#I am so thankful I don't have to present today. I think I'd burst into tears
asinglesock · 11 months
had a stress dream that I'd been enrolled in a fifth class this semester and not known about it and that I was failing because of never attending class or turning in assignments
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the-offside-rule · 7 months
Paul Aron (Hitech) - Clingy
Requested: yes
Prompts: 32) "I could kiss your lips all day."
Warnings: nope
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Paul couldn't contain his excitement as he led Y/n through the buzzing atmosphere of the race weekend. He was unusually clingy, constantly holding her hand and wrapping his arm around her. Y/n, bewildered by the sudden change in his demeanor, couldn't help but laugh. "What's gotten into you, Paul?" She asked, amused, as the couple walked away from a group of fans looking for a photo with Paul. "I'm just so happy you're here with me. You've never been here before." Paul chirped, slinging her hand back and fourth. "Well, I appreciate the affection, but it's a bit much. Are you sure you're okay?" She asked.
Paul nodded, "Absolutely. I just can't believe you're here, and I want to make the most of it." He leaned in and pecked her lips softly. "I could kiss your lips all day!" He teased, slinging his arm around her shoulder and pulling her closer. Y/n burst into laughter, reaching up to grab his hand. "Okay, Clingy. I didn't know a race could make you this affectionate." He pulled her into him even tighter. "It's not just the race, it's having you here with me. I want you to enjoy every moment." His grip on her hand was firm, almost possessive, as if he feared losing her in the sea of people and racing activities.
He suddenly gasped. "Y/n, you have to meet Toto!" Paul exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with enthusiasm. "Paul, do you not think he might be busy?" She asked, trying to make him think before doing, one of the perks of their relationship. "No, no. It'll only take a second. Let's go!" He said as he steered her towards the Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team area.
"Mmh, where he could be." Paul muttered to himself looking around the hospitality. "In the garage doing his job?" Y/n replied. "No, no, he wouldn't be in the garage at this time. It's way too- there he is!" He began to walk her towards the unmissable Toto Wolff, surrounded by a group of people. "Paul, he looks busy. Don'-t"
"Hey Toto!" Y/n masked her frustration as Toto turned around, smiling and shaking hands with Paul. "Paul, how are you? I see you've brought us a guest." He said, referring referring Y/n. Paul turned and presented her. "Yes. Toto, this is Y/n, my girlfriend. Y/n, this is Toto, the man who makes everything happen here." Toto extended a hand with a warm smile. "Nice to meet you, Y/n. Paul can't stop talking about you." Y/n chuckled, feeling a bit overwhelmed by Paul's eagerness. "Thank you, Toto. It's a pleasure to be here." Paul, unable to contain himself, interjected, "Wait until you see the car! I'll give you a tour later. Oh, I just saw Kimi go into the garage. We should say hi!" Y/n turned back to Toto to bid farewell, but her boyfriend had already had her whisked away. "It was nice meeting you!" She called, earning a laugh from Toto as he returned to speaking with his colleagues.
Y/n almost felt dizzy as they navigated the maze into the Mercedes garage, yet she was amused by Paul's infectious energy as he pulled her towards Kimi. "He's a nice guy. You're going to get on well." Paul reassured her, although after meeting Toto Wolff, she didn't need much reassurance. "Kimi, I'd like you to meet Y/n. My girlfriend." He smiled as Kimi introduced himself. "Kimi, nice to meet you." Y/n shook his hand. "Of all the drivers you could have picked, you picked Paul?" Y/n laughed at the joke as Paul looked on pretending to be annoyed. "That was out of order, mate." Paul said, pulling the younger driver into a headlock. "Don't be jealous." Y/n chuckled. "Who's side are you on?" Paul replied sarcastically.
Once their joking around had died down, Paul brought Y/n to the Formula 2 tents. "You must want everyone to know who I am." Y/n remarked. "You're going to be so famous by the time today is finished." Y/n sighed, catching Paul's attention. "Everything okay?" He asked, stopping dead in his tracks in the middle of the paddock. "I am fine, but I just think you're a bit overexcited is all." Paul's brows knotted in confusion. "Over excited? No, I'm just excited. It's your first time here!" He smiled. "I know, and its great you want everyone to know I am your girlfriend but I just think maybe it would be better suited away from where everyone is trying to do their jobs." Paul was just confused at this point. "What do you mean?"
"Toto was talking to people. They could have been sponsors, they could have been important people. Kimi was talking to an engineer. He might be preparing to do a test for Mercedes. These people are working. As nice as it is, I don't need you to run around telling everyone we are together." Paul's smile had pretty much vanished. "Am I being too clingy?" Y/n nodded. "Just a bit, babe." She replied. "Okay, that's fine. I'll just tone it down." Paul nodded. "Right. Now to the motor home." He said, leading Y/n to the Hitech truck so he could speak with his engineers. They laughed and chatted the whole way over, but once he stepped foot inside the motor home, he was zoned in, like he was meant to be.
As Paul engaged with his engineers, Y/n occasionally glanced nervously at the camera. She felt a bit out of place in this tech-filled environment, but Paul's reassuring grip on her hand kept her grounded. The crew aimed their lens toward her, capturing candid moments of her subtle attempts to step away from the intrusive camera. Paul noticed Y/n's discomfort and gently squeezed her hand, signaling that he was aware of her unease. "Don't worry, babe. They just need to film some segments and they'll be gone." He whispered, shooting her a comforting smile. Y/n nodded, appreciating his understanding.
The engineers discussed technical details, charts, and diagrams, while Y/n observed the intricate dance of collaboration. She marveled at the passion in Paul's eyes as he explained the intricacies of the project. The F2 crew captured these moments, weaving a visual narrative of dedication and innovation. As the conversation continued, the crew focused on Paul's animated interactions with the engineers, capturing the essence of teamwork and determination. Y/n, feeling a bit overwhelmed, sought solace in the familiar warmth of Paul's hand.
The crew, sensing the emotional nuances, adjusted their approach, providing a bit more space for the personal moments. Y/n, grateful for the consideration, began to relax, allowing herself to become part of the unfolding documentary. "Okay, sounds perfect. We'll go from there." Paul said, finalising the strategy plan for the upcoming qualifying session. "Paul, mind if I just ask who this is quickly so we can identify her in the documentary?" Onenof the camera men asked. Paul looked over to Y/n. "This is Y/n. She's my girlfriend."
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wexhappyxfew · 5 months
Hi! I love your Silver Bullets girls, and Carrie x Douglass has a special place in my heart (even more since your last writing with them). So, for them I'd like to ask 35. (kissing their bruises and scars) from the Touch prompt list or 5. (the last thing they're thinking about before falling asleep is always the other) from the Subtle love list. 💗
HI FRIEND!!!! thank you so much for sending this and i am so so glad carrie and dougie have meant a lot, alongside the Silver Bullets girls (it seriously means SO MUCH and i always say it but its true!!!) THANK YOU FOR THE OPTIONS TOO!!!! i couldn't help myself and went with the second prompt (5) and decided to focus on some of their earlier meetings with one another and how they've developed into the people today. let's just say, i had a lot of fun! thank you SO MUCH!!!!! :D this was so much fun! <3 (and sorry for the wait for this....the semester was its usual chaos haha!)
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(a/n): safe to say, for my carrie x dougie enjoyers, this was FUN to write. we get a bit into life before the annie bradshaw era of silver bullets! WITH captain birdie faulkner. BUT, because i am a sucker for someone who haunts the narrative and is simply talked about, we don't actually meet birdie here, just hear about her as a leader and all (a running theme!). we also get a bit into the storyline of what dougie means when he said he wanted to ask carrie to 'dance in greenland in THIS PIECE. and also carrie's dislike for greenland lmfao. please enjoy!!! <3
Greenland was anything but green, it seemed.
Maybe that's why the Vikings called it that - to freak the living fuck out of any sort of enemy that was bound to come this way and make them mistake what was actually a stupid ice block for well - 'green land'.
The landing had been less that superb and Captain Faulkner had dismissed them all to the bar to the left of the tarmac for the rest of the evening off.
Birdie Faulkner was everything, including a realist, and she seemed to understand that the rather harrowing conditions of their landing was something that required at least a drink or two before bedding down for the night.
With a half-finished beer, Carrie was sure that she could've fallen asleep in that very chair for the time being, but she had to present herself a best she could. With the newest B-17 group collected, Silver Bullets was formulated and crafted by that oh-so-brilliant mind of Birdie Faulkner, and they all had her to thank. And Carrie had to look a bit more put-together than usual - prove she's not just a wash-out bombardier with lackluster experience. That she deserved the spot in Silver Bullets more than anyone else.
"So?" a voice came from her right, settling into the other plush, leather seat at her side, the smiling face of Bessie Carlisle appearing as she popped open her own beer bottle, "Greenland, huh?" Carrie smirked and rolled her shoulders and glanced around.
"It's cozy, really," Carrie offered, "I'm considering taking a swim in the river, suntanning-"
"Okay, smart ass," Bessie said with a chuckle, her boot nudging her own foot, "can't say I'm complaining. Finally out of those training cycles, working towards the war. Maybe, we'll actually put ourselves to use instead of waiting just to go on a practice run." Carrie watched Bessie and then smiled widely.
"Love it so much that I may tell my future husband that 'Hey, we're moving to Greenland!', pack up the truck, babe, forget Brooklyn, home is where the grass is a solid as a fucking rock," Carrie said, sipping her beer, "not to mention the weather. I love to freeze."
"Someone's happy." a new voice chimed in, as Francis settled into a chair opposite them, sucking down a portion of her beer and grinning, "I've never seen you so enthusiastic about something." Carrie deadpanned.
"I'm really jumping for joy over here, Monty." Carrie told Francis, raising her glass of beer up in mock ceremony, "You know me so well." Francis and Bessie burst out into laughter as Carrie leaned back in her chair with a sigh and looked towards the ceiling.
"When the hell are we going to England?" Carrie asked, counting the flecks of rotting wood in the wooden ceiling, her eyes tracing the pieces that stuck out of the ceiling panels before losing her spot and recounting, "If I could just get another beer started, I'd be ready by tonight to head out. No pit-stops for me, I'm just fine with a beer stop and then jetting off to England and calling it a day."
"I wish I had the same energy towards that, Bergie, I really do," Bessie said, "afraid to say I'd ask for a few hours of sleep thought over that."
"Sleeps overrated half the time!" Carrie admonished still staring up at the ceiling, "How you gonna get a thing done when sleep's-"
"Exactly what you need." Carrie blinked a few times and into focus above her head came James Douglass - fellow bombardier, with whom Bessie had introduced on one of Carrie's first days after her transfer on base.
