#I am not tryna see no damn giant
theweirdgoodbyes · 7 months
“C’mon, lemme help you. You’re breakin’ my heart.”
It’s a Thursday night, the Eagles are playing against the Patriots, and Babe Heffron is one miserable son of a bitch. He had called Bill for an emergency meeting after a particularly gruesome day at work, which including him chasing a student eloping out of the building and down the streets of Philadelphia in 15 degree weather. Why administration hadn’t listened to him about needing locks on his doors, he’ll never understand. Babe ended the day freezing, frustrated, and with a pile of paperwork. He loved his job as a special education teacher, and loved making a difference in young lives. But days like today always brought him back to their familiar spot, The Currahee, much needed beer in hand. One beer had turned into two, and then three, and then Babe lamenting his lonely existence as a perpetually single gay man.
“Pussy hound Bill Guarnere wants to help me pick up a guy? Has hell frozen over?” Babe asks sarcastically, pressing two fingers to the pulse in his neck, “Am I dead?”
“Shaddup. Don’t act like the guys wouldn’t go crazy over me.”
Babe leans forward, reaching out to pat Bill’s arm, “Oh, baby, you drive me crazy alright.”
Babe would do anything for Bill Guarnere. When they were sixteen, and Babe finally understood why he didn’t look at girls the way other guys did, he was terrified to tell Bill that he was gay. Bill, all rough edges and macho energy, had been his best friend since the first day of kindergarten. “You tryna play?” Bill had barked at him the moment Babe stepped into the classroom, still clinging to his mother’s legs. From that moment on the two of them were inseparable. The idea of losing Bill was scarier than anything he could think of, and it took Babe months and several pep talks in the mirror to muster up the courage. So one fateful night, as they drank some stolen beers on Babe’s childhood trampoline, Babe just blurted it out.
“Bill, I like guys.”
Bill was silent for a moment, before tossing his beer over the netting and rolling on top of Babe to envelop him in a giant hug. Babe hugged him back and fought back tears against his shoulder, comforted by Bill’s gruff assurances that best friends forever meant forever. Ten years later, here they are, still thick as thieves, and Bill is adamant that all of Babe’s problems will be solved by getting laid.
“Alright, ‘nough of the funny business,” Bill puts his hands up, as serious as he could ever be. “You want my help or not? I’m tired of listenin’ to you piss and moan over what’s his face.”
“Henry,” Babe sighs, thinking of his ex boyfriend. They had only dated for the summer while Henry was doing an internship in the area. He had gone back to Buffalo in August, and Babe’s love life has been bleak since.
“Yeah, Fuckface McGee, him. You were too good for him, Babe, didn’t I always tell you that?” Bill raises a furry eyebrow, forgetting that according to him Babe was too good for every boyfriend he’s had. He had also taken up the obnoxious but well-meaning habit of running every guy Babe had ever spoken to through the database at the police station, with something as small as a speeding ticket enough to make him concerned. “How long have you known me?”
“Too damn long.”
“And have I ever steered you wrong?”
Before Babe can open his mouth, Bill points at him with a shake of his head, “Don’t answer that. Take a good look around this bar and take your pick. Daddy’s gonna help you.”
Babe looks around the bar. It’s a freezing night in January, so it’s only regulars like him and Bill who have no better place to be. He scans past familiar faces until he sees someone he doesn’t recognize.
Bill turns to look. This stranger is sitting at the bar, eyes laser-focused on the game playing above him. Babe can’t make out the color, but can feel the intensity in them from across the room. He’s got a short crop of black hair to match his furrowed brows, a bit of stubble, and lips that Babe is very interested in seeing up close.
“That guy? The little one with the face?”
“He’s not little.”
“You think he’s on your team?”
Babe keeps looking at this handsome stranger, taking more of him in. His gaydar has always been horrible, highlighted by the confident kiss he had once given his buddy Welsh only to gently be told that friends is all they would ever be. Babe runs on the assumption because it’s 2024, and the world is a much more accepting place than it was ten years ago, that trying to hit on a straight guy isn’t the worst thing that could happen. The stranger is still wearing his coat, despite the stuffy bar air, arms crossed and hands tucked under his armpits like he’s cold. He’s found a lonely corner of the bar, and the drink in front of him is empty. He’s got an air about him that’s says “leave me the fuck alone”, and Babe sees him shake his head when the bartender goes over. Maybe he’s getting ready to leave, he thinks. Babe starts to second guess himself, and begins looking around to see his other options. Handsome Stranger’s mysterious vibe is intriguing, but the possibility of rejection would put Babe in the ground after his rough day.
“I’m goin’ in,” Bill stands up before Babe can protest and struts over to the bar, misplaced confidence oozing out of him.
Babe can only watch in horror as Bill plops himself down next to Handsome Stranger, sticks out a meaty hand, and begins to jabber away. He decides that’s all he needs to see and sets his sight on the nearest TV just in time to watch the Eagles make a touchdown. At least it’s a good day for the Bird Gang.
A moment passes and Babe finds the courage to look back at the bar. He sees Bill stomping back over to him, face contorted in a scowl that Babe is all too familiar with. The conversation cannot have gone in his favor. The guy is definitely straight, potentially homophobic based on Bill’s visible anger.
“What did he say?” Babe dares to ask. He puts his glass to his lips, praying for a miracle.
“First of all, kid must be fuckin’ blind because he took one look at me and says ‘Absolutely not’.”
Babe chokes on his beer, sputtering foam all over the table. He pounds his chest with his fist, willing himself to breathe through his laughter. It’s not often that Bill faces rejection, and the obvious wound to his ego is something Babe will savor for years to come.
“So I says, ‘Listen, toots’-“
Babe’s laughter is cut short and he groans, because of course Bill would make an ass of himself, and by extension, Babe. “Bill, no, you did not call him ‘toots’-“
“I says, ‘first of all, you ain’t my type, with the lack of tits and that pissy pout-“
“-and you ain’t for me, you’re for the poor fucker sittin’ over here’”, Bill plops back down in his chair, shaking his head. He finishes his beer and sighs, like the interaction has exhausted him, “And then I walked away before I punched him in the mouth.”
Babe just drops his head down on the table. This isn’t the first time Bill has been an absolute beast in public, and it certainly won’t be the last. Babe’s minuscule dream of a night not spent alone has been dashed.
“You need a muzzle,” he mumbles to the wood, “I’m gonna have to tie you to the pole outside. Put up a sign that says, ‘please don’t pet me, I bite’.”
“Don’t be a prick. Can’t say I didn’t tr-“
Babe looks up and Jesus Christ, Handsome Stranger is standing right in front of him. Although the bar is quieter than usual, the man had appeared with such silence that Babe wonders if he appeared out of thin air. He can barely believe this is real, certain that the guy was either straight or so repulsed by Bill that all hope was lost.
“Hey,” he squeaks out. Oh, Christ. He clears his throat and repeats himself, “Hey.”
The guy stares at him with those dark eyebrows still furrowed, like he’s looking at something under a microscope. Suddenly self-conscious under his unrelenting gaze, Babe runs his hand over his forehead, trying to rub away any red mark that might be left from slamming his head down.
God, up close he really is hot. His eyes are somewhere between blue and grey, complimented by the blue scrubs he’s wearing under his coat. Babe feels his cheeks turning as red as his hair, but unable to look away from those unblinking eyes. Over the hum of distant conversations and game commentary, Babe wonders if Handsome Stranger can hear his heart thumping out of his chest.
“You his friend?” He sticks a thumb at Bill, who immediately straightens up.
“His best friend, actu-“
“Give me your phone.”
Babe could fall out of his chair. There’s no way.
“My what?”
“Your phone. It’s right there.” Handsome Stranger points to where it rests on the table next to Babe’s glass.
“Oh, yeah, sure, here.” Babe scrambles to grab his phone and unlock it, handing it over quicker than he would like to admit.
The stranger taps at it and then quickly types something in and hands it back to Babe. He looks to see his contacts open, with a new addition: Eugene Roe. He doesn’t recognize the area code, explaining why he’s never seen this Eugene before tonight.
“Cool beans,” is all Babe can think to say because holy shit, he did not expect Bill to actually pull through with this. When he looks up again, Eugene Roe is gone. He looks to the door just in time to see it swing shut, catching a quick glimpse of white sneakers walking away.
Bill gives him a shit eat grinning and grabs his shoulders to give him a rough shake.
“Cool beans? What are you, fuckin’ twelve?”
“I panicked,” Babe defends himself. He can’t help but smile and looks back at his phone. He wonders if it would make him seem desperate to text him right now. Yeah, it would, he decides, maybe he’ll wait an hour-
Bill cackles, a sound that shocks Babe back into reality. “Never say I never did nothin’ for you, even though that guy is already on thin fuckin’ ice with me. Now go buy me a beer. The king is thirsty.”
Babe happily obliges, making his way over to the bar in a half-daze. While the bartender pours Bill’s beer, Babe looks back over to where his handsome no-longer a stranger was sitting. Eugene Roe, he thinks, who are you?
(Now posted on my ao3 with some edits! https://archiveofourown.org/works/53977666#work_endnotes)
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msbhagirathi · 4 months
Hi. Aa jaao. You already know what do we do here. Baith gaye? Chalo start. Acha. Ruko. Saath mein popcorns liya? Lol. :P Chalo aao ab start karte hein, serious :)
1. Bitwa's face tho. He seems to be so damn irritated. Anyways.
2. Uhhh.. Bitwa.. Your wife Khushi is talking about the harkat that you did back in Lucknow, a day or two ago. Don't play ignorant now, okay? I know, you very well understand what is she tryna say, uhh-huhhh. Acting smart.
3. And what the freaking hell was with that line, Bitwa? "Toh mere har kaam mein taang araana band karo." When did SHE taang araao in your 'kaam'? I don't remember. Is she already disturbing you in your sleep? Have you already started falling for her? I am so sorry to say this. But. You are such a gone case, Bitwa. Lol. Whatever.
4. You are tryna intimidate her but I think the one getting more intimidated is YOU, alone my dear Bitwa. She is very much at peace right now. Whatever.
5. Look at that two seconds satisfying smile, Bitwa flashes, when Khushi says, "Phir paisa?" Lol. He is definitely enjoying this.
6. Tryna provoke her, are we, Bitwa?
7. Look at his face when Khushi is giving her monologue of khuddari and udhaar nahi lete and all that. He is so freaking enjoying this. His face's like 'Her whole life is gonna feel like a lie to her once she knows the price money.'
8. Khushi ~very confidently so~ picks up her basta to fish out 'the price money'. She is actually ~oh so innocent~ y'all. Sometimes I feel like pulling her cheeks so hard. Kucchi pucchi ku you kiddo, you haven't even seen your neighborhood states, forget about seeing the world.
9. Actually, this fact might have further intrigued him more, that she is an eighteen year old, fresh out of school, middle class girl ~a literal nobody~ in front of him and yet her zeal, confidence and enthusiasm is unmatchable.
10. "Pacchis hazaar." and all the color rushes out of her face and she gives him a side glance like 'Duh. Really!? This giant oldie will take THAT MUCH for repairing?'
11. Arnav feels like he should cut some slack off for this girl, after all she have had to endure a lot because of his tape fiasco as she subtly hinted at when the conversation had begun.
12. So. Instead of further taking money from her, he decides to help her in his own ~I am the knight in shining armor for a damsel in distress like you~ (In one word: ARROGANT) way. He. Read it carefully. He GRABS her arm ~with that haq~ (excuse me sir? care to explain?) and places a new crisp one thousand rupee note and closes her palm. Uff. I will die of the intensity of haq he is exercising over her and the way she lets him do so without snatching away her hand. (Note that she would always snatch away her hand whenever Shyam would try to do something of that sort.)
13. "Khuddari ki baatein humesha bohot sasti hoti hain aur paisa bohot mehenga. Tum bhi yahin ho aur main bhi. We'll see." Kyun Bitwa? What happened to your two second old suggestion for Khushi to return back to Lucknow with the 'leftover money'? Do you not want your wife her to leave? Do you already want your wife her to stay around you as much as possible? Tum kya see karoge Bitwa hum tohka see karihein iske baad se haan.
14. "....Haan ab theek hai..." Kya theek hai Bitwa? Ya phir more like kaun theek hai? Tum? Ya woh fashion show wali ladki? Kya janna chah rahe the tum Bitwa? That Khushi is fine or not? And what happened to your 'das minute mein pahunch jaunga wali meeting' for which you couldn't 'waste' your precious time for the puja this morning? Who oh who will answer my goddamn questions? BTW, so men really do forget everything after meeting their wives huh? And I see our Bitwa is no exception. Lol. Whatever.
15. Wah wah 'tuuu ruru tuutuu rururu'(Lol. I have no fucking idea why did I add the bg sound for her here. Lol. Please bear with me.) MAMIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. Belcome Homes Mamiji.
16. Hahahaahahaahha. See y'all I seriously lost it jab mamiji ne touchwood bolke apna sir hi touch karliya. Lol. Whatever.
17. Vyjanthimala, huh? Really? Mamiji? Ok. Wait. Y'all. Lemme show you who is Vyjanthimala.
*runs to google to search up her name coz has no idea herself who she is*
*skims through the photos*
*is awestruck by her beauty*
*debates about the selection of photo*
*decides one and takes screenshot*
*adds it here along with the link*
Presenting y'all.
Indian actress and dancer.
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This is Vyjanthimala. Of course, this is an old picture (She is ninety years old now. Wow. Can you believe it? This young beauty is ninety years old now.)
So. Yeah. Now you can see for yourself, who is she comparing herself with. Such heights of flattery for your own self, mamiji? Not good. (Utkarsha ma'am is of course very beautiful. I am just pointing out the character flaw, given to her, of over-glorifying herself and her sun and her huzbend and her phamily.)
18. She really 'thued' at her own reflection y'all. Lmao. I can't-*wheezes away for the next four business days*
19. Lol. I love mamaji and mamiji's banter y'all. The way mamaji compliments her and keeps his mouth shut when she gets irritated. Lmao. One of the relationships I so love throughout the show.
20. "Itni muskil se toh auda banaye, usko aise hi jaane de?" A little glossary here. Ohada means (as explained by my friend @phuljari di) (pad/sthaan/padwi in hindi) status like we see here mamiji had to do a lot to gain/earn a place in the Raizada Household. So it is actually very important for her to always look 'tip-taap' as she believes that only then, she would be accepted as a Raizada bahu if she 'looks' like it. I hope I was able to make it clear.
21. And here comes naniji. Looking for some Lakshmi.
22. Okay. So. One more thing. See how mamiji literally acts like a teenager as she kind of rebels against her order of coming down immediately. So she refuses to follow her order and tells her husband that she would arrive a few minutes later. Hmm. Speaks a lot about the kind of relation mamiji and her saas-o-maa share.
23. And look how naniji dismisses her as well saying that she isn't waiting for her but for the children.
24. See? You noticed how Bitwa tossed away Aakash's question about 'uss din wali ladki'? This also means nobody except Anjali Di know about the Lucknow fiasco. Also, look how he shook his head when Aakash offered to take legal action against her? Ufff. I will die of this protective-ness and possessive-ness already.
25. Do you too find Arnav's face particularly hot and delicious in this scene where he is talking to Aakash? Also I am kicking my legs and squealing at that dent wali line. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. God. Oh. God. Please save me.
26. And we are immediately taken to that 'uss din ladki' who has just returned from her trip to the pharmacy shop.
27. Shut up buaji. She had gone out running, only FOR YOU. Show some grateful-ness. Dammit.
28. We are again taken back to Shantivan.
29. The smart-ass Raizada brothers walk in, with full tashan. Everyone quickly dismiss themselves and nani and Arnav are left alone.
30. Wait. Look at nani's expression. Arnav gets the hint that she wants to speak to him about something. And the atmosphere quickly turns awkward as Arnav struggles to maintain small-talk. Asking about her trip and the facilities provided.
31. Nani explains him that she went to a pilgrimage, a place where one needs to do some hard work in order to receive the fruits of their prayers. Then she continues to say that this time she had gone there for him and Arnav is surprised, "Mere liye?" Look at the way he asks it. He definitely did not expect it.
