#I am very very blocked with writing so even brainstorming is hard
ibijau · 8 months
rotating in my mind the concept of, like, someone who was raised as a Chosen One, only to be mercilessly discarded when it was discovered that there had been a mistake so they're actually nobody, and needing to live with that
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dduane · 1 year
Hi! I really like Scrappy, and I heard you've worked with some TV writers for Scooby-Doo?
I'd like to ask you some questions, but before I do I wanna say some things:
In fact, I looked up the writer’s guild stats and you actually wrote some of the episodes for the original show he was on, as well as some shorts!  “Neon Phantom of the Roller Disco” and “When You Wish Upon a Star Creature” are both really solid episodes and a lot of people really enjoy the Star Creature’s futuristic design! Of the shorts episodes you did I think "A Bungle in The Jungle" and "A Close Encounter of the Scooby Kind" and "Surprised Spies" the funniest. I could go on! But then I would never finish this ask ^^;
And I gotta tell you this. I may have been born decades after those episodes aired, but I’ve seen every single one-the first season, the 99 shorts, the 13 ghosts, the New Scooby Doo Mysteries, the DTV trio, all of ‘em, and I absolutely adored them, thank you so much for helping with that. 
When Fred and Velma and Daphne disappeared, after 1979, did Scrappy have something to do with it? I know Duane Poole said in an interview that Scrappy was easier to focus on, and that Fred and Velma, and Daphne had a hard time competing with his energy or something, but the executives wouldn’t have thrown all their eggs into one basket with the pup after one season, would they? I have to know. Even if it turns out that’s what happened, I know that it’s not really Scrappy’s fault either way, I’m just curious.
I've heard from Mr. Poole's interview that when you were figuring out Scrappy and stuff you guys just gathered around and brainstormed with Joe Barbera. Did you or anyone else that you know of look to past ideas for inspiration?
What was the favorite episode you wrote?
I also heard from Mark Evanier’s account that Scrappy was originally feistier but some scripts were altered. How were the scripts changed before and after that alteration?
Also, in the nineties, why did Scrappy go away? I mean, I know some people didn't like him, but it was more just "he had his time" not the kinda hate you saw in the early 2000s right?
This is un-Scrappy related. Did you guys do your own blocking, did anyone at HB ever split the writing and blocking between multiple people? Just curious.
Also, I know that the original Scrappy series gets some hate, but I am not one of them and there are so many people who love the work you did and what Scrappy-Doo means to them. You guys did an awesome job with the series and there are tons of fans who still remember and cherish the work that you and the others did. Don’t let the haters get you down. Thank you SO SO SO SO MUCH!
First of all, thanks very much for your kind words! The work I did on Scooby-Doo And Scrappy Too! was my very first animation work, and besides being a shed-load of fun, I learned an incredible amount about screenwriting in general, and animation writing in particular, from Tom Swale and Duane Poole (God rest them both). They were fabulous teachers, patient and smart—a pleasure to work with, and (in between work times) extremely funny guys whose senses of humor meshed perfectly with mine.
About Fred, Velma, and Daphne disappearing post-1979: unfortunately I wouldn't be in any position to know whether Scrappy had anything to do with that. I'd very much have been the newest and most junior writer in the room (and we're talking about a time when there weren't even "rooms" as we think of them now: they hadn't been invented yet). But though their job title was "story editor", in terms of the work they were doing, Tom and Duane were what we would now think of as showrunners... and those deliberations and/or decisions wouldn't by any stretch of the imagination have included me. :)
It's interesting to hear what Duane had to say about the disappearance. But I feel pretty sure that a decision involving so many characters would not have been made solely at Tom's and Duane's level. Some kind of approval or signing-off would've had to happen at the highest executive levels at H-B... or at least that's my take on it.
As for brainstorming with Joe Barbera: it seems to me quite likely that that was just how things happened. Hanna-Barbera at that point was a surprisingly comfortable, casual kind of place—relatively friendly to newcomers, and with a sense of under-the-surface goofiness that tended to surface without warning. The founders, in particular, had a reputation for being very hands-on and accessible. I kind of regret that those brainstorming sessions were before my time.
Re: favorite episodes: you'll have gathered that I did a fair amount of writing for Tom and Duane over the years (there's more detail on my IMDb page, which fills in some gaps but still isn't complete...), so frankly it's hard to pick a favorite. But the first one I tend to think of is my very first one, "The Hairy Scare of the Devil-Bear". ...And honestly, one of the funniest things about the scriptwriting process on these was the business of crafting outlandish titles: the goofier, the better. Tom and Duane were past masters at this... and no one will ever get me to discuss the really dirty ones that were floated during story conferences. ...Anyway, I've always been a bit of a Tuckerizer, and in that first episode—though it wasn't anywhere near as polished as later episodes would be—I had so much fun sneaking in the very first of what would become any number of friends' names. A simple pleasure, perhaps. But hey, I'm a cheap date. :)
Re: Mark Evanier's comments about earlier Scrappy scripts: Mark had been working at H-B for a good while by the time I got there, and I'd consider his opinions important. But I've got no useful data on how scripts might have been changed before I got there. Sorry I can't be of more help on this.
As to why Scrappy might have gone away in the 90s….? I don't really have any useful data on that either. By that time, I was in the early stages of being married to @petermorwood and living in Europe, and was out of the loop on things that were going on at Hanna-Barbera.
Finally, as regards blocking: when one was writing animation in the 80s, the received wisdom was that one should write almost entirely in "master shots"—so that one didn't call specific angles in the screenplay unless they were extremely important. The idea being "Don't direct in the script. Let the director have something to do." And blocking would certainly have been included in the concept of what the director was supposed to be doing. ...But at the same time, story editors would naturally have seen the storyboards that were produced in-house, and would have had input into angles and camera movement at that stage… So, in that way anyway, blocking and writing were certainly split.
Meanwhile, thanks again for the nice words about what we were doing! It was very enjoyable work, and the continuing popularity of these shows makes it more enjoyable, even now. :)
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sodomhipped · 2 months
'get to know your fic writer'? 👀👀 i have Questions: 12, 13, 15 & 71, please?
13. what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow? a while ago, i was in a multi-year writer's block. while chatting with a friend, i mentioned my troubles and that i wanted to get back into writing. he said, "what's stopping you?" i struggled for an excuse, pointing out that i had very little free time and energy due to work. he said, "i get up every morning and write while i drink my coffee. if you really want to write, you'd be doing it."
at the time, i was pretty steamed about this! his wording grated at me, so i thought his answer was presumptuous. annoying, even. what did he know about my life? or my creative process?
but his words kept haunting me. and the writer's block wasn't improving, even after waiting six+ years.
finally, after simmering on these thoughts for a few months, i started tapping at stories again. then, i began to write--or at least try to write--every day. not all of it was good (in fact, a lot of it was quite bad). but it set me on a path to have some of the most fun and creative years i have ever had.
so now i write every day. or at least try to. and i recommend it to others. with a few caveats! don't put too much pressure on yourself. and if you're burnt out, give yourself space and time to heal. but if you're looking to write more or more consistently, dedicate a small, manageable period of time for thinking/writing/brainstorming/etc on a regular schedule. it can be so, so hard, but we have to intentionally make time for the things we love, including writing. even fifteen or twenty minutes a day really adds up.
15. How do you write smut scenes? Do you get very visual or detailed? How important is it to be realistic?
going into a smut scene, i typically have a few broad ideas of what i want to accomplish. there's usually some sort of character development i want to make apparent and then i'll have a handful of acts or physical descriptions i want to include. i toss it all into the draft and see how it comes out. usually, this means my smut isn't the most descriptive--i'm rarely the writer who will describe every detail of the action. but i hope it leaves the reader with strong impression of the ideas/sensations i wanted to express.
(as for the effectiveness of this approach... i cannot say)
71. When it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.?
i am a pretty obsessive planner. my typical approach is a general outline (which i fill in with dialogue or details that i don't want to forget). but i have to leave the outline flexible enough that my brain doesn't go "ah, done with that story!" it can be a difficult balance.
having robust notes also allows me to write out of order, which really helps my process. (though it does burden my beta more--bless them for rooting out all my continuity errors 😂).
so here's an example of what my documents usually look like (this is from my story for trigun big bang that is about half-finished and quasi-abandoned):
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i write in markdown, so anything between ++pluses++ are unfinished sections and notes. these pop up in my sidebar so i can see all the things i have yet to fill in for any given chapter.
[writing meme here]
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thetwelfthcrow · 5 months
I would love to ask you anything about any upcoming fics you have but I also don't want spoilers so 😭
well! then i will tell you spoiler-free what my upcoming projects are!
currently finished & posting:
racing heartbeats finished her up entirely! is posting every other week now :)
actively working on:
only bought this corset so you can take it off with @pinkjamblesss !!
will start on these soon:
keep me under the charm 2/3 parts finished (60k), brainstormed the majority of part 3. will start writing when i've got more time, in a month or so.
you crawled inside my head and set a fire there instead the soulmates fic! only got to write a sex scene. so, hopefully, will finish that after kmutc!
brazil, 2022 brainstormed this. a threesome fic. recently also read all those lewis/max/charles fics so i am itching to work on this lewis/max/checo fic!
the netflix padel event this is such a silly idea but i think it'll be a fun oneshot. got it fully brainstormed, will work on it after kmutc, or maybe if i'm blocked on that. i think this'll be 10k tops.
H2O ! 4433 the mermaid!lewis fic! i think this'll be a big one so it depends on how much energy i have left after finishing kmutc. it's got quite a structure but not everything's planned out yet. i take ideas !!!
i'm a cult leader, mind reader, heart eater the championship whore club! bit of a longer oneshot, maybe 25k. got a broad outline but still have to work on the finer details
a couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows serial killer!max but it's not an au. i think it'll work best if either i pick the 2021 season for this or max gets challenged a bit more this season. or maybe i'll pick 2018 for funsies. or make up a season, we'll see. i need this man Frustrated
got your naked pictures and i keep 'em in a folder the first 4433 fic i ever brainstormed. gotta take a long hard look at her to see if i'm gonna keep what i have now bc it's all very spontaneous and open and without any plan so. gotta. find a story there first lmao.
i shake my milk until it's sweet and has a sugery taste #primary teacher!max, au where max is a teacher for lewis (and nico's) daughter. max can't stand lewis at first, but then he slowly falls in love... | brainstormed with all of you! if you have ideas, please send me an ask!
other stuff for the future
i'm planning on picking up art again! it's been a while and i've never really drawn people but i do enjoy tracing pictures to put these boys into situations. i think it'll be nice to do a little doodle thing on @theeleventhcrow where people send me horny images and i'll try and draw the driver's faces on it. could be fun idk. i'm not good at art but i feel a little bit motivated for the fist time in a long while!
depending on how life is gonna look like and how my fic ideas are gonna be and if it all goes how i want to or if i randomly get a 350k fic idea (unlikely!), i might open commissions! but i'm not even sure if people would want to pay for my writing. it could be fun to try and write new things bc of it, you know? we'll see.
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dark-roleplay-finder · 9 months
🔥💯Heyaaa! I'm Serah, 26y/o, she/her!
I'm looking for a long term 21+ roleplay partner for the Harry Potter universe(fuck JK) OCXOC, either MXF(with me playing the female) or FXF! (NO canon characters!) The timeline can either be during Hogwarts Legacy, or between HL and the Books/Movies.
I'm looking for someone to play a bad-guy/girl type of character that has a hard shell and a soft core falling deeply in love with my female muse. 💗
I'm in the CET-Timezone
My writing really depends on my
partner, but please no one-liners or anything. I mostly try to write either one longer para or up to 3 paras!
