bisexualsmallishbeans · 2 months
still stuck on ssstupid letter board ideas man. i have ideas for the small one but the big one is harder :(
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whimsicalcotton · 2 months
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youngpettyqueen · 6 months
I dont music post a lot on here but Inertia by AJR has me feeling deeply unwell
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mxtantrights · 2 months
I heard your pleas, and am therefore requesting your take on boxer jason ( i swear he lives in my mind rent free, such a gentle giant with the ability to pummel anyone who wrongs you into the ground? Amazing). Maybe he uses scary dog privileges to get someone to back off while they are giving you trouble?
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Boxer!Jason x reader
gravitates towards you even though the two of you look like opposites. he's tall and big and sometimes his face doesn't look like it can hold a smile
you're the one person in the world that can prove that he can smile. the first time you met, you threw him a joke and made him smile a tiny bit. Just the tiniest bit but it was enough.
when you find out what he does for a living, you figure it makes sense. All that muscle and size has got to go towards something. him telling you he's a boxer also helps you understand why you'll see him with a black eye or a busted lip.
doesn't invite you to watch him fight at first. even before you start dating because he's scared that you'll see him in action and get nervous. Which you aren't, you actually quite like seeing him in his element.
sometimes he'd go a few days between a fight and seeing you just to not freak you out. seeing Jason with a bruised rib or moving tensely is not something you wish for.
you have to be the one to make the first move. Jason isn't going to do it. He's going to leave it up to you for the first few months of the relationship. He figures you have to get to know him and he has to get to know you.
he flushes when you the two of you first kiss. Yeah. It knocks him off his feet. No one is able to actually get a knockout against him except you!
maybe six months into dating he lets you come over after a fight. You offer to salve and stick anything but he tells you he's got it covered. He just wants you with him.
It's fun going out with Jason because he gets you in anywhere. Clubs, concerts, etc. He's got a lot of pull and if that doesn't work he just stands behind you menacingly as you talk your way in. Works like a charm every time.
Jason doesn't like putting his hands on people outside of a fight or training. He vows against it unless the situation calls for it. And even if it does it's really the last resort.
So when some random sleazily walks up to you and initiates contact with you, he waits. He waits for you to handle it. Which you do, because Jason teaches you a few tricks to get yourself out of a tough spot.
But when things take a turn and Jason knows you need help, he's right there. Like out of no where that rando is down on the floor or high tailing it out of your vicinity.
maybe about eight or nine months into the relationship, Jason asks if you wanna come see his upcoming match. Of course he's pretty nonchalant about it, so you agree. Thinking it's some underground type of stuff.
Yeah, and then the following weekend you're on a plan to Vegas because he's fighting in some big arena and it's being televised.
Jason thinks the only thing in his life worth making a big deal out of is you, so no he doesn't find the cameras and the hype around the fight more important than you.
he wins the fight -of course! and spends the rest of the weekend treating you around Vegas, amongst other things...
a/n: I absolutely love this request! and if you want more you can ask for it in my inbox <333 this was so fun to write and think out!! thank you again for sending this!!
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chelseeebe · 7 months
just wanna (get with you).
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okkkk i promise i am not neglecting promise (i am) but i just had to get this out before the thought left my mind. this is just to say nancy wheeler i love you and i’m sorry
18+. smut. steve is an adulterer. but it’s okieee bc it’s hot <3
this is very much richboy!steve, he is very cocky and brash and very much not afraid of it
you had prepared to spend thanksgiving break alone in your room, honestly quite happy not to have to go home and deal with your car crash of a family.
that was until stacy had caught wind of your lonely plans and interjected, offering you an invite to her family’s massive home. now, it’d be rude not to accept, right?
you totally weren’t influenced by the fact that her older brother would definitely be there, not at all.
the drive up was a long slog, hours until you ended up in the middle of buttfuck indiana. it’s not somewhere you ever envisioned yourself spending the holidays but she had ensured that it was nice enough. her parents were.. interesting but as you were there, they’d probably at least try to keep up appearances. there wasn’t much else going on but in this tiny town but it gave you a chance to relax and ogle her brother.
their house is huge, like, ridiculously big. much bigger than their small family needed. from what stacy has confided in you, you can gather that her parents are hardly even home. they like to make a big deal about holidays to give the impression of a well put together family but if anything, they’re on the brink of divorce and only holding it together for the fear of being seen as failures.
not that your family are much better, but at least they don’t pretend to like eachother.
steve is up at the door the moment stacy unlocks it, waiting to see which of her sorority friends she’d decided to bring along.
he grins the second he sees you, taking your bag out of your hand and introducing himself before you can even begin to speak. not that you mind.
‘leave her alone, steve,’ stacy warns, rolling her eyes as she begins up the stairs, motioning for you to follow.
‘why don’t you leave me alone? i’m just being a good host, isn’t that right?’ he smiles at you, lugging your bag up the extravagant staircase and toward the room you’ve been assigned.
it’s not as if there’s a lack of them, a multitude of white doors that probably sat empty. it’s incredible how a house could cost so much and yet lack character despite the ample space to decorate.
she shoves him out of the way the second you make it into the room, ‘don’t you have anything better to do?’
‘uh uh,’ he’s smirking now and it’s making your heart feel funny. it’s wrong, totally wrong. but you can’t help it.
when he’d appeared on move in day you’d been star struck, his caramel coloured hair flopping into his eyes and the way his t-shirt clung to his arms had caught you immediately.
you and the rest of the girls in the house, obviously.
‘well go and find something to do you fucking loser,’ pushing him out of the door and slamming it in his face.
you couldn’t exactly tell her that it was fine and actually you preferred if he stayed.. so you grin and give her a fake chuckle, looking around at the room you were to call home for the next week.
‘i’m sorry,’ she sighs, ‘ignore him.. he’s just like that,’ walking over to the pristine bed. it obviously hadn’t been slept in for a while, you don’t doubt that they rarely have guests.
‘it’s okay,’ you smile, exhilarated for what this week will bring.
you don’t see much of the illusive mr. harrington, burrowed away in his office for most of the day with his wife busying around the kitchen, putting on an unnecessarily large spread each day. now you’re not a psychologist but even you can gather that she’s trying to make up for something.
stacy had bundled you into her room under the pretence of studying, both of you sat on her bed with neglected open books. opting to gossip about shit in your house rather than the looming finals.
steve knocks on the door and rushes in without waiting, standing in the doorway with a devilish grin. ‘mom’s drunk again.. you two wanna get out of here before it gets ugly?’ leaning against the doorframe.
he looks extra good today, his grey sweatpants sitting just right. you’re mindful to pull your eyes away when he nears the bed though his eyes never leave you.
‘like what?’ stacy frowns, sitting up and closing the untouched book.
