#I can provide screen shots and receipts and bills
batwynn · 11 months
I hate that I’m here… again. I’m so sorry that I’m here again. But once again I’ve been trapped in a difficult situation that I’ve tried literally every way to avoid, prepare for, and roll-up-my-sleeves and do it myself. But at every turn we’ve been ignored, let down by professionals, etc. until I’ve been forced to go into debt just to heat my home because others can’t seem to take any responsibility for things that they’re responsible for. This is genuinely my last ditch effort to find even a little help. I can not go through this again. I’m exhausted, sick, and trying my best to scrape together some commission work while dealing with a really bad flare up of my autoimmune disease. (Hooray) I’m coming up short no matter what I do, and I’m desperate.
Please, if you can, donate and/or signal boost this!
For every donation received, there is a ‘anything goes’ offer of art! Please contact me here or anywhere on social media/email if you’d like to request something!
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theboyz-engup · 6 years
I Think I’m In Love? - Eric’s Birthday One Shot
a/n: just a little mention that I base all of my titles / imagines off of songs I really adore or think fits each character, scene, etc that I’m tryna convey; I’ll start linking the songs at the beginning of each piece starting this 2019 year :D I hope you all enjoy and that you all had a v happy new year! With love, Admin Zea 
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Y/n, 10:51 p.m: Do you want to come over tomorrow? I’m alone and kinda don’t wanna be
Eric stared at the message, not believing you even offered at all. You hated being home in general but you were sick and your parents were out of the country on business. With all the snow on the ground and the flurries in your area, you weren’t too keen on going outside and, from the looks of it, your friends weren’t too keen on coming over to visit. You messaged him everyday, talking about nothing and everything, but you’d never invite him over. It made his heart race.
Y/n, 11:06 p.m: Okay, you’re right it was a dumb question, you don’t have to come over
Y/n: 11:06 p.m: it was just like a suggestion or something idk
Eric panicked, quickly typing something in and sending it. Annoyed at himself, he muttered, “stupid read receipts.”
Me, 11:07 p.m: no it’s not dumb !! i was just washing a dish and opened it by accident
It was easier to fib than it was to admit his heart stopped.
Me, 11:07 p.m: what do you wanna do?
You sent back a little shrug emoji and he snickered. Of course you didn’t have a plan.
Y/n, 11:08 p.m: I’m providing the house, you figure out what to do
He thought about it for a moment, readjusting his position on his bed to get more comfortable as he did so. He had his blanket up to his chin but his feet were poking out, just how he liked it. To his left, a little orange tinted lamp was on and it casted deep shadows across his carpeted floor. Soon, he knew Juyeon would walk in and ask him to turn it off so he could get his ‘beauty sleep’. What he really meant though was that Eric’s light was bothering him because it was orange. They’d had many arguments about changing the lightbulb but Eric liked the dimness of it. It gave him a little bit of home, when the sunset in Los Angeles would dip into his room for a little goodnight kiss.
Mind preoccupied with his lamp for a second, he skimmed over all the possible things to do and typed out the thing he knew would make you smile.
Me, 11:10 p.m: nap, let’s nap
You responded immediately with an enthusiastic yes, typing something before the minute changed about how cute napping with someone else was. Then, the usual message at this time.
Y/n, 11:11 p.m: 11:11, make a wish !!
There was a slight pause as Eric closed his eyes and wished quietly, whispering it to himself. Then, he flicked his eyes open and responded.
Me, 11:11 p.m: made it
Y/n. 11:12 p.m: me too
After that little interruption, you two figured out a time and everything. Eric cleared his schedule, asking if he could meet up with Chanhee a little later on in the week. The boy agreed, saying he needed to pick up an extra shift anyways at work to cover a bill payment. With a bit of excitement, he settled into bed with his phone by his face. As he scrolled through the few pictures he’d taken of you recently, he wondered what you wished for. He wondered if you stood up looking at pictures of him too. He wondered if you knew that a little more time with you was all he ever wished for, every time.
“Eric, shut off that freaking lamp!” Juyeon shouted from across the hall. The boy snickered and turned over, clicking it shut.
Cradling his Switch, which he’d gotten for his birthday just a few days ago, Eric tiptoed outside of his shared home in hopes of not waking anyone up. Juyeon was out for a run, as he usually was at this time, but the other boys were still fast asleep. Sunwoo’s arm and foot were draping off the couch, sticking out from under his thick blanket. Eric clicked his tongue at the boy wearing socks to bed, trying to balance his boots and switch and everything so he wouldn’t make noise or leave the door open for too long.
It wasn’t easy but he made it despite dropping a few of his controllers in the snow, but he decided he couldn’t have it all. Fishing the controllers out of the snow gingerly and shaking them off after putting his boots on, he huffed. Bussing to your house was really going to be a hassle. It was good that he liked a challenge though, wasn’t it?
He couldn’t count how many times he imagined you opening that door. Would you be draped in a blanket, or in sweatpants and a big shirt? Would you look ill, with a chill hanging onto your hands but a fever running over your forehead? Would there be a mug in your hand, steam drifting up and casting mist across your face? He imagined as many scenarios as he could, absentmindedly chewing on his bottom lip as he leaned his head against the bus window. Between the ice of the glass and his ear sat his thick woollen hat, one you’d pulled over his eyes once so you could run away after teasing him.
The smile you had written on your lips that day was unforgettable, just like your grin today when you tugged the door open. To confirm, you had a sweater on over your midsection and a pair of joggers that cut above your ankle. Fluffy socks stretched to cover the skin there but barely made it, and you were still shivering despite being swallowed by the clothes. Eric grinned.
“Good morning, sunshine,” he crooned, knowing how much you hated being called that. You only groaned, rubbing at your eye with your sleeve and pushing the door shut. His foot was in the way, laugh filling the space.
“Get out,” you groaned, drawing the words and whining while hardly applying any pressure. Eric only poked his head forwards, shaking it.
“Ask politely.”
You stared for a moment, sighing and deciding, “no thanks.”
Stepping out of the way, you let him come in and he took the chance. Kicking his boots off, your cat, Kitty, sidled up next to him and meowed softly. They held eye contact for a moment, Eric smiling and sticking his tongue out at Kitty.
“Hi, Kitty,” you hummed, dipping to pick her up. She buried her face in your neck, making a few more noises as if she was having a conversation. You nodded, playing along and murmuring, “I know, I don’t like him either but he’s got a Switch.”
More complaints. Eric chuckled, “she doesn’t like me, huh?”
“Does she like anyone?” You raised an eyebrow at him and then looked at Kitty pointedly. She gave a definitive answer, meowing and slumping against you. Eric found this fishy, remembering how quickly Kitty warmed up to Hyunjoon but decided to say nothing about it.
It didn’t take long for you two to settle into your usual place beside each other. Legs crossed and tea on the coffee table across from you, you played every game you could together. Eric watched as you called out to the screen whenever you died or went off course and cackled, calling you a bad player.
“I’m just sick!” you protested, elbowing him a bit, “I’ll kick your ass when I’m feeling better.”
“You seem fine to me, boney,” he hissed, rubbing at the place you touched him mockingly. Fixing him with a look, you swatted at him again but he dodged it each time. Smiles were stationed on your lips like they were always meant to be there when you were with each other.
Playing bingo tired you out though and you leaned against his shoulder. You had your hood up over your head and, when he complained about you getting him sick, you only shifted closer to him.
“The hood’s keeping the sick in here with me. You’re fine.”
“Mhmm,” Eric drew out. This time, you didn’t swat back. He found it odd, missing a number that appeared on his card. “Hey, you okay?”
You shook your head. “Can we nap now?”
He nodded, willing to do anything just to spend a little more time with you. You told him where to find blankets and pillows, leading him on a little goose chase while you pulled the bottom part of your sofa up and out to create a makeshift bed. He sifted through colours, finding a pink blanket for him and a green one for you, but he didn’t know what kind of pillows you liked best.
“Hey, y/n?” Eric called, staring at the two in his hands, “which pillow do you want? The one with the roses on it or the one with the crown? Y/n?”
You were fast asleep when he came to the living room, hood taken off your head and hands placed underneath your ears. Clicking his tongue, he lifted your head softly to give you the one with the crown design and chose the roses for himself. Lying down beside you, he tried very hard not to stare. The way your chest rose and fell created a lullaby. You looked like an angel with a head of hair and a crown to match.
Has it always been you?
His mind asked the question even though it didn’t have an answer he wanted to face at the moment. All he wanted to be face to face with you and look at the way your eyelashes fluttered or your mouth twitched into smiles that waxed and waned. You were as pretty as the moon and he wondered if that made him the sun. Was he forever fated to see you and not touch; to pass you by each morning and watch you shine at night from the comfort of his home? Would you only meet in still times like this where you crossed paths across the sky?
When he fell asleep was a mystery to him but waking up with you bundled closer to him, hands now clasped together and under your chin, he smiled. He wished the day would’ve never ended but, looking at the clock across the wall, it was getting late and he would have to be home soon. It was his turn to help with dinner.
