soupwife · 3 years
man you guys have got to stop getting mad at people for tagging your post as whatever annoying thing. tags used to be sacred. you weren't supposed to see it. it's the culture. "Stop tagging this as [character]". No!! You have no right to make demands on me!! I can do whatever I want in the tags. Just cause Tumblr decided to set up a camera in my house and broadcast it live doesn't mean you get to make fun of me for going "wheee!!!" when I get into bed it's my fucking house and my fucking business!!!!!
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clubtie · 3 years
I was on a bus once when this guy tapped my knee and pointed out that we were the only two people not looking at their phones and then asked what I was thinking about. 
sometimes when I’m having a bad day I relive the moment I saw the his manic pixi dream girl hopes draining from his eyes and fill up with confusion and boredom as I explained to him I was thinking about which Rupaul’s Drag Race challenges Frank n Furter would preform best in and locked him into the conversation until it was my stop
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shubbabang · 3 years
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iamthekarmapolice · 3 years
thinking about how all the adults were absolutely bullshitting when they said that school days are the best days of your life???? like whatever issues i have going on now, i can buy myself little treats like a book or food whenever i want. i feel like im stagnating in my current job so im looking for a new one. imagine if i was bored of school, no one would let me go to a new one. I don’t have to hang out with anyone I don’t want to. being an adult is fuckjng amazing and i was so right to feel trapped as a kid
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lazyflan · 3 years
Please tell me that I'm not the only one who will refuse to call facebook "meta".
I literally live in fandom spaces, if I search "meta" somewhere and facebook appears first I'm going to personally go kick zuckerberg's ass.
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annakarenina · 3 years
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vadergf · 3 years
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filmnoirsbian · 3 years
I hate not doing anything actually but I'm very, very good at not doing anything. I have a natural talent for loitering, lounging and wasting time. An inherent idleness.
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elbiotipo · 3 years
When one thinks about "ancient" Native American civilizations and ruins... the thing is that... most of them, they weren't ancient. The Inca were not fully conquered by the Spanish until 1572... for reference, the Mona Lisa was painted in 1502 and Martin Luther made the 95 Theses in 1517.. the "ancient" Aztec Empire was younger than the university of Oxford founded in the 11th century, Montezuma lived at the same time than Leonardo Da Vinci... There are castles that are younger than Machu Picchu, those cities were inhabited by millions just a few centuries ago, and some (Cuzco, México), many actually, are still inhabited today. People speak about the Ancient Maya as if it was some mysterious civilization that was lost, and while it was past its prime at the time of European conquest, the Maya still had city-states and were living in the same areas they live today.
There are still millions of people, right now, who speak Quechua, Nahuatl, and Maya in all their dialects, and I'm just talking about the three most well-known civilizations here... there are millions of Native Americans who still speak their languages and practice their culture and beliefs alive, both thriving and struggling today.
Talking about the "Ancient Inca" or "Ancient Aztecs" makes as much sense as talking about the "Ancient Dutch" or the "Ancient Swedes", and it's another way of erasing them, saying that they just aren't around anymore just like say the Sumerians, or that they just weren't relevant to world history. They were contemporaries to modernity and they're still alive today.
You can talk about the Ancient Olmecs or Ancient Chavín though. Because the Inca and the Aztecs are relatively "modern" but their cultures were just the latest from a cycle of civilizations stretching millenia before Christ.
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spector · 3 years
i love tumblr so much its like a journal except worse bc i wouldnt bother opening my actual journal to write down ‘theres a bug stuck in my blinds #girlboss’ but i will most definitely click on a new post button on tumblr and do that
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medusasstory · 3 years
A strong start. 
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simonstuck823 · 3 years
2021 be like: I'm thriving. I'm miserable. I am revisiting old hobbies. None of my hobbies are fun. I'm walking a lot. I have a vitamin D deficiency. The pandemic has lasted one month. The pandemic is over. The pandemic has lasted for 10 years. I am completely isolated. I talk to my friends constantly. I love working from home. Fourteen months have vanished from existence. I have a repetitive stress injury from working from home. I'm sick to death of working from home. Everyone is getting vaccinated. There's three new variants that no-one is vaccinated from. Stay indoors. Start going out. Outdoor dining. Restart the economy. Don't touch. Isn't it great that we're finally going back to normal?
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lmaonade · 3 years
i hate how much a third monitor would improve my general workflow bc even two monitors is too much i wish i could be happy with one lmao
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bakedgoodsforbucky · 3 years
rip anakin skywalker you would have hated dune
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citricacidprince · 3 years
"Post+ is going to kill Tumblr, it's best to leave now before it gets worse :////"
Veterans who have been on this site for years:
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Edit: Post+ is dead, why are y'all still liking this? Don't worry sweethearts it can't hurt you anymore-
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wolfsnape · 3 years
How do you watch the richest man on Earth go to space for 10 minutes of his own amusement while using more CO2 than a billion people in a year instead of idk helping fight climate change or poverty and not immediately radicalize yourself
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