kylos-starlight · 5 months
I went down a rabbit hole... After the Kylo it recommended Sackler then from Sackler it recommended.. Ch---[sniff] Ch-Charlie doing d-dad stuff and I ----
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Hello! How are you ? I wanted to ask you what is your interpretation of Tommy and Lizzie's relationship, in S5 and S6? I never saw love, from Tommy, but Lizzie's fans did, so what are your thoughts?
Thank you!
Hello, anon!
Firstly, I apologize for my late response. I'd hoped to reply sooner, but my phone almost died last week and I had to reset it to factory settings. I'm glad I had had the forethought to create my own cloud storage for photos, but unfortunately I hadn't done it for my text notes, so I lost them all. I found it out the next day and coped with it very badly tbh (crying was included). I have to re-write my latest notes now.
Back to your question. I'm surprised this is still relevant. 'Tommy and Lizzie' isn't my favourite paring of the show, as far as you know if you read my blog. So analysing them is my own sort of torture. S3 itself and Tommy's interactions with Lizzie are my pet peeve. I don't even know where I should begin. For a start, let me tell you about my favourite description of Lizzie which I read a long time ago but I still find it very accurate "the old girlfriend Tommy drunk dials when he's feeling lonely late at night" (x).
Tommy bends her over a desk sleeps with Lizzie because sex is his coping mechanism. This guy cries through his dick into Tatiana or Lizzie. He even declares she was saving his heart from breaking. Honestly, these words are like nails on a chalkboard. It's so disrespectful on so many levels. Firstly, to Grace. Oi, you moron, the love of your life died (because of you btw) few months ago, it usually causes heartbreak! Secondly, to Lizzie. You say you still pay her for sex and make it known in front of the entire family and therefore humiliate her.
There were no reasons for them to reunite in s4. It's been said, I see no logic in the narrative. Especially in Lizzie's actions.
They get married for two reasons: 1) Lizzie is pregnant, 2) it can be useful and very handy for Tommy's political career. He uses her, again. As benefit, he can shift the responsibility for raising Charlie to Lizzie, because he's fully aware of what a terrible father he really is. She's a useful decoration as a mother and wife. Lizzie knows his condition and wants to help him, but he doesn't let her in. There's a huge gap between them. In 5th season I didn't see any hints of love. It was mostly about his possessiveness ('he lays a fucking hand on you, he will be meat for Johnny Dogs') or his ego ('he spoke badly to my wife').
In s6 we see that they've become a more ordinary family. He works, she is being a mother. He keeps cheating on her. She accepts it. But here's more understanding between them and Ruby's disease brings them closer for a short time, but when she dies, Tommy has sex with Diana, Lizzie is humiliated in front of people (again), they become even more distant and Lizzie hits the bottom and leaves him.
Lizzie is in love with Tommy since s2. Tommy uses Lizzie since s1. I don't think he will ever be in love with her. But he grew to love her as a person, as a friend and this is a VERY big part of his development as a character. Because he never cared about any woman anyone who isn't related to him or who isn't Grace. He loves Lizzie, but not in a romantic way. Tommy always only used her for his own purposes and he never was kind or compassionate towards her, but in s6 he cares about her so that's why he says she doesn't deserve him and doesn't deserve to share his fate. That's why he tells Diana he isn't upset that Lizzie left him. Because he loves her and she is dear to him. He is deeply grateful for everything she's done for him and he defends her from Mosley's offensive comments even when Lizzie can't hear it. Don't get me wrong, anon, I don't justify his actions and his speech doesn't make him a saint. What he's done is beyond to be fixed and he should've thought of the consequences earlier.
I know this is a very sketchy analysis because I simply didn't want to go into depth. But I hope I managed to answer your questions.
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insertdeeplyrics · 4 years
On the ending of Supernatural
Hi, I’ve never actually posted anything on Tumblr of my own creation (I mostly reblog stuff), but I’ve just seen the ending of Supernatural, and given that this is where I’ve been fed my SPN content, it felt right to share my thoughts here. I’m sure nobody is going to read this, but whatever, I just need to get this out of my chest. Sorry in advance if this is too long, but I have to type this out if I want to move on.
I still need to take some time to process everything that’s happened, because it is a lot. I did have my hopes up for the finale, thinking that Cas would at least show up, but like many of the fans, I was let down.
So I guess that would be the first issue I had with the episode. Regardless of what Dean felt towards Cas, if he reciprocated his feelings or not (which he totally did, I mean, we have all been watching the same show for 12 fucking years, and if you don’t believe me, there are plenty of metas that would support this statement), he still is his best friend and it doesn’t sit right with me the fact that he doesn’t even try to find a way to rescue Cas from the Empty. And okay, maybe he didn’t, make Cas got resurrected by Jack, then why the hell wasn’t he on the final episode? He was a pivotal character for the series, I mean, the proof is in the ratings: Season 7, when he was killed off to apparently never return, the ratings were at their lowest. The show may have started as just Dean and Sam, but over the years it became much bigger than them, and it is so disappointing that the show runners failed to acknowledge it. But I’ll get back to this point later.
Okay, I need to talk about Dean’s death, the only part of the episode that made me cry, because my poor baby had to suffer so much! Like, when he started saying that Sam never put up with John’s crap (which reinforces my headcanon that John was abusive towards the boys) and how much he admired him for it, my heart just shattered. I just love Dean Winchester so freaking much, and they did him so dirty... Don’t get me wrong, Jensen and Jared’s acting was 10/10, like, I thought I had a grip of myself and then Sam started crying and tears came back to my eyes. Nonetheless, I felt that the scene was so freaking long! I mean, Dean was dying, and he had time to make a 10 minutes-long speech! C’mon! Also, I get that Sam and Dean’s relationship is quite deep and strong and whatever, but I felt a bit unconformable watching it: it didn’t feel like a brotherly goodbye, more like a lover’s one. They were too touchy and intimate, and, overall, their relationship from this point on was coded as a romantic one, in my opinion. And Chuck, did I hate it! I have an older brother and I know what it is like to be close to your sibling and to love him more than anything else in the world, but the way they portrayed their relationship on this last episode felt incest-y, which makes me believe that this scene was originally written with another character in mind (cough CAS cough) or the writers don’t know the difference between romantic and brotherly love. To finish off, the way they killed off Dean??? I mean, I did expect Dean to die, but this was such a horrible and ridiculous way to go... I would have accepted it if he died actually fighting, but impaled??? After all he’s been through, after fighting so many demons, angels and deities, that’s how he dies??? That just felt cheap and rushed. Dean did not deserve that ending and I refuse to accept it. In fact, I refuse to acknowledge the existence of this whole fucking mess of an episode. Also, I just can’t believe that no one showed up to Dean’s funeral. I just can’t. I get that maybe it was difficult to bring in a lot of actors due to the pandemic, but they could have added them on post-production...
Next, we have Sam’s ending. He quits hunting and finally obtains his white-picket fence life. I did like the fact that he honored all of his friends and family that he lost along the way, especially Dean. Like, yes, if my brother died, I would like to keep a token (don’t know if that’s the actual word for it, my first language is not English), to have something with me that reminded me of him and to have him with me wherever I go. And I did like that he named his son Dean, in honor of his brother. However, we don’t know how he met his wife, we don’t even know who she is. They set up Sameileen for what?? Like, Sam and Eileen deserved better, tbh. And, again, even with Covid restrictions they could have done something to signal that Sam got married to Eileen, you don’t need the actor there. In fact, we never actually found out what happened to her, and just like I can’t believe that Dean didn’t even try to save Cas from the Empty, I can’t believe that Sam didn’t reach out to Eileen. Furthermore, the montage with his son felt cheap and a way to try to appeal to the audience’s emotions... (Btw, as a side note, the grey wig and the glasses, my god, they did Jared dirty 😂😂). But it wasn’t doing it for me, I didn’t care much for the kid, and while I do believe that was always going to be Sam’s ending, I didn’t like how it was executed.
And the worst part of it all: that suuuuuper long scene with Dean driving in Heaven, waiting for Sam. They could have used that time to show something more meaningful, even to develop a bit more Sam’s new life, how he adjusted to domesticity and fatherhood and all that crap. Or, I don’t know, A TEAM FREE WILL 2.0 REUNION??? And I guess this is my biggest issue with the whole episode. I get it, Sam and Dean are the central characters, the ones that started it all, but family don’t end with blood, and they were not the only ones who deserved a goodbye. They had formed so many bonds and friendships over the years, and to not have them address them on the final episode just feels infuriating. Especially Cas. His arc was not finished, he deserved to be on the finale. We never got Dean’s reaction to his confession, we don’t know how he felt about him, nor did Cas get to say goodbye to any other character. How did he get out of the Empty? What is he doing now? Is he still an angel? Also, he gave his life to save Dean, only for Dean to be killed not long after. My headcanon that is helping me cope with Dean’s death is thinking that he was so quick to accept his death because he was hoping to reunite in Heaven with Castiel. A girl can dream, ok??? But also, what about Jack? He is the new God, but I highly doubt it that he won’t drop by the Bunker from time to time, after all, Sam and Dean (AND CAS, ESPECIALLY CAS) raised him. And Charlie? Did she get back with Stevie? Did she and the boys go for drinks from time to time? And Jody? Donna? Claire? Sorry to be so repetitive, but I just can’t understand why the writers thought that these characters weren’t important enough to deserve a spot on the finale, and not just an off-hand mention (and not even all of them got that). Of course, the brothers are the main characters and their goodbye must be the longest and the most emotional of them all, but like I said before, the show stopped being just about the Winchesters on season 3, when Bobby was first introduced, maybe even 4, with Cas.
