#I also can’t get anything for my cats during my shift ??? we’ve always done that if there’s no one in the store.
thelovelybitten · 1 year
things I never say — 183
this is harsh but I would REALLY like to strangle my new manager and push her into a river
0 notes
kuroopaisen · 4 years
12:54 am || kozume kenma
➵ some important introductions are finally made.
wc: 1496
warnings: gn!reader, kenma is a youtube g*mer
a/n: gracie dear, this one is for you! i remember you saying you were looking forward to it. you’re one of the loveliest people i’ve chatted to on here and you have such a kind and gentle heart. thank you for having such an accepting and calming vibe and you’re so so easy to talk to, it’s very relaxing! your blog is such a positive space you and you make me feel the big ❤️ bless your dear heart, and i hope that november is kind to you!
The sun is long gone, the sky above Tokyo draped with velvet midnight. It looks like the kind of night you’d want to go out and experience, to walk around the ever-bustling city centre, to watch the sky in the hope of seeing something that’ll make your heart stutter in your chest.
But you don’t have the energy for that this evening.
Your honours project is sucking all it can out of you. You’re not surprised, of course, but that doesn’t make the experience any less irritating. You’re at that point where you just need to push a little more and polish it off; but as always, that’s the hardest part. Trying to thread together every section into something that’s not only coherent, but also of passable quality is harder than you’d given it credit for.
It’s the time of night when your eyes feel like they’re about to dribble out of their sockets like candle wax, and you’re aware that you’re not going to get anything of substance done now. You sigh, squinting at your laptop screen.
12:54 AM.
You blink your sore eyes rapidly. Was it really that late?
You stretch your arms above your head, feeling the strain in your muscles. You want nothing more than to curl up in bed with your boyfriend, letting the stresses of the day fade away as you run your fingers through his hair. He usually lets you at this hour, melting into your touch in a way he wouldn’t usually during the day.
It’s much too late for you to get anything of worth down for this assignment.
As you stand up, you swear you can hear every bone in your body crack. You don’t just want to go to bed, you need to get some rest.
But there’s no way you’re going alone.
You totter down the hall as quietly as you can, balancing yourself on your tiptoes. Kenma’s gaming room sits at the end of the hall, chosen for its decent acoustics and spaciousness. You tease him for his set up all the time – ‘epic gamer’ is your favourite moniker, and currently crowns your LINE messages.
You and Kuroo had even made him a little sign for his birthday. It’s a plaque stuck to the door that reads, “WARNING! Don’t talk to me until I’ve had my Epic Gamer moment.”
You grin at it as the door creaks open.
Kenma’s clicking away on his computer as he sits at his desk, eyes narrowed and a little pout on his lips. You smile to yourself; he looks so cute like this, so focused and intense. He doesn’t tend to get like this about anything else, but gaming had a way of drawing the intensity out of him.
You can’t help but wonder if he was like this during his volleyball days in high school, analysing the court in the moment. You’ve never seen him play, and you doubt you ever will. He pays Hinata to do that, after all. You’re glad that such a bright boy is part of your boyfriend’s life. Between you, Kuroo, and Hinata, there’s no fear of Kenma going unloved.
You give him a small wave from the door.
Recognition flashes in his eyes as he catches sight of you, the smallest of smiles gracing his face. Someone outside of your relationship might assume that doesn’t count for much; a tiny, forgettable little gesture that isn’t worth taking note of. But you know how to read Kenma.
His gaze flicks back to his screen.
“You all want to know that bad, huh?” He teases, even though his voice is still monotone.
‘Know what?’ you mouth.
“They want to know what made me smile,” Kenma tilts his head at you, and you swear your heart is about to bloom into a kaleidoscope of light.
You nod, tottering over to him as he rolls his chair back. He’s left just enough space for you to sit. You settle yourself down on his lap like it’s second nature, and he loops his arms around your waist. Usually, that wouldn’t make you blush. But, knowing a significant portion of his viewership were watching this happen in real time brings a certain nervousness to mind.
He props his chin on your shoulder, as he always does. For once, he’s more casual than you; he’s in his element, immersed in a game and bolstered by people who adore him. It’s all you could want for him.
“Yeah, this is my partner,” he hums, small smile playing at his lips.
You see the chat rush by on the corner of his screen, but you opt not to look. Doing so would only make you more nervous.
“They want to know how long we’ve been together,” he says, conspicuously dropping the question in your lap.
You grin, fighting the urge to roll your eyes. “Officially, two years,” you smile. “But basically three.”
He chuckles lightly, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. “They also want to know how we met.”
“I was Kuroo’s roommate in university,” you say, well-aware of Kuroo’s much-loved presence on Kenma’s channel. “He decided I’d be a good friend for Kenma so he wrestled me into their little duo. He likes to say that us getting together was part of his plan all along, but I have my doubts.”
In all honesty, you’re surprised by how relaxed your reveal is. You’ve been worried about it for the past year, fearing the backlash that romantic partners of youtubers – especially gaming Youtubers – tend to receive.
Kenma had told you it would be okay, that you won’t have anything to worry about.
It feels nice, just sitting in his lap, getting to be part of this little world of his.
You stay for the next fifteen minutes or so, answering a myriad of questions pinged your way; was Kenma the same as he is in his videos? Does he ever sleep? Do you game with him much? Does he go easy on you in 1-v-1’s or is he ruthless?
“Thanks everyone,” Kenma yawns, propping his chin on your shoulder. “We’ve run over time, but you guys did a great job today.”
You bite back a giggle as you listen to his ‘Youtuber Outro Voice,’ which was just a shade brighter than his normal cadence.
You sit patiently as he wraps up, mentioning something about his next upload and the charity this stream was for. You know it’s got something to do with ensuring that children with disabilities are offered opportunities to take part in sports, and to help schools accommodate for that. You’re pretty sure Kuroo’s the one who linked your boyfriend up with them; you often teased him for ‘exploiting’ kodzuken’s following for charity.
Kenma clicks off the stream, letting out a long sigh as his shoulders deflate.
“Thanks,” he mumbles, nestling his face in the crook of your neck.
You giggle, reaching a hand back to smooth his hair. The angle’s a little awkward and your fingers bump against his headset, but you don’t mind.
“Did you raise a lot of money?” You ask, shifting in his lap so you can see his face.
He nods. “Not as much as the collab with Shouyou and Kuroo, but a fair bit.”
“Good,” you smile. He looks exhausted; he often does after long charity streams. But you know he cares about them – he wouldn’t bother with them otherwise. You gently slip his headset off – you bought them for him as a one-year-anniversary present, a cute, high-tech thing with cat ears – and place it gently on his desk.
You run your fingers through his hair, gently grazing his scalp. He hums in response, letting his eyes flutter shut. It’s like all the tension is melting away under your fingers, as if you’ve brought him a moment of precious reprieve. He never complains about his work – not in any real capacity, anyway – but even he got tired of his job.
As you gaze at his face, you’re content in the knowledge that you don’t need to flit amongst the city or watch the sky to see something that’ll make your heart stutter. He’s right in front of you.
“Hey, Kenma?”
“I love you.”
The words flutter between you, threading a proper smile across his face. He doesn’t need to say them back to know your feelings are reciprocated; Kenma isn’t a man of many words, and his affection doesn’t tend to come out in grand statements or confessions. His love is in the little gestures; in a gentle kiss to the nose, or his fingers laced through yours, or permission to be part of his little world.
His love is shy, gentle, purposeful. You know he struggles to let people in. To let himself be seen. But he opens his windows for you, lets you filter through like the sunrise.
It’s all he’s capable of giving; but he gives it all with a quiet thoughtfulness.
And that’s more than enough.
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thenovelartist · 3 years
Burned Beginnings, Chapter 8
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22. Anniversary
“Happy three month, one week, and four day anniversary!”
Marinette snorted, hanging her head instead of looking up to see him. “We are not doing that, are we?”
“Yup!” Adrien said, beaming.
With a sigh, Marinette looked back up at him, an accepting smile on her face. “And why, pray tell, are we celebrating this specific anniversary?”
Adrien gave his best pout. “Because it’s been almost three weeks since we’ve been able to have a date and I miss you.” The bakery had been busy the last couple weeks, packed with longer lines than normal and more special orders. Sadly, this meant he hadn’t been able to spend time with Marinette, and their attempt last week to get together ended up with them falling asleep in the middle of Fruits Basket.
Which attested to just how tired they were, because that was really hard to do in the middle of season three!
He supposed a nap date where she’d laid huddled against his chest while he snuggled her wasn’t a bad thing. On the contrary, it had been one of the best naps he’d ever had. But still, it wasn’t quite what he’d label as a date.
“Has it been that long?” Marinette questioned, her brow furrowed. “I feel like the days have all blended together lately.”
“Yeah. Our last official date was when we went out for breakfast and then around the park before coming back and working that first chaotic night shift.”
“Oh yeah,” Marinette said, eyes brightening in realization. “I totally forgot about that.”
“How could you forget me?” Adrien pouted.
“Easily,” Marinette sassed back with a wink.
He theatrically grasped at his chest above his heart. “Ouch, ice princess. You put Elsa to shame.”
She leveled a flat look at him.
“Oh? Does the princess wish I’d let it—”
“You’ve been banned. Good bye.”
“Wait, wait,” he cried, quickly catching the door before she could slam it in his face. “Come on, that was funny.”
“That joke is already dead. Don’t continue to beat the dead horse.”
“But it’s still relevant.”
“No. No, it’s not.”
He pouted, shooting her with his best pair of puppy dog eyes he could manage.
“I don’t care how cute you are.”
“Ouch,” he said, smile growing. “That was a cold one, princess.”
“Yeah, and don’t you forget it,” she said with a smirk.
“I won’t,” he assured. “Now, may the lovely royal princess of the bakery deign me worthy of entry into her humble abode?”
“You are such a dork.”
“Your dork.”
“My amusing peon.”
Giggling, she opened the door, letting him in.
Adrien happily walked in to the house that had become his second home. “So, for our anniversary, you want to go grab an ice cream on this nice day?”
Marinette frowned. “Actually, I’m really not up for going anywhere.”
“Oh? Are you not feeling we—”
He stopped, his eye catching the plastic Marinette had wrapped around her left arm. More accurately, catching sight of what was underneath the plastic.
She grinned, looking down at what looked like a fresh tattoo. “Yeah. Guess you could say that, but supposedly, that’s pretty typical.”
“Yeah, it is,” Adrien said, walking over to her so that he could examine the design better. “Mine hurt for days.”
“You have a large cat that wraps around your entire forearm. I don’t have anything that big.”
It wasn’t too big, but it was pretty. A few ladybugs sitting on some swirly flowers, a design that took up half of her inner forearm. The design was only about a quarter the size of his, but it felt very similar design-wise, each having an animal in a colorful, misty background that he believed was referred to as a watercolor affect. Hers was just pink compared to his green.
“It looks great,” he eventually said. “And really suits you.”
She grinned. “Thanks. And now, we match.”
“Yeah, look.” With that, Marinette bounced over to his right side, same side he had his tattoo on, before sliding her left hand into his right. “See? You’re the bad luck cat, and I’m the good luck ladybug. We match.”
Adrien stared at their conjoined hands, his eyes slowly drifting up to where his tattoo and hers met. “You got a tattoo… to match me?”
Marinette grinned. “Maybe it’s a little early for ‘matching couple tattoos, but I thought ‘why not?’ I’ve always liked your cat tattoo, so I planned out what I wanted to get so that we could match. I got yesterday after work, and since it’s the beginning of my ‘weekend’, I have time to just relax and let it heal.”
Adrien stared at it, his grin widening. “It suits you.”
“Thank you.”
“You know what this means, though, right?”
Marinette cocked her head. “What does it mean?”
“It means…” he drew out, leaning closer to her with a grin on his face. “You’re stuck with me forever, now that we have a couple tattoo.”
With a grin of her own, she leaned in closer, her nose just a centimeter from his. “Not until I get a ring.”
Without any hesitation, Adrien reached into his pocket. This was just intended to be a gift that he saw that made him think of her. One he impulsively bought one day going home from work. The tag said it was for the right hand.
But at the moment, he could think of no better place to put it than sliding it on her left ring finger right then and there.
“There you go. You’re mine now.”
Marinette froze, staring at the ring for a moment before chuckling awkwardly at him. “You’re kidding, right?”
Adrien knew why she felt so awkward. He did to. It had taken too long to realize for his head to catch up to his actions, and when it did, he himself had froze.
What did he just do?
It wasn’t like he didn’t want to marry her. On the contrary, he had actually already talked with her parents, gotten a blessing from her father, her ring size from her mother, and had ordered a ring last night. He’d planned out just how he was going to propose to her. It was going to be during a perfect date with dinner and candles and a chance to let her dress up. Basically, the whole shebang.
And here he was, proposing with an inexpensive cat ring.
Actually, he realized he hadn’t proposed at all. He’d just stuck the ring on her finger and called it good.
He had to fix this. He had to get his mouth to formulate words first.
“I… I mean…”
Great, his face was red, Marinette was waiting for a well-deserved answer, and he was incapable of giving it to her.
“Adrien, you are not serious.” Her words came out flatly, but Adrien knew her well enough to hear the undertone of panic in them
“Um…” he fought hard for the words that came to him next. “About marrying you? Yes. Absolutely. Without a doubt, I’d chase you to the ends of the earth to make you mine. About this ring being the engagement one, though, no. Most certainly not.”
“You are not serious,” she repeated, her voice weaker than before while her knees began to bend as though she might collapse. Tears began welling in her eyes, and Adrien was growing nervous.
“I’m sorry!” Adrien finally got out, panicked. “I had something so much better planned out, and I definitely should have thought that through—”
“I’m not talking about that, you stupid idiot!” she cried. In a flash, she wrapped her arms around his neck and clung tight. “That was so unromantic and I shouldn’t have expected anything less from you.”
By now, Adrien could hear the tears in her voice, but considering the way she clung to him, she wasn’t too mad about this poorly planned out engagement. “Yeah, it will be one for the books,” he surrendered, hugging her back tightly. “But, is that a yes?”
She nodded, clinging to him tighter. “You’re such an idiot.”
“Yeah, I know,” he said with a sigh, the tension leaving his body. “But you’re okay with that, right?”
She sniffed. “Yeah,” she admitted. “Unfortunately, I’m a little too okay with that.”
Adrien just chuckled. “I’ll take it.”
 23. Sunset
Marinette looked at the little black kitty ring on her finger. Under normal circumstances, it signaled that she was engaged.
In her case, it signaled she was engaged to an idiot.
“I still can’t believe I did that.”
Marinette chuckled at the blonde man beside her hanging his head in his hand. At the moment, they were finishing up their impromptu date of actually getting the ice cream Adrien had wanted to get last weekend before staying out the rest of the afternoon and finding a spot to grab dinner. But dinner had ended and they hadn’t wanted to hog the table at the restaurant, so Adrien was escorting her home. However, as per usual, neither wanted to part, hence why they were procrastinating their parting on a bench in the park while they watched the sunset.
“Can’t get more spontaneous of a proposal than that,” she teased. Shockingly, she didn’t mind it, though. Adrien looked like he hadn’t even realized what he’d done until after he did it. The horror on his face still shone clear in her memory, bringing a grin to her lips. It really would be one for the books.
But still, he’d made it clear that he earnestly wanted to marry her, and in the end, that’s all that mattered to her.
“You have to know I meant it!” he cried, looking up to her with a faint blush on his cheeks. “I just… did not think that through.”
“At least you’re pretty.”
“Hey, I am plenty bright!”
“Really? Because I think a few bulbs need to be changed in your attic.”
“Says the crazy woman who not only accepted that proposal but is still wearing the cat ring.”
She sniggered. He had her there. “Well, I guess I’m a sucker for honestly.”
Adrien shook his head, a bemused smile on his face. “I’m glad that part came through, at the very least.”
Looking over at the man next to her, Marinette couldn’t help but feel happy. Botched proposal and all, she didn’t mind it one bit. They would always be a little chaotic, they’d always have their back-and-forth banter, but they’d also always have each other’s backs and ultimately would always be each other’s biggest support. The proposal just felt par for their course.
Plus, it would not only make for great stories but great teasing fodder, and Marinette was always down for anything that gave her the upper hand.
“Hey,” she said, voice earnest as she reached out to grab his hand. “Just so you know, I’ll probably never let up teasing you about it.”
He huffed in amusement. “I would think there was something seriously wrong with you if you did.”
“But,” she finished, “I am still very happy.”
His smile turned soft, and Marinette thought she might as well melt right then and there. “Well, I’m glad about that,” Adrien said, raising her hand to his lips so he could kiss her knuckles. “But there is definitely one thing I have to fix.”
Marinette quirked a brow, confused for a second before realizing what he was referring to. “The ring?” she asked, wiggling her left ring finger. “Because I’m not gonna lie, I would like an actual one.”
“Yeah? Well how about this one?” That’s when Adrien slid off the park bench, getting on one knee before her and reached into his pocket. Biting her lip to withhold a girlish squeal, Marinette found that she really didn’t care what the ring looked like.
But she wasn’t going to lie, the stunning blue sapphire he presented her with was freaking gorgeous.
“I know diamonds are traditional,” he said, tugging her left hand closer to him. “But you’re not some average girl. I didn’t think something like that would suit you. Marinette, I would like to apologize for not doing this right the first time, but I’m so grateful that you accepted anyway. I’m so thankful to have you in my life, so much so that I want you to stay by my side as my life-long partner. So with this ring, I’ll ask you properly this time. Marinette, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
Marinette felt the tears prickling her eyes. It was such an easy question, and yet, getting the word to roll of her tongue was difficult. She nodded fervently. “Yes!”
With a grin, Adrien took off the kitty ring and replaced it with the one glittering in his hand. Once he did that, she threw her arms around his neck, clinging tightly to him just as she had the first time he proposed.
There were a few cheers and a round of applause from the people around them, but Marinette couldn’t care less. For better or worse, she was going to marry this idiot.
She couldn’t ask for anything better than that.
 24. Balcony
Adrien stood out on his tiny balcony, looking up at the stars and purposefully ignoring his phone.
More specifically, the message his father had left him.
It’s been over a year. The message said. What are you doing with your life now?
Good question.
Adrien sighed, his eyes shutting as he hung his head. Well, he was still working at Tom and Sabine’s bakery, and honestly, he was pretty happy with that. He got to work with people he loved doing something that he did find enjoyable. He never really fancied himself to be the creative type, but finding himself in the kitchen while crafting desserts and making bread had brought more joy into his life than modeling ever had. On top of that, he was getting married. He thought that was a good accomplishment.
But he knew it wouldn’t be good enough for his father.
He heard his phone buzz again and groaned. The last thing he did was want to answer it.
What would I even say? He thought, rubbing his forehead in a vain attempt to relieve the growing stress headache.
Unfortunately, he was too curious for his own good. And that curiosity won out over his reluctance.
He walked inside to where he’d left his phone sitting on the bed side table. Bracing himself, he tapped the screen, only for all tension to instantly drain form his body upon learning it wasn’t a text from his father but rather from Marinette.
You want to go do something tomorrow?
He smiled, collapsing back onto his bed with a smile. Of course he wanted to do something tomorrow. What, he didn’t know, but didn’t really care, either. They always had fun together whatever they did.
He opened the text and started a reply before stopping and deciding to give her a call instead.
“Hey, hot stuff,” she said. He could hear the flirty grin on her face. “Missed the sound of my voice?”
He grinned. “Yeah. Guess you could say that.”
There was a pause on the other side of the line. “Something wrong?” she asked, all teasing gone from her tone.
Adrien sighed. “My father.”
“What happened?”
“Oh, you know, he kicked me out and now is wanting to know what I’m doing with my life.”
He heard her scoff over the phone. “Really?”
“Yeah, but I don’t really want to talk about that right now,” he said. “Right now, I just want to hear your voice.”
“Oh? What do you want to talk about then? My thoughts on that new anime you showed me?’
He chuckled. “You could talk about the weather and I’d be cool with it.”
“Well,” she began in a smooth voice. “Tonight’s forecast includes clear skies with no stars due to light pollution. A light breeze blows through the city tonight towards the Eiffel tower, whatever direction that is. It is an undetermined temperature, but comfortably cool enough to be outside in a short sleeve tee-shirt. How’s that?”
Adrien could feel his worries ease away at the sound of her voice, her sass, spunk, and sarcasm still coming through even through her calm tone. He really loved this woman and was the luckiest guy alive to be marrying her. “It’s perfect.”
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Kiro’s Inspiration Date (Eng Translation)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 灵感之约, which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
An early birthday gift to the embodiment of sunshine, @moondusks​ :>
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[ This date was released in CN on 7 December 2020 ]
A pleasantly warm and light breeze lifts the muslin curtains, bringing with it the fresh atmosphere of early winter.
Lemon yellow sunlight filters lazily through the trees, casting shadows on the window and carrying the scent of peppermint.
It’s an incomparably ordinary, and incomparably comfortable afternoon.
It’s very suitable for heading out and casting aside one’s cares - laying down on a grass patch, basking in the warm sunlight.
Or perhaps taking a stroll along the street, and sitting down in a cafe one has been longing to visit.
That’s what Kiro and I originally planned to do. 
However, the cruel reality is...
MC: Why does this proposal have to be done by next week ahhhh--
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Kiro: Why can’t I write this song properly--
MC: Why do people need to be exploited by work--
Kiro: [sighs] And why are people constrained by inspiration--
Because of a sudden program, I have no choice but to work overtime.
And Kiro, who is about to record a new album, has remained dissatisfied towards the title track.
Due to the pressures of reality, we have to give up our original plans of having a fulfilling and happy date.
The both of us are working overtime at home.
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Kiro: [groans] Farewell, my rosy weekend. Goodbye, my donuts and soup dumplings which have vanished into thin air.
