#I adore the eggs and the dynamics and the players
oceansquill · 1 year
I need someone who is okay with/likes dream, enjoys mcc and will watch & discuss streams/vods, and is a qsmp enjoyer. Are you out there? Do you exist? Please dm me I'm begging
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firestorm09890 · 2 years
rambling about the org xiii orchestra art
as someone in an orchestra for real
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(from here)
I can’t tell what instrument Larxene has. I thought it was castanets and someone else suggested egg shakers but both are not traditional orchestra instruments so it’s really just weird
neat that both Xaldin and Lexaeus are playing the BIG percussion instruments, and both Axel and Saix are playing woodwinds (harp is a stringed instrument too so i make no comment on the strings)
There’s no [x]ylophone pun unfortunately because those huge tubes indicate that’s actually a marimba both Xion and Roxas are playing. There is however a pun in the fact that it’s a KEYboard instrument. also they’re just adorable
actually I just remembered that instrument names aren’t common knowledge, here they are:
Xemnas is the conductor/orchestra director; Xigbar on saxophone, Luxord on trumpet, and Marluxia on trombone (that’s our brass); Axel on flute and Saix on.... it’s hard to see but I think that’s an oboe (woodwinds); Xaldin on timpani, Lexaeus on bass drum, Larxene on... something??, and Roxas & Xion on marimba (percussion); and then Vexen on harp, Zexion on violin, and Demyx on double bass (strings)
Marluxia why are you holding a flower I know you have an aesthetic but you need both hands to play a trombone
There are 3 main instrument sections (kinda) that are the “obnoxious know-it-all” instruments, stereotyped as generally having a superiority complex over the other sections because they’re soooo important look at meeee carrying the melody: the trumpet for band, the 1st violin for orchestra, and the soprano for voice (and the secret 4th, the flute for woodwinds). With that said, of course Zexion would play violin
And following both that and his Mystery Gear in 358/2 Days, it would have made more sense thematically for Xigbar to be playing the trumpet. however the saxophone is the funny meme instrument so it still works
There is NO WAY Demyx is a double bass player. It’s the only instrument besides percussion that you have to stand up for (though some orchestras do have the bassists sit on stools), and it’s much more work to actually PLAY than the other string instruments, by virtue of being much bigger. they tend to play less than most other stringed instruments, sure, but if you want to be sitting around not doing much you’re best off picking a different instrument entirely, especially since string sections tend to require more unanimity in playing than the brass/woodwinds/percussion since there’s more people playing each part
harps are rare to include in compositions. they’re very nice and melodious though. idk what this says about Vexen
generally there’s not enough percussion players to cover every single instrument which means that Larxene is definitely running around to cover all the small parts (whatever she’s holding, it’s definitely percussion)... actually with Xaldin Lexaeus Roxas and Xion in percussion as well she might not have to but she is the speedy one so
I hope what Saix is holding is an oboe and not a clarinet because if it’s an oboe we get some more symbolism, as well as some very nice... dynamic between his instrument and Zexion’s :)
you see, the oboe is the instrument that tunes the entire rest of the orchestra. whatever the oboe’s A sounds like will be the A the ensemble matches. one could say it’s the most important instrument
HOWEVER, the first chair of 1st violin is nominally the most important instrument- that’s the “concertmaster”, and they get to walk on-stage after everyone else (but before the conductor, obviously). they’re also important for real- based on the repertoire they’re basically guaranteed to have at least one solo. they sit at the very front, right next to the conductor. in my orchestra the concertmaster has a little biography in the program along with the conductor’s
there’s actually multiple rounds of tuning- the first couple it’s the oboe doing their thing and the other non-string instruments matching, and then the last round the concermaster matches the oboe, and then the string instruments match the concertmaster.
and that’s all so very interesting, isn’t it
and finally
Xemnas is 100% a garbage conductor. To the audience he looks very cool, doing all his sweeping motions, but it’s impossible to follow as an orchestra member, so you’re really on your own because the conductor is not conducting properly and not giving helpful cues
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qsmprambling · 1 year
A ramble about qBad and Parenthood (all for the character of course!)
It's pretty obvious that no matter what anyone says or how much they insist otherwise, Bad does not accept anyone (other than Skeppy) as Dapper's parent but himself.
Yesterday when Baghera said that Dapper was her son Bad pushed back on it a little, but when she didn't budge he very quickly said they didn't need to talk about it.
He loves Baghera, he accepts (reluctantly) that Dapper wants to call her mom, but in his own head and heart it is clear that he is Dapper's only parent, and Dapper is his only child. He may talk about adopting other eggs, but when it comes down to it he still considers them his nieces and nephews. While Pomme was trying to find the right time to call him 'dad', because she considers him as one of her parents, he had a heart to heart with Dapper while she and Richarlyson were near and it was very clear that for him he has his nieces and nephews, and then he has his son, Dapper.
It's somewhat understandable that maybe Baghera and Pomme might not see it as a big deal; they are already part of a 5 parent family to one egg, so what is the big deal about adopting another egg/getting another parent? It is just a different mindset and they obviously mean no harm- they adore Dapper and Bad!
But for Bad and all the other starting egg parents this is not the case. They are all individual family units, with extended support (aunts and uncles and friends), but still their own family units all the same. Since the start it has been him and Dapper against the world, and they got through the incredibly rough early Island days and became close. He adores Dapper, and Dapper loves him, and he loves their family.
So of course he is going to be upset with changes to this dynamic, especially without his consent and behind his back. He admitted to Tallulah that part of him was afraid Dapper was going to replace him, and who could blame him? He took care of Dapper for months on his own, and he adores Dapper more than anyone (after all, 'Dapper' was his answer to all Cucurucho's questions about who he loves the most, his best memories, etc.)... but the moment he is away for a few days, Dapper asks someone else to adopt him? He hasn't said as much but that has to hurt, or at least raise some questions. I don't think any of the original egg parents would be happy with such a development, because again, they are all individual families. Someone just walking up and saying they are now also a parent to your child is jarring to say the least!
Also before it gets mentioned, qBad can indeed be a jealous person, but in this situation there is validity to his feelings. He is happy for Dapper to have other connections and friendships and family members, but having other parents is a step too far for him.
And it's sad seeing other parents and even Dapper invalidating his feelings in that, telling him it's a good thing that more people love Dapper and he should just let everyone adopt his son.
Up until Baghera, everyone was happy to be aunts and uncles to the eggs, and there was no issue with this connection. And up until now, no other egg has been adopted by another player except for Tallulah, and that was by her grandfather and main caretaker after spending months in his care (AND it's temporary). But Dapper was adopted by Baghera while Bad was away, and Etoiles too has also told Dapper he was adopting him and they just wouldn't tell Bad about it.
I don't know, I don't have a conclusion to this, I just find it unfair. Bad really loves their little family, and it bothers me that other people are crossing those boundaries and then judging Bad for being upset about it.
I'm glad the QSMP twitter only listed Bad as Dapper's parent - because that's the truth (even if Bad would like them to mention Skeppy too).
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tenebraevesper · 1 year
The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog (My Thoughts)
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Before I start with anything, I just have to let this out: I ADORE THIS GAME!!! It has no right to be so good and I genuinely want more of these kinds of games where we get to interact with more of the Sonic cast. All of them were written so well, with their own little quirks and the game is just pure fun. Honestly, I could probably go on and on about this, but I’ll just do a quick summary of some of my favorite character interactions before moving on to one character I had been anticipating the most. Spoilers are ahead!
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The player character, whose name is apparently Barry the Quokka, is really fun and I adore his cave-loving and trash-searching quirks. Not to mention the ways of him dealing with “this group’s unhinged way of thinking”, trying to just go along with all the weirdness and fanboying over Sonic.
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I also love his dynamic with Tails, who is the most adorable detective I’ve ever seen. Honestly, this whole thing gave me a lot of Ace Attorney vibes and I’m living for it.
Well, most adorable next to another of my favorite detectives:
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If you never watched Detective Conan, I strongly suggest you do.
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I gotta say, Tails’ reaction to Sonic being “murdered” is kind of raw...
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...and then it crosses the line with Amy being excited that someone “murdered” Sonic.
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Next, another character who really looks good in his outfit - Knuckles! I love that they gave him the cowboy hat, even if it’s not the same as the Sonic OVA (progress guys, progress) and he actually commits to the bit of a sheriff, at least for Amy, only to just drop it when Tails and Barry arrive. Oh, and him and Vector for the high score at the arcade game and Knuckles just punching it in frustration when Vector beat him. Honestly, who wouldn’t do that?
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Following up, Espio and Vector. I loved how committed Espio was to his role as the poet, even if his poetry wasn’t exactly... the best (not to mention his outfit looks so fitting!). He really has this “He’s a bit confused, but he’s got the spirit!” vibe going on. Then there were other bits like the fact that Espio actually speed read through a book just to spoil the ending for Knuckles.
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Then there’s Vector just defending Espio when he gets accused. Let’s be real here, Vector is Espio’s Dad and no one can change my mind.
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Next are Blaze and Rouge, and I found it so hilarious that Rouge managed to rope Blaze, Tails and Barry into her heist of stealing the Fabergé Chao Egg and Blaze just goes along with it because it’s part of her character lore card.
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Not to mention the whole bit with them thinking the egg is a bomb and trying to figure out what to do with it (spoilers!: it’s not a bomb). Superb comedy!
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Next, we move on to Shadow, and I had been really anticipating how he’d be written in this story. My thoughts? Goddamn, this was the kind of character writing I’ve been begging for ages!
In the story, Shadow is quite suspicious due to locking all the doors in the train, with Amy, Tails and Barry interrogating him and Amy believing he “murdered” Sonic. Well, as it turns out, the reason he was locking the doors was because he was trying to keep Amy out of the Lounge Car (while also handing out keys to everyone else). Why?
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He was just trying to use the computer and buy Amy concert tickets of her favorite band, Hot Honey, for her birthday. Like, how adorable is THAT?!
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Shadow then admits that he had trouble with it, printing out the Hot Honey website on accident and that he isn’t the best with computers. He then proceeds to explain:
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So to recap, Shadow really cares about Amy and he put effort into trying to get her a nice birthday present, even if he didn’t succeed. Not only that, but he had also agreed to come to Amy’s birthday party (dressed as a Starbucks Barista; yeah, we all know the joke) and even helped out Knuckles and Vector with the arcade game they had trouble figuring out (also signing his high score with “Ultim”).