Carrie remembered first time seeing him coming towards them, with that carpet on his face he called a mustache, a sharp smirk, a rather loud, somewhat obnoxious voice, a quick hand-shaking, before he was wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pointing out to various areas along the base like they'd been friends for years - something that had caught her completely off guard. And ever since then, with their few chance meetings, they'd been nothing but a trifle of teasing jabs and somewhat good-natured fun.
Key word: somewhat.
Because she could never actually read James Douglass unlike Benny DeMarco or Hambone Hamilton who were just about as sweet to her as her grandma's hotcakes. He'd see her and beeline, make a few jokes, flirt shamelessly, and then go dance with the next girl who'd take his hand. He was quite the character and Carrie usually didn't engage in much conversation past when he'd come to seek her out.
Except now, he was hung above her like a hyperactive golden retriever, like the dog, Kering, that had lived down the street from the Achterberg's in Brooklyn all her life. Running out of the Wilkes house anytime the door opened, barking and sniffing and tearing around the neighborhood like a lunatic. Yeah, Kering the golden retriever who looked like he was a lunatic reminded her exactly of James Douglass.
Nice to know home was never far.
"What are you trying to say, huh?" Carrie asked, still slouching in the chair and staring up at him hovering over her. Douglass grinned at her, showing off his pearly whites and that charming look on his face and he let out a chuckle.
"You know, a little sleep never hurt a soul. Only reason we're even alive," Douglass said, reaching forward to rub her shoulder, "makes the brain happy or some shit. Makes people less….cranky."
"You calling me cranky, now?"
"Cranky. Now that's just one of many words-"
"Oh, you little-"
"Alright!" Bessie said standing and shoving Douglass pack from where he currently was occupying Carrie's headspace, "Nice to know some things never change." Carrie glanced at her as she sat up and Bessie raised a brow with a smirk.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Douglass said from behind Carrie, before he moved around her chair and took the other open seat in the grouping of four, and kicking back to relax. Carrie watched Bessie before looking at Francis, who was rather interested in her cup of beer, before glancing at Douglass, who was already looking at her.
"What?" she murmured, before he made a face and she rolled her eyes.
"How was the flight over, Douglass? Invigorating?" Bessie asked Douglass, with a smile - leave it to Bessie to be sweet as cream on any given occasion.
"You woulda thought Greenland would be, well, fucking green-"
"That's what I said!" Carrie butted in, getting looks from the other three, before settling on Douglass who was watching her, with a mixture of interest and annoyance, but she couldn't seem to decipher the two and sank back in her chair, "Greenland's cold as fuck, not some East Coast paradise I'll give ya that." She heard Douglass chuckle at that as Carrie took in more sips of beer.
"With the way we were flying in, I wasn't even sure we were gonna make it at first, I'll tell you that," Douglass said, "you sit in that nose and you swear to God that you'll smash right into the tarmac. Good ole Ev Blakely don't let that sorta stuff happen though."
"Yeah, a real crap shoot." Carrie muttered, "Thought Birdie was gonna bring us in sideways." Douglass raised a brow as he sipped his beer.
"Guess you can say they lied about the fucking weather, too," Douglass offered, "really nice place here. Could barely move my fingers and toes when I actually stood up fully." Bessie let out a chuckle and started sipping her beer again as Carrie narrowed her eyes at her.
"Hey, they're putting on some music to dance, y'all wanna come?" Judy Rybinski's joyfully said as she appeared behind Francis, "C'mon Bessie, I know that look anywhere, you wanna!"
"You know me too well, Jude," Bessie said, getting to her feet and finishing off her beer.
"I'm coming with! No shot I'm missing a chance at good music and good company." Francis said getting to her feet, "The company part may be a stretch-"
"Oh c'mon!" Judy said, taking Francis' hand before looking at Carrie and Douglass unmoved in their chairs, "You two coming?"
"I'm going to continue working on these beers, Jude, but I appreciate it," Carrie said, "Greenland's officially fucked me up." Judy let out a chuckle.
"You enjoy that then, Bergie," Judy said before looking at Douglass, "Dougie?" Carrie glanced sideways at Douglass who sat quietly, before glancing over at Carrie and then Judy again.
"Maybe next time," he said with a nod, "I promise you a dance, got it?"
"Sounds good! Don't have too much fun!" Judy called before she disappeared and some Artie Shaw began playing over the speakers.
"Good to know we have one thing in common, Bergie." Carrie slowly looked over at Douglass, that annoying nickname rolling off his lips like it had before, "We both hate Greenland." And he grinned at her and couldn't help but smirk back.
"First off, don't call me that. Second, you might be right about that," Carrie said, sipping her beer again, "you know that it's called Greenland because of the Vikings?" Douglass let out a chuckle and shook his head.
"Nah, you're fucking with me," he said, "the Vikings? The guys with the horns on their heads?"
"I'm not kidding," Carrie said sitting up and fully meeting his gaze for the first time since he had hung overtop her, "I swear to you, they did it. Tricking their enemies. For the sake of how much can they fuck a person in the head." Douglass watched her for a moment, before letting out a laugh and sipping his beer again, before smirking.
"Maybe they were just being smart," Douglass countered, "before they knew that it was just one sheet of ice for miles on end. Then they realized what a shitty name Greenland was." Carrie stared at him for a moment, before smiling slightly, unable to hold back her grin.
"You really know how to get under my skin, don't ya?"
"Guess you could say I know what makes you tick."
"Oh so now you suddenly know everything about me, huh?" Carrie said, leaning over to give his shoulder a playful shove, "Well, go on, what's my favorite color?" She watched him and noticed him glance at her lips - surprisingly - before moving back to her eyes.
"I don't know….blue probably." Carrie watched him and stilled for a moment.
"Uh….yeah, actually." she said quickly, and forced down the way her cheeks flamed (and for what she didn't know), "Alright, well, where do I come from?"
"Brooklyn." Douglass said, laughing at the look on her face, "Look, sweetheart, that New York accent ain't just a voice with Southern twang. I know if I was walking down the streets, and I heard your voice, it'd be you."
"God, what the hell." murmured Carrie as Douglass chuckled, "You won't get this - school subject." Douglass looked at her and then smirked before leaning forward.
"Something with math, right?" he asked her confidently, "You don't just get interested in this sorta shit without having some interest there." Carrie watched him and tilted her head.
"Are you mind-fucking me or something?" she asked him, "How the hell-"
"Just good at reading people I guess." Douglass said with a smirk, "Contrary to popular belief, Bergie, I usually know what I'm talking about. There's a reason I'm a bombardier and not just some journalist or something." She watched him and licked her lips.
"Is that why you joined?" she asked him, "The Air Force? Flying in B-17s?" Douglass glanced at her and nodded.
"Had to join the fight somehow, couldn't just sit back and let the fucking Nazis think they could walk all over us," Douglass said, finishing his beer, "that sorta stuff just don't fly around here. Well, except us. We fly." The two burst out into laughter, before they both died down and looked to one another. For a moment, they were quiet regarding one another with somewhat hesitant gazes as Carrie finished off her beer.
"Well, I'm gonna head-"
"Did you wanna-"
They both watched each other, before breaking out into laughter and righting themselves.
"You go." Douglass said.
"I was gonna head out. Get some rest. Pretty tired." she said quickly, her heart racing as she smiled at him with a nod, "You?" Douglass stared at her and for the first time, she saw the sudden shyness in his gaze as he glanced away from her and then back.
"Just…was gonna get another drink, but you head out, get some rest," he said, before smirking at her, "you need it."
"Oh, you asshole." grumbled Carrie knocking his shoulder before standing to her feet, Douglass following suit. The stood there for a moment, looking at one another - usually, if this were a Silver Bullets girl, she'd give them a hug, but with Douglass, she felt frozen in place. She stuck out her hand instead, to shake, and he shook her hand, and she felt more awkward than ever before, as she shook back. His handshake was firm though, and confident and suddenly made her feel like some 16-year-old girl in high school and balked.
"Well, I'll see you around." she said, stumbling back a bit, "Night!" And she disappeared quickly - like she always did. She found the barracks, promptly settled into bed, and then stared at the ceiling, counting the dried pieces of wood hanging from the panels again.
And she replayed the look in James Douglass' eyes - over and over.
And for the first time in years, all she could think about was James Douglass' eyes that had watched her like that, as she tried to fall asleep.
To say the least, it was the best sleep in months.
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underdark-dreams · 7 months
Can you please talk about your writing! how you write and revise and where you get your inspiration you are just so amazing! I could use some tips to get my writing to the next level. maybe some fic recs you find inspiring as well? only if you want too.
I sat on this ask for a while to mull it over, so thanks for your patience! I can definitely talk about my general process and link some fics that have inspired me.
I've also answered some other asks about writing process and technique. You can read those here if you like:
Emotional and feelings-focused writing
Writing descriptively
Fic writing: general process
First, it's good to have your opening and your ending in mind before you start. Even if it's just:
OC walks into Sorcerous Sundries
Rolan and OC fall asleep together
If you have the bookends, it's a lot easier to find the story's beats in the middle. (Or decide that you can't find the path from A to B after all & need to change one of them around)
Once I have those two down, I usually write out the main beats of the story next. These will be the parts that excite you most as a writer!! Like, they make you giddy to write about! Getting these down on paper has ALWAYS given me a burst of momentum to get through the drier/connecting bits.
So I encourage you to write out the story events/scenes that make you most excited first. Exposition will come later! Don't worry about 'setting things up' right now, unless you really want to start there. Remember that your first draft only has to make sense to you.
Damn if I could bottle the answer to this one, I'd be set for life! lmao
A lot of people start writing first and find the inspiration along the way. It's a valid and effective method!
I usually wait for ideas to come to me first, and they usually come when I'm totally disconnected from my writing computer. I swear, my strongest ideas for a fic setup or interesting scene always come when I'm at work or vacuuming or some crap
Best advice I can give is to keep a notes app on your phone or something similar. Rotate your characters around in your mind while you're doing other random life things, and good ideas will usually come to you. Jot down the framework or some dialogue or whatever strikes you before you forget it, then revisit it when you have more time.
Revising and editing
I'm one of those writers who edits a ton as they go, instead of drafting out a story and revising in one go. So this part is kind of difficult for me to answer...the two processes are unfortunately so interconnected in my head!
The main thing is to make sure you give yourself a few days between writing and doing your final edit. Even if you've been revising along the way, taking some time away from your fic lets you gain a fresh perspective.
I will admit, I also keep thesaurus.com open in a tab at all times. Like. I am addicted to finding just the right word
As with all of the above, your mileage may vary! The right technique is the one that gets you writing and creating. 💯
Fic Recs
Here's a list from back in December! Still in love with all of these!
