saltynsassy31 · 1 year
I know you people are probably tired of seeing me
Pretty please? With cherries on top?
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hotpinkboots · 2 years
HAPPY B- DAY SIS ! I GOT A CAKE (with dhmis characters XD ) could you make Headcanons with red guy and a reader who got bulled ok um.. BYE! ( hope you like the cake )
~ℝ𝕖𝕕 𝔾𝕦𝕪 x Bullied!Reader Headcanons~
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ℝ𝕖𝕕 𝔾𝕦𝕪
~Oh honey, let me tell you, he is PISSED.
~Whoever is bullying you better look out.
~This depends on the level of bullying, of course.
~It might start with a little:
~"Hey. Don't do that. That's not...very nice. Stop."
~But if it gets too much, so much to where it's truly ruining you, he might even work up the anger and courage to yell.
~And it's not fun when Red has to raise his voice.
~Red is more of a quiet, "let me sit in the corner and deal with whatever is happening, I don't have a choice anyway" type of guy, of course.
~So it might seem like he's not sticking up for you.
~And he knows that. He feels bad about it.
~Red isn't one to truly commit to anything...
~But he's certainly committed to you.
~He wants to be committed to his darling, even if he also wants to just lay there and do nothing.
~So he will let you rant to him. Red isn't very good with his words, but he's a wonderful listener....
~Red knows this is beyond, "But I just tell it to pipe down!".
~He won't give you some dumb advice like, "Just don't listen to them", he knows better than to say something stupid! If he can't think of something useful to say, he won't say anything at all, and will apologize that it happened to you, and offer you a nice little hug.
~Red would feel beyond upset (while doing a good job of hiding it) if you began to cry.
~Now it's not just a nice little hug, it's a wonderful big hug, which Red doesn't do often to anybody other than you.
~Now it's the whole "class when the quiet kid gets angry" thing.
~He's gonna go confront those scrubs. Nothing will go wrong, anyway, because even if something happens, he somehow...always ends up safe back at home...
~And he shall start by being nice about it- which, of course, probably doesn't work.
~Unfortunately, he'll have to get mean.
~"What? Listen, I'm asking you to knock it off, because you're really-"
~Those cruel bullies obviously take advantage of how quiet he is by talking over him to fight with him.
~"and I'm- oh my God--I'M ASKING YOU TO KNOCK IT OFF!"
~He yelled.
~Well, that certainly shook the Earth...
~Believe it or not, those punks are gonna get a real fight out of Red. Nobody can rile up Red. It seems impossible, but if it's for you, he'll push himself to do things he doesn't really like to do.
Darling, requesting something like this can only mean that you really are getting bullied, or have been bullied in the past. Listen, honey, bullies only bully because they feel small and alone, so if they can make somebody else feel small and alone, too, they feel better about themselves.
Whatever anybody says to you, you keep shining like the bright star you are. Nobody can dim your light, even if it's blocked by clouds for a little bit- They always clear, dear.
As Mama Ru (RuPaul) once said:
"What other people think of me is not my business. What I do is what I do. How people see me doesn’t change what I decide to do. I don’t choose projects so people don’t see me as one thing or another. I choose projects that excite me."
You're so much more than what you think you are.
Rules/Masterlist (Scroll Down For The Masterlist)!
Join my Chat/Roleplay Server! Here, you'll get updates on my videogame/fanfiction, make friends, and meet new roleplay buddies!:
~Love, PinkBoots
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hangeslefteye · 1 year
I finally did it y'all content we've all been expecting HGXSCGFCGS honestly I enjoyed this so much I added some more characters and some more xDdd as a result we got EREN ARMİN JEAN REİNER FALCO PORCO MARCEL AND ZEKE!!!
Eren:Watches Winx incredibly in secret xD You no way wont know how much of a raging fan he is xD As for their fave I feel like season1-3 eren could like Bloom or Musa cuz they had the most parental issues and they were SLİGHTLY emo xD but season 4 Eren is a deff Trix staner maybe Icy lol (İn a modern day au fights with Zeke to roleplay as Bloom xDD)
Armin:He is actually quite comfy of what he watches, even if he were to get bullied because of 'Winx being a girl show bla bla' he simply enjoys what he enjoys duh.And their fave is:Floraaaa, Armin is a soft soft soft sweet boy AAAAAH <3 Either flora or maybe at season 4 Technaa
Jean:Just like Eren will watch is quite sneaky and you wont know how much they like Winx until it comes up in a fight with Eren xD And their fave?Musa for aesthetic reasons xD -She has looong black hair ;) - Ok I always had a hc of Jean liking slightly harsh woman so in a modern Au he is most likely to be into that Goth stuff? So maybe he has always been a secret Trix stan ???
