.” Robin was smiling a bit. and not the murder-y one that haunted her nightmares sometimes. Good. What was she saying? “Oh, and I may have figured out Hawkmoth, but uh, consequences to that reveal would hurt a lot of people if we go in how we wanted to initially. So, I need to work out that plot since telling you may set off the shadows.”
            Chat crossed his arms. “And who is it?”
            Ladybug wanted to rub her temples. But Professional Time. “We both know you and Bunnix have your own things you don’t tell me about things that would be good to know but not good for me specifically. And that’s fine, it keeps Paris safe and our team from having internal issues. So trust me on this kitty. I’ll tell you before it happens. But it will be a lot closer to it happening than you’d like. Just like our usual.”
            Chat… wasn’t happy about that.
            Robin watched the exchange. He wasn’t sure if it was a good thing to offer at the moment, but…
            “Would it be acceptable if my family offered to help?”
            Green Lantern gave him a look.
            “You have seen our credentials.”
            Ladybug wanted to scream again. just a bit.
            “I have a way, probably, and am not in the mood for American take-overs.”
            Robin thought for a moment. “I could ask mother. She won’t tell father if I ask.”
            “And we trust that why?” Chat asked, shadows not dancing off his suit... but not still either. Interesting… she’d really have to look into this with the scrolls when she gets a chance.
            “Mother and Father have… fundamental disagreements.”
            Chat and her looked at each other, then Damian. They had a feeling he wasn’t telling the whole truth.
            “And how do we,” Chat gestured at himself and Ladybug, “know we can trust her. I barely trust you.”
            Robin was quiet.
            Ladybug was tired. “Look, I can see if maybe the League is a good fit for this.”
            Green Lantern looked up at that. “Batman would find a way to access it.”
            Ladybug took a deep breath. “Not that one, uh, League of Shadows. Old branch that went rogue, but leader is an immortal and was supposedly a top choice for Black Cat for a while.” Until his partner got caught in a trap on a mission and sort of ended up becoming some death cheat. Ladybugs and Black cats are always trained in pairs. One is unfit, the other can’t continue with training. Not that the Green Lanterns needed to know that…
            Robin was staring at her, and seemed… no felt nervous. Not showing it though. “Then you’d be meeting mother or Grandfather then... They go by the League of Assassins now.”
            What even is her luck at this point? (Probably his first cult, and ancient overzealous ally of the Order… she was beginning to think it’s a good thing its going to be rebuilt from the ground up as yikes.)
            “Is it acceptable if I accompany you? They’re not,” Robin was struggling to find the right word. “good with heroes or non-adults.”
            Ladybug sighed. Chat narrowed his eyes, but his shadows were staying put.
            “You can stay until after the meeting and plan is hashed out, but no passing it on to Batman, okay?”
            Why did it feel like she had a million things to do still? This would be much easier if she had her team, well, whole, instead of missing two miraculous. One of which she still had to fix… she hopes Sparrow is okay with helping on that still…
            And she has a damn test tomorrow… Maybe Mandeliev will give her extra time since she was made news as Marinette being stalked by Robin?
DONE! This was a long update, and Damian and Marinette are awkwardly trying but uh, understandably, Marinette still has a lot going on and no time to process since her life is a mess with or without the Bats invading. Lets not forget, she still has tests at school because life on top of the crazy that’s been tacked on recently.
Oh. And apparently Talia wants to be involved, so that’s a Thing. Rah may or may not want to show up, I kind of just roll with it. feel free to add to insanity as always, since the group decided to tie up somethings... but not everything.
Marinette may know, but batfam doesn't. only damian does. who is still not back.
Also, thanks to those noticing plot hole fixes and tags are basically open until its a wall of tags.
again, if anyone find out how to insert/add a readmore, feel free to message or leave a comment.
TAGS:  @heldtogetherbysafetypins @laurcad123 @raisuke06 @chaosace@jeminiikrystal @toodaloo-kangaroo @kris-pines04 @bisha43rbs @izang @dreamykitty25 @emu-lumberjack
124 notes · View notes
kikis-writing-world · 4 years
First, Time
Summary: Agent Whiskey meets an aspiring Statesman Agent.
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x Female OC (Future Agent Brandy)
Word Count: >1500
Rating/Warnings: PG, but overall SFW - Whiskey has some dirty thoughts.
Author’s Note: I Have an idea in my head for a Statesman OC, Agent Brandy. Lots of random head canons and blips in her story have come to me, but honestly I thought they’d just live in my head. Well turns out, as I struggled with any other WIPs, this came so easily to me, that I think Agent Brandy is begging to be let out. I hope you enjoy?
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Agent Whiskey was strolling through the secure lab floor at the Statesmen Distillery, having just finished an exercise to calibrate his electric lasso and whip. The test had gone off without a hitch and resulted in readings that could only serve to improve future versions of his beloved weapons - not to mention he got to show off his inimitable skills which always put him in a good mood. It was already a successful morning when he saw the woman step off the elevator.
He slowed his gait, taking the time to drink her in before she noticed him. Her brown hair cascaded over her shoulders in an easy wave, reminding him of summer days spent on the beach. A white tee shirt was covered by a brown, long vest that framed her - deliciously supply, if he did say so himself - chest. Her blue jeans looked to be painted on, and the only thing he wanted to know more than how she’d poured herself into them, was what he’d have to do to get her out of them. He watched as she glanced left and right nervously, the plan of swooping in as her hero quickly forming in his head.
“Now I don’t know who you’re lookin’ for Sunshine, but I sure hope I can help.” He drawled as he saddled up to her with a charming grin.
Her eyes widened, turning to fully face him. Her long eyelashes fluttered slightly under his attention as her luscious lips parted in surprise. “Oh my word, are you- Are you Agent Whiskey?”
He preened under her attention, taking off his hat and holding it to his chest. “Why yes, yes I am.” He held his hand out for her, which she took and shook in a hurry.
“Wow, it’s an honor to meet you, Sir.” She gushed. He let her shake his hand for a moment before he ceased the motion by bringing the back of her hand up to his lips. He watched with a gleam in his eye as she flushed, those eyelashes fluttering all over again.
“Pleasure’s all mine, I promise you that.” His voice dripped with honey as his lips grazed against the back of her hand. “But you have me at a disadvantage, darlin’. What would your name be?” He asked as he gently let her hand fall, placing his hat back atop his head.
“Oh, uh… Well, actually I’m an Agent in training.” She smiled proudly. “I’d tell you, but hopefully in a few more weeks that won't be my name at all.” She giggled, brushing her hair back behind her ear.
“Well then I guess I’ll just have to keep callin’ you Sunshine, cause I’ll be damned if you didn’t brighten my day.” He was laying it on thick, but she sure was eating it up with a blush and another giggle.
“I should go…” She bit her lip, taking a small step away from him.
“I wouldn’t want to keep you. You need to be gettin’ top marks so I can keep seein’ that pretty smile ‘round here.”
“I’ll do my best,” she promised with a smile, starting to walk away backwards so she could keep her eyes trained on his form. “Thank you for your valuable time, Agent Whiskey.”
“Anything for you, Sunshine.” He winked just in time before she turned down the hallway. He leaned against the wall as he watched her go, eyes glued to her ass.
“Hate to see her go,” he mumbled to himself with a smirk, not finishing the saying out loud. Once she was out of sight, he carried on to his office to continue with his day. Thoughts of Sunshine, as he had nicknamed her, popped into his head periodically throughout the day. Remembering the way she would bat her eyelashes under his attentions, or how silky her hair looked as it moved. He wanted to find out for himself if it felt as soft as it looked. He’d nearly made it through the day - losing more time than he’d like to admit thinking of her - when Champ summoned him to his office.
“Agent Whiskey,” Champ greeted with a nod and tight grin. “Drink?”
“I’ll take whatever you’re havin’.” He answered easily, sitting in the chair across Champ’s desk. Champ nodded cordially, turning to his bar to pour them each a glass of Statesmen Whiskey.
“Much obliged,” Whiskey thanked as he was handed the tumbler. “Although I have to guess you didn’t call me in here just to share a drink.”
Champ sipped the amber liquid, a soft hum of pleasure from deep in his chest at the smoothness of it. “You’d be right about that, Agent.” He agreed, but didn’t elaborate right away. Whiskey was interested, but not yet concerned. He hadn’t done anything to warrant any trouble lately. At least not that he could think of.
“Heard you met one of our newer recruits earlier today.” Champ finally elaborated, his eyebrow quirking at Whiskey.
The man couldn’t stop the grin from crossing his face at the mention of the woman that had been on his mind most of the day. He tried to cover it with a sip of the premium alcohol before he could answer.
“I may have.” He acknowledged, not giving too much away.
“I hear you were quite taken with her.”
“No more than any warm blooded man would be.” He brushed it off, adjusting in the plush chair. He’d been forward, true, but he didn’t think it was anything untoward or unwelcomed judging by the way she’d acted.
“Oh, I think it might have been a little bit more than that.” Champ’s grin grew knowingly as he set down his glass, reaching into his desk drawer. The man placed a watch on the desk between them.
The watch was Statesmen issued, a regular part of the uniform. While appearing to be simply a watch, every Agent knew it held several valuable tools and technologies to be used in many situations. A connection to the Statesmen network, a tracking device, sleeper darts, an electro-shock that could be administered in close combat, among other tricks. The black leather band of the watch was scuffed, worn from use. Whiskey looked at it confused, when a particular breeze flit across his wrist that he hadn’t noticed during his day.
