#I actually love fethry a lot
delladyke · 6 months
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They hugged. They hugged and then they did an awkward handshake. Are you kidding me. They hugd.
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Poll people listen.
One of the problems I have with a lot of the voters is that they often don’t vote on what episode they think is better. They vote on what episode has that character they like. Right now they are voting for What happened to Della Duck, but the reasons are not “incredible storytelling, acting work and emotional beats” but “DELLA BEST GIRL FR”. Now here it’s more understandable because everyone knows that episode is a banger, but for some of the other ones we see it as well. People are voting for The town where everyone was nice over The ballad of Duke Baloney. The only reasoning I have yet seen is “BECAUSE THE THREE CABS ARE SO GAY AND MY LOVE”. Not a single soul has said that the episode itself actually is good. Same with The great dime chase vs Daytrip of doom. People could talk about how it characterizes Louie, the tension in the episode, or its significance later in the series, but with very few exceptions, people mostly just say “Gyro” and nothing else. Now I see it slowly happening with the Fethry episode as well. Vote for the Fethry episode! Why? Because Fethry! Sounds good to me! No it doesn’t.
They don’t even seem to care about the episodes anymore. As long as their favorite blorbo appears then the entire episode wins, no matter its quality, or even how it handles the characters in question.
Anyways im voting for all the Webby centric episodes for no reason whatsoever im not open to logical reasoning dont @ me
I knew that would happen, and honestly I’m doing the same thing most of the time. I am the person who voted Dime Chase because Gyro. I suppose this poll is less best, rather fan favorite episode tournament. That might’ve been incorrect wording on my part. 😅 But there are still people out there voting for the ‘better’ episodes in some cases- and those analyses are really fun to read through!
Doesn’t mean giving up on the propaganda though! I enjoy all of your tags but I can understand not wanting to explain yourself so much if everyone just has favorite character bias.
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thevaudevilledemon · 1 year
Duck Musings - Why kill off Hortense?
An interesting question popped into my mind recently. It was revealed not too long ago that in the DuckTales 2017 verse, Donald’s and Della’s parents, Hortense McDuck and Quackmore Duck, were actually still alive, even though it has been commonly accepted amongst comic fans that it was safe to assume that the two were dead. Which does beg the question, if Hortense is the youngest of the McDuck children, and both Scrooge and Matilda are alive in the comics, why do we kill off Hortense?
Well the easy answer is that A) it explains why she’s never seen and why it appears that Donald was raised by Grandma Duck and B) fits in with the whole dead Disney Moms cliché. Of course we never get much confirmation that Donald’s parents are dead, but the idea fits in.
However, I think that’s only the surface answer, and by God, if I can overthink something about the Duck Comics, I’m going to overthink it.
Something I find a lot of Duck fans really enjoy, is the tragedy of the characters. I touched upon this when I talked about Gladstone Gander, but his tragedy falls along the lines of “it is lonely at the top”. A lot of writers and fans will explore the tragedy of Gladstone’s complicated relationship with Magica De Spell, Scrooge’s past and his love of wealth, it even slips into fans of the 2017 series, with people making headcanons of fanfictions of Fethry’s isolation in the abandoned sea lab. Why do these characters invite us taking such a tragic look at them? Why is it we want Gladstone and Magica to never get together? Why is it we want Fethry to get some retribution for his time in the Sea Lab? Why is it we want the characters to lose their loving parents?
However, it is this tragedy that can bring the characters together. Fans of DuckTales 2017 have noticed that Gladstone, Fethry and Della have spent most, if not all of the ten years Donald spent mad at Scrooge in isolation, noting that they all share that tragedy, albeit in separate ways, Gladstone being stuck in a casino that feeds off his luck, Fethry being stuck in a dilapidating sea lab, Della being stuck on the moon, and her only way home destroyed by a giant bug. It’s also easy to assume that Scrooge as well, was in some form of isolation. When we first see him, interacting with his money, he isn’t diving into it like we normally associate the character doing, he looks down almost depressingly at the vault as he drops a few coins in. It’s easy to believe that the only people Scrooge interacted with before Donald came back into his life, were his business partners, and Beakley and Webby.
This makes you wonder if the characters share other traumas and depressions, something they can all bond over. Something like, the death of their parents. It is common knowledge that Gladstone Gander’s parents, Daphne Duck and Gustave Gander, met an unfortunate fate on Daphne’s birthday, where they received a free picnic, and overate, or more realistically, choked on something. The tragedy of it is, Daphne shared the same birthday with her only son, Gladstone. Duck fan-comic writer Sarah Jolley, otherwise known as ModMad, did a fantastic take on this story in their comic The White Balloon, which adds even more tragedy to the story by tying it up with Gladstone’s insane bad luck on his Birthday, and also implying that Gladstone himself had something to do with it.
Canonically, Donald and Fethry do not share this tragedy with Gladstone, as there has never been confirmation of either of their parents dying, at least to my knowledge. But it is often headcanoned that Hortense and Quackmore died, leaving Donald to be raised by Grandma Duck, and it’s often been thought, though not by everyone, that Fethry’s parents, Eider Duck and Lullabelle Loon, also died. In a way, it brings the three cousins together, and it does tie into how they see family. In Ducktales 17, we know a big reason that Donald is overprotective of his nephews is because of Della’s mishap in space, that he fears losing someone else so close to him, especially Della’s kids. It isn’t hard to see that Donald feels similar about Gladstone and Fethry, that the loss of his parents, and his aunts and uncles, is a large reason that despite everything, he still loves his cousins. It can also tie in to readers who believe that Della died in space or on the moon, that this is some kind of curse for the Duck Family, Donald’s mother died, and when his sister became a mother, she died too.
One of my all time favourite Alternate Universes for the Duckverse is Solbabydraws’ “Teenage Cousin Shenanigans” which explores the universe where Donald, Della, Gladstone and Fethry grew up on Grandma Ducks farm, and it does not shy away from the fact that their parents are all dead. It even gives them character traits that might have stemmed from the trauma of having lost their parents at such young ages. Gladstone’s parents died from something food related so he has an eating disorder, Donald’s parents died in a car accident, so he takes road safety super seriously, Fehtry’s parents died unexpectedly and his brother, Abner (Sort of comics canon) was sent away, so he is kind of clingy. It doesn’t just look at how their tragedy effected them on a surface level, it does add some depth to it.
