starheirxero · 9 months
My new year's resolution is to get more and more insane about tsams 😁👍
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the-offside-rule · 11 months
Carlos Sainz Jr (Scuderia Ferrari) - Get A Grip
Requested: via wattpad
Prompt: Carlos was a huge red flag during their relationship and then when Y/n glows up after they breakup, he tries to get back with her but she was having none of it because she was seeing another driver on the grid (you can choose)
Warnings: Carlos getting eaten alive (not actually just...metaphorically) AND THID IS A GIVEN BUT THIS IS COMPLETELY FICTIONAL
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Monaco 2022. Y/n sat with her boyfriend in a nightclub as his shiny P2 trophy stood proudly on the table, surrounded by bottles and glasses. Y/n smiled uncomfortably as her boyfriend laid his arm around her shoulders and charted happily with his engineers. Yn played with the rings on her fingers, catching the attention of her boyfriend. Well that wasn't true. The engineer he was talking to noticed it and told Carlos. That made it worst. "You okay?" Carlos asked. Y/n nodded. "Is this one of those tricks where you say you are but you aren't?" She nodded again. "Well, whats wrong then?" He asked harshly. "I don't want to be here." She told him. Carlos reached into his pocket and pulled out the card to their room. "I'll be up in an hour. Order yourself food or something." She held her card in her hand, staring at it blankly. "Carlos, I want you to come with me."
"I don't want to leave yet." Carlos replied. "But I came here, not wanting to go out." Y/n said. "I got a podium. Of course I'm going to go out." Carlos scoffed. "You got podiums last season and we stayed in and had dinner. Why can't we do that?" She asked desperately. "Because we're in Monaco-" She cut him off"You got a podium in Monaco last year too!"
"Y/n, get a grip." Y/n felt her heart shattering. "What?" She asked. "Well, Im your boyfriend. I don't know how I am meant to help you with this." Carlos took another swig of his glass and set it down. "You could try and reassure me maybe. Just a thought!" She stood up and left, hearing Carlos call after her, but stopping after a single try.
"I don't know what to do Lily." Y/n sobbed in the bathroom. "I would dump him." Lily said, moving a piece of Y/n's behind her hair. "I- I can't see myself without him." Y/n sniffled. "Look, I couldn't see myself without Alex, sweetie, but if he spoke to me that way I'd find a way to be without him." It seemed so easy for Lily. Y/n physically couldn't think of a life where Carlos wasn't around. "I can't." Lily gave her fellow wag a sympathetic smile and hugged her. "Come on. Let's go. We don't want people seeing you like this."
Y/n and Lily walked through the dancing crowd, making their way to the VIP area where all the drivers stayed. As the security opened the red rope for the ladies to walk through,their eyes set on "What we're you doing with that girl?" Y/n asked, looking at Carlos with eyes full of rage. "She wanted a photo and we got a photo." Carlos said. "You kissed her on the cheek." Carlos groaned. "Wow, a kiss on the cheek. This is what I mean, you always-" She didn't like after that. It was seeing Carlos finally doing what everyone was telling her he does. "I'm done." She mumbled. "What?" Carlos asked. "I- I'm done." Carlos' face dropped. "Y/n-" She turned and walked away, leaving that life behind her. She would never let another man treat her the way he did again.
After the break up was announced, a lot of news came out about Carlos. A lot from girls he supposedly slept with at races Y/n didn't attend. How they all allegedly were invited to races Y/n wouldn't be at, and even some that Y/n was at. Regardless of if she was there or not, he cheated. God knows what would have happened if Y/n hadn't left the bathroom I Monaco. Maybe he would have gone further with that "fan". All she could do right now, was simply move on and build a life without him. And that was exactly what she did.
The 2023 summer break had finished and Carlos had partied more or less every weekend, racking up a body count but not wanting any of the girls to stay. He miled for photos and signed things for fans as he entered the paddock. As he walked on, past the flash mob and fans, another driver caught his attention. He heard the cameras flashing and turned to see Max walking in with a girl. It wasnt the girlfriend he had back at testing, she was different and he could tell by the colour of the hair. He pulled a face but continued walking to the Ferrari hospitality. He watched through the tinted windows to get a closer look. "Who are we stalking?" Charles asked, standing beside his teammate. "Max has a new girlfriend." Carlos muttered. "You're sure it's not the same as testing?" Charles asked. "No, the hair is different. So is the style." Carlos replied. "Hair dye, hired a stylist." Charles chuckled. "No, believe me. She's different! Look!" Carlos and Charles' gaze fell onto the girl holding hands with Max as the both laughed with eachother. Charles looked over to Carlos, waiting to see the moment realisation would settle in. "Is that-" He paused. Y/n.
"Well...she's a different girl." She was. Not only was she not the girl Max brought to testing, but she was barely even the girl Carlos had once dated. She changed immensely. She went back to her natural hair colour, instead of having it dyed and she changed her style. Her whole aura was different. "She is. Do you think Max has something to do with it?" He asked. "Or maybe your breakup." Carlos turned to Charles. "I'll go." Charles mumbled.
As the weeks passed, Carlos got sick of seeing Max winning, because it meant he'd see Y/n kissing him before he went to the podium each and every time, each time met with Carlos rolling his eyes.
In Qatar, Carlos didn't start and so he sat watching the race instead. As he walked through the paddock club, he spotted Y/n sipping a drink at a table with Jos. He didn't know what was happening, but he found himself walking over towards the table and before he could stop himself, he found himself shaking hands with Jos and having small talk as Y/n simply looked at him, Carlos looking back. "I need to go to the garage now, Carlos but it was nice catching up." Jos smiled as he turned to Y/n. "I'll see you there." Jos said to Y/n as she nodded. Jos left, leaving Carlos and Y/n to fill awkward silence. As Carlos stood there, watching the formation lap, he decided to speak.
"You know drivers move quickly." Carlos said to her. He face palmed himself in his mind. Why would he say that?! "Like how quickly you moved on from me?" Carlos clenched his jaw. Even when they weren't together, she drove him crazy. "You'd think you would have learned from the first driver." Y/n nodded. "The driver that has more bodies to his name than podiums? Yes. Of course." She rolled her eyes and went to walk away, but Carlos took hold of her hand. "Stop being like this. You were nothing like this with me, ever." Carlos said sternly. Y/b pulled her hand from his grip. "That was before you cheated. I've changed and you only think you have." He grabbed her again. This time when she looked back to him, the white in his eyes had turned as tears threatened to fall. "Carlos? Whats-"
"I- I can't find your face in these girls I try to be with. I need you. I miss you." Y/n swallowed the lump in her throat as she was faced with Carlos, crying. It was the first time she'd ever seen him crying but she knew exactly what she had to do. "Carlos-" Y/n began, regrettfully caressing his face, a soft smile on her lips. A spark of hope lit up in Carlos' heart. "Get a grip." She whispered, before turning and walking back to the Red Bull garage to watch her boyfriend go onto win his third World championship.
And Carlos watched in envy as Y/n kissed Maxs helmet, just as she once did to his. Get a grip. It was his yurn turn get a grip.
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feralforfrank · 5 months
just saw big big men come out of the bus that takes them to this big ass construction site out of town, and now i can't stop thinking about retired!simon riley working at a construction site, and then idk BUYING it or smth but he loves his job so bad that he keeps helping around instead of sitting at an office all day and then reader who's a successful businesswoman finally able to buy her own building for her business so he's building it for her and idk they fall in love and fuck bc cmon sweaty and big and broad and beefy simon riley is so fucking hot omfg.
might expand on thid idea and actually write it at some point (when exams are finished....)
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sgtapollo · 3 months
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oh-my-may · 4 months
Hi it's me. Finished playing main quest in Wuthering Waves so lemme give you a few thoughts on it, and development with the game in general.
First of all I like the length of the main quests so far. Long enpugh to tell the story in proper parts that feel concluded, but short enough to not lose my attention. Overall gameplay for me for most parts of the story so far was like 2 hours I think? Very good length.
The final chapter focused more on Jiyan and the Threnodian more so than the Fractsidus, since their active involvement kinda came to a stop when Scar got arrested. They focused a lot on them in the previous chapter so that was alright with me. They'll save mlre important stuff for later, which is totally alright with me.
Something that WuWa does that I really like is giving us complete trial teams for certain parts of the story, so it felt even more immersive going thrpugh the battlefield with Rover, Jiyan, YangYang and Jianxin. Still a big fan of the combat in this game, I wonder what future characters are gonna be like gameplay wise and how they'll influence the playstyle and meta.
I like that we get scraps of Rover's identity and backstory pretty early on. They make it no secret that Rover woke up on the world before and had a previous life? And also the girl who wakes Rover up/gives them life or so in the very forst scene in game being explained pretty early on is very helpful. I wonder where they will take this story.
Also love Aalto and Encore. Kinda a sucker for quirky child with adult extroverted guy as their guardian who do shenanigens together. They were very fun.
The story boss fights don't feel too hard, which is very nice for someone like me who is only slowly getting a hang of the battle gameplay on mobile. Still have a problem coordinating my exact thumb placement at times. Me problem.
Final boss was cool. Havoc MC is very cool, too. Just MC on general. Still haven't taken her off my team, probably won't for a while. Slays with either Spectro or Havoc. Very refreshing. In hyv games I dropped MC at around level 50 and only took them again later (genshin with dendro and hsr with harmony now).
I'm quite curious to see where else they'll take the story now. The threat of the Threnodian is quelled (for now?) so the one enemy we have remaining is the Fractsidus. There's also the Black Shores ofc, who seem to know A LOT about the world and Rover'a origin. Very funny how I first thpught Chamellya was with the Fractsidus. Must have been the colour palette lol. Loved her though, but I'm curious to find out what her deal is and what she wants from us. They did tell us a few basic informations about Rovers origin and backstory, but its still very little.
There is still Jinhsi and the missing Jue. She will be playablw next patch and apparently Jue will be a new boss? Curious to see where this will go.