Now tell me, with the way he had been written in the Sonic IDW comics...
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...and the whole SEGA mandates thing going on, do you really think Shadow would act like that? Honestly, I don’t think so, which makes me believe that, even if it’s for a spin-off game, maybe they’re finally loosening up on Shadow’s character. Evan Stanley did mention that they want Shadow to be written more closer to his game counterpart and if they’re fine with him being characterized as he is in this spin-off game, then I’m all for it!
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Also, seeing Shadow being flustered over being invited to the concert is frigging adorable... and maybe a reference to the Twitter Takeover? I mean, both are apparently Taylor Swift fans. Oh, and speaking of references:
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I rest my case. I also had to screenshot this because... com’n!
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I said it once and I’m saying it again, Shadow is so cute in this game!
Anyways, Shadow tags along with Tails, Amy and Barry to the Conductor Car, where they solve the mystery, calling everyone to hear what happened, but when they go to get Sonic, they realize that something is wrong.
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When Sonic doesn’t respond, Shadow and Espio are the first to jump in to help him. Once again, this is the kind of writing I really wanted to see when it comes to Shadow’s character. He really cares about his friends.
Speaking of friends...
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Yeah... I wouldn’t want to be Amy’s target when she’s in this kind of mood.
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Speaking of target, it looks like Espio isn’t the only one who’s about to commit “murder”. Yes, spoilers for those who hadn’t played the game, Espio was the one who “murdered” Sonic, albeit by using a blowdart and drugging him. However, there is a twist to this mystery.
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Yeah, as it turns out, not only is the train a Badnik, but everyone is en route to be delivered to Dr. Eggman.
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Honestly, this is getting rather creepy, especially with the train holding everyone hostage like this.
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The train then locks everything up, throwing Sonic and Barry into the Dining Car, with Eggman calling in and explaining this was all part of his plan. He promised that he would reward any Badnik who could deliver him Sonic and his friends, and the train Badnik took it upon itself to fulfill that.
Okay, can we just talk for a moment how Eggman has managed to make a train Badnik without anyone noticing? This is disturbing.
After Eggman turns the call off, Barry starts blaming himself for not telling anyone how he noticed that Sonic was genuinely injured, because if he did, this whole story could’ve been avoided.
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Sonic cheers him up, pointing out how it is easy to question the decisions that got you to the end of a road, but you should let those negative thoughts pass and keep living. Honestly, it’s the kind of advice everyone needs.
He and Barry then blast through each train car, eventually reaching the Badnik and the conductor.
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The train Badnik then reveals how it just wanted to be forever friends with the conductor and was enraged when it realized that the conductor “abandoned” it, so it decided to deliver Sonic and co. to Eggman to get its reward - being forever together with the conductor. 
Damn, this game makes me actually feel bad for a train.
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Sonic has none of it, calling the train selfish for doing this at the expense of everyone, and with the help of his friends, he manages to hit the train, allowing for Espio to grab the Flicky and Amy to smash the train.
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Once things calm down and everyone’s outside the train, Sonic reveals the cake he had bought, with everyone wishing Amy Happy Birthday.
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As for Eggman, he figures out that his plans have been foiled once again, but more importantly - SAGE CAMEO!!! And she and Metal Sonic are wearing “Let’s Go Dad!” T-shirts, that’s so adorable! (I suppose this also means this story takes place after Sonic Frontiers.)
So, yeah, this was The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog, and it’s amazing! My only complaint here is that Silver is missing, but otherwise, I love it. Like I said before, we really need more games where we get to interact with Sonic’s friends.
#Sonic Cyber Revolution Analyzer (Masterlist)
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poltergeist-coffee · 1 year
1, 13, 19, and 20?
1. favorite theory:
the theory that the eggs don’t actually die, after they lose both lives they’re just being held somewhere by the federation because how else are the parents able to still get their last minutes to say good bye to their egg + lives of the eggs can be reversed so you could think they have infinite lives like the players but the federation doesn’t want the players to know that. they want to control the players and they do it through the eggs!!
13. an event or lore you’d like to see in the future of the smp:
i’m biased as hell and i know it’s way far in the future but i’d love to see how the qsmp would celebrate lunar new year… yes i know it’s in february… yes i know that woudl be next year but I DONR CAEW I JUST WANT TO KNOW!! (it’s because i’m chinese i just am so curious what it would be like TT)
lore wise i don’t know what i’d like to see from the qsmp :0 i think it would be cool if they implemented something like the purge in mianite s2 in the qsmp but that’s more of like an event then lore haha
19. favorite fanfiction(s):
anything by sannylity i fucking ADORE (they write slimeriana!!!! they have a tumblr and sometimes they post aus of them!!) but my fav fic from them is probably 3am haze <33
Reasons Not to Divorce Charlie Slimecicle by halftheway is another slimeriana fic i think about a lot :)) it’s pretty short but i love it
Fix What’s Broken by WhyB is a QCellbit centric fic about right after his first cucurucho encounter with the chainsaw <//3 i really likw how they describe the scar cellbit gets from that attack + he talks to richas and comforts him :DD
LAST BUT NOT LEAST!! Gnaw by I_Fear_I_Fell is an animation family fic and i just rlly like how they wrote their dynamic :”))
20. favorite fan-artist(s):
here’s some but this def isn’t all of them - bunnyqslime, miawmita, alienssstufff, fridgrave, blufox234isadumbname, and rakkuntoast!!
also a tinier list of artists on twitter i like because i’m pretty sure they don’t have a tumblr - AMORous_art, kiss hatchet and leroyy_zzz
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silvertomes · 2 years
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
Title: A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms Author: George RR Martin Rating: 5 / 5
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms compiles three novella's about the adventures of Ser Duncan the Tall, better known as Dunk, and his loyal squire, Egg. Set in the world of Westeros from George RR Martin's ASOIAF series, it can still be enjoyed as a standalone. Yet I would highly recommend this book to any fans as a must read.
I enjoyed diving back into this world on a knight's journey, during a more prosperous time under Targaryen rule. The bright atmosphere of pavilions raised at Tourney's, accounts of untold heroes, and differing perspectives of Westeros' political players and commoners were wonderful. You can really feel GRRM's love of medieval history and jousting, with descriptions so vivid and exciting. The Trial of the Seven was so incredibly epic. Beautiful Illustrations from Gary Gianni bring even more charm and life to the written words within.
This book asks what does it mean to be a knight? What makes a true knight?
Through Dunk we find the answer as he strives to embody the qualities of a chivalrous knight who protects the weak and innocent. Even though he is lowborn, his deeds and attitude highlight the rotten corruption of the lords and knights who easily hold their titles. Honourable, loyal and admirable in standing up for what he believes to be right.
Due to his nature Dunk can be naive and oblivious, making for some hilarious situations. That is compensated for by the smarts and confidence of his loyal squire. Given the nickname Egg due to his shaved head, the small boy completes the amusing dynamic of this wholesome duo. I adored their relationship and camaraderie.
This book was epic, moving and tragic but also had many unexpected light hearted moments. The only downside to this novel is finding out that GRRM has planned out more novellas about this lovable duo that are still yet to be freed onto the page. And so my wait begins.
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atangledfate · 2 years
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name: Azure, Kobold, Munzoku
pronouns: He/Him
preference of communication: Tumblr DM or Discord( You may ask for my discord but i'm picky about whom i give it to.)
name of muse(s): Tangle, Jewel, Lanolin, Whisper, Amy, Surge and Kit are my most popular muses on this blog. I also have a Lilac and Milla Blog from Freedom Planet (@lilmissheropants).
platforms you’ve used: Tumblr, Twitter and Discord i don't use Twitter much anymore.
best experience: I don't like playing favorites but, are some THREADS i can mention that i really loved! @crossed-worlds and i have a few threads worth mentioning. The Zombot Tangle verse that we did way back when will always have a place in my heart. I also absolutely adore Cassia and Egg Soldier Whisper AU as well as all of our Espia x Tangle threads. More recently i really have absolutely adored @wildcatofgreen thread with Carol and Surge and am SUPER thankful for allowing me to bring Carol to Avalice and sharing all there lore with me! I wouldn't dare not mention one of my favorite Tangle ships! @mobian-of-science's OC Flask is a treat to thread with, and i really adore there dynamic! but i really do love all of you who do threads with me! and i appreciate your interactions!
rp pet peeves / dealbreakers: I don't have many, but the one that will get you blocked the fastest is demanding threads from me. Or whining at me in DM cause i didn't reply or begging for replies. Worst of all---trying to guilt trip me. I get alot of asks and threads and sometimes its hard to keep up. Second thing would just be that i'm a Para-Role Player that is i do Para role plays if your not doing Para i'll probably distance myself. Lastly and this is a pretty big deal, some characters just don't mesh with this blog. It doesn't mean i dislike you as a person it just makes writing with them difficult... i've run into this a few times and its more of a me problem so please don't take it personally =(
plots or memes: Both? Both is good!
long or short replies: I Prefer long form, but i do some shit posts or silliness in shortform. best time to write: When my muses are willing, anytime i'm online! are you like your muse(s): Not really
Tagged by: @notablob Tagging: YOU YES YOU!
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dubuthecat · 1 year
i love that each egg and player has a different type of relationship.
leo and foolish ? adorable father child relationship
forever and richarlyson ? kinda exasperated father about his son
baghera and pomme ? so wholesome supportive mom about her daughters hobbies
etoiles and pomme ? encouraging but teasing dad
ramon and fit ? dad that spoils his kid but knows that his kid is spoiled
even in non parent child ones there so many different dynamics
foolish with ramon and dapper ? rivals maybe Hahah
dapper n his biggest fan etoiles
theres so many omg i love them just hanging out with eggs
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nodameshield · 4 years
all right, ‘ere we go, 
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our episode begins, as per usual, with adorable idiots being adorably idiotic (and adorable Chloe questioning her choice in company)
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here we have an old married couple bickering as an old married couple,children seemingly unimpressed by their parents.
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I have missed whiny and pouty Ash so much!! this was such a treat!! (anyone else remembers how absolutely spoiled rotten he was in the first gens? it’s been a minute). since they’re an old married couple, Goh knows better than to engage with this behavior.
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I thought it was so sweet how this little moment is what made Goh’s head go ding! - like Ash’s nonchalant commentary actually helped him make sense of the information he’d been working with. Research fellows indeed.
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Let’s go, babe! 