32. But then nani continues to speak cryptically. "Jiss raftaar se aap chalat hain, uss raftaar per swayam ke alawa sab kuch dhundlaiye jaat hai." Arnav counters back, "Nani mujhe sab kuch saaf-saaf dikh raha hai." "Galat jagah dekh rahe hain aap. Sirf aage hi nahi nazar ghumaakar piche bhi dekh lijiye. Har pidhi aane wali pidhi ko kuch sikha ke jaat hai. Lekin jab raftaar thodi dhimi ho tabhi sahi galat ki pehchaan hui sakat hai." I want to process these lines some more then will let you know my views on this monologue.
33. Anjali di brings a white kurta for him which will undoubtedly go to the un-used collection of ethnics Arnav has.
34. She somehow senses his mood which is still sour from the lines nani spoke to him a few moments ago and the encounter he had with Khushi on the road. And di yet again reminds him of her. She tries to know about the incident but Arnav dodges it away by saying, "Kuch khaas nahi."
35. Khushi again has to bear the brunt of buaji's anger.
36. Buaji tell me one thing. Uncle ko koi uncle nahi bolega toh kya bolega. Uff. Somebody please help her.
37. And the moment she reminds her of 'paisa'. Khushi again immerses herself in the world of Laard guvunur and his pacchis hazaar(her oh-so-sweet escapism y'all ;) ).
38. Both the sisters go to the market to buy some sabzi. But Khushi cannot think anything else other than her woh. She literally said it. "Jiji WOH phirse mila tha." At this point, Khushi is just a lost case. Payal rightly points out her 'chain' has been 'chhined' by that LG.
39. Khushi explains her that her 'chain' will not be back until and unless she pays back the pacchis hazaar that she owes him.
40. Ew! Shyam enters with an umbrella. Ew. Ew. Ew. His cryptic words irks me to no extent. So maybe he had indeed planned the fight with those rogues in order to ensure that her parents would send her to Delhi. Whatever. Bye. I don't watch precaps.
P.S.: No P.S. Ghar jaao. Bye.
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brolantra · 1 year
There’s one ex friend I want to tell how hurt I am because our friendship really mattered to me and he really let me down… but I know it’s best to leave it alone… that was really my nigga tho man. The conversations the laughs. We’d send each other and tag each other in stupid ass videos and memes. The inside jokes. I told him deeply personal things about my life. He told me deeply personal things about his life. We talked every damn day and saw each other 5 days out the week. He was one of my closest friends. My best friend tried to warn me, she said she could see right through him. But I couldn’t. I was so naive and I wanted to believe he genuinely cared about me. I really loved him and valued our friendship. I still deeply care about him and it hurts every time his name comes up. And it’s come up a lot recently. Im still very hurt and I don’t know how to let it go. He viewed my IG story a little while ago.. idk why I won’t just block him but I can’t. I’ve known him for almost a decade and it’s just hard. But pretending to be someone’s friend on the off chance they might fuck you one day is a dick move. And I’ve been here so many times before with other niggas.. just thought it would be different this time. I feel like I was emotionally manipulated into letting my guard down. I feel like the entire friendship was a giant scheme to get me to have sex with him eventually. I find it hard to believe he had any real feelings for me, despite tryna work that angle a few times. When he realized he wasn’t gonna get what he wanted he abandoned tf outta me at a very traumatic and vulnerable time in my life. He knew what I was going through. Despite telling me on several occasions he’d rather be my friend than nothing at all he completely withdrew his friendship, in hopes I’d beg him to talk to me. And I’m a lot of things but I’ve never been that type of bitch. We’ll never speak again. A lot of guys genuinely don’t know how to be a real friend to anyone with a vagina and it’s dumb. Like I understand niggas being attracted to me. I look at myself in the mirror every day. I know my body is pretty distracting, but I didn’t ask for this lmao. I know i’m really cool and have a great personality. And knowing what I know now he’s probably heard stories about me lol🤦🏽‍♀️ But none of that should have interfered with our bond. It just sucks. I miss him a lot and I shouldn’t. I wish he would have just left me all the way alone from the jump. I don’t know why it’s so hard to receive the same level of respect I give. The same level of genuine love and care I give. I enjoy having real friendships with men just as much as I enjoy having real friendships with women. I never lead him on. He’s known for years I didn’t view him that way. A huge part of me hopes he deeply regrets ruining our friendship… because it really was a great one 😔
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ericbrainrot · 3 years
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐦 𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥, 𝐣𝐚𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬.
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐧𝐚 𝐣𝐚𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧 𝐱 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤!𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐩𝐰𝐩
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𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟎.𝟗𝐤
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𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 "𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬" 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦.
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The Kwangya ball. This was an event that began for the idols who worked for SM entertainment, and later on other idols from different companies were invited. It was the company's way of trying to be different, it was similar to their halloween spectacle. Except, the only thing that was shown to the public were what each person would be wearing that night. For the ball, they were allowed to bring any guest they wanted, and sometimes it'd be discreet.
So when you heard about the ball, you were excited to get dressed and show your dress off. You couldn't wait to beat your face, and do your hair. This was the perfect time for you to install your new wig on your head.
After your shower, you placed your robe on your body and took a seat at your vanity. You made sure you had everything you had for your wig. After you finished your wig, you proceeded to do your makeup and went for a natural look.
Once everything was finished, you placed your dress on and looked in the mirror.
The sound of someone stomping their feet down the hall as if they paid the bills in your apartment, quickly grabbed your attention. It never made sense to you on why he'd be stomping his feet if you were just down the hall from him.
"Why are you stompin' your feet like your the green giant?" you sucked your teeth at the male as he stood behind you.
"I can leave if you want me to," he teased, with a fake pout.
You sucked your teeth once again at him. Bending down a bit, he placed his hands on your hips. Turning you around so that you were facing him, his eyes scanned your entire body as a small smirk formed on his face. You looked perfect to him, and he began to think of things that he shouldn't be thinking of.
"You're not going out in that outfit," he whispered in your ear.
"Yes the fuck I am," you whispered back, looking up at him.
"I would like to see you try," he sighed, leaning against the edge of your vanity mirror.
"I'll be damned if ya' ass is gonna come in here and tell me what I can't wear and then tryna break my damn vanity mirror by leanin' on it. You lost ya' mind?" you folded your arms at him. Getting up in irritation, you grabbed your favorite perfume and began to lightly spray yourself.
"Everyone is gonna have their eyes on you, especially in areas where their eyes shouldn't be. Those are the areas for me to look at," he sighed, placing his hands on your hips.
"I don't give a damn Jaemin, imma wear what I wanna wear," you gave him a look as he groaned.
"Wow, you're really gonna wear the dress?" he sarcastically replied.
"I sure am, is there a problem?" you turned yourself back to the mirror to look at your dress one more time.
"Yes, but I can easily solve that for the both of us," he removed his hands from your hips and moved them to your ass where he gave it a squeeze.
"I forgot to compliment you, what a beautiful dress," you could see his smirk through the mirror while his lips made its way towards your neck.
Jaemin began to roughly suck on your neck as his hands trailed up your body and went to your breast. Where his hands began to fondle them, giving your nipples a squeeze here and there.
He removed his hands from your breast where his lips replaced his hands. His tongue flickered all over your nipple as he began to suck and lick your breast. His hands though, began to unbuckle his pants as his pants slid down with ease. once he grabbed ahold of his dick, he made sure to slide your dress down so that you were completely naked.
Jaemin couldn't help but bite his bottom lip as he admired your body through the mirror. The hand that he was currently using to hold his dick, made its way towards your ass. Rubbing and poking your ass, growing harder by the minute.
Your faint and inaudible moans were turning him on. If you didn't want to change your dress, he was going to make sure that you'll reconsider wearing dresses like that ever again.
Without any warning as always, Jaemin slammed his dick right inside of you. He began to thrust in and out of you roughly while placing his hand on your face.
"I want you to look at that pretty little face of yours," he fixed your face so that you were staring at yourself in the mirror.
He wanted you to see how beautiful you were as you were crying and moaning. The sound of your bodies colliding as the whimpers began. Jaemin knew that he was about to cum, and so were you. So, he made sure that the last few strokes were brutal so that he got his point across to you.
"Imma cum," you cried out to Jaemin while the two of you climaxed.
"The next time, you wear a dress like that again. I don’t think I’ll be able to hold back," he helped you with your dress before he fixed himself once again.
"And guess what? Imma still wear it like I am tonight," you huffed, sitting back on your vanity to fix yourself once again.
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katsuflossy · 4 years
BeatBox/Junebugg Challenge
Pairings: Shouto Todoroki x reader, Kastuki Bakugou x reader, Izuku Midoriya x reader, Eijirou Kirishima x reader, Hanta Sero x reader, Denki Kaminari x reader, Hitoshi Shinsou x reader, Tenya Iida x reader.
TW: just the regular obscenities
A/n: IK y’all may not know this trend but it’s funny af so this is the beatbox/junebugg challenge (sound by SpotemGottem) and yeah I hope y’all like my lil hc of the s/o doing it with the boys 💖💖
Taglist: @eharmonythotbot @lilsparkyswife @teddybearrx @angiebug101 @sesshomaruwaifu @blackweebtrash @minajkatsuki @cyans-bliss @myhoodacademia @mypimpademia @melanimed @peach-child @zombie-kun @xx-opaqued-xx @sunshineszn @prettybitch-ki @tsukkisukkii
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🧊 He has the most aesthetically pleasing tiktok
🧊 There’s slime videos, drawing videos with lofi music in the back, your basic encouraging quotes
🧊 Who needs therapy when you got Shouto’s fyp? /j
🧊 He may be a lil...offbeat in your dance videos but he still tries. Thankfully this was an easy one to learn.
🧊 He out here thinking he got it until you buck at him.
🧊 You think he finna take that shit? He’s gonna buck TF back, on reflex, and scare the fuck out of you.
🧊 Immediately goes into protective boyfriend mode after seeing you flinch hard. You should expect a tight hug; he’s rubbing your back while the whole clip rolling.
🧊 “Love, I’m sorry but why did you move to hit me? I didn’t mean to scare you I’m sorry.”
🧊 “Baby, It’s okay that was the challenge.”
🧊 “Yes, but you looked so scared and it was my fault,” he wraps his arms tighter around you so you’re snuggled safely into his chest.
🧊 Post it with captions of what he said during the video and see all the comments talm bout “⚠️‼️WARNING‼️HAPPY COUPLE⚠️”
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💥 It’s known Bakugou knows no fucking challenge on that app.
💥 Except for that buss it challenge. He’s keeping tabs on yo ass.
💥 His fyp is comprised of prisontok (thank mtha for this), mortalkombat edits, and recommendations for shoujo mangas DC comics.
💥 He already knows the drill, you teach him the dance, he does it with no care, you post it.
💥 This one is fairly easy… until you attempt to press him
💥 He runs up on you, chest puffed up, arms tense and hanging straight. That intimidation stance.
💥 “What you tryna do? We can tussle right now wassup.” Now you gotta deal with him pressing you as you finish the dance.
💥 When he realizes you’re laughing, he just sucks his teeth before lightly pushing you.
💥 “Why am I even dating you?”
💥 The biggest tsundere simp on the earth.
💥 He loves you so much but you always test him.
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🥦 Umm All Might edits runs his fyp.
🥦 The occasional analytic reports on recent and past villain attacks are there too.
🥦 Only gets a smidge of alt tiktok so it ain’t that boring.
🥦 Doesn’t know the dance either but he’ll do it just for you <3
🥦 Never expects you to fucking buck at him tho.
🥦 Mans flinch mad hard omg.
🥦 He removes his hands from his face when he hears you laugh and continue the dance.
🥦 Now he stopped, looking at you with the saddest puppy eyes.
🥦 “Why did you flinch at me baby?” He’s just standing in the frame all pouty and shit.
🥦 “Prince(ss), please don’t do that again. You honestly scared me.” He walks off in the middle of the video, his fluffy duck house slippers squeaking with every step.
🥦 Go say you’re sorry right now 🧍🏽‍♀️
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⛑ Crimson Riot edits duhh
⛑ But it’s a mixture of Bakugou’s and Todoroki’s with a sprinkle of popular dances down his stream.
⛑ Has Ski Mask edits as well
⛑ Still, he doesn’t know the dance at all
⛑ Baby boy is so sweet cause the second you buck at him...he just plants one straight on your lips thinking you went in for a kiss.
⛑ Shocked, bamboozled, frozen, he really kissed you as you tried to buck him?
⛑ Mans continued the dance like you’re not wide-mouthed behind him.
⛑ “Bro, I know you did not just kiss me when I tried to buck you.” The whole badman vibes just dissipate from the air, he smiling at you like it was cool.
⛑ “Babe,” he whined. “I thought you just wanted a smooch.”
⛑ Seeing you mad, he just grabs you up and launches more kisses on your face.
⛑ You tried to look hard for the video only for him to soften you up quickly.
⛑ At least you got cuddles after.
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🩹 His tiktok is filled with funny ass videos
🩹 They always come up on his fyp before going famous. Hence why his comments be having 30k likes (they funny as well)
🩹 Has the best cooking tutorials in his favorites that he makes to impress you.
🩹 Already knows the dance so you don’t need to teach him.
🩹 Y’all both tried to press each other with giant smiles on your faces before starting a round of play fighting.
🩹 “Can’t fuck with you no mo.” He turns to you before continuing the dance.
🩹 Alternating lyrics and shii...being the baddest couple to step in the game.
🩹 He wraps his arms around you before throwing peace signs to the camera at the end.
🩹 The coolest boyfriend award goes to this king.
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⚡️ How...how is he in every part of tiktok
⚡️ Straightok, alt tiktok, beantok, frogtok. You describe to him the video and he either knows it or he can find it in seconds.
⚡️ If Pandora’s Box opened and escaped into somebody’s account, it would most likely be Denki’s.
⚡️ He did the challenge with Bakugou before but it ended in flames...but he won’t decline to do it wit you
⚡️ Why y’all buck each other and ended up hitting your foreheads?
⚡️ Spent the rest of the video rubbing your forehead while Denki laughing.
⚡️ “Why tf your shit so hard? Built like damn cement” you glared at him as he laughed even harder.
⚡️ “I shock my own brain everyday. I think my skull hardened as a result”
⚡️ The next day, you’re seen walking around with your forehead on swole.
⚡️ On the bright side, you get forehead kisses every 5 minutes.
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🔮 There ain’t no Eraserhead edits so he makes them himself.
🔮 All his fyp got some led light show going on. Every. Fucking. Video.
🔮 But they’re all good vibes, great music, and nice ass comment section
🔮 Occasional gaming videos come up because he follows some twitch streamers on there
🔮 Doesn’t know the beatbox/junebugg challenge. You woke him out of bed to do it.
🔮 You’re vibing in the video before you buck at him.
🔮 He didn’t budge. He stopped doing the dance altogether to stand up and just glare you down.
🔮 He out here in his cow print moo moo pants and you do this shit to him?
🔮 Now you’re nervous, flickering your eyes to him as you continued the video dancing.
🔮 The minute the sound ends he stalks off back to bed. Using all the sheets to cover him.
🔮 Have fun sleeping in the cold. Just kidding, he can’t sleep without cuddling you but just remember he is mad.
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👓 ...you think he knows tiktok?
👓 Thought it was slang for the actual clock app.
👓 Got it to see what the hype was about but doesn’t even bother to make an actual account.
👓 It’s really just the generic shit on there.
👓 So he’s excited to do a dance with you even though he only knows the tinman.
👓 Umm...failed to do the actual dance. It gives 60-year-old white man on a tropical cruise.
👓 And then you buck at him.
👓 All movements stop. He justs staring at you, his glasses hiding his actual eyes.
👓 The air around you feels real cold. Your premonition telling you to electric slide out of the room but nah, you continue to dance. The man, who tried to commit murder at the age of 16, just staring at you stoned face.
👓 The second he opened his mouth, you DIPPED out of the room, leaving your phone running and Iida just standing confused.
👓 Turns out, he wasn’t trying to end your bloodline, he was just confused if that was a dance step he missed.