‘i dunno..’ he shrugs, ‘i just don’t wanna be here when he gets back and she’s drunk again,’ fiddling with some trinket on stacy’s shelf.
you can tell that stacy’s not keen on the idea but she doesn’t want to be here for that scene either. you can empathise entirely, which is the exact reason you decided not to go home.
‘okay,’ she turns to you, ‘you okay with that?’
‘yeah.. sounds good,’ smiling at your friend. in your peripheral, you can see steve’s lips twitch into a smirk, cocky bastard.
much to your dismay, the three of you end up bowling. which you wouldn’t usually mind, but the alley was full to the brim with parents and their screaming children, running around the lanes hyped up on copious amounts of sugar.
not to mention the blaring christmas music that was entirely too loud for a tuesday afternoon.
‘you bowl much?’ steve scoots over on the bench, leaning in to whisper of the screeching kids.
‘not really,’ shaking your head innocently, ‘do you?’
‘yeah i’m alright.. i can teach you, if you want?’ ever the opportunist. who were you to deny him that?
‘okay,’ you giggle, blinking up at his chocolate coloured eyes.
it’s pathetic but your knees almost crumble when he walks up behind you, arms coming to envelope yours, large hands perched over yours as stacy tuts and turns away.
‘like this..’ his chest presses against your back, pulling your arm back and letting the ball roll down the lane.
you very nearly groan when he pulls away, hand lingering on your elbow as the pair of you watch the pins knock over. he smiles gently at you without even looking at the pins, he’s already sure he’d won.
‘thanks,’ you nod, keeping your own smile contained as you walk back to the bench, squishing in next to a less than impressed stacy. she’s not stupid but doesn’t dare to say anything and you’re grateful for that at least.
you watch steve take his turn, wondering how much longer you can feign incompetence to get him to touch you.
their house is quiet when you get back. eerily quiet. stacy and steve share a look before heading inside and you already know to prepare for the worst.
mr. harrington is sat facing the blank television, sipping on a small glass of what you presume is whiskey. the fire blazing in front of him, crackling loudly in the otherwise silent house.
‘your mother’s in bed,’ is all he says, refusing to turn around to face his children. he’s a stoic man at the best of times but seemed extra cold tonight. you don’t want to think about what had happened while you were out.
the atmosphere brings you crashing down out of your high, the loud bowling alley seemed like a dream compared to the moody room you stood in. at least your family were entertaining in all their madness. this was just depressing and you don’t have to wonder just why stacy is the way she is now.
steve slinks off upstairs without saying a word and stacy follows, head ducked down. they’ve probably been through this exact routine a hundred times before. you follow along silently, assuming that mr. harrington definitely didn’t want you hanging around downstairs.
before stacy slips away into her room, you grab onto her elbow, pulling her round to face you, ‘my mom drinks too.. i know what it’s like,’ offering some meek words of encouragement. it’s not a lot but you can empathise with the sinking feeling you know she’s feeling.
she gives you a small smile, pulling you in for a quick hug as the shower starts in the bathroom to your left. steve hadn’t hung around, disappearing before you even made it up the stairs.
‘night,’ you mutter before entering your own room.
there had been a tiny part of you that had hoped maybe tonight something would happen but with the scene downstairs and steve’s eagerness to get away, you doubt it.
there’s an almost silent knock at your door, if you were any sleepier, you would’ve missed it.
you know who it is.. what’s waiting on the other side of that door and for a second, you contemplate it. you could very easily turn over and drift off to sleep without ever finding out what could’ve been.. but, you’re not going to do that. not after you’d optimistically worn your best pajamas, dousing yourself in perfume before you had climbed into bed.
sliding out of the bed to open the door quietly and just as you expected, steve is on the other side with a shit-eating grin plastered across his face.
he doesn’t speak before stepping into the room, shutting the door gently as you stand expectantly before him. your heart is pounding, it’d jump out of your chest if it could.
‘steve,’ you barely whisper, ignoring the growing ache between your thighs. enthralled by the sheer tension in the room, it makes the air heavy, weighing on your shoulders as you practically pant at him.
in one quick move he’s stood in front of you, hands cradling your waist, confidence oozing off of his smile. his hair is still wet, falling onto his face perfectly. it’s almost cruel that someone could look so good so effortlessly.
‘i need you,’ he whispers, his spider-like lashes cascading a shadow over his face in the dull light. he’s so perfect it hurts.
you choose not to reply with words, hastily planting your lips on his, closing the minuscule gap between your bodies as your chest presses to his. you’re walked backwards towards the bed, the excitement is palpable, his hands barely able to contain themselves as they grip and squeeze your flesh.
steve falls backwards onto the bed, pulling you atop of him, clumsily readjusting your knees either side of his hips, gasping into his slack mouth when his grinds upwards, his already erect cock nudging against your core.
pulling your shirt over your head before reconnecting his lips to your jaw, planting hungry kisses to the exposed skin of your neck. this is everything you’ve dreamed of since you arrived, the feel of him desperately moving beneath you becoming entirely too much. you needed him now.
he shimmies his own sweatpants down his thighs, choosing boldly to not wear any underwear. he’s big. his cock springing up against his stomach, gazing down into the space between you, mouth hung open as he works your shorts down with his delicate fingers.
‘what?’ he hushes innocently as if he doesn’t already know. his hand leaves your thigh to wrap around the base of his dick, pumping his fist ever so slowly.
your eyes meet his again, feeling your cheeks flush as the corner of his mouth twitches. if he weren’t so hot, his cockiness would be sickening. but you’re not one to bend to the will of men, brushing off his nerve and instead moving to grip onto his shoulders, positioning yourself above his leaking cock.
‘i know what you sorority girls are like.. you don’t have to- fuck,’ his head rolling back as you lower yourself onto him, gasping quietly at the feeling of fullness that quickly overtakes every other sense.
your fingers clamp around his jaw, pulling his face back up to meet yours, ‘what was that?’ sighing through muffled moans as you begin to rut your hips.
you have him at your mercy, moving your hips antagonistically slow, relishing in the sight of his hooded eyes struggling to stay open, soft pants escaping his lips with every careful movement.
‘ho- shit,’ his fingernails leaving crescent moons into your hips and ass, desperate to cling onto your body in any way he can. guiding your body up and down with the palms of his hands.
‘shh,’ you mutter, connecting your lips to the corner of his mouth in an attempt to quiet his groans. as lavish as this house is, you can bet that it’s not soundproof.
‘you’re so.. fuck- faster baby,’ he whines into your mouth, unappreciative of the calm pace you had set. enjoying the fact that you now held the upper hand, but also acutely aware that the sounds of skin-on-skin are indisputable, paired with his grunts, you’d be caught out in a second.
