yume-fanfare · 1 year
*stumbles out of oshi no ko covered in blood* what the FUCK that was amazing
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zoe-oneesama · 10 months
I also think the recent ep where Mari is scolded for not improving Chloe's behavior as a class rep, is not fair. A class rep is there to be the voice for the students and act as a form of communication, not mentor or educate another child. Mari also became class rep to stop Chloe's bullying, not reform her or give her therapy. I can't believe they (the class) actually gave the class rep position to Lila, even Marinette has done so much for them, and little Miss Liar is only full of hot air. Side eye
The Class Rep thing in "Revelation" was so dumb in all aspects, like, FIRST of all-
Lila cannot seriously be bringing up that it's "undiplomatic" that they held elections without her when she wasn't even going to Francois Dupont yet, are you trying to look me in the face and tell me "Volpina" happened before FREAKING "Darkblade"?! (And obviously no one brings up this fact when she's talking nonsense)
WHY is Bustier even entertaining this garbage when there's two weeks of school left?! Like, sorry Lila, try again in high school if you can even get in with your attendance record. The only things left for the Class Rep to even do is the Student -Teacher Career Course planning which sounds super important and like a really dumb thing to suddenly hand over to two people who haven't been preparing for it in the slightest!
Marinette is running on the "Actually this is pointless, I've done great as a class president because it's actually not my job to change Chloe for the better, especially when Bustier, her parents, and Ladybug herself couldn't get her to pull her head out of her ass, so I'm going to spend my time on things that actually matter and will have results" and legit why does anyone care about "improving Chloe" when in TWO WEEKS they will be at TOTALLY DIFFERENT SCHOOLS and hopefully NEVER have to see her in person again?! Though realistically she should be running on the "we have two weeks left why are we even here" campaign.
And Lila is running on the "Chloe can change if someone just worked with her instead of spending all their time on their own romance like a selfish jerk" platform and the class eats this up just because Chloe is "willing" to be Lila's deputy. Except Lila has been hanging out with and being friends with Chloe since freaking "Penalteam"! And guess who's still an asshole despite your "influence" Lila?! OH RIGHT, YOUR NEW DEPUTY! Hell, "Adoration" JUST happened 3 episodes ago where Chloe was framing Marinette for theft! Your "influence" isn't worth SHIT to anyone paying attention!
Now, Lila's only going for the President role so she can fuck everyone over in "Confrontation", so obviously this stupid campaign was going to happen and Lila was going to win just to set up the Big Bang where Lila exposes herself. Who cares that it stretches suspension of belief past it's limits, that's just the Gold Standard when it comes to Lila schemes.
Anyway, can't wait for her grand plans as The Villain of the next arc. -_-
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rocketturtle4 · 1 year
Don't mind me I'm just collecting evidence for Ray's complete lack of self-esteem self-anything
(I'm shadowbanned which means that fact that I'm tagging everyone is USELESS (although I may have someone to help me out) but maybe it won't be useless later. Also I also cannot reply to comments, and you will not see in your notes if I reblog your post...fun times) @waitmyturtles should thee wish)
Finally pushed over by this post (@burnsuncomet @dewtu @plantsarepeopletoo) because @thegalwhorants that's right, it is VERY SAD
Because is this scene funny and ironic? Yes!
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Do I think people (me, I'm people) are going to swing around in 1-11 weeks time pull out screenshot one and comment not on the irony of this shirt but it's poignancy? ALSO YES. (Screenshots stolen out of this post @chickenstrangers)
So I'm starting my evidence collection now...
Poor Boy Gifs (a selection) (in no particular order)
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His t-shirt and reactions @khaotunq
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Drunk boy this gifset by @gunsatthaphan
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More Drunk Boy this gifset @heretherebedork
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This gifset @gunsatthaphan
Also this scene again because it's so awful it deserves to be included twice:
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this gifset by @userneos
speaks for itself:
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this set by @sunsetandthemoon (whose ENTIRE set here is just good evidence, but I promised myself I'd only steal one gif per post)
Ray's face when he sees Top and Mew dancing
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gifset here by @plantsarepeopletoo (multiple parts of this gifset have flashing lights)
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this gifset by @nick-nellson
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Look how happy he is surrounded by his friends!!!
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Oh and I'm sad again...
I gave in and grabbed 2 from this one @raypakorn
Since I already broke my rule I'm grabbing another one from @sunsetandthemoon:
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This is clearly just the (shit)icing on the (shit)cake of his (shit)life.
Finally thanks to @plantsarepeopletoo
His pure excitement at the idea of doing this project with his friends help...
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verses everyone else...
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Other Posts:
You're a burden screenshots (by @heretherebedork)
Information about Ray's subtitle/label "the one who [abandoned/discarded/threw away/cast out] himself" @lurkingteapot
Interesting thoughts on Sand and Ray by @bird-inacage - Ray's Fear of Inadequacy
Someone else who is sad with excellent screenshots @poetry-protest-pornography
I feel like this line might come back to haunt us lol @sparklyeyedhimbo
Trajectory of relationships and sex by @thatgirl4815
also by @thatgirl4815: Ray and apologising
Body language notes @captain-xandis
More random thoughts worth noting (Sand & Ray) @clara-maybe-ontheroad
this post by @thatgirl4815
(directly referencing the scene where Ray wakes up and doesn't seem to mind the fact that he thinks he got roofied and kidnapped for sex)
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originally posted here by @elliebirdwrites
(I'm not really taking it THIS seriously, just apreciating all my feels...also I don't think I've ?EVER actually watched a show from week 1...I normally have 2-3 episodes to obsess over by the time I start. This one ep business is not taking up enough time)
How much of Ray's identity revolves around making his friends (Mew) happy?
How much is he going to break when the ?rich? hotel owner moves into the only space he feels like he has value in?
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(and how much is his breaking going to break our best boy Sand?)
Let's see how much Ray(and Sand) can singlehandedly make me cry for the next 11 weeks...It is afterall, a FirstKhao specialty.
(now do I make a similar collection about Sand...or wait till next week hmmmmm....)
I'm going along with the masses and loving the poor boy and his rich (poor) boy.
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asiandramastoke · 5 months
Lovely Runner ep 7
Okay... now that I got that out I can't believe that the pacing of this drama is so fast and we're still in the middle of it all! What's going to happen next in the later half???? I JUST CANNOT think of other possibilities, but I'm seriously loving how this is turning out. Will Sun Jae be time-traveling too? Can't wait for TUESDAY!!!!
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
I HAVE and this is honestly the first week i've been actually invested in watching the next ep omg!!! they're doing interesting stuff!!
THERE'S SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT OMG. first of all i have to say the late great ray stevenson/ baylan is absolutely the highlight of the show acting & character wise, there's so much depth he's putting into the character somehow like every line he says i'm shoving sabine and ahsoka aside like this is my new fave sorry lesbians. biggest cuntserve of the show
HOWEVER COMMA THE REASON I'M SO INVESTED IS BC IT'S SUCH A GREAT WRITING CHOICE TO HAVE SABINE GIVE INTO HER ATTACHMENTS AND JOIN THE THRAWN STANS TO GET EZRA BACK. YES!!! SHE WOULD!!! she isn't ready to let go of her attachments!!! she won't do as ahsoka says!! fuckin anakincore of her!!! willing to raze the galaxy for the last few parts of her family!! LITERALLY CANNOT WAIT TO SEE WHERE THIS GOES
Also I think the direction was a lot better? I'm shit at clocking how good fight scene direction is but there were a lot of scenes that just felt so much stronger than the prev eps? like when sabine puts the ball in baylan's hand they made you FEEL the weight of that moment with the pacing and camera and the sound design.
