#mitsuki komori
whispersbelongingbird · 5 months
Would you be interested in writing something inspired by the song ‘Hold On’ by Chord Overstreet with Fuegoleon and Leopold please? I am so starved for angst it’s not even funny. Thank you.
Silent Pleas
“Well I hope you feel better now!" Mimosa smiled as she took a stop and turned to her cousin.
Leopold directed his head to see the door to his room which Mimosa had paused in front of then moving his gaze back to her. "Yeah, I do. Thanks for everything!" Leopold Smiled.
He walked up to Mimosa and pulled her into a hug. Mimosa was a bit startled at first but she melted in and hugged back. 
Leopold had been feeling like a mush of shit recently, nothing was right. Everything was messed up, his family, the people around him, his feelings, his physical state and himself in general.
Everything hurt all over, his head was pounding, his eyes were burning, his stomach was twisting and turning and he could collapse at any second.
Why had he been feeling likes this? Simple, parents and people around him.
Leo is always dreading any events and ceremony’s. He doesn’t have a choice but to go because of all that royalty business. He mostly doesn’t want to go because of the people there, sure.. Mimosa and Noelle are there but that doesn’t stop him for hearing others bicker about him in such a nasty way. His parents let alone don’t even want to be seen with him. Mereoleona and fuegoleon get to slip out of stuff like this most of the time so Leo is just left to deal with it and listen.
When everything ends and they make it home his parents immediately start complaining and yelling, sometimes even hitting. 
This whole week Leo has spent crying himself to sleep from either pain or too much stress and emotions. He was reaching his breaking point.
After saying his farewells to Mimosa. The boy walked into his room and closed the door behind him then dragged his feet towards his bed and collapsed right onto it and melted into the soft material.
It felt nice to finally just rip off the mask and rest in the pool of all that pain and stress. He didn’t want to ignore everything he’s been going through. He wanted to soak it all in and accept it. He didn’t want to talk about it and let it all out. He wanted to praised on how well he handled everything.
Leopold rested his eyes and let a few tears slip out.
The next day Leopold had been sent on a Mission. 
“Conqueror the Dungeon and find the treasure hall, Simple as that. Now get going brat.”
Turns out it wasn’t so simple because Leopold was on his way back to the crimson lion kings base, limping and also trying to hide his injury from his two squad mates. 
It was laughable really. A diamond mage had managed to catch him off guard and stabbed Leo at the side of his waist. It wasn’t too fatal but it definitely wasn’t something to brush aside.
In the end, he had taken care of the mage before resuming to his search for the treasure hall, trying to ignore the sharp sting of pain coming from his side. It took all of his willpower to keep the tears locked in.
Leopold sat onto the back his squad mates broom as they made their way back to the Crimson Lion Kings headquarters.
He felt the cold air crash against the back to his neck and he trembled a bit.
“You look exhausted, everything alright?” Elliot auestioned, slightly turning his head to look at Leo who had his head hung low and hands clutching onto Elliot’s waist from behind.
“Hm? Y-yeah.. Just tired”. Leopold flinched at how hoarse his voice was. It felt as if something was clogging up his throat, it hurt to speak. “My opponent was stronger than I anticipated”
“I could tell. You have blood all over, I almost thought it was yours for a second. Make sure to get checked out though just in case” The black haired mage smiled before turning away from Leo and looking forward again.
Leo hummed in response and hovered one of his hands over his injury. He hasn’t told them about it. He didn’t want to bother them with such an inconvenience, besides it’s not so bad. Sure it hurts and stings like crazy but he can handle it.
No he can not.
Leopold was sat in his bathroom which was connected to his bedroom and he was leaning against the wall letting out broken sobs every now and then.
It hurt. It hurt so bad. He tried to pull the blade out but it just made it worse so he just kept it in. 
Elliot had said he would report back to Fuegoleon so Leopold had ran to his room and collapsed onto his bathroom floor.
It hurt. It really did. He had just punched his mirror so the added sting from his hand was not helping. It was taking so much for him to not just stab a piece pf glass through himself just to stop all of this.
He could hardly move. He wanted to scream. He wanted to silently cry. He wanted to tear apart whatever reached his hands. He wanted to be handled with care, like a delicate glass object that will shatter at the slightest pressure.
He just wanted everything to stop.
Leo lifted up his shirt as he looked down at the mess of blood at the left side of waist. It was disgusting. Blade still stuck in there. Its a miracle he hasn’t passed out yet. 
The Blood tripled down his torso and onto the marble floor. It was bright crimson red and there was no end to the overflowing mess. It was overwhelming to look at.
He grabbed onto the handle but paused. Someone had entered his room. He could hear the faint footsteps growing closer to the bathroom door.
“Leo? Are you here? You alright?” Fuegoleon called out knocking on the bathroom door. When he didn’t get a responses he figured Leopold wasn’t here so he was about to leave. However, the shuffling on the other side caught his attention and was that a cry.?
Fuegoleon scrabbled for the handle and pulled on it but the door was locked.