My replies also depend on my work schedule, but as it is now, I might even come up with multiple replies a day! Sometimes I am even able to reply while at work!
I love to bond OOC aswell, such as sending songs, creating playlists, sending memes/gifs, maybe Art etc about the Roleplay!
I'm open to almost anything, NSFW, Angst, romance, even some dead dove themes, such as kidnapping, obsession etc etc etc ! (can be discussed private)
I ONLY roleplay through Discord and will give you my Discord tag through DMs.
Please no ghosting... I've been ghosted so many times already and I am really getting tired of it 😩 just tell me if you aren't able to reply for a while, or you can't keep the roleplay going. I am a very understanding person and we are all adults after all, huh?
I love to brainstorm about a plot together, so, although I have a few ideas, I don't wanna come up all the ideas myself! Be as interested on planning and plotting as much as I am!
It won't be the main plot, but there will definitely be a lot of nsfw happening as I also have a little list of my kinks which I gladly send you as soon as we started the roleplay, so ANY minors will be blocked, therefore, you better be not lying about your age!
React to this ad, and I will find you or message me directly through tumblr dms if you are interested.
Sidenote: If I message you and don't get any reply within two days, I'll lose interest.
Thank you for posting DRPF! 🙈
Like this post and the asker will reach out!
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painterofhorizons · 1 year
A Year in Writing: 2022
Writing review for 2020 and 2021.
Since this year won’t magically change, I will wrap up the year in writing two weeks early and not pressure myself to get the number up in the few days off I have between the years.
Total wordcount as of Dec. 19th: roughly 91.500 words, compared to ~200k in the past years. Not even calculating an daily average here and not countings days I have not written because that was the majority. For the time I have tracked, it somewhat looked like this:
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while March and May were only roughly estimated.
General review: Or the Good, Bad and Ugly. It wasn’t even writer’s block that hit me this year, but life. The year started okay-ish, but the first half was dominated by a crippling fear about one job ending and only getting the go for our next project’s funding literally only the week my last contract ended (I am so done with academic precariat. So done with that shit.). Then when I started a 7 month project in July to fill up time until our next big project starts, the same day the new job started my dad got in hospital with life threatening illness, so for the following months I was dealing with a new job in a completely different field on full time (from before that working only part time) while being in the hospital and running errands and worrying sick about my dad’s health the whole time (he’s better again now, thank the universe!). Add up the complete and utter madness the current job includes in terms of content (so. much. politics. so. much. absolute. frustration. i. hate. it. so. much. so. so. much.) and having to long distance commute again after 3 years of pandemic and home office, and serve with ADHD and general worldly madness, and my brain is in survival mode ever since. There’s just no brain capacity left for anything at the end of the day. So i basically gave up on writing, knowing my brain just can’t. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not being hard on myself, quite the contrary - I know why I can’t write or draw or whatever else I would want to do normally, and I know it will come back. I am giving myself permission to not even try to write. This ain’t writer’s block. This is just fucking life.
On the good end: I was surprised about the number of the yearly tracking being close to 100k nevertheless. And I did manage to treat myself to two or three saturday morning writing breakfasts in that fancy cafe closeby within the past few months nevertheless and did some writing by hand in a fancy notebook I bought AND started to use. So it’s not like NO writing happened. And with my current project being almost close to end (only until mid Feb and then I’m back on a 3 year project in my actual field of profession and on less hours again) I am very hopefull that my brain will be back soon(er or later).
On the very good end: My absolute highlight this year was meeting @comeoniwantacoolname​. It was this year, wasn’t it? Or was it last? When did you appear? Anyways, I am so so so grateful we met (thank you, Jeff Moreau fanfiction!), it has been a delight to meet you, to brainstorm fic with you and to read your wonderful writing. Thank you for migrating here and being a lighthouse of joy in this troubled year for me. I can’t wait to visit Venice with you and eat all the food.
Things posted: None on the edited end, but a few WIPs over here I think. Maybe. But that might also have been last year, because I have no sense of time anymore and no grip on the concept that is time. What is time. I don’t know.
Things I would like to do next year: Write. Literally. Anything. I want to be myself again, i want my hobbies back, I want my creativity back, I want my brain back, and while I know the legit reasons why this year sucked, I could cry just thinking about it. I want to be myself again, and I want to fucking write.
So in the end, this wasn’t my year writing wise, and it was fucking exhausting. But the circumstances will change again in a foreseable future and I am looking forward to get back to a more better normal again soon-ish.
With this year being rough-ish, I am especially grateful for each and every one of you here for making this place a safe space of escape and joy and creativity and for making me feel like I can still take part in this wonderful Mass Effect fandom even if I don’t create anything and have no spoons for reading your amazing stories rn (and with all you folks I met through different fandoms and have zero idea of what you’re into these days but very much still appreciate you being around <3). Thank you folks for being you and for making this place a safe haven in these troubled times.
May 2023 be gentle on all of us.
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anamazingangie · 1 year
re: my authors note
I am so incredibly grateful to the feedback I've received on A03, I have put a lot of content out into the world in the time i've been online and no website has ever been kinder to me. The quantity of comments i've gotten there and the kindness people have shown is astounding and I won't forget it.
I totally understand the "fuck the haters" mindset and I wish it was as simple as blocking someone who disagrees with my ship. But my hurt feelings come from other writers and I can't unlearn what they think about me. I was in a community I really liked being part of and writing for and I thought they liked me too. Finding out that was very much not the case really sucks and I feel quite stupid. ...
I've always tried to be upfront about where I take inspiration from - I loved working off of prompts and existing tropes and applying them to daemyra, especially early on when most fics were canon-era.
I never felt like the vague premise of a story mattered as much as the actual words you write and I thought that was a pretty universal opinion (it's not, I guess).
I also thought I was in a space where I was brainstorming with other people and helping to encourage them while also motivating myself. I thought it was a mutually beneficial thing and I looked back at those interactions really fondly.
I'm not (or I wasn't) ashamed that they contributed ideas to the concepts of things I've posted. I was grateful to it. And grateful to the community as a whole for keeping me enthusiastic and creating.
But now I know that I misinterpreted a lot of those conversations and people feel like I stole numerous ideas if not entire plot lines. Which sucks. Because that is a shitty thing to do. And now I look back at all those 'fun' conversations and my stories that stemmed from them and second guess things.
It hits extra hard because I was too sick to work for several months and writing became a way of me feeling productive and creative when I couldn't do much else.
Because of this, one of the few things I was proud of (as dumb as it sounds because it is fanfic) is my writing from the past few months. I've written like 400k words and invested a lot of time into my work, so having it all be invalidated by people I admired is rough, even if it's deserved.
Anyway. It might be really stupid but i'm sort of mourning the loss of something that I guess never existed, the pride of what I thought I created, along with the outlet and community that really kept me going for the last little while.
I quickly went from being content with what I had contributed to a fandom to feeling incredibly guilty for what I'd taken from it. I sincerely apologize to the writers on the daemyra discord that I trampled on.
I'm not really sure how to come back to writing given all that. But time will tell.
Regardless, thank you very very much for taking the time to read my silly works, and an extra big thank you if you commented on them!
It got me through a tough time and those comments were often the biggest bright spot in my day.
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flowswept · 7 months
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01. Interactions. As long as we are mutuals, please don’t ever hesitate to reach out if you want to write with me. You can message me directly to plot/brainstorm, or, alternately, you are invited to browse my meme tag (linked in my pinned as “mail”) and send me anything from there. You are also more than welcome to turn ask prompts to threads, especially if it’s our first time interacting. However, please do not send me romance prompts unless we've already discussed it/are writing it with our muses--everything else goes, though.
02. Mature Content & Themes. This blog contains mature and potentially triggering content. Any minors who follow will be blocked. That being said, graphic language makes me extremely uncomfortable, so I’m mostly going to keep my writing sfw/non-graphic. I will not write any level of spice even if it’s vague/implied. Fade to black will be my go-to should our characters’ relationship develop that far. Do not try to force smut on me, or you will be hard-blocked.
I don’t tag triggers unless my mutuals specify in their rules what they want tagged, or if someone reaches out directly to ask me to tag something. So, if you have anything you want tagged, you’re welcome to reach out. I have no triggers, but I do ask that you tag your suggestive/nsfw content, implied or otherwise. If you don’t, I will reach out and ask. If you refuse or repeatedly do not tag your nsfw/suggestive content, I will most likely end up soft-/hard-blocking.
03. Activity & Response Rate. My activity will vary, but mostly it will be from medium to low, as long as I’m not busy with work. I will never pressure anyone for replies, and I expect the same treatment from anyone I interact with. The only times I'll message about a reply is to confirm that you have received mine (in case you haven't responded within our usual timeframe, or tumblr messes up, which happens all too often), but never to pressure you for one. Ever. For busy times, mains and shipping partners will take priority.
04. Following & Mutuals. This blog is mutuals-only. I will only interact with those I follow and who follow me back. Please state your age or age-range somewhere easily accessible on your blog, and have something resembling a rules page, even if it’s just one sentence. I will not be following or interacting with anyone under 20.
If I follow first, it means I have read your rules and checked out your blog and am interested in interacting. I’ll usually wait a reasonable amount of time for a follow-back (a week or two of activity) before I decide to unfollow.
If you follow first, please allow me some time to take a look at your blog and read your rules first. A week or two is usually good. If I don’t follow back, it means I have checked out your blog and didn’t feel we’d be a good fit. You’re more than welcome to unfollow.
Unfortunately, I cannot follow back everyone, as I don't want to overwhelm myself beyond my abilities. If you followed me before and I didn’t follow back, please do not follow me again unless you’re doing so from a different blog/writing a different muse that could be more compatible.
If you’re a personal/non-roleplay blog, you are welcome to follow but do note that I don’t follow personals. I also ask that you do not interact with any threads that I have, and definitely do not reblog them, although you are free to read them. You’re also welcome to send asks, either for me or for Annie.
05. Portrayal. My portrayal of Annie will be a mix between the manga and anime, as well as some of my own headcanons for her. I have read most of the manga but never had the chance to finish it. I did, however, watch all of the anime. I do NOT follow popular fandom headcanons for characters, so please do not assume them onto my portrayal of Annie.
06. Style Preferences. My writing style tends to be very minimalistic and accessible. When it comes to length, sometimes I like short and sweet, sometimes I like long, detailed novel-style RPs. It really depends on the mood and the vibe, but either is fine with me. In any case, I’m just here to have fun writing with other people, so I won’t go overboard with formatting and stylization.
07. OCs & Crossovers. If your OC is an Snk/AOT character, I’m more than happy to interact. However, pre-established relationships must be discussed beforehand. Otherwise, I would prefer for our characters to meet for the first time and get to know each other as the thread progresses. I will only consider crossovers if you have an SnK/AOT verse for your character.
08. Shipping. This blog will be multi-ship–meaning I’m going to explore different ships with Annie, and each one will be independent from the other/set in its own verse, so unless plotted beforehand, there will be no crossing over.
While I do have my own preferences when it comes to shipping with Annie, chemistry is an absolute must here. I prefer building up relationships first instead of jumping straight to romance. Do not try to insta-ship with me, and definitely do not try to force-ship. Aside from romance, I'm more than happy to develop other kinds of relationships with all characters! Friends, rivals, enemies, you name it!
09. No Godmodding. Unfortunately, this has to be said. But please, don't make decisions on my character's behalf, don't do things to my character before she gets a chance to agree/decline/react. Don't assume my character's answer to questions she's being asked. Don't write my character for me. Just don't. MINOR godmodding is okay in the case of ask prompts that I may send your way, because most prompts do require a little bit of godmodding for the interactions to work, but outside of that, just don't do it. The only other time I will allow godmodding is if it's concerning something that we have discussed/plotted and it's for the sake of thread progression.