Thid leads me to talk a bit about current changes to the game. Because of certain improvements the devs want to implemdnt sonner rather than later they have pushed forward content by 1 week and already gave us Yinlin banner and second phase events. I understand that to a certain extend but I was really worried I wasn't gonna be able to pull Jiyan in time 😭 SO I decided to pull then and there and got an early, which was Jianxin. Wasn't gonna complain but I was kinda losing hope. Jiyan came through for me at like 40 pulls. This game has blessed me with lots of early 5stars until now. Idk if I'll get Yinlin, her gameplay is really cool tho. Gonna take some time to think. Bit since I habe decided to take WuWa more casually than hsr and genshin, where I am careful with who I pull for, I might just make a few pulls on her banner and see what happens.
I'm now at level 31 in the game and still have basically the entire map to explore still. They have announced that controller support is gonna be a thing for mobile in future patches, which means it won't be implemented in 1.1. It's okay, though. I have gotten a good understanding of most controls now and I'm starting to level my characters and look for good builds. There's just so many layers to the character leveling, and having the bosses cost 60 waveplates for the 2 drops you get feels kinda expensive. Apparently they will work on that too? Implement a system tp save excess waveplates when you have reached full storage of them like in hsr and stuff.
Overall having good experiences with the game so far! Really looking forward to future patches, maybe I might also save for Scar? Idk.
As always, some screenshots from my gameplay!
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(btw gotta mention love how basically everyone is in love with Rover. Everyone they meet is immediately down bad. Scar, Jiyan, Yangyang, Chamellya. Jinhsi... same)
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lyranova · 2 months
Omnes Sumus Peccatores: Love is Rich with Both Honey and Venom
Chapter 2: The Confused Man and the Morning Sick Woman
Hiya guys, I hope you’re all doing well! I’m sorry that I’ve taken a while with thid chapter, I had it 98% done for a while but IRL has kind of kept me from being able to finish it…but now life has kind of slowed down a bit so I was finally able to finish it! The chapters with Zera and William will all, or mostly, be split between the past and the present, but i’ll try and have them marked so people won’t get confused! Anyway, I hope you all enjoy~!
Word Count: 3,087
Warnings: Swearing, Suggestive Themes, Morning Sickness, Mentions of Pregnancy, Dante (he needs his own warning 🤷🏻‍♀️)
5 Years Earlier
Zera watched as all the Mafia families in Clover city gathered in the elegant ballroom. This was an annual event where all the families mixed and mingled, where deals were made, and where grievances were discussed.
But when things between the families grew too heated they were instantly thrown out. That was the one rule for this event; you did not fight, and you didn’t not argue. Heated debates and discussions were allowed, but anything more was strictly forbidden.
She sipped her champagne and looked around the ballroom. There were 9 major families now; There was The Golden Dawn, a relatively new family that had been climbing up the ladder the last few months and was now the second most influential family.
Then there were the Silver Eagles; who were considered one of the oldest families in the room. Their matriarch, Acier Silva, stood elegantly beside her younger children as she politely spoke with Mereoleona Vermillion.
Mereoleona was a member of the Crimson Lions family; their leader was her younger brother, Fuegoleon, and he was currently trying to keep their youngest brother Leopold out of trouble while simultaneously trying to work out a deal with Nozel Silva of the Silver Eagles.
Her ice blue eyes shifted to the other side of the room where The Coral Peacock family; led by Dorothy Unsworth, the Green Mantis family led by Jack the Ripper, and the Purple Orca family led by Kaiser Granvorka stood. They weren’t the most powerful families, nor were they the weakest.
The Blue Rose family stood a bit away from the others. They were led by Charlotte Roselei and were almost a completely all female family, and if there were any males in that family they tended to be treated as errand boys or less. Although, there was a little rumor floating around that a lot of her family members were in relationships despite all of them having ‘sworn off’ relationships with men.
Then there was the Aqua Deer family, they used to go by the Grey Deer, but after a few changes in leadership they decided to rebrand themselves. So, now they were known as the Aqua Deer and were considered the ‘youngest’ family despite actually being one of the oldest. They were currently being led by Morgen Faust.
Finally, there was the Black Bulls who were being led by Yami Sukehiro. They were one of the newest mafia families, and were considered to be the worst of the worst. They caused a lot of chaos and damage whenever they appeared, and were known for being the loudest and most rambunctious family out of the nine. Tonight only served to prove that as the Black Bulls were being loud and rowdy as they parties and had fun.
Zera smiled as she watched them; aside from her own family, the Black Bulls were her second favorite mafia family. They were just so…free, and chaotic, and just themselves! They didn’t care what people thought, they just marched to the beat of their own drum, and it was just really amazing to see.
If she were to join any family; it would be theirs.
“ Are you thinking about leaving us?” A familiar voice asked, and she smirked before turning around.
“ Of course not papa, I would never think to do that,” She replied as she saw her father, Rika, head of the Cassia family walking up to her.
“ Of course you wouldn’t,” He agreed as he also took a sip of his champagne. “ But just in case you ever decide to, I wouldn’t be upset if you married Yami and joined his family.”
Zera chuckled and shook her head.
“ Yami’s not my type,” She explained as she looked the man across the room up and down. “ He’s too…meaty.”
Rika choked and sputtered on his champagne at his daughters words.
“ Too meaty?!” Zera nodded sadly.
“ Yes. Unfortunately, I prefer my men to be more…willow branch like as opposed to bull like,” She said in a sad, tragic sounding voice, making Rika chuckle.
“ So you prefer men like Jack the Ripper?” He asked and her blue eyes glanced over at the tall, stick like man.
“ I also prefer my men less blood thirsty,” She replied as she took another sip of her drink, making her father sigh and shake his head.
“ Must you always be so picky?”
“ You always told me to keep my standards high, so I’m just doing as you said,” She responded with a soft smile. “ And besides; with such an amazing and loving man such as you who raised me, how can my standards not be high?”
Rika felt his chest swell with pride at Zera’s words. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulled her close, and placed a small kiss on the top of her head.
“ I always knew you were my favorite child,” He sniffled jokingly, making Zera laugh.
“ Yeah we all know she is your favorite,” Zera’s brother Casper said as he walked over to them. “ Dad, we need you outside; Felix and Meino are about to brawl with a couple of members of the Crimson Lions again!”
Rika sighed and hung his head; of course those two were going to start trouble.
“ I’ll be right back, and please try to stay out of trouble until I do,” He pleaded with his youngest child, and she grinned at him.
“ No promises!”
Rika groaned and gave her a look that said ‘please don’t. The last thing I need tonight is another child getting into trouble!’ before he quickly followed Casper.
Zera chuckled before turning to look back out at the ballroom, where everyone was now dancing. She hummed softly along with the melodic music that echoed through the spacious room, her eyes closing slightly as her body began to sway.
She wasn’t much of a dancer, but for some reason, right now, she really wished someone would ask her to dance.
“ May I?” A male’s voice asked from beside her, and she opened her eyes.
It seems like an angel decided to grant her wish, and as she turned to accept his offer she instantly groaned. It wasn’t an angel that granted her wish; but a devil.
A very, very mean devil.
“ Well? Care to dance?” Dante Zogratis, a member of law enforcement who had been trying to get the mafia families on something for months, asked with a sleazy grin and his hand outstretched towards her.
Zera rolled her eyes and began to walk away; this man, if one could call him that, was the last person she would ever want to dance with.
“ Where are you going, Zera?” He asked as he began to follow her.
“ Away from you obviously,” She snapped, not even turning around to look at him.
Since Dante, as well as his siblings who were all in law enforcement as well, had infiltrated the inner circles of the families he had decided to make moves on all of the prominent women in every mafia family, hoping to get some kind of information out of them as well as a good ‘fuck’ as he put it.
Recently, Zera had been his latest target; but instead of giving up and moving on like he did with the rest of the women, he just kept pestering her, over and over and over again.
She had to give it to him; his determination was admirable.
“ Now Zera don’t be like that,” He began, his voice feigning hurt as he followed her. “ You know I’m the only man here who could ever make you happy, so why don’t you just say yes to my proposal? That way everyone can be happy.”
Zera scoffed before turning around on her heel to face him.
“ Is that so?” She asked with a raised brow, her arms crossing under her chest as she gave him a very annoyed look.
“ Yes, we both know that I’m probably the richest, most handsome man in this room,” Dante gloated as he gestured around the room. “ Not to mention that I’m also great in bed,” He added as he leaned in close to her.
Zera openly laughed.
“ If you were really great in bed would you feel the need to announce it to everyone?” She questioned with a smirk.
Coughs and chuckles could be heard echoing throughout the ballroom as people eavesdropped on their conversation, which made Zera smirk a bit; she always did manage to gather an audience when she was putting people in their places.
Dante’s eyebrow twitched in anger, and she could see his jaw tense as he tried to keep his temper at bay.
“ What was that?”
“ You heard me!” She exclaimed boldly. “ I said if you were so great in bed then you wouldn’t feel the need to announce it!”
The room again began to chuckle, making Dantes jaw tense even more.
“ Now Zera-!”
“ Besides I don’t care how great you are ‘in bed’ because I,” She glanced around the room for a moment before her eyes caught a glimmer of someone's coat. “ I-I already have a boyfriend!”
Dante raised a suspicious eyebrow.
“ You do?”
“ Yep, and he’s right here!” She announced as she grabbed the person closest to her and pulled him to her side.
The room went silent, but one could easily sense the confusion and surprise amongst the guests.
“ Him?”
“ M-Me?!” The voice beside her exclaimed in confusion, and Zera’s head immediately snapped in his direction.
Her blue eyes widened and her jaw dropped slightly as she stared at the very shocked face of William Vangeance; the leader of the Golden Dawn family!
“ Shit! Why did it have to be him?!” She thought in panic as she glanced from him to Dante and back again.
Well, this would just have to do…
“Yep, this is my boyfriend, William Vangeance!” She repeated with the brightest smile she could muster. “ He’s smart, handsome, wealthy, and makes me see the gates of heaven every night we make hot, passionate love together! Isn’t that right darling?”