Reiner:BİG,BİG,BİG WİNX FAN lmaooo excuse himself by telling everyone its for the kids xD (most likely watches it with Falco and Gabi.Which Falco loooooves but Gabi cant stand xD).Ok Ok now, Season1-3 Reiners fave is most likely to be Stella and slightly Bloom too but at Season4 I see a huge Darcy fan lol (As much as ı remember Darcy had the darkest self depressing jokes ever xD)
Falco:My boy just like what he likes it doesnt matter how much Gabi jokes around he is PROUD to watch Winx ok??? And their fave is Bloom?Because it remind him a bit of Gabi??(Bby boy is terrified of Trix,like they are not realll, calm xD)
Porco:I cant with this guy GXSCGSFASXB.Just magine him up at 4 am sneaking downstairs to watch old episodes re-aired xD. GETS CAUGHT BY MARCEL xDD Tries to change the tv to soccer but its too late Marcel has seen it all LMAO.After being petty they agree on watching it together and staying silent xD And Porco's favorite is deff STORMY!! only sensible character and rest it stupid but he watches anyways xD
Marcel:Ok,imagine at one point he owned one of those pink Winx pencil shaped erasers (if you lose one piece of it just throw away type of useless ones xD)he kept under his bed and Porco accidently found it lol his first thought is 'Is my brother gay????' xD and he too likes it a lot he just keeps the eraser to himself xDD (And thats the story of how Porco began to watch Winx xD) Just imagine the silent panic of poor Marcel being exposed after losing the eraser??? xDD Anyways his favorite fairy would be Aisha??? Cuz she is so beautiful?? High case has a crush on his fave xD
Zeke:Watches it for boobies and butts even when he was a kid OwO XDDD.He tries to explain his friends that real manly man would watch Winx Club because of hot girls xD Starts watching because of that and gets carried away by actual plot xD İn a modern au might encourage Eren to watch it because he knows how much he likes it AHSHXASXVBX As a result I can see them screaming 'Enchantix' at house and act like they are transforming xD As for his fave its ROXY OF COURSE xD she is the fairy of animalss!! On the other hand might like a side villain like Diaspro and deff appreciate Trix's costumes xD
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canonrpfinder · 1 year
🦝 this is the longest shot in the world, but as they say, you never know unless you try it;
hey all! 🖤 I've fallen back into my Guardians Of The Galaxy Hell since the last movie came out. hence, I'm looking for some Marvel /MCU related threads. what kind? glad you asked! I have a huge muse for Gamora and would looooove to explore some of her relationships outside of starmora plus, hopefully, some really weird rarepairs. only looking for canonxcanon stuff at this point and I'm not looking to double up as a default. some of my ideas so far go as follows;
⋆ Rocket/Gamora; some bonding between unlikely friends, opening up and sharing their experience in feeling like they're an absolute monster who didn't ask to be made. possibility for humanoid!Rocket maybe? some kind of plot where his mortal coil is dying and they need to implant his being into another alien form, angst over the disconnect between bodies but also maybe romance ensues?
⋆ Kraglin/Gamora; just a good old country boy bonding with the other daughter of Thanos, maybe crushing on the girl who's technically supposed to be Peter's?
⋆ Warlock/Gamora; learning to exist together as the outsiders with The Guardians; Gamora growing exceedingly exasperated and endeared with his innocence in the world, perhaps?
⋆ Nebula/Gamora; purely platonic bonding between sisters. maybe it's now Nebula trying to teach the new Gamora how to exist in a world without Thanos? some sisterly bonding?
...and more! I have a ton of ideas I'm happy to share and honestly, I'm so happy to brainstorm with you. I'm also up to do any timeline, pretty much any AU, as long as I get to write Gamora against someone. def even if it's a non-Guardian, I'm totally ready to roll and happy to create some weird alternate crackship AU. romance, angst and fluff in an appropriate balance is what I'm all about. I love slow burn stuff and am open to picking up some of the side characters for Plot Reasons. if you wanna see 'em, I'll toss some writing samples your way no problem. NSFW isn't my main goal, but I'm not against it! what I'm looking for in a partner is;
20+, as I'm 30+ myself. someone who can communicate their needs and ideas. whom I can share OOC stuff like pics, headcanons, music etc with. good grammar, multipara, novella style, over discord. I usually reply at least daily, though sometimes life gets in the way; I'm hoping for a similar level of activity from you!
that's it, that's the long ass post! I hope to hear from you soon; just hit like on this and I'll come find you! if you have anything relating to roleplay or writing on your blog, that's a huge plus though not a necessity; I usually check the blogs before interacting just to avoid spam bots and such. be well all, and write with you soon! 🌱
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scurvgirl · 2 years
So I’m...on episode 8 I think of Vox Machina. Some thoughts!
Looooove the twins. Looove Trinket. Love love love. 
I like Percy a lot, he’s cheekier than I expected! But I shouldn’t be surprised, this is a Taliesin character after all. 