Overall, the finale left a lot of questions unanswered, most of them regarding secondary characters (but not less important for that!), completely destroyed Sam and Dean’s character development (Dean never got to be free, like he had been fighting for all season, probably all his life; Sam’s development is non-existing, as he ended up as he would’ve if he never had gotten on that hunting trip with Dean 15 years ago), and completely disregarded all the themes they had been setting up this season, probably on previous ones as well. It is sad knowing that the writers, either don’t know the show good enough to give it a proper goodbye, or they just didn’t care to do so. I don’t know who’s to blame here (definitely not the actors, though, probably someone higher up the chain), but I just know that I am so fucking disappointed. I expected more from the last episode of a 15-season TV show, one that has been part of my life for 7 years. I guess, that despite all of it, I can’t hate Supernatural. Maybe I was not a hardcore fan like some people on this site, but I did care for the characters and what happened to them. This is the show that introduced me to the world of shipping (Destiel will always hold a special place in my heart, it doesn’t matter how badly their relationship was treated, as well as the characters) and I got to discover one of my favorite characters, Dean Winchester. He is just such so complex, one that I relate to on so many levels, and his relationship with Cas has been the source of many short stories that I’ve never posted anywhere, but that have made me take up writing again. That’s the reason why I love the show so much, it has helped me tap into my creativeness and go back to writing, a passion of mine that I seem to have forgotten over the years. Anyways, maybe one day I’ll publish some of those stories, and maybe even write my own fix-it fanfic, but right now, I can’t deal with anything that has to do with the show, I am too hurt. Maybe once the five stages of grief are over, I might give it a try and read all of the amazing codas and fanfics that I’m sure will be posted here or on AO3. But for now, Supernatural is dead and gone, and I don’t want to talk nor think about it anymore. I’m done wasting my time here, because I feel like that’s what I’ve been doing this past 7 years after watching this crap of a finale.
To finish this long rant off, I just want to say thank you to some meta-writers, the true heroes of the fandom. Thanks to them, I carried on watching the show, because they made me have hope that things will get better. They are the ones that have made this experience worth something, and even though I’ve never spoken to any of them, I see you and I love you. Thanks for everything ❤. 
@tinkdw @charlie-minion @dotthings @heliodean @verobatto-angelxhunter @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover
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batgirl-87 · 4 years
Hey! I love your last ask, the questions are really well thought and I'm curious about 12, 16, 17, 18 and 19 👀if you want 💜
Thank you so much for asking! Sorry it took me so long to answer! Life happens -_-
From this ask
12. What was MC’s reaction learning Bill and Charlie’s little sister went missing her First year? 
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Physically restraining her and holding her back from storming into Hogwarts and causing a RIOT! She will find poor Ginny probably trapped in some damn Vault again! CURSE THESE VAULTS - oh wait a minute....
But wait, why didn’t every single Weasley, all the older protective brothers storm into Hogwarts to find their little sister? Did they not find out until later?! Did Percy, Fred, George, and Ron just neglect to inform Bill and Charlie that Ginny was missing until found? Prove they could handle it? Or did Bill and Charlie believe in the rest of their siblings that they could handle it and trust them...Nah, big brothers would storm in and find her. They’d be damned if they just sat around and waited for her to be found!
Assuming they all did not learn until afterwards, still would have to hold her back from storming into Hogwarts, most likely to no avail. Some going off on Ron and the rest of the brothers - Why are they only finding out about this now?! Yes, they handled it and got her back BUT STILL kind of a BIG thing to hide from your family! And then of course storming into Dumbledore’s office and going off yet again to which he is probably very used to at this point. A FIRST YEAR GOES MISSING AND WTF DO YOU DO?! THIS IS THE VAULTS AND BEATRICE ALL OVER AGAIN! WATCH YOURSELF OLD MAN! Going to shave that damn beard off, tie it into a noose and - Yeah, she’s not going to be very happy.
And of course once she gets all her anger out, she’ll ask Ginny if she’s okay and check with how she’s doing. And if they did find out while she was missing and Bill and Charlie somehow decided to allow their brothers to handle it and get Keira to calm tf down and not go storming back to Hogwarts (idk how tbh =p) she would be caring and comforting towards them, ask them how they’re doing, if they need anything, if there’s anything she can do, what they’ve heard - and also just do little things to reduce any stress she can. Look she cooked or got them food! And cleaned! Let’s go look at the baby dragons! You’re hair is looking fabulous today - I mean, it always looks good, but today extra bouncy.
16. What was MC’s reaction to Tonks getting married and having a child?
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I’m sorry, she’s marrying who now? Remus? Like...Keira’s Uncle Remus? Secret Werewolf Remus? Her anam cara Remus?! HER COUSIN AND UNCLE WTF - well obviously they’re not related BUT STILL THEY’RE HER FAMILY!
She’s going to need a moment.
SHE’S PREGNANT?! THEY - She’s going to need several moments...Clearly this is a lot for her to process on many different levels. She may have malfunctioned for a moment.
But once she processes things - also the fact that imagining Tonks married and a mom, like that’s so grown up and mature and it’s a little difficult to wrap her head around Tonks as a wife and mother instead of the rebellious punk prankster with colorful hair - alright, she’s going to make an awesome mom, that’s not the point. The point is, again, it just seems like such a grown up thing and Keira doesn’t even see herself really as a grown up =p She still see her and Tonks as teenage cousins getting into shenanigans, even as technically adults, rebelling against the system a bit and stirring some things up in their careers. Getting married and having a kid - wow.... are they getting old? Existential crisis time!
BUT then! They both deserve to be happy. If anyone deserves to be happy it’s Remus Lupin. And they make each other happy. And she fully accepts him and loves him as he is, Werewolf and all. Of course she would, she’s not a judgemental person! They’re happy and in love and that’s all Keira wants for them, to be happy and loved. And once she gets over the weirdness they’re adorable... and then it get’s a little weird again... but still cute...but weird... Hugging is fine, a little peck but so help her if a kiss lasts too long SHE CAN’T! Got to go, cannot see this, do not want to see this - HER EYES! =p
OH! And if you think they’re sneaking off to get married without her there HAHAHAHA THEY ARE SORELY MISTAKEN! If you don’t think Keira and Jacob (and Sirius because no I can’t let him die I JUST CAN’T) don’t come strutting in with Back in Black playing in the background to be the best man and woman/maid and man of honor - whatever - right before they take their vows, confused as to how they found out and found them then you are wrong. So very wrong! One might even officiate, who knows! Getting married without them HA! Nice try. 
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17. What are MC’s opinions on the Golden Trio and the happenings at Hogwarts after they left?
Ron - Aww little Ronny! Look at him growing up, he’s getting so big now! She remembers when he was little! 
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There’s a lot of affectionate teasing and reminiscing of embarrassing childhood stories that Keira feels maybe his friends need to hear =p A lot of messing with his hair and forcing him into tight hugs that again may embarrass him. Honestly, he views her as his older sister. He pretty much grew up with her or hearing about her from Bill, Charlie, even Percy and the Twins. She would come to visit and she’s very close with his two eldest brothers, even working with Bill, and every time she’s around him she treats him like her little brother. She’s been a big part of his life for most of what he can remember. He grew up hearing stories about her adventures at Hogwarts with his brothers so he should have been better prepared honestly for everything he had to deal with when he attended.
I’m sure he tried to brag even about her. “Yeah, my brother Bill is a Curse Breaker and his partner is Keira Black - yeah, the one who dealt with all the cursed vaults here - allegedly...” “My brother Charlie works with dragons but he could have gone on to play Quidditch professionally. Actually, his girlfriend - fiance? Unofficial wife? - played in the World Cup. And won. She could have played professionally too.” *insert Oliver Wood fangirling over Charlie and Keira’s Quidditch skills and how skilled their children would be!* “My big brothers and their friends would sneak into the Forbidden Forest all the time.” - but he doesn’t want to do that necessarily =p
But then after all his bragging when she’d actually appear and he’d get all embarrassed and wouldn’t want his friends to meet her because she just embarrassed him =p Sure Bill and Charlie partook in this as well. Likes to brag about his cool older siblings but no one actually meet them because they’ll embarrass them. Also they’re all giant dorks. Bill and Charlie smashing tables into each other when they’re supposed to be setting up for the wedding? All of them obsessed with their hair in some way. 
“Bill, remember that time you were obsessed with Emily Tyler and you had to ask ME to ask her out for you because you were too afraid!” - Some brave Curse-Breaker he is. 
“Well, remember when you dunked yourself into the courtyard fountain in the middle of the day? Then you were stuck with soaking clothes for the rest of classes that day. Everybody thought you were mad. Definitely looked mad.”
But she and Charlie were definitely the first people Ron thought of to help get Norbert safely out of Hogwarts, specifically her to get Norbert to Charlie if he couldn’t make it himself.
“Remember when you came into the Prefect’s bathroom and dove into my bath and Charlie walked in - he was so upset!” - Which would then lead to a series of embarrassing stories of Charlie because he foolishly thought being quiet and not sharing stories back and forth as Keira and Bill were would somehow save him from this but nope. Ron can’t have his friends hearing all these stories about them after bragging about them to his friends! Humiliating.
Hermione - She should be in Ravenclaw. She’s so smart and her hair is amazing. She should be the chosen one. Are we sure she’s really not? Thank Merlin for her because without her Ron and Harry would be doomed! I think there’s mutual respect between the girls.
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Harry - Ohhhhh the special chosen one... Isn’t he so great and amazing -_-
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Oh is there some bitterness and animosity from Keira towards Harry. She went through so much hell at school, broke all these curses to save people only to get punished and reprimanded by teachers and other adults, and had nasty rumours spread about her around school from the students, called cursed herself - no one appreciated all she did for them and that school! All the sacrifices and people she lost!
But Harry freakin’ Potter here basically gets a parade everywhere he goes and can do no wrong - HONESTLY. He caught the Golden Snitch in his mouth and won the game - she literally won the World Cup. Guess who got more praise and admiration. Dumbledore clearly favoring Harry when Keira feels he was not really on her side or supported her much. 
Now, she gets it, he didn’t ask for this - but she didn’t ask for her role either that was thrust upon her but at least he gets love for his while she was shunned. 
It’s an interesting dynamic where she can definitely empathize with his situation, having this responsibility thrust on him he didn’t ask for and constantly fighting of his and his friend’s lives, not wanting to put his friend’s at risk, being so confused about wtf is going on - she’s been there, she gets it. And when Ron requests her to give Harry some advice and help him out because he needs it and she’s the only one really who understands she agrees - mainly for Ron and his little puppy dog eyes - he’s adorable, how could she say no?! And she listens to Harry and validates him, because yeah, his feelings are totally valid and true, and tries to offer some advice based on her experiences and they sort of bond, and it’s not like she wants him to die or anything bad to happen to this kid! She’s not a horrible person! But she still has this resentment towards him, or at least the praise and adoration he gets, which again really isn’t his fault but... She also has a hard time being sympathetic to all the danger he’s experiencing because she dealt with so much so it’s like - yeah, yours isn’t really that bad =p You think your life is so hard? Psh, classic teenager.
So she offers her advice and to be someone to talk to for Harry if he needs it per Ron’s request and they sort of bond and she may even offer some help with things such as sneaking into the Forbidden Forest.