Lifting his arm, he cursed as he saw his watch missing from his wrist. “She-”
“You remember that little initiation test, don’t you?” Champ laughed. Of course Whiskey remembered. Late in the many trials they were put through, aspiring agents were instructed to steal something from the Statesmen offices. Nothing of consequence, just something they felt they could get away with. The bigger the haul, the better their score. The test helped assess talents of the hopefuls - stealth, thought process, bravery and/or stupidity - and the feedback was used to strengthen Statesmen security measures.
“That little girl pickpocketed me!” Whiskey cried in anger, mostly at himself for being duped. Champ just laughed harder, passing the man his watch.
“Indeed she did. Top points of her class to boot. Hell, it’s been a while since I’ve seen a score that high.”
“Why that little-” He grumbled under his breath, reattaching the watch firmly to his wrist. He thought back over the encounter, wondering how she’d done it without him noticing. Her final words rang through his memory:
“Thank you for your valuable time, Agent Whiskey.”
“I think she’ll make a good Agent, granted she passes the rest of the training.” Champ pondered aloud over Whiskey’s grumbling. “Swiping a tool right off an Agent, and he doesn’t even notice-”
“I was in the office all day, what need did I have for a watch?” Whiskey countered gruffly.
“I’m looking forward to seeing more of her work.” Champ admitted, knowing not just anyone could make this impression on Agent Whiskey. He couldn’t help but stoke the fires a bit, adding “especially if she keeps gettin’ the drop on you.”
“She... Getting-” Whiskey stuttered as he stood, his glass forgotton on the edge of Champ’s desk. He pointed at Champ as he floundered for words, bringing his fist to his mouth as he choked. “She did not get the drop on me, and it ain’t gonna happen again!” Whiskey stormed out of the office, Champ’s laugh following him through the door.
Tagging: @wickedfrsgrl​ (thank you for your encouragement to write, and your belief in my skills to even request being on my taglist before I’d even done anything. You beautiful human, you)
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fandomlurker · 3 years
A Ponderous Rewatch: Battle for the Planet and Cameos
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You know, I keep trying to be minimal with the amount of images I put in these posts, but I think it’s kind of a losing battle…especially when it comes to episodes animated by TMS like the second one coming later on today. I can’t help it, some of the expressions and poses are just too good to not be shared.
In any case, let’s begin with one very small cameo appearance in “Space Probed”:
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Our little duo have apparently found themselves abducted by aliens, only to be kept in lab conditions much like the one on Earth at ACME Labs. This is one of those times where I wish I could know the production order of these episodes and not just the air date order… Why? Well, because this small cameo could potentially line up really well with an upcoming episode. Just keep that in mind for now.
With that out of the way, we move on to our next full skit:
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And we begin with the Brain expositing to Pinky about how he came up with the plan for this episode.
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“Halloween, Pinky: 1938. Mercury Radio Theatre presented an adaptation of H. G. Wells’ ‘War of the Worlds’ that was so realistic, people actually fled the cities believing that creatures from Mars were attacking the Earth. It proved that radio was a powerful tool…and now, Pinky, the advance of technology has brought us an even more powerful tool. Do you know what that is?”
Before we move on, how many of you reading this have heard about this? And how many of you know that this is actually an incident that happened in real life? Yes, people actually fled their homes after hearing this broadcast. Not a lot of people, of course. Not by a long shot. Most just made panicked phone calls to their local police station or to the radio station itself to find out what was really going on. The incident also wasn’t nationwide or anything like that, it was quite local. If anything, the radio play caused much more outrage after the fact than initial panic.
Another amusing anecdote is that Orson Welles was the man who directed, narrated, and played a main character in the broadcast. For those of you who may not be in the know, although Brain was initially based on animator and writer Tom Minton at Warner Brothers, Brain’s voice actor Maurice LaMarche based his voice on Orson Welles. Or, well, as Mr. LaMarche puts it: “The Brain is 70 percent Welles, 20 percent Vincent Price, and I don't know, there's another 10 percent of something else in there. I don't know what. Some people think it's Peter Lorre. I don't know what it is.”.
Strong references aside, I’m betting most of you can see the massive holes in the Brain’s plan already. Hoo boy…
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“Umm… The rubber band?”
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“The workings of your mind are a mystery to me, Pinky.”
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“Ooo! I love a good mystery, Brain!”
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You know, this little sequence with Brain nonchalantly stretching the rubber band while walking away from Pinky and Pinky determinedly holding on until Brain lets go off camera and sends Pinky flying is… Well, I don’t know what it is about it, but it’s kind of cute in a weird slapstick way? Like, it’s hard to tell if Brain did that on purpose to send Pinky flying for not understanding his plan…or if he actually wanted Pinky to follow him and tried to lead him to where he was walking but Pinky thought it was some kind of tug-o-war game and Brain got exasperated and let go of the rubber band.
Either way, Pinky doesn’t seem to mind.
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“Television, Pinky, is our new tool!”
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“We will pirate the airwaves and stage a hoax like ‘War of the Worlds’!”
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Brain, you’re very good with that lasso. I’m impressed!
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“Three cameras, Brain?”
“Yes… A technique pioneered by the great Desi Arnaz. And with them we will scare the people of the cities, leaving no resistance behind. We will have taken over the world!”
Well, Brain, that technique first being used by Desi Arnaz is a myth (it was more than likely actually pioneered by Jerry Fairbanks around 1947), but I’m going to give you a pass on this because you likely couldn’t fact check this very well at the time.
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I do have to give Brain credit for being as dramatic as possible while announcing his plan, though. He really does know how to put on a show.
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“Egad, Brain, brilliant!”
And Pinky is, as usual, full of praise and extremely excited about the plan. Look at him clapping and hopping around, aww… I’m starting to think that half the reason Brain goes through with these long, expository explanations of his plans to Pinky despite Pinky not quite following along a lot of the time is just to impress Pinky. Brain needs reassurance and Pinky always provides.
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“Oh! Oh, wait, no, no…”
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“Why would they be scared of us? We’re so small and we’re practically the size of mice, Brain.”
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“We are mice, Pinky.”
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“Oh, right! Well, there you are, then. Eh heh heh…”
…Okay, so, Pinky also tends to deflate the praise a bit when pointing out potential flaws in the plan like this, but it’s the initial thought that counts.
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Yeah, I know, Brain. I know. But Pinky really is trying to be helpful.
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“It’s not a question of size, Pinky. It’s a question of scale! Watch the monitor.”
“*gasp* Zounds, Brain! You’re gigantic!”
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“Television, Pinky: The Great Deceptor!”
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No, you aren’t seeing things. Pinky just…just stands there in front of the TV looking at live footage of a close-up of Brain and sighs in awe and affection while clasping his little hands together. I don’t even think I need to make a “Fellas, is it gay to--?” joke here. All that’s missing is little hearts appearing around his head.
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We cut to a little while later, where the duo has everything set up for their broadcast. It looks like Pinky must have done the lettering for their props, since it actually looks decent and nothing like Brain’s scrawlings. Yes, I’m going to continue roasting Brain’s terrible penmanship. It amuses me.
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“How is my disguise, Pinky?”
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“OH! Is that you, Brain?!?”
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“You flatter me, Pinky. Now, throw the switch and let us begin…the Battle for the Planet!”
Title drop! Also, aww. To be fair, Brain, I’m not sure Pinky was intending to be flattering so much as he was actually unsure if that really was you or not. But the fact that you took it as flattery is very telling, I think.
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Pinky throws the switch, and the plan is officially underway!
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According to the Animaniacs wiki, these people bear a striking resemblance to Elmyra’s family. If that’s what was intended, this is quite the early omen for the horrible “Pinky, Elmyra, and the Brain” spin-off that was made after the regular PatB spin-off. I don’t think I’m going to fully cover that show in the far future. It’s not the fun kind of terrible…it’s just terrible.
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Oh hey, they were watching Family Matters! Too bad this is many, many years before they could bear witness to Dark Urkle Tribute.
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And there’s Ralph, enjoying coffee and a doughnut.
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And…some TV station broadcast folks. It kinda bothers me that these two basically have the same model except for different hair colours.
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“We interrupt your regular broadcast to bring you this important news bulletin…”
“What is that?!”
“Someone’s pirated the TV lines!”
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“Scientists have just reported that a large, unidentified flying object seems to be heading towards Earth. There is no cause for alarm…”
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“…But there probably will be.”
Subtle, Brain.
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Oh, hi, Warners! You certainly picked a good time to escape tonight.
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“We take you now to our satellite view of the planet, perhaps to catch a glimpse of this fearful courier of the unknown.”
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Cue Pinky making ridiculous “shoosh” and “shoom” and “weee!~” noises. Very convincing.
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“I’ve just received word that the UFO is about to crash land nearby. There should be a great explosion!”
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“Hmm? Oh! OH, right, Brain! Narf!”
Nice blep, pinky.
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Somehow, people watching the broadcast are still terrified. I’ve gotta admit that I didn’t expect this plan to go this well for this long.
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…Okay, maybe I spoke too soon.
“Sorry, Brain…”
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“…We’ll go live to the crash site momentarily.”
He says before near-instantly cutting to the “crash site”, still in the same disguise. Brain, honey, I know you’re probably trying to reduce broadcast downtime so that the audience doesn’t start to question what they’re seeing, but you do know that quick cuts like this ruin the illusion of this being a live broadcast…right?
