sweetspecterz · 12 days
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two idiots hatewatch movies and get stoned
i wanna try and post ocs more but im worried about interest in those posts waaa anywaysss korey (the guy w the wavy hair) belongs to @beetlebunny and josiah is mineee and i love them both dearly
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aubreysheadspace · 1 year
1 I very much like your stuff and 2 may I request a Basil or Mari x reader where the reader when you first meet them is really quite and shy but after awhile their really loud and do dumb things? You don’t have to if you don’t want and please stay hydrated and take care of yourself!
sincerely chaos mushroom
WAAA this idea is so silly I LOVE it!! sorry it’s been awhile, my motivation just DIED weeks ago,, (this request was asked before i closed requests!) hope u enjoy!
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BASIL at first, when you two met, he didn’t seem to mind that you were quiet! or shy!
his best friend SUNNY is literally the same, so he wasn’t one to judge you
he understands if you’re really nervous to speak to others who aren’t in the friend group, and relates to you on that part
he finds you to be really nice! he tries to be a good friend to you and respects you dearly
..but was a bit freaked out when your personality suddenly changed
he was a bit shocked and a little AFRAID
"w-wah— [READER]?.." BASIL jolted in surprise after hearing how louder you’ve recently become. "oh no s-sorry..! you don’t have to keep it down, really! i’m just.. surprised is all! I would expect these things from KEL, haha.."
he doesn’t judge you at all! he thinks you must be really good friends with KEL due to both of your loud and playful nature!
will shyly ask you to keep it down a bit, sometimes his ears can’t really take it
he doesn’t hate you, or he doesn’t prefer the old you.. kind of
he just kind of lets you be.. you! if this is how you are, he’s not going to try and change it anytime soon
he’d still treat you the same as before, trying his best to be a good friend
he will be a little nervous when you get hurt by doing dumb things, and if he’s too shaken up to patch up your wounds.. he’ll take you to HERO instead!
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MARI has a little brother who’s practically the same thing, of course she’d love you! (Platonically)
she has such big sister energy, you would always enjoy her company
she treats you like how she treats SUNNY, a lifting teasing here and there.. but it’s all lighthearted
it would make her HAPPY to see both of you getting along, she would absolutely love it if her little brother found someone who acts the same way!
…that is until you’ve changed, a complete 180
once she’s noticed the changes, she a bit surprised at first
"oh wow! i thought [READER] was like a little tiny flower, all quiet and meek.. but i guess there was a new person deep down, hm? hehe!~" MARI practically teased, though you knew it was all lighthearted.
she hopes sunny isn’t too uncomfortable by the drastic change in your personality, which he isn’t
like BASIL, MARI would not judge you one bit! she hangs out with KEL too, so she probably knows how to calm you down when you get too loud
she always lightly scolds you for doing dumb things and being reckless, and would always patch up your wounds if you get hurt because of it
but she’s not ANGRY at you! no no no!
she would always urge you to be yourself, and if this was the true you, then she would be proud and absolutely happy that you trust her to show her this side of yourself
she loves you dearly just like she loves the rest of her friend group, she’s simply HAPPY that you’re HAPPY!
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bbael · 7 months
Hi Naamah how are you. I miss you. I think of you.
Life's been a bitch but all in all, I'm in a much better place I was just a year ago. I'm working as an English teacher in a private institute now, I have 7 little devils in my care and I love all of them
I hope I can write more little asks for you. I love talking with you
(I don't understand yet what this thing about Tumblr might be going down means but bitch I'm ready to share sensitive personal info rn)
I know your bd is close and all I want to say is that I love you ❤️
Hi beauty ;^; I am always thinking of you and your babies as well 🖤
I'm so so glad you're doing much better than last year! Also happy to hear you got a steady job teaching kiddies 🥹 that sounds so cool, I hope u can make the most of it!!
I'm doing well myself, also better than I was at the start of the year... & actually so happy with all I've accomplished so far no matter how small! Thank u so much for thinking of my birthday too waaa ahsvd<3
Also hoping that we can keep talking more babygrl, just know that I'm always here for you♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ I love you dearly,,
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applestruda · 1 year
Bee appreciation monday! Hellooooo!!!
