#I ate well yesterday thanks to 🍃
paigina · 1 year
well, boss, i’ve done it again
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lonerbrokenasf · 29 days
My goal is to eat once per day. Yesterday and today I only ate once. Today I ate a small portion, yesterday I had a "normal" meal. My mom tried to get me to eat more, I was able to avoid it. Tomorrow I have to eat again.. ughhhh. I'll be going to my bfs house after tomorrow. I'll finally be able to eat way less. I'm insecure to eat much around him; he knows I want to lose weight as well and he's encouraging it. Not in a toxic way either. When I go over to his place I'm probably gonna smoke 🍃 and drink liquor to escape from my reality. I weigh too much right now, I can't wait to be thin again and then skinny. So I can be beautiful, I'm ugly currently. I need to workout again, I'm moving, so simple workouts where I don't have to lay on the ground is ideal. I've been drinking at tops 2 energy drinks a day to suppress my hunger. I smoke cigars and vape to also suppress my hunger. It's been working. I need to see my collar bones/thigh gap/jaw line again. I crave it. I crave the feeling of being small. Also I need to find a new hobby cause my other ones are getting boring. Anyways if you made it this far (reading) then I applaud you and would like to say thank you for your time.
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gettatranslations · 11 months
What Became of the Carrot。Yumigeta Ako (23.10.17)
Good evening🌝
I'm Yumigeta Ako🛑
Thank you very much for your comments yesterday❗️
And And、an announcement📣
Yesterday I finally ate my buratta cheese with persimmon and olive oil and salt and black pepper!
As I ate it my eyes widened、that cheese was so delicious❗️
I bet it would also be delicious with peach〜!And it would be delicious with shine muscat grapes 🤤
I'll buy it as a reward for myself if I work really hard again…
Also today
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When I got home from school、I found this at home…✨️
Apparently Mama found it at the supermarket…
You can even eat the leafy part!🍃
But I thought I'd give the carrot leaves to our household idol Anzu-chan、and when I started walking towards her with the leaves…‼️
She came running over to see me😭
And she ate them from me!
I was so happy
I was kinda worried that she wouldn't like them since she hasn't had them in a while?、but I'm glad she enjoyed them❣️
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As she kept munching she got closer and closer to my hand、she's an angel👼
She's so cute ♥️
Also normally she's pretty standoffish (which is cute too) but today she sat and wanted fussing from me🥰
I hope she's always this energetic and healthy!
Oh yeah、
Anzu-chan has a yearly molt、when her winter coat grows in。
And it's ended recently!
Anzu-chan's coat is now super soft and fluffy!
While fussing her I just kept thinking I wanna sleep curled up with her…、but Anzu-chan doesn't really like being cuddled &she generally runs off when I try (笑lol) So I'll just settle for saying 「You're so cute〜」✋
But sometimes she allows me to touch her✋
Well then it's time for today's 【Gettaa Life】✨
Today I went into town after school!
I suddenly realised I have absolutely no winter clothes!So I went to buy some、and incrediblyyyyy…
I spotted a kanzashi shopー‼️
Aren't they so prett〜y??
Loads of kanzashi were lined up in front of the store。
There were cream soda kanzashi、kanzashi coloured like the sunset、goldfish kanzashi… there were so many!!!
Don't kanzashi make you think of Oda-san!
Oda-san was using a kanzashi in the dressing room the other day、and watching her use it to put her hair up so easily was almost an art to behold
I was like
「Kanzashi are amazing‼️」!
So、when my hair grows long enough to tie back I want to find a cute shop and buy a kanzashi!
I Getted 「Appreciation for Japanese Culture」✨
By the way they were also selling a kanzashi that looked like a plum、and it was simple and cute that maybe I'll go back and buy it〜
That's all!This has been 【Gettaa Life】!
T/N News and information has not been translated
Today after I went to the kanzashi shop I went to the food department in a department store and bought 6 cups of 31 ice cream❗️ (T/N 31 = Baskin Robbins)
Matcha and Caramel ribbon and Love potion 31 and Popping shower and Rocky road and Chocomint!
In her blog yesterday Haga-san posted about the chocomint cream that she and Inoue ate and it looked so delicious that I wanted to eat chocomint myself today!
It's my first time trying 31's chocomint ice cream…((((;゚Д゚))))ガクガクブルブル
I'm so excitedー♡
Everyone which of these 6 flavours would you eat first????
And what's your favourite 31 flavour?
Please let me know in the comments💕︎
I love Orange sorbet and Cotton candy and also the floats but right now Popping shower is probably my favourite!
Well then I'll see you tomorrow!
This has been YumiGettaa Ako!Good night🦀🦀🦀
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