50c14lly4nx10u5 · 9 months
ah fuck i was looking for a bar of soap and it wasn't where it normally is and so i figured mother hid it from brother and put it in the closet and I TOTALLY FORGOT THAT'S WHERE SHE STORES FROSTYFEST PRESENTS
uhhh. so i know one of the things i got now oops. oopie. oopsie daisy
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ghost-with-a-teacup · 2 years
when you need to pee but theres a girl asleep on you 💀
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crippled-peeper · 5 months
I need you to know I accidentally wrote your username as crippled-peepee
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(vibrates) it's slug time
loving the slang... "tightness all day long" "today is toasty". also love that "babes" survives way into the future. 15 this is ur legacy. "that woman was her sister" incest implication??? 2 minutes in
TURN LEFT /triggered
the design in this is impeccable.
this is so sims coded.... from the creators of "doctor who is a tv show" theory we bring u-> "doctor who is a videogame"
if u were disappointed with the focus on magic this ep this ep is rlly giving classic scifi parody lol
there's a lot of wordsmith-ing in this ep….eyes emoji
i love ruby sm now she's so resourful in every ep
this episode is like "this is how an anniversary multi-doctor multi-companion multi-master webcam special could still win"
ok but seriously. ppl are gonna be like "phones bad is dumb of course people look where they are!!!" bro. they dont. and yeah it can have deadly consequences. there's a reason "dont text and drive" campaigns happen.
ruby has done SO many callcenter type jobs forreal.
this episode is amazing
"is that thing something to do with you?" bitch (i got a bit spoiled that she's a racist (damn "looking at tumblr for 2 secs to vibe check" habit) so im looking at this with more hindsight than u are supposed to sdlkfjd)
bluie light celeste and gold motif in ruby and the doc's backdrops? also fifteen in orange <3333333 my beloved
the interior design is ON POINT this ep "you dont know how to walk without the arrows?" "condescending much?" bitch
this episode is so fun lol
"fifteen nd ruby react channel" realness (WHICH…..HEY…….DO U KNOW WHAT PPL REACT TO………………………. T V SH O W S (clown make up fully on))
ruby has done so much service calling jobs forreal lol the sheer patience
the doctor really wanting to lose their minds here but having to hold it together is peak doctor sdkjfsd (also very realistic of the struggles i expected a black doctor to work thru)
there's a bit of a theme of instinct vs programming going on here.
"surrounded by this woodland forest thing. it's like, really natural"
hashtag obsessed with it the catharsis im feelin tbh. 2 ppl being like "yo mass killing is rlly wrong" while the cacophony of the internet ~fun goes on and on. where's the [fiction]
ITS LIKE LOVE ISLAND THE PLANET. BRO. bro im so WIRED IN /clown make up intensifies
penny pepper bean still strong holding the 12 ppl still in the tory party together in the year something something
"ruby and the doctor struggle to lie in the moment" is my favorite recurring trope
the doctor using the sonic as a remote right there……………….. im running out of clown make up ya'll
"you did NOT just "@everyone" realism
no one ever listens to the goths….
until its too late…
its interesting that there's no cameras in their feeds, tho. right? like. that's the layer i think it's profoundly different to irl in this satire / social crit. ppl are *locked out* of the real world bc they're looking at their screens, but they do that bc the screens are a constant waterfall of billions of camera footage either of individuals or coporations or institutions. always producing "content". so like is not that ppl dont "see" anythign irl but they see it all thru a filter or thru editing,,,, but its fine i get what the satire is going for slkdfj but yeah. i think thats why it may feel a bit "not quite capturing" of the current ~digital ethos
fifteen so close to losing it- fifteen if u want to go for a bit of a timelord victorious i wont judge. u can have it. as a treat.
doctor who is a videogame energy bbc merch idea -> zombies run type podcast but it's the doctor and ruby telling u where to go for a job so u dont die. (russel get on this)
"this is your fault!" iconic. classic who
so many ppl have presumably died so far. god bless. we needed an ep like this. proper high body count who feels good. feels organic.
rip the au where these were the beatles. thats 1 theory im really gonna mourn for the rest of the series lol
plaza 55…… orphan 55 reference???
great abrogation sounds important.