ACTUALLY THO THE FIGHT SCENES WERE A LOT BETTER THIS EP partly bc there was just. More to them? i liked how ahsoka dealt w marrok in 2 seconds basically indiana jones shooting the sword guy style bc that made the baylan/ahsoka fight SO MUCH MORE IMPACTFUL bc she's seriously trying and she's flipping and doing all this crazy stuff that makes you go shittttt these guys are super great jedi -- AND ALL WHILE trying to get the map so it wasnt just a "we're fighting bc we're fighting/ to not die" there was a very feasible objective on-hand to make the already great fight even better
and of course i have to talk abt That. i was poggin beyond belief when hayden showed up like LETS GOOOOOOO. and its super cool!!!!! but i do hope they do smthn interesting with this tho (I HAVE FAITH IN THIS SHOW AFTER THIS WEEK SO I'M HOPEFUL) and actually explore ahsoka and the super fuckedup complicated relationship she has w anakin/vader instead of going "ah its so nice to see you again!! im gonna ignore you murdered children and all our friends and tried to kill me etc etc bc people want to see us as friends!" like no i dont want that!! this should be her opportunity to work w the trauma they keep hinting at but not rlly exploring (ie w her taking on forceless sabine as a padawan or how she keeps acting like all that happened was she walked away from anakin and he didnt fall. it could be good writing for trauma) and have ahsoka like... accept the past accept what her master became and MAKE ME INVESTED IN THIS ITERATION OF THE CHARACTER. BC THERE HAS BEEN LIKE NO CHARACTER MOMENTS AND IT'S NOT HELPED BY THE ACTING/ WRITING!!
also did ezra yoinking her outta the world between worlds give her nine lives is she just gonna be able to walk out after dying again
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stargazerley · 5 months
Remember It
I had a whole thing prepared and saved in drafts to continue after ep 5 but then I watched it and decided that particular post will have to wait. My thoughts on this episode are....well we'll get there. If you haven't watched it--Do that now because I'm not pulling any punches. Also this is very long so be warned.
As always I'm focusing on our Rogue and Remy moments. Those Jean/Maddy/Scott/Logan....that shit is not my concern. (Short answer it's messy as hell and I hate it.)
The episode starts with Rogue, Remy and Erik in the Blackbird heading to Genosha. Remy makes a comment about how long they are taking and Erik decides to remind Remy that the latter cannot fly. For what reason I don't really know, as if Rogue won't catch the Cajun. Rogue tells them to shut up and play nice. (good on her)
They arrive and Remy is unexpected again earning a comment from Erik. Soon after they are ambushed by Kurt (hell yes the fuzzy elf) who tells them that a lot has happened since they last saw him (though we are not granted the details). Kurt proceeds to show Remy and Rogue around Genosha. Here we get a glimpse of the mutant island. It's nice and everyone seems happy to which Rogue makes a comment about "him" being right. Obviously "him" is Erik.
We learn that apples apparently cost $10 to which Remy remarks on the price and Kurt brushes it off as a necessary evil (not his words). We then get more cameos of mutants (awesome btw) and eventually a long coveted Remy and Kurt scene wherein Kurt is everyone's favorite guy. He proves to be a "shipper on deck" telling Remy that Remy and Rogue belong together and they should cut the act and just get married. (Seriously I love Kurt. He rocks.)
Next up we have Rogue talking to Erik and learning that he wants her to rule Genosha with him (there's a whole scene with Moira, Emma Frost, Banshee, Sabastian Shaw, and Madylene). Rogue declines, offended that he seems to have set it up but Erik assures her that he didn't want this and that it was something Xavier would have wanted. He also proceeds to address Remy's feeling for Rogue as "you make broken men feel whole." She leaves to think about his offer.
She then goes to Remy and explains everything. She tells him of her past with Erik and how they had something special but it wasn't like Remy. Remy is understandably upset at the secrets, saying he was fine keeping things unofficial. She admits she loves Remy that he "lights up everything he touches" and that she "can't touch his heart." This leads Remy to tell her that "some things are deeper than skin."
She doesn't believe him and tells him she'll take Erik's offer despite not being in love with him anymore. Remy tells her that Erik will break her heart and that when he does, Remy will be there for her. Until then they shall remain as friends. (Seriously perfect this man.)
At the gala, where Erik is presented as the future of Genosha, Rogue makes an entrance as Remy watches. He leaves as Erik and Rogue dance, holding hands and being very physically intimate. He doesn't see that after a kiss, Rogue tells Erik that Remy was right- "Some things are deeper than skin." She leaves to find Remy.
All hell breaks loose as a massive Sentinel attacks. Rogue finds Kurt, injured and without her gloves she is unable to help her brother, Thankfully, Remy arrives and assures us Kurt is alive. Remy goes off to find the Morlocks and lead them to safety while Erik and Rogue help out where they are.
Remy and the Morlocks are attacked leading to a showdown where Erik is protecting the Morlocks and Rogue and Remy by keeping the latter two away from the fight. Erik fails and Rogue, grief-stricken, tries to attack the Sentinel, Remy stops her. The machine turns to a group of mutants, including Kurt and Remy charges in to save them.
He gets close but is impaled, at which point he says the title of the episode while charging the entire Sentinel- "The name is Gambit, mon ami. Remember it." Rogue finds him in a crater, dead- "I can't feel you."
Ok so more or less that ended up as a synopsis of the episode because the whole thing was basically about Romy. The Key notes we get are:
Kurt being a supportive brother and rooting for the relationship giving us a beautiful line "love is not without sin".
Rogue wanting to do what is best for mutant kind even if that means she cannot be with the one she loves.
Remy deciding that he can wait for her to be ready and will be her friend until that time comes.
Rogue deciding that Remy was right "some things are deeper than skin."
Erik accepting Rogue's decision and saving not only her, but Remy as well.
Remy proving that despite what he thinks of himself- he is a hero and a good man.
This episode broke my heart but handled the Erik/Rogue/Remy triangle very well. It is so mature in stark contrast to that of Scott/Jean/Maddy/Logan. Logan being the most mature person in that entire mess, knowing that Jean and Scott love each other and that he can be her friend. Cable (who was the orignial person in the series to say "My name is_. Remember it.) made an appearance confirming that he is Nathan and that he has already tried to stop the attack from occurring. We can only hope we get a chance to see him succeed and see Rogue tell Remy their love is deeper than skin.
Now if you don't mind me, I'm going to go find something to stop these tears. Until next time, "look to the stars for hope shines bright." (I know that's the wrong franchise but it works. Apparently the Watcher was visible in the sky at one point.)
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
Leverage ep 10 :3
once again, no pre-game thoughts! diving straight in
[edit: it seems I forgot to put the reaction under the cut lol (also spoilers :3) ]
Le Reaction
it just auto played to the next episode so idk what this one’s called 😔
nice music tho
gross part 7
ooooooooooh 👀 what’s he do 👀
i was about to be so mad at Ford lmao got me in the first half ngl
Ford, did you seriously compare your drinking problem to this new heist 🤨 “we have bigger issues,” uh huh, okay sure buddy
Oh this is LA? I thought this was New York lol
“In singles,” he said that with his whole chest 😂😂 my dude
sign off the strip club says “we support our troops” and I fucking died 😂
Eliot, babe lmao, sorry about your car
CARTEL??????? I am literally guessing lmao
Eliot snatched the gun so aggressively lol
Ford what is with that look 🤨 why did you make this decision
Sophie what is that accent???? I am so confused
Parker, I love you
Sophie, what a wonderful time to “indirectly” talk to Ford about his issues
i now love Marcy
i am….so stressed
why am i surprised that Hardison knows how to jump start a car lol
same Hardison lol
ah shit. wait, hold up, is it really—IS IT REALLY THE FUCKING CARTEL?????
jfc prime subs covered the show’s subs 😠😠😠 BRO LET ME READ
gangs???? Latino gang???? And now a different gang???
oh ok, so Chilean gang and Korean gang I think
this B plot confuses me
lmao Eliot you funny man
wait North Korea?????
lmao Hurley sort of getting invested in Parker’s story
Oop, product placement!
