arthurtaylorlester · 1 year
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chaossequence · 1 month
Earlier there was a scorpion that I had to take care of for my roomate (who's dealy afraid of that stuff) since it was next to her bed then I went to a night class,, they pick me up since its a bit far and they needed to print something anyways, then tell me " hey... Oyster had another scorpion on her bed and ended flinging it onto your bed so you'll have to deal with that"
1. I'm also very scared of bugs especially ones that sting
2. I did not put the scorpion in my bed, why should I, who already dealt with the earlier one out of necessity, be the one to deal with it
3. I didn't care that much. I was drawing and I didn't really fully believe them. I said that this is the exact kind of thing you would formulate before coming to meet me just to mess with me
4. Long story short we walk home and I have to walk up to the house thinking wow they can't even have some kindness for me they KNOW I can't even deal with bugspray bc of my asthma and sensitivity to aerosols in general they KNWO I hate bugs esp that sting I'm already pissed and they then tell me before I walk all the way up that it's a prank there is no scorpion
5. Even if there was a scorpion I still lost some trust in them for just putting me in this situation, I often feel like no one has my back at all
6. The fact that this was a prank just hurts me more in that I never pull this shit off with them. I don't make pranks I don't try to put people in those situations bc i know I'd hate going through it myself. I annoy them a lot on purpose like earlier I'd been throwing tiny leaves at Cigarette for a good way towards class, pretty mild I would say.
7. For years I've known that I just do t like getting messed with. I don't like people making a fool out of me. Lying to me. Making me believe in something just to reveal it's wrong and then ridicule me for it after wards,, this just feel like that
8. I feel like this is bc i didn't have their childhoods or even current relationships. I never had siblings or cousins I was close to. I never had terribly close friends. When people try to mess with me now I get angry and fussy if you try talking to me and cry if it's worse.
9. Earlier that day I told Cigarette "do not do that to me, don't tell me that" when she said awwww are you crying? To me sniffing or rubbing my nose bc if allergies. She's done that a lot bc especially when I scratch me eye (I have a dry spot there so throughout the day I'm scratching off some dead skin) and she'll say omg don't cry bbg ~ in a very infantalizing voice that I've already told her not to use with me and it's just messing with me a lot.
10. Last year Oyster played a "prank" on me while I was sick at home. one of our friends (Electric) messaged me that she hates Oyster and Iguana and didnt want to be friends with them anymore and giving more details of course (I even live blogged that occasion on here lol) but the problem was that THIS WAS COMPLETELY believable. Like Electric was going through a rough patch with us at the time and has expressed such things about them and another girl like I was just saying hey you need to tell them this don't come and shit talk about them to me. I even told my mom about this and she agreed that yeah.. it felt like they were testing me and what I'd say about those two behind their backs like I haven't forgiven Oyster about this thing at all and she just continues life not knowing that to this day I call this the "Electric situation"
11. After that, on a camping trip I tol Cigarette who was my travel buddy at the time and best friend I hate these people turning on their flasha light when they don't have to bc it's really hurting my eyes. I even had her walk me though the guided trial so I could keep my eye closed for a while. Then at the night campfire the fire was very bright, hurting my eyes then people were turning on bright LED flash lights for no reason and I in frustration said "god just fucking don't turn on your lights you aren't using then at all" then cigarette who was next to me immediately turns on her light directly into my eyes. I got really hurt by this emotionally and physically bc she literally flashed a sudden bright light one foot away from my face. She regretted it the instant I changed my face nad shut my eyes with my hand even tighter and dad "sorry sorry I tend to do thing when people tell me not to I'm so sorry" like ok then I cried for the whole campfire to the point our chaperones (our close teachers) asked me if I was ok. I needed turning the opposite direction of the fire into the dark and closed my eyes still bc the shadows were flickering
12 I try my best so much to respect their boundaries like I don't call Cigarette annoying bc she has this issue ith it deeply so j just try no to use that word . So why can't she try for me
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r34listic · 1 year
So i have a friend (lets call her tessa). Tessa and i are classmates. She joined our school last year and was the new student. I told her she can sit next to me in all classes and like just join my friendgroup cuz she didnt knew anyone. We became very good friends and we had the same kinda of humour etc. Since she is part of our friendgroup now, she is friends with my friends. Obv. And she came very close to (lets say Kira). Kira and Tessa did a school exchange together. I wanted to join but my parents didnt allow me so yeah. After that one week of school exchange kira and tessa came back to our country and were hanging out together all the time. I understand that they are good together but you could at least say hello, right? Kira was very sweet and gave me a hug and told me everything about the exchange. Tessa was just there.
So Tessa and Kira met new people like (fake names) Lucy, Mia, Mike... many people. And they were talking about them all the time. Especially about the boys. And if you ask them "isnt that the guy from the exchange?" Tessa would be like "you dont even know him, so what do you wanna say anyway". Like i was just asking? Cmon now i dont feel like standing there and not knowing anything about the convo.
This kinda turn into a habit. So Kira and I are still close and i kinda fixed that thing between me and Tessa. New school year (now).
So the holidays were over and we came all back together. Tessa and Kira ignored me as usual. So i was hanging out with the other part of the group, jenny and livia. I had beef with livia cuz like, i just dont like her. But jenny is super sweet.
One day tessa suddenly came to me and told me about her dream she had in the holidays. It was about me "stealing" all of her friends. She said it jokingly but i could see how worried she was. You must know, Tessa has a lot of friends. Like, she knows everyone of the world and considers them as her friend. Idk. She also kinda blamed me for having not many friends. So i thought i might follow some people on instagram. There were many people who were suggested to me so i just followed them and they followed back. I dont have many friends. Maybe 2 or 3. Most of them are more just a company tbh. Like tessa, jenny, kira... just talking with them so school isnt boring.
Ofcourse tessa noticed that i followed some of her friends and she tried to embarrass me in a convo with other people. I didnt felt embarrassed and noone laughed so it didnt work. She was like "yeah why are you following kiras mum on insta" and i was like "girl what are you talking about stop being so delulu"... basically she often does that. Tryna embarrass me for my interests cuz she has no talents. Like girl? I have a tt account where i started to post stuff about how to have a glow up and jzst the girly stuff. It went pretty well and i gained 21.8 k followers. Thats a lot i think.
As i had my first 3k followers i told the friendgroup. They were very supportive and followed me and stuff. Tessa included. I was happy that everything went well. I thought.
So in the past days Tessa also tried to expose (not rlly the word) my account to others and was like "she has a tt account about glow up haha". Well girl then mention the 22k followers.
What i notice is that Tessa doesnt have any talents. I have some, i think. Im very good at drawing, learning new stuff, healthy clean girl living, writing stories, being creative, also very good at school, making transition edits... and tessa just had nothing. As much as i know. She plays tennis and volleyball. Thats it i guess.
Its pretty obv that she is just jealous and i knwo that from the beginning of this drama. I know she isnt worth my time so i wont let her suck my good energy.
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kirishwima · 3 years
im so pissed off im. head full thoughts violent
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junipeach · 5 years
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Finally (Bokuto x Reader) Oneshot
Bokuto has added Akaashi, Kuroo, Kenma, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Hinata, Yamaguchi, Kiyoko, Yachi, and Atsumu to the group chat.
Bokuto has named the group chat ‘HELP ME”
Everyone is online
Bokuto: HELPD ME
Kuroo: Bro what’s wrong?
Akaashi: Bokuto-san tell us what’s wrong first
Iwaizumi: You might find out if you stop talking
Oikawa: Mean Iwa-chan
Hinata: Don’t worry! We’ll help you!
Kenma: Who is it?
Yamaguchi: BokuY/n >> 
Hinata: YES YAMS
Yachi: I KNEW IT
Oikawa: YES
Atsumu: YES
Hinata: YES
Kiyoko: YES
Yamaguchi: YES
Yachi: YES PLS
Iwaizumi: YES
Kenma: YES
Akaashi: YES
Bokuto: OKAY
Oikawa: How do you plan to do it?
Iwaizumi: Can’t he just tell her?
Atsumu: It has to be special!
Yachi: I’m pretty sure she would say yes even if you called her now lol
Bokuto: OKAY
Bokuto is offline
Akaashi: Bokuto-san is not the type to think before acting
Kuroo: Yeah I have to side with Kaashi on this one. As much as I love my bro, he’s kinda dense
Kenma: Kind of?
Kuroo: He’s really dense
Yamaguchi: How long has he been pining for her? I lost count
Hinata: He first started talking about (Nickname)-san 2 years ago
Kiyoko: And Y/n first mentioned him after that training camp in her first year of high school. 
Hinata: WHAT???
Iwaizumi: Wtf that was 4 years ago
Atsumu: How did she hide it for that long?
Oikawa: YEAH we only figured it out during her last year of high school
Yamaguchi: I didn’t know she was so good at hiding her feelings
Akaashi: I don’t think that’s a good thing
Kiyoko: The only reason Yachi and I knew was because we spent so much time with her
Yachi: Even then she didn’t tell us until she was a second year
Hinata: Do you think Bo-san has told her yet?
Kenma: All we can do is wait
Bokuto paced around his room, phone clenched tightly in his hand. Your contact was open on the screen, but every time he went to hit ‘Call’, he chickened out.
“What if she doesn’t like me?” He mumbled. “Oh god, what if I ruin everything? What if she starts to hate me?!” 
Bokuto groaned in frustration, dropping his phone on his nightstand, completely unaware that he had accidentally hit the ‘Call’ button when he did. 
You groaned softly at the sound of your phone ringing. You rolled over in bed, nearly knocking it off the nightstand as you tried to pick it up. You blinked blurrily at the screen.
Bokuto is calling…
You sat up and swiped your finger across the screen to answer the call. You raised it to your ear, reaching for the lamp as you did. After some fumbling, light flooded the room.
“Bo? Why are you-”
You paused at what you heard next. 
“How the hell am I supposed to tell her?”
Bokuto’s voice sounded distant. He must not be near the phone. Did he call you by accident?
