#I already knew I lost the ability to do all-nighters when I hit my late 20s
chabbit · 1 month
Having a real "Lyra forgets how to read the aletheiometer" moment with academic writing this finals season.
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lveclouds · 4 years
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a/n: this is another got7 drabble hehe i promise i have more bts fics on the way!! pls be patient with me dfjjkfjg 
genre: fluff 
rating: g (for all audiences) 
word count: 1.3k 
pairing: bambam x reader 
cupcake looked up at you, her eyes big and thoughtful, her head tilting, as if curious about something. “what?” you asked, gently petting her soft, fluffy fur, the strands like silk in between your fingers. cupcake only purred, settling down on the arm of the gray couch, tucking her paws underneath her, bright blue eyes closing in content. you sighed, letting out a soft sigh, leaning back on the couch, exhaustion hitting you. you hadn't gotten much sleep since you agreed to help take care of bambam's cats, which was not an easy task, whatsoever. you weren't sure if it was because you had never raised a pet of your own, let alone four animals at once, so you were feeling pretty drained as of late. however, you didn't want to complain, because bambam wasn't strict at all, and was pretty laidback most of the time, and you made sure that it would stay that way. however, despite the lack of sleep you got, you had fallen in love with all his pets, and they seemed to like you to, for they were always affectionate with you, even the cats. you loved being able to spend time with them, and on rare occasions, bambam dropped by to check on them. he was rarely home due to his busy schedule, and from what you heard, was always boarding planes, whether it'd be to thailand, america, or even back to korea. he wasn't usually home, which meant that you usually had his house to yourself, as well as the animals' attention.
and, as you had taken care of his cats, you somehow managed to develop a little crush on bambam, which you were a bit embarrassed about, as it was kinda unprofessional to have a crush on your employer, but you couldn't help it. not only was bambam one of the most stunning guys you'd ever laid eyes on, but also one of the sweetest. he had a heart of gold, and was very selfless, always putting others before himself. he was also the first person who trusted you enough to stay at his house, alone, and even suggested you sleep in one of the guest rooms, to which you refused, for you thought that he was being generous enough with the fact that he was letting you stay in his house, for heavens sake. so, much to his dismay, you often slept on the couch, a warm white blanket draped over you, your head pillowed on a couch cushion. surprisingly, though, you slept pretty well most nights, despite being woken a few times to the animals wanting food, as his cats were pretty energetic at night.
you were so lost in thought that you didn't hear the front door open. "y/n?" you heard a familiar voice call, and your face flushed scarlet once you realized who it was. a few seconds later, bambam appeared before you, looking immaculate in black jeans and a bright yellow sweater, black hair swept off his face, styled perfectly. he looked as if he had just finished a photoshoot, despite his outfit being so casual, and you envied his ability to look good in anything he wore.
"hey." you said as he went to sit next to you on the couch, cupcake immediately getting up and settling into his lap, looking content. "so, when did you get back?" "a few hours ago. i had to stop by the company to record a few songs with jaebeom hyung. how are you? have the cats been giving you any trouble?" you shook your head. "no, they're pretty well-behaved." bambam grinned, his expression slightly smug. "of course, i'm the one who raised them, after all." you laughed, shoving his shoulder lightly. "you're ridiculous." "it's just the way i roll, baby." you rolled your eyes playfully. "quit being arrogant before i punch you." "i'd like to see you try."
"anyways, how have you been, bam?" the nickname slipped out of your mouth automatically, and as you tried to apologize, he shook his head, a small grin on his face. "don't apologize. i actually like the nickname, its cute." you felt your face flush scarlet. "as for me, well, i've been pretty busy recently. i just got back from a fanmeet in thailand, which was fun, but i'm drained. and then jaebeom hyung asked me to go to the studio, and even though all i wanted was to sleep, i couldn't say no to him. i mean, he literally pulls all-nighters sometimes just to write songs, so its the least i could do for him." "you're such a softie, aren't you?" a faint pink settled across his cheekbones. "s-shut up. i just wanted to do something nice for jaebeom hyung, ok?" "whatever you say bam," you singsonged. "and yeah, i've been pretty busy recently, so i'm glad that i finally have a break." "how long are you off for?" "not long, unfortunately. the break's only a month because next month, we start comeback promotions." "seriously? already?" bambam nodded, and it was the first time you actually noticed the prominent dark circles under his eyes, and your heart broke a little at the sight. you couldn't imagine what it was like to barely have any time for yourself, let alone not being able to sleep well.
