glowsticcc · 6 months
seeing the image of old spawn with the old death family house made me actually almost start sobbing
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silverware-drawer · 1 year
🟥 felppps-6391 🔁 cellbo
🔎 cellbo Seguir
why is my castle full of smoke
🟥 felppps-6391
🔎 cellbo Seguir
🟥 felppps-6391
4 notas
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🪑 what-the-muffin 🔁 kocwillrock
🦈 kocwillrock Seguir
guys whart happens if you set cocaine on fire you have one minute adn then im trying it
0_0 . . .whart
💣 endcrystalenjoyer Seguir
🪺 philza Seguir
🔰 etoyless Seguir
🦈 kocwillrock Seguir
#heeheeheeheehee #prank tag
26 notas
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🥵 peterparkoier 🔁 its-nice-to-miku
🐦 its-nice-to-miku Seguir
🥵 peterparkoier
403 notas
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🪷 quackitieeee 🔁 elmar1an4
🌻 elmar1an4 Seguir
es lunes 😏 alguien quiere ser mi novio 😜
🦠 backflipo-numero-uno Seguir
🌻 elmar1an4 Seguir
yes ok I am waiting in the bedroom
🦠 backflipo-numero-uno Seguir
okay give me a couple of minutes
🪷 quackitieeee
what the fuck is wrong with you guys
5 notas
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🥵 peterparkoier 🔁 cellbo
🔪 cell-bites
você vai se arrepender disso nunca esquecerei o quão saborosa sua perna era
Umm. . . .what the fuck ??
why the hell are people in the notes acting like this is real lmfao did you idiots forget that people LIE on the INTERNET
okay, but has nobody noticed how this lines up perfectly with that insane alcatraz breakout that was in the news last month, only this was posted first??
i'm dying y'all are so fucking dumb LMFAO
🔎 cellbo Seguir
🥵 peterparkoier
899.113 notas
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🥵 peterparkoier 🔁 its-nice-to-miku
🪺 philza Seguir
Get you a man with two hundred and twenty seven alt accounts that are all in constant danger of being banned for hacking
💣 tnt-cannoff-1748 Seguir
God damn, hit on by Philza Minecraft himself, never thought I'd see the day 😳
🪺 philza Seguir
Lmao nah mate but I am hitting your gym. Give me ten minutes
💣 big-daddy-bigger-breakfast Seguir
Hell yeah
589 notas
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🥵 peterparkoier 🔁 4ever-420
🕓 4ever-420 🇧🇷☑️ Seguir
🕓 4ever-420 🇧🇷☑️ Seguir
🐥 baghz-quacks Seguir
I don't know what youre talking about forever, it was a verified presidential post ?
🪺 philza Seguir
🕓 4ever-420 🇧🇷☑️ Seguir
🕓 4ever-420 🇧🇷☑️ Seguir
🥵 peterparkoier
nem fodendo 👀
3,066 notas
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🥵 peterparkoier 🔁 missa-not-missing
👑 chay-chay-chefs-blade Seguir
extra pics of the cake process because lulah told me to post them o7
💀 missa-not-missing Seguir
🪺 philza Seguir
Missa :D you finally back in wifi range?
💀 missa-not-missing Seguir
Thirty minutes!!
🪺 philza Seguir
. . .you good mate? It's been hours
💀 missa-not-missing Seguir
699 notas
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🚇 tubbohell 🔁 philza
🔰 etoyless Seguir
L+ratio well played gf
🪑 what-the-muffin
🦈 kocwillrock Seguir
🚇 tubbohell
am I missing something since when does etoiles have a girlfriend???
342 notas
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🪑 what-the-muffin 🔁 what-the-muffin
🦈 kocwillrock Seguir
🪑 what-the-muffin
hey foolish what does étoiles use when it rains
🪑 what-the-muffin
. . .a cucumbrella 0_0
🪑 what-the-muffin
🪑 what-the-muffin
🪑 what-the-muffin
🕓 4ever-420 ☑️🇧🇷 Seguir
Hi bad :D
🪑 what-the-muffin
Hi forever :D
🪑 what-the-muffin
🪑 what-the-muffin
🪑 what-the-muffin
🪑 what-the-muffin
666 notas
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🥵 peterparkoier 🔁 ⚠️ pactriggerwarning
🦄 ayyyyypierre Seguir
If you want free GEGGS come to the GEGG factory under the statue of GEGG
🎼 wilbur-soot-official ☑️
i fucking hate gegg
🔎 cellbo Seguir
🔎 cellbo Seguir
this is the only thing he's ever posted?!??!??????
⚽ doctor-ovo Seguir
🪪 elquackity ☑️
🧪 aquimicaehloka Seguir
what the hell
624 notes · View notes
backfromtwitterforw · 9 months
Pomme's diary found in the place she was with Richas (30 first pages)
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Day 117
We walked for so long, longer than a day.
Chayanne thinks we'll be safe if we're far enough. I doubt that, because no matter what threatened us manage to find my secured bunker 200 000 blocks away, and even succeded to get into my room to put its letter. Honestly, I think we'll never be really safe anywhere.
Chayanne was panicking so much that we didn't even have time to prepare stuff before leaving. I tried to talk him out ot it, but they were all already gone and I couldn't leave them alone.
At least, I had the reflex to take one of my scythe. And fortunately so.
During our journey, I had to fight a lot of monsters. It's a miracle we all survived without armor or anything else.
We weren't far from death on multiple occasions.
I'll protect them no matter what.
That's a promise.
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Day 118
We could build a little improvised camp. We're exhausted from the walk we had, we don"t have alot but it's better than nothing. The most important for now is to survive.
Dapper made a small makeshift field and planted seeds and potatoeshe had collected along the way, while we prepared tools and cut wood.
Tallulah played the flute to try to confort us and give us courage. She even leanred one of my favorite songs on the flute to try to make me smile again.
We make progress, slowly but surely.
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Day 119
I think each one of us has tools now. We continued to gather ressources, especially trying to find enough food for everyone, because Dapper's field is not enough. But we didn't have great success, we have to be comptent with the bare minimum. We'll try to build a small shelter tomorrow.
It's hard to do anything because we are all exhausted from the trip. We found materiel to make sleeping bags, so they will finally be able to rest in better conditions.
I'll try to stand guard and watch over them during the night.
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Day 120
We were able to start the construction of a small makeshift shelter. It doesn't look great but at least we have something to be protected now.
Truth be told, I haven't slept in a few days, I cannot allow myself to sleep.
We could be attacked at any time, by monsters or by the thing that threatened us. I'm scared it may trace our steps.
On multiple occasions, Chayanne asked me on multiple occasions to share the watch during the night, but I refused systematically.
I'd rather let him rest, and watch over Tallulah during the day. He's the one she trusts the most, he needs to be there to for her, and to protect her.
But I feel the tiredness winning over me.
I fight against exhaution as hard as I can, but I can see my reaction time and my moves becoming slower.
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Day 121
The shelter is almost done, I'm so proud of them. They never let themselves be overwhelmed by fear and they do their maximum for everyone to be safe. We watch over one antother and that warms my heart to see it.
On the other side, food is continuously missing.
It soon gonna become a huge problem if we don't find a solution, we won't be able to hold much longer with the ressources we actually have...
I believe it's been a week I haven't slept, I'm trying to stay awake with always being busy. As soon as I am not, I feel my eyes closing by themselves.
It's especially difficult during the night. I spend them looking at the campfire crackling and making sure it doesn't extinguish by itself. We found material to make a lighter, so I play with it to pass the time: I found out the burning feeling is particularly effective to wake me up.
I miss my parents. I miss them excruciatingly.
It's so hard that they're not here with us. I regret all the time that we couldn't leave any note, any letter. They must be terribly worried for us, i feel terribly guilty...
I hope they won't resent us...
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Day 122
Dapper amost died.
We were talking about the pending lack of food, and he suggested we could explore the surroundings to find something to eat. I know exploring is something he adores, and he knows better than anyone the different kinds of existing ressources, so I also thought it was a good idea.
I suggested to come with him, but i assured me I didn't have to worry about him, that it wouldn't take him long to come back, and that it would be better for me to stay with the others to watch over them. So, I accepted. I trusted him.
But he went to fight against a skeleton. Or at least, what looked like a normal skeleton, but it wasn't one; this one had an armor and was able to shoot arrows at an abnormal speed, in addition to having knockback.
He thought it was a normal skeleton and attacked. But the skeleton was stronger and knocked him off.
I ran.
I ran so fast, every second mattered.
He cannot die, not like this, not now.
If he dies, I'll never forgive myself.
I managed to find him, and I could finish the skeleton off.
I ran to him to save him, just in time.
With tears in my eyes, I asked if he was ok and why he wanted to attack that monster way to strong for us even though we have no armor and barely any defense.
He just answered that he wanted bones to make bonemill, to speed up the growth of the seeds in the field. And also because he wanted to make a bone mask for Chayanne, since he didn't have his fetish skull.
He was so nonchalant in explaining it all, as if he didn't care about being do close to death.
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littleseasalt · 11 months
I've been thinking about why q!philza seems to be able to understand and read q!forever and the situations about him for a while now, and now I'm finally able to type out this full ramble so bear with me.
First I wanna say this post is in no way saying that Philza is the only person that understands and knows Forever, there are multiple characters that understand and know him, but I wanna focus specifically on Philza because he might as well be the most curious one to analyze: Other characters that understand Forever are generally his close friends, whom he spends a lot of time with. Meanwhile, Philza and Forever, thanks to the ccs timezones, don't get to hang out quite as much. They are friends, yes, but we don't often see them interacting like philza and the morning crew do, or forever with Cellbit, bbh and baghera, you know? Like, in character, most characters probably don't even understand how their bond actually plays off and how much they trust each other, etc etc.
So, why is it that Philza can understand Forever and the situations around Forever very well? He doesn't always gets it perfectly, obviously, but he always gets at least some parts right. What is it that makes Philza comprehend him?