“Y/n? Y/n, I have to go soon,” Eric hummed softly, trying his hardest not to wake you up in any obnoxious way. You weren’t exactly kind to people who pulled you from sleep.
Immediately though, you grasped at his pullover and tugged yourself closer. His mouth fell open a little, eyes widening as you buried yourself closer into him.
“Please don’t go yet,” you whispered quietly, he wondered if you even said it or he imagined it. He didn’t know what to say so he decided on gaping for words until you murmured another, definitive, “please.”
It took very little to make him say yes. Without him knowing, he had faced the answer to his question ages ago. Though, he supposed lying there for a little more wouldn’t change anything for the worse. He was already caught in a web of feelings and memories and your hair, which tucked itself neatly beneath his chin.
“Okay,” he whispered, wrapping an arm around you. There was no need to see your face to know you smiled, though he imagined it over and over that night when he came home and went about the rest of his night. He thought of the way you pouted when you spilled tea on your joggers and the laugh you gave when Kitty stuck her tail in the air at him. He thought the whole day over and over again, determined to keep the memories of you locked in his mind.
“Eric, I’m going to throw that lamp out the literal window,” Juyeon groaned as he stood in the doorway, looking as threatening as ever. Eric only chuckled, clicking the setting to make it brighter.
“Do it.”
Juyeon pounced, lunging for the appliance. Eric’s laugh grew, defending his poor lamp, the two play-fighting. He thought back to his wish, one which encompassed so much. I wish to be happy. The people in his life- you, Juyeon, the boys downstairs yelling at the tv- were the best gifts he could ask for, happiness coming in sprinkles of laughs and jests and games like this. The Switch was long forgotten at your house.
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huangels · 6 years
the universe works in mysterious ways - haechan
a/n: happy birthday to the shining sun, haechan!! this scenario is dedicated for hyuckie’s bday but it’s not june 6th anymore in korea but in america it is so-,, i didn’t expect this to be so long sorry dkshdh. i’m making a tag for birthday dedicated fics btw, (also i wanted it to be all in haechan’s POV butttt it didn’t turn out well so it’s half and half)
summary: Haechan bumps into you at the cafe you work in, and grows fond of you so he visits more often. Every visit is full of shining smiles and glowing eyes, until one night, he trudges in with a gloomy storm cloud above him. 
genre: fluff, if you squint there might be light angst?
warnings: none
word count: 3.1k
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[ HC's POV ]
The buzzing small cafe is filled wall to wall with people. As expected, since it is breakfast time. Haechan is lucky enough to get there earlier than the breakfast rush hour to find an empty small table near the corner. At least, the table is by the window (he likes to people watch).
Haechan's next class doesn't start until noon, so he has time to relax and study his notes, mostly out of spite (his friend Mark says he crams studying before an exam). His laptop, every inch of the back filled with random stickers, is spread out across his small round table, along with his textbooks full of stick notes and notebooks. It isn't that Haechan is a bad or inadequate student who doesn't take notes, he's just a professional procrastinator. While his eyes skim through his bullet-pointed notes, he feels the on-building regret of waking up 4 hours before his first class of the day just to study in the chatty and stuffed cafe.
Haechan debates on whether he should get up and stand in the lengthy line to wait for a large cup of caffeine. Although, his head unknowingly falling from his hand and almost hitting the table answers his question. To save his table, Haechan places his red backpack on his seat, making sure his valuables are hidden from prying hands (his computer closed and hidden under an opened textbook and his phone safely in his pocket).
Though the line is long, looping around the small range of the cafe, the employees work fast to cater to everyone's orders. In no time, Haechan reaches the front of the line.
In place of his friend, Mark, who is usually working behind the cashier in the mornings, stands a new face. A very attractive new face.
"Good morning! What would you like?" you ask, meeting the slightly wide-eyed Haechan. The friendly smile that spreads across your face causes Haechan's heart to speed up, losing track of how long he's been staring at you. Not wanting to come off as creepy, Haechan shakes his head away from the distractions that are you. His usual order (a large caramel latte with whipped cream and a cherry) is on the tip of his tongue, but he freezes before it leaves his mouth.
What if my usual order seems too childish? Haechan thinks mentally. He doesn't want you to think he's younger than he is, ordering the sugariest drink in the cafe, especially since the customers previously in front of him ordered dark coffees and shots of espressos. Remembering the order of the student before you, Haechan decides to change his order, just for today (hell, maybe he'll actually like it).
"A large - Americano," Haechan orders, dubiously. You press a few buttons on the screen attached to the cashier on the counter.
"For here or to go?"
"Okay, that'll be $4.79."
Haechan digs his pockets for his wallet, pulling out a five dollar bill. You ring up the bill before grabbing the exact change, holding it out with the receipt. Haechan involuntarily swallows while he grabs the change. As he comes into contact with your hands, his fingers feel like putty. He retracts fast, stuffing his hand into his front pocket to drop the change.
"Your drink will be with you in a moment," you inform him, then calling next. Haechan trudges back to his seat, thankfully still untouched. He removes his hand from his pocket, sure that it is melting on the spot.
Knock it out, you weirdo, Haechan hits the side of his head lightly. He looks down at his notes once more, trying to distract him from that fact that he's found his true love (Mark always says he's way too overdramatic, in which Haechan dramatically reacts by shoving him away).
His mind is filled with information about the British colonial system, when a beige plate with a matching large mug is placed next to his notebooks. Haechan looks up to quickly thank the waiter until he is lost for words once again. His eyes beeline to the cashier and standing behind the counter, taking orders, is Mark. Haechan's eyes return to yours, still as wide as ever.
"Hey, if you don't mind me asking, why did you order an Americano when you usually order a latte?" you wonder, carrying the metal plater to deliver the mug behind your back. Haechan's mouth becomes dry from holding it open for too long.
"Oh - erm - because I just wanted to...try something new, yeah," he answers after regaining his state. "Wait, how did you know?"
"I usually work behind the counter making drinks. But since it is so busy right now, we had to call in more workers, so today I'm a waitress."
"Then why were you behind the counter earlier?"
A faint blush paints the tips of your cheeks but you shift your head so your hair covers it as you peer to the ground. You toy with the platter behind your back, "Mark - he had to get something from the back...so I took over for a few orders."
Haechan isn't sure if you're telling the truth or not, since your voice is so quiet and the bustling cafe isn't helping. But he lets it slide, afraid that if he opens his mouth to interrogate, he might say something embarrassing or uncomfortable.
"Oh well thanks for the coffee," Haechan says instead, holding it up before bringing the rim to his parted lips. It's burning hot, no doubt, but the mixture of espresso and water with barely any milk to diffuse the bitterness causes Haechan's face to twist in a peculiar way. A laugh escapes from your mouth as you use your free hand to cover it (Haechan thought it was adorable). Before you walk back to the counter, Haechan catches a glimpse of your name tag, Y/N.
He'll be sure to remember that for next time.
And sure enough, he does. Haechan frequents the cafe you work at almost every day before and after his classes. He even goes as far as waking up hours before he usually sleeps until, to visit you. With his progressive visits, Haechan gets the chance to talk to you more, getting to know you little by little, and he grows fond of you.
[ Your POV ]
It's a Thursday evening, not many customers as it is the end of spring semester and everyone is home with family or out on vacation. The only people left in the cafe are students taking summer courses, trying to stock up on caffeine in order to finish up assignments and exams. You wipe the empty tables, getting rid of crumbles or coffee spills. Soon enough, the cafe empties out once the clock hits 10 PM, the students packing up and heading back to their dorms or such. You're now alone in the abandoned cafe, not even other employees are working since you're the only one that signed up for the night shift for tonight.
As you mindlessly clean around the shop, you wonder how Haechan is doing (he seems to be on your mind a lot recently). He visited earlier today, around noon, but there appeared to be something bothering him. When you took the seat in front of him and questioned why the long face, he would just brush it off, saying he had a bad day. Hopefully, that is untrue because today is a very special day. You hope that Haechan's mood has turned a full 180 and he's enjoying his day with his loved ones.
After clearing the round tables, you pull out the mop from the back room and drag it across the floor to clean any stains or dust. It's the routine for whoever works the night shifts, to clean up. Though, there are usually more people working to help out. But tonight, it's just you and the whirling of the coffee machines cleaning themselves. The ticking of the clock perched on the far wall continues, 10:52 PM, almost closing time.
You push the large tub of cleaning water and mop back into the break room before hanging up your beige apron. The sound of the opening entrance activates the bell, signaling that someone has entered the cafe.
"Sorry, we are closing in 5 minutes," you inform and turn around to let the customer out, but stop in your tracks as Haechan plops down in his usual seat. His expression is still gloomy, causing your heart to contort in an unpleasant fashion. "Haechan, what are you doing here?"
"A slice of vanilla cake, please," Haechan ignores your question, ordering the dessert with a gravelly and ruffled tone. He places his head on the table, chin resting on his folded arms.
