pandagyaru · 7 months
A lost Tau leads to Romance
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Description: Tau runs away from Hassian to visit you!
Warnings: None! This is a sfw fanfic!!
Pairing: Hassian x Gender Neutral reader!
Author's note: I love Hassian so much dude, only reason I play Palia for real <3 /hj. I've only been playing it for awhile so I'm using Palia wiki for info and what I've come across in game! I also see no fanfiction for this game and I'm gonna change that 1 fanfic at a time!!
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The night was still, the only sound the gentle rustle of leaves in the wind. You had just settled in for the evening when you heard it—a soft scratching at the front door. At first, you dismissed it as the branches of the nearby tree brushing against the wood. But then, it came again, more insistent this time. Curiosity got the better of you, you hesitated, hand hovering over the handle. With a deep breath, you flung the door open, expecting to see something horrific. But it was just
"Tau? what are you doing here boy?" You ask. He turns his head to you, tongue hanging out. "where's Hassian?" You look around the dark abyss that was the woods around your house, the only light being your garden lantern you set out when you first moved in and a few stray lightning bugs. No hassian in sight.
"Come on in" You open the door for Tau, he trots on in; tail wagging behind him. "He's probably worried about you Tau" Said plumehound raises an ear up at his name, turning around and barking at you.
"You're no help" You deadpan. "Guess you're staying the night, you're lucky you're cute" You joke. Tau jumps on your bed, yawning and walking around in a circle till he lays down. "Glad you're comfortable Tau" You walk over to the bed, turning your ceiling light off as you walk past. You plop down on the mattress, jostling Tau as you move under the covers. You close your eyes and drift off, your thoughts filled with that pretty hunter named Hassian. (Completely cause you're worried about Tau and not at all cause of other things).
You wake up to hot air being blown on your face, really stinky hot air if you were to be honest. You peek your eyes open to see Tau's snout in your face, his tongue hanging out as he breathes on you. You push his face away gently. "I'm up! I'm up!" He makes a noise as if he's laughing at you. You glare at him. "I got some left over sernuk meat, if you want breakfast" You tell him, he yips in excitement; jumping off of you and sitting patiently near your kitchen counter. "I'll take that as a 'yes please (name)'" You get up, shivering at the cold of your floors; you dig around under your bed for your house slippers. You silently cheer as you find them, dragging them out and slipping your feet into them. Tau huffs at you in impatience as he watches you "slowly" move around your kitchen, he clearly wants the sernuk meat he was promised.
Hassian trudged up the pathway that leads to the gate of your mountain home, following plumehound prints (ones that clearly belong to Tau, cause who else has a plumehound besides him). He slowly closes the gate as he walks up to your front door, listening around for Tau's barks as he knocks. You look up from your stove as hard knocks sound through your house, you walk over to the door; Tau padding behind you as his hair raises up in warning. You open the door to see Hassian!
"Oh Hassian! Perfect timing, I think this is yours" You joke as you move out the way of Tau. He barks at Hassian as he runs up to him. Hassian sighs out in relief.
"Thank you for taking care of him (name)" He says, scratching Tau's ears.
"It's really no problem. I'll take of him anyday. Speaking of taking care of him, I was just about to give him some sernuk meat. Wanna come in and eat with us?" You ask him, hoping he'll say yes. He looks you over as he thinks, his eyes going from you to the happy plumehound next to you.
"Sure, why not" He says, walking into your house as you move aside to let him in. He sets his quiver on the floor near your coat rack, walking over to your kitchen table. You close the door and walk over to the stove, grabbing the packaged sernuk meat and taking one of the raw steaks; holding it out for Tau. He walks over and snatches it from your hand, scarfing it down. Hassian holds in an amused chuckle. You look over at him as you put the other steaks away, grabbing ingredients to make a nice Veggie fried rice.
"He scared the crap out of me last night, I was reading letters that i got from everyone and he was scratching at my door like some crazed chapaa" You tell him, getting a bowl to wash your rice in. He looks down at Tau and then back at you, a small smile on his face at the look on Tau's face at being called a crazed chapaa. You turn the faucet off and put the bowl of fresh washed rice up, grabbing your cutting board and some veggies.
"So how much do I owe you?" Hassian asks, reaching into his pockets to grab out a small pouch of gold coins.
"You don't owe me anything, You company is payment enough Hassian." You tell him, putting the vegetables in a pot of broth. He looks at you questionably, putting the pouch away slowly. Your face warms the longer he stares at you, you cough awkwardly as you pour the rice into the broth/veggie mixture. He looks away from you, his face a dark purple. Tau looks at the both of you with his head tilted to the side, questioning you two.
"well then!" You clap your hands, putting 2 bowls on the table and sitting down. "Here you go Hassian!"
"thank you" He mutters, grabbing a spoon and dipping it into the fried rice. Tau whines at him and headbutts his leg. Hassian looks at him and then back at you. "Hey uh (name) would you like to go with me on my next hunt?" He asks, not making eye contact. You look at him, your face flushing.
"I'd love to Hassian" You whisper to him. He looks up at you wide eyes for a second before he "fixes" his face and stature.
"Cool. Cool Cool Cool" He says, face palming in his head. You smile.
"Cool. Cool Cool Cool" You repeat, giggling.
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My creative juices did not flow for this one
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wulvercazz · 3 months
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Creepy Sights💀
Finally, an actual continuation to the Haunted Forest :>cc (Previous)
cw- light horror, gore and guts, monsters, terato (+ necrophilia, insects), corpses in general
Thirteen’s not exactly sure what they expected from a heavily haunted forest; the mold was quite a surprise… to say the least. Even as Chromo fades into the background, all worried thick brows and unsure legs tip-tapping about on the dying grass before bursting him away from the edge of the forest, their heart thumps with excitement and perhaps a drop of healthy fear. They clutch the wisp lantern tight to avoid anymore incidences, mold or otherwise. If the rest of the creatures living in this barren land are anything like the mold sprites, then this light source is their best friend. Dry, gray-looking, plants crunch under their feet the deeper they go into the forest; roots snapping off dead trees and mold shimmying away from the light as they make way into what starts to look like a dusty, forgotten town. The memory of pretty homes and welcoming venues covered in ash and blurred by fog that grows thicker the farther they get into town. Shadows much larger than a mold sprite running past them far into their peripheral vision, breaking the pattern of crooked trunks and foggy empty space with what appeared like gangly limbs and putrid smells. Thirteen sees many horrors and curiosities before they ever meet someone they can actually have a conversation with. Moving corpses fucking other, less alive, corpses. Plenty of giant insects that might have looked their way in hunger if they weren’t feasting already on a horrid gut soup of their own making; laying eggs on the nastiest parts not even they cared for eating. Plenty of meat-eating creatures here must be scavengers, now that they think about it; Thirteen doesn’t care to think about where most of the corpses came from, but they’re plenty. Plenty enough to be a reliable food source. Reliable enough that they’re spooked by a small pack of large, funny-looking creatures. Long, running, legs, paws like a canine and long swooshy tails that floofed up the ashes up into the foggy air; all topped up by a skinless skull for a head. Thirteen stared in wonder, light kept low toward the ground but not enough to leave them blind; in case the creatures got too protective of their stinky rotten meal. They stared back in curiosity, their empty eye-sockets pointing their way like they could actually see them; only to clean their teeth with slimy blue tongues and continue crunching on the goopy-covered bones. Thirteen’s legs never stopped itching even after such a mild interaction; and with good reason. A five meter high thing creeping up behind them over the dry branches with what looked like a ribcage in it’s disgusting hand, its dislocated jaw hanging even lower to create a horrifying screech that has their legs speeding away on their own accord. Rushing through the trees with their heart beating up inside their ears, and only stopping when the creature’s call fades into the distance. Their body drops against a crooked tree, shaking all over as they pant with relief; it’s a surprisingly sturdy one too. Most of these dead trunks look hollow, like they could be blown away by the weakest wind. Curiosity has Thirteen’s attention turned to the new cool thing, their body jumping back when they meet an animal skull face to face; seemingly embedded into the tree’s hefty trunk. A mild, bluish glow right in it’s branchy, creepy, center, making them step right back in to see the thing closer. “They’re beautiful even when so miserably dead, aren’t they?” A gentle voice startles them right back off the odd tree; “Aching Heart, is what my people call them,... called them.” The stranger explains; and Thirteen is captivated by the beginning of this story, and the way this guy looks so jarringly out of place.
I love drawing creepy monsters ;w;<33
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qierxing · 3 years
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Yan! Zhongli x Reader
Word Count: 2,837
How long can a man talk before he runs out of air?
Scratch that. How long can this man talk before you decide to strangle him?
"...as such, the rivers, plains, and mountains that are said to have been the remains of what is left of the dead gods remains…."
The intonation of Mr. Zhongli's voice nearly puts you to sleep at the ornate dining table, and if it weren't for the fact that you were at an esteemed establishment (even if you two were in a private room), you surely would've face planted and fallen asleep right there on the mahogany wood. But you don't, because it would be an insult to the very man (and the food) who invited you on this outing.
Mr. Zhongli is a respectable man and apparently, a good friend in your family's circles. Even though you've never met the man till now, even you're aware of his shining reputation; aunties giggling on how he's so charming and polite, cousins admiring his knowledge and strength, and other relatives likewise praising him to high Celestia and above.
And he is, you suppose, very handsome. His face is beautiful; high, defined cheekbones, molten amber eyes that glow warmly, pretty curved pink lips and nose to match. A good face, your auntie would say if she was here. An auspicious face.
“And that is how the geography of Liyue came to be...”
You're sure anyone in your position would be swooning over how his voice flowed like the trickling rivers that ran through Guili plains, but you just wished he would shut up at some point. Not even the delicious spread of food at the glass carousel wheel could distract from his tirade, and that was saying something.
Speaking of, why did he order so much food for only the two of you?
'In Liyue, you can always eat till you drop!' A saying that always echoed among the locals, and still holds true today. But even then, the intricately painted línglóng porcelain holding the remnants of steamed egg soup, roasted duck, squirrel fish, and more and more food, are way too excessive, even if he wanted to impress you.
You idly push around the Tianshu meat on your plate as he continues to drone on, wondering when you can politely excuse yourself without being rude.
"So, how was the dinner?" You internally groan as your mom's barely concealed excitement in her voice shows.
"Mama, we just sat there and talked." Well, Zhongli was the one doing most of the talking. But you weren't about to say that, not when you know a lecture awaits that answer.
"Isn't he a very handsome man?" Your mother's eyes gleam dangerously and a resigned sigh leaves your lips as she barrels on confidently. "Doesn't he seem like the perfect husband?!"
"Mama, it's ten in the morning…" What you wouldn’t give to eat your congee in peace.
"He is a respectable man, and quite knowledgeable to boot."
"Not you too, Baba!"
Your father merely chuckles as he continues reading the daily newspaper, and you roll your eyes as he continues chuckling behind the printed pages. Your mother swats at him to finish his porridge, turning to you with a frown on her wrinkled face. You brace yourself, knowing exactly what is coming next.
"[First Name], you're already of marriageable age, you should be looking for your future spouse! Your parents are growing old and when we die-"
"I will be perfectly fine without a husband." You cut her off, rubbing at your forehead. It was too early in the morning for this talk.
"Aiya, I don't want our only child to be by themselves! We will never know peace once we pass away, so much worry-"
You tune the rest of the lecture out, not even having the energy to refute her worries.
When you leave the house to take a walk, you meet the infamous Mr. Zhongli again.
"What a coincidence, I am also taking a walk to clear the mind. Would you perhaps like to join me?" And trapped by societal politeness, and the fact that this man did order you a three course meal the previous night, you agree.
So it's to your surprise that he does not immediately initiate dialogue as the both of you stroll leisurely through the stone gardens in Yunjin terrace, and a comfortable silence falls.
"You seem to have a lot on your mind." You turn to meet his gaze, and then away. Your frustration burns at you in the remainder of the morning's argument, but it dissipates at his concerned face. It is not his fault, you reason, that your mother wants you to court him for a possibility. For fortune. Despite the man's shortcomings, he is nothing but a gentleman.
"I don't want to pry but...I have heard that talking about your thoughts might ease your mind?"
You pause for a long time, breathing out your nose as you close your eyes.
"My parents want me to marry you." You've never been one to mince words, much to your mother's dismay at trying to teach you etiquette. "They think that you're a good match. And they're paranoid about me becoming a spinster."
There's silence for a moment and you open your eyes to not a face of disgust or shock, but rather one of musing.
"And you, [First Name]? What do you think?"
You turn your gaze to the water.
"Honestly? I don't know. I don't know you well enough to make that judgement. I know my parents are worried, but I don't want to get married for the sake of not being alone. I think it's rather selfish, to wish that solely for your partner."
The words tumble out of your mouth, one after another and you wonder how it is that it's easier to confess this to an acquaintance than your own parents.
"I was under the impression that people often like to pursue lasting romance in their lives. It's interesting to see this is not always true." Zhongli hums, hand coming to stroke his chin thoughtfully.
"Perhaps? I don't know. I've always been content with my friends." Shrugging your shoulders, you sigh. "Who knows? Maybe I have yet to meet the right person."
Zhongli hums again in response, seemingly in deep thought with a small frown pulling at his lips. A silence falls once again, and an awkward atmosphere falls upon the both of you.
"Oh yes, I never did thank you for the delicious dinner last night." You note offhandedly, half distracted by the swimming carp in the clear pond water. The water trails are hypnotic, and they help take your mind off the stressful morning you had.
"It was nothing. For my friend's precious child, that was the least I could do." He modestly replies, and you deadpan. It was nothing? A three course meal at Xinyue Pavillion, nothing? You know that squirrel fish did not have a low price tag.
"Regardless, I'm very thankful for your generosity." After all, not many tolerated your blunt, forthright personality, least of all the potential suitors your mother always brought before you. The memory makes you feel guilty at the irritation you had back then at the dinner. "The next time, I insist we have dinner at Wanmin--I've heard their black back perch stew is to die for. My treat."
He hums, and turns to you with a heartbreaking smile, a far cry from his previous countenance. "Is that a promise?"
You raise your eyebrow, "What are you, Morax? Yes, it's a promise, unless you hate fish, I guess."
His amused chuckles are soft but light a warm hearth in your heart.
Your mother is growing more daring than you remember.
She shoves you out the door as if you're some kind of fancy wrapped gift to offer to Mr. Zhongli, and there's a manic glee in her eyes as she eyes you and him standing together like a couple.
"[First Name] has been looking forward to this, haven't you, sweetie?"
The Liyuen hanfu she forced you into were a different cut than the modern cheongsam dresses of the current trends. Archaic, if you dare call it that. While some traditionalists still donned hanfu, it was not as common to see it in the streets. When she was shoving you in the under robes, she muttered about how it was something passed down in the family. Which explained a lot. These days, hanfu like this were something of a rich antiquity.
You sigh deeply, tugging your translucent pibo around you tighter as you decide to humor her, if only to get her to stop embarrassing yourselves and leave faster.
"Yes, quite."
Zhongli hums, and when you turn to face him, you're almost unnerved at how his eyes sharpen and scan over you, pupils slit like a dragon's. The moment is gone in a flash and he merely smiles at you gently before taking your hand in his gloved one.
"In that case, shall we get going?"
The nightlife of Liyue is in full swing and Zhongli tugs you closer, and there's something intimate in the way he presses you firmly into his side, the warmth he exudes sending pleasurable tingles down your body.
"Do forgive me for being so bold, [First Name]," He addresses you so tenderly, that you blush when you look back up from your joined hands, "You look absolutely radiant tonight."
How is it this man manages to say such an embarrassing thing so smoothly? What is his secret? He doesn’t seem like the playboys that often loiter around the downtown area of the harbor. You look away, unable to meet his eyes that reflect the lanterns and make his pupils glow.
"T-Thank you, Zhongli, you're too kind."
His eyes never seem to leave you, even when taking in the lovely scenery of Liyue at night. For the bright lanterns glitter and glow on the ocean waves, but his own pupils are glued to your being when you look in your peripheral.
“Is there something on my face?” Tearing your eyes away from the street in front of you, you turn to meet his gaze straight on.
He merely smiles.
“No.” He pushes a stray strand of hair behind your ear, the gesture innocuous, but leaving a burning trail where his finger tips touch your skin. “I believe we have arrived.”
Thankfully you can excuse the burning in your cheeks and neck away with the spices that the Li cuisine favors. If anyone asks, it was the black back parch stew making you look flushed and out of sorts. Never mind the fact that Chef Mao looks quite amused at the fact you’re sputtering in response to his cheeky questions about you showing up with a man to your favored restaurant.
When you look up from checking to make sure your hanfu didn’t get any stains, Zhongli is uncorking a white bottle and pouring it into your cups. At your questioning look, he replies, “Dàqūjiǔ. The Li technique ferments wheat for about two to three months. This one in particular, has a fine aroma after being fermented for a while.”
“Hoh…” You chuckle at his explanation, “You really do know everything.”
“Hardly. I cannot say I know as much as the regular scholar…nonetheless, to good fortune!”
Echoing his cheer, you raise your cup and drink.
The alcohol burns your throat, and you’re reminded of your low alcohol tolerance. Yet, your fellow friend refills your cup just as easily, and who are you to refuse him? By the time you’re on your fourth cup, your world is spinning and you’ve developed a headache.
“Ahaha…wow...everything...is...moving…” You slur incomprehensibly and slump onto the bamboo table.
“Oh dear, we best get you back. In this condition, you’re too vulnerable.”
“No way...if I go back with you...my mom….she won’t let me…!” You raise your head from the cool table, but the effort of doing that makes you groan.
Zhongli all too easily picks you up bridal style, and after bidding goodbye to Chef Mao with a hefty bag of mora, he walks down the now empty streets of Liyue.
“Won’t let you what, dear heart?” He hums, stroking your face gently with the pad of his thumb.
“Won’t let me...let...us...ugh…”
“[First Name], do you like me?”
“Mmh...yeah…” Is all he gets, but the stilted, jagged answer is enough for him. The content smile that breaks his face belies the haunting glow of his molten eyes.
When you step out of the door of your bedroom, you're accosted by your sobbing mother.
"Ma-Mama?! What's the matter?" You frantically ask, pushing at her shoulders.
"Oh my sweet child, oh I'm so happy for you! When were you going to tell me, you brat?!"
"Tell you what?!"
"That you're marrying Zhongli, sweetie! Oh, this is such a momentous occasion--"
You're too shell shocked that you do not hear her next words. What? Marry? Zhongli? What on Teyvat was going on--
"--Hurry up, he's waiting for you in the living room!" You're snapped out of your daze when you're ushered hastily into the room, casual robes and all, right in front of the very person you had so many questions for.
The door shutting behind you does not muffle the excited chatter from your parents and you wince when you hear your mother excitedly bantering with your father. Turning and meeting an intense gaze, you feel like you’ve stepped into an arena with a monster.
"Zhongli, why are my parents under the impression we're marrying?"
His golden eyes crinkle in delight at your blunt words, "Because we are, my dear heart."
D-Dear heart?!
"I don't understand."
"What is there not to understand?" You step back as he rises from the cozy armchair he was given. It only just occurs to you how ridiculously tall this man is, and he towers over you, like a mountain.
"I believe we share a mutual attraction. After all, last night only proved it." He leans over and you flinch as he gently cups your face with a small smile.
"We've only known each other for a couple days!" You protest, leaning your face out of his hands. His smile dips into a displeased frown, hands falling to his sides.
"Why need more time to prove what is already there?" He tilts his head. “If this is a matter about your dowry, I’m sure I can help--”
“This isn’t about mora! Zhongli, this is moving way too fast--”
“Is that so? If I’m correct, I believe that your family’s come upon some hard times, no?” And you’re left breathless, struck silent. “Not down to the pits, but just one little slip and...well, your father’s business is already taking loans, isn’t it?”
Your teeth are grinding so hard against each other to the point where it echoes in your head.
“Marry me, [First Name], and you won’t have to worry about any of that. After all, I’ve always had enough good fortune to share. Are you so willing to crush your parent’s hopes and dreams for their child?”
“I-” Your mother’s tears on her weathered face come to mind, wrinkles from stress deeply indented in her skin. Your father, weary, veiny hands covered in scars from hard manual labor, shoulders slumped from his strength sapping. And you realize with a bone chilling fear that this man, this man was threatening to destroy the very foundation of your life.
He smiles upon seeing your uncertain visage, gritted teeth, clenched fists and trembling body.
"You'll look beautiful in red and gold."
How numb you feel!
Having to sit there while being dressed, being fawned over by your cousins, cried over by your mother and aunties, and your father and uncles chuckling over your good fortune. All the while, you cannot bring yourself to bring even the fakest smile to your face, only being able to muster up a sheepish smile, but it is of no concern, as everyone seems to mistake it for a shy front for a person about to marry their true love.
At least that’s how your mother is spinning it to your giggling aunties. And even when the festivities are over, you know that this is not the end.
Bare fingers trace your cheeks and lift your veil as a chaste kiss is placed on your lips.
This was supposed to be a day of joy.
Said fingers begin to trail down your body, and more sobs begin to shake your body. When you think about it, this might be the first time you felt his skin touch your own. Zhongli has always dressed conservatively, even covering his hands with his gloves. Thinking about it longer makes your skin crawl.
This was supposed to be--
Zhongli hums appreciatively into your collarbone as he slips your wedding garb off your shoulders, your world collapses and dims, with only a haunting amber light as your guide.
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biggest-stupidhead · 3 years
So I was wondering if I could request something like Levi x reader where they get into an argument right before a expedition. The reader gets hurt on that expedition and Levi feels guilty. Kinda thinking angst and a bit of fluff at the end c:
I loved writing this sm! thanks for sending it in anon!
Summary: You grapple with Levi before a stressful mission.
Word Count: 2.3K
"Behave yourselves and enjoy this 'cause it cost the corps two months worth of our budget!" The chef announced as plates of meat were uncovered in front of the soldiers. Your mouth watered as you watched Hange slice the thick slabs of meat on the platter.
"Worth every penny." She hummed as she slapped a piece onto her plate. Levi rolled his eyes and looked up at Erwin, who was sat across from him. You elbowed him and shot him a dazzling grin.
"Lighten up cap, it's not often that we get to enjoy this stuff."
"It'll likely be the last for most." Levi grunted and your grin fell from your lips.
"So macabre." Hange snickered as she gnawed on a piece of meat.
"It's the truth." Levi's cold eyes were locked on Erwin who nodded in agreement.
"Well I plan on savoring it." You quipped, popping a piece into your mouth and chewing it dramatically. Levi scoffed and crossed his arms, ignoring his full plate.
"-Sasha! That's my hand!" Jean cried out, you had to cover your mouth in a futile attempt at hiding your amusement. Sasha had her teeth sank into his hand as Connie desperately tried to pry her from Jean.
"Sasha! Don't make me knock you out!" Connie pleaded as he caught her in a choke hold.
"Damn kids." Levi growled, as he glared at the teens from across the room.
"They're having fun! You should try it sometime." Hange kicked Levi under the table and you chuckled around another mouthful of food.
"I'm good." Levi's lip curled in disgust as Sasha was wrestled to the ground, the two boys finally subduing her.
"They're young, let them figure it out themselves." You assured him, gently resting a hand on his elbow. His eyes softened for a fraction of a second at this. Your touch was fleeting before your hand fell onto the bench between the two of you. He sighed loudly, finally grabbing his fork and picking at his potatoes.
The atmosphere was warm and made you feel so...whole. Even if you knew that Levi was right, tonight was likely the last time you and your comrades would dine together. But even if that was the case, you would be grateful for this happy memory. The peace was short lived however. Jean and Eren broke out into a fist fight, a rather pitiful one at that.
Within a few short minutes, the two were a sweaty mess, both huffing and staggering as they held their fists up. Levi got to his feet and stalked towards them, a deep scowl etched on his face.
With only two blows, the pair was on the floor, clutching their stomachs as Levi towered over them.
"Go to bed." He ordered. Jean vomited and Levi's lip curled in disgust.
"And clean that shit up." He added curtly as the dining hall murmured, recovering from the excitement. Sasha whimpered from her post as she struggled against her binds, feet kicking loudly against the wooden floors. As the soldiers filed out of the room, you made your way to her to free her. She sighed in relief as the gag was pulled off her mouth and the ropes slashed.
"Thanks miss." She gushed as she rolled her tense wrists.
"Don't mention it." You smiled as you reached into your pocket and passed her a loaf of bread.
"Did I mention how much I love you?" She grinned as she accepted the food and dove in for a hug.
"Actually, I don't think that you have." You giggled as she began eating the bread behind your shoulder as she hugged you.
"mf, well I sure do!" She exclaimed around a full mouth.
"You'd better go catch up with the others." You suggested with a firm pat on her back. She stood and jogged out of the dining hall, half eaten loaf in hand.
"You're too soft with them." Levi scolded from the doorway. You waved him off as you joined him, walking side by side out of the large room.
"They need it." You assured him, gently brushing your shoulder against his.
"The last thing they need is to be coddled." Levi argued.
"Levi, I think that sometimes you forget that they're fifteen." You paused outside of his office, leaning against the threshold as he unlocked the door.
"I haven't forgotten." He mumbled as he pushed the door open.
"Okay." You rolled your eyes, brushing off his especially sour mood.
"Don't you have formation plans to look over?" He asked as you followed him into his office.
"I thought we could go over them together." You shrugged, dropping down onto his couch.
"I'm not looking at them now."
"Then why should I be? Do you think I can't comprehend a simply formation we've used for years?" You were half teasing, but there was only so much crap you could take from him.
"Sometimes it seems that way." He agreed, falling into his desk chair. Your eyes narrowed and the food that had felt so good in your stomach moments before seemed too heavy.
"Why are you extra shitty tonight?" You asked even though you knew the answer. He always got moody the days leading up to missions.
"I think you know why." He looked up from his papers to shoot you a pointed glare.
"You need a nap." You attempted to rein in the easy banter, but Levi was persistent.
"I need you to get the fuck out of my office." His words stung, and you barely caught the hurt expression before it crossed your face.
"I'll see you in the morning." You said as you stalked across the small room and out of the door, closing it softly behind you. Levi groaned once he was sure you wouldn't hear him, his head hit his desk hard as he tried to fight off the migraine that had been creeping up on him since dinner.