“Leo?!” He yelled, panic evident in his voice. Leopold sat still on the floor trying to form a responses.
“Fue-..” he trailed off and chocked on another sob. It was more pathetic than anything really. Truly an embarrassment.
“Are you in there? Open the door right now!” Fuegoleon tried to maintain his tone to not scare Leo, but that was hard given Leopold had just came back from a mission and the description Elliot had given him about Leo’s current state didn’t sound so good.
“Help…” was the only thing coming out of the youngers mouth. No other words were able to be formed. You could barely even hear it from the other side of the door. It’s fine though, because that was all Fuegoleon need to knock down the door and rush to his brothers side.
And the rest was all a blur.
Leopold had awakened to the feeling of s soft material cushioning his head and body. A blanket was wrapped tightly around him and he hasn’t felt this comfortable in awhile. He missed this feeling..
He opened his eyes as they adjust to the bright light. It took a flew glances around the room to realise this isn’t his bedroom. He doesn’t know where he is. 
Panic settled within him as Leo shot up from his bed but immediately regretted it as he was hit was a dizzy spell and a sharp pain emitted from the side of his waist. The pain felt familiar.. 
He tried to recall the previous events of the night that had occurred for him to end up here. No one was in the room right now. It was just him alone. 
Leo leaned against the wall and covered his lower body with the blanket. Why was he in the infirmary? He doesn’t recall getting injured. Unless he was drugged by something that had fogged his memory up. Leopold is sure he is fine. Well that was if it wasn’t for the splitting headache and pain that was fixed onto his side.
It felt familiar for some reason.. not in a good way. Not in a way as if you’ve seen the familiar face of someone you love. It was different. Like a constant reminder of something that he couldn’t quite put his finger on.
His train of thoughts were put to a halt as someone entered the room. Owen. 
“Ah! You’re awake? How are you feelings.” He smiled and grabbed a chair along with a glass of water and sat next to Leopold’s bed. He put his hand out with the water for Leopold to take but the boy remained stiff.
Owen frowned and placed the cup onto the nightstand and let out a long sigh.  
“Do you remember what happened?” He asked with a slight tilt to his head. His voice was airy and gentle. It was very soothing and it didn’t ring in his ears like how everyone else’s had been doing for the past few weeks.
Leopold gave a subtle shake to his head. Owen opened his mouth to say something but the words were caught in his throat as someone else entered the room. 
Leopold perked up as the man emerged from behind the door. What was Nozel doing here? Leopold would have assumed he had came to talk Owen if he hadn’t came up to him and handed Leo a letter.
“It’s from your sister. I was surprised at first because she usually never bothers with letters and stuff but it seems she was worried for you.. just has a very… different way of expressing so..”
Leopold took ahold of the letter but he didn’t open it. He held it in his hands and focused on the contact between his skins and the paper. It felt grounding for some weird reason. 
When Leopold had eventually looked up again. Nozel muttered a ‘get well soon’ before swiftly exiting the room. 
The door didn’t have time to fully close before opening again. This time someone different had entered 
Owen had gotten up and grabbed something from a shelf before leaving. It was obvious he wanted to give the two brothers some space.
Fuegoleon ignored Owen and walked over to Leopold. He had an unreadable expression plastered onto his face. Leopold couldn’t make out what emotions he was feeling or what he was going to do.
Leopold just sat stiff, not knowing what to do. The closer Fuegoleon got, the more he felt his heartbeat begin to speed up. His older brothers footsteps were ringing in his ears. He was staring to feel faint.
Nonsense! This is his older brother. So why is he so scared. Why can’t he face him?
Fuegoleon pushed Owen’s chair to the side and sat at the edge of Leopold’s bed. They both just stayed still.
The older of the two put his arms around Leopold and kissed the top of his head. Leopold heard a sniffle which shook him. Was his brother crying..?
“Big brother… what’s wrong?” Leo rasped out. His throat was slightly bruised and it hurt to talk, but that didn’t matter now.
“Leo I’m sorry.. I’m sorry, I was so scared oh my..” Fuegoleon let out a broken sob. Leopold didn’t know what to do but awkwardly return the hug. He has never seen his brother cry before, this was a first. He felt even more worse knowing the reason for his older brothers tears was himself.. 
“I don’t know what I would’ve done if I lost you.. Leo why, why didn’t you tell me. Why didn’t you ask for help. What was stopping you?!” Fuegoleon raised his voice as he went on. He tried to conceal his emotions, he didn’t want to get mad at his younger brother, especially since his anger wasn’t directed towards him. He was angry at himself.
“I-I.. I’m sorry, I thought…” Leo trailed off and lowered his head as Fuegoleon tightened the hold he had on him. It was like as if he let go, Leopold would disappear.  
“Don’t say anything. Don’t” 
So he didn’t. Leopold didn’t say anything and neither did Fuegoleon. They both sat there in each others arms. No words were needed to convey their feelings. Actions were enough. More than enough.