"Cake? Don't you have cake at home?" you ask, but walk behind the counter to grab a slice from the display.
"I don't want to talk about it."
That seems like the go-to phrase of the day, with every question pertaining to his rainy mood, that is the response you are met with. With a sigh, you carefully transfer a slice of vanilla cake onto a plate and set it in front of Haechan. He grabs the small fork provided and just as he is about to dig in, you shout out for him to hold it. Confused, Haechan retreats his fork and watches as you scramble out of your seat in front of him to the counter once again. You dig around in the cubby under the counter where you keep your backpack, pulling out a box and grabbing some things from the drawers as well.
You shuffle back to him, holding the three items behind you back. Haechan raises an eyebrow, a question of 'what' about to spill out of his mouth. But before he can do so, you place the box on the table next to the slice of cake. Haechan's eyes switch from watching you to staring at the box in front of him. It's neatly enveloped in red and gold wrapping paper, a big golden bow taped on top.
"For me?" he asks, a finger pointed at his chest.
You roll your eyes teasingly, "No for the ghost behind you."
"Should I open it now?"
"Up to you."
Haechan reaches for the box, hand on the bow, but sets it down afterward. Your face drops, does he not like it? Is it too much to gift him something even if the two of you only met a few months ago? The beat of your heart matches you breathing, sporadic.
"Sorry, Y/N. Thank you so much for the gift. I really appreciate it. You're the only one who remembers," Haechan voices, though it's faint and full of gloom. He sets the box down, probably planning to open it later (you hope, that is).
"What? No way, I'm sure there's just a misunderstanding," you suggest, but the lack of response tells you to move on. Instead of prying further, you pull out the other two items from behind you. A package of used candles and a matchbox. Delicately, you stick a few of the small candles on the cake before taking a match to light them. Haechan follows you with full glassy eyes, he tries not to cry. You wave the match around to extinguish the fire.
"Happy birthday to you," you sing with a smile that illuminates brighter than the flames on the cake. "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Haechan...Happy birthday to you!"
You clap gingerly, not wanting to blow out the candles with your movements. A tear rolls down Haechan's eyes before he quickly reaches to wipe it away, acting as if nothing happened. He leans forward with his eye closed, cheeks puffed, about to blow out the candle when you lightly clamp a hand over his mouth.
"You have to make a wish first, silly!"
Haechan scoffs nonchalantly, but the tint of his cheeks give away his cool facade. He closes his eyes once you withdraw your hand. The warm tones of the fire bring out the rich caramel color of Haechan's skin. You think it's beautiful, giving compliments every time the sun rays beam in through the window to kiss his vibrant skin. His shaggy brown hair falls over his forehead, lightly brushing his eyelashes. He opens his eyes, the chocolate-colored orbs gleaming down to blow out the candles. Snapping out of your unexpected trance, you cheer and urge for Haechan to eat the cake or else his wish won't come true.
After Haechan finishes the cake, you clean up the dish and silverware, not wanting your boss to scold you for leaving dirty dishes in the sink before closing the shop. The older boy moves to pay for the cake but you reply that it's your treat. It's his 18th birthday after all, he can't pay for his own cake.
Haechan and you walk side by side back to the dorms in the windy but humid night once you closed up the cafe. The silence is peaceful but there is something off about it as well, it bugs you. Haechan acts normally, but it seems as if there is something in his head that's bothering him. He keeps spacing out (walking into the road when the red stop light is on, missing a turn, almost hitting a stop sign). You have asked what it is that's troubling Haechan today but he doesn't want to share. Yet, you still feel the urge to question it. On one hand, you don't want to upset the latter, especially on his birthday. But on the other, he is already upset and there is a possibility you can make it better.
"Haechan?" you beckon in a hushed tone, even though there is no one out in the street at 11 PM. He hums in response but keeps his eyes trained in front of him on nothing in particular.
"Can you please tell me what's wrong? Why are you so upset? You know it's better to talk about things than to keep them bottled up."
Haechan releases a sigh, head leaning back to gaze up at the night sky, "It's my birthday today."
You wait for him to continue, not knowing what to say as you already know this information. Hence, why you prepared a gift for him. After a lengthy silence, presuming that Haechan is contemplating on whether to let it all out or not, he finally continues.
"But no one remembered," he exhales into the air, "no one except you."
"I'm sure there's a reason behind it. Maybe they texted you but it didn't send, technology can't always be trusted. Or what if they tried to leave a voicemail but your inbox is full or the machine isn't working. Or they tried to send you a gift but it got lost in the mail," you propose, trying to lighten the burden on Haechan's shoulders.
"Y/N...," he begins, his face now staring at you instead of the dark sky, "thank you, really. Thank you for always being there for me. For being here with me. And for remembering my birthday. I really don't know how I deserve someone like you, who is so warmhearted and positive, in my life. But thank you."
"Of course, Haechan. I care about you," you declare tenderly. Haechan stops walking, his arm holding onto yours causing you to stop as well. His eyes glisten, though you don't know if it's from the stars in the sky or of tears. Even when the sun isn't out, his skin still radiates warmth and glow.
"I like you, Y/N," he says without further thought. You're taken aback by his confession and expression, for it's serious with his eyebrows slightly furrowed and his lips tight in a line. Opposite from his appearance, you can't help but smile, fully comprehending his words. High on the rush of happiness, you swing your arms around Haechan's neck, pulling the latter closer to your body. Up close, his face is even more flawless, his eyes large, his nose round, and his lips plump and glossy. Though, you can't let your temptation for a kiss overrule your consciousness, so you lean to the side and plant a short kiss on his rosy cheek.
Haechan's eyes somehow grow wider, but before you can pull away, your lips are locked with his as an arm snakes around your waist to enclose you in his frame. His lips are as puffy and buttery as you imagined, the kiss chaste and soft. You feel as if the stars in the sky have stopped moving, the planet has stopped rotating, and everything around you has come to a halt. A charge of electricity runs up your spine, warming up your body. You imagine this feeling only happens in fiction, having read it multiple times, but this new experience is one you never want to forget. Haechan breaks away to your displease, eyes still closed, but he doesn't move far as he rests his forehead on yours.
"Would you look at that, half of my wish has already come true," the words leaving Haechan's mouth like silk. You lean your head back to look at him in the eye.
"What's the other half?"
"Can't tell you."
"Oh right, or else it won't come true!"
"I don't think it will anyway, but I'm more than content with what I've got right now."
"Oh shush, you never know, the Universe works in mysterious ways."
You peer up at the sky, the stars shining a lot brighter than before. You wonder if this is what it's like to be in love (though you don't really know what true love is), with everything becoming brighter and clearer. Haechan locks his hand with yours and continues walking back to the University dormitories.
"Can you stay with me tonight? I need comfort, we can watch movies - and cuddle?" Haechan asks, swaying your laced hands back and forth.
"Of course!"
It doesn't take long before reaching the large building of dorm rooms. Both male and female students share the same building but are located on different floors. Though, the RA doesn't really care who goes into who's room as long as no one is dying. With your hands still enveloped in his bigger ones, he reaches into his pocket for his keys, fumbling around before unlocking the front door and revealing his dark empty dorm room. Once he closes and locks the door, the lights flash on with a collective scream of "Happy 18th Birthday Haechan!"
Haechan drops his keys as it flies around in the air. He whips about his feet, meeting face to face with his friends, a birthday banner being held up in the middle. One of the guys walks towards Haechan, putting a party coned hat on him, while Mark snaps a picture of Haechan's reaction with a Polaroid. Haechan's death tight grip on your hand finally loosens as tears threaten to breach.
The other half of his birthday wish has come true.
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Word Count: 829 
A/N: This is the second chapter of the 12 Days of Christmas challenge @like-a-bag-of-potatoes and @thing-you-do-with-that-thing created.  I will be posting a new chapter each day until Christmas. 
I tried to keep them all fluff and pretty short, so I hope you like it.  
Challenge Masterlist
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“I can’t believe you spend that much on a room.”  Sam told you as the three of you gathered your things from the impala. 
“The motel was full, Sam.  What did you want us to do?  It too cold to sleep in the car tonight, and I am soaked from that stupid ghost throwing me into the pool.”  You replied, brand new hostility in your voice at the thought of how the night had gone. 
After digging up the grave, salt and burning the lifeguard, almost getting caught by the cops, it still didn’t get rid of the ghost.  There had to be something he was attached to and the three of you still had to spend the night trying to figure out what.
When the local motel had said they were all booked, you demanded that Dean drive back to the bed/breakfast you had seen when you all first drove into town.  You knew it was a little fancier than they were used to, so you paid for it yourself.  You hadn’t intended on letting either of them see the bill, but Sam had snuck up behind you as you signed the credit card receipt.
“I didn’t mean it like that, Y/N.  I just feel bad.”  Sam told you.  You sighed, sorry that you had jumped down his throat.
