#I can kiss him now
bananitryithegoatman · 8 months
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He lives with me now.
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aziraphales-lawyer · 8 months
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hayaku14 · 2 months
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kana7o · 11 months
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[I used to know my place was the spot next to you]
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theloveinc · 11 months
I also like the idea of Bakugo coming home from a long, overseas mission only for you to be surprised when you meet him at the airport cuz he’s twice as beefy and four times more scary looking.
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meep-meep-richie · 2 months
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Loki, my dear, what´s going on in that beautiful head of you
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merakiui · 2 months
hiii mera!!
imagining azul as a type of cannibalistic octopus, on your first night together he’s spent so long hyping himself up and grueling over whether or not he’s content giving himself to you, eventually coming to terms with it and deciding to make the event as romantic & easy to clean as possible. when the deed is done, he’s so anxious and pathetic and practically withers away as he looks at you,,, he knows what comes now… but when your teeth don’t tear at his flesh, he looks at you with confusion, a bit disappointed by the lack of development, but far more relieved. He asks and you explain that humans don’t cannibalize their partners,,, and it clicks. so many others can come back and brag about their partners and he’s a bit embarrassed by the revelation, but SO relieved. it’s a cute thing, he’s so excited to continue living with you
random thought though,, not very thought out LOL he knows not of porn in this situation
wet dreams consist of getting it on and him jumping awake as you lurch towards him with a hungry maw,,, imagining on the first night he just brings a bunch of snacks in hopes that it’ll save him, chip bags littered about like rose petals
thank you for reading,
lionfish anon :]
AAAAAA YES YES. OTL Azul who is only familiar with mer courtship and sex customs, so he's fully prepared to give himself to you after he spends so much time mulling it over. Aaaaa he's so cute, preparing so many snacks to make sure you're well-fed and too distracted to think about eating him after the fact. Azul being too worried to do anything face to face, so he fucks you from behind instead. Later, when he learns you won't be devouring him after sex, he becomes more confident holding you closer and fucking you in intimate positions that allow him to look at you. <3
I think he'd have some of the best snacks as well. orz all of your favorites along with some of his favorites, too. The snacks being scattered like rose petals is so silly to imagine, and he'd probably look so proud about it as well. Something like,,,, look at what a good mate he is, providing you with an abundance of food (please don't eat him) and he'll take good care of you when you've eaten your fill of snacks (please PLEASE don't eat him).
Unintentional tako rizz (which was really just Azul trying to ensure you wouldn't cannibalize him afterwards lol). He's just too cute!!!!!
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murderandcoffee · 9 months
This whole "simp martin" martin thing has got me thinking
Jon: sex isnt on the table for me
Martin (who still cant even believe he got THIS far): thats not gonna be a problem for me
jon: yeah, don't expect sex me from, I rarely--if ever--desire it
martin, ecstatic at what all that leaves on the table: THAT'S WHERE YOU DRAW THE LINE???
jon, a little horrified: I have never seen anyone so excited to learn that sex is out of the equation
jon: ...
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guardian-of-soho · 10 months
The more it settles in, the more I understand Aziraphale’s shock at Crowley’s no. Crowley is the one who’s always wanted to ask Heaven his questions. Crowley is the one who’d planned to talk them into mercy. He’s the one who’d taught Aziraphale to stay with Heaven for safety’s sake, to go along with them as far as he could, for the chance to help Earth. He’s the one who told Aziraphale it was time to stop going along with Heaven when it came to Armageddon — they had to take a stand and try to change the outcome. And now Aziraphale sees a chance for them to do exactly that, all of that. He remembers how delighted Crowley was when he talked them out of trusting the Great Plan. He stopped them with a question! And now they say they trust him — that they’ll let him lead them! He believes he’s gotten to do what Crowley never did — ask those questions and get a response, and a wholly welcoming one. He thinks he can bring Crowley into a Heaven that wants to learn to love Earth. He thinks they can make space for mercy. And that the joy that was Crowley’s when he still believed he could ask his questions could be Crowley’s again! He saw him all alight and glad, once, guiding Creation into beauty. It’s all Crowley wanted then.
He hasn’t yet understood it’s not what Crowley’s wanting now. He doesn’t know that Crowley’s found that human life is sweeter — that Crowley only wants to love the world with two feet on the ground; and only with him there. Crowley would be as glad to watch Maggie and Nina love each other, and grow his plants, and guard his angel, as he ever was with the engine of the nebulae in his hands. And he still will be, once Aziraphale understands it’s all he wants too, and that together they have the power to make it so.
