tadokorochann · 4 months
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absolutely a crime that there isn’t more content for this man out there im so mad rn y’all 😭😭😭
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odoraful · 2 months
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content: rafayel x gn!reader; reader is scared of the ocean but hasn't told rafayel about it; following the events of ch7 so minor spoilers!; established relationship; mild hurt but lots of comfort; raf being patient and understanding <3; 1.2k words
a/n: listening recommendation for when you’re reading is zora's domain (night) from botw ⛲️ the soothing water level music really helped me get in the feel for writing this piece hehe
You fully intended on telling him. Ever since the battle on Hat Island—when you were swept deep beneath the currents, breath slowly leaving you before Rafayel pulled you to the surface—the very thought of being near the ocean made your chest tighten. However, with the sparkle in his eyes each time he counted down the days before your beach getaway, you kept pushing bringing the topic up later and later. He was just so excited about going, you couldn’t possibly bring his mood down. This was also one of the few times he was keen on planning in advance. Besides, how silly was it that a hunter like yourself was scared of water? So, you kept quiet about your fears, consoling yourself that you’d get away with just sitting on the sand, as far from the ocean as possible.
“Don’t tell me you’re not going into the water at a beach?” Rafayel asked.
You lowered your novel, peering at him from above the top edge of the book. He was standing directly in front of you—hands on his hips and a pout on his face.
“You can go in without me. I think I’ll just sit back here and get some reading done.”
You tried to keep your voice as casual as you could.
“Puh-lease,” he enunciated, “You can read anywhere, but the ocean is only ever in one spot!”
Emphasising his point, he gestured wide towards the crystalline blue before the two of you. Though he was likely showcasing the brilliance of the scene, when you gazed out at the endless expanse of water, the sight left you queasy.
You covered up your uneasiness with a light laugh.
“I might join you a little later. You go first.”
Rafayel quirked a brow as you lifted you book up again, covering your eyes. It was unlike you to be so unenthusiastic on a date like this. Perhaps you just needed a little nudge.
You sensed Rafayel approaching your side, and you were suddenly hoisted from the ground. The movement made your book tumble from your hands, fortunately landing on the beach towel rather than the sand. He scooped you up into his arms, flushed against his chest. His skin was warm from basking in the sun as one hand wrapped against your back and the other below your knees. You cried out his name in surprise, staring up at the mischievous smirk on his face. Your stomach dropped realising exactly what he was about to do.
Fear seized you as he carried you closer to the water, just where the waves met the shore. Everything Rafayel was saying as you were in his arms faded away with the rapid beating of your heart in your ears.
Rafayel halted immediately as he felt you unexpectedly tense up. Looking down, he saw your eyes scrunched closed, hands balled up close to your chest. The smile on his face fell. Overwhelmed with concern, he turned you away from the water, cradling you close in his arms. Reassurances and apologies were cooed softly into your ear (Shh I’m here. Everything will be okay, I’m really sorry), releasing you from that momentary numbness.
“Are you feeling better?”
Moving to sit beside you, he brushed any errant hair strands away from your face. You nod, staring down at your lap. Shame bubbled inside you. Your silence twisted Rafayel’s heart.
“You should have told me you didn’t like the water.”
“I know… it’s just that you were so excited. I didn’t want to ruin this day," you admitted. You shuffled your feet in the sand, feeling the grains beneath your toes. “I know the ocean means a lot to you.”
Rafayel leaned forward, trying to meet your eyes. “But it’s no good if you’re not having any fun either.”
Instinctively, you turned to meet his gaze. Violet eyes brimmed with compassion. The tension slowly eased from your body like waves receding from the shoreline.
“I feel like such a villain almost throwing you into the water,” Rafayel added with a shake of his head.
The corners of you lips twitched, your spirits returning to you at his half-joke.
“It was a little evil of you,” you admitted with a soft chuckle.
Hearing you laugh was a victory for him.
“Will you let me have my redemption arc then?”
Your brows furrowed, wondering what imaginative thing your boyfriend had thought of.
“We can work on your fear together if you’re willing to,” he offered. “I won’t make you do anything you’re uncomfortable with, you can trust me.”
You had been so worried up until that point that he would be offended by your feelings. However, though the artist may be quick to tease you, the very last thing he wanted to do was make you uncomfortable. Besides, who better than a Lemurian himself to help you adjust to the ocean?
As expected, it took small steps. Rafayel never let go of your hand during the process. First, you simply watched the water together, getting used to the rich scent of salt. The scent that had once had been suffocating now filled your lungs and refreshed your airways as Rafayel wove tales of a kingdom below the sea. He also spouted a surprising number of facts about sea animals (He kept commenting on the silly smile on your face as he spoke. You couldn’t help but notice that many of these ‘facts’ he seemed to speak anecdotally about).
Then, he gently led you to the water—just until the waves caressed his and your ankles. You gasped at the coldness, body locking in place. Your mind couldn’t help but thrust itself back to being pulled beneath the currents—the icy water numbing you. Rafayel’s hand was your anchor to reality. Warm and assuring, he squeezed your hand. A wordless signal. I’m here for you, you’re safe. Although you were probably not ready to swim in it just yet, you were confident enough to let the foamy waves lap around your calves. The water tickled your skin, playful in their greeting. It reminded you of a certain someone.
You ended the day by collecting shells along the sand. Rafayel described them as little gifts the ocean was bringing you to say goodbye. Careful inspection was required for each shell before he placed them in your hands. You were left with a handful of shells in a myriad of unique shapes and colours. “These would make pretty pendants,” you said, holding them up to the light. He hummed in agreement, already thinking about all the different jewellery pieces he could create that would look perfect on you.
The sun hugged the horizon, its glow illuminating the water. The sea turned into a glittering spectacle like thousands of rhinestones. Your jaw dropped at the sight. Too mesmerised by the landscape, you didn’t notice Rafayel admiring your expression. Whilst the view was magical, it was nothing compared to seeing the pure wonder in your eyes. Maybe next time, he would offer to take you to watch the sun rise on the beach as well.
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twilightaurora · 1 year
bolstering a fighter's spirit – sage
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sneak peek: before battle, link pulls you aside with a request. he wants to wear his barbarian armor into the fight, but he needs help with the paint patterns of the set. after all, the attack bonus only happens when the purple paint completes the armor. won't you help him?
pairing: sage (totk!link) x fem!reader, background chain (no wind) x fem!reader (poly) – this will be four parts! one for sage, wild, and cal, then the triplets together ;)
warnings: 18+ content! (do NOT interact with this unless you have an age indicator in your bio - I WILL block you) cursing, spitting, handjobs/masturbation, hair pulling, praising, mentions of oral (m! receiving), sage is a big tease, a little bit of exhibitionism (public setting, but you're alone), jealousy ;) biting (forgive me if sage is ooc, he's just a little gremlin in my eyes) this is mostly teasing – the good stuff will come in part four ;)
word count: 6.4k
a/n: i want sage in a way that is concerning to feminism i think (/j... or am i??) this is dedicated to @neverchecking who fueled my brain rot xD this series is for you >:D
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It starts with Sage.
Because it always does. 
The chain landed in his Hyrule the day before, appearing on the borders of Zora’s Domain. The shift wasn’t terrible this time – for you anyway. Hylia, whether intentionally or not, had dumped you directly atop Time and Twilight. 
In your humble opinion, Time made a much worse cushion than his successor. With his broad chest and stiff armor, the eldest hero was less than comfortable to land on. Twilight, on the other hand, managed to grasp a hold of your waist in the midst of the fall, and dragged you into him as the three of you went down. You ended up landing mostly atop Twilight, much to your thanks. However, you could still feel the harsh press of Time’s armor against your sides.
“Oof,” you grunt as the air escapes your chest involuntarily. Pressing a hand to your ribs, you suck in a grateful breath of air as you lean forward. 
A hand slips around your hips as another gently taps against your back.
“You alright there, darl’?” 
It’s Twi. His accent is unmistakable. 
His hand rubs sweetly against your side as you cough. Sitting up with a huff, you feel Twilight hum as you lean away from his chest. Awkwardly, you shimmy off his lap to land between him and Time, smiling with a little chuckle, you nod. 
“Yeah, m’okay,” you smile, feeling your breath return. “You?”
Twilight chuckles, shifting and stretching his back. The three of you landed on your backs, facing skyward as the portal closed above you. It wasn’t a big fall, but it was enough to leave you winded. 
“M’alright, too. What about ya,’ Time? Ya’ good, old man?” Twilight turns over his shoulder to look at Time with a toothy grin. You catch a glimpse of his sharpened canines and have to look away before he catches your lingering stare. 
Time huffs, rubbing his own hand against the chest-plate of his armor. 
“Watch it, pup,” the eldest murmurs, but there’s no heart in it. Especially when you find the grin twisting the corner of his mouth upwards. “I’m okay. Is everyone all here?”
“We’re good!” 
The reply comes from Wind, the youngest already standing and looking around the new environment. His hands are on his hips and there’s a beaming grin on his lips. 
“Speak for yourself, kid,” Legend grunts. The Vet is pulling himself from a pile of limbs, buried beneath the forms of Hyrule, Sky and Wild. “You didn’t land at the bottom of the pile.”
A resounding groan comes from Sky as he weasels his way from underneath the others, offering his own complaint. 
“Four’s a little woozy, but other than that we’re doing fine,” Warriors inputs, his form crouched beside the mentioned hero. Four is on his hands and knees, panting as he attempts to right himself. Shifts are always a little different for him. Perhaps it had something to do with the other parts of him still constrained within one form, but he didn’t quite know. 
“I’ll be fine, Wars. Just gimme’ a few minutes.” 
Time is on his feet a moment later, turning back to you with a sweet smile and offering a hand. 
“Thank you,” you hum as you slip your fingers into his own. Twilight props you up as you begin to stand, his hand sliding from your back to a fraction lower. When you turn over your shoulder to shoot him a look, Twilight gives you a wolfy smile and a little wink before he begins to stand as well. You roll your eyes goodnaturedly and ignore the flash of heat that zings through your gut. 
“Of course, sweetheart,” Time murmurs, brushing the dirt off your tunic as you fix yourselves. “Anyone know where we are?” 
“It’s my Hyrule,” comes Sage’s voice. The Hero of the Zonai is looking down at his Purah Pad, scanning through something as he speaks. “We landed pretty close to Zora’s Domain. If we’re lucky we can make it there before nightfall.” 
Wild nods, brushing off his tunic as he confirms Sage’s words. 
“I recognize Inogo Bridge,” he muses as slings a Lynel Bow over his shoulders. “Is the road to the Domain as overrun here as it is in mine?” 
Sage hums as he filters through his weapon inventory, eventually summoning a Zonaite Sword that’s been fused to some monster part that the others don’t recognize. That Fuse ability of his is still something the Chain is getting used to. 
“It’s not so bad. I cleared it out before the last Blood Moon, but I’m not sure how long I’ve been gone.” 
Time leaves your side to join Sage and Wild. Cal fills his empty place easily, a little grin on his lips as he scans over your form. When he finds no injuries, his smile broadens, giving you a nod as you lean forward to pat his cheek sweetly. The pinkish hue of his cheeks is too cute. 
“I’m fine, Cal, really,” you murmur, leaning into the Hero as he blushes. 
“Just checking, is all.” 
You smile, pecking Cal’s cheek as you leave his side to join the other heroes. Time has his arms crossed over his chest as Sage speaks, his one eye still shut and his armor glinting in the sun. 
“Okay,” the Hero of Time begins, scanning over the Chain as he mulls over his words. “We move in an hour. That should give everyone a chance to recover from the shift. We should prepare for a fight – with our luck, the road will probably be overrun.” 
The rest of the Chain offer various forms of agreement, beginning to move away as they shift through their various belongings. You pull your pouch to your front and untangle the strings as you rifle through the magically enhanced insides. Finding the bottles you’re searching for, you count the number of healing potions and fairies still on your person. Mentally accounting for the rest of the chain and the number of potions you know are in Wild’s slate, you hum thoughtfully. There’s enough. As long as nothing goes terribly wrong, everything should be just fine. 
A moment later, your name is called. 
Lifting your head, you find Sage’s eyes across the clearing. The Hero of the Zonai finds your gaze and lifts his hand to beckon you closer. 
“C’mere, sunflower,” he smiles, the glint in his eyes reflecting something deeper. His grin looks a little too close to a smirk, and your heart skips a beat. He wants something. “I need your help with something.”
You follow his motion with a silly tumble of your stomach. Sage never fails to make your gut flip and your skin warm. You’re so weak for this man and he’s not even doing anything. 
“What’s up, Sage?” 
The hero is already wearing different clothes from the ones he landed in. You recognize them – you’ve seen his barbarian armor before. He and Wild – as well as Cal, you’ve come to learn, each have a set of the ‘armor.’ You’re hardly sure it can be called armor, given how little it actually seems to protect during battle. Wild had mentioned the armor was enhanced by the Great Fairies, giving him some kind of magical boost during battle. You didn’t really understand it, but you believed him. The triplets were wonders on the battlefield, and with the addition of the armor, you could tell their prowess seemed to grow. 
However, though Sage dons the leg wraps and the chest guard, the helm is still missing. When you step closer to the hero, you notice he’s suspiciously missing something else too. 
There’s no paint decorating his skin. 
The fur of his boots and at his shoulders ruffles with the soothing breeze, and you desperately try to keep your eyes away from the toned lines of his abdomen. Sage, however, seems to notice your struggle, because his grin only seems to broaden. 
