#tom hollad spiderman
jordanlahey · 6 years
Girl Behind The Mask (1)
Chapter Title: A Secret Worth Keeping
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader, Avengers x Reader (eventually)
Summary: You live a double life; perfect student by day and a masked vigilante by night. One night your vigilante actives goes down hill and it’s has caught the eye of the Avengers and the Government. The government make you sound like a criminal while the Avengers try and find the girl behind the mask, the youngest Avenger takes this as an opportunity to prove himself to Tony. It’s a shame that the girl Peter is crushing on is wanted by the Government.
Chapter Warnings: Language, minor mention of violence
Word Count: 1198
A/N: Finaly got the first chapter written, sorry for the long wait but as I’ve said before I’m going through some crappy stuff but I’m trying my best to deliver to you guys:) italics are for Violet’s persona
A Secret Worth Keeping, Sleep? Sorry don’t know her, Straight A, My Daily Night Routine, Criminal Activity, Government Runaway, Bad Example, See Now You’ve Just Made it Awkward, Your Secret Identity Should Be Your Only Identity, Under The Avengers Eye, I Can Explain, Second Chance, Screw Up, You Are Just A Teenager, Can You Not Make Things Anymore Worse?, I Call It Quits, Under House Arrest, Clear Your Name, All Better Now
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“You little shit!” One of the robbers grunted, rubbing his jaw as you swiftly performed a roundhouse kick.
“Nope, I’m Violet nice to-” You didn’t get a chance to finish your sentence. You were far too busy trying to kick ass at the moment.
You caught 4 masked robbers trying to break into the local store on your travels home, at first you were thinking you’d leave it for the Friendly Neighbourhood Spiderman but decided against it so you got changed and here you are; taking on 4 men half your age who fight like a bunch of candyasses. They were pretty easy to take on considering you always had the upper hand and not once did you have to break out your batons until now. You heard one of them trying to sneak up behind you but as you were about to whack him with your baton he was hanging from the shop gutter by a web.
“I had him.” You huffed and turned around to face your favourite superhero. As usual he tried to find the right ‘manly’ pose by leaning on the nearby lamppost.
“Uh...I’m sure you did Violet.” He stuttered, you loved it when he did that, it’s confirmation that there is a real person underneath the mask.
“Well then, Thanks for saving my ass Spidey.” If you didn’t have your mask on you would have totally gave him a playful wink and smirk but unfortunately you do have it on. Turning on your heels you head down the nearest alleyway, it was the one that was closer to your home and it was easier to climb to your window without getting caught by your parents or nosey neighbours.
Spiderman tried to keep up with you but as soon as he turned the corner down the same alleyway you were gone. He wanted to meet you the real you not Violet, The Masked Vigilante of Queens. You always seemed to be there before him and he wonders why that is. Maybe he’ll bring it up next time you two encounter. 
Your eyes shot open when your alarm clock rings. ‘Every time.’ It always gives you a heart attack in the morning. You groan, dragging your hand down your face and being to pull yourself to the bathroom. You turn on the light and pass the mirror and sigh.
“Jeez I look like crap, I need to stop pulling all nighters and fighting crime but am I going to listen to myself? Pfft no. I look great for someone who does that.” You talk to your reflection and laugh that you are actually talking to yourself. You strip yourself of your night attire and jump in the shower, you winced at the feeling of the cold water hitting your skin but sighed when the hot water warmed you up.
After getting washed and dressed you hop down the stairs and headed to the kitchen, passing your father reading the newspaper with his mug of coffee in hand you give him a kiss on the cheek and make yourself some cereal.
“Morning Princess.” Your dad greeted as you sat on the countertop munching on your cereal, you were about to reply when your mother rushed into the kitchen picking up her keys and coffee takeaway cup.
“Morning sweetie, I’m already late for work but I love you and see you tonight.” You mother kissed your head then kissed your father’s cheek and rushed out the door. Your mother worked early in the mornings till late at night, most of the time she doesn’t come home till 5 in the morning the next day.