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acacia-may · 2 years
Leopold Vermillion and Fuegoleon Vermillion? 💙🖤💗
Thank you very much
Hi Mitsuki! Thank you so much for the ask! The brotherly relationship between Leopold and Fuegoleon is very sweet, and I hope you'll like the headcanons I've come up with for them. 💕
Questions from this "Bye Bye Writer's Block" Ask Game
Leopold Vermillion & Fuegoleon Vermillion Family Headcanons
💙-- Hurt/Comfort
It is often difficult for Leopold to open up about his insecurities to his older brother, but once when he was training well into the night and mentally beating himself up after performing badly in a Crimson Lions' training exercise, Fuegoleon came to check up on him and offered him some encouraging words, reassuring him that everyone has bad days and that the true measure of strength is how a person responds in the face of adversity rather than the face of success. Fuegoleon told him that he believes his brother is strong enough to learn from these mistakes and grow stronger because of them and that Leo has the strength and resilience to keep going even in the face of defeat. For years to come, Leopold remembers these words and his brother's encouragement in particularly difficult moments and finds the strength to keep moving forward.
🖤-- Angst
Leopold has never been much of a crier, but he cried himself to sleep the night after the battle in the Royal Capital clutching onto a tattered and worn plush of a lion his brother and sister had given to him when he was very young. Leopold took Fuegoleon's coma the hardest and would visit him as much as he could. He had heard Dr. Owen say that it was possible that the comatose Fuegoleon could hear them, so Leo took it upon himself to read to him or talk to him about his day or, sometimes if he was feeling particularly hopeful, even make plans of things he wanted to show his brother and wanted them to do together when he woke up. Some days, however, it was too difficult for Leopold to remain optimistic, and he'd simply sit quietly by his brother's side with misty-eyes and silent prayers to please, please bring his brother back to him.
💗-- Family
When Leopold was very little, he looked up to and wanted to emulate Fuegoleon so much that sometimes he would dress up in his clothes and, especially, his much too big boots. Fuegoleon realised this and thought it was very sweet and somewhat flattering so he gave his brother one of his sashes (since it's the only piece of clothing that might actually fit him). Little Leopold wore that sash every day for months (or at least tried to), and as he grew older, he still held onto it. He wears it only on very special occasions now, but someday, when he becomes captain of the Crimson Lion Kings, he will incorporate it as part of his uniform so he will always remember where he came from and will always remember that even if his brother has retired and is no longer physically fighting by his side, he will always be there rooting for and supporting him.
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lyranova · 1 year
You never get to see any Leo and Mereoleona fluff anywhere! I don’t know if I’ve already requested this, but could you do Leopold and Mereoleona fluff? Thank you
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Hiya! Since both your requests were similar I just decided to combine them 🥰, there isn’t much Mereo and Leo fluff and it could be because we don’t see the two interact very much 😔, but I hope you all enjoy, I apologize this isn’t hurt/comfort and is 100% fluff!
Word Count: 416
Warnings: None
“ Good, you’re getting stronger,” Mereoleona began as she walked towards her little brother. “ But you’re still no match for me!” She added with a laugh as she stood over Leopold.
Every time she spared with him, she felt him get stronger and stronger, which made her very happy and proud, But she grew confused when she watched him throw his arm over his eyes and sigh in frustration.
“ I’m still not strong enough,” He muttered as he hit his fist against the ground. “ No matter how hard I try…I’m still not strong enough.”
“ Eh? What the heck are you talking about, kid?” Mereo asked as the confusion on her face bled into her voice.
“  I’m not strong enough to protect you and Big Brother,” Leo said softly, his frustration evident in his voice. “ You two, are always risking your lives to protect me and everyone else. So I want to get strong enough, so I can protect you guys too, and I thought I finally had it but…I guess I was wrong.” Leo said with a sigh as he sat up and rubbed the back of his head.
Mereoleona blinked before she crouched down to his level. She reached out and gently ruffled his hair, causing him to look up at her in surprise.
“ You’ve gotten a lot stronger, Leo, especially when I compare your strength from a few weeks ago,” Mereoleona said honestly. “ Just because you aren’t strong enough to beat me or Fuegoloen doesn’t mean you’re weak. One day, as long as you keep training like you are, you’ll be able to beat us. But for now, just focus on protecting the country and its citizens.” Mereoleona finished as she ruffled his hair a little rougher.
“ So…you’re saying that I’m on my way to becoming as strong as you and Big Brother?” Leo asked, and he smiled brightly when he watched his Big Sister nod.
“ But that doesn’t give you permission to slack off on training!” Mereoleona quickly said as she stood up and held her hand out to him. “ So, what do ya say? Wanna go for another round?” She asked with a grin.
Leo quickly nodded before he grabbed his Big Sister's outstretched hand and pulled himself up, he dusted off his pants and grabbed his grimoire before he stood in his battle stance.
“ Alright, come at me with everything you’ve got!” Leo roared and Mereoloena laughed.
“ Bring it on, kid, but don’t come crying to me when I beat you again!”