Oh, who am I kidding? Of course he doesn’t know that. As usual, Brain has tunnel vision and expects his plans to go one certain way, and any details that don’t fit his internal narrative are discarded or not even thought about.
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Just let me slide on in…
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“I’m reporting to you live from the crash site and I…I’m at a loss for words. Can we get a shot of this very frightening scene?”
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He’s right. That’s the most frightening��ly obvious cardboard spaceship I have ever seen.
But okay, I love these tiny prop improvisations they had to do. The bare cardboard wings taped to some kind of spray can for the body of the ship, a stray water cooler cup for the cone, test tubes for the thrusters, random little sewing pins for some kind of antenna, a dirty beige blanket to simulate soil for the crash zone… It’s so hastily cobbled together yet so goddamn cute.
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Ralph still seems convinced that this is real, though that isn’t saying much.
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“I am now positioned close to the…well, I can only assume that this is a vehicle from outer space, its occupants here to destroy the Earth.”
“Oooo!~ OoooOOOooo!~”
“Wait! There is a strange noise emanating from inside. Something seems to be coming out of the ship!”
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They made a glove into an alien space suit with a tiny peephole to accommodate Pinky’s face and they fashioned a little belt from something for it, aaaaa! This is so adorable! Look at Pinky trying to be scary! He’s just all >:B throughout this entire scene.
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I’m wondering why they couldn’t label it as “bug spray”. I’ve honestly never heard of it being called “bug fogger”. Is that an American thing? (Also: Tiny sandbag wall!)
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“Oh my! It’s hideous! Ladies and gentlemen, I can hardly describe this terrifying creature before me, except to say: Run for your lives! Go on! Empty the cities! Leave everything behind!”
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“I…I don’t know how long I can stay on the air. I’ll try to get to our aerial view in chopper five!”
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Okay, it seems even Elmyra’s family and the broadcast folks are still under the impression that this is actually happening. And Brain instantly cuts again to the aerial view. Brain, I think you’ve been watching too many movies.
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“Chopper five, high above the city. The horrible creatures from Mars…invading…destroying everything in their path! Oh, the humanity!”
Since this is a still image the impact is lessened but Brain is rapidly beating his fist against his side to simulate the sound of helicopter blades and it’s actually pretty effective. Well done, lil guy, I never would’ve thought to do something like that. Your foley work is great!
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The milk carton buildings still have straws in them to make chimneys! There’s little Chinese takeout boxes as buildings, too! I’m so charmed by all these quaint ways they’ve made their props.
Also, the Pinky-alien has apparently grown to kaiju size now, somehow. Brain, you’ve got to make your hoax at least a little consistent!
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“This is no hoax, ladies and gentlemen. I urge you to run for your lives while you can! We’re not making this up just so we can take over the world!”
Goddamnit, Brain. You are the worst liar in the history of forever.
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“Oh no! It’s heading this way! Run for your lives! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!”
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I just thought these cowering poses Brain did were funny and cute. He is so small and vulnerable…
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So Pinky starts to menace the camera itself and—
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—Oops. This isn’t going to go well.
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Poor, poor Pinky.
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“We did it, Pinky. Brilliant performance!”
Holy shit, sincere praise from Brain! I’m sure Pinky will treasure it.
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“Undoubtedly, the population has fled in fear from their ‘terrifying enemy’, HA!”
Umm. About that, Brain…
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“Let us make haste…to The White House!”
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Brain, you may want to at least wait a little while so that people can actually—
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WOW, who needs Twitter in this universe when the press is this fast?
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“’Battle for the Planet is a comedy smash… World laughs together. Stay home for this one!’”
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“Pinky, are you pondering what I’m pondering?”
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“Well, I think so, Brain…but if we didn’t have ears, we’d look like weasels.”
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“[sighs] No, Pinky… Our hoax…no one went anywhere! No one fled the cities! They found us…humorous.”
If it helps any, boys, I also found you incredibly adorable.
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“Where are you going, Brain?”
“Back to our cage, Pinky. We must plan for tomorrow night.”
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“Why? What are we going to do tomorrow night?”
I like how Pinky is at first concerned about Brain’s mood and then we he sees that Brain is just walking home to plan for tomorrow night he’s bouncing on his tip-toes after him.
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“The same thing we do every night, Pinky: Try to take over the world!”
TO BE CONTINUED because apparently Tumblr finds this post too long otherwise,
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imaginesmai · 4 years
Peter Parker - See the light (4)
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I present you to cute Peter Parker, protective Peter Parker and the whole heart of this fic. The first chapters were more of an introduction to the real him, and they only showed the armour around the character. But now we can see the sweet boy! Prepare yourself for this, cuteness and angst ahead!
Small sneak peek
First part
Second part
Third part
Plot: Peter has made a mistake, taking you to the wrong place. After a short conversation and a huge persecution, things only get worse for the both of you; but maybe you’re begging to understand each other.
Lights flickered along the cavern walls threateningly, and Peter wondered to himself how long those torches had been burning. The tavern itself looked old, but those tunnels were falling apart. He didn’t let himself stop, and kept urging you to walk forwards. You could have been walking for an hour, two or even three; they didn’t seem to end.
After the whole speech about dreams and life where everyone seemed to be happy, the guards had come with the scrawny teenager; and you had had to run away from one of the tunnels. Peter was aware of you falling back every now and then, and felt just a little bad for it. If he waited for you and carried your hair sometimes, there was no bad in it. He just wanted his crown back.
Nothing more, he promised himself. It wasn’t becuase he wanted to help you.
But truth was, there was something about the way you had stood up for him back there, that made his heart warm. It had been ages since someone was so nice to him, since all of his loved-ones died. And until now, he had been okay without them, doing what he wanted and not caring about what people thought about him. However, what you had done had awoken something in him. So he made his best to keep your grounded, and not scared.
“So” Peter started, quickly searching for his next words. “What you did back there… guess you saved me. Didn’t think you could, honestly.”
You grinned so wide, it looked though it might hurt.
“I know! If only mother were here, she would finally see how much I can handle myself”
Peter felt that, if he had met you in other circumstances, things would be different.
“Right, so, your mother. What’s her deal?”
“We shouldn’t talk about her” you chuckled, but it was deprived of humour.
“Definitely not. She’s not exactly a light topic of conversation”
“Okay, so your mother is out of topic. I know I shouldn’t bring up the hair, either” Peter smiled softly at you, as if he wanted to prove he meant no harm. “I’m also kind too scared to talk about the… animal”
“Pascal is a chameleon” you scoffed, smiling too. Pascal emerged from out of your shoulder and glared at Peter. He shook his head disapprovingly, and Peter chuckled.
“Next question, then. This one has been bugging me for a while” Peter shrugged, trying not to make it a big deal. “If you wanted to see the lanterns so badly… why didn’t you just go before?”
Your smile fell, and you seemed to shrink into yourself. Your eyes darted to the ground, panic starting to colour your features. Before you had time to answer, or Peter to retreat with some sass, vibrations started running through the floor, and the rocks decorating the dirt jumped up and down as the whole tunnel started to shake. Peter whipped around to see the new shadows appearing on the wall, and his heart rose into his throat.
“Parker!” the captain of the guard screamed as a whole hoard of guards ran towards him and you.
Without a second thought, Peter grabbed your arm and took off in the opposite direction. Distantly, he could hear you muttering something to Pascal breathlessly. Questions upon questions falling from your mouth to him. Blood pumping, heart pounding, he spotted a light at the end of the tunnel, and then you were racing into the world flushed with daylight.
Peter only allowed a second to adjust, because you were standing on a cliff at the edge of an abandoned mining site. Cavern walls stretched high above you, and bellow, was a drop that not even Peter could stomach. He felt you pulling back slowly, but he resisted the urge of doing the same and pushed you forwards; in the worst scenario, he was shielding you.
Peter’s head turned to you. You were staring at him with frightened eyes; and at that exact moment, he could see how wrong he had been. He shouldn’t have brought you there, he shouldn’t have been so selfish and he shouldn’t have gotten involved with you, because people who were with him ended up dead. His heart twisted.
“Peter!” you woke him up from his daydreaming. “What do we do?”
Peter opened his mouth, but no words came out. His eyes darted around the cavern a, few tall pillars of rock, a couple of algae-filled puddles littering the ground bellow. And a cave opening at the other side of the cavern, at the base of one of the walls. If you could get into that, he might just have found a second tunnel that led somewhere safe.
“Y/N” Peter said, grabbing your shoulders. “I have a plan, but you’re not gonna like it”
“Parker!” the voice was closer, roaring, as the entire guard squadron poured out of the tunnel.
“Who is that?” you asked.
“Someone who doesn’t like me”
Then, in a matter of seconds, two other figures were jumping from the top of the caver wall and landing on the cliff alongside the guards. The brothers Stabbington sneered at Peter.
“A-and they?”
“They don’t like me neither”
Finally, a loud neighing rang out above it all, and the horse from the captain barrelled through the crowd like a ball bowling over pins. The animal snarled, totally un-horse-like in nature, and Peter took a timid step back.
“I assume he doesn’t like you too?” you muttered.
Peter just nodded.
They had you cornered. Unless you were going to take a leap to your deaths, Peter knew he would have to hand himself over to the guard, unless the brothers got him first. Either way, he wouldn’t be walking out of there; and he just hoped you could. In a sudden act of courage that you surely didn’t feel, you shoved your pan into Peter’s chest, making him take a step backwards.