As promised, the next morning he saw you. Or rather, he caught glimpses of you as you readied your horse and helped the younger soldiers make last minute preparations. The day ahead was going to be long and taxing. Mostly comprised of traveling out of the safety of the walls. Erwin had allowed for just enough time for the scouts to travel, timing it just so their departure from the gates would be well after sunset.
His morning was shittier than usual, Hange had been annoying, and Erwin had been stubborn as ever, continuing to dismiss his lack of an arm and insisting on joining the corps on the mission. So when you didn't brush up against him and crack one of your shit jokes during the long ride, he knew that he had royally fucked things up.
He still hadn't spoken to you when the lifts hoisted the scouts over the wall and into titan territory, or when the lanterns were the only light that guided them through thick trees.
When the first rays of sunlight fell onto the abandoned city of shiganshina, you stood stoically beside Hange and Moblit. He had missed his window, now it was time to focus on the mission. He could only hope that both himself and you survived.
As the morning wore on and the battle turned from bad to worse, you knew that chances of survival became slimmer. The only thing you could do was trust in Hange, Erwin and Armin to form a plan to defeat the Reiner and the beast titan. The colossal had yet to show his face, making you more uneasy. The small victory of bringing down Reiner was short lived as a barrel flew over the wall and the sounds of distance explosions echoed through the walls.
"Bertolt is in there!" Armin screamed as you watched the barrel fly overhead.
"What do we do!?" Connie cried as you flew through the rooftops.
"If he transforms, there will be nothing we can do!" Armin yelled over the wind. Eren's titan jogged ahead as you made your way towards the center of town.
"We have to do something!" You yelled, desperate for a solution. Luckily he didn't immediately transform, instead rushing to Reiner's side and addressing him first.
"I'm going to regroup with Hange!" You said, as Bertolt zipped towards you.
"Hurry!" Jean yelled after you as you flew away, pouring on the speed.
You reached Hange's team to find them struggling with some dysfunctional thunder spears.
"(Y/n)! I'm glad you made it! Was that Bertolt inside of there?" Moblit asked as you landed heavily on the tiled rooftop.
"Yeah, it's him. We don't have long before he transforms. We've got to get back to the kids!" You informed them and they all leapt off of the rooftop, rushing back in the direction that you had come from. You only made it about half way there before a blinding mushroom cloud and a clap of thunder overpowered your senses. Hange reached out for you, snagging your wrist. Moblit pushed the two of you down and you screamed as the blast took him in a blinding light. You and Hange fell down a well, a mess of limbs and tangled gear. You couldn't tell if it was your blood or hers as the two of you laid motionless in the shallow well.
"Hange!" Your ears rang as you shook her desperately. Her face was covered in blood, you could tell that her eye was missing already. You began clawing through your pockets in search of gauze, the taste of iron made you want to gag. With shaky hands, you wrapped her head, covering her exposed eye socket. She woke moments later, hands shooting out to grab you.
"Your face." She groaned, hand falling to rest on your chin as she slowly sat up.
"What's wrong with-" You froze mid sentence when you realized that was why you tasted blood. She dug into her own pocket and produced a needle and some suture. She sewed the large gash, which ran from the apple of your cheek to the corner of your mouth.
"We need to check for survivors." Hange grunted as she bit off the remaining suture, you nodded in agreement.
As you stood on the rooftop staring at the two lifeless bodies, you knew immediately who had to be chosen. Hange clutched Mikasa to her chest as the girl cried, tears running off her pale cheeks.
"Levi." You whimpered, his bloodied face turned, eyes wild and tortured.
"Get back, I'm giving the serum to Erwin." He ordered. Floch hauled Eren away from Armin, who's charred skin smoked in the late afternoon sun.
"You can't." You cried, tears stinging the wound on your cheek.
"I will." Levi growled.
"Now leave!" He pulled the syringe out of the case and filled it with the opaque liquid and your chest squeezed painfully.
"But-" Jean's hand closed tightly around your bicep as he began pulling you towards the edge of the roof.
"Let's go." Jean's voice was strangled, and you realized that all of you felt this loss deeply. He needed you to be an adult here, needed some reassurance. So you leaned into him and allowed him to pull you off of the roof, wrapped securely in his arms. As you hugged him and Connie a few rooftops away, the sound of a titan crashing through buildings made you look up. Levi landed near you, head hung low and empty syringe in hand.
The thin beast shoved the screaming boy down its gullet and you gasped when you saw its face. You knew it was Armin, and you felt ashamed at the surge of relief that flowed through you.
The sun beat down on your shoulders as you sat beside Sasha on the wall. Levi and Hange had gone with Mikasa and Eren about an hour ago, leaving you in charge of the remaining kids.
"Here they come!" Connie called, pointing excitedly at the group as they used the last of their gas to scale the wall. Levi didn't bother joining the group, instead favoring to walk in the opposite direction. You rushed after him, legs pumping as you ran across the wall. You snagged his wrist and tugged on it gently.
"Levi." You had no words, only able to form his name in a raspy voice.
"I should have chosen Erwin." He said numbly, too weak to even try pulling free of your grasp.
"It's over. We reclaimed Maria. You made a hard choice, I can't say it was the right one but.." Your words failed you as he turned to face you. You had never seen him look so hopeless, lips glued into a frown and eyes searching for validation.
"You did what had to be done." You assured him as you took a step closer, the tips of your boots touching his.
"Did I?" His brows knitted together as your hand slipped into his.
"Yes. You did, you gave us a chance." You slowly leaned forward, wrapping your arms around him. You were surprised when he melted into you, his body pressed close, breath tickling the skin behind your ear. Your hands gripped the harness on his back in an attempt to ground the two of you. He sighed and breathed you in, his own hands coming to rest at the small of your back.
"We'll figure this out." You said into his neck, lips brushing the skin there unintentionally.
"I'm glad....that you survived." He said into your messy hair, which was falling from it's hold. His hand slid from the small of your back to rest between your shoulder blades.
"Me too." You let out a small laugh half sob, allowing a few more tears to slide down your cheeks.
"Let's address those shitty kids." He said as he pulled back, and you nodded, giving him a watery smile as the two of you fell into a matched pace once more.
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I'll try to help with your inspiration :)
How about a headcanon of how the Turtles would react if they're s/o (can be the reader) starts talking about how they would like their wedding? Like, the dress/suit, the music, the food, the decoration, the honeymoon... And they're very excited about it. 😊
I think this would be super cute and maybe funny. I hope you like the idea, if not, it's ok.
Thank you and have a wonderful day, sweetheart. ✨💜
Ps: sorry if my English is bad and u didn't understand something. Is not my first language, but I'm trying.
Thank you for the request and your message was loud and clear! I love your idea and I hope you like my execution of it. You are so nice, and your english is great (it's not my first language either, so don't worry about it!) and I hope you have a great day as well :)
Over the moon
Like, you're thinking about being with him for life? He's the happiest turtle in the world
He'll gladly discuss every single detail about your wedding
Might even take out scrapbooks or Pinterest boards he has made (if he knows you wouldn't laugh at him for it)
He's pretty persistent when it comes to what he wants, so if you disagree on things, you're both going to have to make compromises
He always wished he'd look good in a suit but they look weird on him because of the shell
He's so happy when you tell him you can just have one tailored for him or maybe do some DIY-sewing action to make it more fitting to his body
For your weddingdress he'd like you to wear a white dress, but he also respects if you don't want to, because it's not just his wedding, but he prefers white
If you rather wear a suit, he'd faint if you wear a dark blue velvet suit
For the colors, he'd like blue, but he's willing to compromise towards more greenish colors and if you are really, really nice to him, he would maybe agree on pink, but that is a big maybe
He doesn't want do purple, red or orange though, because those are his brother's colors
Loves for the food to be all kinds of Japanese foods, and some pretty charcuterie
In terms of decorations he's pretty open minded, he likes lanterns and candles and obviously flowers, but he doesn't have anything specific in mind
Music is also not something he has planned out, though he definitely wants your song to play, so you can romantically slowdance to it (he's such a simp)
He'd love to go on a honeymoon to Japan or someplace in Europe, like Italy or France, or possibly where you're from if you're not from New York
He's the opposite of Leo
Like he would physically run away
"What do you mean wedding? I'm not having a wedding, you go marry yourself if you want one so bad"
He's just doesn't like being in front of people and having to declare his love in a forced speech and stuff
It's just not his thing
He'd rather just take you some place nice, like Las Vegas and marry you there, while going on a great adventure together
Tradition is not really his thing
He would put on a suit for you, but he'd be very uncomfortable so if you love him just compromise and give him a nice tie
He'd also like for you to wear a non-traditional dress, meaning literally anything besides a white weddingdress, but he also doesn't know anything about fashion or wedding dresses so don't listen to him too much
Loves to see you in a suit though
He's a big meat eater and he'd love to have good meat at the wedding, maybe steak or lamb and he definitely wants one of those pigs with an apple in his mouth (but if you're vegetarian or vegan he'll want the pig made of something else, like tofu or marzipan)
Donnie.exe stopped working
If he was holding something while you brought up marrying, that thing is on the floor now
He's in shock
Hadn't really thought about it before
He feels like a lot of the time a wedding takes away from the actual joy of being together, both because all of the showing off and the over-expensive things and because the planning often results in a lot of stress and conflict between partners
He really loves you though, and if you want a wedding, that's what you'll get
Because of him not being a big wedding fan, you get to decide most of it yourself (this doesn't mean he wouldn't help you plan everything though)
He likes to see you in his color, whether that is a purple dress or a purple suit or even a purple tie
If you'd agree with that, he would like to maybe only have vegetarian/vegan food at your wedding
In terms of the honeymoon he'd happily follow you anywhere you want to go, but if he had to suggest something, it would probably be a road trip
At first he is very excited when you bring it up
Until he realises he has to wear a suit
No he's still very excited, but the suit is a bit of a thing
He'll probably give in and try one on and fall in love with it
You'll have to help him tie his tie
Has all kinds of crazy ideas involving your dress/suit
Nothing is too over the top for him
You'll also have to hold him back with all of his other crazy plans
This guy basically sees his wedding as the biggest party of his life and he's dreaming of flashy lights and big snack tables
Said snack tables will be filled with candy, a chocolate fountain, every kind of chips you can imagine and a lot more (basically if you don't die from excitement, the food is so unhealthy it'll kill you)
He definitely wants to learn a dance together for your first dance
For the decorations he'd love everything to be very colorful and not very traditional
His ideal honeymoon would be for you two to go somewhere where there's a lot of sight-seeing to do, and where you can visit theme parks and do all kinds of new activities together
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theharrowing · 2 years
Dollhouse 💛 12: A fantastic fucking waste of time
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Hoseok’s job is simple: He enters the host’s body, he confiscates or terminates the target, and he gets back into his own body by dinnertime, easy peasy. Until a client comes along who becomes as obsessed with his life as he becomes with theirs, and the lines between their realities begin to blur.
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💛 Hoseok x Namjoon, Jungkook x Yoongi
💛 word count: 5k
💛 hired assassin au, sci-fi, body swapping, graphic violence, infidelity, body dysphoria, lgbtq, smut, fluff, angst, poly, nsfw, smut, 21+
💛 chapter warnings: kidnapping, murder, revelations, getting back to the plot
💛 beta read by @neoneunnajimin​ 
💛 posted april, 2022 | read on ao3​
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Along the Dōtonbori river, just before sunset, is a bustling place to be with lantern-lit street vendors, loud buskers, and an array of food smells, all coming together to overwhelm the senses. Jeongguk looks like a kid in a candy store.
Namjoon looks just as excited despite having come with Hoseok just nights before, stopping to listen to every street musician and singer, dipping his hands into his pockets for coins to toss into hats and bowls. Though it is difficult to walk too far with him pausing so much, Hoseok delights in seeing Namjoon so happy, and anyway, they're in no rush. 
The path along the river gets a little more congested as they reach a stretch of shops and vendors, and the men mosey into the growing crowd, all looking around for something to eat, and perhaps waiting for someone to make a suggestion. 
"I want to try everything," Jeongguk mutters as his wide eyes shine brightly in reflected yellows and reds.
"I'm too overwhelmed to choose," Yoongi grumbles. "Everything smells so good."
"We could get some meat and veggie skewers for now and then continue to decide on something as we walk?" Namjoon suggests. 
The group agrees and makes their way to a stand, waiting behind a small crowd for several orders of kushikatsu. Once their breaded and fried goodies are in hand, they continue along the path, wading through what's becoming a sea of people as the sun slips further past the horizon, causing the market to glow even brighter. 
Hoseok watches as Jeongguk and Yoongi, who walk a few paces ahead, link hands and lean into one another as they speak. There's a sparkle in their eyes whenever one turns his head enough for Hoseok to see his expression. Hoseok wonders how two men who are capable of being so manipulative and devious can also appear so loving and soft. Maybe it’s the matching black hoodies and joggers that they sport.
"They're cute, aren't they?" Namjoon asks as he links his and Hoseok's hands together, tugging Hoseok close.
Hoseok hums in agreement and squeezes Namjoon's hand. He can't help but feel a suffocating tinge of guilt while watching the two ahead of him, knowing what they've been doing unbeknownst to Namjoon. And as Namjoon leans to the side enough to plant a soft kiss on Hoseok's temple, the vines around his ribcage squeeze even tighter.
"We never discussed what was brought up while we were drinking in their suite," Namjoon mutters.
Hoseok has an idea of what Namjoon is referring to but responds, "Be more specific," anyway.
"I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like the boys wanted an orgy."
Hoseok takes a sharp inhale of air and coughs on it, and Namjoon chuckles, softly patting Hoseok's back.
"Is that a yes or a no?" Namjoon teases.
Hoseok turns to his husband with an incredulous glare before saying, "We'll talk about it later."
"So...not a no?" Namjoon grins widely, and Hoseok gives him a soft backhand to one of Namjoon's large pecs, causing them both to laugh. 
Jeongguk pulls Yoongi toward a booth with knickknacks and bracelets, and Namjoon stops at a neighboring stall to look at colorful kimonos that sway gently in the wind from hangers. After looking at nearly every kimono the vendor had to offer, they are trying to determine whether a particularly pretty bright pink one might fit Namjoon's broad shoulders when Yoongi's voice breaks through their conversation.
"Have either of you seen Jeongguk?"
Hoseok looks up, eyes on Yoongi, who is glancing around with a panic-stricken expression; he scans the area and sees many men with short dark brown hair wearing black shirts, but none of them are Jeongguk. He couldn't have left that long ago, so Hoseok doesn't think he would have gone far, but in a crowd like this one, it's tough to say.
"Wasn't he just here?" Hoseok asks.
Yoongi mutters under his breath and takes his phone from his pocket, dialing a number. Hoseok watches as the crease between Yoongi's eyebrows grow deeper and deeper.
"Everything alright, guys?" Namjoon asks, seeming to have missed the beginning of the conversation. 
"We don't know where Jeongguk is," Hoseok mutters, eyes still on Yoongi, who sighs and ends the call.
"Didn't pick up," Yoongi says, eyes wide and staring at the ground.
"He didn't say he was going anywhere?" Namjoon asks calmly, though his face is just as upset as Yoongi's. 
"No. He was literally right next to me, but then I turned to some guy who was having trouble speaking Japanese with the vendor, to help translate for like...two minutes? And he was gone. Fuck. It's not like him to disappear like this. Hoseok," Yoongi says, eyes pleading and glistening with tears, "do you think you could—" 
Yoongi glances at Namjoon and pauses as if remembering there's information Namjoon won't understand and changes the course of his sentence. "Do you think you could call him another way?"
Namjoon cocks his head. "Does he have two phones?"
"I can try," Hoseok says, "I mean, I'll call The Boss and see if she can reach him."
Hoseok takes out his phone, unlocks the screen, pretends to place a call, then holds the phone to his ear. 
"Control room," Hoseok thinks as he mutters under his breath and walks a few paces from the guys.
"Yes, Mister Jung?" a male voice in Hoseok's head responds.
"Is there any way you can link me to Mister Jeon without either of us being there? Or reach him through the mind link? He's gone missing, and he's not picking up his phone."
There's a pause.
"Mister Jung, we cannot connect the two of you without both of you jumped or plugged in. Further, we feel that if Mister Jeon were in any real danger, he would have reached out to us already."
That's the opposite of reassuring. 
"Can you try anyway?"
Another pause. Hoseok scans the crowd, trying to find any sign of Jeongguk, but it's impossible to do so now that the sun is down and everyone has taken to the streets to eat, drink, and shop. From behind him, Hoseok can hear Namjoon coaching Yoongi to relax and breathe. 
"Mister Jung. We got a faint signal on Mister Jeon, but it's hard to identify. Sending you coordinates now, but it's a large area, so we're not sure how helpful it may be. Wherever he is, there seems to be something interfering with his mind link."
"Heard, okay, thank you." Hoseok mutters, pretending to end his call.
Hoseok's screen lights up with a map that shows a large circle not far from where they are, and he ushers the men over with a wave. Hoseok doesn't want to try to explain everything with Namjoon present, so he just says, "Let's try looking over here, somewhere away from the crowd."
The circle is still along the river, near where it ends, and Hoseok hopes there may be a warehouse or something nearby that's obvious and easy to navigate. Everything appears to be apartment buildings, office spaces, and unassuming storefronts, too crammed and crowded for Hoseok to have any idea where to begin looking.
"Did The Boss find anything?" Yoongi finally asks.
Hoseok decides that, for the sake of finding Jeongguk, he may as well just tell them everything he knows, leaving out certain details for now. Although he knows Namjoon will ask more questions later, he can navigate all of that when the time comes.
"There's a signal, but it's faint. And the area is too large." Hoseok hands his phone to Yoongi. "Does any of this seem familiar to you?"
Yoongi's eyes snap to Hoseok, confused and accusatory, and Hoseok lets out a heavy sigh. "I don't mean anything by it; it's just...your father and his father have been working together. And they were the last people to see us here. I just thought that if—"
"No, none of this looks fucking familiar," Yoongi responds, glaring at Hoseok with his jaw clenched tightly.
"Do we think he was abducted?" Namjoon asks softly.
Hoseok lets out a heavy sigh. "Perhaps."
"Can you tell me anything about the work you two are doing here? Or who might be involved?" 
"Without breaching contract or going into a long explanation, no, but there may be involvement from local gangs," Hoseok mutters. Namjoon nods in understanding. 
The men stand silently, Yoongi staring at Hoseok's phone while Hoseok and Namjoon glance around, trying to figure out where someone could possibly have taken him, presumably to hold him there. 
"I can't decide if it seems more futile to split up or stay together," Namjoon mutters.
"You're not going anywhere alone, especially unarmed," Hoseok responds sharply, and Namjoon doesn't argue.
Slowly, Yoongi begins to walk towards the center of the large circle, down a block that's desolate save for buildings. He walks with quiet, measured steps as if he's trying to listen for absolutely anything at all that could alert them to Jeongguk’s whereabouts. Yoongi peers through windows and checks doors on buildings for any sign of forced entry or of being left open, but nothing seems to lead them anywhere plausible.
"Mister Jung," a male voice calls to him once they've reached the center of the circle that Yoongi is viewing, "we found Mister Jeon in a nearby parking structure. Updating coordinates now. We'll send a recon team over now to assist."
"Heard, thank you!" Hoseok sends back. 
"Parking structure," Hoseok mutters, looking at the buildings in the area, causing Yoongi and Namjoon to look at him, Yoongi's eyes wide and knowing. "Yoongi-hyung, he's at a parking structure. Do you see it on the map?"
Without a word, Yoongi takes off running in the direction of the updated dot on Hoseok's screen. It's several blocks from where they are, and Hoseok takes chase, too, with Namjoon in tow. It crosses Hoseok's mind that they're all woefully unprepared to go up against whoever may have taken Jeongguk, but leaving him alone while they wait for the reconnaissance team to help them doesn't feel like an option.
Once they reach a tall parking structure, Yoongi slows back to quiet, measured steps, first looking into the first level before entering the nearby staircase and walking to the next floor. Namjoon follows, and Hoseok takes up the rear, closing the door behind them as silently as he can. On the second level, Yoongi cracks the door, peeking in and listening for any sign of a voice, but hears nothing and moves on to the next floor. And the next.
"Floors one through four are clear," Hoseok tells the control room.
"Mister Jung, unless you're armed, we urge you to wait for the team. They'll be there within five minutes."
"Unless you can mind link with Min Yoongi and convince him not to move forward, I'm afraid there's not much I can do," Hoseok thinks back.
"Believe me, Mister Jung, we've already tried to talk Mister Min out of doing anything stupid."
Now is not the time for Hoseok to fixate on why or how the fuck Yoongi is wrapped up in any of this, from having an implant to even being connected to the mind link communication circuit, but it nags at the back of his mind—especially considering Yoongi asked Hoseok to contact them, despite them apparently being capable of reaching him. These are questions for a later time. 
It's on the seventh level where Yoongi's head perks up, and he cocks his head, listening for more. The level itself looks clear, but there seems to be something nearby. Rather than continuing through the stairs, Yoongi enters the structure and begins slowly walking up the parking lot ramp toward the eighth floor. The parking structure is not very well lit, with bulbs here and there illuminating the space, but there are no cars parked anywhere to be seen, which gives them an advantage.
Hoseok wants to tell Yoongi to wait, that the team is already on the way, but he knows that it's not going to do much good, not when Yoongi has the fire of a thousand suns burning in his eyes. It's cute, Hoseok thinks, the amount of love and concern Yoongi has for Jeongguk, even if it is incredibly dangerous. 
Each level of the structure has a ramp that comes up to each floor from the one below it and a ramp that snakes around and goes up from each floor to the next. Once near the end of the seventh floor, where they would round a column and go up the next ramp, Yoongi crouches and waits, holding a hand out to tell Hoseok and Namjoon to stop. Namjoon and Hoseok squat too and wait for a signal. From somewhere in the nearby distance, the sound of skin slapping skin can be heard, and Yoongi's head whips in that direction.
"Yoongi-hyung, there’s a recon team on the way, I think we should—" Hoseok begins to whisper, but from inside his shirt, Yoongi produces a handgun. 
"Hyung, what are you doing?" Namjoon whispers, and Yoongi says nothing, continuing his slow, measured steps while bringing his head up to look into the ramp leading to the eighth level.
Another slap and a quiet grunt echo through the space and Yoongi mutters, "Above us!" before taking off, quietly but much more quickly than before, and still crouched over. 
"Wait, hyung, I'm not armed!" Hoseok whisper shouts, but Yoongi ignores him and continues, watching in the direction from where the noise came, to make sure he stays concealed while attempting to find Jeongguk. 
Hoseok takes the lead in front of Namjoon, checking over their shoulders to make sure nobody is behind them. The coast appears clear, and they continue on behind Yoongi. When Hoseok finally reaches Yoongi, he watches with horror as Yoongi stands, aims his gun into the eighth level, and fires. 
Namjoon ducks, falling to his knees while bringing his hands over his head, and Hoseok attempts to guard Namjoon with his body, despite not knowing what the repercussions of that shot may be. Yoongi doesn't seem to be taking any defensive moves, and after a moment, Yoongi takes off, hoisting himself up the floor rather than continuing around the rest of the ramp, and Hoseok stands to assess the situation. 
A man lies on the ground with a gun in his hand and a clean shot through his skull, and beside him, sitting in a chair with his mouth taped and his face red from being assaulted, is Jeongguk. Jeongguk's eyes widen, and he shakes his head frantically at Yoongi, but Yoongi continues, intent on releasing him. Hoseok, on the other hand, hangs back, telling Namjoon to stay put; something about this doesn't seem right. 
Out of somewhere that Hoseok can't see, he hears two voices, both older men, congratulating Yoongi on finding Jeongguk, and telling him to drop his weapon. Hoseok watches as Yoongi's eyes widen, and his expression falls to a mix of sadness and disbelief, laced with anger. 
"What are you doing here?" Yoongi asks, crossing his hands over his chest with the gun still tight in his grasp. 
"Where's that other guy?" one of the two older men asks, and Hoseok instantly recognizes the source of the voice because he's Jeongguk's father. 
"What other guy?" Yoongi asks defiantly, raising an eyebrow. 
"Don't play dumb with me, boy; where's the man who Jeongguk brought to lunch. I know Jeongguk was calling for him through the implant. Is he down there?" 
Hoseok thinks the other man sounds like Yoongi's father, which would explain the expression on Yoongi's face and the attitude with which Yoongi carries himself. Hoseok begins to back down, holding his arm out to encourage Namjoon to go, as well. Hoseok can still see Yoongi, but he wants to remain as undetected as possible; he can't put his husband in any more danger than they already have.
"ETA?" Hoseok asks the control room.
"Making their way up, Mister Jung."
"Eighth floor," Hoseok responds.
"Heard, Mister Jung."
"Oh, so he is here," Yoongi's father says.
Hoseok looks up and shoots Yoongi a glance, but Yoongi does not look his way, thankfully. Another item to add to the list of shit to unpack is how and why Yoongi's father has the ability to overhear his mind link, or at least be aware of the fact that he's just communicated through one. 
"Did Yoongi tell you that this little operation is mine?" Yoongi's father calls out, presumably to Hoseok. "Surely he didn't leave out the fact that the software that lives inside your parietal lobe is software I created when I was your age?"
"Dad, stop!" Yoongi shouts. 
Hoseok turns to Namjoon and whispers, "I'll explain later," and there's something very confused and almost distant in the way Namjoon gazes between Hoseok and Yoongi as if he's suddenly becoming aware of just how kept in the dark he's been about so many things. 
"So then you have no idea that I've been monitoring everything you've been doing, then? Using Jeon's son's body to break into his home, attend our meetings...and other things."
"You said you don't have the capability to surveil our activities," Yoongi bites, fuming. 
Yoongi's father chuckles, his voice sounding closer to where Hoseok is. "I lied."
Hoseok is furious and beyond upset, but he does his best to keep a straight face. Of all the ways for Namjoon to find out about any of this, he hates that it's in some dusty parking garage and from the mouth of some malicious old man. 
"I gotta hand it to you, though, son; your actions over the past few weeks have been manipulative and conniving in ways I wasn't sure you were capable of. Perhaps you take after me more than I thought." Yoongi sneers at his father in response, but Hoseok can't help but agree, at least to some extent.
The reconnaissance team arrives the same way Hoseok and the boys had come, making their way quietly around Namjoon and Hoseok with their weapons drawn, save for two men who hang back as if to guard them. Hoseok watches as the team rounds the ramp quickly, stops in their tracks, and lowers their weapons. 