Sirius breaks out of Azkaban and it’s all Harry, Harry, Harry. HARRY?! HARRY FREAKING POTTER AGAIN?! Oh, Harry is his godson and he looks like James and reminds him of his friends he misses and he just wants to make sure he’s safe with everything he’s dealing with, sure his life is hard - oh what a supportive fucking person for Harry - WHAT ABOUT HER, HELLO?! She’s actually related to you! Sir! And she went through hell herself at Hogwarts. Didn’t go right to see her - okay she was probably in Egypt or Romania when he did BUT NOT THE POINT - straight to Harry because he’s the most important person in the world apparently! (I have an AU sort of story I really need to finish where Sirius actually breaks out during Keira’s 6th year I believe...no wait maybe 7th but even still clearly Sirius loves Harry and they have a special connection/bond and yeah Keira can get jealous).
Oh Keira may have hated Harry for awhile. And yeah, she gets it, Sirius has been through hell in prison, Harry is the only link to James and Lily who he loved and misses terribly, and those people he lives with are awful and Sirius would provide him a much better home that Harry deserves because no one deserves abuse - but Sirius is her family! Blood family! And she went through hell about being a scandalous member of the House of Black and admired Sirius honestly so much and then she finally gets to see him and he’s obsessed with Harry! She might just kill Harry herself. You’re welcome, Voldy! Jealous Aunty Bella? She’s that bitch that killed Harry =p 
She wouldn’t actively try to kill him but there were moment at the top of the stairs where she thought of giving him a little nudge and claiming he tripped and fell down them. 
Thank Merlin for Remus who always managed to be there for Harry and Keira and not show any sort of favoritism because he loves them and cares about them both. And is also a helpful voice of reason to Sirius who honestly doesn’t seem to get it =p Because Sirius is happy to see her and Jacob too, don’t get him wrong! And he’s proud of how she handled everything and what she’s done in her life, but feels like she did all that without him, like she doesn’t need him but Harry still does. And really, he broke out not because of Harry but because of Peter. If he broke out for Harry he would have done it years ago, not when Harry was a teenager, right?
I’m sure Remus sort of mediates a little sit down between Keira and Sirius because as members of the House of Black he knows very well they can be dramatic =p And he’ll get them to sit down and talk and be real and resolve this nonsense because they’re family and they love each other. And honestly they are so similar - SO similar - that Remus can get frustrated and be like ‘you two are acting exactly alike - like stubborn petty arses’ essentially to which they would both definitely respond about how they have nice arses =p
No worries about that, Sirius and Keira quickly bond, they are similar, and have a close relationship. But this is about Harry and Keira. And their relationship goes from bitterness to sort of a mentor to raging resentment to - omg, are we...family? Like...technically...sort of... And then this raging resentment turns into more like sibling rivalry/teasing... Like Keira is much harsher with her comments and ‘teasing’ towards Harry than any of the Weasley’s who she also views as family, as does Harry, but also forms this protective ‘I can mess with him and be mean to him but you can’t!’ She can say mean things, even beat up on him a little bit, but if anyone else tries it she’ll end them. He’s her punching bag =p 
She likes Harry, and they bond through their life experiences. She just has some resentment to work through. But then they actually form a sort of sibling-like bond. Where she then teases Harry and Ron mercilessly although still nicer to Ron and they may try to stand up for themselves but honestly they’re both pretty afraid of her and they know she loves them and will do anything to protect them. She just takes a long time to warm up to Harry. But they get there eventually. 
The Trio and their shenanigans - They should hang out with people from other houses not just a bunch of Gryffindors. Why are they being so cliquey and House-ist? =p
Part of her is also a little proud of their shenanigans but then part of her is like “oh a troll? Cute. Life size moving chess pieces? Psh, cursed ice knight. Spiders?! Still?! At first terrifying but now seriously annoying - he’s still causing drama?! Honestly, call an exterminator. A BASILISK?! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME I WANT A BASILISK! I get a dragon that - okay, the dragon is super cool too, don’t get me wrong BUT A BASILISK! UGH SO JEALOUS! Oh you had a lesson on Boggarts? Yeah I had to deal with a whole army of them as part of a curse... Also had someone trying to kill me so... Yep, DADA Professor. Well she tried to use one of my friends so... Oh they just tried to kill you themselves? Didn’t use your friend so you couldn’t trust them and then kill one of your friends? Yeah, Cedric is incredibly sad and unjust but he wasn’t your best friend!” So a little... unimpressed...
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“Yeah, Rita is a real piece of....work...”
“Dolores Umbridge?! Oh wow... I’m...I’m so sorry...that’s awful. That’s worse than anything I had to face.”
18. Did MC ever return to Hogwarts for some reason?
Prior to the 1994 World Cup game I like to think they honored the previous winning team in a little pre-game ceremony so Keira was there for that obviously (although not technically at Hogwarts) and then attended the dragon challenge of the TriWizard Tournament because Charlie was clearly going to be a part of that and she does want to see him as much as possible with them working in different countries plus Bill was going as well and she can’t really work without her partner - they’re a package deal! 
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Did she make an appearance as an OG member of Weird Sisters for at least one song at the Yule Ball also that year? Perhaps. And she looked awesome =p 
Oh! And she definitely visited like the first day of Remus’ new job as DADA Professor - she was so proud! And maybe also to make sure he was getting Wolfsbane and all of that was good and taken care of. And then when he gets fired OH does she flip some tables and desks - Storms into Dumbeldore’s office, flip that desk, storm down to Snape’s Potions classroom, flip some of those tables and goes tf off! She is so pissed!
And then she’s obviously there for the Department of Ministry battle where she saves Sirius because nope, sorry, cannot have Sirius die like that. I have a whole post ranting about this =p And then the Battle of Hogwarts because again she’s not letting Remus and Tonks and Fred die. CAN’T DO IT I’M SORRY CANNOT! She came to fight and she came to win.
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*(I swear I wrote out a whole post about how I cannot acknowledge Sirius’ death or Tonks and Remus because of how unfair it is to Remus in particular whose life was so hard and how he deserves to be happy but I cannot find it! I looked and looked and I’ll keep looking but I’m sorry!)
19. Did MC attend Fred and George’s Grand Opening of Weasley’s Wizards Wheeze? What was their reaction to the twin’s epic exit of Hogwarts?
Keira has never been more proud of anyone before ever. That exit was... the most beautiful thing... awe inspiring, amazing, incredible... Literally brought a tear to her eye. SO PROUD! Slow clap proud =p
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Of course she made sure to be there at their opening, she’s very supportive of them and wants to make sure they know that! She probably made Charlie and Bill go to - not that their whole family probably weren’t already going and supportive but Keira was just making sure they showed their support. She didn’t care about what work they had - the baby dragon will hatch without you just fine! Let’s go! Allons-y! You telling me Tonks and Tulip weren’t also there?! They probably could keep that place afloat alone by themselves even though they’re not in school anymore - maybe just for the nostalgia. I’m sure a few other members of the Cursed Vaults Gang came to the opening to show their support as well, even if Keira made them =p 
Sorry this took so long to answer! Thanks for being patient! 💜
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softfairies · 5 years
HPHM Character Profile
@changeling-fae and @sirfluffig thank you both for tagging me!!! ♥
General Information.
Name: Ana Mercedes Díaz.
Age: 16.
Gender: Female.
Nicknames: Anita (by her father), Little Butterfly (by her mother), Pip (,,, by Jacob??).
Date of Birth: March 21st.
Astrological/Zodiac Sign: Aries.
Ethnicity: White and Latino.
Nationality: Venezuelan.
Species: Human.
Blood Type: O-
Blood Status: Half-Blood.
Father - Luciano Enrique Díaz.
Half-Blood (mother muggle and father wizard)/ Born in Venezuela but moved to Glasgow when he was 11/ Attended Hogwarts and was chosen in Ravenclaw/ He works as a Metal-Charmer/ He absolutely loves his family and is proud of his children. However after Raquel died, he has being suffering a breakdown all days without miss but he understood that he had to be the best parent he could since he still had his little children to care of. But when Jacob disappeared, he lost it. There wasn’t a day he wouldn’t watch the window waiting for his eldest kid to return and even if he tried his best, the pain bested him. Now he is in a coma and Ana doesn’t know if he’ll wake up.
Mother - Raquel Ayton.
Muggle-born/ Born in Glasgow however her maternal grandparents were born in Chile/ She attended Hogwarts and was sorted into Hufflepuff/ He worked as an Arithmancer and also had the eye for Divination. That’s how she saw her death and the upsetting future that was awaiting her younger daughter. She was very close to Jacob and she was the one who taught him how to play the violin and showed Ana the world of creatures, the one which she loves. She died months before Jacob could start school because of a disease no one understood.
Brother - Jacob Iván Díaz.
Half-Blood/ He was born in the 4 of October 1968/ Was sorted into Ravenclaw just like his father and afterwards, like his little sister/ Jacob was very close to his mother, she was the one who taught him how to play the violin. When she died, he was broken but that made him want to protect Ana even more. That’s why he never told her about the Cursed Vaults. It was so she could gorw happily and far from the danger these would create. He loves Ana a lot and would do anything for her even if it meant lying to her.
Volunteer in the Magical Creatures Reserve
Occupation(s): Future Magizoologist.
Magical Characteristics.
Form of Boggart: Isolation.
Form of Patronus: Silver-Studded Blue Butterfly.
Form of Riddikulus: ? (she still can’t get over her fear).
What do they see in the Mirror of Erised?: Her whole family together, being happy.
Length: 10 3/4″
Flexibility: Quite bendy flexibility
Wood: Larch Wood
Core: Unicorn hair
Description: It’s of a warm brown color with floral carving and some bronze details.
What she smells: Baked cookies, lavender and scented paint (She once saw how Badeea created it).
What she smells to others: Strawberries, the forest, hot chocolate.
Height: 5′2″
Weight: 108 lbs
Complexion (skin tone/conditions): 
Tanned and freckled skin. It’s actually very soft? She doesn’t know how tbh.
Hair Color/Style: 
Medium brown hair, kind of wavy but pulling more towards curly when it’s longer. She had it very short since she was very little but in the middle of her fifth year she decided to let it grow, making it more curly.
Eye Color:
When she was younger it was brighter but as she grew it started getting duller. 
Hogwarts Information.
Worst Class(es):
Potions; like oml she tries not to fail but wtf is being cautious and how much was it of salamander eyes???