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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sansan9 · 2 years
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deusvervewrites · 11 months
Heroes and Pokemon AU: I know that you didn't ask for this, but here's a list of Pokemon/Possible Pokemon and their parents as of this writing:
Inko- Ralts, evolved into Gardevoir
Bakugou- Turtonator
Shinsou- Munna
Tokoyami: Misdreavus or Murkrow or Giraffarig
Dark Shadow: Misdreavus or a Giraffarig.
Uraraka: Togepi
Asui: Froakie or Croagunk
Iida: Nincada, would evolve into Ninjask and Shedinja or Varoom
Kaminari: Rotom
Eri- Dialgia or Absol
Kurogiri- Palkia or Castform
All For One: Giratina or Smeargle or Spiritomb
Noumu: MissingNo or Spiritomb were suggested, but it was decided that Midoriya's Quirk wouldn't work on a Noumu
Monoma: Smeargle
Toga: Ditto
Camie: Zorua
Todoroki: Galarian Darumaka
Sludge Villain: Grimer, would evolve into Muk
Aizawa: Espurr or Slowpoke
Midoriya himself: Mew, if it were possible
Sir Nighteye: Natu
Hatsume- Klink or Tinkatink
Melissa Shield: Klink
All Might: Victini
Nine: Castform
Gran Torino: Dreepy or Dragamult
Midnight: Salandit or Munna
Star and Stripe: Unown or Braviary
Present Mic -Whismur which would evolve into Loudred and Exploud
Shindo Yo - Beldum or Larvitar
Lunch Rush -Nacli
Muscular- Conkeldurr or Machop
Giran - Some kind of psychic type
Miruko- Buneary (which possibly had a knife)
Nedzu- Type: Null or Mewtwo or Abra that evolved into Alakazam or Dratini that evolved into Dragonite or Beldum which might evolve into Metagross.
Kirishima and Tetsutetsu- Aron.
Jiro- Toxel
Ashido- Goomy
Hagakure- Mimikyu or Meowscarada
Recovery Girl - Happiny which would evolve into Chansey
Cementoss- Stonjourner or Timburr
Momo- Delibird or Meowth which would evolve into Persian with Payday
Sato- Milcrey or Dachsbun
Yanagi- Female Snorunt which evolves into Frosslass or Litwick or Misdreavus or Gothitelle
Thirteen- Minior
Komori- Shroomish
Kendo- Makuhita
Rin- Jangmo-o
Ojiro- Stufful
Habuko Mongoose - Ekans
Manga- Shroofle
Togata - Gastly
Amajiki- Mawile
Nejire - Alolan Raichu or Stufful or Drillbur or maybe Swablu or Cutiefly or Spoink
Vlad: Zubat
Snipe: Remoraid
Power Loader: Diglett
Hound Dog: Growlith or Rockruff
Ectoplasm: Drifloon
Fatgum : Munchlax
Mitsuki - Sewaddle
Hawks: Fletchling
Shoji: Clobbopus
Gigantomachia: Wailord
Dabi: Litwick
Twice: Morpeko
Spinner: Kecleon
Compress: Nickit
Magne: Magnemite
Shigaraki: Binacle
Honorable Mentions: Joyato- Chinchou or Machop
WIMTBAH Midoriya: Riolu
Haigha Midoriya : Buneary which would evolve into Lopunny
Aspect Midoriya : Yamask
I admit that I ignored combo AU's, so any Pokemon suggestions about those are missing. I also tried to make this as accurate as possible, but I freely admit that there may be a mistake or omission somewhere. I am sorry.
Nice! :D
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greenhappyseed · 2 years
Time to repost the ten MHA battle locations before after Ch.370!
1. Police HQ (in or near Central Hospital): All Might, Tsukauchi, Ragdoll presumably?
2. Central Hospital: Kurogiri presumably?, Spinner, the PLF remnants, Present Mic, Shoji, Koda, Rock Lock (Lady Nagant and Gran Torino were recovering here too)
3. Kamino: Dabi, a Nomu, Shoto, Iida, Burnin, Kido, Onima (RIP?)
4. Gunga Mountain/Forest: Rewound AFO, a Nomu, Endeavor, Hawks, Kamui Woods, Tiger, Pixie Bob, Shishido, Tokoyami, Jiro, 1-B’s Komori (Shroom!)
