#I cannot understand Joseph
bethanydelleman · 1 year
Me, having started Wuthering Heights and 3 chapters in: WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THIS BOOK!
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hella1975 · 1 year
hi hella I read the first 2 chapters of aftg and this is how it went
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ok tbh I was planning on going further than two chapters like I said I'm in a mountain shack rn internet isn't always great and also my dad would prefer that I'm not constantly on my phone so I was SUPPOSED to do more reading. but. tee bee h. I got through 2 chapters and was like oh I'm so fucking bored let me get on tumblr again
okay but your commentary is so fucking funny
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sugurugayto · 11 months
this slutty waist poll on twt has gotten out of hand
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dragoneyes618 · 4 months
"A Jew passed in front of Hadrian [ the second-century Roman emperor] and greeted him. The king asked, "Who are you?" He answered, "I am a Jew." Hadrian exclaimed, "How dare a Jew pass in front of Hadrian and greet him?" and ordered, "Off with his head!" Another Jew passed and, seeing what happened to the first man, did not greet him. Hadrian asked, "Who are you?" He answered, "A Jew." He exclaimed, "How dare a Jew pass in front of Hadrian without giving a greeting?" and again ordered, "Off with his head!" His senators said, "We cannot understand your actions. He who greeted you was put to death, and he who did not greet you was put to death!" Hadrian replied, "Do you dare to advise me how I am to deal with those I hate?"
- Lamentations Rabbah 3:9 commenting on verse 3:58
Hadrian acknowledged what most antisemites deny: Their hatred of Jews is unassuageable by any Jewish behavior. Thus, antisemites who fault Jews for "pushing in where they are not wanted" presumably would find no fault with those Jews who ghettoize themselves and remain within their own community. Yet studies have shown that the very antisemites who despise Jews for their "incursions" into the majority culture also are apt to denounce them for "clannishly sticking together."
Antisemites frequently reach for the argument that sounds most plausible. Thus, Jew-haters in the former Soviet Union long focused on Jews as capitalists who were subverting communism, while American antisemites accused Jews of being communists and subverting capitalism.
It is useless to try to reason with these disciples of Hadrian. As the nineteenth-century German historian Theodore Momsen noted: "You are mistaken if you believe that anything at all can be achieved by reason. In years past I thought so myself and kept protesting against the monstrous infamy that is antisemitism. But it is uselss, completely useless" (cited in Deborah Lipstadt, Denying the Holocaust, page 1)."
- Jewish Wisdom, Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, pages 463-464
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sourholland · 1 year
timeless; thomas shelby
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This idea has been plaguing my mind for days, I cannot get it out of my head. I’m not sure if I will make any more parts of this, it all depends on how I feel about it and if it is well received. The timeline of this is skewed on purpose, it’s also heavily based on Tommy’s time fighting during the war. Timeless by Taylor Swift was a huge inspiration.
Both you and Tommy became unlikely friends during childhood, only for you to realize you had always loved him. Tommy finds himself seeing you in a different light, only war being able to separate the two of you. (3.5k)
Thomas Shelby was the first and only boy you had ever loved.
It was 1902, Tommy was twelve years old. He played with your older brother, they went out into the street with the Shelby brothers and few other boys from the neighborhood and kicked a ball around. You were eight, trailing your brother Joseph at every chance you had.
When you met Tommy, it was because you had chased after your brother one August afternoon with the intention to join their game of kickball. The moment you approached the large group of prepubescent boys, Joseph looked absolutely mortified. Even though he was older than some of the boys, at fourteen, he still followed all of Tommy’s orders. This, you didn’t understand.
“Go home,” he leaned down to your level in gritted teeth.
“I just want to play, just one game,” you pleaded with him. “Please, Joey.”
“No,” he barked. “Y/N, you gotta get out of here.”
Feeling your face heat up, you were near tears and embarrassed in front of all of the older boys. Joseph would not let up, angry at you for trying to play with him and his friends.
“What the fuck d’she want?” Arthur bellowed towards your brother.
Peering over at him, you could tell that he was not very patient and was even older than Joseph. After Arthur had yelled, you turned back to go home. Hot tears spilled down your cheeks as you shuffled back to where you lived and went inside to play alone.
“Fuckin’ asshole is what you are,” Tommy shook his head a bit. “Game’s not fuckin’ hard or anythin’, Joe. She could have played.”
That was all they ever said again on the matter, your brother never brought it up to you that night and you never spoke of it to him. It wasn’t until later on that month that anyone had approached you about what happened that day in Small Heath.
You were sent out to pick up your mother’s cigarettes, dragging your feet along the dirt path with the coin in your hand. Every Wednesday, you made the same trek. Tommy Shelby came up on your right side as you walked one day, you saw a screwdriver sticking out of his pocket and nearly shuttered. The kids around the neighborhood spoke of him in hushed whispers, calling him a gypsy and saying he and his brothers carried razor blades around with them.
“You’re Joe’s sister, aren’t you?” He asked, peering over at you. “Tried to join in on a game a while back?”
“Yes,” you nodded. “I’m Y/N.”
He hummed in response, kicking dirt with his shoe as you both walked. He was much taller than you, though he was still quite narrow and scrawny. Truthfully, there was no denying that you had a little bit of a schoolgirl crush on him.
“Where’re you headed?” He finally spoke up.
“Grabbing my mum’s cigarettes,” you told him with a sigh. “She sends me out every week to pick some up.”
At the time, you had no clue why Tommy had followed you all the way to the shop and then walked you home. He never gave you any inclination either. Then, he did the same the next week. He came outside when you passed his house and you walked together. This occurred every week after the first.
Of course, you assumed this meant he liked you and this caused you to revel in the attention just a little. Tommy would talk to you about school and horses mostly, he was kind to you.
About six months after you and Tommy had developed this weekly routine, you mentioned something to your brother about it and he teased you about having a crush on Tommy. Making the mistake of saying he must’ve liked you back if he continued to walk along with you, Joseph was quite cruel in return.
“He doesn’t do it because he likes to,” Joseph laughed. “Father started pestering me to walk with you when he found out you were being picked on in school, bothered and such by the boys around. I started to give Tommy a bit of my allowance to walk with you so dad would finally get off my fucking back.”
You no longer walked to the shops on Wednesdays.
Tommy waited for you the next week, but you never left out front and began past his house. The week after, he did the same and you still did not come.
“Y/N!” Your mother’s voice came up the staircase on Thursday morning. “Come to the door.”
Tommy stood there in the walkway to your home, talking with your mother about something as you came down the steps. She left you to walk outside together and down the stairs into the street.
“You’re not getting your mum’s cigarettes anymore?” He asked you suddenly.
“No, I am,” you told him. “Just don’t want to walk with you anymore.”
He seemed taken aback by this, not used to the idea of you sticking your nose up at him and looking the other way when he tried to talk to you. Tommy knew you were smitten with him, he didn’t mind it. He thought you were nice enough, he liked to walk with you every week. He just didn’t see you the same way that you saw him, you were too young and too curious about certain things.
“Why’s that?” He shot back a little annoyed.
“Joey told me that he’s been paying you to do it, to make sure nobody messes with me.”
“And?” Tommy asked. “Doesn’t really fuckin’ matter if you ask me, whether he’s payin’ me or not.”
This made you roll your eyes, shaking your head at him and leaning against the brick of one of the alleyways you walked down. Tommy was confused as to why this bothered you so much, truthfully it didn’t really matter about the money to him. It helped him to buy cigarettes, that was all. He didn’t mind walking along with you, though. He would’ve done it without the payout.
“It matters to me,” you told him. “I don’t need looking after or anything like that.”
Turning on your heel, you thought that you’d been able to get the last word. Little did you know, nobody but Tommy got the last word. He only realized you had decided to go out on Saturdays, rather than Wednesdays. He told Joseph that he wouldn’t be requiring payment anymore and you walked in silence for over a month before you spoke to him on your walks again.
His stubbornness irked you, leaving you infuriatingly mad at his inability to leave you alone. Your cheeks went hot when he came around, stomach in knots whenever he would say your name.
Over the years, you had tried to shake your feelings for Tommy. This was mostly due to the fact that you had grown attached in a way that allowed you to call him a friend. By the time you were eleven, Tommy had taught you how to ride his horse. He spent an entire summer working with you. He was fifteen and definitely had plenty of better things to do, but he spent hours upon hours in the grueling sun with you.
“Tommy,” you said, laying sprawled out on a patch of grass one afternoon when you were thirteen and he was seventeen. “D’you want to come ‘round to mine for supper tonight? Mum asked me to invite you over.”
The last bit was a lie, you truly just wanted Tommy to join you. He inhaled shortly before propping himself up on his hand and looking over at you.