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Chloe read our minds a moment later but this!! was !! so!! important!! Goh not only making a decision based on a hunch, but actually following it above the data he’d been looking at all morning. That’s so awesome baby yes follow your instincts!! keep developing them!! you’re so smart!! 
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more than “becoming”, I feel like Ash has definitely rubbed off on him by now. and it’s huge that Chloe is acknowledging that because she’s known Goh since forever, they’re childhood friends, and she’s been with him to school, she knows how important facts and data are to Goh’s thought process, of course it’d be impressive if he just said fuck it to all of that and went on a gut feeling.
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tying beautifully with Ash’s comment from earlier! And Ash’s adorable face of understanding a moment later 🥺 because he couldn’t quite follow with Goh’s egg-and-pokemon analogy but he still helped and that is so cute and tender ugh.
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James is always so kind to his pokemon??? 30 seconds since they met and he’s already hugging them?? we stan
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meta moment for the ages 
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Goh being worried for Ash but also recognizing that Ash can fend for himself and that he will probably be just fine besides he’s got something important to do as well aka battle Zapdos, love this dynamic.
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I love your confidence, I love your drive, I love what you stand for, I love you. this was easily one of my favorite moments and I couldn’t tell you why but just, something about Ash’s confidence feels so good here.
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bless Goh for thinking he could capture THE ZAPDOS after a few hits and with that WEAK-ASS NORMAL POKEBALL BOI, as a game player I’m SO OFFENDED.  
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*sighs* I love them so much I don’t even know what to say to this they just - yeah they’re in love and shit and support one another what can you do. 
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Raboot is such a great Pokemon because he knows how important catching is to Goh, and he’s just as motivated if it means a good battle, if it means helping its trainer achieve his goals. I adore them I can’t wait for Cinderace to make an appearance!!  
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make no mistake he learned this attack on the spot out of spite after seeing his double kick not work out twice. Petty kind we love you
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oh no,,,,
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oh shit,,,, 
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how the tables have turned huh,,, but this was wonderful because once again Ash is all about Pokemon behavior and their feelings and Goh is like,,, I get what you want to say, I’m just not there on feeling it yet. But I have no doubt he will!! especially with Ash’s commentary and interpretations to guide him along!! research fellows!!! 
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gentle pat on the back bc you’re just so proud of your boy for learning the thrill of battling 🥰
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someone stop these children from continuously picking up wind with legendary creatures and then saying goodbye like they’ve just finished having afternoon tea. it’s dangerous what if next time moltres fucking crisps them to death jkjdfjasfjlsd
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bless you too, Ash. Goh doesn’t care whether you get it or not. he loves you either way. but you better act like you’ve got a clue your boss is right behind you.
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Ash using Goh’s working theory to make this little joke/question at the end was so perfect!!
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yeah I’m printing this and putting it in a frame and what about it
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wait a sec mr. voiceover what did we discover? that they’re gay for each other? because we been knew,,,,
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Observation Skills - Part Four- Lindsey Horan x Reader
Alright team, what are you wanting going forward? Super slow burn? Angst? I have a pretty good idea where I am going, but open to suggestions. 
Lindsey really is a teenage girl with a crush again. 
Lindsey: So I’ve decided we can’t be friends.
           Hot Trainer: But I come with dog?
Lindsey texted Sara later that day, receiving a selfie of the blonde and her dog in response.
           Lindsey: As adorable as Blaze is, he does not take away the suffering that I endured at the hands of your workouts.
With only an eye roll emoji sent in return, Lindsey began to panic. What if she thinks I’m serious?
Beginning to spiral, thinking she ruined their easy dynamic when it had just begun, Lindsey started to type out an apology.
           Hot Trainer: Don’t be so dramatic!
                                Those were in season workouts, should be nothing for a professional athlete like yourself ;)
                                I’ll talk to Sean to make sure he prepares you better for this season.
Lindsey was instantly filled with relief, a smile on her face. Their easy banter remaining.
           Lindsey: I’m pretty sure that’s not what I said at all! There is no need to make threats like that.
The two blondes continued to banter back and forth the remainder of the day, a smile never leaving her face. The blonde trainer putting the midfielder at ease with such a casualness it should alarm her, but somehow reassured her. Sara made fun of herself as much as she made fun of Lindsey, while also asking questions and making an effort to get to know her. Letting her expand when she wanted and casually changing the topic when she didn’t, with a smattering of pictures of Blaze throughout as well.
Their banter easily carrying over to the next morning, conversation never stopping except when Lindsey finally fell asleep early into the morning.
           Hot Trainer: I’ve thought about it, and I wouldn’t be a good trainer if I didn’t adequately prepare you for your season workouts.
A smile immediately on Lindsey’s face at waking up to a text from the trainer.
           Lindsey: It is far too early for you to be so mean already.
Lindsey continued to get ready for training, rushing slightly to make it there sooner, wanting to get as much time with the trainer as she could. Today was her last workout with Sara, after today Lindsey didn’t know what their dynamic would look like. Was Sara just being this way with her because she was training her? Would they continue to talk? Text? A smile and wave in passing?
As her anxiety continued to climb and her thoughts spiraling, she realized she was parked next to the red Range Rover again. With a deep sigh, Lindsey made her way into the gym.
All thoughts and over analyzing immediately stopped when she walked in.
Walking in, Lindsey immediately found the blonde working out. The loud music not even registering to the midfielder as she watched the trainer do pull ups at a rapid pace, only for her to drop down to the ground and begin doing pushups at the same speed. She’s shirtless, of course she is shirtless. And has a rib piece. Of course she has a rib piece.
With Sara’s back to the entrance, it gave Lindsey the chance to fully appreciate the blonde trainer’s physique. The soccer player obviously knew the firefighter was strong, but watching the muscles flex and work froze Lindsey in place.
Lindsey slowly made her way further into the gym, wanting a closer look. Wanting to feel the muscles for herself.
She was brought out her thoughts when a wet nose nuzzled into her palm. Wrenching her hand up and taking a hard step the opposite direction, she looked down to see two brought blue eyes of Blaze who simply sat and cocked his head in confusion.
“Told you he would be his best friend,” Lindsey startled again at the voice. Sara nodding to the ball now at her feet, obviously dropped from the large brown and white husky.
“Well, you clearly aren’t giving him enough attention,” she sassed back, impressed at herself for even being able to form words.
Deliberately keeping her eyes on the ball, Lindsey leaned down to pick it up and throw it the opposite direction. Braving a glance back, she found that Sara had since put a shirt on. Now she couldn’t decide if she was pleased about this or not. Wanting to see more of the skin, but not knowing what she would do if she did see more of it.
“Yeah, he’s pretty neglected, treated terribly,” Sara said sarcastically. At the same time the mentioned dog dropped the ball back at Lindsey’s feet.
“Clearly,” She snorted with an eye roll, throwing the ball again.
“You’re early again,” Sara observed, “let me go change, you keep giving him the attention I don’t give him.”
Lindsey’s eyes followed as she jogged up the stairs, transfixed on the flex of her legs as she bounded up them.
A few minutes later, Sara made her way down the stairs, now fully clothed, a bowl and large bone in either hand, with a spoon hanging from her mouth.
As Sara got closer, Lindsey could smell the cinnamon and brown sugar from the oatmeal in her bowl.
“Breakfast?” Lindsey joked, motioning to the bone with a grin.
Pulling the spoon out of her mouth, she replied, “needed to make sure I get my protein in today.”
Blaze rushed forward, patiently waiting in front of Sara for the bone in her hand. Effectively ending their joke as she handed the bone to the husky.
“What are you eating?” Lindsey asked, confused when she saw a flash of colour as the trainer took a bite.
“Dinosaurs!” Sara exclaimed, excited, quickly tilting her bowl towards Lindsey.
“Dinosaurs?” Lindsey questioned, peaking into the bowl, seeing the small candy dinosaurs mixed in with the oatmeal.
“Are you telling me you have never had dinosaur oatmeal?” the blonde questioned surprised, “they start as eggs then hatch when you heat it up!”
“How are old are you?”
“Don’t be hating on the dinosaurs!”
“Aren’t you a nutritionist? There is no way that is healthy.”
“A, I never said I was a good one,” the trainer states, pointing her spoon toward Lindsey before taking another bite, “b, dinosaurs are essentially protein.”
Lindsey just stood staring at the trainer, trying not to smile, enjoying the childlike behavior as she ate.  
“I don’t even know what to say to that,” shaking her head and looking down, Lindsey hid her blush at seeing the joy on Saras face as she smiled at her.
“Perfect! If you are done making fun of my dinosaurs, I remember a few of the hardest workouts I made for you last season,” Sara replied flippantly as she focused on scrapping the last bit of oatmeal from her bowl.
“Making fun of? No, that was definitely all out of jealously.”
Sara just rolled her eyes and smiled.
“Go warm up!”
The rest of the morning went the same for the two women, the whole work out filled with smiles and laughter. Sara keeping to a normal workout, not pushing Lindsey past her limit. Lindsey pushing herself hard to impress Sara.
After the workout finished, Lindsey grabbed her stuff and walked to the door. Sara and Blaze walking with her. Lindsey began to feel the anxiety from earlier return, overthinking their new dynamic.
“I might have to convince Sean to take more time off so we can train together more,” Sara mentioned casually as she made her way around the front counter, lazily reclining in the desk chair.
“I hate to break it to you, but I only stuck around for this guy,” Lindsey replied, leaning to ruffle Blaze’s ears, working to keep her nerves hidden.
“Fair, he is quite the catch,” Sara said in return. Lindsey missing the flash of disappointment on Sara’s face when Lindsey didn’t return the interest in training together.
“Yea, he definitely is. Talk to you later.”
With that, Lindsey made her way out the door and into her car and rested her head on her steering wheel, letting out a big sigh. How could she possibly feel this attached to someone she has only spoken to for less than a week?
Beginning her drive home, Lindsey let her thoughts travel. The gorgeous firefighter the focus. Drifting between the many different attributes she noticed in the three days with her. How effortlessly Sara could make her laugh and smile; her quick wit and charm never making Lindsey uncomfortable as she was just as quick to mock herself as she was Lindsey. The confidence she carried with her, but never seeming arrogant as she explained things. The effort she put to always ensure Lindsey was alright and comfortable with the physical contact before touching her. How at ease Lindsey felt with Sara, a level of comfort she hadn’t felt with anyone outside her family. Her personality left Lindsey wanting more, more of what, she didn’t fully understand.