‘nuhuh,’ shaking your head slightly, face pressed into his sharp jaw, hoping to stifle some of the noises come from your throat.
this is when steve decides he’s had enough, this was his house and if anyone had anything to say then they could. his arm snakes around your waist, holding you in place above him as his legs spread, heels digging into the mattress.
your lips connect once again, in a sloppy kiss that requires minimal effort as his hips begin to thrust up, punching against that soft, spongy spot deep within. and now you’re the one responsible for the too-loud moans, practically screaming into his mouth as his tongue slips into your open mouth. his smirk evident against your lips as his thrusts grow faster.
chasing the same high you can feel growing in the pits of your stomach. you’re not even kissing at this point, lips pressed against the stubble on his cheek as his grip tightens, low grunts rumbling into the minimal space between you with every thrust.
‘oh god,’ you mewl, the all too familiar twist in your gut as his hips begin to stutter, the sound of your bodies connecting was spurring both of you on. not caring about your volume level as you come crashing over the edge.
babbling his name over and over again as you clench around him, shoving your face into his neck as pleasure soars all the way down to your toes, the sensation overwhelming your poor fucked-out brain.
his hands paw at the doughy flesh of your ass, resigning his last bit of energy for his last thrusts, hot spurts of cum paint your walls. steve’s teeth graze against your bare shoulder, suppressing his almighty moan as you collapse into a heap on top of him.
you feel like jelly, unable to lift your head when he pulls out, allowing him to manhandle your body as he shuffles down the bed. you shift slightly, moving to the empty space beside him, reaching down for the blanket, desperate for some modesty despite the explicit scene this room had just witnessed.
that was everything you’d imagined it’d be and more.
‘jesus,’ he sniffs, relaxing into your bed as if he belonged there, ‘anyone ever told you how fucking good you feel?’ his arm reaching out to pull your body into his once more.
‘shut up,’ you mumble, still very much coming back to earth. trying not to get too comfortable with this arrangement but letting your leg slide between his.
his other hand flicks the tiny lamp off, leaving the room in complete darkness. toned arms coming to rest around your waist, chin resting against your head.
‘you can’t sleep in here,’ you warn, though you wouldn’t complain if he did.
‘why not? this is my house, i can sleep wherever i want,’ his fingertips dart around your bare skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
you don’t argue, settling into your comfy position nestled into his side. it’s not long before sleep takes over as his fingers trace silly patterns into your back.
but you’re rudely awoken at stupid o’clock in the morning, the sun barely rising outside of the tiny window. steve’s grumbling, tapping softly on your shoulder.
‘i’ve gotta go,’ he whispers into your hair, pulling the blanket off of his body and onto yours.
you’re barely coherent enough to understand what he’s saying, nodding along absentmindedly as sleep negs to take over again. ever the gentleman, he places a kiss to your forehead before climbing out of bed and rushing out of the room.
he’s gone before you even wake up fully, not registering what had happened until you wake up again, this time at a more appropriate hour.
it’s only then that fear takes over. had you misjudged how loud you were? what if someone had heard? there’s no way they’d turf you out on thanksgiving.. would they?
yet all seems normal when you slink downstairs, joining stacy at the table as she butters toast without a word to be said about your antics. you pray to every being above that you had gone undetected.
‘morning sleepyhead,’ stacy utters, seemingly in a much better mood than the one you left her in last night, ‘sleep well?’
you stare at her for a moment, deciding if the question is loaded or if she’s genuinely interested in how you slept.
‘yeah.. really good, you?’ testing the waters.
‘yeah not bad,’ she smiles, a genuine smile that allows you to release the breath you didn’t know you were even holding.
phew. you were safe.
‘it’s about to get uh.. tense today so, we can just hang out in my room until dinner,’ she nods assuringly. you trust her, not wanting to bare witness to mr. harrington and his cryptic behaviour.
before you can reply, the front door opens and a small brunette walks in with steve trailing closely. behind her, carrying what looks like a suitcase with the most displeased look plastered on his face.
the woman hangs her coat on the hook, flashing a quick wave towards the kitchen where you sat gawping before heading upstairs quickly.
from here, she looked like a cousin or something, someone you hadn’t been told was attending.
she’s pretty, gorgeous eyes and a polite smile that makes you want to smile.
‘who’s that?’ you ask, perplexed at the sight of this stranger who is obviously so comfortable in their home.
‘oh, that’s nancy,’ stacy continues with her toast, not at all bothered by the new arrival.
‘she’s steve’s fiancée.’
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angelbaby-fics · 10 months
No Matter What
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Pairing: CG!Steve Rogers x Little!Reader (fem nicknames used)
Word Count: 1k
A/N: omg this idea has literally been in my docs since i started this blog and i only finally wrote it all out!! y'all know i loooove thinking about pre serum steve, and i love exploring that concept through the eyes of his little 💕 also i just wanna add, i dont think worms are icky or slimy! little was just being cheeky!
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“Daddy? Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
 The question took Steve by surprise; why would you even ask something like that? You were splayed out across the couch, torso propped up by pillows and one leg limply strewn over Steve’s thigh, exhausted from an hours-long playdate at Peter's house. The two of you had been sitting in silence as he read a book and you watched a cartoon on your tablet, when suddenly you popped the question.
“Why, babydoll? Are you planning on turning into a worm any time soon?” He said with a chuckle, which was apparently the wrong answer. Your face fell.
“You was s’posed to say yes, daddy,” you said with a frown. 
“Absolutely I would, my baby, I’ll always love you no matter what.” Steve reassured you, giving a light pat to your socked foot. But you weren’t entirely convinced.
“You sure daddy? You’d still love me even if I was a icky slimy worm?” You raised your eyebrows at him. 
“You’d still be my babygirl, right?”
You thought for a moment, pondering the logistics of worm transfiguration, before nodding. 
“And you’d still have the same loving heart? And the same brilliant mind?”
You nodded again. “Then of course I would still love my beautiful baby, even if you were an adorable, tiny little worm.”
You giggled at this, and repositioned yourself to be nearer to your daddy, abandoning your tablet on the ground. Setting his book down as well, Steve wrapped his arms around you with a smile. As you buried yourself into his body, he softly ran his thumbs in circles on your back. Snuggling into his biceps, you mumbled into his muscles. “You’d have to be careful if I was a worm, cos daddy’s so big and strong!” 
Steve kept stroking your back, but his hands slowed down as he began to get lost in thought. It didn’t take long for you to notice the change in his mood, so you pulled your head out from his embrace to check on him. 
Your daddy had a look on his face you’d never seen before… not sad, but distant. Like his body was here with you, but his mind was back in the past. As soon as he felt your curious gaze on him, it was as if he snapped back into reality. Not wanting you to worry, he put on a soft smile and kissed you on the head, but you couldn’t let that moment go. “What’s wrong, daddy?” You asked, your eyes serious and pleading with him to be honest with you. He thought to himself for a moment and took a heavy breath.