MC: And brown sugar milk coffee, taro pies, and lava cakes...
Even though we sing the same tune, complaining dejectedly about not being able to go out, the both of us work non-stop on our tasks.
I can hear the crisp sound of Kiro tapping his pen rhythmically against the music stand. Occasionally, his soft humming can also be heard.
Seeing him working hard and struggling with himself, the corners of my lips lift upwards.
Even though we’re unable to head outside to do something interesting, it isn’t a bad thing to be together at home like this, channelling effort into our differing goals.
In some way, this should also count as a type of date.
I smile, adjusting my posture on the bean bag so that it’s more comfortable for typing, then continue immersing myself in the battle against the program proposal.
The proposal I’m working on is extremely urgent, and has to be settled by next week. 
Not only that, but this sudden program has an importance accompanied by a non-proportional preparation timing.
And during such a period of high stress, the goddess of inspiration, who typically shows concern for me, has gone on a faraway vacation, and has  completely vanished.
I have trouble writing. When I completely lose my train of thought, I exchange helpless glances with the few words on the screen.
In the end, I give up and pause the hands which have been maltreating the keyboard, preparing to pour myself a glass of water, and attempt to change my mood.
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Lifting my head, I subconsciously glance in Kiro’s direction.
The curtains separate the room from sunlight, casting Kiro in a faint shadow as he leans against the window while composing a song.
Busy writing the new song, he hasn’t had time to maintain the state of his hair. 
Finding stray hairs a hindrance as they block his vision, Kiro holds a rubber band in his mouth, combing his hair to the back, and ties it into a small ponytail.
Those azure eyes stare at the music score in concentration. They are as clear and bright as always, but lack the flash of light he usually has when inspiration strikes.
Reference materials and abandoned drafts are scattered all over, which seem to isolate him on a higher platform which I’m unable to reach.
Completely engrossed in creating his work, even his languid sitting posture exudes a cold and lonely feeling for some reason.
For a moment, I feel slightly dazed.
Kiro: Let me guess. Is Miss Chips lacking inspiration, and having trouble writing the proposal?
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Kiro suddenly removes his earplugs, turning his head to look at me. 
He shows me a brilliant smile, and the room is once again filled with sunlight.
MC: How did you know? 
He stands up as well, stretching himself, turning back into the him that I’m most familiar with.
It’s as though the him of just a few seconds ago was simply an illusion surfacing from work-induced stress.
Kiro: Hmm... since just now, the sound of your keyboard has been intermittent, unlike how smooth it usually is.
While he speaks, Kiro walks to the snack cabinet and rifles through it carefully, as though he’s a small squirrel searching for a pine cone from the hole of a tree in winter.
Kiro: So I thought - Miss Chips is probably just like me, entering a bottleneck at work.
He splits the low-fat and sugar-free healthy snack into half, placing it into my hand.
Kiro: A little reward for the hardworking you. Now, do you feel more motivated?
MC: It sounds quite embarrassing... but I don’t think I can work any harder.
I munch on the snack which gives me absolutely no happiness, saying this with a sullen expression.
MC: The presentation is next week, but I still have no idea how to go about writing the proposal. Right now, I just want to turn into an ostrich and curl up into a ball, avoiding the presentation meeting in a few days... and also avoiding my unmotivated self.
I turn the laptop towards him, letting him see the lonely and piteous 235 words in the document.
MC: I even want to knock on my brain forcefully, checking to see if new ideas will appear.
Kiro: Hmm... I see...
Kiro curls his finger, tapping it gently against my forehead. He leans closer to my ear and asks a question.
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Kiro: Nice to meet you, Miss Chips’ inspiration. May I know if you’re at home?
Following his action, I close my eyes and sense it carefully.
After a short silence, I furrow my brows and lift my head, looking at him bitterly.
MC: Hello, the user you’re calling is not in service...
Kiro reaches out to rub the area between my eyebrows, smoothening out the creases on my face.
After ensuring that I’m no longer a “bun”, he sighs, laying down next to me.
[Note] Chinese buns (包子 - “bao zi”)  look like this i.e. they look like wrinkles:
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Kiro: [sighs] Actually, I’m the same as you. There’s a song I especially wish to write, and I really like the concept and composition. I want to try writing a song on understanding and interpreting the theme of “love” from my own perspective.
He pauses, lifting his fringe with a wry smile. After give it a forceful rub, he causes his originally tidy hairstyle to become fuzzy.
Kiro: But no matter how I change it, I’m not satisfied. I keep feeling as though something is missing from the music. There’s no soul.
I untie the string, using a hand to smoothen his hair, helping him tie it up properly again.
MC: Whether it’s “My Treasure” or the song we wrote together last Christmas, aren’t they very incredible? They’re tender and sweet - it’s as though they can be sung into the hearts of every listener, enabling them to recollect the best memories.
Kiro: That won’t do.
Kiro flips over and sits up, his eyes serious.
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Kiro: Those songs write about us. They write about you. I have several thousand ways to write about how adorable you are, but I don’t know which timbre I should use to face myself.
Not realising how potent his words are in causing one to blush, Kiro sighs once again after speaking, laying back down.
Kiro: [sighs] Looks like this time, we’ve both chosen subjects which are very difficult for us.
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Kiro: Since we’ve both sunk into a major crisis--
Kiro: Want to try Kiro’s special, secret recipe and see if it can sort out our thinking?
Kiro shoots me a wink.
MC: Sure. Do I need to do anything?
Kiro: At this stage, all you have to do is sit here.
While Kiro speaks, he picks up the abandoned drafts he had casually thrown on the floor earlier, using them to enclose us within a square frame.
Kiro: This is the thinking box that we’re trying to escape from.
He sets down the final sheet of paper, completing this “box”, his tone light.
Kiro: Right now, we’re both locked in it.
MC: In that case, will the superhero help me break this box, so we can have a breakthrough together?
Kiro: Nope. 
Kiro steps out of the square frame made out of drafts, reaching out to seize Cello, who is sleeping soundly on the cat climbing shelf. Then, he places it in my arms.
Cello: Meow?
Kiro nods in satisfaction, then jogs over to the kitchen, bringing over some fruits.
Under the confused gaze of both me and Cello, he makes several trips in and out, bringing over soft cushions, comfortable blankets, and two cups of sugar-free hot chocolate.
Finally, Kiro shifts another bean bag over, and sits down beside me.
Kiro: I’m incredibly sorry to tell you that even a superhero can’t find a way to jump out of this box.
Somewhat pleased with himself, he takes me into his arms with one hand, letting me lean on him.
Kiro: But at the very least, I can keep you company in this box. And together, we can see what exactly in this box has left us so bewildered that we’re unable to get out even after such a long time. 
As he speaks, he tousles Cello’s fuzzy head, and it releases a comfortable meow.
Kiro: We can also decorate it a little, so the box is more comfortable. 
MC: Pfft...
I can’t help but laugh. The sense of dejectedness due to work earlier seems to be cleared up with his actions.
I reach out, pointing at a corner of the ceiling in a joking manner. 
MC: See that? Over there, there’s an MC who just can’t write a proposal, and she’s currently curled up and for waiting for mushrooms to sprout on her... I don’t know how to deal with it.
Kiro nods in understanding, pointing at a corner of the room.
Kiro: Ladies and gentlemen, look here. Here is a Kiro whose inspiration is stuck, and is currently drawing circles. 
MC: When you put it like that, it sounds pretty cute...
While he speaks, I more or less understand why Kiro went to such trouble to do this.
Kiro: That’s right. To me, whether it’s that ostrich-like MC, or that MC who has mushrooms growing on her, I want to hug all of them properly.
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Kiro: And then tell her solemnly - that you’re already very amazing. Even if you don’t think you’re good enough, I still like you very much.
Kiro: Just as much as a little bear in winter liking the warm blue sky and green grass.
As he speaks, he tightens his grip on my hand, leaning his chin on top of my head.
Surrounding me are soft blankets and cushions. In my arms is a cat which has gone back to sleep.
Behind me, Kiro’s body temperature and scent encase me tenderly, making me feel so contented that I want to release a joyful sound together with Cello.
I close my eyes in happiness, nuzzling the crook of Kiro’s neck.
The things that were bothering me just a second ago, weighing me down with stress and emotions and leaving me unable to breathe, vanish like smoke and disperse like clouds.
It’s as though I’ve awakened from an incredibly long nightmare, discovering that sunlight is illuminating my surroundings, and that a cup of hot chocolate is waiting at the bedside.
MC: Kiro, why do you always know of such ingenious methods?
I lift my head to look at him, gazing at that blue colour which seeps into one’s heart, and the golden colour traced by sunlight.
Our foreheads lean against each other, and he smiles as he responds.
Kiro: You were the one who taught me these things. Why are you asking me instead?
MC: Me? 
Kiro: Last time, there were numerous occasions when I felt I couldn’t create works that were good enough, and I’d start to doubt myself. I’d lock myself in a corner, and start having internal fights with myself. 
Along with his words, it’s as though I see the Kiro I was barely acquainted with back then, and how he had endured several days and nights of work.
He had locked himself up in a room, helpless and frantic, not leaving any space for himself to breathe. 
Kiro: But during those times, you were always by my side. You told me that no matter how I was, you’d like me all the same. 
As he speaks, he taps on my laptop. 
Kiro: Actually, it’s the same today. 
Kiro: Don’t just look at how I appear now. Actually, I’m in a terrible state. 
Kiro: On one hand, I’m forcing myself to finish this work quickly. On the other hand, I’m so irritated and annoyed at myself, who lacks creativity. 
Kiro: There were many times when I wanted to just give up. 
Kiro: But...
He lifts a strand of my hair, twirling it around his fingertip. In the end, he pulls it to his lips, giving it a gentle kiss.
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Kiro: Each time I heard your intermittent yet continuous typing sounds, I’d tell myself that next to me, you’re still working hard. 
Kiro: My Miss Chips is also feeling perplexed, but she’s still persevering in work. 
Kiro: So I told myself - how could I give up before you did?
Kiro: I must definitely persevere a little longer, so you see how dashing I am. 
Kiro relates this softly at my ear. His tone, which harbours a smile, sounds as though he’s depicting a treasure.
I indulge myself in his arms, greedily enjoying the present tranquility and warm atmosphere for a while longer.
I always feel that Kiro is a star whenever I go off course. He always illuminates the pathway, pointing the way forward for me. 
Actually, without even realising it, it’s because we’ve seen each others’ light that we could press on.
Encouraging each other, and feeling the way forward in the darkness. 
Until we break through the predicament together.
MC: Thank you, my superhero. I think I’ve regained the ability to fight a little more.
A soft chuckle brushes my ear. Then, a warm and gentle touch is planted on my lower jaw. 
Reminiscent of the whiskers of a kitten brushing past, spreading into a plain of sweetness.
Kiro: At your service anytime, my Miss Chips.
With that, Kiro and I sit in the “box” together, resuming our work. 
He lays on the ground, scribbling and drawing on the music sheet, while I hug the laptop to myself, working hard to squeeze out a proposal.
The typing sounds on the laptop remain intermittent as before, but no longer have the sense of repression and frustration from earlier.
With his presence, I actually manage to complete a draft of the proposal without realising it. 
It isn’t excellent, and there are many areas which require editing. Nevertheless, I’ve already tided over the most difficult period.
I move my neck and shoulders, then shift a little closer to Kiro.
Same as before, Kiro is wholly absorbed in the music sheet in his hands.
Even though I can’t tell his current progress, based on his expression and posture, he should be the same as me, breaking free from the lowest point of production.
I observe him quietly for a long time. In the end, my playfulness triumphs, and I think of pulling a tiny prank on him.
Lifting Kiro’s right hand, I burrow into his arms. 
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MC: Surprise~
Probably not expecting me to do this, Kiro is left dumbfounded. However, he subconsciously props himself up and hugs me. 
Kiro: Miss Chips?
MC: A little reward for the hardworking musician.
Saying this, I tilt my head upwards and give him a light peck on the chin.
My sudden attack and the closing of distance between us enables me to successfully capture the faint redness on Kiro’s face.
Kiro: ...mm, how’s your proposal doing?
MC: At the moment, there are positive prospects.
Just like this, I wrap my arms around his neck, tousling his soft, golden coloured hair.
Because of my action, the ponytail is now in disarray.
I simply hook my fingers underneath Kiro’s rubber band, untying it, feeling the softness of his hair in between my fingers.
MC: How’s your song doing?
Kiro: At the moment, there are positive prospects.
He mimics my words, inserting one earplug into my ear.
A somewhat rough demo occupies my hearing.
I close my eyes, immersed in the music he has given to me. My fingers twirl the wire of the earpiece, tracing the rhythm.
Kiro: Although it isn’t done yet, the overall main key won’t change.
It’s a somewhat slow tune.
It's quiet, and even brings with it a heavy and melancholic melody. It’s reminiscent of a self-reflection, and also like a careful recount.
Kiro: Even though this tune is a little sombre, I still wrote it. 
Kiro: Because I know you’d definitely say that you like such songs too.
MC: Of course.
I say this with certainty. He smiles and lowers his head, the tips of our noses gently touching.
MC: Kiro, I came across a saying once.
MC: The process of writing a song is actually a writer’s conversation with himself.
MC: Although I don’t know what you said to yourself, if this melody is your answer, I like it very much.
Our drifting breaths channel a temperature slightly higher than the sunlight.
MC: Including these slightly heavy portions - I like them very much.
Saying this, I crinkle my eyes, humming along with the melody from the earpiece.
Kiro releases a sigh, hugging me tightly.
Kiro: [sighs] Why does this song become so sweet when you hum it? 
Before I can respond, Kiro continues. 
Kiro: [laughs] It must be because MC is a jar of honey.
He nods with force, seeming to be very satisfied with this answer. Then, it’s as though something occurs to him, and he plants a kiss on my forehead. 
Kiro: See? It’s very sweet.
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MC: What...
I laugh, pretending to push at his chest.
MC: Looks like I have to stay a little further away from you next time, so you won’t become overweight.
Kiro: Hehe, it’s already too late! My feelings come in large portions, so it’s too late to say that.
Kiro presses me against the woollen blanket, embracing me with even more strength than before.
Kiro: Miss Chips has already been firmly held onto by me.
Kiro: I’ll leave a stamp.
While he says this, he nibbles the side of my neck half-jokingly, and half-declaratory.
He doesn’t use strength, but the electric-like sensation makes me forget how to breathe for a moment. 
The charmingly tepid air leaves my cheeks burning crimson.
Kiro’s hug is tight, yet very careful. It’s as though he’s embracing the one and only treasure in the entire world. 
MC: It’s not like I can really run away...
Not minding my soft mumbling, another kiss descends on the shell of my ear, as though seeking a confirmation.
His breaths lift up strands of stray hair near my ear. They brush against my earlobe, as scorching as his lips.
Kiro: MC, I’m actually timid and a little childish.
Kiro buries his head in my shoulder, speaking softly.
Kiro: When it comes to things I don’t like, I’ll always think of hiding them and locking them up. I won’t see them, and I won’t let other people see them.
Kiro: But if it’s you...
I secretly take a few deep breaths, cradling his face a little stiffly yet carefully, tilting my head upwards. 
MC: Thank you for trusting me.
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Kiro: ...
Kiro’s eyes widen slightly, and his lips part and close. It’s as though he wants to say something, but returns to a blank.
At the end of a short silence, Kiro speaks solemnly. 
Kiro: I’ll definitely finish this song. 
He lowers his voice slightly. Even though this sentence is as light as a feather, I know that he’s as serious as making a vow. 
Kiro: I’ll definitely finish this song, and sing various versions of myself to you in the future.
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Kiro: Even the parts which are heavier, and the parts I’m unwilling to face myself.
MC: Mm. I’ll definitely listen earnestly.
Following the trail of his spine, I stroke his back lightly, giving him my promise.
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Kiro: I know. 
Kiro: It’s precisely because no matter what melody it is, you’ll definitely sing it into a song akin to honey.
Kiro: Which is why I have such courage. 
I no longer speak, only giving him a serious nod.
Both his breathing and heart beats can be heard, regular and steady.
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Kiro: Since we’ve reached an agreement, should I leave another stamp?
Kiro’s voice is once again light-hearted, even carrying with it a twinge of slyness. 
MC: Wait! The most important thing now should be noting down the hard-earned inspiration before it goes away!
I grip several music sheets at the side, pressing them against his chest, attempting to flee from his arms.
MC: Get to work quickly!
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Kiro: Why are you like this?
Kiro pouts, showing me his signature, puppy-eyed expression of dejection.
MC: I won’t be duped by your gaze again. I’m going to become a merciless supervisor, so you can finish your work before the deadline!
Seeing that his plan has been foiled, Kiro simply gives up “pretending”. With a smile, he grips my struggling wrist, pressing it to the side. 
MC: Where’s your professionalism? Could it...
A prolonged kiss seals up the words I haven’t spoken.
Kiro: It’s exactly because of my professionalism that I can say with certainty...
Kiro smiles, his sapphire-like eyes radiating an azure colour even more eye-catching than the clear skies of winter.
Perhaps he hasn’t realised it himself, but he looks at me with the most burning and clear gaze, sticking out the tip of his tongue. Like a dragonfly flitting across water, he wets his lower lip.
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Kiro: Before my inspiration vanishes, there’s still time to act coquettishly with my favourite Miss Chips.
Phone calls: First // Second
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erin-bo-berin · 4 years
This fic was requested by @sundippedprincess​ for Spencer and the reader to exchange kink lists. This was so different for me to write because it borders on smut, but doesn’t actually include it. It was also pretty funny to channel Spencer and his knowledge. This one is a little shorter than most of mine, but I wanted to post a little mid-week fic for y’all. I hope you enjoy and happy reading!
Spencer Reid/Reader
Rating: M (no smut, but talk of sexual acts/kinks)
Word Count: 1,927
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“I can’t believe you came up with this.”
You and your boyfriend Spencer were currently sitting on your shared bed, each of you writing on your respective notepads.
“Hey, we’re at the point in our relationship where it’s perfectly respectable to share things like this with one another,” Spencer explained, never once looking up from his writing.
He’d been scribbling for a good ten minutes before you’d even begun writing, making you incredibly nervous.
“What are you even writing?” you asked, exasperated, trying to peek.
“You’ll find out soon enough,” he smirked, pulling the pad closer to him, where you couldn’t see.
After a nonchalant conversation the other day about kinks, Spencer suggested that you both write down any kinks you and him had or even wanted to experiment with. 
This is how you ended up sitting on the opposite side of the bed, just staring at him as he immediately started writing. You were so curious what was on his list. 
So far, your list seemed pretty bare. You had experimented with milder kinks—which you were more comfortable with—but there were a few more intermediate ones that you would be willing to try.
Spencer seemed to be enjoying this a lot though. He was scribbling happily, tongue poking out of the side of his mouth.
You had to admit, you were pretty curious what kinks he was interested in.
Yours and Spencer’s sex life was pretty routine. It had never been bad per se, but maybe he was right, it was a good point in your relationship where you could feel comfortable enough with one another to try new things.
You and he had been dating for just about a year now, although you hadn’t been intimate until much later in your relationship. The first four or so months was spent taking things slow, something that was fine with you. He had a busy career and you were still getting to know each other.
You weren’t keen on rushing into anything either, so it had never been a big deal that the sexual part of your relationship didn’t form for a bit. It took a while—as it usually did in a new relationship—for you both to become accustomed to one other in bed. 
This was taking it to a new level though. You and he had briefly talked before about what you enjoyed in bed, but not to these lengths. So as you made out your list, you made sure to add even the most obvious ones.
Your eyes fell to your piece of paper that had your obvious kinks: fingering, oral and lingerie/sexy outfits. You thought harder though. What would be something that you would enjoy and would turn you both on?
Chewing your bottom lip, you added more to your list.
Looking over at Spencer, you saw him smirking and nodding to himself as he wrote. What in this world was he writing? 
Perhaps your boyfriend was kinkier than you thought.
You thought about other things you were curious to try and added them to your list. It had grown some, but still seemed pretty weak compared to the novel you were sure Spencer was writing.
By now, your list included:
Oral Sex
Lingerie/Sexy Clothing
Dirty Talk
Face Sitting
Those were the mild ones and ones that were pretty common and usually done.
The few that you added were:
Sex Toys
Sex In Different Locations
You couldn’t think of much of anything else, so you sat and waited while your boyfriend continued adding to his list.
“Are you writing the Kama Sutra over there?” you joked.
“You know, contrary to the popular belief the Kama Sutra isn’t really a guide on sex or sex positions as much as it is a guide on the art of living well, the nature of love, finding a life partner and maintaining one’s love life and other aspects pertaining to pleasure-oriented faculties of human life.”
You chuckled, his gift for spouting random facts something you found incredibly endearing. You were always learning something new, like in fact, the real subject of the Kama Sutra.
“Good to know,” you smiled.
“Okay, I’m just about done,” he commented.
You sat waiting, quite amused.
“And done,” he said, putting down his pen.
“Count of three we switch?” you offered.
“One,” he began.
“Two,” you added.
At the same time, you switched notepads. Your eyes bugged at the amount of writing on the page. It was completely full. You were extremely intrigued.
The list was a mile long and some were-
“Spencer, some of these aren’t in English!”
He looked at you with a cocky grin and a raised brow. You just gaped at him.
“What language is this anyway?” you asked, looking closer.
“Two are Russian, one is Korean,” he answered nonchalantly.
“I’m afraid to ask what they are.”
“Don’t worry, none of it is really BDSM or anything,” he said, “I see too much stuff like that at work and I would never want to put you through something like that.”
His voice was gentle and you smiled at his concern.
“Besides, the hardcore stuff doesn’t do much for me anyway.”
At least that was one thing you could agree on.
You watched his eyes quickly scan your small list.
“I am very much up for a striptease,” he grinned, “Sex toys, hmm? Noted.”
