#I can't survive off of lets plays like I'm 12 again
tigertime22 · 2 years
Well make one.
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Everlark (Catching Fire, Ch. 15-16)
(finnick and johanna are in the building. i repeat, finnick and johanna are in the building!)
katniss likes her men medium handsome. she likes to find the beauty in the ordinary things. so of course finnick is of no interest to her whereas peeta...
katniss mocking finnick to peeta is hilarious
"because you have a weakness for beautiful things and i don't" "having an eye for beauty isn't the same thing as a weakness... except possibly when it comes to you" i know peeta had katniss's insides turning to mush on the regular. again, them having another compliment-off. they love those.
katniss fixating on peeta's blue eyes. again. "those blue eyes" - they're nothing spectacular... they're just blue eyes that belong to him so they're those blue eyes.
hand holding is just their thing. constant handholding at every opportunity. their hands are permanently intertwined
"peeta and i.. are so mesmerising" "peeta and i appear... young and strong and beautiful"
katniss being JEALOUS when johanna strips down. like she's so annoyed she won't look at peeta and throws his hand away from her when johanna leaves. "she spends the whole ride... chatting to peeta about his paintings while the light of his still-glowing costume reflects off her bare breasts" - she's MAD mad.
their fight after the elevator is so teenage it makes my heart ache. like they're really just teenagers navigating so many human experiences for the first time amongst this chaos.
one of the main reasons she's still angry with him the next day is because of him teasing her (and lingering jealousy over johanna). her being like 'i don't want his comfort but i'm still gonna die to ensure he's alive but i don't owe him more than that' (paraphrasing) is so funny because what do you even mean, katniss? she's unhinged
peeta just having a big group of friends around all the time, like he did in district 12 - and still it's katniss he wants the most. aw. "it's amazing that he ever took any notice of me." you can't convince me that katniss doesn't absolutely adore that she's peeta's chosen one. like she feels so special that he fell in love with her/chooses to love her.
"so i'm stupid for thinking that they might be useful. because of something johanna mason said while she was oiling up her breasts for wrestling" - oh she is so jealous and mad. lmao
i don't think i hold anything against peeta for not saying/doing something to chaff in the moment he kisses katniss. like he's also just 17 and he was probably equally caught off guard. haymitch really should've been the one to protect her but he laughed. peeta saying he won't let chaff kiss her again feels like him teasing but also him realising that she really didn't like that and i know for sure he wouldn't let that happen again.
katniss being like oh these people are quite nice and friendly and quite damaged that i would want to protect them "but all of them must die if i'm to save peeta" - she's unhinged. and this goes back to my point that a lot of her motivations are driven for selfish reasons. she's saving peeta for herself, because it's what she needs to happen
katniss doesn't want to stick it to the gamemakers because they're terrible people (although i'm sure that plays a part), it's just so she can draw attention away from peeta and hopefully onto herself for the sake of his survival
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anyasathenaeum · 1 year
*KICKS DOWN DOOR* YOU ASK FOR ERIKS AND I SHALL INDULGE ok so what im gonna need is some where the reader thinks Vash (they were dating before everything went to shit) is dead until they blow into town with Woofboy and they do the whole Recognition thing yknow. Ok and so after all the Bad Shit gets dealt with and they have a moment alone to talk, he thinks that they're not gonna be in love with him anymore after all this time and might even be pissed at him for sort of "abandoning" them but they just express nothing but joy at having him back in their arms again and how they're soulmates and sappy stuff like that and its very sweet and emotional and raw because they missed each other so so much. And if you sprinkled just a little spice at the end I wouldn't mind cuz the long hair and stubble is so sexy on that man. Maybe it would be great part 2 bait idk I don't wanna put too much on you. Might be best to play that by ear.
Sorry this is so long I got excited when I saw ur post ily bye.
Across Time and Space (Part 1)
A/N: HECK YEAH ANON I AM SO HERE FOR THIS. ERIKS!VASH HURT COMFORT LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I'm mostly going off of 98!Eriks with some Stampede!Eriks mixed in hehe and this is gonna have to be split into 2 parts because I'm INSPIRED. This part is mostly set up and some hurt in the hurt/comfort part of things. :P Read the continuation in part 2 here!
Pairing: Eriks!Vash x reader
Warnings: Some slight violence, mention of nudity, literally just going off episode 18 of Trigun so potential spoilers, potential spoilers for episode 12 of Trigun Stampede, the "hurt" part of "hurt/comfort"
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You brought your hand up to shield your eyes from the glaring sunlight as the tiny town came into view, the bus you were on finally arriving after what felt like an eternity and a half.
"Remind me again why we chose to come to this tiny town, Wolfwood," You grumbled under your breath, grabbing your backpack and strapping it to your back as you started to get ready to disembark from the bus.
"Cause we gotta see if we can find the Humanoid Typhoon here," The priest replied, shooting you a smile that you couldn't bring yourself to return.
"Vash is dead, Wolfwood," You snapped back, your heart tightening in your chest as you said his name for what felt like the first time in forever, "He's dead, and we're not finding him."
Wolfwood just stayed silent, watching you carefully as you let out a deep sigh, rubbing your face with your hands, trying desperately to brush off the pain that the mere thought of Vash had brought you.
Wolfwood wasn't a fool - he knew you and Vash had been in love with each other. He knew that you and Vash were more than friends, that Vash was everything to you. Wolfwood remembered how you seemed to stop living after the disaster in the city of July, when the city was turned into a crater and Vash was nowhere to be found. You had watched the man you loved fall from the sky and the city cave in on itself in a massive explosion of energy - there was no way Vash could've survived that.
When Vash died, so did you. You existed, sure - you walked and talked and drank and ate, but you had stopped living. It was heartbreaking to watch - both Wolfwood and Meryl couldn't stand to see you so broken, but nothing they did could bring Vash back. And so, you became silent, closed-off, and you never smiled anymore.
"I'm sorry, Wolfwood. I just... don't see the point in hoping for what can't be," You apologized, your voice quiet as you stared down at the floor, your heart aching in your chest as Vash's smiling face appeared in your mind.
Wolfwood sighed a bit and just stepped forward, throwing his arm around your shoulder casually. However, when he spoke, his tone was surprisingly gentle.
"It's okay. You're still hurting, (Y/N). Let's just get off this bus and settle in, yeah?"
You nodded, pulling up your hood to cover your head as you followed Wolfwood off the bus, shoving through all the people who were fighting to get on the bus you had just arrived on.
"What the hell is all that about?" You muttered, glancing at Wolfwood in confusion as you both watched the crowd of people swarming the bus, many of them shouting at the driver to let them on.
"No clue, but I have a feeling we'll find out real soon," Wolfwood replied, his shades glistening in the sunlight as he turned his head, gesturing towards a building not too far away, "Let's start at the saloon. If anybody's got information, they'll likely be there."
You just nodded and followed Wolfwood, keeping your head down and your face hidden - you didn't feel like starting a conversation with anybody who recognized you as new to the town.
However, that plan immediately went out the window the moment you and Wolfwood stepped foot into the saloon, as you suddenly found every person in the saloon pointing their guns at the two of you. You let out a stifled yelp and threw your hands up, your heart beating fast in your chest. You heard Wolfwood let out a small sound just like you had, his hands up in the air, too, sweating slightly as he glanced around.
Thankfully, after a few seconds, the townsfolk decided you weren't a threat and lowered their weapons. With that, you and Wolfwood slowly approached the bar, and you could hear Wolfwood chatting with the bartender. As he did, you walked over to the window of the saloon, gazing at the people walking by and watching the mob chasing after the bus you had arrived on.
'Man, what a weird place,' You thought to yourself, 'Feels so tense here.'
Suddenly, you watched the ground near the bus explode, sending people flying through the air and causing Wolfwood to exclaim, "What happened over there?"
The bartender explained that the town was overrun with bandits, and then you heard the name "Vash the Stampede" escape his lips and your heart just about stopped in your chest. However, you immediately recognized that the kind of violence being orchestrated by this gang being run by "Vash the Stampede" was everything Vash opposed. There was no way this was Vash's doing.
'Like it matters, he's been dead for almost two years anyway,' You thought to yourself bitterly, your mouth pressing into a thin line. You weren't listening to whatever the bartender was telling Wolfwood, but you found yourself glancing over at the entrance as you heard the door swing open.
All the patrons immediately had their guns pointing at the intruders, which in this case, happened to be a tall man with long, blonde hair wearing glasses, holding a young girl with short, brown hair in what almost looked like a chokehold. You found yourself reaching for your own weapon, readying to fight the man until you heard the girl speak.
"Uh oh. Hey, what's the big idea you guys?!"
You jumped a little at how loud she was, and you heard the patrons mumbling to themselves, "Oh, it's only Lina."
"What do you mean "only Lina"?! Let go of me, Eriks!" The young girl, Lina, shouted, freeing herself from the grasp of the tall, blonde man who simply let her go and watched her walk towards the bar, his expression surprised.
"Lina, what's the big hurry?" The bartender asked as the girl walked over, standing right next to you and Wolfwood. You studied the girl carefully, deciding that she couldn't be older than 12 at the most.
'She's very brave, I gotta give her that,' You thought to yourself, your lip twitching upwards a bit.
"I was wondering if you could hide me somewhere," Lina asked, a sheepish smile on her face as she asked.
The bartender looked a bit concerned as he inquired, "What did you do this time?"
"She doesn't know when to quit."
You jumped out of your skin at the sudden, new voice - the tall, blonde man, Eriks, had walked up to the bar without you noticing. You physically jumped, your hood falling from your head and revealing your face, not that it mattered - you weren't trying to hide anymore.
"Oh, sorry! Did I scare yo-?" Eriks began to apologize, turning to look at you as he did so, but his sentence died in his mouth as he looked at your face, his eyes widening behind his glasses.
"It's okay," You let out a jittery half-chuckle, just trying to recollect yourself, "I just didn't hear you walk up to the bar, just startled me a bit."
Eriks didn't say a word - he just continued to look at you, his eyes almost owlishly wide. You couldn't decode the expression on the man's face, and you began to feel uncomfortable at the level of intensity in his gaze.
"Um... is something wrong?" You asked, your voice making it clear that you were becoming uncomfortable.
That was enough to snap Eriks out of whatever stupour he was in, with him shaking his head a bit as though trying to clear it, his tone a bit embarrassed, "S-Sorry! No, nothing's wrong, you just... you look like somebody I knew once."
You found yourself wanting to smile a bit, but the words struck pain into your heart again and you just nodded, your lips pressing into a thin line once again.
"I see."
The man, Eriks, let out a nervous laugh before extending his hand to you for you to shake, "I'm Eriks. Sorry about startling you...?"
It was clear he was asking for your name. You just extended your hand and took his, shaking it firmly, "(Y/N). (Y/N) (Y/L/N)."
You thought you felt Eriks' grip on your hand falter for half a moment, but you brushed it off - probably nothing of note.
"N-Nice to meet you, (Y/N)," Eriks replied, his voice breaking slightly. He was evidently very, very nervous.
"Are you okay?" You asked bluntly, "You look ready to pass out."
Eriks just nodded before letting your hand go, "Y-Yeah! I'm good, I'm fine. Just, um... Lina's in trouble."
You didn't entirely buy that sudden excuse, but you decided to go with it, "Uh oh, what did she do?"
That's when you heard Lina explaining that she thumped a bandit across the face and that the bandit was coming after her.
"What are you telling me?" The bartender asked, his voice full of worry and his expression becoming one of horror, "Oh, my dear..."
"Yeah... I'm afraid so," Lina confirmed, leaning on the bar with a sad expression on her face, "And they weren't real happy about it. But, at least I don't think they saw me come in here."
The bartender immediately began to yell, and before you had a second to process what was happening, the wall next to you exploded, causing you to cry out as you got thrown across the room.
"Hey... I wasn't done eating yet," You heard Wolfwood complain, and you groaned as you sat up from the floor where you'd landed. You could've laughed at the image of Wolfwood holding his knife and fork over his plate, which was now crushed by a piece of broken wall.
"(Y/N)! You okay?"
You looked up to see Eriks standing above you, offering you his hand to help you up, which you took gladly.
"Yeah, I'm okay," You replied, brushing yourself off as you got to your feet, wincing slightly as your back ached from the impact, "I'm probably badly bruised, but I don't think anything's broken."
The look of relief on Eriks' face didn't feel like it matched what it should've been for a stranger he had just met - he looked relieved as he would look if you had been one of his closest friends. It was weird.
However, before you had a moment longer to think about it all, you heard yelling coming from outside the bar - the bandit who Lina had hit, yelling to give her up or that he'd shoot again if they didn't.
You grit your teeth, anger surging through your body - how dare this bandit threaten a child? She may be feisty and fiery, but she was still just a child. You grabbed your weapon and began to walk towards the hole in the wall, but somebody stopped you in your tracks, putting their arm out in front of you - Eriks.
"No, wait. Let me handle this," He spoke, his voice quiet but very sure. A surge of familiarity coursed through you - where had you heard this before? That tone... that calmness... it unsettled you as you knew you'd heard it before, but where? You couldn't pin it.
That split second of you being thrown off by the sudden feeling of déjà-vu was all Eriks needed before he walked out of the bar, his hands in the air, trying to appease the bandit and stop him from doing further damage to anybody or anything.
"Wolfwood," You mumbled, coming up to the priest, "Is it just me, or does Eriks feel... familiar to you?"
The priest just looked at you carefully, "Familiar? Familiar how?"
"I don't know," You confessed, "Just... the way he spoke to me just now reminded me of-"
Your eyes widened and your words died on your lips as you realized exactly who Eriks had reminded you of.
You didn't need to say anything - Wolfwood could see the immediate look of shock on your face, the realization dawning on you. You could feel your breathing picking up and your heart rate was starting to go through the roof - why did Eriks sound so much like Vash? Hadn't you suffered enough? To lose Vash once was agony. But to be reminded of him now? It was unbearable.
"Woah, (Y/N), woah, calm down, breathe. You need to breath."
You could hear Wolfwood's words, but you couldn't understand them, couldn't process them. You were bordering on a full-blown panic attack. The world suddenly became quieter, all sounds muted, as though you were underwater. You couldn't process anything else going on around you right now. All you could do was stumble to your feet and run to the hole in the wall of the saloon, your eyes landing on the blonde man who reminded you so much of the love of your life.
You didn't really understand what was happening - you could vaguely hear the tones and timbre of Eriks' voice and the voice of the bandit, but you couldn't make out the words. You watched as Eriks bowed to the bandit all the way to the ground, trying to apologize on Lina's behalf and diffuse the situation, but it apparently hadn't been enough.
The bandit yelled something at Eriks, to which he apparently agreed. To your surprise, you watched as Eriks suddenly... began to take off his clothes?
"W-What?" You mumbled, not understanding what was happening. All you could make out was the sound of Lina crying next to you, and Wolfwood comforting her as Eriks defended her, even at the cost of his pride.
When you looked back at Eriks, you suddenly felt as though you had been hit by a truck.
Those scars... that body... the missing arm replaced with a prosthetic...
All you heard before the ground came up to meet you and the world went black around you was the sound of Wolfwood exclaiming your name - "(Y/N)!".
You don't know how long you'd been unconscious for, but when you found yourself waking up, you didn't recognize your surroundings. You were in a rather large room, laying on what could've only been a hospital bed, right next to a large window. There were no other beds or patients in the room with you - it was just you. And-
"Morning, sweetheart."
You jumped, turning to see Wolfwood sitting at your bedside, a smirk on his face as his cigarette dangled between his lips crookedly.
"W-Wolfwood," You spoke, your voice strained, "W-What-?"