I love your art! Your designs for all the different hermits make me so happy! I love the lil plant growing on Mumbo's head! And I love your Scar art! And oh don't get me started on your Grian designs!!! So many cool wings AAAAAAH
And your boatem knights AU!!! I love them all sm
Anyway yeah! Have a great week!
HWUIGDOWUGPDSGIAG STIFF OH MY GOD!!!!! First of all thank you so so much for all the kind words, i appreciate them so much!
I cannot stress how much i genuinely love your art, everything about it is so good!! like, the movement in each piece! and the way you just so easily get the character and personality across! AND THE DESIGNS!! waaa i love them all so dearly
im such a big fan and its artists like you who make me so thankful that im here in this community!
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apompkwrites · 2 years
Cheka!Sibling - Being the eldest child of the king of the Afterglow Savannah comes with a lot of casualties. But you love your younger brother Cheka with all your heart. Its just your uncle your worried about...
As Heir to the throne there's lots of things to worry about, assassins, the future, paperwork, etiquette. But you never thought you would have to be wary of your uncle Leona.
He's hated you from the moment you were born, sending glares, sending you off back to your father and mother, and just wanting nothing to do with you. While you were loved dearly by your parents and younger brother, the feeling of neglect and pure intent to kill that comes from your uncle makes you never want to speak again.
- Okay now imagine this with the idea Leona does care about Cheka!Name, but won't admit to it and instead gets carried away by envy.
-. With the addition of Leona's "Hatred" the people, your people. Don't think your worthy enough for the crown. Too fragile,,, too weak.
- Also very wholesome family moments, Leona's the problem(/lh). Though Cheka's habit of running away kills Cheka!Name inside.
another edition to the kingscholar family!!! i like the idea of leona actually loving cheka!(name) but his envy clouds it. he loves the lil kingscholar but the fact that they got what he can never had sort of overpowers it :(
imagine cheka!(name) doesn't want to be the heir and that makes leona hate them more. they've been blessed with their position and they don't want it?! how dare they...
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vespertin-y · 8 months
Next favorite after Jax, go!
WAAA THAT'S SO HARD....i love them all dearly already 😭 i think #2 has to be pomni, tho. i love jesters and i love failgirls, A+ protagonist. i'd lose my mind too sweetie it's ok
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goldenworldsabound · 1 year
5-8 for dehya >:3c
WAAA THANK YOU!!! wife time 🥺
Cannon Busters asks
“21 the Hard Way” Have you met your f/os friends? How about your f/o meeting your friends? Does everyone get along, or is there conflict?
oh boy this'll be a long one fkhdsaf Dehya's got so many friends now!!!
Dehya's friends:
Cyno - Golden has met him after everything! They get along well enough, Golden isn't particularly scared of him since they didn't study at the Akademiya so they're pretty chill. Think his jokes are funny.
Alhaitham - yeah he drives Golden up the wall. Dehya's kind of amused by how easily he gets under their skin, but also will step in to calm her partner down. Golden just can't stand that kind of smug condescending attitude fkjdsahkjf
Nilou - Golden fucking loves that Nilou and the theater stick it to the Akademiya and actually met Nilou before they were dating Dehya! So Nilou is very much a mutual friend. Golden also is a big fan of the arts in general and LOVES the Zubayr theater so Nilou is one of their closest Sumeru friends.