Herbology; hey, she likes plants and she knows the ones that could be related with magical creatures but she doesn’t understand the that much. She needs to interact with others and even if plants interact with her in special ways, she isn’t that much interested.
DADA; okay she hates duelling and is bad at it no matter how much she practices since she isn’t the most agile person in there and she doesn’t react very quickly.
Flying; she sucks and can’t be balanced in her broom. There were many accidents that involved falling from terryfying heights so yeah, she tries not to fly in a broom.
Best Class(es):
COMC; she loves magical creatures, she does since she was a baby, surrounded by the ones in her house. She loves understanding them, caring for them and befriending them. She prides herself of defending their rights and helping them.
History of Magic; even if this is a class that many find absolutely boring, she finds it rather interesting. She really likes learning facts from the past since well, she loves hearing stories. Maybe she isn’t a big Binns fan, but she really likes his class.
Charms; I mean??? She loves learning magic and the way that Flitwick teaches is just so wonderful for Ana?? She is always excited to learn new movements, incantations, she is just like a little kid in a candy store.
Least Favorite Teacher(s):
Snape; she despises that man with her whole heart. She doesn’t see a good side in him and everytime that he is rude towards her she just wants to scream because why? Whu does he has to be such an asshole. If something in his personal life sucks he shouldn’t explode against the students, that’s literally so unprofessional of him. And finally, if he hates kids so much, then why the hell become a teacher?
Rakepick; ana never liked manipulative people since she is very amenable herself. And she knows how that woman uses her power in words to contol people around her. That’s why she never trusted her and never will.
Favorite Teacher(s):
Flitwick; again, ana loves his way of teaching and his cheerful personality. She admires him a lot and she feels so grateful that he is the head of her house. His advice is always so helpful and is always stuck in her head and she appreciates that.
Kettleburn; ana loves his personality and his love for creatures. She always has a good time at his classes and is never dissapointed. She likes his challenges and how passionate he is about his job.
McGonagall; ana respects the woman in a very high level. She admires her as a professor and as a person. The way she cares for the students and how much respect she radiates.
Ana doesn’t like it at all.
She had way too many accidents with brooms and bludgers that the term Quidditch just send shivers down her spine.
However, she is always there to cheer Andre and Charlie. But she is always prepared for anything.
Favourite Spell(s):
(random facts about them, future job, face claim, theme song, etc.):
She is scared of electric storms or even normal storms since there was an accident in her house years ago and she lost everything that belonged to her mother.
Her aunt Mercedes, sister of her mother, died when she was only 14 because of death eaters. That’s why Ana hates them. They took someone from her family and she could never meet her aunt.
She learnt how to cook when she was only 10 because her father wan’t always home to cook for her and neither Jacob.
She sleeps very little because of the nightmares and because of that, she spends her night watching the starts or petting her pets.
She doesn’t like sea food and actually can’t swim so she is kind of wary when she is near water,,, but not in the shower asdfgh
In the future she will be a Magizoologist.
Her theme song would be Happy by Marina.
I still don’t have a faceclaim for her !
Tagging: @heleneplays @jadeowl19 @cinnamonriko @helgship @scribbleries @whitecadiz @margaretthehuman @eluzivedreamer @nomnan
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almaasi · 6 years
reaction post typed while watching SPN 14x01 “Stranger in a Strange Land”
I AM READY (slash not ready at all) FOR CAS BEING VERY SAD ABOUT DEAN FOR MULTIPLE EPISODES STRAIGHT (slash not straight at all)
i know almost nothing about this season besides dean being micheal for longer than he was a demon, and cas being :< the saddest puppy
yoooo i need to go find some headphones because i can hear all the BLRAHAHRGAH but voices are muffled
headphones acquired
now let’s do this recap again
i paused on alexander’s boobs
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i still don’t get why breasts are censored and non-breasts are not. like. they’re literally the same just less squishy???
WHOA THESE HEADPHONES HAVE BASS. i haven’t heard bass in months
okay no the issue with voices is the video file, not my speakers
welp guess i gotta just deal with it and squint at the screen because somehow that makes it easier to hear shit idk
still mid-key bummed about gabriel and dean yelling “gabe no!!!”
sam driving the impala alone is such a sad sight
i can head the adhan (muslim call the prayer) in the background
pffffff of course michael goes to arabia
i guess he teleported.... i guess that’s better than taking poor dean on a plane
oh wait the adhan was on dean’s phone??? jsdfghd unsure what to make of that
oh wait never mind that’s nOT DEAn
IT LOOKED LIKE HIM OKAY, in profile, lying in bed
oh god this guy better not die
i feel such immediate fondness
please let him be gentle and loving and important and not a terrorist or a red shirt
one time i was in the school playground and i think someone asked if i could speak any other language and i said nope but i could say that prayer...... and they made me repeat so they could laugh at me again
also the dude skipped a whole surah (verse) and a hands-on-the-knees-bow before sijda (kneeling)
i guess it’s a timing thing but jsdgjgd INACCURACY
his pronunciation was so beautiful, shoutout to whichever dialect coach sat there helping him say it right
“if you really cared about peace, you never would’ve left syria”
micheal: “you’re lost, and not worth saving”
definitely two distinct destiel concepts turned on their heads in six words there
cas’ “when he first laid his hand on you in hell, he was LOST”
and dean’s “you don’t think you deserve to be saved”
ooooo nice title card with the flapping wings
it’s so nice seeing the bunker crowded with good guys
this guy: sam season 18
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500 other people probably made this joke already
sam: “maggie, can you hack the traffic cams on the freeway?”
maggie: “um................... no?”
god this makes me wanna write all the AUs where it’s not weird that character x is alive at the same time as character y. i know i do that a lot anyway but I WANT MORE
southern suit guy: “castiel... darling”
cas: “oh god” >:|
i love how cas is so done with everything and everyone, forever
my love for him knows no bounds
and i love that cas is still curious enough to ask “what did you just order?”
cas: *very calm, very stern, very slow* “does any demon know where dean winchester is?”
*throws monster against tree* “WHERE’S THE ANGEL”
demon: “and how is it you lost dean? i thought the two of you were joined at the.......” *gestures to crotch* “you know... everything”
oh cas :c
poor cas
he probably needs to read “how to win friends and influence people” tbh
if his first port of call to bargaining with demons is threatening them, that’s not getting him anywhere in the long run
not saying he deserved getting beaten up by a gang (hell no) but he probably could’ve offered, like, an angel feather or something
also whenever something bad happens to cas what makes me saddest is knowing that somewhere in the world there are people grinning with glee and taking it as confirmation that the character is worthless
i probably shouldn’t think about that but i do anyway
oh hey danneel!!! i didn’t know she’d be back, i’m glad she is
michael: “you don’t recognise me with this pretty face?”
1. michael thinks dean is pretty
2. i wonder how many casual viewers aren’t aware these two are married
you know what i find interesting
jensen seems to be able to control his face so that he doesn’t look obviously attracted to danneel in this scene (besides the chin touch)
i think his pupils are slightly dilated but that might be the low light
which leads me to believe
1. he’s trying extra hard because He’s Married To Her (and micheal has intense facial control anyway)
1.1. he doesn’t try so hard with misha because he doesn’t realise he’s doing it
2. he does the hearteyes and lip-licks with misha/cas on purpose because DEAN is attracted to cas
(and while 1.1 and 2 may seem to conflict, i theorise that jensen allows his natural reactions to show because he knows he likes misha and knows dean likes cas??)
anyway my point is that he showed less outward attraction to his wife than he does to his boyfriend and there’s probably a good reason for that and jensen was thinking about it while acting
the way michael hisses when he says “a placccccee..” and wobbles his head when he says “it’s very very human of you” reminds me of kaa from the jungle book (specifically the scarlett johannson live action/cgi version)
he a snek
micheal: “if they’re all these sad... lost... fallen things, maybe they’re not worth saving either”
clearly this guy never heard the story about the starfish
ugh lucifer’s still here? or ... wait is this the vessel?? oh mannnn poor dude
oh no sam, seeing his torturer being an okay guy now
everyone in this show is so traumatised
demon suit guy: “i’m the boy who’s got your angel! and you wanna seem him again... you know, alive, we should probably chat”
sam is having a bad day, i see
what’s cool about this episode so far is that yeah there’s a LOT going on
but it’s balanced and makes sense and is informative and entertaining, not a garbage pile of chaos like a deadly duo episode would be
cas does the best eye-rolls
and his eyelashes are so pretty
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kip: “so take the deal, sam, before i stop trying to be crowley...... and show you who i really am”
a good line
hey the black dude survived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the demon’s vessel is fine!!!!
that’s new
the fact the humans can all come out of that fight just looking lightly scratched and cas looks like he was attacked by a giant squirrel is quite a feat
jack: “all i did was get punched in the face”
cas: “to be fair, we all got punched in the face”
face punch solidarity!!
jack says without power he’s useless
cas: “oh jack... that’s just not true”
oh heckie deckie it looks like michael is gonna raise an army of monsters
i look forward to seeing charlie and rowena later!!! since they’re still alive in this universe i believe
god this show is so much better when people aren’t dead
i still mourn for kevin though
jack is a lil cutie patootie, maggie is adorable also. like mice in a house of rabbits
cas is still and forever my favourite. <3 <3 <3 and i love when he’s such a valued part of the team and knows it implicitly
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primatechnosynthpop · 6 years
alright gamers here’s some #thoughts on a heroes/pokemon crossover (under a readmore because it’s a very long list. Like, you would not believe how much nonsense I have to say on this topic)
The voiceovers at the beginnings and endings of many episodes are about Pokémon evolution, how it differs from regular evolution, and so on
That being said, Mohinder is a Pokémon professor who specializes in studying evolution
Peter works in a Pokémon centre
Nathan is a member of the Unova Elite Four
Hiro and Ando work at Silph Co.
Instead of having a teddy bear collection, Claire has a Stufful she got from her father. It’s her favourite Pokémon
Whenever somebody uses their powers, it’s basically like a Pokémon move (“Peter used Mirror Move”, “Claire used Recover”, “Matt used Mind Reader”, etc.); they can run out of Power Points
“When destiny calls… you answer your Pokégear!”