And just to repeat my point from the previous bit, please, please, please do not insta-ship with me or force any ships on me. I will not hesitate to confront you if you do any of these things.
10. Last but not least, it’s always good to take a step back and remember that this is just fiction, it’s not real, and there are more important things in the world to get worked up over, so let’s just enjoy the fandom in peace! If you ever disrespect my boundaries or make my hobby feel like a chore, I will distance myself and ultimately cut all contact if necessary.
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wildelydawn · 1 year
Hello! For the ask game, if it's okay with any of these numbers: 7, 17, 58 💙
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
I answered a bit of this here! Though, lately, I am trying to write from different POVs; for example, YLTTL is in Chay's POV entirely, and even though I don't feel entirely comfortable with that, I'm enjoying the challenges it poses.
17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
Hmm. I definitely think writing is difficult all around, but when I cannot write creatively, I put on music or talk to my harem my muses. I think really good conversation can spark something fantastic. I also really think GIF makers are pivotal here. I'll visit my favorite GIF makers and look at what choices they made: what they captured, what color changes they made. I like GIF makers who pair their thoughts with the scene, or GIFS that are just funny. Visually, it helps a lot. Fanart is definitely a part of the process too, and I basically soak up all the fan art I can to better understand how other people view characters that I am writing about.
58. What part of the writing process do you enjoy the most? (Brainstorming, outlining, writing, editing, etc) 
I do love writing it haha. There's nothing quite like it. I can fall into the hole of writing for hours or days, and that's both academically/creatively. Once I start, it's very hard to stop me, and I like that focus. I don't always like what comes out, but the process is so visceral and emotional for me (and frustrating too!)
Thank you so very much April <3
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recurring-polynya · 3 years
Do I mind if I ask how you approach writing longer fic? I've always struggled to write anything more than maybe two chapters long and I'm curious if you have a particular method to how you approach such stories.
Thank you so much for this ask! I absolutely love it when people ask me for writing advice because it makes me feel like a Smart Person Who Knows Things.
Before we start, here is one grain of salt to take all of this with: I have a naturally long-form brain. It is very hard for me to write something less than 1k. Short fiction is great, and there is nothing wrong with sticking to short things if that's what your brain likes to do.
So. You have decided to write a story. This is going to focus on "stories". Some people write fic that's more freeform or whatever, I am not going to cover that. What I mean by a story is this:
It starts
Some stuff happens
It ends
It is highly probable that your story contains a change of state, which could be that a villain is defeated, or a goal is reached, but it could also be that character falls in love with another, or someone learns to like broccoli.
I like to start out by completing the sentence, "This is a story where _______". This is basically like coming up with a summary for an ao3 post, except that it doesn't need to be catchy. Lots of different kinds of things could go in that blank! It could literally be what happens: This is a story where Ichigo goes back in time and punches young Aizen in the nose. It could be about what you want to explore: This is a story where Hitsugaya gets a better understanding of his zanpakutou. It could be about the vibe you want to achieve: This is an AU where everyone is in a punk rock band and has cool hair and outfits. The idea of this is to clearly define what you, the author, is interested in writing. Make sure it feels right! Maybe you pick the first one, but when you say it out loud, you say, "You know, I really just want Ichigo to go back in time so he can horse around with young Renji and Rukia and punching Aizen in the nose is just an excuse for that." That may sound dumb, but it's fine, actually! Most people don't read stories strictly for the plot, they read stories for the implications of those plots! Will my favorite two characters kiss? Will there be funny interactions between these two groups of characters? Will there be sick fights? Stories are excuses to have scenes. Sometimes, you will have a story where the interesting sequence of events is the draw, but the point is to know what you're about.
Once you feel happy with your "mission statement", you need to decide the bounds of your story: where it starts and where it ends. It may be easier to start with the end. In some cases, it may be obvious from your mission statement: everyone gets home, a villain is defeated, Kenpachi realizes the meaning of friendship. On the other hand, let's look at that punk rock AU. You've picked a vibe, but you don't really have a natural story arc. It has to have a destination, though, otherwise, it's not really a story, it's a recipe for 3 chapters of an abandoned fanfic. So brainstorm a little: Maybe they get a record deal? Maybe they win a Battle of the Bands? Maybe Byakuya accepts that the band is actually good and tells Rukia he is proud of her. Do not settle for a plot just because it works. Pick something that makes you excited! You're the one who is gonna have to write it!
I said that we needed to pick a beginning point, too, but I'm actually going to skip that for now. The next thing I do is think of all the Big Scenes I want to write, the ones you are hype to write, the ones that pop in your head as you think about the premise. Make a bullet list. They don't need to be in order. The descriptions don't need to be super detailed, but write down anything about it that is important to you. If there's a mood or a snippet of dialogue or a joke you want to make, go ahead and jot that down so you don't forget it later. What you're doing now is putting broad blotches of color on a canvas, filling in space and leaving the detail for later.
Once you are pretty happy with what you have down, try to arrange it in chronological order. Put your end at the end (if it wasn't one of your big scenes, add it now). The next task is figuring out how to traverse your scenes. You've already picked out where you want to spend the majority of your energy. The rest, I regret to tell you, is your slog writing. Now, it often happens that you will find joy in some of these scenes and your best writing may occur there, but that's serendipity. These are the scenes that you are gonna have to make yourself sit down and write, so you honestly want to limit them to just the ones you need.
So how do we do this? Look at the first thing on the list. Can you start there? If so, congrats, that's your beginning. If you can't, what needs to happen to get to there? Where can you start so that you can get to your first fun scene as soon as possible? There. That’s it. You’ve picked your beginning, good job! Now, go through the rest of your list, and add in things that must happen, even if you don’t particularly look forward to writing them. The characters need to travel from geographic point A to point B. Shuuhei needs to say something that Izuru hears and misinterprets. The Central 46 makes a new law. If you have a good idea of how these things happen, go ahead and write them down, but it’s okay if you don’t know yet. Fill in all the blanks so that if you think of each bullet list as a scene, you could read it as a story, start to end. Once you get writing, you might add more scenes, or move things around or whatever, but you should have a thing that functions as a story.
If you struggle with this, an alternative is a story with a very strong structure that is going to guide you though what you have to write.Here are two examples from my own stories Hold On, Hold On (which is only one chapter, but the principle is the same) is structured around the 5 stages of grief. Not Broken, Just Bent takes place over roughly a week, and I just decided what happened every day of the week. See You on the Other Side takes place in the middle of a bunch of canon events, which worked at mile markers.
Congratulations. You’ve just made a rough outline!
Special note for avoiding burnout!: I am a slogger. I will drag myself through the broken glass of an interminable plot to get to a single thirsty scene. That's why, at this stage, I try to look at the ratio of what I want to write to what I must write. It's gonna vary for everyone, but this is a hobby, and if looking at this proto-outline makes you feel deeply tired, maybe this isn't a good story to be devoting your time to! Can you carve it down? Can you chuck two scenes you really want to write and get rid of 80% of the slog? Or maybe you can't! In that case, just write that thirsty scene as a standalone drabble! Or just go work on something else! Maybe in the future, this one will come back to you and you’ll have a fresh idea or a renewed enthusiasm for it.
Another thing I sometimes like to do at this point is to write out some notes about my characters and their motivations and moods. Character A is homesick. Character B is so determined to defeat the enemy that they are having a hard time being sympathetic to Character A. Character C cares for both A and B and is trying to support them both. This is sort of background info that you want to keep in your head as you are writing. Depending on the type of story you are writing, this might actually be the main plot, or it might be happening subtly, but adding to the emotional impact of the story. It’s very easy for me to write these sorts of emotional arcs, but if you struggle with that, you may wish to go ahead and made a more detailed outline for that, too.
Now, it’s time to start writing! I am great at beginnings-- it is very often the case for me that the opening scene was one of my Big Tentpole Scenes. (Before you hate me too much, I make up for this by being double horrible at endings; just let me have this) Usually, I will start at the beginning and write linearly for as long as I can until I get stuck. Then, I will look forward on my outline and do the next chronological scene that I feel like writing. In general, if I sit down to write and there is something I have an urge to write, that trumps everything else. Inspiration is a precious commodity, and you should embrace it when it hits! You can slog any day. I will occasionally hold off writing a scene that I really want to, because I am saving it, like a prize for myself for getting that far. This is a very personal process of figuring out what motivates your brain and then giving your brain what it needs to be its most productive.
Eventually, you will run out of things you are excited to write, but the good news is, you’ve got a bunch of story now! Odds are that what’s left is going to be a lot of those connective tissue scenes, and you’re just going to have to do them, except that now, because you’re connecting two concrete points instead of two abstract points, it will be a lot easier. You can continue running jokes you’ve started. Maybe you invented a cafe in an earlier scene where your characters hang out and you can have them return there. Try to think of ways to make these scenes more fun, both for yourself to write and for your reader to read. 
Around this time, I like to start refining that rough strokes outline into what I will call an “as-built” outline. (This is an engineering term where you update your plans or models for something to reflect any changes that had to be made along the way). This is a great activity to do at times when you feel like you have writers block. I write down every scene I have written as a 2-3 word blurb, in order. I break the scenes into what I think makes logical chapters, and I will do a word count on those prospective chapters and write it down. As you do this, you will realize that maybe you can move a scene from here to there, which will make it 1000% easier to write. Things may be happening too much, or you’ve got the characters eating three times in the same chapter. If you have subplots and dangling threads, this is where you make sure they get closure. I know this sounds very headache-y, but you are so far along in the story at this point that it’s really not-- it’s a way to look at the problems you have left. Use some sort of formatting (I like to bold things I haven’t done and sometimes I put them in red) and it gives you a very visual to-do list.
You specifically mentioned multi-chapter fanfics and I admit that I don’t tend to think in chapters, I tend to think of the story as a whole and just break it up where it feels natural. The as-built outlining I described is very helpful in making sure that my chapters feel balanced. They don’t necessarily need to be the same length, but I like them to have the same amount of stuff in them. One chapter may basically contain one long scene, and other may contain many short ones. I don’t tend to, but you can certainly have a fanfic that varies between short and long chapters, that can actually be an interesting effect. But like I said, I always like to know what I am doing, and so having it mapped out, you can say “welp, this is what I’ve done, how do I feel about that?”
Polynya, you may be saying at this point, do you write the whole fanfic before you post any of it? and I regret to inform you, the answer is yes. A lot of people write as they go, and I have made one attempt at this and I didn’t like it. I don’t like locking myself in, I just need to be able write out of order and go back and change things. Here is the story of a little in love: someone gave me an AU prompt and I got mildly obsessed with it, and wrote 5 snapshots drabbles in that universe, ending with a slight cliffhanger ending. I probably should have stopped there, but I decided to keep going. I wrote out an outline of 5 acts where the first act was detailed to the degree of each chapter being specified. The chapters here were much smaller than I usually make chapters: 1-2k. I wrote act i and ii and it was actually great, and then I hit act iii which required a lot of set up for misunderstandings and a mini romance arc. I couldn’t wing it, but nor could I figure it all out with outlining. I write dialogue in almost sort of an improv “Yes, and...?” style, so until I do it, I don’t know what’s going to happen. So, what I did was treat the second half of act iii as a complete story in the process I describe above, wrote the entire rest of it, and then posted it. One might notice that the chapter lengths grew to 3-5k each. I have two more acts to go, and I haven’t decided how I am going to do them yet, but I suspect I will treat each of them as their own mini-stories.