“I’m sorry, Sam.  I just need a warm shower and dry clothes and I’ll be less grouchy.”  You said.  Sam grinned and followed you inside.
“At least the walls aren’t covered in flowers or cats or something.”  Dean said as he set down the bag he carried.  The walls were plain beige with two beds across the room from each other and a fold out couch in the center.  It had a big screen TV attached to the wall above a huge fireplace.  The bathroom to the left was bigger than most of the motel rooms the three of you usually stayed in.
“Guess this is what they meant by luxury suite.”  You said, amazed.  The two of them looked back and forth between each other before shouting dibs to claim one of the beds over the couch.  Dean lost that battle.
“That’s fine by me.”  He said.  “That couch is still got to be better than anything I expected for the night.”  He added.
“You can have my bed provided you guys let me have first dibs on that shower.”  You said and they laughed. 
“Shower’s all yours, sweetheart.  I’m not taking your bed though.”  Dean told you and you smiled, gratefully. 
“Go ahead, Y/N.  By the time you get done, there should be a good fire going out here to take the chill out of this room.”  Sam agreed.
“Thanks, guys.”
You stepped into the shower, letting the scalding hot water relax your aching muscles.  You stayed a little longer than normal, letting the water wash all the grunge from your skin and out of your hair, using the last of the strawberry scented shampoo you bought yourself for your birthday.  When you finally stepped out and slipped on the flannel pajama pants and t-shirt you had with you, you could hear their voices clearly bickering over something.  You sighed, rolling your eyes and stepped out into the room.
They were both squatted down in front of the fire place.  You snickered as you sat down on the couch, pulling your legs up underneath you.
“You are doing it wrong.”  Sam argued, trying to pull the log from Dean’s hands.
“I know how to build a fire Sammy.  I’ve built enough of them.”  Dean shot back at him, leaning the log carefully against the others.
“Dean, you’re not building a pyre.”  Sam mumbled, shaking his head.  “If you don’t let it breath, it won’t stay lit.”
“Let it breath?  Come on, Sam.  Just back off and let me do this.  I know what I’m doing.”
“Fine!”  He said, pulling back off of his heels and walking over to the couch.  He plopped down beside you, making a snarky remark you didn’t catch.  Dean glared at him before continuing his work.
“I swear, the two of you would argue about anything.”  You laughed, earning a sideways glance from Sam.  Dean rolled his eyes, but kept his back to you so you wouldn’t see it. 
“Ha!”  Dean suddenly exclaimed, making you jump a little.  “It’s lit.”  He added, standing up and looking at the two of you proudly.
“Thanks, Dean.”  You told him, trying not to laugh.
Dean grabbed his bag and walked off into the bathroom.  Sam waited until he heard the water running before he got up from the couch and walked over to the fire.  He put his finger to his lips to tell you to remain quiet and then he began rearranging the logs with the poker.
“And now, it will stay lit.”  He whispered to you when he was finished and you giggled, burying your face in a pillow to try and stay quiet.
Chapter 3:
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nathanielburgos · 4 years
33 Great Documents for Proving a Bona Fide Marriage on an I-751 Petition
When filing Form I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence, a conditional resident and spouse must provide evidence that they have a bona fide marriage. There are numerous documents that can used to establish that you entered a genuine marriage and deserve a 10-year green card.
Even if you are filing with a waiver to the joint filing requirement (due to a terminated marriage), you will need to prove that your marriage was genuine and not created to circumvent immigration laws. Thus, proving a bona fide marriage on an I-751 petition is extremely important to it’s success.
Proving a Bona Fide Marriage is Critical
Immigration law created the idea of conditional residence to prevent fraudulent or sham marriages. A sham marriage is when at least one of the parties of a marriage entered into the marriage for the purpose of circumventing immigration laws to falsely acquire immigration benefits. Fake marriages for the purposes of obtaining a green card can result in harsh penalties, including jail time and steep fines. A finding of fraud will also most likely eliminate the possibility of getting approved on future applications and have un-waivable immigration consequences far into the future. This law obligates U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to scrutinize your application for permanent residence with a period of conditional residence to make sure your relationship is everything you said it is.
The burden of proof is on the couple to establish their bona fide marriage. Smart couples start preparing for the I-751 petition as soon after marriage. If you or your spouse recently became a conditional resident through marriage, you can begin building your case.
A well-prepared I-751 package will help with proving a bona fide marriage and avoiding the I-751 interview.
RECOMMENDED: Tips for Avoiding the I-751 Interview After Conditional Residence
Warning Signs There Isn’t a Bona Fide Marriage
According to the Adjudicators Field Manual (AFM), Section 21.3, a guide used by USCIS officers to make determinations on immigration cases, there are several factors that could be warning signs of possible marriage fraud. Some of these factors include:
Large disparity of age;
Inability of petitioner and beneficiary to speak each other’s language;
Vast difference in cultural and ethnic background;
Family and/or friends unaware of the marriage;
Marriage arranged by a third party;
Marriage contracted immediately following the beneficiary’s apprehension or receipt of notification to depart the United States;
Discrepancies in statements on questions for which a husband and wife should have common knowledge;
No cohabitation since marriage (although there can be valid reasons);
Beneficiary is a friend of the family;
Petitioner filed previous petitions in behalf of aliens, especially alien spouses.
These factors alone do not mean that you don’t have a bona fide marriage. But if one of the above criteria applies to you, you should expect additional scrutiny and more questions from USCIS. For example, a large disparity in age is not a reason to deny your petition. But it is reason for USCIS to look for solid proof that you have a bona fide marriage.
Another example would be living separately from your spouse. Certain employment, particular military service, is a reasonable explanation for not living together in the same home. This can make it more difficult to prove a bona fide marriage.
Documents Used to Prove a Bona Fide Marriage
A marriage certificate proves the legality of a marriage, but it doesn’t prove that the marriage is genuine for the purposes of removing the conditions on residence. USCIS wants to confirm that both parties entered the marriage in “good faith” and not for the purpose of circumventing immigration laws. When filing Form I-751, you must also submit copies of as many documents as you can to establish this fact and to demonstrate the circumstances of the relationship from the date of marriage to the present date. The documents can include but are not be limited to the following examples:
Evidence of Cohabitation
Generally, a married couple will live together. Although cohabitation is not always the case, it’s an indicator and good evidence to establish the couple has a bona fide marriage. The following are examples of acceptable documents you may use as evidence of cohabitation:
Deed to property showing both names
Mortgage or loan documents showing both names
Lease agreement showing both names
Driver’s licenses or IDs showing the same address
Bank statements showing the same address
Voided or cancelled checks showing the same address
Utility bills showing the same address (electricity, water, gas, trash, cable, internet, cell phone, etc.)
Property insurance agreements, statements, or cards showing the same address
Health and life insurance statements showing the same address
Correspondence from friends, family, or businesses showing the same address
Affidavits from friends, family, neighbors, and landlords attesting to cohabitation (see section on affidavits)
Evidence of Raising Children Together
Proof of a child born into the marriage is compelling evidence of a genuine marital relationship. But it’s not necessary that you had children born into the marriage or have any children at all. Adopted or step-children raised in the household may also help establish the bona fide marriage. The following are examples of acceptable documents you may use as evidence of raising children together:
Birth certificates showing both spouses as parents
Adoption certificates showing both spouses as parents
Evidence of a relationship with children or step-children (photos, vacation itineraries, school records, affidavits from friends, family, and teachers)
Medical records evidencing an ongoing pregnancy
Evidence showing the non-related parent as an emergency contact for a step-child on school records, doctor’s records, etc.
Evidence of Commingling of Finances
Married couples will generally combine financial resources. This commingling of finances is strong evidence of your good faith marriage. Even if you prefer to keep your finances separate, you may have some evidence of commingling that you may not realize. The following are examples of acceptable documents you may use as evidence of commingling of finances:
Bank statements for joint checking, savings, and credit card accounts
Voided and cancelled checks for joint accounts
Statements for joint loans or loans where one spouse is a co-signor for the other spouse
Copies of bank statements from separate accounts and cancelled checks showing that you share jointly in your financial responsibilities and big purchases (for example, if each spouse pays half of rent from a separate account or if each spouse paid one half toward the purchase of a car)
Joint health, life, property, and auto insurance agreements, statements, and cards
Utility bills showing both names (electricity, water, gas, trash, cable, internet, cell phone, etc.)
Tax returns filed as married showing both names
Documents showing joint ownership of real property, cars, or investments
Life insurance policies, wills, and trusts, designating your spouse as a beneficiary
Evidence of Intimacy
In most cases, couples filing Form I-751 are new to marriage. They’re in the “honeymoon phase” and are probably enjoying life experiences together. There are probably plenty records to demonstrate this. The following are examples of acceptable documents you may use as evidence of intimacy:
Photos from the couple’s wedding, honeymoon, vacations, family dinners, holidays, etc. (Recommendation: List the names of any other individuals in the photos as well as the approximate date and location.)
