#I UH.
sergeantwoods · 3 months
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seashoreships · 7 months
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okay. got into jazzpunk.... is this fandom still alive
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racingthestorm · 6 months
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Kenda Cherry / Len Redkoles / Peter Baugh / Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum / Bruce Bennett / Hypercritic / Kevin Sousa / Hypercritic / Icon Sportswire / Hypercritic
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liamthemailman · 8 months
can the king and i share some chilled yukon jack and talk about boring old man stuff, he seems like he'd make a pleasant person to spend an evening with
i could totally dominate/top that man, i can and will. (successfully)
((sorry miss queen<3))
//if only if you'd met him when he was younger and still yet to be married.. oh well..
"It's nice to finally get a decent drinking partner.. Ace turns down every drink I offer him."
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//Queen struck gold when she bagged King
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madefate · 4 months
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[ LETTER ] for sender to find a last letter, video, text, etc that receiver made for them, thinking they wouldn’t make it out of the situation alive. Obviously receiver does make it out alive, but the letter/video still exists (and receiver will detail what’s in it). [Stolas and Blitz xoxoxo] / @helldustedstories
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Shit, shit, shit !
Blitz slaps a hand over his mouth to stifle any sound that might escape him. He's still not sure if he's lost the tail on him, and he can barely hear the sounds from the hallway over the pounding of his heart in his ears. His other hand is clenched around his newly-rescued phone, his arm wrapped around his middle to make sure he doesn't leave a trail of blood right towards himself.
Honestly, it's probably just for his own peace of mind; there was no way to keep his leg from leaving that trail and he wasn't about to slow himself down more to try and find even more cloth to wrap around the bleeding gashes. Satan, these shitheads. Even if he had his pistol on him, one of those bigass shark goons had made quick work of smashing in the fingers of one hand, and he's not letting go of the phone in the other. Not when he already almost risked his fuckin' life to get the damn thing and run.
Greed warehouses are all shit - vast and winding and filthy and, unfortunately, far enough away that no one is coming for help if they don't know exactly where you are. If they care to at all. Blitz checks the phone screen again, trying to shield the light that spills out - still no fucking signal. Of course there isn't. Crimson is a professional, after all.
This one isn't even on him ! He hadn't sought to make contact with the fuckhead in the first place, and by the sound of it, Moxx had spent his life putting distance between them. It'd be nice to have one less criminal on his ass, but of course this is where things end - caught unawares and carted off to some unmarked hovel in Greed.
Wait, shit, fuck, no. He's not going to die here, is he ? His fingers tremble on the screen as he frantically listens for footsteps echoing off the dirt and metal - still none. But when he glances up at the vent shaft, he realizes with a plummeting feeling that with his leg barely being a leg and only one semi decent hand, there's no way he's crawling up there. Not even with Cash's voice in the back of his mind telling him to walk it off, that they can't afford to take a break, that this world will never take its time to coddle an imp's aches and pains.
Without thinking, he sends a text message to Loona. I luv you so much, Sweetie. It doesn't send - won't send until he finds himself in signal range again. He doesn't know if he wants it to send - if it's akin to admitting defeat.
But - fuck. His vision is getting spotty around the edges from the drugs still in his system and the blood he'd left behind on the warehouse floor. He'd been so confident when he'd wiggled out of the ropes and snatched his phone before running, but Blitz feels the edges of adrenalin starting to wear off, thready and wisping out.
He crawls further, shoving himself behind a steam pipe into the shadows of a corner. Typing - typing already takes him forever, and with one hand? No dice. Swallowing his pride, his frustration, his self loathing, Blitz holds the phone up and hits record, his voice a rough whisper even when he tries to smooth it out and find whatever smile he can manage.
❝ Hey, Stols - I gotta be quick. 'M sorry about that. I wasn't tryin' to do anything stupid, I swear. But 'm sorry anyway. I really hope you get this. If you do, I need you to take care of some stuff for me, okay? 'M pretty sure Moxx and Mills should be able to take over I.M.P. but y'er smart and they may need help with legal stuff. Then go in my computer and search for Barbie. 'M sorry, I never got to tell you about her - she's my sister. I've been trying to keep an eye on her - she's been in and outta rehab and she hates me but she needs someone. I know it's a lot, but if you hear anything about her, make sure she's safe at least? Promised Mom - fuck, just. Make sure she's safe.
❝ 'N I know you have Via and that this is a lot already but don't - don't leave Loona alone, okay ? She's gonna be so pissed, I don't blame her. If you can 'n you don't hate me, please just look out for her. Please I can't - I don't want to leave her, I don't want to leave anyone but - ❞
Blitz's throat is constricting and he realizes that he's sped up, practically hyperventilating and it's clouding his head even more. Fuck, he's running out of time.
❝ - Stols. ❞ His voice breaks then, his smile flickering into a grimace. ❝ I'm so sorry. I was tryin' t' be better, less stupid. Less reckless. I want you to know - ❞ His eyes squeeze shut for a moment, the only sound his breathing. ❝ - I love you. I love you so fucking much and I'm so sorry it took me so long to say it in the first place, and I'm sorry about how much time I wasted being an idiot and ignoring how I felt. Y'er it for me. You always have been. I love you, Sweetheart - fuck - ❞
Reality cracks its way back in with the distant sound of footsteps getting closer, and Blitz is forcing himself to stand as he sends the message that he assumes will be caught in the lack of signal. He draws one deep breath, shoves the burning in his eyes away, finds his best cocksure grin, and takes the leap into the fight to get back home alive.
For them.
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i-am-a-fan · 6 months
*looking at my mutuals in the eyes* would you still love me if i was an inactive blog?
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re-decorate · 5 months
tyler reposting a trapdoor cover is going to be the death of me
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madame-mongoose · 10 months
wires exposed
i need to go lay down
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factorii · 6 months
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me right now
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uglymonkeinurwindow · 18 hours
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* C O U G H * The Boy.
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averagetmntfan · 18 days
Just curious did you ever end up watching The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals?
Asking for a friend
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(It’s totally fine if you haven’t but it’s like REALLY good :>)
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transgender-catboy · 9 months
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It's been on my mind a lot lately
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teknikolor-walters · 6 months
Lots of bugboy yearning is focused on cricket and as it should be but there's still an effect left on cicada that can't be ignored. Cicada who was cricket's shadow and knew that they could always reach out their hand and cricket would grab it. Cicada who never had a choice but to leave. Cicada who was given a time travel organization to run with no explanation of how to do it right. Cicada who lets himself become a god because it's easier than being a human. Cicada who's so fucking scared of losing another friend. Cicada who still reads an interesting bug fact and stores it away to tell someone later who he's never going to see again. Cicada who keeps a taxidermied cricket in her office. Cicada who misses xhier brother. Cicada who misses xhier friend.
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lowrezzpicture · 1 year
god I just finished Tell Me I'm Worthless by Alison Rumfitt
it made me want to throw up and cry but in a good way
that was so fucking brutal
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"oh you used to love Ha-ry Pot-er now you just hate it because it's a trend" no actually I stopped reading less than halfway through goblet of fire before I even started high school after the entire "Hermione gets portrayed as over the top/overzealous for wanting to fucking abolish house elf slavery" subplot started. thanks tho
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luciolefire · 9 months
i think my brain is overheating..
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