"You dropped like a stone," Wolfwood explained, standing from his chair and walking over to sit right next to you on your bed, "You saw Eriks' scars and I guess the realization of who he was was just too much for you to handle. Can't say I'm surprised, it's not every day you learn that supposedly dead love of your life isn't actually dead."
Wolfwood just grinned at you, but you just sat there, unmoving, eyes staring forward like you were a statue, not really seeing whatever you were looking at. The memories of what had preceded your passing out came back to you in flashes, and before Wolfwood could continue speaking, you were suddenly sobbing as you had never sobbed before.
All the pain, the sadness, the grief, the loneliness, the feeling of having part of you missing for so long overwhelmed you, making you feel every bit of emotion you had been repressing over the past two years. You sobbed and sobbed and sobbed, crying your eyes out as you buried your face into your knees, unable to comprehend what was happening. Surely you were dead, or dreaming, because there was no way that Vash was really alive.
"I'll leave you be," You heard Wolfwood say gruffly, before he stood up, patting your back and leaving you alone to confront your emotions.
After that, Wolfwood walked over to another patient's room - that of Eriks, or rather, Vash the Stampede. He had already spoken to Vash earlier, telling him about the fact that Millions Knives was still at large, but now... this was going to be a very different conversation.
Wolfwood didn't even bother knocking, just letting himself right into Vash's room, walking over to where the blonde young man sat in his bed.
"You know, I'm surprised you didn't straight up kill (Y/N)," Wolfwood started, a small smirk on his face as he sat next to Vash, who was just watching him carefully. He watched Vash's expression become one of concern the moment your name left Wolfwood's lips.
"What do you mean?" Vash asked, eyebrows furrowing at Wolfwood's statement - the last Vash saw of you was when he stopped you from taking on the bandit yourself, and you were fine, then.
Wolfwood sighed, "(Y/N) saw your scars, Stampede. It was too much for them to handle and they passed out cold. Smacked their head pretty bad on the way down, but that was my bad, I didn't expect them to go down."
"What?!" Vash exclaimed, his blue eyes widening in worry. He immediately began to try to get out of his bed, but Wolfwood stopped him.
"(Y/N)'s spent the last two years grieving you, Vash. They believed you were dead. This is a bigger shock than you know. They heard nothing from you and the last thing they saw of you was when July city imploded on itself."
Vash's eyes somehow managed to widen even more, and tears were beginning to well in them as Wolfwood explained the situation to him. Wolfwood told him everything he knew - about how you'd essentially become a living statue, not truly living beyond basic existence, about how broken you'd become, how closed-off and sad you were now. You'd been changed so badly that neither Vash nor Wolfwood were really sure if you'd ever rebound from this.
By the time Wolfwood was done explaining, Vash found himself crying silently, his heart torn to pieces at the thought of what this had done to you.
"They loved you more than anything, Vash," Wolfwood stated quietly, standing up as he went to take his leave for the second time that day, "I think you owe them an explanation and a very big apology."
With that, Wolfwood left Vash to his own thoughts, just as he had done to you earlier.
Vash sat there, just replaying everything Wolfwood had told him in his mind. He was telling the truth, Vash knew - he had seen the look on your face when he initially saw you as Eriks. Vash had been so taken aback by you when he took a good look at your face - you looked so much like yourself, but simultaneously so different.
Your face had new scars, and lines engraved in your skin from frowning and worrying rather than from smiling, as you used to in the past. Your expression was tired and somewhat empty, even as you greeted him, and your tone was dull and serious. And your eyes...
Tears began to course down Vash's cheeks freely, soft sobs escaping from his throat as pain jolted through him as he recalled your eyes.
Your eyes were utterly lifeless. Like you had died in every way except physically.
Vash had had to restrain himself from gasping loudly, sobbing his heart out and begging you for forgiveness when he'd looked at you for the first time in two years. He had wanted nothing more than to pull you into his embrace as he used to do before July then and there, but when you failed to recognize him, Vash knew that he couldn't do that to you.
'There's no way they still love me now,' Vash thought to himself, his pain intensifying and his cries becoming louder as he sobbed into his hands, 'I've destroyed them, too.'
You were the love of Vash's life. Nobody ever meant more to him than you did, and after the destruction of July city... Vash couldn't face you. He was a murderer, while you were innocent, pure, and good. He couldn't bring himself to look for you, or try to reach out to you, because he had wanted to keep you safe. Especially now that his bounty was 60 billion double dollars and everybody was hunting for him.
But when he saw you in that saloon... and he saw how damaged you'd become... he realized that he'd done had been wrong. So, so wrong. You'd loved him all that time, to the point where his supposed death broke you beyond repair, and it was all Vash's fault. In trying to protect you, he'd been the one to hurt you worse than anybody ever had before.
And now, he had to find the strength to face you. But how could he?
"Your gun! Give me your gun, hurry!"
Vash suddenly heard the frantic, panicked voice of Lina's grandmother, Grandma Sheryl, coming from downstairs. He focused in, wiping the tears off his face as he listened.
"It's Lina, they got her!"
The arguing continued, and Vash knew what he had to do then. Once he'd rescued Lina, he'd talk to you. He'd face you, and finally pay for his mistake.
As Vash dressed and exited his room, he found Wolfwood standing there, leaning against the wall, a cigarette between his lips once more.
"They got (Y/N), too, it seems like," Wolfwood stated, looking surprisingly calm despite having to deliver terrible news, "Guess they thought (Y/N) was a worthy hostage."
Vash's eyes widened, and his gaze hardened slightly, his heart twisting hard in his chest at the thought of you in danger - despite the two years that had passed, Vash still loved you more than anything in his life, and he still sought to protect you. He had thought of you every day, wondering where you were, what you were up to, if you'd missed him...
He had to rescue you and Lina as soon as possible.
With his teeth gritted and his gun holstered, Vash headed out with Wolfwood trailing in his wake.
"Then, let's go get them."
Wolfwood just smirked.
"There's the Stampede I used to know."
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misfit0789 · 5 months
Rule 12 | Abby Scuito
Y/n's POV
"Tony, how's my little niece?" I ask my brother over the phone. He and Tali had just left Washington to travel after Ziva died. He changed for the better once he found out about Tali.
"She's fine Y/n/n, she misses you," he says, I sigh.
"I miss her too, I'll try and visit you guys soon," I say walking back to my living room in my apartment. Tony asked if I wanted to stay in his old one but after finding out about the people dying there I wasn't for it.
"Sounds good, I got to go. I'll call you later sis," He says hanging up before I got the chance to reply. I pull the phone away from my ear and roll my eyes.
"Idiot," I shake my head and sit on the couch turning Netflix on. One thing is my brother and I are both big movie people, we would always watch them when we were younger and just enjoy ourselves. We were basically all each other had.
Just as I'm about to put on Spider-Man 3 someone starts banging on my door. "Y/n open up!" I groan and get up walking to the door. I open it and glare at whose standing there.
"Can I help you Ellie? It's 11 o'Clock at night," I groan leaning on the door frame. She gives me a sheepish smile before holding up a fast food bag. I sigh and step aside letting her in. She laughs and walks past me handing me the bag as she goes to sit on the couch.
"Is it so wrong for me to want to see my best friend?" She asks, I roll my eyes eating a fry out of the bag, "No, but when it's 11 o'clock at night and you know I spend my Friday nights watching movies and hate being interrupted," I pause and pretend to think," yes," I say sitting next to her and pressing play on the movie and grabbing my burger out of the bag, taking a bite.
"Oh stop it, you can survive one night not watching a movie, besides I need your help," she says going quiet. I swallow the piece of my burger and look at her confused. "El, what's going on? Is Jake still bugging you? Because I will happily beat his ass for you...again," I say mumbling the last part but she still heard me as she shoves me to the side. "What? I had to do something. The asshole thought it was okay to cheat and expected you to take him back. Bitch no! You cheated you pay the consequences." I say getting pissed as I think about that bastard.
"No, it's not Jake, but thank you for being so protective. It's actually case related..." She trails off. I haven't been to the office since Tony left. It just didn't feel right to me to be there with my brother not there. Ellie is the only one I've kept in contact with since he left 3 months ago. She's kept me updated on everyone. McGee is gonna propose to Delilah, there's this new guy named Torres, and Gibbs is well Gibbs.
"Bishop you know I don't feel comfortable being there since Tony left. I fell like everyone judges me," I say setting my burger down on the bag on my coffee table in front of us. "You'll be fine, besides, Abby needs you," She says the last part in a slow teasing manner causing me to snap my head up and glare at her. "El stop, I told you, that was a one time thing," I get off the couch and grab what's left of my food bringing it to the kitchen. She gets up and follows after me.
"Please Y/n/n? It's the firewall on the victims computer, none of us can crack it and you're our only other option, please?" she pouts, I groan walking away knowing I'll crack.
"Ughh okay fine I'll help, now leave me alone so I can watch Toby McGuire in peace." I say falling back on my couch and lay across it giving Ellie no where to sit. "Thank you, I'm sure Abby will be pleased to see you," she smirks pushing my head up and sitting down causing my head to fall on her lap. I groan but don't respond continuing to watch the movie.
Time Skip
"Dude chill," Ellie says. We're in the elevator on the way to the squad room but I can't stop shaking my leg. "I'm sorry El, I don't even know why I'm so nervous. I guess it'll just be weird being here without Tony." I say, she rubs my arm in a comforting manner, "It'll be okay, I'll be with you the whole way," She says, I smile and give her a nod thanking her, she smiles and gives me a nod in return. The elevators ding and we walk off the elevator towards her desk.
Ellie sits at her desk while I stand behind her wall divider and lean on it, watching as Tim and some other guy talk to each other facing the monitor. "So where is this firewall THE Timothy McGee can't crack?" I ask making my presence known to them. They both turn around confused before Tim's face lights up, as he begins to walk towards me.
"Is that Y/n DiNozzo I see?" I laugh, pushing myself off the wall and meet him in the middle pulling him into a hug, "Hey Tim," I say, "How are you? How's Delilah?" I ask. He smiles, "We're both doing great, Thank you, She's actually in Dubai right now but she should be back soon. You'll have to come over for dinner soon." He says, I nod agreeing. We pull back when someone clears their throat. I look and see the guy Tim was talking too standing there with a big smile on his face.
"Hola, beautiful. I'm Special Agent Nick Torres," he says reaching for my hand, taking it in his and kissing the back of it. I look at him in disgust causing Bishop and McGee to laugh leaving Torres confused. "What?" he asks offended, letting my hand go.
"She's gay Torres," Bishop says in between laughter. He blushes in embarrassment and walks back to his desk. I join the other two in laughter. I immediately stop when I see Gibbs come in with a cup of coffee in his hand, while the others continue, I try to stop them but it doesn't work.
"Something funny McGee?" He asks, Tim immediately stops along with Bishop. "No Boss, just talking to Y/n," he says. Gibbs turns and looks at me, I smile and wave shyly. "Y/n," He smiles pulling me in for a hug, I slowly hug him back surprised at his actions. Gibbs and I never really talked when I'd visit Tony at the office so this is a big surprise.
"Uhh hey Gibbs, I just came by because Ellie mentioned some trouble with a firewall..." I trail off, he pulls back and nods. "Yea, Abby has been in the lab all night trying to crack it. Some new fresh eyes may be helpful. Do you still remember where the lab is?" He asks, I nod and give him a smile. "Yea, I should be able to make it there. I'll see you guys later." I wave to them, Bishop gives me an encouraging look. I nod and smile in thanks before turning and walking towards the elevator. I press the down button and wait for the doors to open. Looking down and noticing my shoes untied I kneel down and tie it.
As I'm tying them I hear the doors open followed by a gasp. I look up a bit and see shoes I know all to well. I slowly stand up and come face to face Abby Sciuto. "Oh uh hey," she says avoiding eye contact. "Hey," I say, "I was just on my way down, Bishop had mentioned something about a firewall." I say slowly standing up, almost eye level with her, as I'm a few inches taller even when she's wearing her boots.
"Oh, yeah, um I was just coming up to get Bishop but I guess you'll do," She says, turning back around and walking into the elevator. I stand there in a daze, "You coming or what?" She asks, I shake my head snapping out of it and follow her into the elevator. She presses the button for the floor of her lab and we are left in awkward silence.
The doors open and I let her go out first before following behind her into her lab. I stop at the door and look around smiling at the memories we shared in here when I would visit Tony.
"Y/n?" I snap out of it and look to see Abby looking at me confused, "You okay? You keep zoning out," She asks worried, I nod and give her a fake smile, which if she notices she doesn't mention. "Sorry, just got caught up in my head," I apologize, she nods and turns back to her computers.
"So, the petty officer was big into security software and ended up creating his own firewall for his computer and none of us can seem to figure out how to crack it. Bishop suggested you might be able to help." Abby explains, I nod and look at the code on the screen and smirk.
"None of you could crack this? I did this my freshman year in college. This is easy, may I?" I ask motioning to the keyboard, she nods and steps to the side letting me go ahead. I nod in thanks and step closer to her and start decoding the firewall. I get into decoding it I don't notice how close Abby and I are, nor that she is staring at me.
"Done," I say with a smile as the petty officers home screen appears. I turn to Abby and gasp at our closeness, I look down slightly and glance from her eyes to her lips as she does the same to me. Just as I'm about to lean in Gibbs comes in the room with two Caf-Pows and Bishop and McGee behind him, I jump away from Abby and clear my throat. Gibbs pays no mind while McGee and Bishop share a look and smirk at us causing me to glare slightly at them.
"Whatcha got Y/n/n and Abs?" Gibbs asks handing us both our Caf-Pows. "I was able to crack the firewall and get into his laptop but we haven't had a chance to-" Abby cuts me off before I can finish.
"Got something" I look at her surprised. "Turns out our dead petty officer had a thing for military blueprints," She pulls up the different blueprints that were on his computer.
"Never mind then," I mumble under my breath as Abby continues on talking to Gibbs. "You alright?" Bishop comes up to me and puts a comforting hand on my shoulder. I nod and take a sip of my Caf-Pow. "I will be," I sigh, she gives me another comforting squeeze.
"Bishop, McGee lets go, Abby got a lead on where the petty officer was getting the blueprints from." Gibbs says, giving Abby a kiss on the cheek and walking out with Bishop and McGee not far behind leaving Abby and I in her lab...alone.
"So... about earlier before Gibbs interrupted us..." She trails off. "Oh yeah, um we can just forget that ever happened." I say rubbing the back of my neck nervously. "But what if I don't want to," she says stepping closer to me leaving little space between us. I gasp causing her to smirk. She steps even closer and wraps her arms around my neck.
"Nervous?" She asks leaning up, with a sudden burst of confidence I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her even closer to me so our bodies are pressed up against each other. This time she gasps. "No, are you?" I ask leaning down slightly, she slowly shakes her head. Tired of all this teasing I lean down fully and pull her into a kiss, she gasps but kisses back, tightening her grip on my neck.
We both get lost in the kiss, having missed the feeling of being close to each other. We pull back since breathing is still a thing. "Whoa," I whisper, after we pull away. "Yeah," she whispers back looking up into my eyes. I see something I've never seen in them before but before anything else can be said my phone goes off. I look at Abby apologetically but she waves me off and lets go making me, I sigh at the loss of contact but answer my phone anyways.
"DiNozzo" I sigh, watching Abby move around so effortlessly. "Hey sis, did I interrupt something?" Tony asks, "No, just working in the lab with Abby, the team needed my help on a case," I explain to my older brother. "Ohhh, just working?" He asks, I can hear the smirk. "Stop it, what do you want?" I ask annoyed now.