“You know, babydoll, daddy didn’t used to be so big and strong. He was small once upon a time” Your eyes widened in disbelief.
“You mean you were small like a baby? Small like me?”
Steve nodded, cracking a smile at your shocked reaction.
“That’s right, only I wasn’t a baby. I was a grown up, but my body stayed tiny.”
“How come?”
“That’s just how I was born, sweetpea.”
“And then you work out lots and lots and eat your veggies and turned into big daddy like now?”
Steve sighed again. 
“Not quite, angel. You see, I tried really hard to get big and strong like I am now, eating my veggies just like you said, but nothing helped. Then one day, a scientist gave me a special medicine, and it made me grow. All this happened before you were born, babydoll, so you didn’t know me back then.”
You furrowed your brows in contemplation. Although Steve had omitted any details unfit for a youngster like yourself, he hoped it still made sense in your tiny mind. You just couldn’t believe it though, daddy was always known for being strong and brave, it was even in his theme song! The thought of him being anything other than the man you’ve always known and loved just wouldn’t compute in your little head. Steve could tell you were still confused when he had an idea. Carefully, he stood up with you still entangled in his arms, and brought you over to the big bookshelf in the living room. 
Steve went straight to the top shelf, the one you couldn’t reach, and pulled down the old photo album you’d always been curious about. The worn leather of the cover reminded you of an ancient spellbook, and no matter how many times you asked, Steve had never brought it down for you to look at until now. He brought it with him as he sat you back onto the couch, and took a seat next to you, opening the book across both of your laps.
Inside the book, you didn’t find spells at all, just pictures of people you couldn’t recognize. Black and white photos of a boy, who kind of reminded you of your friend Peter. He wore clothes that were just slightly too big on him, almost like he was pretending to be a grown up instead of actually being one. And his face looked familiar.
Suddenly, your jaw dropped. You looked up at Steve, back down to the photograph, back up at Steve, over and over, processing the puzzle you had just put together. “That’s you, daddy!” You cried out.
“I know!” Steve laughed. “Can you believe it?”
You shook your head, and resumed staring at the photo, your daddy’s familiar features becoming more and more obvious to you the longer you looked at it. Your attention was only torn from the image after a few minutes when Steve spoke up from beside you.
“Would you still love me if I were small?”
You looked up at him, his hopeful smile and his love-filled eyes. The same ones in the photo you’d been studying for the past five minutes. Softly, you reached up to cup his face in your tiny hands, feeling his cheeks fill with warmth as you did so.
“Same smile… same eyes… same daddy?” You asked.
“Yeah baby, same daddy.”
“Then yes. I always love daddy, no matter what.”
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ddejavvu · 1 year
my teenie tiny brain is burstin again after rereading some of ur jamie stuff and I CANT KEEP TRACK OF WHAT I SENT ON ANON SO I CANT EVEN PROPERLY REFERENCE SOME OF EM <\\33
reader needing some ‘alone time’ and it gets to that point of frustration where ur just trying to herd james outta the room. like bro PLEASE i need some alone alone time im begging.
he’d either fluster or he’d be like “ooh :] so like :] you have a specific video lined up or smthn?? :] can i see? :] can i see all ur favourites???? :]” as he comes as snuggles up into u on ur bed and it’s like 😐😐
this post is 18+, minors dni.
no bc you haven't gotten off in like weeks!! you're like oh my god if i don't bust in twenty minutes i'll cry. but roommate!james just will not leave, he'd slept over in your room last night (when you'd planned to jack it) and he's currently rearranging your sock drawer because apparently he doesn't like the way you fold them and if you'd just let him take care of it for you it'd be so much easier and neater for you !! but you're literally starting to ache so you're like hey james! hey honey <3 please gtfo <3 he keeps looking all sad with those big brown puppy eyes like :( why do i have to leave :( and you finally admit that you just need some alone time!! like hand-down-your-pants alone time!!!!!!!
the guy doesn't wait five seconds before lunging into bed with you again like oh whatever! if you need video or sound recommendations i can give you some :) or if you wanna watch yours, that's okay too. what do you like? 'cause he likes xyz. you're just sitting there under the covers like huh.
he definitely gets way too close to you considering you've just told him you're going to masturbate when he leaves like you're on fire everywhere he's touching you and he's just so unbothered like am i allowed to join?
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snaillock · 6 months
prompt 1 and/or 6 w Shidou or Karasu x male! reader? i’m fine w gn! as well :)) thank youu <33
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this was supposed to be a halloween themed fic since i got this in october but….. also can’t believe ive never written for shidou b4 holy shit
prompt 1: "what are you do-" "look, now we match!" (feat. shidou ryusei) tags: male!reader
event masterlist
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you stood outside in the dark for god knows how long until you finally saw your boyfriend’s car pull up to the curb. you opened the door and quickly got in to escape the cold.
“took you long en- ah! oh god!” you yelped as you took in the sight before you. your odd eccentric little boyfriend, shidou, in the driver’s seat. not only was his face completely covered in face paint, making his usual tanned skin completely white, but it also had a red line of lipstick smeared across his lips, paired with dark smokey eyeshadow. all of that topped off with bright green hair worn down which was a very rare sight.
“jesus christ ryu… why do you look like that? why are you dressed as the joker?” you asked frantically, “don’t we have a party to get to right now?”
“chill out babe… it’s a costume party anyway,” he grinned at your startled reaction, “i didn’t tell you before ‘cause you would totally back out if i did.”
“yeah, you’re right. i definitely would,” you let out a resigned sigh before running your fingers through his now neon green hair. “did you really dye your hair for this costume?” you asked.
“don’t worry,” shidou said nonchalantly, slightly leaning into the touch, “it’s just a temporary dye. one wash and i’ll be back to normal.”
“right, ‘normal,’” you muttered before checking if any green got on your hand. which thankfully, none did. “well i don’t have any costume and i don’t wanna be that fucking guy who shows up to a costume party with no costume so i guess we just gotta cancel plans.” you said, in hopes you can finally escape the party you just didn’t feel like attending.
“wait! don’t worry, i got the perfect thing for that! just close your eyes,” shidou said before rustling through a shopping bag he had in the back seat.
“oh god,” you mumbled before hesitantly closing your eyes, “what are you do-“
you grunted when your words got interrupted by his hands slipping something onto your head and over your face.
“tada!” he said triumphantly as he released whatever hard plasticky material he just placed over your head, “look, now we match!”
you glanced at the overhead mirror to see a mask now on your face, specifically a batman mask. the hard black material stopping right above your nostrils. it suited the long black coat that you just so happened to wear tonight very well, too well actually.