I looked at the possibility of how a tragedy effected Donald in this post here, where I talk about how Donald might not just be jealous of Gladstone’s luck, but also resent it, tying it to the loss of Della. And in another post, I talk about how Gladstone’s life of ease and luxury could simply just be a coping mechanism for him, toping it off with this post where I call Gladstone “Disney’s greatest Tragic Figure”. So, in some ways it is interesting to think about how these different tragedies have affected the characters, from Gladstone having an eating disorder, to Donald having PTSD from his time in the military.
Circling back to the original question, if it is unconfirmed that Donald’s parents are dead, then why do assume they are? Well, the basic answer, I believe is because at the end of the day, we do like exploring this tragic side of these characters. One of the greatest Duck comics ever written was a Topolino story called “The Solitude of the Four-Leaf Clover”, which asks the question, “What if Gladstone felt his luck was a bad thing?”. In some ways, this tragedy can help make the characters more relatable, easier to empathize with, and in some ways understandable. In the end, Hortense and Quackmore are not casualties or the vicious off-screen disease, but simply because their demises, make for a more interesting character study.
But, why does it? Why do we want these characters to go through hardships, misery and trauma? For that, I have theories, but nothing more.
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toonqueen · 6 months
Duckvember Day 22: Loved Duck
I was gonna try to draw Gene and Faris looking cute on a motorcycle but I have failed. I’ll try later maybe. Instead I picked a song from each of my shipping playlists. SOME CHARS I don’t have a full shipping playlist for them but I have shipping songs on their character playlist if that makes sense lol.  TUMBLR will only let me post 10 links at a time so I will reblog this with more links and info. Next part coming in a second!
Duck Revenger  x Alpha (Nega Donald and Nega Uno)
So I have a headcanon for Negaverse Donald and Alpha would still kinda be heroes. But of course, being the Negaverse, they have more edgy drama. Also Uncle Scrooge is evil and they have to deal with that. 
Duke L’Orange x OC Gallery 
Gallery belongs to @fluxchix
This is actually from a playlist I made for a story that took place wayyy in the future where Gallery is resurrected by magic and Duke’s been alive for a good thousand years (also because of magic.) LOOK it’s a long story. There was space travel and mysteries it was great okay. 
AND THEN here’s a normal shipping song I always think of them with: 
Faustina (OC for Ducktales/Darkwing)
GOD her shipping playlist just has so many good songs in it to pick one is hard. It’s not having her shipped with anyone in particular just how she does relationships lolol. Lot of the songs make her sound worse than she really is I swear. >_>  Two for her
Also this song this has gore:
Non Gore version: 
Fethry x Poe (Ducktales 2017)
So I ship these two for my headcanons for 87/comic blend universe. Poe and Fethry in that universe don’t start being an item until Magica and Gladstone have been together for awhile. I don’t really have a playlist for that ship because there isn’t really any drama to it to have a playlist lololol. For 2017 I have Poe being an active villain so of course more dramaaa. This playlist has a lot of Raven based songs but the main one I picked to show is just a nice angst with a twist ha.
Gene x Djinn
Oh lawd I’ve been trying to fill their shipping play list for more happy songs because MOST of their story is happy. It’s just easy to find songs for when that ONE bad thing happens. (*cough* Merlock *cough.)
Grimstone (Nega Gladstone) x OC Sheldrake Netta
My headcanon for Nega Gladstone is up to stuff with @cataradical OC’s Sheldrake. But they are both bastards so their playlist is full of bastard love songs. 
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xxcrescent-miragexx · 3 months
I actually find drawing DT17 Fethry annoying especially when doing lineart but he's a husband of mine how can I resist drawing him frequently I love him a lot 🙏😌
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cartoonemotion · 2 years
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shifting into advance fethry-posting. after reading the short TNT comic run (which i was able to read thanks to @fethrybestduck !) it occurred to me more than anything i wanted fethry to have friends closer to his own age, who also weren’t sea creatures (obviously mitzi is still #1 tho)
anyways i wanted to adapt my favorite little side characters from the TNT run into the dt17verse and thought it would be really cute an fun to have them be players in a supernatural/sci-fi style ttrpg that fethry’s runs !! they all have their own day jobs, but also a shared interest in the paranormal (which fethry also shares, because he is the man of a hundred thousand interests, but thats besides the point). they also genuinely think fethry’s very great and cool not just bc hes a really good gm (which he is. besides just setting up snacks and stuff he gets so into with voices, music, probably a lot of homebrewing, etc) but they just find his disposition very charming and are happy that hes enthusiastic about their interest in The Unknown instead of thinking its just weird or dumb
i also had this silly fun little fake episode concept in my mind where huey and webby help fethry out as he hosts a game for his group and just instantly fall in love with the concept of ttrpgs (huey’s like “omg an imagination thing i can be good at because it has rules !” and webby basically orchestrated a one-shot campaign of her own when she sent d’jinn on that fake quest in “treasure of the found lamp” so she would be a natural) and then through shenanigans like magic, cursed dice or something, it turns into a “and now the game is real !” thing leading the group to have to fight real ghoulies and aliens and etc just like in the actual comics :vD !!
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tcthinecwnself-a · 2 years
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anonymous: So you’re Scrooge actually LIKES Fethry and didn’t abandon him in that sub? I Love your Scrooge already! Thank you! ❤️
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For sure. I don’t think they talk much, but he liked him enough to employ him and trust him with his entire deep sea reasearch. and that means a lot to me.
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ducklooney · 3 years
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Admittedly, I forgot the link, since I downloaded it from a Twitter blog, but I was stunned by this and I will post this. Sorry about this. Admittedly, these are sketches from the great animator Dan Haskett, who designed numerous cartoon characters like Alvin and the Chipmunks, Tiny Toons Adventures, Animaniacs, Looney Tunes, numerous Disney movies and more.
These are sketches featuring Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck that were supposed to be featured in a Disney Afternoon series called Duck Daze.
Duck Daze was actually supposed to be a sequel to the original Ducktales, where Donald Duck returns from the Navy and takes his nephews as his concern, and from Scrooge he has to keep his word that he will take very good care of Scrooge’s business and Scrooge’s wealth. Although I doubt that Scrooge would entrust it to his nephew, since he barely gives him 30 cents an hour (as evidenced by older comics). All in all, Donald Duck would have a lot of work to do about it, as well as about his teenage boys. Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck would be the main characters after Donald Duck and their focus would be mainly on school. Also, characters from Duck comics would appear, those characters who did not appear in the original Ducktales. Certainly, these children would start to differ even more, not only in the color of their clothes, but also in everything, but they would still behave like brothers. One triplet is jerk and very debauched and behaves like a cool guy, the other triplet is a smart triplet, and the third triplet would wear a cap and be naughty, but a bit silly. This sounds familiar, only it's a little more improved and redesigned. ;) 
All these ideas were by Jymm Magon, a genius director and creator of numerous Disney Afternoon series and even for Ducktales Movie and Goofy Movie.