Then without trying, Lindsey’s thoughts drifted to her physical attributes. The other woman was gorgeous. Shorter than Lindsey, by only a couple inches. An athletic build that only could be developed from years of sports and training, obvious strength through out. Muscle definition that could rival any fitness model, and easily put them all to shame. Bright blue eyes that seemed to see everything, and never held judgment. With a smile that bordered a smirk but was too damn charming for its own good. Accentuated by one small dimple on her right cheek. Sometime both when she smiled big enough.
How is she even real!?
I am absolutely fucked.
The next few days Lindsey felt a little unsettled. Her and Sara had texted all day Friday, then minimally Saturday and Sunday. Lindsey had gone to the gym both days, staying consistent with her program, only to find it missing the blonde and her dog.
By Monday, her anxiety had returned fully as she made her way to train with Sean again. The two talked and caught up, but Lindsey felt unfocused the whole time, always waiting for Sara or Blaze to appear.
           Lindsey: Worried to see how much happier I am with Sean back than I am with you? :p
           Hot Trainer: Is this your way of saying you miss me? ;)
           Lindsey: If you mean miss Blaze, then definitely.
Lindsey quickly received a picture of the mentioned husky stretched the length of a body on a couch, a pair of boots on the floor in background.
           Hot Trainer: He is clearly struggling, but he’s putting on a brave face.  
Despite her anxiety, Lindsey felt herself smile at the picture and the easy banter again. Then she literally face palmed, of course Sara wasn’t at the gym or texting quickly, she was working!
She needed to reign this crush in.
After realizing how much she was overthinking the last couple days, she just enjoyed talking to Sara like normal. The two continuing to message through the day, sometimes with long pauses that Lindsey assumed were due to Sara being on a call. Lindsey felt herself relaxing again.
“Alright, what has you smiling like a dork at your phone every ten seconds?” Tobin whispered in the locker room later that afternoon after practice.
Blushing, Lindsey quickly locked her phone, tossing it into her bag on the floor, “nothing.”
Glancing up, she looked around to make sure no one else was paying attention, before putting more focus than needed on untying her boots. Deliberately ignoring Tobin, feeling her watching her.
At hearing the phone vibrate in her bag, Lindsey started to reach down to check it before stopping herself, aware of Tobin’s gaze.
“So, does nothing have a name?” Tobin teased, causing Lindsey’s blush to deepen.
With another quick glance around, Lindsey dropped her chin to her chest.
“Sara,” she mumbled quietly.
Sensing the struggle her friend was experiencing, Tobin just rubbed Lindsey’s back, silently encouraging her to continue. At her continued silence, Tobin moved to wrap her arm around Lindsey.
“Come on, let’s go to your place, you can offer me your gross Kombucha, I’ll refuse, you’ll feel guilty, then feel obligated to tell me all about Sara.”
With a small smile, Lindsey nodded and the two began making their way to their respective cars.
AS soon as the duo entered the apartment Lindsey headed to the kitchen while Tobin moved to the living room and sprawled out on the couch.
“No. So Sara?”
“Yupp, Sara,” Lindsey replied, lifting Tobin’s legs to sit on the couch with her, “she’s a trainer at my gym and I somehow went from ‘who is this crazy person also working out at 5am’ to ‘grin at my phone like a fool’ in hardly a week.”
Lindsey dropped her head to the back of the couch, lazily letting it roll to see Tobin’s reaction.
“So? There is obviously something there then, nothing wrong with that.”
“That’s it? That’s all you have to say?”
“Just go with the flow Lindsey, it’s been a week you said. Talk, hang out, get to know each other. If there is something more than friendship, act on it, if not, you made a new friend.”
“You make it sound so easy!” Lindsey lets out a frustrated sigh, aggressively flopping her head back to stare at the ceiling.
“Start from the beginning, this doesn’t sound complicated.”
Lindsey told Tobin about her intersections the blonde trainer over the past week. She described how she looked, how she made Lindsey feel, about her personality. Everything.
“I’m sticking with just go with the flow Linds, like you said its only been a week. Don’t worry before there is something to worry about.”
“Don’t worry?! I don’t even know if she is single or likes girls. I don’t even know if I like girls! But I know I like her! Fuck!”
Dragging a hand down her face, letting out a frustrated groan.
“Alright, slow down there tiger. No way someone in a relationship is texting someone new as much she is texting you or flirting with you. And if she is flirting with you, that either means she likes girls or likes you too. But most importantly Linds, you don’t need to label anything. You can like her without liking all girls or any other girls. Just do what makes you happy and comfortable.”  
“It’s that easy?” Lindsey asks timidly, turning her head to see Tobin.
“It is that easy,” Tobin repeats.
“I’ve never had feelings like this before, I don’t know what to do.”
“You don’t have to do anything. Just talk to her, add some serious stuff in there in the middle of your banter. If she is anyone worth being with, she is going to be patient with you and go at your pace.”
Lindsey just nodded along, staring at the ceiling again.
“Now, show me all the pictures of the dog and lets watch a movie,” Tobin says with a smile, shoving Lindsey shoulder to help settle her.
Lindsey quickly pulls out her phone, pulling up all the photos Sara had sent of Blaze.
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wmitomlinson · 4 years
if it’s not too late, happy 2021 everyone! i know the year hasn’t started out great but let’s keep our fingers crossed, and in case it doesn’t, i’ll be here to rec amazing fics to you! shoutout to all the authors of this fandom for being amazing <3
many of the fics mentioned below may have triggering topics. TW // DRUGS, ADDICTION, DRUG MENTION, ALCOHOL AS A COPING MECHANISM, ACCIDENTS, AMNESIA
never be by cherrystreet @cherrystreet (117k, study abroad au, strangers to friends to lovers, angst, pining, happy ending) this was the first ones i’ve read of this type and it was amazing. i loved the long distance dynamic. 
like a bastard on the burning sea by vashtaneradas (22k, infedility) i have no idea why i ever thought that reading h cheating on l would ever do me any good, but here it is. beautifully written. this had me ugly crying and howling the first time i read it. can confirm i hated irl harry for a while after this. 
we’re not who we used to be by louistomlinsons @adoredontour (30k, sharing a bed, accidental cuddling, exes to lovers, road trip) i absolutely loved the ziam and shiall content, coupled with stupid louis. road trip AUs are very cool and if you like them as much as i do you should read this.
search and rescue me by wild halos (17k, alternate universe - high school, confinement?) this was one of the very few stuck together ones i’ve found and i ADORE it. super exciting. their chemistry is amazing. the things that can happen in a day ,,,, *chef’s kiss*
candles on air by isthatyoularry @isthatyoularry (29k, friends to lovers, unrequited love, angst, pining) i read this during physics and i honestly had to work so hard not to let my self-restraint break because i was exhausted by the end of this. the angst is top-tier. 10/10 would recommend.
but me, i’m not a gamble by orphan_account (33k, football player louis, famous harry, popstar harry, footie au, niall is friends with all the footballers) a lovely posh&becks au featuring a cameo from none other than david and victoria beckham. i love the slow build and how louis leads harry on but can’t live without him either. oh and niall is a smug bastard but what’s new. 
spin me like a record by zarah5 @zarah5 (8k, alternate universe- college/university, friends to lovers, fake/pretend relationship, happy ending) let me start by saying that this author is my absolute favourite and that everything she writes is GOLD. so much captured in just 8k. loved it.
counting the steps between us by zarah5 @zarah5 (24k, friends to lovers, pining, so much pining, also camping) this fic is a gem. i absolutely love the dynamic between them and how easily they fall into step with each other. louis is kinda a dick to harry but they end up happy, so, who cares. 
say that you can see me (i’ll speak up i swear) by coffeelouis (20k, college au, liberal arts college, photographer harry, soccer/football player louis tomlinson) harry is an oblivious idiot and louis is the fool pining over him. zayn is not bothered, except for when he is. wonderful fic. 
larry heartbreak by coinmaisy (47k, cheating harry, angst with a happy ending, it gets worse before it gets better, infedility, heartbroken louis tomlinson, implied/referenced drug use, alcohol) when i first read the summary i was like “what is 47k going to do to me?” huge mistake i promise. this was so exhausting to read and it literally felt like my partner had cheated on me. you really feel for the characters. kind of unconventional with the way they deal with it but beautiful nevertheless.
joke’s on our parents by larrycaring @mystupidamours (alternate universe- high school, louis has a twin named carla, coming out, sort of, closeted character) short and sweet, an extremely adorable read. i wish it didn’t end here! i’d kill for parents like that no joke
life at shutter speed by zarah5 @zarah5 (20k, alternate universe- fashion & models, harry is very forward, louis is charmed even though he wishes he weren’t) photographer!louis au featuring stunning locations and even more stunning models.
oh glory by alivingfire (21k, alternate universe-olympics, 2016 summer olympics, gymnastics, mentions of past zouis, explicit sexual content, praise kink, slight mentions of homophobia typical in work environments) this was soooo good. i’m not particularly into sports fics unless it’s footie louis, but swimmer!harry was something i never knew i needed. wonderful setting and the ending *chef’s kiss*
hold my breath by zarah5 @zarah5 (19k, alternate universe- yoga, alternate universe- football, louis plays football and is a beast when injured, harry and louis ramble around london a lot) this is definitely one of my favourite fics for this month. yoga instructor!harry, football!louis AND angst? sign me up hjdhnjsk 
talk dirty to me by briamaria (13k, friends to lovers, dirty talk, mutual masturbation) uni au with best friends to lovers + dirty talk? this one was fireeeeeee. their chemistry is awesome
own the scars by crinkle-eyed-boo @crinkle-eyed-boo (144k, american au, drug addiction, drug overdose, larry is endgame, so don’t let the tomlinshaw scare you off, you’re gonna suffer, but you’ll be happy about it, lots of larry easter eggs) I AM BEGGING YOU TO READ THIS FIC, but more importantly, please please, READ THE TAGS. this had me ugly crying like crazy. this was very triggering for me but istg i don’t regret it. slow burn and angst and fluff and the jealousy,,, make this a must-read. even the memory of this fic gets me overwhelmed. incredible. ft. zouiall friendship that will most definitely make your heart melt.
no one does it better by nodibs (49k, alcohol abuse, alternate universe) amnesia fic with ot5 friendship, sloooooooooooow burn and a shit ton of tears. 
