stormydayvibes · 21 days
Echo chambers are a dangerous form mind controling. Steril wombs do not facilitate growth. The looming strings casted downward under the every foreboading eyes of big brothers vision; in the empty chamber turns small scared minds into poppets. Like sheep you follow. The whool of your fellowmen clouding your vision of other paths devulged in the vast wood. Art falls flat without the beholder, poetry deaf upon ears without literacy. Their meaning lost in the words whispered in the echoes screamed by the collective trapped in the chamber, uttering one singular line over and over again. The same strings pull them along.
You have the choice to cut the string, the sissors are in your pocket, the restraints just loose enough to slip away. Alas the ridicule feared from the escape of the ever swift rapids of loss of atonomy washing your own thoughts away. Replaced by the lines written upon the teleprompter. This cage is one of your own making. Stunting your ability to think outside yourself. Selficiouly you assume you must be right, everyone else is wrong. Years of waterboarding yourself with comfirmation biasis lead you to a drunken stupor void of any origional thoughts.
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stormydayvibes · 21 days
Heavy topics are only pallitable by the many if laced with poeticism and masked by beauty.
Only the beautiful, granted by the masses, the privallege of darkness and aid whilst trapped traveling in the back alley ways of our minds.
Deny as you like, deep within knowing gnaws in your bosom: this is the truth.
Pessisism when reared by an ugly face is deemed macobre; for the beautiful is praised as deep and aspiringly provoking.
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stormydayvibes · 4 months
Hands soft hold mine. You bring them to your lips and rest agsinst them. My heart swells, filling up with you. This affection is superfluous, and yet my I crave it. This expeditious fall, taking hold of my loins and spiret with imagery that dances along my membranes. I am set ablazed with passions undefined. I rather leave them darkend, but feverishly the heat spreads. Love is a dangerous tournement: one that we have no decision in playing, we are at whim to the infatuation that blossoms in our bosoms.
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stormydayvibes · 7 months
I feel so....stuck. trapped. lost. I wish time could freeze so my head and heart can catch up. But Father time is never kind, ripping moments and people you love away. Pulling them deep into the past while you must remain trudging forward. All I want to do is to go back. To hear of of his stupid jokes again. Even if they were never funny I'd laugh. I wish Father-time and His wife Death didn't steal him from us. If only there was a way to give his kids one last day with him. One last joke, one last 'I love you'.. one last embrace But Father time is cruel and will never turn back his clock.
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stormydayvibes · 9 months
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stormydayvibes · 10 months
I wish I was able to turn off my brain, the doubts that circle her. I wish I could hold her and rock her to sleep like she was long ago as a babe. All my mind does is wonder and worry her little heart away. Never settled. Never stilled. She repeats: what if? What if? What if?
What if we belived in ourselves, what if we just did what we enjoyed and finished what we started.
What if it was never good enough what if its bad?
But what if its great? What if its fantastic?
She could never be good enough. No matter what I told her. The Heart would somtimes hear the Mind, worries and tears would begin to stain her cheaks. The words never spoken engraved, like a branding iron, on her flesh. Lines and beeds of red apearing on her skin. "I wish you could see yourself like you see others" the Heart whispers. Rain trickled down the windows and the room stilled. The Mind pacing and the Heart crying frozen in place. Leaving my body torn two ways.
Many days past. The days feel too long and too short. I still sit before a blank screen with a tittle. It reads: chapted two. I've started this journy years ago. The story felt good but it came to a halt as the Mind's anxious ramblings became unbearably loud. Just a drink would help. Keep her still. Maybe a bottle of pills? I shake my head and move my fingers across the keys. I have to push through.
We may never know if it is Good, Bad, fantastic or Great. . . Not until we give it a shot.
Like rusted hinges my fingers give way slowly, leaving the quiet room filled with the soft sound of typing.
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stormydayvibes · 10 months
Does anyone else know that feeling when it feels so good that there is this tingle down your spine and that cold sharp feeling in the balls of your feet? And your toes curl and you can't stop yourself from throwing your head back and moaning softly as your legs start to quiver and all you can do is grip the sheets and buck your hips? No? Just me?
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stormydayvibes · 10 months
The wonderful feeling of napping on your girlfriends chest. Listening to the sounds of her steady breaths as you feel the soft drumming of her heart beat. Legs and arms intertwined in loving embrace. Soft hands drawing circles into my shoulderblades and down my ribcage. To be compleatly enveloped in a woman's affection is the most heavenly way to pray. The surrender of trust so willingly. In her I found my religion, in her I found what cherubs sing of.
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stormydayvibes · 10 months
If I were to write adult fiction involving Saphic MCs would anyone be interested in buying and reading it?
I just moticed the other day when I was on a bookstore date that there is not alot of books about saphic women in that genre. And it got me thinking, I should just write them myself. Anyway I'm done rambling. Lemme know if you would be interested. If enough people interact I'll write start seriously.
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stormydayvibes · 10 months
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stormydayvibes · 10 months
I'm going to allow myself to be shameless for a bit. Only for a bit tho...
just want to sit in a girl’s lap as she finger fucks me, just want to ride her fingers, just want to moan so pretty for her.
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