Ford, I am concerned
oooooh the projection 👀
sophie literally went “the call is coming from inside the house” when Ford admitted to having a family history of addiction
okay for a second, I did think he was was real
i am….nervous. soooooooo nervous
Hurley confuses me, but he’s very adorable. In like a pathetic wet cat way
Parker: *says something deep and adorable about Ford and his issues with attachments* Me: …oh my god🥺
Ford: *immediately uses a gun to shoot the fucking window* me: OH MY GOD
awwwwww Parker’s sad pout :(
yes Hardison, you’re anger is valid
ok so I checked the time stamp rn bc it sounds like we are hitting act 3 portion and my goodness I have less than 10 minutes left?????
ah yes, the classic garage roof showdown 😎
ngl Hurley, i would be confused too
awwwww he didn’t get a hug :(
did they give him a fucking witness protection????? no hugs for Hurley :((((
lmao Parker’s was still in there?????
awwwww that hi was so cute!!!!!
next time, Sophie 😔
General Thoughts
OKAY SO! Damn, what an episode. Really delved into Ford’s issues there 👀 got some bits of Sterling (cannot wait to see more of him ngl. he’s seems like the devil on Ford’s shoulder) Hardison and Eliot duo was iconic. Just two dudes trying to heist but panic horribly together lol. Parker was absolutely adorable (no notes, just me). It will be interesting to see how Sophie and Ford’s dynamic continues throughout this season bc they are in a rough patch 🤧 But I have high hopes
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ggren-mainz · 2 months
Umineko - question arcs playthrough -> ep 1 - 11
last part - All parts and episodes - next part
Things are getting worse and worse
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she's been telling y'all who the culprit was all along, y'all just don't want to listen.
Also I was looking on reddit at memes and one umineko one was like making fun of people who assume the answer arc will answer shit and that they finished ep 8 and still didn't know the culprit like ....that can.,,happen? God no wait i gotta lock in huh?? no more 'NONBELIVERS"???? well i think for now it's ok since i sincerely doubt you can solve anything with half of ch1 only, but still.... Ig ill have to think *disolves into a puddle and dies*
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Wouldn't Kinzo's room be the closest to a safe one? I mean i remember them saying that only Genji had the key to his room, and in rest it's all done with an automated system.
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Am i smart or am i smart ? (I think i'll become the queen of pointing out the obvious atp.)
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Sooo true, save this here to keep it in mind, but yeah while something may seem like the most logical answer for the opponent, they might've not done it because perhaps they haven't thought of it. Variables variables...
they all go to hide in Kinzo's room, and at the entrance, Maria says how the door is built to not let magical entities in, having the same symbol drawn on it as the charms she gave to Jessica and Battler. So Beatrice couldn't have entered this room with her magic, and instead the theory that Kinzo left it of his own accord is probably right. That or Eva was right about Natsuhi or she lied about the receipt OR a secret door exists.
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oookay this changes things quite a lot. Basically, he said that Beatrice existed but she died. So does this suddenly turn into a ghost story? No i don't think so.
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Yk what would be the funniest thing Beatrice could do rn? Appear lmao. But yeah no good resolution too bad it's almost definitely not the real one. Or at least not the entire story for sure.
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Wait wait wait, will this imply that Kanon and/or Shannon were Kinzo's children?? Hmm i mean, maybe it could explain Kanon's words. Or maybe just someone in that orphanage. I don't know if I'm sold in any way but i'd argue it's something to keep in mind.
Ok they say he used the orphans as human sacrifices which we know isn't true cause Kanon kind of died of his own will...to some extent. Idk i don't believe it rn, but again, good to keep in mind.
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FINALLY. Took them this long huh.
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Huh so my earlier theory was wrong, the twilight doesn't literally mean twilight. Then i sure wonder what will happen at the end.
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If this isn't magic and someone is doing all of this than props to them they sure are a good actor.
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Look i get it these people are very worried and do not know what to do. I'm not gonna call them stupid or say they should've acted another way, but i hope next time loop/whatever going back in time will happen they will figure out that maybe they should take the "get my gold" threat more seriously.
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She's so cool but at the same time she's so getting stabbed soon. I can just feel it.
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They're dying.
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:C poor Maria....She deserves better parents. Pls guys fix it fic with Maria found family,
so later they realize the whole purpose of the letter was to divide them, and bring fear. A phone call comes in which you can only hear Maria's distant singing, and the people in the room panic and go out as to find and help her.
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Oh god...she'll be singing next to the corpses, won't she? Also, i wonder what she's singing.
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ofc i was right. Also *points finger* I know this image! it's the one in the thumbnail of the "Answers to all Umineko crimes and murders" video that kept being recommended to me on youtube! I cannot wait to watch it tbh, i bet I'll be like"HUH??? NO WAY!? HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO GUESS THAT?!" the whole time.
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So she is somehow blood related to Kinzo? I mean it being his wife would also work but I'd say daughter works better. Idk I'm saying bullshit, I'll just make a note of this.
ok so Natsuhi is invited to a duel with Beatrice and when the children find her, she has apparently shot herself. Maria then starts running towards the portrait where apparently Beatrice was, and we can hear her voice laughing. Then we cut to a sort of retelling of the events from the police's perspective, and apparently, they found the story about what happened on the island in a journal written by the one and only....*drum rolls* ....MARIA! now this wouldn't be that big of a surprise except we are also given the last line of the journal which says...
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WHICH IS WEIRD ASF! because of obvious reasons. Why is she saying to find out the truth?? Does this mean she didn't actually believe in the witch? Or well maybe not that but did something else also happen? This doesn't sound like Maria at all. so ig another mystery to be discovered.
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And this is it, the end of the chapter. The next part will be the tea party and my final thoughts and theories. Also just a thought but yeah, although i obviously wish to find the answers, this would be a metal way to end the game, and like not continue at all. Would be quite an end lol.
next part
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lurkingteapot · 1 year
Laws of Attraction กฎแห่งรักดึงดูด Ep. 2
Same precedure as last week, including apologies to those who've seen this before. Includes translation of the writing on Tonkhao's picture and (attempt at) translation of bits on the documents Chaan receives in the last flashback.
open with something heartbreaking, why won't you? Tonkhao is so worried about that one failing/barely passing (not sure) grade, and the family being like "oh c'mon, one bad grade isn't the end of the world"? I am EMOTIONAL.
oh fuck. these are the WORST dreams. I guess at least Tinn had the questionable luck of remembering she died before he woke up, because waking up and feeling good because the memories or dream of a deceased person was nice and only then remembering they've passed? that's brutal.
WOW, that's a swanky place.
adfadfadsf idk WHAT Chaan's game is, but the whole "I'm just gonna let you jump to conclusions" sure is something.
