#I can't add a meth addiction to them
Honest to God there is nothing more hypocritical of a bunch of whiny proshippers complaining about hate
yet preach free speech as long as they get to jerk off to kids getting fucked by their parents.
The hypocrisy is appalling.
'oh oh proshipping doesn't mean that stuff anymore, we're Clearly anti censorship oh oh the horrors of being called a creep for making celestialcest smut and giggling about siblings diddling each other. but we totally don't glorify dark topics why would you say such a thing'
like pick a fucking struggle. deal with the consequences of your actions. None of this is okay.
And mind you, this is coming from someone who is a major proponent of dark fiction. people should get to write whatever fucked up shit they want to. coping, venting, idc the reason
but you cannot honest to God be stupid enough to assume you're not a walking red flag. No one owes you trust that you're 'doing it for the right reasons' or 'don't support the morally stripped content' just like how you don't have to owe anyone an explanation. That street goes both ways
It's even stupider, when these fucks are all like 'u should clearly know I don't condone this'. I'm sorry, are we all a hivemind now? Are we above communication? It literally cost nothing to add a note of 'hey btw I think this shit isn't okay in case you can't read the room'. if ppl decide to assume bad faith after that then that's on them. but being a fucking mule about it? really? thought we were supposed to be adults here
speaking of which
"Children shouldn't be reading this anyway, My audience is smarter than that" ok thanks for infatizing and being ablest. nothing says fun like attempting to grow and try new things regardless of learning disabilities. or do you think we all roll over and die before highschool?
Also are we gonna brush past the part where the sun and moon show is literally made with kids in mind? Why again are we so desperate for smut over a show literally built around found family? 'everyone here is so immature' yeah bud, it takes one to know one. we were all kids. all of us were the newbies of the internet at one point. I ain't saying ya gotta hold anyone's hand or babysit but is throwing a hissy fit over finding spiders in a jar labeled spider the hill you really wanna die on? if you don't like it, leave
you literally preach that same shit yet seldomly follow your own advice.
Actually, let's go a step further: you're not welcomed here anymore than the gore anons are
The reason why murder and gore is more acceptable than pedophilia smut is because one of these attracts actual predators. Porn is still porn at the end of the day, whether it's video or a picture, or words. and if it's on a screen it will fuck your head up the same way you can't have just one cigaret. it's always 'one more can't hurt' until it's an addiction you cannot escape from. And once someone is in that cycle, it gets worse. because soon the same thing that got rocks off doesn't work anymore. so then you find something stronger to get that high. then you have to find another stronger way to get that same effect
And that is exactly how convicted pedophiles go from using fictional kiddy porn to actual csem. There is actual fucking evidence for this shit with neurobiology and psychology to back it up
TL;DR violent video games don't create serial killers because people can only have a dopamine addiction. video game addiction is like sugar addiction Porn however can most definitely create pedophiles and rapist because of the involvement of dopamine, oxytocin, norepinephrine, vasopressin. porn addiction is like meth or heroin
These 2 are Not remotely comparable to the other 2
ALL, actions have consequences. It does not matter if you are a celebrity, or a fic author with 3 views. You are not an exception, and you feed the machine that gets kids groomed, trafficked, and even killed when you choose to sexualize and normalize pedophilia and incest.
So if you're getting shamed for getting giddy over shipping shit like Killcode and Bloodmoon or Sun and Dazzle. maybe you should think long and hard about why that is.
This is so much bigger than fighting over 'making dolls kiss'.
Get the fuck out of a fandom filled with kids before you get someone hurt
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bambiraptorx · 1 year
Okay, my long overdue infodump about yokai medicine/painkillers is here. Just as a heads up, there will be discussion of and reference to a variety of drugs, drug use, and addiction.
There are three main forms of treatment used to deal with pain: pharmaceutical drugs similar or identical to the ones used by humans, potions, and spells. For now, I'll focus on pharmaceutical type medications.