Keyleth is not as awkward as I expected her to be? She’s sassier than I thought! Good for her. 
I am so glad we get more Pike with TLOVM. 
Honestly, I think watching this just solidifies how I feel like I vibe the MOST with how Liam, Laura, and Taliesin roleplay. This is NOT to say I don’t like the others - I love them! The way Marisha played Beau was just...incredible and fuckin’ Laudna is just amaziing. Sam tore my heart out with Veth, and Fearne is just *chef’s kiss*, and Travis made me cry with Cerrit. 
It is really interesting to see how all of them have grown as roleplay actors. These early episodes definitely have the “we’re just a bunch of friends playing a game with onlookers”, whereas now with Campaign 3 it feels more serious, more intentional. It’s not a bad thing, the story telling imo has become clearer because of it and I think it has allowed the cast healthy boundaries between who they are and their audience. 
Also, it is 8 episodes in and while I haven’t been paying the CLOSEST attention I haven’t heard a SINGLE dick joke from Laura Bailey! What the fuck is up with that?
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findroleplay · 1 year
🦝 this is the longest shot in the world, but as they say, you never know unless you try it;
hey all! 🖤 I've fallen back into my Guardians Of The Galaxy Hell since the last movie came out. hence, I'm looking for some Marvel /MCU related threads. what kind? glad you asked! I have a huge muse for Gamora and would looooove to explore some of her relationships outside of starmora plus, hopefully, some really weird rarepairs. only looking for canonxcanon stuff at this point and I'm not looking to double up as a default. some of my ideas so far go as follows;
⋆ Rocket/Gamora; some bonding between unlikely friends, opening up and sharing their experience in feeling like they're an absolute monster who didn't ask to be made. possibility for humanoid!Rocket maybe? some kind of plot where his mortal coil is dying and they need to implant his being into another alien form, angst over the disconnect between bodies but also maybe romance ensues?
⋆ Kraglin/Gamora; just a good old country boy bonding with the other daughter of Thanos, maybe crushing on the girl who's technically supposed to be Peter's?
⋆ Warlock/Gamora; learning to exist together as the outsiders with The Guardians; Gamora growing exceedingly exasperated and endeared with his innocence in the world, perhaps?
⋆ Nebula/Gamora; purely platonic bonding between sisters. maybe it's now Nebula trying to teach the new Gamora how to exist in a world without Thanos? some sisterly bonding?
...and more! I have a ton of ideas and honestly, I'm so happy to brainstorm with you. I'm also happy to do any timeline, pretty much any AU, as long as I get to write Gamora against someone. even if it's a non-Guardian, I'm totally ready to roll and happy to create some weird alternate crackship AU. romance, angst and fluff in an appropriate balance is what I'm all about. I love slow burn stuff and am open to picking up some of the side characters for Plot Reasons. if you wanna see 'em, I'll toss some writing samples your way no problem. NSFW isn't my main goal, but I'm not against it! what I'm looking for in a partner is;
20+, as I'm 30+ myself. someone who can communicate their needs and ideas. whom I can share OOC stuff like pics, headcanons, music etc with. good grammar, multipara, novella style, over discord. I usually reply at least daily, though sometimes life gets in the way; I'm hoping for a similar level of activity from you!
that's it, that's the long ass post! I hope to hear from you soon; just hit like on this and I'll come find you! if you have anything relating to roleplay or writing on your blog, that's a huge plus though not a necessity; I usually check the blogs before interacting just to avoid spam bots and such. be well all, and write with you soon! 🌱
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anotherrpfinder · 1 year
🦝 this is the longest shot in the world, but as they say, you never know unless you try it;
hey all! 🖤 I've fallen back into my Guardians Of The Galaxy Hell since the last movie came out. hence, I'm looking for some Marvel /MCU related threads. what kind? glad you asked! I have a huge muse for Gamora and would looooove to explore some of her relationships outside of starmora plus, hopefully, some really weird rarepairs. only looking for canonxcanon stuff at this point and I'm not looking to double up as a default. some of my ideas so far go as follows;
⋆ Rocket/Gamora; some bonding between unlikely friends, opening up and sharing their experience in feeling like they're an absolute monster who didn't ask to be made. possibility for humanoid!Rocket maybe? some kind of plot where his mortal coil is dying and they need to implant his being into another alien form, angst over the disconnect between bodies but also maybe romance ensues?
⋆ Kraglin/Gamora; just a good old country boy bonding with the other daughter of Thanos, maybe crushing on the girl who's technically supposed to be Peter's?
⋆ Warlock/Gamora; learning to exist together as the outsiders with The Guardians; Gamora growing exceedingly exasperated and endeared with his innocence in the world, perhaps?
⋆ Nebula/Gamora; purely platonic bonding between sisters. maybe it's now Nebula trying to teach the new Gamora how to exist in a world without Thanos? some sisterly bonding?