Dunyarzad - I'm still undecided if Dehyarzad is canon to this verse but in any case Dunyarzad is important to Dehya. Golden gets along with her but maintains a certain amount of distance? Particularly prior to Elezar being cured. They wanted to be sure they could be a rock for Dehya, but they also wanted to know who this person that was important to Dehya was. After that though Golden will feel comfortable getting to know her better and growing closer! I'm sure they'll enjoy flustering Dehya together :3c
Candace - Candace was SO excited to meet Golden and tease Dehya about her partner. Dehya in fact avoided bringing Golden to Aaru Village until they were pretty serious for this reason (Candace and all the elderly in the village are thrilled and Dehya finds that super flustering). Golden and Candace get along great, though Candace is sometimes scolding Golden to be careful as much as she scolds Dehya fkjhsakjfsa
Tighnari - Tighnari is also a mutual friend. Golden befriends him before Dehya does, actually. After they decide they hate the Akademiya they're like SUP can I be a Forest Ranger for a bit and Tighnari's like ??? but they get along well! Tighnari is happy to have such an eager and competent student, though he does worry sometimes about how distractible they are.
Golden's friends
Collei - Dehya thinks Collei's such a sweet kid I bet. She'll definitely give Collei some mercenary tips and tricks and get along with her like an older sister!
Kaeya - Kaeya is Golden's other partner (and that relationship came first) and let me tell you, Dehya did not like Kaeya at first. This is largely due to the fact that prior to dating Kaeya, Golden came crying to Dehya about how Kaeya had hurt their feelings, so...skjdafhksahk Dehya does forgive him for that though. It's chaotic when those two are together because Kaeya basically enjoys flustering Golden, and also flustering Dehya at the same time if posible, and Dehya does get riled up pretty easily, so KJFHEWLKJFW but at the end of the day they get along and respect each other.
I haven't considered really if Dehya will come visit in Mondstadt 🤔 then she'd have the opportunity to meet more of Golden's friends, but for now I'll just think on that, this is long enough!
“Unfettered” Are there any secrets you or f/o had to keep from each other? Did you end up sharing them? Were there consequences?
Not really? Golden may have a few Knights of Favonius secrets they can't share, like their investigation into Delusions, but they may also admit that to Dehya at some point because they trust her dearly.
It remains to be seen if Dehya has any secrets...but I find it hard to believe there would be anything she'd withhold forever.
“Lady & The Kid” How would you and your f/o describe the other person? Would they focus on looks or personality, or maybe even tell a story about the other person? Write in character if you can!
"Dehya's incredible! She's a masterful fighter, and her strategy is second to none. And she's so pretty too! I really love my girlfriend, she's the total package. 🥰 And! And and and. She looks really cute with flushed cheeks, hehe. But don't tell her I told you that or she'll get embarrassed!"
"Hm, my partner, Golden Verite?" Dehya laughs. "I've never met anyone else like them. When they get serious, they're hard to beat in whatever they've set their mind to. But," Dehya blushes, "they're also pretty silly. Not that I'm complaining. It's...cute. ❤️"
“Turnbuckle Ex-Machina” How do you and your f/o generally react to strangers? Do you make friends quickly, or are you more likely to make enemies?
Golden is quick to make friends fdkahfkjs Dehya will be more cautious but I feel like she's also pretty social and at worst it's just another potential source of information, right? So yeah, definitely a friendly pair.
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erradox · 2 years
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Zeru Redemption Arc He was mean to Kasparas in a prior timeline :'( Zeru belongs to @burbled !!!
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bitchygeorge · 3 years
im so glad ur putting georgebur on my dash sm rn, i love them so dearly and it warms my gay little heart to see them <333
WAAA Yeah i like them so much...........their dynamic is just so good and loving and mature<3 i wish we had more content with them
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vivian-the-fool · 4 years
Who are your oc’s?
Buddy do you really want me to list all 100 of them including pictures while forgetting like 30 other ocs I have lying around somewhere
Because if so I’m too lazy to do all that work 😳😳😳
My mains are these losers
I have more than that but again I don’t wanna dig around too long
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Alexander (daddy 😍 NOW WITH ARM HAIR!), Kookoo (comfort...), Jubilee (can’t spell assassin without ass ass), the Dentist (teeth make him horny), Dell (soft edgelord waaa), and JONAAAAS PAPA JONAS I LOVE HIM DEARLY bless his heart
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Despite how I look, I’m actually a very emotional person. When my delicate feelings deem things as beautiful, I instantly feel that this world is truly wonderful in some way. 😔💖 Whenever I rewatch certain animes, I always tend to get emotional because of either the opening/closing songs and the messages behind them. Some of these animes are Violet Evergarden and Orange. I would like to know the Himejima Gyomei question from you too! please! ☺️☺️💓💓
Waaa I know what you mean! I’m very similar tbh
himejima gyomei: is there any media (movie, book, tv show etc.) that manages to make you cry no matter how many times you rewatch/reread it?