“Can’t tonight, m’sorry,” he apologized to you.
“Why not?” You asked curiously, assuming he’d saying something about having to be with his brothers or Polly.
“I’ve actually asked a girl out,” he confessed to you. “I’m planning to take her out tonight.”
This was one of the few times Tommy discussed his love life with you. Your friendship mostly consisted of doing other things, less intrusive things. He still really saw you as a younger sister type of figure in a way. He thoroughly enjoyed your company, but there was no denying his attraction to the girls he saw in school.
Once, Tommy told you about Arthur bringing home a prostitute. He didn’t tell you why he did it, or what they did. Only laughed it off, unbeknownst to him that you really didn’t know what a prostitute was. Joseph had called them whores, but you lived a rather sheltered lifestyle and none of the older people around you ever spoke about such things in front of you.
Tommy took girls out, he’d had several girlfriends as you approached your later teenage years. Your friendship, however, never faltered. When you were seventeen years old, you remember going out riding with him and telling him how you wanted to make something of yourself beyond what Small Heath had to offer. Planning to become a schoolteacher, Tommy had always admired this about you.
“Don’t you want to be something other than all this?” You asked him, alluding to the fact that he was growing more and more responsible for the Peaky Blinders. “I mean, I just wondered if you ever had other dreams.”
“I’d like to work with horses,” he told you quietly, running his hands over the mare’s mane.
“Why don’t you?” You questioned him. “I know you feel some sense of responsibility over your family, I think it’s one of your best traits. Don’t you ever want to just—I don’t know, live a less tormenting life?”
Tommy played with the reins, looking at you and shrugging. This was all he’d ever known, and all he would ever know. There was no Birmingham without Tommy Shelby, you knew it as well as anyone. It still hurt, though. Knowing he was playing with fire every day, testing God, as your mother had called it.
Once Tommy had grown more involved in the gang, your parents no longer allowed him to come over to the house. They detested you seeing him at all, your brother most of all. He settled quickly, marrying a woman and starting a family.
Tommy realized he loved you when he was twenty two years old. He’d known you for ten years, having called you his best friend for a decade. You were eighteen years old and had just begun training to become a teacher, you were commuting frequently and saw Tommy less and less.
It was that Christmas when you’d introduced him to the man you had been courting, his name was Michael. When he shook the man’s hand, Tommy felt something inside of him shift. Suddenly, you were no longer that little girl with scuffed shoes and long pigtails. He saw a young woman with ambition and heart, but you were no longer holding out for Tommy like you had for nearly ten years.
“The fuck is wrong with you?” Arthur came up and clapped Tommy on the back of the shoulder. “S’fucking Christmas and you’re really bringing my spirits down.”
Tommy said nothing, downing more whiskey as he watched Michael spin you around in a dance. You were in a fit of laughter, smiling at him adoringly.
“Be serious, brother,” Arthur sighed, drunk and wondering how Tommy could truly be as he was. “You can’t tell me that you’re sitting over here in the corner drinking away your sorrows because she’s brought along some bloke.”
“Fuck off, won’t you?” Tommy shot him a look.
“Unbelievable,” Arthur walked away laughing.
It was completely and utterly unbelievable, not only to Arthur, but to Tommy as well. He’d spent years with you, practically praying that you would find someone, anyone to avert your feelings too. As you grew older, you also were able to hide your feelings and emotions better in Tommy’s case.
He watched you the entire night, nodding a farewell when he noticed you trying to approach him. He had no intention of speaking to Michael again, for fear that he may be physically ill.
His hope that it was a passing courtship died with what looked to be your close friendship. The two of you hardly saw each other anymore, animosity forming between you after the night of the Christmas party.
Months later, Tommy found himself at your apartment door when Ada had told him that you mentioned thinking Michael was planning to propose. He left to see you after midnight, walking the entire distance to where you lived and putting himself at your front door well past one in the morning.
“Y/N,” he called out as he knocked. “It’s Tommy.”
Opening the door, you were only left in your nightdress. Your hair was down completely, something Tommy had not seen since you were some years younger. He could not help but to notice the sheer material of the fabric, the buds of your nipples showing through.
“Tommy?” You yawned. “What’re you doing here?”
“I needed to talk to you,” he told you.
“Now? It’s the middle of the night.”
Ushering him in, you let him shut the door behind him and tried to rub the sleep out of your eyes. Tommy felt himself growing hard, looking at you in such a state.
“Y/N, don’t marry him,” Tommy blurted out in almost a whisper.
“What?” You looked at him, shocked. “What did you say?”
“Don’t marry him, don’t marry Michael.”
There was a stillness to the room, a silence that made you almost sick. His face was somehow stoic, but pleading at the same time. His eyes bored into your own, as if they were making it impossible to get a word out.
“He is a good man, Tommy,” you said. “He wants to take care of me, to make me happy.”
“With plenty of money and security, with a practical occupation and a good legacy to leave your children?” Tommy asked, sarcasm incredibly evident.
“Yes, Tommy. Fuck, I mean is that what you want me to say? That he can give me a good life? Why should it matter if he’s got money?”
“It shouldn’t, not if you love him,” Tommy told you. “Do you?”
It felt as if you were eight years old again, confronting Tommy about why he was walking with you in the first place. He looked at you with such yearning, such longing. It was as if he was begging you not to say yes, pleading with you not to have already devoted your heart to this man.
There was only one truth of the matter. Thomas Shelby was the only man that you had ever loved.
“Tommy, I have only ever loved you since I was eight years old,” you whispered.
As if unable to hold back any longer, Tommy embraced you fully and brought you into his arms. He kissed you furiously, without any doubt or question that you were meant for him. He let his hands run up and down your back and pulled you into his body.
Before you gave into your urge to let him rip your sheer nightdress off of you, you pulled away with swollen lips and eyes full of desire. This was not right, not until you spoke to Michael. Regardless of how you felt for Tommy, you could not do this to Michael.
“Not yet,” you whispered. “I gave a man my word, I need to speak to him before I can go any further here.”
Tommy respected your choice, he knew you wouldn’t want disloyalty on your conscience. He just nodded his head and placed a hand on your cheek gently, it was in these moments that he forgot about everything else.
Michael didn’t take the news very well at all, his ego was bruised and he pleaded for you to reconsider. He told you how deeply he loved you and how you had led him on, making him believe that you two would have a life together. He was right, you had encouraged him in all of his dreams of your future and you had done it without ever considering how it may end. It was selfish.
It took you weeks before you agreed to see Tommy again after Michael had left you feeling so guilty. Nights of tireless sleep, you would look up at the sky and pray to god that you were making the right decisions.
Over a year into your training, you would soon be able to do what you’d always dreamt of. Dark times approached, though. There were ghosts of whispers at every street corner, they spoke of war so feverishly. It was as if death was due to knock at the doors of families, stripping women of their husbands and children of their fathers.
The thought of this had left Tommy quite stoic most of the time, he held a monotonous view on the entire matter. Every time you had brought it up to him, he told you how he would be expected to fight on behalf of his country if it came down to it.
And so he did, when it came down to it and Britain had joined the War—The Shelby brothers and hundreds of other men in Small Heath joined as well.
“Tommy,” I sniffled as I watched him from across his bedroom pack a small bag of things. “I need you to promise me that you’ll come home, that you won’t die out there. They’re saying things about trench warfare, it’s all really terrifying—”
Tommy crossed the room and took your face in his hands, kissing you hard on the lips, as if it was the last time he would ever do so. A piece of you wondered if he believed that he would die out there.
“Please come home,” you breathed.
“I will come home,” he kissed you again. “I promise you.”
You planned to hold him to this promise. Having waited ten years for Tommy Shelby, you would wait however long more so long as he would come home to you.
It took two months before his first letter would come after you watched him depart on that large ship. Long months of kneeling at the foot of your bed, begging god not to take Tommy. Everything that was being said about the war was absolutely tragic, soldiers being blown to pieces or rotting below the earth in the trenches.
My Dearest Y/N,
I wish I was able to write to you sooner, I cannot say where I am for the risk of interception. Just know that I have never been in such conditions in my life, I spend my days underground. I have taken the role of a tunneler. Trench warfare has not been good to any of us, I find myself fantasizing of the end of this long hell.
I stare at your picture every night before I shut my eyes, dreaming of what it would be like beside you. There is no greater sorrow to me than your absence from my life at this point in time. I can only hope that it will not be for long.
Not long ago, myself and a group of men were gassed. I watched a fellow soldier go blind for nearly three days before he finally came out of it, only with some permanent damage. There are times when I have thought to myself, ‘Perhaps if I was hit, it would not be so bad. Perhaps even death is better than fighting in this war’.