...and more! I have a ton of ideas and honestly, I'm so happy to brainstorm with you. I'm also happy to do any timeline, pretty much any AU, as long as I get to write Gamora against someone. even if it's a non-Guardian, I'm totally ready to roll and happy to create some weird alternate crackship AU. romance, angst and fluff in an appropriate balance is what I'm all about. I love slow burn stuff and am open to picking up some of the side characters for Plot Reasons. if you wanna see 'em, I'll toss some writing samples your way no problem. NSFW isn't my main goal, but I'm not against it! what I'm looking for in a partner is;
20+, as I'm 30+ myself. someone who can communicate their needs and ideas. whom I can share OOC stuff like pics, headcanons, music etc with. good grammar, multipara, novella style, over discord. I usually reply at least daily, though sometimes life gets in the way; I'm hoping for a similar level of activity from you!
that's it, that's the long ass post! I hope to hear from you soon; just hit like on this and I'll come find you! if you have anything relating to roleplay or writing on your blog, that's a huge plus though not a necessity; I usually check the blogs before interacting just to avoid spam bots and such. be well all, and write with you soon! 🌱
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findyourrp · 1 year
🦝 this is the longest shot in the world, but as they say, you never know unless you try it;
hey all! 🖤 I've fallen back into my Guardians Of The Galaxy Hell since the last movie came out. hence, I'm looking for some Marvel /MCU related threads. what kind? glad you asked! I have a huge muse for Gamora and would looooove to explore some of her relationships outside of starmora plus, hopefully, some really weird rarepairs. only looking for canonxcanon stuff at this point and I'm not looking to double up as a default. some of my ideas so far go as follows;
⋆ Rocket/Gamora; some bonding between unlikely friends, opening up and sharing their experience in feeling like they're an absolute monster who didn't ask to be made. possibility for humanoid!Rocket maybe? some kind of plot where his mortal coil is dying and they need to implant his being into another alien form, angst over the disconnect between bodies but also maybe romance ensues?
⋆ Kraglin/Gamora; just a good old country boy bonding with the other daughter of Thanos, maybe crushing on the girl who's technically supposed to be Peter's?
⋆ Warlock/Gamora; learning to exist together as the outsiders with The Guardians; Gamora growing exceedingly exasperated and endeared with his innocence in the world, perhaps?
⋆ Nebula/Gamora; purely platonic bonding between sisters. maybe it's now Nebula trying to teach the new Gamora how to exist in a world without Thanos? some sisterly bonding?
...and more! I have a ton of ideas I'm happy to share and honestly, I'm so happy to brainstorm with you. I'm also up to do any timeline, pretty much any AU, as long as I get to write Gamora against someone. def even if it's a non-Guardian, I'm totally ready to roll and happy to create some weird alternate crackship AU. romance, angst and fluff in an appropriate balance is what I'm all about. I love slow burn stuff and am open to picking up some of the side characters for Plot Reasons. if you wanna see 'em, I'll toss some writing samples your way no problem. NSFW isn't my main goal, but I'm not against it! what I'm looking for in a partner is;
20+, as I'm 30+ myself. someone who can communicate their needs and ideas. whom I can share OOC stuff like pics, headcanons, music etc with. good grammar, multipara, novella style, over discord. I usually reply at least daily, though sometimes life gets in the way; I'm hoping for a similar level of activity from you!
that's it, that's the long ass post! I hope to hear from you soon; just hit like on this and I'll come find you! if you have anything relating to roleplay or writing on your blog, that's a huge plus though not a necessity; I usually check the blogs before interacting just to avoid spam bots and such. be well all, and write with you soon! 🌱
like & asker will find you
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roleplay-today · 1 year
🦝 this is the longest shot in the world, but as they say, you never know unless you try it;
hey all! 🖤 I've fallen back into my Guardians Of The Galaxy Hell since the last movie came out. hence, I'm looking for some Marvel /MCU related threads. what kind? glad you asked! I have a huge muse for Gamora and would looooove to explore some of her relationships outside of starmora plus, hopefully, some really weird rarepairs. only looking for canonxcanon stuff at this point and I'm not looking to double up as a default. some of my ideas so far go as follows;
⋆ Rocket/Gamora; some bonding between unlikely friends, opening up and sharing their experience in feeling like they're an absolute monster who didn't ask to be made. possibility for humanoid!Rocket maybe? some kind of plot where his mortal coil is dying and they need to implant his being into another alien form, angst over the disconnect between bodies but also maybe romance ensues?
⋆ Kraglin/Gamora; just a good old country boy bonding with the other daughter of Thanos, maybe crushing on the girl who's technically supposed to be Peter's?