“Spencer,” you chuckled, watching his finger run down the list.
“Moaning?” he asked, “Care to elaborate?”
“Too many guys are quiet. I want you to moan. I wanna hear how good I’m making you feel,” you smirked.
“Oh I can definitely manage to do that for you,” he mumbled half to himself, making you grin.
“Aren’t you gonna check out mine?” he questioned.
“I’m preparing myself,” you deadpanned.
But as usual, curiosity killed the cat. So, you looked.
You saw some of the same things you had included on your own list; fingering, oral sex, face sitting and dirty talk.
“Gotta put that dirty talk to use, I see,” you mumbled as you read.
“Oh, believe me, I will,” he smirked.
“Dominant and submissive huh?”
“Not like in BDSM though,” he said, “Sometimes I might be in the mood to dominate you, sometimes I might want you to dominate me.”
“Can’t wait for that,” you grinned slyly.
Your eyes continued down the list.
Food Play
Sensation Play
“Food play, I approve of. I think we have some whipped cream in the fridge as we speak,” you said, “What’s sensation play?”
“Like if I want to run a piece of ice over your naked body while you’re hot and turned on and watch it melt slowly on your skin.”
Your mouth dried a bit, just imagining the scenario and you shifted slightly, clearing your throat.
“And deprivation?”
“If I feel like tying your wrists to the bed posts so you can’t touch me while I fuck you. Or blindfold you and drive you crazy because you can’t see me, only feel me,” Spencer said.
“Mm,” you hummed, trying to ignore the slight churn in your stomach from your lust.
One item caught your eye, distracting you from your desires.
“Impregnation kink?”
“Mhm,” he answered, “Cause what’s hotter than the possibility of getting you pregnant? Knowing that I did that.”
His smirk had grown on his face. You had to agree, it was sexy. You may not have been together for an extremely long period of time, but you could definitely say you’d one day like to have a baby with him.
“Oh my god, Spencer Reid,” you said, as your eyes fell on the next listed kink, “You have a spanking kink?”
“Not that I know of,” he answered innocently, “But if you’re willing, I’d like to try it. Maybe just one here and there during rough sex.”
“You better stay over there at this rate or I’m going to end up ripping all your clothes off,” you grumbled.
“I know what I’m doing,” he grinned mischievously.
“Okay, I know this one should be self explanatory, but what are cumshots and why is that on your list? How do you even know about all of these? Nevermind,” you held up your hand, “I forgot, you do lots of reading on everything.”
“Ejaculating into a woman’s vagina.”
“Okay, that’s one we’ve already done,” you snickered.
Your gaze continued down the list.
Orgasm Control
Orgasm Denial
“Oh so you want me to beg for you to fuck me?” you smirked, “Yet you won’t let me come?”
“We’ve done it a little before. It’s sexy seeing you writhe under me, begging to cum so hard that you see stars.”
You were now throbbing with arousal, you couldn’t deny it anymore.
“Erotic massage?” 
Your brows lifted at the next entry on the list.
“What?” he grinned innocently, “You get a sensual massage and I have an excuse to keep my hands on my girl. It’s a win-win.”
You laughed. He definitely had a point there.
The next one made your eyebrows practically shoot to your hairline.
“Public sex?!”
“I’m not talking about out in the open!” he claimed, “I mean like car sex or even some secret fun under a table. Maybe my hand accidentally slips and slides into your panties one night when we’re out for dinner with the team. Maybe you have to keep from moaning as I secretly finger you, reveling in the fact that you so badly want to moan, but you have to remain composed.”
His voice dropped, getting huskier.
“And when you orgasm, your body tenses so badly and your nails dig into my forearm as your body relaxes and you release all over my hand, unbeknownst to the rest of the table.”
The room suddenly felt hotter than the Sahara desert. You realized you were staring at him, your jaw slackened. 
“Problem, Y/N?” he smirked.
“Huh? No, yeah. I’m totally fine, I mean.”
You really weren’t.
There were only a few items left on the list now.
Filming Yourself
Mirror Sex
“Oh so you are kinky, huh?” you giggled, more to cover the fact that your own arousal was at dangerous heights now.
“You mean you don’t find the idea hot as fuck to watch yourself being fucked good by me in a mirror? Or filming it so you can watch while I’m gone? I mean, I have an eidetic memory, so I can automatically replay your orgasm face in my mind whenever I want.”
He was definitely asking for it, now. 
Your eyes fell to the last thing listed.
Thigh Riding
“What’s that?” you asked, pointing to it.
“Not exactly a full on kink, but the fantasy of it seems extremely erotic. I’d like to see you ride my thigh, grind on it as hard as you can until you’re a moaning, orgasming mess.”
His voice was a near growl now, his own desires showing—in more than just the indicator in his pants.
“Oh fucking hell,” you snapped, tossing the notepad aside.
You were across the bed in mere seconds, in front of him, ready to kiss him. He tossed the other pad of paper to meet yours on the floor as he grabbed you and pushed you back against the bed, him falling with you as he hovered over you. He kissed you briefly.
“So which one do you want to try out first?” you asked, breathless from the singular kiss.
His small, answering smirk was more than enough of an answer for you, but he answered anyway.
“Whichever you want.”
TAG LIST: @dreatine​ @reid-187​ @groovyreid​ @reidslibra​ @suvikamahes98blr​ @fuckthealarm​ @iamburdened​ @cindywayne​ @tinyminy88​ @sundippedprincess​ @missprettyboy​ @hushlilbabydoll​ @sammy-jo1977​ @haileymorelikestupid​ @lemonypink​ @multifandommandy​ @teamkiall​ @redbullchick​ @ifeelloved​ @one-sweet-gubler​ @nanocoool​ @delightfullyspeedyearthquake​ @unsteadyimagines​ @ughitsbaby​ @inkwiet​ @pennythetechgoddess​ @capt-engr-ssa​ @sixx-sic-sixx​ @spencersdolore​ @reidsstudies​ @disney-dreams-world​ @chocolatecalzoneherringbonk @mggwhore​ @andiebeaword​ @cupcake525​ @be-the-bravest​ @gretaamyk​ @likelovers @hopebaker​ @prisonreid​ @httpnxtt​ @daviddoughboy​ @pastathighs​ @marvels-gurl​ @blushingspencer​ @simp-for-dr-reid​ @victorzsaszmydaddy​ @inlovewithamess​ @im-inlovewith-mycar​ @xshakesqueerx​ @onceupona-diamond​
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wrenhyperfixates · 4 years
Full Disclosure
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Pairing: Loki x reader Summary: Thor has always been supportive of his brother’s love life, but Loki won’t tell him that he’s dating you. When Thor won’t stop setting him up on dates, Loki has to move past his fears and confess. Warnings: just a fluff-bomb A/N: Thank you for requesting, my lovely nonny! This is longer than a typical imagine might be because I had so much fun with it (in fact it’s really more of a oneshot, oops). If you wanted something a little shorter, I already had a similar incorrect quote in my drafts that I’ll be posting for you later in the week :)
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine 
Sometimes it was hard to have a brother so dense. There were plenty of times during their youth when Loki would try to discuss lessons or ladies with Thor, but never seemed to make any sort of breakthrough. It was only when Loki started dating you that he was glad for it, as it made hiding the blooming relationship much easier. That is, until Thor kept trying to set him up on dates.
“I believe I might shove my brother off a cliff, darling,” Loki whined one afternoon, dramatically flopping on your bed.
“Aww. What did he do now?” you inquired after giving him a small peck on the lips.
“He arranged another date for me, and I was left with the arduous task of cancelling. It is a wonder how he has not noticed how absolutely smitten I am with you, my love.”
He nuzzled into your neck as you cuddled him, breathing in your comforting scent. You bent your head down to place a kiss on the adorable little crinkle between his brows. He relaxed a bit, but you could tell he was still stressed.
“Well, we could always tell him about us,” you suggested as Loki’s frown reappeared. “I mean, almost everyone else on the team figured it out. So I don’t really see why we shouldn’t tell Thor.”
Loki pondered this for a moment. True, the other Avengers were aware of your relationship, save for Steve and Bucky, who were too oblivious to even realize their own feelings for each other. Still, it was different with Thor, his brother, his only family left. He knew how fond of you Thor was, but if he were to oppose to the two of you dating, he had no idea what he’d do.
“My brother can be overbearing. I am not certain that telling him is the best option at present.”
“Ok. If you’re sure that’s all, then we’ll wait.”
He whispered a thank you into your hair as you shifted positions so that now he was spooning you. The whole reason you’d decided to keep the fact you were dating a secret in the first place was to be able to enjoy quiet moments like this. Loki has been worried that his teammates would disapprove and try to split you up. Surprisingly, they were supportive, even if they did engage in some subtle teasing. Though, their knowledge of your relationship made what happened at dinner the next night all the more embarrassing.
You and Loki kept secretly holding hands under the table, earning you some smirks from your teammates who happened to notice. Feeling self-conscious, you broke apart but left your legs touching ever so slightly, just enough to feel the warmth radiating off each other. You must have laughed a little too loudly at something Loki said because, suddenly, Thor got what he thought to be a novel idea.
“You know,” he said, pointing at you and Loki, “I believe you two would make a really cute couple.” As if that weren’t bad enough, he continued in a stage whisper, “You should really ask them out, Loki.”
The God of Mischief turned bright red as you started fidgeting in your seat. Everyone else made eye contact with each other before giving in to a bout of laughter. Thor demanded to know what was so funny, but no one could get any words out. When Tony laughed so hard he fell out of his seat, Loki decided that he’d had enough.
“Brother,” he shouted over the din. “I-well, we have something to tell you.”
“What is it?” he shouted back, still not catching on.
“Maybe we should do this somewhere quieter,” you suggested after a small sigh.
The three of you made your way out of the noisy dining room, and Loki started wringing his hands as both his lover and brother looked at him expectantly. This was his moment to finally get the truth out there. Unfortunately, his hands seemed to have a mind of their own and lashed out with a dagger, striking Thor.
“Surprise attack!”
“Loki!” you bellowed, upset with your boyfriend.
“Do not worry, my friend. This is a normal occurrence,” Thor assured you as Loki grabbed your hand and whisked you away.
Once behind closed doors, you fixed him with a withering glare. He knew that he was being ridiculous, especially now that Thor has shown he would be fine with you two dating. But Loki realized something else was stopping from sharing his joy with his brother. If he told Thor, it would be like bridging his old life and his new one. Granted, you already knew of his past misdeeds, but what if there was something else he hasn’t told you? Something long forgotten in his memory that Thor lets slip? In the end, his reluctance all boiled down to a fear of losing you.
“I know, I know. That was not the best route to choose. I just didn’t think it was the right time to say anything,” he lied.
“Why can’t you just be honest with me, Loki?” you pleaded as tears formed in your eyes. “It’s obvious that you’re embarrassed of me or something. The least you could do is tell the truth about it.”
“Oh, my darling,” he cooed, wiping a plump drop that had fallen and made a glistening track halfway down your cheek. “Please understand that my inability to tell my brother of us has nothing to do with you. You are the most wonderful thing to ever happen to me.”
“Then what is it?”
“I fear that you may come to resent me if you hear any more of my past.”
“Loki,” you said, voice heavy with emotion. “Look at me. I know that you’ve done some... questionable things before. But I know you now, and that’s what I care about. We’ve all done things we’re not proud of, but you work harder than anyone I know to make up for it. It’s one of the many reasons that I love you.”
He looked at you with eyes full of gratitude before hugging you close. “I love you too, dearest. Never doubt that.”
The air relaxed around Loki and his beloved as a quiet contemplation settled in. He slowly rocked the two of you back and forth, trying to plan his next move. If there was one thing he didn’t like, it was not knowing what to do next. But he was sure that, with you beside him, he could figure it out.
“Ok,” you said after sucking in a long breath. “We’ll wait then. As long as you need.”
“No,” Loki interjected, coming to a conclusion as you spoke. “I want to tell him now. Well, maybe not right at this moment. But tomorrow for certain.”
After checking that he was sure of this decision, you agreed to have lunch with Thor where you would tell him the news. Loki’s nerves were at an all-time high by noon the next day. He helped you set the table to try to calm them, but nothing seemed to cull his worries.  You came up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist, pressing kisses to the tense spots between his shoulder blades.
“Hey, it’s going to be alright. I promise,” you reassured him, hoping to relieve some of the pressure he was feeling.
He relaxed in your embrace for a second before you broke away upon hearing Thor’s heavy footsteps approaching. Loki tweaked the utensils once more, and you pressed a quick kiss to his knuckles in a final act of comfort. It also helped some that Thor seemed to be in an even more jovial mood than usual. Which, of course, was saying something as the god was relentlessly optimistic.
Sitting down, he greeted you both by name and told you everything smelled delicious. The God of Thunder bit his lip to hold back a smile, but you and Loki could see it tugging its way onto his face. The two of you shared a look, attempting to figure out what exactly was the cause of such joy for the older Odinson boy.
“Um, Thor?” you said. “Is there something you wanted to share with us?”
“No. Is there something you want to share with me?”
Another look passed between you and Loki. Suddenly, Loki realized that his brother must know the news you were about to share. It figures that after all this time, he worked it out moments before he was about to come clean.
“You have figured it out,” Loki sighed, “haven’t you?”
Thor nodded eagerly and came around the table to hug his brother and friend, overjoyed that they were dating. He loosened his grip around you upon hearing your gasping voice telling him he was hugging too tight, a terrible habit of his.
“But when did you figure it out?” you questioned, puzzling over the timeline of events.
“I have known for months, of course.” He tried to stick to this story, but the skeptical looks from both you and his brother made him abandon his position. “I saw you two being all cuddly just before I came in,” he conceded with slumped shoulders.
All three of you began to laugh, and Loki was surprised by how relieved he felt at not having to actually confess. The rest of the lunch went swimmingly, and the God of Mischief relaxed further, happy to have both his brother and beloved in such high spirits. Unfortunately, his own sunk when Thor offered to tell a story about him. It seemed like his worst fears were about to come true.
“One time when we were children,” Thor began with a wistful look in his eye, “Loki tried to use some of his magic and accidentally turned himself into a cat. He came to my room and pestered me until I brought him to mother. Remember that, brother?”
“Indeed, I do,” Loki said with a nostalgic laugh, feeling relieved that was all Thor shared. “It was one of the first spells I ever tried. I am afraid that I sorely botched it. I was coughing hair balls for weeks.”
“So that’s why you won’t let me get a kitten!” you added with a laugh of your own.
The brothers went back and forth telling embarrassing stories about the other. You refused to share any of your awkward childhood moments, and your companions vowed to get some out of you one day. All in all, Loki had a great time. He squeezed your hand in thanks under the table. With shining eyes he observed you and Thor laughing. He realized that, for the first time in his life, he had nothing to worry about. After all, he’d been wrong when he’d thought Thor was the only family he had left. Now you were his family, too. And nothing could possibly take away you or the love you shared.
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black-streak · 4 years
Little Pistol - Where is my Mind?
Chapter 3
First Previous Next
The song is by The Pixies. Did I mention this is going to take a while? Because it's going to take a while. Burner is turned way down to warm. Not even low heat. Here we are. By the way, would you guys be interested in the playlists I make for when I'm writing? Let me know.
Reminder kids, I tend to write more when y'all interact with my work (comments, asks, ect.) Please fuel me.
LP Taglist
@zalladane @moonlightstar64 @amayakans @elmokingkong @queen-in-a-flower-crown @karategirl119 @dreamykitty25 @danielslilangel @melicmusicmagic @xahriia @sassakitty @yin-390 @zotinha456 @indecisive-mess-named-me
Permanent list
@naoryllis @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @my-name-is-michell @maribat-is-lifeblood @dast218 @novicevoice @shizukiryuu @princess-of-fangirls @bigpicklebananatree @pirats-pizzacanninibles @abrx2002 @breemeister @darkthunder1589 @thestressmademedoit @severelyenchantedwonderland @isabellemasen @multi-fandom-freak0221 @fantasyloversblog @bzz75 @cloudiedraws @jardimazul @orbitsvt @gingerdaile @sotheresthatthought @kadmeread @novaloptr @unabashedlyswimmingtimemachine @crazylittlemunchkin @18-fandoms-unite-08 @tiny-goddess-of-chaos @ladybug-182 @toodaloo-kangaroo @the-alice-of-hearts
Over the following weeks, everything shifted slowly but steadily. Chat became more and more focused and professional during attacks and so very desperate for reassurance of his good work afterwards. Normally, they had very little time for such things due to the timers on their miraculouses, but with each thing he did to please her, she offered a bit more of her time and softened ever so slightly. It seemed the perfect little reward to drive him further in the right direction. Akumas were simply an inconvenience if annoying now, or if she were lucky, a fun little puzzle to figure out. A major improvement on the terror and stress and anxiety they induced before.
Things at school were shifting as well. She'd long ago given up on remaining friends with everyone, especially with the classroom changes over the last few years. She was entirely too busy to keep up with people who no longer shared a classroom with her or put in the effort to seek her out. She would've loved to remain close to them all, sure, but the reality was that without the ease of having the same homeroom, it just wasn't possible. Alya and Nino sometimes sought her out, luckily sharing a class still and willing to work around her own schedule. 
As did Chloe, though normally for something regarding a school function. Chloe was an interesting one. She still had her lapdog and turned her nose up to her peers, but she no longer hunted Mari down to bully her. They weren't friends, but they had found a level of respect and civility between them. That worked just fine for them.
The part that shifted lay more in how she interacted with her peers. She never lied. She also stopped hiding though. Her honesty began to extend to her emotions and reactions. She stopped pushing herself aside for others. Really though, if she expected decency and a level of care for her from Chat, surely she should expect the same of those she surrounded herself with, right?
Marinette still spent spare moments considering how to help people around her. What to say or do to push them into adjusting their own actions into something more acceptable. Less cruel and inconsiderate. Still, it wasn't her place, so she left it be. They'd figure it out, she hoped.
"M'lady? I've been thinking and… I had a thought about the whole Hawkmoth thing."
"Oh? What's the thought?" She turned to offer Chat her full attention where the boy squirmed.
"Well, what if he's been an akuma? We keep crossing off anyone who's been akumatized, but what if that's what he wants?" He asked, sounding more and more unsure of himself under her watchful gaze.
Considering it, she nodded, "That could be dangerous, how do you think he did it though?"
"Well. Couldn't he just conjure the butterfly and send it out to hunt out negative feelings and then detransform? Certainly he must feel negative feelings constantly, so the butterfly would be attracted to him before it even got far enough to feel someone else's?"
Marinette, looked out to the Eiffel tower, the structure making a perfect focal point to zone out on to think over his suggestion. To detransform without deactivating anything you created was possible, she knew this due to lucky charms remaining in the past. But how would he control it if he was the one akumatized? Well she supposed his motives would remain the same, akuma or not, so he wouldn't need to worry about it. To deakumatize though, how would that work? Would catching their miraculouses be enough of a relief to release the akuma on its own? Or maybe Hawkmoth just didn't think that far ahead to begin with. Either way, it's entirely possible he could've been an akuma, now that she thought about it. Turning to face the cat, she let a small smile show, "That's a very good observation. You're right, he could do that, couldn't he? Good kitty cat," she watched him perk up and straighten, making her smile a little wider. A stray thought turned her lips back down though, "This means we're back to square one though, with everyone in Paris as the suspects. And just as we'd started to knock some off."
Char shrunk slightly, only to perk back up, "That's not entirely true, we could always take off anyone who we've seen get akumatized?"
"Without revealing the places we frequent and possibly our identities?" Her eyes cut to his own, in a disapproving manner, "Sure, I can cross off my own, but your experiences are useless to my mental list since you can't tell me. And don't you dare suggest that you could tell me who you are. You know how I feel about that." 
That seemed to take the wind from beneath him, and as much as she wished she could assure him it was okay and they'd just keep brainstorming, she didn't want to encourage the idea of being more open to each other. Suddenly, he perked once more.
"I'll start looking into past akumas. Maybe we can recross them from our lists?"
"And how would we go about that?" Her voice betrayed her weary feeling.
"I'm a black cat. I'm very good at observing others without being noticed. I can spy on them until there's an akuna without their making it so."
That was kind of a breach in privacy and meant he'd waste time on people she knew were innocent. But then, it wasn't her idea and she wouldn't take part in it and he looked so eager. If he felt it was a good idea… well he's never listened when she told him not to do things before, once he got it into his head that it was a good idea. Might as well have him report the results to her if he was going to do it anyways.
"Okay, let me know what you find out. If I get an idea for who to look in to next, you'll do that for me though, yes?"
"Of course! I'll start right away. I won't let you down, bugaboo, I purromise!" He shouted as he took off across the rooftops. 
Uh, she hated that petname. That's okay, it'll stop soon enough. She'd make sure of it.
"So now we're stalking people? Treating everyone as suspect?" Tikki ground out upon release.
"Of course not. He is. Of his own volition."
"You could've told him not to."
"We both know when Chat gets an idea in his head, he doesn't let up until he's seen it through. At least with my approval, he won't hide it from me. Since when have you had issue with my invading others' privacy, anyways? You insisted I stalk Adrien back when he had the book. Which reminds me, he's given me a thought."
"You still could've tried! It's the intention of it that matters," she pouted.
"Enough Tikki, we both know we won't agree on this. It'll be fine, anyways, I'm sure. Back to my thought," she spoke right over the goddess's complaints, "Adrien had that book. His father's book. And with Chat's idea, that puts Gabriel back on the suspect list, right?"
Tikki seemed to perk at this, "You think we knocked him off too soon?"
"... Well I suppose if you had Chat look into it, it could be acceptable."
"Oh, so now you're okay with it," she teased, dropping the subject at the glare she received.
Her Robin sent someone into Arkham Asylum that night. It wasn't of much note, except they were begging to get away from him. To be put up and never let out again. 