However, there were disagreements among Disney producers so they could not decide and in the end it was decided that the new series will be tied to modern times modeled on Donald's classic shorts in which Donald Duck will certainly have the lead and have nothing to do with Ducktales . Yes, what we were shown was actually Quack Pack, another name for Duck Daze, which was actually the original name.
Let’s face it, this isn’t directed against the Quack Pack, given that I love that series and that I’m a fan of that series and find it extremely underrated. Still, I'd rather have characters from Duck comics like Donald's cousins ​​(Fethry, Gus) or Daisy's nieces (April, May and June) and other characters (Gyro, Newton, Magica, Minima, Brigitta, Dickie, Rockerduck) appear in that series. As for Scrooge, if he had appeared in Quack Pack, he would have been like Scrooge in the comics, meaning a bastard man. If anyone has watched Scrooge in Mickey Mouse Works and in House of Mouse, you know what I’m talking about. Although I prefer the designs of Donald's nephews as shown in the Quack Pack, whose models (by Toby Shelton) are more redesigned than the model by Dan Haskett, but I certainly also like the Dan Haskett’s model. These models were released in April 1993, when the series was planned to be shown, but for some reason it was moved to 1996.
I certainly didn’t know about this until I found it on one Twitter blog, but I definitely felt I had to post this. And one more thing. These original models of Donald's nephews are just proof that even Duck Daze was focused first on Donald, then on nephews, and that Huey, Dewey and Louie in both these models and the official Quack Pack version are not to blame for the series' failure, but there are other reasons for that, and I beg haters who hate this series and these triplets to shut up because they have no idea. It's okay if you don't like this, but please don't hate something for stupid reasons. You're hurting yourself. Sorry about this.
Of course, I have to admit that Dan Haskett is a great animator, and if you like these designs, feel free to download them, as I don't know if this will ever be adopted in some future Duck series.
P.S. I love these models by Dan Haskett, but I definitely love and prefer the official Quack Pack models. That's just my opinion.
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mimiri22-6 · 3 years
Let's do this. One last time.
Ducktales 2017. I didn't think I was ready for the end, but the finale was too perfect to be sad nor angry.
There's so much to say-too much to say...and I'm going to try my best to say all of it.
Seeing Webby and Scrooge interactions now, after watching this once, is just-They're So Soft! AND everything is just-AH I love it. It's so weird, but when is the family tree not screwy(also, Webby=Scrooge's clone? Webby=female? Trans Scrooge=Cannon?! I think Fucking So!)
Aaaaaaannd that's all we get from Gladstone and Fethry. If there's one thing I wish was in this episode more it would be more cousin interactions and Daisy. Though, Daisy not being too into it makes sense. Loved what we got of her tho. At least we got a little bit of them this episode, it was already pretty character packed
Well...Launchpad is only half wrong.
Oh wow. Oh Wow, I love this dynamic between LP, Drake, and Fenton...ot4? because I refuse to leave Gandra out. I love how Drake doesn't know about Fenton and Gizmo while it seems like everyone else in the world does. Still, LP/Drake and Gandra/Fenton some of my faves. So good
OH YEAH! Even the other 2 Caballeros are here!!
And the last adventure STARTS
I find it Fantastic how Dewey and Launchpad will probably die thinking F.O.W.L used the last level of a videogame as their secret layer layout
*sigh* This is why I avoid previews and wish I was better at avoiding theories from after those previews. I would have been more surprised and probably would have enjoyed this ep even more if I had Nothing to expect. But the theories were right. Tho, I did not expect how (or should I say Who) Webby was cloned from...though also I was spoiled by that when I was looking for the ep. Some ass used "Scrooge is Webby's dad" as a video title. I didn't think it was real, but I was wrong.
Awwww. Don has such a soft spot for kids
I love Lena and her development.
...*sigh* ok. "you've already got sisters" with this line, I am obligated to drop the Webby/Lena ship. I'm sorry, but it's one of my many rules for being ok with a ship. If the characters Ever say, even just once as an afterthought, they see each other as siblings or something similar, I will see them as that. It's why I've never been ok and have been uncomfortable with Shiro/Keith since Keith saved Shiro from...his clones...huh. So, from now on, I'm going to be Very uncomfortable with anything Weblena...even though the thought of them in the future was cute
HOW does a show about building ottomans have plot???
I wasn't sure how to feel about the clones All throughout this
Oooooh. That picture of Webby's parents...is fake. It's like some picture Beakley took off the internet.
I saw a post saying how Della had to convince Donald to go on one last adventure and how she had to watch him almost die, but she really Didn't. She helped him pack and she was ready to let Donald go on his adventure("but Daisy's my adventure" They are too damn cute for their own damn good. I love them. donsy for the win), but an actual Crisis came up and he had to stay. Donald nearly dying by void was not Della's fault and if I see any more posts about how she roped Donald into a death mission, I will go up a wall and break a neck on my way down
Man, it's weird hearing this and knowing that Webby's parents don't exist
Wow! Beakley just knocked out Scrooge! Damn!
Oooh! The girls are fighting
...Woah. I just realized, the blood and brain of Scrooge McDuck and the training of Bentina Beakley. Webby is even more of a beast than we knew.
Pepper. Just Pepper. She seems like one of your parent's nice coworkers that brings you brownies and pinches your cheeks
I also really like that you can't tell which Gyro is telling that to
God, I Fucking Love the concept that is Manny. He's one of those things that if someone asked you about him outside of the fandom, you wouldn't even know where to start. It's absolutely FanFuckingTastic. He's the most magical thing in the universe? Fuck Yes, give that to me Now!
HE SPEAKS!!!!!!(I couldn't place his voice actor, but I when I looked him up I realized recognized him for Glossaryck from SVTFOE)
(Edit: Just found out that the scene with Manny was a Gargoyles ref. Nice!)
Once again, I love everything about LP, Drake, and Fenton
And then Lena Died
Aww, they both have such soft spots for children
(that had to be a different font because really, what the fuck)
He really did just say he was too busy to die. This duck is too powerful
(I really just don't have too much to say between all of this. I just love all of it)
Woo! Louie with the motivation!
Pft-how both of them are singing? Love to see it...wait, we don't see Don Karnage after this...DID HE DIE IN THAT CRASH?! DID DEWEY COMMIT HIS FIRST MURDER?!
