the0verboss · 3 months
Zhak vo'n'fynh duj
boy speak my mother tongue to meeeee
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fizzytoo · 11 months
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nothing better than a pancake breakfast
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and im reminded of when a teenage adrien made pancakes for a baby julie 😔
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mattodore · 11 months
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takes a bite out of them
#river dipping#ts4#theodore doe#matthias evanoff#echthroi#i'm ripping matthias's sim rn to make a quick little funny haha pose for a post so here i am while i wait...#these are the images i was using in the google docs for their questionnaires!! i figured i'd post them bc crabbey liked theo's#these aren't their latest versions tho so theo's eyes are the old ones and there are some small changes i made to matthias that're missing#but i think theo looks sooo gorgeous w/ the icarus bg and this cas lighting...#the luumia height slider doesn't work on mattodore for some reason (tho it used to?) so i haven't used height sliders in ages#but i downloaded a different one to mess w/ the other day which is why you can see matthias is taller here#still not accurate to their height difference bc i was just messing around but i'll fix it some other time#i rlly want to restart my casual oc gameplay bc they both look so different now compared to how they looked when i started it#dutchie has also changed a lot................... am i really gonna dump my months long save just bc of that? yeah probably jkngfknfn#ALSO... i have to update my game tonight bc lush made a sim for me but i FORGOR that i haven't updated since... hsy? so.#obviously i have to update now#which also means i will FINALLYYYYYYYY have infants.................................#when i tell you i will be making a baby just so i can put them in theo's hands i am being so serious#i will be in there like lightning#i need to see theo holding a baby so so sooo bad#it would cure every mental illness i have i think .
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moramda · 9 days
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Photobooth moment
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ottersinhats · 5 months
Violet had written news that Roger was getting worse. The infection was spreading and he had little time.
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Elodie and Charlie had gotten on the first train to Britechester when they heard the news. As they walked into their father's room, he suddenly looked so weak. They had always viewed their father as unbreakable; a soldier, a warrior, a hero. Now, he looked like an ordinary man, a dying man.
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He smiled softly to see his dear children, and grabbed Charlie's hand, making the two swear to take care of Violet. Charlie and Elodie both began to cry, and promised.
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He looked to Violet, asking her if she remembered all those years ago in this same circumstance, when he had proposed. She laughed and said of course she remembered. He smiled up at her and uttered his last words:
"Thank you for saying yes."
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catsinmugs · 5 months
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abel never thought he’d be starting life over again at twenty-eight but he’s more than okay with it!
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sassylegshayne · 1 year
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bro did you see the new linux tech tips video
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nucrests · 1 year
When you feel like you’ve worked all week and it’s only Monday.. 🙃
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kruxton · 10 months
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baby's here! 👶
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lulousims · 5 months
It's been officially longer than a year since I last posted gameplay pics...
For the most part of 2022, I couldn't play The Sims because I shared a computer and we couldn't agree on it. Then I played it for like, 2 months (in 2023!) on my bf's computer, but I couldn't take any screenshots 😭 And now, since October of 2023, I've been in England working as a volunteer, with no access to a personal computer. My friend was kind enough to lend me his laptop a few weeks ago so that I could finally play a bit, but it's not ideal because, well, it's his, and he needs it for work outside of the volunteering. I might be able to get my hands on a new laptop soon though (!!!!!!), and I'm really excited about finally being able to remove the "hiatus" from my bio! Or at least replace it with "semi hiatus", you know lol
I obviously won't be able to even remember what's gone on in my households, but at least I'll be back to playing once every few weeks and documenting my stuff. If everything works out, I should be here in one or two weeks, posting unedited screenshots of my game, like I used to, and getting 2 to 5 likes on each post <3 Just how I like it!