“ryu… are we really going to this party as batman and the joker?” you said apprehensively as you stared at yourself in the mirror with a subtle scowl, unsure of going out like this.
“yeah, come on! it’s just another one of my genius ideas.” he leaned over and wrapped his arm around your shoulders while you glared at him, knowing how his “genius” plans usually go.
you rolled your eyes, though deep down his antics had you feeling slightly amused. you then sighed, “oh what am i gonna do with you, ryu?”
he admired the way you two looked in the tiny mirror with a large grin on his face exaggerated by his dramatic makeup. “god, we look fucking awesome. we’re gonna be the hottest couple in there.”
he then gave you a big and obnoxiously loud kiss on your cheek, leaving a red lip print behind, before starting up the car.
“woah ryu, you’re about to cause a big scandal if batman gets caught kissing the joker.” you let out a soft laugh, playing into his antics, as you wiped the makeup off with your hand. the crack in your unsure demeanor only makes him laugh along with you.
“oh we are so winning the costume contest i signed us up for.”
“wait, you did what?!”
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i looked up batman masks on google images and i’m giggling why do they look so fucking goofy
taglist(sign up here!): @leosxrealm @lucas2060 @kiiyoooo @remy-roll @maochira @catmisu @stxxrboy
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the-kr8tor · 13 days
Hie hie I love love your Hobie stories I was wondering if you could please could write something cute . So it’s about the twins asking their parents for a pet and they like seven but age is up to you and Hobie’s being all cheeky asking them if they would be good pet owners typical parent behaviour so they give them babydoll eyes to reader who can’t resist them and I guess the rest is up to you if that’s ok don’t wanna offend you in any way I love your work but if you can’t it’s no the end of the world thanks 😊
You didn't offend me dw dw! Thank you for requesting! ❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, No specific physical description of the reader, Mom! Reader, Dad! Hobie, Twin AU, Dad AU, Billie and Ramona AU, FLUFF.
The girls gasp simultaneously, a cute reaction that would have you smiling sweetly and cooing at them but when you followed their line of sight, you almost audibly groaned.
In each hand you have their tiny palms in yours, Ramona jumps excitedly, eyes sparkling at the luminescent fishes on display in the window of the pet shop. While Billie screeches unabashedly, the sound gets the attention of the nearby people who are coming out of the grocery store. Her hands tugs you towards the store. You swear that they've gotten stronger even though they're only five years old.
“Mummy!” Billie yells at the top of her lungs, pink trainers scrapping on the rough pavement. “They have a puppy!”
“Okay, okay, don't drag mommy around like your doll.”
Hobie chuckles behind you, hands full of groceries. You stare at him with a pout, wordlessly calling for help. He raises both hands, plastic bags crinkling, shrugging.
With a quick glare, he changes course from the teasing. “Listen to mum, Bee. Mon, your shoes are untied, you're gonna trip.”
“‘m okay!” Mona says, ribbons falling off her pigtails from all the jumping. “Can we see the fishes?” You crouch down to tie her shoes, an impossible feat while Billie tries to coax you into going inside the store.
Billie's voice triumphs over Mona's. “The dogs, mum!”
You inhale, wrangling the twins in your arms. “We'll go inside, only if you promise me to behave. And what did dad tell you last time?”
“Don't put your fingers inside the cages.” They both speak at the same time with the same flat cadence.
“And?” Hobie continues for you.
“Don't tap at the aquariums.” They simultaneously say, “can we go now?” Now their twin telepathy has you giggling and almost creeped if not for their cute faces staring at you, waiting for a response.
You decide to tease, hands holding onto their overalls. “Hmm, what do you think, dad?”
Hobie fakes a huff. “Dunno, love, these bags are heavy.”
“Dad!” Billie exclaims, stomping her little foot.
“Please, daddy?” Mona has a different plan, she pouts at Hobie, eyes all big, staring up and pleading with him.
The second Hobie nodded, you're sure that you won't be able to say no to a pet this time. You're already running out of excuses as to why they can't have one. The girls run off, leaving you in the dust.
“I'll just bring these to the car—” Hobie starts.
“Nuh uh” you grab him by his sleeve. “I need backup, I know they're gonna ask again. ‘sides, you can handle the bags, right?” Hobie scrunches his face, a resemblance of both girls when you ask them to eat their veggies. “You're my big strong spider—”
“Fine!” He says before you could finish your teasing. “I am strong.” He murmurs, pecking your cheek before following the girls inside.
“You are so strong!” Ragging him on, you race after him, quickly reciprocating the kiss by smooching his cheek with a resounding smack.
Hobie's lips curl into a sly smile, eyes roaming around the shop for his gremlins. You loop your arm around his own, carefully not adding to the weight. Hand kneading softly at his skin. He grins wider from how you lovingly hold him close.
“Ooh!” Billie's voice acts as a beacon for you and Hobie to follow. You see them both crouched down, eyes big and curious at the lonesome angel fish swimming in the tank.
“She's so pretty!” Mona adds, you're wishing that you brought your camera with you to capture the moment.
Sure enough, when you peek at the aquarium, the cobalt scales of the angelfish has you mesmerized too. “She is gorgeous.”
Both girls turn towards you simultaneously, smile all toothy with a few missing teeth in between their milk teeth. You already know what they're about to ask.
“Please?” Mona starts.
“We'll take good care of her!” Billie finishes with the perfect puppy dog eyes that you know the girls got from Hobie.
“Angelfish is a bit hard to take care of for a first pet. Maybe we should start off with a goldfish?” Hobie joins in unexpectedly, smile identical to the twins. You sometimes think it's unfair that you carried them for nine grueling months only for the girls to end up looking almost exactly like their father. This day is one of those days, because you know you cannot say no to that face. You've even joked about it to Hobie, to which he always replies with a ‘maybe the next one will look like you more.’ When you're too flabbergasted to reply, Hobie brings the other bag of groceries to his other hand to hold yours and then to bring your knuckles to his lips. You've lost, again. “Ain't that right, love?”
You sigh, surrendering to the whims of your adorable yet menace of a family. “Only if they promise to take good care of the fish.” The girls gasp, Billie even embraces Mona like they've won the war. “And it has to be a goldfish, okay?”
The girls can't hold their excitement any longer, they shriek happily, bounding over towards the goldfish section. Hobie kisses your hand again, this time longer, you can feel his smug grin through it. You shake your head with a groan, but you still peck his hand back.
“Wait, girls!” Hobie suddenly calls for them back. They both come hopping over to you. Billie and Mona getting what they want has turned them more obedient. Or they're just biased because their dad finally convinced you to agree. They look up at you sweetly, they know the effect of their cuteness, probably because of uncle Ned who gives them whatever they want if they just look at him all adorable like. “What do you say? Especially to mum?”