I get emotional with Violet evergarden too specially that one episode with the little girl. I get emotional for varied reasons, for example, spirited away makes me cry cause it reminds me of someone who died that I love dearly, he introduced me to Miyazaki when I was a kid so it always makes me think of him. Also, hunter x hunter reminds me of who I thought was the love of my life, and I can’t watch the chimera ant arc without sobbing and thinking about him, which is sad ofc but it also means HxH, one of my favorite animes ever, is now a way to remember him, who’s no longer by my side. Other media that made me cry are Haruki Murakami’s Tokyo Blues, asessination classroom, Nana,,,, I could go on lol
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ask-portugal · 7 years
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(( one last post before your regularly scheduled answers because I’m just so excited you guys!!! I know 100 followers might not really seem like a lot, but for me it is! So...generic sappy speech time!
When I first started this blog, I had way too high of expectations as to how popular this blog would get immediately. Those expectations were quickly crushed by reality, as expectations usually do. The notes that my answers got didn’t bother me at first, since I knew I was still a new blog and people probably didn’t see it yet. But along the way I did put a lot of effort into answers that ended up barely getting any attention, and it wore down my motivation very quickly. I know my art isn’t something to be proud of to put on your blog (the handful of you who reblog the answers anyways, I see you and I love you very dearly), but I was hoping the stories and jokes would make up for that. They didn’t, apparently. And honestly, more times than I can count, I’ve thought of deleting this blog. I didn’t think anyone really enjoyed it that much, especially since on a few occasions I’ve had to beg for asks, so what was the point? If I didn’t have @sinunamor as my morale booster(she’s great you should check her blog out!), then this blog definitely would’ve been a goner. I’m working on keeping up my motivation and answers now, though! 
I’m sorry to the two asks that have been sitting in the inbox for forever, I hope that when I finish them you’ll be happy with them! And for everyone else, please keep sending in asks! If you can’t think of anything to ask, tell me and I’ll try to find some good ask prompts or outfit/expression memes or something! 
I’m sorry this turned out so whiny (like “waaa im not getting enough notes”) but don’t feel pressured into suddenly reblogging all of my stuff just because I’m complaining! Like I said, I know my art isn’t the best yet, but I’m working on it! The best thing you can do to support this blog is keep sending in asks and keep following me! ♥ ))
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Shanghai Part 2
Author’s Note: Wow, thank you for being patient!! I meant to have this up two days ago, but I got a little busy working and running errands so I didn’t have time to work on it at all :( Anyways, I spent all of last night writing basically, and after staring at the computer for several hours trying to think of how to finish this chapter, I finally have part two completed <3 I hope you guys enjoy it!!! 
I’ll try to have Part 3 up ASAP, but I am volunteering almost all week at this golf tournament I go to every year and it goes from early morning to late at night so it takes up the whole day :( I will try to squeeze in writing time every now and then ^_^  WARNING!! This fic will be very WaKei prominent!!! If that’s not your cup of tea then this story is NOT for you!!
Part Two
Wakana sat on the couch in her home, attempting extremely hard to pay attention to the movie that was playing on the screen.
She had put in Kiki’s Delivery Service, a film she had seen millions of times throughout her childhood and adulthood, and one of the few films that could cheer her up instantly. She never grew tired of the scene where Kiki finally leaves home for the first time and is flying in the sky to the song on her radio, ready to take on the world. It always put a smile on her face.
The movie lulled her sullen mood to an extent, but occasionally she would find herself lost in a wave of sadness and thought as she tuned out the voices of the characters and only really watched the colors from the light on the screen as they danced around her living room.