Williams face turned so red that one might mistake him for a stop light if they weren’t paying attention.
How…how did he end up in this mess? All he did was walk over in order to diffuse the situation, but now he was somehow in the middle of it?!
Dante was glaring at him, Yami was howling with laughter as he was watching the scene unfold, and he was currently dying of embarrassment.
He had never met this woman even once but now she’s claiming they had hot, passionate sex every night? Was she crazy?!
Present Day
William closed his bedroom door with a tired sigh; that…had been a very awkward introduction between Neva and Yuno. The two had looked each other over silently before William began to explain the situation; and he could sufficiently say that neither one was very pleased at the idea of partnering up.
But, there was no way they could disobey the order of The King.
After telling the two to talk and get to know one another for the day, he decided to invite them both over for dinner, hoping that maybe Zera could help break the tension between them.
Speaking of, where was his fiancé?
“ Zera? Are you here?” He called as he began to look around their living quarters, he heard a soft groan come from their bedroom.
“ Zera?” He called again, and was once again met with a groan.
He began to quickly walk towards the sound and opened their bedroom door to see his fiancé lying curled up on the bed.
“ Zera?” He called softly for a third time, he watched as she slowly opened her eyes to look at him.
“ You’re home,” She began softly as a bright but tired smile appeared on her face. “ I would get up and give you a kiss, but your little seedling has decided to be very bad today by giving me an awful case of afternoon sickness.”
William blinked for a moment.
“ My little seedling?” He repeated in confusion as he slowly took his shoes off and began to unbutton his suit jacket.
“ Yes, your little seedling,” She confirmed with a pointed expression. “ You know, the one you planted inside my garden about six or seven weeks ago?”
He smirked a bit as he took off his suit jacket and threw it onto the cushioned bench that sat at the end of their bed.
“ But darling, if I remember correctly; weren’t you the one asking, no, begging me to plant my seed inside your garden over and over again until one finally took root?” He asked with a mock confused tone as he crawled onto the bed and towards his wife.
Zera smirked a bit before she quickly pouted.
“ Maybe. But just to clarify things; I didn’t beg you…I ordered you to.” She said as she looked at him over her shoulder.
William chuckled before nodding in agreement as he laid down behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist, and pulled her close to him.
“ You did, and there’s no way I could disobey an order from the Queen.” He muttered softly as he placed a kiss against her shoulder, then her neck, and finally her cheek.
A soft hum escaped her as she leaned her head back against his chest, the warmth radiating from his body made her body feel more relaxed and caused her intense nausea to dissipate slightly.
“ How did Neva take the news of needing to have a partner?” Zera asked softly, her eyes closing a bit as she grew more and more sleepy in his embrace.
“ About as well as I expected her to,” He replied softly as he buried his face into the crook of her neck.
“ So, not well at all?”
William chuckled before nodding slowly.
“ Not well at all.” He repeated, making her sigh.
She had a feeling that would happen. It was very well known to everyone that Neva didn’t work well with others unless it was William, he was the only person she would willingly work with, so for her to now be forced to work with others in order to stay in the family…she could only imagine how terrible of a reaction Neva had.
“ But she did choose a partner,” William said, making Zera’s eyes snap open in surprise before she rolled over to face her husband.
“ Really? Who?”
“ Yuno.”
“ Yuno?! The new kid?” She asked in disbelief, and her brows raised considerably when he nodded. “ Why would she want to work with him?”
“ Because, according to Neva, he can give an unbiased evaluation,” William explained. “ Which I have to agree with; if she were to work with Langris or Alecdora their reports would be very biased against her because of their history with each other.”
“ So this is the best way to get an accurate assessment on Neva’s improvements.”
Zera nodded slowly as she listened to her fiancé explain; they had a point, this would be the best way to get an accurate assessment, but still, she couldn’t help but worry.
“ What’ll you do if Yuno’s assessment of Neva is the same as Alecdora’s and Langris’s?” She asked softly, and she watched as William’s eyes searched hers for a moment before they slowly closed in thought.
“ I’m not really sure,” He admitted quietly. “ I told her that she would have to leave the family but…I don’t think I could make her do that.”
She nodded again slowly, she knew of William and Neva’s history together, and knew that this was the only place she knew and the only family she had ever had. So if he were to force Neva to leave…she wouldn’t have anywhere else to go.
“ Well, if you want my opinion,” Zera began as she reached up and placed a hand against the side of his face. “ I don’t think it’ll come to that, I think everything will work out between them.”
William’s eyes slowly opened and his brow furrowed.
“ How do you know that?”
Zera hummed.
“ Let’s just call it a woman’s intuition?” She said mysteriously, which only made his brows furrow more.
It was probably one of Zera’s many ‘gut feelings’ that she tended to get every now and then when it came to things that involved the family and it’s members…
“ By the way,” Zera continued, changing the subject. “ Is Neva still coming by for dinner tonight?”
Her fiancé blinked in surprise at the sudden change of subject, but nodded.
“ She said she would, but after our meeting I wouldn’t be surprised if she canceled at the last minute since I also asked Yuno to join.” William said with a chuckle, making her sigh and shake her head in disapproval.
“ I’m sure she’ll still come, because if she doesn’t, she knows I’ll never forgive her for it.” Zera told him with a small pout.
William chuckled again and nodded in agreement before he pulled her towards him and held her close.
“ We still have some time before dinner,” He muttered as he leaned his face down towards hers. “ We could take a nap, or maybe we could do something a little more…fun?” He suggested warmly, a hint of seduction in his voice.
Zera smirked at him as her hand slid from his face to his chest.
“ A little more fun, huh? What kind of fun did you have in mind?” She asked, her voice playful and flirty as she moved her face closer to his, their lips now only mere inches from each other.
William hummed, his eyes gazing down at her lips for a moment before slowly working their way back up to her face.
“ Perhaps the kind that doesn’t involve any clothes?” He suggested lustfully, and that only caused her smirk to widen.
“ I was hoping you would say that.” She muttered softly as their lips moved closer…and closer…and closer…
But just as they were about to touch, Zera’s hand immediately shot up to clamp over her mouth, and she pulled her face away from his.
“ Sorry!” She muttered quickly before climbing over him, getting out of bed, and rushing over to their bathroom where, as soon as she closed the door, William could hear her retching into the toilet.
A sad sigh escaped him as he sat up, climbed out of bed, and began to walk to the bathroom so he could hold Zera’s hair back.
Later, he would have to remind their child to try and be a little nicer to their mama and not make her so sick over the next few months.
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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aceloha · 3 months
Hi :]
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Do u have an artfight? :]
HAIIII 💥💥💥💥💥
I DONT THID YEAR UNFORTUNATELY :( i was fully planning on finally joining BUT ONLY FINISHED ONE REF
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bum-scum · 1 year
Thank you all so so fucking much for reading, commenting, kudos and favourites alike! Withput you all i couldnt have done thid without you!
The Prideshipping Server biggest hugs for making this come alive in my mind and helping me with advice and encouragement, enthusiasm and excitement!
And biggest hugs to @lokis-wager for beta reading my shitty ass grammar and helping me so so much! I couldnt posted and finish this without ya! Im very greatful to have you helped and lecture to tell me to fix my shitty writing lmao 🤣🤣🤣
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stareatch · 1 year
too long no see...
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So, hello to everyone who is reading thid post. First of all, I explain why I was away for so long. I managed to get into university and now my work schedule has changed significantly, there is less time, and to be honest, there also interal forces. I apologize to everyone. Secondly, I will continue to maintain my account, but not as regular as I would like. And finally, a question to those who have read my "Willys Wonderland x reader insert", is it worth continuing from where I finished or do I need to rewrite the beginning?
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zoropookie · 5 months
I finished copying my notes from doc onto cards…
it‘s 1:32 am… I can finally pretty much go sleep….
btw i before thid predentazion will have to do an english exam too tomorrow because i missed that one while sick yayyyy… tbf english is easy
get a good nights rest 😭 don’t stress urself out too much
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cgogs · 1 year
I was reading Oxeye Daisy today. It absolutely broke me.
I found the fabric about three months ago, and for some reason, I couldn’t read it. Every time I tried, something told me, “not yet, but soon.” At the tune, I was in a really bad mental state, and my brain knew I would need to be fully mentally capable in order to digest your fic.
Today was apparently that day. I read it over the course of my day, reading a snippet in a checkout line, reading a chapter when I was in a deck chair, and finally finishing it when I got home.
There were many moments that struck me in this fic, but this one stood out to me the most. It was when young Dream’s wish slipped out of the music box, the one he wrote as a child. To me, that moment encapsulated the tragedy of this fic. That, although they always loved each other and will never stop, it isn’t enough. For reasons beyond their comprehension, their love cannot be enough to sustain them.
For a long time, I didn’t understand why people love tragedies. I thought, “Why read a sad story when the world is already sad?” But, after reading another fanfic that equally touched my heart, it dawned on me:
We read tragedies to make the sad stories matter.
Unfortunately enough, many individuals will have their lives end unhappily. They will live awful lives, and at the end, there will be no happy ending. Despite the progress we have made, people still suffer and die for no reason. No purpose.
But, when we write tragedies, we give those meaningless deaths purpose. We show that, even if the story ends unhappily, the story still matters.
Even though Dream and George may never get their happy ending in your universe, their love still mattered. It still deserved to be seen for how beautiful it is.
I have been in fandom for a long time, and there are certain fanfics that, to this day, I continue to think about. Fanfics from fandoms that I have left long ago, but their stories still remain.
Your fanfic has been added among to these fanfics.
No matter where you go in life, know this: you have changed my life. I will spend the rest of my life grateful that I got to know your story and your words. I know that this small ask won’t ever be enough to repay what you have given me, but maybe one day I will be able to give back what you have given me.