Deeply and Immovably So by Cometra / @dutifullylazybread - Absolutely required reading for any Rolan x Tav fans! Tav is AFAB/she/her. Darcy's worldbuilding and imagery is incredible, very deep and meaningful. Just all-around excellence!
verso by aes3plex - Zevlor x m!Tav oneshot. This story like...made me understand who Zevlor was as a character. I don't know how else to describe it. Really wonderful backstory threaded through a present-day encounter with some of the best prose ever. Love!
But I will admit, I grew up reading Trek fics, and those stories and writers have stayed with me longer than anything else. I think old fandom + huge universe + writers with sheer decades of experience in fanon have a lot to do with the quality of writing there. Not relevant to BG3 but has definitely shaped how I write today!
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imthebadguyyy · 3 years
You're All Mine
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Pairing - Lewis Hamilton x Reader
Fandom - F1
Summary - Things get slightly out of hand at a party where you decide to act up, and Lewis shows you just exactly who you belong to. P.S - He makes you wear that damn jacket.
Warnings - smut, swearing, possessiveness (brought to you by the fashion king that is Sir Lewis Hamilton, because that jacket did things okay?
A/N- OC (Thomas) has nothing to do with any of Lewis's friends in real life.
Also shoutout to @grandestrategia and @lights-out-in-monaco for helping me 💙
iThrowing a party to get together was always a fun idea to get the chance to socialize, meet new people, dance, get drunk and spend quality time with your friends and family. But throwing a party after three back to back race weeks was not really a great idea, mainly because it meant your boyfriend groaning and moaning about how he didn't want to spend time with anyone else but you. That was exactly what was happening at present, as you swiped a tube of crimson lipstick across your lips, while Lewis sat on the bed, in a black shirt and his purple customised jacket, with his arms crossed across his chest, reminding you of a toddler who was told to go to bed early.
"I don't get why you had to throw a party today, of all times" he grumbled for what felt like the hundredth time that day. "Okay baby, I love you, I really do, but I swear, if you say that one more time I will strangle you" you replied, setting the lipstick back down, and reaching for a bottle of perfume on your dressing table. "I'm just saying, I feel like spending time with you now, and yes, I love that you decided to call my friends and family over, but I kinda just wanted to have some you and me time" he said, eyes following your movements as you sprayed the perfume behind your ears, on your wrists, and lightly over your body, "You'll have me to yourself from the moment they leave, till you have to fly for your race again. And I promise, we can do whatever you want" you said, reaching up to smooth your hair. Far too preoccupied with fixing the flyaway strands of hair, you didn't notice him standing up and standing right behind you. "Whatever I want hmm? I know exactly what I want baby. But I just can't get it right now. You know why? Because I want to bend you over and take you right here, right now. But because you decided to throw a party instead of spending time together, you'll have to wait a little longer than necessary to have my head in between your thighs, my fingers in you, and my cock in your cunt. And guess whose fault it is? Yours, my darling. It's your fault" he growled in your ear, smirking when a soft moan slipped past your lips.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you? For me to bend you over and take you here? When our guests could be here at any minute?" he continued, lips resting just near the outer shell of your ear. You couldn't even answer, feeling the arousal grow in between your thighs, as your heartbeat seemed to slow down for just a second, before it seemed to hammer against your chest almost as if it wanted to just burst out of your chest. "Tell me darling. Would you like that?" "Ye-" your reply was cut off by the sound of the doorbell ringing, signalling the arrival of one of your guests. "Saved by the bell, hmm? You didn't have to answer. But I promise baby, when they're gone, I'm gonna make you scream my name so loud, if our neighbours aren't on a first name basis with us tomorrow, I'll be very, very surprised. And leaving you a aroused, horny mess, he went down to open the door.
About half an hour later, the party was in full swing. You had invited some of your friends and some family members, and turning to look over your shoulder, you saw Lewis chatting with his dad and Nicolas, a glass of wine in his hand as he laughed at something his brother told him. Smiling, you turned back, to see one of Lewis's friends making his way over to you, two glasses of champagne in his hand. You enjoyed mingling with his friends, and you had met Neymar Jr, Odell Beckham Junior, and other really awesome people. Smiling at Thomas, who was one of Lewis's newer friends, you accepted the glass, your third glass of champagne and your fifth drink all together, hovering between the lines of tipsy and drunk.
Thomas, (the friend, idk I just made him up) offered you a glass of champagne, and you gladly took a sip, enjoying the buzz as the alcohol ran through your veins, filling you with a calm happiness. Maybe it was the alcohol in your veins and the promise of a really good time that made you decide to push Lewis's buttons just a little bit, to ensure that you were really in for it. Giggling at a joke his friend made, you threw your head back laughing, letting your hand rest on Thomas's shoulder, before letting it move to your hair, twirling a strand of hair around your finger, teeth sinking softly down onto your lower lip.
From where he was standing, Lewis looked over to see where you were, his grip on his glass tightening when he saw you laugh and rest your hand on his friend's shoulder. His eyes darkening when he saw you twirl a strand of hair around your finger, and bite your lip softly, knowing all too well what you were doing. It was working. As you giggled again, tilting your head back laughing, and nodding a quick 'I'll be back soon', to his dad, he walked towards the both of you, his eyes fixed on the way you kept twirling your hair around your fingers.
"Hi baby. You having a fun time?" he asked you, standing next to you and wrapping an arm around your waist. "Yeah I am! Are you having fun?" you replied, letting your head droop onto his shoulder. "Yeah I am my love, thank you so much for planning it" he murmured in your ear, ignoring the fact that his friend was standing right in from of him, probably getting a free show. His hands splayed out on the leathery material of your black skirt, enjoying the coolness of the material and the feel of a section of your skin against his palms. The black outfit you had put on was a black leather top and skirt, that clung onto your body like a vice, as he moved his hand to the back of your skirt, moving so Thomas couldn't see what he was doing.
"And what about you Thomas, are you having a good time?" you asked the man, feeling Lewis tense up behind you. "Yup I am! Thanks so much for inviting us all, its a great party" he replied, flashing the both of you a smile. "We're glad you're having fun" Lewis replied, his hand moving to your ass, squeezing ever so discreetly. "Yup I know! Great to see you too, man! Your last races have been great, you deserve a break" Thomas kept talking, blissfully unaware of how you were squirming, your arousal pooling in between your thighs as he ran his fingers up your thighs, in between your underwear and the skirt. He moved his body so the lower half of your body was not visible to anyone else.
Pressing your lips together to keep a sound from escaping, you tried your hardest to hold yourself together, but it was damn hard when you could begin to feel the liquid threatening to run down your thighs and make a mess in front of everyone. "Moving your hand to the back to squeeze his thigh, silently begging him to just take you to the bedroom and fuck you senseless. Feeling your desperation, Lewis smirked softly, before turning to Thomas. "If you don't mind Thomas, I think I left my phone in the bedroom, I'll just go get it" "Yeah sure" Thomas replied, as you turned and made your way up the stairs to the master bedroom. But before you could go and sit on the bed, a pair of arms grabbed you around your waist, and pulled you into the master bathroom that was connected to your room.
Lewis turned your body around, the rough movement taking your breath away, before he crashed his lips down onto yours, his hands sliding down to your as again, squeezing hard, causing a moan to slip out your lips, your arms tightening around his neck. "I saw you trying to rile me up baby. All giggly and flirty, and that whole fiasco with you messing with your hair, hmm? Only I can pull your hair, and only I can tug on it. You like it when I do that, don't you? When I tug your hair, and your head falls back, and those sounds slip out of your lips and I can see how much you like it" The moan that slipped past your lips went straight to his cock, hardening under his pants.
"Words baby, words. Do you like it?" he asked, his fingers running along the waistband of your leather skirt, tugging the skirt down your legs. "I do, I really do! please, please do something, I need you so bad" you whined, your hands unbuttoning the buttons on his shirt, and tugging his purple jacket down his shoulders. "Patience my baby. Good things take time. So desperate for it, I can see your wetness dripping, but you aren't getting off that easily after that stunt you pulled. But I promised you that I'd give you a good time, and I always keep my promises" Another desperate whimper left your lips, and you dragged the jacket down his torso, letting it drop to the floor.
"No no no. I want you to put that on. Or even better..." he mumbled finishing his sentence halfway, picking up the jacket from the floor. He pushed you down on the bed, grabbing your wrists in his hands, before pushing you back up to the headboard. Then he took the jacket up to your hands, tying one side to the headboard of the King sized bed, and the other end around your hands. "There we go, all tied up and gorgeous for me. Do your wrists burn with my name baby? Do you like how my name is tied onto your skin?" he asked, eyeing how the 'HAMILTON' part of the jacket was tied around your wrist. "I bet you like it don't you? That stinging sensation? I cannot wait to taste you my love, all wet and dripping for me" he continued, moving down to press his lips to your neck. He pushed his tongue out onto your skin, sucking the spot before licking over the spot repeatedly, letting his teeth sink onto a pulse point, shifting in his pants when his cock twitched at the moan that fell from your lips.
He ventured lower and lower, till he reached your chest, taking your nipple into his mouth, licking the sensitive nub, letting his teeth graze your areola. Above him, you were struggling against your bonds, wrists straining against their restraints., desperate to touch him, to feel his skin and his glorious muscles under your hands, but you couldn't, because your hands were bound, literally, "Oh my god please Lew, please let me touch you, please I need to touch you baby" "Not yet princess. You were a bad girl, and bad girls get punished my love. I'm not going to let you even graze my hand, if you don't shut that pretty little mouth of yours, before I do it for you" he growled back, feeling his own arousal grow as you whimpered again. He let his fingers fondle your other nipple, tweaking and pulling before taking it into his mouth too, as you felt the wetness run down your leg, soaking into the bedsheet.
Moaning again, you pressed your thighs together, desperate for some friction to relieve you of the throbbing pain in your core, the amount of arousal you were feeling making you feel like you were drowning in some sort of strong sea current, as Lewis's lips travelled lower, and his breath fanned over your throbbing cunt. "I can't wait to taste you my love" and with that he dived in, giving you almost no time to adjust, as he fucked you with his tongue, and his fingers toyed with your clit, sending you towards your high, before biting the sensitive bud softly "You taste like fucking candy love" "Oh fuck fuck fuck Lewis, I'm gonna -" you managed to gasp out as the gasp turned into scream of frustration when he pulled away. "What the fuck? Why'd you do that?!" you gasped out, chest rising and falling rapidly.
"Because like I told you, bad girls get punished" he replied, shoving his pants down his legs, before leaning over and grabbing a condom, pulling his calvin keins down his thighs, as his cock sprang free, smirking when you moaned at the sight, "Taking a good look baby?" he asked, crawling over to you. "You're just really gorgeous" you replied, straining against the jacket. "I know" he replied, pushing his rings off of his fingers. "No don't. Keep on em. I like em" you said, earning a smirk from the man again. "Want me to fuck you with my rings on? I'd love to" he said, watching as you squirmed again.