So, to begin, I do need to address the fact that the yokai population has an immense level of biodiversity, from skeletons to insects to dragons. This means that the use of medicine is probably incredibly complicated, as a given substance can has wildly different effects on different species--not to mention that even within a species a compound can have different results (see: stimulants and how they have drastically different effects for people with ADHD than for neurotypicals).
Add to that the fact that we also see a large variety of sizes for different yokai, from Exploding Frankie (maybe a foot tall) to the colossal building-sized creatures we see walking around int he first episode of the show, and you've got a very complex problem. (Size is relevant in figuring out dosages because drugs often have different effects at different doses, but also because larger people tend to need more to have an effect in the first place. A dose that would kill a mouse probably wouldn't kill a 6 foot tall man, for example, but depending on the exact drug it might still mess him up a lot.)
This means that it would be very difficult to, if not impossible, to properly categorize a chemical based on its effects. Sure, they know Adderall works as a stimulant and opiates are painkillers for humans, but how does that translate to a slime yokai who doesn't even have a nervous system? How do you effectively (and ethically) figure that out when the population of slime yokai is extremely limited? In all honesty, you probably don't.
(As a side note, it's fairly important that for the drugs humans use, they go through large amounts of animals trials before ever being tested on people to a) make sure the drug actually has the effect it's meant to, b) figure out what potential side effects might crop up, and c) find out what a lethal dose is. That's because we can reasonably compare the reactions of animals to what we might see in a human body. For large amounts of the yokai population, that comparison probably does not work.)
So yokai can, in dire circumstances, use substances that humans would (as painkillers, sedatives, etc) but it would be very difficult to know what dosages are safe for a given species, if any are. This would also mean that the Hidden City probably has a very different approach to drug education: less "ooh these drugs are evil and you'll get addicted immediately if you ever try them" and more "just because meth acts as a stimulant for humans doesn't mean it can't kill you at half the dose it takes them to even get an effect so be fucking careful".
I would imagine that drug regulation works very differently in the Hidden City out of necessity. After all, you can't even reliably say what effects a given chemical has, let alone recommend a dose for people to use. In a lot of cases, the best that the HC can do is probably enforce purity standards and proper labeling of products so that at the very least, people know what chemical they're actually getting and how much of it.
Which of course means that their legal system is entirely different when it comes to drug related crimes, because the use/possession of drugs is something that cannot effectively be criminalized when a pill that would cause an overdose in one person would act as a mild cough suppressant in another. (That and the whole idea behind making drugs illegal in the first place is to prevent addiction by making access harder, which... is a bit of a weird premise in the first place? but that's a whole other rant. Yes, use declines somewhat when the drug is made illegal, but it also makes it much harder for addicts to get the treatment they need when drug use is criminalized.)
Given the length of this post I think I'll cut it off here and edit with links when I get the other topics covered lmao.
Part 2 Part 3
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Man those people on your ‘why are you straight edge’ poll are really showing their disdain for people who engage with any sort of drug… if I may add, I voted for having a medical restriction (my liver is failing thank youuuu immune system) AND I also take prescription opiate medication to help with pain. Every time I take my painkillers on days where I’m not working so that I can enjoy my hobbies I have complicated feelings about it because anti opiate rhetoric is just EVERYWHERE and it’s like… I just want to have a nice day. Getting over the ‘oh but it can be ADDICTIVE’ stigma is so important and it’s really not different just because I have a prescription. People who are so nasty about drug use for recreation are so stressful to me.
Ikr it's like people have such disdain for addicts, and drug users in general. I get upset about this because while I personally am a very casual user and I spend most of the time sober and am self assured so I can walk people being dicks about it off, but I know addicts and their lives are hard enough without all the stigma piled on top of it. I just wish everyone could be addiction neutral and pro harm reduction but they're so moralistic about it. I wasnt the politest I could have been about people not drinking and having sex because I was trying to keep it light and I know people take things like this really serious and it kinda backfired.