5. Aquarium: Toga, 2 Nomus, Gang Orca, Ochako, Tsuyu, Moonfish, Sirius
6. Floating UA: Deku, Shigaraki, Best Jeanist, Bakugo (RIP? Nahh…), Aizawa, Monoma, Manual, Mirko, Mandalay, Lemillion/Mirio, Nejire, Suneater, Edgeshot (RIP?), Wash’s bubble, Momo, Hatsume, Lunch Rush, Power Loader, Cementoss, Ectoplasm, Kaminari, Manga/Comicman, Haya (Nejire’s friend), some 2A/B & 3A/B kids, some Business Course kids, Star and Stripe’s American pilots
7. Ground UA: Todofam (Rei, Natsuo, Fuyumi), Masaru & Mitsuki Bakugo, Masegaki Elementary School kids & their teacher, 2 AFO spies
8. Jaku Hospital Ruins: Gigantomachia, Mt Lady, Mina, Kirishima, Mineta, and some of 1-B — Kodai (size), Honenuki/Mudman (softening), Yanagi (Poltergeist/telekinesis), the sludge villain
9. Parking Lot (near Takoba? Where the battle began): Fatgum, Aoyama, Kunieda (new villain)
10. Takoba Arena: Sero, Ojiro, Sato, 1-B’s Tsuburaba (Solid Air))
His mom’s couch Undisclosed location: Skeptic
Heroes we haven’t seen: Hagakure, Shinso, Ryukyu, Nezu, Snipe, Vlad King, Thirteen, Hound Dog, rest of 1-B
Villains we haven’t seen that have been mentioned in this final battle: Gashly (new villain), 2 Nomus
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simonetheestan · 2 years
Some Music Artists Yui + the Sakamakis listen to
Ayato Sakamaki: Nicki Minaj, Childish Gambino, Ye, Travis Scott, Tyler the Creator
Laito Sakamaki: Michael Jackson, Prince, Rihanna, Stevie Wonder, Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitgerald, SZA
Shu Sakamaki: Mozart, John Williams, Yo-Yo Ma, Alan Silvestri, Bach, Mitsuki, Taylor Swift
Reiji Sakamaki: Elton John, Adele, Paul McCartney, Celine Dion, Rina Sawayama
Kanato Sakamaki: Ed Sheeran, Charlie Puth, Queen, Lana Del Rey, Andrew Lloyd Webber
Subaru Sakamaki: WILLOW, Eminem, Måneskin, Metallica, AC/DC, Travis Barker, Jack White, BTS
Yui Komori: Twice, BTS, Taylor Swift, IU, Olivia Rodrigo, Harry Styles, One Direction
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insanesanitysparks · 11 months
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Thankfully Together MHA Ships/Writing Sparks for Nov.
I usually write character x reader plots, but I wanted to do some short posts for character x character pairings (that I ship). I'm going to attempt to do a different ship every day for the entire month of November (30 ships at the least though I may do more if I finish early). I'm currently short 3 ships.
I'd also be really interested in hearing what MxF character ships you guys would like to see, especially since I'm short 3 ships. If I get the time, or maybe for December, I'll focus on other people's ships.
If you want to use my list, by all means go ahead! Just send me the link(s) to whatever you write because I definitely want to read what you do with it! ^^
And without further adieu, my ships...adding links to this as I finish the one-shots, so this will be a sort of masterlist. Male x Female Ship Ship Name Prompt Idea
Izuku Midoriya (Deku) x Ochaco Uraraka (Uravity) Izuco - I think this sounds adorable Super sweet vanilla, first time shenanigans, cuteness overload.
Eijiro Kirishima (Red Riot) x Mina Ashido (Pinky) Eishido or Eijido - kind of sounds like a martial arts name Feigning bravery, energetic, positive, partner oriented.
Mashirao Ojiro (Tailman) x Toru Hagakure (Invisible Girl) Mashiru or Toro Kind of shy but definitely curious.
Denki Kaminari (Chargebolt) x Kyoka Jiro (Earphone Jack) Deka or Kyoki They strive to please each other but also battle for dominance.
Shoto Todoroki (Shoto) x Momo Yaoyorozu (Creati) Shomo - sho mo of those cute ships lol Traditional courtship to formal proposal and marriage.
Hanta Sero (Cellophane) x Mina Ashido (Pinky) Hanna or Mita Party kids, kind of chaotic and wild without breaking rules.
Yuga Aoyama (Can't Stop Twinkling) x Toru Hagakure (Invisible GIrl) Yuru or To...ga - Yu ru the world Toga! xD Self doubt and insecurities. I want a blindfold.
Tenya Iida (Ingenium) x Mei Hatsume Tenei or Meiya Partners in profession and life.
Neito Monoma (Phantom Thief) x Itsuka Kendo (Battle Fist) Neika or Itsuto She fell in love while keeping him in line.
Fumikage Tokoyami (Tsukuyomi) x Ibara Shiozaki (Vine) Fumira or Ibakage - personally like Fumira Mutual corruption. She saves, he curses.
Katsuki Bakugo (Dynamight) x Setsuna Tokage (Lizardy) Katsuna or Setsuki Two powerful people get horny basically.
Mezo Shoji (Tentacole) x Pony Tsunotori (Rocketti) Meny or Pozo - Meny reasons to love this ship Size difference and cute cuddles.
Koji Koda (Anima) x Kinoko Komori (Shemage) Koko Animals eat mushrooms and Kinoko likes being appreciated.
Rikido Sato (Sugarman) x Reiko Yanagi (Emily) Rikiko Baking together, more than just bread. ;P
Enji Todoroki (Endeavor) x Rei Todoroki Enei - enabling...? Enji gives Rei control for a night.
Keigo Takami (Hawks) x Fuyumi Todoroki Keimi He was spying on Endeavor, she was silently rebelling.