And the more I think about it, the more I realize that this might be because Philza, out of all the characters, might be the character who has one of the closest audience perspective on Forever.
Now I know that sounds insane but PLEASE, hear me out. Of course, he doesn't have as much knowledge of Forever as the audience, especially cause he doesn't stream everyday and timezones and stuff so he does misses on a lot, but the thing is that Philza was the only character who was there for every single thing that is crucial to understand Forever.
How many people in character knows how much of an impact Tallulah's death left on Forever? I genuinely think Philza is the only one- they thought together that day and he was there to see how down Forever got after she died. On the same day, he also saw the sparks of what would become the ninho project later- him, Forever and Chayanne talked about egg protection rules, such as the safe room, and thought about ways they could use those rules to the maximum. Then there was Bobby's death, which lead Forever to pick up what he talked about the day of Tallulah's death and dedicate himself to this big project to protect all the eggs. He saw Forever's dedication to this project, dropping everything he was doing just to grantee the eggs safety. He sees how much Tallulah's and Bobby's death impacted Forever. He was also there when the whole Quackity taking Richas away and Cellbit traitor thing happened and he was there to cheer Forever up. These three things are *crucial* to understand Forever's character. And Philza night as well be the only one who was there to witness how all these situations actually impacted Forever- again, this isn't to say other characters don't know, understand or comprehend Forever, because other characters do, but Philza specifically stands out to me because he really was there for the initial things that ended up guiding Forever as a character.
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qtubbo · 7 months
Your like one of the biggest q!Tubbo fans i know here so i thought you’d be a pretty good person to ask this, but what’s going on with q!Tubbo’s lore rn??? i sadly haven’t been able to keep up much 😭😭😭😭
I’ve heard some stuff abt this “Creation” guy???
(you don’t have to explain it if you don’t want to obviously!! /nf :] )
Sure! As some character background, Tubbo’s been fairly depressed and suicidal for a while now, often joking about death and purposefully putting himself in harms way. Recently, he started talking about how he had “2 Lives left” in the same way as the eggs, noting that he wanted to give one to Empanada but was unable to. Most people assumed he was being lighthearted, and it was just a silly challenge that he set for himself because it was phrased in a ridiculous manner, a player having egg lives? He was not joking, and restated multiple times it was for real, but it wasn’t to be believed till Richas killed him.
Sunny and Chayanne took the death very seriously, treating it as if Tubbo had died for good, even with Phil saying it was okay and he’ll just come back. Sunny ended up staying with Phil for the rest of the day because Chayanne had stood still at the body for 10 minutes, which was good comfort for her. Later that day, Creation showed up here to protect Sunny since their primary protector was now missing, and also seeking to put Tubbo back together. Some background of who Creation is might be need, Niki’s stream and our theories about Sunny’s secret friend.
Firstly, Niki had a stream ages ago where she and Empanada met Creation, originally assuming it to be some messed up version of Tubbo. Creation showed it could point people away, assumably to a pocket dimension the eggs consider this like a warm nap, and that it didn’t have a lot of understanding about emotions. Being very stressed out and aggressive till Niki calmed it down, through Niki it was revealed that Creation has a ranking systems for the eggs most prioritized to least, and was designed to protect them by Tubbo and that Tubbo can not know its out. If I can find the VOD or someone sends it to me I’ll link it here, since it’s just a good watch to get context.
Second, Sunny’s secret friend, as of late Sunny’s been talking about this friend of hers that Tubbo can not know any details about. Sunny was protected by this friend on her walk “alone” to Bad’s place, Sunny needs to get a plush to keep them happy, and they live in a secret trapdoor in Sunny's room. This was heavily implied, but not confirmed, to be Creation, meaning that even after the reset that managed to get back to server its purpose protect Sunny.
Okay back to today’s stream, Tubbo’s dead and Creation just appeared to keep Sunny safe since her Primary Protector had gone missing. Creation points Sunny away brings them back and reveals that she’s Rank 1 calling her that for the rest of the night. Creation then starts talking about Tubbo and how it will bring it back, that Tubbo just needs to be pretty much reuploaded but Creation needs Tubbo’s data. BUT then Creation drops another bombshell that Tubbo can not die because he’s always been dead, meaning that Tubbo’s likely been a robot-like creature this entire time.
Once Creation gets to Tubbo’s body it declares it can’t bring Tubbo back because he’s missing data, his purpose, Creation becomes enraged by this revealing that while he wants to hurt Richas for the data, its code forbids it from hurting an Egg. Creation tells everyone that Tubbo needs this golden computer part to be brought back, which does once again state that Tubbo’s a robot-like creature, but it’s also revealed only the federation can get this item.
Tubbo’s currently still dead, and Sunny & Chayanne aren’t doing too hot both feeling terrible about it. I assume this is what you wanted not the Morning Crew stuff but I can explain that to if needed.
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snopiah · 1 year
i think phil’s understandable and valid overprotectiveness of his kids leads to a lot of misunderstandings with the other eggs and parents.
Chayanne and Tallulah rarely hang out with the other eggs, bc of that, they aren’t aware of her accommodations and behavior. And that goes both ways, Tallulah and Chayanne don’t know how their other siblings act either.
They don’t know Pomme’s extreme fear of explosions and dying and her hypervigilance.
They don’t know that Dapper got kidnapped by ElQuackity and was threatened and experiences extreme burnout with being hunted down since day 1.
They don’t know anything about Richas’ sleepwalking and alter egos, and how he fears that lack of agency within himself.
They rarely see Leo and are unaware of how she has extreme social anxiety, her dreams, and how she once wanted to risk her life to turn herself into a robot so that she can live forever to take care of her parents.
And they don’t know about Ramon’s fear about dying without contributing anything useful to the island.
Chayanne and Tallulah are too isolated within their little bunker basement. Their world exists within the little anthill rooms they’ve dug within the walls. It keeps them safe, but they also miss out on bonding with other ppl.
It’s the same with Phil. He doesn’t get to talk to a lot of the members as much as a character like Bad does. Phil’s lore avoidance (which is valid so don’t see it as me hating 🫵🤨) keeps him out of the loop a majority of the time and being out of the loop has consequences. Unless someone (e.g Fit, Bad and Forever) takes the time to explain the things happening within the island, I think he would’ve been so lost on everything 😭. At the same time, I think this is what makes Phil’s character so interesting and flawed.
The islanders’ strongest weapon against the Federation is I would say their ability to communicate with each other. That’s why when characters isolate themselves and keep things to themselves (whether for good reasons or not), they are huge targets, are vulnerable, and are prone to misunderstandings.
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“Confidential experiments” written interviews, results, egg statuses, and finally thoughts and theories   
First, the interviews.
Q: Questions 
N: Cucurucho’s notes 
R: egg responses
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Q: who are your parents? 
R: Philza and Missa. 
N: Correct. 
Q: which parent do you spend the most time with?
R: Philza 
N: correct 
Q: what have you learned from your parents? (Asked x2) 
R: to trust yourself and the closest people around 
N: trust 
Q: do you feel weak? x2
R: not much different. I’m okay. I don’t feel weak 
N: said not much 
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Q: who are your parents? 
R: Badboyhalo and baghera 
N: correct 
Q: how are you currently feeling? 
R: like killing certain bear in front me but also than that nothing 
N: threatening behaviour 
Q: have the cookies made you happy 
R: cookies is cookies so I guess yes 
N: yes. 
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Q: who are your parents? 
R: Foolish y vegetta 
N: correct 
Q: do you hate anybody? 
R: hay que ser sinceros? (Do we have to be honest?) la sunny (the sunny) 
N: sunny
Q: do you feel weak? 
R: debil??? no, yo soy fuerte y mamadisima (weak??? no, I am strong and very [slang for] ripped/strong) 
N: no 
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Q: Who are your parents? 
R: mamae Bagi Mami mouse mama Niki and eomma tina
N: correct 
Q: have the cookies made you happy? 
R: I trusted you it would be safe and that trust killed me. Change the baker of the cookies. 
N: no 
(Em says “also passa tudo bubble blower) 
Q: what do you know about the federation? 
R: you could give me my life back, but I’m not perfect enough am I
(Cucurucho says “good”) 
N: odd behaviour. Needs observation? 
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Q: who are your parents? 
N: correct 
Q: what have you learned from your parents? 
N: useless. 
Q: what do you know about the federation? 
N: threatening behaviour
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Q: who are your parents? 
R: apa Quackity apa Marianna y apa roier :-D 
N: correct 
Q: what do you value the most? 
R: que mis apas sean felices asi muy muy felices :] (May my parents be happy, very very happy.) 
N: very parent-oriented 
Q: who do you get along with best on this island? 
R: con mi bestie Leo, mi awelo foolish y soulmate empi! :D (with my bestie Leo, my awelo foolish and soulmate empi!) 
N: trusting behaviour 
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Q: who are your parents? 
R: Fit and Pac. U should know. 
N: correct? (Pac?) 
Q: do you hate somebody? 
R: maybe. But that’s personal right? 
C: maybe. 
N: hides 
Q: what do you know about the federation? 
R: only what the federation wants me to know. That’s what u do right? 
(Cucurucho says: “yes”) 
N: needs observation. 
(Ramon says: “can I ask you to make the island less homophobic? Would be great”) 
(Cucurucho says: “good”) 
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(Tallulah is defended by Ramon and chayanne, who are pushed back by workers. Cucurucho says “no” and watches Dapper steal paint. Adds note that says “steals” on dappers profile.) 
Q: who are your parents? 
R: papa Phil, papi Wilbur, pa missa 
N: correct 
Q: do you hate somebody?
R: no mames Cucurucho. Maybe. 
N: maybe 
Q: what do you value the most? 
R: I value quality time, something papa Phil and chay gives me :D 
N: family-oriented behaviour 
(Cucurucho says “good”) 
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Second activity: Egg fights/Combat analysis 
Eggs are then given a totem of undying and a stick, put in a room and told to fight. 
Chayanne vs Empanada. Chayanne won 
Dapper vs pepito. Dapper won. 