“Thank you, mummy!” Mona hugs your leg, while Billie joins in a second later.
Billie looks up, “kiss?” She asks, pouting her lips. No DNA test needed, definitely Hobie's kid, like there was any doubt.
“Of course, baby.” With a quick smooch, she smiles gratefully.
“Thank you, mummy, love you.” She murmurs into the denim of your pants, she's bringing out her big guns for this fish.
“I love you too!” Ramona joins in, puckering her lips too. You give her the same amount of smooch. “Thank you, love you.”
“And I love you both.”
“Okay, stop hounding mum, go pick out your fish.” Hobie pats them both on their curly heads, then both girls give him a not so sly thumbs up.
Mona gestures for her dad to lean down, Hobie obliges. She whispers in his ear but she still doesn't understand the concept of whispering so her tone is as loud as her usual one. “A doggy next time, daddy.”
Billie pipes up, of course hearing the entire thing. “Or a kitten!” You can see from Hobie's face that he wants the monitor lizard in the corner to eat him up.
Your family has played you like a fiddle.
They walk away giggling, talking about what name they should give their fish. Hobie looks back at a glaring you. “I love you so much—”
“You’re cleaning the tank.”
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suratan-zir · 26 days
I am currently down to 3 rats - Skritch, Baton and Cactus. With Cactus being on palliative care for a brain tumor. Initial plan was to wait until we have only Skritch left (he is the youngest) and switch to female rats, since Skritch is neutered that would be very easy to do. And I miss having girl rats with their crazy energy.
However…There is one lonely siamese boy in our small local pet store. He's been there for months, all alone, and there is very little chance of anyone buying him because he doesn't even come out of his house, and his tiny cage is pushed all the way back behind the counter, under a bunch of other stuff, so costumers can't even see him. The saleswoman says he's depressed and even rejecting food.
I have a big spare cage and all the necessities. So even if he never gets along with my other boys, he would have a place to live. On the other hand, I can't save every rat I feel sorry for. I don't even like siamese coloring, yet I end up having siamese rats in every of my rat groups (Cactus is siamese too), lol. But taking care of two separate cages is daunting. And it takes up a lot of space. And I don't think Skritch is gonna like a newcomer in the house. I have a strong feeling that introduction is gonna be difficult. Why am I creating problems for myself out of nothing?
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doodledrawsthings · 1 year
Hey, I was looking through your stuff about Shadow of Shady Shore, and I really want to hear the lore behind it! Why is this random dad turning into a fluffy werewolf-adjacent monster? Who are the two women he hangs out with? Did he have a wife of some sort? You don't need to answer, but I am very curious.
The Random Dad's name is Luka (he/him). He's a divorced single father. His daughter's name is Harriet (she/they) but he calls her Bug. One day he kinda just. melted. for some reason. and turned into that big snake/slug/ferret/werewolf adjacent creature you see in some of my drawings. He can shapeshift and hold that shape for only a certain amount of time so he uses that to take on human form to do normal people things like try to hold down a job and take his kid to school. They move to a tiny kind-of-quiet-but-not-really town called Shady Shore. In Shady Shore, they meet some people like the person with the freckles who studies plants (Clover - she/her), and the tall guy with glasses (MJ-they/them), they're an artist and part-time waiter at a local diner. Clover also has a niece she takes care of named Bonnie (she/her). They all become become friends eventually, but I like drawing them post-becoming friends because i currently have no plans to do anything with this at the moment and just wanna draw em holding hands and doing chores. (burnout recovery reasons) Luka's arrival to the town causes a bit of a stir as some of the townies spot him in the woods in creature mode and now everyone's on the look out for the mysterious cryptid that has suddenly shown up in town, both locals and tourists, alike. He did have a wife at some point, but they aren't together anymore.
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blippymilk · 5 months
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Veneer x Male! Reader Who’s Afraid of Fireworks
Genre: Fluff, a little tinyy tiny angst
Warnings: Reader scared of fireworks, yelling Velevet
A/N: I really appreciate all the love my page has been getting. I really didn’t expect to get this far but you guys really helped a lot so thank you!
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“CRIMP!” Velvet’s shriek sent a shiver through your body, “Why do you always have to do everything wrong!” Sometimes you felt bad for the little thing. She was always under stress, and sometimes Crimp was a little annoying.
You were under the most stress however. Tonight Velvet and Veneer were holding a New Year’s (Eve) live performance. It was more of a mini performance with only 1,000 seats because the twins (*ahem* Velvet) decided they didn’t want a big concert tonight. There was also going to be a party held after the concert with close friends (surprisingly you got invited *ahem* Veneer) and they didn’t want to wait on thousands of people to leave.
Still the concert was to be perfect. The plan was for it start at 11:00pm on the dot, and the last song to end on 12:00am on the dot. It was stupid crazy but you couldn’t say that to Velvet, and no one else could either so it was settled. And after 3 hours of editing, scheduling, and moving things around, you and the crew were able to pull it off.
“Lights?” You shouted as a bright spot light beamed down on you. “Too bright, try again!” You felt the settings of the light dim a bit. “(____!)” someone called your name and you searched around the empty stage. In came Veneer out of the wings. “Oh hey Veneer…ready for your performance tonight?” You asked him, you’ve gotten a lot better at not stuttering when he’s around. “You bet I am. I’m ready for the fireworks at the end, everyone’s gonna go crazy!” Veneer said getting excited. Your face dropped a bit, the thought of fireworks didn’t thrill you too much. You hated fireworks actually. They were so terrifying and loud. You had actually gotten one of the other crew members to be in charge of the fireworks.
“What’s wrong?” Veneer asked basically frowning too. It’s crazy that it almost seemed like Veneer could read you like a book, usually unintentionally. “Oh it’s nothing Veneer.” You replied. He stared at you blankly as if waiting for a better response, “I’m…Veneer…I’m fine! Don’t you have rehearsal in like five minutes? You know you’re sisters gonna be mad at both of us if you’re late.”
“Oh she’s fine.” He replied trying to convince himself.
“Are you sure about that?”
“Um…no. I should go back .” You chuckled at his response. “But just know if you wanna talk I’m always here! Besides right now!” He said waving off as you waved back.
You watched the twins perform from the wings of the stage. You stood their with your clipboard as everything had been checked off, and the show was going accordingly. All a thousand people bought tickets and the chaos was crazy. Some people unfortunately took the media about not being able to buy tickets, some meaner than others and bashing the twins for it.
Fortunately for them they had the best assistant ever (no not Crimp). You made sure to thank those that wern’t so harsh about it, and gracefully bash those who were more ruthless.