#text#i'm so excited to be back#i missed the game and sharing my love for it on tumblr#i miss my households and my sims and my neighborhoods#i miss danika and tessa. i miss their children#i miss my gameplay of alt pleasantview that i didn't even get to post#btw i've made it soooo gay you wouldnt believe it...#daniel pleasant and darren dreamer are married#they have a baby boy#hhhh i also have a new legacy save which i may or may not give up on depending on how creative i manage to be with the 1st generation#there's three kids. one of them is an alien who builds a shitton of servo-androids to be sold in a store that he owns#and he's married to a vampire#the second one lacked personality so i have him a grilled cheese secondary and had him as the main guy on a bachelor challenge#and the third kid i'm still trying to figure out what to do with her#like. she's a pleasure sim which is one of the most aimless aspirations in my book#she's sharing a small house with a romance sim and they're both so... “idk what to do with my life i'm just having fun”#IDK WHETHER TO MARRY THEM OR NOT? THEY LIKE EACH OTHER BUT THEY HAVE NO LONGTERM PLANS WHATSOEVER.#they're a mystery i swear#can i just say. i'm very shy and bad at conversation but i'd like to make more friends who are simmers#if you'd like to make friends or even just talk to me feel free to comment on my posts <3#i probably won't comment on urs unless u do it first for fear of looking weird#that being said. i wish all simmers a very pleasant morning/afternoon/evening#it's 3 am and i should be sleeping i need to be up at 7
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bluupxels · 1 year
globetrotter queue ended 😔 my severe dragon age brainrot is acting up again so we’ll just be chillin for a bit
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teddylacroix · 1 year
BotW: TotK Death Count
Ran (naked) into a soldier construct that I thought was a rock (12 May)
Stepped (still naked) right off a floating platform instead of jumping onto the wall, plummeting to my death (13 May)
Jumped (clothed!) off a floating platform right into the swing of a soldier construct with a long reach weapon (13 May)
Accidentally hit the wrong button and exploded a white chuchu while trying to eat food to restore health (13 May)
Hit a red chuchu jelly that I didn't see cos a soldier construct had burned it before I arrived (13 May)
Blew myself up too close to the target with a bomb arrow (13 May)
Jumped off a glider from too high up and died at the temple door (13 May)
Fell from too high after death 7 because the levitating platform that was the midway step got reset (13 May)
Repeat 8 except mislanded and fell to my doom (13 May)
Died mis-aiming jump off the glider and fell off the sky island (13 May)
Died when glider overshot the temple and I frantically leaped to my doom (13 May)
Fell off the observation room fleeing the OP monkey guys (13 May)
Fell off the observation room zoning out half-asleep at 3am (13 May)
Tried to get close enough to the observation room to look for doors or corridors but got too close and triggered OP monkey guys. Ran away but trapped myself in a corner and got 1-hit killed. (14 May)
Ran through the observation room past the OP monkey guys and reached an opening to outside. Failed to hit A to climb and yote myself off the castle. (14 May)
Wandered into a cave and got grappled by evil eye hands I couldn't escape from (14 May)
Didn't pay attention to HP and got punched by a wee ice talus (14 May)
Fell off a trampoline in the Mayaumekis Shrine (14 May)
Killed by a construct after Mayaumekis Shrine (14 May)
Jumped off a ledge. Thought height was okay to not use a paraglider. Height was not okay. (15 May)
Jumped down to observe a flux construct. Observation was brief. (15 May)
Accidentally fell off ledge in front of the flux construct. (15 May)
Died dodging flux construct in combat (15 May)
Repeat 23
Repeat 23 at 2am, good night
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secondhanddragon · 1 year
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the jumpstart dragons 😍
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nerdnag · 1 year
Ok I gotta admit I'm having A LOT of fun with Engage
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gyqru · 5 months
CHERRY RED POPSICLES — ethan landry [drabble]
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ethan wasn't lying when he said he was a virgin, an embarrassing fact he exposed in front of everyone out of impulse. though this wasn’t much of a shock to you considering he acted like, well, like a virgin.
you could name many instances where ethan’s gaze lingered too long. the night at the frat party when you wore a short dress that barely covered anything, you could see his eyes flick down to your cleavage. ethan's face was burning bright red as he watched the slight jiggle of your breasts as you swayed to the loud music.
or that time when you came over to their dorm during a heatwave. your air conditioning wasn't working, thanks to your landlord not fixing it after many complaints. so, you called chad and asked if you could come over, explaining what happened. chad, being a good friend, let you come over.
both chad and ethan sat in their living room. chad, more comfortable in his skin than ethan, sat on the couch playing video games shirtless in boxer shorts. ethan sat in a white tank top and basketball shorts, lying in front of the fan, trying to cool down. a specific knock on the door alerted chad that you had arrived.
springing up, he quickly paused the game he was playing and went to open the door for you. greeting you quickly, he let you in, leading you to the living room, where they had every fan they owned on full blast. basking in the sudden change of temperature, you let out a sound of pleasure, closing your eyes and soaking in the cold air. ethan shifted on the couch and stared at you.
your face flushed from the heat, sweat glistening on your forehead, causing the loose baby hairs to stick to your skin. gulping as he continued to ogle you, he noticed what you were wearing. a white cropped baby tee and black spandex shorts left little to his imagination. if he hadn't been staring for so long, he would've missed the fact that you weren't wearing a bra, your stiff nipples poking through the thin material of the baby tee.