"Just checking up on you, you know how I can get when I don't hear from you." He explains, a smile appearing on my face. "I know Tony, thank you and sorry, I've been with the team all day."
"Don't sweat it, just making sure you're good. Besides Tali wanted to say hi," He says, I hear shuffling and soon I hear the little voice of my niece speaking through the phone. "Aunt Y/n/n!!" she yells. "My little Tali! How are you?" I say back just as enthusiastically a her.
"Good, when will I see you again? I miss playing tea party with you," She asks, most likely pouting. "Awww I'm sorry sweetie, hopefully soon. I miss my little princess Tali," I say, she cheers. I'm assuming she gave Tony back the phone since he's who I hear next.
"She really does miss you Y/n/n," He sighs, I sigh too, "I know and I'm sorry Tony but it's hard for me to just drop everything and leave. My supervisor has been an ass lately and takes credit for all my work resulting in our boss pushing me harder. I got lucky to even have today off." I say walking and sitting on the chair at Abby's desk.
"I'm sorry sis, look I got to go, I'll call you later. Love you," He says. "Love you too Tony," I hang up, placing my phone on the desk and putting my head down.
"Everything okay?" Abby asks, walking over to me. I sigh and shake my head, "Not really my supervisor is an ass and keeps taking credit for everything I'm doing which makes our boss push on me even harder while my supervisor just sits there and does nothing leaving me with twice the work. It's not fun," I say leaning back in the chair throwing my arms over my eyes.
"Hey, I'm sure it'll all turn out alright. You're one of the smartest people I know. I mean aside from Bishop, McGee, Ducky, Gibbs and-"
"I get it Abs, thank you," I say laughing a bit. We sit in silence for a few before I decide to break it. "So I think we should talk about before," She sighs and nods.
"Yeah... look I like you Y/n and I have ever since we...you know. It's just I don't know. I'm scared." She says looking down.
Hey, it's okay," I reach out for her hands and pull her closer to me so she's standing in between my legs, while I'm still sitting. "I'm scared too, but I like you and I can feel something between us. Besides we don't work together all the time so there's no going against Gibbs rules." I try and joke causing her to let out a small laugh, "But if you don't want to be anything I understand," I say slowly letting her hands go.
"Y/n... I like you too, and I do want us to be something" She says taking hold of my hands again. I look up at her with a smile on my face which she returns. "Really?"
"Of course you dork," She laughs moving to sit on my lap and wrap her arms around my neck pulling me into a kiss. I pause before wrapping my arms around her waist holding her close.
"So does this mean you're my girlfriend?" I whisper as we pull away, she nods and gives me a quick kiss. I smile and give her a quick kiss.
Time Skip
Abby and I have been sitting in her lab talking for the past few hours, when Gibbs comes in the lab. "Y/n I need to speak to you," he says, I gulp but nod and stand up, walking over to him.
"Yes?" I ask. "I know how things at your job now are and after your help today I think we could use you." He says with a smile.
"What are you trying to say?" I ask him confused. "Welcome to the team Y/n," he says with a smile before walking out. I turn and look at Abby shocked.
"So much for not breaking his rules," I sigh.
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recreyo · 1 year
As of right now, "Recreyo Chan" has had three official appearances in videos, one possible season 2 design sketch, and two off-hand references.
Aaand, with promises from Curt that the SCP arc will have actual lore, and a VC that signified that Recreyo definitely knew about the fandom's thirst for lore... I think it's safe to say that RC may have more to do with it than what was initially planned from when she was first created. Especially when her recent appearances have been.. odd, and a specific event in the official Recreyo Discord had thrown us all for a loop.
This post is to showcase my thoughts and hopefully provide some clarity on who she actually is. (And if I'm sensible, then what she also could be.)
Warning: this may be a little long.
RC's debut was on Nov 16, 2021 for an Anime NYC announcement. You can find the video here.
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From this video alone, RC definitely appears more like a mascot than anything- a one-off character who would only be mentioned for two visual gags from then on, plus a drawing that Ivan did shortly after the second video.
It's important to note that one of these references were definitely coincidental, and I don't want that to be forgotten. However, I wanted to address it just in case. After all, an accidental reference could very well be spun into a lore tidbit.
( The picture below is from a video's ad I can't remember, so if you find it please lemme know )
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The video that that frame is from is old, that much I know. But recently, definitely after that video was up for months, Ivan dropped a possible season 2 design for RC. (3/23/23)
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And what do you know, on the 17th, only 6 days before that drawing was sent in the Discord, we saw RC again. Albiet, it was just by name, so we don't know if it was just another gag. It likely is, since the animator could've drawn it ages before we saw it uploaded, but...
Let's just keep it in mind.
( The picture below is from We Let an AI Write This Video )
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After these small bits, though, we got two actual appearances from RC. Ones that actually kept her design and so we know for a fact that they are the same character. INTENTIONALLY this time, I should add.
( Picture below is from Can You Survive Dr. Stone? )
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At 9:31, Curt says "Nah, I gotta progress the plot." and we see the screen glitch with this frame showing up. This is, without a doubt, RC. From the blue hair, the red tie, and even the spiral cheeks- this is the mark that she was becoming something more.
(Plot-relevant, if you will.)
Being deliberately consistent now, we can take this a little more seriously.
I wanna say that although I don't know the specific time, the video was uploaded at the latest: 2:48 PM. I know this since that was time of the earliest message about the video in the Discord.
You might think it's redundant, but I bring the time up because everyone who was in the Discord would know that something else had happened that day, and it's incredibly important that we're all aware of it.
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This person, who I'll call CA, had joined at 4:12. Two whole hours after the video was released, and so a lot of people had already watched it by then and had theorized about RC's surprising return.
Everyone's lore theories were public. And although framed as a hacker, CA was all obviously a plot by Recreyo to get us riled up for the lore. We know this, since Curt himself had showed up in the general chat prior to "play dumb" about everyone's collective breakdown.
Anyway, to summarize what had happened after CA showed up:
Everyone was pinging them, flirting, etc. Basically trolling, but also publicly theorizing that they were RC's account. By the way, "c̶" also was in the video's description, almost matching CA's name.
CA had a role (shown above) that put them at the top of the member-list. They were also apparently unbannable according to the mods.
Curt got "hacked" and if memory serves right, his PFP changed to the glitching RC picture. He sent the message "c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛͛c̶̓̈a̶͛" into the announcements channel.
Den banned Curt after confirming that he was "hacked."
Curt rejoined and got his Recreyo role back. However... CA is still online as I type this.
Again, everything was obviously a stunt, and I don't need to argue about that. However, I want to take all of this seriously in the sense that it's lore-related, because if we keep on going "it's just a joke" then everything in Recreyo's lore wouldn't matter. So SHUT THE FUCK UP IF YOU'RE TYPING "IT WAS AN APRIL FOOL'S JOKE" (BECAUSE IT WASN'T EVEN APRIL FOOL'S FOR THEM!!!!)
Anyhow, I think it's obvious that CA is connected to RC. Whether they're the same person or not, the glitch theme mixed with the hacker idea is way too similar. And if you're not convinced that it's even a motif, then let's go into today's upload.
( Picture below is from Officially Announcing the New Recreyo Member )
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..Yeah, so this is happening. This is real.
An interesting detail is that RC was originally Den before glitching onto the frame. And if you continued watching, you'd notice that the screen pans over and Den shows up on the other side of the picture.
So... this is where we end with our sudden appearances, and we actually begin diving into what RC could be doing here, and what her place in the lore will be.
Let's run down the thoughts that I have:
A popular idea right now is that RC is an AI gone rogue. With the theme of glitching, it definitely fits.
As an explanation for her appearances, we can also assume that she hacks into the videos itself, and what we see on screen wasn't actually what was happening. So instead of her just appearing next to Christian like when they were recording, she instead corrupts the video as it "uploads." This is my current idea, since when questioned about the Dr. Stone video, Curt said:
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As for her place into the story, there's a few possible ways for her to be integrated with the current SCP arc. Maybe she's an SCP herself, maybe she's the mystery guide...
I personally believe that she's the one who caused the blackout in the sculpture scenario. In my own headcanon, I had stated that RC worked with the SCP foundation and was integrated with all of the technology. I might not fully believe that now, but I still agree with the latter half.
If she's a professional hacker due to her AI abilities, I don't think it's farfetched she'd be messing up the SCP foundation and trying to get Recreyo killed...
But why? What incentive would she have?
...Well, I've had an idea for a while. I've had RC in my own headcanon lore of Recreyo for quite a bit, and I even called the possibility of her being an AI. The malice I believe that she'd hold towards her creators involves the theme of freedom. Being a real person rather than a character. Vengeance.
I definitely doubt that The Bunker Trio would be brought back (as much as it pains me to say) but something I associate a lot with them is how much tragedy they went through.. solely because of Recreyo. Being original characters, all of their pain was directed by Curt and exploited for content, IN-UNIVERSE.
These themes I have with them are something that extends to RC. I believe that RC is intending to take over the Recreyo channel as payback for bringing her into a world just as a mascot. If she was given the blessing of intelligence, then why the hell was she only used as a mascot?
This is getting a little meta, but I want to emphasize how she was only a lifeless one-off character. I honestly believe she only has lore now because Recreyo realized how obsessed with it we are. So they dig up an old character who hasn't been touched in two years, and suddenly she's the star of the show?
RC is sick of being used as an "idol." She'll let her face haunt the videos for now, but she's going to take over one way or another.
....Or something like that. I can't tell if this even makes sense, but that's basically what I think about RC. I have other headcanons, like how I think she and Roberto work together as a duo, but those are far from what's actually happening.
But then again, I only have these stupid headcanons because I hadn't counted on her becoming a character again. I thought that she was honestly retired.
I might've originally dug a path far from the road of canon, but if it means Recreyo is finally exploring their potential of storytelling, then hell- you already know that I'll be running back.
(Also while I was typing this, CA changed their name to CAN. So.. yeah.)
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Chapter 29- Part 12
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ANOTHER CRIT ALREADY!? But how did it kill!? I could understand it the first time, Gust was almost at half health, but this time- she barely took any damage from the first attack! And Gallade's Attack isn't boosted! 
No no no, I'm not losing a fourth time, there's gotta be a way around this- do I actually have to get a damage calculator out!? I think I do! Because the only Pokémon I've got now who can feasibly finish it is Bloom, and he's at about half!
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I'm gonna have to look up the stats for Victoria's Gallade to do this, but- it's been four attempts, I know what her team is about by now, it's fine! I'm not spoiling myself for anything I haven't already seen!
Let's see…yes! Bloom can outspeed and kill with Giga Drain! Wow, this Gallade is slower than I thought, Gust can outspeed it by default, I didn't even need Prankster priority. But anyways! Giga Drain to finish the job!
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Well now he can't kill, he's gonna die to the Psycho Cut next turn! I need…shoot, do I need to Revive Gust a second time? Or maybe…can I Toxic stall this thing? I might need to Toxic stall.
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Lemme see something on the calculator here…
Okay, okay- turns out, Gust can survive a Psycho Cut crit…but only if she's at 100% HP. I can do that, I just need to Revive and heal her. And to do that, I need to sacrifice…Kirin. Oh boy…
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Well…here goes.
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The Shell Bell will heal whenever Psycho Cut hits, but the Toxic damage will build up over that same amount of time, so in like…two or three turns, Gallade should die. I just need to keep Gust topped until then.
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So far so good, just a little more, hasn't gotten a crit yet…
(Future edit: You know...in hindsight, since I established that Gust just outspeeds, I could have just killed it here with Fairy Wind. Eh, I dunno- I guess I was just so scared of this Gallade and Gust being my final Pokémon, me not wanting to do a fourth reset…the stress probably just made me play this like performing surgery on a bomb, one wrong click and it all blows up.)
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OH SHOOT THERE IT IS! But it's fine, because the Toxic is about to-
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And that only leaves…
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Mienfoo…I never thought I would feel so stressed staring down an unevolved Pokémon like this…
Okay- I know it's going to open with Fake Out, so I'm safe to just heal with a Super Potion.
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Like I said. Now…Cotton Guard, to stave off damage from Drain Punch or whatever…
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Heal again to get Gust back to full…
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Now Fairy Wind, don't even bother with Charm, we just need to kill it!
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It used Meditate? Fine by me, we'll just use Cotton Guard again!
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Now…one more time, Fairy Wind! Finish this darn fight for us, Gust!!
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Excuse me, I think I need to go reduce myself to a pile of ashes and then reconstruct myself just as fast-
Why was that Gallade…why was any of that…just, why? Why? That was way too overtuned, I mean really, what was that? And the Incineroar? And the AI acting in all sorts of ways, and- and- 
I mean I'm happy for Victoria getting so much stronger, if it was Fern giving me this much trouble I'd be absolutely livid, but- goodness almighty, that was horrifying! That did not need to be that way! And if some random Bob shows up in the comments being all “well you could have avoided this if you'd fought Cal instead, he's the easier fight” (I don't know if he's actually easier than Victoria or not), I'm going to reduce them to ashes and then rapidly reconstruct them!
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Good! I've got some!
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Yeah, but I feel like it's still not gonna be that simple. But before my suspicions can be confirmed or denied, I need to go to the Pokémon Center!
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All better, nothing bad happened! And yes, I did switch Gust back out for Prong, but I'm sure we'll need her Prankster powers again at some point in the future, so I won't forget about her.
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memorydragon · 8 months
Po Yun characters rated by swag
Yan Xie: 0/10 He thinks he's a natural 20, but actually has none. As one of the characters said, "Don't listen to him. He's a dumbass." This is magnified after cohabitation with Jiang Ting, because he becomes a domesticated dumbass who is completely whipped. The narrative goes on about how he's a stereotypical alpha male, but this man can't survive a blind date to save his life. The author very correctly decided criminal investigators have no swag at all and wrote a novel about it. He grows on you like a fungus, but still has zero swag. That said, do not get in a fight with him. He will win.
Jiang Ting: Could have swag. He's intelligent, able to analyze details in moments, and elegant. Then he starts to eat and any swag he might have had evaporates. He was married to his work and highly stressed and traumatized from being a triple agent and it shows. 3/10, though I'm tempted to bump it to four for the way he straight up murders both Yan Xie and Bu Chonghua via text message. Professor Jiang is growing into swag by virtue of finally having free time and accepting his moronsexuality in the second book. That might be generous though considering he's still terrorized by his mother-in-law. I adore him, but his swag will always be low.
Jin Jie: He's a professional assassin and it shows. That said, he's also a professional lackey. 6/10, defeated by the protag plot halo, and it was honestly hilarious how Jiang Ting was constantly throwing him under the bus.
Qin Chuan: *extremely grudgingly* He has swag. That said, I'm 100% with Jiang Ting on this. Do not listen to Yan Xie. He has swag, but he's also a little bitch (no sexual connotation on this phrase btw, that's entirely directed at his personality). 7/10, someone please punch him in the face.
Wen Shao: Now here we have a man with swag. He oozes swag that Yan Xie wishes he had. He has opinions on ballet, plays Lana Del Ray songs on the violin like an emo child, and murders teenagers to recreate an important childhood memory with Jiang Ting. He grew up a drug lord with money and poker card code names, and kisses the bloody knuckles of his Red Queen reverently. 12/10, probably would be 14 if the manhua had been able to continue and we got more of him with long hair.
Han Xiaomei: Our favorite baby intern has absolutely no swag. She's an intern at the criminal investigation unit. She's the lowest on the totem pole, barely showers and sleeps when there's a case just like the rest of the team, and cowers when superiors yell at her. I watched her grow up to a young police woman who could sass back at Yan Xie in the final arc with tears in my eyes. The character growth was incredibly moving. 1/10, because she still has no swag.