Natsuo Todoroki x Melissa Shield Natssa - kind of makes me think of Natasha Romanov He's a programmer who foes to work with a machine specialist.
Kosei Tsuburaba (Tsuburaba) x Tsuyu Asui (Froppy) Koyu or Tsusei - Tsu sei call her Tsu x'D He's not sure how to feel about that tongue.
Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi x Shino Sosaki (Mandalay) Naono Two leaders who relax with each other.
Shota Aizawa (Eraser Head) x Ryuko Tsuchikawa (Pixie-Bob) Shoko or Ryuta Her clock is ticking and he likes desperate women...and cats.
Shinji Nishiya (Kamui Woods) x Yu Takeyama (Mountain Lady) Shiyu or Yuji She gets on his nerves but he loves her. They support each other.
Masaru Bakugo x Mitsuki Bakugo Maki or Mitsuru - I like them both Twist on traditional male/female household.
Hizashi Nishiya (Present Mic) x Emi Fukukado (Ms. Joke) Hizami or Emishi Similar chaotic energies. No wall is thick enough for these two.
Yagi Toshinori (All Might) x Inko Midoriya Yako or Ingi He's like a father figure to Izuku and she loves that.
Sekijiro Kan (Vlad King) x Nemuri Kayama (Midnight) Sekimuri or Nejiro Kinky pair, blood and whips...they get it on.
Mirai Sasaki (Sir Nighteye) x Kaoruko Awata (Bubble Girl) Miruko or Kaorai Behind closed doors she's serious and he's hilarious.
Danjiro Tobita (Gentle Criminal) x Manami Aiba (La Brava) Danami or Manajiro Little bit of an age gap, they found love in a hopeless place.
All for One (Original Shigaraki) x Inko Midoriya Shigariya He uses her for an experiment, plays 'god' with their child.
Ken Takagi (Rock Lock) x Mrs. Takagi No couple name, 'cause I can't find her name A devoted working father and his loving stay-at-home wife that he can't live without.
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wholelottatransbians · 5 months
Here's the (loose) order of who gets Empowered, up to the Summer Camp Attack:
Inko: as soon as the Quirk manifests
Mt Lady: during the Sludge Villain Incident
Uraraka: Entrance Exam
Ms Joke: during the QAT (this is a HR Joke AU now)
Hagakure: Battle Trials
Jirou, Yaoyorozu, Asui: USJ
Komori: Sports Festival
Ryukyu, Hado, later Haya: Beginning of internships
Toga: Middle of Internships
Miruko: Before the Hosu Incident
Ashido, Hatsume: Both before Exams. Separate cases, similar reasons.
Midoriya: Exams
Midnight, Recovery Girl: Post Exams (for Quirk Samples)
Pixie-Bob, Mandalay, Ragdoll: Summer Camp Training
Kendo, Tsunotori, Shiozaki, Kodai, Yanagi, Tokage: Summer Camp Attack
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underratedmhapoll · 2 years
Round 2 (+Round 1 Overview)
Round one has closed! I’m very grateful for everyone participating and having fun with the polls so far so let’s see how round 2 is going to go down.
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There were some easy wins and some interesting surprises all around but we also had a tied match. Tsukauchi and Burnin tied with a solid 50/50, so per my last post, instead of redoing the match or eliminating one arbitrarily, both of them will still compete. Tsukauchi will face Natsuo and by a randomization, Burnin’ will be added into round 6 against Kendo and Edgeshot. Keep in mind we will still only pull one winner from that match to move on to the quarterfinals.
Round 2 will take place next Friday on March 3rd at Noon EST. 
Don’t worry I know a week is a while to wait for a damn tumblr poll, but I will post reminders periodically so you don’t miss when the polls drop. I’ve just decided that’s the best time for my schedule to post and manage the polls so it will be the same day and time for every round going forward.
I also took the liberty of ranking everyone based on their win or loss percentages. The top 17 spots will change with the next round but places 18-32 are set in stone.
Natsuo won the largest percentage in his poll, leaving him currently in first place
Mimic is our official biggest loser of the tournament at 32nd place
Testsutetsu VS Spinner received the most votes out of all round one polls
Magne and Tiger placed above Compress and Joke respectively due to their poll having more votes.
Burnin’ was placed above Tsukauchi overall due to her keeping a lead in the poll for longer. We’ll see if she stays ahead.
Ragdoll, at 18th place, wins the “so close, so far” award for round one.