Tallulah vs Ramon. Tallulah won. 
Sunny vs Leonarda. Leonarda won. Ramon rushed in to stand protectively in front of Sunny, placing himself between them when sunny was killed. Tallulah* called sunny/Ramon a cheater.  (*edited because I originally wrote pepito on accident)
Cucurucho then leaves, and talks to three workers. 
Cucurucho: I need the wearabouts of the two missing eggs. No excuses. 
(Worker nods) 
Cucurucho: they have improved well. The federation will be happy. But they are not perfect. 
Cucurucho is then handed this book by a fourth worker: 
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Then, we have the egg statuses:
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Conclusions, thoughts, and theories
New info: 
- Two unnamed eggs (Definitely A1 and Hope)
- Richas is in group four. Why? He’s meant to be in tallulahs group, but this implies he’s from another batch. Would explain why he’s smaller. Also, maybe why he knows so much about egg island? 
- earlier in the stream, there were files for the eggs. Basically barrels containing their assessments and reports on development. There were two barrels labelled ▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️(presumably “memories” which is another name for hope) and ▪️▪️▪️  ▪️▪️(egg a1).
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My Thoughts/theories
One of either hope or a1 is dead. My bet is on a1 being dead, considering we saw her fall into lava on screen in one of Quackities streams. Hope, or memories, however, has no proof on her status. Aside from that image. My bet is hope is alive. If so, where is she? Are the batches labeled in order, or are they judged by success in development? Which would explain why Richas is group four: he’s considered the worst egg to the federation. He doesn’t back down, he’s reckless, he’s impulsive, he’s against the feds.He threatened Cucurucho. He doesn’t listen to orders. Hes untrustworthy. This is how the federation views him. A1 couldn’t do basic parkour, and struggled to write. Hope? The federation deemed her unworthy.Tallulah was likely meant to be batch 4, considering she was abandoned in the adoption centre just like hope was. But then with Phil’s care, she “leveled up” so to speak. 
(it has been pointed out to me that Memories/Hope is actually listed as group 2, which is listed as deceased. Meaning Egg A1 is likely the one who is alive, which will certainly be… interesting, when they meet Quackity again. Poor kid. I’m still holding out, well, hope, that hope is alive somewhere.)
I believe sunny is on thin ice, because of the notes that Cucurucho made in her developmental report. 
And where did pomme and Richas go? They were seen in the library where Cucurucho found the eggs, but must have snuck away at some point. I think the fact that they were left behind will have something to do with the rescue mission they’ve been planning for Cellbit and Baghera. 
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thank you for reading! If you’re interested, I finally got around to making my hope design based on the egg models:
(Also the lovely egg divider is by @thegoldendaystrikesback)
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atthebell · 8 months
Do you have any QSMP fic recommendations?
basically everything by bravehearteds (@/leolingo) but especially:
soft edges of the world - spiderbit family fluff ADORABLE
cover me in roses - spiderbit during purgatory
the design of the two-minded creature - roier watches bolas during purgatory
fluorescent orange tulips - roier makes cellbit stop working 10/10 best genre of spiderbit fic
@/quesadillayuri's fics:
a little knight beside the campfire - very cute mystery twins + bagina fic
maybe tomorrow you'll know - v cute bagina fic
WhyB's fics:
AITA: I (26M) got into a drunken 4 hour argument with my husband (21M) and his qpp (25F) over Hatsune Miku - incredibly funny suntrio fic
Drunk words are sober thoughts - very fun suntrio + cellbit & jaiden fic
Fix what's broken - cellbit & richas post-chainsaw incident
MisshapenDear's fics:
sweet dreams - very very good horror involving cellbit having straight nightmares that feature jaiden after she broke into the fear room
almost cruelty, almost kindness - 4halo happy pills arc -- totally understandable if you're not into reading 4halo these days, but if you don't mind, this fic is utterly brilliant and so well-written.
WheelCoveredInEyes' fics:
The thing worth doing well done - THE q!etoiles fic to me, absolutely lovely, covers his dynamics with various other islanders
The burning fuselage of my days - pac & cellbit during the happy pills arc
Come out, come on, come inspired - all about the relationships between the french speakers & one another & the other islanders
assorted other recs:
Yo con gusto de matar, si él quiere - spiderbit making out during purgatory
cellbit does not enjoy the island - two-part series on qcellbit and his cucurucho-related traumas
(it's the norm for animals, it's the norm for chemicals) - cellbit struggles with being around jaiden (bird) due to being a cat hybrid. he tries to figure it out.
LOGICIEL TRISTE / NIGHT RIDER - pactoiles dungeon date 5+1
Allay your woes - cellbit during and after the felps rescue
todo lo que ato, el destino lo desata - super interesting look at qspreen through the eyes of chayanne
assorted spiderbit fluff and/or hurt/comfort:
home is where you are
i find safety in your arms
dead tired
Hollows on the old road
i find peace in your eyes
So Simple in the Moonlight
that's the deal, my dear - qcellbit gets turned into a cat and roier finds him, absolutely adorable and a very classic fic trope love it
say yes to heaven (say yes to me) - spiderbit fluff post-wedding
and finally my fave of all time, THE qsmp fic to me. this is insaneduo, so again, if you're not down to read qforever, totally get it. but if you are, and if you can stomach the tags (and i need you to actually read through all the tags, process them, and then choose whether you're gonna read the fic), then PLEASE read this. it is absolutely brilliant, so well done, and a perfect depiction of their dynamic and especially qcellbit's paranoia during this time.
if stainless steel could love you back by @/magicalmanhattanproject
this fic is hands down one of my all time favorite fics, not just in this fandom but overall, and that is sincere, earnest praise from me. an absolute masterpiece please read it if you're able.
also you can check my fic recs tag (which i'll attach here) for more if i missed any that i've recced before
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finnitesimal · 1 year
i miss phil and missa hanging out together but i do not have the time to rewatch all of those vods. do you have any favorite pissa moments that you could recommend?
I'm so glad you asked so I can rewatch all of them but off the top of my head we have
Right off the bat. the first time they meet! Around 03:37:20 on Missa's vod and 03:59:20 on Phil's, Phil drops into a river in front of Roier and Missa who immediately accost him for food, sand and/or cobblestone. After he points them in the direction of the nearest desert and Roier mildly threatens him, Missa says "I love you man" and Phil says "I love you bye" back. 10/10 first interaction very cool, conjures the image of philza minecraft emerging from a river and solidifies that missasinfonia is in fact a stronger man than me
- Phil joking that Chayanne wanted a black bed because he's emo and Missa going "just like his father" and you hear the slow realization between them after Phil laughs like wait a minute is he talking about me or
- 02:17:00 on Missa's, "I'm taken for, thank you very much" "no, I'm so happy with my partner" Establishing the relationship baby!!!! There was never a slash P. die by my blade
- 03:01:20 on Missa's 05:33:25 on Phil's you KNOW I'm putting "come to bed partner" in there. You know it. Sexo. Plus Double beds in Minecraft culture connotations
- Literally every instance of names. Punching walls
1) 01:47:10 - missa, when Phil get hit by a phantom "no toques mi querido"
2) 01:50:40 - missa, when everyone's names got changed to Tilin "darling, could you tell me what my name is"
3) 02:09:05 - phil joking about Chayanne being in highschool waiting for him to come back from the lag "sweetie, when do we move the weights and turn his room into the gym"
- whore things to say. 00:25:24 on Missa's "I've been so alone.... So very alone" whore things to say part two 04:13:00 on Phil's "you're looking awfully bare" the armor bit was cute though. I don't deserve you (foreshadowing my insanity on this)
- bonus not-with-phil quote "he makes me feel safe" about wishing they could play together again. Awe
- bonus not-with-missa quote "what an adonis of a man" minecraft streamers specifically using 'adonis' as a descriptor. Two nickels
Not quite a Phil moment but there's a bit at 01:46:50 at this vod where Missa and Chayanne visit Charlie and after assaulting him in his own home Chayanne gets asked if he could provide bodyguard services against his bitch wife and while he looks for Flippa Chayanne asks Missa "nosotros no tenemos esos problemas/we dont have those problems" To which Missa answers no, (either) "Tus padres te quieren mucho/Your parents love you very much" OR "tus padres se quieren mucho/your parents love each other very much" still don't know which it is I think the second works with the situation better but as always spanish speakers please correct me if google translate is fueling my delusions
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Philza looks better in his usual clothes, Bad thinks, but still terrible. Perched on a lamp between his children's beds, a blanket pulled tight across his shoulders, sleep deprivation in his eyes... Bad is not really surprised he has called someone to speak to, just is confused as to why its him.
Bad has better things to do. Like look for the eggs. And search for the eggs. And interrogate Federation Workers about the eggs.
But then, Philza also has better things to do than just sit there and stare at him.
So Bad stares back.
Eventually, eventually, Philza breaks the stalemate and speaks.
"What do you know of dreams?"
Bad raises an eyebrow at the comment, unsure what that could lead to, and even more confused as to why it was him called here to handle this.
In the end, he settles for the simplest answer. "People have them when they sleep."
Philza hums in return, eyes skittering a little frantically. He adjusts his position to be a little higher, but holds himself lower, peering down, "… you know my wife, yes?"
Now there is a loaded question. Bad tilts his head to one side.
"Yes," Bad answers, seeing no reason to hide it now. Part-time grim reaper, Goddess of Death... Of course her husband knows something. "I work for her, on occasion."
"And you would kill anyone - myself, yourself - if we were a threat to the eggs?"
"Even Skeppy?"
Bad's nose twitches, warning in his tone. "He's not /here/, Philza."
Philza gives Bad an unimpressed look.
"If he was /somehow/ a threat to Dapper? Yes. Happy?"
Somehow Philza looks like he both tenses and relaxes at that answer. He moves as though to sit on the lamp he is perching on, before realising what he is doing and slipping onto the mossy floor.
"I had a dream while I was asleep," Philza says instead of answering the question. "But, the longer I am awake, the less like a dream it seems."