When you reach his side, Sage holds something out to you. 
A paintbrush. 
“Can you help me with this, pretty? I can’t reach my back as easily as you can.” 
You have to battle against the way your stomach flutters. Skin warming and fingers twitching, you reach out to grab the brush from Sage’s outstretched hand. 
“Are you sure?” you murmur. “I don’t know the pattern as well as you.” 
Sage gives you another grin, humming sweetly as he reaches for your hands. His skin is warm as he pulls you closer. 
“Of course I’m sure. I’ll help you, love. Just come with me, please?” 
The look he gives you makes your knees weak. His lidded eyes are filled with something you can’t decipher, and his pretty cerulean irises are peering down at you with something dark in their depths. The way he leans forward over you is troubling given the way your heart clenches. 
“Okay, if you’re sure,” you whisper, smiling back at the hero.
Sage leads you away from the camp the Chain begins to build. You’re not quite sure what the distance is for, but you assume he must want some privacy given how close the paint is to… 
Sage smirks as you begin to realize what he’s asked you to do. His grip on your hand tightens and you press your lips together to repress the way your cheeks warm. Your stomach flips and something hot surges between your thighs. 
“You finally realize what I’m asking you, pretty girl?” 
Goddesses, this man is too much for you. 
You offer Sage a look, feeling suddenly small beneath his heated gaze. His blonde locks are loose and hanging delicately around his face, and you want to run your fingers through the silky tresses. You wonder what kind of sound he’ll make if you tug on them. 
Turning back to you when he’s deemed the distance enough, Sage gives you another smirk and pulls you close. He clutches your hips in his hands, tugging you closer with lidded eyes and leans down closer to you. Your heart skips a beat as his lips graze over your own, and you surge closer to his pretty mouth. 
Sage chuckles, the low sound making your stomach feel funny. 
“Ah ah, sunflower…” he tuts playfully, squeezing your hips and pressing his waist into your own. “I still need your help – there’s no attack boost without the body paint, you know?” 
You huff, shooting him a withered look at Sage grins. The hero pulls out the paint he uses for such purposes, outstretching it towards you as he motions towards the paintbrush. 
“Please, my love? You can start with my legs.” 
You nearly roll your eyes at his honey-sweet tone, giving him another look as you accept the paint. Your stomach flips again when Sage leans back, resting his weight against a tree behind him. The hero spreads his legs a bit, offering you the space between them as he looks down at you. 
With something hot rippling beneath your skin, you realize what he beckons for you to do. Huffing, you drop to your knees at Sage’s feet and look up at him with your brows raised. You find the man already looking down at you with a toothy grin, and something feral in his expression makes you even weaker to his salacious smirk. 
“This what you wanted, Sage?” 
“That’s perfect, sweet girl. You know I love you on your knees for me,” he purrs. “You know what the pattern looks like?”
You offer a small nod, shifting your eyes to the empty expanse of his toned thighs. On your knees, your head comes up to his hips, and you’re given a beautiful view of his gorgeous legs. The little skirt the armor uses barely covers more than a few inches beneath his hips, and you’re given more than an eyeful of his pretty, bare skin. 
Turning back to the paint in your hands, you dip the paintbrush in the royal purple color and lift it back towards his skin. Looking back up at him once, Sage inclines his head in a nod and you melt underneath his dark eyes. 
You start at his legs, dragging the paintbrush across his right leg. On his outer thigh, you paint the crossing pattern that you’ve seen span over his legs. You definitely have not been paying close attention to the pattern that the armor always dons… 
Flushing at the memory, you feel your thighs weaken, so you spread your knees farther apart to counter the weight. Head spinning as you finish the first leg, you look back up at Sage. He’s still watching you, one of his hands lifting to brush some of your hair out of your eyes sweetly, you melt into his hand. He gives you an uncharacteristically tender look before he nudges you back to your job. 
When you turn to the other leg, you find the leather drop sheath encasing his upper thigh. The dagger in the holster glints in the sun, but that’s not why your stomach flips. 
“Can I…” you murmur, voice uncharacteristically weak. “Can I take this off? I think the paint goes across here, doesn't it?” 
Sage hums, a knowing smirk on his lips as he runs his fingers across your scalp again. Leaning his hips forward towards you, you feel another lick of heat flick between your thighs. 
It’s so… hot. Everything is so hot. You know he’s teasing you, but it’s working. 
By the Three, is it working... 
Sage makes no move to take the holster off himself, simply offering you his hips and looking down at you through his lashes. “Go ahead, pretty. Take it off f’me.” 
You melt beneath his gaze, shakily lifting a hand to his legs. Your brain is racing and your thoughts are so fuzzy. Sage knows exactly how to make you weak beneath him. It takes so little effort. In any other situation, you’d probably throw a playful swat for such behavior, but when Sage gives you that lustful smirk, you find you’ll do anything he says – as long as he keeps looking at you like that, you’ll do anything and everything. 
When your fingers find the holster, skimming across the pretty, pale skin of his inner thigh, Sage keens. Goosebumps ripple across his flesh where your fingers were, leaving a trail of little bumps in a pattern across his skin. Knocking his head back against the tree trunk, Sage hums out a sweet sound and pushes his hips closer to you. 
Goddesses, does he make pretty sounds. 
You want to hear more. As his hips roll forward, you become more than aware of how close his waist is to your face. It takes every fiber of restraint you have not to drift your hand just an inch closer to the edge of his little skirt. 
Loosening the strap of his sheath, you begin to pull the leather from around his thigh. Dragging it down his legs, you drop it at his feet and look back up at him. 
Sage still has his head thrown back against the tree, his lips tugged upwards in a hazy look with his eyes closed. You’re so tempted to brush your lips across the span of his inner thigh, just where you need to paint. Your legs clench, the heat beginning to swell between your own thighs. Before you stand back up on your knees, the leather discarded at Sage’s feet, you indulge your fantasies. Darting forward, you drag your lips across the pale skin of his inner thigh, grinning when Sage curses. 
“Oh, Hylia,” he hisses, eyes prying open to glare down at you. You grin and Sage reaches a hand out to flick your forehead. 
“Keep going, sunflower. There’s still more to paint, and we’ve only got an hour,” he coos. “If you’re quick, maybe I’ll give you a reward for being so good for me.” 
You hurriedly dip the paintbrush back into the violet ink and Sage chuckles in that deep tone that makes your insides mushy. You finish the second crossing pattern on his leg before Sage’s eyes open again. 
Looking up at him, you lift off your knees and sit up. Now closer to his stomach, you hum shakily and whisper quietly. 
“I can’t remember the entire pattern on your chest, Sage. M’gonna need some help.”
“Of course, my love,” he muses sweetly. His hand is back at your scalp, gently scratching at your scalp and grinning when you keen into his hands. He loves when you go limp in his grasp. Oh, Hylia – he wants to see the look on your face when he yanks the strands back. Would you make a pretty sound for him when he does? Would you beg him to do it again? 
He wants to find out. 
Sage loves the sound your voice makes when you beg him so sweetly. He remembers the way your hips canted up into his own not so long ago, desperate for him to roll back into you as he pinned you beneath him. His eyes slide back shut at the memory, feeling his cock stiffen beneath the skirt of his armor. It twitches and Sage can barely contain the urge to drag your hand beneath the waistband to solve the growing problem. He can so clearly recall the touch of your fingertips against the head of his cock. 
Fuck, it’s so hot. 
“There’s a line across each of my ribs. They go around my back,” he manages to choke out. “Do those first.” 
You obey him without complaint, dragging the soft bristles of the brush across his chest just beneath where the chest-plate ends.  The bristles tickle across his ribs, and in any other circumstance, they might have elicited a silly giggle from the usually so stoic hero. However, Sage is far more distracted by the throbbing beneath his waistband to spare the attention for such sensations. 
As you lean back on your heels, tilting your head to assess if the short lines of pain across Sage’s abdomen are even, the hero chuckles again. Licking his lips, he gives you that feral grin that makes your heart clench. Pushing off the tree, he twists around to give you his back. 
“They go down to my waistband,” he murmurs. “You remember ‘em?” 
You offer a vague nod, too distracted by the cutting lines of his hips. Sage eats up the attention. 
With a racing mind, you finish the pattern, dragging the brush from mid-back downwards to the small of his back. When you lift a hand to the edge of his skirt, pulling the edge slightly to dip the brush beneath his waistband, Sage shivers. 
You grin. 
When he turns back to you, he speaks with a flash of sharpened canines. You nearly squirm at his feet, a notion Sage adores. 
“Now my hips.” 
You swallow thickly. 
Before dipping the brush back into indigo paint, you bite the edge of your lip and push back the smirk that attempts to show. You have an idea. 
“Sage…” you hum sweetly, leaning closer to the hero’s waist. Just an inch from the waistband of his skirt, you pull one of your hands up from the ground to rest against the bare skin of his hip. The toned skin of his waist flexes under the touch of your fingers, and you watch Sage’s closed eyes twitch. 
“Can you help me, darling? I can’t remember how this looks?” 
Sage’s eyes pry open, seemingly with immense difficulty, and the hero’s dilated pupils meet your own. Blown wide with some kind of primal emotion, Sage’s flushed cheeks spread into a grin as he registers your words. You lean closer to his hips, your fingers delicately tracing shapes over his side. You try desperately to restrain a scheming grin when Sage pushes closer to your hands. 
“‘Course, my sunflower. S’just a triangle over my waist. I’ll help you.” 
When one of his hands reaches for yours, you beam. Sage gently lifts your fingers, pulling you closer by your wrist until your front is nearly pressed up against his legs. He looks down at you with that feral, dominant look he knows you love, and you shiver. Your heart thunders beneath your ribs and Sage adores the way you move so easily for him. Always so eager to obey his commands… Goddesses he loves you. He’ll treat you so well after this – he promises. 
Lifting your hand, he helps you drag the paintbrush over his right hip and carefully draws the triangular shape across his waist. He twists a little, allowing you to finish the shape at his back. With another silly grin, he begins to help you start the other side. 
“There you go,” he coos with batting lashes. “Doin’ so well f’me. That’s just perfect.” 
When you finish his hips, Sage helps you paint the three dots on his front before moving to allow you to replicate the same at the small of his back. 
Then, you’ve reached the part you’ve been eagerly awaiting. The last part of his barbarian armor – the handprints.
Sage twists back to his front, leaning down to press a tender kiss to your forehead – a sweet caress compared to the way he’s been looking at you. He’s always so adoring in the way he treats you, even when he’s manhandling you beneath him. When he pulls your legs over his shoulders, darkened irises scanning over your bare hips, Sage always presses a chaste kiss to your calf to apologize for the stretch of your muscles. Always so sweet to the one he loves. 
“Thank you for helpin’ me. Now, give me your hand, sweet thing.” 
You obey, hand already outstretched with your palm facing skywards. Offering him the brush, freshly dipped in orchid-colored paint, Sage hums and accepts. He delicately cradles the back of your hand and begins to coat your fingers in violet ichor. The clay feeling of the paint sinks into your skin, and you sit obediently as Sage paints your palms. 
His eyes flick upwards to meet your eyes with another teasing grin. 
“You’re enjoying this as much as I am, aren’t you, pretty?” 
You nod, a matching smile on your lips. 
“Good,” Sage purrs, finally finishing the coat of paint across your palm. “C’mere then.” 
He twists to give you his spine first. You grin, reaching forward with your unpainted hand to pull gently at his waistband. Sage’s head knocks back as you nudge the skirt lower. When you can clearly see the small of his back, accentuated by his thin waist – his slutty waist, in your opinion – you lift the violet hand and carefully lay it across his spine. 
Sage hums, head still tilted backwards and his eyes closed. 
Before lifting your palm, you lean forward, eyes closing as your lips graze over the bare skin of his hip. Sage’s skin is hot, flushed red with the rush of warmth surging beneath his waistband. His cock twitches again. 
“Naughty…” he whispers teasingly. 
Twisting back around to the front and reclining back against the tree, Sage is careful not to smudge the paint you freshly smeared across his back. Inclining his hips forward again, the Hero of the Zonai gives you that feral look once more before his hand lifts and he’s beckoning you closer. 
“Just one more…” Sage teases, beginning to paint your palm once more. “One more and I’ll reward you.” 
You shiver, the rumble of his voice seemingly sinking beneath your skin to sink into your chest. He makes you so weak. Perhaps it’s something about the way dominance seems to radiate from him during moments like this. All he has to do is bat those blonde lashes and give you that feral, little grin, and you’re putty in his hands. Well, you suppose it’s not so bad. Sage always treats you so well. 
“Yeah, you want that, huh? ‘Course, you do… I always treat you so good, don’t I?” 
You hum in response, shuffling forward on your knees, “Yeah, I want that, Sage. Please?” 
Sage coos, a teasing smile stretched across his lips. He strokes one of his hands over your cheeks before it crawls behind your neck. Cupping your head, he runs his fingers through the hair at the base of your skull. Your thighs clench again. Sage does the same thing when your mouth is preoccupied with something else – running his fingers through your hair and pulling your face closer to his pretty hips. His head shifts between tossing back and staring down at your face, as if he can’t decide if he wants to give in to pleasure or if he can’t stand to look away. And he always sounds so pretty when you go down on him. 
“Ahh, I love it when you beg so sweetly for me, my darling. Finish this and I’ll give you what you want.” 