"Baby please let me touch you, I want to touch you so bad, please!" you practically begged, tears of frustration filling your eyes. "No baby. I'm going to fuck you with your hands tied and I'm going to mark you up" he replied, sliding the condom on and leaning over you, positioning his cock at your entrance. "Ready baby?" he asked,smiling a little as you nodded, the both of you moaning in sync when he pushed into you, your walls clenching onto his cock, as he settled into you, moaning when he sunk into you bit by bit. He gave you a few seconds to adjust, before he pulled out, making you let out half a moan and look at him questioningly, before he slammed back into you. You weren't expecting that, and a strangled scream left your lips when he filled you to the hilt, before bottoming out in you, hips snapping repeatedly into you, his cock moving inside you.
You moans and groans echoed off the walls, as your hands burned, the desperation in you threatening to drown you again. "oh my god, you feel so good, you fuck me so good, now baby please let me touch you!" you practically screamed, your voice catching when he angled his thrusts so the tip hit your g spot repeatedly. "Okay my love, you deserve it now. My baby desreves to touch me now, doesn't she?" "Yes please, especially when you fuck me this good, almost too good to be true" you stammered out clenching down on his cock again, feeling the slight stutter of his hips as you did. Lewis reached up to untie you, letting the jacket fall to the floor, and moaning when your hands dug into his back, scratching down his back, as he hissed at the feeling, loving the feeling of your nails raking down his back. "Fuck baby, do that again" he growled. "Only if you choke me" you moaned back, feeling him stutter again, and let out a moan.
His eyes widened, not completely used to you being so bold, but loving the wild side you let out. He reached up, wrapping his hand around your neck and squeezing a little, groaning when you let out a choked moan. "Harder" you moaned, feeling his cock twitch in you. "Oh fucking hell baby, I didn't know you liked it rough" he moaned, tightening his grip on your neck, cutting the air off ever so softly, snapping his hips into you faster, as your nails raked down your back even harder, leaving marks that would definitely hurt the next morning.
"That feels so good, oh my god, I love you so much" you gasped out wrapping your hand around his, causing him to squeeze a little harder. "Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum my love" Lewis moaned, groaning when you moved your hips thrusting up to meet his thrusts. 'Oh fuck" Lewis groaned, before releasing into you ,his finger reaching down to rub your clit repeatedly. Your moans echoed in the room, as he pinched your clit, as you squirted all over his cock.
Panting, Lewis sunk down next to you, chest rising and falling. "That was so good" you gasped out, resting your head on his chest. "Was that too much? Did I hurt you?" he asked, kissing your forehead. "No no I loved it. You should do that more often" you mumbled. Just as Lewis leaned in to kiss you, there was a knock at the door, making the both of you jump apart. "Are the both of you done yet?" a voice asked, making you blush. "Oh my god. We forgot about the guests!" you gasped, making Lewis laugh, as he kissed you softly. "I know which one I'd rather do again" he mumbled, laughing when you kissed him back. "Don't go for round two, atleast let us leave first!" the voice yelled again, as Lewis stood up from the bed to get dressed.
"Oh and by the way, you're wearing that jacket downstairs"
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enhypia · 3 years
HS ; couples
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couples answers questions with the choice of drinking instead of answering
pairings: lee heeseung x gn!reader
genre: fluff, angst if you squint really hard
words: roughly 1.4k
masterlist ⸺ series masterlist
~guides and warnings~
italics - reader speaking
bold - heeseung speaking
[enclosed] - interviewer speaking
italicized bold - both reader and heeseung speaking
[enclosed bold or italics] - question (depends on who's speaking)
heavily inspired by: rec.create lie detector games, cut truth or drink
warning: contains and mentions of !!! drinking, swearing
i don't promote underage drinking, save your livers
hi! i'm (y/n)
hello, my name is heeseung!
and we're together
we're couples!
[you guys were invited here today as couples for a fun little drinking game, you guys were aware of that right?]
we are
[okay, for this game, questions will be asked and if you refuse to answer, you drink, it's that simple. should we start?]
let's go, i can't wait to drink
so you won't be answering the questions?
i mean, it's free alcohol
*hee shakes his head in disbelief
[how long have you been together?]
we actually just had our 3rd anniversary last week
so 3 years now <33
[how did you two meet?]
pffft- *(y/n) laughs
can we just choose pass
*hee offers the shot glass to (y/n) and both take a shot, laughing after
we're drinking this early on damn
we met through a mutual friend
i was brought as a wingman
i think you can guess how it went
[but how did you guys become a couple?]
we got closer after meeting and i think it was obvious to the both of us that we were interested in each other
yeah but it still took a lot in me to ask you out
he stuttered the first time he asked me on a date
did i?
*(y/n) laughs at the memory
you went "hey, so uh you wa-"
*hee cuts (y/n) off by squishing their cheeks
we don't need a reminder
*(y/n) swats his hand away
but it was cute, don't worry
*(y/n) pats his head making heeseung smile
[okay, how about we officially start the game now?]
*both nod and played rock paper and scissors to determine who gets to ask first, (y/n) wins
*(y/n) reads the card and chuckles
[was it love at first sight?]
it wasn't
like i said, i was supposed to be a wingman so in my head, they were already off limits
i don't believe in love at first sight so *(y/n) shrugs
[do you have/did you have doubts with us being together?]
goddamn *(y/n) drinks
*heeseung is wide-eyed
no honey, not like that, i will answer, it's just that i need the alcohol boost
*the shock goes away
i was about to shed tears not gonna lie
*(y/n) rolls their eyes
when i agreed to becoming heeseung's significant others, i had no doubts, i knew what i felt was true and i knew his was too. the doubts were mainly on myself?? like "what if he just wakes and he doesn't love me anymore" but everyday heeseung proves to me that that will never happen
*(y/n) smiles at heeseung
*heeseung looks away trying to hide the smile and blush appearing on his face and he takes a shot refusing to meet (y/n)'s eyes
*(y/n) picks up a card and laughs
[if i become a zombie and had to eat people to survive, would you stick by side?]
heeseung gets scared easily i don't think he will
but if it's you...
*(y/n) raises an eyebrow
wait let me think about this more clearly
see! *(y/n) laughs
*heeseung continues to think
omg just say no!
but it's you !!!
i know it's me but baby we both know you'll run the other way once i start to eat people
...... you still love me right?
yes heeseung, i still love you
*hee :D
okay! next question!
*he picks up a card and laughs
oh i like this one.
[would you date any of my friends?]
*(y/n)'s mouth drops in shock
*(y/n) ultimately decides to play with heeseung
i mean.. *(y/n) reaches for a shot
*the grin on his face disappears
*(y/n) bursts into giggles and takes a shot
yah~ !!
[would YOU date any of my friends?]
*hee's eyes narrows and takes a shot for revenge
*both laugh at their antics
the answer is no guys, i love his friends but they're pretty much like annoying siblings
sorry (y/n)'s friends, (y/n) is the only one for me
but i'm pretty sure someone who used to be in my circle would jump at the chance
really ?? who ??
*(y/n) gives the look
AH! -
*scene cuts as he says a name
moving on.
*(y/n) picks up a card and laughs
[do you wish i offered to pay for more dates?]
i like paying for our dates, but arguing with them is hard
yeah there was one time we spent 10 minutes bickering about who will pay, so we just made an agreement
we take turns per month, like for this month i'm the one paying for all the dates, then on the next month (y/n) will be paying
but everytime it's his month, he always tries to go out a lot, and when it's my month he opts to stay in
hEHE ??
*heeseung picks up a card and reads the question intently
*he is in deep thought
what is it?
[will you agree to an open relationship?]
open relationship is when it's okay if you see other people right?
yup and i don't think i'd agree to it. you?
me as well
sorry im selfish, heeseung is mine, i do not share ;)
*heeseung laughs
yeah, sorry it's not for me, i don't think i can stomach seeing another one hold (y/n) , find your own
*(y/n) raises glasses to cheers and both take a shot
[it's okay not to drink if you answer]
yeah we know
but it's free alcohol
and drinking makes it more fun
*they hi-five
okay! next question,
[if i had to move away for many years, would you wait for me?]
wow no hesitations
yes i would wait for you
*(y/n) :O
okay we get it
*they laugh
but i will, you're worth waiting for
your patience says otherwise
are you doubting my ability to wait?
do you hear yourself when you're playing?
that's with games, you're not a game, you're not something i play
*(y/n) blushes making heeseung laugh
shut up okay i get it
i also do not actually trust my patience
SEE ?!
*heeseung bursts out laughing
so instead of waiting i'd probably just go to them and/or visit them a lot
or just move in with me
*(y/n) avoids heeseung's stare
is this still related to the question or the present
huh? *(y/n) acts clueless
*camera cut
*we see both of them sporting a blush with big smiles on their face, and the alcohol evidently lessened
[freestyle! ask any question you want]
wah, i don't know what to ask
*he is thinking, everybody shut up
just keep it simple
no i want it to be hard
i can just actually follow the rules and drink instead of answering
*hee pouts
no you won't
*(y/n) :P
[did you like ... when we first met?]
oh the 'friend'?
*(y/n) drinks
*heeseung :O
*(y/n) xD
no heeseung, i did not like them, i really just saw them as a friend
ohh ouch sorry buddy
*they share a laugh
oh it's the last one
[question for both: what does loving each other feel like?]
awww that's a cute one, i'll go first
loving heeseung feels like the comfort your favorite songs bring you. it feels like the excitement you get whenever your favorite show releases a new episode. it's the deep sigh in content you release whenever you smell your favorite scent. it's just, loving him feels like everything your favorites make you feel.
*heeseung is not tearing up, definitely not, that's just sweat, he is also 100% not blushing, it's just hot
*he takes a shot and (y/n) laughs at his antics
now how am i supposed to beat that?!
let me be more romantic gosh
respectfully, no.
*both laugh
okay uhh, loving (y/n) feels like riding a rollercoaster. from all the emotions while waiting in line to exiting the ride. loving them is like the feeling of hitting a high note you previously couldn't. it's winning multiple prizes at the arcade. loving (y/n) is like the softness of a sunrise and the absolute wonder in staring at a night sky.