The video displayed a manic man, clutching the arms of a police officer to protect him from the man in red and black. The officer asked if the guy meant Red Hood, who apparently was the one seen last with her lovely Robin. But the man only gave a hysterical laugh, pleading, "Hood would have the decency to kill me and be done with it. Please, help me."
The clip ended with the guy being placed in restraints and driven away. She vaguely recognized him, but couldn't quite place who he was. The reporter closed up the case, wondering at who this new menace to Gotham was under the mask.
Her Robin… her Robin drove someone insane. Terrorized some man into fearing him more than Batman, to the point of begging for confinement. To pleading for death over another encounter. Just who had her Robin become?
Perhaps, maybe, her hero had fallen. Maybe she'd need a new inspiration, a new hero. Maybe she should quit while she was ahead.
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
winter prompt fill 29, indruck, sfw?
29. i should’ve done my shopping a month ago but now i’m running around last minute and when i enter your store, i’m absolutely frazzled. help me.
(Pinecone is borrowed from harrisonator’s fic “Monster Mash”)
Working at Kepler Petco isn’t the worst thing, even during the holiday shopping hellscape months. It’s not like anyone is getting in fistfights over cases of Fancy Feast. Which is why, on the 22nd of December, Duck is unprepared for the sudden sound of hands on hitting the countertop. 
“I need help.” The guy’s about his age, silver hair going patchy black near the top, pink and white striped sweater around his neck and a massive sweater hanging off his lanky frame. His red glasses barely conceal brown, anxious eyes. 
“Sure, what’re lookin for?”
“Rat treats, the kind that won’t make them ill.”
“Can handle that, right this way.” Duck leaves the counter and leads the guy back to the small mammal section. As they go the man spins a ring on his index finger, flushing under the merciless heating vents. 
“I’m sorry for the dramatic entrance. I have a mountain of things to do today and your store closes first.”
Duck glances at the AKC branded clock on the wall, which shows 12:30 p.m, “We close at five.”
“Yes, I know, but I really cannot overstate how behind I am on my Christmas shopping. Or, well, holiday is more accurate, since Joseph celebrates Hanukkah, which means I’m already late on that.” He sighs, runs a finger with chipped black nails through his hair.
“Big family?” Duck points to the row of snacks, grabs the man a basket from the end of the aisle when he starts piling them into his arms. 
“Lots of friends. We’re having a party tomorrow and I completely forgot about it until today. I know it’s ridiculous to forget about a holiday where you can’t turn around without being slapped with a reminder of it, but my brain doesn’t always work in the way I’d like it to.”
“No judgement here. Once forgot my sisters birthday until the minute my mom asked if I could get some candles for the cake after school.”
“Oh dear.” The man smiles, the expression shifting from odd to shy when Duck meets his eyes, “thank you for your help.”
Five minutes later the guy heads towards the register, then stops, backtracking to the display of rats, mice, and hamsters. Duck joins him in case he has questions, and to steal another look at his singular features. They’re not handsome on the surface, but something about them draws his eye back over and over. He’s just in time to hear the man cooing to a pair of brown rats.
“...so lovely, aren’t you just charming? If I could I’d take you home but space is limited. Oh” he blushes when he sees Duck, “I’m, ah, ready to pay now.”
“One of your friends got rats?” He indicates the pile of treats the man is buying.
“Hmm? Oh, no, these are for Luna and Emperor, my rats. I wanted to get them presents too.”
Duck can’t decide if the fact the guy prioritized spoiling his pets on the day he had to buy a bunch of gifts is adorable or worrying.
“As I said, I came here because you close first. And I, ah, I like spoiling them. It’s nice to know exactly how to cheer another living thing up.”
“I get that. Pinecone, that’s my, uh, my cat, gets more treats a month than I do.”
“Someone ought to buy you a few, then.”  The man murmurs, handing over his debit card. 
Duck, caught up in the mechanics of fighting with the card reader, doesn’t realize he’s being flirted with until the man is no more than a silver head merging into the throng outside. 
He’s lowkey annoyed with himself the rest of the day; he’s been in the market for a cute guy, and while his mystery shopper may not be Ryan Gosling, but Duck wouldn’t mind getting his number. 
Since he opened today, he gets off at three, decides to swing by Crate and Barrel in case the apron he thinks Barclay might like. There’s small hallways dotted through the mall, leading to exits or to backrooms.  As he passes one, he gets a glimpse of silver hair and a vibrant scarf. That’s the only good part of what he sees; the man from earlier is pressed close to the shiny wall, trying and failing to get his breathing order.
“Hey, man, you okay?”
He jolts, registers who’s speaking, and looks at the ground, “N-not really. I, part of the reason put this off so long is I can get incredibly overwhelmed in crowds sometimes, and yes I know that makes coming here three days before Christmas even worse an idea but I thought maybe I could handle it, but I’ve only managed to buy two of the gifts I need because I cannot focus with everything going on and, and I’m sorry, here I wanted to charming around you and now you’ve seen this and-”
“What would help?”
“I, I’d like to go somewhere quiet, but there’s nowhere, even the bathrooms are packed.”
“Do you, uh, want to come sit in my car for a bit? I can run the heater so we don’t freeze.”
“That’s really alright?” The question is so small and vulnerable he wants to tuck it into a shoebox to keep it safe.
“Yeah. C’mon, I’m parked on this end.” 
It’s snowing on and off as they walk to his car, and as he gets it running and turns on the heat his passenger finally pulls his clenched hands from his pockets; one holds a fidget cube, the other a very small, plush moth.
“I tried so hard to prepare for every possible future.” Is what he gets as explanation. The man sets both items in his lap and shuts his eyes, breathing slowly in and out. Duck says nothing, opens his phone and plays two rounds of Plants vs. Zombies before he hears anything at all from beside him. 
“Would you mind turning the radio on, at a low volume?”
“Any requests?” Duck hits the power button.
“No talk radio.”
“Can manage that.” He fiddles around and finds the alternative station. Even it has Christmas songs interspersed with the usual mix. 
“Is your name really Duck?”
He wonders if the guy is omnipotent until he remembers his nametag.
“It’s a nickname.”
“I’m Indrid.” He opens his eyes, “thank you for letting me come here to calm down. I may actually manage to succeed in my quest now. It’s so hard, I actually enjoy being out around the lights, the feeling of so many people being happy or trying to do kind things for each other. But it’s easy to get overwhelmed, especially when I’m alone.”
“Would it help if you weren’t?”
“Possibly, but I couldn’t ask you to spend even more time in that mall given you work there.” 
“Got some last minute shoppin to do myself. Besides, if you get stuck on a gift, I’m pretty damn good at comin up with ideas.”
“Thank you.” Indrid smiles, excited, and that settles it: Duck is asking for his number after this.
They brave the crowds and the holiday cheer blaring across the speakers once more. The first stop is a store selling housewares, including a pair of small succulents that Indrid deems worthy of giving a friend as he listens to Duck talk about his part time job at the National Forest, laughing when Duck mentions last weeks run-in with a pissed-off migratory bird. 
The next few stores are no help, and they opt to take advantage of the lull between when people are done with school and when people are done with work to hit up the coffeeshop, Indrid ordering a white chocolate peppermint mocha and promptly getting whipped cream on his nose. Duck is tempted to kiss it off, settles for handing his new friend a napkin while he talks about his recent return to Kepler after traveling around the country in a Winnebago, selling his art at shows. As luck would have it, the store has a shelf devoted to artisan or local coffees, and they’re each able to find one for someone on their list. 
Macy's proves more treacherous, and once five o’ clock hits even Duck is feeling cramped. Indrid is tensing, his replies getting short or far off, and just as Duck is about to offer to dip out again, chilly fingers link with his own.
“Is this alright?”
“Better than alright.” He grins and Indrid holds tighter, breathing in through his nose and out his mouth as Duck guides them into a less crowded corner. The do eventually find some high quality hiking socks that Indrid buys, only letting go of Duck in order to pay. 
They reward themselves with dinner at Johnny Rocket, Duck hopping over to Indrid’s side of the booth to see pictures of Emperor and Luna, and show off the photos he has of Pinecone hiding under his ranger jacket. 
“One more stop, thank goodness.” It’s going on seven and Duck has to say he agrees; he loves being around Indrid, but his feet are killing him and he’s had “Jingle Bells” stuck in his head for an hour. 
Indrid’s last item is at Crate and Barrel, and Duck laughs when the other man goes straight to the aprons. 
“You got good taste, I’m gettin’ one of these too. Barclay said he needed a new one.”
A fine-boned hand freezes mid-reach, “Did you say Barclay?”
“I am also buying this for a Barclay. Is your Barclay, by chance, dating someone named Joseph and hosting a party tomorrow?”
They stare at each other, frozen long enough that another shopper passes between them. Then they double over in sync, Duck wheezing out a laugh while Indrid cackles. 
“Holy shit, we’ve been shoppin for the same folks!”
“Barclay mentioned there’d be new people at the party but I never thought one of them would be such a catch.”
Duck gets his breathing in order, steps across the faux-hardwood and takes Indrid’s hand.
“Hey, Indrid? You wanna be my date to the party tomorrow?”
“....wait, fuck, which one of us is gonna give him the apron?”
“You can, I have another idea for him. Consider it an early present from me.” Indrid tease. 
“Sugar,” Duck slips his hands into Indrid’s back pockets, smiling up at him, “you might just be all the present I need.”
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letterboxd · 3 years
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Life Detained.
The Mauritanian director Kevin Macdonald talks with Jack Moulton about researching Guantanamo Bay’s top secrets, Tahar Rahim’s method-acting techniques, the ingenuity of humanity during the pandemic, and his favorite Scottish films.
“You’ve got to understand that for a Muslim man like Tahar, this role has a much greater significance than it does for you or me.” —Kevin Macdonald
It’s not uncommon for a director to release two films in one year, but Academy-Award winning—for his 1999 documentary One Day in September—director Kevin Macdonald is guilty of this achievement multiple times. Ten years ago, he released his first crowd-sourced documentary Life in a Day and the period epic The Eagle within months of each other. A decade on, he’s done it again.
The Scottish director (and grandson of legendary filmmaker Emeric Pressburger) released both his Life in a Day follow-up and the legal drama The Mauritanian this month. The latter tells the story of Guantanamo Bay detainee Mohamedou Ould Slahi (sometimes written as Salahi), who was held and tortured in the notorious US detention center for fourteen years without a charge. The film, adapted from Slahi’s 2015 memoir Guantánamo Diary, features Jodie Foster and Shailene Woodley as his defense attorneys Nancy Hollander and Teri Duncan, with Benedict Cumberbatch, who also signed on as the film’s producer, playing prosecutor Lt. Stuart Couch.
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Benedict Cumberbatch as prosecutor Lt. Stuart Couch in ‘The Mauritanian’.
The Mauritanian also introduces French star Tahar Rahim to a global audience, in the role of Slahi. “The ensemble is excellent across the board,” writes Zach Gilbert, “while Tahar Rahim is best in show overall, bringing honorable heart and humanity to his role [of] the titular mistreated prisoner.”
Much of the story is filmed as an office-based legal thriller involving thick files, intense conversations, and Jodie Foster’s very bright lipstick. Macdonald expertly employs aspect ratio to signify narrative shifts into scenes recreating Slahi’s vivid recollections of torture and his achingly brief conversations with unseen fellow detainees.
Qualifying for this year’s awards season due to extended deadlines, The Mauritanian has already earned Golden Globe nominations for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actress for Rahim and Foster respectively. Slahi remains unable to travel due to no-fly lists, but he was a valuable resource to the production, providing an accurate and rare depiction of a sympathetic Muslim character in an American film.
It was the eve of Life in a Day 2020’s Sundance Film Festival premiere when we Zoomed with Macdonald. Behind him, we spied a full set of the Italian posters for Michelangelo Antonioni’s classic Blow-Up. As it turns out, he’s not a fan of the film—only the posters—so we got him talking about his desert-island top ten after a few questions about his new film.
The attention to detail on Guantanamo Bay in The Mauritanian is impressive. There are procedures depicted that you rarely see on-screen. How did you conduct your research? Obviously Guantanamo Bay is a place which the American government spends a great deal of effort keeping secret. It was important to Mohamedou and me that we depicted the reality of the procedures as accurately as we possibly could. That research came primarily from Mohamedou who has an incredible memory. He drew sketches and made videos of himself lying down in spaces and showing how he could stretch half his arm out [in his cell]. There are a lot of photographs on the internet of Guantanamo Bay which are [fake] and others are from a later period because the place developed a lot over the years since it started in 2002 and Mohamedou was able to [identify] which photos were rooms, courtyards and medical centers he had been in.
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Director Kevin Macdonald on set with Jodie Foster.
How did you approach creating an honest representation of the graphic torture scenes, without putting the audience through it as well? Whenever films about this period are [made] they’re always from the point of view of the Americans and this time we’re with Mohamedou. You can’t underestimate the fact that there have really been no mainstream American cinematic portrayals of Muslims at all, so in portraying a sympathetic Muslim character who’s also accused of terrorism, you’re pushing some hot buttons with people. It was important that those people who are uncomfortable with him understand why he confessed to what he confessed.
Everything you see in the film is what happened; the only difference is that they weren’t wearing masks of cats and Shrek-like creatures, they wore Star Wars masks of Yoda and Luke Skywalker in this very perverse fucked-up version of American pop culture. Obviously, we couldn’t get the rights to those. Actually, I don’t feel that it is graphic. There is more violence in your average Marvel movie. It’s psychologically disturbing because you’re experiencing this disorientating lighting, the [heavy-metal] music, and he’s being told his mother’s going to be raped and he’s flashing back to his childhood. To be empathizing with this character and then to see them to be so cruelly treated is so deeply disturbing.
How did you prepare Tahar Rahim for his convincing portrayal of such intense pain and suffering? Tahar went through a great deal of discomfort in order to achieve it. He felt that to give a performance that had any chance of being truthful, he needed to experience a little bit of what Mohamedou had suffered, so throughout the movie he would insist on wearing real shackles which made his leg bleed and give him blisters. I would plead with him to put on rubber ones and he would say “no, I have to do this so I’m not just play-acting”.
He starved himself for about three weeks leading up to a torture sequence—he had lost an awful amount of weight and he was really unsteady on his legs. I was very worried about it and I got him nutritionists and doctors but he was determined to stick with that. You’ve got to understand that for a Muslim man like Tahar, this role has a much greater significance than it does for you or me. He felt a great weight of responsibility to do this correctly, not just for Mohamedou, but he was speaking for the whole Muslim world in a way.
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Jodie Foster and Shailene Woodley as defense attorneys in ‘The Mauritanian’.
What compels you to study this period in time? Mohamedou was released a couple of weeks before Trump came to power in 2016, so the story is still ongoing for him. He’s still being harassed by the American government and he’s not allowed to travel because he’s on these no-fly lists. I didn’t want to make a movie that was saying “George W. Bush is terrible”. We’ve been there, we’ve done that. This is looking back with a little bit of distance and saying “here’s the principles that we can learn from when you sidestep the rule of law”—what it takes to stand up like Lt. Stuart Couch did when everyone else around you is going along with something that’s really terrible.
You see that around Trump with the choices within the Republican Party to stand up and say they’re going to sacrifice their careers to do the right thing. It is a hard thing when there’s this mass hysteria in the air. The basic principles that the lawyer [characters] are representing is not about analyzing and replaying what happened after 9/11, they’re directly related in a bigger way to the world we all inhabit.
Did anything surprise you in how your subjects for Life in a Day 2020 addressed the pandemic? One of the most affecting characters in the film is an American who lost his home and business because of the pandemic, so he’s living in his car. He seems very depressed when you meet him for the first time, then later he’s telling us there’s something that’s giving him joy in his life. He brings out all these drones with these cameras on them and puts on this VR headset and loses himself by flying through the trees. I thought that was such a great metaphor for the way that human ingenuity has enabled us to survive and thrive during the pandemic.
I get the feeling of resilience from [the film]. This is a more thoughtful film than the original one. I see this as a movie of [us] being beware of our susceptibility to disease and ultimately to death and mortality, [and] how we’ve found these consolations as human beings. To me, it’s a really profound thing. It also speaks to the main theme of the film which is how we’re all so similar, same as The Mauritanian. It’s confronting you with all these people and saying we fundamentally all share the basic things that underpin our lives and the differences between us are much less important than the things we have in common.
Let’s go from Life in a Day to your life in film. What’s a Scottish film that you love but you feel is very overlooked or underrated? That’s really hard because there aren’t many Scottish films and there aren’t many good ones. Gregory’s Girl is the greatest Scottish film ever made—it’s the bible for life for me. That’s very well-known, so I would have to say Bill Forsyth’s previous film That Sinking Feeling, which was self-funded and made on 16mm black-and-white. It has some of the same actors and characters as Gregory’s Girl in it. Or my grandfather Emeric Pressberger’s film I Know Where I’m Going! which is a rare romantic comedy set in Scotland.
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John Gordon Sinclair and Dee Hepburn in Bill Forsyth’s ‘Gregory’s Girl’ (1980).
Which film made you want to become a filmmaker? I think it was Errol Morris’s The Thin Blue Line, which is one of the top five documentaries ever made and in my top ten desert-island movies.
What else is in your desert-island top ten? Oh god, don’t! I knew you were going to ask me that. I’ll give a few. I would say there would have to be something by Preston Sturges—maybe The Lady Eve or The Palm Beach Story. There would have to be a film written by my grandfather, so probably The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, which is the best British film ever made. There would have to be Singin’ in the Rain, which is the most purely joyful film I’ve ever seen. There would probably be The Battle of Algiers, which I rewatched recently and was an inspiration on The Mauritanian. Citizen Kane I also rewatched in anticipation of watching Mank, of which I was very disappointed. I thought it completely missed the point and was kind of boring.
Which was the best film released in 2020 for you? I thought the Russian film Dear Comrades! was really stunning. It was made by a director [Andrei Konchalovsky] in his 80s who first worked with Andrei Tarkovsky back in the late 1950s. He co-scripted Ivan’s Childhood. I would love to make my masterpiece when I’m 86 too!
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Films with Muslim characters
Movies that pass the Riz test
Scottish Cinema—a regularly updated list
Follow Jack on Letterboxd
‘The Mauritanian’ is in select US cinemas and virtual theaters now, and on SVOD from March 2. ‘Life in a Day 2020’ is available to stream free on YouTube, as is the original.
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chiaki-translation · 4 years
Spring Troupe 7th Play: Magician’s Pure Love Translation Ch1-2
What am I doing to myself? Out of a very weird reason I started translating this story. I will try my best to post translation everyday (at least 2 chapters a day) so I would be able to post everything before the actual event ends. I hope there’s someone else out there who actually want to read the whole story so here it is, the first part of the translation under the cut. Enjoy~ Some extra things I’m tempted to say. I really want to scout for Magician Chikage, but I’m saving so hard for Glitter Kazu and I shall not be tempted. I also won’t have a lot of screenshots for this series because I’m quite lazy since each chapter is quite long...
Ch1-2 / / Ch3-4 / / Ch5-6 / / Ch7-8 / / Ch9-10 / / Epilogue
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A3! is owned by Liber Entertainment
Translator’s Note:
I actually haven’t read Act 3, so I’m not that familiar with Madoka and the 1st generations. If there’s anything wrong from this translation, please feel free to tell me so I can correct it for others. Thank you~
Magician’s Pure Love (Chapter 1-2)
So look over here, and… there it disappears.
Right, you’re good.
As expected, you really have a dexterous hand.
Everyone can do this much.
If you tell that to Chigasaki, he’ll get angry at you.
But you have quite a repertoire of magic tricks now, don’t you think it’s time to try putting on a formal show?
I’ll only put on a show for Director…
If it’s for that purpose, then you might need to polish the magic tricks even further…
Misdirection technique might be effective, it’s a necessary trick to get Director-san to enjoy it.
You wrote on that memo sometimes, what have you actually been writing?
It’s a note on how to grab hold of Director’s love.
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Vol.26 huh…
It’s the 26th one.
As usual, your dedication towards Director-san is amazing…
I’ll do anything to be able to become her ideal man.
Anything, huh… to have such a passionate love for something, I wonder what kind of feeling it would be.
You want to know?
I’ll refrain if we’re talking about love stories.
You won’t understand anyway, so I won’t start.
Haha. Even Masumi, are you going to treat me like a man with no romance?
Ah, the two of you, can I have a bit of your time?
Right when we’re talking about it, right.
What happened?
There’s something I need to talk to you about.
<Shifts to Living Room>
What are we talking about?
I just had a talk with Sakyo-san and the manager…
There are a lot of attention on the troupe now because of GODza’s and 1st generation’s act-off, as well as the all-out performance on “Spotlight”.
Oh, it’s crawling through the tension!
There’re really a lot of God-za’s fans and the 1st generation fans when you pay a closer attention.
Even for “Spotlight” as the special feature, I was so nervous at first but I’m glad that it seemed popular out there!
It’s all thanks to Kasumi-san’s editing skill.
From then, I have received a lot of inquiries regarding our local performances… Then from this, I thought we should go for an attack instead.
In order to realize the value of Mankai entrusted by the 1st generation, we should aim to level up and improve the popularity of the theatre company while improving the performance level of each individual.
Tsuzuru-kun will also take steps to further improve on his ability to write for our performances…
Yeah. In order to be able to match the stories that Hakkaku-san made, as expected I still need a lot more experience.
That’s why, while still working on our local performances, I would like to plan for new performances that would highlight the strength of each troupe.
It’s exactly because we received a lot of attention now, shouldn’t we use this chance to redefine the strength of each group?
I want to do it!!
I’m pretty sure there’re a lot of fans out there who’re still waiting for us!
I think it’s a good idea.
Why not?
It might be a good change to all the Mixed Plays we’ve been doing as well.
I agree as well.
