#I am so so scared
thebibliosphere · 1 year
Tw: restricted medical diet, missing hunger cues, death, general food and chronic illness stuff. (It's a good post tho)
Being able to eat cereal again has unlocked something actually feral in me. I'm so used to not being able to grab a quick little snack that won't have Medical Consequences later that I've pretty much gotten used to just... turning my hunger cues off and running at a deficit of calories.
It takes me literal hours to eat a bag of crisps because if I don't eke it out, my body will reject it. I can't have most fruits because my body will reject them. Raw vegetables will send me to the ER. All the foods I can eat require labor, either past or present, and when you're already running on a deficit of energy from chronic pain and constant hunger, well, that's easier said than done.
But being able to do something as simple as eating cornflakes, either with or without milk, and not have my body go into an anaphylactic meltdown is... This is game-changing.
When I say it has awoken something feral in me, I'm being literal. It's hunger. I'm feeling hunger, and for the first time in literal years, I'm able to sate it without having to burn up precious energy to do it.
And it's just so achingly normal that it feels like it shouldn't be a big deal. It feels ridiculous to feel tearful over a thing like cornflakes. But when I consider the fact that in 2019, I almost died from malnutrition because my nervous system was shutting down, and I couldn't eat anything because my MCAS was so advanced everything was sending me into anaphylaxis I, I just. Yeah.
Crying over cornflakes on a Monday night.
Just MCAS 'remission' things... ✌
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thatcoyperson · 6 months
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claire you have to understand the visceral fear i felt seeing this with no context right after waking up 😭😭😭 i feel like i just fell out of the fucking sky
BUT just for you i turned the boopometer thing on >:3 i have no idea what that means >:33 but it’s on >:333 have fun ? i think ??
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