"i will get out out of here. i promise" obligatory doctor mirroring moment.
oh shit.
"thi iss SO manual"
"hands off" I LOVE THEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The doctor x companion x some bland guy love triangle DREAM omg
"he says they're saving us to eat for last (snob voice)maybe we're the most tasty" scream. this ep is so fun.
pentecost's style was so on point.
wasnt her battery running out? (i may have missed something sldkjf)
bro stop hitting the fucking gas pipes oh my goddddd
that was brutal.
racists are gonna hate this episode so much lol
fifteen getting to experience all the microaggressions/outright aggressions thirteen didnt. yay progress(???) "thats voodoo" holy shi t
"maintain the standards of finetime" rtd was pissed when writting this lol
fifteen is not doing all rightkids.
ncuti's "who's my doctor? he's a black man" prophecy comes FULL CIRCLE
fifteen looking at US tho…………… this is a tv show man. this is a tv show. this is - *im struggle against my straight-jacked as im graddged back to the cushion-walled cell*
the plot twist of this ep………… phones good actually. thank u phones. u are doing a service.
so there's a lot of ways to chop this one…
"racism and capitalism still exists in the future" is a trope that it's kind of limiting / always grates me in some ways (it feeds into the anti-racism of ppl whose politics doesnt trascend idealist philosophy -> that is, it is an anti-racism that can't conceive of an end to racism bc it doesn't actually have a political project that address the material causes of racism and just tries to fix the "natural prejudices" away with "education". in other words, it cant portray a word without racism bc it cant *conveive* of one.) . however i think im more open to it this time / this series since s11 onwards the focus has been so much on telling stories about the present with scifi make up on. and i think this one manages to do that rlly well. ___
another vertice to look this one on is whether... is it really "doing anything" to have racism portrayed on screen (and other bigotry) in a scifi story? if u already experience racism or understand it happens, who is served by this? it's hurtful to watch and it's like missing the chance to "show a different world" is possible thru scifi. and the counterargument to that is on a """""color blind"""""" 2020s world it is rlly cathartic and re-affirming to have stories that *show* the realities of the world, and that dont shy away from showing those realities in fear of them coming off as "over the top" (bc they arent. some ppl will still walk away from this ep thinking "haha fun satires" but like. this is literally how White Rich People Talk. in real life.......) and again in this one time i think it works really well bc doctor who has… probably never done this? lol there's moments with martha and ryan for example, but never going this hard on it. but im open to discussion tbh. i think the angle of "is this a story about racism for white people to learn or is it a cathartic for *black / brown people to experience catharsis in" is gonna be one for fruitful discussion in the future. ___
besides the socio-political points,,,, bro this episode was a thrill ngl sdlkjf like so many simple, excellent moments like the girl walking into the light post. the made up slang and the real slang!!!!. the excellent interior design. "ruby and fifteen react to doctor who". just lots of fun little details. the execution was really inspired.
character point -> tbh fifteen at the end feels like a bit of Growth from like, ten at his worst moments -> "he's not the person you would have chosen to survive, but if you could decide who lives or dies, doctor, that would make you a monster"
also kinda wonder how this episde will hit for newbies / Not Us. i think a lot of its gut punch comes from dw never doing this before and so the strenght of subverting those expectations. is this an story that stands on its own w/o all the 60 years of context? we'll have to show it to our normie friends and see lol
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catboy-slut · 2 months
Are you sure you aren't that desperate at all? Liars don't deserve breaks last time I checked...
um uhhhh >///////<
...fine, i've been holding it so long i really really need to peeeeeeee
i know there's only 20 minutes left before the challenge ends but >.<
i think my pants might be soaked before then....
please? 🥺
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thedeathdeelers · 2 years
daily dilemma of “i need to peeeeee but i don’t want to peeeeeeee”
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anthonyed · 4 years
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i need to pee
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oh-katsuki · 2 years
there are very few things in this world that make me want to murder murder kill more than being about to go to the bathroom at work bc I’ve got a tummy ache and then being bombarded with a rush of customers RIGHT before I tell my boss to watch the front for me.
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freesomebodybyluna · 4 years
I'm too scared to go pee the bathroom is two steps in front of my door I RUINED MY LIFE!!!!!!!!