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kusagrasskusa · 3 years
Erron Black X Innocent! Reader
I...am a sucker for bebe s/o and big strong manly manz so yeah. These are shitty simple headcannons though to appease my wiplist. Do expect a better Erron Black X Reader in the future though! I already had a long story ready but it's on a halt because too much is happening this week.
Lemme just put a "readmore" here so I can go through my posts faster-- and for some of those who post long ass amazing works of art but never put a readmore, you can do it by putting :readmore: then pressing enter.
A fucking deadly cowboy who's basically immortal and had basically seen every type of person there could be wouldn't he expected to fall in love with someone who doesn't even understand the concept of losing a loved one.
Erron loves girls who can handle themselves and take control of the situation. In a way, Y/N can kinda do that-
Y/N's puppy eyes and sad voice is enough to make anyone feel even a bit of sympathy. And when she cries, anyone would break their character and come to comfort this beBe!
Her gentleness and happiness just pulls on people's heartstrings like a motherfucker. It might just be some special aura she was born with that effects people so much idk
When our cowboy spoke to you for the first time, it was a normal flirtatious greeting he'd give to most ladies. And when Y/N cocked her head, widened her eyes and blushed, he felt himself blushing a little too.
"Howdy little lady, what's a fine gal like yourself doin' 'round these parts? You look too pretty to be around here," he spoke, referring to being close to being around the Black Dragon base.
The two were in a small pond nearby; and considering no one else knew where this pond was, he knew she must be part of the Black Dragon.
She grew so red and nervously tucked her hair behind her ear, stumbling over her words. Erron usually expected small smiles but damn, Y/N's adorable face really caught his eye.
They had small conversation about the pond before Y/N had to leave. Erron was thinking of her for the rest of that day.
And then the next day came along.
Kano was showing off where he gets his clothes made to some of his priority employees, such as Erron, and the only worker on the dressing rooms was Y/N.
"Hi, Kano— Oh, Erron, hi! :D" She called out lovingly. Erron was thankful for his mask as his cheeks suddenly grew red as his mind became confused.
He was so damn confused- how is this childish adult able to speak to sweetly and happily as if he and Kano weren't killers? Why is she so excited too?
The excitement in her voice whenever he came to visit her in the dressing rooms was intoxicating to him.
Erron grew to see her everyday and then finally, he decided to take her out on a little fancy "friendly meeting" one day.
He was sure to bring roses, which Y/N loved. He complimented her adoringly, and she would compliment him equally so. He had stored alcohol for her to try out, however he knew she didn't drink.
Whenever the event was over, Erron prepared to ask her to be his baby. But instead, she hugged him tightly and squealed, "Thank you so much for the great night! You're the best friend ever Erron!"
Later in bed, he thought about how she didn't understand it was a date. Goddammit-
Then the next day came.
The two would engulf in a giant hug whenever Y/N would confess that after the "friendly meeting," she realized she loved him.
Tbh she's a terrible kisser since she's inexperienced. But Erron managed to teach her that day.
The two would take it slow. Y/N is sorta oblivious to most romantic things so yeah.
Y/N adores the cowboy look and sometimes likes to copy it. Erron won't say that he loves it but-- you know how he feels.
Erron does get hella nervous whenever she goes out in public. Kano mentioned that she has no concept of wrong doing (not that he couldn't tell) so the thought of her tryna help someone dangerous gets to him.
The two don't care at all for PDA. The two can kiss and hold hands anywhere unashamed.
"Hey Erron? There was a guy that just told me I'm beautiful:)" Y/N spoke with excitement in her eyes.
"Is that right," Erron responded as the chains containing his inner demons were lifted. "What does he look like?"
Y/N ignored the gunshot she heard only minutes after. Erron was prolly just practicing his aim is all :)
Cuddling. Fucking cuddling between these two is amazing. Nearly every night, they at least hold hands with each other.
Y/N never really notices whenever Erron hurts people. She just can't belive that he would be a killer. Even if Kano comes in while laughing about some asshole Erron shot, she ignored it and remains smiling.
Erron can't really convince her either. "Wha?- But then why didn't you hurt me? See, I knew you were lying! >:)"
Yeah, Erron can get a little annoyed by Y/N's constant...well, idk, comments? But overall, something about her innocents and adorable actions make him stay.
He just has to be sure to keep his assassinations private.
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Im not dead hi
I kinda thought to myself a little and I was just like... oh yeh with the note I left on and the degree I've let this get to me dipping for that long probably would look suspect..
Figured I'd get back to it. I am tryna slow down again. Me constantly being like.. high high starts to get in the way I'm seeing. I can get away with it within the first like hour halfish buuut past that I get really out of it and I process shit super slow. I've actually always had this problem now that I'm looking back tbh. But usuallyyyy I'd just dose again during that period and I'd be fine. But with how much i take off rip I have hydration issues by the first and I'm sure taking dose after dose prolly would exasperate that a bit
I'm actually halfway through the bottle now. It was kinda weird to see. It's felt like it's unlimited ever since I bought the giant bottle but 4 months later andd I've emptied the rest of it into the container I hide em in. I don't know how I feel about it.
Oh right uh I dunno if I had done it by the time I posted the other one but I went ghost for like.. 4-5ish days and that was.. eventful. Wasn't planned. I was sad one day and I just continued ignoring everything until a less closeish friend of mine reached out. He considers me his best friend but even with that we don't talk that that much. So once HEEE start going through hoops to try and reach out I was like o uh maybe I took it too far.
All in the past now it's been about a week being back. I try and let myself ignore messages more so that I feel more comfortable giving myself space without needing as long as a break. Well. That's the nice way of looking at it. Whatever uh. R and me have been fine. Had some technical issues with insta and I wasn't on as much cause of it which wasn't a great look after all that. I felt so bad. She cried a few times while I was gone. Unlike me and the other dude we do talk everyday and while the shit aint as like.. ig attentive as it used to be, we do usually get back to each other a bunch throughout the day so she damn near instantly thought something was off..
Sorry I'm babbling at this point. Long story short. Habit has gotten pretty bad. When I dipped I was doing it 3x a day and I've been doing 2ish lately. Still a long way from the once every other day I was doing when I originally started this. It makes me really sad honestly. Sometimes I don't even feel like taking my pills for the day but then boom I'm finna cry. Or irritable and have my whole day ruined off a minor annoyance. It don't even feel worth it to fight it anymore. But the hydration thing is kinda bad so I try sometimes ig
I had 2 funerals to go to while I was gone too. One was an old family friend. I never was close with her as like I'm just now really starting to connect with people in my family tbh. But it was still like.. wild. I just visited her around this time last year and one year later she's in the ground. The second one was for a longtime friend of my mom's. I won't lie, I really didn't know her at all. But it happening back to back just rattled me. I had seen them both semi recently and they weren't deathly ill at the time or anything. I just. I dunno. I can't explain why it makes me sad
I had to get high for the funerals. I felt so embarrassed but I just know it'd be easier that way. Though uh I kept circulating on whether they suffered or not and I couldn't stop crying cause of it. I hate that there's a real possibility that they sat there feeling terrified and in agony before they left. That still kills me. I hope they were able to be semi comfortable at least. It's the least they deserve
I'm not high rn but that's finna change. I had to play this game with a friend of mine yesterday while coming down and that shit was.. miserable. I wanted to sleep and lie around but dude bought the game for me specifically for us to play. I wouldn't dare. I was tryna stay sober today just incase he was tryna play earlier today and i didn't wanna risk being gone gone. But atp I think I'll just hop on tomorrow. I'm sick of being like this. I'll just say I got busy.
I'm gonna probably change the way I write these cause the multiple times a day thing is kinda awkward to document. Or not. I dunno. Maybeee I will stop being such a fucking JUNKIEEE and take the shit at least semi safely I wouldn't need to but. We will see.
I'll get back to it tho. I think it's important to keep up with it and if I only update when I'm semi stable it defeats the purpose of the page tbh. My bad for dying off the face of the earth. I'm fine
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colorseeingchick · 4 years
Onigiri and Second Chances
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Pairing: Osamu Miya x Reader
Summary: The Black Jackals are hosting a Christmas party, and Osamu agrees to come. But there’s some details Atsumu forgot to tell him- 1, he’s supposed to mass-make Onigiri for the party, and 2, a figure from his past is making a reappearance. 
Warnings: Mostly Fluff, some Angst, suggestive content, swearing 
Word Count: 3.7k 
A/N: Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays everyone! This is far from my best work but I hope its fun regardless !
Osamu swears he can see his breath crystalize before him in his kitchen as he plots the murder of his damned brother. 
Well, plotting his brother’s demise is currently secondary to the molding of the  onigiri in his hand. It feels odd, the contrast between the soft, squishy rice warming his palms as he meticulously works at it and the prickly cold that bites his forearms, bare and at the mercy of the cold air of his kitchen, unprotected by his rolled up sleeves. 
Now, you probably have a lot of questions! 
Why’s Osamu Miya making some lip-smacking onigiri at 4 pm on Christmas Eve? 
Because his bitch of a brother tricked him.
Why’s he making 70? 
Ask Atsumu smh (if it’s not abundantly clear, my boy Osamu is VERY salty).
Has he been here for like, 3 hours already? 
Yeah, he sure as hell has. 
Will he be here for a good few more?
Uh huh. 
Well, Osamu doesn’t take onigiri lightly. 1. If he’s gonna make em for Atsumu’s party, he was gonna do em right. Even though Atsumu forgot to mention that onigiri was gonna be the special dish to Osamu- the one making the onigiri- until 10 am the day of, (I’m sure y’all get why Osamu is mad now) there wasn’t a chance in hell he was gonna let his dishes fall flat, especially for a party this big. He has a bunch of specialty flavors he’s been wanting to showcase anyways, and in the process of making so many for such a large number, he knows it’s easy to get lost in a ‘quantity over quality’ mindset. No matter the amount, Onigiri Miya’s quality never wavers (A/N: period king as you should). 
But the AC being broken? That’s not a part of his plan. And it was just kinda, icing on his metaphorical cake of reasons why he’s pissed as hell right now. It makes him question if all this effort is really worth it, at least for tonight. 
Osamu’s initially thought that, because his brother’s the host for this party, that maybe he should try to spruce up a bit, come in lookin like an acceptable counterpart to his charismatic, showy brother. But now? He’ll realistically be here in this kitchen till the time of the party, so he’ll show up lookin a lil rough. Effort that should’ve gone into his looks is not being put into his food.  If Atsumu complains, Osamu will not hesitate to shove an onigiri up his-
It’s whatever. It’s not like he has anyone he needs to impress there anyways. He’s just the onigiri twin tonight. 
The party is in full swing when Osamu arrives. But unlike Atsumu’s usual parties, the music wasn’t blaring- it’s festive and moderate. And despite being ‘party’ attire, everyone seems a little less scandalous. I guess that’s natural when some business representatives and officials from the volleyball world are also present. Unfortunately, this does mean that Osamu is the most underdressed, but he’s come to terms with it. 
But knowing his brother, there’s no way a Miya party would be fully professional. There has to be some element of childishness or stupidity somewhere in this party-
And Osamu gets his answer when he looks up. 
Mistletoe. And lots of it. It’s not everywhere everywhere. But there’s more than one, and they are seemingly strategically placed. 
Osamu chuckles. Leave it to his brother to try and start shit. All this means is that he has to be careful to not end up in the wrong spot with some random person. He’ll be fine. 
Giant container filled with onigiri in hand, he maneuvers his way to the kitchen, nodding and smiling at his acquaintances as he goes. As he’s about to step onto the cold tile of the kitchen, he stops dead in his tracks. 
Fuck his brother. 
He didn’t say anything about you being here. Somebody’ll have to stop him from slugging his asshat of a twin across the face. 
“SAMMMMUUUU!!!!!” Speak of the devil. 
Atsumu slings his arm over his twin’s shoulder,  a cup in his other hand.
“Are ya drunk?” 
“Huh? No. Gotta keep it together! I’m the host after all.” Atsumu smiles wide, rather stupidly. 
“Great. If yer sober, that means I can beat the ever livin’ shit outta ya and yer gonna remember.” 
“Oi, oi, what did I do!? Ya just got here!” Fear shined Atsumu’s bright eyes. 
“If you could like, not beat my boyfriend up, I’d appreciate it a bit, Samu-kun,” a female voice gently chimes in. 
“Homura-chan, hello.” Osamu’s shoulders relax as his brother’s level-headed girlfriend pops up in between the two, giving Osamu a side hug only to watch Atsumu pout. 
“Homura…” Atsumu’s whine is enough for her to placate him with a tight hug, but she continues to face Osamu. 
“Why do you wanna kill him this time? Not that you’re wrong for wanting to. I’m just curious.”
“He didn’t tell me they were gon be here.” Osamu’s eyes shift to you, laughing in the kitchen, talking to Hinata and Bokuto, while filling cups with hot chocolate. 
“Oh I thought you were gonna yell at him for not telling you about the onigiris till this morning.”
“That too.”
“But I guess it’s my fault they’re here. I invited them, they are my best friend after all. But I should have told you. I’m sorry, Samu.”
“No, no. Its fine Homura-chan. I just…” 
Osamu doesn’t know how to verbalize it. He’s had a crush on you since 2nd year, and it didn’t go anywhere even through college. You two knew each other pretty well, and he almost asked you out. Emphasis on almost. Being honest, he abandoned ship when he saw some guy kissing you after class one day- he figured he had waited for too long. He cut off communication with you soon after, despite your attempts to reach out. Homura had time and time again reminded Osamu that you didn’t hate him, and he did trust her. But that didn’t help him shake off the feeling you did, and always would, resent him. 
It also did not help that his stomach jumped the moment he heard your beautiful laugh resonate in the kitchen, or that his face heated up when he saw you warmly hug your cup of hot chocolate, sipping it so gently. So cute. 
He’s still whipped. Fuck. 
Homura nudges his shoulder, one hand intertwined with Atsumu’s. “We’re not gonna make you talk to them-”
“maybe...” adds in Atsumu.
“-But if they come up to ya, maybe it won’t be the worst thing.”
Osamu looks down, tightly gripping the strap attached to his container. “Okay,” he quietly agrees.
Atsumu slaps his brother’s shoulder with a smile and comments, “ya know where my clothes are, grab em if ya need em” before taking his leave to go entertain other guests.
“I’m assuming you have more containers?” Homura asks, standing by Osamu’s side.
“70 onigiris definitely do not fit in here.” Osamu smiles with his quip, and she smiles back. 
“Figured. I’ll help ya grab the rest. Go and put that down first.” She heads towards the front door, leaving him in the doorway. 
He takes a deep breath before recomposing himself, restoring his classic blank n’ bored expression. He strides into the kitchen, placing the black container down softly and attracts eyes in the process, including yours. He feels your soft gaze somehow dig into the back of his head once he swiftly turns around, walking away back to the front door. As he steps back into the winter breeze, he’s met with Homura’s knowing gaze. 
“They’re single, ya know.” 
Osamu huffs out cold hair, eyes closing at the sting of the wind. And somehow, the cold sting filling his lungs eased the fear in his stomach. 
“I look like shit.”
“Atsu said you could take his clothes. Let’s go pick somethin’ nice out for ya.” 
This is gonna be a long night. 
Osamu sits himself on the couch, a glass of champagne in one hand. Atsumu’s maroon button-up faintly smells like his signature cologne, and although he usually hates it, something about it helps Osamu channel his brother’s cockiness confidence, which feels very helpful right about now. 
But the confidence he’s tryna channel can only do so much. Suna and Akaashi are both worried as they watch Osamu space out mid conversation. Its far from normal. Suna knows exactly what’s on his best friend’s mind, while Akaashi is astute enough to make a guess. 
“Myaa-sam.” Akaashi gently calls to Osamu. No response. 
So Suna gives him a nice kick. 
“Oi!” Osamu rubs his shin. 
“Talk to them, before ya go crazy and take us all down with ya,” Suna’s tone is flat and bored, but the intensity of the statement is clear. 
“I dunno…” 
“Myaa-sam, don’t you think it's worth a try?” Akaashi’s approach is different, soft and coaxing. 
