oldschoolvpq · 1 year
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Tama tan!
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i-miss-breathing · 2 years
Me: “Hey sun! I haven’t visited you in a while my bad, but I’m here now!”
The sun: “fuck you” *gives me the driest most painful sunburn I’ve ever had*
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shalom-iamcominghome · 4 months
Jewish tips:
Wear sunscreen (regardless of skin tone)
Drink water
Talk to your friends
Headcanon that character as being a jew
Remember you are loved and belong
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
"The only person who can save you is yourself, don't rely on anybody else!"
Actually, what has saved me is books and my favourite video game and my cats and my friends who I've shared late nights and too-early mornings with and the dew-covered grass I walked on on the way to a competition bus in ninth grade band and the sunburn that kept me out of school for days the month prior.
I understand the viewpoint of how you are ultimately the person who can save you, but don't discount that you aren't an island. You aren't meant to be your sole savior. Let others save you, too. You are worth the care and love the universe has for you.
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alphacrone · 1 year
if winter is for rest then summer is for being absolutely unhinged. swim in dubious bodies of water. sweat through every shirt you own. drink an unadvisable amount of iced coffee. chase after ice cream trucks. go wild at night when the sun goes down. fight mosquitos to the death. get heat rash. make fire.
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stubz · 2 months
"Sunscreen time! Everybody go to me or Kim for sunscreen."
Younglings run to either teacher, all except for their newest Fore, a Fyreian youngling.
"...sun scream? What is sun scream?"
"Sun-screen, its a cream we put on to protect us from the sun." explained Max.
"But teacher, cream can't protect us from the sun! We'll still burn if we touch it."
"It's for the sunlight. To let us, especially the ones with more sensitive skin, stay outside longer."
"Oh, I don't need it then. Fryeian's don't burn from sunlight."
"Yes but the sun also puts out harmful stuff, at least this one does, and that can hurt your skin after a long time."
"...are you tricking me? So that I'll put on the cream?" the youngling asked, arms crossed, ears flickering in annoyance.
"No, see?" the human points to his fellow teacher who's putting sunscreen on other children and younglings.
"Kim is putting sunscreen on Malaika, who doesn't get sunburned like the other human kids. Her skin is hard to burn, like you." he points to Malaika, who's giggling as Kim puts sunscreen on her cheeks and neck. "But she still wears it because she and her parents know that the sun can still hurt her."
"...Does Kim put on sunscreen too?"
"...yes. In fact, thank you for reminding me to remind her. She forgets after having to apply it to all the others," Max grins before turning to Kim. "Kim, don't forget yourself!"
"What! ...put sunscreen on me?! ...but I don't-!"
"You don't have enough sunscreen?! Okay I'll give you some of mine!!" he shouts before sprinting over to Kim.
"Wait, I don't need it! I don't sunburn, my skin is-MAX WAIT!" she was restrained before she could run.
A chorus of screaming 'yeses' fill the park, dozens of tiny hands, claws, paws, and pincers, reach out to the two with sunscreeny hands.
"MAX! WHY!!" Kim screams before they descend on her.
"TO KEEP THE BALANCE!!" he screams closing his eyes and mentally preparing himself for what is about to happen.
*5 minutes later*
"See Fore? Even teacher Kim wears sunscreen." smiles a very shiny and white Max.
"...yeah, and if I have to wear sunscreen so do you." frowns a very shiny and 2 shades lighter Kim.
"...Okay!" smiles a happy Fore.
"...I hate you...I have sunscreen in my ears..." grumbles Kim
"For the balance...also I've been telling you for years to wear sunscreen so you don't get skin cancer." Max whispers, now happy that now his friend must finally wear proper sun protection.
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thiinka · 1 month
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keyh0use · 3 months
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tazmiilly · 26 days
going to ATTEMPT to go on a walk. alone. in the woods. in the dark. despite my hypervigilence
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foldingfittedsheets · 2 months
Hello! I'm kinda just starting my road to adulthood with a BS in STEM I may never use, no job experience outside of a farm or lab, and a wide world of weird to look forward to in the future. (Politics and climate change, y'all.) Still, I just want to say I've been reading your posts about working your way up from struggling to make ends meet to having a spouse and stability and being happy. And that? It makes me feel like maybe I can make it too. :) I'm glad you exist and have been talking frankly about your experiences because for young people like me who are just starting out, it makes us feel less alone.