Then I think of you. I think of the promises I made to you before I left to fight in this god awful war. I cannot understand how men are expected to live like this, nor how we will continue on. I was up to my knees in water last week, the trenches dark and desolate as we waited for the storm to pass. There is so much waiting these days.
I look forward to your letter.
With all of my love,
Tommy Shelby
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fairuzfan · 6 months
you didn't actually answer my question , Temple Mount is the most ancient and holiest site for Jewish people -- the Dome of the Rock & Al-Aqsa Mosque were built hundreds of years later on behalf of the Umayyad dynasty's conquest. you mentioned in your response a massacre that happened centuries later, which does not relate to the fact that Jews cannot pray at this site (their utmost holiest site before even the existence of Christians or Muslims). how is "temple denial" something that I made up when you can research it right now and see what it is and that it exists? I ask because this seems to be actually a blind spot for many non-Jewish people simply because it doesn't affect them. I'm not intending to be argumentative and I am sorry if my English is bad in getting across
I'm sorry for being argumentative but a lot of the time, whenever Palestinians are asked about temple mount, there's an implication that Palestinians are colonizers and don't deserve to be on the land. Israelis, if they could, would completely ban Muslims from AlAqsa despite it being the third holiest site in Islam.
AlAqsa is probably the most important national symbol of Palestinians, often thought to be the last straw for Palestinian heritage. So much of our culture has been robbed from us, and (primarily muslims) believe that the demolition of AlAqsa, which is, as Mohammed ElKurd puts it, is one of the last places in all of Palestine where being Palestinian is not criminalized would be a fundamental loss we would never recover from, equivalent to losing our Balad.
I bring up the Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre because there are no restrictions for extremist settlers legally — they operate as an arm of the state and in some cases are encouraged to committ these acts. The "Apartheid Law" basically enshrined that settlements are a national value for Israel. This means that there is no safe haven for Palestinians legally. They're in constant danger of getting kicked out of their home or getting arrested for existing. I cannot emphasize enough how Palestinian freedom is so restricted with the explicit intent of pushing them out of the land.
Temple denial as a concept (after looking it up) seeks to paint Palestinians in a fundamentally bigoted and violent light. Palestinians are not allowing Jews in AlAqsa not because they hate Jews, but because that opens the way for settlers to become violent around AlAqsa, which a lot of the time is already happening. I suggest reading "Why Do Palestinians Burn Jewish Holy Sites? The Fraught History of Joseph's Tomb" (sorry the link is not linking, but you can look it up on the palestine institute webpage). It discusses the use of history as a colonial tool. Here's an excerpt:
It is one of many shrines across historic Palestine – now split into Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza – that has been re-invented as exclusively Jewish, despite a long history of shared worship among Jews, Christians, Muslims, and Samaritans that goes back centuries. And the reason it has been attacked has almost nothing to do with religion, and much to do with how the Israeli military and settlement movements have used religion as a way to expand their control over Palestinian land and holy places.
And a second excerpt describing the political use of religion:
But the claims of biblical archaeologists had a strong role in how the Zionist movement would come to understand and conceive of the landscape.6 As European Jews migrated to Palestine in the first half of the twentieth century, they drew upon biblical archeology's claims. They adopted archeologists' claims that Palestinian holy sites were directly linked to ancient biblical figures. In many cases, they focused on occupying those sites in order to legitimize the colonial endeavor by giving it a sense of deeper history. In many cases, this would mean evicting the Palestinians who actually frequented these holy sites.
And what Palestinians are afraid of:
In 1975, the Israeli military banned Palestinians – that is, the Samaritans, Muslims, and Christians living around the site – from visiting, a ban that has remained in place until this day. [...] Unsurprisingly, the ban has ignited intense anger over the years. This is true particularly given that frequent visits by Jewish settlers to the shrine are accompanied by hundreds of Israeli soldiers, who enter the area and run atop the rooftops of local Palestinians to “secure” the tomb. As a result, Joseph's Tomb has increasingly become associated with the Israeli military and settlement movement in the eyes of Palestinians. Its presence has become an excuse for frequent military incursions that provoke clashes and lead to arrests and many injuries in the neighborhood. Some fear that Israelis will attempt to take over the shrine to build an Israeli settlement around it. This fear is not unfounded, given the fact that Israeli settlers have done exactly that all across the West Bank in places they believe are connected in some way to Jewish biblical history. The notoriously violent Jewish settlements in Hebron, for example, were built there due to the location of the Tomb of the Patriarchs in that southern West Bank town. Following the initial years of settlement, settlers even managed to convince Israeli authorities to physically divide the shrine – which is holy to local Palestinians – and turn the whole area into a heavily-militarized complex. Other shrines have become excuses for the Israeli military to build army bases inside Palestinian towns, like Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem – which is surrounded by twenty-foot high concrete walls on three sides to block Palestinian access. The village of Nabi Samwel near Jerusalem, meanwhile, was demolished in its entirety to provide Jewish settlers access to the tomb at its heart.
I'm not denying the temple mount is there. I'm just saying that history has been manipulated to erase centuries worth of cultural heritage through scholarship and Palestinians are protective of their most important symbol of resistance and life. Even you saying "Islam and Christianity came after Judiasm" is a dogwhistle for me, because a lot of the time extremists say that to completely erase AlAqsa as an important site to Muslims and intending to deny the site as a shared worshipping site that is quite important to Muslims. Just because Islam came after Judiasm, does that mean it's not legitimate as a religion itself? Islamically, Islam is a continuation of Judiasm, so we don't deny judiasm is important to AlQuds. We just are so concerned with losing our national symbol that we're so protective over it.
Now I bring up the massacre at ibrahimi mosque because, like mentioned in the excerpt above, Palestinians are afraid something like that will happen again. There's no protections for Palestinians, and most of the time they're denied from praying in AlAqsa themselves by Israeli authorities. Israeli settlers themselves come in and disrespect AlAqsa, and as I mentioned, extremists plan on demolishing AlAqsa to build a Third Temple. The Massacre at the Mosque paved way to the "Jews Only" streets I mentioned, including the militarization and basically a complete upheaval of normal life for Palestinians. I suggest looking into how terrible the situation in AlKhalil is, and that arised directly from the massacre.
You cannot separate this issue from the colonial implications of the last safe haven in all of Palestine being open to Israelis. Now when Palestine is free, I doubt there would be restrictions. But right now, there are and to pretend Israelis don't pose a threat to Palestinians fundamentally, would be erasure of the colonization of Palestine.
I'm sorry if that sounds harsh, but even if AlAqsa was built hundreds of years after, it doesn't change the fact that RIGHT NOW Israelis have privilege that Palestinians do not. As soon as that privilege is no longer there, then we can talk about allowing Jews there. But until then, Palestinians are constantly in danger of settler violence and to take away a space (which, Ibrahimi Mosque was one of those sites before Palestinians were massacred) is frankly, an insult and a denial that Palestinians themselves are colonized.
I suggest looking at the links I provided earlier for more in depth analysis. I'm going to reiterate: the only reason it's illegal is because Palestine is colonized and this is our last safe haven that we even aren't completely allowed from entering ourselves.
Most Palestinians are quite heated about this topic. It genuinely is considered one of our last national symbols (so not just religious but also political and cultural), which means that having that taken away (which extremist settlers plan on demolishing it completely, and if they're allowed in, then there are no restrictions on their behavior) would be tantamount to losing our balad, or nation. I've heard Israelis call AlAqsa terrible names over the years and some fully intend on demolishing the site. Even within Israeli politics, it is a genuine goal for some people, including Ben Gvir, so most believe that opening the door for settlers (who are the ones who want the destruction of AlAqsa) would be equivalent to giving it up. You can't ignore that when talking about AlAqsa and the laws surrounding it. The primary reason for this protectiveness is political and cultural.
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robinbuckleysfringe · 2 months
paper rings.
a joseph quinn social media au
pairings: joseph quinn x keery!reader
warnings: pronouns for reader vary between she & they, I've tried to keep it as gender neutral as possible even tho I do use female faceclaims
part 1 | part 2
*yninstagram has posted*
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tagged strangerthings, joekeery, maya_hawke, nattyiceofficial, gatenm123 & charlie.r.heaton
liked by tomblyth, josephquinn, millybobbybrown, rachelzegler and others
yninstagram breaking my insta hiatus to tell you all that we're back for another adventure into the Upside Down 🦇🫶🏻💕
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joekeery why'd you have to crop half my face out like that
> yninstagram to make room for nat's face, obvs
> joekeery so you're saying you love her more than me???