You were about to call his name again when he continued. 
“It would be different if it was just a random girl, but it’s not.”
You pushed the covers back and stood up, searching for something to wear. You put your side of the phone on mute, set the phone on speaker, and started getting dressed. 
“This is someone important to me. If I lose her, I-” Bokuto’s voice cracked harshly, and you felt your heart clench.
He must really love her.
You slid your shoes on and grabbed your house keys. You connected your phone to your headphones and continued to listen. Bokuto only lived twenty minutes away by foot, but you had a car, so it would only take about five to ten minutes to get there, depending on how fast you drove.
You got into the car and reached for the seatbelt, freezing when you heard sniffles on the other side of the phone. You quickly clicked the seatbelt into place, turned on the ignition, and pulled out of your driveway. 
It was dark, and the streets were empty. You were incredibly thankful for it because you reached the apartment building easily. You parked in the parking lot of the park down the street and ran the rest of the way there. Once you were inside, you headed straight for the elevator. Once you were inside, you jabbed the button for the 3rd floor, tapping your foot impatiently as you waited. 
“How do you tell your best friend that you’re in love with them?” Bokuto mumbled.
The elevator doors finally opened, and you ran down the hallway. You reached Bokuto’s apartment and raised your hand to knock, only to freeze at the words that left his mouth next. It was almost inaudible, but you heard it as if it was spoken right next to you.
“I can’t lose, Y/n.”
Your heart was beating too loud to hear anything else. You ripped the headphones out of your ears and ended the call. 
Bokuto was talking about you. 
He’s in love with you.
Oh my god, he’s in love with YOU.
You knocked (probably a bit louder than you should’ve, but you were too shocked to care). After a minute, you heard shuffling, the sound of a lock clicking, and the door opened. 
Bokuto’s eyes were puffy and red from crying. You could see the remnants of tears on his shirt. His eyes widened when he saw you standing there. 
“Y/n?” You almost winced at how hoarse his voice was. 
Nervousness swelled like a tidal wave in your chest. 
“Can I come in?”
Bokuto didn’t respond. He just stepped back and opened the door wider. You slipped past him, watching silently as he locked the door back. He turned around, jumping when he found you standing right behind him. He started to make a joke, but he saw how serious you looked. 
“What’s wrong?
Your gaze darted away before returning to him. “Can I ask you a question, and have you promise to answer me honestly?”
That made him nervous. “You’re really worrying me, Y/n.”
“Promise me.” There was something almost desperate in your eyes, so Bokuto nodded quickly.
“I promise.”
You nodded slowly. “Do you..Do you love me?”
Bokuto’s eyes widened to the point that he really matched an owl. You probably would’ve laughed if you weren’t on the verge of panicking.
“I..” Bokuto swallowed thickly, his voice almost inaudible. “...Yes. I do.”
He squeezed his eyes shut and braced himself for you to scream at him, to tell him you never wanted to see him again, but…
It never happened. 
Instead, he felt your fingertips brush his cheek before you pressed your lips to his. It was just a soft press of lips, but it still took his breath away. 
When he opened his eyes, you were smiling softly at him. “I love you too, Kotarou.” 
It took a minute for him to process your words, and you waited patiently while it sank in. You knew when it did because a grin split across his face, and he wrapped you up in his arms. 
“Hey hey hey, that’s awesome!”
You giggled at his excitement, squeezing him back just as tight. 
Nothing had ever felt this right.
In the ‘HELP ME’ group chat
Bokuto is online
Bokuto: (Bokuto has sent an attachment)
*In the photo, you and Bokuto are laying on his bed. He has one arm wrapped around you while the other is raised to take the photo. One of your arms is under his head while the other is slung over his stomach. Your head is resting on his chest. Bokuto has a huge smile on his face, and you’re grinning, seemingly caught while you were laughing.*
Oikawa: OH MY GOD
Akaashi: I wish you two all the happiness in the world
Kenma: I’m glad you two are happy
Iwaizumi: I think you two will be really good together
Yamaguchi: I hate to sound like a broken record but
Yamaguchi: BOKUY/N >>
Hinata: No problem!
Iwaizumi: Glad we could help
Bokuto sat his phone down and grinned at you. “Can I take you on a date tomorrow?”
You smiled, eyes glowing with amusement. “You have practice tomorrow, and I have a bakery to run.”
Bokuto pouted when he remembered everything the two of you had to do. You giggled and kissed his cheek, tangling your hands together. “How about we have a movie marathon this weekend?”
Bokuto’s expression brightened immediately. “Deal!”
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misterbitches · 3 years
i think there's a diff between being uncomfortable kissing a dude and being uncomfortable that it's your first on screen anything (kissing, sex scene). that shit is weird and hard if it's your first time. hopefully he finds it better now because he's clearly capable it's just....awkward.
i mean them still kissing while the director yelled cut shows that he (hank) wasn't embarrassed to be kissing a man just that. you know. lmao i mean you do have to get over it if you choose projects where it calls for it... but it makes total sense that he's 24 and that it's a big ask and it's a big leap he took which is good if he wants to continue acting.
it gets easier the deeper you get and it becomes way less embarrassing but it's still so bizarre? if you're ever on a set where there's a sex scene you're all so mentally checked out cos it's like two parts of you like you're watching it but then you have to monitor and do your crew work and then there's the people doing it and everyone being unimpressed and tired and staring lmao and the pressure of the actors (im trying not to be mean about how much work i think actors actually do in comparison)
once i worked with some theater actors for an assignment for school and it had these two girls kissing in the script and when they would make out i'd be like...i mean u coulda saved that for the actual thing but girl i guess. the other actresss was a bit more reserved but still into it and they had to keep doing it and this is why theater kids are exhausting i was like damn warn a bitch if yall are going all in in the middle of this hallway????
i mean idk i am questioning like hm were ppl just in2 these 2 buff tall dudes kissing cos they aint get it with anyone else or do thte main pairing not have chemistry? i mean i know the answer but i'm not seeing the cringe with their ~intimacy~ but maybe it's bc im a bad bitch and keep men on their toes
also tbqh when i did act i would straight up dissociate cos lol if i ever continue and have to do a sex scene i knwo for a fact my brain will not be on earth ill be like ok my inherent acting skills, it's ur time to shine cos we are mentally CHECKING OUT rn (many actors do that too) also you can have no chemistry and still be really into your scenes as an actor. the last set i worked on with this they didnt even like each other but when it came to the scenes it was like anything goes
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miserybegins · 5 years
i use my blog like a diary and today i realized i never talked about what happened in my life while i was blog-less from april to august so:
so my blog was suspended right before my 10 year tumblr anniversary with that blog which was april 5th i believe.
on april 6th i flew to san diego to do the 6 california dates of the frank/tbs tour. the tour was so much fun!!! we went to disney for two or three days that we had off from the tour which was a lot of fun. 
the highlight of the tour was the second night in LA because I MET RAY!!!! while tbs was on i saw ray hanging back in the crowd and i couldn’t help myself i had to go say hi so i introduced myself and told him how much the music meant to me, it was really brief cause the show was going on and it was super loud and he was with his wife but he was like the gentlest and nicest man ever....however i had to go chug a 20 dollar beer right afterwards to cope.
we figured gerard and mikey were there as well since they all always go to frank LA shows but im glad i didnt see gerard cause that would just cause a breakdown im a simple man and gerard way makes me cry!
but frank did come talk to us that night, it was the only opportunity i really got on that tour to talk to frank and i hadnt talked to him since last summer when i got really bombed at a tribute show and talked to him while black out drunk which i dont remember. so i had a really good talk with him and i was like i dont know WHY im telling you this but i reminded him how i told him about my alopecia a while back and how mcr had helped me cope with that well while i was in california i tested not wearing a hat to cover my alopecia for the first time and even though it was super scary everyone treated me the same and i did itt! i survived!! so i reminded him how i told him about that and then told him how i had been combatting that on the trip and he seemed so genuinely happy for me he was like that is so awesome and he hi fived me. and it was good i really love frank. oh also i told him we were going to get tattoos in san fransisco and he told us to go to idle hand so
in san fransisco we did go to idle hand to get tattooed! i got a heart on my middle finger and my broken armed boozey that frank drew up for me after i had broken my arm at his show and frank had warned us that they might not be the friendliest people but they were great tattoo artists so we were like scared?? but my guy was so fucking nice and literally hugged me when i tipped him and he thought it was so cool that we were following the tour so idk...good experience.
when i got home from the tour though it was a few weeks until my 25th birthday and i didnt want to live so i went inpatient for almost 2 weeks :( but then i got out and had my birthday and lived i guess lmao
when i went back to work i had like nO MONEY because i spent all of it in california but frank had east coast shows coming up and the release of barriers and i was just like if i dont go i am gonna lose my fucking mind! and my friend convinced me to go to harrisburg and she bought my ticket so i was like yay! amen! this friend is always so good to me i cant explain.
anyway this is my favorite thing. im standing outside the venue talking to my friends before doors and the band walks out the front cause theres only one entrance and theyre going to the bus but frank seens me and walks the other way to come over and shake my hand and tell me it was good to see me ;____; literally rerouted himself to say hi to ME specifically i was like...wah. im baby. i LOVE HIM.
i ended up getting stupid drunk at the show and woke up in the back seat of my car the next morning still parked across from the venue..dont recommend. but im saying this because it is a plot point!
i got in a lot of trouble for going to pennsylvania without telling anyone and not answering any texts or calls when everynoe was still really worried about me but then a couple weekends later there were more shows....the show frank played on a boat and a signing the next day.
so my friends again paid for me to go because they thought it was important for me. which it was. the boat show was fun but i felt so sick because it was on a literal moving boat and i hadnt eaten or slept but i was extremely overcaffeinated....so when we got to the hotel that night i fell asleep for 15 hours straight i was asleep before my friend even got out of the shower and i did NOT wake up.
the signing the next day was really weird for me. they played a few songs which was fine but then to ‘meet’ frank at a signing was super weird cause he and evan were at this table and i just didnt knwo what to say and i felt really awkward and it was a weird shift in dynamic from how i usually talk to them so i feel like i came off as super nervous and then i was liek frank htates me now cause he thinks i am nervous to talk to him...but then my friend was talking to me about it and we realized that it had been a really long time since id talked to frank sober. and it was sad to realize that but also cool that i could make that realization and move forward from it.
so the NEXT weekend i went to the last show which was asbury lanes. saw a lot of pals there. i could have drank but i didnt drink at all and i had the best time....i was amazed by the lighting idk if it was just really good that night or if i hadnt paid any attention cause id always been drunk but it felt really good and i told frank about it after the show!!
but the whole time that all was happening i was like really fucking depressed and i didnt think i was going to even make it home that time. i did make it home but a few days later i tried to kill myself and ended up in inpatient for the whole month of july. :/
when i got out though i made some changes like leavig chipotle and getting a job at hot topic before anyone expected me to go back to work and i also started taking a bio class which is hopefully now going to turn into me doing a surgical tech program starting in the fall!
im still very depressed but im doing better, even i can admit.
if you read this whole thing you are a champ...