The show was going excellent and you and the fans were enjoying every minute of it. Velvet as usual hit the hard vocals but Veneer stepped up and showed out a bit too. As if it wasn’t obvious to the other stage members why. Clearly he was trying to show out for you according to them. You denied it but couldn’t help feeling a little special when you caught Veneer looking back at you with a smile after hitting a note.
Suddenly as Velvet hit the last note from ‘Sweet Dreams’, fireworks went off in the distance not too far from the stadium. Stage sparkles also went up high without a hitch. So lost in song you had forgotten about the horrid explosions. You gasped and backed up further frop the stage, hiding your lower face with the clipboard.
Veneer cheered and waved to his fans in the audience. He was all smiles which could’ve been enough to reassure you, but the fireworks just kept going. Veneer did a little dance move and glanced back at you, his smiling dropping quickly when he saw the worry in your face. ‘Are you ok?’ he mouthed. You shook your head a little before a even louder ‘BOOM’ went off and you took off running.
Veneer had almost followed you off the stage but had forgot about being mid performance.
“I’m starting to think something is wrong.” Venee chuckled climbing up the grassy hill outside the stadium. You had ran as far as from the stadium as possible and made yourself comfortable in the grass.
“Yeah,” Veneer sat down next you, staring at you with big eyes as if waiting for you continue, “I may or may not be a little afraid of fireworks-” You were almost cut off by the distant booms of fireworks. Squealing a bit, you flinched and jumped back a bit into Veneers arms. “A little?” Veneer smirked cocking his eye brow, looking down at you.
“Oh my gosh,” you muttered realizing what you did trying to get up, “I am so sorry Veneer-” “Don’t.” He said tightening his grip around you. You didn’t want to be found laying on your client but you didn’t want to move.
“Why didn’t you say anything? I could’ve asked Velvet to cut most of the fireworks.” Veneer frowned. “I didn’t think it was that serious Veener.” You looked up at him as his frown stretched even further. “Besides, do you really think Velvet was gonna do that for you, let alone me?” You snickered, lightning up Veneer’s face just a bit.
“Do you wanna talk about it? Why it makes you so scared or…?” Veneer started again. “Nah I think we should just enjoy the moment.” “Yeah that sounds good.” You could practically see his smile by the way he spoke.
Veneer held you tight under the stars, holding you even closer by every firework going off in the distance. He’d even manage to calm you down so your jumping came to a slow. He hummed a few of his songs to drown out the sound of the fireworks which left you mesmerized.
After about a little less than a hour the fireworks had begun to come to an end. You both knew Velvet would be looking for the both of you sooner and later, and it would make it no better if she find you two together. You decided to wrap it up and head back.
“Thanks for the help Veneer, you didn’t have to. I’m pretty sure you missed the after concert party.” You said walking downhill with him, his hand in yours. “Eh it’s fine, as long as there’s some leftover pizza.” Veneer said as you laughed. “And if there’s not, we can order some. They don’t close for another 2 hours.” You added as he nodded.
You were silent for a minute before being hit with a thought, “Hey how did you even find me out here?” You questioned as Veneer’s face reddened a bit. “You get a lot done when you run around yelling, where’d he go? Where’s he at? Tell me now!” Veneer said motioning his arms in a dramatic manner. You laughed but blushed a bit when you thought about what lengths Veneer would go to to find you.
“Happy New Years Veneer.”
“Happy New Years (____.)”
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harrywavycurly · 2 years
Hi Sarah this is so random so don’t feel like you have to do it 🙈
But could you give us some random conversations with Eddie and the reader when they are pregnant? I just see them having super cute moments but also funny ones! Thank you xx
Hiii babes!! So just thinking of Eddie as a dad to be makes me wanna just turn to puddle of mush so thank you for wanting this and I hope you enjoy💖
*Eddie being willing to do just about anything to make you happy is what I live for also this is a mixture of fluff and like sassy realness lol*
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“Are you allowed to do that while you’re with child?” “With child? What century are you in?” “I mean you’re…with a child.” “Don’t ever say that to me again.” “Got it.”
“Why do clothes that are so small cost so much money?” “Because they are extra cute and tiny so they have to charge more.” “You’re fucking with me.” “Nope it’s called the cute and tiny tax. Look it up Munson.” “It’s scary how convening you can be.” “What do you mean?” “Well come on, tiny tax? That’s not a real thing.” “Are you calling me a liar?” “Oh shit are you crying?”
“What about pizza? You love pizza.” “I don’t want that.” “Okay oh I’ve got it what about that weird sandwich you craved last week? I can make that for you.” “I will literally throw up on you if you even try to make me eat that right now.” “That’s a no then…uh pasta?” “That doesn’t sound horrible.” “Okay I’ll take that. Now what kind? We have like three different options.” “I don’t know.” “Please don’t cry sweetheart. I’ll just make them all okay? Let you pick and I’ll have whatever you don’t want. Just don’t cry baby.”
“Give me your hand.” “Oh no I’m not falling for that again.” “Eddie please give me your hand.” “What is that?” “You felt that? It’s the baby kicking.” “Holy shit.” “Are you crying?” “Yes. I just felt my baby kick for the first time I’m entitled to some waterworks.” “You’re so precious Eddie Munson.”
“Do you want to be called daddy or dad?” “I think I’ll save daddy for you princess.” “Why are you like this?” “Sorry. Dad is fine.” “Oh what about father?” “Too Darth Vader for me baby. But really dad or like what do babies say? Dada? That’ll be fine I’ll respond to anything they wanna call me.” “What if they call you Munson?” “They absolutely will never call me that.” “Oh oh what if when they are mad and they call you Eddie?” “You think they’ll be that mad at me one day to call me by my actual name? I didn’t learn Wayne’s name till I was like ten.” “I mean teenagers can be mean.” “Thank god we have time to prepare ourselves for that. But if they ever call me Eddie I’ll let you handle it.” “Me?” “Oh didn’t you know you’re totally the bad cop on this duo baby.” “No way in hell! I’m the good cop you asshole.” “You just proved my point sweetheart.” “You’re so annoying.”
“I feel like a whale.” “Am I allowed to tell you how beautiful you look or will that get me in trouble?” “You’re allowed.” “You look fucking stunning baby. I know they say pregnant woman have a glow and they were right. You…just take my breath away every time I see you.” “Laying it on extra thick today are we?” “Just being honest sweetheart.” “You like me all big and pregnant?” “Honestly I do. So much so I wouldn’t mind seeing you pregnant again after we meet this little metalhead.” “I’m gonna need you to slow your roll Munson. Let’s see how this pregnancy goes before we plan the next one.” “Fine. But really you’re fucking sexy as hell okay? If you ever forget it don’t worry I’ll happily remind you.”