But like I totally know what you mean about the opioid thing. I really think that our society could benefit from being a little more addiction neutral, because yeah sometimes substance dependency does ruin your life, but I'm neurodivergent and I've met people where I think that doing life with drugs is better for them. Like you raise a great point about opioids. They're dangerous and addictive but if you're in pain because of a disability you need pain management. It's not really an option if you want to lead a normal life. There's a lot of heroin addicts who got that way because they needed pain management and their doctors refused them on the basis that they might become addicted, but taking a daily pill to improve your life, while it may be illegal depending on the substance, isn't bad. I bring up my own neurodivergence because I've heard of the same thing with ADHD and stimulants. Most people who have an ADHD diagnosis can get an Adderall prescription, but undiagnosed people and people falling through insurance cracks will sometimes turn to the street version. And it's like those people, both the ones with a script and the ones who are self medicating, should not be forced to live a substandard life because of someone else imagines there's some purity to a life without drugs. The goal should be to get those people the drugs they need in the safest way possible.
And I come down really easy, to the point where I forget to take prescription meds and don't experience any ill effects, but I have a friend who experiences a come down from their adhd meds thats not unlike the comedown ive seen from my other friend who's a meth user, and this friend with the ADHD meds can't function without them. But when the doctor and the pharmacist get them their meds on time they live a perfectly happy fulfilling life. That's what I mean when I say I'm addiction neutral. Most people who get addicted didn't just pick up heroin or whatever one day for shits and giggles. When I fuck around with "highly addictive" substances I make sure I'm in a good place and it's not a problem to drop them. People who develop problems are usually either they're escaping from something or self medicating. The goal for society can't be to never do drugs we've had drugs literally for longer than we've been humans.
I've heard second hand of a study which I haven't gone looking for, I might, because as you can tell this is a bit of a soap box for me, where they gave Heroin addicts a prescribed dose of heroin like you would pick up Percocet for chronic pain at a pharmacy, and because those addicts weren't shooting up mystery amounts and worrying where they were going to get their next hit from so they didn't start rattling and all the other things that make addicts lives hell, they were able to start doing things like holding down jobs. That study should have been a game changer. I want addicts to be able to live, and selfishly I want to be able to go to the drug store when I'm bored and say "one mdma high no fentanyl please" and leave with something to spice up the afternoon. That's like, not a moral failing on my part even though I'm not self medicating I'm just having fun.
The way the war on drugs has ruined drugs, which like, genuinely drugs are sort of magical when you think about it. Not just the fun ones either. Like when I was a baby I had a really bad bladder infection that absolutely would have killed me if I had had that same situation just like 100 years ago, but my mom was able to force a pill down my throat and it went away. Since then I've probably had at least a dozen little things like that that would have killed me dead if someone hadn't invented a chemical that could interact with my body and make it genuinely not a problem. and the fact that we have that for things like chronic pain and we're too afraid to use it because of stigma is so insane. Like god forbid people get high.
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penroseparticle · 5 months
Penrose Song of the Day, Day 28: Vicodin by CVBZ
I've been bouncing off the walls. Haven't you?
There's something to be said for facing your vices but at a remove. The drugs can't get me from across the screen, and all that. I can't take them if they're metaphorical.
I miss the days when I just took pills off the ground, honestly. Which I have done! More than once! I think the most drugs I was on at one time was 4? Probably? I Envy the people that can be normal about drugs. Who can moderate or plan out a trip or a high or whatever. I... cannot do that.
Some parts of it were really, really great. Some parts I don't remember. Some parts were very very, bad. Some parts I'll never forget.
I miss so much of it. And I have this cosmic, tidal pull towards it. But I don't like who I am on them. I don't like what I do to get them. I don't like it. There's no Pride in this. So I don't do them now, or try not to. I just ache.