Releasing your hand, Sage drops the brush and lays back beckoning you forward with a lustful expression. When you shuffle again, inching closer, the hero pulls you forward by the back of your head and your stomach flutters. Offering you his waist, you lift your unpainted fingers with only a single tremor of your awaiting hand. 
Sage nods, inclining his chin in a command. 
“Pull ‘em down, pretty thing. You’ll need to see what you’re doing, right?” 
You huff, unable to offer a teasing remark in return, simply too transfixed on the sharp lines that lead down his waist. The v-line beckons you, guiding down where you want him most. 
Brushing your fingers across his waistline, you find the band of his skirt. Looking up at him once, Sage watches you with fluttering lashes as you begin to nudge the waistband. Tugging on it, Sage pushes his hips towards you to help you pull the skirt down onto his hip bones. 
It goes slow – tantalizingly slow. Revealing bare skin inch by inch, you lean forward to press a kiss to his left hip, but Sage’s fingers grip the back of your neck harshly. Tugging gently at the strands of your hair, your stomach flutters and heat prickles between your thighs. You let out a little grunt and Sage grins wide. His body shivers, seemingly pleased at the tiny sound of pleasure that fell from your lips. 
“Not yet…” Sage coos. “Be patient, sunflower.” 
You give the hero a haughty look, but obey regardless of the sweltering heat building in your panties. 
Weaseling the waistband downwards, you feel your heart jump into your throat. With more of his heavenly hips exposed, you feel another wave of heat flush through your skin. Each of your nerves seems to jump with adrenaline, and you eagerly lift your violet hand to finish the task appointed to you. Finally, you stop tugging at his skirt, leaving the waistband just above his dick. You know it’s uncomfortable, given how it twitches beneath the cloth of his skirt, flexing upwards at your teasing. Sage gives you an unimpressed look, motioning for you to finish. 
So delicately, you press your palm against his pelvis, the purple paint sinking into his bare skin. Fingers following after, you teasingly rest your hand between the sharp edges of his v-line – just above the throbbing muscle between his thighs. 
Sage keens, his head finally tossing back against the tree with another delicious sound. His hips push forward into your hands, tugging you closer to his waist by your neck. The other hand drops across his eyes, hiding his flushed cheeks in his elbow. 
“Hah… fuck.” 
With his arm hiding his eyes, you finally lean forward away from his fingers and leave a kiss on the edge of his v-line just beside your violent hand. Sage grunts, clenching his jaw as your warm mouth opens to drag your tongue over the dip in his hips. 
“By the three…” he whines, finally scrambling to tug at your hair again. Pulling you away, you drag your hand away from his pelvis with a feral grin of your own. Looking up at your work, you watch as Sage pants, his chest heaving with each breath. 
When he finally shifts his arm, his eyes prying open to find your scheming smile, Sage huffs and tightens his hold of your neck. Tugging you closer, he drops his other hand to slide two of his fingers beneath the waistband of his little skirt. Tugging at the band by his hip, he drags it another inch downwards with a primal grin. 
The paint must be working – that ‘fighting spirit’ finally kicking in. 
Wild had tried to explain it before; the magic the armor gives them. He said it enhanced his attack in battle, by somehow ‘bolstering his fighting spirit.’ However, when you questioned what that meant, Wild had gotten a little shifty. His cheeks had flushed and he rubbed his hands together, simply waving off your question with a simple “don’t worry about it.” 
But you’re not stupid. 
You’ve seen the way the triplets get a little more… primal with the armor on. They’re more aggressive, quicker to jump into battle in an attempt to burn off the adrenaline surging beneath their skin. It makes their eyes glint with something dangerous, and you’re not ashamed to say that you quite like the way they look. 
“My good girl…” Sage coos, still dragging down his skirt at a teasingly slow pace. “Will you help me with one more thing, my love? Just one more?” 
You nod before he even finishes his words. 
Sage grins, all teeth and darkened irises. 
“Hmm, thank you, baby.”
Then, Sage finally pries his skirt from his hips, letting the fur material slide off his waist and drop to the forest floor in a single motion. You only have a fraction of a second to admire his bare skin before his pretty cock fills your vision. Nearly slapping against his stomach, Sage’s dick twitches just once when you shift to look at it. The hero keens into your grip when you lean forward, painted hand sliding over his hip where you know the skirt will hide the smeared violet color. 
Sage’s cock, hard and already leaking at the pretty-pink tip, lays against his stomach. It ends at the tip of the purple handprint you had just pressed into his pelvis, almost as if you had known exactly how long his dick was. 
The Hero of the Zonai grins in that feral way, his form nearly radiating with primal dominance. He slides his other hand down across his stomach, taking care to avoid the fresh streaks of paint. Sage wraps a hand around his cock, tugging gently and stroking until it comes to its full hardness. He suppresses the sweet whine that desperately wants to escape – you have to work for those sounds if you want to hear them. 
“Open your mouth f’me, my good girl.” 
Your head tilts back into Sage’s hand, squeezing your legs together as something warm drips between them. Opening your lips, you look up at Sage as the hero smirks. 
“So good… thank you, darling,” he coos sweetly, moving his hand to run his thumb over your bottom lip with a dark look. Leaning forward, Sage spits into your open mouth with a smirk. 
Swallowing obediently, Sage hums happily and leans downard again to tug your lips to his own. Groaning into this kiss, Sage pries open your lips to lick into your mouth. Moaning happily, you melt into Sage’s hand, now returned to the back of your head. Sage kisses you wetly, saliva smearing onto your lips as he pants, still tugging at his cock. Pre-cum slides down the head, slicking up the length as he slides his fist over it with a whimpered sound. 
When he finally pulls away from your swollen lips, you chase after his mouth with a sigh. Sage grins, his dilated pupils scanning over your flustered face with a haughty look. You watch him tug at his dick, rubbing your thighs to combat the throb between them as he keens into his own hands. 
“Sage…” you whine, trying to shuffle closer. 
Something flashes across Sage’s darkened eyes. 
“That’s not my name, sweet girl,” he murmurs with a frown. “You know better. C’mon, wanna’ hear you say it right.” 
Your stomach flutters, his teasing tone making your skin tingle and your head spin. You lean closer to his stomach, whining again. 
Sage frowns, pulling your hair gently to redirect your attention. 
“C’mon, pretty. Say my name – my real name.” 
Your eyes find his, tugging carefully on your bottom lip with your teeth before you whine out the name he wants. 
Sage – Link groans, head tilting back to expose his pretty throat as he slicks up his cock again. Tugging fiercely at the length as his gut clenches, heat swelling and twisting in his pelvis with a sweltering warmth. 
“Oh, fuck…” he whines, pushing his hips closer to your face with a twitch of his dick. “That’s it, my pretty girl. Thank you, baby – thank you.” 
Just the sound of his true name on your lips makes him so aroused he can feel his cock throb painfully in his fingers. His hand tugs your head closer, now looking back down at you with those dark irises. Sliding his other hand away from his dick, Link allows your mouth to suck two of his fingers. Tasting the salty pre-cum coating his fingers, you shift on your knees again with a pretty sound. Link smirks. 
“Okay, my sunflower. You want your reward now?” 
Nodding, your tongue still flicking over his two fingers, you lean closer. Purple paint smears onto both your hands, and you know there are streaks of it on both of Link’s hips. You hope the other’s don’t see – or perhaps, you hope they haven’t paid too close attention to where the paint is supposed to go. You think you can feel little smudges of the orchid clay spreading across your throat where Link is clutching your neck, but you forget about it when Sage whines again as you lick over his fingers like you would his dick. The pretty sound makes you drip, and the panties you’re wearing are surely soiled now. 
“Yes please, Link,” you whisper. 
Link grins again, then pulls his fingers from your mouth and pulls you into his waist. Heat in his stomach and cock throbbing, purple paint decorating his pretty skin, Link slides a hand around his dick and taps it against your lips. 
“Good,” he murmurs, abs clenching as heat continues to stir. “Then suck and I’ll give you another.”
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When an hour passes and you and Sage return to the temporary camp, the Chain turns to find faint streaks of smeared paint across Sage’s waist and a lilac tint on your palms. You’re both grinning, wild smiles on your cheeks as you step back into camp. Sage is in his barbarian armor, the skirt ruffled and twisted around just slightly and the helm now on his head. If Wild looks close enough, he can see a faint, dark mark on Sage’s inner thigh, just barely obscured by the skirt of the armor set.
“Are you kidding?” Wild exclaims as the two of you enter camp. He had to paint the armor himself when he could have just asked for you to do it? 
Wild and Cal are both in their barbarian armor, having painted on the violet patterns themselves. The former rolls his eyes as he watches Sage follow you, a smirk on his lips. He finds Wild staring at him and his expression only seems to grow more teasing. Cal shifts on his feet uncomfortably, finding your eyes and offering you a bashful look. 
“What?” Sage responds, his fanged grin still beaming. 
Wild grunts, huffing as he steps closer to you, beginning to pull you away from the other hero. The long-haired hero shoots Sage a glare, but the elder hero only seems to enjoy the spotlight. Wild wraps a hand around your waist, pulling you close as he finds a streak of orchid-colored clay across your throat – a fingerprint shaped print. 
“You have other armor that gives you an attack boost, you know?” Wild grunts towards Sage, jealousy swirling angrily in his stomach. 
“Yeah, but I wanted this one,” Sage smiles. “And our darling just wanted to help me with the paint – didn’t you, my sunflower?” 
You offer a shy smile to Wild, feeling suddenly flustered beneath both their gazes. 
Some of the other members of the Chain slowly begin to congregate in the center of the camp, drawn to the chatter. Wind remains over the ridge of camp, scouting the path ahead with Four. Legend scans over Sage’s slightly smudged paint and your ruffled appearance, rolling his eyes and huffing. 
“Could have been more subtle, Sage,” the Veteran sighs. 
“But what’s the fun in that,” said hero responds, sending Legend a grin. 
Legend simply rolls his eyes again, stepping forward and licking his thumb to scrub away the paint across your throat. You shrink under his gaze, feeling so shy with their attention now on you. Legend scrubs gently and you shiver at the feeling of his saliva against your skin. 
“Stay still,” Legend murmurs. 
“Sorry, Vet.” 
Wild, still at your side, pulls at your tunic and straightens your ruffled appearance, wiping away something at the corner of your mouth. You shy away from their attention with a flutter of your stomach. When Legend is satisfied, he sends you a knowing look before he turns back to Hyrule. 
Wild hums thoughtfully at your left, and you twist to face him. You tilt your head, silently questioning Wild’s thoughts. The hero follows your titled head, eyes dilating as he examines your swollen lips. Lifting a hand, he brushes over the bottom lip with lidded eyes and something dark flashes across his expression. 
Oh no – you know that look. 
“Wild…” you murmur carefully. 
The Hero of the Wilds meets your eyes with a smirk of his own, leaning close until his mouth is pressed against your ear. He breathes a warm sigh over your skin and enjoys the way you weaken in his arms. When he’s sure the Chain isn’t looking, he drops a hand to squeeze one of your thighs, briefly dragging a finger across the seam of your pants. You keen into Wild’s chest with a breathy sound and the hero sighs happily.
“After we reach Zora’s Domain,” he whispers, voice saccharine like the honey he cooks with. His mouth presses a sweet kiss to the skin of your throat, pecking it gently before he sets his sharp teeth against your shoulder. You whine quietly into him as they prick your flesh, and Wild bites carefully into your throat with a huff. “It’s my turn…”  
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sage, walking back into camp: sorry i'm late I was doing stuff
reader, emerging from behind sage: i'm stuff! :D
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bowandcurtsey · 1 year
Hwllo I love your pregnancy simulator headcanons you did for zora and nozel
Could you please do one for fuegoleon too?
Hiya sweetie! Thank you for requesting this! I foresee I have a mutual that would love this too hehe. I'll add in Yami for this too, cause I'm missing him a little. Haven't done his request in quite in awhile. („• ᴗ •„)
Here's the link to the request for Nozel, Patri and Zora There's another one for Finral
Fuegoleon | Yami x f! reader
Fuegoleon Vermillion
Being the righteous gentleman he is, he agreed to it immediately. Salamander shook its head. He felt that he should know exactly what kind of pain you were going through, since you had your third child on the way.
You paste the stimulator on, for him. You started at level 3.
"I don't feel much honey. Feels a little ticklish."
You pressed level 5. "This is where the dilation starts, how is it?"
"okay. bearable." He walked around with the stimulator.
You pressed on 7. "we're now waiting for the right time to push~"
"Mhmm." he grunted a little, starting to feel the pain, "I think I need to sit down a little.."
He sat down with a huff and took deep breaths in and out.
You pressed 8.
"are we pushing yet, honey?" he said in between his breaths.
"nope. we're only at level 8, Fue. The dilation is not enough yet."
"Level 8?!"
You pressed 10. Fue had to sit forward and clench his fist and clutch the arm rest of the chair.
"Now you push!" you exclaimed
"honey.." he groaned, his breathing becoming laboured. "how do.. you-"
His hands reached to grab on the stimulator.
"how long-.." his sentence was more incoherent now, but you understood what he was asking
"er. usually the contractions come every 10 minutes or so and it stops after awhile..."
He was huffing and puffing, meaning that the contractions were off for now.
"And it childbirth could last like this for hours~" you reminded him.
You told him to lay down on the bed. As the contractions came, he curled his body a little.