Travel itineraries and hotel bookings from joint vacations or trips
Photos from joint vacations or trips, particularly trips abroad to visit family members
Tickets to events you both attended or plan to attend
Receipts for any gifts you have purchased for each other
Cards from friends and family congratulating you on your wedding, anniversary, or other joint life events
Evidence that each spouse has met or communicated with the other spouse’s parents and relatives such as photos, letters, cards, or emails
Phone and text message records showing that you and your spouse communicate on a regular basis
Social media records such as screen shots of Facebook pages, posts and Twitter messages that show you spending life events together
Consider asking your friends, family, neighbors, and employers to attest to the genuineness of your marriage. Affidavits help to support other types of evidence listed above. You may supply affidavits sworn to or affirmed by people who have known both of you since your conditional residence was granted and have personal knowledge of your marriage and relationship. (Such persons may be required to testify before an immigration officer as to the information contained in the affidavit.) You must submit the original affidavit, and it must contain the following information regarding the person making the affidavit: his or her full name and address; date and place of birth; relationship to you or your spouse; and details explaining how the person acquired his or her knowledge.
RECOMMENDED: How to Write an I-751 Affidavit Letter of Support
Although we’ve listed numerous examples of evidence to prove that you and your spouse have a bona fide marriage, don’t limit yourself to the above documents. Include any other documents that you consider relevant to establish that your marriage was not entered for the purpose of evading U.S. immigration laws. When collecting your own documents, think about the activities and obligations that a typical married couple will experience. If you can provide evidence of these life events experienced together, you help to build your case of a good faith marriage and a successful I-751 petition. Likewise, this list is not a guarantee that your case will be approved.
Generally, the more evidence that you can produce from these different categories, the better. Your goal is to get the I-751 petition approved and become a lawful permanent resident with a 10-year green card. But in the short-term, it’s preferable to avoid the I-751 interview.
Prepare Form I-751 to Remove Conditions on Residence
Proving a bona fide marriage starts well before you are required to file Form I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence. Once the conditional permanent resident is within 90 days of the green card expiring, he or she must file Form I-751. (If filing with a hardship waiver, there is more flexibility as to when Form I-751 should be filed.) Once approved, this petition will provide the foreign national with a 10-year permanent resident card (green card).
Petitioners may download Form -751 and filing instructions from USCIS.gov and prepare on their own. Or they can use CitizenPath to prepare the petition. CitizenPath provides simple, affordable, step-by-step guidance through Form I-751. Individuals, attorneys and non-profits use the service on desktop or mobile device to prepare immigration forms accurately, avoiding costly delays. CitizenPath allows users to try the service for free and provides a 100% money-back guarantee that USCIS will approve the application or petition. Get started on Form I-751.
Note to Reader: This post was originally published on November 22, 2016, and has been modified with improvements.
Source: USCIS
  The post 33 Great Documents for Proving a Bona Fide Marriage on an I-751 Petition appeared first on CitizenPath.
33 Great Documents for Proving a Bona Fide Marriage on an I-751 Petition published first on https://ordergcmsnotescanada.tumblr.com/
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atakportal · 6 years
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racketnews · 7 years
Cold War 2.0: US sanctions on Russia based on zero evidence of ‘meddled’ ‘hacked’ election (undefined terms), lies to cover regime change in Syria, ongoing fear/distraction from expanding illegal US rogue state empire
*hyperlinks/videos live at source* “The near unanimous votes for the sanctions legislation in Congress represent the strong will of the American people to see Russia take steps to improve relations with the United States. We hope that there will be cooperation between our two countries on major global issues and these sanctions will no longer be necessary.” ~ Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, representing the US as purely virtuous Six minutes of CNN propagandizing “election meddling,” and further regime changes with Representative Will Hurd. Hurd worked for the CIA over 9 years as an undercover spy; that is, embedded to professionally lie for political purposes: 36 minutes of CrossTalk discussing “Cold War 2.0” from US claims without evidence of Russian “election hacking” and distraction from US illegal “regime changes”: Essential context: When Americans are told an election is defined by touching a computer screen without a countable receipt that can be verified, they are being told a criminal lie to allow election fraud. This is self-evident, but Princeton, Stanford, and the President of the American Statistical Association are among the leaders pointing to the obvious (and here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here). Again, no professional would/can argue an election is legitimate when there is nothing for anyone to count. The facts show Bernie Sanders won the Democratic Primary election, and claims by Democratic "leadership" of Russian election "meddling" are without factual documentation. US military now illegally occupy eight bases in Syria (and here), with escalating bombing of Syria and Iraq of over 4,000 bombs/month and over 84,000 since 2014. The US acknowledges ~500 civilian deaths from these bombs, with independent count of ~750 in just in June 2017. Among dozens of independent writers, I’ve documented that all “reasons” for wars on Iran, Syria, and Russia are easily proved lies (recently, here, here, here, and going back to 2005), with US Department of illegal Wars of Aggression (so-called “Defense”) claiming to have “lost” $65,000 for every US household. The US is a literal rogue state empire led by neocolonial looting liars. The history is uncontested and taught to anyone taking comprehensive courses. If anyone has any refutations of this professional academic factual claim for any of this easy-to-read and documented content, please provide it. Rogue state empire is the most accurate term to describe the US for the following reasons: People around the world view the US as the greatest threat to peace; voted three times more dangerous than any other country. The data confirm this conclusion: Since WW2, Earth has had 248 armed conflicts. The US started 201 of them. These US-started armed attacks have killed ~30 million and counting; 90% of these deaths are innocent children, the elderly and ordinary working civilian women and men. The US has war-murdered more than Hitler’s Nazis. The total deaths caused by rogue state empire for resource control (natural and human) in the last 20 years is ~400 million, more than all total wars and violence in all recorded Earth history. US ongoing lie-started and Orwellian-illegal Wars of Aggression require all US military and government to refuse all war orders because there are no lawful orders for obviously unlawful wars. Officers are required to arrest those who issue obviously unlawful orders. And again, those of us working for this area of justice are aware of zero attempts to refute this with, “War law states (a, b, c), so the wars are legal because (d, e, f).” All we receive is easy-to-reveal bullshit. The destruction of nearly all rights lawfully guaranteed in the US Bill of Rights within the US Constitution, and in Orwellian inversion of limited government. Corporate media are criminally complicit through constant lies of omission and commission to "cover" all these crimes. Historic tragic-comic empire is only possible through such straight-face lying, making our Emperor's New Clothes analogy perfectly chosen. The top three benefits each of monetary reform and public banking total ~$1,000,000 for the average American household, and would be received nearly instantly. Please read that twice and imagine the connection between having a rogue state empire to enrich an oligarchy combined with internal financial manipulation to maximize those parasitical riches. Now look to verify for yourself. Iran has never threatened to "wipe Israel off the map" and only has IAEA-verified legal energy and medicine programs with nuclear materials. Trump and corporate media continues and escalates easily-verified lies to threaten more illegal war on Iran. Israel engages in lie-started and illegal War of Aggression on Gaza; ironically the largest concentration camp in world history. This is also easy to verify. Breaking history for a future brighter than we can imagine: .01% arrests for OBVIOUS crimes centered in lie-started illegal Wars of Aggression, looting, constant lying Given the prima facie evidence, it's unreasonable for Americans to "hope for change" from Donald Trump's "leadership." We the People must demand .01% arrests or continue to serve as minions and work animals to rogue state empire. Until .01% arrests prove real leadership to stop ongoing slaughter of millions of human beings, harm to billions, and looting of trillions, it is only reasonable for Americans to embrace the evidence only lightly summarized in this article to conclude ongoing illegal .01% empire under a new "teleprompter reader-in-chief," lying psychopathic puppet, oligarchic tool on the Right hand of one vicious imperial political body. The categories of crime include: Wars of Aggression (the worst crime a nation can commit). Likely treason for lying to US military, ordering unlawful attack and invasions of foreign lands, and causing thousands of US military deaths. Crimes Against Humanity for ongoing intentional policy of poverty that’s killed over 400 million human beings just since 1995 (~75% children; more deaths than from all wars in Earth’s recorded history). US military, law enforcement, and all with Oaths to support and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, face an endgame choice: Demand arrests, with those with lawful authority to enact it. An arrest is the lawful action to stop apparent crimes, with the most serious crimes documented here meaning the most serious need for arrests. Watch the US escalate its rogue state crimes that annually kill millions, harm billions, and loot trillions. In just 90 seconds, former US Marine Ken O’Keefe powerfully states how you may choose to voice “very obvious solutions”: arrest the criminal leaders (video starts at 20:51, then finishes this episode of Cross Talk): 3-minute video: Police, Military – Was your Oath sincere? ** Note: I make all factual assertions as a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, Economics, and History, with all economics factual claims receiving zero refutation since I began writing in 2008 among Advanced Placement Macroeconomics teachers on our discussion board, public audiences of these articles, and international conferences. I invite readers to empower their civic voices with the strongest comprehensive facts most important to building a brighter future. I challenge professionals, academics, and citizens to add their voices for the benefit of all Earth’s inhabitants. ** Carl Herman is a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, Economics, and History; also credentialed in Mathematics. He worked with both US political parties over 18 years and two UN Summits with the citizen’s lobby, RESULTS, for US domestic and foreign policy to end poverty. He can be reached at [email protected] Note: Examiner.com has blocked public access to my articles on their site (and from other whistleblowers), so some links in my previous work are blocked. If you’d like to search for those articles other sites may have republished, use words from the article title within the blocked link. Or, go to http://archive.org/web/, paste the expired link into the box, click “Browse history,” then click onto the screenshots of that page for each time it was screen-shot and uploaded to webarchive. I’ll update as “hobby time” allows; including my earliest work from 2009 to 2011 (blocked author pages: here, here). http://dlvr.it/Pb39Jh
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nathanielburgos · 5 years
Prove a Good Faith Marriage When Filing I-751
When filing Form I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence, a conditional permanent resident (and spouse when filing jointly) must document their good faith marriage.