"Welcome home, April." I hate you.
Of course he dabs
"he was like this when we found him." Nice to know Gos knows what to do in the event that she kills someone
Oh that's horrendous. I hate that
"Now, let's get down to business." TO DEF[get's shot]
Why is Manny like actually the best?
God, Drake and LP really are two halves of a whole idiot huh? They're soulmates, your honor
"I. Am." "Not alone in this." That was so sweet, but also JUST TELL HIM!!
And now Glom is dead
Oh, that's a lot of mind control
"Even by our standards, this is a weird day." Couldn't say it better, Lena
"How do you think Della found out about the Spear of Selene?" OH, YOU MOTHERFU
"Oh, Bradford, how villainous." DAMN! HE REALLY DID JUST DO THAT, HUH?!
"Do you know how replaceable clones are?" Oh yeah, that's right. You're probably not the og Gyro
Man, we don't ever have Von Drake for long but I always love him
Those lights are really only there for dramatic effect, aren't they?
...Close enough.
Launchpad moment! Yeah!!!
HEY! I just noticed. While wearing the suit, Launchpad didn't crash...idk what to do with this info
The fine print is usually good to read...we people just don't do it apparently
"...your most trusted ally?" *picks Donald* Wow. That's right there with the feels ain't it
"it's not worth the risk." Fuck, I love them
Oh that sounds so weird. Scrooge has never been a dad, always Uncle. So Weird
And Gandra, Gyro, and Von Drake are dead. There is a Body Count this episode
"Donald Duck." "Uncle Scrooge." I SEE YOU! I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE! AND I LOVE IT!
Hehe. From Bitchford to bird brain.
Beakley thinking she's no longer accepted? Nah, she was granny first and foremost
"We're smarter" "We're tougher" "We're sharper" And we'll earn our way square." AH-I'M GOING DOWN LIKE THE SUNCHASER, GUYS
I don't know what else to say.
This show was amazing from beginning to end. I may not have cried, but I didn't need to cry. It wasn't sad and there was nothing bittersweet about it. Just pure perfection, just like the rest of the show.
Perfectly Preen, not a fether out of place.
Goodnight Ducktales, you were perfect
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tcsauaskblog · 3 years
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So Abner is one of the older cousins (about 7 years older than Fethry). He’s not much bigger or taller then other kids his age, but he’s built like a brick wall and stronger than he looks FOR SURE. He’s a rowdy kid, often getting into lighthearted trouble and roughhousing with other boys in the school yard, but all in all, he really is a good kid. 
He helps his dad out with the chores on his gran’s ranch without complaint, does the nitty gritty jobs so that his gran doesn’t have to, and isn't afraid to give his mom a hug and a kiss in front of the other school boys (even if they’ll make fun of him later for it, which he’ll then get into a tussle about, but more for the sake of principle than actually denying that he’s a momma’s boy and is embarrassed by her affection.) He really is, truly, a good kid. Just a bit rough around the edges is all.
He’s not good around kids though. He never really payed much attention to his younger cousins till they were old enough to actually hang around with. Donald was always a little too feisty and eager to prove himself, which Abner could respect, and he was fun to wrestle with once he was actually able to hold his own. Della talked a lot, but momma said that was just a girl thing, despite her being just as eager to wrestle and get down and dirty with the boys. Gladstone showed off too much, but sometimes his luck would get them free ice cream down at the shops on Sunday afternoons, so he wasn’t too annoying to hang out with. And it helped that Gus was around his age, and able to help him round up the little gang of hooligans when it got a little too much for Abner to deal with sometimes.
And then Fethry came around. 
And he was small. Smaller than the others had been, almost tiny in comparison, and Abner felt his heart flinch every time someone asked him to hold his baby brother. (Either for a family pic for granny or to help momma out sometimes when she was busy) 
It wasn’t like Abner didn’t like Fethry. He was a relatively easy baby. Hardly ever cried, compared to what Abner remembered of his cousins as babies, and usually was content just to be held and giggle. Abner just didn’t know what to DO with the kid. 
He was just. So. Little. little enough that one wrong move from Abner and his baby brother would break into a million pieces. Not to mention the kid was so adored by everyone around him and was the complete opposite of Abner in every way. Abner didn’t think he could stomach the idea of being the reason this little kid, who was all smiles and stars in his wide brown eyes, cried or got hurt.
So Abner did was any kid his age could do in his situation and just sort of,,, avoided Fethry. Not to be mean or difficult, but just to be safe. Just until Fethry was a little older, a little less breakable.
As the years went by though, it became harder and harder to break this avoiding game they were playing, despite Fethry’s BEST efforts. Because the kid LOVED his cool and distant older brother. He’d follow Abner everywhere he went, would try to copy some of Abner’s poorer choice habits (which horrified Abner to no end, thus furthering his efforts to keep away from Fethry so as not to taint the kid) And even though Fethry got older and wasn’t the baby he used to be, he somehow got even more fragile, even more precious before Abner’s eyes. The kid was as pure hearted as could be, while Abner, entering his early teen years, became more and more rambunctious with his shenanigans and got into a lot more trouble than he was probably worth. He became to hard to be near the kid, a shining beacon of everything good in the world, where Abner was bordering on the darker side of that shadow the beacon cast.
Abner didn’t really mean to get into as many arguments about his estrangement with his kid brother with his folks, mostly his dad. But it was hard to explain himself. Abner was a little too much like his father, where words were hard to come by and actions always did the job of conveying his thoughts anyway. His mother, a kind hearted and gentle spirit, was always able to see through his rough exterior and understand him perfectly, but even she was having difficultly understanding his hesitance to be around Fethry. Abner wished he could be a little bit more like Fethry, the spitting image of his mother’s kind soul, But alas, he was too much like Eider, and that made the two butt heads more often than not. 
It was Gladstone’s 7th birthday when the incident occurred. 
The party was being held at granny’s ranch, and it was a big family todo, (family events always were) and Abner was getting a little too smothered with all the constant chatter and loud music. He had only stepped away just to catch his breath, to be able to breathe a little easier without all the commotion. He had taken a walk down to the little pond at the bottom of the hill. 
He didn’t really like water all that much. He wasn’t a very good swimmer, and after the summer he broke into the movie theatre with some friends to see an R-rated horror film about a sea monster when he was 9, he’d never really been able to look at a body of water the same again. But he had half an egg sandwich he swiped from the buffet table in his hoodie jacket, and feeding the bluegills was always something that calmed him down, so standing on the little dock didn’t seem too scary.