The Company is actually a branch of Team Plasma (Plasma rather than any other evil team because Unova= America) and since “specials” can use Pokémon moves, the Company sees them as closer to Pokémon than humans and therefore want to “liberate” them from society
Arthur Petrelli’s power does extend to actual Pokémon moves as well; he used to have a job as a move deleter
The formula from volume three is basically a TM
When Peter jumps off the roof in season one, Nathan claims it was his Pidgoet that rescued him, not Nathan himself. However, Peter knows better because Nathan’s Pidgeot is currently at the Pokémon daycare
Actually, the way a lot of “specials” keep their powers a secret is by attributing their abilities to their Pokémon. For instance, Matt claims his Growlithe sniffed out Molly Walker when in fact he used Mind Reader
A surefire way to tell whether it’s Niki or Jessica: Niki has a Clefable; Jessica has a Gengar
The climax of season four takes place in Nimbasa City (since there’s a ferris wheel there)
Instead of fixing watches, Sylar used to work at a Pokéball factory
Rather than Mirror Move like Peter, Monica Dawson’s ability is more like Assist; she can only use moves that belong to the Pokémon on her team
Speaking of which, Peter can borrow moves from actual Pokémon as well. Sylar can’t, but on the upside, he isn’t limited by having only four move slots
*Paints Castelia City exploding* Isaac used Future Sight! Isaac foresaw an attack!
Since it doesn’t make as much sense for Daphne to call Hiro “Pikachu” if they’re in the Pokémon world, she instead calls him a twerp, a la Team Rocket from the anime
Matt’s turtle is a Tirtouga that he resurrected from a fossil which he found while wandering around in the desert
Mr. Muggles is a Lillipup; Sandra Bennet used to enter him in Pokémon contests 
The Company uses a special kind of Pokéball called a Company Ball that’s not actually any different from a regular Pokéball but is black with a gold “Godsend” kanji on the front. In season one, Hiro thought he had to catch a Pokémon using a Company Ball in order to access his powers
Claire goes to the trainers’ school in Striaton City
Instead of the cello, Emma plays the Pokéflute
Tracy started out running an Ice-type gym but after season three she changed it to a Water-type gym
When the Company locks away a special, they confiscate their Pokémon as well and have them stored indefinitely in PC boxes. After the breakout in volume three, a couple main characters end up with Pokémon formerly belonging to these individuals—Peter ends up putting Jesse’s Loudred on his team, although it’s rather uncooperative and he eventually releases it
In season one, when Claire recorded herself trying to hurt herself & healing, she used a VS Recorder to do it. Normally a VS Recorder only records Pokémon, but since she was using a move (Recover) the VS Recorder registered it as a battle taking place
On a related note, Noah was able to track Sylar using a modified version of the Pokéfinder
Rather than finding Nathan’s body, Peter finds out about the whole “Sythan” ordeal because he finds a Yamask whose mask resembles Nathan’s face
Rather than accidentally shooting her, Peter and Isaac get into a Pokémon battle and Simone gets caught between energy blasts like Ash in Pokémon: The First Movie (but without the magic tears of life)
When Hiro is in the Feudal Era, Adam and Yaeko are amazed by the fact Hiro has a Pokémon team—Pokéballs didn’t exist back then
Micah uses his power to instantly fill out his Pokédex. He uses this information so he’ll be prepared for any rivals he comes across
Instead of torturing Sylar with a tuning fork, Mohinder tells his Minccino to use Echoed Voice. It’s super effective!
Noah isn‘t a trainer, but he borrows Pokémon from the Company to battle with when necessary
Claire has a Secret Base where she keeps all the Pokédolls Noah gets her. In later seasons, she spends a lot more time hiding away in it
Nathan, being a Gym Leader, is very much a competitive battler; he’ll disregard any Pokémon with poor IVs
Linderman is the boss of Team Rocket; if Niki doesn’t fully repay him, he’ll steal all her and her family’s Pokémon
Matt’s dad was one of the developers of the Entralink (because dreams)
At one point or another Hiro definitely teleports to the Ilex Forest and catches a Celebi
Tracy works at Pokéstar Studios
The formula Mohinder concocts in season 3 has the same properties as the Dubious Disk. He tests it on his Porygon-2, which evolves into Porygon-Z, and he takes this as a good sign
Remember that one time in the anime when Ash got turned into a Pikachu? That’s what Arthur Petrelli does to Hiro instead of scrambling his brain
Noah wants to keep Claire from having Pokémon battles–“why can’t you be a coordinator like your mother?”–but this only encourages her to train her team harder
When Meredith shows up with her level 85 Rapidash and level 87 Flareon, it’s a bit of a wake-up call for Claire: even if she constantly uses healing items on her team, they’ll keep taking damage from a burn affliction
Instead of just a bunch of pigeons (or Pidove) on the Deveaux building, it’s the location of the Pokémon daycare. Even though they’re not affiliated with the Pokémon centre, Peter still loves going up there to play with the Pokémon
The wall in the episode The Wall is UB-Wall; the episode ends when Peter and Sylar can defeat it in a double battle
Niki has a Kangaskhan that she spends most of season 1 thinking she doesn’t have the power to Mega Evolve, but in the finale she succeeds and fights side-by-side with Micah, who commands the baby Kangaskhan
Peter has a Rockruff that eventually evolves into a Midday Lycanroc. However, in every “bad” future, it’s instead in the Midnight form
During the early days of the study of specials, scientists tried to do things like capture them in Pokéballs
That being said, the corrupt desert camp in the 60s was branded as a Safari Zone
Isaac thinks he can only use Future Sight when he’s holding a Toxic Orb
The Burnt Toast Cafe is a Malasada shop (I guess that means Hiro is basically Hau? Accurate tbh)
From season three onwards, Micah has a Cubone on his team
Molly uses her power to find where wild Pokémon are hiding in the tall grass and avoid walking there
People who work for the Company or are prisoners of them aren’t allowed to have Pokémon, but Elle trains an Electabuzz in secret. When she and Sylar get together, she trades it to him in exchange for a Jolteon, and it evolves into Electivire
A lot of the side characters and characters without powers aren’t trainers. Ando doesn’t have any Pokémon of his own until the end of volume three, when he catches a Plusle that he uses to aid Hiro in double battles
In the Five Years Gone future, Niki has a Phantump on her team. Make of that what you will…
Throughout season one, Claire is reluctant to let her Pokémon evolve. At the start of season two, we see that she has evolved her Stufful into a Bewear and her Buneary into Lopunny
The first Pokémon Hiro ever caught was an Abra, which he never evolves (although it is evolved in the Five Years Gone future). In volume five, when he goes back in time to three years ago he trades it to Charlie. When he sees her as an old woman at the end of the show, she still has it, now as a Kadabra. She trades it back to him and it evolves into Alakazam
When one character dies, another will generally adopt their Pokémon. Peter puts Isaac’s Smeargle on his team, and later Nathan’s Unfezant; Matt keeps Daphne’s Accelgor and Crobat on his team; Meredith gives Claire her Torchic before she explodes; etc.
Tracy’ team is mostly ice and/or water-type, but her oldest Pokémon is a Wigglytuff that she doesn’t use in battle much, only as a companion
Bonus: everyone’s Pokémon teams at the start of the show and by the end
Peter: Chansey, Eevee, Rockruff
Nathan: Pidgeot, Noctowl, Tailow, Staraptor, Braviary, Unfezant
Claire: Oricorio, Stufful, Buneary
Hiro: Pikachu, Abra
Matt: Growlithe, Turtwig, Slowpoke
Niki: Clefable, Gardevoir, Kangaskhan
DL: Haunter, Mismagius
Micah: Elekid
Mohinder: Porygon, Magnemite, Minchino
Angela: Persian, Gothorita, Munna
Sylar: Klink, Ditto
…And by the end:
Peter: Blissey, Sylveon, Lycanroc, Smeargle, Unfezant, Mew
Claire: Oricorio, Bewear, Lopunny, Ursaring, Blaziken, Delcatty
Hiro: Alolan Raichu, Alakazam, Celebi, Aegislash, Furret, Gyarados
Matt: Arcanine, Torterra, Grumpig, Tirtouga, Slowking, Hypno
Tracy: Wiggytuff, Frosslass, Lapras, Glaceon, Jellicent, Primarina
Micah: Electabuzz, Rotom, Marowak, Scrafty, Pancham
Mohinder: Porygon-Z, Magnezone, Minchino, Muk, Genesect
Angela: Persian, Gothitelle, Musharna, Xatu
Sylar: Klingklang, Ditto, Electivire, Umbreon, Zoroark, Mewtwo
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quinzelade · 7 years
By No Constraint (chpt 71)
SS x Danse
Chapter List
Thanks to my amazing beta, @waiting4morning, for her wonderful work!
Tumblr has apparently changed its linking rules, meaning I can no longer externally link my FFnet or Ao3 accounts if I want my story to show up in the tag search on tumblr. If you want update alerts, please search ‘quinzelade’ on either of these sites and follow me there.
Apologies for the huge unplanned almost two month gap for this fic. The Manchester bombing happened, which was in my general part of the country, which meant work and other related stuff got busy for me, as everything got affected in that area tbh. Then I went to Normandy to take part in the memorial D-Day services over there. Now I’m in Texas, where I’ve finally had time to write.
I decided to finish up the last few chapters of BNC. They are all written out and beta’d, so with any luck I’ll be releasing them each week without any disruptions. I will be announcing what I intend to do in regards to other writing plans closer to the final chapter.
It's good to be back! I missed you all, and I hope you enjoy the ending of my long ass story. :)
Major Brotherhood/Danse spoilers.
The holotags were to remain with Quinn.
Danse knew this—hated it—but he also understood the necessity. They had to be handed in to strike Marguerie off the Brotherhood’s list. Official closure, as well as supporting the story Quinn would give to anyone that asked.
Official closure.
Danse snorted to himself, his hands gripping at his gun. Official closure existed for one reason: to pass on the deceased holotags to their families. The malicious irony brought a sour taste to Danse’s mouth, and he felt his face twist with disgust. No one knew Marguerie’s daughter still lived. The tags would never reach their rightful owner.
Every step he took—every inch he moved from those tags—felt like a betrayal to Sarah. He was going to tell the girl her mother was dead, that he murdered Marguerie, and had nothing to show for it.
Well, not nothing. The sketchbook rested against his heart like a shield, pressing uncomfortably into his ribcage. Small price to pay for a child’s mother.
Would she remember him? It had been months since he’d seen her. Danse recalled how cheerful she’d been, even knowing her father was likely dead. And brave, too. Chasing after super mutants with rocks.
Danse grinned to himself, but the smile slipped away almost immediately. He told Marguerie this on her grave. And just like then, Danse knew she would have been proud of Sarah. A shame Sarah would have no memory of Marguerie at all...or maybe a blessing. Marguerie’s absence must have hurt on some level.