"Dreams usually work the other way," Bad frowns, checking his evidence in his mind. He does not really know much - Philza was missing for nine days, claims to have been asleep and woke up in his basement, and a potato and a poppy appeared on his person in that time. Bad suspects the Federation has done something to the old crow, probably made him some sort of sleeper agent, but… If Philza is willing to trust him, Bad supposes he can give him the benefit of the doubt and assume any betrayal is unwilling.
"I remember it too well," Philza replies, and Bad frowns some more - it is the opposite reaction most people have to the Federation. "I don't usually remember my dreams, or have them that vivid, or have space so perfect in them. I laughed it off to Tubbo, pretended I usually have dreams like that, but… Even my dreams of my world are not as clear as that."
"And you were left with the potato and the poppy after," Bad keeps his voice level. He tries very hard to keep his voice level as his mind runs away, wondering what is up. "You don't usually wake up in the basement either?"
"I should wake up where I fall asleep," Philza points at the chair. "I sat down, I told myself I wouldn't spend a night anywhere else until the eggs were back. I dreamt. I woke up in the basement."
There's something a bit distant to Philza's voice which Bad does not like, but does not like in the way of children crying in their rooms, or the thought of Baghera alone in the Federation's hands, or the silence which now reigns over his dungeon-home. He does not like it in ways of betrayal and pain and fire, either, but he is old. He knows better how to deal with those.
"… Are you not going to ask me?" Philza asks.
"Do I need to?" Bad asks back.
It must be the correct answer, as Philza gives a laugh.
"In the maybe-dream, I woke up in the chair," Philza says, pointing towards it. "The trapdoor was gone - it might have been when I went to bed, too, but the memory is hazy."
Interesting, Bad would say. He half remembers the trap door being missing on Monday as well, when he went to check on Chayanne and Tallulah's beds, but in not paying attention… It was there by Saturday, so Bad really is not sure either if he made that up.
"I thought I heard a sound in the basement, so I went to look. There was a box with two new pot plants, one on each side. The box was… one of those new ones, like Toby has on his burnt up platform? The dyeable ones - it was Tallulah's purple. Inside were a lot of poppies, and a book."
"A book?"
"Right," Philza frowns as he talks, sinking deeper into the mossy floor. "I don't remember exactly what it said, but it was about an old crow whose children were missing. I thought… I think I thought it was Tallulah sassing me - you know how it is - for not being here when they hurt… At the end was an instruction to travel light, and a set of coordinates."
It sounds like a trap. Bad doesn't say that - he knows Philza must know that, but he also knows that if he saw something written maybe by Dapper… Bad wouldn't hesitate to do what it said. Not a chance, not when his child might need him. So, Bad doesn't say anything, he just nods.
"Do you know my nest?" Philza asks, almost out of the blue.
"Your nest?" Bad blinks, trying to string it together.
Philza is already moving for the nearby warp access. "I'll leave a red sharestone. If you walk to spawn, it'll be ready by the time you get there. You should probably have it, just… bring anyone else. Not even Dapper - the eggs bought Tubbo, but nobody else knows. It's our safe place. But… nowhere's really safe. And I can't always be there to save them."
It's a branch of trust that Bad has been offered, one he isn't sure he deserves but is absolutely not going to turn down. If Philza's children like it then, yes, he needs to know. In case they are ever hurt there, in case one of the children needs their uncle Bad.
He walks the shirt distance to spawn, chewing over so far. It's not hard to work out why Philza is in a spin, but Bad is missing some of the puzzle. He hates having half of an answer more than none at all, but at least he seems to be getting everything about /this/ question the old bird knows.
Sure enough, by the time he has worked out which of the sharestones Philza meant by the red one, there's another option just reading 'bad uppies?'.
It's kinda funny, and funnier still when he takes it and ends up… up. High in the sky, so high he can see the peaks of great pillars of stone, and the top of a fortress-dungeon, but not the floor.
"Take the warpstone," Philza gestures to the centre as he puts the sharestone away. "Just in case."
"Just in case," Bad repeats.
The warpstone is itself called 'uppies', and it is a nest that is not quite a nest. It is suspended in the air, not in a tree, and made of harsh stone not twigs. A few bits of furniture are scattered about, however, and a brightly coloured rug. Signs from the children learning new words, and a lip at the edge to stop anyone tripping to their demise. If Bad's timeline is correct about the word learning task, it must have been the last place Philza took his children before he left for a week - and they vanished.
"The coordinates were near here," Philza says, then pauses. "Not super close, but closer than anything else. About another thousand south, if you have your glider?"
"Not grapples?"
"I remember the exact route I took in the dream, not the numbers," Philza shrugs a little, smiles self-depreciatingly. "Never was any good with numbers or words. If I do it differently, we might not get there." Bad hums, and nods - to know the entire route in a dream? Very strange - and follows as Philza jumps from the southern edge. Follows him to one snowy peak.
"I stopped here to get my stamina back," Philza explains when Bad also lands. "I was in a rush for my eggs, but I know how bad that fall can be."
Bad nods again; they continue.
They land at the edge of some water and a village, then walk the rest of the way in silence. Philza's steps are very certain, too certain to have only walked it once in a dream and a second time guided by one, and Bad checks over his inventory.
Just in case it is a trap. He doesn't think Philza could fake this confusion enough to willingly lead him into a trap, but that only stops it happening if he knows what he's doing.
Philza leads Bad to a patch of hill where the trees are strangely cut. A couple of hummingbirds sit, tame, on the floor.
"There was a giant birdhouse here," Philza says. "It was cute - I remember thinking Chayanne and Tallulah had built it. Should really have noticed the windows were made of reinforced concrete," another, self-hating chuckle. "Inside… so many hummingbirds. And… And Chayanne's floaty, and Tallulah's hat. Next to them was a book. I explored a little, looking to see if the eggs, were there, before going back for it - 'A Cage for a Cage' the book read."
From Philza's flinch that means something - Bad isn't sure what, but he can make a few guesses.
"Then Cucurucho was behind me, laughing. I begged him, threatened him, asked for the eggs. But he just kept laughing as he ran out of the door. Sealed me in with reinforced something or other 'I hope you enjoy the island' my ass."
Philza seethes, and Bad expects him done. He still gives him a moment before asking, "and then you woke up?"
"No," Philza frowns further. "That's the strange part. I cried myself to sleep wrapped around their items. I dreamt… more like I usually dream - of my home, of my hardcore world, small glimpses. /Then/ I woke up. Still in the birdhouse. I knew it had been a long time, then, days at least - I was hungry despite all the golden apples. The hummingbirds were sat on me, but the book and the eggs' things? Gone."
Dreams inside dreams? A continuious narrative broken by another sleep? A walk remembered fully and that maps onto reality one to one? Bad can see why Philza is suspicious.
"The door was different, too, no longer a security door but this cute flower covered thing. When I opened it, it just… lead me out. And there was a path over… this way?" Philza leads Bad along, maybe a minute's walk through the trees at most.
"You remember in the nether there were the half destroyed Federation booths?"
Bad nods; he does.
"There was… kinda like one of those, just here. Two partial walls, a bit of a roof, some floor. A table with two chairs - Cucurucho at one, watching me. I screamed for him to give my eggs back. He gave me a book. It…" Philza takes a deep breath. "It teased me for falling for the trap so easily, then it told me I had to wake up - if I didn't wake up soon, I never would."
Dream fudgery, maybe? Bad already suspects memory alteration, so the Federation implanting dreams, or otherwise messing with them, is not impossible. Or, perhaps, making reality into something dreamlike.
Bad knows Philza was neither in his chair nor in his basement last night, but Philza doesn't seem to.
"I was confused, then I woke up in the basement, right by where the box had been. But no box, all my items from before back… just with the extra poppy and potato in my inventory. And Pierre yelling outside asking if I was okay. Wasn't really time not to be, what with the Duck's messgae starting right after he dragged me down to spawn."
Bad hmms to himself and watches Philza check the floor again, looking for quartz that very definitely isn't there. He is not really sure what the angel wants from him. It certainly doesn't make Bad less suspicious - the Federation could easily have implanted other orders into his dreams, ones Philza won't know about until they are triggered - but maybe that's the point.
"I don't sleep like that, either. Never that long. Too easy for someone to sneak up on you," Philza frowns. "Tubbo suggested the food at the party was drugged, but for all I took I barely ate any. Why wouldn't someone else have passed out too?"
"Tubbo's… interesting," Bad offers, not even sure what he means by that himself.
Philza laughs, and its something a little manic, "I was asleep a week and despite Fit and Pac's best efforts he broke into the Federation twice, found the room the happy pills were forced on people, and got shot. And made enough factories I pass out from the air quality if I walk too fast through his base. Interesting's a word for it, mate."
"The Federation is messing with your brain," Bad says, rather than address the imploding disaster which is Tubbo. "I don't know what exactly, but… while you were asleep, people loosing memories was talk of the island."
"I /know/," Philza snaps. "How do you think I don't know they've done something to me? Who the fudge else would be able to break my reinforced trap door entirely? One way or another that was gone when I woke up that Saturday, and the party was real, and the maze? But it was there when I woke up for Carre. But it was a dream, it was just a dream, but now I have a flower and a potato and that can't have been a dream, but it has to have been. I had dreams inside that dream, Bad! How do I even know this is real? That I'm talking to you now? That I'm not still trapped in that stupid birdhouse? That the island is even real? That any of you are real? That this isn't some… Isn't some fevered dream as I die of some ancient illness I picked up from the sniffers. What if- What is even real, Bad? Is there even a reality? Do our eggs- I don't- I don't know any more."
It's then that Bad thinks that, maybe, he has worked it out - the illusive thing which Philza wants from him. He thinks of how, as soon as he saw him after the eggs went missing, Philza just stepped up and offered him a hug. How, for a moment, the world was real and for a few seconds Bad felt safe and like his skin was his own. Neither of them have any answers, Bad can't even promise this is real in the end.