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lasercruz · 4 years
Tumblr media
@quarterdollar​ fuck you and im sorry that i took so long to answer and i hope that im mostly coherent because i am. very tired as im typing this
1: Full name Nicky Jackie Marie Cruz !!
2: Age 21
3: 3 Fears Mold, tall heights if I’m not secured (like, I’m not scared of rollercoaster heights but I’m scared of like, cliffs), and balloons esp balloon animals
4: 3 things I love I love so many things uhh hh h. Jjba, adventure zone, and my friendssss 💞
I know turn ons/offs aren’t inherently sexual but i never know what to say for them so im skipping them :0
7: My best friend you 🥺🥺
8: Sexual orientation bi
9: My best first date ive never really been on a actual date :0
10: How tall am I 5′3
11: What do I miss being with my friends physically and just watching stuff or goofing around on the floor 😭
12: What time were I born 11:02pm
13: Favourite color Dark blues
14: Do I have a crush yes shh
15: Favourite quote there so much sappy quotes that are on uquizzes a lot that i like a lot the first that comes to mind is “ You’re in a car with a beautiful boy, and he won’t tell you that he loves you, but he loves you.” and so on and also “if i loved you less i might be able to talk about it more”
16: Favourite place As far as just physically and not like people or other stuff that comes with with a place, I miss VT campus a lot tbh more than I thought I would. To pick a more specific place, the gazebo at the duck pond cause its where I’d go if I wanted to be alone or like if my roommate was sleeping or working and i didnt want to worry about being quite and it was always super peaceful
17: Favourite food I dont really have One favorite food it just depends what I’m in the mood for but my go to answer for favorite food category wise is either chinese or seafood
18: Do I use sarcasm Depends who I’m with ?? Generally no not often but if im close with someone and just goofin yeah
19: What am I listening to right now My love song playlist. its my go to thing to listen to cause my playlist with all my music has so much on it that i end up skipping half the songs until i find something im in the mood for and this one has a lot less that i end up skipping. the current song its on is day without you by keep for cheap
20: First thing I notice in new person It depends on the person like if they have something that stands out about them, thats what I tend to notice but like. How they carry themself i guess ? cause i feel like thats a easy way to get a read on somebody before talking to them
21: Shoe size 5 mens / 7 womans
22: Eye color Brown
23: Hair color Naturally dark brown but currently dyed black with rainbow bangs
24: Favourite style of clothing this question is on so many ask games and quizzes and I never know how to answer it cause i feel like i dont really have one specific style,, I like colorful and fun stuff i guess ?
25: Ever done a prank call?  No and if you prank call a place of business youre annoying. i used to answer phones at work and we didn’t get them super often but GOD i hate prank callers
27: Meaning behind my URL emu is an old nickname and what i mainly went by until i settled on Nicky and this. is my blog.
28: Favourite movie Baby driver !!
29: Favourite song my go to answer for this is community gardens by the scary jokes
30: Favourite band THE SCARY JOKES
31: How I feel right now sleeby,,,,
32: Someone I love i love , my friendz ,, 🥺🥰
33: My current relationship status single ✌️
34: My relationship with my parents im close to my mom but i dont really get along with my dad ,
35: Favourite holiday Christmas !
36: Tattoos and piercing i have no tattoos, 3 piercings in each ear (2 on each earlobe and 1 on the top on each side)
37: Tattoos and piercing i want I want a interrobang on my wrist and an Aquarius symbol on my ankle and MAYBE the joestar birthmark, i wouldn’t mind more ear piercings and i want a septum piercing but ive seen videos of them getting done and they make me squirm i dont know if id go through with it
38: The reason I joined Tumblr sdklgkjgh i had a my little pony roleplay blog before i made my personal account
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? no we’re good friends !!
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? no not regularly at least
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? no
42: When did I last hold hands? my mom tried to hold my hand when i was half asleep on the couch the other day but like i was so out of it so like it was more our fingers together and the rest of my hand just loosely dangling so if that doesnt count, you
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? i give myself about 2 hours if im doing full makeup but thats purposefully longer than i need so i dont have to worry about rushing and i can relax and take my time
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? no i only shave them if they’re gonna be showing or if the Urge to be Smooth comes over me
45: Where am I right now? my room at home on my bed
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? probably Kaylie cause she doesn’t drink and i assume if im drunk with other friends there she’d be the only sober one
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Reasonable, if i have it too loud i cant think so the only time i  have my music loud is if im doing nothing and want to Not Think
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? Ye
49: Am I excited for anything? short term im excited for the ai crushes all banks stream tonight and long term im excited to move into our apartment 
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? no im not a tell everything to someone type of person .
51: How often do I wear a fake smile? i smile most of the time like, at work (before we wore masks) id always be smiling to look nice and like. just in general if i want to Not Look Unhappy or whatever
52: When was the last time I hugged someone? my mom probably like, yesterday
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? ive never kissed any1     .
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?  nope i don’t think i really trust easily so like this doesnt rlly happen,
55: What is something I disliked about today? i woke up late cause i was up late last night so ive been tired all day I dont like the feeling
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? language barriers aside itd be super cool to meet hirohiko araki
57: What do I think about most? Whatever media im currently most into so right now adventure zone and magnus archives
58: What’s my strangest talent? umm i dunno im kinda flexable i guess ? not like ~contortionist~ level but like enough that i can freak people out sometimes
59: Do I have any strange phobias? i mentioned balloons as a fear in an eariler question so yeah that but im a lot better about it than i used to be
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? in front tbh
61: What was the last lie I told? i was on phones for the last hour and a half of my shift on friday and like. when people call and ask if an item is in stock and i can’t confirm it i, just tell them its not. like, someone asked if we had a specific kayak and i usually just search the walmart app or run over to where itd be to check but the kayaks are to far for me to run to and the app said limited stock which usually means little to none so , i just put it on hold for a bit then tell him we’re out.
62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? i like video chatting in theory cause its nice to see people visibly react to stuff but i tend to get too self conscious about how i look so i  just do audio only
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? yes to both !! i am both
64: Do I believe in magic? yes in some ways i suppose
65: Do I believe in luck? yes im v superstitious
66: What’s the weather like right now? its a pretty good day its sunny but not too hot :oo
67: What was the last book I’ve read? its been ages since i last read a book in full 😔  i honestly dont knwo what the last one would of been 😔 😔
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? yes !!! love it
69: Do I have any nicknames? not anything i get consistently called no
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? ive never gotten super hurt that i can think of ??
71: Do I spend money or save it? save it
72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge? no
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? doppio bean plush ,,,,
74: Favourite animal? hedgehogs!!!!
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? on my phone probably on tiktok or something waiting for jojo to come on toonami
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? I? dont think he has one i guess ??
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? butterflies by samsa but it makes me happy in the “im crying now” kinda way itss cute
78: How can you win my heart? just by being nice and respectful tbh ,
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? idk i dont really want anything fancy just my name (chosen name please god im so scared of dying and geting my birth name on my tombstone if that happens i WILL come back as a vengeful ghost) and my birth and death dates
80: What is my favorite word? saccharine
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr by my tumblr crushes (which its been YEARS since i looked at) ; frostios, 27names4tears, smollpurrito, happynaru, and warpedlamp
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? if we being real id just get so scared dsjkfsldjglg  theres so much i could say i dont know :((
83: Do I have any relatives in jail? not ? that i know of 
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? why are all the questions worded super basic except this one skdlskdjfj. Shape shifting
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? i can really think of anything really as long as a friend is asking i tend to answer truthfully ?
86: What is my current desktop picture? Sobble BUT this reminded me that i wanted to change it to a xenoblade pic so its this now :
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90: Failed a class? no
91: Kissed a boy? no
92: Kissed a girl? no
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? no but oh god just thinking about that im 🥺🥺🥺🥺 id die id melt 🥺🥺
94: Had job? ye i was a cashier for a year in highschool and then i work in wamlart apparel in the summers
95: Left the house without my wallet? not when I know ill need it no, but ive left it home if im just going to a friend or family member’s house or i have my mom’s card or some cash in my pocket
96: Bullied someone on the internet? no !!