“Ya know how awkward it’s gonna be?” His leg is bouncing now.
He wants to. Very badly. But he can’t. It might only make things worse. 
“It’s only awkward if ya make it awkward. And that’s comin’ from me. Ya know, from both of our personal experiences, waiting too long is the worst mistake you can make.” Suna turns his gaze back to the kitchen, wistfulness is his voice. 
“We fucked up. But yer gettin’ a second chance. Don’t do it again.” 
Osamu knows Suna’s pain. He knows he’s right. 
“How the hell do I even start?” 
Suna’s gaze shifts to something, or someone, else before quickly locking eyes with Akaashi. 
“Don’t run.” He then gets up wordlessly and walks away. 
Akaashi brushes his pants off before standing, a small smile resting on his face. 
“Just remember Myaa-sam, you’ll only regret the things you don’t do. It’s best to be honest,” and with that, Akaashi also walks away. 
As Osamu’s eyes trace Akaashi’s path of escape, his eyes are caught by you, happily bounding towards him- a smile on your face and onigiri in hand. 
Yeah, that’s you for sure. Osamu is caught between the nerves in his stomach and the fuzziness in his mind as you come up to him. 
“Osamu, hello! Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas, L/N.”
“Can, can I sit here?”
Don’t run. 
As you sit down, he notes the distance, he notes how your arms are in front of you, he notes your smile, and he notes how your eyes shine. He notes how cute you look with the onigiri tightly held in your hands. 
“Your onigiri’s are amazing! I always knew you were a great cook, but I’m so sad I never got to try them before!”
“Thank you, L/N. These definitely aren’t my best, Tsumu didn’t tell me I needed to make em till this mornin’ so… I was worried they weren’t as good.”
A lie. He knows they’re not bad. But he wants you to think they can be much better. 
“If this is bad then I’ll definitely have to come by and try more! Because this is the best onigiri I’ve ever had. But maybe that’s because you’re the one who made em.” You quickly move on from your comment by taking a giant bite out of your onigiri, and Osamu hopes that you don’t see how intensely his face heats up. 
Are ya, flirting? With him? Nah, yer just being you, all nice and all. But that doesn’t do anything to mitigate how much you’ve just stroked his ego. 
“Sounds like classic Atsumu, to forget to tell ya something important. What was your day like? Having to prep all this so fast.” You look up at him, expectantly, eagerly ready to listen to him.
Your undivided attention does illegal things to his heart, ya know. 
But just like that, you two fall into your usual pace, as if y’all had never stopped talking in the first place. He tells you stories, you add in charismatic quips, you both share laughs, and slowly the gap between you two closes. Osamu’s hand is now empty of any glasses and lounges against the back of the chair right by your head. You, on the other hand, have your legs pulled up under you, your knees gently pushing against his thigh. 
“Oh my gosh I should be at more Black Jackals games from now on, this sounds amazing,” you say as you wipe a tear from your eye after laughing too hard. 
“If yer goin, lemme know, I can keep ya company,” Osamu lets the words fall from his mouth before he processes what he’s saying. 
You pause, soaking in his words. “Really?”
Now it’s his turn to process his offer. “Uh.. only… if yer interested-”
“I’d love that.” You smile at him, excitement clear in your voice. 
As Osamu indulges himself in the sight of your smile, he realizes that some rice clung to the corner of your face. Out of instinct and enabled by proximity, his hand resting in his lap reaches out to you. His hand caresses your jaw while his thumb drags against the corner of your mouth, down over your bottom lip. Out of shock, you could do nothing but stare at him as his eyes meet yours. 
In this moment, in this place, time has stopped. Osamu has one thought on his mind as he thumbs at your lips. 
I need to kiss them. Now.
But then he didn’t. 
Osamu sharply retracts his hand, a “ah, sorry,” running off his tongue. 
“You’re, you’re fine.” You look down, flustered. “I’ll, be right back.” Osamu sighs and feels his heart start to sting as you walk away, head lowered. 
Fuck me. I fucked up again, didn’t I? I just didn’t want to do anything they didn’t want. 
 Osamu snaps back to reality as he feels a hard slap against the back of his head. 
He’s ready to fight when he turns around, only to see Homura and Atsumu behind the couch. 
“The fuck was that, Samu?” Atsumu aggressively yell whispers. 
“What doya mean!” He knows what Atsumu means. He hates admitting Tsumu is right, but he can’t admit that. 
Homura’s disappointed glare quiets him down. “Don’t do anything you don’t want to, Osamu. But if you want it, you can’t keep running away. And don’t lead them on either, that ain’t fair.” 
“I didn’t know if they wanted to…” Hasn’t that always been the problem? Osamu is a confident guy. He pulls a lotta people, pretty consistently too. But you were different, always had been. Osamu never wanted to hurt you, never wanted to make you uncomfortable. Never wanted to ruin your friendship. But in trying to do that, once it was too late, he knew that’s exactly what he did. And he couldn’t find it in himself to do that again. 
“They want it. I know my best friend. They want you as much as you want them, headass. So if you’re not gonna make a move, I will.” With that, Homura turns on her heels and walks away, Atsumu glaring at his brother while his girlfriend pulls him along. 
That’s definitely a threat. What does it mean? Who knows! But better to not find out.
Osamu’s eyes scan the room and he finds Suna leaning up against a wall, Akaashi standing next to him. Suna’s lazy gaze makes contact with Osamu’s for a moment before closing while sipping at his hot chocolate. Akaashi’s squint also feels more piercing in this moment. 
My boys are talkin’ shit about me? Incorrect, Samu. In case you have not realized, your boys are not the type to talk in the first place. 
I deserve it this time though. He rubs the back of his neck as he stands up to stretch. 
You do regret the things you don’t do. Dammit Akaashi. Time to talk it out. 
Osamu strides through the house tryna find you. He finds you stepping down the stairs, wiping at your face. His heart shatters and he really wants nothing but to hug you. But he resists, mind determined. 
“Osamu! Hi um… I’m so sorry if I’ve been bothering you.” 
“I’ll just let you go, I don’t wanna make you anymore uncomfortable.”
“Y/N.” Osamu grabs your arm as you try and walk away and gently tugs you to face him. “Please. Can we talk?” 
You pause, take a deep breath, and then turn to him, eyes still ensuring him that he has your undivided attention. 
With butterflies fluttering in his stomach, he calmly speaks. “I like you.”
Your eyes widen.
“I like you a lot. Since 2nd year-”
“In college?”
“High school.” 
You shudder and tears pool in the corners of your eyes. Instinct takes over Osamu as he pulls you forward with all his weight, throwing you against his chest as he wraps his arms around you. 
“I’m sorry I never told ya,” he whispers to you as he rocks you side to side, your face buried in his chest and your arms tight around his back. 
“I’ve always been so scared of, hurtin ya. You were one of my close friends, and I didn’t wanna mess it up over feelings. I didn’t wanna lose ya.” 
You nuzzle against his chest as he feels you start to shake.
“But when I saw that guy kissin ya one day, I thought… I thought I lost you anyways. I realized I waited too long and that I made a mistake. And then I proceeded to do everythin’ I never wanted to do, I hurt ya and I fucked up our friendship.”
“Osamu, I never wanted him to kiss me.” Your voice cracks. 
“...What?” His eyes go wide with concern and confusion. 
“He kissed me outta the blue. I thought we were just friends but he didn’t see it that way. I was just being myself, though. But right after that I told him there was someone else I liked.” 
Osamu internally hits himself. Maybe he should just ask Atsumu to punch him. How could he be so fuckin’ stupid? 
“I was gonna confess to you after that, but that’s when you dipped on me. I didn’t know what I did, and Homura told me to talk to you and find out for myself- she said it’d be fine if I talked to you, and that I should learn to communicate with you but I… I didn’t reach out. That’s my fault.”
Osamu pulls you closer to him, crushing you as much as he could. It’s his turn to shed a few tears, in frustration and pain. He coulda been with you all this time, but he was being a headass. Maybe Homura should punch him instead. 
“I’m...I’m so so sorry Y/N. I missed ya so much.” He cradles you in his arms, a calming (self-calming) sigh falling through his lips. 
“I’ve missed you too, Samu.”
You two look at each other for a good, long moment before small smiles crawl onto your faces. Osamu pulls you against him once more. 
“Let’s try this again. I wanna get it right this time.”
“Sounds good to me.” You say, sniffles stopping and giggles rising out of your chest. 
He buries his nose into the top of your head drawing in the sweet smell of your shampoo while his hands grab onto your fluffy sweater. 
“So cute! NOW KISS.” You and Osamu jolt out of your hug when Atsumu barks. All Osamu’s (and your) friends had now come to look at you two, smiles all around. 
Akaashi smiles fondly. Suna smiles lazily, and your favorite dumb Black Jackals (Bokuto and Hinata), who were unaware of any history between you two, are now in shock while also smiling like crazy. 
“Get it, Mya-samm!” Bokuto cheers out, causing everyone to erupt into laughter. 
“Wait, wait!” Atsumu runs down the hall, jumps, and then runs right up to his twin. He then proceeds to hold a mistletoe right above yours and Osamu’s head. 
“ I’ve been waitin’ for this shit to happen for Ion even know how many years. No chickenin’ out of it this time.” 
“Wasn’t planning on it, jackass.” 
Osamu’s hands find their way to your cheeks, gently caressing it with his fingers running up and down your jaw. His eyes take their time inspecting every inch of your face, mentally mapping every beautiful feature that adorns you. With the fire hot in his stomach and his lips aching, he pulls your face to meet his, lips gently massaging yours, telling you everything he had said earlier all over again, but this time with his actions. 
He likes you. A lot. For years. And he’s missed you so much. 
He slows the kiss down, taking his time to let you feel his lips against yours. When your hands reach up to hold his face he can’t help but try and pull you closer. 
As he pulls away after a mere 30 seconds, which did indeed feel like forever, his adrenaline is pumping and his smile is uncontrollable. The whooping and hollering slowly starts to die down, not that either of you heard it while so focused on the other. 
Osamu’s eyes find Suna’s. Suna has his camera out, as per usual, but his face has a small smile on it, and he nods to his best friend. With that, he nudges Akaashi and they walk back to to the family room. 
“Alright alright let’s get going boys. We have games that need to be played.” Homura grabs Bokuto and Hinata by the arm and collar (respectively) after giving a look to you. 
In that moment, Atsumu winked at Osamu while doing the ‘okay’ sign with his hands before walking to the room with everyone else. 
It was a signal the two had established way back in high school, when he and Homura started dating. It was their nonverbal sign of permission to the other twin for guaranteed privacy- which was important in a household of shared rooms and shared, well, everything. 
“What now Samu?” You look up at him, tugging him closer now that everyone else was gone. 
“I’m not done with ya just yet.” He smiles down at you, his eyes mischievous. 
You tilt your head in confusion. 
“I’m throwin ya over my shoulder, okay?” 
“Yes but why-” 
With that, Osamu sweeps you off the floor and throws you over his right shoulder easily.
“I messed up for years of my life, and now I have to make up for lost time. I told ya I’m not done with ya just yet.” 
Osamu proceeds to carry you up the stairs, giggles falling from your mouth. 
He’s gonna make sure you know much he really likes you. He’ll shower you in so much love, there won’t be a doubt left in your mind. 
He promises.
Epilogue- the next day
As the Black Jackals all slept like logs in their rooms, the smell of pancakes and coffee filled the air, attracting some of the other guests.
Some of the other boys, Suna, Akaashi, and Osamu, had all slept over, and were the among the first to find their way to the kitchen. 
“Samu, did Y/N get home ok?” Homura asks him while flipping some pancakes at the stove. 
Rubbing his eyes as he approaches her with a cup of coffee in hand, he nods. “Happy n’ safe.” 
“I’m very glad.”
“Homura-chan, I have a question for ya.” 
“You knew both of our sides of the story from a long time ago. Why did ya never say anythin’? I’m not mad but I’m tryna figure it out.”
She smiles before saying, “It didn’t feel right. I love you both. A lot, obviously. But I think we both know intervening can... make things worse. A lot worse.”
A shared memory flashes through their minds. 
“And on top of that, I don’t think it would’ve solved the real issue both of you had. I wanted y’all to be happy in a relationship, but that meant y’all would have some barriers to cross. Y’all needed to grow before you could work as a couple. So I figured time would do its work.” 
“Although!!” Atsumu’s bright voice cuts in as he marches into the kitchen, wrapping his girlfriend in his arms, “us not telling you they were coming yesterday was 100% planned.” 
“And not telling me about onigiris?”
“Yeah that was intentional. Had to keep ya away from the house long enough.” 
“I’m gonna fuckin’ kill ya, Tsumu.” 
A/N: I hope y’all enjoyed! The ambiguity with Suna, Osamu, and Homura was intentional, so stay tuned!!!
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thedevildomdaily · 4 years
Valentine’s Day Photo Reactions
Valentine’s Day Photo Reactions
 This is a follow-up post to the Valentine’s Picture of my OC Lena. Although I’ve only shared the first chapter of her story with the boys, ‘A Tie That Binds’, I wanted to go ahead and share a bit of their lives and how each of them would react if she sent them the picture in a text.
Master List
Warnings: None. This is my first time doing one of these bullet posts. I got a little goofy thanks to my good friend Alcohol. (Sapphire Gin, Blue Curaçao, cranberry juice, & Sprite n_< ) But I had hella fun! Enjoy <3
Was in a meeting with Diavolo and Barbatos when he received the text.
Merely glanced down at first to make sure nothing was on fire or that Leviathan got pissed and summoned Lotan.
It’s Lena. A photo?
Keeps listening to Diavolo, phone hidden in his lap behind his desk.
Okay, she doesn’t bother me when she knows I’m in a meeting. Better see what she needs to show m-
Looks at Diavolo, then Barbatos. Expressionless.
Sneaks another look, before looking back at the other two.
“Lucifer...is something the matter?” Barbatos asks.
“No, why?”
“You looked away then agreed to be a part of a photoshoot to promote the Council...and you just dipped your pen into your tea.”
Clears throat, slight blushing. Definitely pissed Barbatos called him out on it. Diavolo’s guttural laugh doesn’t make it any better.
Lena was definitely going to be punished when he returned to The House of Lamentation. 
Was in the middle of sneaking into Asmodeus’s room to find some pricey jewelry or perfume to pawn to pay off some debt.
That was a lie. He was going to buy himself something extravagant instead.
Left his DDD on, full volume, and nearly had a heart attack when it went off just as he opened a very gaudy jewelry box.
This better be good, Lena! Tryna to kill me! Or get me killed!
Looks at the message.
Spaces out for a moment. Just….staring….
Hears a sudden noise of footsteps and starts to panic.
Oh shit. Is it Asmo?!
Starts to bolt for it with his eyes still on the picture, trips over one of Asmo’s ottomans and lands face-first into the floor.
That woman is gonna be the death of me…
Was in the process of achieving every trophy within the latest RPG game he was into. Gotta get that Platinum!
Hears and ignores text buzz.
“Leave me alone you normies! I am going to get that Platinum, then unlock the Super Ultimate Secret Ending that reveals the prince didn’t die. I will find you princess!”
He totally forgot Valentine’s Day was coming up this week.
Received another DDD text from a Human World app that Lena made him download.
Better...answer...Len-ONE MORE LEVEL!...NO!
Lost focus just enough to die. This game was on the hardest difficulty and had limited saves so he gritted his teeth and jerked his phone up.
Could never be mad at Lena for too long though. She was his real waifu afterall!
Sees picture and his face immediately turns redder than Diavolo’s hair.
Sits there in a daze for a while with his hand over his mouth.
“Must...find waifu...but it’s too much! Can I even…Maybe if I ask her...Be brave...”
Mumbles to himself things he might attempt to do with Lena as he gravitates out of his room towards her’s, leaving his game unpaused.
Will have no regrets 
Was reading ‘How to Tell if Your Cat is Plotting to Kill You’ after Lena recommended it.
Was told it could provide ideas that he and his fellow ‘Lucifer You S*ck’ chat members could implement against their eldest brother.
Furrowed his brows after reading the first 10 pages. 
