i-may-be-an-emu · 6 months
spotify: hey give us money so we stop nagging you, anyway enjoy your hour of ad-free listening!!
me: *skip ad* *skip ad* :)
*one song later*
spotify: hey give us money so we stop nagging you, anyway here are four ads
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fangirltothefullest · 2 years
The American work system is so fucked that my 70 year old dad who is in a wheelchair because he has a herniated disk has to come to work because he has no sick or personal leave days left. He has to work for a whole month to accrue a single paid sick day.
And he would accrue personal leave at a rate of 8.5 hours for every month worked but the administration made it clear that even if he does, he's only allowed to use 16 hours worth which means 2 personal leave days only and he's used those up, you know, having terrible back and leg pain.
And he's already losing money having to leave early for doctors appointments.
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overkonsumption · 1 month
i hate being unemployed but i love not having to go to work ugh
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I don't usually post, I'm more a reblogger, but as a Unity 3D developer the recent news has made me feel..... everything????
I started learning this engine in 2017 when my free trial of GameMaker expired and I couldn't afford to pay for it as a game dev hobbyist with no intention of getting too embroiled with game development as a full time job. Now, 6 years later, I use unity as my primary game development engine working at an agency (I know, life comes at you fast😅).
This new announcement is incredibly upsetting because the one thing I loved about unity (it's pricing) is being hacked away at by business men in suits who don't care about games or game developers, all they want is money and..... that was the very reason that I ran away from all the other platforms in 2017.
It's been 6 years of up-skilling in this engine and "getting good" and now I'm looking at learning another engine. Not because I hate Unity, but because I'm fearful of the CEO making more decisions like this that will leave me outside. I still don't make a lot of money and the money I do make doesn't allow me to pay for a game engine, so........
I'm sad, and I'm tired and the one thing I've grown to love has been mangled by "the powers that be" (Unity's shitty, shitty CEO) all for the sake of...... I don't even know what? Stock market value, pure profit, share holder concerns... like I genuinely don't know why. All I know is I'm mourning an engine that gave me a playground to go to when my mind was turning on me, for free, and I'm mourning the community that formed around it and I'm mourning all the broken dreams and I'm mourning all the games we might lose and I know mourning is a strong word and the world is going through a lot, from war and colonization to increased bigotry, racism, LGBTQ+ phobia to the climate crisis. I guess this news was the straw that broke my back.
I hate capitalism. Always have... but today the hatred is pointed at the Unity 3D CEO and all his cronies.
I'm tired of moving forward when it always feels so futile. I feel like I only go forward to go back.
Anyway, since I promised myself I'd practice gratitude daily.....
I'm grateful to have learnt Unity 3D. I'm grateful for all the games it helped make. I'm grateful to the Unity developer community for welcoming me with open arms and kind hearts. I'm grateful to all the Unity tutorials that I followed and even the ones I haven't seen. I'm grateful to all the PEOPLE that made Unity my playground, with their passion for the engine and what it could create, for the last 6 years, from my teachers and mentors (both IRL and online), to my friends and even classmates as we all went on this journey of up-skilling together for a myriad of reasons.
I hope that all YOUR dreams in particular come true whatever Unity does and I hope that you touch the sky and live your happiest and best days moving forward.
And finally, even after this long ass rant... I'm grateful to Unity for being there when I needed it.
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knifeslidez · 7 months
i havent sat down in over an hour and a half i think my bones are gonna attack me
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rhulyon · 1 year
Jobmate that i liked got fired because of a breach of contract, and now i want to go back home and cry, but I still have 8 hours to work. Don't even want to Contact yet anybody to Talk about this because of fear that If i open up I won't be able to recompone myself in the rest of the day.
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awakefor48hours · 10 months
I can’t believe we have to pay for food
We live in a society in which we have to pay for food.
In order to live, you have to pay for it.
This sounds like actual torture.
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hippieghost · 2 years
Today on things that make me want to throw a brick through a window: Most Pet Insurance Companies Won't Cover Preexisting Conditions.
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sapphicautistic · 11 months
god grocery shopping is painful these days
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#i hate capitalism so much#how can i spend EVERYTHING I HAVE#just so i might have a chance to get a mid paying job#and this if i can actually pass university#and i have to choose between that and leaving my fucked up house#people don't understand that i am willing to sleep in my car just so i can get away#i don't even have a car i might seve up so i can buy one#just so i can finally be free#not to mention that my gr*andm*ther is literally trying to click me out#i am supposedly on vacation#and out of all the 4 guests she decided that she should sneak into my room and take my bedsheets and non personal items#so i can't stay in my room anymore#i though that university would make things better but it just makes things more complicated and hopeless#there is a 0.10% chance of staying at campus#and if i can't#then i am not going on university bc there's no chance in hell i am staying at my home#i hate being an adult it's almost as bad as being a kid#i am stuck between a hopless future and staying w my parents#and the worst choice is my parents#they just don't understand why i don't like them#they act like i am crazy for not wanting to be near them#sometimes i think that i am crazy and delusional#like there's nothing wrong with them and i am making it all up#maybe i am just really really delusional#bc no one ever takes my side#i don't want to deal with all this#i don't want to#i don't know what i am going to do#everything is so confusing#i feel like my perception of reality is false
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sutille · 1 year
gals. I'm tired.
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H&R block can kiss my ass. Motherfuckers charged me more to file than I'm getting back in return, even though I specifically used their free file service. They "upgraded" me to the deluxe service without my consent, and there was no mechanism to remove it and go back. Customer service was a waste of time, over an hour on hold just to be given the runaround by some call center dipshit reading from a script about how there was nothing he could do. I put off filing until the 11th hour because I thought I could just fill out my forms on paper and mail them to the IRS, but the system is so needlessly labyrinthine with hundreds of pages of and/or/if/iff instructions and tables and forms referencing other forms that it said I owed $1500 because I missed some lines buried deep in the fucling nested hellscape. I had to bite the bullet and pay H&R for no fucking reason, and them they tries to scam me out of even more money by saying they'd take the $55 fee out of my return; my return is only $33, and they wanted to charge an additional $39 convenience fee, so I opted the fuck out of that! I also had to opt out of spruce, their proprietary banking bullshit. Getting them to send me a paper check was like pulling fucking teeth! There are too many hoops to jump through, and that's entirely by design, just so they can squeeze as much money from you as possible. It's a multibillion dollar industry of horseshit! I made MORE money last year than the year before, but the government charged me LESS in taxes. What fucking sense does that make? I got a $500 refund last year, so why would that go down to $33?!?
I'm so mad it almost makes me want to become a Libertarian.
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hiemaldesirae · 1 year
started playing promise of lingyun and i hate my account name so much im considering spending $7 on this damn thing just so i can rename myself
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abra-ka-dammit · 2 years
there’s something so annoying about my peers unknowingly crapping on me when they talk about how i should have savings for emergencies and a stable retirement fund buildup since i work
like. damn. it must be nice to be well off enough that you dont need literally every cent of your potential paycheck just to barely get by
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eatprayjop · 2 years
I’m gonna scream
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It's insane just how many companies and landlords straight up ignore the laws of supply and demand these days.
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