Two weeks have passed since Kalafina performed their “far on the water” tour in Shanghai. They had almost no time to rest while they were there, due to having various promotional events scheduled throughout their time visiting the city. Overall, it was a very successful trip and the girls were happy to have been able to spread Kalafina’s music around the globe some more.
After they made it back to Tokyo, the three of them finally had a chance to relax a little and continue about their daily lives. Without having all the Kalafina events to distract her, Wakana found herself slowly losing her mind. The only major work-related stuff they really had were rehearsals here and there.
Following the situation that occurred after the Bilibili interview, the interactions between Wakana and Keiko were very strained. They only saw each other in rehearsals for the most part, and when they did they only gave a simple nod of the head and said a “Good morning, Wakana” or “Hello, Keiko” and quickly turned away. They just didn’t know what to say to each other.
Anything more than that was them talking about the actual practice session or brainstorming ideas on what they could be doing better for their performances. The three of them made a promise when they first formed Kalafina that they wouldn’t let any disagreements or arguments get in the way of their work, no matter how big or small. Holding true to this promise has played a very important role in the success of the group from time to time.
“The last time I checked I wasn’t the one asking to quit when things got rough.”
This was what Keiko had said to Wakana in the midst of their dispute, and although Wakana had mostly convinced herself that Keiko only said that because of the horrible things she had accused Keiko of first, she knew the statement was all too real.  
Wakana thought about that time often. Even to this day, she would beat herself up over how foolish she was. She could not believe she was about to let her insecurities tear apart a group she loved so dearly. Just thinking about it made her want to cry.
They all had bad times where they felt lost, but the other two never thought about abandoning singing altogether. She could never thank them enough for helping her get through that time. Keiko, especially, was the one who would come over to Wakana’s apartment with a tub of ice cream and just let her cry it out. The younger girl would always drop everything she was doing when Wakana needed her.
Wakana smacked her hands to her face, wanting to scream out in frustration. I can’t believe I said such awful things to her, especially considering how often she is there for me.
After realizing she hadn’t been paying attention to the movie for over half an hour, Wakana sighed heavily and picked up the remote, shutting off the television. She sat in complete darkness for a few minutes, wondering what else she could do to take her mind off of the woman that always seemed to plague her thoughts.
I am truly a horrible friend, she said to herself.
Wakana shook her head and hopped off her couch, sliding on her slippers. She went into her kitchen to make some tea. A hot drink usually eased the mind.
As the kettle boiled, Wakana leaned back against the kitchen counter. Her mind began to stir again, but before it could fall back into the same loop, there was a sudden knock at the front door.
The confused woman looked at the clock on the wall, furrowing her eyebrows. Who could be here at this time of the night? It’s almost 9.
Wakana walked over to her front door and looked through the peephole to see who her guest was. She was surprised to see who was standing there.
The host opened the door and greeted her visitor, who was in her pajamas, holding a sleeping bag.
“Hi-chan! Is everything okay?! What are you doing here so late?”
Hikaru tilted her head in confusion. She was sure she had the day right.
“Hi, Wa-chan. I’m here for the English lessons. We planned this when we came back from Shanghai, remember? You kept saying the whole time we traveled back how you wished you knew English better so you could communicate with our fans more in foreign countries, so I offered to teach you some things I learned in vocational school. Did you forget?”
Wakana’s eyes widened as the memory flooded back into her head.
I can’t believe I forgot!
The distressed host began to wave her arms in embarrassment, quickly ushering her friend inside and taking her things. Hikaru couldn’t help but smile at the older girl’s exasperation.
“I’m so sorry, Hikaru!! It completely slipped my mind! Please forgive me!!”
Hikaru chuckled in amusement and waved her hands, shrugging off the matter. “Wakana, don’t worry about it! Are you sure you still want to do this? I can come back another day, if that’s better for you.”
Wakana rapidly shook her head. “No, no! I would still love to learn. Please sit and make yourself comfortable. Do you want any tea? I’m making some right now.”
Hikaru grabbed her English folder and sat down at the kitchen table with a smile, preparing all the papers. “That would be nice! Thank you.”