> yninstagram of course, duh 🙄. you should know this by now
maya_hawke reunited bby!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
> yninstagram missed youuuuu 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
madelyncline not you trying to crop joe out the picture 💀
> yninstagram there's already too much joe content on my page, the people need more nat
josephquinn very excited to join the upside down with you all!!
> yninstagram aw joe!! we're so happy to have you join our stranger things family 🫶🏻
madisonbaileybabe the 80s look great on you but I miss our beach vibes 😭🫶🏻
> yninstagram thanks hun!! I miss filming with you 🫶🏻🫶🏻
rudeth not you finally posting
> yninstagram as if you're online more than I am
rachelzegler don't die this season pls
> yninstagram I can't make any promises 😭😭😭
user obsessed with these bts pics!!!
user ahhhh, so excited for this season!!!
user omg they finally posted!!!
user love of my life. cannot wait to have you back on my screen!!!
*yninstagram has posted*
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tagged rachelzegler, tomblyth & hunterschafer
liked by josephquinn, maya_hawke, joekeery, madisonbaileybabe and others
yninstagram my best friend made a movie 🫶🏻🕊🐍
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rachelzegler it was amazing to have you at the premiere angel 😇💕
> yninstagram love youuuu and everything you do ever 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💕
> rachelzegler love youuu bby ❤️
madelyncline you always understand the assignment with the outfit
> madelyncline slay queen 👑😍
> yninstagram thanks bby 🫶🏻💕
joekeery it's criminal that you didn't invite me smh 😤
> yninstagram excuse me?? we're literally going to see it this weekend??
> maya_hawke do our plans not matter to you joe?? :((
josephquinn so this is why you weren't on set this week 👀
> yninstagram oops, did ya miss me? 😂
> josephquinn course not
sadiesink OMG SLAY!! 😍😍😍
user the fit is everything omg!!!
user now y/n is a person who would 100% understand the met gala themes every year
user omg pls tell me you've got a small cameo in the movie!! that would be everything!!
*yninstagram has posted*
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tagged marvel & florencepugh
liked by florencepugh, tomblyth, rudeth, josephquinn and others
yninstagram booked and blessed baby!!! our new series Hawkeye drops on disney+ this december 🏹💜
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yninstagram can't keep a secret to save my life, so if you heard about this beforehand- no you fucking didn't 🫶🏻
*yninstagram pinned this comment*
joekeery proud of you!!!
> yninstagram thank you
> joekeery tho I will say I'm gonna take some credit for your success because I ran all your audition lines with you
> yninstagram 😡🖕🏻
florencepugh dream come true to work with you!! 💜
> yninstagram aww, love you flo!! 💜
tomholland2013 welcome to the MCU y/n x
> yninstagram thanks spoiler man
> tomholland2013 heyy, uncalled for!!
> yninstagram shouldn't have spoiled your movie for me then 😤
> tomholland2013 I'm sorry :((
hichasestokes congrats on being booked and busy. idk how you do it 🐝
> yninstagram i love all these projects, but really I just wanna nap
tomholland2013 wait. THEY GAVE YOU A DOG?? unfair :((
> yninstagram someone sounds jelly lol. sucks to be you I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️
josephquinn not you posting this like you didn't tell me on set 2 days ago. congrats tho, you deserve it :))
> yninstagram thanks joe 🫶🏻
> josephquinn also can you give me my guitar back now? please. I need to practice
> yninstagram you'll have to find me first haha 🤪
> nattyiceofficial they're in their trailer
> charlie.r.heaton just follow the sound of pure chaos and you'll find them 😂
user SHUT. UP
user is this real??
user omg can't believe you're bringing Kate Bishop to life!!! so excited for this!!
I'm aiming for this little series to have about 6 parts to it, like my tom blyth one. but feel free to comment anything you'd like to read/see in this (or any future) social media aus 🩷
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tomicscomics · 9 months
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"If you cannot afford a lamb, one will be appointed to you."
JOKE-OGRAPHY: 1. Joseph continues reading about Jewish law from his brochure (continued from last week's cartoon).  In Jewish tradition, the sacrifice for a newborn boy was typically one yearling lamb (for the sin offering) and one turtledove (for the burnt offering).  As Mary and Joseph discuss this, the Holy Spirit (a dove, but not for sacrifice) shows up to give a knowing glance at Baby Jesus.  You see, Jesus is called the "Lamb of God," and His mission is to be sacrificed for our sins, so it's ironic that His parents are required to sacrifice a lamb for HIM under Jewish law. 2. A few commenters last week were concerned about Mary and Joseph sleeping too close together in their blanket fort, as it challenges the perpetual virginity of Mary (a core Catholic belief).  I argue that Mary and Joseph are a poor married couple sleeping in a barn that's open to the cold and creatures of nature, so the chaste and honorable Joseph would probably stay near his Holy Family for their protection, instead of sleeping apart and leaving them vulnerable.  No scandal here! 3. A few commenters last week argued about the perpetual virginity of Mary (the belief that she remained a virgin after Jesus's birth; a belief held by the early Church even before the Bible was canonized).  I just wanted to say that I'm thrilled and honored that my comics appeal to people of all religions, including other Christian denominations.  It moves me every time I get a comment from someone who isn't Catholic but loves my work.  That said, I AM Catholic, so please understand that my comics follow the canon of Catholicism when I can help it.  No hard feelings.  Of course, you're all welcome to continue giving me suggestions and debating in the comments (good-naturedly, of course).  I've learned so much by listening and looking into your apologetics.
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r--kt · 6 months
Okay, but why the "Kannabi" Bridge? I mean, why is this called that? Turns out, this is an amazing and very beautiful metaphor.
Kakashi Gaiden analysis. Kannabi — the bridge between two worlds
I will look at this from the side of Shinto culture (based on the materials that I could find, feel free to correct me if you know more about this) and from the side of Kakashi and Obito's storylines.
Contents | cultural code · significance for the plot structure · the idea itself (this one is really important!)
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Cultural code
In Shinto culture, it is not customary to divide the world into human and sacred, especially into divine and demonic principles — everything exists in harmony with each other, in a single system.
Kannabi (神奈備) refers to a region that is a shintai (repositories in which kami reside) itself, or hosts a kami. In fact, Kannabi is a place of connection between the human and the spiritual. Usually these are mountains, rivers, and forests that stand out for their beauty. These are such accumulations of natural energy, so sacred that their presence requires observance of a certain rite. So, if in relatively modern times be present next to the blossoming sakura, picnics in picturesque mountains and the like has normalized in Japanese culture, then in ancient times people did not dare to disturb mountains or groves with their presence. In such places, people performed rituals of worship to the deity, wrestling matches, divination, sacred dances, offerings, etc. The territory of the kami did not completely coincide with the territory of worship to them, people still tried to move away from the center of the sacred place so as not to bother their deity. To mark the border of entry into Kannabi, symbolic gates were installed — most often in the form of torii.
examples of kannabi in real life. Mount Fuji and Nachi Falls. [ as I understand, shintai and kannabi are synonymous concepts, but kannabi is broader in meaning. ]
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It's all about how important the term is in a cultural context. A place of divine power that cannot be desecrated. From here, the Kannabi Bridge and the surrounding area can also be considered endowed with divine energy — and here the most interesting thing begins.
Significance for the plot structure
Now about the scenario composition. In general, the Battle of Kannabi, as the event itself in Kakashi and Obito's storylines, according to Joseph Campbell's «hero's journey», is a stage of transition between worlds. That's what the symbolism of the place also works for. This is the moment when the hero assumes responsibility for the beliefs he carries and their consequences, and literally or symbolically crosses the threshold between the safe and familiar world to the dangerous and unknown one, embarks on the path of reflection and prepares to meet the unconscious.
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Thus, briefly speaking, Kakashi finds the strength to resolve his internal conflict in favor of his father's attitudes about the value of each Shinobi, and Obito sacrifices himself, protecting his loved ones and defending his ideals. Then their paths got separate so that each one could face with the unknown by himself.
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In the context of the monomyph model, this is how the beginning of the initiation stage is demonstrated (i.e., the transition from one state to another, which is accompanied by some kind of ritual). Since Kannabi in culture is the boundary between the human and the divine, it can be concluded that this very transition is shown almost literally, thanks to the sharingan awakening and the broken tanto. This is the first turning point in history, structurally coinciding with the end of the first act.
The idea itself
And what do we see in general? In the battle of Kannabi, the religious Shinto subtext is vividly read. For the battle in a sacred place, the moral positive change of the hero (Kakashi) or his original courage (Obito) and a certain sacrifice (Kakashi's eye), the deities give a reward: the power of sharingan, which helps them save Rin, which is shared between Obito and Kakashi and in the future generally serves as a direct demonstration of the spiritual connection between them. At the same time, for the desecration of a sacred place (the goal of the mission was to blow up a bridge), heroes are punished: from this point of view, Obito's death is a certain sacrifice for the damage inflicted on the deity.