“Just trust me” you said, smiling at him before he nodded.
Peter grabbed the tool quickly, and instantly held it out in front of him in a way that should have looked threatening; if it wasn’t a pan. Almost everyone else drew a weapon of their own in response, and even the horse had a long stick on his mouth.
Out of the corner of his eye, Peter noticed you reeling in your hair and holding it like a lasso. You swung it a few quick times before throwing it in a wide arch, Peter breathed in relief when he finally lost sight of you.
“I’ve waiting a long time for this” the captain said, with the faintest hint of a laugh.
He lunged, his sword immediately making contact with Peter’s pan, as the boy cringed back. The guard swung once more, and Peter blocked once again.
“I need – wow, I need one of this” Peter chuckled, tossing the pan in the air.
Peter didn’t get much time to savour in his victory, though, because the horse suddenly jumped on him and started attacking with the pointed stick he had been given. Peter started to fight back, practically cackling the whole time. The pan fell to the ground, and when Peter got back up, one of the brothers was in front of him, knife raised.
He didn’t get far, because he felt his waist being wrapped with something, and in the blink of an eye, he was being swung from the cliff. Peter couldn’t help the non-male scream that rose up from his chest. He tumbled onto the ground as soon as his boots made contact with dirt. You stood beside him, pulling off your hair into your arms as Pascal stared at Peter.
“You can thank me later” you said, shy smile on your face. “We gotta go”
Peter pushed himself to his feet, keeping pace with you as he realized that you were running towards the cave he had spotted. It looked a whole lot bigger. Then, the ground was shaking. It was a lot more forceful than when the tunnel shook earlier. While keeping stride, Peter stole a glance behind you and realized with wide eyes what was about to happen.
Under the cliff where you had originally entered, there was a dam. Behind that dam was thousands and thousands of gallons of water; the captain standing, smiling, and his men breaking the dam down.
They’re gonna flood us out.
“Run!” Peter shouted at you, taking your hand and running ahead. “Run faster!”
You didn’t need to be told twice, and quickly stepped beside him. You were close to the mouth fo the cave when Peter felt it. The dam broke, and the cavern flooded with water, taking out anyone close to it.
Peter’s heart was on his mouth.
“In here!” you screamed over the waves behind you.
You and Peter both dive headfirst into a cave, just as the water knocked over the closest rocky pillar, blocking the entrance.
Water streamed in steadily, but for the most part, you were standing in complete darkness. You ran to the farthest corner and started trying to chip away at the wall with the pan. Peter’s boot were wet, and with alarm, he realized that it was then almost up to mid-shin. He sloshed over and helped to dig at the walls.
Beside him, he could hear as you held back sobs, choking on your own breath as you uselessly scrapped the stone. Peter frowned and walked-swam towards you, until he could hug you close. There wasn’t much space, and he hadn’t been the nicest, but you hugged him by the middle and hid your face on his shoulder. By then, he couldn’t see his feet.
“I’m sorry, Y/N” he said, not bothering to keep scrapping. “If I knew this was where we would end… I never would have agreed to drag you into this”
You supressed another sob, and rubbed your head against his shoulder. Pascal was sitting sadly against your shoulder, looking at his owner with wide eyes. Peter felt bad for the chameleon. The water was at your thighs then.
No response.
“Darling, listen to –“
“No!” you sobbed, and broke the embrace, trying to dry your tears. “This – this is my fault. I should have listened to her! If I didn’t disobey – I’m, I’m sorry, Peter”
Water up to your waists
“I’m sorry too” Peter sighed, and let the words spill from his mouth. “I thought that if I showed you the tavern you would back down and give me back the crown. People – people are not so bad”
Up to your navels.
“I’m sorry I knocked you off” you admitted, bottom lip quivering. “I just, mother says that people might steal my hair. It glows when I sign.”
There a second of silence, where Peter let his brows almost touch his hair line. The humidity was by then making his hair wet, so it reached his eyes, and with the darkness he couldn’t see much; but he couldn’t have heard you well.
You seemed to realize something, and actually laughed a bit. Pascal hit the side of your neck until he caught your attention; and then you started to sing. The water filled the cave, and Peter could only get one big gulp of air before you were completely submerged. Then, the water was filled with a gold light; and Peter actually lost a bit of air by opening his mouth, and swam away from you out of freight.
Your hair moved around for a bit, until it reached a part of the cave that had been obviously covered to look closer up. The hair got sucked up, and Peter quickly swam towards the small opening. His hands ached when he started digging, and his lungs screamed for air. Preservation coursed through his veins, and he powered through. The last thing he saw was a faint light peeking through the rocks, and then, darkness met him with a cool relief.
Weirdly, the only thing that weighted on his consciousness was you.
Tom Holland and Peter Parker Taglist
Peter Parker Tangled
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isocrime · 4 years
Where do you fall on the MCU CW wank? What did you think of the showdown in Siberia?
i’m not particularly familiar with this wank! i didn’t watch ca:cw until it was well out of theaters, and i wasn’t really in steve/tony fandom at the time so i wasn’t keeping close tabs on the drama
also i’ve only watched the siberia showdown once so i might not have all my facts straight
here’s my understanding: tony, exhausted, already beat half to shit (and he’s a human in his 50s under that armor so he’s not healed), watches video of his parents being murdered by the guy next to him and loses his fucking mind. bucky, being a smart cookie, decides to get the hell out of dodge, and steve does his best to cover his retreat. things go downhill fast, and they have a slug-out in the bottom of a missile silo that ends with bucky getting his metal arm turned to slag and tony having his metaphorical heart shattered.
okay i re-watched a quick cut of the siberia scene
now i think there’s something interesting about the fight tactics. tony and bucky are long-range, lethal fighters. iron man is built for airborne dogfights, not punching -- the movie even says it when friday tells tony he can’t beat steve hand-to-hand. Meanwhile bucky is first and foremost a sniper and an ambusher. if tony and bucky really want to kill each other, they should hang back and try to murder from a distance. but if they’d actually rather not do murder, they have to get in close and wrestle, which isn’t their strong suit. 
and they end up choosing to wrestle! which means that tony isn’t actually up for murdering bucky in coldblooded revenge, and bucky’s being as non-lethal as bucky gets while he tries to get away. (ignore the fact that the real reason it was choreographed like a bar fight is that a brawl is more fun to watch -- i’m enjoying my meta)
steve, on the other hand, is all melee anyway, so it’s hard to say what his lethality intentions are. his goal at the start is to protect bucky, even if it meant using deadly force. but by the end of the fight...i think steve just wants to take tony down.
right before the end, bucky goes for tony’s arc reactor. he knows if he destroys it, the suit will power down, making tony unable to fight but not dead. (tony hasn’t needed the arc reactor to live since before bucky’s character was introduced, i think bucky would have known tony’d be fine)
then tony blasts bucky’s metal arm off, stands still for a dramatic moment, then hits bucky with a non-deadly repulsor blast, then stands still for another dramatic moment, all this time not killing bucky yet.
which is when steve comes at tony, hard, and, uh, beats the tar out of him. tony gets the upper hand, then stops and tells steve to stay down. but steve comes at tony again and really really beats the tar out of him, and tony thinks he’s about to get killed for real.
non-lethal, non-lethal.....coulda been lethal. steve’s the worst behaved of the bunch, imo. 
it makes sense for steve to be a wreck! his judgement is all fucked up. he’s an overprotective mess over bucky -- who died on steve’s watch once anyway, landing him with some spectacular survivor’s guilt -- which means he’s thinking in emotinoal absolutes. steve KNOWS that tony is going to kill bucky which means steve has to do ANYTHING he can to stop it, no price too high. plus steve gets caught up in the need to win fights, even ones where he doesn’t need to keep fighting, because he��s stubborn and has a chip on his shoulder and has a bit of a temper.
(i also think this fight is an example of why mcu steve is a terrible captain america as written: he's not cut out for the shield. this fight wasn’t about protecting the world, it was about protecting the person he loved. in terms of superhero symbolism this scene was like if both bucky and a school bus full of kids were falling and steve picked bucky to save. not superhero-like! you could argue that putting bucky first doesn’t make steve a bad person, but it definitely makes him a bad cap.)
tony is also a wreck! bucky is a guilt-ridden half-brainwashed disaster who definitely has moments where he’s pretty sure tony’s justified in trying to kill him! nobody is behaving well!!! but steve’s goals and reasons still seem to be the most questionable to me. he seems the most like he’s acting out personal beef and escalating instead of de-escalating. so that’s my stance. i am not sure if this is actually what the wank is about but that’s what i think!