Yang Mei: In front of Jiang Ting, she is a meek and breedable. When Jiang Ting isn't looking at her, she's a police informant who runs her own ktv, is perfectly put together and her wardrobe costs more than a cop could make in their career. She has swag. She can and will bitch Yan Xie out, fight like a hell cat, save her love rival's life (only because it was Jiang Ting asking though, otherwise she'd still probably save Yan Xie, but she'd never let him forget it), and turn the love rival into the greatest brotp of the novel. 9/10, because Jiang Ting canonly swears to never take both her and Yan Xie on errands together again. Unfortunately for her, no amount of swag will make the man she's in love with less gay or moronosexual.
Ma Xiang: Good at his job, comfortable in his masculinity. Is willing to be gay for 10 minutes if Yan Xie shares his dinner. No real swag on his own, but he's a fun comedic aside most times. 1/10, because he throws up at gruesome murder scenes and thought a curling iron was a sex toy.
Bu Chonghua: Now here we finally have a main protagonist with swag. Someone had to have swag in the novel, and he pulls it off. As Yan Xie's straight-laced little cousin, he's got a temper and authority to match. He may be a trauma kitten, but he is very good at his job and earned his position. He will literally walk through fire and water to show his devotion to Wu Yu. 6/10, because he's also a menace (absolutely related to Yan Xie, no doubt) and a bit bitchy at times. I love him, your honor.
Wu Yu: here's where the swag gets complicated. As Wu Yu, he is meek and mild mannered, no ambition, and very little confidence. This trauma kitten has no swag. He throws up at the mere taste of meat. He just wants to earn enough money to run away from life and never be bothered again. He loves reading and just wants books. People want to feed him, he looks that pathetic. 0/10 but he gets a point or two when he enters the illegal boxing ring for extra money.
As Painter, his swag jumps to 7/10. He's in prison, he's inflitrating various drug rings, he's the pretty boy, and if you try to take advantage he will cut your arm off with a machete. He has no nickname, just a number. Do not cross him. Jin Jie even calls him ge.
As REDACTED, this trauma kitten will end you. He will fight you with his bare hands and tear you apart. He can only be calmed and turned back into Wu Yu by a person he has marked as 'safe'. If you see him jump from any story higher than one, you're not the one who will survive the encounter. When not in murder form, he pretends to be slow and meek. He's a lackey, and he just wants to live someplace poppies don't grow. Yes, I'm Normal about that. 4/10, please just wrap this trauma kitten up in a blanket and feed him fish and chocolates.
Shark: After my glowing review of the first book's main villain, you would think Shark has swag. He has negative swag, however. He's a crypto bro who wants to drag Painter into life and death situations but won't commit to the homoerotism of it. The fact his web handle is shark and his dark web site is the Mariana trench is an insult to both. He acts cool and edgy but nothing can change the fact he'd be all over nfts if the book was written today. -5/10, he's got absolutely nothing on the King of Spades.
Liao Gang: like, he tries. He's decent at his job, but he's not amazing. Will need Wu Yu to back him up to solve major cases, which stresses Wu Yu out because that means he has to speak up. 1/10
Meng Zheng: This is a woman with brass balls. She's the only female police officer in the unit, is late 30s, early 40s, and is called their police beauty because she's the only one. Also, because she would totally win if you say she looks over thirty and she decides to take you out. 7/10, very valid for wanting to be a honey pot because the police would fund her looking sexy, even if she twists her ankle because she hasn't worn heels since before she was pregnant. She's a milf and will forcibly drag poor interns to her level.
Song Hui: No swag. She's interning because of her crush and is a terrified kitten. She just wants to marry rich and be cute. Meng-jie forces feminism on her. After REDACTED, she grows to 1/10 because she doesn't want to let Meng-jie down. Saves the protags, the entire operation, and sees at the blood on her hands that has already been washed away. Great character development, but currently still no swag. She might get some eventually, because she has potential, which, honestly, is more than Han Xiaomei can say.
Song Ping: He's the older gen cop who you still don't want to mess with. Not related to Bu Chonghua by blood, but you can tell exactly who raised the trauma kitten after his parents were killed. 8/10, though you won't know why until the very end.
Lin Zheng: So weirdly, he probably has swag in his usual work. Considering 90% of the time we see him is with Wu Yu, however, he has none. He thinks Painter killed his friend and all he did was complain to the higher ups about it. 2/10, if he'd been a bit more proactive half of his plot line could have been avoided. Also, Jiang Ting says he has Chuan vibes, which makes me want to punch him in the face on principle. I trust Jiang Ting's judgment.
Cai Lin: Fills the same comedic relief in Tun Hai as Ma Xiang did in Po Yun. We love him, but 1/10, he's terrified of maggots and eats ice cream that's from the forensic department freezer.
And finally, the old and beautiful Zeng Cui Cui: If you couldn't tell by her title, Mother Yan has swag. When she feels threatened by Wu Yu's swag, her response is to bling like no one has blinged before and terrifies him with how much money she spent. Jiang Ting knows better than to argue with her. She bought "A Study of the Legal Aspects of Gay Marriage" after her son turned 30 and still couldn't find a girl willing to marry him. She also locked Bu Chonghua out and essentially kidnapped Wu Yu in the back of her trunk when she thought Wu Yu was being forced into the relationship. 10/10, because she sends her sons-in-laws long underwear and they better wear it in the winter or they will regret it.
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kylos-starlight · 9 months
2, 5 & 14 drakengard
4, 9 & 16 d/ds
6, 7 & 12 saints row
Feel free to skip some if you don't feel like answering all of them!
WE ANSWER THEM ALL! Sorry it took so long for me to reply!
Thank you so much for the ask! I'm going to put it under a read more though because since I am answering for three self inserts it's going to be pretty darn long! (post is ok2rb btw if anyone wants too!)
Drakengard Self-Insert
2 - when in canon does your self insert come in? do you have a scene in mind for your entrance?
Kaden isn't introduced until Caim and the party get close to the Forest of the Seal. Kaden was in the midst of actually…getting married to an elven man although Kaden didn't really want to marry them. The elven man didn't want to marry Kaden either but there was a lot of chaos and blood-consuming every aspect of the land and these days happiness was hard to come by. (Self insert did the whole Yuna marry Seymour for a moment of happiness bit) except it didn't get that far. Before Kaden could even get down the aisle they bolted but they strayed too far and the imperials catch them. Safe to say, Kaden would not survive the encounter. Weak and covered in blood they now lock eyes with another man, a man who cannot speak. it was Caim. He tried to assess the wound but they were too dire. Caim's facial features said it all. Kaden was dying. (Caim cannot do anything about it so he basically just leaves them to die in the forest lol. Then of course Calix finds them and the pact is formed.) Kaden doesn't meet Caim again until just after the forest bit and he's shocked to see them, that is until he learns that Calix saved them.
5 - does your self insert have any special powers or abilities?
YES! Thanks to the pact with the Drake Calix Kaden has these special abilities: Nature Manipulation: The ability to control and manipulate elements of nature, such as plants, vines, and possibly even the weather. Enhanced Physical Abilities: Increased strength, agility, and endurance, making Kaden more formidable in physical combat. Communication with Nature: The ability to communicate with and understand animals, plants, and other aspects of the natural world. Regeneration: A heightened ability to heal and recover from injuries faster than a normal human could. Environmental Affinity: The ability to blend into and be protected by natural environments, making it easier to hide or evade enemies. Drake's Breath: The ability to breathe a specific type of energy or substance related to nature, such as a breath of life, poison, or corrosive elements. (Not really literal breathe tho.. hey can make this stuff pour out their hands if they wanted to lol)
14 - what hobbies does your self insert have?
Herbology is a big one. They study all plant life to make potions and remedies!!
Cooking! My self-insert absolutely loves to cook and can pretty much make anything!
Digital Devil Saga Self-Insert
4 - would you be considered a main character, side character, villain, or something else?
Def a side character, I don't ever really like putting my self insert into the shoes of a main character. Kaden is there to support their friends and they are there when needed but most often than not they aren't really a main focus in canon! (Although they are slipping into villain territory if they aren't careful… please see 16 lol)
9 - who are your self insert’s closest friends?
gale gale gale gale gale gale AHEM So anyways, Gale is a good friend! Luna is their bestie (Yes I'm adding you. you can't stop me!) Pretty much everyone they get a long with but they're closest to Gale and Luna as a fren~! :D Also Kaden really loves Cielo vibes and you can see them both goofing off together some times XD
16 - freebie! name a fact about your self insert you want everyone to know.
So they secretly really love "consuming" let's call it that.. lol They don't tell anyone because they can play it off as "having to survive" but they actually have a serious hunger that never really goes away even if they are full. They secretly love the bloodshed it gives me an adrenaline rush like nothing else and eventually someone is going to catch on because it's getting a lot harder for them to control but for now, Kaden is happy to keep it a secret.
Saint Row Self-Insert
6 - does your self insert have any pets?
YES! Kaden has of course the cutest more adorable ball python! His name is Ebenezer Squeezer or Eb for short lmao Kaden also has a doggo named Ghost, she's a German Shepard~
7 - would any other characters (besides your f/o) have a crush on your self insert?
I'm gonna say Josh Birk (and by extension probably Matt) just because in universe Kaden does really enjoy Nyte Blayde they aren't a huge super fan like Matt is but they still like it a little more than the average person. Kaden actually doesn't like Josh or Matt xD maybe as friends but never anything more than that because they think Matt's weird and Josh is too full of himself. lol
12 - how would the fandom view your character?
I like to think they would view Kaden in a positive light. Maybe at the start they aren't very fond of them but over the course of the game fandom warms up to them because they go through a lot of character development. They go from some weak person who cannot fend for themselve to save their life to being able to kick ass and voice whenever things aren't right.
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vanderwoodlings · 2 years
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If I’m being honest: an Eric van der Woodsen playlist (x)
Tracklist (and commentary!) under the cut
1. “Free To Decide,” The Cranberries. I'm free to decide, I'm free to decide/And I'm not so suicidal after all
1. “Free To Decide,” The Cranberries. I'm free to decide, I'm free to decide/And I'm not so suicidal after all
2. “12345,” Em Beihold. "You need a hug, are you alright?"/“Nobody's loved you much tonight"/Only the mirror tells me I'm fine
3. “Family Line,” Conan Gray. It was really this bit from the chorus that had me going for this one: I'm so good at telling lies/That came from my mother's side/Told a million to survive—but I think there’s really something to the way that Eric just has William written off when he shows up, and that takes a lot of emotional work to do that happens off-screen but I still think about very much
4. “Unsteady,” X Ambassadors. This playlist does kind of just embrace the cringe a little bit and I’m okay with that. Hold, hold on, hold on to me/‘Cause I'm a little unsteady, a little unsteady
5. “Dance Music,” The Mountain Goats. In which I will never be over the stuff that comes up in 2.07 about lily’s various exes
6. “I’m Not a Cynic,” Alec Benjamin. I swear that I'm not a cynic, my glass just has no water in it today
7. “Breaking Free,” Night Riots. I feel violent/Like I'm dying/I feel broken, maybe I'm just breaking free. [sticks a toothpick in the boy’s brain] uh yeah he’s not done yet
8. “Pressure,” Paramore. Seriously tho Eric during the year Serena was gone is so fucked up I wish the show had let us talk about him more. Some things I'll never know/And I had to let them go/I'm sitting all alone/Feeling empty
9. “Wouldn’t It Be Nice,” The Beach Boys. He is gay <3
10. “Creep,” Radiohead. He is gay and depressed
11. “Jason,” BONNIE PARKER. So yeah uh. Asher thing
12. “Shut Up!” Simple Plan.
13. “Inhaler,” Foals. I'm make believe/And I'm up for rent/My head is spent/I guarantee
14. “Hold Me While You Wait,” Lewis Capaldi. So tell me, can you turn around?/I need someone to tear me down.
15. “Blackbird,” The Beatles. Told you I was just going for it.
16. “Cursive,” Billie Marten. And we'll be fine, there is an end/It hurts to fall back again. There’s an ericfic on ao3 that I haven’t actually read, but it’s got a tag about fluctuating mental health and that definitely has the energy I was feeling here—he’s chronically depressed, and that is what it is
17. “Honesty,” Billy Joel. Okay but like. Fuck the UES. Honesty is such a lonely word/Everyone is so untrue
18. “Babel,” Mumford & Sons. Then the walls of my town, they come crumbling down/You ask where will we stand in the winds that will howl. When he says he’ll basically be ten feet away and then literally never appears again
19. “Heart Open,” Kodaline. Always on the outside, too afraid to open up, and talk/…/And you're not broken/So keep your heart open now
20. “Like a River Runs,” Bleachers. I’ve looped back around to thinking about that pre-series year again, a little bit. Tonight, I sit over the parkway/The summer's gone and I'm alone/And I get the feeling that you're somewhere close/And I wanna get up/To the rhythm of your wild, to the rhythm of your wild heart/It beats, been beating since you've gone
21. “Trenches,” Set Your Goals. You're falling in love with the skyline/Nothing comes for free:/Can you put a price on feeling satisfied?
22. “Lost Highway,” Bon Jovi. Yeah, I'm busting loose, I'm letting go/Out on this open road/It's independence day on this lost highway
23. “You Cannot,” Erin McKeown. You cannot cage me, I revolt/You cannot contain me, I bolt/I am not caught because/What I got, got you can't hold, hold
24. “Born to Run,” Bruce Springsteen. Seriously I just find it so interesting when characters actually leave on this show, and it’s even more so for Eric because of all the characters he actually grew up in the UES, and there’s this way that its played as something that traps you, and yet he just basically goes ‘no <3’
25. “Heart lines,” Florence + The Machine. Just keep following the heart lines on your hand/Keep it up, I know you can
26. “We Are Golden,” MIKA. Running around like a clown on purpose/Who gives a damn about the family you come from
27. “everything sucks,” vaultboy, Eric Nam. I really like this one in the way of just… it feels kind of comfortable. It isn’t being all the way up in the way that some of these songs are
28. “Evergreen,” Bears in Trees. But I must possess the thought, that progress is a process/And it ain't one step backward if you rotate your axis/Realize that a slip up is just part of the practice
29. “Hand in My Pocket,” Alanis Morissette. And what it all comes down to/Is that everything's gonna be fine, fine, fine
30. “Lights,” Journey. California!Eric my beloved
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grigori77 · 1 year
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 56
Yet again I'm repeating my constant (lately) plea ... for the love of the Wildmother and the rest, PLEASE tell us what's happening with the others ... we're DYING here, guys!
How did it go? Oh boy ... yeah ... Sam, you couldn't have been more wrong. But we're still SOOOOOOOO proud of our girl all the same! You rule, Marisha!
Wow ... WHY are you suddenly all FRENCH on this NordVPN ad, Samuel? What are you doing to us? That was just PAINFUL ...
The crazed way Laura delivered "in addition to that!" was just SO nuts it's adorable ... I loved it ...
COOKIES!!! YUM!!! ALWAYS room for cookies!
Yeah, I heard about Daggerheart! That looks SO COOL ... ooh, and JOE MAD ARTWORK!!! AWESOME!!! SQUEEEEEEEEE!!!
Yeah ... given no Marisha it don't look good for checking in with the wayward trio THIS week ...
Oh gods yes, the goats ... I cannot wait to see where THIS is gonna go ...
Matt's making notes already ... never a good sign ...
Oh, the travel roll on the D20 for the first day ... oof ... Aabria? Okay, roll good ... 12? Phew ...
Sam rolls fir the SECOND day? Oh boy ...5?!!! Seriously, Sam? Oh no ... gah ...