(I will admit that in Heart is a Muscle, I tend toward chapters that are about 10k long, and this is honestly too long, someone should smack me. If you like punchy chapters, 1-2k is good. I think 3-6k is probably an ideal chapter length. Is this how long the chapters are in my latest fanfic? Absolutely not.)
Okay, so there’s one more step, which is quality control. I am habitual re-reader-- I read my fanfics-in-progress over and over and over while I am working on them. I understand that not everyone does this, but I am usually the primary audience for my own writing, and this is the actual fun part for me. Nevertheless, you should re-read your work at least once, to make sure it hangs together.
This is purely optional, but I recommend it: get a writing friend (if you don’t like re-reading your work, I recommend this even more strongly). If you can get a full-service beta reader, that’s great, but if you can’t find someone, or if receiving that level of critique stresses you out, it’s perfectly valid to just find a friend who will read your stuff and a) shower you with compliments, b) reassure you about parts you aren’t sure about (or suggest ways to help) and c) point out any huge problems you missed. When I am writing a long fanfic, it is a huge motivational factor for me to be able to send my beta chapters as I finish them. If you are already an established writer, and you have people who consistently comment on your fic, they might be overjoyed to get a sneak peak at your work.
And that’s it! That’s the way I do it, anyway! Some people are able to sit down and write a very detailed outline and the write it start-to-finish. Good for them, I say! I have tried this and it doesn’t work great for me. I will admit that some of my fics (especially my early ones) I just sat down and banged out whole-cloth like an insane person and they are generally better than the ones I actually plan out, but that’s not a reproducible process.
As one final mechanical note, I usually write in Google Docs, which I can access on multiple devices (I used to write a lot on my phone), has convenient sharing functionality, and I use the ao3 html formatting script add-in. I generally have two documents for a single story-- one is the outline, and any other notes I want to have handy. I’ll usually put a trashcan space at the bottom for scenes that got cut but I don’t want to lose. The other is the fanfic itself.
I hope this is helpful! Please feel free to follow up with other questions and good luck with your writing!
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Dream SMP Recap (July 9/2021) - NotDream SMP
Ponk comes to Foolish with a special request.
Tommy and Tubbo work on Tommy’s house and a strange new visitor arrives on the server.
- Ponk works on the Boom Station and places down signs with instructions along the corridor
- Foolish examines the damage Drista’s pig squad did in Kinoko Kingdom and repairs it
- Ponk calls Foolish as the evil version of himself. Ponk arrives there
- They walk and talk to the tree house, and Ponk breaks some news
Ponk: “You see...I am but a humble servant of this poor world, and you’re a god. Right? Loosely? Well, your godliness is pretty cool, you know? And me being a humble wanderer of this cruel world...it is not my place to take a king’s life, Foolish.”
Ponk: “How many kings do you know, Foolish? How many kings?”
Foolish: “I don’t know, is this a trick question?”
Ponk: “I’m pretty sure you know two, alright?”
Foolish: “Wait, who’s the second one?”
Ponk: “Eret and...Sam. You know Sam’s king of the creepers. He wears a crown on his head, do you know that? Apparently he is.”
Ponk: “But Foolish...if it comes, a time and a place, would you do that for me? Would you take Sam’s life, yes or no Foolish?”
Foolish: “Well, is there like a good reason for it?”
- Ponk says he’s said enough and goes back down, saying he can get other friends to do it
Foolish: “Is this for the arm? You wanna kill him for the arm? I thought you and Sam were like, best buddies.”
Ponk: “...Best buddies?! BUDDIES?! Are you mad? Are you mad?!”
Ponk: “Foolish, Foolish, if I ripped off your arm and killed you -- he killed me, Foolish! He killed me!”
Foolish: “Oh...did you have it coming?”
Ponk: “I DID NOT HAVE IT COMING, FOOLISH! I DIDN’T! You know what I did? You know what I did, Foolish? I -- it wasn’t even -- ugh, and he did that to prove a point! Now I’m doing this to prove a point, and apparently my point isn’t gonna be proven because you’re not a good friend, Foolish.”
Foolish: “Woah, well don’t you think that’s a lot to ask for? Hey, good friend, let’s go murder someone.”
Ponk: “Well, Foolish, look. You’re not murdering them. You are simply a tool in this revenge plot, Foolish, okay?”
Foolish: “So what would I be doing?”
Ponk: “You’ll have to press a button or swing a sword, Foolish. That is all.”
Foolish: “Press a button or swing a sword.”
- Foolish doesn’t think that sounds too hard. Ponk leads him to the barn
Ponk: “Look, Foolish. Everything will be laid out for you, okay? Everything. Alright? You’ll just have to be there. You’ll have to be there and be square, okay? You know who built this? Come this way, you know who built this?”
Foolish: “Alyssa?”
Ponk: “You know, Alyssa was a good friend of mine. She would have done this for me without asking any questions.”
- They’ve been through so much together, as Batman and Robin, as Holmes and Watson...so if Foolish wants the duo to carry on, he’ll have to help Ponk seek his revenge
- Ponk can’t swing a sword nowadays. She tells Foolish he doesn’t have to help her if she doesn’t want to, but at least he must witness it
Ponk: “We need a witness to prove to the world that this happened, okay? Someone has to write it down in history.”
Foolish: “Do you still -- another question. Do you still have plans for that one thing? On what you want to do with it?”
Ponk: “Foolish, Foolish, Foolish, you see...a good plan comes together, alright? And a good plan master never reveals his plan. It’s all about playing six-dimensional chess. I am ten seconds -- ten seconds ahead of everyone!”
- Ponk asks Foolish to take his helmet off, promising they won’t put a pumpkin on him. They ask Foolish to trust them with a TNT cannon
- They talk about building the tree
Ponk: “When the time comes, can I trust you?”
Foolish: “Mm...you think Sam deserves this?”
Ponk: “Yes. 100%.”
- Foolish says he needs time to think about it before he says yes. The two part ways and Ponk goes to cry in the forest. She’ll ask Niki next
Ponk: “Okay, Foolish...but you’re a god! You’ve killed many people, have you not? You’ve probably had human sacrifices in your lifetime!”
Foolish: “Well -- I -- uh -- I’m gonna go, I’m gonna go now, I’m gonna go now!”
- He leaves the call
- Tommy logs in and sees Puffy’s new house. He promptly tears it down
- Then he rebuilds his own house while talking to chat
- While building the roof, a spider comes over. Tommy is fond of it and names it Shroud. He asks Foolish for a nametag, then Ponk. Ponk is offended at Foolish from the Endermite incident
- Foolish brings over a nametag for Shroud and they get Shroud back to the house
- Tommy finishes the house. Ranboo logs on just to say “cum” and immediately leaves. Then Tubbo logs on and runs over
- Tommy shows Tubbo Shroud
- He decides to go plant some trees around. They head to Las Nevadas to get more and Tommy shows Tubbo how to not be rich. They discuss Mumbo Jumbo, as Tommy claims he is too British
- They return home and fix it up a bit
- Then they decide to destroy Karl’s house. They get rid of the first layer and leave a message saying they’ll get rid of the rest if Karl says he’s using it
- Tommy goes to gather more dirt. Ranboo logs on as the Pringles guy then logs off. They start arguing over Pringles cans
- Ranboo logs in as himself. Tommy and Tubbo start filling in the holes in Tommy’s basement
- They go to get more dirt
- NotDream123 logs on. Tommy and Tubbo go looking for him at Spawn, wondering who he is, but he isn’t there
- Quackity logs on and starts running around Las Nevadas. Foolish is confused
- Tommy and Tubbo bein to run back to the main area when they notice NotDream following after them
Tommy: what’s your name?
???: whats your name
Tommy: tommy?
Tommy: Big Man
???: mine is Tom
- Tommy gets mad and says that his name is Tom, and “Tom” replies that Tommy said his name is Tommy
- Tubbo wants to keep him as a trophy
- Tommy asks what Tom’s interests are. Tom asks what Tommy’s are, and Tommy says “girls,” “Britain” and “dogs”
Tom: Same
- Quackity logs off. Tom likes the Queen as well, and his catchphrase is “POG,” which Tommy is not pleased about
Tubbo: “You’ve got like a little mirror buddy!”
- Tom gets a Discord
Tommy: “He has a stache! I can’t grow a stache!”
Tubbo: “Oh, so maybe he’s the better version!”
Tommy: “No! No!”
Tubbo: “I honestly -- honestly, I can’t even tell you guys apart.”
- Foolish and Ranboo spy on them from afar. Tommy and Tubbo decide to keep Tom for themselves and build “L’Landburg” around Tom to claim him
- Tom joins their call on Discord (his username is “NotDream”). At Tommy’s request, Tubbo goes into the other room to hit Ranboo. Ranboo quits Tubbo’s game and Tubbo disconnects
- Tom knows Dream since Dream whitelisted him. They start walking back to the main area and Tommy asks questions about how Tom joined
- Tom has watched all of Tommy’s streams, even the very first where Tommy joined and got exiled to the snow biome. Tommy presses him on what the very first Hypixel game he played in the first stream was, and Tom says “Skywars,” which he claims is how they say “Bedwars” where he’s from
- Tom is apparently from “Bedskytown.” Tommy pulls Tubbo aside and Tubbo has the idea to put Tom in Tommy’s basement cell
- Tommy reminds Tubbo of the “Tomtract,” which states that Tubbo is only allowed to be friends with one Tom
- Tommy gets Tom and they start walking down the path. Tommy asks Tom if he has a girlfriend. Tom asks if Tommy has a girlfriend and Tommy says yes, so Tom says yes as well
- Tommy accuses Tom of just being Dream. Tommy asks him if he likes smoking. Tom asks if Tommy likes smoking. Tommy says yes and Tom says yes. Tommy then says he doens’t like smoking and Tom doesn’t like it either
Tommy: “What’s your favorite smell?”
Tom: “What’s your favorite smell?”
Tommy: “You first.”
Tom: “Women.”
- They get back to the house and Tommy shows Tom Shroud the spider. Tom breaks a glass block, then grabs an iron chestplate from the chest to wear. Tubbo worries about Tom getting more geared up, but Tommy insists that neither of them wear armor
- Tom puts on some diamond pants and Tommy asks Tubbo to hand him his armor to follow the rules of the Tomtract
- Tom goes into the back room and Tubbo says he’s escaping. Tom asks if he’s a hostage, then asks if Tommy likes Coke. Tommy says yes, so Tom hands him the picture of Coke
- Tommy threatens to fall out with Tubbo if he doesn’t follow the Tomtract, so Tubbo walks away. Tom whispers to Tommy to say something so Tommy shouts to come back, then walks out after into the rain to dramatically ask for the armor. Tubbo cannot argue with a statement like this, so he gives it
- Tommy puts the armor in the chest. Tubbo asks what Tom’s surname is, and Tom says “Simmons”
- Tom runs away while Tommy is explaining his school’s points system and Tubbo tries to chase after him, but Tommy says not to since they should make a good impression. Instead, the two return to filling in dirt
- Tommy turns around and abruptly comes face to face with Tom 
- Tommy asks Tom some more questions about why Dream added him and what his purpose is
Tom: “What’s your purpose?”
Tubbo: “To find happiness and eternal bliss.”
Tommy: “...To get bitches.”