98: Played on a sports team? no lmao i dont do sports
99: Smoked weed? no
100: Did drugs? i had a weed brownie like once but it was such a small piece i didnt really feel anything
101: Smoked cigarettes? no
102: Drank alcohol? Ye
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? not currently i was vegan for a little bit to encourage a friend that was doing it though
104: Been overweight? no
105: Been underweight? no
106: Been to a wedding?  yes three, my grandma’s when she got remarried, and both my brothers
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? probably yes lmao often
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? not TV TV but if netflix and the like count then yes
109: Been outside my home country? no :(
110: Gotten my heart broken? not ? really no
111: Been to a professional sports game? ive been to a handful of Yankee games
112: Broken a bone? no
114: Been to prom? yes i went to my highschool’s and a friend’s highschool’s my senior year
115: Been in airplane? no
116: Fly by helicopter? no
117: What concerts have I been to? none :((((
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? ye
119: Learned another language? i took 3 years of Spanish in high school but i wasn’t any good at it and dont really remember much of what i did learn
120: Wore make up? yes i do often :0
123: Dyed my hair? ye a lot
124: Voted in a presidential election? yes ever since iv been old enough to i vote
125: Rode in an ambulance? no
126: Had a surgery?  dental surgery yes
127: Met someone famous? Not anyone i’d count no
128: Stalked someone on a social network? depends on what you count as stalking i guess but like not ever in a creepy way like ive been on people’s social media to find out stuff about them like. if theyre in a relationship or especially after highschool ill wonder about someone i havent talked to in awhile and ill see what theyve been up to and what theyre doing with their life and stuff
129: Peed outside? no
130: Been fishing? yes like once
131: Helped with charity? donation wise yes
132: Been rejected by a crush? ive never confessed to anyone and been rejected but once a friend told my crush i liked them and they confronted me about it and rejected me but it made me more mad at the friend that told them than it made me sad about being rejected because i knew it’d probably go like that  and it justmade thing awkward between us for awhile  😔
133: Broken a mirror? ive broken the little mirrors inside eyeshadow pallets but i havent broken full ones
134: What do I want for birthday? usually just money lol or something thoughtful and cute
135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names? i aggresivly do NOT want kids BUT hypohetically Elliot or Xander for a boy and idk what i’d nam a girl
136: Was I named after anyone? no
137: Do I like my handwriting?  its messy so no not really but if im writing something for myself like a not or whatever i dont mind as long as i can read it
138: What was my favourite toy as a child? even as a little kid i always played computer games but other than that, this guy :
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139: Favourite Tv Show? Jojo
140: Where do I want to live when older? New york or japan
141: Play any musical instrument? i can kind of play harmonica
142: One of my scars, how did I get it? i burnt my thumb kinda bad on the oven a while ago its still kinda healing but right now it looks like its gonna stay a scar
143: Favourite pizza toping? i like everything/suprieme pizza but if i have to pick one single topping pepperoni
144: Am I afraid of the dark? yes :((
145: Am I afraid of heights? mentioned it earlier but yes if im not strapped in or secured etc
146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? no im so scared of being caught doing something bad that i just. dont
147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? i mean yes but thats life babey
149: What my greatest achievments are ive gotten awards for grades and stuff but that boring BUT i got the english department award or whatever that was called im very proud of that
151: What I’d do if I won in a lottery i donate some and save the rest tbh
152: What do I like about myself i can be pretty  sometimes 👉👈 im cute or whateva ,,,
153: My closest Tumblr friend i dont really havent “tumblr friends” aside from friends i know irl and also tey have tumblrs ,,
154: Something I fantasise about just. growing up and having my own place maybe with someone and. being comfortable and  okay and not having to worry ,,
155: Any question you’d like? dkfjhdskhf japan :000
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spamton · 5 years
im so fucking upset like... bc of how shits going on in the world rn a bunch of my international friends are leaving uni. see, i would too, but the thing is my country has closed 85% of the airports so to get back id have to pack eveyrthing and also pay a ridiculous amount of moneey which i dont have! im stuck in this piece of shit country thats literally JUST started fighting the virus nd im not going to see a fuckton of my closest irl friends until SEPTEMBER i literally dont know how to cope with that LMAO 
some of my friends who live in this country but p far away are staying here though so i wont be all alone... it just sucks that i literally cant do ANTYHING and that im just fucking stuck in ENGLAND out of all places i fucking hate this. im so terrified like even though i dont get along with my parents that well and id rather not be stuck in one house with them for god knows how long, i still cant like hug my mom and i just have to calll them at all times.... thankfully most people in this building are leaving as early as this week, so ill have some peace and quiet. my uni is supposed to remain closed until april 20th, but im LITERALLY STUCK HERE UNTIL JUNE i dont know what to do... they said its gonan remain open for us international students... worst case scenario i can go to my uncle who lives an hour away, but still... :/
im just. terrified of being lonely again. im so scared im going to feel like i did in 2016 im terrified of feeling like im alone in this world im going to miss my friends i dont knwo what to do. i didnt go to a party they had yesterdayjust because i literaly had like 3 major breakdowns over corona stuff like in the span of 2 hours. i was calling my parents at 11 pm last night
2020 was going to be my year. it was going to be the best year of my life. new house, new beginnings, with my new friends. i finally have a place i feel at home and it just feels like its being ripped away from me by force
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cbocstar · 4 years
update update of my feeelings
i need to really use this blog as a way to write my feelings down instead of ...overly emotionally exhausting my friends with my emotions LOL. i guess because of the messages box it feels safe so i can unwind my thoughts to the point when it should of just been placed in my blog instead. I think that’s something i need to work on as well... to maybe seek therapy or seek help of jus talking to someone professionally on how to get my emotions out.  anyway. heres to he update of the nitty gritty.  There were a lot of red flags with steven. And i may have ignored them because I was being hopeful that he would wake up and realize that his actions were dangerous and harmful. But it was only until valentines day which was our last day together that hit me with the realization that he’s not going to change and that i deserved better, and to be FAR away FROM HIM.  he drunk drive and blamed me for why he was driving recklessly even though. i didn’ have a curfew. And i didnt know he was drunk.  i gave myself time to heal  anyway i tried out the dating apps 
i was talking to someone on the fb dating app. his name was nick.he seemed like a nice guy. So i sent him a message after we matched and he got so shocked that i sent a message and then we just were talking about disneyland bc his photo he had was a picture of him pulling out the sword in the sword in the stone and it was a fun conversation. it was only the first day and i was just like wow we clicked so fast. I felt like i could be myself already. It was nice. So we were talking for a few hours of that day during my breaks at work and just getting to know him and his likes and dislikes. Third day he was getting extremely loveydovey and I ws a bit cautious of it. because its only the third day. lol like it was extra flirty. But i didnt really know if it was like because i was enthusiastic with our conversation and he enjoyed that. Idk I try to channel or reflect myself personality via online as well through the dating apps bc of covid we cant meet ya know. anyway we were talking more and more and then we did webcam on the fifth day and it was nice it was fun. Then a week pass and he kept talking to me and telling me how he’s not talking to anyone and only me and how he had plans for us and i was just like wait a minute. we are still getting to know each other. lAnd then he started to talk to me sexually and ask my likes and dislikes and experiences so i was just upfront to him telling him that im demisexual and i dont have much experience and not really interested in sex until i feel emotional connection with someone. and stuff and hes just like “WHAT do U THINK OF ME???? and sent a a dick pic and im just like uhhh And hes just like “ DOES THIS AROUSE YOU?” and its like “ uhhh no? lol ii dont even know what im looking at. anyway a week passed and now its two weeks and he kept pushing me and i felt like it wasn’t fair for the both of us so i ended it. and then blocked hiim because i honestly felt likt it was for the best then he stalked me on his other account which i didnt know he had one lol so its like oh ok lol i guess ill block that ttoo and he just msgs me with somet manipulation gaslights shit asking me how i could be so hurtful to block him. And idk I guess yeah blocking is hurtful but i dont know after experiencing lovebombing in my past relationship. LOL anything similar that throws me back tto that is a red flag in itself. and like my gut feelings were off about something and i didnt know what exactly. I didn’t like it when he was condescending with me and would try to put me down for refusing to meet up with him because of covid. lol idk I just i dont see the point lol. its not safe. anywayyy Told my friend about the nick thing and she said I’m a heartbreaker. and that somehow scientists said that people can fall in love with someone within 24 hours bc of a connection so that 2 weeks is real. And how he deserves a hug lol and a pat on the back for getting his heart broken by me. And I’m just like lol where’s your source. Bc that doesn’t seem true to me. And  🙄 yeah poor nick blah blah blah guys have feelings yes blah I’m the bad guy blah blah blah I'm just like lol it wasn't intentional of hurting him. I didn't lead him on or anything but something didn't sit right. I didnt like the off balance of it. I told him that i am demisexual and that i dont immediately attach to someone and that it sometimes takes years to build a bond with someone and it being emotionally attracted to even be sexually attracted. and he kept pushing it with the lovey dovey overdrive and would gt upset with me ifi or just disappointed if i didnt reciprocate or say anything sexual and i just felt so awwkard and i didnt want to lead anyone on lol so i was just honest everytime and would hange topic about something i felt like we both can get excited on which was disneyland and he kept talking about wanting to take me there and stuff and it slike uh maybe? like we dont really knwo each other yet so its like youre still a stranger lol you could bea psychopath or a sociopath for alli know. lol and just the back of my head the amorous feeling thing just felt so scary familiar that it terrified me. 
i mean 
For all we know he could have been a really nice guy. But still lol I think there were some red flags 🚩 my feeeeelings matter and are important and they should come first
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nyanbinaryrose · 6 years
Men are disgusting. Exhibit A:
I got the most CURSED private message ever last night on a (admittedly fetish-y) dating website since changing my pics out to something slightly sexier.
DO NOT read onwards if you want to keep your faith in humanity...