Even if you are filing with a waiver for the joint filing requirement (rather than jointly with your spouse), you will need to prove that your marriage was genuine and not created to circumvent immigration laws.
If you or your spouse recently became a conditional permanent resident through marriage, now is the time to begin documenting your life together. Don’t wait until it is time to file Form I-751 to prove you have a good faith marriage.
What is a Good Faith Marriage
USCIS wants to make sure a marriage was entered for love, not for the sole purpose of obtaining a green card. A good faith marriage is one that is built on love and is entered with the intention of building a life together. USCIS can’t know what happens inside the privacy of your home. Therefore, USCIS will try to interpret the true intention of the marriage when reviewing your Form I-751 petition and supporting documentation.
A fraudulent or sham marriage, on the other hand, is when at least one of the parties of a marriage entered into the marriage for the purpose of circumventing immigration laws to falsely acquire immigration benefits.
Why Proving a Good Faith Marriage is Important
The burden of proving a bona fide, good faith marriage is on the petitioners. As the petitioners, it’s up to you to submit evidence of your mutual intent to establish a life together at the time of the marriage. There are severe consequences if USCIS determines that the marriage was entered into for the purposes of circumventing immigration laws. A finding of fraud will most likely bar the approval of subsequent petitions and have un-waivable immigration consequences far into the future.
Red Flags There Isn’t a Good Faith Marriage
According to the Adjudicators Field Manual (AFM), Section 21.3, a guide used by USCIS officers to make determinations on immigration cases, there are several factors that could flag a case for possible marriage fraud. Some of these factors include:
Large disparity of age;
Inability of petitioner and beneficiary to speak each other’s language;
Vast difference in cultural and ethnic background;
Family and/or friends unaware of the marriage;
Marriage arranged by a third party;
Marriage contracted immediately following the beneficiary’s apprehension or receipt of notification to depart the United States;
Discrepancies in statements on questions for which a husband and wife should have common knowledge;
No cohabitation since marriage (although there can be valid reasons);
Beneficiary is a friend of the family;
Petitioner has filed previous petitions in behalf of aliens, especially prior alien spouses.
Documents to Prove Good Faith Marriage
A marriage certificate proves the legality of a marriage, but it doesn’t prove that the marriage is genuine for the purposes of starting a life together. USCIS wants to confirm that the marriage was entered in “good faith” and was not for the purpose of circumventing immigration laws. When filing Form I-751, you will also be asked to submit copies of as many documents as you can to establish this fact and to demonstrate the circumstances of the relationship from the date of marriage to the present date. The documents can include but are not be limited to the following examples:
Engagement & Wedding There are opportunities to document your relationship as early as the engagement. If you had a newspaper announcement for your engagement, include a copy. You may also document any of your wedding-related expenses. Examples of vendor receipts may include: reception hall (or restaurant), clergyman, caterers, florist, photographer/videographer, tuxedo rental, or the band/DJ. The receipt should name the couple being married. You might also include a copy of the wedding invitation.
Child(ren) Born to the Marriage Submit photocopies of birth certificates for any children born to the marriage. Having children is not a requirement for having a valid marriage, but it is good evidence that a couple has started a life together and has intentions of staying together.
Joint Ownership/Occupancy of a Home or Other Real Estate If you own property together, make copies of the deed showing both owners’ names. Other relevant real estate documents may include the closing papers, purchase contract, mortgage agreement, mortgage account statements, property tax bills.
If you lease a home (or other property) together, the central document to include is the lease agreement. Prepare copies of the lease agreement that shows the names of both the conditional permanent resident and the spouse.
Even if you do not own property together, it is helpful to demonstrate that the home is jointly occupied. The lease agreement may hold one person financially responsible but indicate both individuals as tenants.
Other relevant documents to demonstrate that you are living together may include: utility bills (gas, electric, telephone, water, cable TV, internet, etc.), homeowner association (HOA) bills and repair records.
Financial records Any documents showing that you have purchased things together (e.g., car, appliances, furniture, etc.), taken out a loan together or share equity in an account is useful. Examples may include: joint savings and checking accounts with transaction history, joint credit card statements, joint Federal and State tax returns, title of car showing joint ownership and other joint loans.
Insurance If you have (or had) joint insurance policies that show the other spouse as the beneficiary, provide the copies of these records. All types of insurance are applicable: health, dental, disability, auto, life, home, and renter’s insurance. Examples may include the account opening records (e.g., application, quote, and enrollment form), policy, and bills/account statements. If you have many statements for the same policy/account, take a sampling of about 10 records that cover the longest period possible. (For example, use the first statement that husband/wife are named together and include the most recent.)
Travel Records If you have traveled together as a couple, provide evidence with travel records. Travel records are helpful to demonstrate that you vacation together and are especially useful if you traveled to the other spouse’s home to meet and spend time with family. Examples of travel records may include: airplane, train, rental car, or bus tickets, reservations, and boarding passes; hotel reservations and bills; and passports.
Affidavits from Friends Affidavits help to support other types of evidence listed above. You may supply affidavits sworn to or affirmed by people who have known both of you since your conditional residence was granted and have personal knowledge of your marriage and relationship. (Such persons may be required to testify before an immigration officer as to the information contained in the affidavit.) The original affidavit must be submitted and also contain the following information regarding the person making the affidavit: his or her full name and address; date and place of birth; relationship to you or your spouse; and details explaining how the person acquired his or her knowledge. For more information, read How to Write an I-751 Affidavit Letter of Support.
Photographs You may submit 10-20 photographs of the married couple together. Examples could include wedding photos, traveling, special events with family and friends, etc. (You should also hand write the place, names and dates on the back of photos.) Remember, the photos become more compelling evidence if they establish that you spend your lives together by attending family functions and socializing with community (e.g. religious, friends, schools, etc.).
Social Media Even social media can help you document your good faith marriage. After all, social media includes snippets of your life together, particular major life events. Demonstrating the couple’s participation in events together and interaction with a community of friends and family is especially helpful in establishing your good faith marriage. Examples may include: screen shots of Facebook pages, posts and Twitter messages.
All of the evidence above is made more effective if it starts when the couple met and documents up to the present time. But don’t limit yourself to the above documents. Include any other documents that you consider relevant to establish that your marriage was not entered for the purpose of evading U.S. immigration laws. When collecting your own documents, think about the activities and obligations that a typical married couple will experience. If you can provide evidence of these life events experienced together, you help to build your case of a good faith marriage.
Prepare Form I-751 to Remove Conditions on Residence
As you can see, proving a good faith marriage starts well before you are required to file Form I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence. Once the conditional permanent resident is within 90 days of the green card expiring, he or she must file Form I-751. (If filing with a hardship waiver, there is more flexibility as to when Form I-751 should be filed.) Once approved, this petition will provide the foreign national with a 10-year permanent resident card (green card).
The average person does not require the expertise of an immigration attorney when filing to remove the conditions on a green card. However, anybody with a criminal history and/or immigration violations, should consult with an attorney before filing the Form I-751 petition. Likewise, anyone that will not be filing Form I-751 jointly with the spouse should also utilize an attorney for the best results.
About CitizenPath
CitizenPath provides simple, affordable, step-by-step guidance through USCIS immigration applications. Individuals, attorneys and non-profits use the service on desktop or mobile device to prepare immigration forms accurately, avoiding costly delays. CitizenPath allows users to try the service for free and provides a 100% money-back guarantee that USCIS will accept the application or petition. We provide support for the Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence (Form I-751), Green Card Renewal (Form I-90), the Citizenship Application (Form N-400), and several other USCIS forms.
Note to Reader: This post was originally published on December 22, 2015, and has been modified with improvements.
Source: USCIS
   The post Prove a Good Faith Marriage When Filing I-751 appeared first on CitizenPath.
Prove a Good Faith Marriage When Filing I-751 published first on https://ordergcmsnotescanada.tumblr.com/
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atakportal · 6 years
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atakportal · 6 years
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Did you know that more than 7 million people work from home using the internet.