teenage dreams in a teenage circus by orphan_account (50k, first time, coming of age, alternate universe- high school) gemma/perrie/louis friendship that i never knew i needed. louis falls in love with harry, which, awkwarddd. but this fic gave me major coming of age movie vibes and now i’m angry that i don’t have a childhood like this
play the odds by alivingfire @alivingfire (25k, friends to lovers, bets&wagers, alternate universe- college & university) a bet where they have to kiss 1000 times. maybe it ends up being more than that. i loved the concept and how well it carried throughout the fic.
those are all for this month ! i hope you enjoy them, and if you do, make sure you leave kudos and comments. stay safe, sending love! x
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My mind was plagued with thoughts of the episode where the kids think Perry laid an egg and the comic where Perry saves a baby platypus from Doof, and that got me thinking: what if Perry was actually a dad to a baby platypus? One possibility is that Perry wouldn't want his child to become an agent at such a young age and would rather have his kid decide if they want to do it when they're older, but I believe that either way, the young platypus would inherit Perry's anthropomorphism.
oh my god I’ve never even thought about Dad!Perry before 🥺 I thought his relationship with the Flynn-Fletcher kids was wholesome but that has some real potential to become the superior relationship
obligatory “read more” to save everyone who doesn’t care how I feel about Dad!Perry
Okay first I gotta ask how we think this would happen. Is it the egg from Perry Lays An Egg that hatches, except it really is a baby platypus and Perry ends up taking it in because no one else can? Or is it Perry taking one of Doof’s platybabies home? Or is it trans!Perry laying his own egg? Or Perry has sex with another platypus (that’s such a weird thought lmao) and somehow he becomes the sole guardian of the egg? As the numero uno “Perry is an asexual demibiromantic platypus” stan, I kinda like the first or second one, but I also feel like the platybaby should be related to him? But at the same time Phineas and Ferb is all about how family don’t end in blood so maybe that’s not important?
Anyways onto Dad!Perry because holy shit I’m excited to explore this
I’m gonna start at the end of the ask by saying that I feel like anthropomorphism isn’t genetically inherited; I feel like it’s something that’s taught. It’s kinda a nature vs nurture type thing so I guess it’s more a psychological debate than anything, but if I had to channel my inner English teacher and draw evidence from “the text” (aka the show), I gotta bring up the koi from Attack of the 50 Foot Sister that were just kinda vibin in the neighbors’ pond at the beginning of the episode and then Monogram had to make them agents to avoid a lawsuit and by the end they were saving Perry’s ass? Which is relevant to literally nothing except that I think any baby animal Perry raises, regardless of whether or not they’re related to him by blood (or even by species), will probably turn the lil baby into an anthropomorphic lil platybaby just because of all the human and human-like influences
And now the elephant in the room (cue OWCA Files Agent E joke): how does OWCA react to the news? Which I guess is really a follow-up question to how OWCA finds out in the first place. I think we can all agree that Perry won’t want to tell them. It’s not like he sees the other agents as friends that he wants to invite to the baby shower. But Monogram would want to know if there’s a new player in the Flynn-Fletcher house not that he knows who lives there now; that’s Carl’s area of expertise. Would he have to tell them? Is there a protocol for that? Especially if it’s just an egg he picks up from The Tree™ in the backyard. That’s basically just getting a new pet, right? And sure, Monogram would want to know, but is Perry legally obligated to tell him is the question.
But Monogram has to find out one way or another, and given that Perry is the best of the best, Monogram is going to want his kid in the club. Perry would 100% say no, too, but I don’t know if it would be because he wants his son (yes it’s a boy platybaby no I don’t know why) to have his own say in his future; I think Perry would consider OWCA too dangerous for his son. I mean, we saw what happened when Phineas, Ferb, and Candace got mixed up in his job: they were almost eaten by a goozim and the tri-state area was almost taken over by an evil dictator. He would definitely want to keep his son out of that scene if he could. At least all the dangers at home are Phineas-and-Ferb-sponsored, and unlike OWCA, they would make sure he didn’t get hurt.
Buuuut Monogram is also a dumbass and doesn’t know how to take no for an answer, so he’d keep pushing. It has to be a well-known fact around OWCA that changing Agent P’s mind about anything is not an easy feat, so maybe when Monogram realized it was a lost cause, he’d try to go around Perry’s back? Maybe while Perry was at work, he’d head to the Flynn-Fletchers’ house (or send Carl again like Undercover Carl) to try to get the platybaby alone? He could explain what OWCA is and that he would make a perfect candidate. I doubt Perry would have told his son about OWCA in any detail yet other than the fact that he works there and that’s where he goes every day, so this would all be new and interesting. And then Perry either comes home when Monogram or Carl is talking to his son about OWCA or his son brings it up himself, and Perry is fuming because he made it very clear that he didn’t want OWCA anywhere near his family. 
And now I can’t help but wonder if that would cause bigger problems between him and OWCA? What if that’s his breaking point, and he just flat-out quits because if they can’t respect his very few boundaries, he doesn’t owe them anything? And assuming the platybaby didn’t come from Doof, maybe that’s how they meet? Somehow he finds out that the reason there’s a new agent working his case is that Perry’s out on “permanent paternity leave” or something, and word gets back to Perry somehow (maybe Pinky heard it through the grapevine and told him? idk) that Doof wants to meet him? And Perry’s kinda wary buuuuut at the same time, Doof isn’t his nemesis anymore. If you take OWCA out of the equation, aren’t they just friends? 
and Doof would get kinda annoyed because “He came here so I could meet the baby, you know,” and usually that’s enough to convince Norm that he’s doing something wrong, but this time Norm is just like, “But I love him?” And Doof expects Perry to back him up and he probably should but at the same time, his son looks so happy with Norm? Without OWCA’s training, he still has that platypus aspect to his personality that comes from both his animal instinct and how the Flynn-Fletchers treat him, so he’s just kinda snuggled up in Norm’s lap and Norm is just petting him?
And this is probably after he’s shown some human-like features and Doof knows that he’s about as human as Perry, so he asks, “Does he like being pet?” and Perry nods because duh of course he does and Doof just kinda looks at him for a moment and he’s like, “Do you like to be pet?” and Perry just fuckin decks him because no he does not yes he does and Doof just nods like, “Okay, fair enough.”
and she had absolutely no idea this was happening she’s about to go drop her stuff off in her room for the weekend and Norm’s like, “Look at my new friend!” and Vanessa thinks it’s gonna be something stupid but she walks over and sees the baby platypus and she starts freaking out because holy shit Perry is that yours? and obviously she needs to know literally everything there is to know about him because this is her nephew now and she will not take no for an answer.
And I feel like OWCA really wouldn’t like this? I mean, Perry completely severed ties with them over this platybaby, and now he’s bringing his son over to DEI at least twice a week to see his former nemesis? And idk what they would do about it because I don’t think there’s an actual protocol for this, but Monogram is Very Sensitive™ and he won’t stand for this.
Also and I’m totally just spit-balling here but what if, because the platybaby is kinda also being raised by the Doofenshmirtzes (and the Flynn-Fletchers but idk if that would make much of a difference here bc he has to pretend to be a mindless pet around them like his dad), he gets the best of the human and animal experience all in one, without all the shit Perry had to deal with from OWCA? And what if that somehow leads him to be able to speak? I don’t quite know how that would work, mostly because I don’t really know what prevents Perry from speaking, but we already went into that back in May so I’m not gonna go there again lol
okay I’m pretty sure it’s been over two hours since I started working on this ask but I can’t help it because this is literally such a cute idea fjdshflakfa I don’t even know if I’d be content reading this like I feel like this is just something I want to write. I kinda want to see how Phineas and Ferb would treat him, and if they’d treat Perry any differently now that a) he’s a dad and b) there’s a new platypus for them to love. I also want to see how Candace would handle probably falling in love with the platybaby but still getting annoyed by Perry. I really want to see what Vanessa and Norm’s relationship with the platybaby would turn into. Idk so much about the Doof/platybaby relationship though; I feel like I’d be more interested in how this affects the Doof/Perry dynamic instead. Something about Doof makes me think he wouldn’t be as easily swayed by the platybaby as everyone else, but the fact that Perry would now be a dad just like him would probably make him unreasonably happy. And that’s not even touching upon how different life would be for Perry now that he has a son, and he would obviously adore the little guy with his entire being, but, like, he has a son? How is he supposed to deal with that?
also I really should’ve given the platybaby a name to make this more readable and it’s a little too late for that but I hereby decree that his new temporary name until such time as this fic gets written is Horatio (unless y’all wanna hit me up with your platybaby name ideas because I would love to see them?) so welcome to the Dwampyverse, Horatio :,)
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formashimataichi · 4 years
Chihayafuru | Why read it?
This is a comprehensive, non-spoilers review I made of the series on Goodreads recently, and I thought I would leave it here for potential readers as well. As the series will come to a close within the next year or two, there’s no better time to pick up Chihayafuru than now. The following review covers: a basic summary of the series, a brief explanation of karuta, highlighted aspects of the narrative, and common misconceptions. Enjoy! 
Chihayafuru primarily follows three childhood friends—Chihaya, Arata, and Taichi—and their journey through karuta, a Japanese sport inspired by one hundred classical poems found in the famed Hyakunin Isshu. The trio bonds over karuta as children before they're inevitably separated due to a number of circumstances, until their paths cross once again in high school. Their efforts to rise to the top of the sport's hierarchy in Japan parallel to their personal relationships with each other, as well as their insecurities, hopes, and fears for the future as they grow up. REP: visually disabled SC. TW’s: verbal parental abuse.
Karuta (or more specifically, kyogi karuta) is a Japanese card game. The poems of the Hyakunin Isshu are transcribed onto two sets of one hundred cards each—the yomifuda, or reading cards, have a full poem transcribed onto them, while the torifuda, or grabbing cards, have only the second half of a poem transcribed onto them. Each player has a territory with twenty five cards, and the object of the game is to grab the correct torifuda as soon as the corresponding yomifuda is read. There are also a few more complex rules, but ultimately, whoever clears all of the cards in their territory first wins. Karuta is a game that tests memorization, agility, hearing ability, strategy, stamina, etc.  
The following are aspects of the series that I think really make it stand out! 
The expansive cast. Karuta is an all-ages competitive sport. People from all walks of life compete against each other, so there's a broad range of characters introduced across the course of the series: old doctors, married women, high school teachers, elementary students. It makes the personal experiences and learning points of the various characters all the richer. The appearances of background characters are also consistently recurring, which makes the fact that the cast is so expansive even more enjoyable, because no one is truly forgotten or cast aside. 