Abner didn’t realize Fethry had followed him down to the pond. He should have. Of course he should have known the kid would. Fethry followed him everywhere, like a little duckling would. Abner should have realized Fethry would have trailed along right behind him.
But he didn’t. He was too stuck in his own head, trying to calm himself down from getting too overstimulated from the party. He didn’t realize Fethry was right behind him. 
He didn’t mean to jerk as hard as he did, when Fethry has reached out towards him, he really, honestly, didn’t. The kid had startled him, and Abner was acting on school yard protective reflexes faster than he could stop himself.
To this day he doesn’t really know if he actually pushed Fethry in or not. It hurts to think about. All he knows for sure is two things. 
That Fethry fell into the water.
And that Abner didn’t jump in to save him.
Someone did though, Donald a few seconds later. Where he had come from, Abner couldn’t bother to ponder about. Donald had always been a little too protective over Fethry, acting on those big brother instincts far better than Abner ever did. He must have followed after Fethry when he noticed the little 4 year old duckling toddle away from any adult eyes. He had jumped in the water immediately to save Fethry. 
Abner wasn’t even sure if the Donald could swim. It didn’t matter if he could though. That wasn’t the point. The point was that Abner didn’t jump in, regardless of whatever excuse he could come up with.
And he tried, for years. Abner spent countless hours trying to wrap his head around why he never jumped in. Why he couldn’t move. Why is heart felt like it broke the second Fethry’s signature, stupidly big hat, disappeared under the water. Why it didn’t feel better when both he and Donald broke the surface again, whole seconds later.
The coming days would be a blur after that. A hazy blur that Abner didn’t like thinking too hard about. 
The adults had come to the rescue a few minutes later, Gladstone and Della must have ran to get them after Donald had jumped into the water after Fethry. Fethry ended up ok, if not a little water logged and shaken, understandably. They had demanded to know what had happened.
And Abner couldn’t speak. Couldn’t even make eye contact. Just stared at his own feet, his hands clenching in his hoodie pockets hard enough to leave bruising as he willed the pain in his chest to go away. Donald had no such reservations, and told the story as he saw it. 
That Abner has pushed Fethry into the lake.
Abner couldn’t very well refute it, no matter how much he wanted to. He didn’t mean to push Fethry if he did, he didn’t mean to not jump in after him. He didn’t mean to hurt Fethry. He never did. Fethry was the last person on the earth that Abner wanted to hurt. But that didn’t change the fact that he did hurt Fethry, and that he didn’t do anything to change that.
He was sent away to a boarding school the following week. A school for lost and wayward boys. Boys who had caused so much havoc in their lives, that their parents didn’t know what to do with them or how to help them anymore. It was, for a lot of cases, a last ditch effort to save some reckless boys from causing any more damage to themselves and the people around them. Abner was one of those cases.
He didn’t want to go. Had begged and pleaded and fought tooth and nail not to go. Momma, the sweet soul that she was, didn’t seem like she wanted to send him away either. But Fethry had almost drowned, and neither of them could deny that Abner was the cause of it, and had said nothing to his defense against it. But Pa’s word was final, and Abner couldn’t do anything about it.
The school was strict, but it had never met a challenger quite like Abner Duck. Stubbornness was something tangible, flowing in his veins like the rest of the spitfire Duck traits he inherited, and Abner proved himself to be quite the problem child that everyone had always painted him out to be. 
It was about a year later, that Abner got the letter from his gran that his mother had fallen ill. She died the following spring. 
Abner felt out of sorts in his suit that didn’t fit him quite right as he stood in the spring rain at his mother’s grave spot. It was under the little oak tree on the hill overlooking gran’s ranch. The pond Fethry had almost drowned in was just a little bit away, in viewing distance at the bottom of the hill. Fethry was on the other side of his father. Abner felt bile creep up in his throat whenever Fethry would peek over at Abner with wide brown eyes that reminded Abner too much of their mother, and try to give him a smile. Abner tried not to hate him in that moment. It wasn’t Fethry’s fault. He was only 5. He didn’t understand what was going on. Didn’t realize the weight of momma’s death. Still didn’t really understand why Abner hadn’t been around the past few months, but still. There was a pit of anger burning itself into Abner’s stomach that he didn’t know what to do with.
He hadn’t seen his mother in almost a year, and now he’ll never get to see her. Never get to hold her hands or give her hugs or eat her brown sugar cookies that was the only thing she could bake without burning. The last memory he has of her alive is when she hugged him goodbye before the boarding school bus took him away. Abner was too upset and angry that he didn’t hug her back. If he had known that was going to be his last moments of her, he would have turned around in his bus seat, to at least see her wave him off, with little Fethry, not understanding the situation at all, waving good bye too.
Abner was incredibly heartbroken, but more than that, he was furious. Furious that his father had sent him away in the first place. Away from his mother, the only person who really saw him for his worth. They had gotten into another fight that night, screaming at each other so loudly that they neighbors dogs, a whole acre away, could hear them and started barking in turn. Abner doesn’t remember a whole lot of the fight. Just that they were both raw from grief and heartbreak, and that Abner knew, that without his mom, he couldn’t stay in that house. Not with a dad who was a little too much like him, and a baby brother who couldn’t have been more different. Abner left for the school again the next morning. He hated being in the school, but it was the only place that was familiar enough to return to, without feeling like it was a home. 
Abner got the news that his father died half a year later. Abner didn’t bother going to the funeral, no matter how devastated he was about the news. The only person left from their broken little family, the only person who would, undoubtedly, be waiting for him, was Fethry. And Abner couldn’t see him. Not now. He didn’t know when, but certainly not now. Not after everything that had happened between them.
Abner decided it was best to keep the distance between himself and Fethry. Nothing good came from them being near each other, and this way, Abner knew that at the very least, Fethry would be safer without him around. Fethry had granny to take care of him, and Donald and Della and Gladstone to keep him company. He didn’t need Abner.
Fethry would be better off without him.
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Some D17 spinoffs I want to see:
A Darkwing Duck Series set in the D17 universe (PLEASE DISNEY I NEED THIS ONE, OH MY GOD): I love these characters so much. And like,,, we were never given closure about Jim and Professor Waddlemeyer. With Bulba*, Steelbeak, and Jim still out there you already have good villains and a lot of potential (plus I just really want an actual reboot fearsome four and reboot Morgana. Reboot Morgana vs D17 Magica, can you fucking imagine?). Give me the family bonding I crave-and let Gos call them both ‘Dad’.