Mom’s are staying home with their kids and setting their own hours working at the computer, filling out surveys for different companies.
Teenagers are finding a great way to make money working on the computer taking paid surveys.
Many people have built a business around participating in paid survey sites, and make a good living at it!
You do not need to be away from your children and family to make money on the internet. Set your own hours, be your own boss, and take care of your home and family at the same time.
The high cost of child care and the rising gas prices have sent most of us looking for an alternative way to make money and keep it. This is an easy way for you to achieve your goals without stepping foot out the door.
Here is a screen shot of earnings from my Paypal account:
This ebook has everything you need to get starting and running a home business participating in online paid surveys.
Businesses are waiting to hear what consumers like you think about new and yet to be released products and services. They value your opinion so that they can gauge the popularity of their product before they spend a dime on manufacturing and marketing.
Join the ranks of stay at home workers who have found the secret to making good money on the internet.
This ebook has over 450 paid online survey companies that really want your honest opinion. You will find the listing worth a great deal more than the price asked for this fount of information.
1) Work whenever you want, early morning, after lunch, after dinner, even 3:00 in the morning. It’s up to you!
2) Just go online, pick the surveys you want to answer, and start getting paid.
3) When you order today, you will have instant access to over 450 of the guaranteed highest paying survey opportunities.
… and it doesn’t matter where you live, or who you are – you can do it too. We have shown thousands of people all over the world, in over 70 different countries, how to get paid for their opinions.
Receive the following benefits…
What customers are saying…
This is one of the easiest programs I’ve ever been involved in. It’s so easy to earn cash. Thank you so much for taking the time and putting all of this together for us.”
Olivia HardyElkmont, AL
Your ebook is great! It helped me make the extra money I needed to paid my bills. I seen other sites that charge a membership, I brought your ebook and was able to get the list in a few minutes.”
“Get Paid To Take Surveys Online”
After signing up with each of the companies in your ebook, I started to get paid to take surveys online immediately! Thank you,”
Alexa EdwardsSan Francisco, CA
Click Here to Grab Your Risk-FREE Copy Now
The secret to making real money by taking surveys you must join as many companies as possible.
We have partnered with the best paid survey businesses online and off, providing you with opportunities, resources, and ongoing support you just won’t find anywhere else.
There is no limit on how many surveys you can take and no limit on how much cash you can make!
The point is that online surveys are a great way to add to your monthly income and they take so little time. Take online survey from the comfort of your home and supplement your salary.
Work from home, set your own hours and get paid cash. Taking online surveys is so easy and requires very little time.
Do Something Good For Yourself And Start Taking Surveys Today!
This is what most of the surveys you fill out will look like…
Click Here To View Sample
Survey invitations will be sent to e-mail. You’ll receive survey invitations like this one:
The more market research companies you join the more money you’ll earn. This directory is constantly growing.
And new market research companies that conduct online surveys and focus groups are added regularly and we’ll send you FREE lifetime updates.
Not only do you receive payment from our survey partners, but you will be provided with everything you need to work from home and to achieve whatever level of financial fredom you desire!
Best of all, you get paid to do it.
YES Jay! Give Me Instant Access To 450 Paid Surveys!
Click Here To Read Our FAQ
This ebook holds more than mere information, it is a guide to help you make a good profit from participating in paid online surveys.
Why spend a fortune on other paid survey products when you can get ours for a much better price!
Here’s How To Order To Right Now!
Click here for an instant download of this material. Once your credit card is approved, you will be taken to a special download page where you will have instant access to the ebook.
INSTANT ACCESSPurchase Online with a Credit Card by Secure Server
( Order online safely and securely. All orders processed and secured by Clickbank — You’re
100% protected from unauthorized payments with 24/7 monitoring to prevent fraud.
Click the button above, fill in your details, and download the directory!)
*60 Day No Hassles Money Back Guarantee Included*
Remember what I told you about starting a business of your own and making a living taking paid surveys?
With a full 60 days to try out the material you have nothing to lose.
Hit the button below. The current discount will end shortly…
Get “Paid Online Surveys” tips, simply enter your information below:
Contact | FAQ | Affiliates | Sample Survey | Disclaimer
For more information about the different opportunities we offer CLICK HERE
Our Partner Site:Weight Loss Made Easy
* Results vary with every individual, and your results may or may not be different from those depicted. No promises, guarantees or warranties, whether stated or implied, have been made that you will produce any specific result, income or sales as a result of purchasing/subscribing. Your efforts are individual and unique, and may vary from those shown. Your success depends on your efforts, desire, background and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee you will earn any money.
I understand Coca Cola, Nike, Starbucks, Walmart, Target, McDonald, and Best Buy sare registered trademarks of those organizations and although a Online Survey Processor may utilize these organizations programs to mutual benefit in no way shall a Online Survey Processor represent themselves as an employee or partner of said of the aforementioned organizations because a Online Survey Processor understands they are completely independent contractors responsible for their own business and legal decisions.
All Material Copyright © 2010new Date().getFullYear()>2010&&document.write(” – “+new Date().getFullYear()); LegitPaidOnlineSurveys.com
Click here to get LegitPaidOnlineSurveys.com – Getting Paid for Online Surveys! at discounted price while it’s still available…
All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. LegitPaidOnlineSurveys.com – Getting Paid for Online Surveys! is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
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LegitPaidOnlineSurveys.com - Getting Paid for Online Surveys!
New Post has been published on https://www.uberbuyer.com/2018/06/21/legitpaidonlinesurveys-com-getting-paid-for-online-surveys/
LegitPaidOnlineSurveys.com - Getting Paid for Online Surveys!
Product Name: LegitPaidOnlineSurveys.com – Getting Paid for Online Surveys!
Click here to get LegitPaidOnlineSurveys.com – Getting Paid for Online Surveys! at discounted price while it’s still available…
All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. LegitPaidOnlineSurveys.com – Getting Paid for Online Surveys! is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
1000’s of Big Companies Are Ready To Pay For Your Opinion!
I know what you’re thinking, ‘Oh great, another get rich quick scheme’.
This is your guide to making money from home by participating in paid surveys on the internet!
You WILL NOT get rich in a hurry, but you will make a good deal of cash if you read this ebook and check out the companies I have listed.
I will provide you with over 450 paid surveys, focus groups, and market research companies.
Did you know that more than 7 million people work from home using the internet.
Mom’s are staying home with their kids and setting their own hours working at the computer, filling out surveys for different companies.
Teenagers are finding a great way to make money working on the computer taking paid surveys.
Many people have built a business around participating in paid survey sites, and make a good living at it!
You do not need to be away from your children and family to make money on the internet. Set your own hours, be your own boss, and take care of your home and family at the same time.
The high cost of child care and the rising gas prices have sent most of us looking for an alternative way to make money and keep it. This is an easy way for you to achieve your goals without stepping foot out the door.
Here is a screen shot of earnings from my Paypal account:
This ebook has everything you need to get starting and running a home business participating in online paid surveys.
Businesses are waiting to hear what consumers like you think about new and yet to be released products and services. They value your opinion so that they can gauge the popularity of their product before they spend a dime on manufacturing and marketing.
Join the ranks of stay at home workers who have found the secret to making good money on the internet.
This ebook has over 450 paid online survey companies that really want your honest opinion. You will find the listing worth a great deal more than the price asked for this fount of information.
1) Work whenever you want, early morning, after lunch, after dinner, even 3:00 in the morning. It’s up to you!
2) Just go online, pick the surveys you want to answer, and start getting paid.
3) When you order today, you will have instant access to over 450 of the guaranteed highest paying survey opportunities.
… and it doesn’t matter where you live, or who you are – you can do it too. We have shown thousands of people all over the world, in over 70 different countries, how to get paid for their opinions.
Receive the following benefits…
What customers are saying…
This is one of the easiest programs I’ve ever been involved in. It’s so easy to earn cash. Thank you so much for taking the time and putting all of this together for us.”
Olivia HardyElkmont, AL
Your ebook is great! It helped me make the extra money I needed to paid my bills. I seen other sites that charge a membership, I brought your ebook and was able to get the list in a few minutes.”
“Get Paid To Take Surveys Online”
After signing up with each of the companies in your ebook, I started to get paid to take surveys online immediately! Thank you,”
Alexa EdwardsSan Francisco, CA
Click Here to Grab Your Risk-FREE Copy Now
The secret to making real money by taking surveys you must join as many companies as possible.
We have partnered with the best paid survey businesses online and off, providing you with opportunities, resources, and ongoing support you just won’t find anywhere else.
There is no limit on how many surveys you can take and no limit on how much cash you can make!
The point is that online surveys are a great way to add to your monthly income and they take so little time. Take online survey from the comfort of your home and supplement your salary.
Work from home, set your own hours and get paid cash. Taking online surveys is so easy and requires very little time.
Do Something Good For Yourself And Start Taking Surveys Today!