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There is also information that the name of the bridge - Kannabi-kyo (神無毘橋) - can also be interpreted as «A bridge where the gods won't help». idk if it's true, but sounds cool.
Moreover, the very name of Obito's mangekyo — Kamui (神威) — literally translates as «The Power of Gods». Perhaps it is based on the mentioned concept of the place where Kakashi and Obito received the power of sharingan. And maybe that's why they call the technique the same way: because they treat it rather with such a religious meaning.
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and thanks for reading to the end ♡
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fan-goddess · 3 months
The Epilogue: Where’d all the time go…
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Catch up on the fic here!
Authors Note: Thank you everybody for sticking with me through this while I tried to write this going through a writing blockage it means so much to me to know that people were looking forward to this! I hope you enjoy the final chapter of these twos love story 🩷
Summary: Some time has passed since your wedding day, and it appears all you’ve wanted has come true.
Taglist: @omgbrcat @humanpurposes, @watercolorskyy, @blue-serendipity @anjelicawrites @lexwolfhale @helaenaluvr @scarletbedlam @tssf-imagines @vhagar-balerion-meraxes @arcielee @ilikechocolatemilkh @tumblin-theworldaway @skintoskinsstuff @darylandbethfanforever9 (italics cannot tag)
Warnings: P in v sex, pregnancy, kids, dick jokes, pregnancy kink, breeding kink, lactation kink, domestic kink, p in v sex, indirect breastfeeding, domestic fluff, she/her pronouns used, reader is referred to as being a woman (if I miss any let me know!)
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Like most mornings in the last few years of being a married woman, you’re not allowed to lay peacefully in your bed anymore.
“Mumma…” you hear a small voice say drawing you from your sleep with a small start. Though when you look to your over to the source of the noise, you cannot help but smile softly as you meet eyes with your daughter Penelope, who in turn stares up at you from the doorway with that small irresistible pout of hers that she knows will make it so she gets her way.
You cannot help yourself from reaching out a hand to her to let her know she can come up to the bed, which she does so eagerly with her arms held up to let you know she wants to be lifted up to be close with you and her father. Usually he’s the one lifting them as he’s forbidden you from doing anything that could harm the baby, but you’d damn him before he gets in the way of you spending time with your babies.
“What’s wrong flower?” You whisper to her after lifting her onto the covers and looking to your right to see Abraham still somehow deeply asleep against the pillow. “Did you have a nightmare?”
“No! I’m a big girl! I just missed sissy!” She stumbles, leaning forward to place her hands against your swollen belly through your old t-shirt. She also much to your amusement put her face as close to your belly as possible so she can murmur some illegible words to it before looking back up at you.
“Is daddy still sleeping?” She asks though, pointing to your husband who much to yours and her amusement, at that very moment begins to snore deep into his pillow like some comical pig seen on one of her tv shows.
“Yes he is, So we can’t wake him up! Do you understand flower?”
“Yes mummy!” She quickly nods, flopping herself down between you and Abraham and burrowing her head into a pillow, before closing her eyes and putting her thumb in her mouth.
You yourself try to move back to how you were so you try and get comfy and get back to sleep, but it appears the baby has other plans as it begins to immediately kick you in a way that makes you wince hard in pain.
You get the urge to go to the kitchen and make yourself a relaxing cup of tea, but as soon as you begin to move you hear two very familiar sets of footsteps. With a smile you turn your head back to the doorframe and see your boys Joseph and Elliot, who sleepily stand there with their blankets in hand.
“Hey babies…” You whisper, reaching a hand out to them both so they know it’s okay to come up to the bed. “Any nightmares?”
“No mama!” They both say, eagerly moving to get up and be held by you as you try and balance them both in front of you. Making sure to shush them so they don’t wake up their sister or daddy. Yet it appears to be father like daughter as they both appear to be too deep asleep to hear anything and instead just breath louder into the pillow.
“Do you wanna sleep here?” You say, smiling softly as they both eagerly nod their heads before moving themselves to snuggle next to their sister and daddy. They quickly beginning to snore peacefully away while you simply just stare at your family in awe. Rubbing a hand on your swollen belly as you’re reminded of the other life inside you.
You have no idea on whether you’re having a boy or a girl, but Cora has already made the prediction that it’ll be another little girl. Which you know Penelope would definitely be pleased with given her sureness that you carry her little sissy inside your belly the entire time you told her you were having a baby.
Though after a while of trying to comfortably position yourself just right, the itch in your throat becomes too prominent to ignore. So even if it takes you an embarrassing long time to actually get out of bed and make it all the way to the kitchen, it’s rewarded deliciously with a hot cup of tea and a half eaten packet of digestive biscuits that are hidden at the back of the cupboard where the kids can’t find them.
Soon, even though it’s still relatively dark outside, you find yourself immersed with looking at the dim lights hanging from the place opposite. Watching it slowly swing against the slow wind and the flames flicker in a hypnotic fashion.
“What are you doing up Mrs Lee?” You hear the familiar rough morning voice of your husband ask. A happy smile on your face appearing as before you can turn around to see him, Abraham sneaks up behind you and pulls you against his body gently so he can softly kiss on the top of your head.
Yet when you give him a little pout while looking him in the eyes, Abraham makes it all the better when with an exaggerated sigh, he pulls you in again only this time for a kiss firmly on the lips.
“Happy now Mrs?” He jokes, sitting next to you and placing a hand on your swollen belly almost instinctively. As if he’s terrified someone’s gonna suddenly burst in and hurt you and the baby.
“Very.” You simply say. Placing a small kiss of your own on the skin of his shoulder. It’s the only place you can really kiss him right now without straining yourself too hard and getting a stern lecture from your husband. And not even the fun kind, as you found out sadly enough a few weeks ago when you tried to dust the hanging light in the living with him present.
“How’s my little one doing though?” He smiles, dipping his head close to your belly to speak to it. Apparently Abraham is insisting that the baby can hear him, and that supposedly it’s good practice for the baby to learn who their daddy is. Yet all you hear coming from his lips is while adorable, complete utter bullshit. But why stop him when it’s entertainment for you and is honestly an adorable thing to witness? He did it for all your pregnancies, and it always makes your heart warm when you look at the man you married being so gentle and loving with the child of his not yet even born in this world.
“You been good for your mum eh?” He continues though, directing this particular question at both the baby and yourself.
“Not been kicking much this week. Cora said it were a good sign apparently, but don’t ask me why cause ain’t got a clue at all…” You say, taking advantage of Abraham still leaning over to kiss him quickly and lightly on the edge of his lips.
It’s been the closest you’ve ever been to being physical with your husband in weeks, as according to him, having sex would hurt the baby. Yet with how desperate you’ve been feeling for him be inside you and make love to you like how he did the day after your wedding, you’re actually heavily debating on testing that theory out.
“Why haven’t you let me kiss you?” You find yourself asking though. A small pout on your lips as you find yourself reminiscing on a life before being pregnant. A life where Abraham had kissed you when he wanted, and how he wanted. Which usually, much to your happiness, was always hard and heated, leading to both his and yours clothes being discarded to do certain activities wherever you or him wanted.
“I’ve told you,” Abraham grunted, making it a point to kiss you on the side of your head while he makes himself comfortable sitting next to you. “I don’t want to harm the baby-“
“For gods sake Abraham as much as I compliment it your dick is not so big that it’ll harm the baby!”
“Mummy?” A familiar voice speaks, both yours and Abraham’s heads turning fast at the sound of your daughters voice. Her bunny low in one hand, the other’s thumb in her mouth. “Why are you and daddy fighting?”
“Oh no we aren’t fighting flower!” You smile, motioning her forward and ticking her as soon as she came close enough. It was addictive the way your daughter made you feel so carefree without even trying. When she smiled, even if you were at your lowest, she still manage to find a way to bring a smile on your face. “We just didn’t agree on something and were talking about it! Did we wake you up?”
“Nope! Josie kept kicking me so I woke up!” She continues smiling, yet it soon turns to insesent giggling as soon as Abe scoops her in his own arms and like you did moments earlier, begins to tickle her with little mercy.
The sight of it makes you all the more excited for when the baby eventually comes, as unlike your worries from before you got married, you now know Abraham is an amazing father and husband.
