#I am so hopelessly inlove with this woman
stormydayvibes · 10 months
The wonderful feeling of napping on your girlfriends chest. Listening to the sounds of her steady breaths as you feel the soft drumming of her heart beat. Legs and arms intertwined in loving embrace. Soft hands drawing circles into my shoulderblades and down my ribcage. To be compleatly enveloped in a woman's affection is the most heavenly way to pray. The surrender of trust so willingly. In her I found my religion, in her I found what cherubs sing of.
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aita-blorbos · 7 months
Am I the asshole for making the man I love feel the same way he made me feel?
I gave him a rare gift and he didn’t want it.
I am writing this from a plane so excuse me if I make any mistakes it has been a rather tedious and long journey.
I (48) m had planned to run away with (38) m we will call him WG and our daughter (17) f we will call her AB.
We had been planning this for many months. He said he saw me for who I really was and as someone who has never truly allowed anyone to see himself except my late sister this was a new experience for me.
I found quite soon after meeting WG that I had fallen hopelessly inlove with him, you could compare us to Patroclus and Achilles we were made to die in eachothers arms. However it seems now that he was more of a deceiver than I had ever dared think.
I let my love blind me to the truth as a wife looks away from her husbands soft footsteps up the stairs in the dead of night, the faint smell of another woman on his clothes.
But that did not change the truth of what he had done. It turns out that indeed he had given me up.
He sent people to kill and or apprehend me I do not think it mattered much which, it was all the same to him whether I was dead or alive. I was in the middle of making him dinner when the first assailant walked into my kitchen to try and murder me.
I reacted in self defense and managed to corner him in the pantry though in the process I had sustained heavy injuries.
Then the next person appeared. A women I had liked and had even shared intimate moments with. She tried to shoot me though I gave her a chance to leave even though she had already broken into my house. She did not take it.
My daughter In defense of me then pushed her out of a window. She did not want to do this she’s a gentle soul but in the circumstances she felt it was all she could do. I do not blame her for this as the woman survived. And to my knowledge at the moment though in the hospital is recovering quite entirely.
After this my love, the other half of my being appeared. And I told him that AB me and him could all leave together as we had planned and that we could never have left without him.
He turned me down. I stabbed him. I did it gently but I made sure to make him feel the same pain he gave me. It did not work.
He clung to me and I stroked his hair and held him. He was not in any pain other than physical. So I did what I had to to make him understand what I felt.
I asked our daughter to come over to me and I slit her throat and bled her out infront of him. If he couldn’t bring himself to care for me at least he could care for her. I loved them both immensely but he chose people who never cared for him over me. I had to make him understand.
Yet after this ended I cannot help feeling I shattered the tea cup and went to far. I do not regret what I did but I regret him. I miss him.
Tell me, Am I the asshole?
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heero-yuy · 8 years
"#i actually have a way stronger opinion about this whole brothers thing that i keep seeing #but im gonna be nice" ok now spill lmao kidding i love ur analyses
from all the tags....
maaaaan, it’s not an analysis tho, just salt, so under a cut it goes
and you kno, I’m usually chill with anything fandom does because things just look very funny when ur not in the tumblr bubble all the time, but this “brothers” thing is just a huge pet peeve for me. 
cuz really
every single time two men in fiction show deep love and care for eachother, in the same way keith and shiro do, and specially in the way keith is with shiro.
they’re always brothers, or mentor/mentee, the older guy is the other guy’s father figure. (then one usually dies or something and the other guy is motivated by that to be great)
every. single. fucking. time.
because GOD FORBID one of them is actually inlove or has non platonic feelings for the other
And there’s alot of relationships like that that are very ambiguous in nature, and are possibly unconfirmed homosexual relationships... but just try and tell a bunch of straight dudes these characters might be gay. specially if the characters are like super cool and badass characters they admire. Just tryyyy
a man can only look affectionately at another man and admire another man and have a desire to impress him and have him around and be protective of him, only if they have platonic manly feelings of brotherhood for eachother (and very clear female love interests usually)
and u know what? i dun think voltron did anything that really shut down the possibility of keith being inlove with shiro (yeeeeet, totally still might). and I am actually hopeful about seeing a loving and caring relationship between two guys in a popular show for kids not going that same old route it always fucking does this time. 
because i sure wanna be able to say to all those homophobic straight dudes “haha fuck you the characters you love are gay!” , sadly, i actually dun think i ever had the pleasure..
and like not enough i have to always see this shit irl, but then i gotta see tumblr fandom doing that shit. (and i am saying tumblr fandom, cuz voltron fandom is HUGE, and most people outside tumblr’s little shipping bubble have very different (and surprisingly mostly positive) views on the sheith matter, like from what i encountered atleast, people usually just have trouble defining keith’s and shiro’s relationship but no one gone “no way” about romance yet, it’s usually a “you know what...who knows”) 
and you kno, maybe u have never been a gay teenage guy and have never been inlove with someone who you thought u never have a chance with, or maybe u are and have been, but just see the relationship between shiro and keith as platonic, that’s cool. maybe you had different experiences in ur life and you identify with these characters differently. that’s cool. There’s nothing wrong with that. We are all different people looking at the world through different filters. I see Keith’s and Lance’s relationship as brotherly, and it’s impossible to find any content of them not sucking eachother’s faces. I get ya! Sheith is strong, creators gave shippers alot to feast on. Good luck finding platonic content of them if that’s how you see it. I understand how you feel. I hopelessly search the sea of kla//nce for platonic content too.
BUT if you go shit on people who are identifying with these characters differently, or see or just wanna see it as a romantic relationship, and shove the THEY ARE BROTHERS down everyone’s throat to the point that people are scared to say anything else because they might get flooded with hate and have to do ridiculous stuff like reblog romantic art they like as “platonic sheith” or “broganes”
specially when Keith and shiro are not fucking brothers! not adoptive or otherwise!
then ur just being a homophobic piece of shit. 
and i dun care what excuse you use to justify ur homophobia, i dun care if you are a LGBT person. if you shove ur broganes in everyone’s faces and insist keith can only see shiro as a brother or father figure because duuuh late teen guys never fall for their super hot older caring male friends. that never fucking happens! never! who ever heard of a gay teen falling inlove with a 20 something hot guy?? total bullshit. obviously he has to be like a father figure to him. (and I’m guessing it’s totally cool when a teenange guy falls for an older woman and tries to get with her, cuz i have never seen anyone complain about Lance, although i have seen alot of “their relationship is like brother and sister” but i dun think anyone who actually watches the show takes that seriously)
and im not even talking bout a relationship between keith and shiro, they are clearly not romantically involved in the show at this point. (but we’re only two seasons in..)
there’s 0 problems with keith being inlove with shiro. ZERO. NOTHING. and if someone tries to erase that possibly in any way whatsoever, and tries to insist the love and affection keith shows for shiro can only be platonic (yes, despite the “ur like a brother to me” line, that just there as confirmation they are not fucking brothers), then I hope they step on a lego and all their ships sink. cuz this is what homophobia looks like. this is what all those straight homophobic dudes do when you dare tell em there might be other ways for a man to deeply love and care for another man than in a brotherly or father/son kind of way.
and i kno complaining about fandom is pointless haha, but i just hate it when people say they are brothers and make arts of them as if they were actual brothers who grew up together. specially after season 2 where it was confirmed they are not fucking brothers. Like, I seriously hope sheith takes a clear romantic turn at some point and all those ppl will have to shamefully erase all their broganes stuff and pretend they never made any when it all suddenly turns to incest shipping. that would be hilarious.
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