With the sincerest regards,
Thank you so much. I don't even know what to say. I'll reread this every time i have writers block. Im so glad you enjoyed and was able to absorb something deeper ohhh thid means so much to me 😭😭
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A Champion Time For The Heart Ch37 Pasio Prince’s Picks
(The song Piers sings is Not Another Song About Love by Hollywood Ending. Links to the song are below also. Just imagine the ballroom place is like the stockphoto linked/above only way bigger and with a giant space for ballroom dancing.
Ballroom photo
"After you almost tripped and fell down that big flight of stairs? I-I think this is safer for now."
There really wasn't any large crowds to worry about anymore when Leonn bridal style carried you out of the hotel's lobby and towards the flying taxi with Silver and Zen still right behind you. Your hands gripping onto the front of his suit as he held you close to his chest also red faced but he tried not to make this a big deal. Just be casual. Oh. But why was he currently carrying you you ask? Simple. You kept tripping over the heels Nessa forced you to wear in the hall and after the fifth time you really slipped and, if it weren't thanks to him who grabbed you in time, almost tripped and would've went right down a long flight of stairs. You were NEVER wearing heels again after this night. Leonn then took it upon himself to pick you up bridal style and carry you the rest of the way into the taxi and placed you gently in the seat like some prince in a fairytale before sitting down himself and your pokemon came clambering in only to sit down next to you and the taxi took off. The sun was starting to go into the final stages of the sunset as you all flew across the sky in silence. Both of you awkwardly sitting there with only Silver's curious noises looking out the window. Neither making eye contact and just sitting there..before you managed to finally spit something out. You inhaled. OK! C'MON! NOW WAS YOUR CHANCE TO TALK TO HIM FINALLY!! With another inhale you turned your head to his head face.
You cleared his throat catching his attention as he turned to you. "So..W-Where are we going?" It felt awkward so it was probably best to start with an ice breaker to clear the air.
"Huh- OH! *ahem* Prince Lear's going away party. Him and his crew leave tomorrow morning. You doing ok there?" He asked gesturing towards your feet. What was he- Oh! Those darn heels.
"Ah." You sighed and nodded. "Honestly I can't even walk in these let along dance. But I can't wait for all the food. I'm so hungry I can eat a whole inteleon." Silver gave an undignified nose shooting you a look. "No offense."
"Hey. A healthy appetite's nothing to shame over." He finally gave one of his usual bright smiles.
"Hehe. Thanks. But you still didn't tell me where we're going?"
"The Pechette Rose. It's got excellent ratings and I've been there before a few times for big events. The prices are high but the food IS actually really good," he assured you, "But don't worry, you won't have to pay for anything since the party's been paid for in advance and you're obviously a guest! But I recommend the steak if you're hungry enough. They're to die for! Oh! You should totally try their dynamax curry! You'd love it!"
Your brow rose. "Dynamax curry? Never had it." You did hear about it once however when Gloria was finishing her curry dex. But that was besides the point. Right now there was no distractions and you were high enough for no one to take Leon's attention. You needed to talk about this now before he could get distracted at the party. "Leon. On the topic, I really REALLY do need to talk to you about something."
He seemed to blink for a second before nodding. "Yeah. I've noticed you've been trying to talk to me. What's up?"
You persed your lips into a straight line. Was this a good idea? It might break his heart but it wouldn't be fair to fake this even if you were planning on just turning him down nicely after this 'date' but it was now or never. With a deep inhale you let it out slowly. Well..it was better to break the news to him now than string him along.
"Um...Do you remember that day when you first gave me the envelope? A-And what we talked about?"
He lit up beaming again. "Of course I do! I was really relieved when you took it so well! I was really worried over nothing huh?"
You hissed through clenched teeth. "Yyyyyeah. Um. Well about that-...Ahaha. It's a funny story actually. But Uh-...I didn't actually know you were confessing your feelings to me."
There was a silence that followed as Leon continued to stare at you and you winced as he just....sat there for a long silent moment. ".....Come again?"
"Arceus Lee! Don't make me repeat myself! I had no idea you liked me before now!"
"WHAT!?" He finally snapped out of it eyes going small and a look of panic dawning his face. "But I-...Y-Y-You weren't mad when I brought it up!"
"I thought you were just apologizing for that accident last year on Christmas and that you were worried I was made and you were embarrassed over it!"
"B-B-But you said Victor already told you about me liking you!"
"He did tell me you liked me!"
A record scratch went off in his head. "HE DID!?"
You nodded. "B-B-But I thought he was just messing with me or blown things out of proportion! I thought you KNEW he told me! That's why I wasn't freaked out. A-And again I just thought you were apologizing for it!"
He looked absolutely panicked now. "B-But we were on the same page!"
"I thought so too but clearly we were thinking different things!"
"B-But-..Uh-" He looked down for a moment his hands coming to grip his head. ".....Then why did you agree to go on a date with me then!?"
"Because I DIDN'T KNOW it was a date until you told me it was!," you defended yourself also looking horrified meanwhile Silver and Zen were looking back and forth between you two as you talked. "I thought you just inviting me as your plus one! AS. A. FRIEND!!!"
"But then..." he slowly looked to you completely lost. "B-B-But then why did you kiss me the other day?"
"Because I-..." You again hesitated before taking a shaky breath and just saying it. "I was afraid of those two Hairbrained weridos were going to try to flirt with me again, so I panicked and thought that if they saw me kiss you then they'd leave me alone. I'm-....I'm sorry. I tried to tell you but you were always busy."
"So what was the point of telling me this now!?"
"Because I didn't want to lie to you Leon!?," you blurted out making him blink at your unusually loud tone, "I-I mean-...Technically I DIDN'T lie because I thought you were talking about something else but I didn't want you to misunderstand what I meant and thought. Darn it all to Arceus, Leon." Your hands met your head as you groaned. "I didn't want to lead you on or anything like that. ..Yeah that kiss on the cheek was my idea and it was stupid and I am so sorry for that, but I'm not going to lie to a friend. Especially since you're really a good guy."
There was silence again and you didn't look up. Leon didn't say anything and neither did either of your pokemon as they just sat there quiet as well. You guessed even they could pick up on the awkwardness of the situation as well. For a good ten minutes there was nothing but quiet with the exception of the corviknight's wingbeats until Leon finally spoke again.
"Well-...I will admit you didn't lie. I-I can't say your honest wasn't with good intentions...Guess this means you wouldn't have wanted to go out with me really."
"What?" You finally looked up from your hands surprised as he looked totally looked disheartened at nothing. "No. I wouldn't say I wouldn't want to."
he again paused, before whipping his head to you again surprised. "I-..W-What!? Y-You mean if I did really ask you, y-you w-w-would've-"
You nodded. "Yeah. I probably would've said yes." Actually you didn't know if you would've or not but you thought right now he's been hurt enough. With a small smile you tried to make him feel better. "I'd..Still like to go on a date with you if you still want t-"
"YES!!," he quickly blurted out making you blink before he suddenly held up his hands, "I-I mean y-yes. I-I'd still like t-t-to. B-But-..Maybe not k-kiss me again if you're feeling like you're getting unwanted advances. J-Just t-tell me if you're feeling uncomfortable."
You nodded. "Yeah! I'll to that. Again sorry. But.." You slowly reached over and Leon blinked when you grabbed his hand. "I'd still very much like that date." Your face lit up a pink as you smiled. "I wasn't lying when I said you were a really great guy."
At this his gold eyes went wide looking between his hand and your face, and then his face went a deep red again and he looked away but didn't remove your hand from his. In fact he curled his hand around yours as he sheepishly nodded.
"Ye-Yeah. I-I-I'm happy to hear that. Ahehe. W-Well I'm g-glad we're on the sa-same page now at least."
You chuckled. "Y'know. You do look cute when you're blushing.~"
That made him give off another choke sound and look away from you as you chuckled at his reaction. Well..it was a relief to finally get that off your chest but you were still stuck in a first date with him. Oh well. It's not like it'll be the worst date and Leon WAS a good person. And you were going to a five star restaurant huh? That possibly meant juicy steaks, a hundred different desserts, and all kinds of other foods you'd never had before Actually you didn't have a whole lot of foods outside leftovers, instant ramen, and cereal growing up thanks to your cheapskate mother but that just made this all the better. Right? The ride there was short of nerves and anticipation. The sunset turning into night and the twinkling of the city lights beneath you two shone out making Silver look out the window in fascination before you both finally descended and you hung on tightly out of instinct. Arceus you HATED flying!! He was first out as you struggled to stand up in your heels and he opened the door for you, and then held out his arms once you struggled up and managed to stand in the doorway of the taxi where Leonn caught you under the arms and lifted you down to the ground earning him a thanks in return. When you finally turned around you were certainly met with a sight. Standing before you was a massive stone white marble building that looked like a cross between the Notre dame cathedral and a rich person's mansion, and I mean WHITE white. So bright white they must've constantly washed the outside or something because the moonlight practically reflected off it making it look glowing despite the multicolored light pouring out from the stained glass windows which depicted images of pokemon and scenes right out of a storybook. Giant grand double doors made of polished wood and polished silver knobs awaited you up a small flight of stairs leading to them. Oh. Did I also mention the yard or silk red carpet leading up to it? Because there was a neatly trimmed green yard full of all kinds of flowers and blooming bushes following a long red carpet to said double doors and two doormen wearing prim black and white tuxes. You stared up wide eyed before looking at Leon who seemed unimpressed by it all before looking at you and shrugging. What was more embarrassing still was that you had to literally cling to his arm and allow him to wrap his arms around you to keep you from literally falling over your own two feet. Silver looking around half amazed half bored but following you both none the less. The doormen opening the doors of course and finally letting you walk into the place. Still more white everywhere minus the fancy artwork on the walls and stain glass windows. The red carpet split off into different directions as there was more entry ways including a flight of stairs that went upwards in a half circle style. With what must've been a LOT of staff constantly running around with things in their arms all primly dressed up and their must've been a crystal chandelier every five yards or so on the ceiling. After a moment or two you all was approached by a butler looking man in a suit who then started escorting your slow walking mess to the proper way to this ballroom he spoke of. Oh you hoped you didn't trip and smear your make up. There was one thing that pulled your attention away from Leon however. The distant noises of crowd chatter and light classical music which got louder and louder until you came across another pair of double doors and they were opened and you were lead into the BIGGEST single room you had ever been inside. The ceiling as high as two a two floor house, white everywhere, more chandeliers that reflected in the shiny polished floor, tens of tables and chairs all white themed, a small elevated stage where the music was coming from, and a lllloooonngggg table chalk FULL of food!! Oh. That explains the delicious smells. But there was also a LOT more people than you expected. Instantly you spotted people you knew. There was Ms. Opal over there, and- HEY! There was Gloria chatting away to Hop also in a fancy looking clothes. Guess everyone was here along with a LOT of other people in fancy clothes. Who the heck were they? Once or twice you'd see one with a camera or a notepad writing on it every so while. You did point it out to Leon who again shrugged it off saying they were most likely news people, security, or just businessmen wanting to establish business deals with Pasio. Ah. Made sense. You were finally able to sit town when he chose a table right by a corner here there wasn't a whole lot of people and pulled out a chair for you before able to plop yourself down in it. Your feet were KILLING you-
"How are you feelin'?'', he asked you gently placing a hand on your shoulder.