"Mister Min," the man leading the group says, "apologies, sir, but we have to ask you what you're doing here."
Yoongi's father's feet come into view right in front of where Hoseok is standing, and the old man bends, looks Hoseok in the eye as he chuckles, and says, "Simply sending a message."
Namjoon gasps and takes a step back, immediately guarded by the two armed men, but Hoseok stays where he is and stands up straight, holding eye contact with Yoongi's father. If all the man is doing is sending a message, then Hoseok doesn't feel as if there's any real threat anymore. 
"Get Jeongguk unrestrained and down here with us, Yoongi-hyung," Hoseok instructs, eyes still glued to Min senior. 
Yoongi moves toward Jeongguk, muttering, "I'm sorry, baby," before ripping off the duct tape from over his lips, then pulls out a pocket knife to cut open whatever bound Jeongguk to the chair. Nobody mentions the man lying on the ground dead; rather, everyone just walks around him as if he never existed in the first place. 
"Why slap Jeongguk around if you weren't trying to get anything out of him?" Hoseok asks through gritted teeth.
"For being an insolent little prick and hiring you good-for-nothings to spy on us, for starters," Min senior responds. "He's lucky I don't put a bullet through his fucking skull the way Yoongi did to this poor schmuck."
Hoseok has other questions, but they're most likely not suitable for this environment. Such as, how does his reconnaissance team know Min senior in the first place and treat him as if he's one of their employees? Why did he allow them to get this far with their spy work if he knew this entire time that they were on his trail? Is he actually part of a drug-running operation, or was that just a decoy to get them into Osaka? These and so many questions he doesn't want to ask in the company of his husband, who has already heard too much. He's also too angry to be able to have a conversation with this old bastard, and balls his fists, wishing he could knock Yoongi's father's fucking teeth out. 
"I was trying to tell you not to come to the parking structure," Jeongguk whines as he rubs his cheek. 
"Why wouldn't we come for you?" Yoongi asks.
"These old fucks would have grown impatient and found some other way to reach you without attempting to trap you here," Jeongguk responds with a shrug.
"That, or they knew an entire team would come along with us, and they wanted to flex in our faces just how well connected they are," Hoseok responds, glaring at Yoongi's father. The old man smirks—a look that resembles Yoongi so closely that it makes Hoseok sick to his stomach.
With a heavy sigh, Hoseok mutters, “Well this was a fantastic fucking waste of time,” and walks back down the way they came, toward the stairwell. Namjoon follows behind silently, and when they reach the exit door, Hoseok notices that nobody is coming with them.
"We're leaving this island," Hoseok says, slamming the door open and making his way down and out and as far away from this parking structure as possible. The night air is cool, and the darkness of the city mixed with the concrete that surrounds them feels suffocating. What the fuck was the point of all that, he wonders.
Once they're several blocks away, Namjoon takes Hoseok by the arm and tugs him into his embrace, holding him tightly. Hoseok feels overwhelmed and begins to heave deep, broken breaths before he feels his shoulders tremble, and he starts to cry angry, frustrated tears. Namjoon's hold around Hoseok tightens, and he runs a hand through Hoseok's hair. 
"We can talk about everything later," Namjoon says softly. "There are a lot of things I feel I deserve to know, but for now, let's get you to a safe place, okay?"
Namjoon finds a bar and leads Hoseok inside, and Hoseok shuffles off a table in the far corner, sitting with his head in his hands as Namjoon approaches the bar to order them some drinks. The crying has already subsided; Hoseok chalks it up to being so overwhelmed he couldn't hold it in anymore. When Namjoon returns, Hoseok is a little surprised to find him holding two glasses of whiskey. 
"I don't know where to start," Hoseok says solemnly and takes a sip from his glass. 
"If it helps, I could ask you some questions, and you can do your best to answer them?"
Hoseok nods.
"What do you do for a living?"
"Fuck," Hoseok mutters. Namjoon's just coming out swinging. "Alright, I'm not supposed to tell you any of this without you signing a contract, so we'll probably have to work that out at some point. I work as an agent for the branch of the government, as you know. What you don't know is that my duties include spy work and occasionally taking targets down. It's mainly high profile people with a lot to lose, who have in some way or another offended the government, but for the right price, anyone can pay for our services."
"Take targets down...so have you ever...killed someone?"
Hoseok looks up to find an expression in Namjoon's eyes that he's not sure he's ever seen before. There's sadness swimming in those irises, but swirling around that is disappointment and fear, among other things.
"I have," is all Hoseok can bring himself to say.
Namjoon takes a drink from his glass and swallows hard before asking, "How many?"
"I don't know."
Silence befalls the table, and the sounds of the jukebox playing some old ballad mixed with voices talking all around them become murky and distant the longer Namjoon stares ahead. His vision isn't on Hoseok but rather through him, and Hoseok feels terrified of what's going through his husband's mind. 
"How did the old man hear you when you didn't say anything aloud? Is it the same way you got information about the parking structure when Yoongi was holding onto your phone?"
"Yes," Hoseok says. " Jeongguk and I, and I guess Yoongi, all have these implants."
Hoseok leans forward and parts his hair, grabbing onto a chunk of it and pulling it out as if uncorking a bottle. False hair strands are set into a skin-toned rubber stopper, and on Hoseok's skull is a metal-rimmed hole that's no bigger than a 1/4 connector, like a cord he might use to plug a guitar into an amp. Namjoon says nothing, and Hoseok returns the rubber stopper, plugging up the hole. 
"With these implants, we can plug into machines that allow us to separate our consciousness and brain waves from our physical bodies and put them into the body of someone else."
"That's impossible," Namjoon mutters.
"Once inside someone's body, I can carry out missions as if I'm them. That's how I was spying on Jeongguk's father: by pretending to be Jeongguk. Jeongguk hired me because he claimed to be too timid to attend the meetings himself; he wanted a trained professional there in his place. Once Jeongguk and I met over the specifics of the job, he went through a psychological evaluation, and once he passed that, he was given an implant. I was able to jump my consciousness from my body into his and then go to meet with his father as him."
"When Yoongi asked if you could call Jeongguk another way..."
"When we're calibrated to each other through the machinery, we can send messages to one another through our minds. We can also communicate at all times with the control room this way—the guys who are working with us in the penthouse." 
Namjoon watches Hoseok, absorbing the information, but he doesn't seem completely convinced that what Hoseok is telling him could be real, and he continues to just stare ahead. Hoseok half hopes that Namjoon writes it all off entirely rather than ask any more questions. But Hoseok knows he won't. 
"That old man said he created that technology," Namjoon says, though it's stated like a question with his voice intoning up at the end.
"Explains why Yoongi would have the implant."
"That was Yoongi's father," Hoseok says quietly, taking a drink of his whiskey. 
"Ah, right, he called the old man 'dad'."
"The men who kidnapped Jeongguk were Yoongi's father, Jeongguk's father, and some man Yoongi shot right between the eyes," Hoseok continues.
"Why was Yoongi carrying a gun?"
Hoseok scoffs. "Good fucking question. And how is he such a good shot? In the shabby, dim lighting of a parking structure at night, no less. There's a lot about Yoongi that nobody seems to be telling me, and it's starting to piss me off."
Namjoon scoffs and opens his mouth to respond, but they're interrupted by Hoseok's phone ringing. Hoseok takes it from his pocket, sees Jeongguk's smiling face on the screen, and answers it with a huff. 
"Hyung, we need to—" Jeongguk begins, but Hoseok cuts him off.
"Not now," Hoseok says, but Namjoon holds his hand out for the phone. Hoseok looks at him as if to ask what he's doing, but Namjoon keeps his hand open until, reluctantly, Hoseok hands it over.
"We need to talk," Namjoon says into the receiver. "How much has Hoseok told me? Quite enough to get me asking even more questions, Jeonggukah."
All the oxygen in Hoseok's entire body halts, waiting in anticipation for Jeongguk to say something stupid and cue Namjoon in on too much, and he watches his husband for any sign of anger or discomfort. To say Hoseok is nervous is an understatement.
"Meet us in our suite in thirty," Namjoon says. "And bring all the rice wine we didn't finish last night. We need to have a conversation. I'm not being kept in the dark about any of this anymore—not if one of us has just been abducted."
Anxiously, Hoseok stares ahead at the table until the call is ended, then both he and Namjoon finish their drinks and make their way back to the hotel. The walk is quiet, and Namjoon's arms are folded over his chest, which makes Hoseok unsettled; Namjoon is a hand holder, even in times of frustration and discomfort, and not holding Namjoon's hand feels terrible. 
Hoseok isn't sure how long it takes to get back to the hotel, but when they arrive at their floor, Jeongguk and Yoongi are sitting against their suite door with bottles of rice wine in their arms. They stand and get out of the way for Namjoon, who uses his key to get inside and walks straight for a long dining table that sits along the far floor-to-ceiling windows, just past the white monstrosity that likely reeks of sex, and the bed that Hoseok has hardly slept next to his husband in. 
Everyone follows Namjoon, save for Hoseok, who gathers some glasses from the tiny kitchenette near the entrance. When he approaches, Jeongguk and Yoongi are sitting on the side of the table near the window, and Namjoon is standing across from them, leaning onto his palms on the table. 
Hoseok stands next to his husband and takes a bottle, cracks it open, and pours everyone a glass. Once Namjoon takes his drink and slams the liquid back, bringing the glass down onto the table with a loud thud, he finally speaks up.
"Alright, I need answers. Starting with everything that has happened while Jeongguk and Hoseok switched bodies."
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tag list: @btsstan12​, @dasexydevitt13, @giriiboyy, @moonleeai​ ✨ comment or dm to be added to the tag list!
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Dollhouse is copyright 2022 theharrowing, all rights reserved. Don’t be a silent reader! I love to hear from you! Comments and likes keep me motivated! 
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sample-text · 2 years
A little Fourth of July-inspired story that features @mcchipy and a mention of @maniachybrid.
It's that time of year again, the Lunar Festival in full swing. Lanterns are hung, food and game stalls are put up, and fireworks are in full bloom within the sky. Hundreds upon thousands of souls celebrating in their way, or were for some. 
Bards are normally more inclined to travel to densely populated areas in hopes of more coin. This bard was no different, but she wasn't here for coins. Short ruby red hair with emerald eyes, pale skin, and decked in clothes of an unknown origin, Chippy marches into an unsuspecting town with only her lute. Sampling some food on her way, Chippy makes her way to the center of town. Making herself comfortable for the time, she began strumming her lute, the haunting melody enrapturing towns folk's attention. Satisfied with the audience, Chippy sang, weaving tales with a beautiful melody.
Telling stories of bloodthirsty monsters, distant lands, and incredible hidden power. Onlookers making faces of excitement or trepidation, adventurers growing curious at the possibility of hidden treasure. Finishing her tale, Chippy glances at the crowd and decides that she's done enough for the day, making her way out of town.
For two days the town continues with the festivities, the strange bard's tales only causing some unease. The next day there were no fireworks from the town, no one wandered the street looking to play a game or purchase food, and no one left to fix the fallen decorations. The only ones to roam the blood-ridden streets are Chippy and four inhuman individuals, each wielding a different weapon. Basking in their success on another slaughter, they look in the distance at the booming of more fireworks, only just now noticing a missing sixth figure.
Chippy walks back to what is considered camp, leaving the other four to search for survivors. The camp consists of various-sized bones, chunks of meat, upturned sections of Earth, and a shivering mass hidden under a blanket of twigs and leaves.
A lithe hand with sharpened talons peeks out from the leaves to give a tentative wave. Chippy crawls under the leaves and into the giant arms that form a barrier around her, the tremoring going through Claw becoming increasingly obvious. 
"Claaaw, what are you staying in here for? You missed out on all the food!"
"...The colors in the sky are loud."
"Colors in the sky? Oh, you mean the fireworks... Wait, why are you scared of the fireworks?"
"Sounds like a cave-in... I don't like cave-ins."
Chippy maneuvers herself to face the giant Darkin, the glow of Claw's eyes working as a guide to her face. Chippy reaches up to pet Claw, barely able to pat Claw's forehead. Fireworks continue to go off, louder variants causing Claw to growl and pull Chippy closer.
Cruel and cold like winds on the seas
Will you ever return to me
Hear my voice sing with the tide
My love will never die
Chippy leans her back up against the giant as Claw gently pets Chippy's hair.
Over waves and deep in the blue
I will give up my heart for you
Ten long years I'll wait to go by
My love will never die
Chippy smirks up at Claw who gives a soft glare in return.
Come my love be one with the sea
Rule with me for eternity
Drown all dreams so mercilessly
And leave their souls to me
Play the song you sang long ago
And wherever the storm may blow
You will find the key to my heart
We'll never be apart
Wild and strong you can't be contained
Never bound nor ever chained
Wounds you caused will never mend
And you will never end
Cruel and cold like winds on the seas
Will you ever return to me
Hear my voice sing with the tide
Our love will never die
Four figures walk into the makeshift camp, each one carrying a heaping of food (some of those are just bodies). The fireworks continue to shoot off, but the ground rumbles from the purring snores of a Darkin, pulling off the leaf pile to see her cuddling a sleeping bard.
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kiribaku-queen · 4 years
The Blood King and his Queen [4]
Pairing: Bakugou x reader
Romance, Angst, Drama
Word count: 2.9K
Summary:  From being a mere servant girl to marrying the scariest prince in existence, your world changed right before your eyes. Exchanging places with the princess, you knew, wasn’t going to be easy. But could you have found love on the way? Or was it never meant to be?
A/N: Thank you for all the love you have given to this series so far! As I’ve said before, this is my side blog so I can’t reply directly to your comments. But I love reading them. I love reading your tags when you reblog. It really makes my day. And if I could respond to each and everyone of you, I really would because I just appreciate you so much <3 Just know that I FREAK out everytime i get a sweet comment. Like, I could comment on my main but like... thatd be weird. let me know though if youd like me to do that?
Anyway. lets get to the chapter! Happy reading :)
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After a whole days worth of exploring this new unknown, the sun began to set in the distance and the dark, night sky was quickly approaching. This led Bakugou and his soldiers to set up camp nearby. Not far away from the town you were in was a hill that came with a very beautiful view. It overlooked the entire town and when it becomes fully dark outside, that’s where the magic comes. Lanterns and torches lit up the entire place, creating this orange and red array of beautiful sunset colors.
Bakugou’s soldiers were split into three groups: setting up camp, starting the fireplace, and making food. While everyone was doing their respective tasks, you were sitting under a tree to shade you from the setting sun. Bakugou, on the other hand, wasn’t resting like how a prince normally would. He was helping along side his soldiers; talking, setting up camp, and… laughing. It was the first time you had seen him with a genuine smile on his face.
You tilted your head at the sight. He looked kind. The way he talked to his soldiers, the way he treated them, how he looked like he could be himself… was this the real prince? How could you have made him out to be this horrible person in your mind, only for him to act like a normal person?
As you were deep in thought, Bakugou couldn’t help but take a few glances at you every now and then. You were sitting all alone at the top of that hill and he was here, actively avoiding you. How could he even approach you? Forget that he was practically with you the entire day. He didn’t know how to start a conversation with you. Or with anyone for that matter. He’s not used to having a fiancée that is also a stranger. Being raised sheltered didn’t help him become a people-person. So he opted to helping set up camp. He needs something to keep him distracted from a beauty that keeps looking his way.
“Just go talk to her,” Mina, his female soldier, finally huffed. She was tired of how shy his highness was acting. It was not a sight she usually saw and if she had to take anymore of this fluffy behavior, she was going to pass away.
“I can’t,” Bakugou gave up so easily.
“What do you mean you can’t? Nothing is stopping you from talking to her,” Mina pointed out. But still, Bakugou was reluctant to go.
“What do I even say?” he asked for advice.
“Get to know her! Ask her how her day was. Ask her what her favorite color is. She’s your fiancée, soon-to-be queen. You’re going to have to spend the rest of your life with her. Ya might as well get comfortable with her when you have the chance,” Mina pushed Bakugou slightly towards your direction. Yet, he still wasn’t budging on his own. The female solider groaned and put her hands on her hips.
“I didn’t say you had to fall in love with her. At least try to be friends!” Bakugou’s face became flushed upon hearing the god forsaken L word. He became so flustered that he couldn’t even talk straight.
“W-Who said anything about… l-love,” his voice became quiet at the end.
“Go on, your highness,” she joked, taking the wood from his hands. “Give me this, and go talk to her,” she said one last time and faced away to continue setting up camp. With a deep exhale, Bakugou finally turned to you and walked up the hill.
You saw his highness making his way up the hill to you. Your breath hitched in your throat and you became stiff. By the time Bakugou had taken a seat next to you, you had already straightened your back to create the perfect posture, as a princess should.
There was an awkward silence at first. You and Bakugou just sat in front of that tree while you watched everyone do their job in setting up camp. It took a few moments for Bakugou to clear his throat and finally talk to you.
“How are you enjoying your trip so far?” he asked. That should be a good start, he thought. He glanced at you and got a glimpse at your big, doe-like eyes. You were a bit surprised that he was talking to you in such a civil manner but also made you relax.
“I’m very much enjoying it. It’s the most fun I’ve ever had,” you told him truthfully, childish excitement twinkled in your eyes.
“I’m glad,” Bakugou replied, still flustered at your reaction. He wasn’t expecting such an innocent response from you. You definitely are different from other princesses he’s encountered. But the conversation ends there. Back to silence once again. It was until curiosity got the best of you. You didn’t think about it and went ahead and just said it.
“Your people aren’t scared of you,” you commented. You didn’t realize how insensitive the comment was until it came out of your mouth. You wanted smack yourself in the head but it already came out. You forgot for a moment that you had to pretend to be the princess. And the princess would think before she spoke. But your dumbass thought it was smart to just say whatever came to your head.
“Why, are they supposed to be scared of their prince?” Bakugou asked. You couldn’t even look him in the eyes. What do you even say to that? Do you address the rumors you’ve heard?
“I-um,” you stutter. Stupid, stupid! Why did you even say that? After you thought the prince wasn’t actually all that bad, he was going to hate you now.
“I see the rumors travel far,” he says. He shifts in his seat, allowing himself to lay back on his elbows. “It’s not like my people don’t know about the rumors. Even I know about them. They just don’t know what their prince looks like.” He opens up to you. Unlike his brothers, Bakugou likes to hide his face from his people. And he does it well. He wanted to make sure that his identity was hidden and wasn’t made known to anybody. This was the only way that he was able to leave the palace and roam around freely in his kingdom without fear from his people.
“Why would you hide your identity?” you ask, curiously. You’ve never heard of a prince or princess hiding themselves from their people. It was only natural that they are bathed in glory and loved from the public. To hide your identity, you are stripped away from a certain power that only they could hold.
“Because I wouldn’t be able to do this,” he says, opening his arms up to the world. You looked out and couldn’t understand what he was trying to say. Bakugou saw the confusion in your face and chuckled.
“I wouldn’t be able to enjoy this freedom. This open air. I wouldn’t have been able to see my kingdom for how it really is. I wouldn’t have been able to be here with you.” You finally meet his eye and you guys hold each other’s stare. That’s when you understood. You could see his story through his eyes. Although you couldn’t see all of it, you understood at least a little. You could see the pressures and difficulties of being the prince, the Blood Prince no less.
Bakugou opens his mouth to say something else but quickly shuts it. He decided that it wasn’t the time to tell you just yet. You caught that little act and frowned.
“What is it?” you ask. Bakugou shakes his head and disregards it.
“In due time, princess,” he says. Before you could rebuttal, Kirishima calls you both down from the bottom of the hill.
“Dinner’s ready!” he shouts. Without a moment’s hesitation, Bakugou is already on his feet to head down. You, on the other hand, take a little longer to head down. Thanks to your dress, you had to gather it, careful not to step on it while getting up. A hand appears in front of your face and you looked up to see the owner. The prince had offered his hand to you while looking away shyly.
Little did you know, Bakugou had planned on doing that. He was already heading down to where the hot food was being poured out in bowls. But Mina had turned to him furious and motioned for him to go back. Bakugou couldn’t understand what she was trying to do. So Mina had physically act out him offering his hand to you as a romantic gesture. Clueless Bakugou did just that. And that simple act made your face heat up.
You and Bakugou made it to campfire with your arm around his. His soldiers held back their snickers and smiles and handed you each your dinner. Inside your bowl was a hot serving of porridge with meat and vegetables to fill you up. The smell was immaculate. You couldn’t wait to taste it. One sip of the porridge and your eyes lit up.
“Delicious!” you exclaimed, downing more of the food.
“I’m glad it’s to your liking, princess,” Sero, another one of Bakugou’s soldiers, bowed in respect while addressing you.
“It’s the only thing he’s good at,” Denki, another one of Bakugou’s trusted soldiers, poked fun at him.
“At least I’m good at something. You’re not good at anything!” Sero bit back and a round of laughter filled the air.
“I’m good at a lot of things!” Denki tried to defend himself.
“Yeah? Name 5 things right now!” Mina joined in. There was more laughter around the campfire when Denki paused to think about his answer. Even Bakugou was giving a hearty laugh at his soldiers joking around.
It was interesting. To see Bakugou’s true self come out around his comrades, or more like his closest friends. Who knew that the angry, scary Blood Prince could smile so wide like this? If you told the girls that the oh so famous Blood Prince wasn’t actually the scary killer we all knew, they’d laugh in your face.
Not long after dinner, you found yourself yawning. Nightfall was already upon you. Since you still had a long way to go for your trip, Bakugou advised you to sleep early so you could depart as soon as possible when the sun rose. Fortunately for you, the tent was already set up. You got into the tent and waited patiently for Bakugou.
This made your heart race. This was the first time you guys were sleeping together and you weren’t wedded yet. Was this okay to do? His soldiers were sleeping a bit farther away to give their prince and his fiancée some privacy. It’s not like you two were going to do anything. Just the thought of having him next to you while you slept in this small tent was something you thought you’d never do. But it couldn’t be avoided. You just had to breath and calm down. It won’t be for long anyway.
You continuously away for Bakugou but he never comes. You peek out the tent and he’s laying out on the grass, hands behind his head and eyes already closed.
“Um,” you speak out and Bakugou peeks one eye out. “Are you not coming in?” you ask.
“The tent is for you, princess,” he says nonchalantly and closes his eyes again. You frown at this.
“Do you not have a tent?” you question.
“I’m used to sleeping on the ground. Don’t worry about me, you should get some rest,” he continues to say with eyes closed. That didn’t sit right with you. It gets very chilly at night. Without any coverage, he’s bound to get cold. It wasn’t fair that you very comfy inside this tent while he is outside in the cold. The more you’re around him, the more your image of him changes. Everything he is doing and saying is making you think differently of him.
You gather your blanket and plop right down next to him. Bakugou jumps and sits up when you get situated in your new sleeping spot.
“What?” you ask, looking up at him.
“What are you-” he couldn’t even finish his question because he is so speechless.
“I’m not going to let you sleep out here by yourself. Come,” you pat the grass next to you. “Lay down.”
Still shocked with confusion, he lays down next to you. Now you were shoulder to shoulder. Going through a roller coaster of emotion, Bakugou is now freaking out because you are so close to him. His heart is beating faster and his mind was racing. There was no way he was going to be able to sleep tonight.
You thought sleeping next to him was going to be no problem. You were so tired that you wouldn’t mind sleeping next to your ‘fiancé’ and just knock out. But it seems like any signs of tiredness was thrown out the window because now you were wide awake.
Probably an hour has passed since you laid down next to the prince. Bakugou noticed that you were restless next to him, constantly moving to get comfortable but never enough that you were able to fall asleep. Should he talk to you? What does he say? Should he follow Mina’s advice?
“Are you awake?” Bakugou’s raspy voice shocked you.
“Ah, yes,” you answer, moving to lay on your back.
“What’s your favorite color?” Bakugou took the courage to ask.
“Lilac purple,” you say. “Do you have a favorite color?”
“Red,” he says simply. “Do you have a favorite food?”
“I like simple dishes like what we ate today. Porridge, soups, stews.” Well, that’s actually all you were able to eat as a servant. But he didn’t have to know that. “You?”
“Anything meat. Favorite piece of literature?” he asked. This made you pause. As a servant, you weren’t able to read anything so how could you answer this question. You tried to think back to a time when you saw the princess studying because for the love of you, you couldn’t remember any names of those books.
“Ah, there’s so many. I can’t name one,” you made up on the spot. But Bakugou believed it.
“I guess I could say the same. Hm, how about favorite animal?”
“Let’s say it at the same time,” you suggested. Bakugou smirked.
“Alright. 1,”
“Dragon!” you both say at the same time. But at the same time, you both rolled to your side to face each other and that led to your faces being extremely close together. You both stared at each other, wide eyed. Though both stunned, you couldn’t look away from each other. Bakugou looks down at your lips but clears his throat and looks away. You do the same and turn away from him. You cover your face in embarrassment because you saw the way he looked at you. What was that!? Bakugou balled his hands into fists and knocked his head. What was he even thinking?
The more you got into your head, the more you started to drift into sleep. Eventually, your eyes shut completely and you fell asleep. Throughout the night, Bakugou couldn’t sleep. His mind kept replaying how close your face was to his. God, he didn’t even know why his eyes steered towards your lips. As if he wasn’t embarrassed enough, he was even more so for acting like that. He peeked at you and saw you shivering from the night breeze. That blanket was so thin, it wasn’t doing anything to help protect you from the wind. So he takes his cape and wraps it around you. When he adjust the cape to cover all of you, you moved so that you were cuddling up right next to him. You were so close that he could feel your breath on him. Bakugou froze. He was afraid that if he moved, you would wake up. As silently and as slowly as he could, he laid back down with you practically on his chest. Huh, you were so warm for someone who was shivering. It was only a minute that you were on him and he felt his eyes getting heavier with every passing second. Eventually, he falls asleep with you resting in his arms.
The next morning, Kirishima and the rest of the crew wake up early to pack and get ready for the rest of the journey. Kirishima brings Denki along to head up the hill where you and Bakugou were still sleeping. As soon as your sleeping bodies came into view, Kirishima stopped dead in his tracks. You were fully resting on top of his chest, your arm wrapped around his upper body. While Bakugou had a hand under you, wrapped around your waist and his chin rested on top of your head. Kirishima’s eyes softened at the sight. But it was all ruined when Denki got too excited and smacked the red head next to him.