Yes! PROVE it to the Flatworlder the truth once and for all!
Third day ... 2? Roll a D6? Ouch ... 5? Hmmm ... what does THIS mean? Oh fuck, a BLIZZARD?!!! Aaaaaaaah ... Great, and now they're gonna FREEZE to death! Yup, Imogen got no pants! She's gonna get COLD!!!
Oh gods, Ashley, what X-rated fresh hell have you wrought?
Ah, so Chetney's freezing his tiny arse off too ... ZIP UP THAT CHEST, CHET!!!
Imogen asks Fearne to sit on her ... oh gods, seriously? There's NO WAY that can't be construed well, is there?
Laura rolls ANOTHER 1 for the next day ... 3 on the D6? Oof ... Aabria: "Dost thou like the taste of butter?" LOL
WAHEY!!! Matt found the map!
Fuck, what the hell just hit Letters? Ouch ... 18 points of bludgeoning damage? Ow ... what the hell is THIS?!!!
Oooh, Telekinesis on the rock? Cool ...
Giants? Hmmm ... OH!!! NICE!!! FLOATING ROCK FOR THE WIN!!! Oh, she gonna throw it BACK?!!! Nice ... yeah, roll good, Laura! Yes! Roll 4 D10 of damage? Whoa ... 22? Nice ... BOOM!!! Stunned the fucker mid run!
Oh wow, the goats SLED to get away from predators! That is so cool ...
NATURAL 20!!! 49 points of damage? Holy fuck ... that was almost TRAGIC ...
Imogen is now gonna TRIP the other guy up? Oh nice ... ouch, that must hurt too ...
"The full tossed raccoon" ... XD
Wait, so a giant doesn't count as a humanoid ... hmmm ...
Yes! Fearne! Torch that ass!
Whoa ... FRIDA's gonna SHOOT OUT the guy's knees ... ouch ... 18 points on the FIRST hit, 16 on the second? AND they're firing AGAIN with an Action Surge ... ANOTHER 10 points of damage! Oooooooooh ... that was just NASTY ...
Yeah, they sure shouldn't press their luck after that ...
Making fun of Matt's goat impressions ... XD Bonus chin lifts ...
CAN goats swim?
DOES Fearne have Speak With Animals? Let's see ... apparently some goats enjoy "water play"? Oh gods ...
Donny speaks ... oh boy ... "Like a goat centipede?" Oh my fucking gods! XD
Chetney: "They're not seals! They won't survive 30 degree water!" Yeah, make a proper boat instead, please ...
Fashioning a log raft ... Chetney's in charge, PROBABLY a good call. Oh wait ... Deanna? Hmmm ... WITH Guidance ... it's 11? Hmmm again ... oh, Chetney's helping? Thank the gods ...
Aabria: "We're not leaving the goats cuz I LOVE THEM ..." :3
Oh, so Deanna's having a talk with FCG zbout their INTENTIONS ... here we go ... FCG: "Oh man, just imagine me as a heartbreaker, leaving a trail of wreckage behind." Deanna: "A single tread." FCG: "Yeah!" XD
I love how FCG just reverses the tables on her in the funniest way. But they're also being quite sweet. Deanna: "I've always wanted to be that birch." LOL
Camping for the night, then ...
Components ... Aabria: "Oh man, we're playing with STUFF?!!!"
Imogen: "I can't tell if it's just warm here or I pooped my pants!" Chetney: "Either way you win!" Oof ...
Commune? Interesting ... hmmm ... is this a moment of truth for the metallic cleric?
Wait ... is FCG actually getting a response? Sweet ... yeah, it's subtle, but very cool ... nice ... wait, is he actually SEEING the Changebringer? That's so cool ... and the LITERAL coin flip! Nice!
FCG: "Do you need help?" Oh ... is that a YES? Wow ...
Oh man ... this is SO POWERFUL ... wow indeed ... affirmation for FCG. So cool.
Fuck ... the flat earth thing AGAIN ... LOL
FCG: "You believe? But you're so cynical!" Deanna: "I put my faith more in PEOPLE."
Hmmmm ... Deanna's CONSTANT fear ...
The Changebringer's a cool, VIBING god, apparently ...
Imogen's thinking about trying to contact Laudna in her dreams ... unless she get sucked up into Ruidus ... hmmm ... is it really worth it? Apparently she has Disadvantage in her sleep ... crap ...
Planerider Chetney's back ... XD
Taking turns on watch ... FRIDA goes first. Nothing happens. Yup ...
Deanna is ATTUNED to smoochies ... XD
Knock off one exhaustion point, then.
Laura (deep voice): "Mage buff! I'm so Mage buff, you guys!"
Matt: "Using Titanic logic ..." (snort!)
Matt: "Who has the highest intelligence here?" Travis (as Chetney): "I DO!!! Which is fucking terrifying!"
Fit the goats on the raft ... wow ... this is insane. And therefore hilarious ...
Wait ... did Deanna REALLY just KILL Gerry? O.O
Yes. The goats are now TERRIFIED. As they should be ...
1,000 to 1,200 pounds each? Blimey ...
Oh my gods this is a riotous clusterfuck and I am LOVING IT ... LOL
Fearne speaks to Donny Boy ... oh boy ... "He exploded!" Yeesh ... "I don't wanna explode!" Fuck! Cry laughing, I swear ... and Patchwork is EATING Gerry's annihilated remains ... dear gods ... "We're gonna stay and eat Gerry!" Fuuuuuuuuuck ...
Carrying on down the river on the raft without the goats, then ...
Ooooh ... suddenly it's all dark ... hmmmm ... and misty? Double hmmmm ...
Wow, this is just like some proper full on PRIMORDIAL forest, ain't it? Creepy ...
Sam: "Did you make a rollerblade warthog?!"
No wildlife sounds AT ALL ... oh, that is just SO WRONG ...
That's right, Chetney DID bite FRIDA ... and now it's actually OUT LOUD ... hmmm ... yeah, Deanna is FREAKING OUT ...
NO!!! Chetney CANNOT hear what Imogen and FRIDA are saying TELEPATHICALLY!!!
Now FRIDA's worried too. Yes. They SHOULD be ...
Ashley's rolling for the first day of travel on the river ... 2? OF FUCK!!! She has to roll a D8 ... Laura: "We're gonna die!"
Oh lawd, something's coming in the woods ... fuck ... yes. Kill the "engine" ...
And now it's pitch black ... put on some lights! Oh, that is NOT an improvement ... whoa ... oh great, Will o' the Wisps, lovely ... O.O
Uh-oh ... NOW what?
Hunter's Bane. Yup ... there's Fey energy out there ... oh shit, pixies? Never good ...
Oh crap, what the hell is THIS fucking thing? Please have mercy on us, Matthew ...
Ewwwwwww ... this thing is just ... yuck ...
Ashley (with her mouth full): "Guidance!" XD
Crap ... and now it's in the river ... and CHASING THEM!!! Matt: "And we're gonna go to break!" NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Nice map! And terrifying creature, too ... oh gods help us ...
Control Water ... and now they're going TOWARDS IT too ... great ...
Turmoil! Yay!
Tentacles! Yikes! 22 points of bludgeoning damage to FRIDA, and 18 points of bludgeoning damage ... and now they're BOTH GRAPPLED!!! SHIT!!! AND a tongue attack? Crap! No joy against FRIDA, though ... phew ...
Elect to FAIL? What?
FCG: "Nobody tongues FRIDA except for ME!!!"
Fearne tries to torch it! Strangely underwhelming, though ... damn water beasties ...
Inflict Wounds at 4th Level? Ouch ... 6 D10s of damage ... dice maths ... 40 points of Necrotic damage? Holy fuck! Nice, Imogen! Whoa ... cloudy black eyes? Scary shit ...
BOOM!!! FRIDA shoots and FUCKS SHIT UP!!! Sharpshooter! Yeah .... NO!!! Miss! One more ... A HIT!!! 46 points of damage overall! Yeah! Wait ... no, 52 points! DOUBLE yeah!
Evil pixies! Shiiiiit! Laura: "Is this Charmed? Am I being Charmed?" Matt: "No! You are Polymorphed into a fox!" FUCK!!!
Tries the same on Deanna ... FAIL!!! Phew ... Deanna: "No! Shoo! Go home!"
And Fearne just SHOOS the same off! Nice ...
Deanna full on fucking DROWNS the pixies! Nice ... and that BREAKS concentration, so Imogen is BACK!!! Phew ...
FCG wants to help FRIDA ... so what, they THROW THEMSELVES at the creature? Really? Ah, no ... they just fire the grapple at its "toothy maw" ... and Sam rolls a 2 ... hmmm ... Spiritual Weapon, then! Slightly bigger than Deanna's. "Because it's a competition!" Znd they try the grapple again and LATCH ONTO THE BEAST!!!
Deanna realises all the robits really DO have a deathwish! LOL
Chetney pours on beaucoup Slashing AND Thunder Damage with Turmoil! NATURAL 20!!! Nice! Double damage!
And now it's gonna bite FRIDA ... yeah, sage to say 26 hits! And now they're SWALLOWED!!! FUCK!!! And now more tentacles! Imogen takes 17 points of bludgeoning damage and now SHE'S grappled too ... but Deanna's a miss! Phew ...
Fearne gets an attack of opportunity! Slashing it with her sickle ... 6 misses! Crap! But now it's her turn, so ... NICE!!! Strangle the fucker! And now Mister chucks some flaming shit! Nice!
No telepathic attack with FRUDA in it! Okay ... Imogen casts Inflict Wounds instead. 29 points of Necrotic damage! And Telepathic Shove? Yeah, that works ... bur doesn't actually DO much ... yeah ...
FRIDA uses bonus action to reload and uses Sharpshooter ... despite disadvantage, Nat20! 29 points if damage from INSIDE!!! AND IT VOMITS THEM OUT!!! BONUS!!! And now they're getting washed away in the river! Shit!
Pathetic pixie can't do shit on FRIDA! Phew ...
And Travis rolls a NAT20!!! ALSO a fail for another one. It just vanishes in disgust.
Deanna casts Mass Cure Wounds ... and then COMPLETELY FAILS to do anything else ...
FCG let's go znd grapples a nearby tree! Now for a mace attack with Spiritual Weapon ... 16 points of damage!
Beastie is HURT now, might be looking to BOLT ...
Shatter? Oooooh ... Chetney trieste blow down the tree to flatten the fucker ... AND IT TANKS its con save? Whoo ... so the tree crushes it ... CHETNEY GETS THE HDYWTDT!!! "Timber, motherfucker!" Oh yeah, it is IMPALED ...
So that's that ... and they carry on like nothing happened. After Deanna finally shoos off the pixies. "Your guy's dead! Go home!"
So there's no light ... NO LIGHT!!! (Sorry ... went all Florence + the Machine there for a second ... XD)
Imogen, DO NOT invoke a waterfall right now!
Fearne wants to talk to the fish to see what's ahead ... IS THERE anything normal in this water? Oh boy ... catfish? Are we SURE?!!! Okay, here we go ... wait, is she GOING IN?!!! She is turning into a fish! Blimey ... no, she's just gonna stick her head in and cast Speak With Animals.
Oh ... UGLY BLIND FISH!!! Lovely ...
Wow ... Fearne completely blanks on what she's even saying to it ... ye gods ...
Fearne thinks the fish with the creepy second mouth is CUTE ... "the Wolf King"? What the FUCK?!!!
Fearne: "What's he eat?" Nasty fish: "Probably you."
Oh okay, and now it's ON HER ARM!!! Bloody hell ... "Bye!" as she YEETS it off ...
Chetney thinks perhaps HE is the Wolf King ...
"Recognise the Alpha" returns again ... Deanna: "I'm still weirdly turned on by that! It's the goat's blood!" Matt: "Nature's aphrodisiac."
Night falls and they go to sleep ... FCG's on watch ... CRAP!!! RAPIDS!!! AAAAH!!!
FRIDA's watch next ... and now Deanna's up too ... heart-to-heart ... and they're talking zbout the possibility of FRIDA being a werewolf, and the future in general ... hmmm ...
Prayers to the Dawnfather ...
New day ... Travis rolls a 17! Oh thank the gods ...
Chetney's keeping his nose open for unpleasantness ... particularly undead ... yup ...
Deeper, darker, more unpleasant ...
Another day ... Aabria rolls shit ... no! Here we go again ...
Curse Geysers? REALLY?!!!
Oh bollocks ... just FUMIGATED!!! This is SO BAD ...
Fearne and Deanna take a direct hit ... 2 points of exhaustion each and their hit points are reduced by 5? NASTY!!!
Fearne and Deanna both: "I don't like it!"
Ruins on the banks ... oh, here we go ... and they go aground now. Smart, especially after what just happened.
So there's a tower ... a mile or two away ... hmmm ...
FCG's viking blood bread ... okay ... AND it gives them BACK the lost hit points! Perfect.
Even telepathically Imogen's mouth is full ... "Thank you."
Wait, they are SERIOUSLY gonna walk a mile and a half through the Savalirwood?
Oh yeah, this place isjudt UNPLEASANT. There us just MALICE all around them.
The tower is in sight. And it's NOT the only one, either ... yup, this us what they've been looking for.
It's Elven ... oh yeah, this is DEFINITELY the place. Wait ... WEBS?!!! SERIOUSLY?!!! Come on! Do not do THAT to us, Matt ...
23 with disadvantage on Survival? Nice roll, Ashley!
Are there any trees around? Matt: "Oh yeah, there are SO MANY trees."
Those are some RIDICULOUS high stealth rolls, guys!
Thought Eater, the Crimson Shade ... so cool ... and a seriously SWEET entrance.
A massive elk? Whoa ... and it's AGGRESSIVE too ... fuck, that's it for the Shade, then. And this thing has NO FACE. And a FUCKLOAD of legs. With two it's just DRAGGING ... yuck! Oh my GODS and it also has HUMANOID ARMS ...
Travis: "This frequency's been compromised!"
"Long broken egg sacs"? REALLY?!!!
Deanna: "It is FUCKED in here!"
Imogen: "Chh -- we can only hear each other in or heads, there's no need to whisper." FRIDA: "Chh -- she's right."
BODIES in the trees? Actually IN the trees? Charming.
Matt: "And that's where we're gonna call it a night!" Just as he gives us all nightmares ...
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misscammiedawn · 1 year
What is your favorite angry song? Gets your heart pumping angry, dancing around angry and maybe screaming angry.
Thank you for asking, Linny. To my Tumblr audience, I have been quiet about it on this side but I am healing from major surgery and am bed-ridden for the next 3-5 weeks. Linny is sending me a number of asks to help me pass the time.
This question deserves a full answer:
When I was a teenager I used to be big into Papa Roach and Linkin Park. My Rush obsession existed, of course, that is a constant with me... but Rush don't do angry songs. Given I was Going Through Some Shit back then, listening to Hybrid Theory a lot was good for my deeply angry part. The dominant portion of my soul back then that needed to survive being kicked out (twice) and navigate having to work 12+ hour shifts at my temp job to keep myself from sinking further into the rocks of rock bottom.
There was always something so soothing about just getting that catharsis of screaming out via miming along as my disc span inside the work computer. 12 pound disc, 6 pound headphones. A worthy purchase at a time when shutting off my brain and just doing my job was needed.
I think Papa Roach's Infest album got the most play and Broken Home was my favorite at that rage fueled part of my life.
I mellowed out a lot in the past 20 years and these days most of my "angry" music is just BPD music so when I am hurting and upset I tend towards Left At London. Nat's music is trans-BPD sicko mode music and her anthem is Pills & Good Advice, a song about being discharged from a mental facility and the odyssey of trying to get by, being understood and the vague acceptance that none of this is going to go away and no one can save you from it from the outside.