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daisydezem · 2 years
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Malcolm: Johnny! Hey man! Johnny: Hey little brother! Malcolm: Shut up... I’m glad you could come.  Johnny: Of course... it’s not like I have much else to do... Malcolm: But are you sure you’ll be okay? I mean babysitting isn’t something you did before... Johnny: Hey I can take care of my little niece and nephew.  Malcolm: Okay... Just know that Dominick will have to do his nap soon. Oh and well Kamila is just roaming around. She went swimming just a while ago. Johnny: What? You let her swim in the ocean by herself? Malcolm: Yeah, she is a very good kid. Both to be honest.  Johnny: So nothing like you... hahaha Malcolm: I was a good kid... Johnny: Hahaha okay okay, if you choose to believe that. Can I ask Kamila to show her Sixamian side? I’m just really curious. Malcolm: Oh... well sure. She doesn’t show it often though. I think she feels a bit out of place when she does. Dominick is kinda scared of it. Well with Melanie he was. So I think she keeps that in mind. Johnny: Ah okay... Dominick: Daaaaad! I need to peeeeeeee! Johnny: Let me help you so daddy can go do what he needs to do. Malcolm: Thanks! I’ll be back late but Yuki should be home in a few hours.  Johnny: All good!
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autogynocrat · 2 years
i need 2 peeeeeeee
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alvvaysalvvaysss · 3 years
today i barely felt my belly unsoft. clairo kept on wiggling and it hurt since morning. i dunno what it means. the past few mornights was i easily get awaken by the fact that i need to go PEEEEEEEE
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New Life in New York
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“Anonymous request:
Idea: tourist to the city and you get lost and *literally* run into Nevada or Rafael (your choice) and how’d they react to you panicking that your lost and are alone.” 
I really liked this one. I didn’t particularly have a plan, I just started writing and let the story take me where it wanted to go haha. I definitely enjoyed writing this, so I hope you enjoy reading it! Thanks for the request! Hopefully it is what you were looking for.
For those who don’t already know, I always keep my requests open, so if you think of anything you’d like to read from me, go ahead and holla at your girl.   
“Ugh. Dead already?” You groan at your phone. It was always running out of battery at the most inopportune moments. It was enough to make you wonder why you still carried the stupid thing around. “It’s okay,” you say soothingly to yourself. “Stay calm. You’re fine. People survived in New York City before cell phones existed. I’m sure you can find a way to navigate.”
Then again, the people navigating the streets now seemed like they all knew where they were going. They weren’t affected by the tall buildings and loud noises. They walked around with a bored, blasé affect to them. You assumed they were locals, which you definitely were not.
Time to do those deep breathing exercises you taught the students in your yoga classes. Breathe in. Now out. That’s right. There. Not so bad now, is it? Now if only I could figure out where I was going…
The streets seemed vast and endless, like an ocean of people and movement. Activity and noises. Your head started to hurt. So did your feet. And you could have sworn you’d already walked past this pizza joint twice. It was your first day in New York and you felt as lost as an itty bitty mouse in a big, bad labyrinth. You knew your new apartment was around here somewhere.
When your best friend from high school had invited you to the big city to start a yoga studio with her, you leapt at the opportunity to get out of your boring, small town and away from the memories of a painfully recent breakup. But now that you were here, you questioned whether you’d made the wrong decision. Clearly, you were in over your head.
“Hey, sweetie. You lost?” A guy smirks from where he’s stood, on the same street corner, for the past two hours watching you walk by again and again. He steps close to you and you move away instinctively.
“No,” You lie. “I just like to walk when I need to think.”
“’I think you’re lying to me.” He chuckles, following close behind you. Close enough that he’s able to reach his hands up and run his fingers through your hair. The contact sends a cold, terrifying chill down your spine and you instantly know you need to get away from this guy. Trying not to cause waves in the crowd, you pick up the pace to a brisk walk. Hoping beyond all hope that he takes the hint.
He doesn’t.
You speed up even more. So does he. Finally, you decide that you’d better bolt. He’s clearly intent on a chase.
Maybe I can lose him if I weave through the crowds and confuse him.