… yeah, I'd be suspicious too, Tinn. But also Chaan, don't spring the "that might not've been an accident" on the man like that.
oof, IDK which show said it– feels like a Doctor Who thing? but those are some of the most dangerous and powerful words in the world. "let me help".
afaasfsdfads "I've never chased a guy like this" Chaan, not the time
no way that was a regular break-in
idk what they're building up to with Thaenthai and his bodyguard, but I'm intrigued
OH is that what they were looking for? something of Tonkhao's?
oh, ow.
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Writing in picture reads:
Family. Granny Aew's Jaew Hawn (Isaan type hotpot) Love great-grandma and Uncle Tinn the most in the world
Chaan's got Tinn's sister and grandma wrapped around his little finger, huh. that was fast.
Chaan, just saying, I think he'd probably listen to you more if you told him things like this up front
Yeah, what do they want?
okay, this dude is a complete n00b at B&E, but also isn't Tinn a trained Taekwondo instructor? I feel like this should be easier for him
LOL at the motorcycle chase
Chaan to the rescue?
I love that shirt, but why is it already stained even though he just-- oh, continuity, okay.
his indignant little "I'm bleeding here" I -- Chaan, do you take anything seriously?
Chaan being a huge baby over having his cut cleaned gives me LIFE
also sorry not sorry but the way that ring lies at Chaan's throat … 👀 I'm assuming that wasn't on purpose, but. collar vibes
I feel like this is the last time we see this dude alive. Also wow Thaenthai and his anger issues and shirts? giving Vegas here, I said what I said.
oh, exposition by the way of Issues, gotcha. Also I'm willing to put money on Thaenthai and his bodyguard having something going on, or being on the way there.
wow, what a juxtaposition
okay this legalese quoting is a thing with him, huh.
oof, this kid is even less okay than I thought
oh, granny has adopted Chaan
okay, what gives, why are the cops suddenly willing to help?
oh, of course.
I've decided I love when Chaan quotes legalese, but I also definitely will have to catch the subs for these bits.
afsdfadfasdfas Granny
Chaan flirting and Tinn suspicious, the eternal dance
I BUY the revenge thing, but I also don't think that's the whole truth
wow, we get jaded lawyers a lot, but Chaan really is a different level
I like that they're on more even footing now, with Tinn having found something to push at, too
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Pending legal case # 8943/2560 (= 2017) Pending legal case # 2190/2560 Judge's bench (??) 201 on the 20/07/60 (= '17)
Chaan's only six years on the job and changed this much? oof.
was his mum wearing that ring in the flashback?
This was another absolutely wild ride and I cannot wait for next week.
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hellbubu · 3 months
Hello!! Ik im super late, I spent the whole saturday travelling back to my hometown (a 7 hour travel turned into 10 so i just wanted to sleep after) and today was fathers day here and i had a family asado, so i got home at 5pm and also wanted to sleep after so many hours of ~socializing~ lmao Also, here I have next to zero privacy and it's very difficult to have 'unproductive' time online ¬¬ My mother demands at least 6 hours of conversation a day and its...exhausting
Anyways, finally watched the ep! And it left me with more doubts than answers tbh
First, I think Blue house really doesn't give a shit about the tournament. Its a given they're gonna lose, so why bother with much training? I think they participate out of obligation, but I bet being in the team is more like a chore than an honor at this point lol (idk how Derrick would fake it, except by saying he's the leader when he just played for fun and left the rest of the responsabilities and strategizing to others?)
Somehow Derrick IS less creepy as a zombie, ngl. His dead eyes at least make sense when he's, you know, dead.
And I must say that I already didnt think much of the P4, but after this??? Bitch, be fr right now. Did they seriously just slaughtered 6 people??? And did it for the 'school traditions' not even the student body who are the actual victims!? Cause I'd totally support them if they had thought of the students, since the fucking 'Lower Master' (which i guess would be the vicedirector/vicerector???) was in on it (which eeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww????????' like, are you some kind of pedo sadist? or just so hard up for that whiskey? what is your deal, man???) and they had no recourse for justice. But eh, maybe plan a little?? The tiniest bit???
Also, we don't see what became of the others!!! Did they kill them all? Did they knock them out and left them tied up somewhere and waited for Druitt's people to murder them?? (Imagine you expect your nephew to have killed 1 (one) boy and then he just throws SIX corpses at you lmao) And WHY were they more worried about Derrick than about the Lower Master? WHERE ARE THE TEACHERS IN THIS SCHOOL? You *cannot* pay me enough to believe that 4 teenage boys have more autority than the full roaster of teachers? *They* never wondered where the man was? Why were they following orders from children??? How little did they interact with their superior than a zombie didn't arouse any questions?
(Also, HOW did they took them all out? Wheter they killed them or knocked them out, there were 4 other robust boys and a full grown adult and they had one single weapon! I was kinda expecting Violet to start throwing butter knifes a lá Sebastian when he crouched before the door lololol)
And that post-mortem hit really was overkill. I guess they felt Derrick was completely to blame and wanted to let out some anger. How do you even coordinate a hit like that tho? Awkward xD
I did not expect Ciel to keep up the innocent act lol. Yeah, suuuure you don't understand a little murder as a necessity (or as a treat xD) And admitting murder so readily is the epitome of stupid!! They didnt even ask you directly if you killed him! You could have said he died accidentally and you just...stumbled into UT's cult. Bluff or something, man! Amateurs
Yeahh I totally believe people with more wealth and prospects have more 'episodes' planned out. Poor people tend to just think about the end of the month and then the next one and so on. Rich people don't have many limits to their imaginations (I mean, the men dont.). I believe the LM, being an 'educator' had probably plans for multiple of the boys and their futures and how that'd affect his, bla bla bla and that's why he became so...lifelike.
Oh, so you're in the UT is Ciel's grandad train! Or is it canon now? Idk, I feel lost xD (But ALSO. Why is UT not chasing the people that killed his son/other Phantomhives and instead antagonising the only actual Phantomhive left???????? It makes no senseeeeee)
I don't give a s h i t if bullets didn't do UT harm. The SECOND I heard that 'heh-heh-heh' I'd be shooting. Three bullets at least (Ciel's gun is a modern one, why the f idk, so he prob has 20-25 bullets instead of the 5-6 of revolvers). I'd just want some *blood*. (Kudos to Ciel for keeping his head straight tho, UT would have probably bounced the bullets and injured the others)
Hartcourt is going THROUGH it today. He was probably very relieved when Blue House humiliated themselves in front of the Queen cause people would probably forget what happened to him in the pitch. But now this??? Poor baby. He's gonna have nightmares for YEARS.
I love the idea that O!Ciel still has an inner goodness that neither of his blood family had, even without being hella traumatized as a child.
Sebastian being pre-cog is bullshit. Just say you're insecure, Seb. It's okay. UT kicked your ass before, it's fair to be scared lolol
And poor Joanne passing out. I kept expecting Ciel to shoot the zombie Sebastian was protecting him from in the head, making his head explode, to remark the fact that he can (kinda) protect himself (sometimes). Alas, he didn't. Wasted oportunity!
Sebastian totally wants the Queen dead. He hates his master being someone else's dog xD
I LOVE that Ed went away but only to look for a weapon and come back!! Love that kid lol
The P4 were expelled and left probably in disgrace, but really, how much?? Like, they obviously end up working for Druitt (WHY?) but....adopt a new identity? Leave the country? I love that they sticked together tho. And even this the crown had all of THIS covered up; so really, they could have just done better.
Love the servants and the little glimpse we got of them! Ciel missed them too, it's obvious ha.