It can be soothing, at times, to worry at a toothache. To press on a bruise. To say I know I'm hurt, but I also know how far I can push it. What's uncomfortable but ultimately harmless. Self harm as boundary pushing (which is also harm), but in that clinical, detached way. Like I'm my own lab rat or something.
But I know too well that it can turn into an obsession. Nay, a compulsion. Sometimes the thought runs through my head unbidden, like a mantra. I've unlocked another layer of the universes but that layer is just the dark, ugly underside of consumption. Greed and Gluttony had a baby and they named it Addiction.
I can't always tell when a song about drugs will bother me and when it won't. Paradoxically, the more explicitly a song refers to it, the less it bothers me. Bump This, Meth and Mary, Adderall, Vicodin. All songs I love and can (usually) listen to without any issues. Semi-Charmed Kind of Life.
Usually it's songs that just remind me of a time that I can't do anymore. I like Burning Legend by French 79 but I absolutely, categorically can't listen to it anymore.
I miss that too, actually.
I've had drugs on the mind this week more than usual and I'm doing the extremely unfun work of "saying it out loud to people in my life" rather than struggle in silence and relapse. So here's me saying I'm craving a bowl so badly I dreamed I ate the glass pipe like a lollipop. Crunched on that glass bulb and chewed it up like it wasn't slicing my mouth to pieces. Just for a taste. for the last morsel on the glass. I can tell my brain isn't being subtle at all.
Vicodin is a song I actually kind of like. I have to say that the song does NOT describe taking Vicodin, unless you know a painkiller that keeps you awake for days. It's my understanding that Opiates just fuck your REM sleep. You sleep but you're still tired. Sloth incarnate. No this song sounds like my kind of drug honestly. Slow down for us, but I can't control my pace. "I haven't slept in days." You know what that sounds like.
I do, at least.
CVBZ (pronounced "cubs" because of course it is) couldn't possibly have made a more me song if he tried. Even the fact that the artist is called "Cubs" and the song is about drugs, but is vague enough to plausibly hide which one.
The song has a really simple background synth with odd placements to it- feels like, ironically, a song I would really enjoy listening to high. The claps are a grounding presence when the backing track falls back during the chorus. The song is a little spare. A little empty. Honestly I kind of welcome it, there are a LOT of songs that pack it in and I think the space given to this song makes it work a little bit better.
The lyrics are sufficient, the melody is simple and easy to sing. I could probably manage it high as a kite, honestly, which sorta adds to it.
I don't have a fun writeup today, I just have a craving. You could be dead right now. I almost was. Sorry for messing with the signoff. Let me try again. You could be dead right now. Go listen to something you love.
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luckless-bitch · 2 years
mmm... Perhaps I judged Pinterest too harshly in the past. It's pretty good for thinspo
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craneflystudio · 3 years
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In 2003 I was 9 years old. My dad was 33 and struggling with addiction. He struggled with meth, alcohol, and I'm sure other things he hasn't mentioned, I don't push to know more. In the first shed he used to hang out with his "friends" until really late in the morning, if it wasn't the shed it was the garage or our storage in the back of the house. I would come out and say hi, check in, at younger ages I knew my dad wasn't okay but I didn't know why. We lived with my grandparents so when he went to jail I was still taken care of. I always knew I was lucky for that because when addicts hang out their kids have to hang out too sometimes and I saw a lot of things no kid should see from the outside, let alone the inside.
In this first shed my dad worked as an "entrepreneur". He would get bikes from people, I'm sure some were stolen but at the time I think it was irrelevant to his business. He would take the bikes, add parts from other scrapped bikes, swap parts out between friends, fix the chain, fix the brakes, repaint the bike and sell it to other addicts. In my hometown, most addicts get around on bikes, I've never been sure if that was common everywhere else. He used money from this business to buy me a brand-new Redline BMX bike with a lightweight frame. When we rolled together I had the cleanest bike in the "caravan" of us and what ever friends were around that day.