But he can open up his arms, so he does.
Philza collapses into them, gripping onto his hoodie as he lets out an ear-splitting shriek. Once, twice, and then it calms slightly into choked off sobs and half-chirped phrases both apologising and doubting and Philza cursing himself.
Some birds scatter, others peer down from the nearby, fudged up trees.
"I'm here," is all Bad can offer to the man in his arms. "You didn't do anything wrong," it tastes like a lie and yet Bad can't tell where the mistake was.
"I'm real, and I've got you."
Nearby one of the blue hummingbirds starts flying away. Bad does not trust it; he leans close and whispers, "where's your closest warp to mine? Let's go there where we can sit down."
Philza gives him the name, and Bad encourages him to warp - promises to follow. He watches for Philza's name disappearing and then reappearing on the map.
And then he grins a little sharp, turning his face out into the woods. "I don't appreciate spies."
Something atarts running; Bad lights a match, and starts a forest fire.
Surrounded by flames, he warps after Philza.
He has muffins at home. Muffins will cheer Philza up a bit, yes? They can have muffins, and coffee, and hug on the couch, and work out who they need to kill.
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floral-moon-light · 1 year
Major Phil/egg lore has happened! If you have not watched the streams /vods and don't want to be potentially spoiled go watch Monday and wensdays vods!
Ok, so Monday Phil gets on and Forever yells for help saying something about a freezer, so Phil takes tubbo and heads to the facility where Tubbo was frozen in ice. Upon getting there they were confronted with a federation guard (WB017) who basically tried to force the two off the property. Phil eventually tried to the distract the guard (which he achieved) while Tubbo snuck in (which failed due to Admins tping him out). During this Phil learned some new lore, but nothing of major ramification. Mostly conformation of things that had been in a partial state of confusion.
After that Phil went to check on Forever, who was back at his base safe, but acting "sad but determined".
Some time later though a message pops up in chat saying Forever died to a neither mob so Phil and a group of others run to the order's portal and find a strange device on it that has the same blue coloration as BadBoyHalo. During this the group decided to try the Freezer place again to try and figure out what is going on. They get in and get down to the lowest level which had surprisingly been completely fixed up but had a black concrete wall that the group broke through to find a hall that soon filled with mobs. After clearing out the mobs the group found a strange chamber with biomes in test tubes and some experiment logs from the federation, before being chased out by the guard using a gun.
I don't remember anything else important happening that day.
Wednesday is when sh** hit the fan.
First things first Fit came and told Phil about a new location found near Walter Bob's home as well as some more lore he missed. (nothing major I believe.) After which Phil and Fit decide to go mess with Tubbo and Fred (WA02)'s movie "date".
After That, Phil goes off exploring, which turns into Capibara time.
Once Phil decides to go home he sees Cellbit is on and goes off to info dump on the man all the stuff Phill has been saving up for the man. Afterword Cellbit takes Phil to to his castle to have the man chose one of the 4 gods he has in his magic room. Of course Phil chooses Death (Kristen you are loved and the best lady death ever! Though I kinda wish he had chosen blood if only as a tribute to Techno. (side note, I want someone to sneak into the blood room and add Techno in just as a nod to the blood god.)).
After that, when Phil went to head off to bed for the night, he decided to check his base's black concrete to find that a potato had replaced Chayanne's gapple and that the book in the chest now had coordinated in it for Chayanne's pumpkin patch. Which now had a black concrete patch and a chest with a glitchy picture of Chayanne (and yes, it was Chayanne; we could see his egg.) as well as coordinates to Tallulah's flower field that had a new black patch of concrete with a chest holding a Glitchy picture of Tallulah.
Phil's Eggs Are Alive! 100% surviving and telling that to their Dad!
And oh, did this rile Phil and Chat up (you could see the anger in the Voices screaming "blood for the blood god," and as a fellow voice, I would have joined the choir if I had watched this live (my schedule does not link to me being able to watch this live usually)).
Phil them went and showed this to Cellbit and Bad, leading to a long chat about what could be going on.
After this, a chat about the tickets occurred, especially about why Phil's ticket was unique. When Slime got online, they decided to check with him about the man's ticket because he was one of the few people the group had no ticket info on. In the process of checking Slime's ticket, which was unique having slime on it (which is typical for Slimecicle), they met JuanaFlippa (who is a code or at least code infected if their speech pattern is any indication) and they seem to be Infecting Slime as well!
After spending time with Smile and his ?Egg? Phil IRL got distracted by his neighborhood Cat for a bit before ending stream after leaving a new note to Chayanne and Tallulah, basically asking them to tell him anything they can about what is going on.
And gods if all that isn't Insanity then I don't know what is!
But this proves the eggs should be okay and leaves only one Egg unaccounted for in a photo. This being Leo.
So now there are potentially 3 mysteries! What is the federation up to with those experiments? How do we save the eggs? And, What happened to Forever?
Let's hope there is some news Friday.
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youphoriaot7 · 1 year
QSMP RECAP : DAY 203 (10/11)
TUBBO received a letter from fred!
TUBBO went on (a bit of) a date with fred!
FIT and PHIL interrupted the date ran into fred and tubbo
FOOLISH, FIT, PHILZA, BAGHERA, and abuelito the capybara ran around the island looking for dungeons
night crew went fucking bonkers.
CELLBIT took philza through the paranormal rooms!
PHILZA chose death. (cellbit’s rooms)
PHILZA gave cellbit a HUGE loredump and catch-up on nearly everything he’s missed (i fucking adore you philza minecraft) (it was a super cool conversation, definitely worth finding a vod!)
PHILZA found that something(? someone?) had removed a gapple from the chest he left for the eggs, and left a potato in return (there were also coords left for him somewhere, i forget where now, apologies)
PHILZA found black concrete and a chest with an image of chayanne at chayanne’s pumpkin patch
PHILZA found black concrete and a chest with an image of tallulah at tallulah's flower field
QUACKITY logged on for a split second (and ran away from philza and cellbit, sadge)
SLIME logged on to play with (code!)juanaflippa
CELLBIT and PHILZA found slime and (code!)juanaflippa and talked with them
ROIER joined the group
SLIME has a code corruption starting on his skin (he was making odd glitchy screams/noises too)
CELLBIT, PHILZA, ROIER, and SLIME completed (code!)juanaflippa’s tasks (including placing tnt all over mariana’s house
MOUSE and POL also saw (code!)juanaflippa
CELLBIT showed off his new organized inventory (it is very impressive tbh)
TINA said yes to bagi’s date request!!!!! (LET’S GO LESBIANS)
TINA left bagi a lunchbox and reply note
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varijeri · 1 year
god the FUCKED UP amount of shit that went down the past 10 days i dont even know what happened on which day (assume furniture stealing + waystone stealing + innumerable mines are also taking place) 1. eggs show up dirty and dishevelled. they don't remember the previous day 2. eggs disappear. their accessories are left on their beds 3. a lot of havoc is wreaked (bad tears shit up + tubbo creates mega drills + random holes and mines???) 4. forever gets drugged by cucurucho (he is Happy with capital H now (he is also going MAD) 5. pac gets himself drugged to make an antidote (it works because pac is awesome and a genius) 6. phil comes back (election tower is lavacast) 7. capybaras??? spawn is fucked up 8. fed workers start fixing up spawn (tubbo names the blue-capped one Fred) 9. phil, bad and cellbit manage to trap forever and pac and give them the antidote (pac recovers by the next day + forever enters a coma) -> forever hallucinates cucurucho and tells them cucurucho said "the eggs ran away from something worse than the federation and the codes" 10. fred discretely communicates with tubbo (a book in a hidden chest) 11. the next day roier, charlie and tubbo are grouped up to find something (sewers in the wall + ladder up to missa's base + huge maze (cellbit found a map for this maze with attached binary reading A1)) 12. they find evil cucurucho (cucurucho but with black skin and red eyes and smile) leading them to a room with a roulette wheel (I-VIII) in its center with the eggs' accessories scattered around it, encased in barrier blocks 13. tubbo glitches in and spins the wheel (rolls a 5 i think) -> lava starts falling from the ceiling (the pendejo trio have to GTFO while avoiding lava and mobs) 14. maze is sealed and fed posters are put up along with a countdown (egg accessories are now missing from their beds) 15. countdown ends after the mexican independence day event -> half the server enters the maze as it opens up. they find an archive room where a story about 12 eggs in a similar maze is written in a book. 2 eggs live at the end of the story. 16. they return to the room with the roulette wheel but its no longer there -> only chayanne's floatie remains 17. when everyone goes back phil finds a book in his basement that tells him to drop everything and haul ass to some random coords near uppies in the form of a story about a crow 18. phil does so and is trapped in a birdhouse by cucurucho with (seemingly a duplicate of) chayanne's floatie and tallulah's beanie. 19. bagi joins the server (forever wakes up) -> the players group up at the dome and a roulette wheel (yes, same wheel) shows up and is spun, spinning a 2 -> everyone is teleported into a forest surrounded by a glass dome with puzzles to solve -> after they solve the puzzles they free bagi from an underground area where she had been with walter bob 20. today. IS THIS EVERYTHING? DID I GET EVERYTHING?
edit: at 15. they also found an old conversation between two people about the eggs, and at 3. im pretty sure etoiles killed another code and got not only the full code sword but also a book telling him to "PROTECT"
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kanene-yaaay · 8 months
In Between Feathers and Smiles
Kanene's notes: As it seems when I wasn't looking ??? Fucking Felipe Minecraft just came here and made a nest in my mind and refuses to leave so now I have a new comfort character as it seems.
Also I know that Richas and Philza didn't interact a lot but I like to think they are final bosses for each other. The day Richas adopts him as his father and Philza adopts him as his son the island explodes and life come to a full cycle.
Warnings: None! Just a tad of angst with plenty of fluff and some silly cheer up tickles. Ticklish!Richarlyson and Ler!Philza. Around 4.000 words. Richas uses all pronouns here.
Tio Phil had a nice place.