A high school era Quack Pack series: I’ve talked about this before but I’m gonna talk a little bit more. Picture a Gravity Falls/Scooby Doo Mysteries Incorporated hybrid focusing on the D17 kids in high school. Like,,,give me a series where these kids have to balance adventuring, solving magical mysteries, and a normal hs experience (for example: Webby: Dewey! Boyd hacked the Thunderquack, we’re going to investigate the Bermuda Triangle! Let’s go! Dewey: Now? I can’t go now! It’s tech week!). Yes, Poe will play a part.
A miniseries based on the Three Caballeros in college: Featuring Della, Fethry, Gladstone, Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Clarabelle, and Horace. If Disney can give us An Extremely Goofy Movie, then they can give us twelve episodes of classic characters interacting in college (personally, I would like a whole series, but unless they make it for an older audience it would have to be short.) 
A Duck Avenger series set pre HDL: Give me 2-3 seasons of Donald coming into his own as a superhero. Let him fumble and gain confidence in himself-like hey I’m great with Della and Uncle Scrooge, but I can do amazing things on my own too. While all this is going on he’s trying (and failing) to hide it from his family; he think’s he’s doing a good job tho so no one says anything
*I don’t think he died, and I can’t find evidence either way. But I imagine him pulling a stunt like in DWD where he returned as a cyborg
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tomb-bloom-noctem · 3 years
To inject some Ducktales positivity back on this blog, what are your favorite episodes from each season?
Sorry this one got a little buried in the inbox 😅 onto it now!
Oh. Good question. Um. Honestly I love most of the episodes and there's only a few I genuinely hate. Sadly though they can't all be winners 😅 So I picked ones the ones I enjoyed overall best from each season.
Season 1:
Woo-oo!, The House of the Lucky Gander, McMystery at McDuck Manor, The Missing Links of Moorshire, The Spear of Selene, Beware the Buddy System, From the Confidential Casefiles of Agent 22, The Secrets of Castle McDuck, Who Is Gizmoduck, The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck, The Last Crash of the Sunchaser, The Shadow War
Top pick: The Shadow War
I think this is one of the best episodes overall in terms of the show. It has family, heartbreak and reconciliation, action, drama, humor, I think this one is Ducktales at it's best. Much as I do also enjoy Moonvasion a lot, I kinda feel this one is the stronger finale. Either way though it's definitely a grand finale.
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Season 2:
The Most Dangerous Game Night, The Depths of Cousin Fethry, The Town Where Everyone was Nice, Storkules in Duckburg, Whatever Happened to Della Duck, Friendship Hates Magic, Raiders of the Doomsday Vault, the Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee, The Duck Knight Returns, Whatever Happened to Donald Duck, A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill, Moonvasion
Top Pick: The Duck Knight Returns
So some of Darkwing Duck hasn't aged the best but I think overall the show is great. And out of all the Disney Afternoon programs to include in Ducktales, Darkwing is definitely the best. And oh my gosh did they deliver! The new Drake is still recognizable in comparison to his 91 version but still gets a modernization. The relationship between him and LP is even better than before, the battle with Jim Starling is so much fun. Chris D does a phenomenal job as this newer Drake and Jim Cummings finally appearing on the show as Jim Starling/Negaduck was AWESOME.
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Season 3:
The Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks, Quack Pack, Double-O-Drake in You Only Crash Twice, The Lost Harp of Mervana, Louie's Eleven, Astro B.O.Y.D., The Phantom and the Sorceress, They Put a Moonlander on Earth, The Trickening, Let's Get Dangerous, Escape from the ImpossiBin, The Split Sword of Swanstatine, New Gods on the Block, The First Adventure, Beaks in the Shell
Top Pick: This one is legit a tie for me so I have to split it between Let's Get Dangerous and Louie's Eleven
Both of these episodes fill me with intensive joy i different ways. I get giddy whenever they're on O just love them. Let's Get Dangerous rocks even more of the amazing Drake and Launchpad dynamic (and yes I ship them) and we finally get Gosalyn. Like Drake she definitely resembles her 91 self in a way that's recognizable but she's also got a good modernization. Also I love how they modernized Taurus Bulba. He was instantly likable yet also crafty and very dangerous. Then also getting to see the Fearsome Four, getting a pretty hilarious DT87 reference "A SEA MONSTER ATE MY ICE CREAM!" The way the music swelled when Gosalyn couldn't shut off the Ramrod and prepared to destroy it, tears in her eyes. UGH GOOD STUFF. This episode has to be one of favorites.
But also love Louie's Eleven too much to not want it to be the top episode too. I adore healthy portrayals of Donsy and here we were delivered. It was refreshing to get to have Donald and Daisy meeting for the first time and have their portrayal instantly be healthier. Sure we still see some of that temper Daisy is known for too but thankfully not as bad as it can be. The way she instantly understands him. The way they smile at each other. When she hears him sing, she hears more than just his rough voice but rather the soul behind it. LOVE. And the way they team up to take on Graves and his team. The way Donald says "MY KIDS!" WHAT A DAD, I LOVE HIM. And the way at the end Donald sings and Daisy says she can listen to it all night and the two share such a loving look. I JUST ADORE IT.
And more than just the Donsy aspect of this episode, this was just ridiculously fun. Love the heist/scheme op at play. Love Louie getting to be Louie until he finally has to rely on his big brother Dewey. Then Dewey gets to Dewey it. And it's phenomenal. And of freaking course THE THREE CABALLEROS! YAY! I love them!!! This was just such a good episode I can't help but love it.
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This is just my opinion though overall. This is not an attack on any episode or on anyone. I actually love this show overall I know I've been a bit critical lately but it's a really important show to me. Sad that it's over but happy it did happen.
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polluxdespell · 3 years
These are just my headcanons for my 87/Comic Poe and my 2017 Poe. I’m trying to write this before the new ep comes because I wanna see how close my headcanons are to the real one. Ahhhhh.
So for my 87/Comic universe starts out with these basic things.
-Him and Magica are twins.
-Actually a pretty nice and chill guy
-Can’t actually use magic but really, really wants to. He has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to magical items and spells, he just can’t use or summon any magic himself. He learns how to work around this problem, though. Very cleverly. He even fooled Eldritch Academy for years. Ha. 
-Has been a raven for 10+ years which has affected his social skills a tad.
-Would do anything for his sister. ;-; Weh.
-Really not villainy like Magica has a redemption arch and he helps her with that (and sometimes his help wasn’t that helpful by accident,) but he himself is just chilling?