“So ‘there’ can have a few different types of spellings, and all of them change the meaning. One is…”
About an hour into the lesson, Wakana’s mind began to wander again. Up until now, she had done well only concentrating on Hikaru’s words. The younger girl was a very excellent teacher and knew how to explain many things clearly that otherwise would have been confusing to Wakana. Just Hikaru’s presence in itself was very calming and comforting to Wakana and cheered her up greatly, but her heart was still unable to engage fully in the activities.
“… and that’s where a lot of people can get confused. Does that make sense?”
As Hikaru finished her explanation, she looked over at her fellow band member for a nod confirming that she understood, but instead she found Wakana staring down at the pencil in her hand, tapping it on the table with a very troubled look on her face.
Maybe this wasn’t a good night to do this after all, Hikaru thought to herself.
“Wakana? Waaa-chan…”
The younger girl tried waving her hand to get Wakana’s attention, but ultimately failed in doing so.
Something must really be bothering her.
Hikaru continued to watch the pencil bounce up and down for a few more seconds and then giggled at the situation. She reached out and put her hand on top of her friend’s, stopping the motion altogether.
The inattentive woman snapped back to reality and let out a small gasp when she realized she had completely missed what Hikaru had been saying. She scolded herself inwardly for how disrespectful she was being.
Wakana let out a deep sigh and put the pencil down. “I’m sorry, Hikaru. I’m being so rude, especially considering how much of your own time you’re taking to be here and do this for me.”
Hikaru moved her hand away and placed it in her lap, turning toward Wakana. “You don’t have to apologize. If anything, I’m really worried about you. You’ve seemed very uneasy lately.”
Wakana frowned and looked back down. Has it been that noticeable?
“Did you and Keiko get into another argument?”
The older girl glanced up at her friend and smiled shyly. She was always surprised by how intuitive Hikaru was and how quickly she picked up on things.
“How did you know?” she asked.
Hikaru smirked. “You are always significantly less talkative when you guys are in a disagreement.”
“Am I?” Wakana questioned, knitting her eyebrows.
The younger woman laughed. “It’s not that hard to tell, since you are always talking.”
Hikaru had noticed the tension between the two when the three of them were together, although they tried their best to hide it. To an outsider, everything might have seemed normal, but Hikaru knew her co-singers better than she knew most people. Recently, they haven’t been as loud and chatty, which was very out of the ordinary because they always had something they were going on and on about.
The youngest of the three may not talk much when they are with each other, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t always observing and picking up small details. Hikaru didn’t question it at the time though. Whatever was going on, it was between the two of them to handle.
Wakana laughed half-heartedly, but stayed silent and looked down, fiddling with her hands. The older girl tried to stay upbeat for Hikaru’s sake, but Hikaru could see through the facade. It only took one look at Wakana’s face to see that her eyes were full of sadness.
The two sat quietly for about a minute before Hikaru spoke up again.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Wakana turned toward the shorter woman. “Have you ever thought about dating, Hikaru??”
Hikaru put her hand on her chin, contemplating the question. Now that she thought about it, she didn’t recall thinking about relationships much.
“Hmm… Not really… I suppose it has crossed my mind from time to time, but I have never thought about it seriously, because there is always Kalafina’s work to worry about. Personally, there is no time to commit myself to a relationship right now.”
She looked back at Wakana, a questioning look on her face. “What does this have to do with anything?”
Wakana sighed. “Back in Shanghai, after our interview with Bilibili, I saw Keiko deep in conversation with one of the workers there. The guy was clearly trying to flirt with her, but I was more shocked at how genuinely happy she looked talking with him. It just got me thinking that it won’t be long before one of us decides that it’s time to find someone out there and wants to settle down to start a family. Then, eventually, Kalafina will have to go our separate ways.”
It was a lot of information to process at once, but Hikaru listened and nodded along.
“I guess you’re right… I haven’t thought about it to that extent until now. I figured it would just be a while before any of that happens…” Hikaru paused, contemplating. “This doesn’t explain your argument, though.”