*(y/n) takes a shot not even bothering to hide their blush
why are we so cheesy and poetic when we're intoxicated damn
*heeseung laughs and agrees
forgive us if we're cringey
not our fault you're single
heeseung! :O
*he stays unapologetic
and that's it!
thank you for having us~
»————- ♡ ————-«
bonus: youtube comments
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masterlist ⸺ series masterlist
a/n: sorry this took so long, i caught up with everything i missed in my classes, i'll try to update the series more frequently. i will also be posting timestamps later since it's been days since i last posted. i hope you also like this one!! jay's will be posted next, please look forward to it <33
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bbychilly · 4 years
Birthday boy • Rhian Brewster
for my fav girl @luc-57x ❤️ hope you’ll like it (bc ahahah i rewrote it a hundred times)
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Today you went to the shopping centre to buy a present for Rhian. His birthday is coming soon, so there’s no point in delaying purchases. You were nervous because you didn’t know what to give to your boyfriend. It must be something that he’ll definitely like and something that he’ll appreciate. But nothing crossed your mind at all. After wandering around the mall for 4 hours, you just bought a cool hoodie and brand trainers.
“This is clearly not enough” you muttered when you got into the car. “I have to come up with something else... Definitely!”
This morning started awful: you barely got out of bed because you were dizzy and your legs hurt. The worst thing is that you were terribly sick. For the whole day you hardly got out of bed and ate almost nothing. Fortunately, Rhian was in training, so he didn’t see you in that state. In the evening you decided to call your sister:
“Emily, hi, can you talk?”
“Yeah, of course, sis. Something happened?”
“I don't know.” You shrugged, as if your sister could see it. “Can you come to me tomorrow? I don’t feel great, I feel sick all day. And I need help with preparing for Rhian’s birthday. Will you help?”
“Of course I'll help. What happened, (Y/N)? Why do you feel sick? Do you want to go to the doctor?”
“I don't know” you shrugged again. “I don’t want to see a doctor, I don’t see the point. It’ll pass by itself.”
“Yeah, about 9 months later” Emily thought, but she didn't say it out loud.
“As you want, but of course I’ll come tomorrow. Kisses and hugs, good night.”
“And you, sis.”
You put the phone down on the nightstand and turned to the place where Rhian should sleep. He warned that today he’ll come back from training later than normal, but you didn’t think that for so ‘later’. You decided that you would wait for him because you didn’t want to sleep, and besides, you managed to get bored without him.
Frankly, you didn’t succeed in waiting for Rhian. Fatigue prevailed and you fell asleep. When Rhian came home, you already sweetly slept, hugging his pillow. The boy left a light kiss on the top of your head and lay quietly next to you, holding you tight.
“Well, how are you? Do you feel better?” asked Emily, quickly hugging you, and went into the hall.
“No, I’m not” you really felt lousy. “But let's not talk about me, we need to prepare for the birthday. Rhian didn’t want to have a huge party. He invited only his family and closest friends. But still, everything should be perfect” you sat on the sofa and frowned because you were sick again.
“You idealize everything. Rhian will be glad to any party. And you know what” Emily reached into her purse “keep it.”
Your sister sat next to you and held out a pregnancy test.
“I'm worried about you and it seems to me that this will solve all the issues you need to see a doctor now or after 9 months.”
“No” you changed your serious expression to a smile. “I'm definitely not pregnant!”
“(Y/N)! Just check it out.”
“Well so be it, I’ll check, but I'm sure that I'm not pregnant.”
Five minutes later, you returned with a happy and at the same time stupid smile on your face. Emily immediately understood everything.
“Emily...” you showed her two strips on the test. “I... I don’t believe my happiness...”
You burst into tears and your sister hugged you and stroked your head. You sat back on the sofa, and the girl covered you with a blanket.
“Do you want to sleep a little?”
“No, we need to prepare for the party. Emily... I’ll be a mother... I-I dreamed about this from childhood... And Rhian? What if...” you hesitated “what if he doesn’t want kids? We never talked about this...”
“Calm down and don’t utter nonsense! Did you see how Rhian played with Brendan? As if he wasn’t his uncle, but his dad! His smile, when I ask you to stay with Brendan, knows no limits! Besides, you said that you wanted to give him something special as a present. Give him this test and a little ‘Brewster’ t-shirt. He’ll be over the moon. I promise you.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah! Show me the list of things we have to do for the party.”
Everything was ready and thanks Emily for that. You had a whole day, until Rhian’s birthday and, unfortunately, he had a day off today. Yes, you missed him, but you didn’t want him to see you in that state. You were sick again and had a headache again. You didn’t stop thinking about this test, about two stripes, about the little man inside you. You were afraid to tell Rhian, you were afraid of his reaction, you were afraid that he would break up with you because he isn’t ready for children yet.
“Bubs, are you okay?” Rhian sat nearby and looked at you worriedly. “You’ve been stirring sugar in tea for half an hour.”
“Huh? What? Ahh, yes, I'm fine. Just thought for a little.”
“About what you were thinking? I'm worried, you're okay?”
“Yes, I’m just tired, I’ll go to bed now if you don’t mind.”
“Do I have to go with you?”
“No!” suddenly you cried out, fearing even the thought that Rhian might find out that you’re pregnant. “No, I do it myself, thank you” you softened your voice and kissed the bewildered guy on the cheek.
Thoughts kept you awake all night. You lay and looked at Rhian. You were happy, but at the same time you were afraid.
“Happy birthday, baby” you kissed him on both cheeks and hugged him tightly. “Don’t you mind if I give you a present in the evening? After party?”
“Of course I don’t mind. Is everything okay? Your voice has changed too much in recent days” Rhian worriedly took your hand.
“Of course everything is okay! We’ve already have to go to downstairs, there almost everything is ready for you!”
Gradually the guests arrived. The house was filled with talk and laughter. You, like everyone else, were in a good mood. All friends and relatives congratulated Rhian and you were incredibly happy. But the evening was approaching, you began to overthinking again. The thought, that such a wonderful day could end badly, bothered you.
“Are you okay? Don't you feel sick?” asked Emily, gently turning you around by the elbow to face her. Most likely she asked this because you were standing in the corner of room and were biting your lips.
“No, I'm fine.”
“Have you told Rhian yet?” You shook your head and took a sip of orange juice. “Why?”
“In the evening” you whispered and Emily nodded understanding and changed the subject.
“It turns out that you didn’t give me a present on my birthday!” Rhian joked when at 1 am you finally stayed home alone, so you both fell into the bed without any strength.
“You know, I'd rather not give it to you at all.”
“Did you forget to buy me a present?” Rhian giggled and turned to face you.
“No, I didn’t forget” you turned to the nightstand and took out a small box from it. “Happy birthday, Rhian. I love you” you said barely audibly and kissed him on the cheek.
“I'm so tired, maybe I'll open it tomorrow? Besides, this gift is too small” the guy shrugged.
“Rhian, but...” the voice trembled and you suddenly burst into tears.
“Bubs, what’s wrong? I was joking! Gosh, why are you crying, don’t break my heart, come here I’ll hug you.”
Rhian held out his hands to you and of course you didn’t refuse to embrace. When you stopped crying and got comfortable in Rhian’s arms, the guy finally decided to open your present. Your heart was beating furiously and your breath was trembling.
“What is it?” Rhian twisted your gift in his hands. “Stop, (Y/N), are you pregnant?”
He turned you to face him, sitting on his knees. You noticed tears in the corners of his eyes. You just silently looked at each other, not making any sounds.
“Yes, Rhian, I'm pregnant...” you whispered softly, fearing his reaction. He continued to sit and look at you, saying nothing. “Say something Rhian, please! You don’t want this child? I should have an aborti...”
“Do not even think about that!” finally said the boy. “I’ll kill you if you have an abortion. I already love this baby more than anything!” Rhian leaned towards you and kissed you gently, awakening butterflies in your stomach.
“Even more than me?” you pouted lips.
“Yes! You wanted to kill him or her, and this is a crime. This baby hasn't done any crime yet. Therefore, I love him or her more!”
“Well then sleep alone today!” You jokingly crossed your arms over your chest and were about to leave.
“Wait, oh my God” Rhian managed to grab you at the waist and put you back on the bed. “I love you both equally and endlessly. Honestly.”
“Then kiss me...”
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untilthenextencore · 5 years
Playboy Pt. 1
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The pics are of what Yuridia's suit looks like of course along with one of the inspirations for her looks alongside Sasha Montenegro & Rossy Mendoza, Turkan Soray.
As ever, forever editing...
Might alter or change the title...
Please be kind...
Let me know what you think!
Late 1972
London, England
"Hold still!" The Bunny Mother instructed as she did her best to help her new charge into a black suit. The suit was new in a sense, and similarly, so was the bunny. 18 and a new recruit. She had just come from Los Angeles with a rather unusual name. Yuridia. Yuridia Garcia. Her full name was impossibly long as she herself had admitted. Hearing it once made Joan's head spin & her jaw drop in shock. It was like one of those names straight out of a Spanish drama or swashbuckler. Thankfully Yuridia wasn't offended. She just laughed it off.
She had been sent over for a short while to pad out the holiday shift & to allow Yuridia a chance to show her full potential as opposed to having her options limited in terms of hours & places in the club she was allowed to work as she would otherwise have faced at home due to her young age.
At first Joan didn't understand why they didn't just tell the shy, soft-spoken child with the admittedly terribly sweet, soft accent to come back in three years when they could use her to her best advantage in the LA club...
Save her the trip...
Pick someone else...
And then she met her...
And dressed her...
"Won't need these..." Joan teased as she removed the stuffing & padding from the cups of the suit. A lot of bunnies secretly padded. It was no big deal. A big secret kept from the public...
But no big deal...
The bunny bodice held and hid a multitude of sins...
Not that Miss Garcia had much to atone for at the ripe old age of barely 18...
You'd be surprised what a suit like the bunny suit could do for a girl's figure...
Across all sorts of body types...
Like it was made out of magic & fairy dust instead of just satin & stays...
Joan had seen it herself firsthand...
And right now even without the padding - admittedly unnecessary on Yuridia - the suit was still working it's insane, inconceivable magic...
Emphasizing every last one of her curves & her mile long legs to full effect!
It was doing her all kinds of favors whether she needed it or not!
Every. Last. Favor. On. Earth!
As Joan fastened the suit around her newest charge, who would be known as "Bunny Yuri" to the patrons of the London club, Yuridia herself fixed her cuffs. She made sure that the Playboy Bunny logos on the cufflinks faced each other when she put her wrists together as was the rule. Made sure the bunnies kissed" as was the rule. "Kissing Bunny cufflinks" was just one of many little details that had to be filled out just so. And she knew failure to do so would result in warnings, admonishments & demerits. Another such detail was daintily perched ears which seemed to "quirk" just so. This was the next thing Yuridia handled as Joan handled yet another detail. Fluffing her bunny tail. Yuridia cast a shy smile in the mirror at Joan, nodding a polite. "Thanks..."
"Any time, luv. It's my job..." Came the reply based in soft laughter.
This shy little thing. What kind of a bunny would she make out there?
Yuridia then gazed in the mirror to inspect her reflection as suddenly another bunny burst through the room.