"Miserable. My feet feel like I hiked a million miles across legos."
"Uh..Nevermind. I'll be fine if I don't walk around too much...Oh jeez. I guess that means no food-"
"I get it for you no problem!"
You blinked up at him before holding up your hands. "Lee. No." You shook your head. "I'm not going to make you be my waiter on top of a forklift."
"And watch you struggle until you fall over and get hurt again?" ...Oh..Well you guessed that was a fair enough point. It would be a bad thing if you fell in front of everyone. He patted your shoulder. "Don't worry. I'll be right back. Stay here and off your feel for a bit. It'll be alright."
"Oh alright."
He gave a small smile before turning and wondering off towards the direction of the food table and left you sitting there to relax and groan in your chair to rest your feet. Oh boy. You should've put your foot down when Nessa slapped these shoes on your feet. ....Speaking of which where was Silver and Zen? A quick look around held no sight of said Inteleon or Zangoose. Where did they go? That questioned was answered a moment later when someone sat down next to you which was Silver with a plate full of food and a pleased look on his face and Zen was just slumped across the table. Which you smiled at.
"Have enough food?"
Grabbing a fork and knife next to him, Silver began to dig in and eat his food. You could only sit there and watch as he ate the food your own stomach rumbled. More time passed and eventually you did look around as Silver continued to eat. Where WAS the Champion? It's been like fifthteen minutes now. Surely unless there was a long line for food it shouldn't take this long. You felt eyes on you again and you looked forward with a smile...which was instantly gone in a moment. There was indeed someone standing in front of you at the table, but it wasn't who you were hoping for. Purple eyes shaded by red sunglasses met you. Accompanied by a man in a suit with grey hair with two familiar looking body guards behind him. ..Oh no. OH NO!! MAN YOU COULD NEVER GET A BREAK-
"Good Evening, My Lady," Prince Lear spoke in a slightly charming voice which sent shivers down your spine. One hand on his chest the other behind his back as he bowed to you. FRICK YOUR LIFE- "I actually wasn't expecting to see you here tonight, but I happened to see you while walking past." Oh lovely- He gestured to the chair in front of you. "Would you mind if I sit down?"
"Uuuuhhh-" Great! You couldn't catch a break could you? Seriously. WHERE WAS LEE!? You shook your head and in the most politest voice you could muster answered back. "Um. Sorry. But I'm saving that spot for someone."
That seemed to get him taken a back. "Oh?"
"My date," you clarified which made him blink fully behind the glasses. "He went to grab something and I'm waiting for him to came back."
"Oh...I see." he slowly leaned back up and stared at you for a moment. "Well who is he? I think it's hardly appropriate to keep a lady waiting and I-" He paused for a moment looking towards Silver using a knife and fork and Zen boredly looking at him. "I- Uh.....'' He went quiet for a moment before pointing at Silver. "Is that Inteleon using utensils?...And is that Zangoose sitting at the table?"
You blinked looking at Silver cutting a piece of cake with a knife before using a fork to bring it to his mouth. "Uh..Yeah. Why?"
"A pokemon shouldn't be doing that," he spoke back in that monotone voice his noise scrunching up in a way that made you raise a brow. "He's eating like he's a human and they're acting like humans...That's outrageous! What master trained him to do that?"
"Their name's Silver Veil and Zen." He looked at you. You deadpanned looked back up at him look now uninterested in anything he had to say. "And they just so happen to be mine."
Prince Lear went silent for the longest time, looking between you and them several times before finally being able to speak. "Yours?" You nodded. "You taught them to do that?"
"I didn't teach them anything. He probably just watched other people do it and just copied it."
"And you allow these-" He gave another look. "-pokemon to do that?"
"Why not? They're not hurting anyone. If he's not causing trouble for anyone why should I worry about it?"
Prince Lear opened his mouth and closed it looking between you and them probably not expecting that kind of response. You just sat there totally checked out from this conversation. This moment spoke a LOT about this guy's character. Seriously where was LEON!? He should've been back a long time ago. You looked around again but still no signs of the tall man anywhere-
"Ladies and Gentlemen," a woman's voice spoke from the elevated stage over towards the other side of the room, "Thank you all for coming tonight. It's been an honor to host you all for the evening. Even more so with such fantastic guests. It is my honor to introduce a very special performance tonight for you all of you tonight. Please give a big hand to our own King. Of rock that is. Mr. Piers."
Your head still looked around for any signs of Leon anywhere but you couldn't make him out in this big crowd of people. Where did he go!?
"Let it out!~ Been buildin' up!~ Ya better let it out.~ Say everything you've been meaning now!~ I want it ta burn!~," Piers began singing to the more gentle rock music, he must've been singing for the event, "When you tell me m' such a wreck it isn't easy cleaning up your mess.~ It's like I got a rope 'round my neck.~ She says it won't hurt.~ But everythin' ya do makes my heart race!~ I can't even think straight!~ Is this jus' a game to you?~ Reruns every night!~ It's always the same fight an' I think you should know!~ I hate your touch!~ I hate your mouth!~ I can't stand every single word that comes out!~ But you're all that I've been dreamin' of!~ This is not 'nother sonng 'bout love!~ I hate your voice!~ I hate your lips!~ I hate how bad I wanna steal your kiss!~ But you're all I've been dreamin' of!~ This is not 'nother song about love!~"
"Ah. It seems as if they're finally starting the first dance of the night." Lear was finally able to find his voice again before turning to you again and bowed again and held out a hand to you. "May I have this dance?"
"Uh...I don't know. My date could still come back any minute." That and your feet STILL ached from your stupid heels. "And it'd be rude to just leave him hanging."
"Oh. Well it only seems fair since he did the same. You should never leave a lady waiting.~"
Your nose wrinkled up a little bit. This guy wasn't taking the hint huh? You were this close to telling him to screw off with movement behind him across the room of red and blue. OH NO!! Not them again! It was the weird hair duo again and you could see them between the people already heading to the dance floor with their dance partners of choice for the song. What were they doing here!?..Well they did sponsor the events for the Prince you wouldn't be surprised if those two also paid for this entire venue plus the accommodations' extras. They were not so discreetly looking between themselves, you, and the dance floor and it wasn't rocket science to know what they were thinking. Luckily you had an escape route right in front of you. Forcing a smile, Prince Lear jumped slightly from the speed and force you grabbed his hand, and although it still hurt slightly forced yourself onto your feet.
"On second thought, Your Highness I would absolutely LOVE to dance with you!"
He blinked for a moment before smiling proud of himself. "Naturally. All ladies love a dance with Prince Lear." His other hand snapped. "Rachel. Sawyer. Grab refreshments for myself after the dance. I shouldn't be long."
"Silver, Zen, stay here. I'll be right back."
Well at least it wouldn't take too long. You winced on the inside as you allowed him to walk you away from your table. Each step feeling like you were walking on legos agonizingly slowly and you prayed to Arceus himself that he would answer your prayers once again and not fall during this dance. Since you...well never danced before. Boy if there was any point in your life you'd need Arceus it'd be now. You could feel someone glaring daggers in your direction as Prince Lear made his way to the dancefloor surrounded by other couples and forced you into the dancing position of one hand holding your hand and hip. Arceus please help!
"Asphyxiated jus' ta say the least!~ And with you're eyes you're sufficatin' me!~ Emptied my lungs!~ It's gettin' hard to breath!~ You couldn't care less.~ But everything ya do makes my heart race!~ I can't even think straight!~ Is this jus' a game to you?~ Reruns every night.~ It's always the same fight n' I think you should know.~ I HATE your touch!~ I HATE your mouth!~ I CAN'T STAND every single word that falls out!~ But you're all I've been dreamin' of!~ This 's not another song 'bout love!~ I HATE your voice!~ I HATE your lips!~ I HATE how bad I wanna steal your kiss!~ But you're all I've been dreamin' of!~ This is NOT another song about love!~"
Arceus blessed you! Despite the more rock style of the song, Prince Lear preferred to slow dance which was both painful and good because it meant you could just waddle-rock from side to side enough to pass as dancing and not trip aside from how much your feet ached. Now only if you didn't just have to plaster a fake smile as he stared holes into your face.
"The sky fades from blue to gray!~ Her touch is jus' like an ocean!~ Still m' drowining!~ How bad I wanna sink an' let it take me away!~ I don't know why I come back!~ I do every time!~ We get close to the end!~ It's the finish line!~ Sing these words for the girl I've been dreamin' of!~ Is this jus' another song 'bout love?~ Let it out!~ Been building up.~ I better let it out.~ Say everything I've been meanin' now.~ Dreamin' 'bout.~ I mean it now.~ I NEED IT NOW!~" You blinked up towards the stage and blue eyes met f/c ones. "I NEED your touch.~ I have NO doubt.~ I WANT your love 'til it all runs out.~ Cause YOU'RE all I've been dreamin' of!~ Is this jus' 'nother song about love?~ I NEED your voice!~ I NEED your lips!~ I NEED you bad!~ I WANNA steal your kiss!~ Cause YOU'RE all I've been dreamin' of!~ This is jus' another song about love!~"
As the song ended there was a small round of applause from a few tables sitting next to the stage and a few people who still stood by said stage to watch the performance up close and stood staring at you for a moment until you stopped. Prince Lear jolted a bit from your sudden stop.