“oh my god! i totally forgot i brought some popsicles." your voice interrupted ethan's dirty thoughts. you quickly pulled out three unopened popsicles from your bag, throwing one to chad and giving the other to ethan.
before he could say thank you, you plopped next to him and started getting comfortable, quickly unwrapping the popsicle and popping it in your mouth. ethan let out an audible gulp, shifting awkwardly away from you. he couldn't go far, though, since the couch the two of you sat on wasn't necessarily big.
your thighs expanded twice their original size, and your already short shorts rode up, exposing more of your butt. the side of your thigh was touching ethan's thigh, and your skin was warm and soft. ethan tried so hard not to stare at you as you sucked on the bright red popsicle—the way your lips wrapped around the melting ice, dribbling down your chin onto your exposed chest.
ethan could feel himself hardening in his pants, his face turning as red as the popsicle you continued to suck on. you weren't paying attention to him; you were too engulfed in chad's gameplay to notice ethan basically eyeing you right next to you. you were completely oblivious to the way ethan shifted and placed a pillow over his crotch, his hard-on becoming noticeable in his shorts.
to his demise, chad died and announced that he was going to the bathroom, which left you and ethan alone. you shifted and turned your body to face ethan, bringing your knees up to your chest to fit properly on the couch. still sucking on the flavored ice, you noticed ethan hadn't opened his, completely forgotten by him.
"weren’t feeling a popsicle?” you ask, pulling the popsicle you had out of your mouth with an exaggerated pop. “uh, no, sorry,” ethan replied, staring at your red-stained lips as you swallowed the tip of the popsicle again. the heat and tension made the atmosphere between the two of you suffocating, but you didn't care. you realized that ethan was shifting in his seat, gripping the pillow on his lap, and watching your lips, and you decided to tease him.
dragging the popsicle across your lips, you stick your tongue out and wrap it around the tip of the melting ice. staring into his eyes as you continue to “eat” your popsicle. somehow, he got more flustered, his face turning redder than before. his curly hair was messy, sticking to his sweaty forehead—fuck, it made him look so good. you couldn't deny you enjoyed making ethan flustered; seeing how he reacted made something inside of you ache.
sucking the popsicle, you thrust it further down your mouth, deep-throating it with ease. this seemed to be the final push for ethan, who stood up abruptly with the pillow clutched to his groin. he swiftly shuffled away, bumping into chad as he came back from the restroom. ethan shot him an apology before shutting himself in his room.
"what the fuck happened?" chad asks as he settles down on his couch, returning to his gaming. "dunno," is all you say, smirking to yourself as you finish up the final bits of your popsicle. chad shrugs you off and starts a new game, dismissing you when you tell him you're going to the bathroom. in reality, you made your way to ethan's room, deciding to finish what you started.
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this was a request, hope i did it justice!! eat up ethan landry fandom!!
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81folklore · 7 months
call it what you want- LS18
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pairings: lance stroll x streamer!reader (fc: sagemommy69)
summary: streamer yn gets on gossip sites for supposedly dating a driver, due to her being close friends with max fewtrell people assume shes dating lando, she shuts that rumor down pretty quickly
authors note: this was based on this request. i honestly wasnt sure where this was going so i hope its alright, didnt really have any motivation but knew i needed to get it done so🤷 also incase you dont know ‘bob’ is the name lando goes by on max’s and friends streams
authors note 2: kinda short, kinda sweet idk. i did this in about an hour and ive already found a few mistakes in the stream highlights but i deleted everything so you will have to make do! reminder that requests are open but currently only working on social media au requests or any that i can turn into smaus (also if you have a song/artistin mind please put that in your request along with a faceclaim if you have one!!)
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duexmoi added to their story
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liked by max_fewtrell, tokibbi and 1,263,719 others
teaching max_fewtrell valo and then 5 stack w/ max, jollz, toki + josh!! live on twitch 💐
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user7 ahh ive missed the streams!!
max_fewtrell i feel underprepared
yourusername you better hope your not we need you to carry
user88 excited for max to play valo
yourusername get ready for some wonderful reyna gameplay
user6 only recently started following, who are they from?
user26 honestly no idea, shes never posted them before😭
tokibbi 🩵🩵
your stream highlights
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liked by lance_stroll, landonorris, joshseki and 1,729,179 others
i want to wear his initial on a chain round my neck not because he owns me, but because he really knows me💐
tagged: lance_stroll
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user7 she really saw the lando rumors still flying and said ‘no.’
user12 theyre both 3 apples tall🤏
max_fewtrell why are you kissing on my timeline
yourusername this is what happens when people think i’d date bob
lance_stroll my babys fly like a jet stream
lance_stroll i love you!!
yourusername i love YOU!!
landonorris which is more than they can say🎶
yourusername 🚨swiftie alert🚨
landonorris reputation and 1989 are bangers
yourusername so real and true lando norris
user60 i love how we’re all pretending these two make sense and we arent shocked😭😭
user27 RIGHT?? why are we pretending we were expecting it??
joshseki tell max im never playing valorant with him again
yourusername max_fewtrell hes basically saying you sucked
max_fewtrell not fair..reyna was harder than i expected
user8 this is literally the most insane post, we have yn + lance, lance being a swiftie, LANDO?? being a swiftie and loving 1989 and rep (TASTE) and then max and yn arguing😭
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