The emphasis on teachers. An experience Chihayafuru especially explores in depth is that of teachers, both literal and figurative. They are constantly brought into focus: as competitors capable of displaying as much persistence as their juniors, as mentors who do their best to nurture the younger generation, and as people of a past era fighting to hold onto what grasp of the present that they have left. Their insight is invaluable to the younger characters that the series primarily focuses on, and they can hardly be called backseat players. 
The exploration into parent-child dynamics. Although the angle from which Chihayafuru explores parents and their influence on their children is a little different, it's also a just as valuable portrayed experience that I adore. There are parents who give their everything for their children, parents who don’t understand their children’s ambitions but support them as best they can, parents who demean those ambitions and create everlasting insecurities, parents who use their children’s ambitions for their own gain, etc. I think in that sense, there’s at least one parent-child dynamic that every reader could potentially relate to and find catharsis in reading about as these relationships grow and change. 
The series' refusal to treat karuta as insular. A lot of sports manga have a tendency to focus almost exclusively on the sport in question, with no thought given to the characters' real-life problems, their families, or their future after high school. Chihayafuru, rather than making karuta the object of its story, instead makes it the narrative medium by which the characters' life stories are told. It's a series about people and their problems more than it is a series about the sport, which is what best sets it apart. The characters are constantly faced with the reality that they will have to confront their future and the need for a career at some point, because karuta isn’t a sport that pays nor one necessarily super-famous in Japan. 
The use of poetry to parallel the events of the narrative. On the surface, karuta is just another card game; but what makes Chihayafuru special is that the poems being read at different parts of the story actually further contextualize what is happening. Although the course of the story can be understood without looking up what each mentioned poem means, there’s no denying that looking up the meanings adds so much more to the experience. It's one of the best Easter eggs the series has to offer, and it also lends further understanding to why players must cherish the cards for what they mean in order to truly love the sport. (Also, if you are into classical poetry and/or the use of nature-associated metaphors to illustrate life, this will definitely appeal to you!) 
The analysis of the human psyche. There are several types of relationships and personal problems Chihayafuru explores. In particular, the friendship between Chihaya, Arata, and Taichi is complex. Their love triangle is deeply entrenched within each of their individual relationships with karuta and their individual insecurities, which is what makes it stand out to me as one of the best of its kind. Each of these characters undergoes expansive development as an individual, and yet the three of them are also inextricable of each other in terms of that development and their goals. There’s extensive exploration into what it means to truly love a sport, whether natural talent or hard work is more valuable, how ambition and success achieved at the cost of loneliness is to our own detriment, and whether the expectations of an older generation will define all that we are capable of becoming. 
The exploration of playing as an individual versus as a team member. Karuta is a sport that can be played in teams (up through the end of grade school) or individually. Both aspects of play offer different insight into the nature of sports in general, about the characters' personal goals or desires, and about their complex relationships with the support systems that surround them, or lack thereof. There’s a huge emphasis put on the fact that ultimately, while experiences garnered while playing alone are valuable, karuta cannot exist on the backs of isolated individuals alone. Human camaraderie is necessary in order for the sport to thrive. One of my favorite quotes from the series is regarding this complex theme: Team matches are solo matches. Solo matches are team matches.
The women! Among its equally (or more) famous peers, Chihayafuru is perhaps the series that emphasizes on uplifting of women and women's friendships the most (an advantage lent to it by the all-ages, all-genders nature of the sport). There's a vast cast of female characters, and Chihaya and Shinobu in particular are protagonists whose strength is never undermined by the fact of them being women or the object of someone's affections. The women of the series are strong, air-headed, determined, lazy, ambitious, lost. There’s a vast array of experiences illustrated by them, and they’re allowed to embrace their womanhood while also refusing to be limited by it. 
Here are some misconceptions about the series that I have seen encountered by both dedicated and casual readers (or viewers):
It's a series with little emotional payoff. As I mentioned before, Chihayafuru is most prominently a series about people and their problems. The personal journeys the characters undergo span hundreds of chapters. I've noticed before that some people give up on the series as a result, because their favorite character isn't where they want them to be within whatever span of chapters, but I want to encourage potential readers to not give into this inclination! This is a series where you need to be in it for the long haul, because the emphasis is that these emotional problems characters face are not ones that they can solve within the span of a few months. Sometimes, they take years (aside from the first volume covering a flashback sequence, the main narrative takes place over the course of three years). 
Perception of the love triangle. A lot of people tend to zero in on the love triangle and make it their focus of reading, and especially for readers who attach themselves to Taichi, this often leads to disappointment in where the narrative leads (as he is a character who struggles immensely on his journey towards growth and self fulfillment). It's important to remember that each member of the childhood trio is their own individual! Issues tied to the love triangle are certainly important, but readers often miss out on crucial emotional development for characters because they're too focused on who they think Chihaya should end up with, when that's not even remotely the point. The narrative almost always emphasizes that at the heart of it all, Chihaya, Arata, and Taichi will always have each other. What matters more than the outcome of the love triangle is whether their friendship will ultimately heal and thrive, and whether they will grow as individuals who can support each other rather than act like crutches for each other. 
This is not a series about sports! This may be a confusing thing to say, and it may not even be something that other Chihayafuru fans would agree with me on. But again, I'll reiterate: Chihayafuru is most prominently a series about people and their problems. Some matches can span several chapters, while others barely last a few panels. The focus is not so much on the sport as it is on what the sport or match is doing emotionally for the individual. In that sense, it's a bit different from its contemporaries, where almost every important match is covered in detail, from one move to the next. Although there are plenty of moments where karuta matches are covered in detail, don’t be surprised if there are moments where they proceed too fast, and think to yourself why showing the whole match may not have been necessary! 
These are the main points that I could come up with, but if you have any questions, feel free to send me an ask on my blog. I hope any part of this can convince you to read Chihayafuru, as it’s a wonderful story that offers a lot of layers to dissect to its audience. There’s always something new to discover with it, and that’s what makes it special. 
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rennyforpresident · 4 years
Renny’s BBSim: Second Chances Week 6: The Calm Before the Storm
Welcome back to Biiiiiiiig Brother!
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@brentrobinson​ @cirie-sandra-michaela​ @flopbb-22​ @flungevictee​ @fucklauryn​ @iantxrry​ @kaysarswhore​ @maxdoesbb​ @music-obsessednerd​ @pawn2393​ @paymeincashnottears​ @phylisisley​ @rennyforpresident​ @swampassthing​ @theminionjcfucked​ @wheremy--demons--hide​
On the last episode, @rennyforpresident was sent packing in one of the most one-sided votes of the season (thanks a lot guys, love you too). This week, whoever is evicted won’t be going home; they’ll be spending the rest of their summer in the BB Jury House.
Let’s check in on those alliances!
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Other than Alliance #1 losing a key member, we’re still the same! What is everyone else doing? Floating?
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We’ll see if they really do need a life vest after this week’s HOH Competition
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This competition requires skillful fingers, and some of these houseguests just don’t have what it takes
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All of these people fall behind pretty early, and just never manage to catch up
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@phylisisley starts off with a strong lead! But then drops all of her eggs over and over, and just can’t get back into that groove. @cirie-sandra-michaela gets in his head, and his fingers just aren’t working with the chickenwire.
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Will this be @maxdoesbb‘s first comp win? Or will we have our first two-time HOH of the season? The winner of this comp is...
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@maxdoesbb! You have secured your safety and earned the right to nominate two of your fellow houseguests for eviction!
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@maxdoesbb has been flying under the radar this season; who will he nominate to ensure he makes it farther in the game than everyone else. The nominees end up being...
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@maxdoesbb: “I have decided to nominate @theminionjcfucked and @iantxrry. Both of you have won HOH and nominated people close to me and sent them home. I know that neither of you have expressed any reason to try and take me out of the game, but neither has anyone else. I view the two of you as my biggest threats, competition-wise and socially. Good luck, and no hard feelings.”
@theminionjcfucked in the DR: “I figured it was coming. We’ve never been that close, and @brentrobinson was really close with @maxdoesbb. I just have to fight to win that veto, because I know people are out for blood.”
@iantxrry in the DR: “I’m literally the least threatening person here, but go off. I feel good going up against @maxdoesbb, but anything could happen. @maxdoesbb, all I know is you better watch out next week.”
After a somewhat calm nomination ceremony, the players for veto are chosen.
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@theminionjcfucked chooses @fucklauryn in the hopes she’ll use the veto on her if she wins. They’ve never been really close, but she’s the closest thing to an ally she has right now.
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The classic comp is back! The first clue is: “I loved to bring the drama, I love to compete, but when the votes were tied, I couldn’t take the heat!”
Everyone rushes to look for @wheremy--demons--hide‘s pie, and everyone makes it back in time except for
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The one who broke the tie! The ghost of @wheremy--demons--hide continues to haunt the BB house
The next clue is: “I’m not a bitch, I’m not a jerk, but when I won the first POV, you know I made it work”
Everyone finds @flungevictee‘s pie and is racing back towards the pedestals, when suddenly
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@maxdoesbb takes a HARD fall. He doesn’t make it back to the top, and is eliminated
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The next clue is: “It wasn’t easy, being me, I broke some dishes, on national TV”
Everyone remembers the iconic dishes fight week 1, and knows that @rennyforpresident was the perpetrator behind it. Everyone makes it back, but slipping just behind the pack
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The next clue: “Girl you must be crazy, if you forgot about meh, I’m the one from the north; you got it, eh?”
Canadian! It has to be @brentrobinson! Unfortunately, the one who just couldn’t make it up the hill fast enough is
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The last clue, for the final 2: “Gone but not forgotten, the past is in the past, I lost every comp I played, but only once I came in last”
@fucklauryn and @swampassthing race to find @music-obsessednerd‘s pie. Where is it? Where is it? Eventually, one player makes it to the top first...
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@swampassthing! You have won the Golden Power of Veto! (Is it time to start calling you the Veto Queen?????)
Will she use the veto to save one of the nominees? She’s done it before!
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She doesn’t! @swampassthing decides not to shake up the house, and keep the calmness that came after the nomination ceremony. But will the calmness last.....
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For the second time this season, @cirie-sandra-michaela breaks down over the game. After losing one of his closest allies last week and knowing what a threat he is, the emotions get to him and he loses it. He screams in the backyard for a while and scares some of the other houseguests, but eventually he calms down after @fucklauryn assures him he’ll be fine and that he’s stronger than he knows.