He wondered if Sarah would ever grow to be as tall as her mother. Now he thought about it, the idea of MacCready and Marguerie being an item wasn’t so strange. She’d always liked men shorter than her. George had only come up to her chin.
Danse chuckled to himself, the day she’d brought George to the base as clear as day. There had been some teasing from the other grunts, but for once, Marguerie didn’t rise to it. The smile on her face as she’d sat with George, ignoring the taunts, was clear for everyone to see: love.
Danse stopped in his tracks, staring across the dead landscape. In the distance, he could just make out the Slog, the sun gleaming off the surface of its tarberry filled pools. He focused on the shifting shimmers, trying to push Marguerie out of his mind, and then immediately found himself distracted as a brahmin ambled into view. For a panic-stricken second, he thought it was Weathers, before remembering Weathers was dead.
The discomfort that gripped him when they found the doctor’s body returned in full force. Although Danse wasn’t entirely certain of Weathers’ fate, he still had a pretty good idea, and it involved a certain ghoul pressing money into the outstretched hands of Weathers’ guards.
Danse wasn’t an idiot, and neither was Quinn. She would never buy his flippancy over Weathers’ death. He’d lied to her anyway.
Danse felt slightly sick, even if he’d deceived her for the best of reasons. But he’d live with it. Danse knew Quinn, and he knew she’d feel responsible if he shared his suspicions. After all, she was the one to tell Hancock that Weathers took bribes from the Institute. And while Quinn was more than capable of doing what was necessary, she also clung to her outdated morals.
Danse loved her for them. Letting Weathers leave on the proviso he never came back, despite his Institute leanings. Honouring a man’s word and upholding hers in turn. It was so...pre-war.
Danse supposed that’s why deciding Carson’s fate took so long. But Quinn had deemed Carson a potential threat. Weathers, she had not, now the Institute was gone. And to have him killed when he posed no immediate risk…
No, Quinn would not approve. So Danse lied. She had enough on her plate at the moment without the added guilt of a worthless corpse.
Danse shook his head and strode on. He was fixating on something he only suspected, even though the evidence was pointing to the same person. But what Hancock may or may not have done was none of Danse's business. He had Quinn and Charlie to think about.
Slowly, he drew near to the Slog. Even from a distance, Danse could see the ghoul residents tense at his arrival. His face was still covered. Hoping they wouldn’t be too alarmed when found out who he was, Danse made his way over to Wiseman. “I don’t know you remember me, but…”
A chorus of “Paladin Danse!” hit the air, the residents moving to crowd around him. Danse winced, casting a sharp glance over his shoulder as if the Brotherhood were right at his heels, and he heard Wiseman hiss, “Shh! You know he’s supposed to be dead!”
“Thanks,” Danse replied, turning back to face Wiseman and holding out his hand.
Wiseman stared at him, and Danse inwardly cursed. The first time he’d been here, he’d been nothing short of awful. Of course they wouldn’t forget that in a hurry. The only reason they’d tolerated him was because of Quinn, and she wasn’t here now.
“Sorry,” Danse said quickly, attempting to withdraw. But Wiseman seized his hand and shook vigorously.
“I don’t remember the last time a smoothskin offered to shake hands,” the ghoul rasped, beaming.
“It’s not a big deal,” muttered Danse, his cheeks hot.
“Oh, but it is.” Wiseman fixed Danse with a piercing stare. “It really is. You’ve come a long way, Paladin.” He gave a friendly squeeze and let go.
“I’m not a paladin anymore,” Danse replied, meeting Wiseman’s eye. “And that’s probably for the best.”
Wiseman laughed, stepping forward and clapping Danse on the shoulder. “Come on. Let’s get you a drink. What’s your poison? And where’s Quinn?”
“Non-alcoholic,” Danse said as the two of them walked inside the building in the centre of the settlement. “Quinn had business with the Brotherhood. She’ll be joining me here later. But—”
“Nuka-Cherry?” Wiseman said, opening a cupboard and pulling out a dusty, magenta bottle.
“Uh.” Danse blinked. He’d never tried anything other than normal Nuka-Cola. “Sure.”
Wiseman produced a rusted bottle opener from his pocket, prised off the cap, and then slipped both back into his pocket. He passed the drink to Danse, who cautiously sipped. It was far sweeter than normal cola, but nice in its own way.
Danse had a little more to be polite, then said, “I’m not on a social visit unfortunately.”
“Oh?” Wiseman poured himself vodka, neat, and sipped it from a chipped coffee mug.
Danse stared at the alcohol, momentarily distracted, before shaking his head. Focus. “I’m here to see Sarah. The little girl?”
“Sarah?” Wiseman repeated, and Danse heard something in the ghoul’s tone he didn’t like. “Why do you want to see her?”
“I...I think I found her mother. Her name was Marguerie. Ra—”
“Was?” There was a clatter as Wiseman knocked over his mug, sending vodka everywhere. But he didn’t seem to notice, staring hard at Danse. “Is Rachel…?”
Danse nodded. “Yes.” Wiseman knew Marguerie’s first name, without being told. Danse’s doubts melted away, though his stomach still felt tight. He forged on. “I need to speak to Sarah. Need to...pass on some items, as well as the bad news.”
Wiseman pressed his lips together, his ravaged face paling. Danse waited, dread starting to creep over him as the ghoul struggling to speak. Finally, Wiseman’s brow knotted together and he bit his lip. “I’m...I’m sorry, Danse. Sarah’s gone.”
Quinn's breaths beat to the rhythm of her footsteps, sharp and painful. She didn't know where else to go, what to do. Maxson's attitude enraged her. After everything she told him, the first thing he could comment on was her relationship with Danse. Why was it so important to him? Why was he so fixated on condemning Danse and keeping her here?
She shook her head and stomped on, ignoring the initiates that scurried out of her way to avoid her wrath. No doubt some of her altercation with Maxson had carried to the rest of the ship. She only hoped the finer details had been lost in the scuffle. As she reached the middle of the walkways, though, Quinn stopped. There was one place on this stupid ship she was guaranteed privacy. Maxson wouldn't follow her there now—not after the way she'd spoken to him.
Smiling bitterly to herself, she turned on her heel and marched back the way she came, before turning right to the officers' dorms. At the end of this new corridor was her own room. Her sanctuary away from so many staring, questioning eyes.
She opened the door, and halted in the doorway, staring. There was someone sitting on her bed, someone she hadn't expected to find.
Joshua Cooper sprang to his feet at once, scarlet in the face. He practically punched himself in the chest as he saluted and said, "Ma'am! Sorry for the intrusion, ma'am!"
Quinn smiled at him. "Relax, Josh. I said you could come here, remember?"
Josh's faced deepened to maroon, his fist still digging into his chest. "I know, but...I didn't want you to find me here."
"Why not?"
"Because...it's a private place."
Quinn frowned. Private for who? She gestured for him to sit down, and after a few seconds, Josh relented, letting his arm fall to his side. Quinn grabbed the chair from next to the old desk, and set it down opposite him. Then she went to the lockers lining the walls and rummaged through them. The last time she had done this, it was Bantios who needed her comfort. Quinn felt a pang in her chest as she located her stash of Nuka-Colas, and wondered how good of a job she did after all. He'd still gone to fight the Institute. He'd still died. Saved everyone in the process. Quinn hadn't even stayed for his funeral.
"Ma'am?" came Josh's high voice from behind her. "Ma'am, are you alright?"
"Yeah, fine," Quinn lied, stepping back from the lockers, a bottle clutched in each hand.
"Oh, wow! Nuka-Cola!" he said at once, sounding thrilled. "My mom only ever let me try it once!"
There was a pause, and Josh made a noise like he was being strangled. Then he pulled his knees to his chest and buried his face in them.
Quinn decided not to comment and instead prised the caps off the edge of her desk, grinning slightly at the thought of Danse's expression if he could see her now. He'd be horrified at her using his old workspace for such a purpose. She wiped the smile away as she approached Josh, though, and nudged him gently with his bottle as she sat down in her chair. It wasn't as comfy as Mrs. Bossanova's old armchair, but it would do.
Eventually, after a few dogged nudges, Josh took the bottle and sipped reluctantly. Quinn saw his eyes widen slightly before taking a longer swig, like a broken man drowning his sorrows with booze.
"How have you been, Josh?" Quinn said, drinking from her own bottle.
"Shit," he muttered.
"Hey," Quinn said sharply, making Josh flinch. "No swearing."
God, I sound like my mother used to.
"You swear! I've heard you!" Josh replied indignantly. God, he sounds like I used to.
"Yeah, well," Quinn mumbled, hiding her hypocrisy behind another sip of the cola, "it's a bad habit. Don't do it. I won't be letting my son swear."
"He will if you carry on swearing," Josh said bluntly, glaring at her. "Kids look up to their parents." He paused, looking upset. Josh hid his face behind his knees again, holding the bottle lazily between his fingers. It was at great risk of falling. Quinn leaned forward and plucked it from his hand, setting it down on the floor next to her.
She was reminded of Nate's annoyance whenever she’d sworn in front of Shaun, telling her she was setting a bad example to their son. Quinn had promised she'd put a lid on it, and managed for a while. Then the apocalypse happened. Small promises fell by the wayside after that.
"They'll be proud of you," Quinn said gently, setting her own drink down. "Because you're right. Charlie will copy me."
Josh lifted his fingers slightly to show he heard her but didn't look up.
"How are things with Michelle?"
"Bad," Josh said, his voice muffled by his knees. "All she does is cry. She's stopped teaching, too. They had to get a scribe called Haylen to take over.” He finally raised his head again. "I like Haylen. She's nice."
Quinn smiled. "I like Haylen too. She's a friend of mine."
Josh seemed to uncoil himself, sitting up straighter. "I like coming to talk with you, ma'am. Can I...am I allowed to talk to you more often?"
Quinn bit her lip. "Josh..."
His face fell. "Oh. Sorry." He started to get up from the bed, looking embarrassed.
“No, it's not like that," Quinn said quickly, holding out a hand to stop him. "I'd be more than happy to talk with you if...if I was staying."
Josh fell back onto the bed with a soft flump. "You're leaving?"
Quinn nodded. "I have a new mission, elsewhere in the Commonwealth. It's going to take a long time to do. I might never be coming back." At the look on Josh's face she hastily added, "I'm sorry! I know it's not the best news but—"
"Take me with you," Josh said at once, grabbing her hand. "Please, take me with you. Don't leave me here. Please!"