SIDE NOTE: this fight scene is terribly written. the character goals are all over the map! you never know what the characters immediate goals are, or really their long-term goals.  there’s all these moments where a character is slammed into the wall and then they just kind of grapple there uselessly for a minute before breaking apart. nobody has any concrete, stated goals at the end beyond “do cool punches together” and “exchange brief, emotionally loaded lines”
in a good fight scene you know what everyone wants at all times -- you just don’t know how they’re going to get it or what they’re willing to sacrifice for it. both in the long term (ie, i wanted to hide in here and instead there is an angry blacksmith swinging a sword at my nose) and in the short term (ie, i’m handcuffed and need to be not handcuffed so i can be better at not getting stabbed). mcu movies are TERRIBLE at this a lot of the time. spiderverse is great at this -- think about the fight with peter, miles and doc ock in the lab where they’re trying to get the data to make the goober. the whole time their ultimate goal is to escape with the computer. along the way they encounter a bunch of immediate problems -> solutions such as “can’t find the files -> take entire computer” and  “miles can’t swing -> give him a webshooter and push him off the roof.” every time the viewer gets two KEY pieces of information: 1) what is the immediate problem and 2) what tools do the characters have to solve it.
take the bit in the siberia fight where steve lassos tony around the neck and uses him as a flaily parachute. we start with bucky trying to climb out the roof and steve helping. tony is fighting them. steve tells bucky to go on ahead and we briefly see steve pulling a gizmo out of his pocket -- what does it do? we don’t know. steve has a Plan. what does he need it for? we don’t know! we won’t know until tony flies upwards (ah steve had predicted that the problem would be “stop tony from flying,” rather than...any of the other things tony could have done) and steve flings his lasso around tony’s neck and drags him down (oh he had a handy lasso gadget i guess). how unsatisfying! we didn’t get any chance to predict what would happen, it just did, and in retrospect you can figure out the motivations. it has zero story content.
the action does NOTHING to help tell the story. it just looks cool. that’s it. there’s nothing for the viewer to engage with or chances to use your brain. the only thing the fucking movie asks from you is that you wait and see.
fucking disgraceful.
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lucy-shining-star · 4 years
So, I rarely do episode reactions but this is finale, so I need to do it:
Mingo, Zoom and Estrella <3
Hi Marlena. I think Marlena is my one of my favourites minor characters for if only because I think she has sibling like relationship with Mateo. So I’m glad she did get lowkey bigger role this season even though it’s still small.
I must note despite everything kids didn’t boo at ‘lying cousin Esteban’
Shuriki from Spirit Wolrd: I do not do high-fives, and did you just make me dance? And I wouldn’t let Esteban dance also. 
Puppets facial expressions are something else
I love how Armando had puppet Gabe on his head for a moment
Lmao, I think getting public to not be angry at Esteban wouldn’t be that hard if now it can be singed ‘Poor Victor and Carla Delgado’ after they have been wanted criminals for like...two years?
Puppet Esteban hiding behind puppet AshXD
Armando and Marlena are so cute
I love the parts when kids are singing
I really love ‘long may she reign’ part
Also, I was confused everytime when someone was singing/saying ‘four years’ cause I was not sure if that was ‘four years’ or ‘for years’
Zuzo, don’t scare her
‘You can’t believe everything a whispering campfire tells you’ I love Zuzo being dissmisant of prophercies.
Elena with that excited ‘I waited four years’ 
I saw that people were worried that Francisco was dying because of that and later and I’m like...it didn’t cross my mind that it could mean that.
Well, it’s not last
Naomi,Isabel,Gabe and Mateo are relatable.
Sorry, Dona, Zuzo ruined your chance in previous episode
How Elena doesn’t know she has to do these things? She was heir to throne since birth? She was so busy preparing two episodes ago? HOW litterally everyone else knows and treats like it’s obvious!? 
Elena making Gabe and Mateo hold hands <3
Royals <3
‘I can’t wait to try your fine cuisine’ I see king Toshi has same priorities as me.
I see Alonso looks slightly different than last time?
Valentina being in carriage with Alonso and his father <3 Now that I think about it, Cordoba and Paraiso are both close to Avalor, so they are probably close to each other too?
Hector in carriage with these two kings who he used to boss around until Elena came. I assume they made up and now are equal friends?
Poor Armando. Also, Valentina little too late to say thatXD
Wait, what they were about to do? What runthrough?
That looks beautiful
Lmao at Ixlan not caring
Warning isn’t enough, but does that mean they didn’t warn her? Or they did? Though, if they did they shouldn’t be surprised that she came
Lmao at them knowing she will go anyway
So...that means when Craig said that Franciso may now be ashamed (that was what he wrote?) of his vote about Esteban he was probably just tired of that question and decided to troll?
Elena’s ‘Not anymore’ is kind of scary.
I still can’t believe how naive Ash is
Chatana...Tziloco found it? Okay, he didn’t notice that he found it, but still, that was joined effort.
How did she know it’s under the ocean not on it?
I love how they look at Isa with such admiration cause she invented poisonous arrows.
Only Antonia from the rest of the guards?
Ooo...you are both adorable sidekicks.
Esteban and Elena conflict third season is really direct opposite of Cassandra and Rapunzel conflict in tangled third seasonXD I mean in how how traitor-antagonist and protagonist react to each other.
I’m lowkey surprised that Mateo is surprised that she got his name rightXD 
Esteban and Ixlan sceneXD
I think Isa also thinks that jellyfish is a baby.
Poor Carla.
Why Esteban teleported there?
Wow, Elena really control her emotion powers.
Unforunately, she still let emotions decide for her.
Lmao at Shades renaming themselves.
Mateo, sweetie, that was stupid.
Ixlan finally seeing challenge.
Mateo with glowing green eyes looks nice. Scary, but nice.
Isa already taking charge.
At first I thought Elena’s angery magic started kicking in here. Also her angery face here is glorious.
Okay, Vuli’s face colours changing are like Elena’s dress, but his main colour is green so...I dunno,it’s kinda weirdXD
I think that is my favourite song in whole episode. 
Those Shades really likes to invade Esteban’s personal space
I heard Ozai with angery ‘Tell us!’
I see Hetz actually have to think about what to sing.
Cahu’s voice hypnotizes me. Like when she talks also,but singing is double powerful. Also, I’m not sure if she is the most powerful? Like,on one hand, her powers is the scariest. On the other,she is the only one that needs a tool.
Oh, even Cahu saluted
I love how Cahu sang ‘We’ll meet them’
‘So you can rule your subjects like their puppets on a string’ I see Yolo is planning Esteban rule to be like this Zuzo au.
Did Esteban realize something is off when Cahu sang ‘And we’ll finish what we started long ago?’ I guess he did and then forgot the second she finished that line.
I’m sad we didn’t get to see Ash face when Bobo said ‘The one and only’. She was probably like ‘Hey,that’s my line’
...Now I’m imagining Ash trying to rule the Zanies. Just out of spite.
I wonder, did Isabel and Elena tell anyone else about that vision?
I see Naomi remembers Valentina’s got magic since I guess it’s like ‘Valentina definitely can help, and maybe someone else’
Elena finding out she has more body count than she thought.
‘Oh,drama’XD He is so happy about it
She plays pretty well for someone who can’t stand it.
‘Us probably’ it’s great line,but they are already looking away.
So the answer is Valentina.
Do they know Marissa? Also it’s nice to see Naomi and Marissa coming here together after Naomi hated Marissa that much.
Lmao at Raul and Lucia’s reactions.
Hi Orizaba
First of all: Zoopitole is Mateo’s body count
Which makes me remember I used to think Mateo is ‘looks like cinammon roll,is a cinnamon roll’ while Naomi is ‘looks like they could kill you,can actually kill you’ but it sure looks different. Naomi, you dissapointed me.
So I need to completely change how I see this meme when it comes to all four amigos. So Mateo ‘looks like a cinammon roll,could actually kill you’, Naomi is ‘looks like they could kill you, is actually cinammon roll’ Gabe is ‘looks like a cinammon roll, is a cinammon roll’ and Elena is ‘looks like could kill you,could actually kill you’
Although actually I think they are all capable of killing.
Second of all: Here they should be Flo shouting ‘I was right!’
‘Elena victims club up high!’ is great, tho.
Oh, I didn’t notice earlier that Cahu did little ‘no,don’t say that’ geture to Vulu after he said ‘let’s make it ours’. It looks kinda cute.
‘It’s that you,moustache’ ‘That’s king moustache too you’ lmao
‘They are our allies’...um,Esteban? 
It kinda looked like Vuli is about to touch Abigail’s bust
They are pretty calm for being touched with chaos touch. Like they just hit the hitting bals with clubs.
Chloe and Dona hereXD
Also, is Dona escaping and Naomi right after saying she has some ideas finale foreshadowing on her being new chancellor?
‘If I told you,you wouldn’t let me do it’ ‘What? Isabel!’ Isa, he has enough of this with your sister
‘Your forecast, looks bleak’ I like that line
Isa on her way to have body count
Isa killing powerfulf shade. Gabe and Luna being proud of her <3
Yolo getting scared and Hetz appearing in spirit world immadietely. I love this whole sequence
Elena looks so cute here when she realised she should go after Ash
‘If you keep hearing in the darkness of your past, you will never see a brighter future’? Though I’m not sure if hearing was the word used here
Wait, that’s still don’t explain everything. Did Esteban make deal with Shuriki knowing that she would invade anyway hoping if he help her she wouldn’t hurt his family? Did he try to convince her to not attack and then she manipulated him with saying she is going to listen to him when his family didn’t?
Vuli really likes to sing.
Ixlan is sure confident.
What exactly Valentina wanted Alonso to do? He has no magic, no sword, no lasso, no fancy cool inventions? I doubt he has much body strenght?
Oh, Vuli being sad for Hetz <3
Oh, Alonso protecting Valentina <3 
Did Esteban just...slide down the railing?
Luisa had great speech 
Esteban really did not realise he is a villain? 
Cahu summed up Esteban great.
But that also mean they saw everything...I think they know that is was really Ash who freed them.
Also, Elena is too focused on revenge, is too emotional, and too focused on past, and Esteban trusts who pretends to listen and wants power to be heard...