Unlike most women’s husbands, whose wives typically clean and do the chores all before the husband came back home even while heavily pregnant, Abraham actually insists on helping out round the house especially when you’re pregnant. So while you do the polishing and the dusting, he’s the one helping out by cutting up that nights vegetables for dinner or picking up the kids never ending hurricanes of toys. It was messy, and sometimes downright disgusting when you’d find mysterious splurges hidden on the sofa cushions, but by God was it home.
“How about you go wake your brothers up huh little flower? Yuh gonna hang out with auntie Cora today!” You hear Abraham say, knocking you out of your thoughts as you raise a brow at the sudden predicament. As far as you were aware, today was just a relaxing day between the 5 and a half of you, with the occasional dispute over a toy. When was this sudden auntie Cora visit gonna be mentioned to you?
Your daughter though doesn’t appear to really care about the news and simply runs off with her thumb back in her mouth, presumably to ruthlessly wake up her brothers to tell them what daddies told her. So you take advantage the kidless room while you can.
“When were you gonna tell me they were heading to Cora’s?” You ask, turning to him with a single raised brow.
“I didn’t even know myself till a couple minutes ago…” He shrugs, moving to make some toast for you,the kids and himself even though you swear it’s only 6 in the morning. “Sides… with the kids gone then I can prove to you just how dangerous my dick can really be…”
And like that, it was quickly agreed that Cora would be coming in an hour as arranged over the phone. Not that the kids had the same enthusiasm of the idea though…
“But I wanna stay with mama!” Joseph says, eyes watering so much you almost get the urge to call it all off so you can hold him in your arms for the whole day and never let him go. But it’s a good thing your husband knows how weak you are when the kids pull out the puppy eyes, so he makes sure to quickly pull both the boys in his arms so you don’t need to feel anymore guilty about having a day with just you and your husband.
“Well little ones, mama deserves a day to relax what with the baby and all. Don’t you think mama deserves a break?” Abe asks, practically forcing them to agree as they know they’ll get a small clip round the ear from him if they dare mouth you off especially in front of their father.
“Of course daddy…” Your boys say practically say in unison while your daughter just nods refusing to let go of her thumb, before all three of them quickly get distracted by the sound of the front door opening and Cora opening her arms to welcome the three little hurricanes in a warm hug.
You quickly chat with Cora for a bit while Abraham plays with the kids to get them ready and simultaneously distract them, yet somehow she seems to know the real meaning for this early morning conversation and quick to arrange visit. As just shes about to leave, turning to let you know the kids’ll be dropped off around dinner time tonight, she gives you a noticeable cheeky wink before shutting the door behind her. The almost unrecognisable sound of silence ringing out through the room.
A blush forming on your cheeks though as you feel your husband’s strong arms move to envelope you in his warmth not even five seconds after the kids leave. His breath tickles your ear as he moves to whisper in your ear, “I suppose we should make the most of this and head to the bedroom, shouldn’t we Mrs Lee?”
“I suppose so husband…” You murmur back, sighing against his lips as Abraham kisses you deeply and his hands roam along the length of your body. He hasn’t had a real opportunity to feel out the newest changes your pregnancy has given you, and he’s all too eager to get familiar with them.
“So fucking beautiful.” He says, kissing and marking slightly the length of your neck in such a way it leaves you sighing out in pure pleasure. “And all fucking mine too… luckiest man in the world…”
“I thought you wanted to go to the bedroom Abe?” You giggle, yet quickly stop as you gasp and realise the sudden slight sting on your backside was from your husband’s palm coming down on your quick and fast.
“Don’t talk back to me now love…” He groans directly against your ear. “You may be pregnant with my baby, but I can still treat you like the dirty little thing I know you to be…”
“Is that a threat or a promise?” You purr, your heart pounding hard in your chest. Yet that sudden surge of confidence quickly disappears as Abraham takes you in his arms and drags you to your bedroom, slamming the door behind him with his foot alone as he continues to stare you down.
“It would be a promise little one…” Abraham this time purrs, a single rough hand of his trailing down your shivering form and leaving goosebumps in its wake. “But I wouldn’t dare think about accidentally harming you in this state. So I’m going to make it a threat this time. But I swear as soon as this baby is out of you and into this world, I’m gonna fuck another in you.”
Your breath hitches as he speaks and yet you can’t deny the way his words make your legs desperately clench together in a way to get rid of that now aching sensation only Abraham can provide you with.
“I can see your legs clenching little one,” Abraham says, gently moving you to the edge of the bed so you slightly fall against the covers in an admittedly not so graceful fashion. Still, you’re so grateful when Abraham chooses to ignore you at your clumsiest and focus solely instead on your quivering form laid out in front of him. “You’re not very good at hiding it from me.”
“I can never hide anything from you.” You admit, smiling as you look up at your husband who himself begins to smile bashfully at your words. “You look so pretty when you blush…” You continue, smiling even more when you see his face manage to darken even more.
“Shut up…” Abraham murmurs, distracting you from his bashful face by leaning over you and kissing you deeply. Very much effectively making you forget everything except your husband’s touch. His lips trail down your neck down to the skin between your breasts, where for the first time in months he leaves harsh no doubt bruising marks in his wake.
“Fucking love this body…. love it even better when swollen with my child…”
“Fuck Abraham…” You whine, closing your eyes as you bask in the feeling of pleasure that for the first time in months is running through your whole body faster than anything you’ve felt before. “I want more!”
“You’ll take what I give you wife,” Abraham grunts, lightly pinching your upper thigh as he begins undoing the buttons of your nightgown, only to stop suddenly as he when his hands trail up the length of your thigh he realises you have no underwear on and are currently almost already fully bare to him to see. “Now what do we have here…”
“They got too annoying,” You admit, finding amusement in the way Abraham can’t stop staring at the naked skin that’s been revealed to him already, apparently too distracted with the idea of you naked and dripping beneath your clothing to think about anything else.
He’s so distracted in fact, that he doesn’t seem to even care about continuing with what he’d previously been doing. Too distracted staring at your barely covered skin to notice your shy bashful face. Yet too distracted to miss how your legs try to subtly move together in an embarrassed attempt to stop Abrahams staring.
“Don’t try and hide from me.” He practically growls, finally looking away to stare instead into your eyes so intensely he reminds you of a predator looking into the eyes of its prey. “Never hide from me, you hear?”
“Yes Abe!” You practically whine, falling apart at the smallest of indecent touches as Abraham pinches the inside of your thighs with his fingers just like he did earlier. Not hard to enough to hurt, as Abraham would never, but hard enough so you know who it is who holds the power right now.
“Good girl,” He grins, tilting his head down again once more as he quite practically tears the dress from your body which shakes in pure anticipation. Eager to be ravished by the man in front of you.
As soon as your body is revealed to the cold air and the hungry eyes before you, your husbands hands make eager work of touching every inch of you. He eagerly takes the flesh of your backside that he can get too in his hands and squeezes it just to make you gasp, yet when his hands make it to the bulging curve of your stomach that same rough unforgiving touch turns soft and gentle.
You can barely even feel him as he traces your curves, his lips kissing just above where your belly button sticks out as a reminder to you that he is still the man who loves and adores the very ground you walk on.
Though when his hands make it past the curve of your swollen stomach to the swollen curves of your breasts, that once soft touch turns greedy once more as he takes one in each hand and grips them just enough for you to need to bite your lip to stifle the pleasurable gasp that’s dying to be let out and heard by him.
Yet if you hadn’t have stifled your gasp, you wouldn’t have been able to have heard your husband’s own gasp. His eyes wide and focused as he realises with a thrill running down the full length of his spine, that your milk trickles slightly down the back of his hands from the rough treatment he showed you moments before.
Before you or even he knows it, your husband is putting the back of one of his hands by his mouth and licking the trail of your milk that begins to dribble down his arm. Abraham hums in delight at the sweet taste exploding on his tongue, and he can’t help but lick at the other hand too. Even sucking at the skin on the back of his thumb to truly savour the unique taste.
“How is it you’re so delicious everywhere?” He groans, leaning forward to kiss you again before swiping his tongue on your swollen bottom lip. It teases the edge of your teeth before caressing your tongue and slipping out back to his own mouth like nothing happened. He leans back and grins as he mimics licking his lips with joy. “Like I said. Fucking delicious…”
You can’t help but blush at his words, yet you can’t help but want more from him. Want his hands to touch your inner parts. Want his lips to leave marks that’ll make the other wives envious of what you have with your husband. Want his cock too-
You gasp when his cock teases your entrance, and you can’t help but whine especially hard as he pushes himself deep inside of you. His hips connecting with yours as he leans forward and in a sort of sweet way bangs his forehead against your own.