Did Lena even read this? 
What was this New York Times and why were they making it a bestseller? 
Humans are strange. And so was Lena
Ah, speaking of the nephilim: a text
He was going to have words with her about this book…
Stares at the photo and..is his bowtie a little..tight?
He would have words about the book...in the morning.
Tonight, he had other plans with the little minx. 
Was walking home from Hell’s Kitchen, eating a burger in one hand while toting a giant bag full in the other. 
Heard his DDD go off and crammed the remaining half in his mouth so he could fish for it in his jacket pocket.
Mmmh, fish. Definitely will have that tomorrow.
Sees that Lena had sent a text and smiles cheerfully. Was going to attempt at saving her a burger because it would remind her of her home world.
Looks at the picture.
Suddenly drops his burgers and starts to run.
Turns around and goes back for the burgers.
They would both be famished later….much later. Starving.
Was asleep in the bathtub in his and Beelzebub’s room, hugging his giant cow print towel like a security blanket.
Lena, if she saw him, would probably refer to him as ‘Linus’ from an old cartoon she liked. Especially the one about a pumpkin that children worshipped in the human world. 
Woke to the sudden sound of his DDD crashing into the floor after vibrating off the edge of the sink.
Why are you waking me now? 10 more minutes…
A series of follow-up texts made the phone go crazy. It was definitely intentional to get Belphie to wake up.
“Leeeenaaa….nu..” he mumbled as he reached for the phone. His face was still buried in his towel.
Sees the picture Lena sent and lays there for a bit, staring.
Good thing he skipped classes and the Student Council meeting that day in favor of sleep, cause neither of them were going to get any rest.
Heard his DDD go off during his meeting with Lucifer and Barbatos, but ignored it. He didn’t want the both of them to lecture him about the importance of the matters they were discussing.
Smiled like a happy little teenager in love when he saw it was Lena that left a message.
Seeing the picture, the prince’s smile faded.
“Barbatos. Cancel the rest of my plans for this evening.” Barbatos bowed, knowing how serious his master was.
Whenever he returned to his home, he would teleport the lovely nephilim directly to his bedroom chambers.
He couldn’t wait for Barbatos to arrange an invitation, and Lena didn’t look like she wanted to either.
He’d better transform into his devil form. She was already matching it and he knew she loved to grab his-
“My Lord,” Barbatos interrupted his thoughts, “You have transformed involuntarily into your demon form and your wings just knocked over all the documents...again.”
Was the one who set up the little photo shoot and worked the camera.
He painted her nails gold and found the earrings to match the ensemble. 
Honestly, he was a fashion genius and she looked almost as good as him. Dare he say equally? 
No, not quite. He was the definition of perfection.
Barely resisted the urge to make advancements in the process. 
“No, lovely!” she chimed as he made final hair adjustments, breathing in the perfume he gifted her...and then adjusted his hair as he gazed upon his own beauty in her vanity mirror.
He respected her wishes. 
The moment the shoot was over, he pounced at the opportunity to ravish his lovely bride.
He was told after the picture was taken, he could ‘take her’. n_<
Had to buy 8 versions of the same lingerie and was gonna be broke if they keep shredding her damn clothes EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
Was not complaining she had to celebrate Valentine’s Day 8 days in a row, but she’d never been more happy to be a nephilim. 
Needed to thank Solomon for teaching her a spell that made her room soundproof.
Wouldn’t be attending RAD for about two weeks.
Accidentally received Lena’s picture.
Now understood what in the Devildom had gotten into both Lord Diavolo and Lucifer.
“Good for her.”
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mrs-takami-keigo · 4 years
Tumblr media
Song:Mesmerize by Ja rule
Club owner Bakugou X Fem!Reader Rating E! 18+
As stated in my RULES all characters I write will be 21 and up! In this Bakugou is twenty-nine.
Prompt: Character flirts with you at the club and couldn’t wait till you got somewhere secluded to have you.
Word count:4.2k
Warnings:Dirty talk, Orgams denial, public sex, unprotected sex, slight degradation, alcohol
This was a request from my PROMPTS I did for my zodiac twin @katsukikitten​. This was so much freaking fun to write!! 
And this will also be my first tile off of my BINGO masterlist! 
Huge thank you to @samanthaa-leanne​ and @shoutogepi​ for beta reading this for me! 
You felt the bass of the loud music vibrate through your body as you maneuvered through the crowd of people, bodies pressed together, lights flashing and drinks in everyone's hand, you expected nothing less from the hottest club in the city. Usually the smell of alcohol would bother you but right now it didn’t matter because you were finally out of the house and having a good time. That quarantine felt like it lasted for years but you also understood it was necessary. Everyone was drunk, inhibitions thrown out the window, tonight was about living it up.
“What can I get for you!” The bartender shouted from across the slightly sticky white countertop. Even on an insane night like this he had a giant smile on his face, happy to finally have business.
“Can I get a gin and tonic with two limes and make it a double please!” The red haired man gives you a curt nod of his head before grabbing a glass and making your drink.
Turning around you pressed your exposed back to the bar, elbows resting on the surface. You took in the sight of the club, people dancing, laughing, lovers showing their affection for each other rather publicly. A smirk played on your lips at a couple as their lips seemed to become molded together, wandering hands gripping ass, boobs, anything they could get their hands on.
It made you a little envious. How long has it been since you’ve had your back blown out, moaning at the top of your lungs by some good dick? Months, six months to be exact, but it’s not like you were counting or anything.
“Here you go, love!” The sound of the bartender's voice broke you out of your thoughts. Turning around you went to open your clutch only to have his hand cover yours. Looking up, the bartender was shaking his head. “Your drinks for the night have been covered by someone already.”
“What? Who?!” You looked around to see if anybody was looking in your direction, assuming whoever did this would want for you to talk to them. You’ve had drinks bought for you in the past on numerous occasions, may it have been the old man trying to relive his youth after a divorce to a young guy just trying to impress you by spending money on you.
“Not at liberty to say, but just enjoy it love. Name is Kirishima, if you need a refill just let me know.” The red headed man sent you a playful wink before he slid down the bar, helping the other patrons.
‘Covered for the night huh?’ A smirk played on your lips as you twirled the little red straw between your fingers, the ice cubes clinking against the side of the glass. Wrapping your glossed lips around the plastic material you took a sip of the drink, the slight burn from the gin hit you first but was subdued by the sweet and tangy taste of the limes. Kirishima made this drink super strong but it was still pleasurable. And if drinks were gonna be covered all night nothing was stopping you from downing the small glass of alcohol in five minutes, before waving down your new favorite bartender for another.
Not sure how much time had passed, you were only counting by drinks and you were positive you were on your fith glass. You weren’t completely drunk, still sober enough to know your name, address and phone number but you were sure if you drank two more right now you’d be black out drunk. Pulling out your phone you clicked the button on the right side, bringing the small device to life.
‘It’s only one am and I’m already like this?’ You still had the whole night ahead of you and you were damned if you had to go home early. Facing the bar you looked for Kirishima, trying to get his attention. But he was distracted by a group of women who were fawning over his bright red spiked hair.
“Oi dumbass! You got other people here waiting! Stop tryna get your dick wet and get her something to drink!” You weren't sure when the male had snuck up behind you, but between his loud voice and his body fully pressed against yours you couldn’t move. His chest felt like a rock against your back, a low rumble vibrating through his chest as he yelled, looking down to your right you saw one of his hands pressed on the bar. Not even seeing his face yet, you could feel your pussy come alive.
“Damn Bakugou! I could have really had some fun tonight.” While you were lost in your slight desire for this Bakugou person, Kirishima had reluctantly walked away from the group.
“I really don’t give a fuck.” You could feel him lean down so his face was next to your’s. Not even daring to your head, afraid if he was attractive you’d lose the last of your resolve. “You want another gin and tonic, double with two limes, or you want some water?” He spoke in a lower tone almost like a growl, his breath ghosting over the shell of your ear.
You started to love and hate the fact that you wore this specific dress tonight, it was a skin tight royal blue satin dress, a small strap wrapped around your neck leaving your entire back exposed. What you really loved about this dress was how it hugged you curves in all the right places while still looking classy. The bad part was you could feel his other large hand placed on the small of your back and because of that your cunt started to pulsate. You were already sure you had a small wet spot on your black lace panties.
Swallowing the lump in your throat you turned your head to look at the male that had this effect on you. ‘Holy shit he’s fucking hot.’ His crimson colored eyes were fixated on you, blonde brows lifted as a smug smirk graced his lips. Messy fluffy blonde hair on top of his head, a black button down fitting perfectly on his slim yet fit body. The first three buttons were undone, exposing the silver chains that hung from his thick neck.
“You’re pretty fucking hot yourself.” A tongue slipped past his lips in a swift motion, those crimson eyes glanced down roaming over your curves, drinking in the sight of you like he was ready to eat you right there against the bar. You were sure you felt his hand on your lower back shift so his fingers were brushing dangerously close to the edge of the dress that sat right on top of your ass.
At first you were perplexed on why he would say that to you only to realise you said he was hot out loud instead of in your head. First time out in months and you embarrass yourself infront on the finest man you’ve set your eyes on, fucking great.
“You want another drink love?” Kirishima placed an empty glass on the bar, ready to make your usual.
“Can I get water this time?” You were trying to ignore the man who was still behind you. His gaze on you was so intense that you were sure he could see right through you. Bakugou had said less than twenty words and you were ready to have his face buried in your pussy. Yeah you definitely needed water if you were gonna try to talk to this fine ass man.
“You know it’s pretty fucking rude to ignore a person who was talking to you.” He had moved from behind you, to stand next to you. Resting his right forearm on the bar he leaned so he could see your entire face. “But I’ll let it slide, I’m in a good mood tonight.”
You still haven’t looked in his direction, trying to hide the fact that this man had you flustered. Kirishima had passed you a tall glass full of ice cold water, lifting it up to your slightly parched lips, you let the cold water slide down your throat. You didn’t realize just how thirsty you actually were til that moment. Closing your eyes you relished in the feeling of the water cooling you down, a little spilled from the side of your mouth, sliding down your neck.
Bakugou watched as that clear liquid flowed down your smooth skin, it glistened as the club lights hit it. He wanted nothing more than to use his tongue and lap up that water but restrained himself.
“And it’s rude to creep up behind a girl and place your hand on her like that without asking.” You set the glass down, turning to face him, coping the same position he was in. “No introduction, no ‘excuse me’. You even yelled at sweet Kirishima as if you owned the place, asshole.”
“Oi Kirishima, who owns this fucking place?” Bakugou never shifted his gaze from your fiery ones as he called out to the bartender.
“Uh you boss.” The minute those words rolled out of his mouth you could feel panic run through your body.
‘Boss?! No fucking way!’
“And who covered her tab for the night?” You didn’t know if you wanted to slap that smug look off his face or let him have his way with you at the moment, right now both sounded like a good plan.
“Once again you boss.”
“Thanks dumbass, you can leave now, I’m sure those hoes are still waiting for you.” Bakugou stood up straight, towering over you even in your heels. He moved forward forcing you to move back away from him. You weren't sure if it was because of the gin or if it was because of him but you could feel your face begin to flush, legs becoming like jelly with each step you took, the look in his eyes were dark and full of lust. As if he was a lion waiting to pounce on his prey.
“Now who was the asshole again?” His voice came out as a snarl, lips curled up showing off his canines and gums. Stumbling backwards your back came in contact with the wall at the end of the bar. It just so happened that this particular corner was hidden in the dark corner of the club. “What happened? You got all that bark and no bite?”
Bakugou had caged you between the wall and his body, his right arm blocking you from the crowd and with his broad build shielding you from the people behind him. With his free hand, he gently gripped your face, tilting your head up so you could look at him. His face was so close to yours, breaths mingled together as his eyes bore into you.
“I’m gonna be fuckin honest here, I saw you the minute you entered my club. I watched as you made your way across the dance floor and over to shitty hair. You cast a fuckin spell on me and all I wanna do is fuck you against this wall right now.” You felt your breath hitch as he placed his thigh in between your legs. His semi-hard cock was pressed against your leg. “But I won’t do anything unless you want me too. I’m not a fucking animal.”
The way your mouth went dry as he spoke and your pussy began to ache for him. This man you met only ten minutes ago was just your type, dominating, handsome and still a fucking gentelman. If anyone cast a spell it was him.
“Age?” You had a few questions before letting this man dick you down.
“Twenty nine and you?”
“Twenty eight. You clean?”
Smirking down at you he knew that this was your way of saying yes to him. “My body is my temple princess.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck as you ground your sex against thigh, a moan floating out of yours and his lips. “Do your worst asshole.”
Before you could even blink his mouth was pressed against your glossed ones. Nothing about this situation was romantic, no it was nothing but carnal desire. Your body longed to be touched by someone and fuck did you hit the jackpot with this one.
His hands roamed down your back, slightly scratching your smooth skin leaving small red marks in their wake. Soon he gilded his hands over your ass, cupping your cheeks in his large calloused hands. Breaking the kiss you let out a shuttered breath, by him gripping you up like that caused you to rub against his thigh again but this time it was much harder than before.
“I can feel how wet you are through my fucking pants, you want me that bad huh?” Bakugou growled against your neck, giving it small licks and nips, eyes started to roll into the back of your head. Between his attack on your neck and him constantly making you rub your pussy against his thigh, you were sure he was gonna wreck you.
“Don’t flatter yourself dipshit, it's been a long six months.” He was right though, you wanted him, you wanted him so bad. Your nimble fingers made their way to his belt, trying to unbuckle it and get what you wanted.
“You’re an eager little slut aren’t ya?” Grabbing your hands, Bakugou lifted them above your head, holding both wrists in one of his hands. “Don’t worry princess I’ll be sure to make you cum hard. We’ll save all that sensual shit for next time.” Fuck, he had you completly under his control. As much as you wanted to fight him and challenge him, you couldn’t. All you wanted was for him to fuck you.
Bakugou had turned his body slightly to the side, covering you from anyone that could still see you. You were so lost in him that you forgot that you were in the fucking club and out in the open. But you were far too deep now to care, and so was everyone else.
You could feel Bakugou lift the hem of your satin dress up, exposing your black lace panties. Taking his long middle finger he grazed it against you, slightly pressing between your folds. “I fucking knew it, you are soaked. Look at my finger, it's coated with your juices.” He brought the same finger he used against you, sticking his tongue out, sliding the coated digit over it.
“God with just that little bit I can tell you taste so fucking good.” His leg was still between your own and your arms still above your head, you ground your hips against him once again. He was doing too much teasing and all you wanted was that sweet sweet release.
“Stop playing with me and fuck me!” You hissed between your teeth.
The hand holding your wrists tightened as he held your hips down. He leaned down, lips barely touching your own. “Don’t tell me what to do.” You knew he wouldn’t cause any actual harm to you but that statement sent shivers down your spine. “Just for being a brat I’m gonna make you beg for it. Make you beg to cum, make you beg for my dick to stretch that tight sopping wet pussy.”
You gulped as his grip on your hip loosen. “Are you gonna be a good fucking girl for me?”
You could only nod your head, words and sentences were something you weren’t capable of at the moment.
“Use your words princess. Say, yes Katsuki.” His fingers went back to torturing you in between your legs. Each stroke becoming rougher than the last.
“Yes Katsuki.” Those words came out like a moan. The feeling of his hands on you, how he growled with each brush of his finger against your pussy, it was driving you wild. One of his long fingers hooked on the side of your drenched panties, pulling them to the side, exposing your wet cunt to him.
Clenching your fists as you let out a gasp, you felt Bakugou slipped a finger between your folds. Burying his face in your neck you heard him cuss under his breath, giving you praises about how good you felt and he wasn't even in you yet. The man pinning you to the wall started to roll his finger over your hardened clit, sending waves of pleasure surging through your body. You could feel his hard cock against your thigh with each roll of his hip, god did you want that dick in you.
“Oh fuck!” Your body shuddered as he inserted a finger inside of you. You didn’t care how loud you were seeing as how the music in the club would just drown you out.
“God princess you’re so fucking tight.” Bakugou dragged his tongue along your shoulder, before biting down on your neck. You responded by rolling your hips into your hand as he started to move the digit in and out of you at a painfully slow pace.