“Dude! You see what I’m seeing?!” Denki whisper shouted. Kirishima rolled his eyes, grabbed his shoulders and turned him around.
“You’re gonna wake them up you idiot!” he scolded, and forced back down the hill to give you guys your privacy.
The sun hit your face just perfectly for you to wake up naturally. You stretched your arms and yawned. At the same time, Bakugou was also just getting up. The moment your eyes saw each other and saw how you were positioned, blush immediately appeared around your cheeks and you both separated from each other. Thank god you guys woke up before anyone saw you like that, you thought. But the soldiers had already seen you two together.
A/N: I’d love to hear what you have to say about this chapter! Lots of fluff so far! I literally can’t wait for the drama to begin but we gotta build up to it! Any drama you want to see happen? Let’s spice this baby up!
Also let me know if you want to be tagged for the next chapter! Spoiler: danger next chapter???? Can’t wait to see you next Monday! Thanks for all the love <3 I love you guys so much!
Tagged: @superblyspeedydragon @melasnchz-things @animexholic @bkgwrites @sam-i-am-1025 @apexqueenie @katsukibabe @germfart3 @tspice283 @angie-1306 @bakugous-trauma​ @bakugousmrs​
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army-author · 4 years
jimin scenario | in for a treat
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❝ as you grow up together, you and jimin celebrate halloween in your own special way. with the passing of the years, your relationship continues to blossom while the trees shed their leaves... ❞
➝ prompt: i’ve never celebrated halloween before, but it’s your favourite holiday. you’re determined to make my first halloween the most exciting holiday ever. i’m loving the enthusiasm, but isn’t this a bit much?
➝ pairing: slytherin jimin x slytherin reader
➝ genre: fluff, hogwarts au, friends to lovers
➝ requested by anon | 8.5k words
➝ warnings: implied smut
➝ author’s note: sorry that this is so late. i had this written before halloween, but never got the time to edit it until now, so apologies if it’s weird reading such a heavily halloween themed fic in november. i hope everyone enjoys it, regardless! i think i may have strayed a little from the prompt, but hopefully all the fluffy moments are worth it!
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Halloween was never a holiday that interested you. At least that’s how it used to be…
Growing up with a non-magic family, the festivities had never seemed that interesting. You couldn’t figure out the appeal of a holiday dedicated to something you didn’t believe in. The ghosts, the ghouls, the whispers of magic on the air – it all appeared juvenile. Of course, you would buy the occasional pack of sweets for the school children that scurried around the neighbourhood, demanding treats on every doorstep. However, you never went out to celebrate yourself, uninterested in the costumes, the decorations, or the general air of mischief that circulated that that time of year. You had no rose-tinted nostalgia for the holiday, and no desire to dress up or carve Jack-o-lanterns.
All this changed when you met Jimin.
When you had first received your letter from Hogwarts, both you and your parents had been shocked. You had no idea up that magic even existed, and yet, there was the letter in your hands, screaming the contrary to all you believed. A well constructed prank? The look on your parents’ faces suggested otherwise. Your parents explained to you that magic truly did exist, and while they themselves were non-magical, one of your aunts was actually a witch, who had also attended Hogwarts in her youth.
With that revelation, your life flipped on its head.
After a summer spent pleading with your parents to let you go, you finally arrive at Hogwarts, filled with wonder at the new world you’ve uncovered, and amazed that your family were able to hide this from you for so long. Sorted into Slytherin, you find yourself surrounded by witches and wizards who are already familiar with this alien lifestyle – students who’ve been watching Quidditch matches since they were babbling babies, and who are already familiar with simple spells. New and alone, you find yourself  estranged from your peers.
That is, until your first Halloween at Hogwarts.
✽ ✽ ✽
[First Year – October 31st]
On the night of October the thirty first, the girls in your dormitory are preparing for the Halloween feast, with excited chatter, tying up their hair, putting on their robes, and admiring themselves in the mirror.
You sit on the edge of your bed in your robes, swinging your feet, and feeling out of place, like a pulled muscle. You’re unsure of the customs of witches and wizards, and are sweating at the thought of messing up tonight, doing something that will instantly single you out as muggle born. Nerves clamouring as you listen to two of the girls, Padma and Beatrix, whispering about all the possible treats you’ll be served that evening, all of which you’ve never even heard of before, you decide that waiting around in the dorm is just making you feel worse. You get up and walk out of the dormitory, heading to the common room. You were hoping to avoid the commotion, but soon realise your mistake, having only walked further into the confusion. A group of boys are huddled in the corner, helping each other with their ties, while a gaggle of girls giggle in the other corner, glancing at the older boys who walk past with robes billowing. Some prankster has set off a magical miniature firework which crackles dangerously close to the green tapestries hanging from the wall.
You swallow, feeling all the more daft as you watch, excluded, while the rest of your peers enjoy themselves.
“Hello.” Startled, you spin around to the source of the voice.
A boy stands in front of you. You recognise him to be Park Jimin from your potions class. You haven’t spoken to him at all, but have often noticed him – for his undeniably friendly demeanour and his distinctive laugh which always travels around the potions class, followed by the shout of “Park Jimin, and Kim Taehyung! What is so dreadfully funny that you deign it appropriate to interrupt our lesson?”
Unsure if Jimin is speaking to you, you glance around to see if there’s anyone else, and then, suddenly mute, point to yourself.
Jimin laughs. “Yes, I’m talking to you.”
“Oh… Uh, right… sorry. Hi.”
“I didn’t mean to spook you,” Jimin says, a smile playing on his lips at your lost expression, “You just looked a little lonely, so I thought I’d put you out of your misery.
He must have noticed the alarm passing across your features, as he quickly continues, “Oh, Merlin, that sounded like I was planning your assassination or something! I just meant, I wanted to talk to you, since I didn’t want you to be by yourself.”
You laugh, “Well, thank you. I must have looked pretty pathetic, huh?”
“No… well… maybe.”
You open your mouth in mock shock, and then shrug, “It must be super obvious I’m new to all of this.” You gesture to the robe you’re wearing, and clear your throat, lowering your voice, “I’m… from a muggle family.”
You know that wizards and witches from muggle families are a lot more happily accepted by the magical community than they used to be, but it is whispered that some Slytherins still cling to elitist ideals about pure blood magic wielders. You had been both surprised and nervous when you were sorted into Slytherin on your first day. Despite this, you feel at ease explaining to Jimin, who’s currently smiling at your with a friendly curiosity.
“Ah,” Jimin nods, “This must all be very strange for you then.”
“Yep. It wasn’t until my letter from Hogwarts that I even believed that magic was real!”
Jimin’s eyes go wide, “I can’t even imagine what that must be like.”
“On top of that,” you continue on, your barriers breaking down as you easily chat with Jimin, “My family were never really into anything that even hinted at magic or the supernatural, so we never celebrated Halloween!”
You didn’t think Jimin’s eyes could widen further, but he manages to surprise you. “You what?”
A blush rises to your cheeks, and your eyes dart to the floor, suddenly embarrassed. “Yeah… not once.”
“Well, not to worry,” Jimin says, “Look at it this way – this is going to be the best Halloween of your life.”
You can’t argue with that.
“You’re in for a treat,” Jimin assures you, and you grin.
Around you, the crowd of Slytherin students have begun to meander out of the common room. “It must be time for the feast to start,” Jimin is bouncing on his toes in excitement. Feeding off his energy, you cannot help but feel excited yourself, despite not knowing what to expect at all. You follow him down the maze of corridors that make up the old school, leading you towards the Great Hall.
Entering through the grand doors, your mouth involuntarily falls open. Carved pumpkins float above the tables, casting a delicate glow over the array of delicious treats on display. There are plates piled high with tender meats, savoury pies and glazed vegetables. Sweets of all varieties sit in carved pumpkin bows, overflowing with colour.
You follow Jimin to the Slytherin table, where he offers for you to sit next to him. Across from you, at the Hufflepuff table, Jimin’s friend, Taehyung, waves at the two of you frantically.
Jimin grins and waves back, before turning his attention to you. “Well? First impressions?”
“This is all so amazing,” you gush, still transfixed by the wonderful foods piled in front of you. A mixture of delicious scents sing in your nostrils.
You wait patiently while the headmaster rumbles through his speech, welcoming each and every one of you to the feast. You’re salivating when you are finally allowed to start on the food. Despite knowing you should start with the savoury food first, your eyes are drawn, irresistibly, to the sweets. You reach for a handful of jellybeans from one one the plates in front of you.  Just as you stuff a handful into your mouth, JImin catches sight of you and begins shaking his head vigorously in warning.
Too late. A cacophony of foul tastes hit your tongue. You’re not sure what you’re supposed to be tasting, but it is not good. Eyes watering, you try not to gag.
“Here, here!” Jimin hands you a napkin, and you discreetly spit out the barely chewed mouthful, folding the napkin over a few times, hiding your faux pax in shame.
“What on God’s green earth was that?” you ask, hurrying to take a sip of water.
“Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans,” Jimin explains , “They’re well known, but I guess you haven't grown up with wizard snacks… Basically, eating one is  a gamble. You could get a delicious one. Or you could get an absolutely disgusting flavour. They’re made to cover any possible flavour under the sun. Some of the worst include skunk’s spray and vomit.”
“So that’s what that was...” You try not to think of it, despite the ghost of bitterness haunting your tongue.
Jimin chuckles, “I thought you were being incredibly brave eating so many all at once…”
“I’m new to all of this,” you remind him. Having regained your composure somewhat, you give him a nudge, “I dare you to taste one too. Just so I’m not alone in making a complete fool of myself.”
Jimin grins, “Okay, I’m up for a dare.” He roots around in the bowl, picking out a red one, which he pops in his mouth. “Mmm… cherry.”
You frown, “That’s cheating. You must have known red would be good!” You pick up a red one yourself and place it on your tongue, only to have the disgusting taste of liver clamber across your taste buds. You don’t need to tell Jimin how disgusting this bean is. Your face says it all, as Jimin begins laughing. You begin searching for the napkin again, but Jimin says, “No, no, you’ve committed. You gotta swallow now.”
You open your eyes wide, begging, but he continues, “I dare you.”
Your brows furrowing in effort; it takes all your strength not to retch as you swallow. “That’s not fair,” you say, “How come I got so unlucky?”
Jimin shrugs, “There’s about a fifty percent chance you’ll get something nice.”
You cross your arms on the table, “I still think you must have cheated somehow.”
“How about you try something tasty instead?” Jimin gestures to the other nice looking foods in front of you.
Your brow crinkles, “How am I supposed to know there aren’t other weird foods you wizards eat?”
Jimin begins spooning things onto your plate, “Don’t worry, these are all good. Cross my heart.”
You watch him pile foods higher and higher until you beg, ‘Stop, there’s no way I can eat that much!”
“Sure, but you gotta at least try a little bit of everything,” Jimin encourages, so you pick up a fork and make your way around the plate, sampling every flavour. You start with the meats, which are just as tender as they look. The chicken melts in your mouth, and the gammon is sweet and salty in the best possible way. The vegetables come next. You’ve never been a big fan of vegetables, but these could make you rethink that stance. The carrots are sweet, glazed with a honey dressing, and the parsnips are well seasoned. But the main stars of the show are the desserts. A myriad of flavours hit your senses, each one more delicious than the last. Sweet spices, creamy caramels, and smooth frostings all harmonising a ballad on your tongue, making you squirm in your seat with joy.
“Are they good?” Jimin asks, and you nod enthusiastically, mouth still full. “What’s your favourite?”
You point at one of the pastries as you swallow the last bite, “It’s all good, but I think this one is the best.
“Mmm, apple and redcurrant tart,” Jimin nods in approval, “That one’s good.”
There’s still so much food piled on your plate, but you’re too full to take another bite. You lean back, and sigh contentedly, gazing up at the starry sky that spreads out above you, stars winking down.
“I may be new to Halloween, but I could certainly get used to this,” you say.
“We’ll just have to try and make next year all the more exciting then,” Jimin says, and you give him a grin.
“Challenge accepted.”
✽ ✽ ✽
[Second Year – October 28th]
“We’ve got to make this Halloween better than the last year!”
Jimin is sat cross legged under a crooked tree, leaves just staring to turn orange and gold. You’re standing next to him, well wrapped up, not enjoying the cold that autumn brings with it, as you stamp your numb feet and rub your frozen hands together.
“Oh yeah,” Taehyung grins up at you from his spot next to Jimin, “You don’t normally celebrate Halloween, do you?”
You shake your head, at him, and his grin grows all the wider, and all the more rectangular.
“How do we top last year?” Jimin wonders, while Taehyung struggles with opening a chocolate frog pack.
“You don’t have to try and top it,” you say, finally taking a seat next to Jimin, and immediately regretting it as cold seeps into your rear. You pull your cloak around you. “Last year was fun. And next year can be fun too...”
“We could throw a party!” Taehyung burst out, interrupting you.
“Would we even be able to host one?” you ask.
Jimin’s brows are furrowed in thought. “That could be a good idea,” he says, and Taehyung smiles in pride, as he finally gets the chocolate frog pack open, only to watch as the chocolate frog hops away, finally freed from its cardboard cage.
“No, come back,” Taehyung digs in his pocket for his wand, but It’s already too late, the frog has hopped into the bushes, out of sight. Taehyung sighs, then digs in the pack for the card. “Hmm, Salazar Slytherin,” he says, staring at the card inside, “I already have him.”
“I don’t,” Jimin pipes up, “I’ll trade you the rest of my sherbet lemons for him.”
Taehyung nods, and you watch the two boys exchange, wondering what all the fuss is about. Jimin shows you the card, where a man poses proudly. You’ve got used to seeing pictures that move on paper, but you’re still always mildly impressed.
“You’re still missing the important detail that we don’t have anywhere to host a party,” you point out, and Taehyung shrugs, as he pops a sherbet lemon in his mouth:
“We can just use a common room. The Hufflepuff common room is close to the kitchen, and you don’t need a password or anything to get in. I bet I could get some of my Hufflepuff friends to help set up.”
“When would we do this?” you ask, giving in reluctantly to Taehyung’s infectious excitement.
“We can do it after the Halloween feast,” Taehyung suggests, and Jimin nods in agreement.
“This sounds great,” he says, glancing at you in anticipation, “What do you say?”
“I’m in.”
The two boys cheer.
✽ ✽ ✽
[Second Year – October 31st]
The next few days pass in a flurry, with Jimin and Taehyung passing notes around the classrooms, letting other students know of your plans. As only students from their respective houses are normally allowed in their house common room,  each student is told to keep the plans a secret from the professors.
As the evening finally arrives, Jimin is a ball of energy, struggling to contain his smile, as you walk down to the Great Hall for the feast.
All the way through the feast, you can’t help but think about what’s to follow, excited about the party that is in store later.
As soon as the feast ends, you follow Jimim along with the few other Slytherins who are going o the party, walking with the rest of the Slytherins, heading back towards the Slytherin common room. At one of the turnings on the way, you and Jimin make a left off the normal route, and begin to make your way back, following stairs down to the basement where the Hufflepuff common room is located. Reaching the door, you give the secret knock you had arranged with Taehyung beforehand.
His head pops around the door, a conspiring grin on his face as he lets you in. The Hufflepuff common room is round, with circular windows close to the ceiling which give a view of the darkness outside. House plants line the shelves of the room, some dripping their leaves down the earthy walls. Taehyung and his friends have added orange and gold streamers, with carved Jack-o-lanterns grinning from the alcoves and crevices.
“Ta-da,” Taehyung spreads out his arms, spinning around to show off his – and his friends’ – hard efforts.
“This is amazing, Taehyung,” you tell him, and he gives a wide smile:
“There’s more, come take a look at this!”
You let him lead you and Jimin over to a table stacked high with sweets. “I managed to scrounge these from the kitchens.” He gives a wink, “This is why it’s good to be friendly with the cooks. Hope you saved room.”
You hadn’t saved much, and you eye the sweets sadly, afraid that any more food would make you pop. There’s even apple and redcurrant tart. You cast it a wistful look, before letting yourself be distracted by Jimin and Taehyung.
Slowly, other students begin to trickle into the common room, some of them older students, most in the same year as you. Music begins to float from a corner of the room, and so, you grab Taehyung and Jimin, lading them to the centre of the room, where a few other students have started dancing.
Swaying in time with the music, you laugh as Taehyung and Jimin goof around in front of you, clapping along to the beat. The air is filled with happy chatter. You drink in the atmosphere, swept along by the other’s enthusiasm.
Taehyung notices a few of his friends from Hufflepuff and waves, before going over to say, “Hello”, leaving you alone with Jimin on the makeshift dance-floor.
You suddenly feel a little awkward, dancing alone with Jimin. You keep on swaying, smiling over at him every so often. His eyes are often on the floor, his dancing slowing to a gentle sway, but occasionally his eyes connect with yours before flicking down to the floor again.  Perhaps he’s feeling just as awkward as you are.
All of a sudden, there’s a shout, and the music cuts out. You halt, Jimin frozen at your side, while the other students twist their heads, looking around, trying to figure out what’s going on.
“What is the meaning of this?” Above the other heads of the students, you can just about make out the head of one of the tall Hufflepuff prefects. “You do realise that there are some students who are trying to sleep after the feast, right?” He strides forward, the other students parting in waves before him. “I think I see some non-Hufflepuff students here as well,” he comments as he passes by you. You pull your cloak around you, trying the mask the Slytherin colours on your jumper. “I have half a mind to report everyone in this room to the headmaster.”
“Aw come on,” one of the other prefects, a boy you recognise as Jung Hoseok follows behind his peer, “These kids are just having fun,” he places an arm on the other prefects shoulder. “Let’s just say it was a mistake – a learning experience – and move on. I’m sure it won’t happen again.” He gives a wink to Taehyung, who’s stood across from you, trying to look guilty.
“Alright,” the prefect snaps, “But if I hear even a single whiff of another party being held in this common room, I will march each and every pupil responsible down to the headmaster’s office myself, mark my words.”
With that, the party disperses – very quickly. Streamers are swept away with the flicking of wands, and the candles in the Jack-o'-lanterns instantaneously snuff out.
Grabbing Jimin by the sleeve, you both make a bee-line for the exit, giving Taehyung a reluctant wave as you leave.
“Well, that wasn’t as successful as I hoped,” Jimin whispers, as you make your way down the corridor, heading back towards the Slytherin dorms.
“Maybe not,” you say, “But it was fun. Did you see that prefect’s face? I thought he was going to explode with rage.”
Jimin snorts with laughter. “Sorry it wasn’t the best of Halloween experiences.”
“What do you mean?” you say, “It’s gotta be one of the best. At least top-three.”
“You haven’t even celebrated three Halloweens yet!”
“Exactly. So it’s been one of the best.”
“Well, we’ll just have to top it again next year.” Jimin decides.
✽ ✽ ✽
[Third Year – October 28th]
Moving into your third year you find yourself gifted with a little more freedom around the school. It’s the year that you’re allowed to visit Hogsmeade, and you’re an uncontainable ball of energy when the weekend closest to Halloween rolls around, marking the first date that the third years are allowed to make their way down to the all-wizarding village.
On the Saturday, you and Jimin meet up with Taehyung on the steps outside Hogwarts, and make your way down to the village.  All the way JImin is talking excitedly about how he’s planning on one-upping the Halloween festivities from last year.
“We can’t have another part  like last year,” Taehyung says, “No way am I willing to get us all in trouble again.”
“I know,” Jimin sighs, “But we’ve gotta do something exciting, right?”
The topic of Halloween soon fades away as you finally reach Hogsmeade. The village street is blanketed by leaves in red and orange, with cheery lights shining from the windows of shops, giving a cosy contrast to the drab autumnal sky.
“Where do we go first?” Taehyung asks, and you and Jimin share a look, before you both point to the sweets shop, Honeydukes.
“Do you guys think about anything other than your stomachs?” Taehyung asks, following after you, as you rush for the cosy looking shop, nestled under a crown of fallen leaves that adorn its low roof. Your eyes widen as you enter, drinking in the view of the magical sweets packed in jars from floor to ceiling. You pick out sherbet lemons, Jimin’s favourite, and he buys a packet of apple and redcurrant tarts from the pastry display. He shares the still warm pastries with you as you exit back into the cold air, and debate where to go next. Taehyung is eager to visit Zonko’s Joke shop, while Jimin needs to visit Ceridwen’s Cauldrons to get a replacement cauldron after an unfortunate incident in your last potions lesson involving an explosion and a very angry potions teacher. You make your way around the village, stopping in at each shop you want in turn, before finally stopping at the Three Broomsticks where Jimin offers to buy the three of you butterbeers.
As he leaves the table, Taehyung gives you a look that you struggle to interpret. “Looks like Jimin is super excited for your third Halloween.”
You laugh, “He’s more excited than I am.”
“Well sure, but he wants to impress you.”
“Huh?” you blush, not sure what Taehyung’s implying, “Nah, he just wants us all to have fun.”
“Yeah, but he wants you especially have fun,”  Taehyung goes on.
“Well of course, I’m his friend.”
Taehyung rolls his eyes. “You aren’t normally this oblivious, are you? I can’t possibly be speaking to the same person who’s aced all her divination and dark arts tests this year. I am, in fact, speaking with a moron, who’s somehow possessed the body of my friend.”
“Come on Taehyung, stop being daft” you give him a shove from across the table, “What are you trying to say.”
“I’m saying that Jimin likes you,” Taehyung enunciates every word, “As. More. Than. A. Friend. And you’d have to be an idiot not to see it.”
You shake your head, perplexed. Before you can question Taehyung further, Jimin is standing at the table, trying not to spill the three butterbeers as he sets them down.
He squeezes into the space next to you, while Taehyung gives you a meaningful look, and you blush.
“Well, cheers to our first Hogsmeade visit,” Jimin raises up his mug, and you do the same, clicking your overflowing mug against his and Taehyung’s, trying not to slosh any more of the golden liquid down the side than is absolutely unavoidable.
You take a deep sip, letting the warmth seep from your mouth down to your stomach and out to the extremities of your body, ears to fingers to toes. “Oh man, that’s so good,” you say, eyes wide as you set down your mug, wiping at the froth that was left on your lips.
Taehyung and Jimin both nod in agreement, and you settle back comfortably on your chair, pondering Taehyung’s words, as your two friends begin to argue over whether chocolate frogs are actually a good snack, or if they’re only good for the collectible cards you get with them.
✽ ✽ ✽
By the time you leave the Three Broomsticks, the sky is beginning to darken, with orange coloured clouds crowding out the deep navy of the sky.
Jimin suddenly stops in his tracks, spinning around to face you: “I’ve just had a great idea!”
You wait, curious, edging him on with your raised brows:
“I have an idea how we can celebrate Halloween this year,” he continues. You and Taehyung’s silence is encouragement enough for him to continue. “We should go visit the Shrieking Shack. I mean… I know it’s a bit early for Halloween. But it’ll be the perfect haunted experience.”
An uncertainty pools in your stomach, cold and clammy, as you stare at the abandoned house that looms over Hogsmeade. It’s rumoured to be the most haunted house in Britain. You mull over the idea in your head. “Don’t you think it’s dangerous?”
When you first arrived in Hogwarts, you were startled at the sight of actual ghosts, which you had gone your whole life beleiving to be a superstition. The ghosts at Hogwarts were friendly, but ghosts haunting an old abandoned house… you weren’t so sure.
Jimin shrugs in response to your question. “Who knows.” Seeing you hesitation, he gives a tug on your sweater, “Come on. I’ll keep you safe if anything happens, I promise.”
Taehyung raises his hands in defeat, “Listen, I don’t think I’ll stay. It’s getting late, and I just remembered I have a divinations homework to finish. But you two should go have a look and find out if it’s really haunted!”
Before you can stop him, Taehyung is spinning on his heel, and heading back for Hogwarts. Not before he flashes you a quick wink, and you suddenly realise that he’s trying to give you some alone time with Jimin. Or maybe he’s trying to give Jimin some alone time with you. You’re not sure what to think, but you feel uncertainty digging its roots deep, planting you firmly on the spot - right beside Jimin. His presence is suddenly incredibly distracting, feeling his heat so close beside you, battling against the cold autumn evening. His breath billows clouds on the air, his dark eyes blinking curiously at you, pleading.
‘Alright, fine. Just a quick look!”
Jimin grins, and you allow him to pull you to the Shrieking Shack that stands, creaking, on its own, ostracised from the other buildings in Hogsmeade. The building is rounded off by a rickety fence, casting a shadow over you. A cold fear trickles down your back, but you steel yourself, determined not to make a fool of yourself in front of Jimin.
Jimin gives you a leg-up over the fence, before climbing over himself, and suddenly, there’s nothing separating you from whatever might reside in the house. A cold wind tugs at your hair and scarf, pulling away your frozen breath.
Your fingers are threaded through Jimin’s. You don’t remember grabbing him. He squeezes your fingers.
You walk forward together, slowly. At the door, Jimin murmurs a spell, and the door creaks open on unstable hinges. Inside, the house is dark, and the strong smell of mildew rises to meed your nostrils.
“Maybe we shouldn’t go in,” you whisper, trying to steady your shaking voice, “We’ve got close enough.”
“No, come on,” Jimin hisses, pulling you closer. Swallowing your fear, you follow after him, huddled close for comfort. The house feels colder than the outside breeze, and your fogged breath clouds your vision.
As you step further into the bowels of the house, your ears pick up on a hissing, muttering sound. Your freeze, paralysing fear sinking its claws into your spine, and Jimin pauses beside you, hand damp in your own. Straining your ears beyond the pounding of your own heart, you hear – yes, those are definitely voices.
Carefully, cautiously, Jimin leads you forward, down the corridor to the door that is partially open, where the voices emanate from. Pressing his finger to his lips, Jimin peers around the door to find…
A group of sixth years smoking cigarettes. As the door swings open, revealing you and Jimin, one of them glances up and then nudges the other one, “Hey, look what we got here.”
“Oi,” the other, who seems to be the more authoritative, stands up, “Scram.” He makes a grab for his wand, but you and Jimin don’t need any more prodding. Turning on your heels, you flee for the door.
You and Jimin don’t stop running until you reach the entrance to Honeydukes, shuddering out shaky laughter that fogs the cold air.
Jimin’s hand is still in yours, not having let go through the entire experience. You don’t comment as he keeps his fingers laced through yours as you walk back to Hogwarts.