The next morning, however
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@flopbb-22 spots another banner being flown over the backyard. This time, it reads “@flopbb-22 is a flop! Get him OUT!” Of course, @flopbb-22 takes this hard, already being hard on himself for not having won anything yet.
But the dynamic duo is back at it again, and @kaysarswhore is always there to comfort a friend in need; after all, she had a banner about her FIRST
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After a relatively calm week in the house, this live eviction should be just as calm.
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Julie: “Hello houseguests! Now that we’ve gotten to jury, I’ve started to learn all of your names, and we can do questions now!
First, @cirie-sandra-michaela, you had a tough week. What are you missing most from home?”
@cirie-sandra-michaela: “My dog! I love them with my whole heart and I would give anything to see their furry little face.”
Julie: “That’s adorable. @fucklauryn, what’s been the hardest part about living in the BB house so far?” 
@fucklauryn: “Honestly? I’ve loved getting to know these people, but some of them are annoying as hell! It’ll be nice to get back to my life with the people I’m used to, and hopefully half a million richer!”
Julie: “Bold words! On that note, let’s get to the vote!”
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@theminionjcfucked: “This is the first time for both of us to hit the block. I have to say, from the bottom of my heart, that I know I’m one of the best to ever play, whether I go tonight or whether I stay. If you wanna be known as someone who runs with the wolves, keep me and run with me. If you wanna be someone who watches from the sidelines, send me home. That’s all I have to say.”
@iantxrry: “I’ll keep it short and sweet: the game is heating up, and I’m heating up with it. Keep me if you want to have some fun for the rest of the summer!”
Julie: “Some strong words from both of our nominees. How will this affect the vote?”
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It looks like the vote is going the way of @theminionjcfucked​, with three initial votes cast against @iantxrry​
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But coming from behind, three more votes have been cast against @theminionjcfucked​! Two more votes remain; will we have our second tie of the summer?
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@phylisisley​ votes to evict @theminionjcfucked​. Can @swampassthing​ tie it up? Or will the side with the majority and send @theminionjcfucked​ packing?
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@swampassthing​ decides that @theminionjcfucked​ is just a bigger threat, and can’t risk her getting any further in the game.
Julie: “Remember, when I reveal the name of the evicted houseguest, they will have one minute to gather their belongings, say their goodbyes, and exit the Big Brother House”
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Julie: “ @theminionjcfucked​, come on out!”
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Julie: “ @theminionjcfucked​, you were our first HOH of the season, and now you’re the first member of our jury. How are you feeling?”
@theminionjcfucked​: “I truly feel at peace. I played the game the only way I know how, and if these people weren’t ready for that then so be it.”
Julie: “Let’s talk about the way you played. Why didn’t you have any alliances? Why didn’t you make something solid with anyone? Who were you even working with?”
@theminionjcfucked​: “Julie quit dragging me! I was working with a lot of the people who got evicted before me! @music-obsessednerd​ was a great ally, and @wheremy--demons--hide​ was another person I was working with. Of the people that are remaining, I would say the only one I really trust is @flopbb-22​! He’s close with that liar @kaysarswhore​, but I’ll forgive him *audience laughter*”
Julie: “Well, it’s so sad to see you go, but we’ll see you back here on finale night!
And then there were 10. Who will be the next to go? From outside the Big Brother House, I’m Julie Chen. Goodnight.”
I gotta say I really love this bbsim, I hope y’all love it too! The dramaaaaaaaa
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thran-duils · 4 years
Watch Me Burn (P.4)
Title: Watch Me Burn (Part Four) Summary: Fem!Reader x AU!Cas. Fem!Reader x AU!Sam. This fic was inspired by both parts of “Love the Way You Lie” by Eminem & Rihanna. Castiel and the reader are toxic for each other and keep falling back together until the reader moved away. It’s been years and now she is back home, waltzing back into Castiel’s life. She is determined to do better this time, to make them work, but outside forces as well as the scars the two have left on each other weave their way into their reconciliation. Will they be able to overcome the past and new threats to their sustainability? Words: 1,984 Warnings (for the fic in entirety): Extreme angst, domestic violence, smut, unprotected sex, dom/sub dynamics, BDSM trust breaking, fluff, language, alcohol abuse, !!! eventual !!! happiness Author’s Note: Italics are the past!
Chap 3 || Chap 5 || Masterpost (mobile) || Fic masterpost
Sighing loudly, you pushed yourself away from the bathroom sink. Luckily, you had been able to sneak into the bathroom before anyone intercepted you when you walked into the office and were able to apply your makeup. You had woken up late and could not miss the incoming bus, otherwise you would have been late to your job. And you could also not afford to lose this job; it was a huge opportunity for you, especially without having a graduate degree.
Makeup tucked into your purse again, you left the bathroom ready to go to your desk now.
Turning the corner, to walk through the door into your office, you came to an abrupt stop seeing Sam, a junior partner of the company, standing there. He had been over your shoulder from the moment you had walked into the office months ago. He was not subtle about his advancements towards you and you had found ways to politely ignore them. It had not proven successful in deterring him yet though. You were on the fence about jumping into something so soon after moving here and especially with a coworker. He was handsome, yes, and had money. But there was something… off.
He blocked your way, his hand planted on the door and his arm barring you from going forward. You were forced to look up at him and he smiled down at you in response.
“So… how are you today, Y/N?”
You felt pressured to answer his question. “Tired. I didn’t sleep well last night.”
“Hmm, couldn’t tell by looking at you,” he told you. You felt blush coming to your cheeks. “You found your gym yet you were looking for?”
Small talk.
Nodding, you said, “Yes. On Guadalupe Street. I got the membership a couple weeks ago, but I haven’t managed to get there yet.” He raised his eyebrows expectantly and you explained, “I’ve been busy. The deadline is tomorrow for my project.”
“Ah, that does dig into your personal time. Hopefully you’ll be able to get some rest after that is done and submitted.”
You nodded again, smiling softly. Highly doubtful considering the rat race this place had set you in but you could hope.
Sam’s eyes fell to your dress. “Valentino?” He questioned.
You forced a smile, “No. No. Can’t quite afford that.”
Sam reached out, touching the fabric at your elbow and traced his fingers down. Your breath hitched, uncomfortable that he felt the permission to cross that boundary but… simultaneously, your eyes locking with his made your stomach flutter. His eyes were alight, taking you in and when they met yours, his lips curled up into a small, satisfied smirk.
“Well, wherever you got it, it looks the part.”
You would not dare tell him you picked it up at Goodwill.
“You seem to have an eye for the fashionable and expensive…” He leaned in closer. “If you play your cards right, you may always be able to afford both.”
His gaze was piercing, his lips parted slightly, watching you to see how you reacted. It was a game to him, seeing what the key would be to getting you open up to him. You did not want to insinuate that the door would be closed forever, leave a sliver of hope.
With a little laugh, you said, “Let’s hope I am that smart.”
<>  <> <>
“It is quite a different atmosphere.”
Charlie reached across the table to grab the salt back from you. Mouth full, she asked, “What was it like there in Austin, then?”
Exhaling, you told her, “Stifling.” You picked up your fork and took a bite of your lunch.
Charlie snorted, “The heat or the misogyny?” You shot her a look of surprise and she outright laughed this time. “Oh, Y/N. I’ve visited the office. I know how the men are down there. And trust me, they all think they have the right dick to ‘turn me straight’.”
“O-oh,” you stammered, balking at her comment.
She laughed again, waving you off. “Sorry, I’m too candid sometimes with my feelings. But that has been my experience down there. And I would be damned if they ever asked me to transfer. I much prefer it here and I am not ashamed to say because Tara is my boss, and she doesn’t feel the need to try to hit on me. Granted, she is married to a wonderful woman so that might have something to do with it, but I digress.”
“No. No, I know what you mean…” you trailed off, staring down at your plate. You had dreamt about Sam again last night and had woken up feeling sick. You simply told Castiel you had a nightmare and he had rubbed your back before getting up to make you some eggs while you showered.
“That why you left? If you don’t mind me asking.”
You slipped back, memory flashing.
The night was warm, humid. You had dressed accordingly, wearing a maxi, wrap dress.
You were sitting next to Sam, a few drinks in. You had inched closer and closer to him as the night wore on. He was a gravity – sinking into him was a weight, not an anchor. But it was still luring you in, coaxing you to descend. You had always been attracted to the depths and god forbid you would go against your nature now.
Sam leaned in, his mouth close to your ear, sending shivers through you. “Mind getting us a refill? I feel like these shenanigans are going to go on for a while.”
He was, of course, referring to the ultimately boring stories being shared between other coworkers.
You turned your head, your face unbearably close to his. Your lips were merely inches apart. His cologne encompassed you, forcing you to focus all more clearly on his hazel eyes boring into you, waiting expectantly for you to respond.
“Of course,” you whispered.
His lips curled into a smile. “That’s a team player.”
Refraining from letting out a laugh, trying to let go of the sexual tension that had just coiled itself tightly deep inside, you finished what was left of your drink. Standing up, you meant to turn around to hold your hand out for his glass but were stilled. You felt a hand at your ass, gripping ever so slightly and ghosting the rest of the way. You turned back now, looking back down at Sam still sitting there.
He merely returned your pointed look with a wink and a sultry smile as he brought the glass to his mouth, finishing it in one gulp. He reached up, holding it to you, to fetch him another drink.
You snapped back to reality.
Charlie was looking at you expectantly and you quickly remembered she had asked you a question.
“Oh, right. Yes. Um, partially? I also wanted to be home.”
“With your man?” She teased, taking another bite of her burrito.
“That wasn’t a set-in stone thing.”
“But it seems to have worked out.”
“It has so far…”
“Anything you want to talk about? You seemed lost when I asked you about the shit there.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean… me talking about the rampant sexism and you agreeing but then dodging the question. And floating off into space for a couple moments, lost to your thoughts, like I said.”
“Oh… well… you know…”
Charlie shrugged, “I mean, I do. But I also know from a different perspective. They knew they were not going to realistically bed me. They could imagine it and dream for it – I am quite dreamy – but it was not going to happen. But you… you, Y/N. You were attainable. I can’t imagine the difference in treatment.”
“It wasn’t anything I haven’t dealt with before. It was tiresome at times but I got through it.” You cleared your throat and asked, changing the subject, “Would you like to come to the bar? Hang out with us?”
Slapping her hand on the table, Charlie exclaimed dramatically, “I have been dying for you to ask, Y/N.” You laughed at her theatrics. “You don’t know how hard it is to make friends in this city. Especially being a transplant. Yes. Of course, I will.”