“More please.” Your mouth was agape, sharp intakes of breaths as he moved. That’s when you felt him add another long finger inside of you. You could feel your walls stretch around his fingers. Bakugou switched between scissoring motions and just moving his fingers against you, pressing on that soft bundle of nerves.
“Look at you,” His fingers started to pick up their pace, making your eyes roll in the back of your head. “I got you fucking whimpering for me and all I’m doing is fucking you with my fingers.” between his words and the speed of his fingers you could feel that familiar tightness forming in the lower part of your abdomen. “I can feel you tightening around my fingers, are you about to cum?”
“What was that I couldn’t fucking hear you.” His arm started to move at a speed you were sure was inhuman. It had your toes curling, your nails digging into the palm of your hands.
“I’m gonna cum!” Ready to feel yourself unravel for him, to feel that white flash of release, you closed your eyes. But it never came. Opening your eyes, you watched as he pulled out his fingers from inside your cunt, holding them in front of your face.
“You can’t cum until I say you can.” He ran his tongue over his fingers, cleaning them of your essence. “I want you to cum all over my dick, as I fuck you into this wall.”
You weren’t sure how much longer you could hold out, your legs were getting shaky and your arms were numb at this point. You wanted this, to have someone fuck you like this. Using one hand Bakugou undid his belt and button of his pants and unzipped them. Reaching in the front of his pants he pulled out his hardened cock.
Involuntarily swallowing the saliva that gathered in your mouth, you licked your lips. You imagined wrapping your lips around him as he fucked your mouth, making you gag on him. Bakugou could see the hunger in your eyes, and god did he want to do whatever you were thinking of doing but he was going to explode if he didn’t fuck you right now.
Bakugou leaned down, placing his forehead against your own. You could feel the dampness from the light coat of sweat on his forehead mix with your own. His breaths were shallow and deep, lust filled eyes mirrored yours. The noise of the club and people around you seemed to disappear, the only thing that could be heard was your heart beat as he rubbed the tip of his cock against your glistening folds. Bakugou coated his cock with your juices as a lubricant before aligning himself with your entrance.
Slowly he pressed the tip of his cock through the threshold of your pussy. The feeling of your hole stretching around him as he eased his way inside. Bakugou never broke eye contact as moved, letting you see every emotion he went through. How his eyebrows raised, nostrils flared and mouth opened as your pussy engulfed him.  
“Oh fuck princess, you feel so fucking good around me.” with a swift thrust he pushed himself the rest of the way, fully sheathing himself inside of you. Arching your back off the wall and whimpering, you could feel his cock twitch as he waited for you to get accustomed to him.
Bakugou let go of your wrists, bringing your arms down and wrapping them around his neck. His right arm came down, grazing his hand down past your ass, bringing it behind your thigh. Gripping your smooth skin, Bakugou hoisted your leg up to his waist allowing him to go in a little deeper, the tip of his cock pressing against that sensitive bundle of nerves. With your hands now free from his grip, you clawed at his back. Bakugou growled when he felt your nails dig into his skin. Moving his hips back he snapped them forward, causing you to scream out his name. A sinister smirk played on his lips, enjoying how his name fell from your lips like a mantra. With each thrust of his hips the harder you clawed at his back, he was sure you left scratch marks but he didn’t care.
“You like this don’t you? Getting fucked in the middle of a club, knowing anybody can come over here and see how much of a fucking slut you are.” That knot in your lower abdomen came back as he snarled in your ear. His hand gripping your thigh tightened, Bakugou was using that as leverage, making your body meet his with each thrust. And he was right, the fact that anybody could walk over and see you was exhilarating.  
Between Bakugou’s constant biting on your neck and how relentless his thrusts were, you were so close to reaching an orgasm that was surely going to make you see stars.
“Yes right there! I’m gonna cum.” Your hands found purchase in his hair ready for him to send you to the fucking moon.
“Oh no you don’t bitch.” Bakugou halted his movements, his cock was almost pulled out of you. “I told you I need to hear you beg for it.” You looked at him with fire in your eyes. There was no way he could be serious. Wrapping your hoisted leg you went to push his hips forward only to be met with a hand wrapped around your throat.
“I don’t think so. Good girls get to cum princess and all you’ve been was nothing but a brat. So why should I let you cum?” Bakugou had his lips grazing over yours as he spoke, his eyes were showing how serious he was, it sent shivers down your spine. “Now princess let me hear you fucking beg for my cock, for me to let you cum.”
“Please Katsuki let me cum.” You whined as you moved your hips, trying to get friction anything to help you release. “I promise I’ll be good, just please I want to feel you stretch out my pussy. I want to scream your name as I cum all over your dick, please!”
“Now that’s a good fucking girl.” With a sharp snap of his hips, Bakugou drove himself back into you moaning as he did. You had eyes rolling in the back of your head, drool coming down the side of your mouth while screaming his name. All the people near you could get fucked, the way Bakugou made you feel at this moment was all that mattered.
“Holy fuck!” You could feel Bakugou lose his rhythm for a split second and you knew he was close.
“Fuck! I’m gonna cum, please let me cum.” You had moved to moan in his ear before licking his thick neck and biting on it.
“Cum for me princess.” It came out as a low growl and that's what had sent you over the edge. Screaming his name louder than before you came all over his dick, hands pulling his hair as your body began to convulse.
“Oh shit!” Bakugou pulled out just as white streams of his cum began to spurt out, landing on the lips of your pussy and some on your thighs.
Bakugou had let go of your leg and slightly moved away from you. As soon as your leg hit the ground you felt them give out from under you as you started to tumble forward. Luckley the blonde man had quick reflexes and caught you, helping you lean against the wall.
“Let's get you cleaned up and some water in your system. My office is right upstairs.” Grabbing some napkins from behind the bar Bakugou began to wipe off the reminisce of his cum off your thighs, while pulling down your dress.
“Why didn’t you just take me there to begin with asshole?!” You smacked his arm as you looked around. Some people were staring at the two of you while whispering in their friends' ear
“It’s your fault! No one told you to come in here and get me mesmerized!” He leaned back down to whisper in your ear. “I just couldn’t wait to devour you princess.”
Biting your lip you grabbed his hand pulling him towards the stairs. “Now it’s my turn to devour you, asshole.”  
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theficplug · 5 years
{My Boyfriend Does My Makeup with Trevante}
{The YouTube Series}
Warnings: none , fluff
Trevante  finally had some time off after his latest film had wrapped and although you were both private about your relationship. You decided to give your boos (your viewers) something special for 307k. 
"Welcome to or back to my channel my boos. I have a special guest today. Everybody say hello to my boo bear. Who agreed to do the My Boyfriend Does My Makeup Challenge with me. Say hey baby." You say to him as he flashes his pearly whites at the camera and you can already tell you're going to have to filter the thirst comments. 
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"Hey , I'm uh Trevante y'all probably have seen me in a few things. If I seem like that familiar face that you can't put a name to. That's why. Also looking forward to playing some characters that don't die halfways through." He says jokingly at the end before giving a shy awkward little nod to the camera. 
You take his hand in yours and nuzzle closer into his side to get him to relax a little. 
"What I think a lot of people don't know is that even though he's always in front of the camera. He's also kinda shy and doesn't like a lot of attention on him, but unfortunately for you baby is that BOI WE FINNA BE ON YOUR ASS IF YOU MESS IT UP." You say jokingly as you set out all of the makeup and a little cheat sheet to tell him where everything goes. 
You watch him break into a smile and throw his hands up.
"Ye of little faith. That hurts bae." He says pretending to be hurt with his hand over his heart dramatically. 
"I'm only joking. I believe in you. Gimme kiss?" you ask before he pokes his lips out for you to press a soft kiss to his lips. 
"Alright , I'm ready. Today we're gonna use the Fenty foundation? We're just gonna take Miss Riri's stuff and rub it in, all over the face. You don't really need a sponge or brush or any of that. That's all to get you to spend more money." He says to the camera as if he knows what he's doing. 
You try to hold in your laughter while looking at the camera and shaking your head.
"You're doing good Tre. I feel prettier already. What's the next step?" You ask him as you watch him work. His tongue slightly poking out as he's concentrated on getting your face to look "right". 
Sometimes you just get caught up in how beautiful and kind he is. He always takes care of you and tries his hardest to be involved in anything you're interested in.
"I feel you eyeing me while I work and lemme just say it's highly distracting ma'am. I'm a professional." He says jokingly before giving you a quick kiss. You tug at his bottom lip before kissing him again.
"SHE GETTING DEMONETIZED Y'ALL. We gotta keep it pg." He says before working his way down the little cheat sheet you've left him. 
"If you poke me in my eye. I'm swinging." You say to Trevante as he grips your chin gently while trying to apply eyeliner.
"Y'all see how she be treating me? Gon beat my ass in front of all of y'all like that.  Lemme stop before that's all over Twitter. Shhh, stop fidgeting let me get it right. " He says and you can feel the felt tip going past where the little flick needed to stop. 
"How do I look baby?" You ask as you batting your eyelashes at him and watch his face scrunch slightly at messing it up.
"Hollup it's whopped on that side. Give me a wipe from over there please. . . You said earlier that you wanted to ask me some questions." Tre says to you not bopping along to the soft music playing in the background.
"If you could not love me in this way anymore. Do you think you could love me in a different way? Because you know how when some people break-up. It's so traumatic for them that they can't bare being around the person that they were with because the love there is different." You ask the heavy hitting question that came from an insta sticker. This man was actually a giant teddy bear and pouting at your question.
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"For the record I ain't going nowhere. This man put a ring on it." You say giggling and waiting for his response.
"I love you in all ways , always. You know that. But, I'm tryna think about what you're asking. You're saying if weren't together no more. Could I still love you? Absolutely, we were friends before even getting together. When we met in the makeup trailer. I knew that you were going to be important in my life. And that I was gonna love you in some way. But I am grateful that I get to love you this way. I get to love you romantically , emotionally, spiritually, and (cover your ears kids) physically. I'm in love with you." He says before giving the camera a wink and blowing a kiss at them. 
Your jaw drops slightly at his response. You could not be more in love with this man if you tried. You thought to yourself before leaning in to kiss his nose and then all over his face and finally his lips. 
"Damn, I mean I think I like you or whatever." You say to his as he smacks his teeth and shakes his head while laughing at your response. 
"I'm in love with you too Nemour. I only had 3 questions picked out. So here's my second one. When is the wedding? Someone on Instagram asked." You say to him as he nods 
"We have a date and it's in my fiancee's favorite season and that's about all I can tell you on that. But I'm sure when it's all said and done she'll put a cute little video package together for y'all." He says as he applies highlighter to your nose and you look at him before bursting into laughter.
"Of course. I promise my boos will be included into the wedding somehow, but Y'ALL lemme bring the camera in please look at how this man got my nose looking like a Christmas ornament. We're going on a lil date right after this. I'm finna be looking shhmmooking hot." You say sarcastically and he couldn't even stay pressed as he breaks out into laughter with you. 
"Okay so you're on the last part of my routine which is lips. So before you start I'll ask one last question from Twitter. It says what was our first impression of each other." You smile at the question remembering exactly what he was wearing and everything.
"Well I met you while working on the set of Predator. I was like damn okay lil chocolate drop. Can I get your number? No, but really I thought you were beautiful and funny and just like full of light. There were some early morning call times where I was just grumpy as hell and had to wake up at like 4am and have to hang off fake plane for who knows how long. But there you were in the trailer already dancing around to this one throwback song and giving everybody positive morning affirmations.
Just getting shit done too. I was just standing there watching you in your element. Your lil fro bouncing side to side as you swayed around getting all of your supplies together. And I remembered you ordered everybody breakfast with like Uber Eats or something. Your energy had me hooked from the start. I think I'm more of a morning person now because of you." He says as he picks out the lipstick color.
"You never told me that! That's so sweet boo bear. I was just trying to make everybody feel better 'cause those were some long ass hours. Trying to add all the lil scars and makeup and everything so early in the morning was a lot. But I got to spend more time with you so I wasn't complaining. My first impression of you hmmm. I think I was shocked at how beautiful you are! Wait , wait lemme explain. I've seen you before on that one Tyler Perry show as Ramsey before you got killed off. And just like when I found out you were going to be in that film. I was nervous as hell. And when you walked into the trailer with your beanie almost over your eyes and your headphones on like you were too cool for school. I knew I had to play it cool. I just like sauntered over to you and offered you a breakfast plate. It worked though. Cause you was grooving to Brandy too. After that I realized how you have the driest humor, and yet you are the funniest person I know. I mean like dad joke central with him. He be slapping his knee and everything y'all. But he could've been a whole comedian." You say to the camera and he waits for you to finish before he starts applying the deep plum shade of lipstick.
"My humor may be dry but you still be doing the scatter run when I do the Norbit voice." He says laugh softly at you already about to start wheezing. 
"Done?" You ask him as he sits back admiring his work. 
"I don't think I did too bad. Look" he says handing you the mirror as you look closely
"My lashes barely hanging on and my eyeliner doing the Cha Cha Slide but other than that I think it looks good. You did a good job baby." You say giving him a kiss as he smirks into it. Already getting the big head.
"I'm coming for your brand baby. Multi-talented." He says to the camera.
"Alright and with that I'mma end this video before his head gets even more inflated. I seen some juicer questions earlier but y'all there ain't no tea. We sexy but our own type of sexy. I gotta show y'all the photos from Halloween when we dressed as Marcus Burnett and Mike Lowry from Bad Boys... We're that couple."  You say chuckling softly.
"Alright my boos, y'all know what to do. Like , comment , and subscribe if you want. Turn on the notification bell so you can know when your faves fave post again. Who knows I might get him to do the No Hands Kissing Challenge for 400k. And an OnlyFans video for 1 million." You say half jokingly as it flies over his head for a moment before the lightbulb goes off. 
"I don't know about all that maybe 5 milli. Alright y'all , be kinder to yourselves and stay blessed. Byyyeeeee" He says in your voice as he does your outro and you couldn't wait to just wrap your arms around him and love on him. 
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vei-saretti · 4 years
I'ma make this into two parts. These movies are too damn long.
Remember when George Lucas himself was actually in charge? Pepperidge Farm remembers. And it weeps to think of the times we had when the lore was good and the characters made sense.
Tbh, I think the biggest reason we all love Qui Gon is because of Liam Neeson. I think anyone else could easily have made him look as big of a prick as Windu seems. But I can't think of a better actor to play the mentor to one of the most legendary Star Wars characters of all time.
The fact that Sidious thought the Trade Federation could just... kill a couple Jedi is goddamn hilarious to me. I thought Sidious was supposed to be smart.
Sometimes I wish I had been a teen or adult in 1999 so I could have gone from watching the OT, where you see all of two Jedi, one extremely old, to seeing dozens of young, badass Jedi kicking ass all in one movie. That must have been so fucking mind blowing.
The design of Naboo's city is stunning. The mix of technology and Italian renaissance architecture melds so well.
Oh, here we go, Jar Jar... Listen, I don't hate him, per se, but I think he mayyyyybe could have been handled a bit different to be made less annoying. That being said, he cracks me up several times during this movie, so he's not all bad. I can't help it. I grew up watching him in these movies.
"What's this??" Same, Obi-Wan. Same.
Gungan city is admittedly quite pretty as well.
Why are Boss Nass' eyes in his head when the other Gungan's eyes are on stalks... I am most confusion.
Fun fact, the giant newt thing's sound that it makes is a deepened, edited sound byte of one of the sound designer's kids.
"Relax" "You overdid it" is also goddamn hilarious.
I'd love to know... Other than the city and the swamps, why the hell is the rest of Naboo mostly just... plain ass grass. Like, what a boring ass landscape. I mean, I suppose it was probably for budgeting constraints, but still.
That shot of Padmé looking out the window as the droid army just marches right up to her front door is kind of haunting. She's powerless to stop it and knows no way out. Love that shot.