You reach another corner and turn the opposite direction of where you had the last time. He follows. By now, you’re downright sprinting.
Oh god, no. Why isn’t someone stopping this maniac?
Suddenly, you see a massive, grandiose building. Outside it are a group of police officers standing with their hands on their hips, discussing something rather animatedly with a man in a three-piece suit.
Police! Your mind cries with relief, darting toward them. Your stalker quickly understands exactly where you’re headed and bolts. The officers head back into the building, which you realize as you draw closer, is a courthouse. You follow, intending to report the incident that just occurred and possibly ask for a ride.
By the time you make it up the stairs, past the intimidating, mountainous columns, the officers are out of sight. Exhausted, you pant audibly, as you tread down the hall. It takes everything in you to ignore the dirty looks you’re getting from men and women striding through the hallway, dolled up in suits and ties. Lawyers, you assume.
“Excuse me.” You call to one. He walks past you without a single look.
“Hmph.” You frown. “Excuse me.” You call to a woman in a sharp-looking pantsuit. “Have you seen a group of police officers come through here?”
“Yeah, which one?” She scoffs, before she, too, click-clacks past you in her expensive-looking heels.
You try several more times, without any luck, to locate the group of officers. Or a security guard. Anyone who could make you feel safe. Hell, even getting someone to look you in the eye seemed near-impossible at this point. Everyone was too busy in their own world to care.
Your feet were practically comprised entirely of blisters at this point, and your legs, gelatin. Your chest ached from the rough, shallow breaths you’d taken while running. Feeling defeated, you thought about walking back toward the entrance of the courthouse. But what would you do when you got there? It’s not like you could just go back out onto the street when you knew that psychopath was out there. On top of all that, you were more lost than ever. And you needed a bathroom.
You roamed the halls searching for a public restroom, but all the doors you came across were locked. Peoples’ offices, you guessed. Maybe courtrooms. Who even knew anymore? Not like it mattered. An overwhelming sense of anxiety overcame you as you continued to walk on your throbbing, burning feet. Your phone was still dead. The halls were beginning to empty. What if you couldn’t find anyone to help you? And you still needed a bathroom.
Why did I ever want to come to this stupid place? You thought. It’s loud and there are people everywhere, and all the streets look the same. How did I think I could make it in a city like this? I’m so stupid. I just want to go home.
You feel a hot, painfully-stinging wetness rise in your eyes.
“I can’t do this.” You sob, clutching at your temples. You slump against a closed door, making a thump before sliding down to the ground. “I still have no idea how I’m getting home. That psychopath could be anywhere. What if I get lost again tomorrow and he finds me, and the second time, I’m not able to get away? I don’t want to get murdered.” You panic, your words becoming more and more loud and frantic.
“And I’m hungry. And I have no clue where I am, or what time it is. I can’t call for help. No one knows I’m in trouble. And I still—have—to peeeeeeee.” You gasp between sobs. It had been less than a day since you’d landed in New York, yet you’d never felt so lonely and afraid in your entire life. So small and insignificant.
Suddenly, the door unlatched and opened, swinging inward, sending you tumbling backward onto the floor behind you.
“Ouch. That huuuuurt.” You whine, feeling like a terrified toddler trapped in a fully grown body. As if you needed any more problems today.
“Hey.” Said a calm, even voice. “Did I hear you say you were lost?” You looked up and saw a handsome man standing above you in a crisp, white dress shirt with black suspenders and a navy, striped tie. You blinked a few times to make sure your eyes weren’t fooling you. He extended an arm and you took it, using it to steady yourself as you sat up, then stood. Your feet cried out in pain, but you ignored them. This man was the first person to express any kind of concern for you since you’d gotten here. You bit your lip to avoid tearing up again.
“Yes.” You say tentatively, feeling rather timid after your last interaction with a local man. 
“And you need a bathroom?” You blush, nodding in embarrassment. “Well, luckily for you, I know these halls like the back of my hand.” He smiles kindly, and the warmth reaches from the corners of his mouth to his tranquil, green eyes. You’re not sure you’ve ever seen anything more soothing. You feel your face grow hot with his gaze and you have to look away for a moment, or you feel like you’ll burst into flame.