Really not as villainous as Magica; has a redemption arch, and helps her become a better person. Sometimes his advice/help doesn’t do much, but it’s the thought that counts.
-For being chill, he sure likes poking his nose in things and being a little troublemaker. Magica can tell Poe, “Hey, make sure Gladstone doesn’t do this thing,” and then when Gladstone does that very thing, Poe is half heartedly just “No. Don’t. Stop.” like that Willy Wonka meme. 
-Poe has a lot of “kid at heart” energy, while Magica is the more serious, adultier-adult one.
- I hint that he is trans. Comments like about him and his sister’s different personalities like “Hard to believe we’re from the same egg.” and “That old dress of mine looks better on you.” But not out right saying it.  Wouldn’t it be just his luck when he was turned into a crow he was turned into a male crow and when he was changed back he just happened to be changed back male and was like, “This is all going according to plan.”  Though out of all the villains I can see Merlock being a misgendering prick. Calling Poe She-lock and He-Witch. What an asshole. 
-Gladstone and Poe had become good friends even before Poe is reverted back to his original duck form.
-Poe is Minima’s dad, but there is some drama regarding the entire thing I hope to cover in a story I’m writing. (I’m really close to finishing that one.)
-I accidentally shipped him with Fethry in this universe lol. I’ve written bits and pieces of several Magicstone stories where Fethry and Poe form a friendship on the side that turns into a romantic relationship. In my future stories one of the main problems with Gladstone x Magica is their lack of communication. They don’t let the other know what they’re going through to ‘protect’ their partner. Meanwhile, I have Poe x Fethry at the same time as them having great communication and just the comparison of that against Magicstone like, look how many less problems Magica and Gladstone would have if they JUST TALKED. 
-Poe and Fethry are also both oversharers so like, this is gonna be great. 
-I’m really really biased with my 87/Comic Poe and Magica headcanons in that they can totally get redeemed. In my headcanon they were raised by their older half-sister till she was killed by hunters when Poe and Magica were thirteen. From that point on they raised themselves. Poe was very supportive of whatever Magica felt she had to do. Yeah the dark magic thing got a little shady but it's fine, its fineeeee.
-I know Poe wasn’t in the comics but I just hmm pretend he’s there with Ratface. In the cartoon Magica mentioned once she needed Scrooge’s number one dime for the spell to turn Poe back. So that is true along with having to do the Midas spell for the Grand Coven she answers to in the comics. 
-He makes friends with Grandma Duck super fast like omg his weak ass noodle arms will figure out how to get some farm chores down for her. GUS YOU NEED TO DO MORE WORK AROUND HERE WHAT THE HELL GUS.
- I never outright say how Poe got changed into a crow but it's something Magica feels is her fault. I’ve debated it being actually the Grand Coven Magica answers to that did it, because he offered to take a punishment for her. Something done in some way Magica feels it's her fault. ;-;
- Since this Poe can’t cast magic he does use magical items to protect himself. His hat does have a magical property I’m not gonna say cuz I needa finish that store. IT'S GONNA BE GREAT. 
Now 2017 Poe I headcanon much differently. First big change is he has magic and he’s an asshat. I really think if 87 Poe had magic he would have been more of a jerk too, but not to the extreme 2017 Poe is. I based 2017 Poe being more villainous like how Magica is more villainous. I love 2017 Magica, she is still a fun baddie, but I don’t have the same hmmm- soft spot for her as I do for comic Magica. 
Also, in my headcanon he has a flare for the dramatic. I realized he’d seem a bit like Black Arts Beagle. I then decided Poe was the one that trained BAB because why not. Same performative flare. Whee. 
I originally headcanon him to be more chaotic Deadpool personality type but seeing Martin Freeman is gonna voice him I bet that's not gonna happen. SOB. God he’s so pretty though. That midriff showing. 
-Just trash man
-Love me that goth trash man
-I would really want him not to be a jerk to Lena. That would cause a divide between him and Magica. He would see her technically as family even though created by magic, and not treat her like crap. And be mad Magica treated her crap.
-Minima was his daughter who died a long time ago. He sees a lot of Lena in her, but realizes Lena is not her. I mean he knows that from the start but would still be sad if they’re in an argument and he calls her Minima on accident. “I won’t always be there to protect you Minima! I- I mean Lena..” SOB. 
-I really didn’t see the same reasons to ship him with Fethry this time around too, but when I saw Steekbeak x Fethry stuff it got me thinking of what Poe went  in disguised as a normal dude to do some McDuck spying and met Fethry and they fell for eachother but then OOPS POE is a VILLIAN. OOPS. Just like the Matilda thing with Magica x Gladstone in the comics. TeeHee.
-No redemption arch just nice to a handful of people ha. Might MIGHT help good guys if the world was gonna be destroyed but oh boy would he have to be talked into it. (Lena could talk him into it.)
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quiverwingquack · 3 years
Um... Any Gyfendra headcanons?:3
I do have some, yeah! I’ve been thinking a lot about the ship, long before the latest episode, but I didn’t actually post about it until now. I wanted to see how Gyro and Gandra would interact before I really wrote a lot of their dynamic. But now that I know a little more(thanks DT crew!) I have a lot of things about them I can say.
I’ve been calling the ship “glitchless” as a sort of ship name that doesn’t use their names, because their first thing together as a trio is getting rid of the glitches in the Gizmocloud. I think it’s kind of important because separately, their experiments, the suit, Gyro’s robots, they all end up malfunctioning. But together they made something work, and that’s where their relationship together starts.
Gyro likes Gandra because he understands her. He knows what it’s like to have people not like you or be afraid of you, all because you have ideas for science that didn’t go so well. He knows what it’s like to be different, and after Astro BOYD he’s really worked out a lot of his own problems. When they meet, he obviously respects her work instantly, even if he’s still struggling with expressing that. And she says that maybe it wasn’t a bad idea to let people in, right? So they get along in the lab and things develop from there.
Fenton and Gyro have this sort of one-sided enemies-to-friends-to-lovers dynamic, where Gyro has to warm up to him, but now that he’s grown as a person, they become closer. He calls Fenton “Doctor Intern” because he really doesn’t bother with learning names anymore, but on special occasions, he sometimes will call Fenton a pet name, like “my love” or something like that.
Speaking of names, Gyro remembers Officer Cabrera’s in the new ep! I’m assuming it’s because after Tezuka and Tokyolk, he’s careful around cops, not to mention Cabrera threatening him in Moonvasion after he says they’ll use Gizmoduck as bait. But now that she’s his M’ma-in-law, I was thinking he probably spends more time around her, and he knows she deserves a lot of respect.