Oh, the Queen is 10000% evil (like pretty much any monarch of this time period) and very much had something to do with Ciel's family dying. Why tho, is the question.
Traveling for so long is tiring, adding to that socializing, amor you should probably rest a bit more. Just imagining me traveling 10 hours plus having to socialize that much makes me feel like one of UT's bizarre dolls.
Maybe Derrick just made the others play badly so that he'd look better? But that just makes it funnier when the time for the tournament comes and he's shit. "I'm just here to have a good time." "Well, stop having a good time and start properly playing!"
Honestly, I kinda like how much they value tradition because it makes the school seem a bit evil. Others have already pointed out that this arc is a mundane horror arc. The pace and the goals make it seem like one of those teen movies but not quite right. Ciel needs to get rid of a bully, he needs to get close to the popular kids (the P4) so he can get invited to the party (the midnight tea party) like in the movies. Ciel is almost like that unpopular kid who wants to become popular. But at the same time, the arc reflects how society as a whole works. You need to network, gain trust, etc. to get invited to certain things. There are traditions or processes that could be changed but aren't because "they work just fine rn. if it ain't broke don't fix it."
I don't like that the P4 are idiots that share 1 brain cell, because in what universe do you decide to try and bring your victims back to life???? They'll tattle on you.
The Lower Master is 1000% a pedo sadist. Why else would he be hiding in the shadows watching kids get beat? IMO he's as bad a Druitt because those kids are under his care, the parents put their trust in that institution, in that fucker and he does that? he's a bitch.
There is only one teacher in that school and it's Sebastian. Otherwise, the other houses would have a coach too. But it only seems like the Blue House has a coach, that does spend a lot of time with one particular young boy and carries him when he's hurt and kinda flirted with another and made him confess to being bullied... yeah, that school has too many faculty that's into kids... poor kids.
Violet kinda just blocked the exit while Redmond + Bluewer held one person and Greenhill beat up Derrick. I love Violet, I really do, but there's no way he took down the rest of the boys. Those boys should've been able to run and the P4 should've been forced to hunt them down for sport.
The P4 are lucky to live in an era where they can't be easily voice-recorded. Because if Ciel wasn't the Queen's Guard dog, it'd be a he said, she said kinda thing. The moment Ciel started asking, they should've just said," I have the right to an attorney and won't speak without one present."
Gender and socio-economic status must play a big role. There would obviously be exceptions, there's always people eager to climb the social ladder (marrying kids into a better-off family, a middle-class family pushing for one of the kids to go into a good, respectable, career, etc.) The LW was probably just eager imagining what kinda of kid he'd see beaten up next year and what success story would decide to mention his name as an inspirations or whatever, maybe he even wanted to become the headmaster.
Amor, I don't think he's Ciel's grandpa. I just think he was Claudia's sidepiece. She probably rode that D while away from home when he was busy being the Guard Dog. She probably left after fucking, meaning UT wrote their names and drew hearts around them in a notebook. Maybe they're canon in the manga, but I just find this funnier.
I feel like UT would've either been offended had Ciel fired at him or found it hilarious. Because that kid knows not even 2 reapers and a demon can take him on but he still shot at him? He'd burst out laughing.
Harcourt is the real victim. He shat himself in front of everyone, he discovers one of his crushes is a butler, then his body goes into shock because there are hungry, hungry zombies and he pisses himself, lastly, his two crushes are being gay in front of him and he passes out. And by, like, the next day, his boss is expelled, his crushes leave, and he isn't allowed to talk to anyone about what happened. My boy needs therapy.
I think Yana has spoken at times about how Vincent is kinda very evil and just the fact that he's evil (even if he's so soft and attentive to his sons) was kinda passed down to them. I think R!Ciel might've inherited more of the Phantomhive evilness because he was the oldest and Vincent might've spent a bit more time since he'd inherited everything. I also think that Ciel has always been the one with more inner goodness, I think. I've seen screenshots here where O!Ciel says he wants to start his toy company because he's almost always inside (cause he's sickly) and wants kids like him to be able to enjoy themselves because most toys are outside toys. Meanwhile, R!Ciel tells him that it's dumb and stuff. There's also a difference when it comes to how they speak about the Earl's duties to the people who live in the Phantomhive land and how they talk to servants from the little I've seen.
Ed is such a sweet boy. I like the dynamic between him and Ciel.
I am 10000000000% Druitt approached them and gave them the job because he "loves" his nephew. The only way Druitt becomes tolerable to me is if I HC him hating his family and going out of his way to fuck them over. That's why he's doing this to poor Redmond. Because I doubt even he (Druitt) is stupid enough to think that any of this is a good idea.
and very much had something to do with Ciel's family dying. Why tho, is the question.
I can answer this question. She had Claudia killed because she UT's D but he was too in love with Claudia. She obviously had to wait until there was a Phantomhive heir old enough to be a Guard Dog before killing her, hence she waited until Vincent was around 15 years old. Then she got impatient because UT had still not gotten over his ex and killed Vincent. She probably wouldn't give a shit if the twins dies because if UT didn't want her, then she'd at least have killed all he loved and would just give the title to the Midfords or some other family. (joking)
My best bet is that they were turning against her or knew something that they shouldn't and she didn't trust them to keep their mouths shut.
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ryansjane · 1 year
Hi Axelle! Hope you are well! I wanted to ask you which shows you are currently watching, and what do you think of them?? I'm so out of the loop lately LOL
hi anon! sure, you can always see what I'm currently watching on my mdl page :) here's the shows I'm watching atm, ranked:
I feel you linger in the air: I already knew I'd love this show, and I've been enjoying every moment, but especially since ep 4. gosh, khun yai's drunken poem moment STILL has me clutching my heart while I wail around lmao. the acting is too good, the plot is original & I feel like I'm learning more about thai history, I love the charaters... I LOVE THIS SHOW!
dangerous romance: one of my most anticipated shows of the year, and it's been giving! I'm kinda losing hope on an explanation & apology on kang's bullying, but you know what? that's fine, the chemistry & cuteness of this show is enough for me so far. I CANNOT WAIT for shit to hit the fan tho, I'm here for the drama lol
love in translation: cute & silly little show! will I probably will have forgotten most of it by this time next year? absolutely. am I still eating it up, especially considering I saw the actors live irl at the gotcha pop concert? YUPPP.
don't touch my gang: bruh one thing about me is that I fucking love pluem & sing. but pluem & sing in a silly ass comedy like only thai people know how to make them??? I've loved the first two eps bro! so funny & ridiculous, a perfect palate cleanser and honestly? this show is pretty fucking original, slay!
sweet sensory: finally catching up to this, this is so fucking sweet! finally ploypach in a main role, she's eating!!! it's a really good show to make people more aware of what disabled people have to go through, and the chemistry is really fucking good! even though there won't be a kiss bc ploypach doesn't kiss, I can't wait for these two to get together seeing how much the male lead worships her <3
taikan yoho: it's a show 👍 no but more seriously, I can't formulate my thoughts on this show yet bc it's interesting yet also gives me the ick lol, but yeah it's nothing amazing either way.
minato shouji coin laundry season 2: idk why I'm watching this... well I know, bc asakusa is one of my fave side characters ever lol. but this is a mess, I can't believe they even pulled the amnesia trope, the lack of couple-like intimacy is killing me... don't bother.
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demonicintegrity · 2 years
So I have watched ep 4 of Harry and Meghan last night. (I know I’m late, life is like that lmao)
What strikes me again is first is the formula of the first episode of each volume being almost split. The first is half is quite happy and then something goes wrong.