"Thank you for that stunning performance, Mr. Piers. Now please welcome the band Shinx Whiskers with their number Waltzen Du Pika."
"Is something wrong?"
"Huh?" You blinked back at the prince before blinking and clearing your throat. Removing your hands from him and taking a step back. "No. But the song is over."
"Oh..But the next song is starting."
"Yes but your ..people is probably waiting for you." Before he could answer you quickly bowed slightly and turned around and as fast as your hurt feet could carry you began walking off. "Well thanks for the dance! I gotta go see if my date's back now!"
Luckily he didn't follow you but it was probably better to get back to your table to wait for Piers and let yourself rest again. Hopefully Prince 'Charming' won't ask for another one. As you walked through the crowds you searched for the table with an Inteleon sitting at it also keeping an eye out for that Prince and weird hair duo less they ask you for a another dance. You could tolerate dancing with that Prince but you were sure as ARCEUS NOT GONNA DANCE WITH THE GRUESOME TWOSOME!! ...But leave it too your luck to get yourself lost in the crowd. The music of the giant ballroom gently flowed throughout and between the beautiful decorations wrapped around the walls. The way the candles lit up the surroundings and made the shadows beautifully dance against the walls. The way the smell of delicious food and flowers wafted through the air. The beautiful music mixing with the laughter and talking of the guests around the whole place. It was almost like a dream. Everyone having a great time. But maybe you wasn't meant to join the fun and laughter that everyone else seemed to be having. Being alone wondering the ballroom was the lonely fate of the girl in the flowing purple dress. Blindly walking and circles, moving around. The sounds, the smells, the atmosphere. It was starting to make her dizzy. Everyway she'd turn she would catch a glimpse of a man with gold eyes. Very familiar blue eyes. Her dizzied mind knew not to be afraid or excited about the way it gazed and pierced her soul. The way he looked at her with those beautiful eyes. Promising only trouble ahead. Well maybe she was looking for trouble, her head was kept on a swivel, always looking around herself in the see of masked laughter. Sometimes she'd catch a glimpse of gold or maybe it was just her clouded emotional mind. At this point she didn't know if she was searching for him or trying to ensure she was far from him. But however she put it, the circles and laughter was starting to get dizzier and dizzier. She barely noticed when someone tall bowed to her. Grabbed her hand. And lead her to dance. Maybe it was because she was temporarily blinded by his face, or the swirls of the graceful dance they spun. But there was no mistaking those blue eyes. Perhaps she was crazy. Perhaps her dizzy mind was clouding any judgement. Maybe she was under some kind of spell from those ocean eyes. But when he smiled at her she smiled back. There was Leon! He was making his way past a few people waving a hand out to you smiling and you started towards him too. But as usual things just couldnt be easy for you. Because just as you were heading on over towards Leon, you were slowed because of the heels making you wobble and your feet hurt, so it didn't take much for two people to easily blocked by two similar looking figures with giant ha-
"Well, well, well. If it isn't Ms. Y/n!"
"Indeed! We've been trying to catch you all night!"
You stopped in your tracks wobbling about and holding your arms out for balance on these darn heels as none other than Sordward and Shielbert phantomed in front of you. WHERE DID THEY COME FROM!? But behind them Leon stopped and blinked also surprised...Before frowning and continuing his way over towards you all.
You visibly frowned at both of them before crossing your arm in order to keep them from grabbing your hands again. "Oh it's you two. What are you doing here?"
"We sponsored this party as well as the events to show our apologies and thus have the right to attend," Shielbert explained.
"Indeed and we so nobly stood by and let the Prince have the first dance with the fairest lady at the ball and now I have finally have the chance to have the second dance with you," Shielbert added.
"I think you're mistaken, Younger Brother. As it is I who shall have the second dance of the night with Ms. Y/n-"
"Actually-" A deeper voice startled the both of them into looking behind them and up at Leon who forced a smile but was clearly annoyed at them. "I'm going to be her second and last dance for the night as she is my date." Both brothers looked at each other- "Excuse me, Gentlemen." he pushed past the two and gently put his arm around you. "I thank you for keeping Y/n company but I think I've waisted her time long enough. C'mon. Let's go dance. I like this band." Despite the pain and wobble in your steps you happily allowed Leon to turn you around and lead you back to the dance floor.
"It's about time you saved me." You happily accepted the second dance from the man in front of you breathing a sigh of relief from your throat. Despite your feet hurting you would allow this one dance. "Where did you go? I had to placate Prince Charming and run away from two twin trolls."
"Haha. Sorry about that!" Leon apologized already slowly walking you through the classical sounding music. "I ran into some reporters who wouldn't let me go and then when I got back you were gone. Took me a while to find you again."
"Hey. It's fine." You smiled. "Better late than never right?"
He continued to stare at you, body on autopilot for a long moment before a relieved laugh escaped his mouth. You blinked. He had leaned forward and he pressed his forehead on your forehead as he used his taller height to his advantage and pressed your foreheads together as you slow danced. A smile dancing on his face to match his steps. Making your face go a bright red from how close he was to you again.
"How did I get lucky to convince someone like you to give me a chance?"
You mimicked a goldfish for the better part of a minute before finally talking. "You can thank the sky dropping me into a corviknight nest for that."
"Nevermind. I'm just glad you were able to save me back there."
"Of course! Besides. I was right when I said you'd be my dance partner for the night.." He blinked smile going to a worried frown for a moment. "But this is o-ok right?..Being this close to you? I want to make sure I'm not misunderstanding anything else."
You blinked at him for a moment before chuckling at the sweet sentiment. Aw. He was so sweet sometimes. "It's perfectly fine..Uh. But there's one thing you should know."
"I lost feeling in my feet and my legs are about to give out."
As soon as you said that you staggered a bit, thankfully Leon grabbed you in an instant and pulled you to him. "Whoa there! Sheesh. I guess you weren't kidding about those shoes actually hurting huh?"
"What do YOU think?"
"Um...Do you just want to go and get something to eat now?"
You nodded. "Yeah. Yeah. Food's good."
The rest of the night was thankfully uneventful. With help from him you managed to get back to the table and the reason you got lost after your first dance was because Silver left the table to get another plate of food he was currently eating and Zen was now laying under the table. You had passed this table twice trying to get back to it. You two had talked, gotten some food, and ended up holding hands across the table. It all ended however when Hop came to Leon tired and you all decided it was probably time to go. It was getting late anyways and the faster you got back to your hotel room the faster these shoes come off. It was a blur back to the hotel except that Leon had to help you back out of the taxi and walk back to your room (you absolutely REFUSED to be carried again) where you gave him a small smile as thanks in your doorway.
"Thanks for the fun night. It wasn't as nervewracking as I thought it'd be. And thanks for walking me back. I can take it from here."
He chuckled hand rubbing his neck. Hop yawned tiredly next to him. "Yeah. I-I thought it was good too. For my first date it wasn't bad either. I really had fun spending time w-w-with you. ....M-maybe we can do this together again sometime?"
You nodded also nodding. "Sure. I wouldn't mind but I think I want to get some sleep for now. It's late."
He nodded. "Oh. Y-yeah. I should get Hoppy to bed too. G-Goodnight Y/n."
"Good night, Leon. Good night, Hop."
You closed the door and Leon sighed happily smiling to himself before turning to Hop and pausing as his little brother stared wide eyed at him.
"You went on a date with Y/n!?" He gasped in shock for a second before smiling widely like he just discovered a new pokemon fact no one else did. "Does this mean I'm going to get a big sister!? How long has this been going on!? Wait until Mum hears the good news!!"
"I-I-I can explain I swear!"
-One Month Later-
Things were back to normal. Or as normal as you could get them around this place. Prince Lear had been seen back off to Pasio by the Chairwoman and Leon, and you said goodbye to your friends before leaving early in the morning with Sonia and Hop. You tried to give the entire outfit and accessories back to Nessa before you left but she refused saying you could keep them. Well you didn't mind having one fancy outfit but you absolutely REFUSED to keep the shoes leaving them with her. No more heels. Never again. But other than that everything seemed to be totally normal. You were back to working at the store, and fixing up your new home. Sonia and Hop continued with their research and you still got visits from them from time to time especially since Christmas was coming up. Leon came home to visit for the holidays as did Gloria and Victor! It was almost a month after the prince left and with two weeks left til Christmas it was looking up to be nice. He had told everyone he would tell everyone his choices if he made any in a month's time but Leon didn't think much of it. He was too busy being happy and helping with the preparations for Christmas now that he's finally gotten some time off for the holidays. So he didn't pay much attention when Hop brought in the mail from today. He was too busy going through an old box of ornaments he brought out from the shed.
he walked up to him with a serious face and smile with an official envelope opened in his hands. "LEE!! You need to hear this."
"What's wrong, Hoppy? Did Sonia give you a hard task again?"
"Leon." He held up the formal official document to him. "This is an official league document from the Chairwoman."
"Uh huh."
"...It's okaying our transfers over regions."
Leon paused and he slowly looked up to Hop. "It's okaying my transfer to where?"
His response was to turn the paper around with the official seal and the fancy writing and held it up to his blinking face. "It's okaying our temporary transfer to the Pasio Region! We've been chosen to compete in the Masters League!"