⋆ Warlock/Gamora; learning to exist together as the outsiders with The Guardians; Gamora growing exceedingly exasperated and endeared with his innocence in the world, perhaps?
⋆ Nebula/Gamora; purely platonic bonding between sisters. maybe it's now Nebula trying to teach the new Gamora how to exist in a world without Thanos? some sisterly bonding?
...and more! I have a ton of ideas I'm happy to share and honestly, I'm so happy to brainstorm with you. I'm also up to do any timeline, pretty much any AU, as long as I get to write Gamora against someone. def even if it's a non-Guardian, I'm totally ready to roll and happy to create some weird alternate crackship AU. romance, angst and fluff in an appropriate balance is what I'm all about. I love slow burn stuff and am open to picking up some of the side characters for Plot Reasons. if you wanna see 'em, I'll toss some writing samples your way no problem. NSFW isn't my main goal, but I'm not against it! what I'm looking for in a partner is;
20+, as I'm 30+ myself. someone who can communicate their needs and ideas. whom I can share OOC stuff like pics, headcanons, music etc with. good grammar, multipara, novella style, over discord. I usually reply at least daily, though sometimes life gets in the way; I'm hoping for a similar level of activity from you!
that's it, that's the long ass post! I hope to hear from you soon; just hit like on this and I'll come find you! if you have anything relating to roleplay or writing on your blog, that's a huge plus though not a necessity; I usually check the blogs before interacting just to avoid spam bots and such. be well all, and write with you soon! 🌱
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darkdoverpseeker · 1 year
🦝 this is the longest shot in the world, but as they say, you never know unless you try it;
hey all! 🖤 I've fallen back into my Guardians Of The Galaxy Hell since the last movie came out. hence, I'm looking for some Marvel /MCU related threads. what kind? glad you asked! I have a huge muse for Gamora and would looooove to explore some of her relationships outside of starmora plus, hopefully, some really weird rarepairs. only looking for canonxcanon stuff at this point and I'm not looking to double up as a default. some of my ideas so far go as follows;
⋆ Rocket/Gamora; some bonding between unlikely friends, opening up and sharing their experience in feeling like they're an absolute monster who didn't ask to be made. possibility for humanoid!Rocket maybe? some kind of plot where his mortal coil is dying and they need to implant his being into another alien form, angst over the disconnect between bodies but also maybe romance ensues?
⋆ Kraglin/Gamora; just a good old country boy bonding with the other daughter of Thanos, maybe crushing on the girl who's technically supposed to be Peter's?
⋆ Warlock/Gamora; learning to exist together as the outsiders with The Guardians; Gamora growing exceedingly exasperated and endeared with his innocence in the world, perhaps?
⋆ Nebula/Gamora; purely platonic bonding between sisters. maybe it's now Nebula trying to teach the new Gamora how to exist in a world without Thanos? some sisterly bonding?
...and more! I have a ton of ideas and honestly, I'm so happy to brainstorm with you. I'm also happy to do any timeline, pretty much any AU, as long as I get to write Gamora against someone. even if it's a non-Guardian, I'm totally ready to roll and happy to create some weird alternate crackship AU. romance, angst and fluff in an appropriate balance is what I'm all about. I love slow burn stuff and am open to picking up some of the side characters for Plot Reasons. if you wanna see 'em, I'll toss some writing samples your way no problem. NSFW isn't my main goal, but I'm not against it! what I'm looking for in a partner is;
20+, as I'm 30+ myself. someone who can communicate their needs and ideas. whom I can share OOC stuff like pics, headcanons, music etc with. good grammar, multipara, novella style, over discord. I usually reply at least daily, though sometimes life gets in the way; I'm hoping for a similar level of activity from you!
that's it, that's the long ass post! I hope to hear from you soon; just hit like on this and I'll come find you! if you have anything relating to roleplay or writing on your blog, that's a huge plus though not a necessity; I usually check the blogs before interacting just to avoid spam bots and such. be well all, and write with you soon! 🌱
like if interested!
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oc-rp-ads · 2 years
(18+ ONLY - No minors please!) (Canon x OC) (MxF)
Hello! I'm a 25/F (She/her), and recently I got bitten by the fandom bug thanks to some friends that got me into watching Lego Monkie Kid! Call me childish? But I am OBSESSED with everything about it, and I'd love to have a shot at writing some OC's of mine against some Canon charcters I've really, really taken a liking to! With that being said, I'm looking for someone that can write either Sun Wukong, Red Son or MK against a Female OC of mine! I'm currently still working to flesh these gals out, but if you like soulmates, mushy romances, or sizzling Enemies-to-Lovers storylines - consider giving me a chance because these ships have that and more.
As for the specs, I’m Lit-to-Novella - I write in Multi-para form (3+ paragraphs), and I’m looking for writing partners that are okay with me writing good chunks of text (matching not required)! I'd love for this roleplay to have some kind of degree of NSFW content, and while I do not want this to be the main focus, I am looking for partners that are comfortable with that, as well as open for the possibility.