(I also didn’t pay attention to the wedding as it was happen so this was kinda my first actual look at it. Very pretty! I’m glad the wedding remains a very happy memory for them. As does Meghan being able to talk to the late queen casually and see a good grandmother figure in her)
The next is thing is Meghan echos a sentiment I also have, that who would take a tabloid seriously? Perhaps it’s a British thing, because among my American friends is that kitschy tabloids aren’t good for anything serious. They’re there for when you’re waiting at the salon and you’re bored. Or you skim the headlines when you’re checking out at the grocery store. But then again, as soon as youre invested in celebrity drama the source doesn’t matter too much. And this isn’t to say Americans don’t read tabloids, I think a majority of us just get that sorta thing online and see it as a separate entity. Physical tabloids aren’t as popular here as the documentary says they are in Britain.
From there is the birth of Archie. I never realized they (and by they its seems mostly Meghan) were called selfish for not wanting a photo op so sooner after labor. I can’t believe they wanted her to give up the doctor she had built a relationship with to have that photo op.
And here’s where they say something interesting. When trying to find a compromise of the birth plan for the media(!?) no one stops them, but also implies that the tabloids will be fine with it. And then they weren’t. And of course Meghan is one to take the fall for it because -checks notes- she didn’t want to compromise her doctor??? Have two days with her newborn son and not have to be The Duchess for two seconds?? Labor is exhausting and it takes weeks to recover. But of course, this family is expected to preform at every single moment.
Fucking insane. It’s not even racist bullshit you’re not surprised by anymore. It’s straight up entitlement to other people’s lives. And on one hand that shouldn’t surprise me because American media and masses are about the same, but on the other hand holy shit.
(I keep going about this episode for a w h i l e hence the read more)
Harry makes a really good point, it’s not “do you condone this or not” it’s “what have you done to try and stop it?” Because I didn’t see nor recall a single statement to the press asking them to chill out. Clarifying that Meghan and Harry are actually loved and valued members or disputing rumors and lies. Obviously they can’t do every one but it seems like they haven’t tried to do one.
This is an institution that knows it can keep benefiting from it if it shut ups. Let’s it run it’s course. This is a family that are willing to be bystanders because that’s how they were raised to be. Lil mascots to parade around for the people’s morale and entertainment. And this is why Harry’s the bad guy, he’s a lil too open about not liking that.
Someone in the younger generation of a dysfunctional family is almost always the one that’s fed up. That’s fed up life isn’t fair, that’s fed up their family isn’t in their corner, and that’s fed up no one does anything. And this turns them into the problem child. Everyone thinks Harry’s so mad because he’s whipped for his wife, when in reality this is just the snapping point.
It is so isolating when your family doesn’t stick up for you, especially against bullies and harassment. I cannot imagine how much worse it feels when it’s an entire institution and staff as well.
As much sympathy I and others have for the royal family for having to deal with a media spotlight from birth, it runs out when they repeatedly choose “keeping the peace” or other ways of not stirring the pot instead of their family. Everyone knows they were unfairly treated, and yet they chose to watch instead of doing anything. No wonder Harry seems so resentful of his family.
I truly believe if just two or three members said something. Not even consistently, but every now and again, slowly the media would ease up. The climate would change. They have power and influence but seem never up to doing the work to do something that just ever so slightly goes against the traditional flow of things. Which tells Harry he was never worth even the bare minimum of a defense. And y’all wonder why he’s so bitter about it.
(I think I’ve mentioned it before but it’s worth repeating, we are witnessing a fallout of a dysfunctional family. At the core I think that’s all this will ever be. It just gets more complicated because of royal politics. But at the end of the day its family drama.)
Meghan never wins with the media. Whether it’s day to day things or a kind gesture from her friends. She never wins. It was pointed out time and time again how her and Kate could be doing the same thing but she was always the bad guy in it.
And then there’s the Australia tour. And here’s what I didn’t know, that they became more popular than the rest of the family. And that’s why they painted her as a diva. Like I said, she never wins even when the media seems to be in her favor for two seconds.
(My grandmother shrugs that off, saying it would be hard to not be a bit of diva with being handed servants and so much influence. Maybe there’s a nugget of truth there, but I have my doubts it’s to the extent of what the tabloids are saying. And of course, no one seems to care about if the others are divas.)
And then we get the documentary on the South Africa tour. Now this I remember reading tweets and tweeting about. It is awful suffering through depression, especially if you’re not used to it. It’s even worse when no one seems to care. The only one who cares enough to ask is a reporter who is at least in part motivated by pulling an interesting dialogue, even if entirely well-meaning.
The conversation I became apart of on Twitter was in response to criticism towards the two, mostly Harry, for not providing for her or getting her help. Back then I said, how do you expect him to navigate this? Get mental health help is an obstacle, especially more so when 1) youre really busy and 2) youre in a royal bubble so what do you know about these things? Lord knows if he was ever shown any good coping skills outside of “deal with the camera.” I don’t blame him for having a hard time helping her, it’s a hard thing to help with. I hope she’s feeling better.
Now of course this episode clarified that Meghan wasn’t allowed to get help. And it makes sense, there’s still a stigma in getting therapy and help among everyone. Of course if the press knew they’d have a field day with it. Still, she should’ve gotten help. Even if it was someone in that family other than Harry checking in on her, or offering her advice on how they dealt with the pressure. But that doesn’t seem to have happened.
Suck it up buttercup ain’t exactly a helpful mantra when dealing with thoughts of suicide. I can attest to that.
And that’s why Meghan and Harry will never not have a following. Most people can relate to at least some aspect of what they’re going through. A lot of people deal with racism, or deal with depression, or deal with shitty shitty families who turn their backs on them. They will always seem like a real person vs the rest of the family which seems so detached. That’s why they’re the people’s. That’s why people believe them, they have and always will be much more genuine.
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mikuni14 · 1 year
La Pluie Ep 10
Tai and Phat have to relearn how to be in a relationship, they have to learn to communicate, because that's something they had trouble with from the beginning. Like, Tai called Phat “a playboy”, but in the end he never told him why he thought that about him. They never talked about Phat's ex-girlfriend and that kiss, they never talked about Lomfon and his crush on Tai, which Phat had been aware of all along.
When everything is fine, when they are together in their bubble, they are happy, but when their relationship encounters obstacles, neither of them can control themselves, their emotions, they both either explode, run away, there is a full drama.
I don't understand Tai in this episode, I don't understand his lies, and I don't understand his refusal to say yes, I choose you, you idiot so stfu, you're too aggressive now, so let's talk calmly tomorrow. I don't even understand why he spent the whole day with Lomfon. He could have refused, or only meet him for a mealif he wanted to keep the silly promise, and since he had no problem with lying anyway, he could have lied to Lomfon instead of Phat 🤷‍♀️ He is now aware of Lomfon’s feelings, so why? Why do you do this Tai? Why give Lomfon hope, why lie to Phat, why pretend you have a nice time?
Tai has a tendency to lie, run away from problems: literally and figuratively, he’s bad at reading Phat's (and other people’s) needs and feelings. Phat tends to withhold important information and to have weird outbursts of aggression. In my opinion, Phat was really disturbing in this episode, the beating, yelling, then drinking and visiting people while drunk, and again outburst of aggression and yelling... that was.. not a good sign?  Both have lied to each other thinking "it's better this way", both have communication problems (although actually Tai has more issues with it) and both have unhealthy reactions to problems. If they don't fix it, they have no chance of a normal relationship because they won't be able to solve any of their problems in the future.