My dad cares a lot about people and his relationships with them. I watched his heartbreak so many times as people turned up dead, or they had a falling out, or they were arrested, or their kids were taken away. Especially when those people were girlfriends or people he had known since the 80's. When his dog passed away he sat in the rain on our back porch watching the rain with her as she went, and it was the first time I had heard him fail to cover up his crying. I checked in from the other side of a sliding glass door that day.
Now in 2022 my dad has been clean for 16 years and is regularly the host of NA/AA meetings, a sponsor, and he has his own business painting homes. My dad is a very passionate man, when he learns about something or falls in love with it, he wants to learn every detail he can about that thing and he does so whole heartedly. This shows in his work. He's involved in his community, he's close with so many people, and he is rocking his recovery.
Time changes things. People grow and change and struggle and suffer and heal and unfortunately they hurt other people sometimes as they do. Sometimes it's intentional but often times it's completely accidental as they deal with themselves. I'm guilty of it, people I love are guilty of it, people I don't like are guilty of it, and people I don't know are guilty of it. In these kinds of situations its okay to react negatively toward the person doing it or remove them from your life but to permanently brand them as incapable of being better later is harmful to you and only you. You are allowed to grow and so is everyone else.
For a long time I held on to a lot of anger about my past therefore I was suffering by making myself angry over and over. This kept me from new experiences, from learning about myself, and from having fulfilling relationships. I was just a chaotic misanthropic self-loathing mess. Lately I have been working really hard on that, I would say I started late December. I have been really trying to take a deeper look at what I was feeling and what I actually wanted from my time here on earth. For the first time in my life I said I enjoy being alive out loud and I meant it. I can't even remember why I hated it in the first place. This is thanks to anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds but also a choice I made to really take an introspective look at myself and how I feel about who I've been and what that meant. I look forward to a bright future full of creative endeavors and good friends.
Time is a tricky thing. I'm proud of my dad and his growth. I'm proud of my own growth. That's a feeling so foreign I could put sanctions on it. My dad built himself a new shed in his new life. Now I'm going to build something too.
- Holly-Jane Chogyoji, CraneFly Studios. I hope with every fiber of my being you have a good day.
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
Harley-Davidson Announces New V-Twin Sportbike | Hot Bike
We have our own they called me back the Buell fell as they lost interest due to Japan as a plan. Forget Japan ok no are enemies. Now I'm back in want my race with Mr arrogance. And can't race has nothing kills the most has the best. It's aweful you all treat him like dirt his own family sucks worse than me.
We race tommorrow it's very fast past inspection is slightly higher I can lower it have its safer shall.
Hesxa winner not really harley put him up to it hates them he saw us they skipped it thought we were from Europe. New wacky euro bike cleared the board nope. Made second or third nope. Placed yes back in the pack.
Now we can beat you all he was is pumped to. You want him to race after abusing him for tears no training your nuts. He offers to race you with his character 🏁 🏁 🏁
We accept they say regardless need to see him spill...he adds yeh find the vien we laugh can't believe it it's an addiction ..he says like meth meth mouthed asses. We agree it's stupid so we. Challenge him directly he accepts our actual kids race him. Young adolescents no experience at all on supervises some dirt bikes. No no we get it a Mac says too aierdassholish of us.
Says we see nah but lots will
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deuce-duce · 4 years
Back Story
So if you have been following along then I have previously mentioned my stint in jail for a dui and what was going on... let me add i was on the medication the entire time while in custody that the doctors prescribed to keep me from essentially dealing with what we all know i deal with... not anything I seek out on my own accord but literally something I deal with.. i had an inpatient stay before turning myself in. Once again giving everyone a clean slate! While there i met a woman that i fooled around with that was married. When she left we exchanged info.