We’ve only done one lap of ‘lead’  for Spring Troupe performances after all.
You’re right.
Is there anyone here interested to take the ‘lead’ role this time?
I want to do it.
That’s fast.
I’ll do anything to rekindle your love.
There’s nothing to rekindle over there.
So there’s a motive for some returns.
Your character’s too consistent.
Not only the Spring Troupe performances, I have taken many roles even in Mixed Play and act-off. The me right now would be able to shine brighter as a ‘lead’ compared to my time during Alice.
As the chairman, I think I would be able to put on a much better performance than that time, and I want to show it to you.
I see…
(Alice was only our second performance for the Spring Troupe and everyone had very little experience back then. Since then, everyone has accumulated a lot of experience.
The bond among the members has also deepened, we might be able to make a performance that portrays Masumi-kun much better now.)
I see.
As the chairman, huh.
I think the Masumi-kun right now will be able to do it!
I’ll also support you!
I also a breeze!
Agree you mean.
Well, I think it’s good for Masumi to be the ‘lead’.
Alright, then, it’s decided that Masumi-kun will be the lead!
I’ll do my best.
<End of Chapter 1>
(There’s no vacant seat around…)
You can sit over here.
… thank you.
You’re writing GODza’s script?
Yeah. Recently I’ve been visiting GODza’s training hall, I need to keep studying theatre after all.
After our loss in the act off, GODza’s seats has been more motivated, of course Haruto-san and Shifuto included.
Everyone’s practicing with all they have.
Kamikizaka-san also changed towards a good direction.
How’s your side doing?
We decided that I’ll be the ‘lead’ for the upcoming Spring Troupe performance.
Really. Congrats.
I’m going to do my best for her sake.
It’s the director.
You’re going to do your best for the director’s sake?
I started acting for her sake.
All the good performances I’ve done so far was to kindle our love.
Ki, kindle your love…?
That’s wonderful!
So your passionate fire of love has polished your performances until now!
You should promptly get that Director-san to come to this year’s school festival’s performance!
I told you she won’t come.
Ikaruga-kun! For his sake and for his director’s sake, let’s write a good script!
I haven’t started writing anything.
Not yet!
You started acting for that person, and now you’re aiming higher to become a better actor for her, such a melodramatic scenario!
Then, what if, you never met with Director-san, Masumi would you be doing acting at all.
There’s no such thing as a world where me and Director won’t meet, our meeting was fate after all.
When I manage to become her ideal actor, we would finally be connected as one…
You’re really a passionate one…
For you to be so head over heels over her, this director-san would be a very attractive person, isn’t it.
Of course. She loves curry, always working hard, pretty nice, likes curry, loves theatre, loves curry.
So she likes curry that much…
But for such a nice person, I would be worried if I was her boyfriend~
…We’re not going out yet.
Usui-kun that doesn’t sound like you, don’t say that she already has a boyfriend?
… Don’t have.
But, if you approach me so passionately, even I would relent sooner or later.
I don’t want to approach you.
It’s just an if!
That’s why I was thinking there might be someone else on her mind.
(Director has another guy on her mind…?)
(It can’t be… It’s impossible.)
<Shifts to Dorm’s Living Room>
Since Masumi-kun is the lead, I have an idea for a sequel.
We can make Alice in Wonderland II.
We’ve never done a sequel before, so it sounds like a refreshing new idea!
But the rabbit ears…
Then how about puppy ears?
Summer Troupe already used cat ears, so we should try something different.
Is this a new animal series or something…
I’m not going to make such series!?
Masumi’s good at sword fighting, why not we try a performance that can make use of his skill?
Spring Troupe doesn’t really have a performance with battles and stuffs, maybe we can make it work!
Masumi? Something bothering you?
It’s nothing…
If you want to make use of something Masumi’s good at, the other choice would be…
Ah! What about story about magicians!?
He learns a lot of magic tricks from Chikage-san after all.
I see.
We can showcase the result of your training.
It sounds like it’s going to be a good theme, sounds like it can highlight the brightness of Spring Troupe too.
We played some live performance during the Quartet performance, maybe we can do the same with magic this time.
Sounds fun, I’m looking forward to it!
If it’s magic, then the co-lead would be senpai?
It’s the master-pupil combination!
Sounds great, why not.
I approve!
I don’t mind.
Masumi-kun will you be alright with this arrangement?
… Yeah.
(His answer’s a bit vague, I wonder if this is going to be alright…)
Then I’ll start thinking of a plot.
Yeah, I’ll leave it to you.
<Shifts to Corridor>
Masumi, is this alright?
You were practicing to hold a magic show for Director-san, weren’t you.
If we’re doing it on the stage, your performance will not be exclusive to Director-san anymore.
Ah… It’s alright.
Even if other people see it, I would still be able to convey my desire to show it to Director, it’s no problem at all.
You’re so consistent.
Just consistent?
Ah… Well, if you’re satisfied then it’s fine.
(Since earlier, I’ve been feeling something weird…
Well, it’s Masumi after all, most probably it’s something about Director-san
Such a pure love is not my specialty…)
… the upcoming performance, I’m looking forward to work with you.
<Shifts to Itaru/Chikage’s Room>
Woah, the rug’s expensive.
Ah, how’s Masumi?
I thought you went to talk to him?
So you saw.
I’m his dad after all.
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And I’m the grandfather huh.
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But he seemed to be fine for now, how to say…
Is it alright for me to give my grandson some pocket money.
I’m pretty sure it doesn’t work on that one grandson.
Maybe a bromide of Director-san will work instead.
You’re right. Well, since I’ll be co-starring, I shall communicate with him carefully.
Please do so.
By the way, how was he during the Alice performance?
You’re the co-lead right.
We understood that we cannot understand each other.
What’s that.
But, I think I will be the same.
Nah, senpai’s pretty unexpected, I think you might actually understand each other normally.
I don’t have any basis for saying that, but if you find nothing in common with him, you won’t even teach him magic.
That dry part was somehow similar as well.
Starting from the basic.
Our age difference were quite big… how about that.
Above everything else, it doesn’t help that Masumi’s most prominent feature, being his passionate love, it’s not similar to me at all.
Well, around the time when Spring Troupe was formed, there was a time when Masumi lost his passion in love. That’s when everyone started sharing love stories to him.
Love stories… huh.
Why not senpai go ahead and present one to him as well.
Are you serious?
Well, I don’t expect any interesting story to come out from you though.
I don’t want to hear that from you.
Well, I was told straight to  the face that he doesn’t want to share love stories with me.
Haha. So Masumi understands well.
<End of Chapter 2>f
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The Town That Never Was
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[Image Description: a long road with decaying plants on either side, with text overlayed that reads ‘the town that never was’ in white. A white icon of a clock is placed underneath the text /end ID]
I’m re-releasing the first four chapters as I’ve edited them!
Ships: DLAMP/CALMD, Remile.
Warnings: Cheating is mentioned at some point during this fic in the past, some slight horror themes but in a comedic sort of way, kidnapping is mentioned but again this is like a comedy-horror so there’s not a lot of suspense.
Plot: In Hell, a town of roughly 1,000 people, nothing that is supposed to happen ever happens and everything that physically should happen, does. Logan, a scientist, goes there in hopes of studying the world’s most unfortunate, and miraculous, town. But no one who ever enters ever finds the will to leave again.
Chapter One | Chapter Two | 
Chapter Three: The Forest And Its Voice
"Good evening listeners." The radio crackles in the reception of the bed and breakfast owned and ran by Remy Picani and his husband with benefits (benefits include being loved devoutly and also evening cups of coffee being made for him), Emile. The owner, whose black combat boots are resting on the desk whilst the glow of the computer illuminated his peaceful expression, has his eyes closed and is paying little to no attention to anything except the voice coming in through the radio; as is most of Hell at this time (both in this dimension and the sixth). Sitting across the room on a couch that had mysteriously appeared one day, is Logan, tapping furiously on a laptop as he listens to the news. "As some of you may have noticed, a forest has appeared outside of our little town." 
Logan's tapping ceases and Remy opens his eyes, both looking at each other and then rolling their eyes in sync. Logan gestures loosely for Remy to turn up the radio and the other man does. Remy is enjoying the quiet company enough to do as he's told, given that Logan is the only resident here except for Emile (and Emile is currently busy typing up his notes from his clients), also the wi-fi is faster in the reception which is why Logan is downstairs in the first place. "I would recommend, listeners, that you do not go into the forest, in fact, try to ignore it's existence all together because I am getting some uncomfortable vibes from it." 'He's seen inside it,' Logan thinks to himself, but the urge to wander inside the mysterious forest is almost primal.
'Maybe in the morning,' he considers to himself.
"You're going to go in the forest aren't you?" Remy asks, feet up, leaning back in his chair with his eyes closed again "...I thought you were going to be the only sane one in this town." The cat-like man continues, not waiting for Logan's response because he already knows the answer "I'm glad you're not because you would have gone truly insane." Logan chuckles softly in response, before nodding in agreement. Yes, he truly would have. 
Logan goes to the forest in the morning just after sunrise. Currently, he's stood at the edge of it and listening to it...talk, it whispers to him and the sound feels like the feeling you get when your best friend hugs you so tight that you struggle to breathe for a second. Suffocating, but in a beautiful sort of way. He stares up at the tall trees that hadn't been there this time yesterday, holding his hand-held energy detector and a life monitoring device in the other and right now...this forest is full of life. Not Human energy signals but ones just as strong, as powerful. This entire forest is alive with its own beating heart and that terrifies Logan.
And, of course, entices him.
The trees reach into the sky and silhouette the pink morning, the sun almost blocked from the scientist's view as he takes his first step into the somehow darker forest. The ground feels real and feels firm. The soil is soft but not wet or muddy, it even seems fitting for the climate as it's a little dry. The soil looks and feels fresh as though it were not housing a forest but someone's small cacti; so little makes sense and Logan is thrilled to try and figure out how to make it make sense.
His plan is just to collect a few samples and run a few tests on the rocks and soil, that's his plan. The forest's plan may not have the same lines, not that he knows this yet, but he will. Oh, he will.
"Have any of you heard from Logan?" Remy asks at almost nine at night "He didn't come back." There's a small pause before the feline man continues. "Also why are you still open when the sun is setting?" The rest of the coffee shop, which was just Roman, Patton and Virgil, exchange looks and then shrug because they also don't know why they're still open bar the strange need to remain open. Sometimes life is just like that, things happen when they're not meant too and people feel things without any reason to do so. 
"We haven't seen him today," Roman fills in the silence that had descended amongst them, filled only by awkward shuffling as they all look at each other as a prompt to speak. "Do you want a coffee?" He adds, still unsure why they hadn't closed shop and even more unsure why they were the only four there but then decides not to think too hard about it. He doesn't wait for Remy to respond as he makes him a to-go cup full, because Remy always wants coffee and none of them is sure he actually ever sleeps (Even Remy himself is unsure he sleeps more than once a month, he thinks that maybe he slept a few nights ago). 
The coffee is handed over and the sleepless man sighs "I should probably go look for him, he went into the forest." 
"Oh he is not coming back," Virgil, their wonderful resident demon snorts lightly. "Have you seen that thing? There are more demons in it than there are in Hell, the proper one...not this one." Roman elbows him in the side gently, and in response, he gets bared needle-sharp teeth and narrowed eyes. Roman quirks an eyebrow and reaches to scratch the other behind the ears which have its usual effects (which is that Virgil melts against him with a purring-like sound escaping from deep in his belly), Remy rolls his eyes at them whilst swearing to himself that he and Emile are not that cute (they are).
"We'll help you look for him!" Patton beams, his heart too big for his body as usual. 
"We will?" Virgil and Roman reply in unison, before saying more firmly: "We will!" now without the question and still in unison. Another silence before Patton clears his throat and grabs the keys off the counter and twirling it around his fingers as he herds the other men out of the shop like a shepherd, waving his hands in a universal sign of "shoo" which really says all anyone needs to know about Patton's relationships. 
That is to say that one does not disagree with Patton, not out of fear although he can be terrifyingly kind and sweet, but because there's unending respect for the man. And if he says to do something, then you do it without question. Especially Roman and Virgil, who are so devotedly in love with him and trust him to no end, that he could say: "Let's go in the terrifying forest," And they will respond with "Yes, sure!" 
Remy is just bored. Nothing spells "Time to get in life-threatening situations," like boredom does, especially for a man who does not, who cannot sleep.
"Have any of you got the radio station?" Patton asks, Virgil lifts his phone in a response that says he's already on it; this isn't out of a hobby but because when you're in danger the one person to listen to is Dee. He sees all and knows all and is probably not very happy with them right now. As the noise crackles through his headphones, the demon snorts lightly and waves the dimly lit screen to them. 
"He's not very happy with us right now," The sound of music follows a moment later, so Dee has gone to the weather and Roman's phone rings. 
"You're going into the forest?" They all hear Dee's voice, which is four or five pitches higher than usual and heavy with fear "Don't go in the forest Roman it's not safe!" They all exchange glances with each other and they standstill as the exorcist rubs his temple with some distress. "Yeah I know I shouldn't be spying on you but in my defence, I was spying on the forest and you're stood right at the edge of it," They look up, they are, but they don't remember walking to the other side of town. Remy sips his coffee as Patton shifts in discomfort whilst Virgil shivers. 
Either Humans or...Human-ish Human's, have taken their toll on his ability to be a fearful person, or it's a bad sign when the Demon is scared.
"Logan's in there," Roman mutters gently "he helped me get to Patton when he'd been kidnapped I can't just leave him in there," his voice is sincere though shaking, he's scared but that's nothing new, Roman is ninety per cent being afraid and his bravery comes not from an absence of such emotions, but doing the things that need to be done despite them. "We need to help him, Dee." There's a low pause, the phone goes quiet but Roman can hear talking between him and someone else.
"Stay there, I'm coming with you," And then the line goes dead. 
When the radio comes back online, an intern announces their name and that they're taking over the radio for a little while whilst Dee does some fieldwork. Fifteen minutes later the snake-eyed man is by their side, hair ginger today and a little curly, but it matches his gold shirt well. Roman knows that Dee's hair just...does that and that he doesn't dye it but sometimes he has to wonder if people ask the snakelike man if he does go through the trouble of dying his hair each day. And giving it an entirely new texture.
"He's really far in," Dee announces the moment they're all together. "We've got to stay together and do not separate under any circumstance," Patton grabs both Virgil and Roman's hands, whilst Remy gives a mildly affronted look and a "thanks Patton," before his coffee cup hits the ground and he transforms fluidly into a cat, hopping up onto Patton's shoulder. It's entirely possible that his claws dig in a little and it's entirely possible this is on purpose as repayment for the obvious hierarchy that has been established. Roman looks at Dee hesitantly before holding out his hand.
Deceit definitely does not blush when he takes it.
"No matter what the forest tells you we find Logan and we get him out, understood?" Dee stares into the mists of the now pitch-black forest, at its branches that look like fingers trying to grasp any livings creatures, at the cracked shadows that almost breathe. He stares like he's seeing something the others are not and they know that he is, but they most certainly do not want to know what. And what will the forest tell them?
They're unsure why before they've even entered there's an eternal dread that seems everlasting; as though it had been there their entire lives and would be there for the rest of it, the dread feels like cold breath on the back of their necks or a cold hand running down their spines, but when they turn to look behind them there is nothing there at all. Roman swallows nervously as he presses forward and Remy makes a low hiss at the trees. Virgil is a quiet sort of anxious, but a small cloud is hovering above his head that dictates he is very, very afraid of this forest for reasons that are best left unsaid until they're out of it. 
"This way," Dee mutters, his eyes glow calmly as he's led by his parallel gaze, a gaze into the more and the everything and the nothing. Mostly everything, but right now he wishes it was nothing. His face turns to stone as he walks, his pace quickening and the other's know without asking that something is very wrong. If there had been daylight they may have noticed the way the branches move like hands waving, or the way the roots snaked towards them as they pass. 
"Your eyes, your eyes," the trees hiss to Deceit "Leave, leave now, you are not welcome here, you are not!" But he doesn't listen, mutely in his own head, he tells them if they hadn't wanted him here they should not have taken his friend. The others are hearing different words, tailored to themselves and suddenly, Patton stops and freezes. He looks around, hands parting from theirs with a panicked look on his face. Like he can't see them.
"Guys?" He whispers "Where...where'd you go?" 
"We're right here Patton," Roman says clearly, waving a hand in front of Patton's face...but his eyes, now glassy, remain unseeing and terrified. "Pat?" He takes his lover's hand but it's jolted away as the baker screams in fear, shaking his head as he whirls around. He's shaking and tears are trailing over his freckled cheeks, curls sticking to his face as his breathing becomes laboured.
"I don't know where I am, it's so bright, please don't hurt me." The forest shivers a little, unused to un-greedy souls in its presence. The branches whisper to each other in a tongue no one understands.
"Is he pure?"
"He is!" 
"It's been so long," they whisper to each other, in their conversation and Deceit looks up at the leaves and tunes his sight to his ears to look through every language that ever has existed and ever will. He knows what this forest is so once he hears the conversation he also understands what they're discussing.
"He's not what you want, he's not what you need," the DJ announces, the hushes whispers ceased as they listen "And you can't have me because I can quite literally see right through you, and you can't have Virgil because he's already one of yours." The trees seem to recoil a little "Give us back our friend and I'll leave you in peace but I'll burn every single one of you to the ground before I let you hurt him, any of them," Roman's jaw tenses a little as he looks over at the man he used to love and for once sees that man, not the one who hurt him although of course, they are one and the same. But before that, the smile and the bravery and the eccentricities, that...that man he'd fallen in love with. But if he ever forgives Deceit it will be because of the man who hurt him first and foremost, not a glimmer of hope in a desperate time.
The trees move.
Their roots push out of the dirt and they move away from them like they are walking, forming a pathway in their wake. Deceit's eyes close. There is no deceiving a man who epitomises lying with a name that he chose. Finally, he nods and looks back at Patton whose eyes are zoning back into the present. Once he sees Roman and Virgil he flings himself back into their arms. Remy, who is still seated on Patton's shoulders, gives a near-human look of disbelief that once again he'd been forgotten about. "Thank you," Deceit utters. There's no thanks in his tone.
They start along the pathway again, Roman's grip on Deceit and Patton more intense than before and finally...they find him. 
Logan looks tired. He looks exhausted and weary and every other lonesome and terrified adjective that sums up 'sleepy' but in a more foreboding sense. His hair is ruffled and dirt is clinging to his skin and clothes; he's lying on the ground with the roots of a tree unfurling from around his frail body. But when he sees the other's his tiredness seeps away and he smiles in his own little grin, scared maybe...but ecstatic? Definitely. Deceit feels something right at the core of his chest thud at that smile and relief like a tsunami crash over him; he cannot help but drag Logan into a hug, in which the scientist lets out a soft 'oof' and then smiles more against his skin. "This place is insane," he whispers. 
"I did warn you," Deceit replies. "Now let's get out of here,"
"So...what was the forest?" Logan had gone upstairs to have a shower whilst Patton, Virgil and Remy start making dinner for them all as they crammed into Deceit's apartment. Roman stares up at his ex-boyfriend with the first civil conversation they'd had since their breakup. Deceit, cradling a hot cup of coffee, pauses mid-sip to look at the other man, whose eyes are always so beautiful. "You seemed to know."
"I always know," Deceit muttered "I hate knowing, I hate having to know I wish...I wish I didn't," there's still a golden hue to his eyes like he's still reaching into the place they had left behind. "It wasn't a forest, a forest was just a mirage for people like Logan who are too curious and too greedy for knowledge to resist." He rests the cup of coffee down, Roman's body leans towards him as if on autopilot. "Those weren't trees, they were in some way like Virgil but a different type of Demon, a soul-eater, they feed off people's greed and everyone is greedy for something." 
"But not you?"
Deceit looks at Roman with an exhausted look as though he's missing something obvious. Roman is always missing something obvious, but for some reason this time it seems important. "I do, but I'm also not oblivious to what they are, I can see them, I can see through them and every entrance and exit and weakness, and more importantly what I'm greedy for is something that things like them can't touch, knowledge is easy and Logan was practically a buffet for them, but they couldn't touch Patton because he's not greedy at all, he's so entirely selfless that they would have burned to try and feed off of him." He's deflecting the topic. 
"What are you greedy for?" 
Deceit falls silent, he looks down at his feet. "Nothing important, Roman." Love, to be loved, to touch something and not break it. "Let's go see how dinner is coming along." Roman stares at Deceit and then shakes his head, his hand catching the other man's.
"Look Dee I know.."
"Please don't." It's so firm, so demanding and not at all how he usually sounds "I don't want to talk Roman, not about you or us or the thing I did, I won't forgive myself and neither will you and that's the way it has to be," a tense silence descends and Roman shakes his head in response to words he didn't want to hear. "I can only say I'm sorry, but I know and I understand that doesn't repair what I did and I don't want it too, I deserve to be judged by you."
"Yeah well, judge is my middle name," the exorcist whispers, but his hand doesn't move from the other man's "...and one day I will forgive you," maybe he already has "...but I want you to know that...the way you look at Logan..." Makes me jealous, makes my heart hurt "...It's okay, you should go for it whilst you can." 
At that moment, the door opens and Logan pads into the room wearing Deceit's shirt that hangs off his much smaller body in a way that makes both of them blink slowly. His collarbones peaking out of a shirt so baggy that it slips off of his shoulders, his hair messy and fluffed in every which direction. He smiles at the two of them and walks past their absent expressions to the kitchen. The remaining two exchange a look with Deceit exhaling shakily. "I will if you will," Deceit smirks after a long pause, and Roman for the first time in so long in his ex's presence laughs.
"Maybe I will."