Quinn's words caught in her throat. More than anything, she wanted him away from the Brotherhood. She could see the misery this place inflicted on him. The loneliness. An Elder Maxson in the making. But with the plans she had for Sanctuary, and the ideals the Brotherhood put into their children, it wouldn't be safe to bring him. He would hate what he saw. May even try to escape back to the Prydwen if it became too much. And not only would he risk his life in the attempt, but if he made it, then Charlie and Danse's lives would be at risk, too.
She cared for Josh. But he wasn't her son.
Quinn shook her head. "I'm sorry, Josh. I can't. It's too dangerous. No mission for a child. Besides, if you went with me. You'd never see Michelle again. Or any of your friends. Or—"
"I don't want to see her again," Josh said, his face burning scarlet. "I don't care about this place anymore. My mom and dad are dead, and for what? You couldn't even tell me why they died! Because they died for nothing! I'm on my own, and it was for nothing!"
He screamed the last sentence in her face. Quinn didn't stop him. Didn't even challenge him. He was right. But it changed nothing. Even if Josh adapted to life at Sanctuary, to Danse's survival, to all her plans, Maxson would never agree to let him go. And if she took him, the Brotherhood would turn the wasteland upside-down to find him. Missing soldiers were one thing, but children? She knew enough of Maxson's history to understand he would stop at nothing to make sure the boy was safe.
“No,” Quinn said, making her tone cold and final. “You have to stay here.”
Josh glared up at her. “Fuck. You.”
He wrenched his hands away and ran from the room before she could so much as move. Quinn sat in her uncomfortable chair, shocked, letting what had just happened sink in. She could have taken him away from all of this. Taken him somewhere he could be a normal kid.
Quinn stayed sitting in the empty room a little while longer, staring at the wall, before forcing herself to get up. There were things to do. No time to mope. She had to say goodbye to Carson.
Maxson was already in the sick bay when Quinn walked through the door. He turned around to see who had entered, and then promptly put his back to her. When he began to speak again, it was as if she wasn’t in the room.
“I need people I can trust with the operations ahead of me. The Sentinel speaks most highly of you, and given the circumstances we discussed, I think you have shown you stand for what is right above all else. Do you agree?”
“I...yes sir.” Carson was pale and wide-eyed, staring up at Maxson. Aside from when he’d been questioned over Danse’s synth status alongside Rachel, Quinn was sure Carson had never held an actual conversation with Maxson.
“Good.” Maxson saluted. “Ad victoriam, Knight-Sergeant.”
“Ad victoriam, sir.” Carson tried to salute, but his arm trembled and dropped lamely back to his side. If Maxson cared, he didn’t show it, striding from the room without another word and deliberately avoiding Quinn’s eye.
They waited until Maxson’s footsteps died away. Quinn cleared her throat. “What was all that about?”
“I’ve been promoted,” Carson said weakly, staring at the foot of his bed.
“Congratulations.” The word sounded insincere, and Quinn felt her cheeks burn. However, Carson shrugged.
“He said he had a conversation with you about the future of the Brotherhood. He wants my input when I’m better. Said as a survivor of what happened with Rachel, I’m in the best position to advise him so that it doesn’t happen again. Highlight the failings that caused her to slip so far.” Carson looked up at Quinn, and she saw an empty sorrow in his gaze. But then something shifted, and anger blossomed from the depths. “You—”
An irregular clunking made him stop, and seconds later, Kapraski burst into the room, leaning heavily on his crutch. “Christ, am I allowed back now? What the hell was he playing at, sending me out? You’re my partner, for christsakes!”
“Tom—” Carson began, but Kapraski ignored him, propping himself precariously on the crutch while he started fussing over the state of Carson’s pillows, which were not sufficiently fluffed to Kapraski’s satisfaction.
“Tom,” Carson said louder. “I need to speak to Quinn.”
Kapraski paused, his brow furrowing. “So? Whatever it is, you can say it in front of me. I already had to wait somewhere else while Maxson was here. I’m not doing it again.”
“Yes, you are.” Carson locked eyes with Kapraski and frowned. “Please leave.”
Kapraski was as stunned as Quinn felt. Carson had never been so firm with his boyfriend before, usually letting Kapraski take the lead. Now he was putting his foot down. The effect was quite unnerving.
“I…” Kapraski glanced at Quinn, clearly hurt. Then he nodded. “Alright. I’ll just be down the hall.” His eyes flicked back to Quinn as he said, “Come find me when you’re done.” With that, he managed to get himself upright and hobbled out from the sick bay.
Carson sighed as Kapraski left. “He’s pissed. I’ll be in for it later.”
Quinn sat herself down on Cade’s desk and studied him. “What do you want to talk about?”
“You know what.” Carson nodded towards the open door, menace cracking his features. “You told Maxson? Did you even stop to consider what kind of shit you might be dropping me in?”
Quinn hesitated. Carson had been honest with her over Rachel. She owed it to him to be honest over Maxson. “I did.”
“And you told him anyway?” When Quinn nodded, he let out a sharp, bitter laugh. “Oh, I see. Fish me out of the frying pan and throw me into the fire, right?”
“It’s not like that—” she began.
“I know it’s not,” Carson snapped, glaring at her. “Lucky for you, Maxson didn’t flip the fuck out and have me executed on the spot to hide his secret. But you didn’t know that. Anything could have happened. Tom could have been dragged into it as well.” He was almost snarling at her, his hands balled into fists.
“The Brotherhood is going to run itself into the ground,” Quinn said, too tired to dance around the matter anymore. “It’s unsustainable. I told him about Rachel to prove a point. Maxson needs to change. The Brotherhood needs to change. If it doesn’t, it will die.”
Carson didn’t answer, taking in quick, ragged breaths that made his chest appear to spasm. Quinn bit her lip and then sighed.
“I’m leaving, Carson. And I won’t be coming back.”
Carson looked up at her, blinking slowly, his mouth open. “You’re…leaving?”
Quinn nodded. “But...if you’re scared…” She fidgeted. “I can wait until you’re better, and then you can leave with me. You and Kapraski. Sanctuary isn’t like the place where you were born. No one will judge you for who you are.”
There was a stab of guilt within her as she offered out the one thing she’d denied Josh. But she knew Carson, at least, was safe. And Kapraski hadn’t shown animosity to Nick when they’d met. He was safe too.
Carson blinked again, and turned his head from her to stare around Cade’s office. Quinn knew his only love for the place was the community he felt. The acceptance. He could get that just as much in Sanctuary. Quinn thought he might jump at the chance. She was wrong.
“No,” he said, blinking quickly now, his eyes shining bright. “No. I can’t do that to Tom.”
“But he can come with you,” Quinn replied, feeling confused now.
“It’s not that, he…” Carson’s face scrunched in despair. “Tom needs to fly, to pilot a vertibird again one day. It’s the only thing keeping him going. If we leave, he loses that for good. I won’t take it from him.”
“But you said you were worried that—”
“I’m angry you didn’t think things through.” His face hardened again. “You took a big risk telling the Elder what happened. But that wouldn’t push me enough to leave.”
“Even if it got you killed?”
“Dying isn’t too much of a burden.” He raised an eyebrow at the look on her face. “I’m not suicidal or anything. I want to live, but...well, I wouldn’t know I was dead either. Tom would be upset, but he’d get over it. Move on.” Carson’s brow creased. “Tom is happiest in the sky. I want him to be happy. And I want you to be safe. I don’t really care what happens to me past that.”
Quinn wondered how she could have ever doubted his sincerity. She slid from the desk as he stretched his hand out to her and locked her fingers through his. The weight of her decision was finally taking its toll. She would never see Carson again. Never laugh or joke with him, cry on his shoulder, or console him in turn. Never…
The two of them were suddenly hugging, though Quinn had no recollection of who started it. She arched her back up, trying to avoid pressing on his wounded chest, only for Carson to drag her close. He grunted with pain, but dug his fingers into her arms as she tried to pull away. Quinn understood. The last one should mean something, no matter how much it hurt.
Eventually, they broke apart, both wiping at their eyes.
“Don’t get yourself skewered,” Quinn said, trying to smile.
“And don’t let yourself get shot,” Carson countered, struggling to keep his tone playful. “I won’t be able to drag you out again.”
“I know.”
There seemed nothing else to say that wouldn’t prolong the parting. Quinn took his hand, gave his fingers a final squeeze, and left.
It was almost dusk by the time Quinn arrived at the Slog. Danse heard her before he saw her, exiting her power armour with a grating clunk and cheerfully greeting Wiseman. Danse drained his Nuka-Cola, setting it down next to the pile of empty bottles, and slowly got to his feet. He had been sitting outside on the ground, back to the wall, basking in the sun. Numb.
Quinn wrapped her arms around him, planting a kiss on his lips, and Danse tried to force some enthusiasm into the embrace. When they broke apart, she frowned at him.
“Everything okay?” Quinn asked, touching his cheek. “How did the talk with Sarah go?”
“It...it didn’t.” Danse dropped his gaze. “She left the Slog months ago.”
“Left?” Her worry was clear. “But she’s only a kid!” Quinn looked over her shoulder to where Wiseman lingered. “You let her go?”
“No, we—” Wiseman began.
“She went with Arlen Glass in the middle of the night,” Danse interrupted, and Quinn turned sharply to face him again. “Or that’s what everyone suspects. No one actually saw them.”
“Arlen was always close with Sarah,” Wiseman said with a shrug. “And after Sarah’s dad got dragged away by the mutants…” He heaved a great sigh. “Arlen became like a father to her. Almost inseparable. But then he started playing this tape, over and over again, with a young girl talking on it. A week later, he was gone. And Sarah with him.”
Quinn didn’t seem to be listening, staring instead at Danse. Danse could barely look at her, barely think. The one thing he’d promised to Marguerie—to speak to Sarah, to protect her—and he’d failed almost immediately. He had broken his word.
Quinn apparently read his mind. She put her arms around his neck pulled him down so that his chin rested where her neck met her shoulder. Danse closed his eyes. She didn’t need to speak to tell him it wasn’t his fault. He could feel it in how tight she held him.
They didn’t stay long after that. Wiseman tried to convince them otherwise, but the place felt like a bitter reminder of how fruitless Danse’s actions had been. Marguerie would be sneering if she could see him now.