Richas didn’t spend a lot of time there. Important talks were usually held in other secured spaces and he would rather spend some time building with her parents or causing some ruckus somewhere in the island than constantly invade Tallulah and Chay’s home. Even if they got closer after the Egg Island, it didn’t mean that he stopped feeling awkward around his siblings.
But today… They was tired.
So they hiked to the top of the wall, turned off Philza’s collecting machine and fell in the middle of the potato crops, watching the clouds as they calmly danced around their always-perfectly-sunny sky. 
Looking at them, she wouldn’t have to think about how much she missed pai Cellbit and Pa Roier every single day, about how scared Empanada looked and the way she was always clutching her scythe now or how she and mãe Bagi barely came out of their securated base anymore. 
If he watched enough the fading forms of the fluffy clouds and the occasional birds that came and went, he wouldn’t have to think about the sharp shapes and bright colors he saw today when he woke up in his old room in pai Cellbit’s castle, full of new stinging scratches covering entirely his arms and legs, the canvas and room filled with red drops of paint and blood. Nor how it felt to burn the piece of art and bury the ashes aways before anyone could see it.
Yes. The Wall was nice. It was calm and beautiful and since her tio and siblings were sleeping like rocks somewhere well hidden he could sneak a few jumps in their trampoline before coming back to a second nap by the plants. 
From time to time he would feel something bump on his hand and turn around only to see a cute, small tortoise calmly biting and chewing on a leaf of the crop, probably a fresh fugitive from Talullah’s pond. They could respect its chaotic nature.
“Holy fuck!” A shout nearby almost made him jump out of his skin, fastly turning around, sword in hand, only to see his tio in a similar situation, hand on his heart as he tried to regain his breath amidst his surprised laughter. “Gods, Richarlyson you scared the shit out of me.”
That fished an amused crackle out of Richas, who didn’t feel much like it, but got up and waved a few times, writing a greeting for the adult. She kind of was in his home, afterall.
“Hi, tio! Good afternoon.”
“Good afternoon,” Philza answered, putting his tools back on his trusted backpack once again, now already realizing what was the reason for his machine to have stopped working out of nowhere. He instead pulled a basket out of it. 
It has been a while since he harvested his own potatoes by hand, but he had no hurry or plans today. Besides, it was quite a calming activity. 
“Were you looking for me? Sorry, me, Chayanne and Tallulah have been spending a lot of time in our… other house.” 
It was definitely a way to explain Rose’s protected sanctuary, but he couldn’t tell the kid about that.
A crossing thought made Philza’s body freeze and his eyes became wide. “Wait, is it about our trip? Is it time? Ok, I already got everything prepared but I still need a couple more minutes to leave Tallulah and Chayanne somewhere safe with someone and then we can go… Let me see who is already awake…”
A push in his arm stopped his sentence and called his attention to the dragons’ words. 
“It’s fine! :D” Another blue sign quickly followed the first, the sentences being written fast and messily. “It’s not the time for our trip yet, don’t worry. I was just passing by here and decided to take a nap.”
The small dragon, a barely nestling, crouched and let their tail drag across the soil in a calming manner. 
There was no rush today. Philza felt his muscles untense.
“Alright then. That is good.” The adult smiled, more relaxed. Richas never commented this with anyone, but sometimes his tios looked like they’re a thousand years old. “Sorry for interrupting your relaxing nap then, mate. As I said, I already got everything covered. The moment you need me, just call, ok?”
Energetic nods. Philza answered with one of his own and turned around, going back to his activity. It was already a habit at this point, to watch a kid with the corner of his eyes as he went on about his day, always aware to any danger or enemy that could appear. That is how he watched as Richas swayed in the same place when he turned around, expression falling to a neutral face as they broke their signs and threw them out of the wall before falling on the ground again, closing her eyes.
Richarlyson was a good kid. An energetic little shit rocketing from one place to the other with an adventurous and reckless spirit almost as big as his heart. Anyone who spent more than 2 minutes with him would see, clear as day how much he loved his parents and loved even more to give them gray hair, always ready for a playful chase, a harmless prank or a fun playdate with his siblings. They didn’t stumble on each other too much nowadays, but at any given time Philza would protect and take care of him just as much as his own kids if needed. 
He was a good egg (literally).
That is why it was easy to see that something was off with her. Seeing her walking around without one of his parents or Bad was rare, but not an alarming sign itself, being as independent as they was. But that together with the way that her gestures lacked their usual uncontrollable energy, how he fell the moment Philza turned away and how tiredness clung in his form and brought shadows to her eyes and a weight to her shoulders was definitely something worth noticing.
Something had been bothering the boy and knowing his family and their history on the island… Well, not a single islander had been free from the horrors that permeated every corner of the place, but the brazilians seemed to receive a special - and not in the good way - attention more often than not. 
Needless to say, Richarlyson probably had a lot to get worried and sad over, unfortunately. 
All of them, the guardians, did their best to save their nestlings the best they could from the enemies and disasters that seemed to follow their every step. However there was just so much a small group could do against gods knows how many entities before their children also began paying a parcel of the price.
It was sorrowful to see the young one like this, but Philza wouldn’t pry. If the kid wanted to come and vent he would happily lend them an ear and give his best comfort. If Richas wanted to just hang out in silence and enjoy the refreshing breeze from the top of the wall then Philza would let him be, as well.
Therefore, he kept collecting the potatoes, humming one of Tallulah’s songs while putting them in crates and organizing the crates in a pile next to the security fence together with the other thousands crates that were already there.
Maybe he should follow Pierre’s example and start selling them to the Federation. Getting paid and becoming an official provider or something like that.
… Nah, he would rather die.
Philza turned around to get another round of potatoes, this time to make more avocado toast to nibble on until dinner, where his daughter would oblige him to cook actual true food for them - which is unfair, because avocado toast is a very good, healthy and energetic, fulfilling food! - when he saw it. ‘It’, more specifically being Richarlyson, who was still around three feets away from him, just like she was after the end of their conversation. Which didn’t make any sense since Philza had moved a good distance further away from his initial spot while harvesting and taking care of his plantation.
He kept his gaze forward and his hands moving, not actively watching the kid but still paying attention for any kind of move.
A few steps away, he crouched to adjust a crop that had been almost removed from its spot, planting and firming it back on the soil before getting up again, his wings partially open to lower the sun rays hitting his back.
(With them being destroyed as they were, there was little use he could give them, but this would have to do.)
Pretending to stretch, he tilted his head just slightly amount, in the perfect angle to see that Richas, once again, had moved somehow in this short period of time and was now closer to him, laying on the ground with her eyes closed, a light snore coming out of her muzzle in a quiet ‘mimimi’ sound.
Philza held back a snort.
They kept this up for a while, almost as a game. Philza would continue his task, turn his head for half of a second and when he turned his attention back to the young one it was to see that they was already close again, “napping” with no worries, dead to the world as a rock, all across the field. There was a moment when the winged blonde could almost swear that he saw him crawling amidst the potatoes while following him. 
Philza thinks he did a pretty good job in not laughing out loud at their antics, only letting out one or two small snickers here and there fly in the air before being swept away.
He was taking the toasts out of the furnace and storing them in pots when the little dragon “woke up”, yawning and stretching, an amused grin blossoming in his face.
“Hey, king, glad that you're awake. Just made a fresh stack of avocado toast. Here, take some, take some, make sure you have enough for any emergency or attack.”
A loud wheeze was pried from his lips at watching her previous grin quickly turn into a sour face at the sight of the toast, stepping away from them in a half of second. 
Richarlyson quickly shook her head as she emphasized that he “would rather have a short and happy life instead, thanks” and that “Tallulah told me terror stories about these when we were in Egg Island 0_0 I am traumatized”, as the signs he placed on the ground said. 
Philza had to hold himself on the fence so he and the toast didn't fall from the wall with the force of his laughter.
“Alright, alright.” He quickly acquiesced, putting the rest of the food in the remaining pot and disposing them all in his backpack, planning to bring it to the pantry later. “What if we shared these sandwiches Chayanne made me this morning, then? He is trying a new recipe and it's just delicious.”
The disgusted expression quickly melted away when they heard the mention of a new snack. Philza unwrapped it under Richas’ wide attentive eyes and offered him only to have his hand pushed away, the kid shaking his head furiously.
“What? Why? Did Tallulah tell you scary stories about her siblings’ cooking abilities too?”
Richas denied, looking a tad out of the place before apparently deciding on their words.
“You can keep it, tio! Chayanne made it for you and it's no problem, I am not hungry >:D” 
Another sign. 
“Besides, if I need some I can just go to Tio Bad's house and steal his refrigerator! I still have a lot in my backpack though.”
To show his point, the small one began pulling pot after pot of cooked goodies from his backpack: lasagna, soup, candies, more candies, chocolate, a not very good looking or even fresh bread, tamales… He proudly showed his collection, bouncing on the same spot before starting to put them back from where they came from.
This nestling…
“I am not saying that you don't have food. I know you're always prepared and I am pretty sure you even have one or two illegal items in your backpack too.” He rested his back on the tree behind him, careful to avoid hitting Missa's painting, smiling as his nephew stared at him with a mischievous glint in his eyes, bouncing on the same spot, not denying or confirming his suspicions. “But I still want to share a good sandwich with you, mate.”
Richas still didn't look convinced. He seemed to be listening, though. That was a good step.
“I am sure that Chayanne wouldn’t care too. He actually loves giving everyone good food and showing his skills to the island. Which is perfect. I can send him your thanks later.”
It was interesting how, even though all the similarities, every sibling was still very different from each other, in both their personalities and actions, and sometimes Philza liked to muse about it. At his words Richarlyson didn't nervously twist his fingers like Tallulah used to do when thinking hard about something or deviated his gaze like Chayanne when he knew what he wanted but thought that he should want another thing. Instead, the dragon fledgling watched him intently, looking for something. 
They must have found it, because they smiled in an embarrassed manner and let his tail wag excitedly once, breaking the signs and walking to his side on the tree.