I'm very happy that so much time was devoted to Lomfon 🥰, I enjoyed all his scenes (except the kiss, can people stop kissing people without permission, seriously). I feel sorry for him. He's going through a hard time right now, he's failing, his beliefs are being tested, he's having an unhappy first love, and now he's unwittingly hurt someone. I feel for Tien too, it all must have been devastating for him, must feel like a nightmare.
Phat and Tai being soul mates became a couple. Now, after Tai "cancelled this app", they broke up, somehow proving that being a soul mate is crucial to a relationship. What Tai did, was a brilliant plot twist and created an interesting paradox: if Tai and Phat get back together, it will prove that EVEN canceling the physical symptoms of the soul mate connection (hearing loss, talking in the rain) doesn’t matter and they must be together anyway. And if they break up, it will mean that soulmates relationship cannot exist without the physical symptoms. 
Also: Lomfon fell in love with Tai, who later turned out to be his soul mate. Again: as if he had no choice, it had to be Tai. And now, after breaking this connection, he could start a relationship with Tien, interestingly, he is thinking about him now, not about Tai :) 
The choice is up to Tai and Lomfon, but thanks to this amazing plot twist (I mean, it can be cancelled?! who would have thought!! did Tai’s parents do that or do they still hear each other, even now, when mom is getting married to the new guy???? fascinating 🤯) it opens so many possibilities. But still, whatever they choose, the soul mate concept in the La Pluie universe seems to be decisive either way. 
(Of course if Tai chooses Phat and Lomfon chooses Tien it will prove.. I don't know what lol I'll wait for the wedding in the next ep, maybe his parents will shed more light on the concept of soul mate, I’m curious, how and why they broke up and how they handled it)
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rocketturtle4 · 1 year
So I started Not Me... (IT'S SO GOOD)
(@wen-kexing-apologist It took longer than planned but I have begun)
I am watching SLOW with people in rather different timezones from me and I had planned to wait till after OF (cause how much First can I cope with yk) but then @anon451 sent me this gif...
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...and did I really have a choice?
I just finished Ep 5, I watched Ep 1 three weeks ago, waiting is torturous but I am excercising patience.
SO while I have been thoroughly distracted by how much I am enjoying this show (It's so ENGAGING), have some notes so far.
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Why is everyone so pretty in this show for reals????
Young boy seperated from half his family takes on his twin brothers persona to find out who tried to have him murdered honestly DOES NOT sound like my thing...and yet...
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...I'm starting to think I'm wrong about what my thing is.
Young man goes on journey of self-discovery and exploration where he is exposed to his own privellege and confronts both the extremism that it can forge but also his own self and views and how he is benefiting from the system and how he can fight it...(from the outside? from within?). Told through his own thoughts, his growing relationships with the "friends" of his twin brother and the contrasting conversations with said friends and his father...
AND we have this story explored in a different thread of "rebelling from within" in our newly discovered cop/artist storyline, cannot wait for that to pan out more!!
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(Hey Gawin is totally in this picture okay??)
I never really thought friends were the one's who beat Black up so if that ends up being the case I WILL be shocked
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EP 5
This ep however I started to feel uneasy about Todd...
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(OMG seriously what's with the PRETTY did they put something in everyone's water??)
We got two different convos which seemed a bit more interogatery than I'd like, maybe he just really wants to know who hurt Black, or maybe he's using White to figure out what the friends are up too...
He IS being presented as very rich and privilegedin this show, in ways that the show is making a point of pointing out problems with (mostly in regard to Black/White's privilege but this also applies to our very rich Todd I would think...)
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So is Todd being a good friend?
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Is he Blacks emergency contact? I mean he must be if the hospital called him? or was he there for the beat down and then took Black to the hospital and that's why he was there?
What about the mum, what happened with her? Does she know Black nearly died? (discussed more in a mo)
Todd was the one the hospital called when Black nearly flatlined...
Also the beat down happening so soon after White arriving from Russia...did Todd know he had returned?
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Also the ENTIRE car convo felt weird
W: Have you talked to my mum? She might be able to help
T: I reached out, she said she would leave it to the authorities. She wan't no involvement
(How bad was this falling out? Does she know White's back?...or is Tod lying??)
W: Todd, should I go see her?
T: You can but I don't think it'll help. The fight between Black and her was huge. It was so bad they decided to cut each other off. You know that Black got involved in some unlawful business, and your mother is a judge. They're on different sides.
(Todd casually starts prying for more info without pause...(left out B's answers))
T: When you said you'd quit, what did those guys say?
T: Do they want to keep going?
T: Do you know what they're next move is? Is it about Tawi?
T: If you're to do something you must learn all about their plan, it's too risky otherwise
T: Are you going to stop them?
It...it just feels like a lot, although given the nuance of the show so far I don't necessarily think they'll go with Rich = Bad so maybe I am reading too much into this.
I certainly WANT him to only be motivated by helping Black and White get to the bottom of whatever is going on.
I mean obvious answer is Tawi sent people to beat up Black, but why Black specifically? did they know he was the ring leader? Have our gang damaged Tawi's properties before?
We also have Eugene the girlfriend, who Eugene thought Black had broken up with...
Plus whatever maybe feelings are going on/have been going on here
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(So is White's theory that Eugene made that but never gave it right...or did Black actually give it to Eugene??)
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(Also I know they won't but can I at least get one kiss?? Look at this chemistry ugh please please??)
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Although this IS working for me too, which I was a bit worried about, OffGun are not really a couple I've responded too before. But I am enjoying their dynamic in this a lot
I love the visuals, I love the characters, I love the story, I love the growth, (I keep getting distracted...)
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Can't wait till next time!!
@plantsarepeopletoo @shouldiusemyname
Don't know when the next update will be...let me know if you want/don't want to be tagged!
Also I know I asked questions but I don't want answers!!
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braemjeorn · 8 months
some scrambled thoughts post moving (2023)
i might need to watch the series again to catch some details so excuse me if I'm confused about the obvious. but spoiler alert, to those who haven't watched it.
me when the temporary teacher got stabbed: (blinks)... i mean I don't like you, not that I want you to die either. oh well.
so what was bang kisoo looking for loitering in the school like that? his files to better his report? the files of the ones with powers to verify things? maybe han byul's memory card too? to observe what had happened in the gym? to pick up a fight with kanghoon? man i lost somethings really...
...so kisso wasn't the one to sabotage that jumpboard?
it was that temp teacher/agent?
anyway what is wrong with that tempt teacher honestly - did he sabotage kisoo's ankle just to find out if he has power or just out of sheer distaste like...?
gosh i hate him now, but he died! we'd never know his motives!