“Are you needing a lift to school today?” Your father looked up from his newspaper and smiled. Your father didn’t work until round about lunch time.
“No thank you, I’m going to meet up with Ned and Peter.” You get off the counter and put your bowl in the dishwasher. “We have a couple of things to go over for our chemistry assignment.” Your father nodded and carried on sipping his coffee. You and your father got on well enough, in his eyes you were to be the perfect daughter. The perfect student. A perfect person. Oh but if he knew that you kicked ass in a purple bodysuit with only a hood and a mask to conceal your identity and choose the name ‘Violet’ as your alias, he would probably kick your ass himself. At least you didn’t have any ‘out of the ordinary’ abilities your just great in hand to hand combat and also pretty lethal with your batons.
“Have a good day at school, Sweetie.” You motioned at the door as you walked passed. You shouted a quick goodbye as you ran down the street in hope that you haven’t missed Ned and Peter.
“I’m telling you Peter, I would be a great man in the chair. You know? Telling you where to go and stuff like a shadow.” Ned rambled as he and Peter made their way to school.
“I don’t need a man in the chair Ned.” Peter protested, it’s not the he didn’t want Ned to, he just didn’t want to get anyone hurt.
“Well you already have a sidekick so why not a man in the chair.” Peter stopped walking and looked at his best friend.
“Excuse me? Sidekick?” He raised his eyebrows in confusion l, ned rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone.
“Yes dumbass, last night some dude recorded a robbery and this girl in a mask shows up and beats the crap outta them then you show up and finish the job.” Ned shows him the video and Peter knew he was talking about Violet, he always wanted to know who she really was behind the mask.
“Whatcha watchin’?” Both boys flinched at the sound of your voice and turned around to see you smiling at the two of them.
“Y/n? Where the hell did you come from?” Ned inhaled deeply and you chuckled. “You know what don’t answer that, you’ll come up with your terrible sarcastic jokes.”
“Aww you know me to well Ned.” You patted his shoulder. “Shall we gentlemen?” You gestures them to start walking with you. You loved that Peter looked like a lost puppy when you turned up unexpectedly it sent you a giddy feeling. “You didn’t answer my question.”
“Oh it was a Spider-Man video.” Peter piped up and looked at the floor as the three of you made your way to school.
“Not bad, who was the girl in the purple?” You knew obviously but you were just making conversation.
“No idea, but she doesn’t seem to be a threat.” Peter lied, he knew too but not that it was you and you are no threat.
“Well whoever she is, I bet she doesn't want to be in the public eye as much as Spider-Man maybe like a shadow someone to take care of things when Spidey is busy.” You shrugged in suggestion, maybe that was a little too obvious or detailed but they wouldn’t have a clue. Or so you thought, Peter caught on quick and looked at you in suspicion.
GBTM - @m4shtyx , @imgoodtoogood , @hawkxyes , @crankavengertribute
Permanent - @doowneey, @m-a-t-91 , @fuckthatfeeling , @jitterbuck , @ria132love , @pvnk-bivch , @etherealmandi , @alicia5833 , @5aftermidnight , @thisismysecrethappyplace, @lanijoyxo, @typicaltrashbagg,
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girlbosscoded · 2 years
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no it was a fever dream based on the greatest crossover fic of all time
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calumsash · 3 years
anon making me think of that one interview where ashton says he doesn't like tom holland as spiderman and just really like tobey's spidey bvkhfvbgfg and then calum being like "yeah i like tobey more" -taylor<3
sjsgsks wait he said that???? happy to see my assumption was correct about this man in that regard <3 and of course calum agrees with ashton he's too whipped
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notgonnadoitgirl · 3 years
I'm pretty sure Tom Holland's like atleast this time it wasn't me that screwed up heh
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mysharona1987 · 5 years
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ackermancurse · 5 years
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tessasangeltom · 5 years
9. “Come back” + Tom bringing the reader back from subspace? I love your writing sm! 💛💛
A/N: OOO kinky. Haven’t done smut since the Peter one. But I guess this is some post smut? I’ll still consider it because oh well. And I’m glad you like my writing!!!! I love it when I get little comments like these. Hope you like it, Lots of love ♥
Side note: I don’t have the experience of being in head space so sorry if my information is incorrect, this is just my idea of what it would be like. And i suck at endings, sorryyy.