“hi hun
You are beautiful
i hope this does not come across as pervy or rude. I saw your profile and you have the most spectacular body ive ever seen
you have a body that i have been desiring for years
that may sound pervy, there was no way of writing it without it coming across as rude or crude. you are fucking gorgeous hun.
i dont have a fat fetish, im not one of those guys. im only attracted to big women, slim women do nothing for me.
if you are not into slim irish men thats ok.
you look so fucking adorable, what size are you hun? 2 of my ex's were size 18, my last ex was a size 26, i adore your size hun
if i was there i wouldnt fuck you, ok ofc i would lol, i would wrap myself around you and cuddle you
im single 4 years
well its been nearly 4 years since i had a cuddle.... & sex lololol
yes its been that long, i would love to have sex & making love for me is a must, i dont do one night stands or fuck buddies as i want more than just a fuck
fuck buddies dont want love making love too, kissing and gentle touching i love, again thats why i dont do one night stands, not into just fucking, so many women now days just want to fuck and nothing else
yes, cuddle and watch a movie, add some chinese food to that & its the perfect night in loll
just so you know hun im very very filthy minded and quite fucking perverted,i like being perverted, it makes the other person enjoy our sex so much more
i love making love too, but im not into normal boring sex, i like to have perverted sex, sex that arouses every part of you
im a pervert
aslong as we are both enjoying it is what matters, my ex was just as perverted as me, we did everything and i mean fucking everything, but we both felt loved & wanted when we fucked eachother, the fucking things i did to her
uggggghhh i shouldnt be saying all this, i almost started writing something about rimming you, but dunno if you like your bumhole licked, you have no idea how much i love rimming, ok now i AM sounding like a weirdo
im an amateur astronomer, gamer, love history, love 80s music & movies, i dont drink, i love coffee and cake, i talk alot as you know, i work as a landscaper, i love tv shows
now im making myself sound so fucking boring
you have no idea how fucking perfect you are for me, i really mean that, i would worship and adore you and if i lived there i would ask you out, then say after 30 dates, id touch you, god id fucking touch you
i would do everything to you
i would do anything to make sure your pussy is exhausted & satisfied, by using my cock, mouth & hands, fuck it, ill use my whole body lol
one of my biggest desires would be making you cum, it arouses me, knowing i made you climax and feeling your body as you cum or kissing you as you cum is something i truly love, im not happy until your pussy is sore and utterly satisfied
there has been times when i didnt get off, times i didnt even take my cock out, i love giving oral and rimming, i would be so content giving you oral for a few hours and at the end of it all you want to do is cuddle, thats fine by me, knwoing that you are satisfied is what satisfies me.
for stuff ive done, i love slut play in the bed room, i love piss, i love drinking it, not my own, id want yours, id eat your pussy as you piss, love rope binding, orgasm torture, rope binding, spanking & flogging, bruise your bum & tits if you want me to
love sloppy kissing during sex, the sloppier the better, i would love to suck on your tongue, never had my bum rimmed or fingered or pegged but want to be, love public fucking & public fingering, love a very wet messy pussy, id want your pussy juice all over my body, love dressing up, ive done fantasy rape play, not really into poo play, but have done it, took part in a lesbian gangbang, well i didnt fuck any of them, i watched, the gangbang was for my ex
i love making love as i said, also love very hard fucking too, love throat fucking, even till you vomit, as i said hun, im a pervert
im addicted to giving oral & i love rimming a big bum
i would love to rim you hun
im very verbal hun, i love talking very very dirty during sex
and when cumming, i have strong orgasms
fuck it i will write something about rimming you, see if you like it hun
if i was there right now, i would strip you naked, run my hands all over your gorgeous body, id want to feel every part of you
i would lay you face down on the bed, id kiss your neck, down your back and onto your big bum
id spread your cheeks, id see that perfect bumhole, i also love a smelly bumhole, my whole body would become aroused if it was smelly.....i know for a fact that i would probably let out a long grunt after i sniff it, the animal within me would come out. im not kidding baby, this is what a bumhole does to me
you would feel me dig my fingers into your bumcheeks as i shove my face into your bum, i would push my mouth around your bumhole, id suck it to get it to relax, then i would forcefully push my tongue into it
your bumhole would be in my mouth....id even bite down around it.......i would continue to suck & lick your hole, widening it so i get my tongue in even further
i would be eating your bumhole like a crazed animal, my mouth would be clamped onto you, it would not be gentle licking, it would be aggressive mouth fucking, you would hear me make noises as i very enjoyably eat your bumhole.
it would not just be a 5 minute rim, it would be a 2 hour mouth fuck, the more i eat your hole the more i fucking devour it
i know im very good at rimming, when i say good, i mean very fucking good, if your bum was smelly, im not saying you have a smelly bum, but if it was, well lets just say that your bumhole would experience things never done it before
after 2 hours of me violating your bumhole with my mouth, it would be bruised by my fingers digging in to your cheeks, your cheeks would also have bite marks from me biting down as a new way of arousal sweeps through me, then i would fuck it with my dick that stinks of pre-cum
you have no fucking idea baby what your bum would do to me
yes id be obsessed with your bum, i always would be, cos i will molest it every fucking chance i get
my cock has been throbbing while i was writing that, my boxers soaked with precum lol and i hope u didnt mind the part about your smelly bum, i have a huge scent fetish and i love licking and sniffing a smelly bum turns me into an animal hun, its the scent of arousal, i love eating a smelly bum sorry
i love rimming, i fucking love giving oral, i think you know that now lol, there is so many things im into
hope i didnt say too much lol, but baby, i would trade all that in just to cuddle and talk with you
fuck me you are beautiful, i dunno if i should send this as its way too long
im just gona finish my coffee and have another smoke, that one burnt out lol
anyway, i just wanted to say that xx i hope i hear from you, if i dont, ill know why
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tirriviecoach · 4 years
Never done it. Frankly am scared to. Mostly bc i dont like my body enough (i type that while binge eating) and i feel like the guy would judge me. Even if i was close and trusted him with my whole heart, that vunrubility is scary. I was "sexually assulted"( i dont like that term bc i feel its exterme for both of us being kids) by a family member when i was around 7-9. I couldnt tell you exact age bc ive blocked it out of my brain for so long i almost forgot. No one knowns about it besides a couple of close friends. I still have a realtionship with the person but we have never talked about what happened. They are about 2 yrs older than me so we were both kids and i though i said no and wasnt listned to i feel no grudge agaisnt the other person. I dont feel traumatized either. I could unknowingly be but its the past kinda jsut forgive and forget it doesnt effect me (that i know of) But guys these days man they all just wanna fuck. And if they dont wanna fuck they wanna do oral which i am uncomfortable with but its so normal. Girls really like giivng hj and bj? Sorry i knwo im straight but i def dont like that. I also was forced to give a hj to a "friend" last year. I feel stupid for letting it happend honestly. but in the moment i thought its just eaiser to get it over with (even after saying no many many times) than deal with what would happen if i didnt do it. Im suree others can relate to that. I dont hold a grudge against this "friend" anymoe and he has apologized and knows it wasnt right and changed his ways. I still try to avoid him though. My parents dont know about either of these instances. Probally wont ever know bc id feel like id get in trouble if i did tell them. I have no intrest in sex tbh. Maybe its bc ive never been sexulally atttracted to someone enough to want it. But im young i dont need it or want it.
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cheezybiouwiou · 4 years
archived from that secret q account.
ghosty boiyou are my world, and no matter how shitty the world gets i can't imagine one without youJuly 14, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiyou are a part of me, and i know whatever happens, you always will beJuly 14, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boii love you, but the more we're apart and the less i see you, the more i remember all the painJuly 14, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiwhatever you say, what your family does, it affects me, and when im with you it will always be like that. i dont know if i can cope, and im breaking inside because i love you, but i know you've hurt me so much and i dont know what to feelJuly 14, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boisome part of me wonders if its too late. you broke me. you hurt me so bad, and ive forgiven you so many times for things youve done that you dont even know you haveJuly 14, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boii cant help but feel you dont love me anymoreJuly 14, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boii cant help but feel you dont careJuly 14, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boingl it kinda hurts me that you care so much about him? i know not in a loving way, but like you caring so much about him makes me feel like you care less about me, idk maybe im just jealous and selfishJuly 14, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boii dont want to read anything on this acc bc it will just bring up old pain. nd tbh if anyone found this there would be a lot of painJune 26, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boilmao so i just found out the reason i'm suspended is bc my boyfriend ratted my mum out to his parents and my best friend ratted me out to him mum and the teachers and then my mum went ape shit and then they all pretended they didnt?May 5, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boireally fucking hurtApril 15, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiand u have the nerve??? u cant remember me or anythin and uve been in such a bad place what since december?? thats 5 fuckin months man that ive been workin my ass off to support u nd help u get through so u dont fuckin die and this is what i get back? honestly im not mad im just really really hurtApril 15, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiiodk now that u throwing this shit abck at me its like u blamin me? like boy u were so much worse than me already u were one of the ppl who dragged me into a darker place but i stuck w u bc i loved nd cared nd now ur saying it my fault that u cut and that ur more depressed? bitch i try fuckin hard for u man and this is what i get back? u say i dont care that u alwasy comfort me when i work my ass off to get through to u and help u, when u just then reject me anyways - and proceed to say i dont try and that you want the help?? if you want the help then fuckin accept it ive tried so hard for u man?? vbut u dont see it do uApril 15, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiyou dont actiually want to be with me do you?March 3, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiyou make me happy but im sad atm bc i dont wahnt you to dieeeeee nad i just want to be happy and you to be happyMarch 3, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiyou make me so happy but i know i dont do that for you. my own insecurities mean that whenever any1 jokes abt anything i take it as real,, im insecure abt everytihng so every joke from everyone hurts me,. i care too much abt what ypu thinkMarch 3, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boii dont know do you want me??March 3, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boilitearlly no one caresFebruary 23, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boino one wants me haha!February 23, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiha im so unwantedFebruary 23, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiim not funn yim not smart im not useful im not talented im notmusical iumd fucjkign rpirdjbialedgesd im not a figood friend im nbot wirty i cant do anyithng im depresy wtihotutht e humoisr im eneddy im annoying i dongt get it im a fuckifng burden wso why are yioui still here whenvrber you see these things inothe rpsoelpe you hate htem gfor it wahyt fucking makles m efidferntFebruary 21, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boioyu literally dislike ebverything abtou me tyour jsut blind i dont get tiFebruary 21, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiim evenrwyihtg you hate abtout this worldFebruary 21, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boihs ill never be fuckign fgoos enoughFebruary 21, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiha lmao u didnt see me crying uwuFebruary 8, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiu ran awya from meFebruary 8, 2019 ·Comment 3 · Like ghosty boihehe