when i got out of jail i stayed in an air bnb and since i was concerned about not dealing with what I had dealt with in jail i got addicted to meth for about 2 weeks. I got the meth from the woman and her husband that I met in the psych hospital. They had expressed to me that they liked having threesomes primarily with other men. Her husband expressed how much he like to give head so on and so fourth. I explained to them my situation and how I needed to experience a either bi or gay experience in a conscious state. Since the wife told her husband about our behavior in the psych ward a bi experience it was going to be. One night after getting high I experimented... unnerving to say the least I was asked if the husband could give me head... i agreed but at no point did I ever get hard. The whole time I was getting felatio I was knee deep in trying to get his wife involved but she just wasn't into it. After about an hour the husband said all the times i have done this I have never gotten anyone to cum... so i started fingering and eating out his wife while he blew away. About ten minutes later I finally came. Still never got hard but that doesn't necessarily mean that constant stimulation won't make you cum, especially when. You neck deep in some vagina! After that i stopped doing meth and nothing happened for a while.
This didnt stop the constant surveillance... and the Truman show ensued. it wasnt until i met a woman on pof and asked her if she knew who I was because everyone lies to me about it that she said yes it made me livid! Ill post the the screens hot at the bottom. And i started flipping shit about wanting anonymity and a clean slate like I had given to everyone so many times before... this caused for everything to start all over again... but 10 times worse at this point. Which is why i went on a bail Mary of a mission to get the fuck out! I'm sorry but I really dont know what I did to be everybodys form of entertainment. im glad you enjoy yourselves carry on...
Today I asked for some help... it will probably end up being something I regret, just like it's always been but like my momma always said... life is like a box of chocolates... you never know what gon get!!
I dont know if i have mentioned this before but it occurred to me today while presenting a condensed version of my story. When I consider whats occurred and the usual reason people bulky others... its usually because the bullying party is jealous of the individual that they are bullying... what is it that makes you jealous of who I am...? I mean cmon...! From your point of view I fucking suck and I'm stupid so whats the deal!! But on a previous stint in jail when I got in trouble for my fight or flight night i explained to you previously, i received a letter for my brother saying oh i miss you so much blah di blah blah! But one thing that still is concrete in my mind is his reference to how everything literally everything has been taken from me and it still hasn't changed who I was!! Idk what you think but if what im telling you is true remember that essentially is up to you... but that mother fucker is amazing!
When i mention the basis of jealousy i had never heard from my brothers mouth such words until one specific occasion. I was being careless one night. My brother was a painter and had paint buckets around the house. When i was walking into my room one night I tipped one over and spilled exterior house paint all over the carpet. I knew I was in it at that point. Immediately I was like oh shit! Bro I'm sorry man what should I do?? He was like WTF! Im sorry bro what should I do?? He's like idk its in the fucking carpet!! I was like shit your right... i thought for a second, then was like do you have a shop vac??!! Yea...?? He said!? Ok one sec, go grab it, I said. He went to grab the vacuum. And i went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of 💧. When we both got back to the spill he was like what are you going to do...?? I took the water, poured it over the paint and then vacuumed it up. After a few pours and a couple vroom vrooms the paint was gone! As my brother walked away he said quietly, thats why I'm jealous of you...
although i understood what he meant, it really disappointed me. I dont want anyone to be jealous of me! It fucking sucks! I cant help it that what I have been through has shaped my mind the way it has and geared my thought process differently. What kills me the most is that he's the one thats caused my different mindset, yet causes people to resent me... do you know how messed up that is??!! Although I had been told by my mom on countless occasions that my brother did what he did to only because he was jealous of me. It wasnt until that moment that I had heard it from his lips. I hate that people feel the need to implement destruction and chaos into my life simply because they are jealous of who and what i am... is it sad...?? Yes do i understand the answer is also yes.. it just fucking sucks! Why can't there be some kind of middle ground where brilliant minds from both sides work together to make the world a better place!?