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flightfoot · 4 years
Emotional Baggage, Misunderstandings, and Navigating Through Relationships Despite Them: HappyCamper41's "Wanted: A Butterfly And A Cat"
I love what HappyCamper41 has done with many of the arguments and conversations between characters in “Wanted: A Butterfly and a Cat”. Oftentimes ‘good’ characters, ones with good intentions, end up coming into conflict or having a misunderstanding of some sort - but the conflict is reasonable, the misunderstandings have a good reason for occurring, and while characters can make mistakes, they aren’t demonized for them. They’re treated as people, just trying to navigate their world and situations as best they know how.
One of the first major examples of this is with Rena Rouge’s argument with Ladybug in Chapter 2, with how extremely (and in Alya’s opinion, overly) strict and secretive Ladybug is about secret identities, and information that isn’t completely necessary to fight akumas more generally.
“I’m just trying to keep all of us safe-”
“From what?” Rena Rouge interrupted, vulpine eyes narrowing indignantly, “Last time I checked, the three of us are a team. Carapace knowing my identity wouldn’t be any more dangerous than you knowing it.”
Alya doesn’t just blindly accept Ladybug’s reasons. She thinks critically about the situation, looking at it as a whole, instead of merely focusing in on the part Ladybug’s been pushing - that the fewer people know a secret identity, the better.
However, Ladybug’s also able to say her piece, give some more complete reasoning.
“Carapace isn’t the only reason we don’t broadcast our identities on a megaphone.” Ladybug snapped, her voice becoming more and more irritable as the argument continued, “We never know who might be listening in on our conversations- we’ve seen the kinds of crazy powers that Hawkmoth can give his akumas. We always need to operate under the assumption that somebody is listening to our every word.”
“Chat Noir does have enhanced hearing…” Carapace mused, and Rena Rouge shot him a nasty look.
Ladybug HAS a point, one that Carapace even adds to - not a point Rena Rouge particularly likes, but one she’s forced to acknowledge - while also going over why it’s not a good enough reason in this case.
“Look, I understand that you want to keep us safe.” Rena said, taking a deep breath to control her own temper, “But what you just said really doesn’t hold up to any scrutiny. If they can listen in on our every conversation, they could be following us home. We can’t live our lives like this… we can’t place our lives in the hands of people that we don’t even know!” She paused, letting her words to sink in, “Besides, you know who both of us are-”
Rena not only is able to fire back, showing how unreasonable it is to THAT tightly control what info they’re allowed to know while there are other, bigger security gaps that they can’t do much about - it makes the whole “you can’t let anyone have any clues whatsoever about your identity” thing seem more like security theater than anything. She also brings in the deeper reason she wants the rules to be relaxed a bit, one that’s based less on pragmatism and more on emotion. Placing your life in the hands of people you know nothing about is asking a lot, especially when, like in Ladybug’s case, she’s asking for Rena Rouge’s and Carapace’s complete trust, while exhibiting little trust in them in turn - or so it comes off to Alya at least.
“Yeah. I do.” Ladybug said dryly, “And maybe there’s a reason I haven’t trusted either of you to know who I am.”
Ladybug and Rena Rouge’s eyes both widened in shock at the former’s words- until Rena Rouge’s narrowed with spite. Ladybug had always been a bit distant with her two allies, but she had never openly disparaged them like this before. Carapace was certainly a forgiving guy, but Rena Rouge wasn’t one to turn the other cheek in a situation like this.
Ladybug snaps and says something that… well it’s not that she doesn’t MEAN it, but she wouldn’t say it like that normally. She immediately realizes that she went too far, but the damage is done. And while Carapace may be one willing to let that level of disrespect slide in order to keep the peace, Rena Rouge isn’t - but that isn’t treated as being a bad thing.
One thing that really sells Alya’s perspective here is the sentence noting that Ladybug had been distant with Rena Rouge and Carapace prior to this, but hadn’t “disparaged” them before. It frames the conversation squarely from Alya’s point of view, letting the reader better understand where she’s coming from and exactly how she’s interpreting Ladybug’s words. It really helps the reader empathize with Alya, not just on the strength of her arguments, but on her feelings about the situation as a whole.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Carapace stepped between the girls, “There’s no need to-”
“Oh, I think there is.” Rena Rouge growled, elbowing him aside, “You know? We didn’t have to help you, Ladybug! You asked us to fight besides you, because Chat Noir and Hawkmoth are too much for you to beat on your own. The hell do you mean ‘maybe there’s a reason’ you haven’t trusted us!?”
Rena Rouge was ranting now, “We’ve never let you down, Ladybug. We’ve had your back- walking out on friends and family every time Hawkmoth and his pawns decide to attack innocent people! We’ve been through hell together, and you’ll have to forgive me for not wanting to spend every waking hour worrying about my partners learning that I go to a fucking high school!”
Rena Rouge is allowed to be angry. She’s allowed to say her piece, to express her feelings about it - not just on the secret identity situation, but what Ladybug just said to her, the dismissive attitude she had. She reminds Ladybug that they’re not just tag-alongs - they’re a team, and Ladybug isn’t the only who’s been fighting Hawkmoth, who’s had to ditch commitments, who’s had to survive daily life as a superhero. It’s a nice touch, putting it into context, that yes, Ladybug may be the leader, but that doesn’t mean she’s the only one with something at stake here, the only one who should have a say in this. And that fighting by her side, her and Carapace performing their jobs as the Heroes of Paris, should be reason enough for Ladybug to trust them. At least trust them more generally. Especially since Ladybug seems to expect trust from THEM, but will not show it herself.
To Ladybug’s credit, she recognizes Rena Rouge’s feelings and argument, and apologizes for her own words.
Ladybug face quickly evolved- shifting from shock at the outburst, to anger at Rena Rouge’s words, and then to one of pure exhaustion.
“...I’m sorry.” Ladybug said finally, “What I said was out of line-”
“You don’t say.” Rena snorted, and Carapace chuckled nervously.
“-and, for what it’s worth, I trust both of you more than anybody.” Ladybug’s voice was hollow now- and fragile, “It’s just- my kwami told me that these secrets are more important than anything else. I understand why it bothers you so much- really, I do. And there’s a lot more going on here than you might think.” She looked between them cautiously, hesitant to say more.
I love how HappyCamper41 notes Ladybug’s changing emotions during this. It helps to show that it isn’t just Alya having emotional reactions here, but Marinette as well. That both of them are just dealing with these circumstances as best they can. Marinette became angry initially, likely as an instinctive reaction to being yelled at and hostility in general, but once she had a chance to comprehend what Alya said, what she was getting at… well, it doesn’t seem she blames her for it.
Canonically, Marinette has a tendency to think in terms of problem-solving, which is all well and good, but can sometimes misfire when she forgets about the feelings and perspectives of the people involved. I’m guessing that’s what happened here. She wasn’t really thinking about Alya’s perspective on this, her own point of view and feelings, until Alya’s outburst hammered it in for her and forced her to face the emotional issues Alya brought up about the lack of trust, making her recalibrate her thought process.
Which is a good thing! She listens to Alya’s concerns, not only the practical ones but the emotional ones, apologizes, and reconsiders her approach. That’s a mark of a good leader.
Something I also like? Ladybug blurts out the rest of the story, that she’s not supposed to be the Guardian, that Chat Noir’s supposed to be a hero, lays out some of Tikki’s theories, confesses her own fears, the pressure she’s under, and just… like with Rena Rouge before her, she’s able to make her point of view known, but not just from a purely practical standpoint, but from an emotional standpoint as well. Rena Rouge’s and Ladybug’s feelings during this are treated as being just as, if not even more, important than the cold, hard practicalities associated with the situations they find themselves in. It helps to flesh them out, to make them easy to relate to and see yourself in.
And this part at the end of the argument, the reconciliation, I thought was really important and well done.
Rena Rouge groaned internally. Nino was probably right- this was the first time that Ladybug had opened up to them even a little bit, so there was no need to press their luck. But Ladybug’s logic was just so infuriating that Alya could only barely keep her mouth shut. The three of them were a team, and teammates needed to trust each other! Ladybug wasn’t going to accomplish anything by taking the weight of the world on her shoulders when she didn’t have to…
“That was a lot.” Ladybug said abruptly, but offered a somewhat forced smile, “It was still good seeing you guys, and-” She hesitated, and looked straight at Rena Rouge “I don’t want you to ever think that I don’t appreciate what you’re doing for me. You were right: you have had my back from the beginning. You’ve risked your lives for me and for this city countless times by now. Questioning you was… really messed up of me.” She swallowed, “I’m sorry, Rena.”
Rena Rouge stayed silent for a moment, her emotions more than a bit confused.
“I… I forgive you.” Rena Rouge said quietly, and Ladybug nodded.
Not everything was completely solved by this conversation. The core issues still remain. But things WERE made better, understanding between both parties was increased. While Alya still wishes Ladybug would trust her and Carapace more, her reasons for wanting that, for pushing for that, have changed - or maybe expanded. It’s less that Ladybug doesn’t WANT to be able to trust them, and more that she feels like it’s all entirely her responsibility, that it wouldn’t be safe to place her trust, and some of that burden, on Carapace and Rena - plus she’s not wrong about there being some risk involved.
Ladybug apologizing, acknowledging that what she said was wrong, that she didn’t mean it the way she sounded, saying how she feels about Rena Rouge and Carapace, that she acknowledges their role in this and appreciates them, was a good step in their reconciliation. There may still be some sources of tension between them, but it’s not based on resentment towards Ladybug - if anything, it’s based more on a desire to help and frustration that she won’t let them.
Also, Ladybug being willing to fully and sincerely apologize? Again, shows that she’s a good person to lead.
One of the best marks of a leader isn’t just looking at whether things go wrong under their command - that denotes being lucky more than anything - but their response when problems DO arise.
A different sort of argument, of misunderstanding and subsequent reconciliation occurs with Adrien and Plagg in chapter 3.
Adrien (accidentally) took away Plagg’s mouth in the previous chapter out of fear of what his father may do to Plagg if he kept on talking. By next chapter he’d managed to restore it, but it still left an impact on the kwami.
“Hey… Plagg?” Adrien called out to his kwami hesitantly.
Plagg didn’t even look at Adrien, instead choosing to continue munching on a slice of swiss cheese as he stared out of Adrien’s gigantic window at the sunset. Fortunately, Adrien had managed to unseal the kwami’s mouth, but Plagg was yet to say a word about the entire incident downstairs.
“Um…” Adrien started, biting his lip awkwardly, “I know you’re probably still mad at me, but I was wondering if we could maybe… talk?” Adrien hesitated, “I didn’t mean to seal your mouth like that, and I just-” Adrien stopped when Plagg continued to ignore him.
An uncomfortable tightness grew in Adrien’s chest. He wasn’t particularly close with Plagg- the kwami generally minded his own business, after all- but the thought of Plagg giving him the silent treatment from here on out bothered Adrien far more than he’d have expected. He stared at Plagg’s back, unable to stop himself from recalling his father’s cold avoidance whenever a young Adrien misbehaved.
In particular, Adrien remembered a time when his father had confined him to his room for an entire week after Adrien (seven at the time) had spilled water on the designer’s sketchbook. He’d seen his mother several times every day- usually to bring him food- but other than that? Adrien remembered spending hours on end staring at the wall, wondering how he could regain his father’s trust.
Why can’t I do anything right!?
“Look, I’m sorry about what happened down there!” Adrien blurted, his voice breaking as he spoke, “I- I didn’t know I could do that to you, and I would never…” He trailed off, unable to stop his eyes from becoming the slightest bit wet, “I’m sorry, Plagg! And I know that you- you can’t forgive me, and I let you down, and you probably don’t want anything to do with me anymore-”
Adrien leaps to conclusions based on Plagg’s behavior - ones he has good reason to leap to, considering that “the silent treatment” and isolation are an established part of his father’s disciplinary method, of his way of punishing Adrien for even innocent mistakes and accidents - much like what happened with Plagg, since Adrien didn’t MEAN to seal off his mouth. Plagg can’t really isolate Adrien, being bound to him, but he can refuse to acknowledge his existence - which arguably is even WORSE with not being able to leave the room.
The part I really like is how Plagg reacts, how it’s filtered through Adrien’s eyes, yet it’s clear to the reader that Adrien’s an unreliable narrator, that his perspective is skewed due to his own experiences.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Plagg finally spoke as he turned around, and Adrien was astonished to see concern written on his kwami’s face, “Adrien, buddy. You need to calm down. Why wouldn’t I want anything to do with you anymore?”
Plagg floated away from the windowsill at high speed, landing on Adrien’s nightstand to face the boy as he paced. The small cat looked both nervous and confused as he studied Adrien up and down, his eyes widening as he noticed the tears in his wielder’s eyes.
Plagg hadn’t expected Adrien to actually break down and panic. Hadn’t thought of it, though knowing Adrien’s background, it was a pretty easily anticipated reaction. He hadn’t really MEANT to cause him that kind of distress, not consciously really thinking about it at any rate. The descriptions in the second paragraph, noting how he “floated away from the windowsill at a high speed”, “looked both nervous and confused”, and noting “his eyes widening as he noticed the tears in his wielder’s eyes”, are highly effective at conveying Plagg’s shock at Adrien’s reaction, at showing how his worldview tilts on its head, him reevaluating how to interact with Adrien, even without words. (Though the words earlier definitely help.)
“I- you- I mean…” Adrien stuttered, blindsided by the kwami’s sudden response. He rubbed his eyes a bit, trying to deal with the tears that were still flowing.
“Listen.” Plagg said, his voice softer than Adrien had ever heard before, “You’re right- I am a bit upset that you silenced me down there. But I know that you didn’t mean to do it.” Plagg shifted uncomfortably, not sure how to respond to the boy’s tears.
Plagg looks at Adrien’s reaction and adjusts his approach. Much like with Ladybug in the earlier argument, he realizes that his behavior, his words and actions, were having effects he didn’t really intend, didn’t mean. And that Adrien’s emotional reaction, his point of view, makes sense and needs to be taken into account. That he misjudged Adrien.
Sometimes you have a flawed conception of someone else’s viewpoint, of how they perceive your actions, one that may not be entirely wrong but doesn’t fully take into account what the situation is like for them emotionally. I really appreciate how HappyCamper41 takes those flawed assumptions, those bits of friction and misunderstanding, and shows ways to try to deal with it, readjust expectations and resolve the situation to an extent, even if some friction remains. You can’t see inside of someone else’s head, to feel what they feel. Best you can do is muddle along as best you can, adjusting your viewpoint and approach when reality doesn’t match it, try to do the best you can.
“You- you were ignoring me just now.” Adrien’s voice was still shaky- accusatory, even- as he regarded the kwami with distrust.
“Shit…” Plagg muttered anxiously, looking around awkwardly as if there was somebody else nearby that could bail him out, “I was- yeah, I probably shouldn’t have done that. I didn’t realize you-” Plagg swallowed, looking like he’d rather be anywhere but here, “I… didn’t think you’d take it so personally.”
Adrien’s evaluation of Plagg’s behavior wasn’t really that wrong - Plagg WAS giving him the silent treatment as a method of expressing his displeasure with Adrien. He just didn’t expect him to take it so hard, though he knows enough that he should have.
Plagg has his OWN emotional baggage that’s affecting his interaction with Adrien. Adrien isn’t the only one who’s been abused, been treated badly. Like how Adrien automatically interpreted Plagg’s behavior through the lens of the most similar example he knows, through his father’s behavior, Plagg subconsciously associated Adrien’s behavior with that of some of his previous wielders who misused him, abused him, used him to hurt others or hurt him themselves. It seems to have been more instinctual than anything - with how Plagg reacted when Adrien started freaking out, being surprised and not having any residual negative feelings towards him, at least that he displayed obviously, he just… it’s his usual coping mechanism, closing himself off from a corrupt wielder. It just took an obvious reminder that Adrien is not by any means corrupt, but is a victim himself, to break him out of that.
Plagg knew this of course. He’s been around Adrien and Gabriel enough to see that. But old habits, especially ones born of trauma, are hard to break.
Unfortunately, Adrien’s association between Plagg’s and Gabriel’s behavior causes him to leap to some conclusions that are obviously incorrect to the reader, but make sense from where Adrien’s standing.
A variety of emotions flared up within Adrien, as he realized what Plagg’s behavior currently reminded him of.
In his early years, whenever his mother was at a particularly long filming for one of her movies, Adrien’s father would be in charge of tending to the boy. Almost every display of emotion Adrien’s part would leave his father painfully uncomfortable if they weren’t outright scolded- as if Adrien’s feelings were so invalid that they were a burden to the man.
And just like those awkward hours Adrien spent with his father back then, Adrien realized that Plagg was only with him because he had to be. The city hated him for a reason, Ladybug saw right through his act, and Plagg would ditch him in a heartbeat if he could.
Why am I such a mess!? Adrien sat on the side of his bed, desperately trying to hide his tears as he buried his face into a pillow. He hadn’t cried in ages, and he wasn’t supposed to- especially not with anybody watching.
Adrien’s taking Plagg’s reacting to his emotional outburst to mean that he was upset, was uncomfortable with Adrien HAVING emotions, displaying them at all, rather than just being empathetic with Adrien and not wanting him to suffer. He’s so unused to people empathizing with him, to feeling bad about making HIM feel bad, and wanting to make him feel better, that he has trouble recognizing it for what it is. The superficial similarities between Plagg’s and Gabriel’s situations don’t help matters.
The detail about Adrien’s background really helps illuminate his psychology here, show how his conclusion makes sense based on what he knows and has experienced, even though it’s incorrect.
“Hey…” Plagg’s voice was softer now, as he landed on the pillow next to Adrien, “Look at me.”
Adrien complied, doing his very best to keep his face neutral.
With the conclusion Adrien’s reached about WHY Plagg’s upset, it makes sense that he’d keep his face neutral - Gabriel hadn’t liked any display of emotion from Adrien after all. Though I doubt Plagg fully realized why Adrien’s doing this - it’s a pretty natural reaction when wary just in general, to try not to show any weakness. Something that Plagg seems to be familiar with.
“I’m sorry I ignored you.” Plagg said quietly, “I’m just… not used to having a wielder like you-” Plagg’s eyes widened, as he realized what he’d said, “In a good way! Most of the kids I end up with aren’t…” Plagg looked around frantically, as though physically searching for the right words.
“They’re not this pathetic, are they?” Adrien said, doing everything in his power not to sniffle, “It’s okay… you can say it. I know I’m a mess-”
“That is not what I was going to say.” Plagg interrupted, eyes narrowing slightly, “Usually… when one of my cats gets upset, they take it out on somebody that isn’t themselves.” He winced, recalling some particularly nasty scenarios, “And… over the years that’s led to some pretty serious consequences.” Plagg sighed, “You, on the other hand- you’re not like that. And I guess I’m just not used to it.”
Adrien blinked, not immediately convinced.
This part is similar to Rena’s argument with Ladybug earlier, with how Ladybug apologized for her statements and gave her background and point of view to help Rena and Carapace better understand her reaction. It’s a very effective way of bridging gaps in understanding, especially ones derived from that person’s own specific circumstances and emotions.
And it’s something Adrien thinks about, tries to understand, see things from Plagg’s point of view now that he has a better understanding of what that viewpoint actually is.
He considered the kwamis words further. Plagg’s power was pretty serious- his father had made that clear the entire time. Cataclysm could destroy literally anything, ignoring both size and durability, meaning that this ring was one of the deadliest weapons in existence.
In the wrong hands… Adrien didn’t even want to think about what would happen.
Bold of you to assume that you’re not the ‘wrong hands.’ A cynical part of Adrien’s mind seemed to mock him.
With what Plagg said, the background he gave, Adrien at least now has a glimpse into Plagg’s previous actions.
“Oh, swiss- I’ve never been the best at these kinds of talks.” Plagg sighed, “Just- just know that I’m not mad at you right now. And while I’d obviously rather we dump the ken doll in the red pants and help Ladybug-”
“Um… what?”
“-I understand that it’s not happening. At least… not yet.” Plagg gave him a pointed look, “But in the meantime? You’re a good kid, Adrien. You keep me fed, you don’t commit war crimes for the hell of it, and you’re usually pleasant to talk to.” Plagg shook his head again, “And given the circumstances… that’s way more than I would’ve expected.”
Plagg’s the adult here, something he seems to just be coming to realize. He’s not used to having to be the nurturing one, the one who needs to be kind and gentle, to boost up his wielder. He’s used to practicing resistance as best he can, or to just being along for the ride.
But with his expectations upended and such a blatant display of how his usual modus operandi isn’t going to work, is a bad fit for these particular circumstances he finds himself in? He adjusts. He makes sure to let Adrien know that he’s not mad at him, that he understands that Adrien isn’t ready to rebel yet, and that he thinks well of him. By next chapter he’s flat-out said he’s adopting Adrien, which sounds like a joke but in a lot of ways seems to be the truth. He’s being the closest thing Adrien has to a good parental figure, since he doesn’t have one currently. He’s the adult in this situation, and he’s acting like it.
We’re all just trying to get through this world as best we know how, making assumptions of what others are thinking and feeling, and being affected by our own experiences and emotional state. Sometimes this causes conflict, even between ‘good’ characters who’re on the same side, who are doing the best they can in trying circumstances. I truly admire how HappyCamper41 has portrayed these situations and look forward to reading more of her writings!
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Demeter x Alonzo
Requested by anonymous 
If you would like some history/explanation of the blurry gifs, I’ve provided it under the cut. 
Anon asked:  i’m really curious about any alonzo and demeter you might find? if not then its ok but i’m super curious ever since we’ve gotten some bombastrap and that smol discussion about other demeter pairings lol
Oh, boy, anon, I am so glad you asked for this because I have been dying to talk about Demeter x Alonzo for forEVER, because it’s one of my absolute favourite CATS pairings. Here are a couple of examples I’ve dug up for you!