I only just noticed this the last time I watched this movie, after seeing it nearly 50 times as a kid, but when Qui Gon and Obi-Wan are leading the dignitaries to the hangar to escape, Padmé's handmaiden is decoying as her. When she's struggling to make the decision to go to Coruscant or to stay, since she's not the actual queen and doesn't know what decision Padmé herself would make, she says "Either choice presents great danger - to us all" and turns and looks dead in the eye of the real Padmé, who answers with, "We are brave, your Highness", CLEARLY telling her decoy to agree to go to Coruscant. I just find that so cool. It's the little things.
So apparently I'm an idiot. After bitching that fuel has never existed in Star Wars after The Last Jedi and Solo came out, here I am being proven wrong. Qui Gon just said "We have to land somewhere to refuel and repair the ship." Whoops.
Eyyyy, mah boi Maul. He looks so imposing with the hood. I miss Maul with the hood tbh. We deserve more of that. He also has legs here (RIP).
Natalie is soooooo young here. She's so cute oml I love her. Also I can't believe the actual queen decided it would be a good idea to go into the heart of Tatooine, aka Hutt territory, herself. Intelligent /s
Qui Gon is literally so fucking tall lmao. He dwarfs everyone.
BABY ANI. I know everyone hates baby Ani aka Jake Lloyd, but that kid is so damn cute. He's so sweet. And his acting isn't that bad.
But also thinking about how these two (meaning adult-ish looking Padmé and this kid Anakin) fuck later in life is straight up unnerving.
I like how Anakin does the typical kid thing and is like "Hey mom, here's some random strangers that I trusted and brought home". Has Shmi never taught this child about stranger danger?
My boy Maul has been thinking about revenge since the beginning. Incredible. This man has a revenge boner so intense it outlasts his own dick.
So did Plageous/Sidious choose Shmi specifically to carry their Force-made baby experiment or was Shmi a victim of happenstance? I mean, I imagine they wanted him to be born in the Outer Rim so the Jedi didn't find him (lol RIP) so maybe it was both.
Listen, I'm not saying I normally skip the pod race, but I usually skip the hell out of the pod race unless I'm in the right mood or I'm watching with someone else. It's not exactly boring, it's just not useful to the plot. And I hate regular racing in the first place so that's not helpful at all.
I kinda really hate how Jabba the Hutt looks in this movie...
I love how there's a bunch of Tuskens with fucking slog throwers just out here tryna kill pod racers for little to no reason. It's like if a bunch of rednecks with shotguns went to Daytona and tried to shoot the drivers for their car parts.
End part one...
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cryptidprimalslayer · 4 years
eh i just wanted to write abit about Ney’s Coerthas doings. 
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Being a floater is fucking great. i do what i want and go where i please. only obligation is to myself. i usually stay in Dravania cause it’s better then the snow sometimes. but i still need the frigid touch to soothe the fire in me. i set out for tailfeather to get some cloth i need for cleaning my rapier, i had to take it off my arm so i’m one armed. i’ll just have to use my claymore for if I’m attacked. i get to the settlement and find out there’s no cloth i use only this really coarse kind that will surely scratch up my blade, and it’s super expensive as well. i look made of gil to you? fine i guess i’ll have to cross into Coerthas after all, i aint dealing with the Gnath. Let’s hope there’s no overzealous Temple Knight looking to take down a heretic. Honestly can i not help a dragon without being marked for death? this is complete bullshit. They are like family to me, and you always protect family. i had to come all the way to Falcon’s Nest to see if i could get some damn cloth. i was only waylaid by a few Knights but a horde of Her heretics, that woman needs to stop honestly. i don’t give two shits about that damn city i only care about living in this tundra. i was going about my business with a merchant when i was approached and talked to by a Knight. well this can’t be good.
it wasn’t good. i’m actually surprised you didn’t kill me where i stood. i’m being extradited to Ishgard for some trial shit. i managed to shake my captors in central Coerthas then went off to Providence Point to think of how to get back to Dravania. i took a seat on the cliff overlooking that city and leaned against one of the weird rock formations. i’ll need to lay low for awhile, possibly indefinitely, while they are sure to sniff around the Western lands. idly throwing rocks while strategizing i came across an unusual stick with leaves on it. it looks really unassuming and i almost chucked it like the rest of the rocks. Something gave me pause though, i swear i’ve seen this design somewhere before. but where? i pocketed it and reached over my shoulder for the hilt when i heard footsteps approaching. of course someone can see me around these rocks, my ears are like a mile high. when the footsteps got closer i realized the sounded light, this isn’t an adult behind me. a stretch of silence later i emerged from behind the rocks to see an Elezen child staring back up at me. she looked super young and also a bit frightened so i knelt to get eye to eye. “Hey little girl what are you doing up here.” no response, she must be shy. An idea struck me so i pulled out the odd stick. She recognized it and looked relieved to see it. “I take it this is yours then? May i ask what it is?” i hand it over and again got no response. “Where are your parents?” why do i keep asking questions when i know she won’t answer them? i kept fruitlessly asking her things until two sets of footsteps approached. Instinctively shoving the girl behind me i raised to my feet and waited for them to arrive. it was two men, an Au Ra and a Hyur, and by the looks of it are both Dark Knights. Does Ishgard employ this trade? They were both looking down at the girl by my legs so i glanced at her as well. “Do you know these men?”
“Yes so give her back.” i shot a glare at them since i didn’t see who spoke and pushed the child further behind me. 
“I don’t remember asking you a goddamn thing!” they didn’t appreciate me holding the child from them but until i am convinced she is safe with them, she aint going nowhere. the girl tugged on my pants so i looked down and she nodded at me that she did know these two. “Are you absolutely positive?” they didnt like coach her into staying with them? is she safe? She again nods so i pushed her forward and watched her run for the Auri. even though i was abrasive towards them the Hyur still thanked me for holding her so i bowed in response. i didn’t see any reason to try to make further conversation so i returned to sitting on the cliff and planning. i think i heard them leave but i didn’t check cause my involvement was done. 
wasn’t the last time i’d be seeing them though. i bumped into them several more times evading the Knights after my heretic ass. the child even saved me a time or two with that odd stick. so it’s a conjury weapon, gotcha. i can do a bit of healing as a red mage but it’s not as potent as white magic. after that i didn’t see them for awhile so i prayed Oschon would keep them safe on their travels. i still needed to get back to Dravania to lie low. 
i couldn’t run forever i knew that but i didnt dream theyd be specifically looking for heretics tryna cross into the Shroud. it’s out of your jurisdiction isn’t this up to the Shroud officials for if you can clap me in irons? this time the extradition was thorough and i was hauled to Ishgard.  what kind of trial am i to be put on? just because i saved a dragon and killed some of your men that were deaf to reason doesn’t mean i’m plotting your downfall. and i told them that. my shouting attracted a few ears and some looks, then i heard someone call out and antagonize the Knights holding me. i recognize that voice. that’s the Dark Knight with that little girl. why are you fighting them when it’s pretty obvious they throw death sentences to anyone who so much as breathes wrong. this is tyranny. Straight tyranny. they carted us off to some building and it appeared like this might be an actual court session. now why would you do this when i already said the aforementioned deaf to reason? i’m sorry what...... you said a trial by combat? sounds barbaric to me. we were called heretics so nothing new, then when told to step forward and claim our right to this combat i learned the man’s name was Fray. interesting name but i cant judge when mine sounds weird as well. whoa hey hang on now we weren’t accused by no men in white why are they stepping up to fight us? i looked over at this Fray but helmets suck for reading emotions. why did i expect them to play fairly? Where’s the Knights that hauled me here? lemme fight them. he drew his giant sword and stood ready so i sighed inwardly and got myself into stance as well. after this i never wanna see this fucking city again. 
i haven’t felt that close to death since childhood. it was very uncomfortable. they sent us out and i didn’t need a formal invitation to hightail it the fuck out. i cleared the so called Gates of Judgement, friendly name, and only then did i have to take a knee. gods above my body is heavy as shit suddenly. i held my side and my hand came away bloody. oh well that explains a few things. 
i was making my way back to our little camp when i came across that Viera, Ney, using his claymore as a walking stick trailing blood. quickly catching up to the hobbling man i sat him down to patch that up. “Now what in Fury’s name made you think to just keep walking instead of healing yourself? do you want a pack of wolves on you?” he grumbled at me to shut up and watched me tend to him. “Guess i owe you another one. i would’ve died if not for you at my back. where you headed? least i could do is make sure you get back home without these wounds reopening.” 
“Dravania.” You live in the dragon’s land? no wonder they think he’s a heretic. “I live wherever i wanna live for your information.” he’s a rather snappy man. there’s no doubt in my mind this impale wound was meant for me. even the angle it was spells fatal but somehow he’s still alive. escorting this man home truly is the least i can do. I should be dead. i don’t know why that’s weighing so heavily. “I’m feeling it too Fray....... a dance with death isn’t to be brushed off so easily.” He stood and puts his sword away. “and you don’t owe me shit. i took this wound so you could see that little girl grow up. no one should have to raise themselves.” Speaking from experience are we? it was silent as we made our way across the highlands and into Dravania. i dropped him at a place called Tailfeather with him insisting he could make the rest of the way, so i turned and went on my way. What a character, i wish him well. 
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verannaca · 5 years
Major Frozen 2 Spoilers Below!
You’d never be able to tell by reading this that I’m a whole-ass adult, AND a writer :’)
• Vuelie smacked with nostalgia holy sHIT • Pretty snowflakes proves this movie is Frozen • BABY ANNA • "wait, what?" • baby anna with attitude • snuggles • iduna/ERW has an amazing voice?? • "you'll be drowned" foreshadowing?? • Elsa freezes the railing and just awkwardly leaves it?? a queen • ANNNAAA • Anna and Olaf • Olaf being poetic?? • poor sweet anna isnt lonely anymore :') • SOOMMEE THINGS NEVER CHANGE this was catchy as heck • "holding on tight to you" that kristanna twirl SENT ME • "irredeemable monster" "greatest mistake of your life" "WOULDNT EVEN KISS YOU" • AURORA • Kristoff getting prepared to spend a LONG time in that room, if u know what im saying ;;;))) • bedtime snuggles and it's now canon that EA call each other "Darling" • anna representing women who drool n snore, and elsas a FUCKING MOUTH BREATHER • elsa's grumpy face >:(      (she’s so cute what the heck) • INTO THE UNKNOOOWWNNNN ft aurora • uh oh kingdom's in danger again THANKSELSA • KA helping the citizens as a true Queen and King would (sPOILERS) • "youve been hearing this voice and u didnt think to tell me" the offence is beautiful • elsa's pouty hesitation before she tells anna what happened • ELSA'S FACE the entire time KA & Olaf plan to go with her on the adventure, she was NOT having any of it • olaf being annoying for x minutes straight • anna ready to get dicked up on a sleigh ride even tho her sis is sleeping 5 feet away from her lmao MOOD • "crazy? you didnt say i was crazy - you think im c R A Z Y?" HER FACE SENT ME • kristoff bumbling everything RIP • aurora is back • elsa runs in heels through rocky land and somehow doesnt break her ankles, 10/10 (i mean anna did the same but it’s expected of her lmao) • olaf being annoying pt2 (sorry, he’s cute ig) • anna getting mad at the mist • anna walking towards the cliff to view the dam and looking like an autumn goddess • sven is a terrible wingman • "WE WILL DIE" good job kristoff • elsa not caring about anna's worry • olaf had a song here i think?? • WIND • elsa looks good when messy idc idc • "THAT'S MY SISTER" that's an outtake line from Frozen!!!! • surprise statues • anna rips a sword out of ice with her bare hands n no one thinks anything of it • northuldra ppl • honeymaren eyefucking elsa (we see u) • olaf's funniest scene lmao • "one with power, and one powerless" ANNAS FACE OF OFFENCE HAHAHAHA IT'S OKAY BB YOU HAVE THE POWER OF LOVE • "oh, anna" oh mattias, we feel u • fire spirit • ANNA COUGHING • BRUNNIIIIIII • bruni & elsa head tilts • "they're all looking at us, arent they" yes elsa because ur talking to a fucking salamander • anna gets mad cuz elsa gets mad cuz anna ran into fire cuz elsa ran into fire • iduna was northuldra (neat) • vuelie but different??? • kristoff made a friend!! • insecure anna + a mutual lacking communication = :( • a sad failed proposal • A SHIPWRECK¿? • this is v dark for disney holy shi • the horror in elsa's voice "what were they doing in the dark sea?!" • they watch their parent's final moments • the horror in iduna's voice "the waves are too high" • this is a kid's movie, yes? • elsa flees, anna follows • THE GUILT ohmygosh poor elsa :( • anna tries v hard, but i can only imagine her own agony??? she's tryna take care of elsa but who's taking care of anna?? :(((( • elsa becomes manipulative?? JUST EXPLAIN THAT IT'S DANGEROUS AND REQUIRES MAGIC • elsa does the thing • anna and olaf are v angry (same) • anna loses her cloak & shows her beautiful jacket?? thank u anna • DARK SEA • elsa battles the ocean that swallowed her parents • Nokk tries to drown her?? dragging her through the water by her hand was INTENSE • i know she doesnt get cold n thats fine but damn homegirl must REALLY workout at home (the shoulders prove it) but she swam for how long and didn't lose energy??? • SHOW YOURSELF I CRIED • the ice was so beautiful and she looked so free n happy, loose hair n no shoes • the song was amazing holy heck • IDUNA WAS THE SIREN, I CALLED IT, HELLO THANK U • elsa's literally like "ok boomer" at her grandfather who's an ass • she goes too far into ahtohallen • inappropriate but ohmygod the ice detail on her skin when she was freezing was crazy??? her hair got whiter n all that BUT THE SNOWFLAKES ON HER SKIN, that was unbelievable • surprise surprise old white guy in power kills innocent poc • elsa freezes like anna did, cuz anna was frozen and elsa is frozen 2 (heh) • back to the cave with anna and olaf • anna knows what has to be done to set things right because she’s the hero and always has to make the painful sacrifices • anna sets off to do whats right but OLAF • rip olaf • anna sits in the cold ALL FUCKING NIGHT DID ANYONE ELSE NOTICE THAT, I AM NOT OKAY • the next right thing B R O K E me. kbell captures such agony so beautifully ohmygod, it was incredible. easily the best song in the franchise. • "SO I'LL WALK THROUGH THIS NIGHT, stumbling blindly towards the light" her voice • anna finds her courage to leave the cave • "when it's clear that everything will NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN" CAN YOU HEAR ME SOBBING AT THE ABSOLUTE ANGUISH IN HER VOICE • this woman has lost everything and SHES STILL GOING, YES ANNA, GO • giants!!! • anna mimicking the behaviour she was against for most of the movie • "I'M HERE, WHAT DO YOU NEED?" this is so important • no questions asked, this is what's happening, kristoff is the real mvp • mattias lets anna destroy the dam • anna becomes suicidal?????? girl stop i- • the dam falls • ANNA ALMOST FALLS- • wait mattias has her • and kristoff has her!! • and she looks ready to keep crying now that the adrenalin is gone • ELSA THAWS but does she REALLY do the right thing??? idk i think she should've let the wave destroy whatever was in its path, otherwise whats the point? wouldve had better symbolism • the Northuldra people are free and happy but poor anna is still sad :( idk why people were saying she got over elsas death too quickly when homegirl was never gonna smile again • "i'm sorry i left you behind. i was just so desperate to protect her." • "it's okay. my love is not fragile." • anna tries to continue on, imagine what was going through her head AHHH • wait there she is • e l s a • on a horse • anna slides down the cliffside, elsa slides off that horse in a v godly manner • ANNA REPRESENTS WOMEN WHO UGLY CRY, THANK U ANNA • elsa is lowkey emotionless but honestly do we expect anything else from her by this point? (no shade hahahaha) • "a bridge has two sides, and mother has two daughters" yes thank u for making anna important • so is elsa a ghost now orrrr • WHO CARES, KRISTANNA PROPOSAL • we were v robbed of that kiss tho • anna's squeal of pure joy when asked • sven representing all of us • "do u wanna build a snowman" bitch it's been like 16 years, ur a bit late but OKAY • olaf is back • GROUP HUG • honeymaren wants elsa to stay "because it's where she belongs" ;;;;)))))) • elsa realises anna would be a better queen • QUEEN ANNA • Q U E E N  A N N A • YESSSSSS • we're robbed of the coronation but that's fine ig • kristoff in fancy clothes??? • "i prefer you in leather anyway" so anna is a top, nice to know • olaf's comment on kristoff probably not being able to "last an hour" ;;;))))) not if annas a top LMAO STOP • mattias found his person, congrats • anna is the people's queen • a statue is revealed, baby iduna is v cute • elsa is in the forest with bruni n everyone else • friday is gamenight • elsa rides off into the sunset i guess?? • THE END • oh and olaf has an ending scene • "elsa DEAD" • "olaf DEAD" • "anna cries" • everyone cries
okay thanks for reading lmao bye
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haikyuuscreaming · 5 years
im so soft for all of the seijou third years and makki is not an exception. we may have been heavily deprived of makki content but i still love him and yes even though i have 3 wips i am dropping all my shit to write for hanamaki
enjoy this really fast-written but lovingly-written fic :) I LOVE U MAKKI
As soon as Hanamaki wakes up, there’s something obviously off.