✽ ✽ ✽
[Fourth Year – October 31st]
The school is abuzz this year. Your professors have decided to host a ball on Halloween night, which all of the older students are allowed to attend. It won’t just be any kind of ball, but a masquerade ball, in keeping with the tradition of wearing costumes for Halloween.
Excitement shoots through your veins as you get ready for the night. You’re incredibly happy with the dress which your parents had sent to Hogwarts. It’s purple with a skirt that flares out and shimmers in the light, seemingly changing colour dependant on the light that strikes it’s folds and frills, shifting through shades of blue and aquamarine. You take one last look at your hair in the mirror, tucking a stray strand behind your ear, before you put on your mask of purple lace, matching your dress.
Your roommate, Padma, helps you tie the silk ribbon keeping your mask in place, and gives you a smile. “You look amazing.”
Blushing, you glance down to the floor, unsure how to take the compliment. “Thanks, you too.”
Her face flushes with happiness before she walks away to help Beatrix with her dress. Satisfied with your appearance as you cast one last glance over your reflection, you make your way out into the Slytherin common room. From the common room window, you can see the full moon shining on the surface of the Hogwarts lake.
You spot Jimin, despite his mask, immediately. He’s wearing a dark suit, with a black shirt and tie, and a black mask to match. Sneaking up behind him where he’s standing with a group of other Slytherin boys, you give him a tap on the shoulder.
He turns around, and a smile spreads across his features, “Wow, look at you!” He picks you up and spins you around, while you squeak his arms. “You look amazing.”
“You don’t look so bad yourself,” you giggle as he sets you down again, breathless.
You catch a flush of colour beneath his mask, and your mind flicks back to Taehyung, who’s been dropping hints that Jimin has a crush on you for most of the past year. You’ve been trying to ignore him, but you can’t help but notice the small hints Jimin gives out without meaning to. The thought of him crushing on you fills you with a warm, happy glow. It’s nice to feel liked, and you silently find yourself hoping – wishing – that it might actually be true.
Of course, you haven’t done anything to confirm it, not ready to put him – or yourself – on the spot. But moments like this make you all the more curious.
“Come on,” Jimin motions to you as the crowd of Slytherins begin meandering to the great hall.
You thread your fingers through his, and let him lead you along the corridors to the Great Hall, happiness fizzing pleasantly in your stomach at the touch of his hand in your own.
As you make your way into the Great Hall your breath leaves your lungs. Even after four years, when you think you’re used to all that magic has to offer, it throws another glittering spectacle your way. The entire hall is cloaked in a purple glow as the sky above your head opens up to the marvel of glowing colours from the northern lights. You know that the real sky won’t have the aurora borealis shining outside, yet it has somehow been summoned to light one room in Hogwarts castle. The whole hall is filled with sparkling streamers, and candles cast a warm glow against the cool lights shining from the sky that makes up the enchanted roof.
“Hey, look,” Jimin nudges you, “Your dress matches the sky.”
You look down at your dress, the purples and blues swirling in the seams of the material and smile. “Well it would be a shame not to go dancing when I look so good in this light,” you say, and Jimin grins, letting you lead him towards the centre of the hall, where a few other students have started dancing.
Holding onto Jimin’s arms, stronger than your remember, you spin around the dance floor, held close to his warmth.  The sky above your head is a glittering shimmer of different colours, ghosting past your eyes, with your gaze fixed on Jimin. His face is mostly obscured by his mask, but his eyes are clear to you, fixed on your own - dark pools of emotion that you can reach, interpret, if you just give yourself one moment of vulnerability. If you just give yourself one shimmering moment of honesty.
Your eyes rip away from Jimin’s, your face blushing, unsure of the feelings that you’re encountering. You notice Taehyung in your periphery vision. He’s standing at the edge of the dance floor, with a mug of butterbeer in his hand. Normally, you know that he would run over to you and Jimin, a grin on his face and a greeting on his tongue, but he seems to sense the same shimmering uncertainty hovering between you and Jimin. As he stands quiet at the edge of the dance floor, he gives you a wink, and then weaves his way back into the crowd.
This is what he’s been trying to encourage all this time – one moment of vulnerable honesty, where both you and Jimin open up enough to realise what’s so obvious to anyone else. You’re tired of waiting for confirmation.
Tipping your chin up, you push your lips to his in a rush of courage, almost as if you had drunk Felix Felicis. You can feel surprise rolling through his body, as he keeps his hold on you. Slowly, easily, he melts into your kiss. His lips open to yours, and with a whirling head, you give yourself over to the desires you had been ignoring for so long, fingers finding purchase on the soft hair at the nape of his neck. Your nerves conduct a symphony of excitement as everything you had needed was understood and relinquished to you in that moment.
As you part, both breathless, both smiling, you say,“Shall we step outside – just to get some fresh air?”
Jimin follows your cue, with an “Absolutely,”, walking after you as you weave your way through the crowds, out the door of the Great Hall, and towards the exit of the castle. The air is cold as you step out, and your shiver in the gauze of your shimmering dress, beautiful, but useless at protecting against the chill.
Seeing you trembling, Jimin removes his blazer and places it over your shoulders. You breathe deeply, enjoying the fresh crisp edge in your lungs.
Outside, with the real stars shimmering above you, unmasked from the aurora borealis that shimmered in the Great Hall, you turn to Jimin. You remove your mask, glad to let the cool air fall onto your cheeks.
Jimin takes off his mask as well, and you rake your eyes over his expression, hunting for a hint of regret at the kiss you had shared. There’s nothing but joy in his face.
As the rest of the school parties inside, you and Jimin share your hearts out in the cold.
✽ ✽ ✽
[Fifth Year – October 31st]
Jimin is taking Halloween celebrations very seriously this year. After all – it’s not just Halloween, it’s also your anniversary. One year of being a couple.
That’s why, when the Halloween Feast ends, instead of heading back to the common room, he leads you out of the school, sneaking through back passages and hallways until you’re outside, with the brisk wind whipping your hair.
“Where are we going?”
Jimin keeps throwing you knowing glances, pushing his fingers to his lips.
Impatience bubbles below your skin, but you allow him to lead you on to the edge of the lake, where you find a spread of your favourite snacks and drinks on a checkered picnic blanket, surrounded by candles that suddenly flicker on with the murmur of a spell.
“I hope you saved room for desert like I told you to.”
“Wow, Jimin,” you kneel down on the blanket, absorbing the array he’s arranged. “This is wonderful!”
“I hoped you would like it,” you can barely see it, but in the candle light, you notice a faint blush on his cheeks.
“I love it,” you assure him, leaning across  to give him a kiss on the cheek, and the blush deepens.
You allow yourself a few tastes of the of sweets that Jimin has provided, including the apple and redcurrant tart that is, magically, still warm, before lying back on the picnic blanket, snuggling up to Jimin, who provides an arm wrapped around you to fend off the chill.
As you stare up at the cloudless sky, with stars winking down at you, a wave of satisfaction spreads through your chest. You wish you could pause your life at this moment, bound by Jimin’s arms.
“Thanks for an amazing year, Jimin,” you murmur, and you feel his grip around you tighten a little, as he squeezes you.
“Thank you too. Here’s to many more.”
With no once but the stars watching down, you lean in to kiss him, pulling him closer. His body is firm and warm, a perfect distraction from the cold air that presses in from all other sides. After a year, you have so many emotions to share with him, so much love to give him.
✽ ✽ ✽
[Sixth Year - October 31st]
On the sixth year, your year group is allowed to go on a short school trip to a castle nestled in the mountains. The main goal of the school trip is learning of the history of some magical relics that were discovered around the area, as well as observing rare magical creatures that live in the area for your Care of Magical Creatures course.
The part you have been looking forward to the most is the Halloween celebrations. While you’ll be missing the normal Halloween feast, your teachers have allowed you your own room in the castle, where you can have a party with your year group.
The small room in the castle is cozy and cheerful, with a fire flickering in the hearth, and a tables piled high with food, making your mouth water and your eyes glisten.
When you and Jimin walk into the room together, your hand finds his, squeezing in excitement.
Taehyung walks up behind you, and throws an arm over each of your shoulders. “How are my favourite love-birds?”
Jimin laughs, “We’re good. You enjoying the school trip?”
“Sure… Although our group didn’t see anything exciting when we went orienteering. I swear the way the teachers spoke about it, I was certain that this place would be swarming with unicorns, But I suppose, even in areas where they’re more common… they’re still pretty rare.”
You bite your lip, not sure if telling Taehyung that the group you and Jimin were with managed to spot a young unicorn while you were out. Instead you say, “Isn’t this a nice change of pace from the normal Halloween feast?”
Taehyung looks around the room, a nostalgic smile on his face. “Yeah, it’s nice. Really nice... It’s strange to think that this is our penultimate year at school. It doesn’t feel that long ago we were just getting sorted into our houses.”
You feel Jimin’s squeeze your fingers. “Yeah, it’s going to be so strange when we have to leave,” he says.
“We’ll all stay friends when we leave Hogwarts though, right?” you say, and without any hesitation both Jimin and Taehyung answer - “Absolutely.”
✽ ✽ ✽
That night, you hear a knock on your dormitory door. Cracking it open, you peer out to find Jimin outside. “Hi,” he whispers.
“Jimin, you know we’re not meant to visit other students’ rooms at night,” you chide teasingly.
“I know, but I wanted to see you. Can I come in?” You peer up and down the corridor, but the entire hallway appears empty.
You nod, and let him in. The rooms you’ve been allocated at the castle are large, almost as big as the dorm rooms you’re assigned at Hogwarts, but you don’t have to share this one with other Slytherin girls. A large four-poster bed stands at the centre of the room, where you will be spending the night.
Excitement leaps up to your stomach as you realise that you’re alone in a bedroom with Jimin for the first time in a long time. Your professors are normally strict about students mingling in the dormitories at Hogwarts, so it’s difficult to get any intimate alone time.
You know the same thing is on Jimin’s mind, as his eyes fall to the bed. With a grin, you lead him over to soft mattress,  frosted by the thick duvet. Pulling him under the covers, you wrap your arms around him, your lips finding his in the dark. As he gets lost in the heat of your body, you murmur your love to him, whispered into the empty darkness beyond the haven of your bed. You learn new ways to know him, discovering new parts of him. The night stretches out to infinity, wobbling, and then collapsing with your secretly shared ecstasy.
✽ ✽ ✽
[Seventh Year - October 27th]
As it’s your final year at Hogwarts, some of your year have been tasked with helping to organise events. Of course, Jimin offered to organise the Halloween Feast, but now, as the night creeps closer, you can see he is getting more and more nervous.
When he comes back to the common room after another planning meeting, his tension automatically translates for you with a sigh, as he flops onto one of the chairs and rubs his eyes.
“You doing okay?” you ask, although you know he’s not.
His hair flops over his furrowed brows as he hangs his head. “It’s fine. I just… I want to make this Halloween Feast the best it’s ever been, and I don’t know if it’s all going to come together the way I want...”
You make you way to the back of his chair, and begin to massage the tense muscles in his shoulders. “I’m sure it’ll be amazing.”
“But don’t you see?” Jimin looks up at you, straining his neck, “This is going to be the last Halloween Feast we have at Hogwarts. It’s got to be amazing! Or I’ll let you down.”
“No matter what, if I get to celebrate it with you, it’ll be amazing,” you reassure him, bending to plant a kiss on his forehead.
He smiles, and you feel his muscles relaxing against you. “Well, no matter what, you’ll be in for a treat, I promise.”
“I always am, when I get to spend all my days with you.” You plant a kiss on his lips this time, feeling him smile into you.
✽ ✽ ✽
[Seventh Year – October 31st]
The day of the Halloween Feast rolls around, and you meet Jimin in the common room, both dressed up, ready for the feast.
Jimin’s face melts into a soft smile, seeing you, with your hair tied back, and your gown billowing out around you as you run up to hug him. You can smell his cologne as you pull away from him, dizzying you, as it clings to your clothing – a reminder that he held you close.
“You ready for this?” you ask, and he gives you a nod, hand squeezing at your own.
You let him lead you down the hallways to the Great Hall. You take in every detail, knowing you’ve got a limited time left to appreciate the unique crevices of Hogwarts, with the twisting staircases, and the curious paintings. You’re not sure what will happen once you graduate. Will you have to go back to a non-magical life with your parents? Or will you get to stay in the world of magic, using the skills you’ve learnt in potion making, divination, and spell casting?
Jimin’s hand grips yours tightly, and you know he’s thinking of what will happen after you leave as well.
As you step into the Great Hall, your worries are quickly swept away.
The Great Hall has been completely transformed. Candles float in the air, burning flames of blue and orange, sparking up to the sky, which burns golden from the setting sun. Crystals dangle down from the ceiling, cascading light across the hall. The tables have strings of lights shining around them. At first glance they appear to be fairy lights, but when you look closer you realise they are actually specks of light floating on their own, like fireflies. Pumpkins sit on the table surrounded by flowers, and sprigs of ivy cascade down the table legs.
“You really outdid yourself,” you tell Jimin in a hushed tone of reverence, “This is beautiful.” He glows with pleasure as you sit down at the Slytherin table.
You feel a poke behind you, and turn in your seat to see Taehyung, who’s stopped on his way to the Hufflepuff table. He grins at you, “Amazing, whoever worked on this did an amazing job.” He grins at you, while Jimin flushes at the indirect complement.
Clasping a hand on Jimin’s shoulder, Taehyung says, “Good job, for real,” before he’s ushered along by some other Hufflepuffs who are trying to get to their seats.
The night seems to go by in a blur of dazzling lights and delicious food. You sit back in your chair, as a house elf comes around offering tea and mints after the dinner. “This was amazing,” you tell Jimin. “I’m sad it’s our last Halloween at Hogwarts. I want to do this all again”
Jimin nods, “It doesn’t need to be the last amazing Halloween we have together though.”
You smile. “Of course not.”
“Hey,” Jimin shuffles in his chair, “I know you might want to go to university after this, but… what would you say if, after all that… we moved in together?”
You blush, thinking it over. You and Jimin have been together for so long, it only seems like a natural conclusion that you would end up together after this. Yet, it seems difficult to imagine what it will be like to be with Jimin outside of Hogwarts, in a hazy future. All you know is that if Jimin’s a part of your life, then the days will be bright.
Without giving it any more thought, knowing exactly what you want, you say, “Yes. I’d like that very much.”
✽ ✽ ✽
[Four Years after Graduating from Hogwarts - October 31st]
It’s the day of the Halloween party – the Halloween party that Jimin has become famous among for hosting at his house. Somehow, without you noticing, late afternoon has slunk in, and you’re helping Jimin add the last finishing touches to your house, making sure all the foods are ready for when guests arrive.
You look around at the spread of food crammed on the small kitchen table. “Not too bad, Park Jimin” you say, giving him an approving smile.
“Well, I couldn’t have got it all done on time without your help,” Jimin says, making his way over to sweep you into a hug. He smells of spices and vanilla from helping you to bake in the kitchen. There’s flour on his hands, which has definitely ended up on your jumper. Nothing a little bit of magic won’t fix.
“Hey,” he pulls away from you, “I was going to ask after the party, but I’m too excited to wait.”
You furrow your brows, wondering what he’s getting at.
He licks his lips, looking down at you, and you see his Adam’s apple bob. “I was wondering...” he pauses, and your hearts starts thudding against your rib cage.
“How would you feel about marrying me?” JImin asks, eyes searching yours.
You don’t give him any moment of hesitation or uncertainty. You’re already pressing a kiss to his lips before your remember directing your body to do so. “I’d want nothing more!” you murmur as you part.
“Good,” he laughs, nuzzling your neck as you hold him close. “Now I won’t have to return the ring I bought you.”
✽ ✽ ✽
After you wave off the party that evening, Taehyung being the last to leave as per usual, Jimin pulls you into the living room, where the remains of the party still linger in the form of dishevelled decorations, and the last crumbs of the snacks you baked.
“Well, did I manage to out do all the Halloweens you’ve had?” Jimin asks as you both snuggle up on the sofa.
“You definitely have,” you assure him, “I mean… you proposed to me!”
“Well, I guess I’ll just have to do even better by actually marrying you next year,” he retorts.
“October wedding?”
“I’d like that a lot.”
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blacknight1230 · 4 years
Halloween Treat
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Jim Hopkins Imagine (Bully: Scholarship Edition)
You switch costumes with Pete, resulting in Jimmy enjoying your Halloween costume. 
Twas the night before Halloween. Your most favorite holiday spent at Bullworth Academy. The campus was decorating with glowing jack-o-lanterns, spooky ghosts and bats, and toilet paper hauntingly hanging from the tree branches. And best of all, the student body had free reign to wreak havoc this autumn night. Of course, no one was in there costumes now, a full twenty-four hours until you could do so. 
So, you were walking back to your dorms from the mess hall, when you saw a disgruntled Pete on the steps to the main school building. “Hey, Petey, what’s wrong?” you asked the small boy. “Oh, (Y/n), hey” he greeted, hurriedly getting to his feet. “Is everything okay? Is Gary picking on you again?” you questioned, worried about your friend. Pete just nervously shifted from foot to foot, not saying anything. “Petey, come on, talk to me. You’re worrying me,” you begged. “It's stupid, really. It’s not even a big deal,” Petey whined, avoiding eye contact with you. “Well, it obviously is if your this uptight about it. Come on, Pete o’boy, tell Momma (Y/n) all about your troubles. I promise I won’t laugh,” you pestered, poking the young boy repeatedly in the arm. “Ok, fine. It's about my costume,” Pete admitted, finally giving up. “Your costume?” You were confused now; how could Halloween get-up make his this miserable. “You see, I already picked out my costume for tomorrow night. I was really excited about it, but now I’m afraid to be seen in it!” Petey explained, pacing around as he stressed over the situation. “Why? Your costume can’t be that bad,” you tried to reassure Pete. “Ha-ha, well, it's not exactly something Gary or Jimmy would where that’s for sure,” he said, voice shaking. “Then what is it?” Petey sighed and glumly ushered you to follow him.
He led you over to the boys’ dorms and inside the building. You ignored the dilapidated surroundings and B.O. smell as Petey brought you to his room. It really shocked you how Bullworth treated the boys living conditions compared to the girls. Anyway, Petey brought you into his small room and closed the door, before turning to his wardrobe. He opened it up, showing you his costume hanging on the inside of wardrobe door. You didn’t say anything when you saw the bright pink, furry bunny suit. It even had a puffy tail and ears attached to it. 
Pete noticed your silence, frowning even more. “Now you see what the problem is. I can’t go out in that! I’ll be the laughing stock of the school and a prime target for the bullies!” he freaked out. “I don’t know what to say, Petey. Do you have another costume to go out in?” you questioned. “Nope. And I have to wear a costume tomorrow. Gary will notice and make fun of me for it.” You took a seat on Pete’s bed, the springs of the mattress squeaking as you put your weight on it. “Well, you’re definitely in a pickle.” “Hey, tell me about it.” 
Petey sat next to you, head in his hands. You lightly patted him on the back, “There there. You’ll get through this.” “If only I could switch my costume out with someone else,” Petey mumbled into his hands. A light bulb went off over you head, an idea popping your brain. “Petey, I think I might have an idea,” you excitedly told him. “Wha-, how?” “Just trust me, Petey. Give me your costume and I’ll have another one for you by tomorrow,” you explained. The young boy was hesitate for moment, but he eventually got up and grabbed the accursed bunny suit, handing it to you without a word. “Thanks, Petey, I swear, I won’t let you down!” YOu rushed out his room and towards the dorm hall’s exit, Petey wishing you a disgruntled good luck. Looks like I have a night of work to do, you thought. 
~ Time skip ~
It was officially Halloween. And everyone was celebrating like crazy. Pranks ensued as the prefects partied away and the teachers stayed in their lounge. You were walking the school grounds in the costume you spent all night sewing and hemming. A couple of guys ogled your form as you walked past, while the girls complimented you on the costume. You could only smirk as you sucked on a lolly-pop, making your way over to the front of the boy’s dorms. When you got there, you saw Gary, Jimmy, and Petey gathered on the steps to the dorms’ entrance dressed in their costumes. 
Garry was dressed up as a Nazi SS soldier, without the symbols and armband. I got to remember to scold him later, you thought, frowning at Garry’s choice of dress up. Meanwhile, Jimmy was dressed up as a skeleton, with black and white face paint, and Petey was dressed up in the Grim Reaper costume you gave him. It was actually the costume you planned on wearing and as it wasn’t gender specific, Petey could wear it without being worried about Gary making fun of him. But Gary being Gary was still pestering poor innocent Petey. 
“Come on, Femboy, where’s the bunny costume I got you? Don’t tell me you go rid of it,” Gary threatened. “No, Gary, I traded it with someone and they gave me this,” Petey protested, his voice muffled from behind his skeleton mask. “Don’t lie to me, Petey. You know I don’t like liars. No one would take that damn bunny costume,” Gary said while rolled his eyes. You decided it was time to make your presence known. 
“Hello boys,” you called out to them. All three of them turned to look at you, eyes widening at the sight of you. You stood before them in the tailored bunny suit, having cut off the legs and sleeves of the one piece. It was now a sleeveless, booty short one piece with a cinched waist and a lowered neckline. You accessorized the look with hot pink fishnet thigh high stockings and fingerless pink fishnet gloves that end below the elbows. To complete the look, you wore white combat boots and sexy bunny makeup. All three of the boys just stared at you, mouths wide open. Gary was the first to snap out of it, a wolf whistle coming out of his smirking mouth. “Look at you, (y/n). Say, are you going to be our little Playboy bunny for the night?” he teased. “Knock it off, Gary,” Jimmy snapped suddenly. Gary, for once, backed off. 
Instead his attention was focussed back onto his Big Prank, as he liked to call it. He forced all four of you to follow him to the side yard of Harrington House, where Chad and the other Preppies lived. It was only then did he explained his twisted little plan. “Ok, here’s the deal. We’re going to feed Chads dog a bunch of this rancid meat then wait for him to take a dump then -” Gary started, a sick smile on his face as he explained the prank formed in his evil little mind. “Man, what the hell. I’m out of here,” Petey cried in disgust, interrupting Gary. He ran away disgusted, Gary just shouting, “Whatever, Pete.” “This prank is nasty, even for you,” you sneered. “Let’s just do this, guys. I’ll explain everything later,” Gary huffed. 
You all turned to look around the corner of the archway leading into the side yard, where Chester, the aforementioned dog, was running around. But there was little problem in this ‘brilliant’ plan of Gary’s. Chad was in the yard, playing with the Staffordshire Bull Terrier via frisbee. “Shit, now what do we do,” Jimmy questioned. “What do you mean ‘what do we do’? We fight him, of course. Geez, Jimmy, are you really that much of a pea brain?” Gary snapped. Jimmy opened his mouth to retort back but you stopped him before he could. “Pipe it down, you two. Let me handle this,” you hissed. Without another word, you sauntered up to Chad, seductively swinging your hips. 
“Hey, Chad,” you greeted in a sing-song voice. “Oh, ah, hey there darling,” Chad replied once he saw you. You could already tell he was in the palm of your hand as he looked at you with love struck eyes. You were pretty sure it was because of your costume, for without it Chad and all the other boys never would have spared you a second glance. Using your sex-appeal to your advantage, you continued entrapping him in your web. “Oh, nothing. I’m just so bored and lonely tonight. Will a nice strong gentleman like you help me?” you drawled, trailing a gloved hand down Chad’s chest. Sweat started to accumulate around the prep’s hairline and he struggled with his next words. “I would love to, darling. What you wanna do?” “Oh I think I have an idea. You just have to follow me to somewhere a little more private,” you practically whispered into his ear. Chad tensed up and swallowed a lump in his throat, but he allowed you to take his hand and pulled him away from the side yard. 
You were just about lead into the space between the left side of the preppies’ dorms and the fence when Jimmy came up behind Chad hit him on the back of the head. The force of the blow caused Chad to fall to the pavement, knocked out cold. “Jimmy! What was that for?” you hissed. “I thought that was your plan. To lure him away and knock him out,” Jimmy said, a faint blush on his cheeks. Before you could figure out why the teen was blushing, Gary hurried past the both of you to Chester. “Who cares what the chick was going to do? We got what we needed,” he voiced over his shoulder as he kneeled down to the dog. “Here you go boy. Have a little trick for a treat. Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum,” he said to Chester as the staffy ate the meat. Immediately after finishing, Chester started whining as he squatted over the grass. “That’s gross!” Jimmy exclaimed as he crossed his arms in disgust. “Poor little guy,” you worried, holding your nose as the barely digested meat exited the poor pooches rear end. As soon as Chester finished with his business, Gary gathered the fecal matter into a brown paper back. 
“Score! Alright let’s go to the teacher’s lounge,” Gary ordered. The three of you ran towards the main school building, entering by one its back exits onto the main floor. Jimmy placed the bag of doggy doo in front of the door of the teacher’s lounge. As soon as he set it down, Gary lit a match and brought it close to the paper back. “Are you sure this is a good idea, Gary?” you distressed. All you could think of was possible setting the building on fire. “Don’t worry. It will be funny,” Gary threw off your worries. “Just pulled the fire alarm, Jimmy, and watch fun begin.” Jimmy did as Gary said, striding up to the nearby fire alarm on the opposite wall. He looked around before grabbed the handle and pulling it down. 
The air filled the sounds of alarms as Gary, Jimmy, and you hid around the corner. “What the hell is going on?” you heard one of the teachers shout from within the teacher’s lounge. The door opened to reveal Mr. Burton, who once he saw the paper back on fire, tried to put it out by stomping on it. He successfully put out the small fire but now the bottom of shoes where covered in disgusting, half-digested, port-a-potty smelling dog shit. Mr. Burton screamed and gagged as he tried to get the animal turds off his sneakers. You all couldn’t help but laugh as you all ran away and out the side exit, rushing away from the scene of the crime. Next thing you knew, you all were by the front of the academy’s gates, near the dorms. 
All of you struggled to breath, hands on your knees as you hunched over from both laughter and the sprinting. “That ... was the most brilliant ... and hilarious ... prank I’ve ever seen!” you complimented Gary. “Even I have to admit, that was a great prank, Gary,” Jimmy confirmed.  Gary got a wicked smile on his face, immensely enjoying being complimented on his ‘superior’ brain. “Thank you, thank you, hold your applause, please. I know you all love me,” he boasted, mock bowing to you guys. “Ok, don’t get so full of yourself,” Jimmy sassed. “Whatever, man. You two have fun jacking each other off. I’m going to steal some candy from the nerds,” Gary answered back. He ran off before you and Jimmy could yell at him. 