- Tom’s purpose is the same. Tommy scolds him because one should not call women “bitches.” Tom agrees with that as well
- Tommy brainstorms fun opinions for Tom to agree with. He likes the Sidemen and thinks they make the best vlogs. He thinks KSI is the best YouTuber and everything he does is incredible. He thinks George is really ugly (Tom pauses, then leaves the game)
- Tom comes back, Tommy repeats it, and Tom pauses for a long time before saying he agrees. Dream would never say that, and Tom is not Dream
- Tom begs for food, so Tommy eventually gives him some after leaving for some time
- Tommy says that the Manhunts are faked and Tom agrees, but he would have to ask his friend Detective Dream. Tommy and Tubbo are confused at why there are so many and ask to speak with Detective Dream
- Tubbo suspects that Dream may be able to clone himself
- Detective Dream arrives and Tubbo wants to interrogate him. Tubbo changes to his inspector outfit and Tommy changes into his suit
- Detective Dream’s first name is “Detective” and his surname is “Dream.” His parents are Mom Dream and Dad Dream. Tubbo concludes the case and decides that Det. Dream is official
- Tubbo looks Det. Dream in the eyes and gets him to say that he is a real detective. If that is true, Tubbo says, Detective would have laser eyes. Detective uses his laser eyes while looking at Tubbo’s face and Tubbo’s eyes get messed up
- Detective gets killed by Tubbo’s dog
- Detective knows about Dream and he has inside info on him that he can’t share
- “Drinnit” is Tommy’s detective name. He has been working on this case for fifty years
- After some more detective talk, Detective leaves. Tubbo tells Tommy he plans to kill Tom, as there can only be one
- NotDream comes back, this time dressed in a duck onesie. He is “John” now, and Tommy does not approve of the onesie
- Connor logs on
- John has a confession: He is actually just Tom. In fact, Detective Dream was also Tom! Tom heard Tubbo say he was going to kill him, so he created John, as he thought that Tubbo wouldn’t be able to kill something so cute. Tubbo says he didn’t mean it
- Connor asks Foolish for help getting back home
- Tom traps Tubbo and Tommy in a box. He does not have Creative mode
- Tommy asks Tom if he is good or evil. Tom says he is good and changes out of the duck onesie
- Tommy asks Tom what he thinks of destroying Karl’s house, and Tom approves as a third party. They watch Tom take down the house
- Connor arrives back home and starts building across from Tommy’s house. They VC him and Connor asks where his house went. Tommy tells him it was for tax purposes
- Tom dies by magic after Tubbo shoots him in midair
- Tommy tells Connor he can’t build on his land. Tom, Connor, Tommy and Tubbo chat about subscriber comments
- Connor starts building his house in front of Tommy’s bench and Tommy doesn’t approve of it blocking his view and destroys it
- Tom asks for food again. The server might be going through a bit of a famine
- Tommy continues filling in the basement and decides to form a Not Funny Club with Tom. They start telling jokes about YouTube
- Tommy gets the idea to do some standup: Minecraft Comedian vs. 3 Hecklers
- Tom gets hungry and takes Tommy’s God Apple to eat, but Tubbo shoots and kills him before can. Tubbo says Tom still has one canon life left though
- They walk down to the theatre stage by the Community House. Tubbo evolves
- Tommy does comedy up on the stage while Connor, Tubbo and Tom heckle from the audience. All of Tommy’s jokes are just pickup lines
- Tommy gets booed off the stage and next up is Tom, who tries but quickly gives up
- Tubbo is up next. He starts reading out information about tax legislation. Tommy starts taking notes
- Then, it’s Connor’s turn. He tries to play off of the audience
- It’s always canonically Tuesday on the Dream SMP
- Connor gives up and Tubbo goes up to keep reading the tax information. Tommy goes up to make it a comedy duo 
- Tubbo starts selling his cryptocurrency known as “Piss and Shit, Screw the Children Coin”
- Tommy leaves to speak with Tom by the Community House. Tom says he’ll be back. Tom looks at the poster
Tom: “Look at this. ‘Bee does science’ ...This is groundbreaking!”
Upcoming events remain the same.
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tangent101 · 3 years
An interesting Life is Strange writing concept
I just recently stumbled across an interesting concept for Life is Strange in which Alex Chen was adopted by the Caulfield family and went to Blackwell with Max... and it got me thinking.
First, I need to say this outright. I am using this fanfiction's idea as a launching point for brainstorming of concepts and ideas. My ideas are no better or worse than the fanfiction. This other story is fantastic on its own and does not need my input and this is not a criticism of the story. Instead, it's an examination of a basic concept: What happens if Alex Chen were to be adopted by the Caulfield clan.
The first thing to consider is this: Alex is a psychic. She is predominantly empathic and can get flashes of thoughts when emotions are intense enough and/or she focuses on what that person is thinking. So... this has caused a number of fostering situations to fall through.
Interestingly enough, there is a point when the Caulfield clan could have taken in Alex before this became an issue... and that's when Alex was 11 and first put into the foster care system. Foster parents are actually given a stipend to help pay for the financial expenses behind caring for a child, and in theory that could have been enough money to keep Ryan and Vanessa from moving out of Arcadia Bay.
But let's say that they actually adopted Alex (and thus potentially forfeited that financial boon). Would they adopt Alex and abandon Gabe to the system? Would we have two kids becoming Max's big brother and kid sister?
In this situation, Chloe would obviously know that Max has siblings now. And what's more, I cannot help but think that Alex, with her burgeoning psychic abilities, would push Max to either stay in contact or get back in contact with Chloe.
Okay, let's change things up. Alternative Reality #2 had the Chen family uproot themselves as Alex's father looked for employment. He ended up working at the docks in Seattle but losing his job when the incident happens that resulted in Social Services putting Alex and Gabe in the foster system. Alex languishes in a foster care system that is not good. Gabe ends up in Juvie. And when Alex was 14, she ends up fostered to the Caulfield family.
At this point, it's 2011. Max has been out of contact with Chloe for several years. She is pining though. And Alex, with psychic nerves rubbed raw, likely has come across several instances of this. Max, being the sort of person who hates causing a commotion, would not tell her parents about any weirdness and indeed if her parents were getting weirded out likely would come to Alex's defense. So after a small waiting period you end up having Alex adopted by the Caulfield clan... with emerging psychic powers but a family that is far more comforting and caring than the foster care system.
Alex knows how much Max misses Chloe. Yes, it's been a couple of years. But Alex herself has had friends in the foster care system that she has fallen out of touch with, others that ditched her, and she likely knows what it's like to be abandoned. Alex likely would push Max to get back in touch with Chloe early on.
I can't help but think that Max would succumb to Alex's good-intended urging on this. So Max contacts Chloe. She sends a text.
Let's say that Rachel intercepted the text. She blocks Max's number. Chloe doesn't need that drama in her life. (Bad enough that Joyce is constantly bringing up Max, and Chloe is having trouble letting her go. It's better this way. Sometimes you have to move on. Jealousy has nothing to do with this.)
Or maybe David confiscated Chloe's phone and blocked the number and deleted the text because Chloe doesn't need old friends when he's trying to break down this young soldier to rebuild into a productive member of society according to his military mindset (HA!) and Rachel's innocent in this.
Alex wouldn't just let this drop. Anyone who's played True Colors knows how stubborn our young lady is. And she's driven by psychic powers as well that are blossoming under a more loving home. Wouldn't Alex follow up with her own text? And Rachel or David likely wouldn't intercept every text or block her as well. Hell, she might go for broke and call Joyce. And Joyce sure as blazes would make sure that Chloe knew Max was contacting her. (And that Max has a sister now.)
So Chloe is now in touch with Max. The roadblocks are quite important because if Rachel blocked Max's number, then this is going to cause a bit of a blowup that weakens Chloe and Rachel's relationship, while if David were the culprit then Joyce is going to have words with him (as she loves Max and sees her as not only a second daughter but a stabilizing influence).
Of course, there is always possibility 3 - neither David nor Rachel tried to block Max's efforts to contact Chloe and that went off without a hitch but where's the fun in that? XD
Anyway, Alex would be urging Max to remain in touch with Chloe. She would also likely notice that Max is crushing hard on Chloe and may very well push Max down that path. And given that Rachel was flirting with other people... well, Max being back in Chloe's life could do one of two things - either draw Rachel closer into Chloe's circle out of jealousy, or give Rachel reason to push Chloe toward Max and do her own thing while remaining friends with Chloe.
I like Rachel. I can't help but think it would be #2, especially given what we know about Rachel from the original Life is Strange. She cared deeply for Chloe and didn't want to hurt her. So... yes, I can see Rachel helping encourage Chloe to let bygones be bygones and to pursue her own romantic leanings toward Max. We'd have shippers on either end pushing the two together (Alex pushing Max and Rachel pushing Chloe).
It might even be amusing and interesting to see Rachel and Chloe drive up to Seattle to meet Max and for Rachel in that situation to meet the mysterious Alex Chen who she's been texting and possibly flirting with on the phone. (Amberchen? Hmmm...)
One other thing that is likely to happen is that Max would be a stabilizing influence on Chloe's life. She is a pressure valve even as Rachel was more of an instigator. So with Max urging Chloe to focus more on school, we may very well see Chloe starting to apply herself more to her classes. And if Chloe doesn't get kicked out of high school then David has one less thing to rail against Chloe with.
Rachel and Chloe would graduate a year before Max would (and two years before Alex). With Max back in Chloe's life, and a new friendship growing between Alex and Rachel? Then we may very well see Rachel less desperate for an escape because now there is a plan. Go to college with Chloe up in Seattle. Sure, it's not California but there are other advantages to the region (including legal weed!) and having good friends there would be reason enough. She escapes Jeffershit's death trap by never getting close to him. Nor does she get close to Frank. Similarly, Max has no reason to go to Blackwell because Chloe is coming to Seattle!
And Alex? Alex gets a home life that is far more loving than what she went through in the original timeline. And she has good friends... which will be useful when on October 13, 2013 a truly nasty storm strikes Arcadia Bay, wiping out most of the town and killing hundreds of people including the student body of Blackwell Academy. Because fate is a fickle bitch and Chloe Price wasn't dying as a sacrifice in a bathroom in Blackwell Academy. But you know? While Chloe, Rachel, and Max grieve... Max never blames herself for something outside of her control, and the girls never went through the horrors of the original Life is Strange.
Well done, Alex! You saved the day once again! ^^ And amusingly enough, when Max, Chloe, and Rachel go with Alex to meet her brother Gabe, Max is on hand to witness Gabe's death, her powers emerge, and she saves Alex's brother... but that is a different story. ;)
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crystalirises · 3 years
i am completely in love with your harry potter au, got any more crumbs? maybe some young georgebur falling in love? maybe some george x revivebur reunion?
(2/2) oh also I have this hc that not only did wilbur trust george with the hufflepuff cup horcrux just like bellatrix, but that he also made george's wedding ring into the ring horcrux (yk the one that poisoned dumbledors hand? except this one wouldn't be cursed obviously) so george would always have a piece of his husbands soul with him wherever he goes :,( <3 this is way to romantic in my head considering the fact that you have to murder someone and literally split your soul in half to create a horcrux🤦
hello! So this might not be exactly what you wanted cause I kinda like...
You know when you want to write but you're like... nah, I'm tired?
Yeah I'm currently going through that XD. My second year in college is starting next week so I've been busy with enlistment of classes and stuff. I did do something about this (along with other stuff cause I couldn't help myself and someone else asked before if I could make like a second prompt for what happens to Fundy after he got obliviated).
So yeah, this is like ten parts of drabbles that take place in this AU. Sorry if this isn't what you wanted. I'm very sorry.
Fair warning, some parts are dark cause... Georgebur are the villains and well they win and this is a Harry Potter AU, y'all know the villain, y'all know what his agenda is.
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31985884/chapters/82666897
I. First Meeting
“You’re all bark, Mr. Soot.”