I'd also looooove to double up with a Canon x OC ship of your liking - me being the Canon of your choice for your OC - but that’s not mandatory! I just think my RP partner deserves to be indulged in return for indulging me, if you catch my drift ;^) My ships are MxF, but I am 100% comfortable writing both MxM and FxF, as well as ships involving trans and NB characters!
I only RP on Discord, so please hit me up there if you're interested! Thank you so much for reading me - I'll be looking forward to hearing back from you! ♡ Hashiyukas#3232
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zawazawanightmares · 7 months
Korra & Boyfriend
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You, Korra, are connected to Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin] Your partner selected the Roleplay server. Please keep the chat clean. Your partner has a starter. Type /starter or tap here to see it.
Korra: /starter
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: 19M https://imgur.com/a/FIt4odq
Korra: Hey.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: Heeeey.
Korra: How's it going? Nice hair.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: Thanks! It's because I ate poison. It's going good, you? Beep.
Korra: Uh...fine? That's weird...with the whole poison thing...
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: I know, right? That's why it's blue and I totally wasn't born that way, bebop. I'm kind of like ultra awesome.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: So anyways.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: Who are you? Beep.
Korra: I'm Korra. I'm not sure if my rep followed me here but I'm the Avatar.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: Uhhhhhhhhh, right, I totally know what that is.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: Epic you're an avaton or whatever, looks awesome on you.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: Korra! My real name is similar to that. But you can call me Blue. Or Beef. Or "shut the hell up tiny guy".
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: I react to all of it!
Korra: Okay...um, I'll just call you Blue. Is that fine?
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: Uhhh... yeah! That's cool, das cool. So what're you doing here Kory?
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: On vacation?
Korra: Sort of. My wife has a presentation in this town.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: Oh, your wife...
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: A presentation?
Korra: Yeah, on how music affects the inner city or something.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: Ooooh! That actually sounds really cool.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: Music is super popular here, especially in the Entity District.
Korra: I can tell. A lot of people with boomboxes here.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: Yeah, it's like a demonic custom or something, and we love it!
Korra: Demonic custom...?
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: M-hm! Because the Entity district was founded by the demons or somethin', so we all sing because it's like.. the culture they made or something. I'm not a nerd or anything, that's just what I heard.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: So my parents, my parents parents, yadda yadda! Same demons influenced us to looooove singing.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: And boy do that beat be sexy.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: You haven't noticed the creatures yet have you?? I guess you wouldn't of if you haven't been in the Entity district, I'm one of the only humans that go there.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: But there's lots of thangs that sing.
Korra: Whoa...so the Entity district is directly connected to your Spirit Realm?
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: Uhhhhh.... is that where demons and beasts live?
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: Then yeah I think?
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: You can only really go there if you were born there or know someone on the inside to let you in. So the normies don't uhhhhh burn the village down, hahahaha!
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: Beep. That's so funny.
Korra: Hm. I kind of united our two realms so...anyone can go there if they want.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: Then it must be different! You'd have to ask the demons themselves.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: You sing? I would love to put you in a fight! But it hurts if you lose.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: So it's okay if you don't wanna.
Korra: I can't sing. My wife can though. And one of my friends thinks he can.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: Then don't let anyone challenge you! Because once you accept you're trapped and it totally hurts your inner being.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: It makes me faint if I lose! It's like the inside of my brain got scooped. Beep.
Korra: Oh...so it's like a duel?
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: Kind of. A soul duel! You're trapped until it's over and someone loses, and it hurts the more you go on.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: If you're with someone friendly, of /course/ they won't kill you... normal people don't.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: IT still hurts, but.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: If you challenge one of the demons and you lose it's pretty much over!
Korra: Wow...you guys take your music really seriously.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: FUCK YEAAAAHHHH!!!! Beeeeep.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: I'm gonna be a fucking millionaire!
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: But I mean, it's Dearest's city, we just do what he wants because no one can stop him?
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: It's also super fun though.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: There's a ton of little demons and creepy crawlies. Watch out for the murderer that lives in the sewers.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: He's usually following me!
Korra: Do you want me to do something about him?
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: Like what? He's kind of just been around since I was a lil kid.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: Always crawling under my bed or prying my car open!
Korra: I could beat him up or something.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: Oh man you don't wanna touch him.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: He be a lil... sticky.
Korra: I've touched worse.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: Ewwww hahaha.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: You're gross! Snrrrk. That's so cool though.
Korra: I guess.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: Well... he doesn't really bother me, I just know he picks strangers off the road sometimes to eat them. But he doesn't bother me, I think it's aight to leave him alone even if he's a bit weird. I think he's just uhhhhhh, crazy.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: So it's fine.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: You're so nice though! Bwoop.