"Yuri! You're working the VIP room with me and Diana right?" It was Bunny Kitty, panting in breathless excitement for God knows what reason.
"Yes, of course. Although I have a short shift tonight. I worked a split today. Why? Is anything the matter? Any problems? Anything wrong, Kitty? Any changes?" Yuridia gazed at her breathless friend curiously.
"No... Nothing's the matter... Nothing's wrong... No changes..." Kitty sighed after a drink of water, finally calming down. "It's just that we got some very, VERY important people that are being put into your section right now. VVIP... VVVIP!..."
"Oh? Anyone I oughta know, luv?" Joan asked as she made the last few adjustments to "Yuri's" suit.
"Or me? Even though I'm new here and not from around. Or are they more locally known & famous?" Yuridia asked.
"Oh no! No! No! No, they're definitely well known... Internationally known... Internationally famous... Or infamous..." Kitty giggled. "And you DEFINITELY should have heard of them by now!..." I'm not sure if I oughta tell you or just let you go out & find out yourself..."
"Not sure if I should even ask... I'm a little scared now with how you've talked of them..." Yuridia laughed before asking. "Can I at least ask this? How many are there?"
"Four..." Kitty replied in an awed hush, fighting back a squeal as she clenched her fists.
"Well by that reaction, Kit, I have to ask... Is it the Beatles? Have they decided to reform?" She teased.
"Noooo... But you're on the right track... Not the worst guess you could have made.
"Oh wow... That big?... That famous?... That popular?..."
"Just about..." Kitty smiled.
"Mmmm... I see..." Yuridia hesitated, nerves starting to get the better of her momentarily, prompting her to come up with a proposition. "Are you gonna shadow me then? Make sure I don't mess up? Or do you just want to take my table? I take yours? Who knows? They might like you better..." She teased hoping that she could play her nerves off well enough.
"I'd love to! But I can't... The floor manager would have my neck!" She laughed, rubbing the back of her neck for emphasis.
"Did you greet them for me? Tell them I'll be right with them? After I finish getting dressed I mean..." Yuridia laughed nervously.
Kitty nodded. "I did. Though I didn't exactly go into specifics of course." She grinned, motioning to Yuridia in her suit. "Not that I think that they'd have minded of course! But of course that would be against policy so... Your secret is safe with me." She laughed.
"Ohhh... Kitty..." Yuridia gave Kitty a playful shove as she began to blush slightly.
Kitty laughed again. "Why on earth are you so shy? How on earth were you hired if you blush at the drop of a hat?"
Joan swatted at Kitty playfully. "Don't scold her! She can't help it! Besides... You know the boys out there might actually like that... They might get a kick out of it!..."
Yuridia turned to glance at Joan as best as she could without disrupting her work adjusting her suit again. "I assume you have experience... With them?"
Kitty leant in to whisper something to Joan, making her gasp. Yuridia swore she heard a "it's..." or "they're...". Spilling the beans on the mystery patrons' identity apparently as Joan & Kitty both nodded in reply.
"You bet, honey. And they have plenty experience with us. And others!" Kitty grinned.
"Well then, you two!" Joan cut in after giving Yuridia's suit one last tug upwards & her tail one last fluff. "Why don't you be off then! So Kitty you can SHOW our little miss "Bunny Yuri" her patrons for the evening! Now be off you two! Shoo, shoo, shoo!" She laughed.
The laughter was echoed by Kitty who took Yuridia by hand as she thanked Joan one last time & lead her out of the dressing room & through the long corridor to the main floor.
"Kitty..." Yuridia hushed.
"Mmmm?" Came the response.
"Can't I get one last clue? Please? Just one little one?" Yuridia pleaded.
"Can't wait till we get out on the floor & to our section?" Kitty asked with a playful smile.
"Mmm-mm..." Yuridia shook her head.
Kitty just laughed. "Alright then... Here... Shine your light on these..." She paused just a few steps from the entrance to the main hall & presented her cuffed wrists, "kissing bunny cufflinks" and all. But the kissing bunnies weren't meant to be the focal point...
Nor were they...
For as Yuridia shone her little mini flashlight down on Kitty's cuffs she noticed something for the first time...
Kitty's cuffs were no longer pure white...
They were marred...
Scribbled on...
Written on...
Yuridia was just barely able to make out four distinct signatures...
But she didn't trust what she saw...
Or what she thought she saw...
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"Kitty..." She hushed.
"Uh-huh..." Came the slyly smiling reply.
Kitty, these are...
These are...
These are...
Am I reading this right?...
Like am I seeing things correctly?..."
"What do you see, "Yuri"?" Kitty teased.
"I dunno...
I almost don't trust myself to read this right..."
Kitty just laughed & pointed across the room to their section. There... Tucked away in a booth... Signing the cuffs for a gaggle of other giddy bunnies were four men... Not just any men... This Yuridia knew as her eyes fell on each member & the accompanying matching scrawled signature flashed in her head in time...
For there...
Tucked away in the comfy dark confines of a booth...
In her section were...
John Paul Jones...
John Bonham...
Robert Plant...
Jimmy Page...
All four internationally popular, famous - and yes Kitty was right, INFAMOUS - members of one of one of the biggest groups on the scene at the time...
"Oh my God..."
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madphantom · 5 years
The Sound of Life - Chapter 13
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During that time they also spent a few days on the set of Phantom. Jessica Harper, who played Phoenix, showed them around. William Finley was busy with his headaches. Winslow met him in the cafeteria where the actor was sitting with an ice pack on his head. He was wearing the leather outfit, but no make-up and his hair was messy.
"Hi," Winslow greeted him.
"Hi," William replied with a weak smile. "Jeez, how did you survive that helmet?! It's killing me!"
Winslow laughed. "I didn't really pay attention to that."
William chuckled. "I can imagine that." He put the ice pack down and sighed. "So, how you been doing?"
"Quite well. I met Michael Jackson a while ago."
William raised his eyebrows. "Really? Awesome."
"And you?"
"Yeah, well, most of the time I've been shooting the stuff here." William laughed. "I hope I'll get it right. I tend to act rather dramatically."
"Well, I am drama in person, so don't worry about that." Winslow grinned. "What are you guys shooting today?"
"The Beef scene. Kinda controversial stuff."
Winslow raised an eyebrow.
"Of course we're all rooting for you, man," William quickly assured him.
Winslow smiled. "I haven't met your Beef yet. What's his name?"
"Oh, it's Gerrit. Gerrit Graham. Funny guy." William laughed. "The cast gave him the plunger as a Christmas present. We painted it gold."
Winslow laughed as well. "A golden plunger?! How many times did you shove that thing in his face during the shower scene?"
A smile spread on William's face. "Six times."
"Six times?!" Winslow laughed. "Oh dear."
"It was a lot of fun."
"Oh, I believe that." Winslow chuckled.
The door opened and Phoenix and Jessica came in. Phoenix was holding Melody.
"A baby!", William squealed as soon as he spotted them.
"You mean me or Leach Junior?", Jessica asked.
"The cuter one."
"That would be me," Phoenix said and sat down next to Winslow. She smiled. "Hi William. Cool costume."
"You look like my Pa," Melody said.
William laughed. "I hope so!"
The door opened and another actor walked in.
"Hi Gerrit!", Jessica greeted him and Winslow turned around.
Gerrit did not quite look like Beef, but Winslow was secretly happy about that. He wasn't sure whether someone who actually looked the same wouldn't have triggered something in him.
"Stay away from me, I'm having a cold!", Gerrit announced. "Hi Mr Leach, Mrs Leach. I'm Gerrit Graham."
"Brian asked me to tell you guys to buy some junk food."
Jessica jumped up and did a little chicken dance. "Junk food night!"
"Hyping us up before the Life at Last scene," Gerrit explained.
"Sounds like Brian," William laughed.
"Put on your shoes, Will, we're going shopping!", Jessica yelled.
What followed was a bizarre scene that could have been straight from a comedy movie. The cast, still in their costumes, and the Leaches marched out of the Majestic. People turned around in surprise. Somebody yelled "Hey, look, it's Winslow Leach!" He signed a couple autographs and the squad entered the supermarket. They marched straight into the candy aisle.
Five minutes later they left with five bags full of crisps, popcorn, chocolate and cookies.
They watched the final product a couple weeks later in a small room with a projector at Paul Hirsch's. Melody was at Lucy's. Phoenix and Winslow didn't think the movie would be suitable for a seven year old. Brian brought popcorn. Gerrit brought Pepsi. They all sat down comfortably and Paul Hirsch clicked play.
The movie started with a narration about Swan read by Rod Serling. Winslow raised an eyebrow. "Wow. You actually got the guy to do this?"
"He loved it," Brian replied.
The black background with the white bird then faded into the Juicy Fruits performing Goodbye Eddie Goodbye. It was obvious they were enjoying themselves a lot. Winslow had a good laugh at William's face in the poster scene.
"The Juicy Winslow Leach at the piano," Phoenix commented and the crew laughed.
The movie proceeded with Philbin and Swan discussing some evil plan in their box.
"I actually have no idea what they were talking about," Winslow noted. "Might as well have been the weather."
"Probably not," Jeffrey commented.
Everyone agreed that the shot with the camera circling around William playing the piano was great. They had a good laugh about his dramatic headbanging.
"I was lucky my glasses didn't fly off," the actor chuckled.
The next scene was Philbin stealing Winslow's music. George Memmoli played his part really well. And Winslow laughed like crazy at the way William pushed "Philbin" against the wall and the sound of shattering glass in the background.
What followed was Winslow being thrown out of Death Records. Brian complained about the Swan Song fiasco with Led Zeppelin. Then came the scene in which Winslow met Phoenix. Both leaned forward.
"This is gonna be interesting," Phoenix commented. This was followed by a "Jessie, your singing is amazing, by the way."
"Thanks," Jessica smiled.
"Your chemistry is on top," Winslow noted during the scene. "Ten of ten."
Phoenix laughed at Jessica's confused face after William flashed her with "I would never let my personal desires influence my aesthetic judgement". "Yes, I probably looked like that!"
"You did," Winslow confirmed.
Later they had another good laugh at William in a flower dress trying to sneak in. "I wish I'd witnessed that happening!", Harold yelled. Then Paul appeared.
Winslow was honestly impressed. The friendly little man had perfectly embodied Swan. This guy who was frequently referred to as the Human Muppet had captured the evil spirit like he'd been destined to play Swan. Winslow shivered. He wasn't the only one.
"Was that really acting?", Archie asked.
"Hopefully," Jeffrey mumbled.
"I don't want to know what ancient evils we unleashed," Harold said.
Paul just laughed. "Who knows."
The next scene was the cops finding a beaten up Winslow. This was followed by William dramatically yelling into the camera that he was innocent.