“Beg me for my cock…” Abraham groans, his breath slightly fanning your lips. “Do it for me…”
“What’s the magic word sweet husband?” You can’t help but tease, relishing in the shiver you can feel run down his spine as your breath tickles his own lips.
“You know I hate it when you tease me…”
“Well then it’s not good for you that I oh so adore it…”
“Little minx… you never fail to surprise me.” He admits, kissing the side of your head that faces him.
“And you always seem to love it no matter how much you say you despise it.” You laugh back, leaning into his warm touch.
The two of you in that moment feel as close as you can be. His cock which still lays inside of you is actively pulsing against your warm walls, and yet he makes no move to begin fucking you. Instead his head merely moves to sit in the crook of your neck, where his lips begin to leave small marks in his wake, and his hand leaves delighted butterfly’s in your belly as he caresses your swollen stomach with utter care and devotion.
“I love you…” He whispers against your skin.
“I love you too…” You immediately whisper back, tilting your head to kiss his damp salty forehead. Giggling as he begins to adjust himself yet moaning as his hips finally begin what they’d earlier started to do.
His lips find yours while his cock slowly moves inside you, muffling the sounds of yours and his pleasure. Though soon its admittedly too slow for both of you, as Abrahams hips begin to smack against your own. The sound of yours and his wet skin making contact both loudly and sinfully.
"Fucking beautiful..." Abraham groans, looking down at you with dark hooded eyes. "Fucking perfect wife..."
"Perfect fucking husband..." You groan back, pushing your heavy breasts further against his chest. Reminding him of the treasures he has yet to fully ravish while he takes you.
Your massive belly doesn't exactly give your husband much room to work with, yet that doesn't at all mean he won't still try. As while he continues to thrust his cock deep inside of you, his earlier worries about supposedly hurting the baby long forgotten in the wind, his lips move from your lips onto the part of your breast he can actually bend his neck far down enough to mark. He nips at it slightly with his teeth, and its not long before that small area is marked and bitten much to Abrahams content. The skin already blooming a deep purple that leaves Abraham glowing in pure pride.
"They'll all know who you belong too," He grunts, giving you a break from the roughness as he possessively kisses the side of your forehead. It’s a reminder of what started this whole thing off.
"As if the four kids you've already given me isn't enough..." You can't help but sigh, kissing his bare shoulder. You make a strange sort of giggle when Abraham playfully pinches your side, yet as soon as he begins to pick up the pace you quickly begin gasping and whining right up against his ear.
The knot in your stomach twists and turns as you’re hurdled closer to your impending orgasm, and by the why your husband pants against your own ear and groans so deliciously you can make a clear guess and say his own orgasm is approaching too.
“Fucking love you,” He gasps, interlocking one of his hands in your own and clutching you tight as if he was afraid you’d suddenly get up and leave him. “So much…”
“I love you too!” You say back, whining loudly as his cock manages to hit the special place inside you that always makes you act loud and shameless.
Abraham grins as his only free hand comes down to caress your bump, making sure it’s safe as his hips somehow manage to move even faster just so he can try and hit that spot inside you again that made you react like that. Which he does. Multiple times…
“Oh fuck!” You yell, mouth hanging wide open as your orgasm washes over you. Your grip on your husbands hand tight as you attempt to ground yourself from being swept away by it all. With this being your first orgasm in a while, it'd make sense for you to practically go insane at the moment.
Your heart is all aflutter as you feel Abrahams hips jerk and bump against your own as he orgasms. The feeling of your walls clenching hard around his cock forcing him to cum deep inside you. If you hadn't already been pregnant at that moment, Abraham can't help but think with a smug smirk how you definitely would've been after that.
Abraham leans his body against yours as he manages to move both himself and you in a spot against the bed where somehow the two of you are comfortable.
Or at least you're comfortable, as most of the pillows and the spare decorative cushions are being used to make sure your belly isn't in an awkward position.
Abraham however makes sure he is left with the very flat and used pillow with the stiff uncomfortable cushion that is placed under it so Abraham can sleep with his head at a tilt. You can see that him wince slightly as a feather manages to pierce his cheek through the weak pillow fabric and offer to get him a cushion from the sofa, or even a pillow from the kids room given that they'll be away pretty much the whole evening. But if there's one thing for sure you know about your husband it's that he's stubborn as a mule in his ways. So he emphasises he's fine as he makes sure to prioritise your comfort over his own.
It doesn't matter how long the two of you spend in each others arms, but as soon as you make one small complaint about the uncomfortable feeling around your lower area, Abraham is immediately up on his feed still naked in order to fetch you a dampened cloth. He is careful and loving as he makes the cloth make contact with your sensitive body. Whispering small words of sweet affirmation against your skin. Even kissing slightly the area of your inner thigh, which leaves you glaring down at him from where you lay as you admittedly manage to find yourself aroused by the whole scenario in front of you.
When first thinking about having a husband, you never would've thought you would have a husband who prioritises your pleasure over his own. And yet here you are with a man practically on his knees for you, making sure you are okay as he carefully wipes away his remaining climax from your inner thighs.
"How are you feeling Mrs Lee?" You hear Abraham say, no doubt with a smirk on his face as he kisses your inner thigh.
"Oh I am feeling very well Mr Lee..." You can't help but giggle back, smiling as Abraham comes up from between your legs and positions himself next to you so he can be near you as much as possible.
His lips softly kiss the length of your neck, not leaving marks in a possessive manner, but doing it instead to be comforting. He moves you so your head is tucked near to his chin and your stomach is pretty much propped up by his own torso. His left arm is wrapped around your body to bring you in, which you eagerly accept in order to embrace your husband, while his right arm moves so he can place it on your stomach.
You feel so at peace, that you can't help but close your eyes and allow yourself to relax in your husbands arms. You feel safe, and oh so happy that you said yes to Abrahams proposal all those years ago. So safe that within minutes you actually find yourself falling asleep to the sound of Abrahams heartbeat.
Abraham watches you while you sleep, his eyes unable to look away from the beautiful woman before him. He has no idea how he managed to achieve this. How he managed to get a wife who loves him as much as he adores her. How he managed to have three, about to be four wonderful children with this woman, he will never really know. But all he does know, is that he's so grateful for being able to be gifted this gift. Abraham grabs the bed cover and covers the two of you under it so the three of you, but mainly so you and the baby are warm, and closes his eyes allowing himself time to indulge in your loving embrace.
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When the baby came, you were surrounded by those who cared for you. The kids weren’t allowed in the room due to how scary you and Abraham knew it would’ve been for them to see you in such pain so young, so thankfully one of your friends from your old friendship group offered to look after them and keep them out of trouble for the few hours while you gave birth.
So with your husband holding your hand on one side and your mother on the other cheering you on, you managed to give birth to a beautiful baby girl. A daughter that without telling your husband, you had decided to name Lily. When you told Abraham what her name going to be, before that day you had never seen him cry like that. Yet now, he was allowing himself to be as vulnerable as he ever could be in front of you as everyone else had left seeing this was a private moment between your family.
He is unable to look away from you as you hold the baby in your arms, same as you find yourself unable to look away from him when he all of a sudden drops to his knees before you laying on the bed and places his arms by the baby to stroke her face.
"Thank you my love..." Abraham murmurs, leaning forward to place a kiss on your admittedly very sweaty forehead. "Thank you for this gift..."
"Thank you for marrying me..." You murmur back, moving forward so your forehead touches his. "Thank you for loving me, and for making me realise my girlish daydreams could become a living reality..."
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gogandmagog · 3 months
Thinking of the general feeling towards Shirley Blythe, and how it is basically one of injustice or a perceived lack of familial closeness (with Anne, especially), as demonstrated in his neglected narrative and etc, but… I find that I can just never really agree with that. Besides fully believing that Shirley and his brothers all are meant to illustrate/embody different types of servicemen’s attitudes towards war (Jem leaves as the optimistic hero, Walter as a white flame of sacrifice, and Shirley… as rep of the silent [which we are meant to feel] duty of the masses, that are cared about by more than just their mothers [see: Susan]), there’s also this passage in Rilla of Ingleside where the text aligns Anne’s reluctance to let him go to that of Benjamin from the Bible:
The age-old cry—"Joseph is not and Simeon is not; and ye will take Benjamin away."