He isn’t stupid. He’s always wondered why those people in dollar-cheap romance novels never seem to know what’s up when it’s their birthday. Like, gee, what’s going on? Why is my S/O so sketchy today, on my birthday? Why are all of my friends busy? He’s always wondering maybe they just  have garbage self-esteem.
Fortunately for him, you’re a terrible actor.
“Morning, Makki~” Your voice is oddly awake despite Hanamaki having just woken up.
“Morning.” Hanamaki stretches lazily and his arm rests around your head. You’re wearing one of his old jerseys and he thinks it’s fitting for the occasion. “Guess whose special day it is.”
“U-Um, I don’t know.” You sound a little bit nervous although your smile’s still radiant on your face.
(He thinks it’s adorable how excited you are for his birthday.)
“B-But, you should get ready for today!! I do too, actually, so, um, I’m gonna get changed and head out..” Your excitement breaks through your ‘calm’ voice and you practically jump out of bed, kissing his forehead before dashing out. “Sorry, babe!”
“Sorry for what?”
“Um, nothing!”
“Just my luck,” Hanamaki mutters to himself. “It’s raining?”
He walks out of his favorite bakery with a box of cream puffs-- the last box of the bakery, in fact-- and suddenly it’s drizzling rain, an earthy scent flooding the world around him.
He’s a little bit frustrated-- god damn, could they at least warn him? At least so he could bring an umbrella.-- but he pays no mind. Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and Matsukawa have all been “busy” with plans (although Matsukawa spammed him with a shit-ton of memes and a ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU ASS <3 FULL HOMO), and you’re obviously doing something either for him or something illegal, so he knows to expect something.
Although he can’t help but shake the paranoid worm in his gut that… maybe everyone is busy? Maybe they really couldn’t spare time for his birthday…
He brushes it off, and walks back home in the rain as he shields his cream puff box.
The rain really does make walking-traffic bad.
Hanamaki was expecting to stroll home in a solid 10 minutes, but he’s stuck in an angry mob of people who are half-drenched like him. He thanks whoever’s up there for giving him a strong immune system, otherwise he’s sure that he’d be sniveling and sneezing on his special day.
He’s trying to guess how much time it’ll take to get home now- five more minutes? Seven? Ten more?- before his phone vibrates so hard in his back-pocket he would’ve thought someone shoved a vibrator back there. There’s most likely no mafia or yakuza here, so Hanamaki takes advantage of the slow-moving crowd and takes out his phone.
There it is: the barrage of texts from you. He knew you would break down eventually, asking if he’d come home soon, but he wasn’t expecting pages and pages of texts.
the fiona to my shrek:
    hiro     hiro     are u ignoring me     bc that isnt nice     HIROOOO     HIROOOOOO     helloooooo     where tf are u     likeeee not tryna be sus or anything but     i need u home     preferably in like     ten minutes     no im not horny     unless u want me to be 😏🤪🤪     pleaseee     u asshat whyd u turn off ur location     please answer?     are you mad at me :(     is it abt this morning?     i didnt mean to brush u off     i swear i didnt forget abt ur birthday     and im like not planning anything or something ok     please come home?     ily <3     hiro     Makki.     hanamaki     hanamaki takahiro     loser baby     the shadow to my sonic     please respond and come home? :(     youre my shrek 5 trailer     OKAY BITCH FINE     im sorry ur not a bitch love u mwah     i mean maybe you are a bitch? but i still love u mwah mwah mwah     are u even reading this     i stg ill be so embarrassed if ur just busy or sum     COME HOMEEEE     ok bye :)
He really does think it’s adorable how much you care about this.
Rolling his eyes, he taps out a quick response:
“yea omw home” “oh, a surprise you say? ill be home soon”
He slips it into his pocket even though he feels the vibrations of the twenty or so texts that you rapid-fire send to him, most likely defending the fact that you’re definitely, absolutely not planning any shit for his ass, but he smiles to himself anyway.
He doesn’t even mind the fact he’s getting soaked in the rain. He’s excited to see what you’ve been planning.
“Home,” Hanamaki yells out. “Where are you, you big stinker?”
There isn’t an answer, which Hanamaki supposes is a little bit cliché but he doesn’t mind that much. His shared apartment with you is dark and he has to flicker on some lights through the house before he hears the faint illusion of hurried whispers. He barely makes out a voice to be yours.
“Oh! He’s here!”
“No shit he’s here. Who else comes in and yells he’s home?”
“I dunno Mattsun~ Maybe [Name]-chan has someone on the side?”
“Shut the fuck up, all of you.”
“Thank you, Hajime!”
“Shut up oh my god I think he’s listening to us.”
Hanamaki hears a dull clatter from the other room and he hides behind the wall, content with listening for a little bit longer.
“Oikawa you fucking dolt! You knocked over the forks!”
“Sorry, [Name]-chan!”
“Just pick it up already.”
“I don’t mean to burst your bubbles but I’m pretty sure he’s literally just vibing in the other room, listening to us.”
Hanamaki decides to make you all happy and takes a step. He’s kind of delighted in the way you all immediately shut up, save for your hissed quiet!, and he takes another step. Eventually he can’t take it and casually walks into the room.
It’s dark and he can’t really adjust to everything, and he’s about to say something slightly funny before the entire room illuminates and he sees his former third-year team and girlfriend yell, “Happy birthday Makki!!!!”
Makki knows that he was expecting some sort of surprise. Ever since that morning he woke up and saw you and your oddly adorable, alert face, he knew that something like this was going to happen. But still, it took just a few more seconds to register.
There was a cutely handmade banner that read Happy Birthday Makki in big, teal letters, and there were balloons strewn around the room that he knew would eventually be victims of balloon volleyball. On the table that you were all surrounding was a good, small pile of gifts and a tower of cream puffs. Not a cake, but a giant fucking tower of cream puffs.
Oh, so that’s where all the bakery’s cream puffs went.
“Oh god. You stupid idiots.” Hanamaki realizes his voice has gotten a little hoarse with sentiment, and he clears his voice and naturally, his lazy smile comes back. “I’m honored that you buffoons really planned this out for me. Clown party!”
“Be grateful, you big dummy!” You practically throw yourself onto him, and he finds himself latching onto you too. “I love you so much, Makki, happy birthday!!”
Hanamaki smiles and as if on cue, you lift up your head and smile back. He feels his heart beat a little bit faster and he remembers why he’s been loving his birthdays ever since he met you.
“Guess I love you too.”
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franklyshipping · 5 years
The Battle For The Booty ~ A Markiplier Ego Fanfic
TAGGING: @il-lee-nois
Magnum had his eyes narrowed down at Illinois, and Illinois had his arms folded resolutely as he looked up at the Captain. Between them was a treasure chest filled to the brim with jewels that they had just acquired, and they had managed to split everything between them perfectly since it was a joint venture. Except for one giant sapphire. They were quarrelling over who should keep it….but their argument may not be quite what you expect. You see, Illinois thought Magnum should have it, whilst Magnum thought Illinois should have it.
‘Come now Captain, it was your vessel that carried us to the island, really it should be you who has this treasure!’
‘But it was ye who deciphered the maps and guided us safely through the traps so we could acquire the treasure! I insist ye take it!’
Illinois huffed a breath out through his nose and folded his arms, looking up at the 8 foot tall Captain with a miniscule glare in place. Damn he was always so stubborn!
‘I refuse to take it, and there is nothing you can say or do that can change my mind!’
Magnum let out a huffed growl under his breath, damn the stubbornness of explorers! He and Illinois had returned from their latest adventure, and had moored Magnum’s ship for a long stay so they had time to relax together at the quarters below decks. Magnum rubbed his forehead as he leant against one of the wooden support pillars, looking down at Illinois in a withering manner.
‘Why are ye like this…’
‘Because the kind generosity embedded in my heart knows no bounds, Captain.’
Illinois sent Magnum a grin as his eyes twinkled, making the Captain groan….before letting out a growl. The Captain was going to make Illinois take the damn jewel if it was the last thing he did, Illinois’ smugness was only spurring him on….and the Captain had just had the most wonderful idea regarding how to persuade Illinois over to his way of thinking. The Captain locked eyes with Illinois, before striding over, grabbing him by his jacket, and pinning him against another wooden pillar, making the explorer squeak in wide-eyed surprise as his hat toppled off his head.
‘M-Magnum what the he-?’
‘Last chance Illinois. Will ye accept the jewel, or won’t ye?’
Illinois gulped a tad as he looked up at his towering companion, who he couldn’t deny had his rather intimidating moments. However, despite being pinned by someone nearly twice his height, Illinois’ stubbornness didn’t waver. He collected himself, and grinned as he shook his head.
‘Never my friend, never.’
Magnum sighed.
'Well, if ye won’t agree with me willingly….I guess I’ll just have to force ye.’
Before Illinois could ask what the heck Magnum meant by “force”, Magnum used one hand to pin Illinois’ wrists above his head against the pillar, whilst the other dug into his belly. Magnum’s rough fingers scratched ruthlessly, making Illinois’ eyes nearly bug out of his sockets as he spluttered and descended into embarrassed cackles.
Magnum snickered, relishing in his friend’s laughter as he continued tickling his taut tummy.
‘Will ye accept the jewel now?’
Magnum raised an eyebrow down at Illinois as the man writhed, tugging at his wrists in vain as his desperate laughter spilled from him. Illinois was still in shock, and EXTREMELY embarrassed. Illinois found his ticklishness to be the most embarrassing thing on the planet, but the fact that his friend was using it against him was even worse, especially with the stubborn disposition Magnum had; Illinois knew this was going to be difficult to persist through, but he was going to bloody try.
Magnum let out a light scoff, digging into one of Illinois’ sides to make him howl as the Captain growled.
‘Here I am tryna offer ye a gift and ye decide to be rude? I’m gonna make ye regret that!’
Illinois tried to jerk to the side to escape Magnum’s evil digits, but the Captain decided to use a little of his weight to pin Illinois’ body against the pillar properly. Illinois really had no escape. The explorer was cackling as he shook his head, trying to look at Magnum imploringly as he exclaimed.
Magnum merely kept on tickling the explorer’s side as he replied indignantly.
‘Yer stubbornness made this necessary! If ye’d just accept it then ye wouldn’t need to go through this!’
Illinois was cackling his head off at this point, and tried to send the Captain a pleading, meaningful gaze as his body trembled from the onslaught on his poor nervous system. It was torture, but Illinois was not going down without a fight, he wanted Magnum to have the treasure he deserved darnit!
‘NAY! It is ye who deserves it for Poseidon’s sake!’
Magnum retorted with a cry, before letting out a frustrated growl….and then he really went to town. Magnum released Illinois’ hands so he had both of his own hands free, and trapped Illinois at his chest whilst scribbling deep into the dips of the explorer’s sides. The explorer’s knees nearly buckled as his eyes widened, and he let out quite the howl of mirth as he struggled with all his might.
Magnum gasped with a shocked cough at the insult, and was just about to give Illinois’ ribcage a hearty, ticklish squeeze….when suddenly, there were determined fingers wriggling in the Captain’s armpits. Illinois was fighting back with ten wriggling fingers, and boy had they found a ticklish jackpot on Captain Magnum.
Magnum recoiled with a bellow, and Illinois gasped and grinned as the Captain’s booming cackles filled the room. Illinois got to work, tripping up the Captain so he could straddle him on the floor whilst he tickle tortured his hollows into absolute oblivion. Illinois had the upper hand now, literally, and he smirked down at his companion with a chuckle-filled purr.
‘Ohohoho I think not! Now my dear Captain, who is it that should have the jewel?’
Magnum arched his back as he continued to laugh loudly and wildly, but his stubbornness was even wilder.
Illinois snorted and rolled his eyes as the Captain’s insult, and decided to really dig and vibrate his thumbs as deep into Magnum’s armpits as he could. The Captain squealed, kicking out and writhing at the new intensity as Illinois’ taunting voice filled his ears. What a bastard.
‘I’m afraid that’s the wrong answer my ticklish little captain….’
Magnum felt a blush creep up beneath his beard as he averted his gaze from the explorer, damn his teasiness. Magnum’s face was screwed up with embarrassment as he cried out desperately.
After he let out his cry, Magnum decided to take action to prove his words, and thus surged up as much as strength as he could muster so he could try and shove Illinois off of him….and it worked. The explorer yelped as he was knocked off balance and fell off the Captain. There was a second when they locked eyes, and then it was war; a true tickle fight at its finest. They grappled at one another, letting out grunts and yelps and yips as they tried to avoid being trapped or overcome by the other.
‘Yes you bloody wil-AH-LEHET GO OF MY FOHOHOHOOT!!’
Illinois thought he’d been doing well, until the Captain latched onto one of his ankles, yanked off his boot and sock, and went to town on the ticklish foot with rapid scratching. The Captain chuckled smugly as he watched his friend squeal and hit the floor, finding him incredibly adorable as he teased.
‘What were ye sayin’ there Illinois? I couldn’t quite hear over all yer laughi-AHHHH NAHAT MY KNEHEES FAHAHCK FACK!!’
However, despite the evil foot tickling, Illinois was not powerless. He focused himself just enough so he could hug Magnum’s legs tight….and dig into the hidden kneecaps of the Captain as he yelled out amidst his own wild mirth.
Oh what a scene this was. Two grown men clinging to one another and writhing on the floor, encased with mirth and tears in their eyes and absolute joyous silliness in their hearts, honestly I don’t think there’s anything more precious. Illinois dug into Magnum’s knee pits as the Captain scratched hard beneath his toes, the latter crying out with a mighty bellow.
They went on like this at one another for several more minutes, each one bellowing or letting out cries louder and more determined than the last….but everyone reaches a point where even determination and adrenaline has to wear off, and for Illinois and Magnum this pretty much hit them both at the same time. Exhaustion hit them both, making them pant and gasp and go limp against each other, and for a few minutes the only sound was that of their breathing and residual giggling. They were both smiling too. Magnum let out a hum when he felt Illinois snuggle against his legs, and he absently massaged the explorer’s ankle. Then, Illinois let out a soft mumble.
‘We could uhm….like….put it on display in the mansion….like a trophy for everyone to see….’
Illinois’ voice was bordering on hoarseness as he spoke, and Magnum blinked. They were both in a sort of joint mentality of delirious realisation, and the Captain smiled with a soft laugh as he replied.
‘Y’know that’s a really good idea….why didn’t we think of that in the first place?’
Illinois grinned then, and grunted as he slowly sat up, before looking down at Magnum with twinkling, amused eyes.
‘Because we’re both stubborn bastards.’
Magnum snorted and let out a booming laugh, before grabbing Illinois by the arm and pulling him into his chest. After an initial yelp and thwack from Illinois, the explorer conceded to nestling into Magnum’s chest as the Captain remarked lazily.
‘That we are me friend, that we are.’
They both chuckled breathily and tiredly as they nestled and snuggled close, like it was instinct. Those are the best sort of cuddles, when you’re so close with someone that the only reasonable thing left to do is to be as close to them as you possibly can; it’s beautiful.
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