And of course, here are the full numbers
1st Natsu 88.7% 2nd Fat Gum 83% 3rd Josei 80.2% 4th Nezu 76.1% 5th Shoji 69.6% 6th Edgeshot 68.3% 7th Kuroiro 67% 8th Spinner 64.2% 9th Nejire 63.8% 10th Mr. Compress 63.6% 11th Magne 63.6% 12th Kendo 60.8% 13th Gang Orca 53.7% 14th Melissa 52.5% 15th Ryukyu 52.2% 16th Burnin 50% 17th Tsukauchi 50% 18th Ragdoll 47.8% 19th Komori 47.5% 20th Rody 46.3% 21st Hagakure 39.2% 22nd Ms. Joke 36.4% 23th Tiger 36.4% 24th Mitsuki 36.2% 25th Testsutetsu 35.8% 26th Chronostasis 33% 27th Geten 30.4% 28th Skeptic 31.7% 29th Rappa 23.9% 30th Nine 19.8% 31st Sirius 17% 32nd Mimic 11.3%
In the meantime if you wanna yell at me about your feelings or have any questions, asks are wide open. See you for round 2, plus ultra!
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I can totally see Leo and Yuno having the same thing Kaguya and Shrirogane have where they’re trying to get the other to confess because they refuse to do themselves because of their pride, and they are convinced love is war-
Neither of them wanting to confess their feelings so they try and force the other to do it instead and using the excuse of their 'pride' but really they their pride is only half of the reason.
I can imagine Yuno saying something like love is war. They are both just two stubborn idiots and are getting no where. People will probably start to think they are dating
Eventually someone would set them up and they both confess.
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acacia-may · 2 years
Leopold Vermillion? 🎂🎈🔥
Hi Mitsuki! Thank you so much for the request! I always love the opportunity to get to write about Leo (it doesn't arise very often so thank you so much for this!). The second ask you had sent in confirming this one also included the 😍 prompt so I've answered that as well at the end!
Headcanons are below the cut! I hope you like them! 🧡
[Questions are from the Birthday Headcanons Ask Game 😊]
🎂 — What’s their favourite kind of cake or other birthday treat?
As much as Leopold loves cake and is the type of person who would really be content with any dessert, his favourite birthday treat is Baked Alaska. It was a tradition in the (fire) Vermillion household to have the flambéed ice cream cakes in lieu of more traditional birthday cakes, and from a young age, Leo was fascinated by the dessert--very much in awe of how the meringue coating protected the ice cream and cake inside and prevented it from melting even when the dessert was set ablaze. Little Bitty Leo definitely thought of it as something of a magic trick, and though he understands the mechanics of the dessert much better now, it still never fails to bring out that childlike wonder in him. He very rarely ever has a Baked Alaska outside of his birthday so it is always a very special treat for him.
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Images from: Saveur and The Food Network
🎈— What’s one of their fondest and/or best birthday memories?
On Leo's 9th birthday, both Mereoleona and Fuegoleon surprised him by showing up for his birthday party. Mereoleona had been off training in a strong magic region for months (entirely off the grid, with no way to contact her), and Fuegoleon had been away on a mission, protecting Clover Kingdom's border with the Diamond Kingdom, so Leo hadn't been expecting either of them to be able to make it home to celebrate his birthday. Fuegoleon had actually sent him a letter with his apologies that he wouldn't be able to see him on his birthday on account of his mission, though he promised that they would celebrate it together as soon as he returned home.
Though Leo was a little bit disappointed, he understood why his siblings couldn't be there to celebrate with him. However, the Crimson Lions completed their mission early, and Fuegoleon traveled all night to make it home in time for Leo's birthday. Shortly after Fuegoleon arrived at Vermillion Castle and surprised his brother, Mereoleona appeared riding a magical beast she had tamed in the strong magic region in which she had been training. Leo was so surprised and had never happier, especially since both of siblings arrived just in time for Baked Alaska! 😊
🔥— What would they wish for when they blow out their birthday candles?
Leo's birthday wish would be to grow stronger and to make his family proud. He might also add in a second wish to get to spend more time with his older brother and sister. 🥰
😍 — What's their favourite birthday gift they've ever received?
When Leo was very little, Fuegoleon and Mereleona (with the help of Sister Teresa who took them to the store) got Leo a stuffed animal lion cub with soft fur and little button eyes for his birthday. Leo named the lion "Sparky," and it soon became his most beloved and treasured toy as well as an imaginary friend. Little Bitty Leo took "Sparky" everywhere with him and couldn't fall asleep without it. Even when it grew tattered and worn (and had to be sewn back together multiple times), he refused to part with it, and though he began to outgrow it, he still kept it with him because it helped him feel close to his older brother and sister when they were away on their Magic Knight adventures.
Poor Sparky is worse for wear these days, but he still keeps watch over Leo from a shelf in his room at the Crimson Lions' Headquarters. When Fuegoleon was seriously injured in the attack on the Royal Capital, Leo pulled the plushie down from the shelf for the first time in years and finally was able to fall asleep clutching onto it. If Leo ever had children of his own one day, he would want to pass Sparky down to them (though he should probably take the poor toy to a seamstress first). 🧡
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lyranova · 2 years
Who are your favorite royals in order?
Hiya! Oo this is a tough one 🤔, but hopefully I included all the royals, if I’ve forgotten anyone please let me know 🥰!