He stopped, one foot already at the top of the stairs. Wilbur threw a careless glance back.
And, oh, he was glad he looked back. There were many students within Slytherin, and he only recalled the most interesting ones. George Lore had always been very intriguing. “How so?”
“You’re charming, but I’ve seen your… skills. You’re not very sharp.”
Wilbur laughed, moving back down the stairs to where George waited. He’ll show him sharp.
II. Expelled
“George Lore, the only man I will ever love, I believe this is where we part ways—”
“Wilbur, please keep your mouth shut and assist me with my luggage.” Of all the replies, Wilbur did not expect that. He glanced behind George where a bunch of suitcases waited eagerly to board the boat that would lead them back to the train station. Wilbur was stricken. When they’d expelled him for the murder of some… honestly, he wasn’t quite sure who he had murdered - some nobody mudblood, that was all… one, he had expected George to track him down just for the sake of lecturing him on his stupidity. Yet it seemed, that wasn’t the case. “Well, Wilbur? What do you say? Do we head home to your family’s manor or to mine? Either works for me.”
“Love, as much as I would love for you to stay at my home, what are you… huh?” George rolled his eyes, huffing before finally placing his bags on the boat, muttering on how useless Wilbur was and how he really was just charms and good looks. Not to be upstaged, Wilbur immediately took over, carrying George’s heavy bags onto the boat despite his confusion. He bit the bottom of his lip, watching as George stepped on board, sitting down as he waited for Wilbur to get his own bags into the boat. “Don’t tell me you’ve snuck out. Think of your grades, love, you care so—”
“I care more for you than some school who accepted those filthy mudbloods in the first place.”
Wilbur smiled, “And that’s why I love you. Whoever I killed, they had it coming.”
III. Isolation
George was growing tired of the same dingy walls.
He never thought he’d end up in Azkaban, but fate tends to surprise you.
They trapped him in there, thinking that the dementors would drive him to the brink of madness.
He’d be damned if they were to devour his happiness. His husband was dead, and so was their son. There was no happiness in his mind, and he could not bring himself to hope. Hope meant food for those damned abominations. He’d keep his thoughts and his emotions kept under lock and key. He won’t let them take what was left of what he remembers of Wilbur and their child.
He refuses to lose them again. Not again.
IV. Loss
He wasn’t an orphan, but now he felt like he was.
Fundy rushed out of the house, hands wet with sweat despite the cold and rainy weather of London. His bag dragged across the pavement, his shoes splashing against the murky puddles. He didn’t dare to turn back, he couldn’t. Dream and Sapnap would be devastated if they knew what he had done, but Fundy couldn’t stay and endanger his parents any longer. He loved them, they were the best parents a kid could ever ask for. But Sally and Jared Salmon would be better off thinking that they never had a son and that their lifelong dream was to move to the Netherlands. Fundy walked faster, scared that he’d turn back the longer he stayed near the house.
He could feel the tears gathering in his eyes, but Fundy knew he needed to be strong. Sapnap and Dream needed him to be strong. They’ve all lost too much. He won’t cry until the war is over.
Who knows? Maybe he’ll actually like living in the wizarding world.
He just wished it didn’t have to come with the cost of his parents forgetting he ever even existed.
V. Wedding Ring
George found it to be quite amusing, honestly.
You would think that the Order would know better. Incompetent fools, all of them.
He admired the ring on his finger, a small smile on his face. When they’d dragged him away to Azkaban, they had given him the mercy of leaving the wedding ring that Wilbur had proposed to him with. It was hilarious, if only they had known that they had been looking at a horcrux.
His husband’s horcrux. He shook his head, gazing over at the man who stood at the head of the war table. A map of Hogwarts laid on the surface, his husband’s focused gaze nearly covered by his curly, dark chocolate brown hair. He’d join in on the brainstorming once Wilbur had gained a bit of a plan. While George did adore his husband… he was more the charms than the brains.
For now, he keeps a part of his love’s soul close to his heart.
VI. Knitting Habits
He’s never held a knitting needle before in his life, but he can’t say that knitting wasn’t fun.
“I never thought I’d see the day. You’re getting old, love. Should I get you a rocking chair too?”
George threw a ball of yarn towards Wilbur, eliciting a laugh as it hit Wilbur directly on the face.
“Ever the humorist, Wil. It would be funny if it wasn’t coming from a man who literally came back from the dead and looks decayed.” He sighed, leaning against the wall of the alcove. Wilbur was still mulling over their plans, a crease in his forehead. “I’m making a scarf for our little son.”
Now here’s to hoping that Fundy would like it. George did do it with the colors of their family.
VII. Home
He trembled, the effects of the spell washing over him like a pile of snow.
George was whispering into his ear, but Fundy couldn’t hear him over the sound of his own breathing. Dream was dead, Sapnap got hit by a crucio spell, and George was taking him back to be tortured all over again. He continued to shiver, tears pouring past his cheeks no matter how hard he tried to keep himself from crying. The world around them melted back into existence, but all he could feel was his heart beating loudly in his chest and the arms wrapped around him.
“Shh, shhh, you’re alright, sweetheart.”
His captor pulled him along, keeping an arm wrapped around his shoulders, squeezing him every now and then each time he tried to put a bit of distance between them. He was led inside a room, and from the way it looked, Fundy could tell it wasn’t an ordinary guest room. It felt too lived-in, too personal. George led him to sit on the edge of the bed, gently petting his messy and dirty hair.
“It’s alright, Fundy. You’re home with dads now.”
VIII. Scarf
Fundy scowled, the scarf somehow tight against his neck despite it practically falling off.
He felt George adjust it back around him, fussing over him like he was a child and not some captive that they’ve been keeping locked inside their room. Fundy knew he wasn’t the tallest, his best friends already joke - well, they used to - about it, but George was just a foot taller and still he somehow felt even smaller. He huffed, moving away until his back was against the wall of the alcove. George didn’t make a move to follow him, simply sighing before turning back to Wilbur.
He buried his face against the scarf, trying to bring himself comfort.
If he tried hard enough, he could catch the faint scent of ash and black licorice. Sapnap had worn the scarf at some point during the battle since he thought it looked comfortable to wear. Fundy had given it to him since he didn’t know where it came from and it had been too big for him.
What he’d give to go back to that time, instead of clinging to the fading scent of his best friend.
IX. Very Dark Blue Eyes
There was a stranger in his room.
Fundy nervously fiddled with the end of his scarf. His wand was still on the nightstand where he had left it, and the stranger was blocking his way. He’d barely seen anyone for the past few months aside from his dads, but he could already tell who the stranger was. The stranger was his age and had long black hair falling past his shoulders. Fundy knew he was a Halo immediately.
“Holy shit… Fundy! Finally, I’ve been scouting the fucking grounds for hours! This place has terrible security, well except for the wards but they were easy to break.” The stranger rambled on and on, each word striking Fundy with more confusion. He wasn’t sure why he was acting like they knew each other. Fundy had no friends - aside from his Uncle Tommy but Uncle Tommy was awkward around him - so he wouldn’t know the stranger, especially since they were a Halo of all things. The stranger moved closer, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. “I missed you!”
“Who are you?” He moved away from the stranger’s hold, avoiding the stricken look that the stranger was giving him. Fundy scowled. Of all the times to leave his wand where he couldn’t reach it. “I know you’re one of those… Halos at least. Now, how did you get inside my room?!”
“Fundy…” Very dark blue eyes gazed at him, hurt dancing in their stare. “It’s me, Sapnap…”
X. You’re a Wizard, Fundy
The letter came at some point during the night.
His mama had asked his papa if he’d enrolled Fundy in a faraway school by accident, but papa had said that he hadn’t. They were whispering about it during breakfast, throwing glances at him every so often as though they didn’t want him to hear. He pretended not to care, attention focused on his breakfast. Mama and papa weren’t arguing, but it almost felt like they were. He hoped that their conversation would be over soon, but it continued even after Fundy finished his breakfast. He left his plate on the table before walking out of the dining room and into the hall. Mama and papa didn’t seem to even notice that he had left. Now to find what was the problem.
He found the problem all too quickly, his scavenger hunt cut short by the fancy letter that had been left on top of a table in the hallway. Fundy held the letter in his hand, the paper coarser than most that he’d felt. He knew he shouldn’t be snooping, but his mama and papa never talked about something so incessantly, at least not something about him. He snuck back into his room, the letter clutched in his hand. Maybe he’d failed his entrance exam at the school his parents were enrolling him in? He pouted, but he’d studied so hard for it and it had been so easy for him!
Fundy didn’t know why his hands trembled as he tried to pull the letter open. Mama had folded it back to the way it had been, and he couldn’t really see the trace of ink at the back. A part of him wanted to hide it away, maybe then mama and papa would stop worrying about it. He didn’t know why, but a part of him felt like something was about to end the moment he opened the letter. He took a deep breath. He could handle long hours of studying, even though his mama and papa said it wasn’t healthy for him to stay up so late. He could handle what was inside the letter. With shaking hands, he opened it, scanning the life-changing words that were meant for him.
If he only knew what that letter meant at the time, then maybe he would have just burned it.
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in-tua-deep · 4 years
20 for Vanya?
20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
I have a lot of what-ifs and alternate timelines for Vanya lmao, especially ones that prevent the apocalypse because I’m a sucker for a happy ending tbh
What if Vanya was included? Why not? Klaus’s powers weren’t useful for missions, Allison’s story for Claire was literally like “yeah Klaus got distracted by ghosts in the background lol” so it’s not like a kid without offensive powers couldn’t do it
you have rebellious Vanya aus, where she decides, like some neglected children do, so act out. If her father isn’t going to acknowledge anything good about her, she’s going to make him acknowledge the bad. Punishment might be the only time he pays attention to her, after all.
(let’s call this an au where the pills suppress her powers but not so much her emotions)
So you have an au where she sneaks out and joins the missions. She breaks into the mausoleum and picks Klaus up and stares her father down with a challenge in her eyes. 
Five vanishes, and Vanya gets worse. She plays her violin at 2 in the morning. She refuses to eat her broccoli. she teams up with diego to see who can piss dad off the most
(her and Diego actually get along very well in this sort of au, honestly)
Vanya gets out and plays the violin and gets angry. She plays with fury and fire and gets second chair, because Helen is actually really very good. But she makes Helen work for it. Helen isn’t secure in her position, she always knows that Vanya is a step away from taking it from her
and maybe that should make them enemies, but it doesn’t. They’re rivals. Helen respects the hell out of Vanya, and Vanya can’t help but admire the woman who makes the most difficult pieces look effortless
Vanya writes her book. Except she kicks down Diego’s boiler room door and is like “DIEGO”
as one of the rebel kids, Vanya actually got along well with Klaus as well since she helped him sneak out and 100% also smoked at least some weed with him because it would piss off Reggie tbh though she didn’t get into the harder drugs like he did
(showing up absolutely plastered to breakfast when they were sixteen was hilarious even if the laps they had to run around the block were not)
anyway Klaus crashes at her apartment sometimes, with supervision, because she loves Klaus but he has a problem and has stolen from her before but he’s still her brother but regardless
Klaus-Diego-Vanya sleepovers where they brainstorm the book to shit talk their father. Honestly it’s kind of a blast. They all get super wine drunk and end up watching Mary Poppins together with some Very Loud Opinions about nannies in general tbh
klaus throwing popcorn at the screen: BOO WHY WAS OUR CHILDHOOD NOT A MUSICAL???
diego: idk if you can have cheery musicals about child soldiers
vanya: i mean if they can have a musical about child labor in factories and the starvation of the workers in oliver twist you could do something with child superheroes
klaus: EXACTLY thank you vanya
they publish the book (luther is uNHAPPY, vanya dedicates her book to ‘all my siblings who survived the Reginald Regime but especially those who didn’t’, and she gifts Reggie a copy that says “fuck you lol” and is signed by her, diego, and klaus), they continue living, they go to the funeral when reggie kicks the bucket
and then five shows up, feral and aching
and five tells vanya about the apocalypse, and vanya thinks about their father saying time travel messed with the mind, and then she thinks - fuck the old man he was wrong about her (ordinary, fuck that, she’s Vanya Fucking Hargreeves) and he was probably wrong about Five, too
and Five is wholeheartedly believed
“Let me call Diego,” Vanya says when Five tells her about the eye, “I bet he could totally wear a police uniform and get info about the eye. And if not, I’m absolutely sure Klaus could improvise a solution. He’s good at that.”