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imraespace · 13 days
warninf this ask is very long…….. i yapped a lil too hard im sorry ☹️🙏
HIHIIH HELP I JUST SAW YOUR POST I ACTUALLY DONT KNOW HOW I HAVE THE PATIENCE FOR IT like for my first bachisagi animation i.. was doing that for a full 15 hours..! not my proudest moment but i was dedicated. i got 35 likes #VIRAL!!! stop im so salty about it 💔
and then i made an itoshi brothers angst animation it got a little more attention in a short amount of time but it still ended with like.. 37 likes HELPME STOP I WAS SO DEDICATED AND IT WAS KINDA FUN ☹️ like as i rewatch it like obviously i can see mistakes that i would probably be able to fix now but it took like 3-4 days to actually finish so thats.. 💔💔
and then we have other animations that i dont even wanna consider thinking about bc forgot but i remember doing a nagireo one and it was 3 imgs BUT I DID IT SO QUICKLY THAY WAS THE PEAK OF MY ERASING CAREER. i got 42 liked hashtag ated hahstag egoist
so now im working on the sae mala thing that like you suggested but the fanart im tweening on is like i dont even know i just dont wanna do it bc i spend more time erasing and getting hair particles and atoms that i somehow only see when im actually finally animating.. 💔
okay wait back to the usual daily rant HIHHIIHIHI HOW ARE YOU POCKY I SCTUALLY CUT CARROTS IN MY COOKING CLASS TOFAY i think i did smth to my thumb bc it hurts so much pelase icanr do thid i cant even type properly im still shaking AND IT WAS LEGIT 30 MINUTES AGO HELP
bluelock friend irl like that person i met theyre a little strange to be fair bc they were like “youre so pookie i wanna just squish you and throw you out the window” and i thought it was funny so i laughed but the more i think about it the more im liek WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN HELPHAHAAHAH like i reallt dont care that they said that but i feel weird around them sometimes bc theyre really unpredictable and i legit only see them at school but we dont actuallt text?? im more of a texter (as you can see..) than an irl convo person like im the type of person who would talk to someone for like 8+ hours online but then once i see them irl i just slowly turn around and walk away when i see them bc IM TOO AWKWARD 💔💔 but i do still wave at them
OH THAT REMINDS ME ABOUT WAVING yk that one scene in episode nagi (?) i think its in episode nagi where kurona is like “lets devour japanese soccer chomp chomp” and he does that w his hand I BASICALLY DO THAT BUT WITH WAVING?? i used to do like a different type of wave like basically i put all fingers except thumb down and would do that repeatedly IDK WHAT THAT WAVE IS CALLED HELP but ive adapted it into the kurona chomp chomp thing somehow. OH AND WHENEVER I DO THAT I ALSO GO UP TO THE PERSON AND LIKE INTERTWINE?? fingers w them and im like HIII and i wave while holding their hand 😈 call it an excuse to hold hands w people but it ends up being torture for them bc i force them to never let go
BUT ANYWys when i did the kurona thing it kinda.. looks like smth else so bluelock irl friend has a weird view to it like bro please let me just devour japanese soccer like kurona 👿‼️‼️
OKAYAYA DAILY QUESTION ISSS UMMM since im in the library rn which bluelock character would be the worst librarian ever and probably end up ripping all the books by accident while putting them all back on the shelves or lose all the books somehow
- 🐙
I love the yapnation asks dw
OH THANK GOODNWAS BC IM ABT TI PELT MY PHONE why the flock I chose to animate 4 pictures bro LIKE I'll probably do the two ans loop it.. BUT THE ACTUAL EDIT I WANT IS WITH 4 PICTURES but I'll do that like when I have patience to redo it yk! ALSO SO LITTLE WHAT THE FLIP that's so frustrating I hate it I'm rn looking at my old edits and i cab relate there's one with 50 likes and one with 40 AND I REMEMBERED STAYING UP SO LATE DOING THAT the only highest edit I made that's tweening is a kaeya edit with like 200 likes 😒
ALSO HELP IKR all the small details that only I gonna see but it's fun to do! after all the hair pulling work seeing it come to life is so hehehehhe🤭🤭🤭 yk!!
HAII IM hot (😉😉😉) but no like it's hot and I'm gonna melt into a blob also I'm hungry! TODAY IN SCHOOL my typing class was nawt it I hatd that teacher sm AND.I HAVE A TRIPLW TOMORROW OHMYG9SHHHH bro as soon as I heard the bell ring my heart dropped to my pinky toe today... THEN SHE STARTED YELLING IN CLASS AND SHE CALLED A STUDENT AN IDIOT ans I was dumbfounded I thought i was next BC YK MY LAPTOP CHARGER BROKE SO I CANT DO MY HW so when I had to tell her I was like "miss" ANS SHE YELLED OUT MY LAST NAME I ALMLSTED TRIPPEd AND WHEN I TOLD HER SHE WAS STARING AT ME LIKE 😐 SO I STARRD AT THE FLOOR then she was like okay. THEN OGGOSH IDK IF SHE DEAF OR HARD IN HEARING BUT EVERYTIME WE RESPOND TO HER SHES LIKE "EH?" LIKE OPEN YOUR EARS then that's when she called the student an idiot and started yelling at her and I almosted cried for her... SHE STARTED CRYING AND I FELT BAD but then bell ran and everyone dipped and I HAD TO BE THE SLOW ASS TO LEAVE THE CLASS BUT EVERYONE RUSHING LIKE CALM DOEN DANG I DONT WAN A BE IN HERE WITH HER AND SHE WAS RANTING TO ME and I was like yah..! then we told our homeroom teacher hehehehhe um I drew a bone in bio today. that's all I have to say abt how I'm feeling!
anyways your strange friend sayings sounds like something I'll tell my friends and theyre always like "oh.." like whag🙄🙄🙄 accept my love! but fr half of the time it doesn't even make sense and I'll ask me self wtf am I talking abt
SAME IM A TEXTER AS WELL bc the things I say online I won't say irl like I don't even swear irl and it's not like I can't say it bc my mommy doesn't mind it BUT IM SCARED TO SAY IT? once I said ass on accident bc I was reading something out loud to my mommy and I was like gasp! and she was like what🤨 AND I TOLD HER I SAID ASS and all she said was ok. my favorite thing to do online is swear at someone in dialect bc I can get more creative since its the locals! my favorite one is "hyc" and I won't share with the class what it means bc.. it's kinda head scratching.
OMG I DO THAT AND I ALSO like move my fingers separately in a down movement IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT AND IT STARTED OFF AS A JOKE BUT now it's a habit and half of the time no one knows that I'm actually waving.. BC THEY WILL STARE AND SMILE
HELP INTERTWINE FINGERS? also I agree devour them! chomp chomp
ERM ERM shidou HELP or otoya
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oli-reads · 4 months
𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 "𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐎𝐟 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠" 𝐛𝐲 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤
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“Mock me all you like. Whatever I imagined then, now it is I who would beg and grovel for a kind word from your lips." His eyes are black with desire. "By you, I am forever undone.”
Title The Queen Of Nothing
Author Holly Black
Genre Fantasy
Pages 300
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Hello fellow readers! What I have in my paws today is a review of “The Queen Of Nothing” by Holly Black! This is This is the third book of the Folk Of The Air series and is a political fantasy with a sub-plot of romance, enemies to lovers. Thid book starts with Jude being exiled still and finding her way back to Elfhame. After finally being acknowledged as Queen, she and Cardan face what could only feel like endless curses.
Reading Flow ★★★★★
Writing ★★★★★
Plot ★★★★★
Characters ★★★★★
Spicy 🌶️ (very casual mention, nothing too explicit)
“It’s you I love,” he says. “I spent much of my life guarding my heart. I guarded it so well that I could behave as though I didn’t have one at all. Even now, it is a shabby, worm-eaten, and scabrous thing. But it is yours.”
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Goodreads rating 4.36★ My rating 5★ (I would give it a 6 to be very honest)
I am down bad for this book. Down bad for Jurdan. Down bad for this series. This is definetly my favorite book and I will be reading The Stolen Heir and everything else related to this universe because I just can not go with it.
Jude is an astonishing character. Cardan makes me lose my mind. I love ONE duo. I cried during the last few pages because the kind of comfort where everything ends well (for now, or not, we'll see) and you see both Jude and Cardan receive the love they deserve.
I just can't put into words how much I loved this book, I'm going to walk everyday with a sign hung on my head telling everyone to read this.
*SPOILER ALERT* so Taryn's pregnante with Locke's child.......... AND LOCKE IS DEAD??? Oh i love this. I'm kind of excited if their stories develop on The Stolen Heir's duology.
Anyway, I never thought I would be SO into a political fantasy. If you consider reading this series please be reminded that this is mostly political. Yes there's romance, but very little (BUT IT'S SO WORTH IT I SWEAR).
“I missed you," I whisper against his skin and feel dizzy with the intimacy of the admission, feel more naked than when he could see every inch of me. "In the mortal world, when I thought you were my enemy, I still missed you." "My sweet nemesis, how glad I am that you returned.”
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I'm very sad that I've finished The Folk Of The Air series and I think I've set the bar way too high for any other fantasy I'll read in the future.
I'm going to take a break and finish the Good Girl's Guide To Murder series before jumping into The Stolen Heir Duology and How The King Of Elfhame Learned To Hate Stories. I'm gonna leave another quote here because I quite literally can not stop obsessing over this.
“I start to speak, but he stops me with a gesture. “And you.” He looks at me, his lips curving in something that’s not quite a smile; it’s more and less than that. “I knew little else, but I always knew you.” And when he kisses me, I feel as though I can finally breathe again.”
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Anyway, if you made it this far thank you for reading this review! I’ll leave you with the synopsis if you’d like to take a look, as well as it’s Goodreads link. See you soon! 𓃠
If you’d like, follow Oli’s instagram page!
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He will be destruction of the crown and the ruination of the throne.
Power is much easier to acquire than it is to hold onto. Jude learned this lesson when she released her control over the wicked king, Cardan, in exchange for immeasurable power.
Now as the exiled mortal Queen of Faerie, Jude is powerless and left reeling from Cardan’s betrayal. She bides her time determined to reclaim everything he took from her. Opportunity arrives in the form of her deceptive twin sister, Taryn, whose mortal life is in peril.