They are both Anakin 
That’s why everything ended well in episode with Mark Hamill XD
When you walk in to some evil lady being dangerously close to your first cousin who happens to be often swayed by evil ladies (oh,and also you grandparents are turned to a stone right next to it). No, but seriously she really was close. Isa is going to have trauma
Some time later:
‘Isa: Please tell me you are a gay or ace.
Esteban: What? Why...I’m...
Isa: Please!
Esteban: Okay...So...I’m ace?
Isa:That’s a relief, thanks.-she goes
Esteban:What was that about?
Elena,seeing scene from some distance:No,seriously, what was that about?
Naomi,Mateo and Gabe who know what this is about exchanging”we are not telling her” looks in the bakground’
Rafa didn’t notice something is wrong?
Flo making sure she annoys Grand Macaw enough she would let her out too
...Actually Elena could just tell him she brought Flo to life with her emotions and he would kick her out to not risk having more creatures like this in his nest.
Thank you Bobo for vocalising your irritation with that. You saved Elena
Didn’t Ash find it suspicious that Elena stopped Bobo or she didn’t notice?
Hi Sanza 
Hi Shuriki, I see you saw that kid eating popcorn during the song in the beggining and decided you want it too.
Also, she is probably happy right now that Elena loses only to find out Elena goes back to real worldXD Unless she knew it, Troyo didn’t seem surprised.
Also, I wonder how music and dance hater feels about being stuck at eternal party. I suppose she found that olaball game moment of relieve
Zoopitole, that was harsh. I can’t believe they made me feel sorry for Ash. I hope she didn’t hear ir.
Mateo’s sad voice when he told shades had taken over Avalor :(
Isa’s sad voice when she said ‘I’m sorry’ :(
‘Pride had put my heart to sleep, but now I’m wide awake. I have hurt everyone, the damage is done’ I love this part. Also love Esteban’s eyes when he opens the door.
The change of scene with fountains is beautiful.
I’m little dissapointed that Isa didn’t talk during that part so I would have all main characters kinda-shared song. Even though only two sing, but still that would be little something.
Elena hugging Skylar <3
Esteban on that throne :(
Carmen’s face after little touch of chaosXD
‘You don’t wanna mess wtih Vuli’ ‘Okay’ I love Migs here
Vuli, you really are attacking your friend for accident?
I love that Gabe didn’t use tamborita in the finale but got his main skill show off just with his tool powered up by a Mateo. 
Also love that got to use his signature move that got stolen by two peopleXD in real fight.
Also, Antonia used tamoborita...I’m kind of starting to think there is some general rule that women more often have natural talent for magic.
‘Or send us’ and not reacting to Elena’s ‘wait, you didn’t mention that’. Same feral energy as Isa’s earlier.
Oh, Yolo (Vulu too? I’m not sure) is happy to see Hetz again <3
Mateo and Gabe turned into a stone right after their sucess :(
Also, I think they are the only one besides Francisco and Luisa to be two people turned into same stone? That’s kind of shippy
Elena’s face after that
Skylar :(
That’s sadistic on one side, but on the other,good that she decided to torture her before killing
Good choice, Esteban. Extremely predictable way to reedem him but that’s a good thing.
Congratulations Esteban on earning your redemption.
Hmm, now all of show main male characters are turned into stone. 
The forgivness dress is white! Yeah, I thought so for longer time!
Though the reason is most probably either cause white is angelic colour or mixed coulour of rainbows I thought this because of that dress (and...that might be foreshadowing of white forgivness dress?):
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And to lesser extent that:
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Because of that first dress being in episode where Esteban after making mistake decided that he (well,and Naomi and Mateo and Luna.Though not really Luna) owes her more than apology, and also because that’s where we got little more of his backstory.
And the second because Esteban was reffering to this episode in his clue, even though she didn’t have that dress in scene he was reffering to. Also, in that episode Elena was especially worried about being noble leader, and she was afraid of losing everything again even though there was no real threat at those point.
Also, that’s why I kinda tried to find connections to certain episodes in Elena’s other colours. 
'You can’t change what you did before, but you can change what you do next’ right?
Wow, how she control that. And it’s beautiful <3
Oh, and she remembers that others need to be saved to without having to see them
Valentina hug-spinning Alonso <3
Gabe and Mateo nicely landed.
Also, I was lowkey surprised here that Naomi first checked on Mateo, despite being suggested to being in love (in relationship?) with Gabe, but since every other from amigos ships was teased, and that was only Naomi and Mateo one-on-one interaction in the whole special, I’m happy with that.
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...How Esteban managed to aim correctly when Elena has to work on that pretty long?
Elena:Well, I let you use my tool, so now I’m going to use yours
Did flames told Quita Moz after the test what it was or he just didn’t tell Elena earlier? Or he figures out himself what test was?
Wow, Luisa is surprised that Elena forgave Esteban
Elena and Esteban hug <3
Elena and Isabel hug <3
Amigos hug <3
We have a queen to crown <3
That pose during changing of the scene is cute:
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Mingo, Zoom and Estrella <3
Hector bowing <3
Tomiko doing ‘<3′ <3
I love how all teen(wait,no...young adults?) royals are in the same shot <3
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Elena looking at Esteban and he bowing <3 Dona smiling <3
Hi Sofia! And Amber! And James! And Miranda! And Roland!
Although James, Sofia and Amber look kinda weird
Technically, Elena isn’t one yet too, since she isn’t crowned yet
 Also now I kinda wish we had seen Vor in spirit world cause I still don’t know if Sofia has body count or that was just exorcism
‘Elena,queen of Avalor’<3
‘All hail the queen’<3
Lmao at Gabe and Mateo
I saw people saying it looked like marriage proposal before I saw episode, and I thought it was just shipping googles, but damn, it really did look like that.
Daniel and Scarlett already proud in the background
‘With the best insticts in the kingdom’ Naomi, you are awesome
‘Gabe,you’ve been by my side since my first day of rule’ <3 Love Gabe’s eyes here. 
‘Mateo,we’ve been through so much together, you and I’ <3
Mateo is so cute here
Okay, so that was like super cute and ship teasing all ships between Elena and her amigos,but...Does Gabe and Mateo’s new titles change anything for them? Or was Elena just like ‘Okay, I’m going to be queen, I’m going to make Naomi chancellor and Isabel royal inventor...boys would have feel left out. My boys also need fancy titles’
Isa being royal inventor and that hug <3
Elena teasing Mateo and Gabe XD
Kinda thought she might choose Esteban. Still,cute <3
Four servants giving guitars, to four people, and one of them isn’t even from royal family. Wow
Elena touching all amigos hands <3
For some reason I kinda don’t like line ‘And now you’ve crowned me’ but like. Literally only that line. And I don’t know why.
Elena dancing with Francisco <3
Elena hugging Isa and Luisa <3
Elena twirling with Naomi <3
Gabe and Mateo twirling Elena in the while lifting her <3
Gabe putting his hand on Mateo’s shoulder <3 
Elena hugging Skylar <3 Luna being only one eating, relatable. And Skylar coming for more hugs <3
She seemed surprised that they started signing here. But only for a moment
That hand move with ‘I know we gonna be alright’ looks so cool
Mateo and Gabe lifting Elena while she is sitting<3 
Esteban breakdancingXD Though, for being such major character there was very little of him in that last song.
I love the way Naomi pulled Gabe into dance
Isa and James look cute
Lmao, Craig said that he THINKS Ixlan and Antonia share some scene when they actually had a dance with in which Antonia holds Ixlan down with that face? 
Also, Ixlan is impressed
‘Are you ready for day two?’ ‘I am!’ <3
Mateo and Carla buming heads and holding hands <3 I was hoping for some positive interaction that could be seen as ship tease with tight shipping googles but turns out googles didn’t need to be that tight. Also I think I would be happy if that actually means they are confirmed. Like, eleteo is still my otp, but I really love this one too. Kinda like I’m happy with ichihime being canon depsite ishihime being my fave Orihime ship also though it probably helps that ichiruki is my notp and renruki is my otp for whole manga but also why i’m taliing about bleach while didn’t read most of it. Altough that could be just, okay now let’s dance together like normal people
Alonso and Valentina being their extra selves together <3 I waited for any interaction for so long, and now I’ve been fed so much <3
Oh, Hector and Abigail walking-jumping hand in hand. Cute
Marissa twirls beautifully. I lowkey laugh at Marzel’s walk though.
Dona seemingly kissing Julio behind that fan really took me by surprise. I didn’t expect that level of ship tease.
Elena and Sofia being last dance <3
I didn’t notice earlier Naomi threw scepter to Elena
That beautiful spoiled shot <3
Elena’s crown falling down, and she having to adjust it, and Naomi’s face and Isa laugh <3 
Wow,background to credits is stunnigly beautiful.
So anyway, I really love the finale! It’s so emotional and beautifully concludes everything. 
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mandarinastronaut · 5 years
different anon but i was wondering if you could go further into why you think boreo stay together and what the romantic moment at the apartment in antwerp was? ive finished the book and while i personally like to think they stay together ive always struggled to find any evidence that they do.
First I have to say that the ending, in my opinion, is poorly written. It feels like an afterthought, and the disconnect from Theo makes you feel he’s no longer the one talking to you, but Tartt herself is. It’s rambly, confusing, and messy. It’s the part of the book that made me feel unsure as to what Tratt’s intent with boreo was, if it was only queerbait, or if she left it up for interpretation merely because she didn’t want the controversies of having an explicitly queer book. Either way, Boris is almost completely forgotten, and so is his and Theo’s relationship. 