1. Fuegoleon
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2. Noelle
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3. Leopold
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4. Mimosa
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5. Mereoleona
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6. Acier
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7. Nozel
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7. Kirsch
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8. Nebra
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9. Solid
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prehistoric-academia · 10 months
Muse list
Ochako Uraraka
Tsuyu Asui
Mina Ashido
Momo Yaoyorozu
Kyouka Jirou
Tooru Hagakure
Itsuka kendo
Yui Kodai
Kinoko Komori
Ibara Shiozaki
Pony Tsunotori
Setsuna Tokage
Reiko Yanagi
Pro heroes:
Nejire Hado
Mei Hatsume
Ryuko Tatsuma
Nemuri Kayama
Rumi Usagiyama
Inko Midoriya
Mitsuki Bakugo
Yu Takeyama
Shino Sosaki
Ryuko Tsuchikawa
Tomoko Shiretoko
Himiko Toga
Manami Aiba
Kaina Tsutsumi
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ao3feed-izch · 6 months
by PrettyNeat
As quirks appeared, along with them came the ability to devour, to return to the basic human instincts of predator and prey... except only women got the predator part.
In a world where Vore is the norm, with males having developed a natural resistance to bodily acids, Midoriya Izuku stands out in a way that is enticing for both his potential predators and his loved ones. A hodgepodge of abilities wrapped into his quirk, only usable when actually in a predator's belly, the most prevalent being his complete immunity to digestion, and mouthwatering flavor.
With the wind at his back and a world determined to keep him confined in someone's belly, he will rise to the challenge alongside the next generation of heroes... as a supporting character.
Words: 3654, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Bakugou Mitsuki, Bakugou Katsuki, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Yaoyorozu Momo, Uraraka Ochako, Ashido Mina, Asui Tsuyu, Jirou Kyouka, Hagakure Tooru, Shiozaki Ibara, Kodai Yui, Kendou Itsuka, Yanagi Reiko, Komori Kinoko, Tokage Setsuna, Class 1-A Girls (My Hero Academia), Class 1-B Girls (My Hero Academia), Todoroki Shouto, Tsutsumi Kaina | Lady Nagant, Shimura Nana, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Everyone, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Mitsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Yaoyorozu Momo, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Class 1-A Girls/Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-B Girls/Midoriya Izuku, Asui Tsuyu/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko/Midoriya Izuku, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Only Women Have Quirks | Men are Quirkless, ...Kinda, Women In Power, Women Can Vore, Female Pred, Female Prey, Male Prey, Vore, Oral Vore, Sex, Vaginal Sex, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, safe vore, Threesome - F/F/M, Fatal Vore, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, U.A. is a University (My Hero Academia), Fem!Everyone, Most Guys Will Be Girls, Smut, Fluff, Underage - Freeform, Little Amount of Fatal Vore, Mineta Minoru Dies, hate him, Don't Like Don't Read, Belly Kink, Unrealistic Proportions, Size Kink, Quirk Play (My Hero Academia), Incest, Parent/Child Incest, More Women than Men, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54870718
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antiquelic · 7 months
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a highly selective and private mixed media multi - muse. this is a friend's only blog, if we are mutuals on any of my other blogs you are welcome here. this blog circulates around horror and historical themes primarily, particularly the aspects of death, murder, sexual themes, and more.
i am primarily an oc and female muse writer, most of the muses present are female and typically original muses. writing muse is fluid and depends on the day. i am not affiliated with any of my muses' respected fandoms.
carrd. interest tracker.
𝓪𝓯𝓯𝓲𝓵𝓲𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓼 : @anishael , @crypticide , @dynmghts , @muutos , @mtngh0ul , @starshinc
canon muses.
the model, mitsuki bakugo. bnha. she/they, bisexual, mutated human, mid - thirties. tied to dynmghts.
the nurse, sally smithson. dead by daylight. she/her, bisexual (closest), "human", mid - thirties.
the oni, kazan yamaoka. dead by daylight. he/him, heterosexual, human/demon, unknown.
the queen, boudicca. historic. she/her, pansexual, human, mid - late thirties.
the survivor, jeff johansen. dead by daylight. he/him, bi/ace, human, forty - two.
original characters.
the antichrist, julia antonia emeritus. the band ghost. she/they, asexual, "human", complex. tied to divinehr & muutos.
the gargoyle, angela. the band ghost. she/they, demisexual, monster, over five hundred.
the ghoul, moss. the band ghost. he/they, pansexual, demonic servant, ???.
the ghoulette, opera. the band ghost. she/they, bisexual, demonic servant, ???.
the guard, bloodhound. the band ghost. they/they, asexual, demonic servant, ???. tied to crypticide and prim0star.
the king, remus. historic. he/him, heterosexual, "human", early - twenties. tied to divinehr.
the paetronian, silvius priscus. he/him, pansexual, human, mid - late thirties. tied to cursedher.
the soldier, andraste hyde. fandomless. she/her, lesbian, modified human, thirty - seven.
the student, hana komori. bnha. she/her, pansexual, mutated human, fifteen - seventeen twenty-four as of last chapter.
the viper, yui shizuka. bnha. she/they, heterosexual, mutated human, twenty - six.
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