Jude must risk venturing back into the treacherous Faerie Court, and confront her lingering feelings for Cardan, if she wishes to save her sister. But Elfhame is not as she left it. War is brewing. As Jude slips deep within enemy lines she becomes ensnared in the conflict’s bloody politics.
And, when a dormant yet powerful curse is unleashed, panic spreads throughout the land, forcing her to choose between her ambition and her humanity…
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author Holly Black, comes the highly anticipated and jaw-dropping finale to The Folk of the Air trilogy.
0 notes
not-gonna-lose · 8 months
Musharna Mail! Everyone's watching—expecting, yet deep down hoping for your fall; glances of indifference and suppressed contempt. You're in the place in which you have to be, in the battle court. Everything is blurry, shapes without contour and colors fuzzy as watching a dreamy light. The sky is blue, but is filled with stars that watch with the utmost of neutrality. The opponent is her, of course. Of course it would be her. The same old team, but stronger... unbeatable, it feels. Feels like your whole body will collapse and melt on the floor, finally getting the rest it had needed for a long time. The eyes feel heavy, the thoughts in your brain are fuzzy as the lights and the whole environment. But even then, while feeling out of your body and out of your mind, you see your team—see the legend, leading your victory. The legend is ruthless, and you feel even how your bones rattle in your insides as you remember the physical danger it took you—memories that felt painful, as jabs in the very skull, but seeing now; how it brutally destroys the unbeatable team, the blood rushing from your quick beating heart is the only sensation that chains you to life. With every defeated pokémon on her team, her look turns even just a bit frantic. Movements blurry, just as her pokemon and how they're defeated... even the spectators, cheering for your defeat, are becoming more speechless. The legend is powerful. But is ruthless. A battle that feels more like a beat up. And when it finish... you have won. Like if time itself has ceased to be, and the seconds, the noise, has turned dull. Even if you feel as a brain leading a body destroyed by the exhaustion, what you see in front of you is her shock. Her surprise. Her concern. Her pain. She falls to the floor like you did a time ago, when you were naive. Seeing her fall... perhaps you should feel even if a bit of pity, or even indifference. But what you feel is your breathing quickening just as your heart, that will burst out of your rib cage at any moment at this point. Is that satisfaction from having won? Finally? After all the effort? But seeing her lost and vacant gaze of a shocked expression, you know—is joy, deep, deep down your heart, joy of seeing her in your place. What was your place. Joy because you're better. Joy, because she finally is suffering. You look around. Those faces that feel fully blurred except from their gazes are now staring at you in silence—not with indifference, not with the hope of seeing your fall... but respect, or is that fear? If there's a difference, is hard to tell. Because you feel tall. As if you could reach the stars, that now watch you with fascination. The "respect" of your "peers" feels like is feeding you, able even to fly and touch the azure sky itself. And with a blink, everything turns to dust. To ashes and another blurry and fuzzy shapes—back in the battle court, you see your team of your pokemon friends, and how they're ruthlessly defeated. When the last one falls, almost pathetically, your knees collapse and lost all their power. Time once again ceases to be, but instead, is to record forever in your eyes the cold stare of her. And so, the dream ends.
dibt- wgy- sgoukdnt hsve fallwb asleeo thsy was stuoid srupif stupis STUOID- abd thid is- its wrubf im gohnf yo wim im foibg ro bwat hwr toull srr all od tou will sww yhwb toull duballt rwsprct mw i wint hsve yo he huet shtmore dhell uhdwrstbdn whdy dhw did tk me ans evwrtthung qill br bettwr itll fubsllt stip hurtibf i wobt let it judt be a fsbtast i vabt i hdve ro wib i hdve yo i hsve to i HAVE TO-
(don't- why- shouldn't have fallen asleep that was stupid stupid stupid STUPID- and this is- it's wrong I'm going to win I'm going to beat her you'll see all of you will see then you'll finally respect me I won't have to be hurt anymore she'll understand what she did to me and everything will be better it'll finally stop hurting I won't let it just be a fantasy I have to win I have to I have to I HAVE TO-)
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lyranova · 2 years
Could you write something for if Fuegoleon had forgotten Leopold’s birthday? What if he realized it because Mereoleona mentioned it or something?
Hiya Mitsuki! Of course and I apologize this took so long to get thid out but I hope you like it, poor Fue I’m sure there has been a time where he did forget Leo’s birthday because of how busy he is 😔. But I gave this a happy ending so I hope you enjoy~!
Taglist: @thoughtfullyrainynightmare
Word Count: 1,115
Warnings: None
Fuegoleon sighed as he finished another piece of paperwork, it was never ending. Just when he thought he was done doing his work one of his squad members would come in with more paperwork for him to sign off on. He shook his head as he set his quill down gently.
“ Geez, you look like someone ran over you with a cart and then backed over you with it.” Mereoleona Vermillion, Fuegoleon’s older sister said as she leaned against the door frame.
“ Thank you for the compliment, dear sister.” Fuegoleon muttered sarcastically as he rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair.
“ You’re welcome dear brother, now,” Mereoleona began as she walked into the room and up to his desk. “ what did you get Leo for his birthday? Because that’s all that little brat’s been talking about since he woke up.” She asked curiously, and she watched as her younger brother froze in his seat.
“ What…did I get him? Isn’t his birthday next week?” Fuegoleon asked as he suddenly sat up straight in his chair, and Mereoleona scoffed.
“ His birthday’s today, genius, no way…” Mereo said as she noticed her brother’s eyes widened. “ Don’t tell me…you forgot Leo’s birthday?” She asked in surprise, and she watched as her brother groaned and rested his head on his desk.
Fuegoleon could not believe he forgot Leo’s birthday, he had never once forgotten it, not even when he was away on a mission. But now…after all this time, he did. He watched as Mereoleona chuckled.
“ Geez, you men are hopeless sometimes. Luckily I remembered and already had a party set up, so why don’t you run out and get Leo a gift and I’ll try to distract him.” Mereo suggested as she crossed her arms, and Fuegoleon instantly looked up at her.
“ You already had a party set up?”
“ Yep. That’s what happens when people are so afraid of you that they’ll do whatever you ask without question, things get done and usually pretty quickly. Now go, before Leo finds out his role model forgot his birthday.” Mereoleona said as she turned around and walked out of the room.
Fuegoleon quickly stood and walked out of his office, as he walked a bit of ways he happened to stumble across a spatial mage who had just joined the squad. He quickly asked for the mage to take him to the nearest town, he didn’t tell him why, he just explained that it was urgent.
The two quickly left and Fuegoleon instructed that he wait there until he returned, the mage nodded and Fuegoleon left in search of a gift for his little brother.
The vermillion haired man sighed in exasperation as he walked around the town for what felt like over an hour. No matter how much he searched he couldn’t find a single gift that he felt would ‘suit’ Leo, sure there were some trinkets and small things that he felt his younger brother would like, but it just…didn’t seem right to Fuegoleon.
So the older Vermillion finally sighed in defeat and turned around and walked back to the Spatial mage.
The Spatial mage went to ask his Captain what took him so long and what he was looking for, but after he saw the rare look of defeat on his face he realized it was probably better not to ask. Instead he gave his Captain a sympathetic look before he transported them back to the Crimson Lion’s base.
The two silently walked towards the dining hall where Leo’s party was to be held. Fuegoleon was mentally berating himself for having been too busy to remember his brother’s birthday and for not being able to find him the perfect gift. Sure Leo probably would have loved whatever Fuegoleon had gotten him, but that still didn’t matter to the Older Vermillion, he wanted to get him something special.
The two opened the door and walked inside to see the party had already started, and once Leo saw his older brother walk into the room his eyes lit up.
“ Brother! You’re here!” Leo shouted happily as he ran towards him, Fuegoleon quickly put a warm smile on his face to try and hide how upset he actually was.
“ Leo, Happy Birthday.” Fuegoleon said kindly as he patted his younger brother on the shoulder. As Fuegoleon looked at his brother he suddenly realized how much he had grown. He could have sworn it was just yesterday that Leo was only three years old and was following him around everywhere, saying how he wanted to be just like him and Mereoleona.
Where had the time gone?
“ Brother? Are you listening?” Leo’s voice suddenly pulled Fuegoleon out of his thoughts, he saw a confused look on the younger Vermillion’s face as Fuegoleon shook his head.
“ I’m sorry, my mind must’ve wandered for a moment. What did you say?”
“ I asked if you got me something? Sister said that’s why you were late because you went out to get it.” Leo said and Fuegoleon glared slightly at his older sister, who just smirked a bit in response.
“ I…” Fuegoleon took a breath before his smile disappeared and a sad look replaced it. “ I’m sorry Leo, I…forgot to get you a present, tomorrow you and I can go out and I’ll buy you whatever you want.”
Leo tilted his head a bit as the confused look remained.
“ But brother…I don’t want us to go out and buy anything, to be honest, there’s only one thing I want.” Leo said before he smiled proudly and pointed a finger at him.
“ What I really wanted for my birthday was for you and I to spar, and this time without holding back!” Leo shouted loudly, catching Fuegoleon and everyone else in the room off guard.
All Leo wanted for his birthday…was to spar with his brother? He didn’t want new clothes, trinkets, or material items? He just…wanted to spar? As Fuegoleon thought about it, it made sense, and was probably the most obvious gift. He almost laughed in disbelief.
Of course, this was Leo we were talking about.
“ So? Can we spar?” Leo asked excitedly and Fuegoleon chuckled and nodded.
“ Of course we can, but just don’t get upset if you lose again, since you’re the one who wanted us to go all out.” Fuegoleon said and Leo cheered.
“ I wouldn’t dream of it brother!”
As Leo and the other Crimson Lions all walked towards the courtyard, Mereoleona looked at her younger brother and chuckled.
“ Looks like you had the perfect gift all along.” She told him before patting his shoulder and walking past him. Fuegoleon nodded before turning and following her out into the courtyard.
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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