M’ma loves Gyro and Gandra both. She worries about them a lot, because lab work means a lot of late nights. It’s not uncommon to find one of them wrapped up in a blanket she left there, sleeping at their desks, or M’ma sending Fenton along with lunch enough for three.
Gyro makes Gandra a spare Gizmosuit. It’s styled a lot like her suit in the Gizmocloud, but more armored. She’s more of a behind-the-scenes kind of tech expert, like Gyro is, but he wants her to be safe if someone ever needs to go out and watch Fenton’s back(because Fenton needs to be safe too).
Fenton is very physically affectionate. He likes to hold hands and give kisses, and Gandra laughs at him, but he does it anyway. As long as her hands aren’t full with work, she doesn’t much mind. Gyro is less of a fan of touch, but when he needs a shoulder to rest his head on, he knows where to turn.
After FOWL, Gandra doesn’t really have anyplace to stay—they’d been paying for her apartment, after all—so she moves in with Gyro. Fenton stays with his M’ma for a while longer, but to them, “home” is wherever they’re together. If it’s snuggling in bed on a lazy morning, watching the sea out the lab windows, even stargazing from the manor’s backyard, it’s just as good as anywhere else.
Gandra doesn’t like to be alone. After everything she’s been through, she has a lot of nightmares, and being in the dark too long freaks her out. To make her feel safer, Gyro and Fenton will both walk with her if she needs to go anywhere, and Fenton’s really good at comforting her if she needs a little extra love.
They end up inventing a lot of elaborate, helpful projects together, work-wise. Now that Bradford isn’t on top of funding for the team, they have more freedom. Between Gyro’s tech know-how, Gandra’s determination, and Fenton’s people skills to share the ideas, they really have a powerhouse team going, plus Manny, Fethry, and the kids are around the lab quite often now too, all helping out. They really put the “science” part of Team Science into play.
One of my more general headcanons is that Fenton and Gyro both have anxiety, and Gandra and Gyro are both trans. In a relationship scenario I like to think they’d set alarms to remind each other to take meds, stretch, get a drink, just general self-care things. Gyro is probably the worst at remembering that sort of stuff, but they all forget sometimes, especially if they get really focused on a project.
Gyro also tends to just... ignore the fact he’s tired? Even if he really needs to sleep, he won’t put down his work until he gets done. They’ve got two solutions for that, depending on whose turn it is to remind him he needs to sleep. Fenton will sit beside him and rest his head on Gyro’s shoulder until he gets the hint. Gandra will take a tool she knows Gyro will need off the desk, and when he looks for it she’ll catch his attention and convince him to rest.
That’s all the ones I can think of right now. It’s getting pretty late here but I’ll post more if I think of them. Like I said earlier I’m gonna call the ship “glitchless” so that’s what I’m gonna be using as a tag for them.
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candyheartedchy · 3 years
if i had a nickel for every familial f/o of mine u smooch romantically i would have two nickels- which isnt a lot but its funny its happened twice gdshjDSGSD-- YOU AND BUGS (AND FETHRY) ARE CUTE AS HELL TOGETHER AND THEY LOVE YOU TO BITS, THEY TOLD ME SO THEMSELVES SO NO TAKEBACKS
SJBSHSJSBSHSH THANK YOU!! I actually do need to draw Fethry more because I miss drawing him!
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cartoonemotion · 2 years
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after a million years plus an addition million years post the show ending i am finally just now scribbling out my takes and stuff on fethry's immediate family a la how they would fit into dt17 canon
the breakdown in my mind is that all 3 of eider and lulubelle's children are Strange and Ambiguously Disordered (fethry taking the most after his mother) and also to some degree have inherited eider's legendary strength (abner being basically on par with his father and fethry as the baby and the runt of the three being much more close to just having normal person strength, though still a bit surprising for how noodly he is)
more specific points abt the family under the cut bc i dont want the post to be too long @_@
definitely autistic (as 3 and also lulu are) but its like in that. i dont have healthy coping mechanisms to deal with how alienated from ppl i feel so im just gonna fish and carve wood and if anyone enters my space i will burn it down with both of us still inside it. way
that being said abner’s still plenty capable of being a compassionate guy deep down. he cares a lot about his family and takes whatever responsibility u entrust him with extremely seriously
comes off as emotionally stunted bc he doesnt really show affection in the “normal” way, including and especially physical affection and also. saying shit  out loud. he has his own love language its called * noncommittal groan of acceptance as you enter his house *
in my brain i know he should have a job but all i can think about is him fucking off in the woods so he doesnt have to talk with people. maybe one of those people who sit in towers all day to make sure forests dont burn down. i dunno
loves acting and wants to be a professional stage/screen actor so bad but is unfortunately terrible at acting. probably been in like a few commercials or something
very very dramatic, im talking full comedy sketch of a julliard actor levels of melodrama and stage fainting, whether onstage or not. this makes it hard to tell if her reactions to things are genuine or not unless u are her brothers or parents who have been dealing with this forever
since the acting career is not really taking off Yet she has maybe ripped off 1 or 2 or 20 or so people maybe more just to keep the lights on. ironically when shes conning people she can actually act convincingly (my leverage fans out there. you know)
some of you will probably ask about dugan and while i do absolutely love dugan personally in my mind marys not ready nor interested in motherhood. so. maybe some day i will reveal my own dt17 dugan origin concept idk
something of a local folk hero due to both his truly legendary strength and his equally strong inclination to lend his neighbors a hand, or really anyone else who may need a little help for that matter
as exceptionally goofy and loving as you could want any dad to be, though he can also be a bit stern when he needs to be, and a little prideful
in my mind i think it would be very cool if he had moved his family into granny elvira’s farm to give her a hand bc while shes a tough old woman everyone still needs a hand from time to time but i dont know if this contradicts any serious duck lore so forgive me
full loon baby ! none of this “looks like every other member of clan mcduck” shit !!! yes this includes the blood red eyes #epicloonwin
many make the mistake to count her as an absent minded spooky insane woman but this could not be further from the truth. she is very sharp-witted, observant, and is only spooky simply because its pretty near impossible to creep or gross her out, and even harder to full-on scare. and also because she makes long uninterrupted eye contact all the time
fethry definitely inherited a lot from her, but one of the main things they share is the tendency to cycle through all kinds of seemingly unrelated hobbies and interests; but much like fethry’s chief passion seems to be marine biology, lulu greatly enjoys botany and all it’s practical applications, as well as music
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