At Quinn’s insistence, they made their way to the old bunker to collect the last of Danse’s things. Surprisingly enough, the place hadn’t been looted, but he found himself somewhat detached from the items that had been so dear to him not that long ago. He glared at the Brotherhood flag hung on the wall, and then walked past it, calmly picking up the chipped shot glass and the book Quinn had given him.
His Brotherhood armour stood not too far away, side by side with the set Quinn and the others helped him acquire. He studied it, a pang in his chest. Despite everything that had happened, Danse still felt drawn to it, to the memories lingering in the steel. Now he knew what he was, this armour had been his longest, most faithful companion.
He jumped as Quinn touched his arm.
“Take it all with you,” she said quietly, nodding from his armour to the tattered flag. “Even if you’re feeling bitter. You can decide later whether you want to keep them.”
“I can only choose one set,” Danse said, his eyes still fixed on the Brotherhood armour.
“We’ll come back for the other later.”
Her words made sense, but he didn’t want to return to this bunker ever again. Not unless he had to. It was a dank, gloomy place that stunk of decay, and woven deep into his now distant grief of being a synth. Being back here was making him ache with despair. Danse twitched his nose, wrestling for another topic. “What happened on the Prydwen?”
Quinn suddenly looked anguished herself. In a monotone, she told him of Carson and Maxson, and everything in-between. Danse wasn’t surprised she was truthful with Maxson—he even felt a twinge of pride at her honesty, but it was quickly wiped away as she described the struggle that ensued. “He grabbed you?”
Quinn shrugged, reaching up to unpin the flag from the wall. “It’s no big deal. I tried to punch him first.”
But the sleeve of her jacket slipped down, revealing darkening bruises in the shape of fingers on her wrist. Danse snarled and strode over to Quinn, ignoring her look of alarm as he took hold of her as firmly as he dared and tugged the sleeve down more. He stared at the marks for a second, blood pounding through his ears, and then said, “Maxson did this?”
The tremor in Danse’s voice was all too clear. Quinn bit her lip as their eyes met, and then gave a small nod. “Please, don’t do anything. He was only restraining me.”
Danse let go of her, breathing hard. He didn’t know why it made him so angry. Quinn was right—she had hit first, and in any other situation, Maxson’s response would be justified.
But he’d hurt Quinn.
Danse turned to the flag on the wall, still pinned in place. In one sharp movement, he tore it down, throwing it to the floor.
“Danse!” Quinn moved in front of him, her eyes wide. “There’s no point getting upset over something so small! Maxson’s an asshole. Just let it be.”
“You’re one to talk,” Danse retorted, clenching and unclenching his fists. He needed to regain his composure, and he was trying, but… “You tried to hit the man because he insulted me!”
Quinn smiled and caressed his cheek. “Then we’re as bad as each other.”
Her touch was like a sedative. The rage drained away at once, replaced by a dull warmth. She wanted him to be calm. He would be calm. Danse exhaled heavily and nodded, placing his hand over hers. Then he gently tugged her arm away and kissed each of the bruises, with slow, careful deliberateness. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
“Of course I’m alright.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his nose. “It’s just Maxson. He doesn’t matter.”
“No. He doesn’t.” The words felt foreign in Danse’s mouth, but he meant them.
They stood in silence for a few moments, and then resumed packing Danse’s things, stacking them in a little pile to put in the power armour of his choosing. Danse didn’t bother to pick the Brotherhood flag off the floor.
“Oh, by the way,” Quinn said as they worked, “I spoke to Joshua Cooper earlier: Vivian and Stephen’s son.”
Danse looked up at her. Her tone suggested she had been sitting on this information for a while, waiting for the right time to tell him. She busied herself around the workbench, avoiding his eye, though apparently without really moving anything.
“He...he wanted to come with me,” she said. “Hates being on the ship. Hates being with his aunt. Begged me to take him away from the Brotherhood.”
Danse frowned. “Why isn’t he here then?”
Quinn glanced at him. “I thought it was obvious. He knows you’re a synth. What if he reacts badly to it? Tries to leave?”
“Has he ever shown any anti-synth sentiment?”
“No,” Quinn said quickly, an odd expression her face. She straightened up, her brow furrowed. “And his parents never did, either. Vivian said you didn’t deserve what you got. That you were a good man.”
Danse blinked. Viv, on his side? But that was neither here nor there. They were talking about Josh. He shook his head and said, “Then I repeat my question. Why isn’t he here?”
“Well...I’m worried about how Charlie might react to it. He’s already feeling neglected.”
“Charlie might not like it at first,” Danse admitted, “or he might find Josh good company. We don’t know. I don’t think such a small uncertainty is worth leaving Josh behind.”
“Charlie’s happiness isn’t a small uncertainty,” she snapped.
“You know what I meant,” Danse replied, not rising to her ire. What she was saying made sense, but this was Viv and Stephen’s son. If Danse had the opportunity to make a difference...
“I just…” Quinn hesitated. “Even without the issue of Charlie, is bringing Josh home too risky?”
Danse considered this. Sarah surfaced in his mind, far beyond his reach. Maxson, and what he had become right under Danse’s nose. Stephen and Vivian, his old friends, abandoned by him after Cutler’s death. Each indirect failure an old, painful scar. He wouldn’t add another one.
“No,” Danse said truthfully. “It’s not too risky.”
It was as if Quinn had been waiting on a signal. She tore across the room without a second thought, clambering into her armour.
“Wait, where are you going?” Danse asked, bewildered.
“To get Josh, if I can.” The armour sealed itself, and Quinn jogged across the room, picking her rifle off the table. “I’ll need Maxson’s help.”
The idea of her going back to Maxson filled him with dread. Maxson wasn’t known for his patience over blatant insubordination, and Quinn was the posterchild for defiance. To go back now could provoke him into something rash. Danse had the fleeting urge to stop her, until she turned, her helmet under her arm, and he saw the expression on her face.
Permission, Danse realised. She was asking for permission.
Intentionally or not, he’d just given it her. Now only a second apocalypse would stop Quinn returning to the Prydwen. Danse stayed silent as she put her helmet on and checked over her rifle. His heart was racing. They’d escaped, and now she was going back.
But before she headed towards the elevator, she turned to him, and Danse’s breath caught in his throat.
“Thank you,” she said, tapping her fingers on her rifle. “For not telling me to play it safe and leave him behind.”
Danse nodded, biting his tongue. He didn’t trust himself to speak.
Quinn made a noise as if she was going to say something else, but then thought better of it. She marched over to the elevator, stepped inside, and disappeared from sight. The sound of grinding metal slowly faded, leaving Danse alone. He turned on the spot, the cold biting him, the dim lighting making his headache. He felt as lost as the day he’d learned he was a synth, alone and unsure what to do.
Like an old friend, the bunker enveloped him. It was as if he’d never left.
Quinn nearly fell at Maxson’s feet as she skidded to a halt, her boots slipping on the metal floor. Her armour had been left on the outer decks. Maxson looked slowly over his shoulder, feet rooted to the spot, and glared at her.
“Sir now, is it?” Maxson said coldly. He looked back out of the office window, a drink in his hand. “Get out.”
“Please.” Quinn paused, trying to catch her breath. “It’s important. You know I wouldn’t be here otherwise.”
Maxson raised his glass, sipped from it, and then spoke to the window. “True.”
“I watched you return,” he said eventually, his voice flat. “And wondered what would drag you back before you’d ever truly left.”
Quinn didn’t reply, her ragged breaths heavy in the quiet. She began breathing through her nose instead, trying not to disturb the tension in the air.
Maxson turned sharply around, nodding to his guards. “Knight-Sergeants. Dismissed.”
The guards saluted and obeyed without question, their clanging, armoured footsteps quickly fading away. Maxson waited until the suffocating silence returned before speaking. He looked at her in disgust. “What do you want?”
His tone was curt and crisp, sharpened with dislike and pointed at her throat.
Quinn did not break eye contact. “Do you remember Field Scribe Cooper and Knight-Sergeant Cooper?”
“Their son, Joshua...he asked to go with me. I wondered if...”
The word hit her like a bullet. “But, sir, if he wants to go with me —”
“No.” As Maxson whipped around to face her, he set down his glass so carelessly it spun straight off the edge of the table. Dregs of spirit splashed all over his boots as the glass shattered on the floor, but Maxson ignored it. “You will not take a single child off this ship. He belongs with his family.”
“His family is dead,” Quinn shot back, tensing up herself. “He can’t stand his aunt, and from what I can gather, she’s in no fit state to be looking after the boy in the first place.”
“We are a brotherhood in more than name. We will look after him.”
“The same way Rachel was looked after?”
“By the tone of Knight-Captain Cade’s report, Knight-Sergeant Marguerie had a penchant for bending others to her will.” Maxson gave a slight shake of his head. “Even if Cade wrongly blames himself.”
All at once, the tension left Quinn. There was something in the way he spoke, the way he held himself—like a yao guai defending its cubs. She knew he cared about the people on the Prydwen, but it struck her she’d never grasped just how much.
She stared at Maxson, and he stared back, until slowly, almost reluctantly, he began to relax too.
“The boy stays here,” Maxson said firmly. “He’s lost too much already. To take him away from all he’s known, after losing his parents so soon—it will...he…” Maxson broke eye contact as his voice wavered, and his lips parted around an unspoken word. Then he closed his mouth again and fixed his gaze at the broken glass on the floor.
“It’s not the same as you,” Quinn said gently, and Maxson’s head jerked up in her direction. “He’s miserable here. He wants to go with me. All he’s ever experienced is military procedures and war. He’s lost both of his parents to something he doesn’t understand—something I can’t explain. Not to a ten year old boy. I doubt you understood much of what was happening at his age either.”
Maxson swallowed, pale now. Slowly, he shook his head.
Quinn took a deep breath. “Josh deserves a chance of a normal childhood. Let me take him.”
Maxson’s brow furrowed, but this time he didn’t look away. “He’s been raised by our ideals. If he sees Danse—”
Quinn bit back a grin. “His mother wasn’t as strict on synths as she was supposed to be. She said as much to me when she thought Danse had been executed. I think Josh will be the same. But I’ll talk to him. And if I think he’s...” She bit her lip. “...too Brotherhood, then I’ll leave him in your care.”
Maxson shut his eyes, as if in pain. When he opened them again, though, they were sharp and piercing—his usual glare. “You risked a great deal today to place your trust in me. It’s time I returned the favour. You have my permission to take Squire Cooper, on the condition he is willing to go, and that you believe he will be happy and...and safe.”
Quinn smiled, relief flooding through her. “Thank you, sir.”
Maxson turned back to the window.
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