im terrified of losing you for a different reason now but ig it doesnt matter bc u dont wannt me anywasyuFebruary 8, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boii love you so much i just wnat to help i dont i can tlose youFebruary 2, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boihow can oyu say you dont feel and say you love me? i know you feel, you just try not toFebruary 2, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boii dont want you to hurt me but yousoFebruary 2, 2019 ·Comment 1 · Like ghosty boiyou lie to me. you dont call it lying but it isFebruary 2, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiwonder what it's like to be okayFebruary 2, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boii can't carry this anymoreFebruary 2, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiyin and yang, happiness always comes with sadness. if you have one you have to have the other. whats the point in feeling and living at all because even if you achieve happiness you will always have sadness. it is always htereFebruary 2, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boione day of warmth isnt worth a year of coldFebruary 2, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boihappinesss is fleetingFebruary 2, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiwhy am i always the one who hads to repaireFebruary 1, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boii wihs oi culd he good enoguhFebruary 1, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiic ared about you but all you do is hurt meFebruary 1, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiyou just use me i dont understand i thought we were friendsFebruary 1, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boievent eh ppl eho care about me thinj uim worhtless, useless, dumb, stupid, weird, fucking djsfhalkdjfhreesstardsedJanuary 29, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiwhy do you keep reminding me of my insecuriteS? i think everyone does. i shoulf tlak to you about it, but i d onnt want to make you walk on eggshelslsJanuary 29, 2019 ·Comment 1 · Like ghosty boiwer both yknow you cousdl do so m uch better htan meJanuary 29, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boii see it in your eeys, i sese the dissapointment, the 'what the fuck', youer crazy, ur weird, ur rude, ur pathetic, why can yt you be normlak, youe fake, you re not ogod enogumJanuary 29, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiur gonna brkea up with me one dya becaues liets be real inm not oging to do it but you wilwl get sick of me you jsut put up with me atm ur blifnefd by emptions - despite that you can still see im fuvkignJanuary 29, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiim just not finny or smart or nice or anyinthig gim jstu not good enoguh nd ikjwo i never will neJanuary 29, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiill never be good enough icoulndt even last a dayJanuary 29, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boilmfao i m actually fucking discusintgnJanuary 29, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boii knwo im just annoying, no one realyt wants me aorundJanuary 29, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiim getting sicjk of peoplke using meJanuary 29, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boii will never be good enough, i will never be good aerat anythingJanuary 28, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiim fugcking sfisdudcisigng im such asuhit firend i dont know anyithng i dony care abt eanyone arenough i dont remmebe ran ythonig im never good enouhgJanuary 28, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boidespite how i present muself i dont feelsihlike a girl i jhate hit it hahtkljeshrkljsdfxklsjg bJanuary 28, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiyou will never be able to see past being sad that im not talking, see that there may be a real reasoon, because you will be too self absorbed to even realise that im not okayJanuary 27, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boithing is though if i dont help you you you will get all sad and upset (despite ignoring me) and wont even give me the chance to give a reason why, beacuse the reason is im struggling atm as well and need support myself but youre too stubborn to get your head out of your ass and realise that i need help toJanuary 27, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiyou always ignore me its pissing me off you just use me for when you need me and thats itJanuary 27, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boii dont think ill ever be good enoughJanuary 24, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boimonths. it took monthsJanuary 24, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boior is that just an excuse?January 24, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiits so goddamn sad how you always pull away, but now isnt the time to mention itJanuary 24, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boii feel like you dont actally want me around idk it just hruts when you distance urself rom meJanuary 24, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boino one really truyts meJanuary 24, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boino one caresJanuary 24, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boisighsJanuary 24, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiyou try and hel[p fuckignf ocus on yourself i want you to live ghoddamnihntJanuary 21, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiwhats tyhe point in all this imf im judt going to lose you anyayJanuary 21, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boii want to be better, and seperately i just want them to be happy nd idc howJanuary 16, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boii never actually help lmao they were there for me yesterday when i was falling appart but i cant even help when they are sad or downJanuary 16, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boisighs now im wondering if im not good enoughJanuary 16, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boii wish i could be enough, but i know i never will be. i know its not personal and i am not upset as such by it, i can accept it. i just am upset for them because i want to someone, something to be enoughJanuary 16, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boii dont even know whats real anymore i cant tell what happened, what i thought happened, what was a dream, what i was hallucinating, what was flashbacks, what i wish had happened i cant even trust myself so how can i trust anyone elseJanuary 16, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiim so done. im so tired with trying im so tired with everythingJanuary 16, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiim so sadJanuary 16, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boii got down bc of ehta they did but that didnt change anythgin they got fuvkin down otooJanuary 3, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boii never helpJanuary 3, 2019 ·Comment  · Like ghosty boiim nfuckin uselessJanuary 3, 2019 ·Comment  · Like
0 notes
australet789 · 7 years
ok so now im back home, time for a review of uncharted 2!
Ok first about the game in general: the game is still gorgeous. the landscapes are amazing and all the locations have a lot of little details it’s so good. the graphics obviously are better than the first one, altho there’s that sense of “3dism” that has increased here. The first one has choppy textures that make some stuff more “real” while this one is for not finding a better word “perfect”: some surfaces are too shiny which adds that sensation of cgi. That’s actually something i ahve noticed is a usual mistake: i noticed that in the narnia’s movies, where the first aslan is better than the second one. But that’s technical stuff and im picky af.
The movements seems more fluid, altho there were some bugs once or twice. The amin problem for me were the battles: the enemies were unbelivable strong or too difficult to kill which frustated me as a watcher of the playthrough cause the poor player had to do it more than once. That was more noticebale when Lazarevic killed the “monters” in one shot of his shotgun while Nathan spent more than 200 bullets of an M4 and nothing.
The mythology in general improved from the first one, and altho the “crazy monters” thingy still made me cringe, it was more understandable that a substance caused that and not just a curse. At least the explanation seemed more “real”
Ok the characters now
Boy if everyone had a character development! For good and for bad but character development nonless
Let’s start with Nathan
Ah, Nathan, Nathan, Nathan. A lot of things happened to him in the first part and we learned that he is the kind of characters that doenst care about the rest unless that rest involves the people he cares about. That tells me he is the kind of person that was alone when little and only trusted in few close people, believing that if the world didnt care for him when he needed to he doesnt need to care for the world unless it involves him. The museum part told me that he really doesnt care about the culture in general (he destroyed and invaluable relic. I gasped at that). And there’s also a part in which Flynn says he has guns and Nathan is very much realy to start killing the guards (which were only doing their job. Nathan and co. were doing the damage there). Also there’s a moment in the game that Nathan could throw a guard out of the roof and dont tell me that that guy didnt die of the fall.
His releationship with Chloe seemed something that wasnt going to last and im sure the both of them knew about it. But that releationship it’s crutial because it lets Nathan grow out of his “hero phase”. When Chloe rejects him and his attempt of being the hero day and he ends up losing, it really shakes him up. Again, when he is talking with Elena and Shafer about the damage Lazarevic can cause he doesnt care until he sees Shafer’s camp. And then the masacre of the town. I think is that moment when he realizes what is happening is bigger than him and his selfishness. I really hope he had learned from that experience tho. I still need to grow on him but we’ll see in the next games.
Let’s go with Chloe. Love her and her character. Very confident of herself, she is the kind of person that had learned to survive and adapt to the situation. She really cares about other people even if she doesnt know them and knwos are innocent, like Jeff and Elena. She wanted them to go away when they met in the town wans’t completly jealously: she was aware of how horrible Lazarevic was and if she heard about “Lazarevic’s shadow” she was completly sure he was going to kill them. Which end up sort of happening. Chloe also knows when to give up: when Nathan couldnt beat Lazarevic twice, she ended up ditching him. Understandable, cause Nathan insisted to be the hero and that only would have end up killing him (again, something that almost happened). 
But while she is concious of the damage Lazarevic could cause she is, like i said, a survivor so she was ready to run at the first opportunity. I liked that moment when Elena and Nathan are trying to convince her to go with them and Chloe is like “Fuck you” and then Elena approachs softly and Chloe changed completly to “ok, but still, fuck you”. Tbh i liked her chemistry better with Elena than Nathan tho. It took for the two women to be in a couple of near death situation and they ended up caring a lot for each other. Suck that, Nate.
Last main im going to talk is Elena. Love her too a lot. She didnt give a fuck about Nathan and his sheaningans, but still cared about him. She also didnt want to fight with Chloe when they both met, but she didnt submit to her neither. There was a respect between the two that grow with the time. She was also the only one wanted to help because it was the right thing to do and people were dying. That’s why it’s totally understandable her reaction to Nathan when she notices that he is part of the reason Lazarevic killed all the people. And then she’s more horrified when she becames part of the reason the tibetian town was almost murdered and Shafer, kidnapped. Sadly her willingness to help people almost end up costing her life. I really want to see more about her in teh next games.
For the villain tho the last final battle was amazing. Better than the last one and the difficulty was expected for a boss. It would have intereting seeing Lazarevic in the middle of the resin fire tho haha. 
So this game was betetr than the previous one, altho the fights were tedious to me except for the boss. Some puzzles also were tooooo long like the one with Tenzin. Having more short puzzles and less long fightings would be better tbh.
Let’s see what the next game has for then.
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onewfantaesy · 8 years
It’s 2010 bitch!!!
written also with @spacetaemin, @5hineesback, @choitaemins and @sabakunocasali  (and probably many others)
“Minho shoot the ball” yelled super jock Kim Jonghyun as he ran down the footballl field. Minho, baseball in hand, hit the soccer ball so hard it become a touchdown. Everyone in the audience cheered but especially Taemin, long haired bb child innocent my son,,,doesn’t know a damn thing about anything. Evry1 thinks hes a girl but rly hes just feminine and cute and clueless!
Sitting next to Taemin was his best-friend-but-also-pseudo-mother, Kim Kibum, better known as “Key Umma.”
“I did it I got a homerun!!!” Choi Minho, the coolest jock in school, yelled as he ran on the track. He locked eyes w/ his super beautiful girlfriend, Yuri. She was so hot and he wsa really heterosexual and straight. Nothing would ever change that!!!!