“Klaus??” Five asks, vaguely suspicious.
“We don’t talk about the Sleepover of 2012.” Vanya intones solemnly, and refuses to answer any further questions on the topic.
Harold Jenkins comes to the apartment and tries to woo Vanya or whatever, and Vanya is kind of like... “Look, Leonard. I can be your teacher for violin. It’s my job. But I am in a relationship. And also like, super gay. If you have a problem with that then I am not the teacher for you.”
Actually scratch Diego and Klaus getting called, which they do, Vanya looks at them and her thirteen year old brother and is like “wait. actually i know someone infinitely better to crack this case wide open.”
“Who?” Five, Klaus, and Diego all ask
“My girlfriend.” Vanya says proudly, called Helen up.
And Helen walks into the building like she’s at fucking war and has such demanding confidence that they just give her the information she seeks and apologize for inconveniencing her.
“Hey Vanya are we still on for date night tomorrow?” Helen casually asks after, and Five kind of wants to be her when he grows up honestly after watching her verbally eviscerate Lance or whatever the fuck his name is
“Yeah.” Vanya confirms, “Unless there’s other apocalypse stuff to do?”
“You take all the time you need, honey.” Helen says warmly, “After all the more time you take the less you have to practice.”
“I’m gonna destroy the concert piece and you know it.” Vanya threatens.
Helen sniffs, “Okay, whatever you say second chair.”
and then they kiss and Helen ditches and the others just kind of look at Vanya judgingly
“In fairness, she’s very hot and very talented.” Vanya defends herself.
Klaus nods sagely. Vanya nods back. He gets it. 
“Concert piece?” Diego asks, because he has priorities.
“Yeah, I’ve already asked for tickets for all of you and you will be attending Diego.” Vanya smiles prettily with all her teeth.
“When is it?” Five asks
“April 1st.” Vanya tells him, “And no that isn’t an April Fools joke. You will attend and you will marvel at my skill. And maybe run interference between Helen and Allison because I’m kind of afraid they’re going to rip each others throats out to establish dominance.”
“That’s the day of the apocalypse.” Five informs her.
“Not on my goddamn watch.” Vanya says, because her family will attend her fucking concert and they will make awkward small talk with her girlfriend and the fucking apocalypse has better lay down and get over itself because nothing can stop Vanya’s goddamn plans
“I can investigate Meritech more.” Diego offers, because Lance-or-whatever-his-name-is is clearly shady as shit, “I have police contacts I could go through. Hey Vanya, your concert tickets include a plus one?”
“They can.” Vanya shrugs.
“Sweet, let me see if Patch can come.”
“She’s way too good for you, bro.”
“Shut your goddamn mouth.”
Anyway the point is they all go home, and Diego goes to talk to his police contacts and Five is definitely at home for when Hazel and Cha-Cha attack the mansion, oops. 
“Whomst the FUCK.” Vanya yells, kicking Hazel in the crotch because she’s Vanya Fucking Hargreeves she knows self defense thank you very much
“Ah.” Five says. “Hazel. How’s it going.”
“Just peachy.” Hazel wheezes, “Why’d you betray the Commission?”
“Well, you know. They cut the dental. That was really the last straw.” Five says, sarcastically.
“The dental.” Hazel echoes back, nodding very seriously, “I fucking know. You know physical therapy isn’t even covered anymore?”
“No shit?” Five says, “I mean you’d think with a job as physical as ours...”
“I know.” Hazel howls, vindicated. 
“Five.” Vanya says, rolling her eyes, “The house?”
“Oh, right.” Five frowns, looking at Hazel, “I mean. Can you like, leave? And not come back?”
“‘Fraid not.” Hazel actually sounds somewhat apologetic, “You know what the Commission is like. They’re really gunning for you.”
Five nods, because really what did he expect, “Can you leave like, temporarily? I mean you’d pretty clearly outnumbered. I don’t even know where Cha-Cha is, but judging by the furious yelling she probably met our sister and brother and Luther is hard to kill. Trust me, if he wasn’t we would have killed him when we were like, eight. But for real, can you get out of our house? I mean. Storming the den? Seriously? What kind of information did they even give you?”
“They didn’t give us any information.” Hazel responds back, sounding appropriately outraged, “They didn’t even tell us you could teleport.”
“Well that’s just rude. You’d think they wanted you dead or something.” Five muses, “But seriously, get out of my house.”
“Yeah, that’s fair.” Hazel admits, and leaves, because honestly Hazel is chill like that and knows when he’s lost. And Hazel also has a lot to think about. Like the fact that the Commission sucks and doesn’t even have dental, and how pretty the donut lady is. 
and Vanya is just like... okay. Weird. Is that going to happen again? Probably? I mean. Okay, this day has already been so goddamn weird. This week, honestly.
And they keep getting attacked by the Commission. And Vanya finds out someone broke into her apartment and stole her meds. What the fuck. 
“Did your shitty assassin friends do this?” Vanya asks, waving an empty pill bottle.
“Why would they?” Five asks, honestly confused.
“Because they’re assholes?” Vanya says, honestly outraged.
“You got me there.” Five admits.
The combined forces of Diego-and-Patch (because Patch is actually thrilled that Diego is asking for help regarding an actual fucking crime) figure out that the eyeballs are being sold illegally
Klaus is not kidnapped so he’s fine, just tagging along and living his best life, however this also means that Klaus does not steal the briefcase and Hazel and Cha-Cha are fine
Vanya keeps Five close at hand because frankly she doesn’t want him to leave again and she did really miss him. Also if she does save the world she can lord it over Helen’s head forever. 
And so Five is around when Vanya’s powers manifest, probably because they just got targeted by commission goons again because they’re trying real hard to kill five and separate Vanya
“Holy SHIT.” Five says, very intelligently, “You have POWERS.”
“Wow. Gonna have to write a fucking sequel to the shit-talking-dad book.” Vanya says, honestly a little light headed.
And then Vanya finds out her powers are sound based.
“Oh no.” Vanya says, “Where the fuck are my pills. I am not relearning how to play the violin with-powers a few days before the big concert Five, what the fuck.”
“But you need to learn to control them!” Five protests, “They’re your powers!”
“They’re a goddamn inconvenience is what they are.” Vanya states, “I mean, what am I going to do with them? Stop a bank robbery with the Umbrella Academy? Yeah, no thanks, that ship has sailed and sunk to the bottom of the ocean Titanic style. I’ll figure them out when I’m not in danger of blasting the audience halfway across the continent.”
“Yeah.” Five admits, “That’s fair.”
“Besides, if I’ve been on that shit as long as I have, and it’s been a long time, I cannot even IMAGINE what quitting cold turkey will do.” Vanya points out, very sensibly, like a siblings who has watched Klaus go through withdrawal symptoms more than once.
“Maybe there’s extra at the manor?” Five suggests, “Pogo probably knows.”
“Oh yeah I bet Pogo knows something.” Vanya mutters maybe a little bitterly.
They go back to the mansion and the Commission is honestly pulling their hair out tbh, and they ask Pogo who kind of pales and is like “UHHHH YES I CAN GET VANYA EXTRA PILLS” and goes to get them from whatever stash
“Fucking sweet.” Vanya whispers, entirely done with this situation, “The only adult male role model I had and he hid my powers from me and betrayed me. Love that for us.”
Five shrugs, “I mean, you’re right. All of our adult role models were all kinds of fucked up.”
“You vanished when we were 13.” Vanya says, “Didn’t you find like, any other adults ever?”
“Oh let me tell you about the Handler.” Five says, and proceeds to do just that. Because let’s be real, the Handler was the only human interaction Five had after forty odd years alone it was pretty damn important
Vanya, on the other hand, has strong plans to eviscerate the Handler should the two ever meet because Five deserved way better than to be forcibly made into an assassin?? honestly fuck that woman
that’s it that’s the au
Vanya finds out she has powers and is like “i have a LIFE i don’t want to interrupt it with bullshit POWERS,,, also going cold turkey off my meds seems like a bad idea if I don’t want to deal with withdrawal symptoms during my concert for fucks sake, my gf would never let me live it down if i skipped”
so vanya takes her meds, does NOT destroy the world, makes every one of her siblings go to the concert and even invites Hazel and Agnes after Hazel betrays Cha-Cha to join team No-Apocalypse. 
and then introduces them all to her girlfriend
“Holy shit Vanya.” Helen deadpans, “Your family is all kinds of fucked up.”
“I know.” Vanya says, aggrieved, “It’s been a long fucking week. Want to go camping and help me figure out my cool sound based powers? Bet they’ll make me a better violin player than you.”
“I think the fuck not.” Helen hisses, always up for a challenge, “Let’s do this. Me and my violin vs. you and your dumb baby powers. You’re on.”
“FAMILY CAMPING TRIP.” Klaus hollers, with all the enthusiasm in his little heart.
“Holy shit this is going to be such a disaster, I just know it.” Diego mutters.
“Shut up, it’ll be nice.” Allison says, elbowing Diego with her pointy pointy elbows.
“It’s going to be a shitshow.” Vanya says serenely, because it is. That’s just who their family is. 
Wouldn’t have it any other way, though
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stargaze-issei · 4 years
"write for me" (t. kei x fem!reader)
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summary; after years of crushing on you, the introverted writer from class, tsukishima finds a way to let all his feelings out. if he couldn't talk to you, then he would write to you.
genre; fluff.
warnings; none.
word count; 1.3k
autor's note; i'm sorry but i thought once about tsukki being a writer and here i am now lmao. i could totally see him using writing as a coping mechanism bc he can't express his feelings. is this self inserted? yes very much. anyways, enjoy.
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everyone knew tsukishima was smart, he liked to read and was and extreme geek. he could tell you trivias from every marvel movie if you asked. maybe that's what drawn him to you. imagine how hard his jaw dropped when he saw his middle school crush in his same classroom, there, in karasuno. to yamaguchi, it was hilarious. your figure hadn't change so much during holidays, if anything, you were even prettier. of course, tsukishima would never say that out loud. he had made sure to get a seat from behind you, in order to make his staring less obvious, but never escaping from yamaguchi's comments on how he should at least talk to you.
the first time he noticed you, was during a break in your old school. you were sitting in the floor with a notebook supported on your thighs, writing something with a weird speed. even between all those noisy kids, balls flying around, you seemed so focused on your writing that it almost looked out of place. kei's head was filled with questions on what got you so excited to write, because being a writer himself, he knew that inspiration was a hard thing to get. since that moment, his eyes always found a way back to you. sometimes, you just stared at a blank paper, or write your brainstorm down. it would be a lie if he said he never wondered what was on that paper, on those notebooks. more than once he stayed up all night thinking about it.
"there are tons of others schools! it has to be a sign, tsukki!" yamaguchi had tried to convince him to talk to you for ages, but an uncommon shyness struck the blonde whenever it came to you.