“Thank you Princess.” “What are you thanking me for?” “For wanting to have a baby with me.” “Well thank you for sticking around.” “Oh you’re gonna have a hell of a time trying to get rid of me now baby.” “Oh god am I stuck with you for good?” “Yup I’m afraid so.” “I guess there’s worse things I could be stuck with.” “I feel the love princess.” “I love you Eddie.” “I love you too baby, both of you.”
“Have you ever thought about how you’re a walking party of two?” “I can’t say that I have.” “Like when we go to Benny’s we could say Munson party of three.” “Eddie is this what you think about while you’re home alone?” “I mean…yeah. It’s just really mind blowing knowing there’s a whole human inside of you right now.” “I know it is pretty wild to think about.” “Like you have two hearts inside you.” “I do. Yeah.” “That’s so fucking cool.”
“How’s this?” “It’s fine Eddie, I swear you’re not hurting me by putting lotion on my belly.” “I just don’t wanna put too much like pressure anywhere and make you have an accide-” “It happened one time and you swore you’d never bring it up again.” “Sorry sorry I didn’t mean to. I love you.” “I love you too.” “And I love you as well my little metalhead.” “Did you just kiss my belly? Why are your lips so cold?” “I don’t know? Wanna warm them up for me?” “That was smooth Munson.” “Hear that little one? Your dads still got it.”
“Baby? What’s wrong?” “I can’t sleep I’m having a hot flash.” “Okay let me get the fan.” “But then you’ll be cold.” “I’ll be fine baby I’ll just get an extra blanket. Besides I love sleeping with the fan on, the sounds are very relaxing.” “You hate our fan it squeaks too much.” “What are you talking about? The fan squeaking is the most soothing sound my ears have ever heard sweetheart.” “I can just sleep in the living room with the fan it’s fine.” “Baby please just get back into bed.” “You swear you don’t mind the fan?” “I swear.”
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rainbow-arrow · 7 months
i feel like i'm experiencing inertia differently than everyone else bc the part everyone keeps using is the chorus but for me it's the:
I wanna be big like my plans, So why am I so tiny, and why am I so mad?
Guess this is just what I am, I'm stuck in this life, and I'm stuck in these pants.
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tiny-brain · 4 months
“I wanna be big like my plans, so why am I so tiny and why am I so mad?”
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Just a random sketch I made today. I think this counts as vent art?
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saywhatjessie · 6 months
Biscuits with the Bisexuals (plus Trent)
Day five of the Advent calendar! Using this list. Day 5: Holiday Baking. Fandom: Ted Lasso - Pairing: TedTrent & RoyJamie .7k[Ao3]
“It’s real nice for you to let us use your kitchen, Roy.”
Jamie heard Roy grunt as he led their guests into the kitchen. Ted Lasso’s smiling face appeared through the entryway, his wide American eyes staring unashamedly around Roy’s house. Trent Crimm followed with only fractionally less obvious curiosity.
“He’s letting you use his kitchen, darling,” Trent told Ted, pulling himself onto a barstool at the island. “I’m here to look pretty and heckle.”
“Oh, mint, me too!” Jamie said, hopping up next to him. “I usually sit on the counter, though.”
“Keep your arse off my counters,” Roy glared but Jamie just grinned back, sunnily. He huffed a breath, hiding his own smile (but Jamie still saw it. He always saw it.) before turning back to Ted. “And I’m not letting you use my kitchen, I’m putting you to work.”
Ted nodded, affably. “Well point the way and I’ll make like Riri, Roy-Roy.”
“No,” Roy said.
Jamie rolled his eyes, turning to Trent. “He’s just grumpy because he was left out of his family text thread on who was bringing what to the family biscuit exchange.”
“Biscuits aren’t even a Hanukkah tradition!” Roy shouted. “Fucking Christians, ruining everything.”
“He has to blame the Christians because it was Phoebe’s idea but he can’t ever blame Phoebe for anything.”
“The Christians got to her! She’s an impressionable child! Not her fault.”
Jamie gestured at Roy as if to say ‘see?’. Trent snorted.
“Well if you don’t wanna do cookies why are you so steamed you weren’t in the group chat?”
Roy grunted, turning away from them to bring out the stand mixer.
“He’s mad because it was only women in the group chat.” Jamie told them. “HIs sister Ruth was the one who told him about it, all confused because she doesn’t cook or nothing. Roy then made a big stink about gender essentialism and how he should have been given the option to contribute, even if he thinks a biscuit exchange is dumb.”
“It is dumb,” Roy grumbled, pulling our various measuring bowls.
“I know, babe,” Jamie told him, giving him a sympathetic put he couldn’t see. Trent snickered into his hand.
“Well, hey, Roy, that’s great! Standing up for gender equality.” Ted said, grinning. “You’re like that tall fella from High School Musical who wants to bake and play basketball. You won’t stick to this status quo.”
Jamie snorted. “Except Roy can’t bake. He’s dead good at cooking and that but he can’t make a biscuit for love or honey.”
“It’s love or money you twat.”
“Oi, is that any way to speak to your honey?”
Roy growled. Jamie winked at him.
“Well, Roy, I am happy to lend my expertise,” Ted chimed in. “Might be fun to coach on you something I actually know something about. Switch it up.”
Roy snorted but his mouth tilted into an almost smile which cheered everyone up.
Jamie leaned over the island. “Get us some tea, Roy?”
“Get it yourself,” Roy said but started the kettle himself anyway.
“So what are you baking biscuits for, Coach?” Jamie asked, crossing his arms on the counter.
“Well, Rebecca has praised me a bit too much in front of the rest of Nelson Road “ Ted winced. “So I’m making a super batch so everyone can get some. Little too much for my tiny kitchen.”
Jamie hummed. “Roy, can I try some of Coach’s biscuits?”
Jamie whined. “Just one! While he’s here! If everyone’s gonna be talking about how lush they are, I wanna know how lush they are. Even if I can’t have more than one.”
“We can make him do squats to work it off,” Trent reasoned.
Roy snorted. “You know nothing about nutrition or fitness plans for athletes, Crimm. He’d do cardio, not muscle training.”
“Jumping jacks, then.” Trent shrugged. “I’m not picky.”
“You’re a freak, Crimm,” Roy told him, but he didn’t sound unhappy about it.
Ted and Jamie laughed.
“Well let’s get bakin’, Clay Aiken!’
“Perfect appropriate queer reference, Ted,”
“Thanks, sweetheart,”
“You’re insufferable.” Roy told them.
“So are we, though!” Jamie responded cheerfully.
“Do you think the oven’s preheated enough for me to put my head in?” Roy asked.
“Are you a biscuit?” Trent asked.
“More of a tart,” Jamie responded.
“No, Jamie, you’re the Tartt.”
“This was a mistake.” Roy said.
They made 12 dozen biscuits.
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