Jonghyun, the token gay on the Sports team, immediately ran to his boyfriend in the stands, Key. The two embraced lovingly, proclaiming their love in front of the entire school because apparently homophobia isnt a thing and high schcool is just Amazing. They were the only Gays (Trademark) in the entire school (a/n: or so everyone Thought!!!!! Wink wink!!!!), and everyone knew that they Loved each other So Deeply that they would probably get married right after graduation. (a/n: jonghyun is thinking of proposing right after the game!!! He has a ring in jock strap and everything!!)
Minho looked on, disgusted. How could they possibly be okay wit THAT? He knew deep down he was truly homophobic. Minho hated gays!!! Suspicious that no one ever questioned why…
The next day they had to go to science class because it’s school and that’s what happens sometimes. Of course this was only for Loser kids, and Kim “Straight” Jonghyun wasnt One of those kids. He didnt even go to school he just sat in the basketball courts and pretended. He was cooler than That
Minho was still in class though because he was even cooler than Jonghyun and the coolest kids break the expectations of what’s expected of them. He sat in sciencey class ignoring the teacher. He scribbled down his favorite cereal recipes to pass the time.
Meanwhile, sitting int he back of the class was Taemin, even though he and minho aren’t even in the same grade. Taemin scribbled Minho’s name in little hearts all over his notebook, slamming it clsoed as loud and dramatically as possible when his teacher called him out for not paying attention.Minho didnt even know taemin Existed, let alone that he was a…..boy.. (and minho, as established, is not A Gay..he couldnt be!.. ..
Minho looked up at this. “Who’s That Girl” by EXID played in the background as Minho looked at Taemin for the first time...who WAS this boi? And WHY did he want to know? There’s no possible way that this literal nobody could make Minho question himself
The bell rang, and now it’s lunch because of course lunch happens right after the only class of the day. Taemin went to sit with Key Umma and Kim “Call Me Appa” Jonghyun at their usual lunch table (which was the only place at school jonghyun would actually go because usually hed be sitting alone in a basketball court). Taemin had lunch from home, because he would never eat the gross Cafeteria food that was served. Of course his Key Umma made the lunch for him since Taemin didn’t knwo how to make lunch at all. Taemin sipped on his 2 liter jug of banana milk(through a bendy straw courtesy of Key Umma) and innocently hummed a tune, blissfully unaware of the tragedies that occur in daily life.
“Life i s so good ummma” taemin said happily with a ray of sunshine coming down onto him from the window. Coincidentally, the sun also shines straight out of his asshole, and sometimes, a rainbow. “I don’t think anything can go wrong ever”
Just then!!! Minho, carrying his tray of Cafeteria food, tripped and fell and dropped all of his food right on Taemin’s head!!!
Key immediately stood up to defend his perfect pure virgin son, screeching at Minho for corrupting him with his School Food!!! Taemin didn’t even know what food was!! How dare Minho do this to him/!!!
“*sorry in Korean*” apologized Minho but Key umma was not having it. He hit Minho over the head with a his gucci bedazzled rhinestone purse, careful not to damage his perfectly manicured nails which no one at this school questioned, because he was the Queen Bee (and Shin Sekyung WASN’T) who everyone Feared.
Key immediately turned to Jonghyun, slapping his shoulder and saying, “Protect your Son!!!111!!”
Jonghyun, conflicted between defending his son’s honor and offending his Star Teammate, could only sit and now know what to do.
“Uwu it’s ok key ummma i-i can just go wash this off” taemin said as he poured banana milk on his head as a makeshift shower of sorts. Minho escorted him to the water fountains, dribbling a basketball as he did at literally all times ever.
“Minho oppa what’s basketball” taemin innocently asked.
“Ball is life” was the reply, Minho looking soulfully at the ceiling as if staring into the very eyes of god
“Ooooooh! That sounds so fun! Oppa-HYUNG you’re so dedicated and tall and amazing and I’m so...me” he said, sunshine still falling on him even though they were indoors, with the first hint of disappointment he’s ever shown in his whole Kawaii, Clueless life.
“Just you?” Minho yelled, dribbling his basketball faster. “NO”
“Taemin you are so...kawaii” minho didn’t realize he said the words until he said them. A single tear rolled down his cheeks as he let himself realize...Taemin neomu yeppeo. He didnt want to admit it….but could these doki dokis…..be gay doki dokis????? It couldnt be. He continued dribbling.
“Minho ophyung..” taemin said dreamily as he stared into his chocolate orbs. This was it...he had fallen in love with the coolest jock in the school! But how could this happen? Taemin was just a lowly science nerd who even thoough was extremely pretty and beautiful nobody @ school liked him except for Key umma (and jonghyun but again, did he really evene go to this school? How old even is he???? Does he havea home?)  
Minho pushed taemin away. “Taemi i’m not gay okay and also...you’re in the sciencwe club. That’s fucking dumb” “Bbut……...hyoppa………...without science would ball still be life?”
“Ball is ALWAYS life!!!1!” Minho shouts in his face. Still dribbling.
“What if it isn’t??” Taemin challenged Minho’s way of life for the first time.”Without science, you wouldn’t even HAVE life!!”
This was too much thinking for Minho’s basketball brain to handle. Suddenly, he felt like he was going to explode. Key Umma hoped he would explode. “What if…..” taemin started, shakily, already in tears, “what if you’re–” “N O” minho answered, sprinting away with his long, gazelle like legs.
“What if…..ur my life……...hyoppa”
Minho was too far away to hear the tragic confession….
Today I’m wearing a gucci bedazzled purse, ripped jeans that has a cheetah print on them with black lace at the ends, red converse which have mud all over them from marching band even tho i don’t play an instrument, that’s only for preps! EW! (I dont march either, wwalking is too much work! They carry me on the drums because everyone fucking loves me and worships me like a god, but anyways) My diamond studded earings shone gracefully in the wind as I walked to the stupid jock-ey school holding the hands of the HOTTEST BOY I’VE EVER MET my boyfriend jonghyun! He has an eightpack and literally LIVES in a basketball court. Jonghyun isn’t just my boyfriend he’s also my bitch
Suddenly, Shin Sekyung.  And bees. What a stupid whore I hate her because she gets in the way of me and Jjongie!!! Also she has 30 boyfriends already, because shes a prep and a slut, and i only have three! Well, three counting all of jonghyun’s edgy personalities. At least two and a half are straight.
Shin Sekyung and her prep friends look at me. I put my middle finger up at them. I continue making out w my beautiful, hot bf and ignore them.
“What the hell are you doing you motherfuckers!!” Lee Sooman yelled as he ran across the campus, angrily shaking his fists.
“Oh no” Jonghyun said wearing his hot Good Charlotte shirt that I bought for him because I love Good Charlotte and MCR. Gerard Way is soooooooo hot. But not as hot as Jonghyun
“Key umma what’s going on” asked Taemin innocently as he tripped over his -2 sized shoes and fell onto the ground and dropped his banana milk. I had to protect my son from the stupid preps who go to this school that doesn’t even have any real emos in it. Sad!
I ran towards my baby careful not to get my $200 pedicure ruined by the grass
“My lil bab are u okay????? U lil innocent soul” I said as I pet his hair
“Umma what’s gay i don’t know what’s this is!”
I starts screaming that someone has corrupted his baby, even though he himself is the MotherGay, and he cradles Taemin’s perfect little cherub head close to his chest and tells him that he doens’t need to know what a penis is.
“That is only for grown ups!!!! You're too young bby” I said as I shook my head
“I went on the internet with my parents permission last night and looked it up but I just got confused! What’s a penis i don’t?? UNDERSTAND”
“YOU DONT KNOW THAT! GO TO BED!” “Wwe;re at schcool” he sobbed
I heard balls dibidibidribbling in the distance, getting close and closer. I turned my head it was Minho with at least 50balls!
Minho was such a stupid prep and I put my middle finger up at him. “Go away minho” i yelled sexily, “you must be the reason for my small baby child son’s corruption……...
Minho sneered “psh yea i got a functioning diccccc”
“Umma,” taemin piped up from his nap, “i think my penis likes minho”
“Taemin i’ve” minho started “i’ve come to terms w/ it..i’m Gay but only for you!!!! And only because you look like a girl with your hair!! My bae you’re so beautiful if you just wore contacts and wore a lil makeup..i wanna fuck you btw. But its not gay its just you! Because ur basically a girl!”
Taemin blushed and swept a strand of his long hair away from his face. “Gomawo…. Oppa.. hyung…. What is a fuck? Can you teach me?”
Kibum SCREETCHED and ascended to another plain of reality away from the preps. Hes not dead but like, hes basically in gods hands now
Taemins so hot I wanna have sex with him but from behind so I can pretend he’s a girl. Suddenly i got phone call from my girlfriend yuri who i completely forgot about! She squealed about how hot i was at my lacrossesoccerketball game and then asked something that i didnt care about and then hung up. I went downstairs to cook up my signature “cereal”
I put bananas and honey and spiders and a little bit of granola in it to make it into the perfect meal. I knew Yuri would love it. When did yuri get here? I dont know. I have no sense of what time is, and ive heard its fake anyways so its cool
“Taemin here’s your meal- oh no i mean yuri!!!!!!” yikes!!!!!!!!!
Taemin started crying “minho hyoppadeul what are spiders..why are you doing this to me”
I had to pretend like I didn't know what he was talking about I had to bully him because I have gay feelings that need to be pressed back in my head until i can believe they dont exist anymore because im not gay? Whats a gay? Ive never Heard of that! Shut up
Now I’m back at school, because I don’t know hwy I ever left in the first place, but I have to start bullying Taemin!!! In front of everyone!! No one can know that i am Part of a Gay. mostly the dick part because thats the manliest part
“Fuck you taemin” i said while breaking his arm just by breathing on it. I felt a little bad but then I remembered my social status is really important for my lacrosse scholarship and I’ll only get the $5 in financial aid if I’m the coolest person in school so……………….