Philza handed them their sandwich and Richarlyson began eating, satisfied, small growling sounds escaping between each bite as they enjoyed the moment. 
Without meaning to or even thinking too much about it, Philza answered back with a quiet, pleased caw, his right wing expanding to surround the little one, not locking her amidst his feathers, but creating a shield from the Sun.
(If only it could completely shield them from the dangers.)
“Do you like it?” Richas answered by taking a large bite and ripping the sandwich in half, ears wiggling in contentment. The adult chuckled.
“Good to know, king.”
They spent some time like this before a sign was placed, successfully calling the other’s attention. 
“How is it to have feathered wings, tio? Yours are so pretty! :D” 
Flashes began filling his mind. The feeling of the wind hitting your face, the sound of the birds singing and chirping when flying in flocks, the adrenaline of falling without a single fear of hitting the floor, of expanding his wings and feeling each one of your feathers bristle in the air…
A light touch in one of his primaries shook him out of his memories and his eyes automatically flew to the… mess that were his wings now, with weak muscles and feathers missing from some spots. 
Grimly, Philza could surely think about plenty of adjectives he could give them, “pretty” definitely weren’t one.
It was quite hard to focus on that when the fledgling kept carefully touching and looking at them with so much curiosity, however. 
“It’s incredible.” He sighed, a mix of longing and awe painting his voice. “They can help with so much stuff, like, I’m not even kidding. Mine are very roughed up, especially after Purgatory, but when they were in their prime they were perfect not only for flying but also for shielding, holding stuff, attacking…There is a lot you can do with them. You also will probably be able to do all of this and more when yours grows.” 
“You could attack with them? 0-0”
“Pff, yeah. Actually, you would be surprised about how many people wouldn’t be prepared to have a face full of feathers swinging with full force when fighting an avian.”
At the mention, he shook his black, glistering feathers in demonstration, finishing his sandwich with a final bite when a snorted squeal cut the air. 
Philza turned around to see Richarlyson rubbing a spot on his neck, their other hand pushing his wing away while a small smile grazed his lips.
“Also, you see those muscles?” He purposely brought his wing down, letting all the black feathers hit and briefly wiggle on the young’s face and neck, pretending to not notice the way he squeaked and jumped away, shoulders bouncing with the uncontrollable giggles that naturally resulted from the tickles. Philza continued as if nothing happened. “Lot of people don’t think too much about them, but to be able to carry a whole person, the muscles, tendons and bones need to have a lot of strength. So, being punched by them usually hurts a lot more than attentive enemies are prepared for and gives you plenty of time to run away or finish the fight.”
Richas rubbed the buzzing, tickly tingles left by the sudden attack of feathers away, airy titters still escaping from their mouth while they squinted suspiciously at the blonde, who seemed distracted enough by his explanation to realize the onslaught of accidental tickles. 
The dragon risked a step closer. The conversation continued to flow without interruption.
“That is also why it’s important to always keep exercising your wings, especially during their initial growth or periods of recovery. Have you been building your core strength, mate?”
Brushing off the previous episode aside, Richas nodded, not helping the excited thrill that filled the air. 
“Yes! Tio Bad taught me how and pai Mike has been trying to build a machine to fly with me so he is studying a lot of mechanics about how it works and accompanying  me with the exercises. Pa Roier also said he will help me when he comes back, since he used to watch a lot of tia Jaiden and Bobby training.”
Philza tried to not visibly frown at the words. How long has Roier been sleeping, again?
He would have to ask Bagi and Fit for news later. 
For now, he had a kid to distract.
“Sounds good. If you need any help you can call me, I wouldn’t mind giving you a few tips. Even if crow wings aren’t that close to dragon ones, they still have a lot in common.”
“Can you teach me the attacks? I want to surprise Dapper the next time he tries to fight me.”
The avian laughed. “Sure, king. Come a bit closer.” 
Richas gave two more steps in his direction with wide watching eyes. “Alright, it depends a lot on your wingspan but usually you will need to be in close combat to use these techniques, so that is something to pay attention to. A good tactic you can have is to use them as a distraction.” 
With a mischievous smirk, Philza began quickly moving his wings around the kid, letting them get close and then moving them away before he could touch them, the feathers skittering freely across his neck and ears with each swipe. When Richas squirmed to one side to hide, trying to push them away while firmly pressing his mouth shut so no squeak or squeal would escape, Philza simply attacked the other side, even managing to slip a few wiggling of the fluff feathers on his belly and armpits when the shirt would move up enough to reveal a bit of the scaled skin, catching a new giggly growl every time.
“And, when the target is sufficiently confused by them is the moment that you attack.” 
Before the words could sink in the kid’s mind, Philza striked, giving to one of his sides a quick tweak, successfully fishing a loud yelp and managing to free a string of snickers that only grew louder and gigglier as he kept the soft, light feathery tickles intertwined them with more and more surprising squeezes and tweaks. 
“You can keep it up as long as you need. Remember: confuse, confuse and attack.” Swipe. Swipe. Squeeze. “Again: confuse, confuse and attack.”
Laugh, laugh, laugh.
Richas gave up trying to push his wings and hands away, instead trying to hug himself to hide his most ticklish spots. However, the playful, soft and silly tickling  kept following them no matter how much they wiggled or squirmed around, totally surrounding him with those fluffy bristles that made every single patch of skin buzz with a funny kind of electricity, freeing more and more squeaks between peals of uncontrollable laughter. 
She started walking backwards, trying to put some distance between her and the tickles, almost stumbling on his own tail by how hard it was wagging in adrenaline and joy.
Philza’s eye twirkled with a gleeful shine. 
He stopped his playful attack, but the young one kept stepping away.
“Another good technique that you can use is to create a physical barrier with your wings. It can be dangerous since your enemy can get a hold of them if you’re not careful but very useful in the case you want to stop them from touching you or, in our case,” Richarlyson’s back hit something soft but immovable and suddenly the wheezy titters and snickery snickers were back in full force once again, bordering on a hysterical laughter when skillful hands began scribbling and scratching his ribs. “Preventing them from getting away.”
His fingers danced and burrowed themselves in the space between their ribs, vibrating on the spot, which made a funny kind of squeaky growl escape from the dragon, more high pitched, bouncy laughter and unstoppable wiggles taking over him when the hands kept running away and attacking all over his torso. They spidered over his ribcage to then poke his armpits, or washed down to sneak some digging and squeezing on his stomach and also even skittered across his spine, pulling all kind of yelps, chortles, snorts and high pitched, wheezy laughter over and over again. 
It took a few more minutes and a bunch more of snickering and wiggling - which was actually even worse now because each squirm made him sink even more on the tickly feathers - before the avian eventually let him go, chuckling in amusement at the way Richarlyson fell on the floor and curled in a ball, shoulders bouncing with the leftover giggles.
An amused snort was pried from the adult when they showed him their middle finger, trying with no success to frown in his direction while still smiling and snickering non stop, remnant sniggers twinkling freely in the air.
“That is a surprise tickle avian attack for you. Now you already know a few uses for your wings in a battle.”
The dragon nestling ignored him, dramatically rolling and turning around and away from the avian, still fully stretched on the floor as if he had just survived a fight for his life and not some harmless playful sillness. Philza chuckled a bit more, not resisting and giving his unprotected neck one last tickle, which immediately melted the half heartedly pout in a smile and made him turn back again and hold a tnt as a threat, making the adult laugh and pull his arms up in rendition. 
Richas showed off his tongue and then fell dramatically on the ground again.
(It was good to him in a lighter spirits, again.)
Philza then got up, stretching and shaking his wings fervently, wincing a bit when their muscles trembled a tad more than normal while holding them, probably from getting so much exercise after being kept so long hidden and immobile. 
Maybe he should follow his own advice and build more of their core strength.
Letting them rest, he went back to adjust a few more crates around before checking on his communicator to see if Chayanne or Tallulah had woken up. 
It was almost evening now, and yet it showed not a single signal of life. 
Well, he could give them their cookies tomorrow if needed, there was still plenty of time before the end of the week.
A light poke hit him right below his shoulderblade and suddenly a loud giggly yelp was ripped from his throat. He turned around quickly only to find his own nephew looking at him with a malefic grin in his expression.
“No.” He said, wagging a finger in warning at them, already realizing their intentions just by the slight slow drag of their tail and the step they gave in his direction. His tune tried to come out as stern, but he was pretty sure that even the kid could see there was no real heat behind his words. 
Richas answered him with an excited thrill, ignoring the threatening caw - more like a soft chip but he wasn’t about to admit it - he gave her in return.
“No. Richarlyson, you do not want to get into this fight with me, ok, mahahate?! Hey! No! Lehehet go!”
There was indeed a valiant and grandious fight. One of the most playful, silly and joyful ones to ever graze that land, they said. The winner was never revealed at the end but passing friends mentioned listening to plenty of surprised caws and giggly growls falling like waterfalls from the wall, especially when certain two other kids woke up to the lack of their father and went to investigate his whereabouts. They said that the growing match continued until the sun set. 
Who knows, who knows.
And since that day, if Richas decided to visit his tio Phil more frequently and if Philza would take the habit of turning off his harvesting machinery from time to time to watch the clouds, that is nobody’s business but their own.
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panxramic · 23 days
Goddess of Mischief and the God of Thunder
Chayanne and Tallulah except they’re Thor and Loki
Chayanne quietly leans up against the wall. Beside him Lullah was inputting a code that she had stolen from the GrandMaster into the door.
There were a lot of things swirling in Chayanne’s mind. After everything that had happened, losing their dad Phil and finding out they have an evil older brother, being with Lullah again after he thought she was dead was just another slap in the face, but one he was unfortunately used to. How many times will they go through this? How many times will he chase after his own sister just for her to stab him in the back and lie again? There’s a war going on at home and he has to get back, no matter how little it seems Lullah seems to care.
After a bit more silence he spoke up, “Hey so… listen uh… we should talk.”
Lullah stopped in her tracks. “I disagree.” She continued on with the passcode, “Open communication was never our family's forte.”