(the way this drama have 20 ep but i still have questions)
(it's the flashbacks. too many flashbacks when we could've gotten new scenes. i always hate this abt kdramas)
on the good side, kisoo going soft and protective with han byul when he realized the NK agents aren't here to play
that was a really short and sudden ship but o ma gosh the potential
hyewon too deserved more screen time - like suddenly moving schools too?
like honestly a bummer that they're graduating college - bongseok, huisoo, hyewon, han byul, ganghoon and kisoo would have been such a good friend group (or pairing, if you want it that way. the potential is there, honestly)
anyway about kanghoon - takes-his-duty-seriously class president kanghoon
wanna see him working as an agent/civil servant in the NIS
working under that seagull guy? *rubs hand excitedly* is gonn be fun honestly, man we need a SEQUEL we really do!! the next gen of supers is gonn wreck some stuff, i can feel it!
i came to this show to see mihyun and doosik but ended up being such a fan of guryongpo
mr ryu was the topmost actor in the wikipedia page so i was like, oh he's the main main guy turns out!
he came to any scene and i was like "guryongpo! he's alive! huisoo appa! 희수 아빠 멋있다! 희수 아빠 화이팅!!"
best man, best partner, best husbando, best dad
i thought frank rolling over him with that truck again and again was bad but then he had 200 gang members breaking his bones with their cars like... you've been through a lot sir.
episodes abt his and jaehee's married life was either the cutest or the most heartbreaking like staph, my heart cannot heal itself
unconventional couples are the cutest i swear by it
huisoo >< jaehee: helps lost adult men on the roadsides
juwon >< jaeman: protective dads
on a more depressing note, that useless jo principal might have orchestrated jaehee's accident.
maybe just to see if huisoo has powers. the wife dies as consequence? not my problem, i'm just gonna wait in this car.
his death seemed excruciating. well deserved, i might say.
and Frank still didn't die either lol not even fire stops him
curious as to what he's gonna do next 0.0
(crack suggestion: he can work at the chicken shop and they can rename the shop as immortal chickens)
(i don't know how huisoo got yongdeuk to work at the shop but if she can persuade her dad to take in a defector, she can persuade him to take in an assassin that once wanted to kills him)
(that's jaehee's passion running through her)
is elias gonna be worse or what? also a korean native?...gotta see that episode again to look at the boys
another thing i feel robbed off: reunions.
moonsan and guryongpo needs to meet up I NEED TO SEE IT
code names?? f- that, name's kim doosik. you're my hyung now, let's work well together.
(imagine the conversation abt huisoo and bongseok relationship will go abt lol)
(JW: sunbae, i respect you a lot, i'm glad you're back, but that's my only daughter-- DS: hyung, i just got to know my son again this year-- MH (towards the kids): i knew it, you two are just the sweetest!)
you know, for someone who doesn't know if her husband is alive or dead for 13-14 year but constantly waits for his return by leaving hints, mihyun is very composed at seeing dusik just landing on her rooftop
i don't know if i should credit that to her training as a black agent or toughened up by being a single mum for that long
but she didn't even react at seeing jang juwon at the teacher's office although it's been like, 24 years and suddenly you're here coz your kid's in the same school as mine? coincidence? I think not! this institution is more slippery than fish!
mihyun's really cool like, she's still that sharp and quick even after doing office jobs, farming, single-parenting and managing a restaurant. what a role model. you really don't forget your training huh?
Yellow Man Bongseok - Bunggaeman being his inspiration is just--
oh i also really liked how that NK agent pulled the trigger like you wanna look inside my loose sleves. wepl, surprise bish! the mechanics and how it's shot is just *chef's kiss*
you know for some scenes that we were robbed off, it's a lovely drama
i like action movies a decent amount, and this hits the spot. korean style,especially.
really really REALLY looking forward to that sequel now, gosh just give it to me.
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hughungrybear · 1 year
Me watching Laws of Attraction Ep. 5:
1. After two days of not being able to watch, I can finally sit back and continue this series 😭😭😭😭 Starting with Charn accusing the friendly neighbours as traitors (specifically, the brave lady from previous episode, Nam). I don't buy this. I still maintain that Charn's assistant (Wit) is highly sus.
2. Oh, wait. So, Nam DID sold Tin out??? I still have a hard time believing it. I think she's telling the truth about trying to set the reporter straight (which, unfortunately backfired). But I don't think she's the one who reveal all of Charn's cards to Thattep.
3. Charn, you and Tin just reconciled. Don't mess things up.
4. OMG. Tonkhao's bestie is also using the doll in public 😭😭😭 I hope Thattep does not find her (and the doll) first.
5. Grandma still captaining the ship, apparently 😅 Sidenote, I don't think I like this transition. We just saw Tin and Charn arguing about each other beliefs and morals, next thing we see Charn is in Tin's bedroom with an almost naked and newly bathe Tin. From a plot's perspective, it doesn't make much sense that they (especially Tin) are more than okay with each other's company (and flirting) again. 😑 Don't get me wrong, the scenes are cute. It's just that I think the timing (or editing) is wrong.
7. Charn is, opportunistic, to put it nicely. He just needs to channel that talent into good use. However, his cynicism is hindering him from looking at things from a (morally) positive angle.
8. I have said this from the very first episode: GIVE US CHARN'S FULL BACKSTORY, GAWD DAMMIT. I am this close 🤏 to googling spoilers 😭😭😭
9. Ms Club Owner and the gorgeous Silvy (in hot pink) side-eyeing Charn throughout the whole phone conversation is 😂😂😂 Also, Charn called Ms Club Owner, "auntie". Is he really her nephew? Because y'know, us Asians can call any female "auntie" (even complete strangers) without batting an eyelash 😂😂😂
10. Noooo, Charn. Don't leave Tonkhao's things in the open like that with Wit. 😭😭😭
11. Wit asking questions about the doll just heightens my suspicions towards him. So, yeah Charn, take your own advice and don't trust anyone, especially Wit.
12. I feel bad for Chai. I mean, wasn't it enough that they made him a fallguy? He needed to be killed too? The fvck. Also, the calculated way that Charn sacrificed this man's life to draw out the mole is every bit disgusting.
13. Thattep's reasoning. I cannot. 🤯🤯🤯🤯 What a sh*tty father. So, the reason why his own son is his first choice to be the fallguy is because it is a given that he will get away with it (just a probation, guys. No biggie /s)? He would rather have his son wrongfully labeled as criminal to what end???
14. Tanthai getting gaslit and made to believe that he caused two innocent people killed should be the bodyguard's cue to switch sides and tell the truth to protect his young master.
15. I KNEW IT. Then again, the series made it obvious that Wit cannot be trusted. Okay, I did not anticipate the gun(s), the action scenes, or that office fire/explosion that followed. Still, 😂😂😂😂
16. Not sure why the office exploded, honestly. I get it is for dramatic effect (and ensures that Wit is truly dead). But then again, from a realistic point of view, that sh*t shouldn't have happened unless Charn was keeping something that is highly explosive in HIS LAW OFFICE.
17. Grandma has a glow-up courtesy of Silvy (Maya) in a gorgeous 1920s-inspired fit. At this point, I seriously should start a Silvy fan club lol.
17. After the night's excitement, forgive me if I'm eyerolling Tin's highly questionable timing to flirt with Charn. 🙄🙄🙄
18. Mr. Bodyguard, sir, get an effing clue. At this point, I will not be surprised if Tanthai tries to un-alive himself.
19. Grandma being supportive of TinCharn's happiness is 🥺🥺🥺
20. Charn sleeps exactly like my two-year old nephew, right to the part of kicking anybody who shares the bed 😂😂😂😂 His parents learnt to sleep the very edge of the bed - sideways lol
21. Hold up. I think Wit is already effed up in the head, even without Charn's influence. He just got emboldened by Charn's very lax and questionable take on justice.
22. Wait, did Tonkhao's bestie moved to the town where Charn's traumatic past happened??? <after five seconds> Yep, there it is. Also, did the government has something to do with Charn's mum's death???
23. Charn's disgusting morals rears its ugly head again. Seriously, I wanted Ms Club Owner to slap him hard so he can get back to his senses.
It's official. I am having a love-hate fascination with Charn. He is so desperate to play an anti-hero that is almost pathetic, not to mention downright depressing. Will I get to finally see Charn's backstory in the next episode? I really hope so.
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