Kudzu is also one I like to project on. The song is more from the perspective of addiction with the kudzu/addictive substance "taking over your garden" but every time I listen and hear "can I stay one more night until I go home" I think literal terms and remember the multiple people who have hosted me in the past and how I used their charity until it all went away. How many people had I selfishly used up all I could use from them until they ran out of love and patience for me?
I listen to that song and get angry at me.
Which isn't what I typically want.
With Pills & Good Advice it is more cathartic. Particularly the climax of the song:
Start to climb, and then I get a little higher (Higher)
I'm a coward, it don't matter what I do (Higher)
From "I can't do it anymore" to "I can't do it, I can't do it"
Told myself I wanna die
So how am I supposed to prove it now?
Spend too many of my minutes getting higher (Higher)
I've attempted way too much to even count (Higher)
I've been committed, but committed to the people that I love
And if I try to love myself, I guess that I could live forever crying
Also the Blacknwhite single is really good for conveying what Splitting feels like within BPD.
(I can find another)
But I'll never find another you again
I've been splitting 'cause it's better than admitting
That it's something that I can't control
I was livid, what you did was nothing easily forgiven
Yet I couldn't let go
And I bet all your friends say, "I'm glad that she's gone"
Then you have Screen Violence by CHVRCHES which is an album that just resonates with me and how I felt between 2019 and 2021 when I burned my life to the ground a 3rd time. I am not proud of my actions... but god it feels good when you can listen to a song and feel like you may not have done the "right" things, but you did something that someone, somewhere can understand well enough to put in to poetry.
Anger being my core emotion is not something I am proud of either. But it's better spent on music than on people.
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heavensbeehall · 8 months
"Catching Fire", Chapter 19
Part 3: The Enemy
Chapter 19: Let the 75th Hunger Games Begin! Katniss swims to the Cornucopia and gets there first, but is joined by Finnick who has Haymitch's Effie!bangle and says they are allies. They retrieve Peeta and Mags before heading into the jungle as what I consider to be an adorable foursome. Katniss, however, is uneasy with this alliance. Particularly the Finnick part of it. But then Peeta hits a forcefield with his knife, and his heart stops.
-- At this moment, many of the tributes are going in here with the intention of sacrificing themself, not of surviving. Yet six people will survive these Games, topping last year's record of two which is somewhat good. But I can't help thinking that more should be able to make it since these games only go for three days (spoilers?). We know now that the 10th Games lasted five days. Before that they were over quickly but it's most likely this last Hunger Games was both the shortest of the Snow era, and the last.
-- I have seen people wondering why District 1, 2, 5, 9 and 10 (particularly 1 since Cashmere is mentioned as being trafficked as Finnick was) were not included in the Alliance. Honestly I think that having 12 victors (3,4,6,7,8 and 11) with "varying" knowledge of the plan is already a lot of people and I'm surprised a Totalitarian Dictatorship didn't catch on. At the very least, that's a lot of conversations that could've been overheard. I also wonder, in the particular case of D1, if the fact that they were siblings meant either would've happily reported on the Rebels to save their sibling.
Heroes of the Rebellion! The following Victors were known to be part of the rebel alliance: Unnamed District 6 male Tribute (Morphling), Woof, Cecelia, and Seeder. (please play respectuful music for them in your own head.)
I can't think straight. The image of Cinna, beaten and bloody, consumes me. Where is he now? What are they doing to him? Torturing him? Killing him? Turning him into an Avox? Obviously his assault was staged to unhinge me, the same way Darius's presence in my quarters was. And it has unhinged me. All I want to do is collapse on my metal plate. But I can hardly do that after what I just witnessed. I must be strong. I owe it to Cinna, who risked everything by undermining President Snow and turning my bridal silk into mockingjay plumage. And I owe it to the rebels who, emboldened by Cinna's example, might be fighting to bring down the Capitol at this moment.
I think it's worth noting how Snow uses all the people, including Darius and Cinna, as pawns in the Game. (The whole world is an arena, afterall.) Both of these men will die off the page, with few short lines given to their ends. Darius will again be used as a pawn in an attempt to unhinge Peeta. While Cinna is said to have died while being tortured because he refused to give answers to his captors.
Someone asked me "what did Cinna give to the rebellion?" when I was mad about Gale not wanting Cinna's gloves. That kind of unhinged me, if you haven't noticed by my harping on him. He gave his life, obviously. And his talents. And while his early life was probably much easier than any district kid, I don't think that it's fair to say he had a platform because of the Capitol. He had a platform because of his abilities. It doesn't seem like all Capitol citizens get to be on TV. He had more access, I concede. I don't think that makes his sacrifice lesser though.
Anyway did you guys know Francis Lawrence considered having Lenny Kravitz being executed in the montage of executions in Mockingjay Part 1? ("The concept for the scene was that President Snow's speech would have been delivered during a series of grim executions that were broadcast live, with Cinna's execution being carried out last along with a specific message to Katniss." here)
I'm going to have to cut for length and I've only gotten through the first two paragraphs of this chapter.
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fiftytwotwentythree · 11 months
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Wellness Wednesday:
Knocking Out A Challenge
There's nothing better...
Picking a goal - setting up a challenge - and completing it.
I've been consistently setting goals for myself since 2013...
I think I am slightly addicted to waking up in the morning and having an objective for myself. I'm not talking about work or chores either - no - I'm talking about something that engages, provides fulfillment, and causes me to stretch myself.
This Groundhog Day Diet Challenge was an interesting one. If I did it again, I would do it differently as I feel I shortchanged my self when it came to portions/calories, but I did enjoy aspect of having to stick to a rigid meal plan - even if that meant traveling with my own toaster.
Getting to the meat of the matter - Let's Discuss the Pros and Cons.
I didn't have to think twice about a meal. Fast, easy, efficient.
Saved money on my grocery bill.
Really opened my eyes to simplicity of the food I eat - aka - I can survive without condiments, snacks, seconds....
Due to the strict calorie intake (an uncalculated accident) - I hit a massive bout of weightloss especially after a long, stretched out plateau
Couple weeks ago I mentioned "side effects" - well, what I was experiencing was blurry/loss of vision every time I stood up. Hit me hard during week 2, but went away some time during week 3.
Early on, my morning hunger was ravenous. To the point I know I was not thinking clearly until I had my Turkey and Swiss.
Having to eat on schedule was a pain - especially when traveling.
I can't find a direct correlation (as other factors besides the diet may be at play), but this month by far was my moodier month of the year so far.
What am I going to do with any of that information - I don't know - but at least I can check it off the list.
With 8ish weeks left in the year I need to start plotting on my next big challenge for 2024.
In Other News...
I Officially Loss 100 Pounds!
44th CHECK-IN:
Current Goals:
Lose 52 lbs: Completed
Loss 52 pounds as of 4/12/2023
Milestone: Loss 100 as of 11/01/2023
New Goal: Maintain or Continue on The Weight Loss Path
Avoid "Junk Food"
Minimize Take-Out / Fast Food Consumption
Short Term:
Vegetarian-ish Diet: Completed
End Date: 4/09/2023 - 46 Days Total
Groundhog's Day Diet: Completed*
10/01/2023 - 10/31/2023
Eat the Same Thing Each Day for 31 Days
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Stats from October:
Cans of Soup: 31
Leftover Meals: 0
Oranges: 0
Salads: 0
Bags of Popcorn: 0
Take Out: 0
Candy/Sweets: 0
Jumping Jacks: 12,400
Push-Ups: 3,100
Glute Bridges: 3,100
Reverse Leg Lifts: 3,100
Leg Kickbacks: 3,100
Sit-Ups: 3,100
Plank (mins): 155
Squats: 0
Assisted Push-Ups: 0
Weight Loss:
Weightloss This Month: -15.4 lbs
Average Weightloss per Week: -3.85 lbs
Total Weightloss: -100.0 lbs
Movies Watched: 11
Favorite from the Month:
Love At First Sight
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Hours of Television Watched: ~ 54 hours ( Modern Family, The Simpsons (specifically Treehouse of Horror episodes), Selena + Chef, Only Murders in the Building, Stranger Things)
Books Completed This Month: 0
Book Title(s) Completed This Month: -n/a-
Book Total for the Year: 2
Comics Completed: 3
Trades Completed: 11
Comic/Trade Titles Completed:
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 4. I Kissed A Squirrel And I Liked It (The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2015-2019))
Betty: The Final Girl #1 (Archiw Horror Presents)
Lumberjanes Vol. 2
Chew Vol. 4: Flambe
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 5. Like I'm The Only Squirrel In The World (The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2015-2019))
Astonishing X-Men Vol. 1: Gifted (Astonishing X-Men (2004-2013))
Fear the Funhouse (Archie Halloween Spectacular)
Deadpool by Skottie Young Vol. 3: Weasel Goes to Hell (Deadpool (2018-2019))
Archie Halloween Spectacular (2017) #1
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The IDW Collection Vol. 4
Spider-Man/Deadpool Vol. 1: Isn't It Bromantic (Spider-Man/Deadpool (2016-2019))
Astonishing X-Men Vol. 2: Dangerous
Batman (2016-) Vol. 1: I Am Gotham
Curse Of The Man-Thing (Curse Of The Man-Thing (2021))
Favorite Comic/Trade Read:
Spider-Man/Deadpool Vol. 1: Isn't It Bromantic (Spider-Man/Deadpool (2016-2019))
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Magazine(s) Completed: 0
Meal Tracker:
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Turkey & Swiss with Toasted Wheat Sandwich
(5) Baby Carrots
(1) Cup of Del Monte Peaches
Serving of Good & Gather's Tex Mex Trail Mix
Can of Progresso Lasagna Style Soup
- 10 Crackers
(1) Glass of Milk
Turkey & Swiss with Toasted Wheat Sandwich
(5) Baby Carrots
(1) Cup of Del Monte Peaches
Serving of Good & Gather's Tex Mex Trail Mix
Can of Progresso Lasagna Style Soup
- 10 Crackers
(1) Glass of Milk
Turkey & Swiss with Toasted Wheat Sandwich
(5) Baby Carrots
(1) Cup of Del Monte Peaches
Serving of Good & Gather's Tex Mex Trail Mix
Can of Progresso Lasagna Style Soup
- 10 Crackers
(1) Glass of Milk
Turkey & Swiss with Toasted Wheat Sandwich
(5) Baby Carrots
(1) Cup of Del Monte Peaches
Serving of Good & Gather's Tex Mex Trail Mix
Can of Progresso Lasagna Style Soup
- 10 Crackers
(1) Glass of Milk
Turkey & Swiss with Toasted Wheat Sandwich
(5) Baby Carrots
(1) Cup of Del Monte Peaches
Serving of Good & Gather's Tex Mex Trail Mix *
Can of Progresso Lasagna Style Soup
- 10 Crackers
(1) Glass of Milk
Turkey & Swiss with Toasted Wheat Sandwich
(5) Baby Carrots
(1) Cup of Del Monte Peaches
Serving of Good & Gather's Tex Mex Trail Mix
Can of Progresso Lasagna Style Soup
- 10 Crackers
(1) Glass of Milk
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* And Then There Was None... well, except a for surplus of crackers and trail mix *
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* Crushed It *
Chili Mac
- Can of Campbell's Chunky Chili with Beans
- Individual Cup of Bob Evan's Macaroni and Cheese
- 10 Crackers
(2) Slices of Bread
(1) Cup of Del Monte Peaches
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
(2) Seasoned Ribeye Steaks (1.78lbs)
Side of Green Giants Restaurant Style Garlic Parmesan Green Beans
Side of Birds Eye Oven Roasters: Sweet Potatoes Potatoes, Carrots, and Red Potatoes
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
(400) Jumping Jacks [8 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Reverse Leg Lifts [10 sets of 10]
(100) Leg Kickbacks [10 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 Sets of 20]
(5 min) Planks [5 Sets of 1 min]
(400) Jumping Jacks [8 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(10) Reverse Leg Lifts [10 sets of 10]
(10) Leg Kickbacks [10 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 Sets of 20]
(5 min) Planks [5 Sets of 1 min]
(400) Jumping Jacks [8 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Reverse Leg Lifts [10 sets of 10]
(100) Leg Kickbacks [10 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 Sets of 20]
(5 min) Planks [5 Sets of 1 min]
(400) Jumping Jacks [8 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Reverse Leg Lifts [10 sets of 10]
(100) Leg Kickbacks [10 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 Sets of 20]
(5 min) Planks [5 Sets of 1 min]
(400) Jumping Jacks [8 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Reverse Leg Lifts [10 sets of 10]
(100) Leg Kickbacks [10 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 Sets of 20]
(5 min) Planks [5 Sets of 1 min]
(400) Jumping Jacks [8 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges [4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Reverse Leg Lifts [10 sets of 10]
(100) Leg Kickbacks [10 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 Sets of 20]
(5 min) Planks [5 Sets of 1 min]
(400) Jumping Jacks [8 sets of 50]
(100) Glute Bridges[4 sets of 25]
(100) Push-Ups [10 sets of 10]
(100) Reverse Leg Lifts [10 sets of 10]
(100) Leg Kickbacks [10 sets of 10]
(100) Sit-Ups [5 Sets of 20]
(5 min) Planks [5 Sets of 1 min]
Starting Weight (Noon, 1/01/2023): XXX.X lbs
Weight at Last Check-In, 10/25/2023:-4.4lbs
Weight As of Noon, 11/01/2023: -3.6 lbs
Total Weight Loss: -100.0 lbs
Closing Thoughts:
The Good:
The Groundhog Day Diet is over. My mouth is already watering for all the tasty possibilities.
Loss 100 Pounds - All without Ozempic!
Ending the "Wellness Week" with "classy feast" aka Steak and Veggies. I stated before that I would never use food a reward, but I broke 100 pounds AND just wrapped on eating Sammies and Soup for 31 days... I think I can break my Food as Reward Rule just this once - especially since it will be a home cooked meal.
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The Bad:
I've been tad moody lately. Hoping I can chill out this coming November.
The Ugly:
My Ankle/Achilles is very sore/tender. Continuing with my scheduled workouts, but babying it as much as possible. The pain seems to get worse with each passing day.
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kkusuka · 4 years
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Dabi/ Touya Todoroki x Fem reader
Genre: Smut
Synopsis: You haven’t seen Dabi in a year and he seems to miss you a whole bunch.
words: 1.9k
Cw: minor manga spoilers, slight degrading, overuse of the word doll, you get walked-in on and I'm sure there's a word for that I just can't think of, voyeurism
The threat of being arrested loomed over your boyfriend's head since becoming a villain. Apparently, the fear of never being free again was stomped out by his ambition to overthrow his father.
So when he was captured during an ambush, you felt your heartbreak for him. No matter what had happened in his childhood, life in prison was the only outcome you could think would happen.
Your heart shattered when you were proven right.
You haven't seen Dabi in a year, he was constantly being transferred into higher security prisons. Not to mention the times you tried to visit but he was placed in solitary right before, his bad habit of getting into fights finally caught up to him.
The time made you think about all the nights you spent laying under the stars talking about your future, a peaceful life, maybe a family. Or all the evenings you would dance around your living room in that shitty apartment as a soft waltz plays from the speaker. You’ll never get the chance to have a nice wedding or that baby girl, he would treat so well-
“Um, Y/n? You’ve been cleared to enter.”
Shooting your head up at the mention of your name you take notice of the guard holding the door to the visitation rooms open. You could feel his eyes on you as you placed the fashion magazine back into its place, before grabbing your small purse and walking over to the man.