This is what most of the surveys you fill out will look like…
Click Here To View Sample
Survey invitations will be sent to e-mail. You’ll receive survey invitations like this one:
The more market research companies you join the more money you’ll earn. This directory is constantly growing.
And new market research companies that conduct online surveys and focus groups are added regularly and we’ll send you FREE lifetime updates.
Not only do you receive payment from our survey partners, but you will be provided with everything you need to work from home and to achieve whatever level of financial fredom you desire!
Best of all, you get paid to do it.
YES Jay! Give Me Instant Access To 450 Paid Surveys!
Click Here To Read Our FAQ
This ebook holds more than mere information, it is a guide to help you make a good profit from participating in paid online surveys.
Why spend a fortune on other paid survey products when you can get ours for a much better price!
Here’s How To Order To Right Now!
Click here for an instant download of this material. Once your credit card is approved, you will be taken to a special download page where you will have instant access to the ebook.
INSTANT ACCESSPurchase Online with a Credit Card by Secure Server
( Order online safely and securely. All orders processed and secured by Clickbank — You’re
100% protected from unauthorized payments with 24/7 monitoring to prevent fraud.
Click the button above, fill in your details, and download the directory!)
*60 Day No Hassles Money Back Guarantee Included*
Remember what I told you about starting a business of your own and making a living taking paid surveys?
With a full 60 days to try out the material you have nothing to lose.
Hit the button below. The current discount will end shortly…
Get “Paid Online Surveys” tips, simply enter your information below:
Contact | FAQ | Affiliates | Sample Survey | Disclaimer
For more information about the different opportunities we offer CLICK HERE
Our Partner Site:Weight Loss Made Easy
* Results vary with every individual, and your results may or may not be different from those depicted. No promises, guarantees or warranties, whether stated or implied, have been made that you will produce any specific result, income or sales as a result of purchasing/subscribing. Your efforts are individual and unique, and may vary from those shown. Your success depends on your efforts, desire, background and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee you will earn any money.
I understand Coca Cola, Nike, Starbucks, Walmart, Target, McDonald, and Best Buy sare registered trademarks of those organizations and although a Online Survey Processor may utilize these organizations programs to mutual benefit in no way shall a Online Survey Processor represent themselves as an employee or partner of said of the aforementioned organizations because a Online Survey Processor understands they are completely independent contractors responsible for their own business and legal decisions.
All Material Copyright © 2010new Date().getFullYear()>2010&&document.write(” – “+new Date().getFullYear()); LegitPaidOnlineSurveys.com
Click here to get LegitPaidOnlineSurveys.com – Getting Paid for Online Surveys! at discounted price while it’s still available…
All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. LegitPaidOnlineSurveys.com – Getting Paid for Online Surveys! is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
0 notes
LegitPaidOnlineSurveys.com - Getting Paid for Online Surveys!
New Post has been published on https://www.uberbuyer.com/2018/06/21/legitpaidonlinesurveys-com-getting-paid-for-online-surveys/
LegitPaidOnlineSurveys.com - Getting Paid for Online Surveys!
Product Name: LegitPaidOnlineSurveys.com – Getting Paid for Online Surveys!
Click here to get LegitPaidOnlineSurveys.com – Getting Paid for Online Surveys! at discounted price while it’s still available…
All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. LegitPaidOnlineSurveys.com – Getting Paid for Online Surveys! is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
1000’s of Big Companies Are Ready To Pay For Your Opinion!
I know what you’re thinking, ‘Oh great, another get rich quick scheme’.
This is your guide to making money from home by participating in paid surveys on the internet!
You WILL NOT get rich in a hurry, but you will make a good deal of cash if you read this ebook and check out the companies I have listed.
I will provide you with over 450 paid surveys, focus groups, and market research companies.
Did you know that more than 7 million people work from home using the internet.
Mom’s are staying home with their kids and setting their own hours working at the computer, filling out surveys for different companies.
Teenagers are finding a great way to make money working on the computer taking paid surveys.
Many people have built a business around participating in paid survey sites, and make a good living at it!
You do not need to be away from your children and family to make money on the internet. Set your own hours, be your own boss, and take care of your home and family at the same time.
The high cost of child care and the rising gas prices have sent most of us looking for an alternative way to make money and keep it. This is an easy way for you to achieve your goals without stepping foot out the door.
Here is a screen shot of earnings from my Paypal account:
This ebook has everything you need to get starting and running a home business participating in online paid surveys.
Businesses are waiting to hear what consumers like you think about new and yet to be released products and services. They value your opinion so that they can gauge the popularity of their product before they spend a dime on manufacturing and marketing.
Join the ranks of stay at home workers who have found the secret to making good money on the internet.
This ebook has over 450 paid online survey companies that really want your honest opinion. You will find the listing worth a great deal more than the price asked for this fount of information.
1) Work whenever you want, early morning, after lunch, after dinner, even 3:00 in the morning. It’s up to you!
2) Just go online, pick the surveys you want to answer, and start getting paid.
3) When you order today, you will have instant access to over 450 of the guaranteed highest paying survey opportunities.
… and it doesn’t matter where you live, or who you are – you can do it too. We have shown thousands of people all over the world, in over 70 different countries, how to get paid for their opinions.
Receive the following benefits…
What customers are saying…
This is one of the easiest programs I’ve ever been involved in. It’s so easy to earn cash. Thank you so much for taking the time and putting all of this together for us.”
Olivia HardyElkmont, AL
Your ebook is great! It helped me make the extra money I needed to paid my bills. I seen other sites that charge a membership, I brought your ebook and was able to get the list in a few minutes.”
“Get Paid To Take Surveys Online”
After signing up with each of the companies in your ebook, I started to get paid to take surveys online immediately! Thank you,”
Alexa EdwardsSan Francisco, CA
Click Here to Grab Your Risk-FREE Copy Now
The secret to making real money by taking surveys you must join as many companies as possible.
We have partnered with the best paid survey businesses online and off, providing you with opportunities, resources, and ongoing support you just won’t find anywhere else.
There is no limit on how many surveys you can take and no limit on how much cash you can make!
The point is that online surveys are a great way to add to your monthly income and they take so little time. Take online survey from the comfort of your home and supplement your salary.
Work from home, set your own hours and get paid cash. Taking online surveys is so easy and requires very little time.
Do Something Good For Yourself And Start Taking Surveys Today!
This is what most of the surveys you fill out will look like…
Click Here To View Sample
Survey invitations will be sent to e-mail. You’ll receive survey invitations like this one:
The more market research companies you join the more money you’ll earn. This directory is constantly growing.
And new market research companies that conduct online surveys and focus groups are added regularly and we’ll send you FREE lifetime updates.
Not only do you receive payment from our survey partners, but you will be provided with everything you need to work from home and to achieve whatever level of financial fredom you desire!
Best of all, you get paid to do it.
YES Jay! Give Me Instant Access To 450 Paid Surveys!
Click Here To Read Our FAQ
This ebook holds more than mere information, it is a guide to help you make a good profit from participating in paid online surveys.
Why spend a fortune on other paid survey products when you can get ours for a much better price!
Here’s How To Order To Right Now!
Click here for an instant download of this material. Once your credit card is approved, you will be taken to a special download page where you will have instant access to the ebook.
INSTANT ACCESSPurchase Online with a Credit Card by Secure Server
( Order online safely and securely. All orders processed and secured by Clickbank — You’re
100% protected from unauthorized payments with 24/7 monitoring to prevent fraud.
Click the button above, fill in your details, and download the directory!)
*60 Day No Hassles Money Back Guarantee Included*
Remember what I told you about starting a business of your own and making a living taking paid surveys?
With a full 60 days to try out the material you have nothing to lose.
Hit the button below. The current discount will end shortly…
Get “Paid Online Surveys” tips, simply enter your information below:
Contact | FAQ | Affiliates | Sample Survey | Disclaimer
For more information about the different opportunities we offer CLICK HERE
Our Partner Site:Weight Loss Made Easy
* Results vary with every individual, and your results may or may not be different from those depicted. No promises, guarantees or warranties, whether stated or implied, have been made that you will produce any specific result, income or sales as a result of purchasing/subscribing. Your efforts are individual and unique, and may vary from those shown. Your success depends on your efforts, desire, background and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee you will earn any money.
I understand Coca Cola, Nike, Starbucks, Walmart, Target, McDonald, and Best Buy sare registered trademarks of those organizations and although a Online Survey Processor may utilize these organizations programs to mutual benefit in no way shall a Online Survey Processor represent themselves as an employee or partner of said of the aforementioned organizations because a Online Survey Processor understands they are completely independent contractors responsible for their own business and legal decisions.
All Material Copyright © 2010new Date().getFullYear()>2010&&document.write(” – “+new Date().getFullYear()); LegitPaidOnlineSurveys.com
Click here to get LegitPaidOnlineSurveys.com – Getting Paid for Online Surveys! at discounted price while it’s still available…
All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. LegitPaidOnlineSurveys.com – Getting Paid for Online Surveys! is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
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