"That wouldn't do, honey. You have to open your legs to push!" you teased him.
He tried to roll back on his back, his face muscles squirmed and tensed up. You could even see his forehead covered in sweat.
You turned the stimulator off when the contraction subsided again.
"Honey. I'm sorry you're going through this for the third time..." his face was so guilt stricken, "You're amazing for giving me 3 beautiful kids. I promise to never let them misbehave or bully you. They have to be nice to you at all times."
You laughed. Well, it gets easier one after the other, love." You grabbed a handkerchief to wipe off his sweat.
"I love you wifey." He caressed your face.
Yami Sukehiro
"no. I ain't doing that baby." he gave you the look.
"yes. you're doing it." you insisted.
Of course Yami Sukehiro could never say no to anything you wanted. He was wrapped around your pinky.
He gave a sigh as you paste the stimulator on him.
"baby. How about you press 10 right away?" Yami challenged. "Just get it over and done with."
"no?" you raised an eyebrow at him, "you have to experience the slow and gradual pain"
"you sound sick in the mind when you say that out loud, baby" he gave you a dead panned face.
"Excuse me, we woman experience this for hours. Some take 12 or more hours! I'll just let you feel the pain for a few minutes."
"okay, okay..." he was defeated, once again.
You pressed 4.
"You feel anything?"
You pressed 6. "Dilation starts about now."
"So we're going push now?"
"no? Just a waiting game."
"I feel like might punch someone in the face if they made din right now"
You gave a little laugh, but you were impressed by your man's tolerance.
You pressed on 8.
Yami took a deep breath in and let it out slowly.
"Painful, huh." you cocked your brow and tilted your head to the side.
"I could understand why you women get upset randomly feeling this. I feel like yeeting Asta Luck and Magna right now just to let off some steam."
"Yami!" you rolled your eyes at him, "anyway, you can lie down if it's uncomfortable."
He lay down on your bed making himself comfortable. You were really impressed. This man had high tolerance to pain.
"ready for 10?"
"You mean it's not level 10 yet?"
"what the fuck." he cursed, "okay just go."
You pressed on 10. Yami spewed a chain of curse words as the contractions came on. He scratched his head roughly.
"I don't get it, baby." he grunted.
"Get what?"
"You cry and yell at all the fuckin roaches and you go through this?"
"Hey!" you smacked his biceps
"Yeah, you can hit me now, cause I ain't feeling anything except this fucking shit."
You laughed. He must be really feeling the pain now, seeing the amount of vulgarities he was spewing.
Whenever the contractions went off, he relaxed awhile and when it came again, he was grabbing at the pillows and cursing.
"Get this damn baby out already." his face looked like he was having a bad constipation.
"Baby, remember when we had our first child, I took 8 hours?"
He eyes darted to look at you, realising all the pain you were in for that long back then.
"Yeah." you nodded your head at him, seeing that he understood what you were getting at.
"I'm sorry princess. From now onwards I'll yeet them if they misbehave, god damn it."
"You'll yeet your precious d/n?" you gave him a smirk, knowing that his little princess was his weak spot.
He paused to think for awhile, "okay you can yeet that little monkey and me out together."
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frost-link · 1 year
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Sidon X Reader [Angst]
Finding Out About Yona
[Part One]
You hadn't seen Sidon in months due to the upheaval in Hyrule, and due to Sidon becoming extremely busy at Zora's Domain after Calamity Ganon. However, word got around that a strange sludge had appeared there causing havoc. You were quick to make it to Zora's Domain on foot, by the time you got there you were covered in sludge and drained. You couldn't help but be overwhelmed by how different Zora's Domain looked.
Your P.O.V.
I had approached the new statue seeing it wasn't Mipha anymore, but instead Link and Sidon.
"Where did Mipha's statue go...?" I muttered to myself, getting distracted while trying to find Sidon. There was a sound of footsteps behind me, however I was too lost in thought to hear them. I then jumped a bit in surprise hearing an abrupt feminine voice behind me.
"Ah, a hylian! We weren't expecting any visitors during a dire time like this. What brings a hylian like you here? Are you alright? It must have been quite the journey to get here!" I turned around seeing a green female Zora. I raised my eyebrows a bit surprised, noting how I never saw her before, I then smile a bit in response.
"Ah. You scared me." I laughed nervously rubbing the back of my head. "I was here hoping to find Sidon to make sure that he was okay, and I'm fine! Just a little dirty from the sludge." I said looking up to the worried green Zora. Her concerned expression turns into a relieved expression before her eyes widen a bit pointing towards me.
"Are you... (Y/n) by chance?" She asked with a curious look, I stood a bit shocked at her recognizing my name before I nodded. She smiled even wider. "Sidon has told me so much about you! He has been worried about you and Link since the upheaval, that's pretty much all he talks about is you two!" She said with a small grin. I couldn't help but feel my face go warm hearing this. She then shook her head a bit before continuing. "Sorry! I got a bit ahead of myself there, I almost forgot to introduce myself! My name is Yona, I'm Sidon's fiancé!" She said in a chipper tone. I immediately froze, like a pit in my stomach just dropped.
"...Fiancé?" I asked a bit hesitantly in disbelief. She then nodded. I only stood there in silence. My brain couldn't process what she had just said, my brain suddenly felt dazed, I could hear her talking, asking me something; however it fell deaf to my ears. I then turned back to her when I felt her shaking my shoulder lightly.
"(Y/n)? Are you okay? Do you need to go to the infirmary?" She asked concerned with her eyes filled with worry, I quickly shook my head.
"I'm fine. I think the sludge made me a little dizzy, I'm going to go get some air." I said brushing her hand off me lightly, before walking away. I could hear her call out my name once again completely worried. I had simply ignored her, and kept walking. My mind has completely wandered. I found myself near the top of Mount Plymous. I then stumbled a bit seeing Sidon's back, my breath was sharp as I stood feeling tears in my eyes. He seemed to have been doing something, as he was standing in the water with light emitting from hit palms near the water. I watched him in silence for a few moments, feeling overwhelmed with so many different emotions.
"(Y/n)! I'm surprised to see you all the way up here! Are you here to see Prince Sidon?" I heard a Zora guard call out to me, I immediately panicked hearing this, taking multiple steps back.
"No! Just wanted to see what was new up here, anyways I have to go now. Bye!" I said quickly turning away trying my best to hold it together, starting to walk away at a quick pace. The Zora guard looked a bit confused before waving. I didn't get very far as I soon heard a deep and rich voice.
"(Y/n)? Is that you?" Sidon called to me, I slowly turned my head to his voice but turned back, my pace increasing more. It wasn't long before I felt a strong hand on my shoulder. "(Y/n)!" Sidon called out again, immediately turning me to face him, his face was concerned, as mine was filled with anger and tears.
"Yona, huh?" I immediately asked in a vile tone, clearly emotionally charged.
"(Y/n) I-" he started, but I cut him off before he could finish as I immediately pulled away from his grip.
"I left for a couple of months, and you're now getting married to a random zora?! Why didn't I know about this, did our relationship mean nothing to you?!" I cried out as tears continued to drip from my eyes as my face was red from anger. Sidon was immediately taken aback by my hostile tone.
"I... It's not what you think it is!" It was an arranged marriage, and she was my childhood friend!" He said with a small look of guilt, as his face was saddened.
"A childhood friend?! You threw away our relationship for a childhood friend?!" I yelled out angry before continuing. "I worked so hard throughout our entire relationship to keep it private and then you turn around and do this!" I screamed at him. His eyes went from widened then to a soft glare.
"I'm a Prince! I take my role very seriously! I have to do what's best for my kingdom!" He said defending himself lightly. I felt angrier at him if it was at all more possible.
"Our relationship suddenly means nothing now?! Is your kingdom more important than us?" I asked with stepping away completely enraged. Sidon looked taken aback once again, before he realized that he had said the wrong thing.
"Of course it matters! I just... Let's not talk about this right now, darling. I have more important matters right now." He said trying to reach towards me, I pulled away once again.
"You don't have the right to call me that anymore! It's over!" I was quick to immediately start walking away once again, ignoring his calls to me. Everything hurt.
(Part 2 Coming Soon!)
(The writing isn't the best however this is my first post. I needed some angst after finding out about Yona LOL)
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itjazzbicch · 1 year
New Sights
Pairing:  Roronoa Zora x Fem Reader 
First time writing for One Piece & Zoro, so I hope I did well! 
Summary: After recovering from a gunshot wound from their last battle, the reader wakes up full of energy, wanting to have a good day, later learning that she needs to show her close friend, Zoro, something new now that they have the time...
Warnings:  SMUT! (18+ ONLY! MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DNI! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!) (Swearing, foreplay, oral M receiving, masturbation, unprotected sex) (There are also some flashbacks! They are italicized!)
Word Count: 2.5k 
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Waking up, arms opened and stretched, it was the first time in that past week or so that I woke up feeling brand new.
Considering all the bounties we had on our heads, and the number of enemies we had to face, I was bedridden after not only taking a gunshot wound but using the last bit of strength I had to save one of my crewmates and perform CPR.
Despite thinking about that nasty battle, I woke up with a smile on my face, able to feel the heat from outside, taking everyone by surprise as I blasted into the kitchen in just a bikini, smiling at everyone:
"Good morning!"
"Well good morning, mon amour!" There went Sanji already, heart eyes and all, usually, it'd get on my nerves, but today, it made me feel even better.
"Y/N! You're finally up and moving around!" Usopp smiled with Luffy, nodding to him as I sat at the table, smiling back:
"I feel like I can take on the world! I just feel so good and full of energy for some reason."
"Oh, my dear! That's wonderful! Here's your breakfast so that you can keep that energy going all day," Sanji was being extra sweet today, bringing my plate first and I thanked him with a side hug:
"I know you're good cooking will do just that!"
"HEY! WE'VE BEEN WAITING SANJI! WE WERE HERE FIRST!" Luffy never played around when it came to his food, and when Nami came in next, that only made him argue with Sanji more, but I just laughed at it and ate.
Breakfast was truly delicious. We all ended up smiling and enjoying the morning, except for Zoro who took a nap right after. We were still on the sea and when I headed up to the deck, all I could think about was jumping into that ocean and swimming.
Needing to do something to let this energy out, I saw Usopp and Luffy heading up to the deck too, running over and tagging Usopp:
"OH, WE'RE PLAYING TAG?!" Luffy started to run along, Usopp chasing us and swearing he'd get us and Luffy used me as a shield, about dying of laughter as I was the one chasing them, but an idea popped into my mind when I saw Zoro laid back with his eyes closed.
"I'm not playing tag with you guys. Buzz off," He groaned with his eyes closed. He was such a party pooper and I was gonna change that, stealing his swords before I ran for my life:
"Okay then, but you won't get your swords back!"
"What the-?" Looking at his side, they were gone and I was running to the other side of the ship, "YOU GET BACK HERE, RIGHT NOW, Y/N!"
"GOTTA CATCH ME FIRST!" I cackled, getting Luffy and Usopp to join in so that we all had a sword.
The only problem was Zoro was fast, almost catching me, but I had different plans:
Launching the sword, I jumped off the ship, laughing as I landed in the calm ocean, Zoro still yelling at me:
"Hope you're not afraid of the water then!" I giggled, relaxing back and swimming, still able to hear Zoro yelling at Luffy and Usopp since they still had Zoro's swords.
I needed a day like this. I swam alongside the ship for some time, tanned with Nami for a bit, and Sanji made us dinner. Even after the long, fun day we had, that bundle of energy kept me up.
After the sun went down and brought up all the stars, everyone went to their rooms and I stayed up on deck, laid back and picking out constellations that I could find. There were so many and I was in my own little world, till I heard:
"It's getting late, you know."
"Here to get your revenge?" I giggled at Zoro who sat next to me:
"I don't feel like it," He sighed as he sat back, looking up at the sky too, "Can't sleep?"
"Naw, I can't, but it's okay," I hummed, sitting up and shaking my arms, "I've just been so pumped up today. I thought I'd be stuck in bed feeling like a zombie for a while, so I guess I'm just super happy."
"Yeah, and super annoying," He whispered under his breath as a joke, laughing as I flexed my arm like I was going to punch him:
"Ooo Zoro, why I otta!"
"Like you'd stand a chance against me," He smirked cockily, shifting my hips so I could get in his face and tease:
"I'm no pushover. I'd like to test my luck."
Suddenly, he was so quiet, a cloud passing allowing the moonlight to show that his eyes were fixed on my chest, where my gunshot wound now left a scar.
"Zoro! You better not die on me! I'm right here!"
During that last battle, even after being shot, I dove into the ocean to save Zoro who was down too, doing CPR, mouth to mouth, the whole nine yards to bring him back before I collapsed from my injuries that ended up being worse than anyones.
"Zoro?" I could tell that he was lost in that memory and when he looked up at me, snapping out of it, he turned his head. Since he wouldn't talk, I teased him a bit more, "I know I'm still in my bikini and it's easy to get distracted, but I'm talking to you."
"Hey! I was not staring at your chest!" He snapped quickly, growing silent again as I took his hands and said softly:
"I know, and I know that you don't like to talk about your feelings much, but you can talk to me, Zoro."
"I just-," He sighed, crossing his arms and voice even lower, "Feel guilty, I guess."
All I could do was shake my head and giggle; it sparked a nerve in him at first, his eyes darting at me with a bit of anger till I said:
"I'd do it a million times over if I had to. Don't feel guilty. I'm sure, no matter how much I might annoy you, that you'd bail me out of any situation and save my ass. There's nothing to feel guilty about."