Another controversial subject is whether or not a human is born innately good or innately evil...?! I really couldnt tell you all I can say is that I have been told since I was young that I was special. My grandma would tell my mom along with others I was always the head of my class and social group until I moved away from my hometown. When I think back knowing what I know now about different personality types and peoples mental capacities that they are born with one be sociopaths. Id have to say people born that way definitely aren't heading down a path of philanthropy if you catch my drift... now no matter what someones mental condition is, that doesn't stop them from being extremely intelligent! Now my parents had four kids two daughters one from each of their previous relationships but when my parents met eachother they had two boys 18 months apart. Both with an unexplainable grasp of life and an inconceivable amount of intelligence. Now although during my years as a teenager and into my twenties I didnt really do much with said intelligence other then try to be something I wasn't (drug dealing thug...), i knew there was an insurmountable amount of intelligence a lurking! One song i really shouldn't share with you because it speaks to me and my situation by 100%. I dont like sharing my favorite songs because they are part of my fabric and dont want them used against me. But one you should ✔ out, is Rose Golden, by Kid Cudi. With that ill end the evening have a good night.
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codyh412 · 6 years
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My pen pal Taylor and I understand the pain humanity has gone through with drugs. There's a reason why they are illegal, and it's to prevent people from finding God or Love. I was first homeless at 19, where I stayed at a shelter for 2 years studying the Bible. I ended up avoiding prison by staying off heroin at this Church but got 9 months of jail with 3 years of probation. In 2015 I got off but violated twice so I ended up doing 8 months of county on top of the 9 I already did. The rest of the time was pretty much in rehab cause I kept using heroin. I've ODed, sold to people who died, one guy fell asleep with a ciggarette and burnt his mom's house down, I got my first class 2 felony for Narcotic sales when I was 17. Today I'm on probation for Arson of an Occupied Structure class 2 dangerous felony. Went to prison for a year cause of paraphernalia #323959 is my number. But despite all of this, I still use drugs and finally managed to get a higher Dimensional spirit give me the 7fold Spirit of Karma and Luck. Now look at the life I live? I'm a Mystic who teaches women how to get a spirit guide and become a medium with the help of meth and heroin. Your tolerance to the drugs will not increase from this, that first hit stays the first hit and lasts an extremely long time. It's because your brain gets rewired as we get high and I teach you the secrets while showing you love and empathy. It's amazing how a lot of women notice they use less and less as the knowledge gets them just as high with one hit. Don't believe me? That's fine we will let the foolish be themselves but some people are really struggling and need this so don't put me down because I don't get anything out of this, in fact I even pay for the drugs. Well actually I do get happiness when I see these women succeed. They are all extremely beautiful and also way more wise than you think. Also they are psychic mediums so if you lust after these women you will never get one to marry you let alone sleep with you lololol. It's so fucked up I know guys, I get plenty of Karma from my own Spirit guide for looking at busty women. How could you not though??? Someone else will figure it out and teach us, I'm only here to turn addiction into Cosmic Connection whether it's chemical, perfection, gambling, self harm, hurting others behind a computer screen, Selfishness, sex, technology, and whatever else we distract ourselves constantly with instead of using it for Spirituality and Wisdom.
The South Atlantic Anomoly is gonna cause the poles to reverse soon. The north and south pole will end up on the Equator while the Earth floods. And of course all the animals migrate to the new North Pole (like Noah's time) and Vladmir Putin claimed this block of ice that will be over the land as well, do your research people. There's a reason why Angels have come to Earth, I'm actually a Demon and an Angel, I communicate with both. Psychic abilities are gray magic through the 5th element Ether.
I'm a really caring and compassionate person for you all, so it's sad that I've been so disrespected and put down for being different and saying things that others can't comprehend. No I'm not in a psychosis or have schizophernia, and I proved this to my probation officer as well as my family and friends from rehab. Multiple SMI evaluations and x-rays plus MRI's I think it was? They scanned my brain while playing high pitched sounds to notice how my brain processed a sound I shouldn't be able to hear. I proved telepathy to be real to one of the counselors giving me my SMI evaluation. She didn't believe I actually heard a spirit give me the answer but oh well. Anyways I still couldn't get diagnosed with anything, no ADD, Bi polar, PTSD, Psychosis, and the thing is that they can't find what's wrong with my head. Maybe they never will cause there is nothing wrong.