Okay, so, gif explanation because, I know what you’re thinking (and yes, I am one of those fans that make, like, two pixel gifs and lose my mind over pairings. I have to make the best of what I’ve got, alright?), but I swear, these are all examples of Demeter/Alonzo, and the reason why I know this is because of the explanation I will give in a second. 
GIF 1 - London, circa 1991
In many 80s and early 90s versions of “Macavity” (mainly in the US and other non-English productions, ex. early Mexico, the original Vienna production, early Hamburg productions (I believe), etc. ), Alonzo was on stage during the first half of the number. Alonzo would directly shadow Demeter’s movements and later dance briefly behind Bombalurina before ducking out. 
This one is a bit of an outlier, because it was part of a London based performance. Important to note that London productions rarely (if ever? I don’t think they ever did…) had Alonzo/Demeter as an implied pairing. London based replicas follow this pattern. So it’s a little strange they duplicated the Broadway/European shadow dance for this number, but hey, I’m here for it. (I chose this section specifically because of the reach and head tilt).
What I find interesting about this shadowing, is how Alonzo shadows Demeter’s part of the routine nearly step for step, beat for beat, while with Bombalurina, he falls half a step behind and seems moreso to be responding to what she is saying about Macavity visually.  This doesn’t necessarily suggest anything, but I find a lot of CATS fans seem to appreciate when individuals shadow/copy one another as indicative of their ship (Tugger/Misto) or a familial relationship (Skimble and Teazer), so regardless, at the very least it demonstrates a close visual connection. 
GIF 2 - Vienna, circa 1988
Early Broadway productions had Alonzo and Demeter strongly implied to be a couple throughout the show, and Alonzo took over the majority of the fight against Macavity (more on that in a second). Alonzo also had a different colour palette than the black and white you may be used to (he is brown, black and gold), which makes it harder to distinguish him, but not if you know what to look for.  
Examples from Hamburg:
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And Broadway/US Tour:
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The original Vienna production, being a replica(ish) production of Broadway, followed in these footsteps. Here, after Alonzo drags Demeter away from Macavity and checks on her, she runs back to attack him, Alonzo lunges after her, but Bombalurina struggles to hold him back. 
GIF 3 - Berlin, circa 2004
During the “Whirlygigs” section of the ball, Alonzo and Demeter hold hands during the back steps (They are the only two dancers to do so out of the rest of the crowd.)
(Berlin seems to have done this throughout the 2002-2004 run. Both of the Berlin examples I have are odd ones, because Berlin seemed to be doing moreso of a London replica at this time, as evidenced by costuming and certain bits of choreography. But hey, I’m not complaining) 
GIF 4 - Vienna, circa 1989/1990
Okay, so, you can tell if the production is moreso a Broadway replica or a London replica depending on how the fight with Macavity goes (and a couple of other things as well, including who the boys dance with in the “Boys Come In” section, but I digress). In the London production (which the 1998 video and a handful of other productions replicate, depending on the year), Munkustrap does most of the fight scene, only getting knocked out at the very end, with Alonzo briefly taking his place and then the rest of the cats. Since the release of the video, most productions followed suit with this. 
However, in the OBP, Munk is knocked out early on, and Alonzo takes up the majority of the fight scene instead. Besides London, most replica productions all over the world in the 80s and 90s followed suit. 
This is usually (note: not always, but usually) indicative that the cat that Demeter goes to check on and cuddle with is Alonzo during the blackout period. How can you tell for sure? Well, you can’t in these old videos, but I have taken visual clues (i.e. colour, dancer position, lack of armwarmer/striping/etc) to come to the conclusion that that is, in fact, Alonzo. 
See this photo of an early Hamburg production as a clearer example:
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GIF 5 - Paris, circa 1990
Same deal. Munk is knocked out of the fight earlier on, leaving Alonzo to take up the rest of it, thus Demeter goes to thank him for saving her. I love how the actor pulls her tail closer to his face, because it looks like such a comforting himself motion. (This is def Alonzo due to wig shape and lack of stripes. Munk’s wig was very distinctive in the original Paris production)
GIF 6 - Madrid, circa 2004
Madrid is a strange outlier, too, because, while the “Boys Come In” section has Demeter dancing with Alonzo (He also does the lift section with her which I can also GIF because it deserves its own set), and generally (save a few exceptions) paired them together otherwise, the actual Macavity fight is a London replica. So I guess Madrid just really liked Bombastrap and Demlonzo regardless of replica or not. 
Alonzo also dances with Demeter in this section in Mexico (1991ish):
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(That’s them on the right)
GIF 7 - Madrid, circa 2004
K…ki…kisses. (This is just before they start Gus the Theatre Cat, right after “The Moments of Happiness”).
GIF 8 - Berlin, circa 2004
Damn, Berlin, back at it again with the hand holding and longingly looking at each other while letting go. (Except then Alonzo goes in for the seductive oven lean). He’s like…super in love with her, you guys. 
As with a couple of other things, the popularity of the London based 1998 Video has shifted this pairing over to the wayside, with most recent replica productions and revivals replacing it with Demestrap instead (Including the 2016 Broadway Revival and the Vienna Revival). A shame, really. 
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aalissy · 4 years
Day 29 is done! I had a lot of fun with this chapter heehhe!! Mainly because I love angst with a happy ending haha. Lemme know what you think :D!
Marinette’s eyes blinked open to bright green eyes peering at her worriedly. She was lying on the grass in the park and she sat up quickly, frowning as she tried to remember how she got there. Her lips parted in surprise as the boy wrapped her up in a tight hug, “Marinette, you’re alright!” 
“Um, yes, I am,” she shifted uncomfortably in his arms, patting his shoulder awkwardly.
“Oh, thank god, I was so worried! After you gave up ownership of the miracle box I thought something terrible was going to happen!” the arms around her tightened their grip.
Her brow furrowed, “Miracle box? What do you mean?”
“Marinette... I...,” the boy pulled away slightly, gazing at her in confusion before his eyes seemed to widen in realization, “Do you not...?”
“I-I’m sorry, d-do I know you from somewhere?” Marinette scanned his green eyes searching for something recognizable, “I don’t think we’ve met before.”
The emerald eyes of the boy in front of her seemed to crumple with pain and something inside of her flinched at that. For some reason, it felt as though her every being ached to comfort him. Tell him that she knew him even when she had no clue who he was. 
“Marinette, d-do you really not remember me?”
He looked so hurt, so damaged, that she struggled to fight against some haze that was clouding her memories. The young designer looked him up and down, searching for something, anything, that would be familiar. Eventually, her eyes widened and she snapped her fingers with a wide smile, “Wait! I do know you! You’re the kid that’s always on the Gabriel billboards! Shoot, what was the name of his son again?”
“Adrien,” he gave her a weak smile as his hand reached to cover her own, giving it a tight squeeze, “His name was Adrien.”
“Adrien, that’s right!” she beamed at him before frowning, “You were supposed to show up in my class yesterday but for some reason never showed.”
The model frowned at her, “Yesterday? Marinette, how old do you think you are?”
Marinette scoffed, rolling her eyes as she crossed her arms, “You think I don’t remember how old I am?”
His lips seemed to almost twitch at that before he grasped her shoulders rather seriously, “Please, Marinette, this is important.” “I’m 14,” one of her eyebrows raised at him curiously.
Adrien’s face seemed to crumple at that before he slowly shook his head, “No, no, Marinette, you’re not. You were 14 four years ago.”
“F-four years ago?” Marinette’s mouth fell open before she glared harshly, “How gullible do you think I am, Adrien or whoever you are?! In fact, how do you even know my name?! You never showed up to class!”
“That’s right,” he nodded at her, “But I did show up the next day and every day after that for the next four years. You sat behind me next to Alya that year. Do you remember her?”
“Yeah,” she smiled fondly, “She helped me stand up to Chloé. I think we’re going to be really great friends.”
“Marinette, you are really great friends. Best friends, actually,” Adrien squeezed her shoulders almost desperately.
Once again she scoffed, scooting away from him and ignoring the flash of hurt on his face that caused her heart to twist tightly, “You really expect me to believe that I’ve forgotten the past four years?!”
“Marinette, I don’t kn-,” he cut himself off before he gazed at her determinedly, “You want to be a fashion designer when you grow up.”
Her eyebrow rose higher at his words, “Ok, you know one thing about me, that hardl-,”
Adrien cut her off by listing more facts, “Your favorite color is pink. You’ve designed most of the clothes you wear. You’ve always wanted three kids and their names are going to be Hugo, Emma, and Louis. Though you love dogs and cats you’ve always been more of a hamster person and want to name it...”
Marinette stopped him by slapping her hand on his lips, her eyes wide as she whispered, “H-how do you know all that?”
Adrien removed her hand from his mouth slowly, yet he still grasped it tightly, “Because you’ve told me so, during late nights when we were talking about our future. Marinette, please, you can’t have forgotten all of that.”
Her head shook forcefully and quickly at him, “I-I don’t... I don’t understand, were we...?” she trailed off uncertainly.
“Yes, yes we’re together,” he gave her a weak smile at that, squeezing her hands, “Marinette, please, I love you.”
“Y-you, you love me?” though she phrased her words like a question, her heart tugged painfully at her, almost as though she wanted to reciprocate. But that couldn’t be right... could it? She had no clue who this boy was still. Before she could open her mouth and tell him she still couldn’t remember him, his lips on hers stopped her before she could. Marinette’s eyes opened wide in shock before they slowly fluttered closed, her arms coming to wrap around his neck. It was a remembered kiss. A practiced kiss. Adrien seemed to know exactly how to kiss her and her hands trailed up to his hair as she ran her fingers through the blonde locks. 
All at once, memories began to flash before her eyes. Memories of anger and betrayal as she thought he sided with Chloé. Memories of thunder striking as she shyly took the umbrella he was offering as he explained that he was only trying to take the chewing gum off her seat. Memories of them finally revealing their identities and all of the hurt and pain transforming into understanding. 
After Marinette got caught up, she drew back from their kiss, her hands coming to cup the sides of his face, “Adrien, I-I remember. You made me remember!”
“Oh thank god,” he buried his face in her neck, hot tears leaking onto her shirt, “I thought I had lost you forever.”
“Silly kitty,” she grinned down at him, her own tears billowing up as she ran her fingers through his hair softly, “You could never lose me.”
“But Marinette, why did you give up being the guardian? And why did you give me ownership of the miracle box? What are we going to do when I have to give it up,” Adrien looked up from her shirt to gaze at her desperately.
All at once the memory of giving up ownership of the miracle box came to her and she frowned with pain, “I had to give up being the guardian Adrien. My identity was compromised and I couldn’t risk Hawkmoth taking all the miraculouses. I gave it to you because you’re the only one I can trust with something like this. And when you have to give it up we’ll get through it. I’ll do what you just did with me!”
“But what if it doesn’t work?! What if I forget ever meeting you?!” Adrien panicked.
“I won’t let it!” Marinette grasped his hands in hers tightly, “Adrien I promise you I won’t let you forget a single moment!” 
“Ok,” he grinned weakly at her.
Standing up, she brushed off the dirt on her jeans before she offered him a hand up, “We need to start figuring out Hawkmoth’s identity now more than ever. He knows who I am now so we have to be super careful with everything we do! Luckily, he still doesn’t know who Chat is so we’ll have to make sure he never does, ok?”
“Got it!” Adrien nodded before he took her hand in his again, “Can we go to the bakery now and get something to eat? I’m starving.”
Marinette giggled at him, bumping their hips together before she began leading the way, “Fine with me! I’m hungry too. But while we’re eating we need to start figuring out a plan of attack. And we also need to find a place where you can keep the miracle box secured.”
“We can do this!” Adrien gave her a firm nod with a small smile.
“Of course we can! We’re the best team Paris has!” she grinned before she took off into a run, “Now let’s go get some food before I starve!”
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vgckwb · 4 years
ML: Isolation Chapter 14: Closing the Distance
The next day, Adrien checked Noir Notes. Sure enough, his exploits at the after school care building have been chronicled. “Boy, Alya is really dedicated.” He looked it over to see if there was anything from after he left. “From the looks of things, they seemed to have at least settled down. I think I should talk to Nino about this though.”
At school, Adrien entered the classroom and  saw Nino sitting down with his head in his hands. “Hey Nino” Adrien said.
Nino looked up. “Oh. Hey dude” he said less than enthusiastically.
Adrien was sure Nino was like this because of what happened. He had to be careful, but he needed to be direct. “So, I saw what happened.” Nino juttered. “Listen, I’m sorry.”
“For what?” Nino said. “You have nothing to apologize for.” He sighed.
Adrien sheepishly grinned. He sat down. “Listen, I know that this can’t be easy, but if you need to talk about it, I’m here.”
Nino smiled. He looked down. “It’s just… Chris has never been easy to deal with. I’m afraid that with all of this, he’ll have even more trouble making friends. And,” he sighed, “I know this is going to sound selfish, but I’m also afraid that this is going to reflect poorly on me and my mom. Like we did a bad job.” He sighed. “I wonder if he’d be better off with some other family after all.”
Adrien was concerned for his friend, as well as his little brother. Still, there wasn’t a lot he could pull from, having just broken free into the outside world. However, there was something that Adrien could relate with. “Well, try imagining how Chris feels.”
Nino seemed confused. “How he feels?”
“Yeah,” Adrien said. “I can’t speak for having a brother, but I know a thing or two about representing a name. I am the face of my father’s fashion company after all. My father always tells me to be careful, and what to do and not to do.”
“That sounds kind of lame” Nino said.
Adrien giggled. “It kind of is,” he said. “But I do it because I don’t want people thinking he’s bad because I acted out.”
Nino had a look of realization on his face. “Huh. I hadn’t thought about that before.” He got lost in thought. “I guess none of this has been easy on him either.”
“Well, according to Alya’s post, he did say he wanted to be a hero.” Adrien said.
“That’s true,” Nino replied. “Ugh!”
“What’s wrong?” Adrien asked.
Nino sighed. “We kind of got into last night. While this has been helpful, I doubt he’d be willing to listen to me right now.” His face landed on his desk. “I don’t know what to do.”
Adrien looked at his friend. “Well, maybe there’s something you can do to entice him. You know, butter him up beforehand.”
Nino looked up. “Yeah, but what could I d-” He then had a flash of inspiration. He then got out his phone and started feverishly typing away.
Adrien was curious. “Uh, what are you doing?”
“Well, I know this is a longshot,” Nino said, “but maybe if I can get Cat Noir to talk to him with me, he might open up more.”
Adrien was shocked. “Uh, what makes you say that?”
Nino got embarrassed. “Well...uh...when we got into our screaming match last night...he kind of wished Cat Noir was his brother instead of me.”
“Oh” Adrien said. “It sounds like things got heated.”
Nino chuckled. “You don’t know the half of it.” He sent the request on Noir Notes. “And done!”
Adrien said “I’d come up with a plan B just in case.”
Nino smiled. “I already thought that out. I think it'll be alright either way.”
“Well, here’s hoping,” Adrien said. I should check out the post as soon as I can.
As people came into class, Nino received a lot of looks. Not bad looks, per say, just concerned. Nino just had to sit there and endure it. Then Lila came in. She looked hesitantly at Nino and then approached him. “Hey Nino. I’m sorry about what happened” she said.
Nino sighed. “Don’t worry. It’s not your fault.”
“But I still feel bad,” she replied. “Chris just came to me for advice, and I just spoke from the heart. I didn’t mean for it to go like this.”
Adrien turned his head. He couldn’t hide the utter disgust he had for Lila during all of this.  He knew Lila wasn’t as nice as she seemed, but this was a low even he couldn’t comprehend. In his turn he saw Chloe pretending to gag as she looked at Lila’s “apology.” Adrien shifted his eyes up to Lila. She was finishing up with Nino and then she glanced at Chloe, who quickly pretended she wasn’t gagging and instead reading.
Lila smirked. She turned her attention back to Nino. “Well, I hope things go well with you and Chris.”
Nino smiled. “Thanks Lila.” Lila waved and took her seat. Adrien noticed that for a split second, Lila’s face was filled with utter contempt. Soon after, class began.
During lunch, Chloe got up from her seat with Sabrina. As she was about to leave, Adrien appeared in front of her. “Hey Chloe.”
“Adrien?! What are you doing here?”
“I was kind of hoping we could talk for a minute,” he said. “You know, as friends.”
Chloe was shocked. She seemed like she didn’t know what to do. Sabrina just smiled and said “It’s OK Chloe. I’ll just go sit with Lila today.” She walked off.
Chloe was completely aghast. “Um, are you alright Chloe?” Adrien asked.
“Huh? Uh yeah. I'm fine” she said, non-convincingly. “An-anyway, what did you want to talk about? Ugh. Whatever it is, can you make it quick?”
Adrien looked around. “Not here. Follow me.” Adrien walked off. Chloe seemed confused. She rushed to meet him.
“Where are we going?” she asked. Adrien remained cautious.“Why is this taking so long? What do you need to talk about?”
Once Adrien found a secluded enough place he stopped. “OK. We’re good.”
“Good for what?” Chloe asked. “Honestly Adrien, what’s this all abou-”
“Chloe. Do you not like Lila?” Adrien asked. Chloe froze. She began sputtering random nonsense and fidgeting with her hair. “Chloe. We’re friends. We should be able to trust each other with anything.”
“Well, um…” Chloe said. “E-easy for you to say! You’re Mr. Perfect. I know all of your secrets, and none of them would ruin you completely.”
Adrien grinned. “You don’t know all of my secrets.”
Chloe was taken aback. “What?!”
“It’s true,” Adrien said. “I have a new secret.”
“TELL ME!” Chloe demanded.
“I will,” Adrien said. “Once you tell me how you feel about Lila.” Chloe pouted. “Isn’t that how we’ve always done things?”
Chloe glared at him. “Well, if we want to do this how we’ve ALWAYS done it, we need to go to one of our places.”
“Ah yes, the secrets exchange,” Adrien said. “Well, I think I’ll have time after fencing tomorrow if you want to come over.”
Chloe was curious. “OK then Agreste!” She reached her hand out. Adrien shook it. “You’re on!” Chloe left.
Adrien just smiled and laughed. “It’s amusing in the ways she doesn’t change.” He took out his phone. “Now let’s see what Nino has to say.”
Adrien looked at the request. “Hey Cat Noir. I’m the brother of the kid you stopped recently. After that, things got intense. I want to make it up to him, but I feel like I need yourself with that. Meet in in the Place des Vosges sometime after school over the next three days.” Adrien smiled.
After school, Nino was sitting on a park bench, nervously wondering what was going to happen. “Hello” said a distorted voice.
Nino looked. “Cat Noir?”
“Hey” Adrien said.
Nino snickered. “What’s up with that voice?”
“Well, I’ve gotta make sure no one recognizes me” Adrien said. He casually sat down.
“Pfft. Like I’d know who you are” Nino said.
Well, it seems to be working. “So, you need help with your brother.”
NIno looked at the ground. “Yeah. And I feel like he’d be more willing to listen to you.”
“How come?” Adrien asked.
“Well, he listened to you before,” Nino said. “Beides, we kind of had a shouting match last night.” He sighed. “I want to make it up to him, but I don’t know how.”
Adrien was concerned. Even though Lila failed to punish Manon for believing in Marinette, she still succeeded in dividing Nino and his brother. He wasn’t even sure if that was a goal of hers. It was probably just some unintended aftermath that she didn’t care about as long as she got what she wanted. He put his hand on Nino’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. I’ll help.”
Nino looked up and smiled. “Thanks Cat Noir. Come on. We have to get one more thing.” Adrien nodded and the two walked off.
The door swung open to the Dupain-Cheng bakery. “Oh, hello,” Sabine said. She was shocked. “Nino?”
“Uh, hi” he said, nervously. He stepped further in, Adrien behind him.
“Cat Noir?” Sabine said. “What’s going on?”
“He’s, uh, kind of helping me,” Nino said.
Tom approached the duo. “What do you want?” he asked, intimidatingly.
“Well, um, well sir, uh” Nino muttered. Adrien put his hand on his shoulder. Nino looked at him and nodded. “Could...Could I please get a couple of scones.” The couple looked confused. “See, um I kind of got into a fight with my brother yesterday, and his scones-your scones have always been his favorite.” The owners continued to look at the nervous Nino. “I’d, uh, I’d understand if you didn’t want to take business from me, but I, uh”
Sabine smiled. “Of course son.” Nino was confused.
“We’ll gladly help you out,” Tom said. He went back and started to work on the scones.
Nino was further confused. “Um, I thought you guys didn’t like me. Because of, well, you know…”
Sabine looked concerned. “Well, it’s true that we don’t like what happened between you and Marinette. But right now you’re looking to patch things up with your brother. And that tells me you have a good heart. So of course we’ll help out.”
“Huh...thanks,” said Nino.
“Besides, you brought our favorite customer with you,” Tom said. “We can’t say no to the person that saved our store..
“Heh heh, yeah” Nino said. He looked at Adrien. “Make it three scones.” Sabine nodded.
Soon, the scones were finished. “Here you go,” Sabine said.
Nino paid them. “Thank you” he said, grabbing the bag and tipping his hat. The boys walked out of the bakery. “Alright, let’s go!”
The two continued to Nino’s place. They walked in. Chris was there playing with some toys. “Ahem,” Nino said. Chris looked up to see his brother with some scones. Christ turned his back.
“Chris,” Adrien said.
Chris turned around. “Cat Noir? What are you doing here?”
“Well, your brother reached out to me because he needed help,” Adrien said. “He wants to make things up with you.”
Chris huffed. “Well, tell him I don’t want to!”
“Chris…” Nino said. He took out a scone and approached his brother “I got you your favorite.”
Chris looked curiously. “Wait… That IS my favorite” he said. “But I thought we weren’t supposed to go there anymore.”
Nino blushed. “Well, I mean, Cat Noir goes there,” he said. “I figured if it’s good enough for him, it’s good enough for us.”