"Be grateful. Between you and the rest of the crew, I don't know who gets on my nerves most," Of course, he was trying to play it off again; that's when a thought popped into my head.
Finally, he started coughing up some water, breathing again, meanwhile, I was barely hanging on. Woozy from blood loss, I was still straddling him, scarcely able to speak:
"Zoro? Talk to me. C-Can you breathe right?"
"Yeah," He coughed again, opening his eyes to find me falling over, "Y/N!"
"I know what you're thinking about," I smirked at him, his silence showing that I read his mind.
He was thinking of the sight of me nearly dying and the last thing I did was save him.
"And I am going to make sure that you have better memories of us instead of that one," My heart was racing out of my chest, growing nervous, but not losing courage as I crawled over him carefully to sit on his lap.
With one big leap of faith, I kissed him using every ounce of passion in my heart. I just wanted him to know that he was special to me and I wanted to take away the pain he was hiding.
Sucking in a deep breath, his arms wrapped me into a tight embrace, making me moan at the way he nibbled on my lower lip. My hips couldn't help but grind down against his growing bulge, tongue working its way in to fight with mine.
"Think we should take this to one of our rooms?" He huffed out while catching a breath, my eyes circling to see that we were all alone, only able to hear some crash of the waves around us:
"Naw, I'm not patient enough," I snickered mischievously before going right back to kissing him:
"If someone walks up here and catches us-"
"Zoro," I sighed, hand palming his hard-on and silencing him, whispering in his ear as my hand slid up his abs, before slipping into his pants to feel his cock for myself, "How about you just sit back and relax, huh? Everyone's asleep. No one's gonna catch us."
Biting his earlobe softly, my hand started to pump around his cock, his eyes closing as he hummed and enjoyed my hand working him, opening one eye when he felt my body shifting, laying between his legs and fixing his pants some.
"What? Don't want these lips wrapped around you like a lollipop?"
"Like a lollipop, huh?" He smirked, one hand taking some of my hair, the other holding himself, slapping the tip of his cock against my tongue as I stuck it out, "I knew you weren't as innocent as you make yourself out to be."
"Far from innocent," I smiled while swirling my tongue around his tip, taking it into my mouth, his hand holding my head tighter and slouching back as my head started to bob, hand working his extra length, cheeks hollow and sucking him hard.
"Fuck," His chest was heaving above me, letting out slight groans, pushing my head down a little further every time I picked it up, going faster and I reached the point where I didn't care about gagging, downing his cock to the back of my throat, flexing around him with a sting in my eyes, "Get up here."
Picking my head up, I was wiping at the pre and saliva along my chin, fixing myself on top of him as he positioned himself, noticing quickly:
"Where did your bottoms go?"
"I may have had a little fun for myself while going down on you," I looked away and mumbled like I was clueless, but went back to smirking as he cocked his eyebrow:
"And you didn't let me watch?"
"Well, I didn't know how far you wanted to take things," I kept my innocent tone, keeping his eyes locked on my breasts as I let my top fall next, cooing while pressing them right up under his chin, "But I'll gladly make it up to you."
"Oh, you will," Pushing my hips down, I seized up at the stretch between my thighs from how thick he was, nearly whining as I took more of him, "Think you were having a little too much fun by yourself. You're fucking tight."
"But it feels good, right?" Rolling my tongue into a kiss, I swiveled my hips, adjusting bit by bit so that I could go faster.
"Yeahhh," He groaned out, having to watch how I was taking him, riding like a crusade, making up for earlier:
"And oh yeah, I forgot to let you watch."
Leaning back some, I placed two fingers on my clit, rubbing in a circle and it only took a little bit of speed and pressure to make my moans louder, jolting up at the soft bite I felt on my nipple:
"You just keep doing that, and don't wake anyone up," He commanded, sucking and biting on my nipples, one hand full of my ass, "Just keep riding me."
"I can't hang on much longer," I whined, hand falling away and gripping my thigh hard while I kept trying to go at the same speed.
"Guess I'll handle the rest of the work," Biting his lip to hide his panting, he fell back a little more so he could throw his hips up, leaving his thumb to torture my clit, nearly growling at how my walls began to clamp around his cock, "Better cum for me."
"I am, Zoro!" Voice so lewd and breaking up as I was running out of air, my chest started to fall to his, but I made sure to throw myself back a little to meet his hips, getting a big burst of energy when I felt the coil in my stomach leaking, shooting up straight and bouncing so his tip stayed at that good spot, rocking so hard, thighs wet and able to hear nothing but the gushing around his cock.
"Damn, that's it," I gasped, holding myself up while still rolling my hips, kissing and moaning against his lips, "You're so good. Feel so good inside me."
I was so high and couldn't get enough, so my whine was the loudest one yet when he grumbled out:
"Ugh! Y/N-"
My whole body felt so hollow, walls still clenching with nothing there, the sight of how hard his cock was throbbing when he picked me up was something I'd never forget, unloading onto his stomach while he fell flat on his back.
"Sorry," I breathed, "It just felt so good and I got a little carried away,"
"Why the hell are you apologizing? For riding the hell out of m-"
Words getting caught in his throat with a hiss, his body was sensitive too, tensing up at my tongue lapping his seed and cleaning him up.
"It was a lot," I looked up into his eyes, finishing with a kiss across his scar, "I can tell."
"And if it was?" He chuckled, shaking his head, but smiling softly, "I still got the better of you."
"I won't lie about that one," I chuckled along, resting against his chest and teasing with a whisper, "You and I are gonna have a whole lot of fun now that I know that I get you all fired up." 
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome
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thezoraprince · 2 years
Profanity - Sidon x reader
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“okay, so this is prolly gonna be a lil long, but bare with me. its very heavily implied in game that almost every race has their own language, but most of them know how to speak the hylian tounge on top of their native one. the geurdo are a good example, as well as how sidon thanks link for calming ruta.
now, i dunno about you but whenever im learning a new language, not once as anyone ever told me how to swear in it. ( unfortunately.. ) so its safe to assume that sidon knows how to curse in his language - though i doubt he does considering its rather unbecoming, at least in the eyes of the council - but he would have 0 idea what his sweetheart is talking about if they every curse. and i think thats a little funny.
personally, i can be a bit of a potty mouth. never disrespectfully, i know my times and my place but my oh my if i stub my toe for example.. shits goin down and its goin down very dramaticly. ( i got suspended one time for this very thing actually.. it was pretty funny. )
my point is! i like cultural, biological, and language based differences and this would prolly be something funny you could mess with. ( depending on your thoughts towards cursing. ik some people hate it. )
it just makes me giggle. you dont even have to do it honestly, i just needed someone to hear this because its so true and nobody i ever talk to wants to be a hyperfixated nerd with me. >:(
👀 BUT IF YOU DID DO IT 💪🏻🦈” - @millie-berra​
this is hilarious! unfortunately being in the us, languages aren’t really a focus here, and i do wish i had studied more in school. HOWEVER!!! when i have tried to learn, that’s one of the first things i’ve done. also, i feel as if Sidon wouldn’t really know what profanity is in his own language meant in all honesty. i mean, he may, but being in they Zora Royal Family, i would assume that most would watch their language around him and other members.
i hope you enjoy!!! <333
y/n - your name
tw: profanity (obviously)
it was a bright, sunny afternoon
you and sidon were seated on the hillside above veiled falls
the both of you were FINALLY getting some much needed free time together
as he’d been running errands for what seemed like hours
and you
you’d been doing whatever you do when Sidon’s away
as your free time was coming to an end, you began your journey back down to the domain
and somehow you managed to stub your toe HARD on a rock
Sidon’s eyes grew wide
but not in a ‘don’t say that’ sort of way
more in confusion and curiosity 
“Are you alright, y/n?”
“Sorry, that just REALLY fucking hurt!”
he’s more than happy to carry you the rest of the way
he has some questions
“I hate to ask this, because I should know, but… what was that word?”
and you’re silent
“Because I’ve never heard it before. I’m sure it’s a not-so-used word in the Hylian language, and that’s probably why I haven’t heard it. What does it mean?”
you purse your lips together
“Umm… It’s not a very nice word.”
“What do you mean?”
and then you whisper
“It’s profanity…”
his face lights up
and then his expression quickly changes
“Oh… that explains why.”
“I apologize, Sidon. I really do.”
“No need to, y/n. It was a moment of agony, I’m sure. But… does that word mean you’re in pain?”
“No, it can have several different meanings.”
“Like what?”
you sigh
“I’ll explain later. It’s uhh… probably not what you’d expect.”
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faroreskiss · 1 year
since your saying that requests are open mind if I request something spicy with reader and a Zelda (can be any of them) and a pinch of angst?
Doesn't need to be explicit NSFW (I wouldn't be opposed to it tho 👀), something along the lines of reader and Zelda having been friends for a while then they share their first kiss and things evolve from there. The angst comes from reader not being part of the nobility so their friendship with Zelda is already risky and would be frowned upon if anyone else found out, so let alone kissing the princess so intimately and confessing to romantic feelings about her.
hope all that made sense 😅 you see what you change or not if needed, thank you in advance!
Edit: Posted the clenaed up, revised rewritten version on Ao3 here.
Hi anon! Sorry it took a while, I chose the OoT Zelda in the child timeline, changed some details (or interpreted them in my way) but not as much. I wrote Fem!Reader as you did not specify, I hope it's okay and to your liking!
If you are interested in what happens after the ending here, let me know >:3 Maybe I do complete it to the.. ehem... climax, one day.
For Tonight
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Zelda (OoT) Warning: Angst, no comfort. My first shot at something like this too. Still mature content, but not that much of an explicit NSFW. Minors dni. Typo warning. This is NOT proof-read. I am impatient ;-;
You were walking through the palace corridors with a big stack made of papers and books, barely able to see ahead, trying to make your way into the palace library. Where the fuck were the palace couriers to help you when you needed them? You were mumbling to yourself. 
In the midst of your internal mutterings, a sudden collision jolted you, causing the contents of your armful to cascade to the ground in a chaotic disarray. Frustration welled up within you as you looked up to see who had been the unfortunate target of your clumsiness, and unsurprisingly, it was none other than Princess Zelda herself. 
“Woah, you have such a scary look on your face, please mercy oh the mighty scholar!” 
The princess spoke with a feigned shock in her face, then burst out into laughter as she started to help you collect the papers on the floor, much to your shock.
“Zel! What are you doing? What if somebody sees you?” you whisper shouted at her as you scanned your surroundings. 
Well, it was just Zel to you, when nobody else was around. 
You also started to collect the papers and kept motioning her to stand up. You locked gazes with her for a moment, drinking the sea that was her blue eyes. Your eyes couldn’t help but drift near her cleavage, making a redness creep into your face. You really hoped she thought it was because of your earlier fit of fury. You bit your lip.
She just softly smiled at you, and continued speaking. 
“It’s okay, I spoke to Impa and this wing of the castle is cleared due to ceremonial purifications that’s going to take place,” she smirked at you. You facepalmed. That explained why the courier was not there to help you when you arrived. The King was visiting Zora’s domain; it was known that the princess also had “religious duties” due to her ancestry. Since she was practically in charge when the King was gone, she pulled stunts like this every now and then, so you could hang out in peace.
You didn’t even argue anymore as you sighed as you chuckled, you just adored her smile when she looked this happy, the way dimples appeared in her cheeks,  which was a rare occurrence.
The two of you had been inseparable since childhood. From your early days as the daughter of the palace scribe to your current role as the palace historian, you were always there when the princess was receiving her education. You were the closest thing she had to a “classmate”, since she wasn’t allowed to go to school like the rest of the children. The King, seeing how happy her daughter was with having a friend like you, allowed you to attend to her during her studies. Over the years, you were always there for each other, sharing secrets, spending time, learning new things together. 
Much to the dismay of the other nobles, of course, especially after Zelda’s 15th birthday. Scholar or not, you were just a commoner that lived in the palace, even worse, in their eyes you even were a bad influence (when you were kids) to the princess, making her sneak out of the palace to play with weird kids. 
Hah, as if it wasn’t always her idea in the first place. Plus, Impa always kept a watch on you both.
You were guessing it wasn’t only because of the child shenanigans, but the way you looked at Zelda as well. 
Of course, she didn’t have a gloom of air around her back then. 
Your thoughts lingered on that vivid memory, etched deep within your soul. It was a day when a forest-clad boy, garbed in resplendent emerald green, had ventured into the palace courtyard. Princess Zelda had watched with unblinking fascination as the Gerudo chief, Ganondorf, exchanged words with her father, the benevolent King of Hyrule.
It was a child, but one bearing an uncanny foresight that sent shivers down your spine even now. He had delivered a grave warning, one that would alter the course of history. And you and Zelda had been there, witnesses to his proclamation.
Since that day, you had been there for Zelda, especially during the trying years that followed. You had watched as her once-vibrant spirit underwent a transformation, first gradually, then with ever-increasing intensity. After that fateful encounter, she had started experiencing visions—glimpses of both the past and future. Visions that didn't seem to belong to her personally from now, but were undeniably hers. A future of horrors that did not happen. She told you all about it as she cried on your shoulders. Your heart broke. 