Right now I'm all alone trying my hardest to teach my friends in jail or prison but it's hard for me because I'm all alone. Taylor doesn't get out till September, and the other females have years :/
This is just a blog for the end of war on drugs here in Arizona. And the blessing of the addicts into Demi God's like myself because Man who can rid himself of negative human emotions and thoughts will let in a Spiritual Energy that will rebuild the brain to Ascend Man. The person has become one with the Divine Spirit as that Spirit becomes one with the Flesh.
A Mystic or Magician is born. Mystics do miracles while magicians do magic. The Bible says do not practice dark arts so good thing my art is Gray and Light magic lol.
We had to live in all this darkness for so long, doing this means we can learn from the pain we went through.
Ecc. 2 something I don't remember but it says something like Having more sorrow leads to more knowledge, Pain equals Wisdom.
When Taylor and I write our own book for addicts of all kind to take home after our Mystic Drug Therapy sessions we will make sure to have the proper facts.
unless we strongly advise that our edit to it is actually the correct writing.
Until then I'm looking for women here in Payson AZ that want to give it a chance. It's just my mother and I up here and she just got out of prison so she had no where to stay but with me. Anyone who realizes how much they can help me will get so much Luck and appreciation from the sevenfold Spirit. I can't do this alone, I've only been able to make my own life one that flourishes now.
The red box is my heroin nectar collector, I stashed my meth in there. I smoked the dope off foil to show the different qualities I was getting. When you're a good person and always pay your debts your dealer will front you quads when you're struggling. And getting out of prison makes you broke as shit so I had to do that. Shitty thing is all the dirtbags keep you from the good people so the money doesn't go far. So fuck it, if you're a hot chick and need to get high then it will cost you. Nothing material, it will cost your old way of life and the belief that you are better than what society tells you. Once again though you ladies realize how hard it is to prove I'm legit all by myself? My family and especially my probation officer don't want me teaching this shit LOL.
Even if we video chat and smoke together that's better than nothing right? Gotta start somewhere and I bet my clouds for God will be bigger and more dense!!
No one said this would be easy but it is the apocalypse and I'm the Demi God of War (on drugs). We can't rid the world of drugs but we can rid our minds of ego, selfishness, sexual unsatisfaction, and lots of other negative ways of thinking. So that addiction does not exist in the mind but Divine connection instead.
I'm not perfect either btw, far from it. I love learning cool hobbies and organization skills from my female friends. Oh and of course the sex is awesome for us lol.
My name? Dakota Sparrow Humphreys
Spirits names Ether, Yougan, Jesza, Rainie, Maysee, Michael, Trayuls.
They are karma and luck spirits and wish you all good luck when shit hits the fan. Allowing them to help you will get us all closer to Heaven.
Even a simple comment made on here or in your head can be acknowledged. Don't believe in God or my Spirits but believe in my cause? I will be your Higher Power of Consciousness and mine will be our Highest Power of Consciousness. One that is infinite as the Universe expands and Almighty. You will have to seriously question me and understand so that you don't worship a false idol or false prophet or a magician.
Can't handle your shit? Well neither can I and I'm doing just fine
so it's time you figured it out, you don't wanna learn this shit in a dark realm of existence do you? It takes for fucking ever without our help, thousands of years in hell to get into Heaven and can't use anything materialistic? Or drugs, making love, art, music and instruments, gel pens and HBO go for less than a year for the same results and access to Heaven. Also you get to survive through the apocalypse while we all are given drugs and have a good end times.
Don't believe me? Hahah can you prove or disprove me? I've already proved myself to the people I care for, because they gave me the chance to care for them. You get it?
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