“Well, I got quite upset after thinking about that, and Keiko came looking for me since I left rather quickly. She started talking about that guy and one thing lead to another… Things got pretty heated. Words were thrown around carelessly. In the end, I accused her of not caring about Kalafina anymore and said some other stuff I shouldn’t have.”
Wakana finished her explanation, which clearly brought back unpleasant memories, judging by the look on her face. Hikaru hated seeing her friend so distressed, and thought hard about what she could say to ease the situation.
“Wa-chan, if there is anything I have learned from Keiko in all the years I have known you both, it’s that she absolutely adores you. When I’m alone with her, she never misses an opportunity to talk about you. We’ll pass by a store and she’ll see something cute and say ‘Wakana would love that!’ or we’ll go into a food shop and she’ll mention ‘Wakana always orders that here.’ I have never seen her talk about anyone with such a gleam in her eyes. She truly loves you.”
Hearing Hi-chan’s account, Wakana began to cry. The little tales brought a small relief to her, and she was glad that Keiko at least gave her a little thought considering that the woman was all Wakana could ever think about. Her firm arms, her husky night voice, her endearing and gentle touches that would come randomly when they’re together… These were all things that could make Wakana’s heart skip a beat with just a small thought.
The story brought a bittersweet joy to Wakana, but at the same time, it just frustrated her further.
“But that’s just it, Hikaru! She loves us like sisters, but…” Wakana trailed off from her statement.
The older girl hesitated, not knowing whether to continue with her thought. She battled herself internally, unsure if she should unveil something she has kept even from herself for years.
Somehow, Hikaru knew where this was going. Watching their interactions for the past few years, hearing Wakana’s thoughts, seeing how close they always were to one another, everything clicked into place. She always had a gut feeling one of them would view their relationship as a little more than just friends. Perhaps it was both of them that felt this way.
“But what, Wa-chan?” the woman urged on.
“She’ll…” Wakana shut her eyes, thinking hard about what to say.
Reading her mind, Hikaru finished the sentence for her. “She’ll never love you more than a friend?”
Startled that the younger girl stole the words right from her, Wakana’s eyes flew open and her cheeks turned a deep shade of pink. She quickly turned away, too embarrassed to look at her co-singer.
“Yes,” she replied, so softly it was almost inaudible.
Hikaru smiled and sat back in the chair, crossing her arms. “I had a feeling this was the case.”
Wakana burrowed her face in her hands, wanting to crawl into a corner and disappear. “It’s terrible, isn’t it? She’s one of my best friends, Hikaru. A woman at that. She’ll never return…”
She trailed off again. The girl just couldn’t bring herself to say it.
Hikaru put her hand on Wakana’s shoulder and handed her some tissues for her to dry her eyes. “Other than my family, I treasure you guys more than anybody in this world. You practically saved my life. I would be wasting away without you two. I care about both of you and your feelings too much for you to undermine them. You should never disregard your feelings, Wakana. Whatever you do, I will support you. But, the sooner you admit your feelings to yourself, the less hurt you will be.”
It was something Wakana never wanted to confess to herself. Her feelings for Keiko developed long ago, but she buried them deep down internally because she was afraid of falling in love with someone who wouldn’t ever love her back. She shoved them away, until they were bottled up in an unknown place inside of her.
If I say it, there’s no going back. “I love her, Hikaru.”
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6-v-6 · 7 years
I think your friendship with your mutuals is so sweet and precious 😍! I want tumblr friends but I suck at even maintaining irl friendships loll. But I can tell they love and care about you a lot and vice versa ❤️
waaa this message is really really sweet ;o; I love my mutuals dearly I consider them friends and they’ve really made the whole ‘being a shawol’ thing much more welcoming and fun for me. I do love and care about them a lot :c
that said even if we’re not mutuals please don’t hesitate to send me a message sometime! Don’t worry I’m crap at irl friendships so I know that feel. But even if we don’t message each other like every single day if you want to talk to me please do so! I’d be happy to make new friends and honestly if I can be what my mutuals have been for me to you or others then I’d be so glad
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