Recalling those turbulent times, you couldn't help but feel the weight of her burden. It was a burden she had borne with grace and strength, even as it gradually eclipsed the cheerful girl you once knew, leaving behind someone who carried the weight of destiny like a heavy cloak. Yet, you still admired her, perhaps even more now, for her resilience and unwavering determination in the face of a destiny she didn’t choose but embraced with unwavering resolve. And even though you knew she could put on a facade of cheerfulness for you, you appreciated the moments when she allowed her true self to shine through the cracks of her burdened existence.
So yes, you were going to shut up and let her do whatever for now.
You had decided to keep a low profile and let Zelda handle her royal responsibilities for now. Ever since she came of age, the palace nobles, and even the King, had become overly sensitive about your friendship with her. You vividly remembered a time when he had nearly reprimanded her for being too familiar with commoners, a far cry from what was expected of a princess. Even if Zelda didn’t realize, the nobles were certainly aware.
After that incident, her schedule became inundated with temple duties. However, given your proficiency as the palace historian, you still found ways to cross paths with her. But the formalities were now taken to the extreme, with a constant presence of chaperones ensuring everyone stuck to their roles. Sneaking into her room late at night or arranging brief meetings between guard shift changes had become the norm. To an outsider, it might have seemed like the meetings of secret lovers rather than two friends trying to share a conversation.
Occasionally, opportunities like this arose when the King was absent, and Zelda took charge of ceremonial affairs. It allowed you to convene in the tearoom of that secluded wing, with Impa discreetly keeping watch to ensure no unexpected guests interrupted your meeting.
“You know somebody is going to notice at some point that those purifications are just us purifying our throats with tea and gossip,” you mused as you brought the teacup to your lips. 
Zelda chuckled softly, her eyes meeting yours over the rim of her teacup. How you wanted to be that teacup right now.
"Oh, I'm sure they already have their suspicions," she replied with a mischievous glint in her eyes, as she leaned down a bit more than usual towards you to pick up the piece of sugar. You gulped. "But it's the palace, and gossip is a currency as valuable as rupees. Besides, I think they secretly envy us at our little tea gatherings."
As you laughed in the secluded tearoom, you and Zelda shared a moment of respite from the world outside. The unspoken bond between you had always been a well-guarded secret. The palace's nobles frowned upon your friendship, and your secret meetings had become a necessity to maintain the facade of formality that royalty demanded. If only they knew your true feelings. 
Yet, in these stolen moments, you couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between the princess's public persona and the genuine warmth she reserved for you. Outside, she exuded an air of regality, concealing the weight of her royal responsibilities with practiced grace. But with you, there was no need for pretense. She was herself, her true self, a side of her that was never meant to be revealed to anyone else. You didn’t want anyone else to see it either. Her perfectly heart shaped face, deep sapphire eyes and lovely blonde locks. 
The tea room's tranquility was disrupted by the knock of Impa, and you knew your time was running short. With a reluctant smile, you set down your teacup.
"It seems our tea time is coming to an end," you remarked, your tone betraying a hint of disappointment. Each time, each time this happened, something cracked in you. One day, it was going to break, you thought to yourself.
Zelda nodded, her eyes holding a mixture of gratitude and longing. Impa was right behind you.
"Until next time, my friend," she replied, a softness in her voice that was reserved only for you. Friend, of course. No way it could be anything more. 
When the night fell, you finally got back to your room, rejoicing that tomorrow you could finally relax a bit. The King was still away, and Zelda abused her powers once again to make it a “rest day” for some of the staff, including her. She was going to get caught one day.
As you laid back on your bed that night, you shamefully thought back to the moment you dropped the books. The glance you got to her bosom. It wasn’t anything you haven’t seen before, you have seen her plenty of times as the maids were dressing her up, but she would at least be in her corset. 
From the panic of the moment and then lured into the sweet conversation, you haven’t thought about it until now. 
She wasn’t wearing a corset under that dress. And then in the tearoom she was leaning in a way that- 
Oh. Oh.
How dense were you? But that surely wasn’t intentional, was it? She even called you friend.
That didn’t stop you from imagining what you could have been doing instead of drinking tea in that room. Cupping her face, pulling her closer. Making her straddle you on that sofa. A warmth spread to your core. Could have would have should have…
It was unbearable. You wanted to tell her, you wanted to feel her close. 
But that would have no future. She had her duties. You would have to leave if it ever came out. 
Your hand slowly went down to your thighs under your short nightgown, barely covering your hips, towards your bundle of nerves. You never wore underwear to bed.
And it wasn’t the first time you were doing this as you imagined her. It was going to be another lonely night, where you seek release to sleep, imagining yourself in her arms. 
Maybe an hour or two had passed after you finally went to sleep. You opened your eyes as you heard your window… getting tapped? As the haziness of sleep was still with you, it took you a moment to realize it was Zelda, in her… Sheikah clothing. You occasionally made fun of her, naming her “Sheik”. You clumsily got out of your bed and silently opened the window, letting her in. 
“My my, if it isn’t Sheik,” you teasingly whispered, looking at her figure perfectly highlighted by her outfit under the moonlight shining through your window. 
"Ah, hush," she retorted with a playful smirk, removing her mask as she stepped further into the room. The moonlight painted her features with a soft glow, accentuating the beauty that had always captivated you. As she half threw herself on your bed, her legs still touching the floor yet her upper body flushed, you panicked internally, hoping she wasn’t close to the mini damp spot you might have caused on the sheets…A hint of a blush touched her cheeks, partially concealed by the shadows. Her eyes met yours, and for a moment, it felt like time itself had frozen. You decided to not give in to your paranoia, and realizing the gloomy state she is in, decided to try to cheer her up instead.
"Couldn't sleep?" you teased, a playful smile tugging at your lips.
She hesitated for a second before responding, "No, I... I needed to talk to someone."
“You know I’m here for you, always, come on get cozy,” you said as you moved onto the bed as well, making her put her legs up as you leaned to the bedframe and placed her head on your lap. You started caressing her hair as she closed her eyes, as you always did when she felt down. She didn’t know how you were melting inside, to her, it was surely a friendly gesture… 
“Is it those weird vision dreams again?” you asked.
The gentle motion of your fingers through Zelda's hair seemed to relax her as she nodded slowly. "Yes," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "They're becoming more vivid, more real. And they're not just glimpses of the past or a future unlived anymore; I feel like I'm living someone else's life in those moments."
You couldn't help but admire how her eyelashes cast delicate shadows on her cheeks as she spoke, her vulnerability drawing you in even further. You'd been friends for so long, and yet, tonight felt different, like the air was charged with unspoken emotions.
"Have you told anyone about this, you know to the priestesses, that they were getting more intense?" you inquired, your thumb gently brushing her cheek.
Zelda sighed and opened her eyes, her gaze meeting yours. "No, I can't. They already think I'm strange enough as it is, with my overindulgence in scholarly pursuits and all."
You couldn't resist a teasing grin. "Well, I happen to like your scholarly pursuits…” Thanks to them I see you a little bit more, you wanted to say but stopped yourself. Instead you continued “They're part of what makes you so..."
You stopped yourself short, realizing you were about to tread on dangerous ground. But Zelda's curiosity was piqued, and she raised an eyebrow. "So what?" she prompted, her lips curving into a small, playful smile.
Your heart raced as you met her gaze, the unspoken tension between you growing more palpable with each passing moment. "So... captivating," you admitted, your voice barely a whisper.
Zelda's smile widened, and she let out a soft chuckle. "Captivating, huh? I'll take that as a compliment."
"It was meant as one," you replied, your fingers still gently caressing her hair. The room felt smaller, the air warmer.
She shifted slightly, now sitting on the bed, her eyes never leaving yours. "You know," she began, her voice a low, sultry murmur, "you have a way of making me forget about everything else when you're around."
Your heart skipped a beat, and you leaned in closer without realizing in the dimly lit room. "Funny," you whispered, "because you have a way of making me want to forget about everything else too."
Zelda paused. Did you go too far? The residual wetness between your legs from an hour ago was making itself known once again as the distance between you and her was a little bit less than before. You were painfully aware of the short nightgown you were wearing, rubbing your now slightly more sensitive nipples. Zelda visited you like this every now and then but something was different today.
Something was different tonight.
“Indeed, there are things I’d rather forget about, especially now…” she repeated in a whisper. You became aware where her gaze was. She was staring at your… lips? Her cheeks were a lovely shade of pink, making her look even more enticing than she was. One of her hands very discreetly and hesitantly found itself near your leg. Too close.
The atmosphere in the room was electric, charged with a potent mixture of desire and longing. Zelda's presence, her nearness, was intoxicating, and you couldn't deny the magnetic pull between you two. With her hand inching closer to your leg and your lips mere inches apart, the tension in the room reached its breaking point.
You both knew that crossing this line would forever change your friendship, but it felt inevitable, like the culmination of years of unspoken emotions.
“Zel…” you whispered as you slowly felt her gaze on every single part of your body, making you shudder. “We.. we can’t, you are the princess and…” 
Zelda's fingers, now just a breath away from your leg, trembled slightly. Her eyes met yours, and you could see the turmoil of emotions within them. The vulnerability and longing were unmistakable, but so was the understanding of the complexity of your situation.
“Tonight, I'm just a Sheikah warrior…” the words somehow got out of her, you could feel her tears coming, barely audible. Your heart shattered, and as Zelda's hand brushed against your thigh, whatever self restraint you had then had just been thrown out of the window. 
You closed the distance between you, and pulled her hesitantly into a soft kiss. Her lips were so soft, inviting and warm and she actually responded eagerly. Her fingers were tracing delicate patterns on your thighs as your tongue traced a gentle line on her bottom lip. 
The world outside faded away, leaving only the two of you, lost in a sea of sensations and emotions. 
When you finally broke the kiss, your breaths were heavy, and your hearts pounded in unison. Zelda's eyes met yours, and in that moment, all the unspoken words and hidden feelings were laid bare. You didn’t want to talk, you didn’t want this moment to end. She understood.
Because when tonight ended, you didn’t know if you could still face her again and live in the castle, knowing you would never be able to have her in the manner you wanted. 
She would be married to another noble to produce more royal heirs, and you would slowly wilt away in the royal libraries. 
You wouldn’t be able to live like that. 
So for tonight, you just wanted to feel her. Drink in her essence. 
For tonight, you clung to each other, finding solace in the knowledge that, in this stolen moment, you could be together, if only in the most intimate and ephemeral of ways.
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newtabfics · 1 year
Returned: Rauru x Fem!Reader NSFT Series. Part 2
Summary: Rauru is somehow revived in modern Hyrule and his instincts have gone insane as he realizes he's lost his mate.
Triggers for mild dubcon elements as well as just nsft stuff.
Part 1
The Zonai nuzzled into her neck, grinding against her. “Fuck,” He whimpered, making her blink.
“Talk t-to me,” She tried, shuddering when his tongue dragged over her skin. His hands snapped down to her hips, pulling her tight against him as he continued to rut against her. “Hey. I need you to talk to me!” She snapped.
“Need you. Need my mate,” He groaned, pulling her against him so she could feel his length against her core, blocked only by their clothing. “Need to be inside you, please,” He begged. His teeth dug gently against her neck, making her shudder. His ears twitched at the sound of her moan. “Mate.”
Y/N gulped and nodded, rocking her hips. She clearly wouldn’t be getting anywhere in his state. Even so, she couldn’t deny she was just a little bit curious about the whole mate thing. Perhaps it was more like Zora’s and their mates, in which he became an animal because of his desire to breed.
She wondered briefly if this man was the strange creature in the woods. If he was stalking around the trees, horny to the Depths and back, it wouldn’t have been too out there to guess he was the creature people grew scared of near Outskirt Stable. Though, she did wonder if there were any other women whom had crossed his path.
“Need you,” He whined as he rutted against her. “My mate, finally.”
Though she did doubt that anyone else had actually gotten close enough given his ramblings. It’s almost like he finally found his oasis as he snarled and bit gently at her neck. 
“Okay, but you b-better at least…I mean, we should talk after,” She mumbled, shuddering when his hand cupped her breast over her clothing, groping until her bud became taut and began to tug at it through the fabric. “Fuck,” She moaned softly.
His head ducked down as he hurriedly removed her shirt, leaving her in her trousers as his mouth found her breast. He kept her tight against him as he suckled gently. His nails dug into her skin, making her whine softly. On one hand, she likely should’ve been scared. This Zonai was rutting against her and suckling on her as though she had milk stored away.
“Mate,” he hummed before moving to lay her down. He snarled when she made to flee again, grabbing her ankles and flipping her to her front. He quickly yanked down her pants and groaned at her scent. “So ready. I’m better than that man.”
Y/N blushed brightly as she writhed under him, gulping when his free hand pressed her shoulder into the dirt. His free hand teased against her folds gently, fingers barely dipping into her.
“So wet. Perfect for me,” He groaned. “My Light.”
Before she could ask, fingers delved into her, working her open slowly and kissing at her exposed back. “Fuck,” She whined, blushing more.
On one hand, he seemed to actually know what he was doing and she wasn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth. On the other, she had no clue about his entire existence. All this mate stuff was sending a fire she didn’t know she had in her as his fingers curled and pumped slowly.
His teeth nipped gently at her flesh as she whined and writhed under him. His heart was hammering. Finally, he’d found his mate. She was safe. She was under him and wanting. She had gone to another man though. He knew she needed more but everything in him needed to quickly reclaim her.
Y/N whimpered when his fingers pulled away before she was yanked against him, feeling his length sliding against her folds.