He led you down a monotonous hallway bringing you to a stop before door number 12.
As he went to open the door he asked once more if you had anything in your purse that could aid in an escape of a high-class prisoner, you're sure the reminder of just who your boyfriend is was a dig at you. But you couldn't even care about that.
He warned you one last time before opening the door and stepping in, taking a second to stand there when a deep familiar voice rang out from the depth of the room,
“Dude, no offense but I was getting in the mood to see my girl, and seeing you really turned me off, where is she anyway?”  you rushed to step in immediately noticing the taunting smirk on his scarred face, “ah! There she is! How are ya Doll?”
Unable to hide your overwhelming rush of emotions, you almost ran towards the man, who promptly stood, letting you wrap your arms firmly around his waist. He maneuvered his still cuffed wrists over your head, pressing you into his body.
Slightly swaying your bodies, he lifted his head towards the guard, who was stationed in the corner by the door ( observation, a skill you picked up from one of Dabi’s impromptu survival lessons) raising his hands, “Man couldn't you undo these one time? They're ruining our reunion.”
You let out a soft, wet laugh at the humor that you missed so much, letting a sniffle out as he stuffed his cheek into your hair, eyes still burning into the guard.
“You know we can’t Mr. Todoroki, it’s against policy for high-class profiles”  You could tell this guy did not like you or your boyfriend and wanted to make sure you knew it.
At the excuse, Dabi let out a loud groan and spun you to sit on the couch adjacent to the chair he plopped himself onto. Settling from across from him you finally got to take a look at him, the look was reciprocated as he stared back at you.
He wasn't as skinny as you expected, that meant he was eating well, or as well as he could in this situation. His skin looked less blistered, definitely from the lack of quirk use. The staples on his hands were replaced with actual stitches and seemed to be healing.
But most notably was the white roots poking out of his dyed locks, something you would never see. He would dye his roots the second his natural color peaked through. It was almost like looking at a different person.
But his eyes, the slight upturn of his lips as he smirked back at you, and the deep chuckle when he noticed your stare. All telltale signs he was the same man you knew, and loved, for the last six years of your life.
“Whatcha lookin’ at doll?”
You couldn't help but let out a smile at the nickname, “Your hair, and your eyes, and your arms, and your, your everything. I can't believe it’s really you” Yu tried to laugh the last phrase out but your soft sobs got in the way.
He gave you a smile and held his arms out, making small ‘grabby hands’ at you, motioning you to come back into his arms.
“Well you didn't come all this way to just look at me, and, dude can’t you just take ‘em off for a minute. These things are totally ruining our moment”
Before the man could answer an intercom blared into the room a fight had broken out in the main corridor and they needed all guards in the area. Meaning he had to leave, at least for a few minutes.
He shot the both of you a look, reaching to grab his keys from his belt, opening the door, “I will be right back, I’m locking the door, the cuffs are staying on. The door will be locked until I come back, no funny business. Am I understood?”
You gave the man a curt nod as he shut the dock, as the lock clicked in place you were thrown onto the couch, your coat and purse threw to the floor. Dabi was looming over you in seconds, pulling his arms apart snapping the chain of his handcuffs.
“H-hey! What-”
“Doll, I haven't gotten off in a year and all of a sudden you show up and we were handed a golden opportunity I will not waste”  he growled as he slipped your top off.
Reaching behind you he unhooked your bra, throwing it into some corner of the room, something he’ll probably manage to sneak back into his cell with. He kneeled in between your legs leaning to take a nipple into his mouth, rolling the other, maintaining eye contact.
“Fuck I missed these, my head doesn’t give you credit, mouse” you missed this, you missed his voice, you missed the way he bit your neck as a hand reached down to maneuver your shorts down your legs.
He lifted his head, admiring the marks he left on your neck, pushing you to sit against the armrest. Then pulling your thighs to his shoulders pressing his face into your dripping core. Giving it a small lick and a guttural rumble from his throat. “Oh, baby you shaved just for me? Now I've got to give you a taste. And you’re just as wet as I remember”
Attaching his lips to your clit, giving it a suck, you followed his command of playing with your hard nipples aiding in the build of your orgasm. Reaching a hand to hand onto his colored locks, pulling him closer to you while tightening your thighs around his head. His chuckle sent shivers to your core, adding to the wetness.
His tongue was shoved deeper into your cunt as you clench around him, riding through your orgasm. Letting you fall onto the couch, painting as he released his cock from his boxers
“You know what to do Doll, get in position.”
You couldn't forget how he wanted you if you tried. It's been buried, fucked really, into you. You're sure you would have pulled your knees to your chest, opening yourself completely, presenting yourself to him, as he fucked you.
He laughed at your submissiveness, “I’ve trained you that well? All this time and you're still my cockwhore! Say it, tell me I was a bitch in heat you are for me.”
Instead of letting you answer he fully sheathed himself in your heat, his hips flushing against yours.
“I’m not hearing you talk Doll! ‘Cmon you’ve said it before, tell me how much you love my dick in your pussy.” he accompanied each word with a roll of his hips, brushing into your clit. Bringing a hand up to roll your nipple.
“I-i’m a whore for you cock, I’m a-a well-trained bitch in heat”  
“Hah! Yes, you are, my bitch in heat!”
He was pounding you into the couch, thrusting with his entire body weight straight into your cervix. Your mind was a mess of his soft growls and the finger rubbing circles around your throbbing clit. Only knowing the feeling of his cock re-carving his way into your cunt.
Mid-thrust the door swung open and you could make out the face of the shocked guard frozen in the doorway. Dabi shot a glare over his shoulder at the intruder before letting out a mocking laugh as he slowed his hip, eliciting a whine from you.
In a second, Dabi fell back, dropping you onto his cock, facing the shocked guard, who was opening his mouth attempting to speak.
“Dude, don't just stand there,” Dabi mocked snapping the guard out of whatever trance he was in, he opted to step in and shut the door going back into his former stance, “ha! Give him a show doll!”
He helped you start off by picking up your hips and dropping you back onto his cock, settling you into a steady rhythm. When you try to hang your head and look into Dabi’s burning eyes, he seems to have other ideas.  
He placed his hand under your chin and pushed your face to meet the eyes of your observer, “Not at me baby, give ‘em a show, it's what he stayed for afterall” keeping with your rhythm his other hand flew down to your clit, fondling with it, laughing when you let out a gasp of his name.
You felt eyes fall onto your bouncing breasts, taking Dabi’s words too great you reached a hand to play with your pebbles nipples, letting out a pornstar worth moan, and Dabi let out a fake moan to pair with yours.
As you felt the coil in your core begin to grow, you lost your pace opting to let Dabi bounce you on his cock until he took mercy and flipped you over, throwing a leg over his shoulder.
Sensing you were close Dabi aimed for the spot in your depths, “Please, gonna cum, Please, please!” the coil was getting tighter and your cunt was squeezing him.
“Go, whore” and with that you fell apart around his cock, milking his orgasm from him as he shoved his cum, farther into your cavern.  
A minute of breathing passed before he peeled himself off you and glanced towards the guard who choked out a command to clean yourselves up and that you only had five minutes left. Scouring the room for your clothes, Dabi surprised you when he handed your bra back until you noticed him pocketing your panties.
After staying in his arms for whatever remaining time you had left, the same guard came back and yanked the man off you and replaced the broken handcuff, locking them on his wrists.
As he was escorted out he glanced back, winked, announcing, “Bye-bye Doll, wait for next time, I’ll stuff your throat full, ok? Just wait.”  
Two weeks and he’ll have to make do on that promise.
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itsany62 · 3 years
SteveTony - Superfamily
Here are some Superfamily fics that I love. Don’t forget to leave kudos and nice comments in every fic!
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What We Learn?, by nannersmelo, 1 k >, Fluff.
“Who is this?”
“That doesn’t matter. What matters is that we have your husband, so you will listen very closely-”
“My husband Tony? Tony Stark?”
“Oh well,” Steve laughed, “good luck with that.”
Intruder, by wordscorrupt, 500 words.
Steve and Tony face a rather tiny, adorable intruder in the middle of the night.
the privilege of loving you by starklystar, 7 k > words.
“Why won’t you let me touch you?”
It’s a desperate plea, half-shouted and half-whispered, Steve’s voice cracking at the end. Tony stops in his tracks, halfway to the stairs. He doesn’t dare to turn back, and he really doesn’t want to fight, or to leave, to spend the last month of his life away from his husband and their son. But Steve can’t know, can he?
Or: Tony has palladium poisoning, but he doesn't tell Steve and Peter
ah-choo by starksnack, 3 k words, Hurt/Comfort.
Peter catches a cold at the park while Tony is away for work. Steve is all out of sorts trying to care for a sick child on his own.
The Sign by nightwalker, 2 k > words, Adoption.
Tony hadn't slept the night before and he knew Steve hadn't either. They'd just laid there, side by side, listening to each other breathe and thinking their own thoughts. Somewhere around dawn Steve had rolled onto his side and splayed his fingers over Tony's heart.
Bellflower (unwavering love) by S_Horne, 1 k > words.
“Aw, man.” Tony shook his head at himself as he finally broke. He bent down and tucked his hands underneath Peter’s armpits, hoisting him up onto his hip with a practiced ease. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“No m’not.”
Tony shook his head, straightening Peter’s shirt out where it had bunched up around his chest. “You’re in one of those moods today, aren’t you?”
Peter shook his head sagely and Tony huffed a laugh. “Not. You’re just mean.”
“I swear,” Tony said, blowing out a sigh, “if your Pops walks in and you turn into an angel, you’re grounded until you’re 50.”
a little lemonade by tonystarkssnipples, 1 k > words.
Tony came downstairs after putting Piper to sleep to find Steve with about 10 pounds of lemons spread across the table. At Tony’s footsteps, Steve looked up at him with wide eyes. “The recipe says a cup of lemon juice per gallon.”
“I don’t know how many lemons make a cup of lemon juice.”
It's summer and Steve wants to help their daughter with a lemonade stand.
Distracted by a Dime by happyaspie, 56 k > words, Homeless Peter Parker.
Peter Parker thinks he has everything figured out. Where he can eat, sleep and make a little bit of money. What he needs to do in order to continue attending Midtown High and being Queen’s friendly neighborhood Spider-man. How to keep his entire situation under wraps and most importantly, who he can trust.
Then, along comes Tony Stark with an offer he can’t refuse. The plan is to remain professional, to not get too close to the Stark-Rogers’ family. Not getting comfortable means not slipping up and saying anything that he can’t take back.
...but for Peter- things rarely go as planned...
one makes me want another by parkrstark, 12 k > words, Adoption, Angst with a Happy Ending.
Steve and Tony adopt Peter when he's 6-years-old and 10 years later, he still thinks he's living the best life with two father doting on him. Until they tell him about the new baby they're bringing home and suddenly, the attention is all on her.
steve rogers-stark: full time dad/husband, part time spider relocator by parkrstark, 1 k > words, Spiders, Fluff.
"Love, what's wrong?" He called out, waiting for a reply.
"Steve!" Tony instantly screamed back. "Come here! I need you!"
Steve quickened his pace slightly, trying to keep himself calm so he didn't worry Peter. Babies could sense that stuff. "Where is 'here', love?"
come morning light (we'll be safe & sound) by parkrstark, 14 k > words, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending.
After a strange mission, Steve, Tony, and Peter find themselves trapped in their own living nightmares. Some memories of their past, some they hoped to keep from even each other, and some of the worst 'what if's their minds can imagine. All they have is each other until they wake up...but is that enough to survive until they figure out how?
Gelid Feint by geekymoviemom, 21 k > words, Fluff and Angst.
Gelid: icy; extremely cold
Feint: a deceptive or pretended blow
Steve Rogers’ world had completely changed since he was discovered in the Arctic Ice. Not only had he led a team of actual superheroes to defend New York against an alien invasion, he had also found love, and the family he’d never dared to dream he could have.
So when Nick Fury asked Steve on a simple mission to retrieve materials from a hidden bunker, Steve thought nothing of it.
Until the demons he’d thought he had buried within the Red Skull’s airplane suddenly reappeared, and he was forced to face the one enemy he’d thought he had vanquished.
He had cut off one head, but now two more had taken its place.
love lives on by parkrstark, 6 > k words, Teacher Steve Rogers, Alternate Universe.
Steve doesn't like picking favorite students, but when he gets Peter in his class, he can't help it when this sweet little boy becomes his favorite. He shouldn't be surprised when one day his father picks him up, and Steve realizes that he's the son of Tony Stark...the love of his life he let go back in high school. Steve wants his second chance, even if Tony doesn't want anything to do with him anymore.
maybe love is the reason why (we're seeing it eye to eye) by parkrstark, 134 k > words, undercover as a family, Fake/Pretend Relationship.
"I'm sorry. Repeat that again." Tony leaned forward in his seat from across the table. He even stuck a finger in his ear as if he was cleaning it out. "I don't think I heard you right."
Fury rolled his eyes-- or well, eye. "You and Rogers need to go undercover as a married couple in a community out on Long Island."
After Civil War, Tony and Steve are sent on an undercover mission as a couple to try and find Hydra informants. Somehow, they end up with Peter as their undercover son who decides to play matchmaker even if the two of them are doing their best to ignore their feelings after Siberia.
little moments like this by parkrstark, 1 k > words, Domestic Fluff.
Steve grabs the blanket and covers himself. "Stop it! My husband will kill you!"
It takes Tony only a second to realize what Steve thinks is going on and he laughs. "Steve, it's me. Tony." He tries to take the blanket off, but Steve doesn't let him.
"Don't-- take advantage of me! My husband will kill you!"
Or, Steve is loyal to no end. Even after a night of drinking Asgardian mead.
Trapped in the Shadows by geekymoviemom, 97 k > words, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Parent Tony Stark.
All Steve Rogers wanted after a lifetime of war was to immerse himself in quiet, and solitude. Opening a bookstore seemed like the perfect answer. He could escape to any world that he desired, all while keeping his past firmly behind him, where it belonged.
Until the day Peter Stark walked in.
anytime by complicationstoo, 714 words, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Established Relationship.
Steve is there, holding Tony's sleepy one year old against his chest and stirring scrambled eggs on the stove with his free hand. He's murmuring quietly to Peter, low enough that Tony can't quite make out the words, but there's a soft smile on his face as he talks.
Tony wanders further in, sneaking up behind him and wrapping his arms around his waist. He buries his face into Steve's hair, and he can hear the grin in Steve's voice as he says, "Good morning, dear.”
How To Change A Diaper by writerstrash, 1 k > words, Established Relationship, Fatherhood.
Steve and Tony deal with a wriggly, crawly baby Peter who enjoys keeping his parents on their toes.
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boxofbadaddiction · 4 years
In a Word
Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Swearing. Small depictions of PTSD. Post War.
Summary: The War changed Fred. His brush with death had an unexpected affect on the joyful young wizard and, unfortunately, created severe turmoil in his relationship with Y/n.
Prompts: 12, 15 & 20
"You're over me? When were you...under me?" // "I'm sorry. Maybe I can make it up to you by...taking you roughly in the barn." // "This can't be it./Then how come it is?"
This story is inspired from a request of my F.R.I.E.N.D.S Themed Prompt List.
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Not much was said about Fred Weasley, in fact most of the time he could be described simply in a word. He was loud. Boisterous. Confident. Some even called him Unstoppable. Those weren't the words [Y/N]'d use to describe him though.
Although, these days there were only two that came to mind when she thought of him. He was her ex. And he was afraid. Not that he would ever admit the fact.
Stubborn. That's another word for Fred Weasley.