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shima-draws · 3 months
Pudding: Everyone keeps saying we’re the PERFECT husband and wife…ehe…husband and wife!! Me and Sanji-san! 😳🥰
Meanwhile, Sanji: (Luffy kissed me when I told him I’d bake him a cake once we got back to the Sunny safely. Does this mean if I bake him two cakes I’ll get two (2) kisses. Maybe I should bake three just to be safe)
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djosephqueery · 1 year
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Steve's pouting in a corner somewhere because he wants kisses :(
as always shoutout to my co-conspirator @corrodedcoughin
Hope everyone's had a good week, and cheers to a good weekend <3
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"Are you laughing at me?" "Yeah, I am. What are you going to do about it?" - Wriothesley Request from @isekyaaa
When Clorinde said she knew someone who could teach Y/N the basics of a different hand-to-hand combat style she wasn’t expecting that Wriothesley would be the one to teach her. One would think it would be easy to take the guy seriously but all the stories from Clorinde and that his back was absolutely covered in stickers made it so hard. It would have been easier if she said she would just show up to the fortress for her lesson rather than agreeing with him to take advantage of the nice weather out at the beach. With his coat on, the stickers were at least out of sight.
“You know I never got the reason why you agreed to this.”
“Clorinde didn’t tell you?” He was focused on wrapping his hands.
“Nah. Just said she knew a guy.” Her head tilted to the side. “Is there something I should know? Heard from her that you both like betting. You lost?”
He sighed. “Yeah, but this is better than me winning and my shelves filling up with more law books.”
Y/N laughed. “So you’re the reason I end up swinging by the bookstore to pick up a law book for her every now and then.”
Wriothesley rolled his eyes with a smile. “Seems so. You ready over there.”
“Been. You were the late one.”
“Work’s a bit far from here to be fair.”
“I thought I was gonna have to tell Clorinde you were a no-show. I’d be back on the hunt for an instructor. Probably could find someone better if I spent more time looking.” She teased.
“You’re gonna give me a headache.”
“Don’t tell me I’m too much for you to handle.”
He looked away biting his lip, he pushed his bangs back before letting them fall in front of his face. “Let’s just get this started.”
It didn't take long for Y/N to begin understanding the basics. The only issue was that she kept falling back into the stance of her normal fighting style. It was definitely something she’d have to work on to fix but at the same time being able change styles mid fight could be an advantage. 
After some time of just focusing making sure she was picking things up correctly. It didn’t hurt to test some things out in a small scrimmage. It would just be a few blows back and forth with no real weight behind them. 
Y/N had thrown a punch Wriothesley's way. She focused on pushing him further back towards the water. It was her best bet with that they were in two different weight classes. It wasn’t hard for him to dodge. But in doing so he tripped backwards trying to avoid stepping on a crab and fell into the waves that crashed against the shore.
She couldn’t help but laugh at the sight. Yes, he had been a more than perfect teacher the entire time. But with the knowledge he was helping cause of a lost bet, the stickers that covered his back and that he was soaked beyond belief she let go of everything that kept her from laughing at the man.
He looked up at the woman who was now towering above him as the waves gently splashed at him leaving no part of his clothes dry. “Are you laughing at me?” He wasn’t mad but he for sure knew he had to look a bit stupid.
“Yeah, I am. What are you going to do about it?” She teased. It wasn’t like he could do anything about it.
He sighed. “You’re right nothing I can do. Help a guy up?”
Y/N wiped a tear that formed from her laughter before holding a hand out to him to pull him back up standing. Wriothesley took her hand pulling himself up just slightly before pulling her down into the water with him.
“Ugggh, You asshole!” She laid in the water beside Him.
“It's what you get.” He let go of her hand before splashing her lightly.
“It’s not like I was the one who pushed you in.”
“You were laughing enough where you might as well have.”
She rolled her eyes. “I can’t believe Clorinde set me up to learn from a man who doesn’t know how to even treat a lady.”
“I don’t know if our activities here would even have you being considered lady like.”
“I think it’s very lady like knowing how to defend yourself. After all you never know when a big oaf is going to pull you into the ocean.”
“You say that like you haven’t been having a good time.”
She turned her head away to hide the smile that was creeping onto her face. “Let’s just go dry off already.”
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bakudekublogblog · 4 months
alright I’m bored so here’s my extremely optimistic crack theory: assuming katsuki seeing a vestige means we’ll see him in the vestige realm, when kudo sorted through izuku’s memories he put his forehead on the wall right??
what if izuku is having a crisis about being left quirkless again and vestige katsuki needs to touch foreheads with izuku to show him all his memories of izuku being heroic without a quirk and he tells him “you never needed a quirk. you were always a hero” or something like that because it’s what izuku always needed to hear
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meownotgood · 2 years
........ ah....... okey......
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aofikofi · 1 year
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ignoring the carnage in session 7, hi guys have some cute flustered marty ^___^
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icantdothistodaybruh · 4 months
yea sooooo I may have or may have not watched and instantly rewatched all kuro musicals in existence in a spawn of one week and now have roughly 40 screenshots to redraw from
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I think I might be insane or something
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