I dibidibidribbled a baseball in one hand and pushed Taemin intoa trashcan with the other, smirking the entire time as the rest of the entire student body Laughed at him !! haha!!
Key appeared from behind the trashcan. “HOW DAR E YOU HURT MY PRECIOUS SON”
“Umma what’s death i hear it calling for me” taemins tiny bb eye s blurred with tiny tears..he was hurt and beautiful
Key umma rushes to Taemin’s side and pulls him out, pointing a manicured finger straight at Minho’s face.
“I’M GOING TO KILL YOU YOU STUPID fucking PREP” Key screeches!! He puts up his nails like a cat, having recently got them redone to be Sharp. “knock it off you mediocre dunces!!!!” Lee Sooman yelled from across the hall. He used his special principal powers to teleport us to the prinipals office which was his office actually so it was convenient in many different ways!!
Key takes his gucci purse and WHACKS me in the eyeball with it!
“ANI!” I screamed as my contact fell out and glasses magically appeared onto my face. I hid my disgusting face. Nobody could know that I swear vglasses i wanna fuckin diE
“NOW I’M AN UGLY STR8 not gay NERD!!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!!”
Taemin starts crying, because he thinks his miinho hyoppa thinks he’s ugly because he wears Glasses like a NErd. Taemins half dead corpse whispered from the floor, “omo…..i………...wear glasses too Hyungpa..”
“Taemin my soul mate,,,” i reached out to grab taemins hand in my pinky finger because he’s so small. “I want to tell you i- I am only part of a “gay” for you”
Taein cried “wgat is part of gay...are you a buy of sexual?”
“Yes,” minho whispers, “i’m buying a sexual… my peen…. Lovs u….”
“Minho hyoppa” taemin croaks from his half dead state “what’s a peen?”
“Is it what i have?” taemin reaches down to show key the extra leg he thought he had in his pants. Between his legs wasn’t a penis but….is that senator Bernie Sanders??!?!?!??!?!
Minho gasps. “Here’s how Bernie can still win!!!”
Then Minho dribbled a basketball into the distance with Taemin hanging off of the ball.
“It’s time to dibidibidie, taemin”
“What’s a die?” taemin asked
Key umma could be heard yelling in the distance, but MInho was already dribbling Taemin into the light. As they approached what was (probably) heaven, and not just a hallucination due to taemins pain meds which were actually just bird seeds(key umma would never let him take real drugs!! Those are DANGEROUS!!), krystal, aka G O D, appeared unto them and stated her wisdom,
“Taekai is real..minho who?”
“Whos kai this is 2010”
“I’m from the future and you’re gay” “Whats gay”
“Sorry did i say kai i mean...nickhyun. Taenickhun is real”
Suddenly onew appeared eating chicken, trippping ovr everything.
Taemin looked at him and gasped. “Hyung… i havent seen you in years… since you died in the skeleton war………..“
“I was off raising a heavenly chicken farm!! I’m marying a fried chicken leg!! Pls come to my wedding in Chicken Heaven” onew said
“ENOUGH” said Krystal aka G O D as she clapped her thunderous hands, obliterating Onew from existence. He doesn’t belong in 2minjongkey universe.
Taemin started crying. “Where did hyung go, minho hyoppa?”
“Taemin…” Minho said, trying to shield his tiny bf from the pains of death but ultimately failing to do so. “Sometimes people jst fucking leave ok. Jsut like my dad”
“But minho we just went to heaven and god didnt let me die”
“God doesnt let angels die”
Taemin wings grew just then...it was then that everyone remembered he was a Literal Angel. A literal angel. Actually.
“Is this why you didn’t know anything about sex?” Minho asks.
“The only sex ed in heaven is Abstinence” taemin tells him “so you’re going to hell”
“Well damn can we fix that” minho asked, still fucking dribbbling a basketball. Or something
“But hyoppa i don’t know how to sex you have to teach me ;) bb”
Key materialized from the got damn toilet, previously having brunch with GOD, and clapped his sparkly magenta, not green bcs green is for dicks(except jonghyuns dick bcos key liked that one) manicured hands twice, transporting them to who fucking knwos “LISTEN BITCH” Shin Sekyung roared as she tore out Key’s sparkly pink hair extensions. Key tried to hit Sekyung (jfc poor girl i can see her funeral) with his gucci purse but missed, flinging it into the distance as he screamed.
Key turned, telling his super hot muscular popular bad-boy boyfriend Jjong to tell this Prep Bitch Shin Sekyung that he was dating Key now!!! And she needed to get her Prep Ass away from him!! “Jonghyun. Buy me a new purse” key said to his boyfriend, flicking his hair in a diva-ish manner and bounced his soft hips (i read something like this in a fanfic holy shit)
Event hough Jonghyun is still in high school and never goes to class and has no job, he has rich ass parents, so he can buy Key anything he wants. He pulls out his dad’s credit card and tells Key to pick out any purse he wants!!!
Key picks out the purse that those ugly preps would dislike the most, and makes a mental note to slap all of them with it.
Jonghyun buys the purse for him and gives it to his diva boyfriend. Then taemin appears.
“Umma i ran out of banana milk :( minho said i could drink his but i don’t know what he means… i didn’t see him with any milk” Key Umma started screeching into oblivion, and Jonghyun had to wave aroudn his credit card with promises of a new outfit to get him to calm down and come back to the mortal plain of existence.
That’s when Key Umma ran straight to Minho!!! That PREP had corrupted his baby!!!
“HE WAS INNOCENT U BITCH!!” Key screams in Minho’s face. “YOU TOLD HIM WHAT A PEEN IS!!”
Minho frowned, dribbling his basketball more aggressively hsi totally stoic cold face(trademark) existing.
“But he has a peen”
Taemin, sipping on a new bottle of banana milk that Jonghyun had pulled out of his ass for him, only shifted his eyes between his umma and his new (secret!!) boyfriend. Key Umma couldn’t know that Minho was his (secret!!) boyfriend! No one could know, because then everyone would know that Minho was part of a gay, and Minho didn’t want anyone to know that. He might lose his spot on the basketball team since Jonghyun is the only gay allowed!!!
“I didn’t tell him.” minho said. “Telling him might make people think… i’m a…. gay...w hich i’m not. I have a girlfriend her name is yuri. Shes really hot and i know this because i’m straight”
Taemin’s eyes filled with tears. “Hyoppa….”
Minho pushed Taemin into a trashcan again, the banana milk flying from Taemin’s hands and up into the air, only to open compeltely and spill onto the top of his head. His tears mixed with the banana milk flowing down his chubby baby cheeks. He couldn’t believe his Minho hyoppa would say he was a Straight.
“Key Umma, what is a straight?” Taemin asks through banana tears.
Key umma, finally so fed up with that DUMB PREP!! flew (a/n: very literally!!) at Minho, hitting him in the head with his brand new gucci purse!!
Minho’s brain popped straight out of his skull, and it was actually basketball this entire time!!!
Minho’s body was still working without it’s basketball brain, and so he reached over and started dibidibidribbling his basketbrain.
Suddenly Amy walked in she was so cool!! She’s an OC shh.
“Who are you?” key asked. “Another dumb prep?!!!! Are you here to steal my popular hot muscular jonghyun?”
(A/N buy press it on iTunes)
Suddenly, Amy hovered in the air and magicalyl turned into Shin Sekyung!!! THAT PRE P BITCH!!
Key threw his purse straight at that Prep Bitch’s head, killing Shin Sekyamy instantly. She ascended into Prep Heaven and haunted them all for the rest of eternity.
Suddenly, her soul turned into a piece of chicken. Onew appeared and picked up what was left, munching on it happily. “My kokoro goes dugeun dugeun for chicken” he said when he had finished.
Taemin gasped. “Hyung!!!!!!!! You’re back!!!!!” and then he started crying again, clutching minho’s shirt wetting it (with tears xdxdxd)
“I must go” onew said. “I need to finish marrying my chicken wife.” and without another word, he evaporated, leaving behind a trail of chicken grease and nuggets.
Out of sudden and behind the grease and dust the gucci slippers appeared.
Taemin gasped. “Hyoppa…. Look… they’re beautiful….”
Key took the slippers right off of Taemin’s feet and hit him over the head with them.
“But I am your innocent perfect baby child” taemin stuttered, banana tears welling up in his eyes.
With that, Key disappeared into the void. To finally burn those shits
Taemin cried harder. “Hyoppa… why did he take them from me…. My kokoro is so sad… please make me happy again”
Minho kept dibidibidribbling his basketbrain.
Taemin didn’t seem to notice that Minho no longer had the top of his skull, which was where his basketbrain fell out of. It was okay, because Taemin loved his Minho hyoppa no matter what!!!
“Minho hyoppa…. Do you think… i’m a gay?”
“You can’t be a gay,” minho tells him. “Because i can’t be in love with a gay. I am a straight.”
Taemin starts crying. Key Umma can be heard screaming sassily from the Void(which now was pink)
“I can be the only gay on the basketball team” bling bling says.(a/n: bling bling is jonghyun xD)
Jonghyun, furious at the thought of not being the only gay on the team, shoves Minho away from him. In the Heat of the Moment, Jonghyun accidentally pushes Minho into Taemin!!! Minho was already dead, his body dribbling his basketbrain post-mortem, but Taemin, who was still alive, gets shoved into a trashcan for the last time. His head cracks open from hitting the edge of the trashcan, and a bottle of bananamilk spills out of his head. That was the end of Taemin, for he ascended into heaven so he could take his rightful place as Perfect Baby Virgin Angel of Heaven (trademark).
Jonghyun looks down at them sadly, a single tear rolling down his cheek. “Dibidibidis… his name was minho.”
Key, furious from his place in the void, literally fucking launches himself at Jonghyun, and the two of them blow up at the impact. A Gay Rainbow is left in their place, permanently.
Shin Sekyamy ressurrects from the dead, and she laughs maniacally. This had been her plan all along - to get them to all kill each other!!! Now she could be the Real Queen Bee!! Key Umma Whom???
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