"i hope you can take a longer break soon." "i hope so, too." "anyways, what do you want for dinner?" "how about chicken from that place that you and jackson were talking about?" bambam grinned. "sure, why not? i haven't had food from there in a while."
that night, as you and bambam were practically inhaling chicken wings, you decided to tell him how you felt. and, yeah, maybe it was a bit ridiculous that you were about to confess to bambam while you were eating chicken, for gods sake, but you knew that if you kept your feelings to yourself, you would surely go insane. "uh, bam? i know this isn't the right time for this, but-" "i like you too." bambam mumbled as he reached for another chicken wing. "what?" "you were going to say you like me, right?" "y-yeah, but how the hell did you know? was i being that obvious?" bambam shook his head. "no, i kinda just figured it out? i guess? i mean, yugyeom kept telling me that you were gonna confess soon, but i thought he was just trying to tease me, you know how he is. then, i confirmed it when i caught you looking at me while i was cooking." "ah, you noticed?" "mmm. i pretended like i didn't though, because i didn't want to embarrass you." you groaned. "are you serious? i held in my feelings for this long only to find out that you knew?? all this time?" bambam chuckled. "well, now that all of that is out of the way, wanna date?" you laughed. "wanna date? wow, so blunt." you teased. "shut up, i'm trying to be romantic!" "bam, how the hell is asking someone if they wanna date romantic?" "why, is it not?" you sighed in frustration. "no, it's not. and even though you asked me that question in the worst way possible, yes, i'll date you." "see? i'm just that smooth." "bam, shut up and eat your chicken before i slap you."
and, as you fell asleep that night, you felt your lips curve into a smile. even though your confession hadn't gone as you had planned, you were happy that it had resulted in bambam becoming your boyfriend. and, you would be lying if you weren't nervous. after all, this was your first relationship. but despite the nerves, you were also excited. excited to start a new relationship with an amazing guy, and the opportunity to make even more memories.
a/n: uh idk what this was but i hope you guys enjoyed this nonetheless! my next drabble will be a bit angsty, and it'll be a jinyoung drabble hehe and i promise i have more bts drabbles coming!! pls be patient with me fhksjdhfjkhdsjkfh
tagging: @yongcherie​ (hope you don’t mind me tagging you love hehe)
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jordanlahey · 6 years
Girl Behind The Mask (1)
Chapter Title: A Secret Worth Keeping
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader, Avengers x Reader (eventually)
Summary: You live a double life; perfect student by day and a masked vigilante by night. One night your vigilante actives goes down hill and it’s has caught the eye of the Avengers and the Government. The government make you sound like a criminal while the Avengers try and find the girl behind the mask, the youngest Avenger takes this as an opportunity to prove himself to Tony. It’s a shame that the girl Peter is crushing on is wanted by the Government.
Chapter Warnings: Language, minor mention of violence
Word Count: 1198
A/N: Finaly got the first chapter written, sorry for the long wait but as I’ve said before I’m going through some crappy stuff but I’m trying my best to deliver to you guys:) italics are for Violet’s persona
A Secret Worth Keeping, Sleep? Sorry don’t know her, Straight A, My Daily Night Routine, Criminal Activity, Government Runaway, Bad Example, See Now You’ve Just Made it Awkward, Your Secret Identity Should Be Your Only Identity, Under The Avengers Eye, I Can Explain, Second Chance, Screw Up, You Are Just A Teenager, Can You Not Make Things Anymore Worse?, I Call It Quits, Under House Arrest, Clear Your Name, All Better Now
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“You little shit!” One of the robbers grunted, rubbing his jaw as you swiftly performed a roundhouse kick.
“Nope, I’m Violet nice to-” You didn’t get a chance to finish your sentence. You were far too busy trying to kick ass at the moment.
You caught 4 masked robbers trying to break into the local store on your travels home, at first you were thinking you’d leave it for the Friendly Neighbourhood Spiderman but decided against it so you got changed and here you are; taking on 4 men half your age who fight like a bunch of candyasses. They were pretty easy to take on considering you always had the upper hand and not once did you have to break out your batons until now. You heard one of them trying to sneak up behind you but as you were about to whack him with your baton he was hanging from the shop gutter by a web.
“I had him.” You huffed and turned around to face your favourite superhero. As usual he tried to find the right ‘manly’ pose by leaning on the nearby lamppost.
“Uh...I’m sure you did Violet.” He stuttered, you loved it when he did that, it’s confirmation that there is a real person underneath the mask.
“Well then, Thanks for saving my ass Spidey.” If you didn’t have your mask on you would have totally gave him a playful wink and smirk but unfortunately you do have it on. Turning on your heels you head down the nearest alleyway, it was the one that was closer to your home and it was easier to climb to your window without getting caught by your parents or nosey neighbours.