"That was brilliant," Winslow commented. "Perfectly on point!"
"You have no idea how many shots this face took me," William replied.
Next up came some evil little man announcing that Winslow's teeth would be pulled. The real Winslow bared his teeth and pulled a werewolf number which caused some giggles.
The scene then faded into Winslow's escape from Sing Sing prison. William quickly told an anecdote about all the times the scene with the box had gone wrong while Winslow's on-screen counterpart raged through Death Records.
Winslow knew what was coming up now and so did Phoenix. He suddenly felt her hand in his and turned his head a little to see her giving him a little reassuring smile. He was well aware that she was afraid that the following scene would trigger something in him.
It didn't. William saved the day. As soon as he realized what a bomb was about to hit he burst out dramatically explaining how the scene had almost gone wrong and how he almost became Winslow's "Exact Doppelganger". Winslow objectively admired William's remarkable acting skills and secretly wondered why the actor wasn't famous yet.
The next scene caused Brian to explain why the split screen he'd used was a stroke of genius. The crew listened in amusement until the bomb exploded.
Next up came a bit with Swan in his office and then Winslow confronting him. The height difference between William and Paul was utterly hilarious. The scene was followed by Jessica singing Special to me for the audition. Everyone marveled at how similar her voice was to Phoenix'.
Then came the scene in which Swan adjusted Winslow's voice box and made Winslow sign the contract. Next up Paul singing Phantom's Theme with montages of William and Jessica with a black background. It looked wonderfully dramatic.
The next trigger came up now. It was Beef.
Thanks to the fact that Gerrit didn't look quite exactly like Beef Winslow relaxed again. However, he had to admit that accent and attitude were on point. Gerrit blushed when he told him.
There was the epic scream scene which caused Winslow's to have a laughing flash at the drama of William's acting. During the shower scene Gerrit mentioned that he did not recommend snorting powdered lactose. His acting in that scene and the next one were hilarious. Then Harold performed Somebody Super Like You followed by Life at Last and during Life at Last Winslow excused himself for a few minutes and left to prevent himself from getting a panic attack. He came back in to George Memmoli yelling "Somebody get a fire extinguisher!" and thoroughly enjoyed the Old Souls and dressing room scene, as well as the first rooftop scene. During the second rooftop scene Phoenix wrapped herself around Winslow, who made it a point to marvel at William's acting and compliment him on it until the actor was blushing.
What followed was Paul confronting William. Again everyone was crazed at how this human muppet played Swan. Then came the tape room and the wedding, and after a very dramatic death scene for Swan they got the ending which was slightly differing from reality: Winslow's death.
Phoenix laughed at how Jessica managed to look so desperate. "I just thought of school," Jessica commented. Winslow was delighted by the dramatic ending scene with the flaming bird sealing William's doom. "Awesome. Perfect. Like, really perfect. Great job."
"Release?", Brian asked.
"Hell yeah, release!"
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One of my new passions
This latest with one cop on a niggas neck and one on his lungs and another on his legs while he was handcuffed.
Has me black out murderous rage against all 4 cops present.
I wish our society felt safe enough to attack racist bigots that abuse their power to murder for no cause.
Had those people standing around been able to attack those police and save that man... I don't blame them. I feel sorry for the sight they saw. But I know I would have.
I wish more people had the courage to be crazy like me and do what it takes to save a life.
As i said i don't blame them, many times I haven't been brave as i wanted to be.
I'm thankful they were courageous enough to video this way justice can be served. I read one person did talk back and advocate.
I wish we had the mob mentality to save his life.
Tree informs me the one standing to the side kept calling for backup to help the victim.
Tree does inform me the victim whom died was indeed an ass hole whom I would have killed myself but I would also have killed all three cops.
Thus it's a racist and crime of hypocrisy from those cops... What it was is they were all working together and they had the store call when he was in Just to kill him. As I suspected it was full blown murder. Nothing less.
Tree says they were all laundering drug money together. The 4 police.
The one holding the legs and the one standing alone didn't really want to kill their accomplice. The one standing realize he would be next and so he tried to stop the death of the victim. Tree informs me.
That is all the information tree says we need to know.
I feel if it's an off duty job they should done it without their uniforms. But they chose to represent the Minneapolis, Minnesota police as white men and kill a topless black man in handcuffs while completely defenseless against whom he thought was his friends.
Tree says "to prove they were tough"
I think it's more than that. I think they were trying to prove black lives do not matter and they wanted to prove that all people, no matter their color but most especially African American, are powerless and they have all the power. And theyre invincible. Its far beyond being tough, it's being Godly.
And tree and i spoke about how the man was shirtless and while i couldn't see much of his body due to the car, it looked like he did work out and was buff. And as Tree points out as i did see as well "it took four of them to take that strong black man down" "So it didn't prove they were tough but weak and surly not godly but pompous asses wearing the orange style masks." Says tree and i quote exactly
It makes me angry. I would screamed that at them. How weak they were. As a young person I would pulled them off and fought them.
I feel so much rage, I probably would now.. They would be lying there bleeding and I would look around and go "huh. Oh. Look what I did" then walk away quietly as they lied to themselves it didn't happen that some fst broken hearted lady with bad hips and back whom can barely walk knocked them all out in less than 30 seconds and didn't even really notice she did.
The purse i have today is small but it is an elegant and nicely built hard sided purse. If I was there i would hit them in the head at least 90 mph and knocked them the fuck out and caused internal bleeding like I did Denise then kicked them to cause it to burst all in less than 30 seconds. My body in auto mode and i would feel nothing. No pain. Only strength from God in heaven. And my parents, that are true angels would protect me from danger. So i could walk away free and clear without a broken purse.
It only takes one person. Not a mob mentality. But I wish we had that. I wish we all had that goodness from God that causes us to black out with rage against injustice.
I know tree tells me the victim was Zulululu and y'all know i hate them. But it isn't the point. The point wad the actions of the police.
Now take the same 4 people. The black guy and the 3 white guys in an alley all in sweat pants and wife beaters and tattoos. I wouldn't care. Because it would represent their relationships. They were all co-conspirators in money laundering and in cahoots to be in a friendship, all 5 of them regardless of color.
Putting on their uniforms changed all of that.
When I'm meeting with kidnappers. Money laundering. Murderers. Usually I am the only girl. The only Madame. The only Mob Boss Type that is female.
So apply gender to color... Im just one of the guys. Im not there to have sex or be raped. Usually they try but usually one of the others get jealous or i have a real protector to stop it from happening.
So apply color to gender. I'm just one of the guys. The victim of African American decent is no different than the ones of European. If one of the guys tries to kill me then they do and i can fight back. Same with color. If 3 white guys pounce a black guy he has the right to fight back
It is about context.
As a girl if i try to kill one of the guys they have a right to fight back
If an African American tried to kill an European American like myself the European has a right to fight back
But making it a cop vs criminal when the cops are criminals as well becomes a totally different scenario.
If I saw 5 Zulululu all standing in the alley and they are marked (these were not and wouldn't be as they are non violent [or were] and were just drug dealing and not human trafficking) and 1 was black and 2 was Asian and 2 were white, i would kill them all equally. The same exact 5 guys in any clothes including police uniform marked for kidnapping or rape. I would killed them all equally.
However in this situation that did actually occur. I would have saved the black man. Because of presentation.
Doesn't matter he's Zulululu. Or he laundered money. Its the presentation of 3 white cops killing one black man.
I see people. Bodies. I dont see alien race.
I see race of human skin and cultural differences and abuse of power.
So I would have saved the victim despite who he was.
Now May be I would found out after he was a human trafficker and if he was released at home, I would then go murder him in cold blood myself after saving him. IF that was the situation and i found out the TRUTH after wards. I would realized i made a mistake
If the media made a fuss, i would admit to it.
As part of the CIA and part of a Pentagon task force by default, I am allowed to do such things. Legally. As a military operation.
So, I'm not speaking as a private citizen. Or just a regular random person.
I'm not speaking as a police officer -- it is Illegal for police to do such a thing.
But as part of the military I am allowed
My mortgage company doesn't require me to pay my mortgage because i am listed as a MIA/POW. Location unknown.
Which means i have military status. As part of the military and as a counter head in the CIA.
MIA is missing in action due to amnesia and my physical handicap and disabilities like walking and standing.
POW is prisoner of war. As you all noted on the T.V. and here the aliens are trying to play "capture the queen" which is me. And currently Nathaniel and Denise have me as a POW.
Location unknown. Means they don't know my ability to focus or what I can do. What Alice in Wonderland Rabbit Hole I'll pop out next.
So i don't pay the mortgage. The mortgage says its okay. We will hold onto it. When the military and government can find you and save you, they will give you money you can pay.
Because as a MIA/POW. Location unknown. I do not receive a paycheck. So, the mortgage company understands that when i am found then there will be a large sum of payments waiting for me to be paid out. My monthly paycheck. They hold it for me in hopes i will be found and returned home. In the event of my death, the mortgage company is promised to be paid what is owed from my payments owed to me with permission of my next of kin.
This occurs with will MIA/POW. Location Unknown in the military and contractors that may have been kidnapped that work abroad.
So it is a nice perk.
To be tortured and held captive. In Hell to find out you have all your paychecks waiting and your home? Its pretty fucking amazing.
So that's pretty much all there is to say
Of course thank you for saving my house. I sure prayed a lot about it. And begged for mercy.
And I'm sorry for the people who witnessed the murder of a black man. And I'm thankful it was recorded and no one else was hurt.
At least you know the truth about him. And I hope that does squelch a little of that rage. Hopefully it gets illegal drugs off the streets. That shit is bad.,cocaine and heroin. I hate that shit.,but not as much as human trafficking
Of course I'd kill a bitch on herion pretty fucking fast
0 notes
holdon-a-minute · 5 years
As Time Repeats
Chapter I
A New World
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*Present Day*
Shuffling feet, deep laughs, screeching brakes, choirs of songbird, pieces of conversation...each adding to create the loud bustle that loafs through the street. Listening. She slowly raises her eyelids, to only be greeted by the soft morning sun welcoming each body with its warmth.
Shining smiles, trees of chartreuse, paves of stone grey, breeze-caught hair...all merging together to paint one picturesque scene. Watching. She rests back onto the wooden public bench, controlled deep breaths escaping through her button nose.
Mature parfum, strong mowed grass, golden-baked delicacies, polluting fumes, freshly ground coffee beans...scents of good and bad are to be known everywhere you turn. Inhaling.
Now comes feel.
"Ugh..." Renae lets out an exasperated breath in defeat, sitting her elbows on her spread knees and burying her face deep in her dry palms. She tightly traps her airways, holding her breath as the tears threaten to spill from her eyes once again, before she stops herself and forces the words off her tongue, "I do not want to feel this way." She may not be happy now, she thinks to herself, but this is the start of a new beginning. And at new beginnings there is always hope. "Be optimistic..!" she whispers to herself, but Renae knows better than anyone that it's hardest to keep up with your new start when you didn't even want it in the first place.