The war had changed people. She'd seen it in the faces of friends, and family. In the eyes of strangers, and in her own reflection. Fewer people laughed while more cried. Many left hollow shells of their past self.
The same couldn't be said for Fred. He was different. The complete opposite. While others withdrew into themselves, he had never shone so bright.
If you thought he were loud before you'd be surely mistaken. These days he laughed harder, pranked more and never stopped moving. It was like he saw it as his job to single handedly bring joy back to the world. To shine light where darkness had taken root. Which isn't a bad thing, but now he had trouble on knowing when the joke needed to end.
His girlfriend suffered most as a result. She'd grown tired of feeling like the mother of a hyperactive toddler on a sugar rush. She'd attempted to talk with him on countless occasions. To have him confide his fears in her, but he never did. He did his best to never let on that he was hurting, but his best just wasn't good enough. She still saw it. Because if you looked closely enough you'd notice the way he jumped more at loud noises like he hadn't before. Notice the look in his eyes when he was with family or friends, how he seemed to try and memorise every detail of them, incase he wasn't here tomorrow to see it. It broke [Y/N]s heart to see him suffer in silence. But it didn't hurt her nearly as bad as when she had to leave him.
The problem between them was that Fred just never spoke about the war. Whether to offer himself a reprieve, or to be that support for another. Any worries someone had would be brushed off with a joke. Even on the day [Y/N] left he had a witty retort lined up at every word she said.
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"Damn it Fred! This is serious!" She pushed herself up from the dining room table.
"Must be to have your nostils flaring like that" he laughed. [Y/N] groaned loudly in frustration. Why was he incapable of being serious? Pacing the room in anger Fred watched as his girlfriend tried desperately to calm her emotions. He swallowed thickly quickly becoming uncomfortable in the tense atmosphere.
[Y/N] tugged at the roots of her hair, ran her hands down her face, pulled them over the back of her neck. She tried anything to rid her body of these stressful feelings as her mind raced a million miles an hour.
"Why can't you just talk to me!?" She shouted, arms being thrown out pleadingly towards her boyfriend. Face begging to understand him.
"I do."
"No you don't. Not about things that matter. Not about what's on your mind or how you're feeling. Hell! Fred, it's been so long since we've had a meaningful conversation I don't even know if you love me anymore." Her eyes were stinging red as they began to glisten with tears over her words. Fighting with every bit of strength in her body to keep them from falling.
"Of course I do.' Fred's face was the most serious it had been since the War. This was the first time in months she had seen it without a smile. That sickly fake smile.
Brows furrowed as he raised from his chair he walked to his partner. Snaking his arms around her waist as she turned her face away from him.
"Hey", his hand cupped her chin making her look at him, "I do love you. I'm sorry." He pulled her into a tight hug, resting his chin on the top of her head as her hands met at his shoulder blades. His chest vibrated against her cheek as he spoke, "maybe I can make it up to you" he leant back to peer into her eyes. Looking away as if deep in thought, "by...i dunno, taking you roughly in the barn?" he began laughing. [Y/N] pushed out of his hold tears falling in anger. "Oh, come on [Y/N]"
"NO! Fred. Just...no." she snapped, her back to him. One hand came to her temple, massaging to try and dull the pain throbbing in her mind. "I can't do this anymore." Her voice were no more than a whisper, but still it carried to Fred's ears. The room fell deadly silent as he processed the words. No, he heard wrong. He had to. "What?" His breathing began to pick up in panic. "I can't do this anymore!" Hot, fat tears spilled from her eyes as she turned shouting. "I can't keep pretending everything's okay, that I'm okay. That you're going to let me in and admit you're hurting because I know. I know you're hurting too." Fred was paralysed. This wasn't happening...
[Y/N]s voice softened "I can't just carry on in denial like you're choosing to, Fred. I-" her throat seemed to close over itself. No words or air able to break through. Biting her lip as her eyes ran the room, searching for an answer that just wasn't there. She dropped her head as more tears started to fall.
Seeing the woman he loved so distraught in front of him, because of him, killed Fred. It was like being trapped under that wall all over again, and he was suffocating. He hated that feeling. The one that plagued his very existence in every waking moment. He made so many jokes these days to distract himself from feeling just that. He stayed silent to protect the people he loved, but he'd just caused more damage.
He moved towards her again, carefully as if he'd scare her if he were to move too quickly. "Hey..." his voice cracked under the pressure of it all but still he forced a smile through the pain, "I know things have been difficult lately. With work and the-the aftermath of it all but...we'll get through this. Together. We can-" "No Fred." She looked up into his pale face, seeing his eyes widen. " 'We' can't. Not this time."
"No, no-no-no-no, please!" He willed himself forwards. Clutching her hands in his own and pulling them to his chest. "Please, [Y/N], love. I'm sorry this...this can't be it." His eyes were frantically searching her face, begging her.
"Then how come it is?"
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That was nearly two years ago now. They'd seen hide nor hair of one another since. [Y/N] had been on a few dates here and there but none felt right. No one could make her feel like Fred did. It broke her heart to leave him, but she knew it was the right thing to do. Being away gave her the time she needed to heal and cope with the reality which Fred had been determined to ignore.
As [Y/N] was finishing her day at work she decided to reward herself for surviving a particularly stressful week by heading for a few drinks at the new bar that had opened up in Diagon Alley a couple months back. She'd been dying to go, all her friends say it's fantastic unfortunately she'd never had occasion to accompany them.
So, with a quick stop home to shower and change she apparated to the entrance of the Bar.
It was everything she had heard about and more. As she sat on a stool by the counter she couldn't help but marvel at the interior. The ceiling glimmered with tiny lights that reminded her of the stars (which in turn reminded her of the ceiling in the Great Hall of Hogwarts), and the floors were gorgeous hardwood with Bar to match. It was hard to believe such a classy place existed in Diagon Alley. Swivelling back around in her seat to face the bartender she ordered herself another drink.
Her hands played with the cool exterior of her glass while she starred absent-mindedly at nothing in particular. Lost in her own thoughts as she enjoyed the night to herself.
"[Y/N]?" a familiar voice called from behind her. Her eyes shot up to the mirror on the wall, behind the whiskey shelf and there she saw him. A dishevelled mop of red hair emerging from the crowd of people bustling about the dance floor. "Fred?" She spoke more to herself before turning to face him.
Standing as he approached, their mouths were both agape ever so slightly. They stared for a moment before a single laugh fell from Fred's lips, one of shock and amazement, followed closely by that signature Freddie grin.
"It's so good to see you." Before he could register his movements his arms were already tight around her body. "You too".
He let her go slowly, standing back bashfully to admire her. "What are you-" he stopped himself. He was going to ask what she was doing here but out of fear she may be on a date he decided against it. "What have you been up to?"
"Not much. You know just work mostly. Actually I was just promoted a little over a month ago so it's all been really good." Her smile was genuine as she answered him and it made his heart soar to see her so happy again. Even if it weren't with him. Fred so deeply missed that smile, he missed all of her more than he could ever put into words. "That's fantastic! I'm happy for you." He knew he was staring but he didn't care. She was still so beautiful. Seeing her, being near her after all this time, was like a cool breath of fresh air he didn't realise he needed so bad.
"How about you? How's the store, and George?" "Great. All great. We're opening a store in Hogsmead shortly. Prime real-estate in our opinion, so close to the school. Couldn't pass up the chance to drive McGonagall up the wall either." [Y/N] found herself laughing hard at his comment. He was just like she remembered, before the war. Not trying to be funny it just came naturally. He looked happy. "That's amazing. I'm glad everything's going so well for you. God! It's been so long." "Too long."
There they went staring again. Both in awe of one another.
[Y/N] was the one to realise, or perhaps Fred just didn't care, but sensing the lull in conversation she cleared her throat - glancing over the room briefly.
"George is here." Fred spoke abruptly. Desperate to keep talking with her he threw out the first thing that came to mind. "A few of us came out for drinks tonight. Would you like to join us? I mean, if you aren't expecting someone." The words left a fowl taste on his tongue and an ache in his chest, praying she weren't with anyone. "No, I'm here alone", prayers answered. "But I couldn't possibly impose." "Impose? Please! We'd be offended if you didn't." He joked "come oooon...one drink?" putting on his best puppy dog eyes, that silent beg she never could resist. She pursued her lips, pondering his request for a moment. Would it be awkward? God she hoped not. "Okay." She raised a finger in front of her face with a stern expression, "one drink." "Atta girl!" He grinned widely, taking her wrist in his hand and whisking her through the close knit crowd to a booth to the back of the room.
Safe to say she was there a lot longer than one drink. As one turned to two, two turned to three and soon the minutes had stretched well into hours. Everything felt so safe and familiar back in the company of her old friends. Soon enough though, as was inevitable, it was just the two sat within the booth as everyone else vacated for the bar, dance floor or home.
In the comfort of each others company the two couldn't help but reminisce, on their Hogwarts days mostly. The two were in hysterics as [Y/N] recalled the time she failed to prank Snape which lead to Fred swooping to her rescue, taking the fall. "I had detention for a month after that." He laughed at the memory, "I said I was sorry!" [Y/N] was wiping tears from her eyes. "Hands were blistered to Hell by the time I'd polished all those damn trophies." As her stomach cramped [Y/N] burried her head in her hands, trying to compose herself but failing. Fred watched her, shoulders quaking in silent laughter at how adorable she looked in this moment. Finally having control of herself once again [Y/N] adjusted her posture while stretching her jaw that'd cramped from smiling so much.
Fred lifted his glass to his lips readying himself to drink, "I still remember the day you confessed your undying love for me", he threw his head back finishing the beverage. "Practically screammed it for the whole school to hear." He smirked. "Oh it was not like that!" "It most certainly was!"
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"Just tell me what's wrong!" Fred bellowed, storming after the angry girl ahead of him. Arms wide pleadingly.
"It doesn't matter! None of it matters now!" [Y/N] called over her shoulder as she rounded the corner into a quiet corridor.
"Clearly..." Fred ran to stand in front of her, hands grasping her shoulders to keep her in place, "it does." She rolled her eyes, turning her head away from him. "It doesn't matter because I am over you Fred!" She pulled out of his grip standing confidently before him. "I'm over you."
Freds face lost all emotion. They stood in silence as realisation dawned on [Y/N] slowly, rising through her spine like a chill. A hand coming to cover her mouth as the other wrapped around her stomach like she was going to be sick. "You're over me?" [Y/N] backed away from him and found herself pressed against a cold stone wall eye's wide in horror. "When-when were you...under me?" His brows furrowed, turning confused to find her on the ground now, hands tugging at the roots of her hair with knees to her chest.
An endearing sort of chuckled rolled from his throat past his lips, sounding dangerously close to a scoff. Shock subsiding slightly he shook his head while approaching his best friend. Crouching before her.
"Look at me."
[Y/N] shook her head quickly. Hiding her eyes in the palms of her hands. "No." she mumbled.
"Please, look at me"
"Oh for the love of - [Y/N]!" her arms were suddenly being pulled from her face as she was made to stand infront of him.
Embarrassed by her confession [Y/N] became defensive, "WHAT!? Okay, yes, I like you! I have for a while. I tried not to, tried to stop myself but I couldn't! I'm sorry! So go ahead. Make your jokes. Have a good laugh, I don't care anymore!" She was waving her arms frantically as she yelled. Staring directly into his eyes, which were glaring incredulously back. "You're insufferable, you know that!?" He snapped. [Y/N] scoffed, mouth falling wide at the insult. "Oh yeah? Well, you're a-"
Her next words were cut out by Freds lips on hers, hands cupping her face before one looped the small of her back to bring their bodies tight against each other. Her hands held onto his biceps. She felt herself melt into the kiss she'd been dreaming about for months, although it was under vastly different circumstances. Moaning softly at the warmth spreading through her body. Much to her dismay Fred let go of her, pulling back to catch his breath. A grin forming on his face as he looked down at her. "I'm a what?" His tone playful. [Y/N] stood breathless for a moment glancing at his lips, " You're a...really good kisser." She whined pulling him back in for another.
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Fred was doubled over in their booth from unrestrained laughter. "Okay, so maybe a few people heard. There was an awful lot of yelling." [Y/N] giggled, watching him fondly.
"LAST DRINKS!" called the bartender. Their attention shot towards them, expressions falling solemn. When had it gotten so late?
"I-I should probably get going." She kept her eyes on the bar as she mumbled the words knowing if her eyes met his she'd crumble. Freds eyes were fixed to her profile. This couldn't be it. He wasn't ready to say goodbye. "I'll walk you." He jumped from his seat, "still at the same place?" He smiled and reached his hand out for her to take. Finally her gaze met his, smiling immediately, she took his hand nodding.
The walk home was interesting, to say the least. Both were considerably drunker than they realised, stumbling about the Alley way they were relying solely on one another for the stability to remain upright. Fred was cracking jokes as [Y/N] all but hung from his arm where their elbows interlocked.
Howling laughter echoed noisely through the deserted street. Several times Fred found himself taking hold of her waist to keep her from falling. The last he decided it were safer just to keep them there. Hugging her tightly from behind they walked step-in-step, as he swayed her dramatically enjoying the giggles that erupted from her at the action. For anyone observing the scene they'd never wager the two weren't a couple.
[Y/N] was squirming under his hold as his fingers began tickling her sides. Eliciting various shrieks, squeals and 'no's from her mouth. She bent far forward trying to distance herself from his touch, Fred took advantage of the action sweeping her off her feet into a bridal style hold. "Right let's see now, where were you." He scanned the lining apartments counting to himself over the loud sound of [Y/N]s laughter. "Ah, here we are!" He exclaimed, jogging up the short flight of stairs to the door, effortlessly. "Your stop, M'lady" he bowed placing her feet firmly on the ground. "Why thank you kind Sir." She was visibly flustered from the amount of contact and laughter they had shared tonight. It just all felt so right with him.
As she rummaged her coat pocket for her keys and looked back to him the scene changed. Their faces falling sullen and the night deathly quiet. This was it wasn't it...goodbye?
"Thank you for walking me home and-and for tonight. I had fun." She swallowed the lump in her throat that formed over her awkwardness.
"Anytime" Fred shook his head, though he tried to smile it didn't last long. He felt like he could breathe again and to say goodbye meant suffocating. How could he tell her, tell her that a life without her in it wasn't worth living? How could he prove he's changed? Did she even feel the same way anymore? He searched her eyes, praying to find the answer hidden within them.
"Anyway, I should-" she gestured to the door with her keys.
"No, yeah. Of course." He smiled, but that hand that shot to rub the back of his neck gave him away. He was nervous. Even after two years she could still spot his tells a mile away. He wanted to say something and from the thundering in her chest [Y/N] could guess what it was. Because she felt it too. She was opening her mouth to speak -
"I'll see you." He was walking away. Why was he walking away?
[Y/N]s mouth fell open, watching him stride into the distance. Her mind willing her to do something. Say something. Fuck, say ANYTHING!
"FRED!" she stood at the edge of her stairs. The call of his name turning his attention back to her. Heart racing.
Her mind was fumbling over the words to say. The love of her life was there. He was right there waiting for her...
"I'm...I'm still under you." She kicked herself for how awkward that must have sounded.
Fred's head dropped in sigh. Running before his feet knew they were carrying him he leapt onto the landing beside her. Pulling her by the nape of her neck their lips crashed together. [Y/N] was smiling against his lips as tears trickled down her rosie cheeks. Fred broke his lips from hers, pushing their foreheads together as they caught their breath.
"You're insufferable, you know that?".
"I know."
There were a lot of words [Y/N] could use to describe Fred Weasley. He was passionate. Funny. Smart. Impulsive. But most importantly; he was Hers.
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