With a gulp, she planted her knees into the ground, looking back at him. His eyes were wild, as though he wasn’t fully aware of his actions. She watched him line himself up before pushing in with a snarl.
Y/N’s shout echoed through the trees, making him howl in pleasure as he began to pump vigorously. Perhaps it was the lingering ache from not being able to come beforehand that made her more than willing to writhe under him. This strange man was pushing deep into her, hitting every spot in ways that’d never been touched before. At least, not by a Hylian man.
Rauru groaned, pulling her so her back was planted against his chest. His hand slid up, gripping her neck. He smirked when she clenched down on him, thrusting harder as he reached between her legs and dipped his finger to touch her nub.
Y/N whined loudly and rocked back, meeting his thrusts. “Oh fuck!”
He grunted and smirked. “That’s it, my light. Don’t be afraid to let go. I’m here. I’ll never leave again,” he groaned as he thrusted harder.
Y/N’s mind raced as she shuddered and moaned loudly. What was he even talking about? It’s not like she could really analyze anything with the hard orgasm he had just given her. Now he was working her into another one?!
She couldn’t focus as his fingers rolled and rubbed gently as his tip reached deep into her. Y/N could practically feel him in her guts and was writhing from it.
His teeth found her shoulder as he grunted and thrust into her. “Ah, fuck!” She moaned loudly as he cried out a name she only knew through legend.
“Sonia!” He moaned loudly as he bit roughly as he slammed himself into her and came.
Y/N choked and moaned, the feeling of his seed splashing against her womb sending her entirely over the edge as she rocked her hips, milking him for what he was worth.
Yet it seemed it wasn’t enough.
His teeth broke from her skin and he grabbed her shoulder, pushing her so she was practically presenting herself. A snarl ripped through him as he began to pump rapidly into her, gripping her hip with his free hand.
Y/N whined and moaned, daring to glance between her legs. It only made her whine more as she saw his strong body pumping into her, really seeing how thick she was. Every push into her body pushed his cum out until it was dribbling out into the earth in a steady flow. It was no wonder she felt so full as he continued to take her.
Instead of hounding him for answers, she reached between her legs and began to rub herself in time with his thrusts.
This egged him on as the Zonai gripped both her hips and bit his lip, eying the sight of her rear bouncing off his pelvis violently before he slammed deep into her with a roar as she began to climax.
Y/N groaned as she felt the loads pouring into her, shaking violently and whining as he finally stilled.
She wasn’t sure exactly if she’d blacked out before or after he pulled out, but she was certain he heard a shocked gasp as he finally took in the sight of her ruined body.
xx Part 3
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Look at Me, part 11
Sanji x Reader (eventual), slow burn Warning: slow burn, pining, drinking, eventual smut in later chapters. 18&older. a/n: Comment below if you want to be tagged in this series. Summary:  After joining the Straw Hats after leaving Fish-Man island, reader is using the time between islands to get to know her new crewmates. Well, except for one. Sanji’s fawning and cooing over the opposite sex drives reader crazy - how can she get him to see past her looks? And does she even want him to notice her? masterlist
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The sound of footsteps echoed somewhere behind you as you turned a corner, ducking low to the ground. Your knees caught on the long dress you wore, but you sat still, holding in your breath. Two voices murmured and argued in the distance, their bickering had you placing a hand over your mouth to keep from laughing.
“Mother is going to be angry if we’re late for studies again.”
“Mother is always angry, let’s just find that butthead and go.”
Violet chastised Zora’s foul language, but you just smiled, preparing yourself as they reached the corner of the long hallway, which was decorated with the history of your family in ghastly portraits. Your own portrait was secured at the end of the hall, and you refused to lock eyes with it every time you walked by. Balancing your hand on the ground, you anticipated their steps and when they finally drew closer, you leaped out onto the lush carpeting and screamed.
Poor Violet had nearly a heart attack and Zora threw a laughing fit, while your back landed on the floor, a smile plastered on your face. Violet shook but eventually smiled, while Zora attempted to help you off the ground, only to be pulled down. She gathered in your arms and the two of you refused to move until Violet was in near tears.
“I don’t want to be late again!”
“Then go,” Zora rolled her eyes, but you stood up and patted Violet’s head.
“Okay,” you smiled, reaching for her hand. “Let’s go to the study.”
Happy, Violet relaxed and nodded where Zora remained seated on the floor. You looked to your sister and smirked. “Come on, butthead.”
The sea was quiet, midday had arrived, but the clouds were out. A cold breeze brushed against your cheeks as the memory of your sisters faded into the waves. It was strange that all you could do was think of them, when you had spent so much time trying to forget your past. It wasn’t that you didn’t love them or miss them, it was just too painful, but things had changed since Sanji had given you the information on your sisters. Zora and Violet were women now, leading their own lives, and you were trying to do the same. There was comfort knowing they would get a kick out of you being a pirate, especially Zora – oh, she would love it.
“I love seeing you smile.”
Your eyes moved to where Sanji now stood, his shoulder moving comfortably next to yours. He held out a cup of tea and you thanked him, giving it a few sips to warm your body. With his elbows leaned against the ship’s banister, he stared out into the ocean and whistled.
“Can’t say I hate the view.”
Your eyes took him in; his blond hair was swept to the side, covering his right eye. His jawline was firm, but there were soft edges to his face and his throat, relaxed, but firm sent waves of something all over your body.
“Yeah, the view’s great,” you teased, and Sanji looked up at you, cheeks red and rosy. The tension was slick and throbbing in the air, until you balanced the cup on the edge of ship and moved to him. It took no longer than two seconds for Sanji to have you in his arms; his chest was hard against you and his lips warm as they caressed yours. Your hands moved up around his neck, fingers tangled in the ends of his hair. He groaned, then you groaned and before you could feel his desire, a loud cough interrupted.
“There are cabins for that.” Nami rolled her eyes and looked to the cook. “I need to know what island you wanted to dock at, when you have a chance check out the map with me.”
Sanji’s face flushed and he waited for Nami to walk away before he took your hands in his. “I wanted to take you out on a proper date. Luffy agreed to dock sooner than we planned.”
The thought of spending actual alone time with Sanji brought a smile to your face and you pulled him by buckle of his belt towards you. He laughed as your fingers wiggled up his chest to his face and you leaned in for a kiss. He kissed you softly, pushing you up against the ship. His hands stayed at your waist respectfully, but you knew he wanted more.
You wanted more.
The next step was right there, but the two of you were nervous fools, especially with a ship full of people and while the Sunny was big, it never seemed big enough to be intimate without fear of interruption. You weren’t going to make the mistake up making out with Sanji in Zoro’s work out spot ever again – he nearly killed the both of you and you couldn’t blame him. Although Sanji and you did laugh about it afterwards.
“I would love to go on a date with you, maybe we can rent out a room on shore?”
Sanji’s eyes widen and you laughed, patting him gently on the chest. “…or not?”
“No, no, we can rent a room,” he amused, lifting your hand to his mouth; he kissed it lightly and smiled. “I’ll go take a look at the map with Nami, can I see you afterwards?”
What a gentleman.
“Duh, I’ll be with Franky down below. I promised him I’d go help with…well, I’m not sure what he needed help with, but I think he likes the company.”
“I can’t blame him.”
Your eyes went soft, and the wind stilled for a moment as Sanji moved to you once more; his hands went to your face, and he cradled it gently as he rubbed his nose against yours. You laughed and he grinned, kissing you on the forehead before promising to find you after his discussion with Nami. You watched him walk up to the second deck, heart fluttering a song you were becoming oh to familiar with – was it love? The back of his head left your view and your turned back to the sea, wondering if destiny was real.
Wanna be tagged? Leave comment below.
@akfonkin​ @blackray2 @leslievinsmoke​ @fandomtrash100​ @eternalsong513​ @zoro0stan @erensjuicytitancock @its-not-too-late-for-coffee @rhys-cosmos @bucciaratizippers @maria-chwan @youtubequeens @fandomtrash100 @gojutsu @my-veiled-romance
@spamhanjispet @leo-heart  @toruchqn @alphaash99 @ashbash2403 @katsujordan @utauchiha @mei-mei01 @iceviolet11 @icunee @somekale08 @fandomhoe101 @tgthgal @audreys-works
people who liked the last part - let me know if you want off this list!
@sweetlychaotic @justheretbf @milk-quiem @buddha-for-mery @tra-guys @afrillisdark @kira12457 @yourfavoritecitrusfruuit @aschisanerd @modernmoony @lineelilii @esnowzinhozinho
@elitesanjisimp @iceviolet11 @creamy-dreamy-69 @ashbash2403
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pandamaster203 · 1 year
Is it okay if I request for a yandere zora salazar?
Alrighty, not sure if you wanted platonic or romantic so I decided to do a bit of both.
Yandere Zora Salazar x Reader
• She hates kids, so you would probably have to be a teen or something like that to even think about catching her eye.
• She also hates epithets so if you are a mundie she would be jealous most likely, but if you do have an epithet she would feel the need to become your mentor.
• She makes it very clear about all on her mind, and how dangerous she can be if you run.
• She can and will use her epithet on you in the case you run.
• Would take you on some bounty hunting jobs to learn from the master.
• “Ah, babies first wanted poster.” (If you know, you know)
• Her nickname for you is probably ‘kid’ or ‘string bean’ she looks like she would call someone string bean
• Head pats lots of Head pats
• Would probably get you a cowboy hat to fit her style.
• When she would go on bigger jobs, she would probably leave you with someone else from Bliss Ocean to babysit you. (Maybe Yoomtah)
• Again would most likely go with a mundie for a partner, her power complex demands it
• Same as the platonic route you cannot escape, she will use every trick she knows to get you back to her.
• One of some people in the series I can see murdering someone. Sometimes just for looking or talking to you for too long.
• She is strong so carrying you bridal style anywhere, literally could be walking down the street and your scooped up.
• ‘Darlin’ other nicknames are goofy and don’t stick for very long, this nickname is hers for you.
• Bounty Hunting could probably count as dates!
• Speaking of Bounty’s if she noticed something that you might be interested in that a target owns then she swipes it for ya.
• Gifts may also consist of pebbles, little dust bunnies, maybe some cute wild flowers.
• Mainly pays attention when your talking, wants to at least know enough of what your talking about to have a decent conversation.
• You can not tell me this woman would not take you horse back riding! (And with both of you on the same horse)
I hope you enjoy
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mytemporarycomfort · 2 years
BOTW Champions pining over sweet Reader
A/N: I had so much fun thinking about these. Please enjoy!
Botw Champions X Sweet!Reader
Sweet boy is so torn up between his duty and his emotions.
He shows off for you, like, a lot.
Want him to fight someone for you, he's on it.
Stupid pick up lines. "Hey (Y/N) Whats this material im wearing? Boyfriend material!"
Wants to take you out to walks when theres down time. He wants that quality time with you.
You're a breath of fresh air to him where his surrounding is always trying to kill him, and yet here you are, a ray of sunshine.
Really hopes his message is getting through to you. Please please please love this boy back.
Mommy Urbosa springs into action so fast when you're around
You get a personal room next to hers. She wants to keep you safe and cozy.
Trains you personally, so just in case if she's not around, you can hold your own..
She knows you're your own person, but sometimes her authoritative side comes out. But it's for you.
Like if another person shows interest in you, and you're not comfortable with it, and its not going well, shes suddenly there?
Seeing such a sweet thing in Gerudo is so rare. You're like a treasure that might get taken away from her at any moments notice. She does not like that.
She's okay if you don't love her back that way, but she also does want you to. She just wants you to be around.
Shes so shy and sweet, please treat her well
She isn't clingy but she always appears when you need something
Softest touches.
She makes a Zora Armour for you, for sure.
The MOST romantic out of all of them.
She takes you to her favourite swimming spots at night to look at stars.
Super aware that you cant swim like her so, she's super attentive to you when ever you guys go swimming.
She really wants you to love her back. Her heart is too big for her chest!
angst, angst all the way. He cares so much about what you think of him.
Turns into such a mother bird. You need something? He's got it.
Need water? Oh look, where did that bottle of water come from?
Need a snack? A random fish just plops down on your lap.
Need a blanket to sleep? He's got wings, use those.
Has ZERO witty thing to say around you. He's so tongue tied around you.
This bird boy tries so so so hard to impress you. He takes you to the flight range just to show off.
Will fight all the other champions if they look at you weird.
Waits to see if you notice the little shiny thing he's put in your bag, sneakily of course. Happy when he sees you smile.
Please return the favour of giving him trinkets.
This man is protective!
He does not know his strength, but he tries so hard to be gentle with you.
This massive dude is scared of dogs, but for you, he's not. For you, he's a big tough Goron.
He visits you a lot and brings you gems since you know, you're gonna burn up on death mountain.
Ask him to build a house for you, do it, He will do it. No questions asked. Anything for his most precious gem.
If you ever give him a really cool rock, he will NEVER forget it.
Will gently lift you up unto his shoulders if you look tired.
You are like a doll to him sometimes, so fragile, so lovely.
Daruk tries so hard and for you, anything.