“Yeah you have no idea.” Both walked into the next room lazer guns drawn. “Been quite the revelation since we last spoke.”
A hoard of soldiers awaited them on the other side of the door.
“Hallo.” Chayanne smiled at them.
“Hola.” Lullah followed.
They both opened fire as everyone dropped to the floor. A string of stray lazers bounced off the walls and a yell from down the hall could be heard. As the first room of soldiers went down another group marched in guns already drawn. Chayanne and Lullah quickly dodged behind two pillars on the opposite side of the room.
Chayanne glanced over at her, she caught his eye, “Phil brought us together,” she turned to look back into the room before dodging back, nearly being missed by a blast, “ it’s almost poetic that his death should split us apart.”
One last look and the pair were marching back into the room side by side. Chayanne taking care of the ones in front and Lullah watching their backs as more soldiers ran in. They circled the room quickly and effectively getting to the other side where another input awaited. The goddess dropped her gun to use the code and behind her, Chayanne continued to fire.
“We might as well be strangers now.” She put in the code to the door closing them off from the soldiers behind, “Two kids of the crown… set adrift.”
Another door opens in front and a soldier walks out, gun pointed at Tallulah’s face. She raises her hands and backs up as the soldier follows suit. Right as he passes through Chayanne jumps from the side disarming him and knocking him out to the ground.
“Thought you didn’t want to talk about it?”
Lullah stopped to think for a second. No, she didn’t want to talk about it.
“Here’s the thing,” she began as she followed behind him. “I’m probably better off staying here on Sakaar,” she says as they both enter and ride up the elevator of the GrandMaster’s tower.
All too quickly Chayanne replied, “That’s exactly what I was thinking.”
Lullah was taken aback, her face twisting into one of confusion and curiosity, “Did you just agree with me?” This wasn’t the response she was expecting.
“Come on, this place is perfect for you.” A couple of years ago he probably would’ve thought differently. A couple months ago he probably would’ve asked her to come with him. “It’s savage, chaotic, lawless, hermanita you’re gonna do great here.”
“Do you truly think so little of me?”
There was a pause as Chayanne looked over into her eyes, she could see a wash of sincerity as he spoke with adoration, “Lullah, I thought the world of you.”
“I thought we were gonna fight side by side forever but… at the end of the day you’re you and I’m me.” Tallulah looks down as a feeling of sadness washes over her, Chayanne continues, “I don’t know maybe there is still good in you but let’s be honest our paths diverged a long time ago.”
It took Chayanne a long time to realize that. There’s only so much pleading he can do, and there's only so much fighting he can take. He’s mourned his little sister too many times and every time he does try to reach for her and pull her back into the light she loses her way. He tries to help, but all they ever do is hurt each other. If she doesn’t want to stay, then he has to let her go.
Lullah nods her head slowly, she’s in disbelief. He’s tricking her… he’s doing it on purpose. “Yeah… It’s probably for the best that we never see each other again.” That should sting him, that should cause a reaction.
“That’s what you always wanted.” He says instead. Chayanne knows her games, he knows how she uses words to hurt him and get what she wants. He turns to give her a cheeky smile, does she really want to stay?
Tallulah takes a deep breath, yeah… that’s what she has always wanted. So why is she sad her brother isn’t asking her to stay? Why does it hurt? This is her chance to start over, to live outside of her brother’s shadow. She can finally be on her own, alone.
She’s going to be alone.
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prismartist · 1 year
The first thing Chayanne sees when he wakes up is Tallulah standing next to his bed, staring blankly at him. She’s holding a maraca up as if to shake it—or maybe hit him with it. You never really know with Tallulah. In any case, he flinches. She lowers the maraca and smiles, but it doesn’t reach her ears.
“Good morning, Chay. You slept in.”
Chayanne doesn’t really feel like talking. “Mm. I did.”
“For a long time.”
Tallulah’s bangs barely hides the concern in her eyes. “You don’t usually sleep in this late.”
Chayanne promptly shuts his mouth as soon as the harsh tone escapes it. Tallulah’s brows furrow, but she says nothing else. Quickly Chayanne turns over, not wanting to look at Tallulah’s face; somehow her stoic reaction is worse than if she had actually looked hurt. 
“Sorry,” he mutters. “I’m still tired.”
“It’s okay, Chay,” he hears her say. “Is everything okay?” 
Chayanne only folds the pillow around his head, like it would somehow block out everything. Not that there’s much to block out. It’s too silent in the bunker. He can’t hear his father’s laugh.
“Is Dad gone?”
A pause. “Abuelito?”
Chayanne hums in affirmation.
“Yes, he is. He left yesterday.”
“Oh. Okay.”
The sound of shuffling and a maraca moves from one side of the bed to the other, and Chayanne opens his eyes to once again see Tallulah staring at him. He can’t help but snicker a bit at that. Tallulah smiles in turn.
“I learned this trick from Tio Forever,” she says. “If people turn away, just move back in front of them. He does it a lot. Well… he does it to Abuelito a lot.”
“To annoy him?”
“Eh… I guess so. It’s to stop people from avoiding conversation.”
He purses his lips, and Tallulah imitates him. 
“Don’t feel bad that you missed him,” she says. “I know you can sleep heavy. It’s just…”
Tallulah trails off, but Chayanne knows what she’s thinking. It’s not normal for you. Not when it’s so long. Not when it’s your dad.
Chayanne sighs and turns so his back is flat on the bed, and he’s staring up at the ceiling. He puts the flesh of his palms to his black eyes as he shuts them again and takes a deep breath. 
“I knew he was leaving today,” he murmurs.
He can basically feel Tallulah frown. “You don’t have to feel guilty about sleeping in. I know how hard it is to control it. It wasn’t on purpose.”
Chayanne doesn’t say anything for a long while.
“It was.”
Chayanne removes his hands and looks at Tallulah. “I slept in on purpose.”
She’s looking at him carefully, scanning his face. Tallulah doesn’t quite ask “Why?” as she does state it, like she only says it so she can confirm what she already knows.
“I…” Chayanne sits up to face Tallulah; lying on his hair feels like it’s tugging on his scalp. He recollects his thoughts. “I thought, if I…” Nevermind, he can’t recollect his thoughts. He has a quiet urge to pull at his hair.
“Can I guess?” Tallulah asks.
“Sure,” Chayanne says, because he can’t seem to say anything else.
“Were you scared of saying goodbye to Abuelito?”
Chayanne considers it. “I guess. I don’t know why.”
Tallulah hums. “I get it. I don’t really know why either, I think…”
She cups her chin thoughtfully, and Chayanne smiles softly at how serious her expression becomes. “I think it’s because, if you say goodbye, then it feels… real.”
“I guess.” Chayanne thinks further, pouting slightly. “I don’t think it’s just that, though.”
Tallulah meets his eyes. 
“You didn’t want to see him go.”
The words settle comfortably next to the dread in Chayanne’s gut. He nods.
“So you slept in, so you didn’t have to.”
He nods again. “I didn’t want it to be real.”
Tallulah’s face creases with sympathy. 
“You stole that from me,” she jabs.
Chayanne shrugs helplessly. “It seemed to work for you.”
Tallulah smiles back sadly. “Only for a tiny bit. It’s not very helpful, actually. I mean…” she gestures vaguely to the vast room. “It still ends up being real.”
“It does.” He lolls his head, realising how oppressive the quiet feels. “It is really quiet.”
“Mhm. It’s… worse than I thought it would be.” 
Chayanne sharply looks at her. “It is hard for you too, isn’t it? Since you’re already missing your dad.”
She shrugs loosely. “I guess… but I think because of my papi, I’m used to it.”
“How do you handle it? I can’t even imagine spending a week without either of my dads. How have you spent two months without Wilbur?”
Tallulah intertwines her clawed hands on the bed. “Well, it wasn’t easy at first. At first I just wanted to do what you’re doing, sleep and sleep all day… you know that. But, hanging out with Abuelito…” she pauses. “And hanging out with all the other tios and eggs is fun. And I know when he comes back, it will be worth it.” She gives a humourless grin. “If we live to see it.” 
“Don’t say that.”
“It’s not impossible.”
“That doesn’t make it possible.”
Tallulah makes a face. “That doesn’t make sense. But if you’re so concerned about dying, then you shouldn’t sleep in. We have quests to do.”
“I guess you’re right.”
Tallulah places a hand on Chayanne’s. Her dragon scales are stark against his human skin. Chayanne’s sometimes pondered the irony; how soft, musical Tallulah got the clawed scaly hands, while his remained human, left to callous as he fought. 
“We’ll be alright,” she insists. “Abuelito said so, and I trust him. You do too, right?”
“Then we’ll be alright. And while we wait, we’ll play with the others. It will be fun.”
Chayanne sighs, and smiles. “Yeah.”
“You better not sleep in the rest of the week. You didn’t let me when my papi left, so I won’t let you.”
“Okay, okay, I won’t.”
Tallulah retracts her hand before spreading her arms. “Do you want a hug?”
Chayanne doesn’t hesitate. “Yeah.”
Tallulah leans forward and wraps Chayanne in a hug—being smaller, she doesn’t quite envelop him, but he still leans into the embrace, hugging her back. She squeezes comfortingly, though, and Chayanne is reminded of how strong she really is.
He then feels something bump against him. 
“Do you have something in your coat?”
When she pulls away, Tallulah’s eyes are suddenly wide. “Oh right, it’s something Abuelito gave me before he left.” Something dark clouds her eyes. “Do you want to see?”
Chayanne perks up. “What is it?”
Out of her coat, Tallulah produces an avocado. It’s slightly bruised. Chayanne laughs.
“An avocado?”
The disappointed look on Tallulah’s face makes Chayanne laugh again. 
“That’s Dad for you. You have to eat it now, to cherish his memory!”
“Actually, since it’s so important, I think I won’t.”
“Yeah, you’re right. Want me to make it into something?”
“Please do. As long as it isn’t avocado toast.”
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