Korra: I mean...I definitely have to do something if he's picking strangers off the road to eat them.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: That happens a lot here?
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: Don't even get me started on the bone pit in my inlaws basement.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: It's just kind of normal. But the rent is real agreeable.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: Tonnnsss of kidnappings!
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: I was in this girls basement for three days because she wanted to marry me! But she left the door unlocked.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: So I left!
Korra: So this place is kind of lawless, huh...
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: Yep! That's the demons fault. Cops 'exist' but they don't do nothing, heheh.
Korra: I think I should check in on my wife...
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: You probably should!! There's lots of assassins, hungry demons, angry rogue spirits, and not to mention freaks on the subway!!
Korra: Yeah, definitely time to hook back up with her. You gonna be alright by yourself?
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: Yeah, I'm okay! Bweep. I've lived here forever, I probably won't die any time soon, beheheh.
Korra: Alright. See you later, Blue.
Boyfriend [Friday Night Funkin]: Beep!
Your partner left the chat
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roleplayermeet · 2 years
(18+ ONLY - No minors please!) (Canon x OC) (MxF)
Hello! I'm a 25/F (She/her), and recently I got bitten by the fandom bug thanks to some friends that got me into watching Lego Monkie Kid! Call me childish? But I am OBSESSED with everything about it, and I'd love to have a shot at writing some OC's of mine against some Canon charcters I've really, really taken a liking to! With that being said, I'm looking for someone that can write either Sun Wukong, Red Son or MK against a Female OC of mine! I'm currently still working to flesh these gals out, but if you like soulmates, mushy romances, or sizzling Enemies-to-Lovers storylines - consider giving me a chance because these ships have that and more.
As for the specs, I’m Lit-to-Novella - I write in Multi-para form (3+ paragraphs), and I’m looking for writing partners that are okay with me writing good chunks of text (matching not required)! I'd love for this roleplay to have some kind of degree of NSFW content, and while I do not want this to be the main focus, I am looking for partners that are comfortable with that, as well as open for the possibility.
I'd also looooove to double up with a Canon x OC ship of your liking - me being the Canon of your choice for your OC - but that’s not mandatory! I just think my RP partner deserves to be indulged in return for indulging me, if you catch my drift ;^) My ships are MxF, but I am 100% comfortable writing both MxM and FxF, as well as ships involving trans and NB characters!
I only RP on Discord, so please hit me up there if you're interested! Thank you so much for reading me - I'll be looking forward to hearing back from you! ♡ Hashiyukas#3232
♡ Hashiyukas#3232 
I’m unsure which. 
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roleplaysearchers · 2 years
(18+ ONLY - No minors please!) (Canon x OC) (MxF)
Hello! I'm a 25/F (She/her), and recently I got bitten by the fandom bug thanks to some friends that got me into watching Lego Monkie Kid! Call me childish? But I am OBSESSED with everything about it, and I'd love to have a shot at writing some OC's of mine against some Canon charcters I've really, really taken a liking to! With that being said, I'm looking for someone that can write either Sun Wukong, Red Son or MK against a Female OC of mine! I'm currently still working to flesh these gals out, but if you like soulmates, mushy romances, or sizzling Enemies-to-Lovers storylines - consider giving me a chance because these ships have that and more.
As for the specs, I’m Lit-to-Novella - I write in Multi-para form (3+ paragraphs), and I’m looking for writing partners that are okay with me writing good chunks of text (matching not required)! I'd love for this roleplay to have some kind of degree of NSFW content, and while I do not want this to be the main focus, I am looking for partners that are comfortable with that, as well as open for the possibility.
I'd also looooove to double up with a Canon x OC ship of your liking - me being the Canon of your choice for your OC - but that’s not mandatory! I just think my RP partner deserves to be indulged in return for indulging me, if you catch my drift ;^) My ships are MxF, but I am 100% comfortable writing both MxM and FxF, as well as ships involving trans and NB characters!
I only RP on Discord, so please hit me up there if you're interested! Thank you so much for reading me - I'll be looking forward to hearing back from you! ♡ Hashiyukas#3232
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findroleplay · 1 year
🦝 this is the longest shot in the world, but as they say, you never know unless you try it;
hey all! 🖤 I've fallen back into my Guardians Of The Galaxy Hell since the last movie came out. hence, I'm looking for some Marvel /MCU related threads. what kind? glad you asked! I have a huge muse for Gamora and would looooove to explore some of her relationships outside of starmora plus, hopefully, some really weird rarepairs. only looking for canonxcanon stuff at this point and I'm not looking to double up as a default. some of my ideas so far go as follows;
⋆ Rocket/Gamora; some bonding between unlikely friends, opening up and sharing their experience in feeling like they're an absolute monster who didn't ask to be made. possibility for humanoid!Rocket maybe? some kind of plot where his mortal coil is dying and they need to implant his being into another alien form, angst over the disconnect between bodies but also maybe romance ensues?