9. “Come back.”
With legs shaking and numbing body, you almost didn’t feel Tom roll on the side next to you. With only having so little time together before he continued his press tour, you guys wanted to spend as much time as you could together, even if that meant making love most of the time. 
It felt like hours since you’ve started, and you lost count of how many times you’ve cum. Your eyes have started to droop and only whimpers and small moans have left your mouth. 
Tom started to kiss your shoulders and rubbed at your sides. With little consciousness left, you couldn’t feel him on you. When your eyes were open, your vision was blurred and when your eyes were closed, you tried to focus better on what you could hear.
Tom knew you needed a break, this not being the first time that you went into subspace from overwhelming sensations. He trailed the kisses from your shoulders to your neck and still rubbed your sides. He turned you towards him and landed a small kiss on your nose before he got up out of bed. 
Coming back in the room with a warm face cloth and a clean towel, and placed the face cloth on your forehead and cleaned you up. He placed the cloth and towel back where he found it before he got one of his shirts from his drawer and helped you put it on. 
As he was doing everything in his power to take care of you, he was whispering sweet nothings in your ear to bring you back.
“Baby, I need you to come back to me.”
“Stay awake, love. I wanna see those eyes.”
“C’mon pretty girl, I want you to look at me.”
After about ten minutes or so, you were sleepy but conscious. You came back to him and gave him a lop sided smile that made him chuckle. He stayed by your side and pet your hair down, trying to help you relax. 
“How long was I out for this time?”
“Not that long. I stayed the whole time and helped you get ready for bed.”
“You put this shirt on me?” You let out a small giggle and cuddled close to his side, laying your head on his chest.
“Yeah, I know how much you love to wear my clothes.”
You hummed out a small agreement and an ‘I love you’ before falling asleep. Tom stayed awake a bit longer, looking at you and watching your body move with the rhythm of your breathing.
It always hit him of how much he loved you at times like these; small enough to make someone fall asleep, but large enough to stay awake. In moments like right now, Tom knew he wanted you in his life forever, so much he is willing to take care of you for the rest of your life like he just did right now.
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slowburnhs · 5 years
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— tom holland x harry styles gucci mémoire layouts {requested}
like/reblog and credit sunflowersgold on twitter if using!
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evermari · 5 years
I don’t know why it feels appropriate to bring this back again
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foreverwcnter · 5 years
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sonfawarrior · 5 years
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  ━━ like/reblog if you save.            › / tom holland ; icons.
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theworldofr · 4 years
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I attempted this Tom Holland Background like three times and it absolutely sucked each and every time but I need space on my phone so gotta store it somewhere. 🙃
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girlbosscoded · 2 years
spider-man: no way home is a great educational movie for our young generation about facing the consequences of "i can fix him" mentality
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imintoodeeptostop · 5 years
Tom Holland worked too damn hard for this to happen. This man has integrated beautifully into the MCU (which he dreamed of being a part of since he was tiny) and now Sony have ripped that away from him because they’re imbeciles. And it’s not only Tom who loves being part of the MCU, how about Zendaya, Jacob and everyone else in the cast.
We’re no longer going to see Tom cameo in Marvel movies, no mentions of MCU characters, no Shuri & Peter, no Morgan & Peter etc...
How do Sony plan on making a 3rd movie where they can’t even include Tony mentions, the blip, Peter being an Avenger?? If they had any common sense, they’d realise that this is an extremely bad decision, especially after FFH only made £1B because of the partnership with Marvel.
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insatiable-roxanne · 5 years
Spider-man: far from home?
More like
Spider-man: far from MCU
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alexandthensome · 5 years
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The Same Energy
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