"shut up, yamaguchi" he always shut him down, but his friend understood, and seeing tsukishima get flustered was always a pleasure to sight.
in the whole time he knew you, you never seemed sad. yes, you were usually by yourself, but he catch on those small smiles whenever you were satisfied by what you wrote, or when you laughed at yourself for any reason. he was sure that, at least throughout middle school, you were happy. someway along the way, it changed. you were making new friends, and to anyone who didn't pay attention, you were happy as always, but he knew you weren't. tsukishima desperately wanted to talk to you, he hated seeing those bags under your eyes, that fake smile. he wanted you to be happy and didn't know how to help you.
"hey y/n.
you looked sad today, i wanted to talk to you but i couldn't. is it because you stopped writing? if it is, please don't, i look forward to read something from you.
ps. please don't get scared, i'm not a stalker. i just like you, a lot"
he folded the little note in two, he would deliver it after practice in your locker. if he said he wasn't nervous, he would be the biggest liar ever. his hands were shaking while writing, in practice, he couldn't block a single hit because he was too busy thinking about your reaction. of course you would get scared, who wouldn't? he basically said that he watched you enough to know when you are sad and asked you to keep doing something as private as writing. but he did worry about you. the only other option was to actually talk to you, but that was not happening. first, because he had a reputation to keep. tsukishima kei, the sarcasm in human form, showing feelings over a crush? nope, not in this lifetime. second, at least this way he had the benefit of the doubt. if you thought he was some cute, sweet boy, maybe you wouldn't run away, but if you knew it was him, it was over. most people were scared of him.
he decided to do it, against all his better judgement. 
the next day, he made yamaguchi pretend to talk to him near you locker only to see your reaction. every minute seemed eternal, until you finally arrived. he couldn't avoid thinking how pretty you looked in your uniform. both him and yamaguchi, who he had updated of his doings, stared at you while the piece of paper fell to your feet. thank god the halls were full enough for you to not feel their piercing gaze, because they weren't even blinking. as you read, tsukishima could swore his heart stopped beating. but when he saw your lips curve in a smile? he was done. he had made you smile. you were smiling at his handwriting, at something he wrote, damn, it felt like a whole world had been presented before him. he didn't had butterflies in his belly, he had a complete fleet of birds.
it became a routine to leave you little notes, saying how cute he thought you were, or him asking things, even if you couldn't respond, he just wanted you to know he cared. 
"hey y/n. 
i thought you presentation in japanese history was amazing. and don't even think i'm biased, because of course i am, but that's not the point. how you smiled at the end made it ten times better.
ps. that hair pin looked really pretty"
as usual, he waited until the end of practice to leave it. a paper folded was stuck with tape outside your locker that time, blocking the entrance. his heart started to beat faster, had you left him a reply that time?
"hi, you.
it's been a month since you started leaving me notes, it would be rude of me to not answer. you make me feel really good, you know? i was surprised at first, nobody else notice how sad i was but you. i'm not anymore, mostly thanks to your words. i can't get you out my mind, it bothered me to not have a face to place in my thoughts. i wanted, no, i want to meet you so bad. do you really like me? i like to think you wouldn't lie to me, so i won't lie to you. i'm pretty sure i like you too. i can even hear you thinking, how could i like you if i don't know who you are?, well, think again, tsukishima kei." 
the first thing he felt was fear. god, he was so scared. he re-read it, it said you liked him back. did you though? he was so... unlikeable. someone as nice as you just couldn't be into him. but he wasn't anyone to say who you could or could not like, so–
"hey, tsukishima" that voice. he had heard it so many time, but for the first time was actually to him. his name between your lips sounded like a completely different thing, something amazing tsukki could hear for hours non stop. slowly, he turned around to face you. you were still in your uniform, meaning you had stayed there for three hours just waiting for him. "aren't you gonna ask me how i figured it out?"
a soft how left his throat. you were kind of entertained by his reaction, you understood the shocked, you had felt it when you realized it was him sending you those cute notes four days ago.
"when the guy you like since middle school starts acting strange, you can tell. and the way you wrote, like you knew me from a long time. i was between you and yamaguchi, so i took my chances on you" both of you were to afraid to move, scared that the other was going to disappear "would it be okay if i ask you on a date?" all your confidence had left your body before asking that question.
"that's all i want, dumbass" he answered, going back to be his usual self. you laughed, making his heart skip a beat. "c-can i... get closer?" that was everything you needed to walk towards him, your moves seemed to synchronize perfectly with his. 
kei's arms wrapped around your neck, him being to tall to reach your waist, and your arms were around his torso. he felt so warm, like the hug you were expecting your whole life.
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birlcholtz · 3 years
Fic Questions
tagged by @the-lincyclopedia thank you!! (fun game: watch my writing get progressively less formal as the post continues. by the end it’s like what is capitalization)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
434,378 as of this week but it does go up quite regularly
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Okay so in terms of what’s on my AO3, I have Check Please, All For the Game, Sharp Zero, HP, and Miraculous Ladybug. I also have The Forbidden LOTR and PJO Fanfiction (as in, I’ve written it, but it’s never seeing the light of day)
(technically there is a PJO fic out there that has seen the light of day but I orphaned it because I was tired of getting comments asking about when it would be updated)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
and then i met you (and the whole world changed)
for the better
Knew It Was You
come home (to you, to us)
sin bin schematics
All of these are Check Please and all of them except Knew It Was You are part of my Zimbits Airport AU!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! It’s actually a very recent thing that I’ve started not responding to literally every single comment. Mainly I respond because I love talking about my writing so I am going to seize that opportunity when it comes up
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Oh, DEFINITELY Happy Birthday (HP). Check out that MCD tag ahah. (I say HP but what I really mean is that I write fic about Regulus Black. The Regulus Black-centric tag is my home in the HP fandom)
fun fact: this is a very short fic that I wrote when I was 15 and basically forgot about until recently, and then I reread it recently and went holy shit?? I pulled NO punches????
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the wildest one you’ve written?
Not a ton? I think a lot of the fandoms I write for don’t really mesh that well. That being said, the aforementioned orphaned PJO fic is actually a PJO/ML crossover, so there’s that
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Nope! Sometimes I get comments that are just.... really confusing? And a more common thing is that in my AFTG fic I’ll get comments from people who are so focused on Andreil (or the most common ships in general) to the point that like. they miss the point of what I actually wrote. Those are annoying but they’re not hate, they’re very enthusiastic, they’re just... enthusiastic about a story I’m not writing? So it’s a bit frustrating.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No sjflskgjhgf I struggle enough to write kissing, I think if I ever tried to write smut my brain would just shut down. I’ve managed some fade-to-blacks (which are mostly in WIPs that haven’t been posted) but they rely HEAVILY on the powers of implication
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, although I have occasionally made a brief go of it, not to post, more as an exercise for myself in a language that I’m learning. Anyway I never finish them so I’m gonna say no
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really? I’ve definitely group brainstormed fics and then written them (the best example of this being Q&A (AFTG), which was the product of a truly off-the-walls group chat), but I tend to do all the actual writing myself. I think the way I write would drive a co-writer up the wall since it’s very disorganized and I don’t write stuff down because ~I know what’s gonna happen I don’t need notes~ and it would infuriate me if I was co-writing with me lmao, so I won’t inflict that on someone else
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I regularly move through ships I’m SUPER focused on, like it’s kind of a rotation. I will forever and always ship Percabeth though.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Okay so if you follow me at @birlwrites you may know this already, but i have this ‘warmups’ document that is just like, random ideas i get that i don’t necessarily want to finish but i just want to try out for a bit? and i have a rule that once a ‘warmup’ is more than 10 pages long (so 11+) then it has to be moved to its own document, just to make scrolling through the warmups doc easier. but usually, a warmup only passes 10 pages when i’m INTO it. so i have a bazillion wips i will probably never finish. i complain about this a lot. i have so many wips. i don’t need more.
here’s one: it’s titled ‘interrobang doesn’t know they’re dating’, it’s basically a full outline for a chowder/tango fic and it would be SO cool if i could ever like. get around to writing it. but i am constantly swamped with writing projects, so it’s probably not gonna happen. if anyone’s interested in adopting it though i’d be down for that!! i think it’s a fun idea i just almost def won’t write it myself
15. What are your writing strengths?
SNAPPY DIALOGUE AND SNARKY INTERNAL MONOLOGUE. my writing is COMEDIC, 90% of my ideas are based on a funny snippet that popped into my head, a lot of my worldbuilding is based on ‘hey you know what would be hilarious’ (whenever i explain how larai selects a chosen one in the rainfall universe i start laughing, which is a STARK contrast to how it plays out on the page), i love writing funny stuff!!
also i think my writing sounds nice, a lot of the time i pick words/syntax based on sound and flow so there’s that too. and i have lots of ideas! i don’t struggle much with writer’s block because a) i have a lot of strategies to deal with it and b) i have a lot of ideas to help get around it/work with it
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
PHYSICAL INTIMACY LMAO, sometimes in my end notes on shippy fics you can see me complaining ‘it took me literally 4 hours to write that very brief kiss’. also sometimes the humor in my writing gets in the way a bit, i have to very consciously put it away so characters can actually have serious, genuine emotions. also i don’t like outlining and i tend not to get betas for fanfiction so like..... i do my best continuity-wise but having really tightly plotted stories is just not my focus lol. (and i do put more effort into that for original stuff, it’s just fic where i kind of go wild)
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
If the reader’s supposed to know what it means, then writing it in another language is iffy for me. (stuff like terms of endearment which come up a lot in fic are fine imo, you can just put a note in to translate them and your reader will prob remember)
If the pov character isn’t supposed to understand it, and it doesn’t matter if the reader understands it, then ig it’s fine? but unless you already speak the other language (and i am NOT confident in my ability to translate english into literally any other language), then i think it’s way easier to just note that a character’s speaking x language and provide tone indicators, body language cues, etc. so the reader understands as much as the pov character.
That being said there are def times when it’s used super effectively--the dialogue in spanish in cemetery boys comes to mind! that’s not fanfic but it’s still creative writing so w/e
so i guess it comes down to: does actually writing out the dialogue in the other language serve a purpose? if it doesn’t, then you’re filling up the screen with words your reader isn’t likely to understand, which i try to avoid doing
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
so the first fandom i actually *wrote* for was PJO, but i distinctly remember creating warrior cats OCs when i was little. i never actually did anything w them but i had them and my favorite was a riverclan warrior named shellstream i remember this VIVIDLY
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve ever written?
oh boy. okay so this is hard because i feel like i’m continuously improving as a writer. like in the sense that my writing is getting closer and closer to really matching my own taste? my favorites tend to always be my current projects as a result. and i do really love set those ghosts alight (HP) but it feels a little like cheating to say a fic i haven’t even finished writing yet. even though it’s def not cheating, that’s just the direction my brain is taking it.
i’m gonna say and then what? (OMGCP) because i’m super proud of the prose (especially ch 2 aka the first actual prose chapter), survived by (HP) for SUCCESSFULLY WRITING AN EMOTION and making readers cry :), and Q&A (AFTG) because i’m literally the one who wrote it and yet it still makes me wheeze. those are all fics i reread occasionally, because i’m big enough to admit i enjoy rereading my old stuff! (just like. to a point. some of my old stuff i can’t look at anymore because all the mistakes stick out to me like they have spotlights shining directly on them)
this was fun!! i’m gonna do an open tag because i just started my fall semester and brain tired. i know sometimes people see open tags and assume the op didn’t really mean it but I MEAN IT, PLEASE DO THIS AND TAG ME!!!!! YES YOU READING THIS
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