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salemorbit · 3 years
I hope it's not weird if I ask for Headcanons for Sidon,Urbosa and revali reaction to seeing there future s/o who always wear a vail to cover their upper body and ripping it of in a fight out of pure rage showing their face. Ignore if need sorry if it's weird.
not weird at all, thank u for the request :)
BOTW Headcanons
[Urbosa x reader, Revali x reader, Sidon x reader]
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being from the gerudo, she wouldn't really be perturbed by the fact you had a veil on in the first place since it's custom with her culture
she would definitely respect it, and if you didn't ever want to take it off she would be fine with that too
one time though, as you two were strolling through the desert on a particularly hot day, you were caught off-guard by some yiga fools
the fight was going rather smoothly until urbosa stumbled slightly and got fatally cornered by a yiga
you saw the scuffle and a switch instantly flipped somewhere inside of you, and it definitely wasn't a good one for the annoying yiga in front of you
you quickly took down your enemy and sped straight for the one cornering urbosa
the mixture of the heat and the stress of the fight further fueled your anger as you attacked the yiga soldier with all your might
the exchange between you two was smooth, almost like you were dancing, and as the sun was beating down on you and the yiga soldier didn't seem to want to back off, you tore off your veil so that added stress in the moment was gone
urbosa was amazed that you would just do something like that, and she was definitely stunned upon seeing your full face for the first time in ever knowing you
you looked determined and beautiful in the sun, skillfully fighting off the yiga and winning
when the skirmish was over, urbosa handed you your veil back, but you rejected it for the moment claiming that it was cooler that way
urbosa had never seen anything so graceful, and she definitely fell head over heels for you right then
revali never paid much attention to the veil anyway because it wasn't something that got in the way of your communication
you two fought very well together, almost as if you were able to read each other's minds
your veil definitely didn't hinder your combat, but one time while defending a hylian military camp from some nasty bokoblins, it just came clean off
revali didn't explicitly see if you were the one to take it off or if it had been torn off by one of the enemies, but as soon as he turned back around from dealing with a group of monsters, your face was uncovered and creased in concentration
he could tell you were getting frustrated with the ever-increasing groups of bokoblins, but he couldn't help but think of how interesting you looked without your veil on for once
he soon snapped out of it and went over to help you with your group, cutting through the bokoblins quickly so that he could bring up the absence of your veil
you just shrugged and mustered up something about losing it in the heat of battle, but revali couldn't really hear you because he was too busy admiring how you had always looked behind the fabric
how could he have missed a sight such as that?
sidon didn't ever think much of your veil because it was your choice and he didn't want to get in the way of that
he figured that if you ever let him see your face it would be for the right reasons, whatever reasons it was that you were wearing the veil in the first place
but once during a particularly difficult battle that included dozens of harrowing monsters, sidon finally saw your face
he was struggling against some tough monsters that had invaded the zora domain and you were accompanying him in the effort to rid of them
multiple times sidon had fallen to the strength of a silver moblin, and he tried his best to get up the last time but was unable
he heard you call for him across the field as some bokoblins began to swarm him already struggling against the moblin, but they fell on deaf ears as he fought to survive
you had to slice through dozens of the monsters to make your way to him, feeling yourself filling with a pure rage that only was reserved for sidon in trouble
you tore off your veil as multiple bokoblins tried to grab at it, flinging it off with a flourish and launching yourself against the moblin attacking sidon
the moblin was down in moments as your fury fueled you attacks, and you helped up a dazed sidon who could only help but stare at the features of your face that he never wanted to be shielded from again
you asked him if he was okay, and he could only stumble out a yes as you gave him a smile he wouldn't forget
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Hi!! :) If you are okay with it, may i request zora having a crush on a nun (like sister lily) during his time before becoming a BB??
Hiya~! ^^
Ooo, this is interesting! A little bit of "before they were with the squad" kind of background. I do hope you like this!
Pairing: Zora x f!reader
A/N: Written as references to a nun at a church in Zora's past
Genre: General/fluff
Fic type: Headcanons
Length: ~0.4k
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Zora hadn’t really been thinking about it; how he was helping around a local village. It had seemed only natural, since he needed food, and they had some odd jobs for him to take care of. It was more like a business deal than anything else.
But one of the nuns at the local church was friendly, very kind and generous. She seemed apologetic about having to ask Zora to complete some tasks; little things, for which he wouldn’t have needed a payment in the first place, which is why he tried to turn down any compensation.
“Everyone needs a helping hand at times,” he’d tell her with a hushed tone that only her could hear. But he did mean it. He didn’t need compensation for being a decent human being, not in his mind at least.
But she usually shot back with the very same statement, insisting that he should get something for his troubles. After all, he had to eat too. He had to keep a roof over his head.
Though keeping a roof over his head was something he had solved years ago, she wouldn’t hear it.
“You have done so much for this community!” She insisted.
And… Zora had to admit to himself that she was… adorable. Her persistence, kindness and her good heart were… captivating. Which is why he found himself returning time and time again to the church, to do some odd jobs.
But if he could, he didn’t tell her about completing them, because he knew that she’d feel compelled to give something in return, even if the church didn’t have much.
It was ridiculous really. He was just trying to keep them on their feet.
The Father of the church understood it, and found it adorable. Though Zora had a hunch that he knew about Zora’s crush on the Sister.
But… Father didn’t say anything, because Zora understood that Sister was devoted to the church, and wouldn’t act on it. It was another ridiculous thing to Zora himself. He was such a rebel, but he was so abiding about this.
Though, he was trying to be the cool mask guy, who only caused trouble to the bad guys. And Father, Sister… any of the Sisters… they weren’t bad. So, they didn’t need the trouble or the confusion.
It was better to keep those emotions to himself. But still, he couldn’t help but find his way back to the church, time and time again.
He even had to tell Sister about the stranger guy who just threw a Magic Knight robe at him. A really weird guy, honestly.
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bowandcurtsey · 3 years
The BC boys with a clingy & whiny s/o!
Doing a double post again today because it's my day off and this idea just came to my mind while I was doing some hardcore hiit exercises and was about to drop dead.
Here's a little whiny and clingy lil s/o with
Yami | Nozel | Fuegoleon | William | Zora x f! reader
Yami Sukehiro
"Babyyyyyy" you whined, still in your pjs, it was your off day and you felt like doing absolutely nothing. Including walking. "Carry meeeee~"
"Aren't you getting a little too lazy princess?" He came over and picked you up with just one hand. "Where ya heading?"
"Kitchen. I'm hungry~" you wrapped your legs around his waist and your hands snaked around his neck.
"Sheesh, again? You lil pig, you're getting heavy now." he shook his head in a pretence disappointment
You pouted at him with watery eyes, "You don't love me anymore."
Pay up for using Yami's muscle services." He smirked at you, nudging the side of his face in your direction.
You pressed a kiss to his cheeks loudly before nuzzling into the crook of his neck.
"If I didn't love you anymore I'd be yeeting you and telling you to surpass your limits princess," he gave your booty a little squeeze as he went for the kitchen.
Nozel Silva
"My handsome husband~" you sauntered into his office one day, pouting, "I'm missed you."
If you were in public this cold royal would have told you off and asked you to stop it, but when it was just the two of you, this man was soft as a cloud. His face lit up when he saw you and he opened up his arms for you.
You jumped into his lap and nuzzled into his chest, "It's been a long draggy day for me, feels like ages since I met you and I missed your presence..." you rattled.
He let out a lil scoff, "I only left you this morning , which was just about 8 hours ago sweetheart."
"8 hours?!" you looked at him dramatically with a feigned shocked face, "It's too long, I can't do that long without you~" you plopped your head back into his chest, inhaling his scent in deeply.
He chuckled a little, "Who in the world made my wife into this soft mess?" He pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
Fuegoleon Vermillion
"Fueeeeee~" you pouted dramatically before plopping into his lap on the balcony floor.
Fuegoleon's eyes opened from his meditation as he look at you, eyebrow arched up in surprise. "What is it kitten?"
"I'm so lazy to exercise today, I just want to stay in your arms and be fat~" You looked at him with a feigned watery eye.
He let out a chuckle at how cute you were, all sprawled out on the floor and his lap, like an actual cat. He stroked your hair, "you're that tired, love?"
"No," you looked away, still pouting, "I just don't want to be away from you and wanna stick to you like glue~"
He pulled you into his lap properly, pressing a kiss to your forehead, "Okay, you can stick to me like glue today, my kitten" he pinched your nose. "Exercise can wait till tomorrow, because you're not fat at all."
William Vangeance
"Babyyyy~" you called out to him in a high pitch baby-like voice, with your hand outstretched.
"Yes my dear?" he giggled at your attempt to act cute, you were already the loveliest in his eyes.
"Me needs cuddles~" You continued in your baby voice, "Now."
He shook his head and smiled, walking over towards you, leaving his tower of work on his desk. "Your wish is my command, princess"
He pulls you into a cuddle, heaves a relaxed sigh and press a chaste kiss on the top of your head. "What's wrong darling?"
"I can't just sit here and watch you being all beautiful while doing your work, but not paying attention to me.." you pouted at him
"You're the beautiful one, love" William pinched your cheeks a little, "Just 15 minutes and I have to get back to work, okay?"
"okay," you agreed, nuzzling into his neck and clinging onto his waist tightly.
Bonus: after 15 minutes you refused to let go so he had to bring you to his desk while he continued with his work with you still clinging onto him.
"What will I ever do with you love? You're my kryptonite, I can't disobey you~" he patted your head.
Zora Ideale
"Zo~" you called out to him for the third or fourth time.
"What is it?" he finally responded to you, irritation laced in his voice, he had come over to fetch you water, tissues, snacks straight to your bed that you decided on not leaving today, "are you going to ask me to move the toilet to you now?"
"Why are you fierce to me?" you feign a pout at him, "I'm hurt"
He rolled his eyes, not joining your antics anymore, he was studying a new spell in the other room, he has been studying this spell for a few days now, hiding in his caveroom for hours on a daily basis. "It's your off day babe, you're resting, not handicapped you know?"
"Come here, I want to show you something," you pointed to your laptop screen that was on your lap.
He reluctantly dragged his feet over. "What?"
You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed his cheeks. "I miss you." you said softly.
A blush crept up his cheeks as he was caught off guard, then realising that he's been neglecting you for the past few days. He looked at you, a pout on your face.
He pressed his lips onto yours, moving the laptop safely away from your lap and then pressing you down onto the bed for a long deep kiss.
A short piece for my favourite boys + my little kryptonite because I haven't been writing for him for a few requests now and I miss him a little! hehe! and yes! this is me sometimes
(ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc) I'm a clingy monster on some days~
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frost-link · 1 year
hell hello so i saw that you were wanting more ideas for sidon x reader (i dunno if i worded that correctly) buuuuut what if it was sidon x reader x yona, i feel like that would be interesting since the relationship between the two is speculate to be a political one :)
I love both Sidon and Yona so much! Yona is such a sweet character while also being affirmative! This will be interesting to write! As they say... Sidon has two hands! I hope this turned out okay :)
The Power Trio
Sidon X Reader X Yona [Headcanons]
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The three of you are the ones who keep Zora's Domain running so smoothly. A lot of the Zora state that you rule in sync. There's King Sidon, Queen Yona, and you. Sovereign (Y/n). It was the title that the Zora had chosen for you the day when you were wed to Prince Sidon and Lady Yona. It absolutely stuns all of the Zora of the strong communication the three of you have. It was a big change for all of the Zora, but a good one!
Sidon is typically the most busy. During days when he's away with duty; you and Yona will be sitting at a small pond. You both will be looking down at the water holding hands while Yona tells you embarrassing childhood stories about Sidon. You both will be laughing trying to catch a breath!
The King Sidon Fanclub will spot you and Yona together. Laruta tries to listen in on your guy's conversation about how Sidon would used to trip on his own tail fin. Tula and Tona don't hesitate one moment and immediately approach you both asking for details about what it's like being with Sidon. These two somehow assigned themselves as unofficial thirdwheels to you, Sidon, and Yona. They are always excited to hear about any possible details!
Whenever the three of you walk together, you ALWAYS end up in the middle between them! They see you as a small cute hylian. You try to disagree, they don't care. Yona is on the left, and Sidon is on the right. They are both holding your hand. They sometimes like lifting you up, emphasizing you being small.
Whenever the three of you cuddle, you get sandwiched between the two of them. You can't complain!
Sidon and Yona are very protective over you. Living in Zora's Domain as a hylian can sometimes pose as a challenge. Both of them make an effort to make sure you feel welcomed and adjusted.
One day, when an elder Zora is giving you trouble; Sidon and Yona were quick to notice how short and rude this elder Zora was to you. "Hey now. There's no need to be so fowl to our darling! They are our equal!" Sidon says, immediately stepping in, defending you.
Sidon does his best to keep things as civil as possible, Yona on the other hand... This woman won't tolerate ANY bullsh*t that this elder says. She immediately shuts the elder down. "Say anything else or you'll be facing consequences." Yona snaps rather coldly, compared to her warm and caring self. This is a terrifying side to her that you rarely see. You and Sidon look ABSOLUTELY shocked.
For the tradition of a "Zora Princess" making her armour for the person she weds, Sidon and Yona sat down and had a conversation about it. Before you became their fiancé, they both proposed to you with a set of earrings. It wasn't by Hylian or Zora tradition, but instead something new. Your guy's tradition!
When comforting you on bad days, Yona will hum you a song and play with your hair to keep you in the moment. Sidon on the other hand, will hold your hands and reassure you with soft and loving words.
Bonus Headcanon (Slight NSFW):
When the three of you are in bed, you always end up being the bottom. No matter how much you attempt to be assertive in bed, Yona and Sidon will always dominate you before you even get the CHANCE.
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