<> <> <>
“He’s cute!” Charlie told you over the game blaring over the loudspeakers in the bar.
She had gotten more and more outspoken about how much she adored you and Castiel together the more she drank. Not that you minded really, you welcomed the validation. Proving you had made one right choice so far in your life despite all the missteps you and Castiel had had before.
“I thought you didn’t like men,” you teased.
She gave you a light shove and took another sip of her drink. “Oh, come off it. You know I can still appreciate human beauty. Plus, he looks like a rock star. And that’s got to be fun to be riding.”
“Oh, seriously?” you gasped, shooting her an incredulous look.
“He can’t keep his eyes off of you.”
“That’s nothing new.”
“Full of ourselves, are we?”
Her eyes traveled around the bar, taking in the décor. Castiel had an eclectic taste but that is what made his bar his bar. You had helped him pick out a lot of the wall art and it had warmed you when you had come back that he had not taken them down out of spite or mourning.
“He’s owned this place for a while then?”
“Yeah. Before we even met.”
“You mean, you willingly gave this place up? I mean it, Y/N. You got this bar and then an apartment above. You can get drunk as you want and then escape to your bed so close. Plus, you’ve got him.”
Castiel smiled at you from across the bar, giving you a little wave that you returned. Your attention fell to the hallway where the locked door was leading up to the stairs to his place. Yes, you could escape up there whenever you wanted to, imbibe as much as you wanted without worrying about getting home.
Or sneak back down here to indulge…
“What do you mean you don’t want me to go back downstairs?” Castiel’s voice echoed, scornfully.
You reached out, grabbing his arm, “Cas, don’t. You’ll have to replace the alcohol!”
Castiel yanked his arm away and argued, “It’s just going to be one drink!”
“That’ll turn into five!”
“Stop being such a fucking buzzkill, Y/N.”
“You would stop me too. Come on, don’t be a fucking idiot, Cas.”
“Oh, fuck off,” Castiel snapped, shoving you away from him and turning to go back towards the bedroom.
You sucked your teeth, pissed off he had laid hands on you, yet again. But, if it stopped him from going to indulge more on his own stock downstairs… and god knows he had stopped you from doing the same countless times too.
“You love him.” It was a statement, not a question and it drew you from the past. Charlie was smirking at you knowingly, a bright light in her eyes. She nodded when she saw your tight smile and no rebuttal to her point. “You do. Or otherwise you would not have risked coming back here, without any concrete plans.”
Swallowing sharply, you chanced looking up over at the bar again without trying to look desperate for his attention, watching Castiel interact with the customers. His smile was wide, and you wished you could kiss the corners of his mouth, slowly coming to envelope him to you.
“Yes,” you breathed, knowing that Charlie would catch it. She was listening intently. “Yes, I do.”
“Then I for one, am happy for you,” she declared. “And I’m glad you came back up here too. Come, raise your glass.” You amused her, and she held up hers in return, beaming. “Cheers!”
You smiled in return, clinking yours to hers. “Cheers.”
CASTIEL FOREVER TAGS: @willowing-love @perseusandmedusa @greenappleeyes @afanofmanystuffs @earthtokace @shikaros-blog @marisayouass @splendidcas
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wotwotleigh-prime · 4 years
Jeeves and Wooster vs. Plum, Part 3
The Purity of the Turf
The third episode of Season 1 is a departure from what came before in a couple of ways. First of all, it’s primarily based on two short stories instead of three: “Indian Summer of an Uncle” and “The Purity of the Turf.” It also takes greater liberties with the source material than either of the previous episodes.
“Indian Summer of an Uncle” was published in 1930, while “The Purity of the Turf” goes back to 1922. I feel like this episode makes a pretty clumsy attempt to link the two stories together—they don’t fit nearly as seamlessly as the previous mashups we’ve seen. Still, there’s a lot of good stuff here. 
The first segment of the show is actually a very faithful adaptation of “Indian Summer of an Uncle.” The differences are subtle, but some of them make a significant difference in the tone of the story. For the most part, it’s little things, like changes in the settings of various scenes. At the beginning of the short story, for example, Uncle George is visiting Bertie at his apartment, but in the show he asks Bertie to come to his club. They also have some more extended business at the Drones with Bertie’s pool game, and we get to meet a couple more of the Drones (most notably Oofy Prosser). Plus, there’s little scene where Bertie finds Jeeves chilling at the pub on his night off, which is kind of neat!  
By far the biggest difference is in the Bertie-Jeeves-Aunt Agatha dynamic, and I think it’s a shame they left some of this stuff out. In the TV version, Bertie tells Aunt Agatha about his failure to bribe Uncle George’s fiancée. Then he meets Jeeves in a subsequent scene, where they come up with the inviting-Aunt-Maudie-over scheme. Originally, these events happened in the same scene.
In the short story version, while Bertie is talking to Aunt Agatha, Jeeves tactfully inserts himself into the conversation by pretending that he thought he’d heard Bertie calling him from the next room. This gives Bertie an opening to ask for Jeeves’s advice—right in front of Aunt Agatha! She’s horrified at the notion of Bertie discussing family business with his servant, but Bertie boldly defies her, bolstered by Jeeves’s calming presence. Aunt Agatha dismisses Jeeves’s scheme and lectures Bertie at length about it after he leaves the room, but Bertie goes ahead with Jeeves’s plan.
(Later, there’s a cute moment when Bertie comments that Jeeves knows “all the family history” when he’s reminding Jeeves about Uncle George’s past fling with the Criterion barmaid. I love these little hints at how familiar they’ve become with each other over the course of the stories.)  
The TV episode also tones down the class friction between Bertie and Jeeves just a little bit, although it’s a fairly subtle difference. In the story, Jeeves seems just a tad sterner in his reproach when Bertie comments on the class differences between Uncle George and Maudie. He also gives a lengthier explanation of why he thinks they’ll be good for each other—it’s actually kind of sweet, and it shows a side of Jeeves we don’t usually see. He seems genuinely to be rooting for George and Maudie, and is not concerned about trying to pretend that this particular scheme was to Bertie’s advantage in some way.
Both the short story and this segment of the episode end with Jeeves suggesting that they pack their bags and get out of town until things blow over with Aunt Agatha, thus providing a convenient segue into the next story.
(As an interesting side note, “Indian Summer of an Uncle” was the last story in which Aunt Agatha actually appeared “on-screen,” so to speak. For the remainder of the books and stories, she was often mentioned, but her role transitioned to that of a shadowy, always-looming threat that never actually manifested on the page. Of course, we’ll see her many more times throughout the show, since it doesn’t follow the same chronology.)
The next part of the episode veers hard away from the source material. “The Purity of the Turf” was originally a direct sequel to “The Great Sermon Handicap,” aka the other story where Bertie and his friends bet on weird shit. This duo of stories took place shortly after the events of “Comrade Bingo,” which would be adapted for an episode in Season 3 of Jeeves and Wooster. It’s quite a leap back in time from “Indian Summer of an Uncle,” which takes place after Bingo has already settled down and married Rosie M. Banks.
Anyway, the only element that the TV adaptation takes from “The Great Sermon Handicap” is the presence of Cynthia Wickhammersley, who was Bingo Little’s love interest du jour in that story. Otherwise, the plot is based almost entirely on “The Purity of the Turf,” in which Cynthia is mentioned but does not appear. The other differences are numerous, so I think I’m just going to do a bulleted list:
That whole business with Lady Wickhammersley banning gambling? Not in the original story at all. As far as I can remember, she doesn’t make an appearance in either “The Great Sermon Handicap” or “The Purity of the Turf.” 
Myrtle and Beryl, Bingo’s two love interests in the TV episode, were made up for the show. Amazingly, he actually does not have a love interest in the short story version of “Purity,” having struck out with Cynthia in “Handicap.” 
Steggles is younger in the short stories. In fact, he’s a classmate of Claude and Eustace who is at Twing studying for his Oxford exams under the tutelage of the local vicar. He’s also in the choir with Harold the Pageboy, and he’s the one who commits the dirty work of slipping the beetle into his robe. 
In the short story, Bingo describes the animal and potato game that’s briefly summarized by Cynthia and one of her sisters in the TV show. He casts Jeeves and Bertie as players in order to aid his explanation, and TBH it sounds like some wildly kinky shit:
“The competitors enter in couples, each couple being assigned an animal cry and a potato. For instance, let’s suppose that you and Jeeves entered. Jeeves would stand at a fixed point holding a potato. You would have your head in a sack, and you would grope about trying to find Jeeves and making a noise like a cat; Jeeves also making a noise like a cat. Other competitors would be making noises like cows and pigs and dogs, and so on, and groping about for their potato-holders, who would also be making noises like cows and pigs and dogs and so on——”
In the short story, Bingo is the one playing golf when Steggles witnesses Harold’s sprinting abilities. He doesn’t see anything wrong with it at all, and Bertie has to point out to him why this is a Bad Thing. In the TV show, Bertie’s the one at the golf game, and Bingo is the one who points out that Steggles might nobble Harold. 
The games they bet on are different. In fact, as far as I can recall, the only ones that are the same are the Mothers’ Sack Race and the Choir Boys’ Handicap. There’s no three-legged couples’ race in the short story, no Mature Gentlemen’s Dash, and no tough gal named Hildy who breaks the strongman game. (I do wonder if Hildy was based on Madeline’s butch friend Hilda from The Mating Season, though.) Bingo doesn’t compete in any games. 
Instead, the pivotal game in the original “Purity” is the Girls’ Egg and Spoon Race. Jeeves fixes the race by bribing all of the girls to finish except for little Prudence Baxter, a “long-priced outsider” on whom he encourages Bertie to place a bet (“They tell me in the village that she carries a beautiful egg, sir.”). He then ‘fesses up to the village vicar, who disqualifies all the kids except for Prudence. There’s an adorable scene in the short story where Prudence befriends Bertie and hangs out with him for a while before the race, which is sadly 100% absent from the TV adaptation. 
Towards the end of the episode, there’s a rather awkward attempt to reconnect with the events of “Indian Summer.” Uncle George and Maudie show up at the village treat, on the run from Aunt Agatha, and ask if Bertie can direct them to the local vicar so that they can quickly get married on the sly. Of course, this is not in the original story, which wasn’t really connected to “Purity” at all.
Whew! Okay, that was a lot. I’m sure I’m probably missing some things, but that’s the gist of it. Feel free to add any major details I’ve overlooked! @cuddyclothes
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