“This way.” The man says. You return your line of sight to him and see the direction he’s indicating with an outstretched hand. As the two of you walk down the now-empty hallway, you can’t help but to try and steal quick glances at him. He looks so regal. So eloquent. And somehow, he gives off an inexplicable air of trustworthiness. Is it the warmth of his face? Something in the way he carries himself? Though it couldn’t be described, you felt it. Which is probably what prompted you to unload the story of how you’d come to be in the sad state he’d found you in.
“He didn’t hurt you, did he?” The man asks. A look of concern paints his features. You shook your head.
“I could tell he wanted to, though, so that’s why I ran.”
“I’m so sorry that this is your first impression of New York. I promise not all men here are predators.” He says, with a serious-but-warm expression. You smile gratefully and feel a sense of appreciation wash over you for this man.
“Here’s the bathroom.” He announces, motioning to a nearby door. You rush to the door, calling a ‘thank you’ to where he stood behind you.
Sweet relief! You think, as you wash your hands. The man’s smile dances through your mind again and you find your face feeling warmer. It seemed like fate that he would come along out of nowhere and rescue you. You pushed the door open to exit the restroom and saw the man, still standing in the hallway outside. He ran his fingers through his hair and let out an exasperated sigh as he bid the person on the other line goodbye.
I’d like to run my fingers through that hair. You think. But out loud, you say:
“Sorry, am I interrupting you at work?” He looks up at you from his phone’s screen and a smile pushes away the strained expression from a moment before.
“No, you’re alright,” he insists. “Is there someone I can call for you? Would you like to make a report of the incident?”
“No, no” you say, “you don’t have to drag the police down here for that. I’m fine. I don’t even know the guy’s name. And I barely got a look at his face.” His eyebrows raise. It seems like he’s heard that before.
“Well, you don’t have to drag them anywhere, they’re right here.” He motions toward the end of the hall, where three officers round the corner in a line, like an old-fashioned detective show. “And you’d be surprised how even the smallest details can solve cases. Especially with great detectives, like them.”
“You know them personally?”
“Unfortunately.” He scoffs humorously, tweaking a brow. He must be a lawyer. The three detectives stop a few feet down the hall from the two of you.
“Barba,” acknowledges an authoritative brunette, nodding to your new lawyer friend. “Who’s your friend?”
“This is…” He looks at you prompting eyes, realizing he never got around to asking your name.
“Y/N.” You finish.
“It’s her first day in New York.” The man named Barba smirks. The sight makes your heart flutter a bit.
“Oh, well, welcome. What are you doing in a courthouse on your first day in New York? I’m sure there are more exciting ways to spend it.” She laughs through a smile.
You start to explain the situation, and it’s not long before the detective insists you come down to the station to make a formal statement.
“We’ve had three similar complaints in the past month. Same description, same M.O. I think we’ve got a repeat offender.”
“And he’s getting more bold.” Says the tall, blonde male detective. After some cajoling, you agree to go down to the station and make a statement. On one condition.
“Can Mr. Barba come, too?” All three detectives raise their eyebrows—but not as high as Barba, himself. You feel compelled to explain, so you clear your throat and meet his eye. “It’s just, you’re the first person to care enough to look out for me here, and—I’d really feel more comfortable with you around.”
“Of course I’ll come with.” He smiles. “Just let me grab my things out of the conference room.”  
As you watch him walk away, New York City starts to feel a little less lonely and terrifying. You start to feel hopeful for your new life, and thankful for your new ally. And you also notice how amazing that new ally’s ass looks in his dress pants.
Yeah. I think I’ll like it here, after all.
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omoghouls · 6 years
💦⛲️🗣👀⏳😭😫👕🚻🌲🌺⛈💓💔💘🛌🚼🚿🚗🥤 Rain, Aether, Dew, Swiss, Copia
💦= Who’s more likely to have an accident
Ooh- it's a close tie between Rain and Copia, both have their own reasons for having accidents but, in this instance? Rain☆
⛲= Who makes a bigger mess
Swiss, ghoul has the bladder the size of a damn horse so it is a m e s s  if he goes anywhere else but the washroom
🗣️= Who’s more verbal about needing to pee
Swiss, he will straight up announce he's gotta take a leak and whine if he can't go like, "I gotta peeeeeeee, I'm going to explode- no shame
👀= How each reacts to lover(s) having an accident
Rain + Swiss surprised by seeing his lover wetting themselves but they'd be so soft and gentle, telling them it's okay, accidents happen!!