That being said, you could interpret that it’s Theo’s fault, rather than Tartt’s. He doesn’t want the reader to know what happened after Antwerp, so he just leaves it, leaves Boris, out. After all, he is still the same extremely unreliable and messy narrator we’ve grown to love since the very first pages of the novel. 
Theo tells us very little, and very briefly, about his time in Antwerp. This is suspicious because he and Boris must’ve shared some important moments there, since this is straight after Amsterdam and also the last time Boris is mentioned. It’s very obvious that he doesn’t want us to know what happened there. But luckily we can make an educated guess.
Tartt relies very heavily on symbolism in her work, and this book is no exception. Drugs are probably the main tool she uses in tgf, besides the painting. Boris, for example, symbolizes everything Theo thinks, or is supposed to think, is bad and unhealthy. He symbolizes drugs, criminality, wildness, freedom, queerness, vulnerability, and so on. So let’s analyze the Antwerp scene.
“Do you ever think about quitting? I asked, during the boring part of It’s a Wonderful Life, the moonlight walk with Donna Reed, when I was in Antwerp watching Boris with spoon and water from an eyedropper, mixing himself what he called a ‘pop’. 
Give me a break! My arm hurts!…”
“…Well, big stigma and fear, I understand. Me–honest, I prefer to sniff most times–clubs, restaurants, out and about, quicker and easier just to duck in men’s room and do a quick bump. This way–you always crave it. On my death bed I will crave it. Better never to pick it up. Although–really very irritating to see some bonehead sitting there smoking out of a crack pipe and make some pronouncement of how dirty and unsafe, they would never use a needle, you know? Like they are so much more sensible than you? 
Why did you start?
Why does anyone? My girl left me! Girl at the time. Wanted to be all bad and self-destructive, hah. Got my wish.
Jimmy Stewart in his varity sweater. Silvery moon, quavery voices. Buffalo Gals won’t you come out tonight, come out tonight.
So, why not stop then? I said.
Why should I?
Do I really have to say why?
Yeah, but what if I don’t feel like it?
If you can stop, why wouldn’t you?
Live by the sword, die by the sword, said Boris briskly, hitting the putton on his very professional-looking medical tourniquet with his chin as he was pushing up his sleeve. 
And as terrible it is, I get it. We can’t choose what we want and don’t want and that’s the hard lonely truth. Sometimes we want what we want even though we know it’s going to kill us. We can’t escape who we are…” (862-863)
a lot to unpack there oh boy
Boris is injecting himself with heroin. It’s one of the most amazing sensory pleasures one could experience, and it’s often compared to sensual pleasures; orgasms. He says he’ll crave it on his death bed. This very brief moment they share is intimate, and isn’t completely what it seems to be on the surface. Yes, they are talking about literal drugs and addiction, but they’re also addressing the feelings they have for each other–Boris will crave the sexual feelings he has for Theo, but also the strong emotional bond they share (love), and ultimately, Theo as a whole. 
Boris says he began because a girl left him, and if I remember correctly, this was after Theo left Vegas (I’m pretty sure I’m correct, bc I really don’t remember Boris doing it back then, but correct me if I’m wrong). Theo left him completely and utterly alone, and that’s when he started. The timeline matches, so it’s plausible, if not likely.
Boris explains he doesn’t want to stop. So what if it’s bad? So what if it’s a sin? So what if it’ll kill me? In the words of Achilles (from The Song of Achilles) I wouldn’t stop. And Theo says he understands. He says two very suggestive and convenient lines; we can’t choose what we want, we can’t escape who we are. I’m sure I don’t even have to breakdown the subtextual meaning behind that, it’s so blatant.
And this whole conversation’s happening while the famously acclaimed romantic scene from It’s a Wonderful Life plays in the background. Tartt deliberately chose a cinematic masterpiece of a romance scene for this conversation. And if that doesn’t create enough of a romantic atmosphere for the scene, this does. You see, the moon is an occurring symbolic tool in tgf. Theo’s mother told him to look up at the moon when he felt homesick, Boris is quite literally the moon as his Islamic name Badr means moon, and at one point Theo asks Boris if the moon looks the same everywhere, to which Boris of course replies yes you fucking idiot. So adding this very specific movie sequence where James Stewart promises to lasso the moon for Mary, is not a coincidence. @zombiebowlcut has a separate post regarding this, so here’s that!
Theo’s final monologue is about having a heart that cannot be trusted, about wanting things you shouldn’t want, not having the yearning to conform to conventional social constructs, not getting to choose your own heart, not getting to choose the person you are, and finally about how to confront this, if you should stuff your ears with wax like Kitsey, or if you should embrace it like Boris, throw yourself headfirst and laughing into the holy rage calling your name; if you should live inauthentically or authentically. And Theo chooses the latter. He’s done with crime, since he’s finally unchained from the painting. He’s buying back the fake antiques, and he’s not getting married to Kitsey. The only thing missing from Theo’s truth is his sexuality, and furthermore Boris. And that, is why I believe you can interpret they end up together in the end.
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everestv-themuse · 4 years
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the wheel of fortune: optimism, success, luck;
“We did it! I can’t believe it!”
possible AUs/settings/ideas: genie au, chance/fated meeting
Thanks for the prompts! I definitely didn’t plan on this getting so far away from me, but it was so fun to write! Here’s an alternate, chance first meeting (before the Conclave/Inquisition) for Shaelin Cadash x Sera with special guest nonbinary BFF Lantos for @apostatetabris @alxxiis @alxxiiswrites​ @dadrunkwriting​
“In and out,” Lantos whispers the promise for the umpteenth time that night. Shaelin just rolls her eyes and continues working at the locked door. “We go in, get the—”
“You mean you go in. Someone has to keep watch,”
“Oh, uh, sure, good point.” Lantos admits, continuing to pick at their warhammer’s grip absently as their eyes dart up and down the hallway. “I’ll go in, get the cut, we get out, we’re big fucking heroes and that asshole gets stiffed. Just like he deserves.”
“Yeah, that’s about what I agreed to,” Shaelin says with a released breath as the lock clicks open. She puts away her tools and steps aside with a nod to the other dwarf. “Your turn, partner.”
“Right, um,” Lantos stares at the door slightly ajar. “Yeah. My turn. No problem. Totally fine. Super easy.”
“Lan, this was your idea. But if you’d really rather get out of here now and just—”
“No, no, I’m going, I’m going, shut up.” The warrior gives the door one last look over and steps inside.
“Fucking soft,” Shaelin mutters under her breath as she leans against the wall to keep an eye on the hallway. She shivers, though, at the expanse of it. For such a rich noble, the asshole’s castle was dark and cold, void of any life or warmth. She had been surprised to notice no real furnishings besides stiff statues of armor and the occasional Fereldan banner. There weren’t even paintings or fancy vases or whatever else rich people liked to collect, just empty walls and spotless floors and—
She shivers again. There’s that feeling again. Like she’s being watched. She slips into stealth on instinct but stands her ground, feeling the shadows wrap around her to the point of functional invisibility. Silently, she unsheathes her daggers and crouches in a ready position.
“Lantos, you idiot, this would be a really good time to—” Her mumbled plea cuts off at the sound of a crash behind her and then a very familiar, hissing curse.
“Fuck it! Lin, run!” Her partner yells one second and the next second, they’re zooming past her and tossing a comically large gemstone over their shoulder at her. She barely manages to juggle it and her daggers in hand before racing after them.
“What the fuck did you do?! What did we say about ‘in and out’?!”
“Listen!” Lantos growls as the two sprint down the dimly lit corridor, hearing the shouts of pursuing guards close on their heels. “I got in and now we’re getting out. How was I supposed to know the guy hired security?! You did catch the cut, though, right?”
“Yeah, shit, barely!” Shaelin shouts back, really wishing there were fancy vases around to topple in their wake and slow their pursuers. “What, you can’t hold it?!”
“I’m a two-handed warrior, Lin! My hammer’s enough to run with!”
“And you didn’t think to bring a pouch to carry the cut in?!”
“No, okay?! Is that what you want to hear?! That I fucked everything—”
Something whizzes past Shaelin’s ear and she barely has time to flinch. Then there’s a thunk, a clatter of armor, and she glances back in time to see one guard with an arrow through his helmet topple to the ground and take two of his cohorts down with him.
Shaelin shivers.
And then someone grabs the two dwarves and jerks them around the corner, throwing them both against the far wall. Lantos wheezes and Shaelin covers their mouth with a slap, staring at their sudden rescuer and then at the remaining guards racing past their hiding spot. The three wait for another silent moment, listening for the sound of thundering footfalls of guards none the wiser in the distance.
“Hey. Thanks,” Lantos pants after Shaelin removes her hand. “That was too close. Where, uh...where did you come from?”
The stranger whips around, bow in one hand and dagger in the other, moving to press the blade against Lantos’ neck before Shaelin could react, all while staring her down. “You. You’re gonna put that gem back, got it? That, or your friend gets a slower death than that guard back there.”
“Wh-what the fuck?!” Lantos splutters, dropping their hammer with a clang. “Who’s side are you on?!”
Shaelin’s gaze holds steady and so does the stranger’s, eyes hard and steel grey behind the bandana she wears to hide her face. But it’s not enough to cover her ears. An elf. A damn quick one too.