⋆ Kraglin/Gamora; just a good old country boy bonding with the other daughter of Thanos, maybe crushing on the girl who's technically supposed to be Peter's?
⋆ Warlock/Gamora; learning to exist together as the outsiders with The Guardians; Gamora growing exceedingly exasperated and endeared with his innocence in the world, perhaps?
⋆ Nebula/Gamora; purely platonic bonding between sisters. maybe it's now Nebula trying to teach the new Gamora how to exist in a world without Thanos? some sisterly bonding?
...and more! I have a ton of ideas I'm happy to share and honestly, I'm so happy to brainstorm with you. I'm also up to do any timeline, pretty much any AU, as long as I get to write Gamora against someone. def even if it's a non-Guardian, I'm totally ready to roll and happy to create some weird alternate crackship AU. romance, angst and fluff in an appropriate balance is what I'm all about. I love slow burn stuff and am open to picking up some of the side characters for Plot Reasons. if you wanna see 'em, I'll toss some writing samples your way no problem. NSFW isn't my main goal, but I'm not against it! what I'm looking for in a partner is;
20+, as I'm 30+ myself. someone who can communicate their needs and ideas. whom I can share OOC stuff like pics, headcanons, music etc with. good grammar, multipara, novella style, over discord. I usually reply at least daily, though sometimes life gets in the way; I'm hoping for a similar level of activity from you!
that's it, that's the long ass post! I hope to hear from you soon; just hit like on this and I'll come find you! if you have anything relating to roleplay or writing on your blog, that's a huge plus though not a necessity; I usually check the blogs before interacting just to avoid spam bots and such. be well all, and write with you soon! 🌱
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amandlas · 3 years
tagged by the adorable @destiniesfic 🌹 thank you love!
How many works do you have on AO3?
ten (not counting deleted ones)
What’s your total AO3 word count?  
29,376 total words
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
can’t count across my lifetime (lets not touch my old quizilla history) but currently there are three
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
get me to the altar - 960
maybe this is danger and he just don’t know - 629
open for me - 395
the way you see it fall apart - 326
just your neck, and my beloved - 290
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
if there’s something i looooove it’s receiving comments! more than kudos tbh. and yes, sometimes i do respond to them. however, i selfishly try not to respond to any that don’t merit a response because i feel like it only ups my comments number for no reason. also, some are complimentary rather than inquisitive so i don’t know what to say other than “thank you”. i do read every single one and appreciate it though!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
obviously this bad boy almost gone (in these little moments get your cards out)
Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
neeeever hehe
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
not that i recall thankfully
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
... my account is almost exclusively smut. if i were to write something in depth or emotional i wouldn’t want to waste it on fanfiction. rather i’d save that for manuscripts of original stories. so my account is one small little bubble of pwp!
my specialties range from emotional catharsis to bondage to dom/sub and dirty talk with slapping and surprisingly enough, it’s come to my attention that several of my fics have slight voyeurism? which?? 👀
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
nope! i did notice, however, that after posting get me to the altar some new fics sprung up with throne sex 😶 do with that info what you will
Have you ever had a fic translated?
that has never come to mind, actually. despite being bilingual myself that’s EMBARRASSING
What’s your all time favorite ship?
give me a J! give me a U! give me a DE! give me a catboy! what’s that spell? the ship with the most daddy issues! that’s right - JUDECARDAN!
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
funny enough i have a finished wip! it’s heavily doused in religious themes though and i doubt it would be well received by the internet so i kept it in a secret google doc and sent it only to select friends. because who would want to see judecardan roleplay as jesus and judas, right? anywho, other than that, i started an au where jude wasn’t abducted by madoc but rather found by ahem other people. it spanned into this long umbrella academy-style storyline that i doubt i can see through.
What are your writing strengths?
uhhh this is difficult for me to say considering i’m self-aware but i can’t really see my own writing from an objective point of view. therefore i invited a guest!
zara “that bitch” sanktaleksander comments: i enjoy your characterization and dialogue because it feels very real
What are your writing weaknesses?
as my bestie zara says, verbatim: Over fucking description bro I’ll kill u for that
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i love it. i try to do so as often as i can, including my judecardan’s babies mini-fic! it’s glaringly obvious that i love a character when i make them multilingual
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
gosh who even remembers. probably some dumb 14-year-old take on ghostgirl or avatar the last airbender
What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
get me to the altar was the first smut fic in which i “put myself out there”. it was so well received i wrote the rest! it will always have a special place for me. second to that is probably right at the borderline is where i’m gonna wait
a dozen thanks for the ask! 🕊️
tagging: @slightlyrebelliouswriter23 @moononastring @jurdanhell @wanderingpages @anonniemousefics
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