With that in mind, any advice you want to pass along to us young'ins? I'd be glad for any wisdom you can offer. :)
No experience is ever wasted. Even if your STEM degree doesn’t land you the job you want you will get so much good experience in the course of learning it.
Dress as nicely as you can for interviews. Even if it looks secondhand, they’ll know you made an effort. If you roll up in street clothes they’re gonna assume you don’t care.
Social programs exist to be used. Go on food stamps as a student. There’s a lot of government programs that people don’t know about that will really help you out.
All nighters are never. Ever. Worth it. Stop, put it down, set an early alarm and go to bed. If you’re regularly doing that look into time management strategies, but know that you will produce your worst work at 3am and waste all that tuition.
All things being reasonable, and your work being taken care of, try to say yes to as many new life experiences as you can.
Wear sunscreen.
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r3nthebirb · 7 months
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Still settling on a couple designs for the juniors so may do some more spoof sketches of them. Their dynamic is chaotic and I love it
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yawpyawp · 1 year
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“The Gang Goes to Pride”
Frank’s really trying, you guys.
Dee: HAAAAA Mac looks like a dumb muscly bird!
Dennis: Dee, you stupid bitch! He looks like a dumb sexy angel!
Mac: Aww babe, you think I look sexy? That’s awesome, dude!
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misasimagines · 17 days
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Ranking their skincare routine (or lack thereof).
Romeo and Leo both have very serious routines but they're also different. Romeo uses like really expensive cult classic type things and sticks to what works, while Leo has like PR packages of more trendy things and changes it up every few months.
Rui, Yuri, and Subaru are all using like moisturizer, sunscreen, exfoliant, cleanser, just like the step above the basics. Going the Extra Mile and it SHOWS. Jin uses expensive products and he doesn't make a big show of it, but he's definitely not going to look crusty EVER. Tohma probably picked it up when he transferred because of the additional scrutiny, and now he feels the difference and can't go back to neglecting it. Uses a mix of expensive and cheap mainstays. Zenji probably doesn't. Have to do this anymore. But I think he'd have like some more like small batch, natural ingredients sourced products he use(d/s) and they work well for him.
Everyone in the "at least uses moisturizer" tier uses moisturizer but probably skimps on sunscreen daily. They're invested enough in not looking crusty but they're not ready to commit to the True Care Routine. Haru especially has like cast off products from Romeo and Rui and he uses them too inconsistently to matter. Leo probably has tried to get Sho to step it up, but he just can't be bothered. Edward is like stealing Rui's moisturizer and then being like ah Rui... we're out of moisturizer...and Rui is like WE?
Alan and Towa are doing the classic male aggressive scrub to their face with whatever soap they have on hand and it sickens me to my core that they'd probably both have perfect skin anyway.
Taiga, Lyca, and Jiro are the "what? The shampoo got on my face so it's clean, right?" types and they make me even sicker than Alan and Towa. Lyca gets a bit of pass due to being in dog jail for years, but Taiga and Jiro are on thin fucking ice. Jiro especially because he should know the dangers of sun cancer but he's still not putting on sunscreen because it's a hassle. Romeo COULD threaten Taiga at gun point to exfoliate, but they are the guys who go to the spa with the cucumber slices over their eyes and Taiga is eating the cucumber.
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lynxgriffin · 1 year
I wondered, because of one of your recent post, if we can have a krusielle art (Kris x susie x noelle). By the way, your art is so good, I can definitely say that your one of my favorite deltarune artists. Sorry for the bother and keep up the good work!
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Maybe it's because it's summer, or because of the doodles that Toby posted recently of Noelle in swimwear, but I thought it'd be cute for them to be out for a beach day! Noelle is horrified to learn that humans can get things like "sunburns" and is trying to make sure they get plenty of sunscreen, Susie takes the opportunity to be obnoxious about it too, and Kris is just being a big baby about it.
But otherwise, thank you so much for the kind words!! I'm really glad you've enjoyed all the art!
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hi everyone i am back. crispfrin.
[id in alt]
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localcryptic · 4 months
drawing sidestep in a turtleneck, sweater, and leather jacket. as if going outside in that outfit in Los Diablos weather wouldn't kill them instantly. like man i understand your need for layers and secrecy and whatever but there's a high of 114° i think you should just stay inside today. which is riskier, exposing yourself to the Special Directive or exposing yourself to a fuckin Southern California summer day??? If the Heartbreak Incident couldn't kill them, the goddamn. Heatstroke Incident will take care of it jesus christ. Their tan lines have got to be fucking crazy. they will never recover from this.
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