“I’m not bluffing, redhead! Get walking!”
“Hold on, hold on,” Lantos interjects. “What exactly do you want here? Because you obviously don’t work for the rich asshole of this place and let’s all be honest here, we stole that gem fair and square.”
“Fair and square?! I’ve been casing this place for weeks! And then you two burst in and my whole plan goes to shite, that’s what’s square!”
“Your plan?! Well listen, lady, first come, first serve, alright?” Lantos hisses back and Shaelin is suddenly tempted to just let them both at each other’s throats. Leave it to her best friend to argue with the very person holding a knife to their neck. “And it’s not like we picked the guy clean! There’s plenty of other shit for you to steal, believe me!”
“That’s not the point!” The stranger huffs, as if exasperated by the obvious stupidity. “You steal that, the asshole’s most prized shiny thing, and it won’t just be the guards who get their pay docked. He’ll take it out on his servants too! You get away with your big score and the little people left behind get treated like dirt, even more than they were before.”
“Yeah? I can see why that’s not my problem, so why’s it yours?”
“Because they came to me to fix this for them!”
“How? They paying you to kill him?”
“Don’t have to pay for that,”
“Oh, how noble of you!”
“Right, coming from the petty thief,”
“You were going to murder a guy!”
“Shut up! Both of you!” Shaelin’s eyes flash a warning to Lantos before turning back to their captor. “Look. We don’t even want the gem. We were going to sell it. But more importantly, I can already hear the guards circling back.”
“You can?” Lantos’ eyes widen and as the three fall to silence, the unmistakable clangs of approaching armor could be heard. “Oh shit...”
“Exactly. So,” Shaelin slowly sheathes her daggers but keeps the gem firmly in hand. The stranger watches in hesitant silence. “You clearly know your way around the place. I hold onto this while you lead us out of here. Then, you can take it, sell it, and give the money to those little friends of yours for their trouble. Everyone gets out of here alive but the asshole is still out one shiny thing.”
“You...you don’t even want a cut of the profits?”
“We don’t really need the money. Apparently, we just couldn’t stand hearing the story of how the guy won it at an auction for the millionth time. I guess it’s about the principle of the thing?”
“It is!” Lantos pipes up. “The cut is clearly Dwarven craftsmanship and the guy flaunts it in our face every single time we come to drop off a lyrium delivery. It’s insensitive and cruel when you think about it.”
“Whatever. Fine.” The stranger drops her blade and shoves Lantos toward Shaelin. “I’ll agree to your stupid plan, but only if your friend shuts up the whole way.”
“Whoa, hey, I don’t get a say in this?!”
The stranger slinks off down the hall and Shaelin follows with a roll of her eyes. “It isn’t up for debate. That was the deal. She’s leading us through certain death right now, so whatever the mystery lady says, goes.”
“Pfft. Mystery lady?”
Shaelin turns away from Lantos’ pouting to meet the gaze of the woman in front of her, eyes meeting a much softer grey this time, more playful. “Well I didn’t get a name, did I?”
The woman arches an eyebrow before blending into the shadows like it’s second nature, leading the way through an empty bedchamber and out again through a servants’ door. “Didn’t hear you asking,”
“I’m asking now,” Shaelin says in a hush, crouching at her side as they wait for a patrol to pass by before continuing down the hall. “I’m Shaelin, my friend is Lantos. I don’t normally throw the name Cadash around, but maybe you’ve heard of it?”
“Carta, yeah. Your uniforms gave you away the second I saw you picking the lock.”
“Knew there was someone watching,” Shaelin chuckles softly. “I’m impressed it took me so long to notice you, I’m usually better about these things.”
“I’m impressed you were bullheaded enough to steal from your employer,”
“Buyer,” Shaelin corrects. “And it wasn’t my plan. Can’t stress that enough.”
“Right.” The woman’s lilt gives way and Shaelin can hear a smile in her voice. Her chest tightens and it feels like a victory, even if she’s not sure why. Lantos gives her a shoulder nudge and she realizes she’s falling behind, staring too intently at the way the woman’s eyebrows furrow and her ears flick towards her voice, anything that would betray the emotion hidden behind a red bandana.
“Still,” Shaelin speaks up once she matches pace with the woman again, making their way outside and into a small courtyard. “You didn’t answer my question. Can’t call you mystery lady forever.”
The woman glances back at her and it’s a guess, but Shaelin could swear there’s a smirk in her eyes. “How about Red Jenny then?”
“Red...I should’ve known,” Shaelin shakes her head as she watches the woman rifle through a nearby bush before revealing a coil of rope. “Red Jenny is a hydra, that’s hardly an answer.”
“You’ve heard of us then?” The woman certainly sounds surprised, but she doesn’t pause. She throws the lassoed rope up over the hanging roof of the courtyard and pulls it taut when it finds purchase.
“The Carta has to know about all the players in the game,” Shaelin answers as she watches the woman scramble up the rope to the roof and then lean over the edge to wait, eyes alight but silent. Finally out of the shadows and in the open, moonlight glints through the woman’s hair and the pale gold of the strands freezes Shaelin to the spot as she stares. Lantos gives her another nudge and she splutters out a cough. “Is that really the only answer I’m gonna get, Red Jenny?”
The woman laughs and Shaelin can’t climb the rope fast enough just to be close enough to truly witness it. In her rush, she almost slips on the shingles, but a nimble arm reaches out to grab and steady her. It’s the closest she’s been to the woman, as she’s caught staring into silver eyes, and then a hand reaches up to pull the bandana down to hang from a slim neck.
Shaelin shivers.
There’s no need to guess now, she’s definitely wearing a smirk as she answers, “For now,”
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shesquiinnsane-ar · 4 years
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@sapphiiras​ grabbed your attention:      how did you change her hair color, if you don't mind      me asking.
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Of course I'll share I don't mind at all. I know there’s lots of ways to do it but explained here is the way I found the easiest/most straight forward/quickest way of doing things on photoshop. I have a tendency to babble on these kinda things and do explain everything just in case there’s people out there that don’t what I’m talking about. So we’ll go through the steps on how I change Kathryn Newton’s typically blonde hair to a Harley inspired pink and blue look. Full explanation is under cut.
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Okay so usually I do these things using the full screencap without any cropping or resizing because then you can hide any mistakes by shrinking them afterwards and it just makes the result appear more smooth, or at least it does to me.
So first I select the Magentic Lasso tool sometimes it’s hidden by the standard Lasso but this one seems to make things easier for me. 
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To use this you click to start and then slowly outline your selection. We’ll start with the left hand side of Kathryn’s hair which I eventually want to be pink. Click every now and then, if there’s a point you definitely want to hit, or else automatically most of the selection should be made. It doesn’t have to be perfect, because we can edit it later. We just want the main area selected. 
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Then you want to use the ‘refine edge’ button at the top of the bar.
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Clicking this will do two things. It will show your your selection on it’s own and black out everything else to show you everything more clearly. It will also bring up this menu. You can edit these however you like, but these are my ‘typical’ values. I find smooth helps make the edges flow between the selection and the image underneath. The most important part of this is output to. Make sure it’s on New layer with Layer Mask as then we can still edit the selection after this stage.
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After clicking okay, the bottom layer (your main image) will be made invisible so just click on the square next to it so you can see both the edit and the background. 
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You won’t be able to tell the two layers apart yet, but that will soon change.
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So at the bottom of the layers there should be a half-white circle and a down arrow. Click on this and select Selective Color. Alternatively you can access the Selective Color tool along the top bar by going LAYER -> NEW ADJUSTMENT LAYER -> SELECTIVE COLOR.
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Before we edit the layer we want to make sure that it only affects the selection. To do this we add a clipping mask. Right click on the layer and then Create Clipping Mask. It’s completed when there’s a small arrow down, over the selection layer. 
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Now onto color. The most dramatic changes occur when the Colors: is on Neutrals ( although can be set to Reds / Yellows / Greens / Cyans / Blues / Magentas / Whites / Neutrals / Blacks ) feel free to mess around with these sliders as much as you want to achieve the colour you want. Explore all the options before deciding. As an example, the sliders pictured are the neutrals section of Harley’s colour, but the yellows ( as her hair is blonde ) have also been edited.
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So that looks like this. You can see the basis of what we’re trying to achieve but the edges are messy. So let’s fix that. This is why having the hair as a layer mask is handy. 
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Select the hair layer and then click the layer mask itself. 
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Now you can use a white paintbrush and your eraser to adjust the outline. I suggest shrinking the flow and the opacity of both the paintbrush and the eraser. Using any other colour (i.e. aside from white) will not work as effectively. 
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My opacity and flow on my paintbrush are set to 40% meaning that the paintbrush won’t be as harsh and can make sure the edges are as smooth as possible so it doesn’t look like you’ve changed the colour, but that the hair or whatever you’re changing has always been that colour. It takes a little time and practice to perfect this but just take your time with it and eventually you’ll have something that’ll be a little smoother and will look more like this.
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That is pretty much how you do it, and you can do it for anything and change the colours for whatever you want. Now, I’m going to use the same process for the other half of her hair to change it to a cyan/blue colour. 
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And that’s pretty much the final product. Now you can flatten the image, or simply save that as a new image and then resize/crop/add a psd or whatever you want! For me I’d turn this into an icon (both portrait and landscape) for Harley’s Circus AU but that’s really all I have to say! 
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