“Well, tonight was surprisingly fun,” you turned to Jimmy. “Looks like my first Halloween in Bullsworth is a success. It's a bummer that its ending already,” Jimmy replied. A light bulb went off over the top of your head, an idea forming in your mind. “Who said it was over? Follow me,” you announced. You sprinted towards the girl’s dorms, motioning Jimmy to follow you. You heard the sound of Jimmy’s footsteps following you as ran to the right side of the building. Quickly and efficiently, you climbed up the lattice bolted to the brick wall and up to the open window on the third floor. Once you stepped foot in the large attic space, you helped Jimmy climb in behind you. 
“Whew, you are surprisingly fast,” Jimmy huffed out, struggling to catch his breath after the sprinting and high climb. “Thanks, Jim. Come have a seat,” you acknowledged his compliment. You led Jimmy over to a small area of the attic where you had a pile of comfy pillows and blankets, a tiny tv with a built in VCR situated next to the wall. Fairy lights were struck through the rafters above it, barely lighting up the windowless area. You sat on the pile of pillows and turned on a battery operated camping lantern, finally allowing the both of you to see clearly what you were doing. As Jimmy took a seat next to you, you pulled out a bowl filled with candy. “Want some?” you offered the teen. “Where did you get these?” he questioned, grabbing a handful of assorted candy. “My parents sent me a care package of sorts. They know how much I love Halloween,” you explained, picking out a single piece of (favorite candy). “Wish my mom did something like that. She’s too busy hanging out with her 5th husband on their honeymoon to even think about me,” Jimmy complained. You could see thinking of his absent mother really upset hi, their relationship not on the best of terms. You nudged Jimmy on his costumed shoulder, trying to get him out of this little funk. “Come on, let’s pick out a movie to watch. I have a couple to choose from,” you said. Jimmy gave you a warm smile as you pulled a small pile of VCRs. 
The night continued with you and Jimmy stuffing your faces on candy and popcorn as you watched movies from within your secret chilling out spot. You were in the middle of the first movie, a classic slasher film, when Jimmy said something. “Hey, (y/n), back when you were distracting Chad, were you really going to ...” he trailed off. You pulled your eyes away from the TV screen, studying Jimmy. He was sitting on a couple of different colored pillows, leaning back on one of his outstretched arms and feet kicked out in front of him. He was refusing to look you in the eye, signaling that something was up. “What? Oh, that!” you realized what he was talking about. “No! Absolutely not! I was just trying to lead Chad away so we could get what we needed for the prank.” 
Jimmy looked relieved, the tension in his shoulders releasing as he let out a sigh. “Ok. Good. I just thought maybe you had a thing for him or something,” he explained. “Jimmy, do think I really would let anyone get with me like that?” you sassed. “Pff, well you are dress up as a more modest Playboy bunny. Any boy would fall for you dressed like that?” he replied, rolling his eyes. It seemed he was trying to change the subject. “Oh, so does that mean you like my costume, Jimmy? Has this little bunny gotten to ya?” you teased. Jimmy’s cheeks got red, as he no longer had his skull face makeup on. He started to stutter out half formed words, his tongue all twisted. You liked seeing so flustered like this. Seeing how you made him this way was kind of cute. 
Since meeting Jimmy that faithful school day you started to grow some feelings for the short stocky teen. Seeing how he stood up to bullies, student and faculty alike, and how determined he was to rise to the top in order to survive the hellhole that is Bullsworth was most likely the cause. As well as the way he was so kind to you despite not really fitting in with the cliques of the student body. Heck, you weren’t even that close to Petey and Gary before Jimmy came along. Jimmy brought out the best in you and you loyally followed him on his chaotic adventures, even if they weren’t something you could see yourself doing. 
So, your heart fluttered in your chest as you watched Jimmy struggle to find words to talk to you. “I - I actually do like your costume,” he finally admitted. Your heart soared and you tried to hide the impact his compliments had on you. “Really? What do you like about it? It’s nothing specially,” you bashfully replied. “Well, first it brings out your figure without revealing too much. It’s eye catching,” he revealed sheepishly. You could feel yourself blushing under your halloween makeup, it badly hiding your pink cheeks. “Thank you ...that means a lot coming from you,” you replied, flushed. 
A stiff awkward silence followed, both of you trying to focus on the slasher film on the tiny TV. You reached over to grab a handful of popcorn without looking, but instead of grabbing the buttery treat, you ended up grabbing Jim’s hand as he also reached for the popcorn without looking. Your breath hitched at the feeling of his warm rough hand in yours, secretly reveling in the sensation. Your eyes trailed down to your conjoined hands, up his arm, and to his face. You were meet with dazzling brown eyes staring into your own. The world seemed to stop as you gazed at Jimmy’s freckled filled face, traces of his face paint still lingering on his skin from where he failed to wipe it off. You noticed the distance between you two was slowly disappearing as subconsciously leaned into each other. “Aw, fuck it,” you heard Jimmy mumble before closing the little distance between you two. 
Jimmy’s lips met yours roughly, a little ‘Mmm!’ escaping from you. You couldn’t help but grab onto his stocky shoulders and melt into the kiss, quietly sighing as you did so. You could feel Jimmy’s hands move to grip your waist, everything feeling hot as stereotypical kissing noises filled the attic as you two moved your lips against each other. He taste like candy, you thought to yourself as a hand threaded through his short orange hair. 
You could have gone on forever connected this way, but you were both human beings who need air to survive. So you unhappily had to separate from each other, gasping for air as you did so. You trailed a hand gently down Jimmy’s freckled cheek as he looked at you with hooded eyes. You could see the longing within them, one of his hands slowly moving off of your hip, it leaving a lingering touch. “J-Jimmy ...” you stuttered out, not knowing what to say. “That was great. God, how could I not have done that sooner?” Jimmy wondered out loud. “Done it sooner?” you pondered, brain all fuzzy from the kiss. “(Y/n), I like you, a lot. And after seeing Chad’s hands all over you ... I couldn’t handle it,” Jimmy confessed. You thought you died and went straight to heaven. No way your crush was confessing to you. “So, I what I’m basically trying to say is ... will be my girlfriend?” Jimmy finally asked. 
You couldn’t stop yourself, planting a kiss right on Jimmy’s reddened lips. You felt Jimmy freeze up from the unexpected action, pulling away from the stiff boy to give him your answer. “Of course, Jimmy. I would be stupid not to,” you said, smiling from ear to ear. A similar smile broke out on Jimmy’s face, reaching out to you to pull you into another kiss. You happily let him, the smile still on your lips as were locked in a passionate embrace. Jimmy pulled you closer as you practically sat on his lap, his hands firmly holding you in his arms. “Best Halloween treat ever,” he chuckled, before proceeding to a makeout session. Best Halloween treat, indeed. 
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monocaelia · 4 years
zolotse ii.
Words cannot describe the way he feels about you, so he shows it in a multitude of other ways. Whether or not they’re genuinely romantic gestures is up to you to decide.
[childe x gn!reader]
warnings : none
The streets of Liyue that were usually empty were bustling with life and laughter as citizens and tourists from far and wide wandered the streets. Booths for small toys and lanterns littered the sidewalks and the sweet aroma of food lured people here and there. Children laughed and ran around with each other, mirth filling their eyes as they excitedly ran to and fro to see what the Liyue Lantern Rite Festival had to offer. 
You smiled to yourself, leaning against a pillar as you watched the excited Liyuens walking among the streets. You spotted a small concert happening in the corner and wanted to check it out, but the crowd of people prevented you from doing so. It was a shame really, you were intrigued by the sound of rock music blasting and a pretty sick guitar solo but you were perfectly fine with avoiding the crowd here and watching everything unfold instead. 
Honestly, you did want to enjoy the festival just as everyone else did. You wanted to explore the streets, buy some street food and small toys and gadgets before sitting down to watch the lanterns fly up for the new year. But, well, the bustling crowd kind of intimidated you and you’d rather stand here than be pushed around.
That and celebrating a festival alone is kind of… sad.
You could’ve asked Xiangling to celebrate the festival with you, but she was busy with the restaurant and the huge influx of people coming in for food and you really didn’t want to intrude on that. And Zhongli… you couldn’t find him to ask if he wanted to spend the evening with you roaming around Liyue Harbor. Besides, he probably had others he was spending the festival with right? You recalled rumors of a traveller coming from Mondstadt that had visited him a couple weeks ago who had willingly (or unwillingly) accompanied Zhongli on his errands regarding Rex Lapis. 
“Hm? And what’s someone like you doing standing alone during tonight of all nights?” A voice came from beside you. You jumped slightly, startled from the sudden presence beside you. Childe smiled, boyish and cute, when you finally noticed him. “Festivals aren’t meant to be celebrated alone, you know.”
You took a moment to compose yourself after being startled. “Yeah I know but… I don’t really know a lot of people here in Liyue.” You averted your eyes away from the Snezhnayan. “I was going to ask Zhongli from the funeral parlor, but he wasn’t there when I went to ask.”
You didn’t notice the way his smile fell slightly or the way his fists clenched when you mentioned Zhongli, but it disappeared as quickly as it happened. “Well, why not spend it with me? I have nothing to do tonight anyways.” Childe’s eyes glimmered in mischief as you looked back up at him. “I promise, it’ll be the most fun you’ll have. More fun than if you had spent it with Zhongli.”
“Well, as long as you aren’t lying to me or dragging me out to commit your dirty crimes with you, then I would love to enjoy this festival with you,” you teased, playfully smiling right back at him. He laughed before offering his hand out to you. You placed your hand in his and he gripped it gently, leading you into the crowd of people. 
As much as you hated to admit it… Childe did not disappoint when he told you that you would be having the most fun tonight. You could barely hold in your joy being surrounded by the warm glow of the lanterns and city lights of Liyue Harbor. Music and excited chatter filled your ears as the two of you browsed and visited the many booths that lined the streets. 
You made the mistake of glancing at a booth selling mora meat for a second too long which caught the attention of your Snezhnayan companion. You tried to convince him that you weren’t that hungry and that you could pay it for yourself later, but your attempts were futile as Childe handed the vendor some more and placed the sandwich into your hands. You glared at him, but took the meat filled pastry and mumbled a small ‘thank you’ to him.
You promised yourself that you would pay him back, even if you had to force your money into his hands and run for your life.
The night passed by quickly and pretty soon people were quieting down and looking up expectantly at the sky. You had always wanted to witness the lanterns float up into the sky in person after hearing about it from travellers that passed by your hometown. Beautiful, they had called it, as if you’re surrounded by gold and warmth. 
Your name slipped past Childe’s lips, attracting your attention. His eyes gleamed with something, smile small yet playful. “I have a surprise for you. Do you trust me?”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “Hm… I’m not sure. You’re a Fatui Harbinger and have caused havoc to Liyue Harbor more than just once.” You crossed your arms, the corner of your mouth quirking up. “Promise you aren’t leading me somewhere to kill me?”
“Snezhnayan promise, [Name],” he said back and offered his hand to you once again. Just like before, you placed your complete trust in him and placed your hand in his, letting him lead you somewhere.
Childe led you up a tall hill, the two of you climbing up higher and higher above and away from Liyue Harbor. You were confused, unsure of how this surprise had anything to do with the Lantern Rite Festival considering it was so far away from the harbor. Your brows furrowed, about to question what Childe was pulling when you saw it.
Out on the horizon, small golden lights began floating into the midnight sky. You gasped in amazement, inching towards the edge of the hill the two of you were perched on as more and more lanterns began to float up and above the harbor. You were scared you weren’t going to see much from here, but this view was so much more beautiful than it would have been if you were on the harbor itself. A smile grew onto your lips as the lanterns glided up and above, over the oceans and boats that littered the sea. 
“Isn’t it beautiful?” you whispered out, eyes glued onto the sky. Childe chuckled beside you, his eyes never once left your form the moment the two of you settled down on this hilltop. He smiled, warm and genuine, at the sight of you; beautiful and ethereal under the glow of the moon and lanterns than filled the sky above you. 
“Yeah, you’re beautiful indeed.”
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Horsing Around
Content: OC, Lots of musk (first time really focusing on it), and bestiality with a horse as evidenced by the title
"Misha sneaks out at night to have some alone time with Frost so she could give him some pleasure she feels he needs and so she could have fun of her own, and she is soon left absolutely drunken by his musk. After a bit, Miriam catches her in the act and ends up showing her how to really please him."
Word Count: 1,445
Misha wasn't one to let societal norms keep her from acting how she wished to act. She was a guardian of nature itself, and she was happy with that life. Since she began to journey with Miriam, she caught glances of Frost's sizable balls almost every time she looked his way. Really, they were massive. In the forest, she would let the creatures in heat have their way with her to alleviate their cycles if they couldn't find mates, and she loved it every single time. Now, she wanted to be a bit selfish. The truth was, the scent of his balls was what attracted her to Frost in the first place when she began to notice them. Whenever she caught the scent, she started to feel a lightheaded.
One night after the caravan had stopped, Misha snuck out into the warm night air. She could see the entire caravan clearly in the bubble of cloaking that Miriam had conjured around the small area. And, she could definitely see Frost. He had not gone to sleep yet, and that was just fine for Misha. She walked up next to him and gently patted his side, and she began to rub soothingly. Frost glanced back at her and blinked, a curious look on his face as she petted his side, and she looked into his eyes.
"Frost... may I pleasure you?" Misha asked the huge draft horse quietly.
Frost understood her clearly, and he snorted. "Help yourself, Misha." She heard in her mind.
Misha smiled and knelt down at Frost's side, and she could see that the thought of her pleasuring him had already made him get excited. She watched in awe as his massive shaft grew erect from its sheath. It was bigger than what she thought it would be, and the scent of it was just intoxicating. She leaned in and couldn't help but just inhale the scent through her nose, and she let out a deep purr. She took Frost's huge cock in both hands and just started rubbing her body against it, and she rubbed her face and nose against it as well. The musk was just too addicting already.
Her tongue rolled out of her mouth and she began to lick the shaft slowly as she rubbed her body against it. A pleased snort escaped Frost as the druid pleasure him. He was definitely enjoying this treatment and wasn't going to hide it. Misha cupped the head in her hand and began to rub gently as a large amount of precum started to ooze from it and covered her hand and fingers. She brought her hand up to her face and the scent of Frost's precum was even more glorious. Her mind was left in a complete haze. She couldn't help but start to lick her hand clean, but then a sound alerted her and her ears shot up. She turned around and her eyes widened when she saw Miriam watching her, a grin on her face as she was dressed in absolutely nothing.
"My my, what have we here~"
Misha's voice died in her throat as she stared at Miriam, like a deer caught in the light of a lantern. Miriam slowly sauntered over to her and knelt down in front of her, that grin still on her face. She expected a lot of things, but definitely not what came next. Miriam crawled under Frost to his other side and gently took hold of his cock and began to stroke it, all while she continued to grin at Misha.
"Such a naughty druid, aren't you~?" Miriam chuckled as she stared at Misha past Frost's cock, "Let me show you something he truly loves~"
Misha watched as Miriam crawled forward and planted her face in Frost's huge nuts, and she began to gently squeeze them in her hands and suck on them. Frost snorted even more and one of his hooves kicked against the ground, and Misha followed the seer's lead. She buried her face in Frost's balls as well and started kissing, sucking, and licking wherever Miriam wasn't, and there was a lot of area for her to give attention to. Both gorgeous women worshipped the huge stallion's balls, with Misha doing her best to give him the most pleasure she could. The musk of his balls was absolutely divine like his cock and his precum, and she absolutely loved it. She was definitely addicted to it already.
Soon, Misha's efforts turned back to Frost's huge slab of meat. She began to stroke it in her hands as she rubbed her face along its length, taking deep breaths through her nose and just getting even higher than she already was. Then, she noticed that more precum was leaking from the tip and she immediately moved to start licking at the tip, making an absolute mess of herself as it was beginning to smear all over her lips and her nose. At this point, her mind was just blank. It was so hazy and she was just acting on pure lust and instinct, and she wanted his musk all over her. She wanted to taste his seed. She placed her mouth over the tip of his cock and began stroking faster and faster.
Miriam was between Frost's hind legs now, still giving his balls all her attention. She slowly sucked all over the huge orbs as best she could, rubbing them in her hands and pressing them against her face. She would be lying if she said she didn't absolutely adore his musk as well. If it was enough to make her tipsy, then she would love to be Misha right now and experience what she was feeling. But, she didn't mind what she got. She continued to play with his heavy nuts, taking deep sniffs every so often to fill her nose with that wondrous scent that she could just tell that Misha was high off her ass on.
She then moved her hands to join in stroking Frost's cock, working her hands slowly while Misha's were moving fast. The druid continued to drunkenly swallow down Frost's precum and she was absolutely loving it. She could feel Frost's cock begin to throb and pulse in her hands, and Miriam could feel his balls begin to tighten and churn. Miriam quickly crawled over and got right next to Misha and began to use her magic to summon a pair of lips that were a copy of hers and she sent them all along Frost's shaft, making it feel to him like she was taking it all the way down her throat. Miriam pressed her body right up against Misha's, her cheek against hers as Frost let out a series of snorts and neighs, and he finally began to cum.
There was no word to describe the taste of his seed, but Misha just loved it. As soon as it first touched her tongue, it was yet another thing Misha was addicted to. It quickly filled her mouth and she tried to swallow, but soon it was overwhelming and she had to move her face back. Then, Frost's cum began to cover and splash across Misha and Miriam's faces and then pour down between their bodies, covering their chests down to their stomachs in his spunk. Miriam shivered as she inhaled deeply through her nose, her eyes fluttering at the overwhelming scent invading her smell.
And for Misha, she was so far gone that she had started to just purr and mewl as Frost's musk absolutely drenched her body and flooded her senses. She was drunk and high all at once, her mind full of fog. Her eyes shuddered much like Miriam's but her eyes were rolled into the back of her head, her tongue just rolled out of her mouth. When Frost stopped cumming, both women were basically drenched in his seed, especially their faces. Neither of them wanted to be anywhere else right now either.
Frost's cock slowly went limp and retreated back into its sheath, and Misha began to rub her face against Miriam's chest, smearing Frost's cum over her face even more as she just kept taking in very deep breaths through her nose. She didn't want that scent to ever go away. Miriam began to giggle drunkenly as she let Misha do that, and she too began to take in a few deep breaths. She always loved how Frost's musk could affect her, and now she was sure Misha would be going back to him every single night for her high. She didn't mind it though.
After all, she'd be joining Misha every night for it.
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kumeko · 4 years
Tumblr media
A/N: For Golden Dearest, a Claudeleth Zine! I wanted to do a little Claude pining for my piece.
A chilly breeze wafted through the royal library, carrying with it the warm scent of spice and roasted meat. Nose in his book, Claude stared blankly at the page for a long moment as he registered the new smells, the sensation of cold wind blowing through his hair. His nose twitched. Looking up, he was taken aback by how dark it was in the library. Outside, strings of lanterns lit up the street markets, their glow barely visible from the library’s windows. The smells were both familiar and strange; it had been too long since he’d eaten proper Almyran food and the thought of it made him homesick. Even though he was home now, it would take some time for his body to adjust.
 “It’s that late already?” Claude murmured, setting down his book and pinching the top of his nose. On the table in front of him, several books lay open, their contents barely touched. Beside them were several letters from Byleth, the latest one still waiting for a response. When he had come back to Almyra, he had known it would be a long, hard climb to the top.
 What he hadn’t expected was the amount of studying he’d have to do. It felt like he spent more time here learning than he’d ever done at the academy. The politics in the region had changed in the years he’d spent abroad, each alteration transforming other smaller areas. Politics was about dealing with those webs of connections. It was what made it exciting.
 It was also what made it exhausting.
Once more, a cool wind ruffled his hair and despite himself, Claude shivered. The nights in the Almyran main castle were nothing at all like its days, the warmth of the sun long gone once the moon showed its face. His stomach rumbled and he chuckled. “Alright, alright, I get it. Time for a break.”
 No one replied as he got up, his chair scraping on the wooden floor. There were no “Finally! I wonder what’s in the kitchen?” from Raphael, no stony glares from Lysithea as she tried and failed to concentrate, no smug smirks from Lorenz as he got up a second later. No, here there was only silence. Not even the servants wanted to be seen with the outcast from Fódlan.
 Claude had expected as much when he’d made his decision. And yet…stuttering Marianne, more comfortable with horses than people. Ignatz and his secret paintings. Leonie, willing to challenge anyone, anytime. Hilda and her many schemes that miraculously kept her from doing any work.
 Byleth. His throat caught at that last one, at that last memory. The late nights they’d spend in the library, plotting out the course of the war. As skilled as she was at war, she was less proficient with long-term strategies. More often than not, he’d look up from his notes to find her fast asleep on his right, her breathing shallow, ink smudging her cheeks.
 The seat on his right was empty now. The library was empty. They were all in Fódlan, and he was here in Almyra. Seven years ago, he had left behind everything and everyone he’d known for a brand-new world.
 Somehow, the journey back was even harder than he’d planned.
 It took Claude five seconds to realize that Nader was talking to him. Chuckling, he released his notched arrow, striking his target slightly off-centre. Done with practice for the day, he slung his bow over his shoulder and turned around. “Ha ha, I have to get used to hearing that, don’t I?”
 Standing behind him, Nadar guffawed. “Don’t let your mother hear that. She picked your name, after all.”
 Despite the hot, afternoon sun, Claude shivered. He’d seen enough destruction left in his mother’s wake to know what that entailed. “I have enough of a challenge without the demon chasing me.”
 “Don’t let her hear that either.” Coming closer now, he ruffled Claude’s hair affectionately. No matter how much he’d grown, Claude felt like a child at that touch. Nader’s hand was always impossibly big and warm. “Are you missing all of your targets now, or just that one?”
 “Can’t get perfect all the time, you never know who’s watching.” Ducking away from Nader’s reach, he patted his disarrayed hair back into place. “It takes a lot of skill to purposely miss. Even more than it takes to reach the center.”
 Nader’s brow rose. “Does it now?”
 “It does.”  Claude rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. “I don’t think you came all the way to the training grounds to discuss my archery?”
 Nader chuckled once more. “No, but maybe I should consider it.” Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a thin letter. “This arrived this morning, for you. I made sure to take it before any of your siblings spotted it.”
 Claude tried not to smile too much as he took it. “Thanks.”
 As expected, the writing on the front was in Byleth’s hand. For a second, he traced out his name on the letter, his finger hovering over the dried ink. It was a good thing they were alone out here. He could feel his expression softening automatically. It had been too long since her last letter. Carefully, reverently, he tucked it into his shirt.
 “You’re not going to read it?” Nader asked, surprised. The older man stroked his ragged beard. “I thought you’d tear it open immediately.”
 “Oh?” Claude smirked suggestively, leaning closer to his former teacher. “Are you that curious about my love life? I didn’t think you were that kind of person, Nader. I mean, I thought it’d be better to read this in private—don’t want anyone to get too hot and bothered by it, but if you want to hear all the sordid details…” He trailed off meaningfully and winked.
 “You certainly have grown.” Nader guffawed once more, his laugh like a bear’s grunt, before wrapping an arm around Claude’s shoulders and squeezing him tight. “I’ll leave you alone. Got enough saucy tales of my own without adding yours to it.”
 “What do you want?” Direct as ever, his half-sister reclined regally on her plush seat and regarded him. A perfectly arched brow rose and she crossed her legs. “Well?”
 “What makes you think I want anything?” Claude replied, an easy smile on his face. His hands were clasped behind his erect back, his shoulders relaxed. He wanted to paint a disarming picture. It was always easier when your opponent looked down on you.
 Unfortunately, while he had a lot practice with Lorenz, his sister wasn’t buying it. “Khalid, since when do you approach others unless you need something?” She rested her chin on her hand, her long, painted fingers tapping her cheek. “The only question left is what are you willing to pay for it?”
 Claude chuckled softly, mirth colouring his tone as he played along. “I can’t pull anything over you, can I?”
 There were rules to politics, rules that kept you safe, that let you take advantage of others, that let others take advantage of you. A charming smile kept others at bay. Words had to mean nothing and everything. It was easier to give a fake weakness than to reveal a real one.
 From the corner of his eye, he spotted a flash of blue and his words died in his throat. She hadn’t needed any of that, had she? Effortlessly, Byleth had charmed all of Garreg Mach. Even though her smile had been a rarity. Even though her weaknesses were open for all to see. Even though her words were ever honest.
 The new Fódlan she was building…his hand twitched. He wanted to see it. A world where merit trumped lineage. Where borders meant nothing. He wanted to see it. He wanted to see her.
 He forced himself to look in front of him, away from that flash of blue and his scattered thoughts. “Sorry, I was just feeling overwhelmed. It’s not every day I get to trade words with the crown princess, after all.”
 It was only by candlelight that Claude allowed himself to read Byleth’s letter. In the privacy of his quarters, alone and away from prying eyes, if only so no one could see the soft curve of his lips as he pulled out her letter once more. He’d kept each and every one, though by now the letters were so well-worn they were barely legible.
 At one point, he imaged her letters must have smelled like her, all rainwater and pine needles. Now, they only carried the scent of dust and horses from the thousands of miles it had travelled to reach him. The flame flickered as he opened the envelope, casting long shadows on him as he unfolded the sheets of paper. Her writing was as concise as ever, each word written compactly to save room. It was the way of the mercenary, the way of her father.
 Hi Claude.
 And now, the way of Byleth. Claude chuckled as he read the first line in the letter. It seemed even time and distance couldn’t improve her skills. “No dear? I’m hurt.”
 As I thought, it is difficult to rebuild a nation. Particularly when we have lost the majority of our leaders.
 “As straight to the point as ever,” he murmured softly, his eyes lowering. How many friends had they lost in this war? His classmates, his peers—each death had weighed heavier than the last. Could he have saved any of them? His smiles only held power in the castle; outside, they were nothing. Dimitri had rejected his hand outright, revenge blinding him and his house to all other possibilities.
 And Edelgard…
 Byleth had trembled after she’d killed the Emperor, her jaw tight as she watched her head roll. He wondered if she replayed that scene in her head. If she dreamed of that sword, of the weight of it.