Chris grabbed the scone and bit into it. “MMMMMMMMM. It’s better than I remembered.”
Nino chuckled. He sighed. “Listen Chris. I’m sorry about last night.” Chris looked up. “I should have been more considerate of how you were feeling. I know you were concerned about Lila and Manon supporting Marinette, but I was so focused on my own stuff that I didn’t hear you out. To be honest, I’m a little more mad at myself.”
Chris was confused. Nino continued. “I was called into work early after promising to spend time with you. I can’t count the number of times something like that has happened. I’m just afraid of being a bad big brother. I worry that I’m not there for you enough.” He began crying. “When you said that Cat Noir would make a better big brother, I was worried that you were right.”
Chris looked concerned at his crying brother. “Um, I’m sorry too,” he said. Nino looked up. “I...I’m always scared that I’m dragging everyone down. You only have that job because of me. Same with mom working all the time. I figured if I did something I could be useful, you know. That way I’m not just a burden.”
Nino was shocked. He hugged Chris. “You’re not a burden,” he said. “You are, and will always be my little bro.”
Chris began crying. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s OK,” Nino replied. “It’ll always be OK.”
Adien saw this moment of brotherly affection and decided that it was time for him to leave. He walked out of the building and started making his way home. “CAT NOIR!” NIno called out. Adrien turned around. Nino ran up to him, with Chris not too far behind. “You forgot your scone.”
Adrien was surprised, but took his scone. “Thank you.”
“You can come and join us, you know” Chris said.
Adrien smiled. “Thanks, but I’d rather leave you two be. It seems like you need some time to yourselves.”
They smiled. “Thanks Cat Noir.” Adrien smiled and walked off, eating his scone.
After his Chinese lesson later that day, he logged on to see a message from Marinette. “So, I heard you stopped at the bakery today.”
“What happened?”
“Nino and Chris got into a fight. Nino asked me to help patch things up, and Nino stopped by to pick up some scones.”
“He he. Those were always his favorite. How did things go?”
“They went well. Of course, most of it was Nino and Chris themselves, but I happily helped start the conversation.”
“That’s good to hear.”
“Listen, I’m going to tell Chloe and possibly Kagami tomorrow at my place. Would you be interested in speaking with them as well?”
“Hmmm. I’ll think about it.”
“Great. Talk to you later.”
Adrien got up and went to bed. Before he fell asleep, he thought about Nino and Chris. Despite everything that happened, I’m glad everything turned out alright. It’s a good thing those two are so close. I kind of wish I had something like that. Well, I guess I do talk with Marinette every day. But that seems different. I’m not sure how though. Oh well. He drifted off to sleep.
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doc-pickles · 4 years
it’s nothing funny just to talk (p.2)
What happens when you text that random number graffitied on a bathroom stall in your favorite bar? Jo Wilson is about to find out. - In which Bar Princess and Doctor Evil Spawn meet via text.
Saturday 12:09 PM
you know what might be worse than pyramid schemes?
bridal showers
this is horrendous 
Same woman you were drinking in solidarity to?
obviously, I have like four friends 
I thought teachers were like outgoing and bubbly?
oh hell no, socializing is not my cup of tea
one of the other bridesmaids just asked who i was texting so I told her jack the ripper
Oh you couldn’t even give me a good one
i’m gonna pretend you didn’t say that 
My day off and the weekend finally coincide, which means I’m not leaving my couch all day. 
I wish I were you this shower is gonna kill me 
teachers on the weekend are a fun sight to see
You’re not partaking this time?
no i’m DD
it’s for the best, I did throw up on my shoes last weekend 
How crazy is a bridal shower that you need a DD?
there’s a mimosa bar and they’re already playing never have I ever
the mother of the groom is starting something with the mother of the bride
I gotta deal with this 
  Saturday 3:11 PM
I deserve bottle of wine for all of the shit I dealt with today
I never wanna be a maid of honor ever again
Maybe we should rename you Maid of Dishonor?
I throw up on my shoes ONE TIME
How’d the battle of the mothers go?
oh it was horrendous 
groom is from a rich family and bride grew up on a farm… you know how it goes 
Doesn’t sound fun. Glad you made it out. 
how’s your day off going
Amazing. I get to watch baseball and sit on the couch with a bag of chips and a beer. I’m living the dream. 
I envy you
they’re making us go out again
Do you get to drink during this escapade?
yes thank god
manhattan or moscow mule?
A whiskey drinker? You might be the perfect woman. 
don’t try to butter me up, i’ve never even met you in person
We can change that. 
  Saturday 6:14 PM
Do you think birds have dreams?
I thought I was supposed to get drunk
You were talking too long. And I’m not drunk. 
I can’t think of another reason why you’d ask me about bird dreams
You’re a teacher. I was curios. 
i’m not a bird specialist
personally I do not think that birds can dream
I’m telling them you said that. 
the birds?
Yes. They deserve to know the truth. 
have you just been sitting on the couch drinking beer all day?
did you even eat
Yeah I had pizza for lunch 
what about dinner?
It’s not dinner time yet. 
dude it’s 6
Oh shit really?
Hahaha that explains it 
psh and you said I was bad when I was drunk
you’re freaking Snow White 
Is this ebcause I asked about the birds 
yes it is
I gotta go, Maggie says i’m not netting the quota for fun
Maggie sounds like a buzzkill
she’s the assistant principal, i’m scared she’ll fire me if I don’t listen
jk… kinda 
  Saturday 12:32 AM
Incoming Voice Call
  “Jo! Put the phone down! You should not be calling anyone right now!”
“Doctor Evil Spawn! I’m so glad you picked up.”
“Are you drunk now?”
“Noooo….. maybe. I just wanted to say hi.”
“Hi princess.”
“Your voice is nice. It’s a good voice, it’s sexy and I like it.”
“You’re kinda crazy, you know that?”
“Josephine Wilson! Give me the phone!”
“Woah who full named you? They sound angry.”
“That’s Maggie, she’s trying to get me to go home. I can’t go home Maggie, I’m talking to a hot doctor! And he has a sexy voice!”
“You’ve never even seen me, you don’t know if I’m hot.”
“I’m judging off your sexy voice and what few characteristics I know about you. I’d be shocked if you weren’t hot.”
“You have too much faith in me.”
“I have to go, Maggie is dragging me out of the bar. Byeeee hot doctor!”
“Goodnight princess, don’t throw up on your shoes this time.” 
  Sunday 9:58 AM
How’re your shoes looking?
  Sunday 11:22 AM
You’re still dead? I mean you did call me half past midnight… but I thought you’d be up by now.
  Sunday 1:46 PM
Are you embarrassed because of what you said on the phone? Frankly I found it endearing. 
  Sunday 3:18 PM
As a doctor, I’m advising you to drink more fluids and get food in your system. Maybe a banana. It’ll make you feel less shitty, trust me.
  Sunday 6:17 PM
Hope you’re not dead in a ditch somewhere. 
  Monday 7:23 AM
oh my god I am so sorry
I dropped my phone in Maggie’s car and I just got it back
wait you were worried about me weren’t you
Well you fell off the face of the earth… so yeah. 
awwww well it’s nice to know that someone would notice if I was kidnapped and murdered 
Didn’t you say I was the one that would kidnap and murder you? 
yes but i’m having a change of heart
Is it because of my sexy voice?
I was kinda hoping I didn’t say that out loud
I told you I found it endearing. 
flattery will get you everywhere
gotta go, class is lining up and they’re already screaming
I’ll pray for you. 
  Monday 8:08 PM
dude the thai place on 7th across from old navy?
i’m in heaven
Oh so we’ve reached the stage of giving each other food recommendations?
this is a serious relationship 
Chinese place across from Joe’s Bar has the best egg rolls. Perfect drunchies. 
i’ve never been to joe’s 
I live right around the corner from there
So we’re neighbors then? I’m off of Fullerton. 
I guess we are
that’s exciting, i bet i’ve seen you at the grocery store 
Bold of you to assume I make it to the grocery store. 
honestly same
I usually guilt steph or izzie into it
You’re the chaotic good of the group aren’t you?
I keep things balanced 
what’re you doing?
On a break, almost done for the night. I have to round on post ops and then I’m done. 
nice!!! did you get anything fun today?
Not really just surgeries I could do in my sleep. 
typical monday’s
I have to go, we have a field trip tomorrow and i’m not emotionally prepared
Oof. Have fun, don’t die. 
who the hell ends texts like that?
A doctor. Obviously. Night princess. 
goodnight Snow White
  Tuesday 12:18 PM
whoever decided to bring 42 fourth graders to the science discovery museum should be fired 
Isn’t that you?
maybe not
It was totally you. How about a deal?
deal with an internet stranger? 
fine but if I die i’m gonna be pissed
How about I drop off a bottle of wine on your porch on my way to work? I work the night shift again. 
hmmmm I don’t think i’m supposed to give my address to strangers
but i’m pretty sure if you were going to kill me you would’ve done it by now
See you’re getting the hang of it. 
okay i’ll give you my address
but if there’s a bomb we’re going to have words
If there’s a bomb you’ll be dead. 
  Tuesday 4:54 PM
red wine AND egg rolls?
if I didn’t know better i’d think you’re trying to woo me
I think I need to meet you before we can say that. 
thank you!!! 
my roomies are teasing me about taking wine from a stranger
You’re welcome. And I’m not a stranger. I know your name and where you live. 
aaaaand way to make things creepy
BTW your blonde roommate was checking out my ass. 
hahahahaha that’s izzie for you
she has a boyfriend don’t worry 
I wasn’t too concerned about her, just thought you might want to beat her up or something. 
intentionally trying to start a cat fight? classy
she says you’re “super dreamy” so that’s a plus
Glad to know I passed the checkpoint. Does this mean I get to meet you now?
maybe maybe not
we have learned one good thing though
And what’s that?
even if you are a serial killer, you have a good taste in wine and your attractive
i’ll die happy
  Tuesday 7:32 AM
If I never work another overnight again it’ll be too soon. 
yeah you’ve been working a lot of those 
wtf is up with that
I lost a bet with Arizona. 
oof that doesn’t sound fun
at least I have nice stable working hours
summers off
i’m living the dream
Why do you do that?
do what?
Send forty texts. There’s a button to put in a period and start a new sentence. In the same text. 
you really do text like a 60 year old
I’m sophisticated, obviously. 
I know we’ve never met but I need a favor
Oof. After I dropped off wine for you?
the favor includes free food and alcohol
I’m listening… 
that wedding i’m in is next weekend
and I don’t have a date :-)
I wish I could, I’m going out of town. 
it’s okay, after i’m done being a brides bitch my weekend will open up
i’ll also be done with school for year
So I can take you out on a proper date? Instead of texting you all day? 
you do realize that you’re texting a girl who found your number at 11 pm while shit faced in a bar right
That’s always how I pictured meeting the woman of my dreams. 
oh shut up
I suppose i’ll go on a date with you, man I know nothing about 
I’m Alex, I’m 27 and I don’t think pineapple belongs on pizza
deal breaker sorry
pineapple + pizza = deliciousness 
Well at least you know more about me. 
that I do
jo, 25, who’s favorite color is purple and eats cinnamon toast for breakfast everyday, has to go educate the tiny humans
talk to you later old man
Oh come on you’re two years younger!
  Tuesday 1:26 PM
have you ever had to hot glue rhinestones to candle votives 
because I am
and I hate it
WTF is a votive?
those tiny little glass things you put a candle into
Oh. Why are you bedazzling them? 
wedding prep
today is a half day so bridezilla has us crafting for her 
Are all of you brides bitches teachers?
it’s hell
you try to talk about your class and all you hear about is peonies and roses and baby’s breath
I’m glad I’m a dude then. 
ha! you better be 
oh my god, she’s gone psycho
if I don’t text she took my phone
Don’t die, I’m looking forward to our date. 
  Tuesday 7:17 PM
RIP Jo, Avid Cinnamon Toast Eater 
Killed by Her Insane Bride Friend  
I made it out!!!!
Nice, I’ve heard a rabid bridezilla is hard to escape. 
it was the worst 
but she let me go when I told her I had to finish putting in grades for the year
(I finished last night)
I for one am proud of you. That’s badass. 
lol i’ll keep that in mind 
thursday is our last day before freedom
I think I might get shit faced as soon as I leave work
I support it wholeheartedly. 
good because you’ll probably get more bar princess texts
Or if I’m lucky a phone call where you call me sexy again. 
hey hey I didn’t call you sexy
I called your voice sexy
there’s a difference 
Oh sorry, I don’t know how I overlooked that. 
mhm sure 
tomorrow is crazy hair day 
Does this mean I get to see a picture of you? Because I’m definitely interested in seeing what you do with this spirit day thing. 
i’ll save it for when we meet
I’m determined not to see you until our date
Suit yourself. Gotta go remove stitches. 
oooohh how exhilarating!! 
  Wednesday 9:42 AM
How goes the crazy hair?
oh just dandy 
half my hair is pink 
You seem like the type to be able to pull of pink hair. Plus it’s pretty rad. 
you’re too kind 
I bribed the kids with cookies and a movie 
i’m totally winning today
I just took out an appendix, I think I win. 
just saying I don’t think that our jobs are comparable 
but taking out an appendix sounds cool
Not as cool as cookies though. 
I have a bunch left over
should I drop them on your doorstep? 
Only if you want to. I wouldn’t say no to a good cookie. I’m here till 5. 
i’ll stop by after work!! 
we have another half day
Sweet. I’m glad you’re the one that found my number. 
  Wednesday 12:56 PM
Dude. George says you look like an adorable preschooler. 
he was very understanding 
Rave reviews on your “kindness and beautiful eyes” 
oh my god 
I have to die now 
He might’ve mentioned your ass too. I’m painting a beautiful mental picture. 
oh lord
brb gotta wash out this stupid hair dye 
maybe bang my head against the shower wall
Oooh tell me more. I love a dirty shower fantasy. 
oh booo
you’re not even trying anymore 
  Wednesday 5:55 PM
remember the titans is on tv
and it’s really good 
in case you didn’t know 
That movie is 20 years old, of course I know it’s good. 
well clearly I didn’t 
i didn’t have cable growing up 
Oh neither did I, I just stole it from the neighbors. 
that’s pretty bad ass for a kid 
Had to keep my siblings entertained. You know how it is. 
nope i’m an only child
That sounds like a dream. I have two younger siblings and they’re both a pain in the ass. 
if you knew the half of it you’d be begging to trade places with me 
I’m looking forward to hearing all of it. 
  Thursday 11:53 AM
I’m assuming school is out?
$20 says I can sneak out of here without bridezilla roping me into a stupid arts and crafts project 
I hope so, I’m enjoying talking to you today. 
aren’t you at work??
Nope. Today is my day off. 
and you’re not watching baseball and drinking beer?
It’s not even noon yet. 
time is an illusion
it’s shots o clock somewhere or whatever they say
I’m now learning that the only cultural education you have is the Backstreet Boys. I think our second date will have to be a movie marathon. 
already planning our second date?
I like it
My conversation is fairly limited if I can’t drop a pop culture reference or two during the day. 
I can see your points and i’m willing to sit myself down and watch the classics
okay gotta sneak past bridezilla… wish me luck
Good luck 
  Thursday 4:35 PM
Pork shoulder, corn, and potatoes all on the grill. 
i’m jealous
I can’t cook to save my life 
thank god we’re going out tonight
To celebrate finally breaking free for the summer?
exactly!! steph and izzie decided we needed to go to a club after dinner
i’ve never been to one before 
Overpriced drinks and random guys grinding up on you all night. Not the best experience. 
oh so random guys grind on you when you go out?
Shut up. 
I’ve never even been to a club before. Not my scene. I just live with women so I know these things. 
well i’ll update you on the happenings
let you know if I have to pay $20 for a drink
who’s grinding on my ass
you know normal everyday things
Woah woah woah. 
are you jealous??
I’m just saying if you’re gonna be shaking your ass, you might as well get random guys to buy you overpriced drinks. 
you’re making some very good points 
Of course I am. By the way, George wants me to tell you that you have a very shakeable ass so you should be taking in free drinks. 
great I have to go die again 
  Thursday 10:38 PM
good news
i’ve secured three free drinks and a round of shots for all six of us
this ass is making money baby
I’ve created a monster. Who else is there?
steph, izzie, april, maggie, and levi
You brought the whole staff out didn’t you?
yes and I’m quite skilled at getting them drunk
You’re three drinks in and still texting correctly?
I think I danced it all off
need more fireball
And that’s another thing. Who willingly shoots Fireball?
me bitch
Ohh I love it when you call me names. 
mmm i’m sure you do
okay i’m gonna go get more drinks
wish me luck
Good luck, I’m sure your ass will take in more than enough. 
  Thursday 11:57 PM
Incoming Voice Call
“Hi, it’s me.”
“I can afford caller ID, I knew it was you.”
“Were you sleeping?”
“No, I was about to head upstairs but I’m not tired.”
“Oh good. I just got home.”
“You sound tired. Did you have fun?”
“It was nice, Steph went home with some guy she met and Izzie went to her boyfriends so I’m home alone.”
“So you decided to call me?”
“I missed your voice, I told you that you have a nice voice.”
“You said that I have a sexy voice.”
“Oh shut up. I wanted to call before I went to sleep.”
“You’ve grown fond of me haven't you?”
“If you’re gonna say it like a weirdo then yes… I have grown fond of you, Snow White.”
“I guess I can say the same about you Bar Princess. Are you yawning over there?”
“Just a little bit, but I like talking to you.”
“It’s midnight, I wouldn’t blame you for falling asleep.”
“I don’t wanna fall asleep, I wanna keep talking to you.”
“How about I tell you the story of the time I was bridesman and I had to go to a bachelorette party?”
“Okay I’m listening…”
  Friday 10:15 AM
I feel like a teenager 
who the hell falls asleep on the phone
i’m in a bad rom com aren't I 
Your snoring is really cute. 
oh christ
well at least I didn’t take body shots off a male stripper
I was really hoping you’d be asleep before I got to that part. 
oh nooo I remember that very clearly 
i’ll be filing that away for blackmail
Rude. I guess I’ll save your snoring in that file too. 
touché, I like the way you play the game
I’m an experienced player. Gotta go scrub in on a fundoplication. 
have fun!!!
  Friday 2:41 PM
I got bored and googled a fundoplication
that’s some crazy stuff, you’re kind of a badass
Easy peasy, all in a day's work. 
nooo that’s amazing stuff!! 
i’m in my classroom scraping gum and glitter off of the desks
Well you’re the reason people become doctors so I'd say you’re pretty important too. 
awww you’re still trying to impress me
it’s a good look on you
I’m trying to be a gentleman. Maybe I’ll bring up your puke shoes just to be an asshole. 
you know what even the mention of that can’t bring down my good mood
do you think I could get in trouble for drinking wine in my classroom?
Well there’s no kids around so… no. But I like the rebellious attitude you have towards the situation. 
if i’m gonna sit in a classroom with no AC and scrape boogers off desks all day then I deserve some damn wine
You’re right and you should say it. 
oh shit maggie is outside i’m so fired
Hey you got her free shots last night, she should be thankful. 
you know what you’re right
oh shit it’s bridezilla
forgot we have our final dress fitting tomorrow
i’m not dead yet
Oh good. I kinda don’t want the first time I see you to be your funeral. 
hahaha very funny
gotta go, we have to do this stupid year end meeting
I hate it here
Have fun, and remember don’t stab yourself with a pen!
  Saturday 8:13 AM
I wanna die 
bridezilla is making us jog
and she took away my donuts
  Saturday 9:53 AM
Jesus Christ. You need new friends. 
honestly she’s not that bad when she’s not stressing over this wedding 
she’s crying because she has a pimple
Oof that’s a tough run. Unfortunately, I have to spend the day out on a boat. 
boohoo I don’t not feel bad for you
unless like… you have some childhood trauma from a boat
Nope. I get to relax and drink beer all day long. 
yeah well then screw you
I have to try my stupid dress on and go to a stupid lunch and I CAN’T EVEN HAVE DONUTS
Aren’t you at home?
yes, steph invited everyone here since we have the space
Check your porch. 
you’re my favorite
thank you thank you thank you 
You’re welcome, I’m happy to be of service. 
ohhhh I might just kiss you when we finally meet 
I wouldn’t say no to that. 
okay I gotta go hide in the closet and eat my donuts 
thank you for thinking of me!!
It’s all I ever do. 
  Saturday 2:16 PM
How goes the dress trying on?
it was good!! mine fits and we have a beautiful bride on our hands 
Good. I’m glad your day is getting better. I think I’m getting a sunburn. 
you better not
that shit is dangerous 
go find sunscreen 
Now you’re concerned about me huh?
did you put the sunscreen on
Yes because I knew you’d spontaneously implode if I didn’t. 
I didn’t want to you to burst into flames sitting in the sun
As a doctor, I can tell you that most likely would not be what happened.
now we have to sit through a boring ass lunch
it’s what the mother of the groom insists on
Is she paying for it though? …. yes
Well then stop complaining.
okay okay fine
hey quick question
which fork do i stab myself with
Go order a steak and drink an expensive glass of wine.
  Saturday 10:39 PM
Incoming Voice Call
“Well well well, how the tables have turned.” “Bar Priiiiiincessss.” “Oh my god. This is so going in the blackmail file.”
“No don’t do that. If Jo finds out I was singing to another girl she’ll be mad.” “And why don’t you want Jo to be mad at you?” “Because I want to kiss her. And hug her. And see her face.”
“Well do I have a surprise for you.” “Oh I love surprises!”
“Jo and Bar Princess are the same person. I’m Jo.” “Holy crap! NO way!”
“Yes way, isn’t that crazy?”
“Can you tell Jo that she’s the nicest person I’ve ever met.” “I will relay the message. Jo is going to bed now though. Goodnight Alex.” “Good night Bar Princess, I miss you!”
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