Standing from the bench, she turns her judging eyes away from the classy lady who had tried to sit down beside her, and soppily strolls down the direction of her destination. Renae pushes herself past—fitted in her signature style of a soft fabric zip-hoodie and a dark leather jacket layered on top—determined to get through the swarm of bodies and make it back to her quiet house quickly. She wanders through Paris as if she's known it all her life now; the street of shops damp and dewy. Wind whistles through her raw ears as they heed the leftover rain that pitter-patters through gutters, down drain pipes and into the city grids.
The screeching, beeping of a pedestrian crossing makes a deafening echo as Renae and a huddle of rushing people cross the cobbled road, instantly zooming her back into focus of reality. Walking through the avenues of France you can smell dozens of different scents everywhere and anywhere. But Renae's favourite of all, she's come to realise, is the trace of a gingerbread man that runs past her. Every time, he calls out, and every time she ends up chasing him to Mr Baker's Bakery. Mmm, the bakery. This is where the baker she's come to know torments everybody with his luscious pies and pastries sitting on display in the window. And when he opens his huge oven door every day, religiously at 10:30, the whole road is filled with the most sensational smell of freshly baked bread rolls.
When her leg starts to vibrate, she reaches into her pocket and answers the person calling, "Hello."
"Ren, how come you're not home yet? You're going to be late."
"I'm on my way now Alice, and I've got half an hour yet. That's plenty of time to get ready."
"Well have you had any lunch yet? You can't go on an empty stomach your nerves will get the better of you."
Renae chuckles, "I'm not that nervous Al, I'll just eat an apple or something on the way there."
"An apple? Alright then, whatever suits you, I'm not going to argue with you on this important day now am I?"
"No, and I shouldn't think so," she teases as a smile plays at her lips and Renae rounds the corner. "Right, I'm round the corner now I'll be two minutes."
"Okay hun, see you in a minute. Bye."
Renae was now in the neighborhood, the rush of the street of shops (as Renae and Alice call it) now gone, giving way to the open and tranquility of her housing estate. She loves her short over-the-phone conversations with Alice. They always play quite amusingly, and never fail to reveal their bond of trust, love and laughs.
She swings into the hallway of her home, and is almost immediately greeted with a "Hello!" coming from another unlocated room of the two-bed house, as usual. She shouts back a 'Hi!" and rushes upstairs, dodging another of her Aunty Alice's extremely energetic speeches that are supposed to be the best motivator out there. She changes into something a bit more formal, touching up her makeup as she passes the standing mirror, fills her faux leather bag with almost everything from her desk (just in case), picks up an apple and heads back out onto the street, where her taxi is conveniently waiting.
"Good luck!" Alice wails as she watches her niece drive straight into the fate of adulthood.
Renae steps through the old brown door and enters the café she hopes to call a workplace sometime soon. The space is fairly large considering its compact look from the outside, and it is so beautiful—everything the young photographer in the corner would need for his aesthetically pleasing Instagram page. She lets the soft, welcoming atmosphere envelop her whole as she strolls deeper into the intricate café, the warmth of brewing tea, the fresh scent of lavender, the ancient bookcase lining the wall, the smokey smell of lit candles, the dark brown wooden furniture, all making Renae feel as cozy as you can be in a Paris café. The building has an aged, withering feel, but the dozens of lush green plants dangling from ceiling to floor brought the life back into the room quickly; the pop of bright emerald managing to spark the creativity into any person who might pass through.
She finds her way to the counter, and politely addresses the waitress. "Hi, I'm here for a job interview with the owner. My name's Renae Cruzette, I rang a few days ago."
"Oh chéri, that would be me," the woman speaks in perfect English, but with a French roll to her tongue, "Come with me and we'll have a seat. Would you like some tea?"
"Green tea would be nice, thanks," Renae replies and finds a small round table for two to sit down.
"I'm Clemence Rosher—founder, owner—of this place, as you will already know."
Renae smiles and does a little laugh, "It's nice to meet you Clemence." The two shake hands as the bleach-blonde woman passes Renae a steaming mug of green tea, the teabag still left in of course.
"Yes and you are Renae Cruzette, you said?"
"Mhm." Renae was waiting for the traffic of questions to come along and preparing herself not to get stuck or lost in them, but they never did, and she finds herself feeling utterly relaxed with the welcoming woman before her.
"So, let's get down to business yes? Why are you here today?"
"I'm looking for a first job actually, and when I heard you were hiring it seemed perfect, because I don't live too far from here and I love baking every now and then, as well as being creative with coffee art. I'm quite the artistic person, you see."
"Good good. That's what I like to hear," Clemence looks into Renae's eyes and gives a shining bright smile, "So are you willing to give your all into this job? I need someone new, someone fresh who will put a part of their soul into my café. I need perseverance, a respectful and capable person. Why would I choose you?"
"I am all of those things and more Miss."
"Madame," she interrupts.
"Right, sorry Madame."
"Who always comes first in my business?"
"The customer does, always!" Renae eagerly answers after not understanding the question for a few seconds.
"Are you good with mathematics? Can you quickly count change?"
"Yes, I graded a nine in my GCSE when I lived in England."
"In England you say? I thought you had a different accent chéri!"
"Yeah I just recently moved here actually."
"Tell me a bit about that then. Why did you move, are you here permanently?" Clemence curiously asks.
"I think I'll be staying here for a good few years now until I have the money to move out and go back to Britain. I've always lived with my Aunty, ever since I was a baby. My parents have never been around, I don't even remember my mother's face, but my Aunty Alice got a promotion, so we had to move here."
"Oh chéri that must be terrible for you, not even knowing your parents!"
"It's fine really! I love Alice so much, she's always been there for me and I respect her with all my heart for deciding to take me in, but she never took the opportunity to become my mother. She's always been my aunty and kept the truth at bay about my parents."
"I see, so is she your true biological aunt then?"
"Yes! She's my father's sister."
"Oh she must be so very brave then, I admire her strength taking in just a child!"
"I do too. You know she is French as well, so it was a delight to her when the company said she'd be moving to their Paris branch. She took me in when she was just eighteen, and we both went to England so she could finish university. It was very stressful for her, and I am so greatful for her determination to not only provide a steady life for herself, but for a child that wasn't even her own too!"
"Yes she sounds like an amazing woman! So how old are you now then?"
*Snap*  The photographer guy's camera clicks away
"When would you be willing to start? I'd have to give you some training first of course, but it'd be nothing major."
"As soon as possible Clemence!"
"Okay then how about I give you a call next Monday when I'm ready for you to come down? I have meetings and all sorts until then."
"Perfect, thank you so much!"
"Oh no worries, I have great expectations of you," and she give Renae a wink as they stand and part ways, Renae not knowing yet that it'd be the last time she speaks to the friendly woman who owns a café.
Five days later.
"Alice, she still hasn't rang me after three days!" Renae bursts as she storms into the kitchen. A series of transparent patio doors line the back wall of the completely white kitchen, the only colour of the room being the numbers of herbs scattered along the windowsills and the grey laminate flooring below. It reminds Renae of a hospital, and she would very much like to hand some paintings on the walls and colourful flowers, nevertheless it's still comfortable to be in when you've got Alice as company.
"She probably just forgot, don't stress," Alice reassures her.
"I saw her write it in her diary! And she definitely said that she was going to employ me. It's getting ridiculous! Even if she did change her mind about me, a little text to apologise wouldn't hurt!"
"I know, she shouldn't have left you hanging like that, that is very unprofessional," Alice speaks in such a wise, calming manner.
"I really would've liked that job as well," she says saddened now, "It would've met all my needs of a simple first job, but one that I would still enjoy and be easy to settle into."
"I know Ren, but you can't just sit here sulking about it, why don't you go back there and see what's going on with this woman—for your own sake at least."
"What if I make it more awkward though?"
"You won't. You're only going to politely ask when you're going to be set for some training, because you've got other things you need to attend and you can't keep having it delayed or being left in the dark."
"I suppose..."
"Come on, it's not fair on you that she's done this, so go and change out of that old hoodie and get down there standing loud and proud!"
"Okay, thanks Al," and Renae gives her understanding Aunty a bear hug, then rushes upstairs to prepare herself to face Clemence again.
The moment she steps out of the front door, an ear-splitting ring starts to sound in Renae's earlobes and an eye-aching migraine begins to crawl into her mind. She should just brush it off, but not matter how hard she tries, Renae just can't shake the bad feeling that drops to the pit of her stomach and the butterflies that flutter up and get lodged in her throat. Renae steadies herself on the doorway for a second, closing her eyes to ease the pounding in her head. She takes a shaky breath in through her nose and out through her mouth, and pushes aside this feeling, ready to take on her plan of action.
Her taxi ride seems to drag on for hours in the stuffy, cramped backseat, the breeze of the day barely noticeable even with the car windows all open. The heat is almost unbearable. Renae can't understand if it's anxiety (which she's never experienced before), or an illness she's suddenly caught that's making her feel this way, but something isn't sitting right in her flesh and bones. Due to the long, unmoving queue of vehicles, Renae decides to just pay the taxi driver now and walk down the rest of the way where café stood stunningly at the end of the road.
She looks about her to see that everyone is busy trying to get to places, and as she strolls further down the street she notices that she's come to a hidden alleyway, "Millbreury Lane, hm." Given her situation and the want to avoid it completely, Renae roams down the alleyway of tall, old-fashioned buildings taking her time to observe her exquisite surroundings.
Right along the bottom of the attached buildings are stores, and they are magnificent to the eye: cafés sit with intricate metal tables and chairs outside; hanging baskets spread throughout are filled with the most colourful, delicate flowers; antique shops showcase their treasures in the wide window each store possesses; and the cobbled floor beneath glows and sparkles as the afternoon sun shines down on the moist puddles and excess rain.
Renae stands still. So impossibly still.
The beautiful antique alleyway seems to disappear around her in slow motion as Renae is sucked back into reality and her eyes are met with metal.
Thick, cold, silver-grey metal.
Pointed at her forehead, in-between her eyes, is a slick handgun. For a while she cannot see the person whose hand is slid around the trigger, nor the group of men accompanying them. For a while, it was just her and the weapon, playing a dangerous game in a little world of their own—the opponent not even alive but still taking the lead and winning the girl over completely. She cannot break her eyes away from the metal in front of her, and the hand-held violence cannot take its eyes off Renae.
She feels frozen in her place, barely able to breathe, as the gun wielder speaks, "Oh chéri," before smacking Renae over the side of her head with the loaded gun.
All soon went black.
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