 He still couldn’t look at the colour red the same.
 His grip tightened, crinkling the paper. “Whoops, can’t have that,” he said glibly, forcing himself out of his thoughts. Claude flattened the paper, smoothening out the wrinkles. “These are going to be family heirlooms, after all.”
 Hubert would have made fun of him for that. A starry-eyed Dorothea would have called it romantic. Slyly, Sylvain might have swapped love stories. In the future, he hoped no one would know this dull ache that throbbed in his chest or the heavy lump in his throat.
 At least his house had made it through, unscathed. Especially Hilda; Byleth’s every other sentence for the next two paragraphs were about her and her exploits: a children’s book with Seteth, charming the pants off every noble she encountered, and starting a fashion line. And Claude had thought he was accomplished. Ignatz was painting and Raphael visited his sister and for all the sorrow the war had caused, there was joy too.
 Claude read Byleth’s letter unhurriedly, savouring each word. News from Fódlan was hard to get here, news of his friends even more so. Yet, no matter how slowly he read, the end came all too soon.
 Progress is slow, but steady. Come back soon,
 Her usual final words. It was never ‘I love you’ or ‘I miss you’, just ‘Come back soon’. He wondered how Byleth looked when she penned them, if she sat alone in her room just as he did his, carefully picking out each word as though he were searching for jewels in the dirt. Claude pressed his fingers against Come back soon, remembering the feel of her rough hands. Her soft lips. She had only recently remembered how to smile.
 He hoped she wouldn’t forget before he came back.
 It was funny. Claude had made it through five years without her, five long years buoyed only by his belief that she’d back. Byleth had shown him miracles and he knew she’d show him one last one, that someone like her wouldn’t just die like that.
 Now, he knew exactly where she was, knew exactly how to reach her, and he could barely make it through a few months without wanting to run back to her arms. He’d lost the ability to do without her. Utterly, completely lost it.
 “When I get back, you’d better be ready,” Claude whispered, reaching into his tunic and pulling out a fine silver chain. Dangling off it, her ring glinted in the candlelight. It glittered full of the promises of tomorrow.
 In the middle of the night, tomorrow felt like a long way off. He could only hope she missed him half as much as he missed her.
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elizabeethan · 4 years
Find Strength in Pain, Find Strength in Me 2/3
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After defeating the wraith, Emma Swan is dragged through the portal they sent it through and suddenly finds herself in the land in which she should have grown up. Lost, overwhelmed, and desperate to get home to her son, she accepts help from the gruesome pirate Captain Hook— and his accomplice. 
A Season 2 AU in which Emma ends up the the Enchanted Forest alone, and she and Hook (try to) work together to get to the Land Without Magic.
Hi! here is part 2! thank you to @the-darkdragonfly for being an incredible beta and to @donteattheappleshook for forcing me to write being instrumental in the creation of this fic.
Rated T (for now) (I have no idea if that’ll change) (bit fat maybe)
~4800 words
Read on Ao3
Read my other stuff
Tagging: @courtorderedcake​ @kmomof4​ @stahlop​ @klynn-stormz​ @laschatzi​ @emelizabeth88​ @lfh1226-linda​ @kday426​ @elisethewritingbeast @timeless-love-story​ @captain-emmajones​ @gingerpolyglot​ @ebcaver​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @teamhook​ @superchocovian​ @itsfabianadocarmo​ @tiganasummertree​ @gingerchangeling​ @jrob64​ @onceratheart18​ @xhookswenchx​ @winterbaby89​ @swampmedusa​ @ultraluckycatnd @dancingnancyy​ @love-with-you-i-have-everything​  @shireness-says​ @snowbellewells​ @hollyethecurious​ @ouatpost​ @daxx04​​ @the-darkdragonfly​ @donteattheappleshook​ @therooksshiningknight @eeteeaytay​​
Despite her circumstances, Emma does not feel like a prisoner of fearsome pirate Captain Hook. In fact, she’s been made to feel quite comfortable in his quarters, and after he was sure that their interests aligned and that they were useful to one another, he told her she could have free reign of the ship to do as she pleased until they made landfall. 
 “No one on this vessel will harm you, love,” he assured her when she became bored of exploring his quarters, and she believed him immediately. 
 Maybe she was bothering him as he peered over his logs and maps and she tinkered with the exotic items he’s collected— perhaps that’s why he encouraged her to explore. Either way, she didn’t have to be told twice, and found out that the men aboard were surprisingly pleasant as well. Mr. Smee was a shy and timid man, but friendly and caring all the same. The rest of the crew wore snarls when they looked at her, but broke down easily the moment she began casual conversation with them. 
 Maybe it’s because they know how instrumental she is in their Captain getting his revenge. 
 As she leans against the rail of the upper deck after a day of learning about ships and pirating, she watches as the sun sets behind them, painting the sky an intoxicating shade of pink that fades into purple and black. Hook is at the wheel, navigating through the ocean that almost claimed her, and despite her situation, she feels safe. If she had to be dragged from the sea and rescued by pirates, she supposes she lucked out with the Jolly Roger.
“Quite a sight, isn’t it, love?” he asks her, and she turns to face him so she can respond. 
 “It’s beautiful.” 
 “Never been aboard a ship before, I take it?” he calls from the wheel, giving her a smirk at the look of wonderment on her face. 
 “Nope, never had much of a need to,” she responds as casually as she can.  
 “Or an opportunity?” 
 She laughs, a bit awkwardly, and says, “I guess not. It’s not something I've really thought about.”
 “I see,” he concedes when she gets closer to him, leaning against the rail just across from the wheel he commands. “So, tell me about your boy.” 
 She sighs wistfully and looks up to the sky, wondering what he could be up to, what he’s thinking, if he’s worried about her. “His name is Henry. He’s almost eleven, but he acts like he’s 32. Super smart, very passionate about the things and people he cares about.” 
 “Sounds like you,” he chuckles.
 “How would you know?” she asks with incredulity. 
 “You're an open book. And you did hold a knife to my throat yesterday. I can only attribute that to your passion and assume that you want to get home quite badly.” 
 “Of course I do,” she rolls her eyes, stepping closer to him until she’s leaning against the helm and glaring at him. “I’m his mother,” she insists. 
 He nods and says, “of course. But I sense that there’s more to the story.”
 Caught off guard, she answers, “well, just… he’s been through a lot. Especially in the past year.”
 “I see. And you don’t wish to contribute to his turmoil.” She shrugs, looking away from his gaze. “You don’t wish to contribute... further?”
 Her breathing falters at his accuracy and she says, “let’s just say I wasn’t always there for him in the way I should’ve been. He deserves better and I need to get home to make sure I can give him that.” 
 He nods thoughtfully, pursing his lips and looking ahead towards the horizon again, as if anything before them has changed in the last day and a half. “I understand, love.” It’s as if he shakes himself out of a trance when he says, “try your hand at the wheel?” 
 She raises her brows and gives him a disbelieving look. “After I just told you I’ve never even been on a ship?”
 “It’s not difficult to learn,” he tells her as he lifts his hand towards her, gently guiding her behind the wheel. “Besides, the Jolly is enchanted. You can’t hurt her.” 
 She snorts softly, shaking her head as he leads her and places her hand upon a handle, letting his fingers linger on the top of her hand for a moment too long. “How do you manage to get your ship enchanted?” she asks amorously once his fingers leave her skin, taking with them a feeling of gentle warmth.  
 “You know the right enchantress,” he flirts back, his mouth just a bit too close to her ear. She can almost feel his voice rumbling through his chest as it presses to her back, keeping her warm against the whipping winds of the sea. “There,” he says softly. “You're sailing.” 
 She laughs lightly, unaware of how exciting she actually found this until he put it to words. Seriously, she’s captaining a pirate ship! Henry is gonna be so excited when she tells him this story. “I guess I am,” she says happily. 
 “I think she likes you,” he says in a way that she knows isn’t a joke, despite how ridiculous it sounds.
 “Why, because she isn’t sinking?” 
 “Aye, she doesn’t always take kindly to strangers.”
 “And you let me do this?!”
 He laughs, but doesn’t respond with words, as if he knows he’s been caught. “I had a feeling.”
 They’re quiet for a moment, and while he’d dropped her hand and is letting her steer on her own, she notes that he doesn't back up and keeps her back pressed gently to him. “We’re going to get you home to him, love,” he murmurs into her ear, so softly that she can barely hear him over the sound of the wind. “I know-- well, I would wager that you have some experience with abandonment and… Well, I’m not going to let your boy go through that.” 
 She draws her brows together in thought, considering how perceptive he is, how well he seems to know her after such a short time. She turns around to face him, seeing just how close he truly is to her, and cocks her head. He reaches behind her to take control of the wheel, bringing himself even closer. “How do you know?” she asks. 
 His smile is small, sad. “I’m no stranger to a lost soul.” 
 “Are you accusing me of being a lost soul?” she asks in a tone as soft as his own. 
 “Perhaps I'm simply trying to tell you that I understand.” 
 With a hum, she says, “what are you saying, Captain? Are we kindred spirits?” 
 He cracks a brilliant smile, his eyes crinkling and glimmering in the moonlight, shining like the stars above them. “Aye, I suppose we are.”
 She’s so calm with him. It feels wrong to let herself relax into his hold, to let herself enjoy the feeling of his chest vibrating against hers as he speaks. She should be focusing on getting home, on getting to Henry and protecting him from Regina. Not fantasizing about a pirate she thought was fictional. 
 But then he leans closer to her, his hook on the wheel and his hand reaching up to cup her cheek, and she doesn't even try to stop herself from pressing onto her toes and capturing his lips in a slow yet chaste kiss. He doesn’t hesitate to kiss her back, and she feels warmth flitting through her and settling in the deepest depths of her center until he’s tangling his fingers in her hair and getting his rings caught in the strands.
 She breathes out a soft giggle at the sharp tug, pulling from him and attempting to detangle herself from him. “Apologies, my darling,” he practically purrs against her mouth. 
 “It’s okay,” she whispers, planting her forehead against his and trying to catch her breath. They had only kissed for a second, but their close proximity and the raw, ardent nature of his observations weigh heavily between them and she feels something. 
 He kisses her lips again, one, twice, three times, before saying, “time for dinner.” 
 She groans and rolls her eyes. “Not more of that tack shit is it?” 
 He laughs heartily and says, “tonight you’ll get some more jerked meat, darling. Perhaps some rum to chase it down.” 
 “I’d love some rum.” 
 With a smirk, he steps back slightly and reaches his hand into his coat, taking out a flask and passing it to her, but not before removing the cork with his teeth and popping it onto the ground. She takes it happily from him, smirking back and stuffing the feeling of warmth that traces through her as deeply as she can. 
 The ship is enchanted in several ways, she realizes. Hook told her that it’s impossible to damage her, but she’s discovered other quirks as well. For one, it’s never cold. Not only is his cabin toasty warm, as if it’s well insulated, but  the rest of the ship is comfortable as well. For another, although it rained last night and the deck should have been slick, it was completely dry. And now, music is playing, and she can’t for the life of her find the source. 
 The wind is whipping but the lanterns stay lit, maybe another side effect of the enchantment, and the crew lounges happily on the deck, enjoying their rum and their opportunity to relax. Hook leans against the ladder that leads to the helm, and she can’t help but stare through her lashes at his confident posture as he laughs at the crewmen dancing wildly. 
 They shout boisterously as a slower, more romantic song replaces the shanties, laughing and hollering at their Captain until he stands and holds up his hands in defeat, shaking his head and smiling. She isn’t sure what they’re all talking about, but she’s excited to see him do what he seems so adamant to avoid. 
 That is, until he comes up to her and holds out his hand, offering her a small, shy smile in replacement of the smirk she was expecting. “Dance with me, Swan?” 
 “Dance with you?” she asks in outrage. “I can’t dance!” 
 “Aye, another thing you haven’t had the opportunity to learn, I’m sure, but I happen to be a brilliant teacher.” 
 “You’re ridiculous,” she accuses, although she can’t deny the grin splitting her face that matches his. “Are you saying you know how to dance to this?”
 He takes her hand with a salacious smirk and practically drags her to the middle of the deck, placing his own on her hip. “It’s called a waltz,” he tells her, “and there’s only one rule.” She feels a heat radiating off of herself that’s different from anything she’s felt before, as if a light is glowing from her skin and hair as he spins her. “Pick a partner who knows what they’re doing.” 
 She’s breathless, and every fear and worry she's had since she went through that damn portal has evaporated out of her pores and into the salty sea air. He holds her closer, likely forgoing the proper form they were practicing, and she melts into him. 
 “You’re glowing, darling,” he murmurs, his lips grazing against her ear lobe in a way that makes her shiver. She looks down at her hands and sees the soft golden glow he must be referring to and gasps, noting it fading. “Relax, love, it’s very fitting. I’m assuming this hasn’t ever happened in the Land Without Magic.”
 “No,” she says thoughtfully. “It wouldn’t have worked anyway until after—” She cuts herself off, careful not to reveal the truth; that Gold brought magic back to Storybrooke after the curse broke. Then she stops to think… is this magic?
 “After what?” he interrupts her thoughts.
 She clears her throat. “Uh, after I broke the curse.” 
 “The one the Queen cast? You broke it?” he asks, suddenly serious rather than warm and flirtatious. She wonders how he would’ve known about that, but figures he must’ve been a child when it was originally cast; maybe he remembers. 
 “Yeah.” She feels guilty lying to him. Maybe she shouldn’t. Maybe she should just continue to savor the feeling of his hand running along her back as he pulls her closer. As much as she’s been enjoying their time together, she reminds herself that she needs him to get home, and she’ll need to do whatever it takes for their plan to take fruition. 
 The next afternoon, Emma lounges in the Captain’s bed and reads one of the many diaries recounting his adventures. After they danced the night away, they came back to his room and she expressed interest in hearing about his journeys between kisses and soft touches. He stood and retrieved a leather bound book, handing it to her and telling her that she’s always welcome to his stories, and that he’ll happily tell her whatever she wants to know. She read until she fell asleep, with him sleeping soundly on the floor beside her, protectively positioned between her and the door.
 She knows she’s behaving ridiculously. She can’t possibly let whatever is going on between them continue once they make landfall. But it isn’t like she can accomplish anything while they’re out at sea, so she lets herself indulge in his soft lips and deep eyes and profound declarations in the meantime, making a promise to herself to let him go once they land. 
 She hears a commotion above deck and starts a bit, putting the book down on the bed and standing. Can pirates be attacked by other pirates? Certainly that’s a thing. She straightens the black linen shirt as she stands, the one Hook let her borrow while her clothes are being washed, tucking it more neatly into her jeans, and makes her way towards the door, pressing her ear to the wood and listening closely for trouble. She hears rustling and shouting, and her heart begins to race. It pounds harder in her chest when she hears a distinct set of footsteps making its way towards the door she’s pressed to. 
 When she hears the footsteps grow too close for comfort, she turns and presses her back to the door in hopes of blocking out an intruder. They try to push it open and grunt in surprise when it only moves a bit, and she plants her feet more firmly into the floor. Her panic subsides, though, when she hears a cocky chuckle. “Swan?” he calls through the door. “Are you playing hard to get?” 
 She breathes a sigh of relief when she hears his voice, moving from the door and carefully opening it just a crack to peek her head out. “What’s going on?” 
 He smirks, of course, and says, “We’re docking, love. What's the matter?” 
 “I thought… I dont know, I thought something was wrong.” 
 He shakes his head and squeezes by her to enter the room, shutting the door behind him and touching her arm gently. “Nothing’s wrong, darling. All is going to plan.” She doesn't miss the way his eyes trail down her body, slowly and obviously taking in the sight of her.
 “Stop looking at me like that,” she insists, pulling the shirt closed some more and hugging her body with her arms. 
 “I’m simply admiring the way my shirt fits you, Swan,” he smirks. “You wear it much better than I do.” 
 “Whatever,” she rolls her eyes. “What’s the plan?” 
 He chuckles and moves towards the table, stopping to pick up the book she was reading and putting it away. “The crew is docking us now, and then we’ll go to find the compass and then meet up with our colleague. Shouldn't be long before you're home.” 
 She nods, taking a calming breath at the anticipation of finally getting home. He’s told her the plan: they need to find a compass from a giant’s lair, but to do that, they first need to climb a beanstalk. She isn't sure what that will entail, and she isn't really excited to find out, but she’ll do what she has to to get back to her son. 
 Her shirt hasn’t dried yet. Hook packs it in his satchel so that she doesn’t leave it behind, but now she’s stuck wearing his flowy blouse with her jacket over top of it. He keeps checking her out, and she isn't sure how she feels about it. She ignores the blush and the heat that floods through her. 
 The port they landed at is fairly run down and not very heavily populated, which she thinks is a good thing-- she would stick out like a sore thumb in her jeans and leather jacket, but she sure as hell isn't hiking through a forest in one of those damn dresses. 
 They trek for hours, Hook filling the time with more stories that leave her with a sense of wanderlust. She grew up an orphan, traveling from foster home to foster home, and she always longed for a place to settle down. She’s never found herself wishing to travel the world, because she never had a home to come back to, but hearing his stories change things for her. 
 He’s an incredible storyteller. Sometimes it’s clear that he embellishes some events to make them more dramatic, but everything he tells her is the truth despite the fact that it sounds so unbelievable. It seems he’s spent years pillaging and plundering, and while she certainly can't condone all of his actions, it also seems like he’s spent much of his time enjoying the different realms he’s explored. He tells her so many stories that she isn't sure how he could fit all of these adventures into one lifetime. 
 “Can I ask you something?” she finally asks when she can make sense of his life no longer. 
 “Perhaps,” he smirks. 
 She carries on despite his playfulness. “How old are you?” 
 “Physically? Or literally?” 
 She snorts, bumping her shoulder against his at his joke, but falters when she realizes he isn't joking. She stares up at him, pausing her steps for a moment, and says, “uh, literally? I guess?” 
 “Around 250.” 
 “What?” she chokes. 
 He hums. “Aye, I’ve recently counted and I believe I’ve been on this plane for about 250 years.” 
 She’s speechless, blinking at him but unable to make her voice work. Shaking her head, she asks, “how?” 
 “Well, after my run in with the Dark One, I spent some time in Neverland. You see, the Dark One is immortal, so I needed to stay alive long enough to find a way to get my revenge. Once I found it, I came back for a few years, and then the most recent curse essentially paused time, so I didn't age again. So, I estimate around 250 years.”
 With her mouth still agape, she says, “I thought you were, like… 30.” 
 “Why thank you,” he smirks. “Physically, I’m around 36, I believe, so I’ll take that as a compliment.” 
 “So when the curse was cast, you were… the same age you are now?”
 “Is that not how it worked in the Land Without Magic? I was under the impression that time would stand still.” 
 She narrows her eyes, wondering how he heard such details about the curse, and managed to avoid it, but chalking it up to his piracy. “No, that’s how it worked.” 
 “And how old are you, then?” 
 “28,” she says without thinking, though perhaps she should have kept that a secret if she doesn’t want him to know that she’s the Savior. She can see the gears in his head turning, although he says nothing else and seeks no further clarification. 
 They spend the remainder of the trip talking about Neverland, which is apparently much different from how Barrie described. He tells her of the Lost Boys and how terrifying they were, even to a fearsome and relentless crew of pirates. While they walk, they encounter some branches in the path and he cuts them down, and she notices a tattoo on his inner forearm that catches her attention. 
 “Who’s Milah?” she asks, her voice just loud enough to be heard over the sounds of the forest. 
 He stills but doesnt turn back towards her when he asks, “pardon?” 
 “Milah, on the tattoo?” 
 His shoulders fall and he clears his throat. “Someone from long ago.” 
 “Where is she?” 
 “She’s gone.” His tone is dismissive. Pained. 
 She thinks of the first day, once she was awake, when she explored his cabin in secret before she trusted him and found a sketch of a stunning woman with thick, curly hair and soft, kind eyes. “Gold,” she says as the pieces fall into place, and he turns to face her. “Rumplestiltskin. He took more than your hand from you, didn’t he?” she asks softly. “That’s why you want to kill him.” 
 She hasn’t seen him look this broken in the few days she’s known him. The timeline starts to put itself together in her mind and she realizes he’s spent almost 220 years lying in wait to avenge this woman’s death. “You're quite perceptive,” he finally says. 
 The guilt is eating away at her again. How can she go on with him, convinced he has a chance to kill the Dark One, when she knows how hurt he is? What kind of a person is she becoming? 
 One who will do anything for her son, she reminds herself. 
 They’re silent for the rest of the trek. 
 She nearly slipped off the damn beanstalk. She wasn’t listening to him, his cocky attitude back in full force and irritating the hell out of her, so she grabbed a loose branch and it snapped. She plummeted, thought for certain she was going to die, until it stopped suddenly and he had his hook in the collar of her jacket. 
 “You should listen to your Captain,” he tells her, and she rolls her eyes, but internally she knows he’s right. He pulls her up close to him, pressing her front against the beanstalk and his body to her back. “Alright?” he asks, his lips brushing her ear.
 “I’m fine,” she responds, and she takes a shaky breath. 
 “Almost to the top, love,” he assures her, breaking away once she feels her shakiness subsiding. “Try that one,” he suggests, gesturing for a different handhold.
 When they reach the top, he pulls out his flask and she scoffs at his need for a drink, but then realizes she could use some herself. Only he isn’t using it for a drink, he’s taking her hand in his and saying, “let me help.” 
 “What are you--” she starts, and then he’s pouring the rum over a cut on her hand and she’s shouting at the sting. “What the hell!”
 “A bloody waste, I know. But I'll not have you losing a hand to infection.” 
 “Hook,” she starts, but he cuts her off. 
 “Haven't you learned to listen to your Captain, love?”
 She gives him an incredulous look, but when he raises his brows in quick succession, she can't help but to grin at him and roll her eyes. She’s about to say something snarky and brush him off, but then he’s wrapping her cut hand in a scarf and biting down on it so he can tighten it one-handed, not breaking eye contact with her. “Fuck,” she breathes at the sight, and then blushes fiercely. 
 He smirks and chuckles deeply, leaning in close to her and stealing a quick kiss before he places his hook on the small of her back and leads her to the castle's entrance. 
 “The last of the giants died ages ago, so we should be safe, save for any other intruders. All we have to do is find the compass and we’re homeward bound.”
 She finds it difficult to admit to herself how much fun she has as they dig through the treasure room, searching for the compass and joking around with each other as they do. Hook pilfers a few pieces of gold, but she can’t exactly blame him; he is a pirate, after all. He finds a small broach, a golden rose, and presents it to her with flair and grandeur, bowing deeply as he holds it out to her and kissing her hand when she accepts it. “You're ridiculous,” she accuses through a laugh. 
 They finally find the compass after what feels like hours, but the time passes painlessly. He helps her up onto the platform it sits on, humming amorously when her ass comes into his view, and she kicks his shoulder lightly with a laugh. 
 It’s as they’re wandering through the castle, slowly making their way back towards the beanstalk, when he says, “I must say, Swan, I’m looking forward to seeing where you spent the last 28 years,” and she feels that guilt bubbling up again. He isn’t excited to get to Storybrooke to kill Gold, he’s looking forward to seeing where she’s from. It makes her think of why he agreed to help her in the first place. It makes her think of his lost love, of Milah, and she feels as if she’s taking away his chance of avenging her. 
 “Hook,” she says hesitantly before they leave the treasure room. “There's something you need to know.” 
 “What’s that, love?” he asks gently, as if she can do no wrong, and the guilt is flooding her now. 
 She swallows thickly and takes a breath before admitting, “I know that you want to come with me to Storybrooke to kill Gold because you think there's no magic there, but… that isn't true.” 
 He stills, turning to face her fully and drawing his brows close together pensively, angrily. “There’s magic? In the Land Without Magic?” 
 She nods nervously. “After the curse broke, he brought magic back.”
 He scoffs, shaking his head and turning to pace in agitation. “Damn you, Regina,” he says under his breath. “And you knew, all this time?” 
 Her ears practically perk up, her heart starting to race again. “Did you say Regina?” 
 “Aye,” he practically spits. “The witch who said there would be no magic. Bloody charlatan.” 
 “What do you mean?” she asks, horrified to hear him talking about someone he shouldn't even know. 
 “I mean I was promised a land without magic in which to slay the bloody crocodile, and here you are telling me that isn’t the case. How am I meant to get my revenge now? Cora should've seen this coming. She bloody well knows her better than most.” 
 “Who the hell is Cora?” she asks firmly, backing away from him. “I thought that was the daughter of the lady you're working with?” 
 He runs his hand along his face and shakes his head. “I said Cora is the woman we’re working with. She’s looking for her daughter in your Storybrooke. Regina.” 
 She feels her face going white, her blood running cold and her eyes bugging out of her head. “Cora is… Regina’s mother? You know Regina?” 
 “Aye, bloody fraud has already betrayed me once,” he huffs, obviously still irritated. “I’m sorry, love, I don't mean to take out my frustrations on you, I just-- what are you doing?” 
 He notices her take the small dagger from the sheath he gave her earlier, pointing it at him and she holds the compass firmly in her other hand. “Don’t come any closer.” 
 “Swan? What are you doing?” She reaches behind her to tuck the compass in her back pocket; her sheriff’s pistol may have been damaged beyond repair by the ocean waves, but the cuffs are still fully functional. She takes in her surroundings quickly and then rushes to him, locking his wrist to the cage beside him without thinking her actions through and backing away. “What are you doing?!”
 “Hook, I…” she sighs. “I can’t--” 
 “Emma, look at me,” he insists. “Have I told you a lie?” 
 “You didn't tell me the truth; you’re working with Regina’s mother!”
 “How was I to know that was a problem for you?! I told you who we’re working with.”
 “Not really! Regina is dangerous, she wants to take Henry away from me! Do you know how bad it would be if her mother was there to help her?!” 
 “I will help you, Emma. You won't have to go through this alone; you won't abandon Henry like you were abandoned. Let me go and we can figure this out.” 
 “If Regina wanted me dead, Cora probably does too.” 
 “Wanted you dead?” he murmurs in thought. He cocks his head, confused, and ponders her claim. “Who are you?” 
 She shakes her head. “I can’t take the chance that I’m wrong about you.” 
 “Swan,” he calls after her as she turns around. “Swan!” She feels her eyes burning as she goes towards the beanstalk, but doesn’t allow the tears to fall.