Dewdrop: Like Rsin, he'd be surprised being witnessed to an accident, he would be a bit more awkward when it comes to comforting his s/o, he'd ask if they're okay,maybe patting them on the back in a sense of comfort- he's awkward with this stuff help me
Copia + Aether: Both are so sweet, they are quick to help their lover to move away from the situation, offering them their jacket to help cover their wet clothes, making sure they feel safe and comfortable  ;w;
⏳= Who whines about not having much time left
Dewdrop, he grows more vocal the closer he gets to loosing complete control of his bladder, it's more so angry hisses but even those grow into weak mewling whines-
😭= Who gets emotional during/after accident
COPIA he always, without fail will cry when he has an accident  ;^; he just gets so upset because he's a Cardinal, he shouldn't be wetting himself like a child!
😫= Who has a panic attack when they wet
Copia, along with getting upset, he will become overwhelmed and all his anxieties will bubble out and he'll panic  ;0;
👕= Who tries to hide the wet spot on their pants with their shirt
Rain! He'll try to pull his shirt down to try and hide the big wet marks streaking down his thighs, despite it being so obvious he's wet- let him pretend it's working
🚻= Who will only use a proper toilet
COPIA, he will not and can not go anywhere but an actual washroom, he will potty dance and hold himself rather than go outside, he'll try to wait and hold it in until a proper washroom is available
🌲= Who’s more likely to pee outdoors
Aether or Swiss, they dont really care, when they gotta go they ain't going to hold it in if there is a tree around
🌺= Who’s willing to pee in a potted plant
Dew or Swiss- not nessicarly willing but if push comes to shove and they're about to wet themselves they will whip it out and 'water' the plant-
⛈️= Who fear-wets during thunderstorms
Copia- poor guy, thunder is too loud for him and it reminds him of scary times in his past, a flash of lightening and boom of thunder will have him shivering in fear as urine puddles under him-
💓= Who loves seeing their lover desperate and/or wet
S w i s s and Dew- both are kinkyyy and just loev watching their s/o squirm from being so full, they love teasing them and helping them wet themselves ~♡
💔= Who absolutely hates being wet
Dewdrop, he's a fire ghoul so having any fluid on him for a long enough time will make him incredibly grumpy  >:^(
💘= Who loves the after care
Rain- baby needs allll the comfort, all the coos and coddling, the cuddles and fluff♡♡♡
🛌= Who’s more likely to wet the bed
Copia- too many nightmares and stress lead to him waking up to soaked sheets more than he cares to admit-
🚼= Who’s more likely to wear diapers
Lowkey Rain or Copia- it's for comfort in most instances but also if they've been having wet days and nights from stress or w/e ;0;
🤒= Who’s more likely to wet because they’re sick
Dew or Copia- both being a bit weak in comparison to the others, being sick just weakens them more and gives the potential of them wetting themselves
🚿= Who waits all day to pee in the shower (on purpose)
Swiss, he likes the sensation of the warm water mixing with him releasing all over himself without having to worry about a mess~
🚗= Who’s more likely to pee in a vehicle
Like- on accident? Copia, poor guy,all the bumps and confined spaces just makes him unable to hold it for a super long time, he has wet himself numerous times on the tour bus :^0
🥤=Who’s more likely to pee in a cup/bottle
Aether- boy still is the most chill with peeing in bottles, when he needs to pee, he'll go in a bottle
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galaxy-starshade · 5 years
study process as a physics student
wake up. make tea. look at planning, what do i need to study ? oh, cosmology, cool.
tea is empty. make tea. study.
tea is empty. make tea. stu.... PEE ! PEE ALERT
tea is empty. make tea. study. PEEEEEEEE (repeat x35)
evening. Sleep.
Repeat every day for 1.5 months.
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tobesobri · 6 years
i gotta peeeeeeee they need to announce song of the year already omg
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