Spiderman tried to keep up with you but as soon as he turned the corner down the same alleyway you were gone. He wanted to meet you the real you not Violet, The Masked Vigilante of Queens. You always seemed to be there before him and he wonders why that is. Maybe he’ll bring it up next time you two encounter. 
Your eyes shot open when your alarm clock rings. ‘Every time.’ It always gives you a heart attack in the morning. You groan, dragging your hand down your face and being to pull yourself to the bathroom. You turn on the light and pass the mirror and sigh.
“Jeez I look like crap, I need to stop pulling all nighters and fighting crime but am I going to listen to myself? Pfft no. I look great for someone who does that.” You talk to your reflection and laugh that you are actually talking to yourself. You strip yourself of your night attire and jump in the shower, you winced at the feeling of the cold water hitting your skin but sighed when the hot water warmed you up.
After getting washed and dressed you hop down the stairs and headed to the kitchen, passing your father reading the newspaper with his mug of coffee in hand you give him a kiss on the cheek and make yourself some cereal.
“Morning Princess.” Your dad greeted as you sat on the countertop munching on your cereal, you were about to reply when your mother rushed into the kitchen picking up her keys and coffee takeaway cup.
“Morning sweetie, I’m already late for work but I love you and see you tonight.” You mother kissed your head then kissed your father’s cheek and rushed out the door. Your mother worked early in the mornings till late at night, most of the time she doesn’t come home till 5 in the morning the next day.
“Are you needing a lift to school today?” Your father looked up from his newspaper and smiled. Your father didn’t work until round about lunch time.
“No thank you, I’m going to meet up with Ned and Peter.” You get off the counter and put your bowl in the dishwasher. “We have a couple of things to go over for our chemistry assignment.” Your father nodded and carried on sipping his coffee. You and your father got on well enough, in his eyes you were to be the perfect daughter. The perfect student. A perfect person. Oh but if he knew that you kicked ass in a purple bodysuit with only a hood and a mask to conceal your identity and choose the name ‘Violet’ as your alias, he would probably kick your ass himself. At least you didn’t have any ‘out of the ordinary’ abilities your just great in hand to hand combat and also pretty lethal with your batons.
“Have a good day at school, Sweetie.” You motioned at the door as you walked passed. You shouted a quick goodbye as you ran down the street in hope that you haven’t missed Ned and Peter.
“I’m telling you Peter, I would be a great man in the chair. You know? Telling you where to go and stuff like a shadow.” Ned rambled as he and Peter made their way to school.
“I don’t need a man in the chair Ned.” Peter protested, it’s not the he didn’t want Ned to, he just didn’t want to get anyone hurt.
“Well you already have a sidekick so why not a man in the chair.” Peter stopped walking and looked at his best friend.
“Excuse me? Sidekick?” He raised his eyebrows in confusion l, ned rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone.
“Yes dumbass, last night some dude recorded a robbery and this girl in a mask shows up and beats the crap outta them then you show up and finish the job.” Ned shows him the video and Peter knew he was talking about Violet, he always wanted to know who she really was behind the mask.
“Whatcha watchin’?” Both boys flinched at the sound of your voice and turned around to see you smiling at the two of them.
“Y/n? Where the hell did you come from?” Ned inhaled deeply and you chuckled. “You know what don’t answer that, you’ll come up with your terrible sarcastic jokes.”
“Aww you know me to well Ned.” You patted his shoulder. “Shall we gentlemen?” You gestures them to start walking with you. You loved that Peter looked like a lost puppy when you turned up unexpectedly it sent you a giddy feeling. “You didn’t answer my question.”
“Oh it was a Spider-Man video.” Peter piped up and looked at the floor as the three of you made your way to school.
“Not bad, who was the girl in the purple?” You knew obviously but you were just making conversation.
“No idea, but she doesn’t seem to be a threat.” Peter lied, he knew too but not that it was you and you are no threat.
“Well whoever she is, I bet she doesn't want to be in the public eye as much as Spider-Man maybe like a shadow someone to take care of things when Spidey is busy.” You shrugged in suggestion, maybe that was a little too obvious or detailed but they wouldn’t have a clue. Or so you thought, Peter caught on quick and looked at you in suspicion.
GBTM - @m4shtyx , @imgoodtoogood , @hawkxyes , @crankavengertribute
Permanent - @doowneey, @m-a-t-91 , @fuckthatfeeling , @jitterbuck , @ria132love , @pvnk-bivch , @etherealmandi , @alicia5833 , @5aftermidnight , @thisismysecrethappyplace, @lanijoyxo, @typicaltrashbagg,
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