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frostsinth · 4 years
The Secret We Keep - Epilogue
Part 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8  - MasterList -
So as a massive thank you to all my followers as I’ve hit another milestone, here’s an NSFW epilogue. Also soft and gooeyness, that gives you a little glimpse of what the pair are up to now.
As always, a huge thanks to everyone, and please check out my MasterList above if you haven’t already. While you’re there, feel free to BuyMeACoffee. Shoot me an ask/DM/comment if you have any questions or requests or thoughts. I love hearing from everyone!
“Three silvers for the night,” I told the traveler, placing the now clean mug back on the shelf with the others, “And that includes a light breakfast in the morning.” 
He nodded tiredly, as it was already very late, reaching into the pouch at his belt and fishing out the coins. “Fair deal.”
 I smiled at him cheerily as I took them. “Let’s get you settled then. Gordy!” I called, turning to deposit the three silvers in the coffer behind the bar. The teenager looked up from where he was sweeping by the fireplace. “Could you be a dear and take this gentleman down to his room please?”
The boy nodded, leaning the broom against the wall and brushing his hands down his apron. There was a loud clatter and a soft woof, and the boy’s progression was suddenly impeded by a large grey body darting in front of him. Gordy nearly toppled over, barely managing to catch himself on the nearest bench. The last of the patrons gathered at the table in the far corner laughed loudly, and the poor boy’s ears turned pink. The traveler jerked in surprise, raising his hands defensively as the huge beast lopped over to him and began wuffing a big black nose at his pockets.
“Kosh!” I scolded, whipping the edge of my cleaning cloth lightly at the wolfhound’s snout. The big hound backed up a few feet with a sneeze and a shake.  “Apologies, sir. He may be big, but he’s just a pup. He’s still in training.”
And big he was! The large stormy grey dog was only a few months old but already came up to my waist. With long, lanky legs, huge paws, and a scraggily coat, he looked like a disproportionate grey lion more than a dog. For all his bulk though, he was a gentle soul; reminding me fondly of another such individual in my life. His scruffy tail wagged eagerly back and forth, long tongue lolling out as Gordy stalked over with a grumble. The wolfhound panted and whimpered as the teenager gestured for the traveler to follow him. Gordy shoved him amiably as he passed and the dog licked at his hand.
“Last room on the left.” I instructed him. I smiled kindly at the stranger. “Breakfast is set here in the bar room a few hours after dawn. Come up whenever you’re ready.”
The man nodded appreciatively, casting the big dog a final wary eye before following the equally lanky teenager down the stairs to the basement. Another loud roar of laughter and the slamming of fists on wood had me turning a critical eye back to the last table and setting my hands on my hips. The men there shoved at each other companionably, clanking their drinking horns together. Kosh gave another soft woof and padded back over to them.
“Finish up, gentleman!” I called over, slinging the cloth back over my shoulder. “We’re closing up for the evening.”
They gave an almost uniform groan of disappointment. The biggest of the group laughed again, clapping his meaty green hand on the shoulder of his closest companion.
“You’ll have to get back to your wives at some point, boys!” The orc exclaimed as the man sputtered into his drink under the weight of his huge hand. “Can’t hide here forever!”
That brought up another chorus of laughter, and a few more clinking cups. The orc tossed back the last of his own drink by way of example. The other men started to follow suit, nodding their agreement.
“Bar’tok, perhaps you’d like to take a break from drinking all my ale, and fetch me a fresh keg from the basement.” I scolded genially, raising an eyebrow at him.
He gave me his familiar sheepish grin, standing quickly. “Sure thing, Boss Lady!”
I tossed him the key as he sauntered past, then returned to closing up behind the bar. I gathered the last of the scraps into the bucket at the end of the bar, and replaced the now clean horns on the shelf with the rest. I moved out to gather the few remaining at the tables, and waved to the men as they dropped their coin and bid me goodnight. Alone for the moment, I paused briefly, taking stock of the place with a warm satisfaction spreading through my chest at the sight of the renovated tavern. 
In just the few short months since I bought it from oldman Hinson, we had expanded the bar room, clearing out all of the smaller first floor rooms and anything not completely necessary for the structure of the building. Leaving an open floorplan with high post and beam ceilings. I had put up the biggest of my collected antlers and horns as well as a few purchased patterned tapestries on the walls and had a large sheepskin spread before the fire where Kosh now stretched and yawned before collapsing with a thump onto his hairy belly. There was enough space for half a dozen tables, and the huge, remade fireplace made the whole place feel warm and inviting. We had also made the main door taller, and added a second to allow for my big and burly new patrons who visited the tavern frequently to have easy access. Behind the bar was a small kitchen, with a deep clay oven for bread as well as a stone open fire spit for cooking meat. Cast iron pots and pans hung neatly on the wall beside it, and fine wood shelves were near overflowing with various wines, liquors, and spirits as well as the plentiful number of drinking horns I possessed. The kegs lined the inside of the counter, ready and waiting, with a few large black iron lanterns set at the corners.
Below, we had remodeled the basement to host four small guest rooms as well as a storage room. Plenty of space to store a stockpile of ales and spirits to keep the patrons happy as well as serving as a cold ground storage larder for potatoes, onions, and other long term keeps. The staircase up to the loft apartment had been redone as well, and it looked quite grand with its short balcony at the top overlooking the barroom below. It was only accessible from behind the bar, in order to keep drunken patrons from wandering up unbidden.
The teenager trumped back up the less impressive basement steps now, stifling a yawn behind one freckled hand. I smirked, finished with my admiration of the renovations, and bringing my load of dishes back to the counter. 
“I’m all set for the evening, Gordy, why don’t you head home?” I told him, then dug out his pay for the week as well as some jerky from my secret stash. “If you wouldn’t mind taking the scraps out to the hogs on your way out.”
He nodded eagerly, taking the small handful of coins and jerky excitedly. He crammed the meat into his mouth and the coins into his pocket (and I was grateful he kept that order straight) and gathered up the bucket with a grunt. I smiled as he tossed his apron onto the barrel by the basement door and staggered towards the exit.
“Goodnight, ma’am!” He called through a mouthful of jerky over his shoulder as he slugged the door open. “See you bright and early to help with the goblin order!”
I waved him off, turning as Bar’tok came up the stairs as well, one huge keg balanced on his big green shoulder. I smiled at him, nodding to its place in the corner.
“Just there if you would, Bar’tok, thank you.” I gathered up the tray of dirty plates and horns to bring over to the bucket of water I kept by the back door to let them soak overnight. I would finish cleaning them in the morning while breakfast cooked, it was already very late.
The creak of the main door behind me and excited bark from Kosh had me slowing my clean up distractedly. Wondering if Gordy had forgotten something. But when I glanced over at Bar’tok who was facing the door, the wide, knowing grin he shot over my shoulder had my heart skipping a beat.
“I’ll finish up down here, Boss Lady,” He told me, taking the tray from my hands. “You have better things to do with your time.”
I spun eagerly, a smile already spreading across my face even before my eyes settled on the huge, burly orc currently shoving a leaping wolfhound down from trying to lick at his face. His face was set into a heavy scowl, his brow knotted. But as soon as our eyes met, his features instantly softened. I was already untying my apron and coming around the counter as he strode across the room. I gave a little yelp of delight as he swept me up without breaking his stride, sitting me on the bar and wrapping his big arms around me. There was a clatter and a clash as one of the lanterns toppled off the end, having been bumped by an errant elbow, and his big face flushed slightly. I ignored it, catching hold of his face with both hands.
“...Welcome home.” I breathed against his lips as he slowly pulled out of his customary crushing kiss. As if he were drowning in the sea and my mouth was his first taste of air. I ran my fingers through his thick hair, then cupped his bushy square jowls fondly.
Hans grunted deeply, his big nose flaring as he drew in deep breaths of my scent. His eyes turned doe-like, and his lips fell into that soft curl I loved. He placed another light kiss against my waiting mouth, then gave a distracted and irritated snort as he had to turn to push the whimpering, bouncing dog half clambering up his side. The pooch did not like being altogether forgotten as we were reunited once more for the first time in nearly a week. I laughed, reaching behind the bar to grab a well planned bone and tossing it off towards the center of the room. Kosh gave a final booming bark, then darted off, his claws scratching the worn wood as he pursued his treat.
I wrapped my arms around the big orc’s neck as he scooped me into his arms, pinning my hips flat against his waist, parallel to him with my legs dangling straight towards the floor. Bar’tok smirked as we passed him by, and I felt my ears grow hot, but Hans didn’t even spare him a glance. He carried me around the back of the bar, eyes never leaving my face as he made his way up the stairs to our apartment overhead. As if he couldn’t soak in the sight of me enough. I smiled, bending down and resting my forehead against his, breathing in his musky scent and feeling my heart race again at his touch. He shoved open the door with a pleased grunt, then kicked it closed behind him.
Spinning, he pinned me against the back of it, smothering me with kisses once more. I shifted, wrapping my legs as far around his huge torso as they would go, running my hands over his shoulders and neck. He growled deeply, the sound vibrating against my lips and my body, then pulled back only to bury his face in his favorite place against the side of my neck. Nipping and kissing and tasting my skin there. I gave a breathy moan, and felt another growl against my throat as his tusks ran over my tender flesh there. His thick tongue traced over the long since faded scratch, and he kissed the spot delicately where Wren’s knife had nicked me as he always did, before moving down to my collarbone. I rubbed at his muscles, sliding my little hands under his armor to trace over the tough skin of his back. He rumbled with pleasure at the sensation, pressing against me gently, pinning me against the back of the door and surrounding me with his bulk. I felt the familiar ache building within me, and squeezed my thighs around him. His nostrils flared as he pulled in the fresh scent of my arousal. Another deep, husky growl vibrated against my neck.
Curling around me again, he hoisted me off the door with both meaty hands on my ass and spun back to the room. Two of his long strides and he dropped me onto our huge bed against the back wall, where I bounced lightly. I could hardly stand to wait for him as he fumbled with his travelling cloak and armor. His ax made a loud thunk as he dropped it on our table, and I felt a flush rising to my cheek. Wondering if Bar’tok could hear us still. I was sure there was no masking the clatter of the chair falling over as Hans struggled to remove his armor as quickly as he could and knocked into it. But it was all quickly forgotten though as my attention settled on Hans’ face, his eyes hooded, his big tongue licking his lips. I bit my own lip, kicking off my new boots and stockings and sliding backwards onto the bed.
The big orc pulled his tunic up and over his head, and I hardily appreciated the sight of his flexing chest and stomach muscles beneath. I sucked in the view greedily, drawing in a sharp breath as he dropped quickly onto the bed and crawled after me. I hooked my hand around the back of his head, pulling him down into another deep kiss. He dragged my body closer to his, his growl becoming a soft groan as my other hand rubbed at the stiffness between his legs. He bent in half, bringing his hips closer to my reach while keeping our mouths locked together. I parted my lips, inviting him in, and his hot tongue eagerly slid after mine.
I felt his hand moving up my leg, pushing up my skirts. I could feel his need and eagerness bleeding into me. Desperate to be connected again in every way we possibly could. Cannily soaking up every minute of our coupling. He moved gently, but persistently, hitching up my dress around my hips and pushing my legs apart. Then he pushed my hand aside and scooped me up, bringing me to meet his own hips and grinding firmly between my legs. I quivered beneath him, and felt his hot lips and tusks scrape against my jaw as I tossed my head back against the bed. He rolled his hips again, then again, and panted against my throat, the roughness of his trousers coupled with the firmness of his erection sending us both into fits.
With the lightest of touches, I planted my palm against his chest and pushed him back. He moved obediently, retracting, frowning slightly until he realized I was following after. The big orc rolled onto his back with a grunt, and I bunched my skirts up at my hips as I straddled his. He looked at me, his dark eyes hungry, his tongue tracing over his thick lips. My legs barely reached the bed on either side of his huge body, but I was able to grind against his growing bulge over the top of his pants all the same, and now it was his turn for his head to fall back in enjoyment. I did it a few times more, teasing him until his big meaty hand clamped down on my hip and his foot kicked out, knocking into the chest at the foot of the bed as he gave a hearty groan.
I rose up onto the balls of my feet, crouching over him and grabbing at the edge of his pants. He helped me to slide his trousers off, freeing his huge cock with a relieved sigh. I tossed his pants off to the side, and winced at the clang of the candlestick toppling off the end table with it. He snorted, casting an eye over towards the mess, but quickly returning his husky gaze to my face. I blushed, shyly looking away from him, but settled just behind his member. After a moment’s hesitation, I began rubbing myself back and forth across its length. He groaned again, his hand on my hip squeezing lightly, his hips jerking involuntarily beneath me. I couldn’t help but grin now, delighted by how easily I had the huge orc at my mercy. His free hand came up, yanking at the collar of my dress, loosening the ties and pushing it off my shoulders. I heard a rip, but didn’t care. It wouldn’t be the first time. Hans wrestled with the cloth until my breasts bounced free. The familiar pendant slapped against my sternum, its chain cool against my already flushed skin. He slid his palms slowly up my body, from my hips to my breasts, then cupped one in each hand. Massaging the malleable tissue and pinching lightly at my nipples.
That sent my patience over the edge, and I reached down as I balanced briefly back on the balls of my feet, guiding him into place. His grip on me tightened as I slowly slid myself onto his cock, and both of our mouths dropped open. He gave an untampered moan, thumbing my nipples a final time before sliding his hands to wrap about my waist. Easing me onto his massive girth.
He was still too large to me; every time he felt a little painful going in. Until my arousal offset his size, and all I could feel was the burning heat. I had come to enjoy that sensation of his cock stretching me. The pain it brought was just a teasing reminder of the pleasure to come. This time was no different, and as I sunk down to the base, my thighs quivered with delight. I stayed there a moment, felt him twitch beneath me expectantly, enjoying the heat of his body between my legs.
When I began to move up and down, his head lolled back again, and his hands on my waist tightened. His hips bucked up against mine as I came down, practically tossing me up into the air. I was quickly gasping, the pressure and pleasure building within me. I leaned forward, placing my palms on his broad chest to give myself a better rocking momentum. My core flexed and tightened, and I held my breath as my vision flashed white. Close. I was so close already. I was slowing, unable to keep the pace as my head began to swim and my mouth dropped back open.
With a hearty growl, he cupped my ass in his hands, and deftly rolled. I gasped loudly as my shoulders hit the bed, my hips hoisted up as he bent me over his knees. His meaty palms massaged my backside as he slowly rolled his hips against mine. I saw stars at the edge of my eyes, and my moan was embarrassingly loud. It only encouraged the hulking orc, and he picked up my previous momentum and then some. Our hips smacking together loudly, the bed rocking and creaking beneath us. He moved deeper, plunged harder, and my back arched in response. I couldn’t reach him with my hands, so balled my fists into the sheets as I felt myself edging closer again.
I cried out, felt the gushing release, and felt him growl again. Bending over me. Riding through my climax with his fast, deep thrusts. I reached up, catching the back of his neck and pulling him down to me as I lifted my shoulders off the bed to meet him. Forcing him to bend in half over my hips lifted to his to crush our mouths together. I bit his thick lip as I fell back.
“Don’t stop!” I breathed, my fingers clenching into his thick mane.
He rumbled again, and his thrusts returned to their previous pace. Sensitive and wetter than before, I nearly peaked again. But instead came to a comfortable, rolling edge of pleasure that I melted into as I felt him shudder and groan a few minutes later.
My eyes must have closed, because I didn’t know he had bent back down until his big lips pressed back against mine. I willingly opened my mouth, inviting in his huge tongue, rolling mine around it. His tusks scraped against my cheeks, and I could feel his long hair brushing against my face.
I shuddered with delight as he slowly pulled out, my heart racing in my breast. He broke our kiss to run his lips down my jaw, down my neck, kissing over my sternum and each collar bone, skirting the pendant. Licking up the damp sweat pooling there. I laughed weakly, feeling his progress with my hand still on the back of his head.
Finally he came back up, having made it nearly to my navel and covered almost every inch of my flushed skin with his big mouth. I opened my eyes, looking up at him with a languid smile. His slate blue gaze, the stormy skies at sea, watched me with a great soft warmth in their depths. I sighed happily as he kissed me again, letting his big hand scoop under my waist and pull me to lay on him as he rolled onto his back.
“I missed you.” I told him, propping myself up on my elbows over his chest to look down at him.
He sighed deeply, contentedly, running his big hands up and down my bare back. Pushing my ruined skirt off the rest of the way and tossing it to the side. I rolled down, resting my ear against his chest to hear his own racing heart beneath.
“Would that you never had to.” He murmured, his deep, rolling timbre sending shivers down my spine.
I kissed the skin of his breast, tasting the salty sweat there, then ran the tip of my tongue over the nipple. He chuffed lightly beneath my administrations, and I smiled.
“I always miss you,” I admitted quietly, tracing my fingertips over his firm muscles, laying a light kiss on each after my fingers passed over them, “Even when you just go to the other room.” I craned my neck back, stretching and sliding up to kiss at his thick neck. “I never want to be away from you.”
He gave a heavy snort, one of his happy ones, his big hand coming up to trace his large knuckles gently along my jaw. “I don’t deserve you.” He said, his words belittled by the fondness with which he spoke them.
I rested my elbows on his chest again, propping myself up to lean over his head and meet his gaze. I smiled shyly, and his thick brow softened, his lips curled into my favorite gentle shape. He kept the back of his hand against the edge of my face, his thumb coming out to wipe lightly against my cheek. I leaned into his touch, closing my eyes.
“You undervalue yourself.” I replied.
I felt his rumbling reply down the length of my body laid atop his torso. “I have done nothing good in my life. Nothing deserving of a reward like you… But by the Gods I am thankful for whatever fool made the mistake that brought you to me...” He brushed his hand open, resting his palm flat against the side of my face. “... I would give you everything in my power. Anything you want.”
I smiled, opening my eyes to meet his. “I want nothing.” I reminded him. “Just you. You’re all I need to be happy.”
He grunted, shaking his head in disbelief as he always did. “I could give you more….”
“You have given me everything.” I assured him, turning and resting my head back into the crook of his neck. “I don’t think I could ever be happier.”
He sighed, the deep billowing breath causing me to rise and fall with his chest. I closed my eyes, listening to it gush through his lungs like bellows on a forge. He ran his hand through my hair, gently stroking it as our breathing and heart rates slowed. Shifting, he wrapped his arm around me, rolling onto his side and cocooning me with his huge body.
“You are my everything, Madara,” He whispered against the top of my head, “You are my air. My heart. My world.”
I smiled, nuzzling against him and tucking myself neatly into his chest. “Then you have already given me the world.”
The End (for now)
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rpmemesbyarat · 4 years
RP meme from Scream Queens Ep 4 "Haunted House" (Note: Offensive content, use at own discretion)
A girl died in this tub.
There's no record of any of these names except for one.
Oh, my god, there's two of them!
I own Halloween. It's my jam.
Halloween is the most important day of the year. It's the one day on the Gregorian calendar where you're allowed to go around terrifying children and not be branded a psychopath.
I am a future network news anchor who's super classy and has almost no fat on her body.
A lot of my fans are, like, friendless dumpy coeds at this or that nursing school in one of this country's various national armpits.
They put down their hot pockets and bask in the warm glow of what it feels like to love me.
I went shopping with my comatose grandmother's credit card and bought presents.
Oh, my god, it says my name!
I hope the severed leg brightens up your trailer park.
You're a bright light in my life, and I wanted you to know how much you impress me with your frumpy spirit.
You are so devastatingly mediocre and adorable!
I can't wait to see you in person, but before that, I'd like to see you post this all over social media, to exploit it for my own gain.
Aah! It's a rotting jack-o'-lantern!
Aah! This box is just filled with blood!
She got me a razor apple!
I stole this cadaver head from an ophthalmology student just for you.
You're the most important person in the world.
So you didn't see anyone in a red devil costume entering or leaving the house?
Are you coming to the precinct pig roast this year?
Come on, she's obviously the killer!
Do you mean to suggest I changed out of my nightgown, strapped myself into a skintight pleather red devil costume, climbed out a second-story dormer, and shimmied to the ground with a chain saw before entering a window I had left open, tried to kill you, then leapt out the window, climbed back up the wall, changed back into my nightgown,
and raced downstairs, all in the course of about 90 seconds?
Clearly that's got you a little freaked out.
I'm not gonna hold any of this against you, and I'm gonna let you be my date for the faculty Halloween party.
Attempted murder!
A guy was almost killed tonight, okay?
Now, no, I'm not a detective, hell, I ain't even a cop, but what I am is somebody who watched every one of those Cosby mysteries, okay?
See? Dismemberment!
I am so sorry that I pushed you out of my car and drove off real scared.
I just can't believe that How To Lose A Guy In 10 days is your favorite movie, too.
In precisely two and half minutes when we go in there, you let me do all the talking.
What are you dressed as?
Oh, you have a squirrel. Don't see that much anymore.
Breakfast is almost ready, we got meat today.
What can you tell us about that night?
Now, we will keep your name out of it, of course.
'm a vault,
And to get in this vault you need a key. Now, you may ask, a key to what? It's a key to meaning. Once you've found the meaning, you don't need the words. You know what I'm saying?
Please, continue with your story.
Have any of you ever heard of "negligent homicide"?
We need to dispose of this body on our own. Now, I've got everything we need in the kitchen to make sausages out of her.
I'm gonna go downstairs, shut this party down, and then we'll get the body out of here.
Somebody has to watch after the baby.
Can you at least turn on the radio?
Just leave the details to me.
We can't just act like this never happened.
She's the devil, that one.
I looked at that baby up close. I know my peas and carrots. That baby was a girl.
Your support doesn't matter.
My campaign needs a theme?
My pumpkin's drunk.
I'm hosting a haunted house to raise money for sickle cell anemia.
Why are you holding a fund-raiser, though?
I don't think you understand the magnitude of the miscalculation you just made.
I can assure you you will not be winning an election anytime soon. And when you lose, I am gonna make it my lifelong passion to destroy your reputation.
You're a stuck-up little sociopath, and everybody in this room knows it.
It might behoove you to recall that everyone here witnessed you actually murder someone
Just sharpening knives.
Put the knives down.
I don't know what came over me.
How very adolescent of you to think of this.
It vaguely smacks of something my six-year-old sister would be excited about.
It's the most disgusting disease in the history of mankind.
You get it when you don't even understand the most basic tenets of oral hygiene.
Just give the dang thing its pot of gold already!
I ain't got no candy!
Bet you're a sexy dirt-covered girl. That's what I bet you are.
Sometimes I come out here and I just rub my hands on the gravestones.
I get you more than anyone.
I also find the thought of dead bodies extremely arousing.
I just don't understand why I have all these dark feelings.
You know, I just think our generation's had it too easy, you know? We haven't seen enough horrible stuff. There's no awesome diseases randomly killing people. There's not really any awesome wars to go off to and witness horrific things you can't unsee. We, like, pulled out of all of 'em.
Sometimes I just don't even feel like I'm living, you know?
The only time I feel anything is when I'm thinking about chopping up a body.
And here you are, saddled up with an uptight girlfriend who freaked out for no other reason than the fact that you just wanted to fantasize about having sex with her lifeless corpse.
Oh, my god, I got a total chub right now.
Not scary enough.
She'll let you in the back door.
What could be scarier for an adult than a child coming to murder them?
Isn't that all of our greatest fear? That the pain, the regrets, the mistakes of our youth will destroy us in our adulthood? That we can't escape our inner child. One we would rather forget, but who, at the end of the day has all the power.
Why are you lying to me?
Something does not make sense.
You got to give me more here, okay?
I don't understand what you're getting at.
Are you on bath salts?
Why are we even here?
This house is haunted.
There's a legend in this neighborhood about a woman who wailed about her dead children. And this was the house she lived in.
These dumb ol' kids are smoking crack.
I think it's incredible what you can find out with just a quick trip down to your local library.
This can be one of the rooms for the haunted house.
What exactly do you plan on doing at this haunted house?
I was thinking we could blindfold folks and make 'em put their hands in a bowl full of grapes we peeled, so it'll feel like eyeballs.
I think the reason you want to have a haunted house party is 'cause a haunted party is like a buffet for murderers.
Yeah, yeah, you can just go around killing anybody you want and ain't nobody even gonna even notice.
Just like you chopped the arms off that dumb-ass golf guy.
Why do you have it out for me?
So now you look at me and see everything you could've been.
I hope you have a good time at you haunted party and get to murder lots of folks.
You have this way too thought out.
Isn't this kind of nice?
My sense of personal identity is completely external.
I really don't have much to offer.
I've found that my particular style of speaking and gesticulation is extremely off-putting to most boys. And girls. And anyone.
I need to eat. My blood sugar is crashing.
I'm tired of depriving myself of joy and sustenance.
I may die at the end of a serial killer's blade, but I refuse to die hungry.
Which one of you ladies would like to be my costume for Halloween? I'm going as "dude having awesome sex with you."
I mean, what in the hell's wrong with the world where a guy can't even whistle at a chick just to tell her she looks hot?
I recently took a women's studies class. Yes, because it was a requirement, but I learned a lot anyways. Like the culture that says it's okay for a man to objectify a woman for her appearance is the same culture that pressures girls as young as ten to have eating disorders.
So you're basically saying I'm the one responsible for making you look hot?
When you treat us like meat, you're no better than him!
I'm not really sure how you got my number, but I like how you took the initiative and texted me where you wanted us to meet.
Do you think you're man enough to take me inside that house and attack my crack?
I'll sure this house has an amazingly romantic basement.
Hey, so, uh, a little awkward since we're about to bone down and everything, but, um, what's your name?
Smells like roadkill.
I've never been so scared in my whole life.
All right, if we go to the police, they're gonna see I'm still rocking a mad sidepipe, and they're gonna think I had something to do with it.
We have to warn people.
All right, everybody listen up! All of your lives are in danger!
There are dead bodies! Dead bodies. Real-life dead bodies.
Did you say dead bodies?
Those are like the most lifelike dead bodies I've ever seen.
Is that a real dead body?
There are five dead bodies in that house. Laid out in horrible and deliberate macabre poses.
You are not leaving this house tonight.
You make it harder and harder to believe that you're not the killer.
I found out something really interesting, and now I have a theory.
Everything is weird about that story.
I mean, it's too big a coincidence.
We have to figure out who that woman was.
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