Understanding the obvious and driving implication of much being asked for and taken from mothers by War, Benjamin was a known favourite son (second to Joseph ofc, but the Biblical text implies that high favour falling on Benjamin too). For anyone unfamiliar, really briefly, Benjamin was the brother of Joseph, and the last son of Jacob and his much beloved wife Rachel (there were 13 children and 2 wives in this family btw). Rachel had a difficult labour, and died shortly after bringing Benjamin into the world. Similarly, Anne nearly died bringing Shirley, her own last son, into the world. For me, I guess I just feel this cannot be a coincidental, especially since LMM, a lifelong Christian and a Ministers wife, surely knew this story well, and also wasn’t exactly one to throw in a reference to scripture without first looking both ways. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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pedgito · 2 years
for those that couldn’t listen, here’s what we’ve learned about Joseph Quinn from today’s panel (creds):
he doesn’t like pineapple on pizza
he’s happy with the questions people ask him
meeting Metallica is one of his favorite memories from this year
he speaks English is is learning Italian and German
he can understand a little bit of spanish but can’t speak it
him being in a bunch of period dramas was not a coincidence
Jamie loves his eyes
Joe Keery is his favorite costar
he has not listened to any more Harry Styles since last month
he likes the WASP pin on Eddie’s vest the most
he doesn’t meditate (but says he probably should)
Sunshine of Your Love by Cream is the first song he learned on guitar
prefers steak pie over fish n chips
he’s doing alright :)
he likes Arctic Monkeys
his favorite Arctic Monkeys song at the moment is Perfect Sense
his favorite role is Eddie
his favorite scene from stranger things was the guitar scene, but he also liked shooting with the cast (Joe, Maya, Natalia, Sadie, etc.)
he was very nervous meeting the stranger things cast
the first s4 scene he shot was in the boathouse
he thinks it’s annoying when actors talk about their process to prepare for roles
he thinks some roles come naturally and some don’t
he loved Toy Story as a child
he loved working with Gaten so much
he did some acting in school and enjoyed it and then went to drama school
he would star in Bridgerton if it was offered to him
fall is his favorite season
favorite animal is a dolphin
he is an only child
his favorite scene as Ralph was when he proposed, but he doesn’t remember much
likes the song I Am by Jamie Campbell Bower
it took him an hour to learn Master of Puppets on guitar, and a few months to get it better
he listens to Metallica
he improvises lines with more spontaneous characters
he’s had social anxiety before
his glasses are reading glasses
he needs contacts but he doesn’t have them yet
biggest pet peeve is fussy eaters but he’s fine with vegans and vegetarians
he can’t choose a favorite pasta
he would stick with Eddie even if he could’ve chosen a different stranger things role to audition for
his comfort character is Gene Wilder’s Willy Wonka
Legolas is his favorite LOTR character
he finds it weird to call himself a “famous person”
he thinks him and Eddie share a “questionable fashion sense”
he cannot play the Master of Puppets solo on guitar, but the rest of the song
he loves all of the stranger things fast that he got to work with
he’d love to be a part of A Quiet Place franchise
he wanted to save animals and be a marine biologist when he was a child
his perfect date would be dinner and a movie
when playing Eddie, he drew inspiration from obnoxious people older than him growing up
doesn’t have a least favorite stranger things scene to shoot
favorite movies from this year were The Banshees of Inisherin and The Whale
he is a dog person
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I think Joseph being pegged is hot bhfvhbvfv
Rated: Explicit
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“You seem to be more affected by this than me.”
His voice takes you out of the moment, your hips moving desperately to make him feel good with the strap, you look at him surprised then worried, “Does it not feel good?” You are trying your best, copying the way he has held open your legs and thrust his hips, though you figure it is not as perfect as his movements.
Joseph is a bit taken aback by how dejected you sound, the way you try to figure out what you are doing wrong by adjusting your hand placement and angle.
“I feel full. The size you picked is reasonable this time,” Because you like bigger and clearly not human-shaped cocks, you choose a normal one for the strap. He is fairly sure it is bigger than him though. “This is enjoyable, but try this.” His legs are over your shoulders and he pulls you over him pressing your weight on him.
“Ah, there.”
“Joseph, you look beautiful.”
He laughs, breathlessly, “You tell me this often,” He groans when you start moving, slower this time.
“I think you like it. You always glance over your shoulder when I tell you so.” Yes, when he chairs you, he looks behind him to see you attempting to flirt with him. Shamelessly too, calling him words one would say to a woman. “A pretty prince.”
“Shut up.” Rolling his eyes, “Focus on making me cum, (Name).”
“I promise you will, I'm trying.” God, you are like an eager puppy right now moaning as you fuck him. He now cannot stop moaning and can feel that build-up reaching that edge, “Please, cum, look at me Joseph when you cum.”
He does to you, holds your face when you are trying to hide— Joseph doesn't hide, he looks into your eyes when he cums, eyes with tears from overstimulation as you do not stop until he has cum three more times. A perk of being a hunter is the unnatural stamina, which helps when you are the one who needs to be exhausted.
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Joseph had learned with you that you are all bark. He calls you ‘pup’ because you are. A cute pup that barks for attention and immediately tail wagging in excitement when he gives it. Cute but annoying when in matches and you are enjoying yourself despite being wounded or chaired waiting to be rescued.
Love. You confessed first, and he permits you to adore him.
“Why are you cutting only two of your nails?” Laying next to him only wearing a bathrobe. Tonight, he has invited you for a tryst, whatever that means.
“Truly, you do not know why?” Examining his hand where he clipped the nails of his index and middle finger.
“I like your long nails.” Thinking he is going to cut them all down.
“Only two are enough unless you think you could handle three fingers.”
You stare confused, staring at his fingers, fingers he taps on your bottom lip.
“Open, tongue out.”
You open your mouth and he presses his fingers on your tongue, your eyes on him seeking allowance.
And you do happily.
“Understand now?”
Yeah, you do, humming to show you do. His finger pulled out your mouth with a pop before his lips took you, his body on top of you in his bed.
The first time you entered his room it felt and looked every bit like those French historical based dramas, and smelled like perfume and wine.
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ozzgin · 10 months
So I was wondering how Lisa Lisa, Caesar, and Joseph react to accidentally awakening Pillar woman reader( who is EXTRA Buff) . And while the three of them think Reader’s a threat, the reality she’s just a gentle giantess. And just pats Joseph head, and doesn’t seem to understand that they’re humans per say, but thinks their younger Pillar men?
Love the idea! After writing the Baki x JoJo crossover my mind has wandered to a Pillar Woman, too. A proper one. I also played around with Midjourney to see if I could get a glimpse at a potential Pillar Woman, and it’s not as muscular as I would’ve wished but it looks interesting nonetheless.
JJBA Headcanons: Pillar Woman! Reader
Featuring Lisa Lisa, Caesar, Joseph, and an awakened Pillar Woman that’s not as threatening as her male counterpart.
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Joseph and Caesar are not only irritated by each other’s company, but by the sheer pointlessness of this task that has interrupted their training. Three Pillar Men have emerged from this site and fiddling around unturned stones only serves in delaying their fight. Their whines are quickly silenced by Lisa Lisa’s orders to continue their search. If they have time to moan, they have time to look for clues. The UV lights have long been discarded after the gory incident, so the narrow rays of flashlights only add to their frustration.
A faint sound catches their attention and they simultaneously turn towards a pillar at the end of the chamber. “Is that an unfinished sculpture or something?” Caesar ponders as he gazes as the bizarre block of stone with a vaguely chiseled arm protruding out of it. “I can’t believe this. I should be perfecting my deadly moves and here I am listening to your art commentary instead. Should we have a little séance session so you can ask them directly?” Joseph responds in a mocking tone. Their bickering continues under the scolding glares of the woman supervising them.
Her sigh of annoyance is abruptly drowned by the loud cracks of collapsing rubble. The bulky pillar seems to be disintegrating and they quickly cover their faces, scrambling to avoid the thick clouds of dust rapidly flooding the room. Once the smoke clears out, their faces twist in shock at the sight of yet another Pillar person that has somehow evaded the previous investigations. Although this one seems to be a woman.
The group is taken aback by the colossal size of this specimen. She’s significantly larger than all the Pillar Men they have encountered, with impressive muscular mass. Joseph and Caesar have already positioned themselves in strategic fighting stances and Lisa Lisa bites her lower lip, stressed by the unexpected encounter. They haven’t managed to lay a finger on the original Pillar Men. Would they stand a chance against this behemoth of a creature?
You stretch your limbs and lazily scan the area. How long has it been since you’ve gone to sleep? You don’t recognize a single thing. The humans before you are small are slender. Children? You’re not quite sure. You hear them mumble among themselves and you realize it’s a language foreign to you, although you quickly pick up the vocabulary. You approach Joseph and place your large hand on his head, trying to reassure the young boy of his safety. “Are your parents nearby? Perhaps they could explain my situation better.” You state in a soft voice. Caesar cannot help the laugh that erupts out of him, having to rest on his knees to manage the convulsions. Joseph barks at him, annoyed and embarrassed, and politely removes your hand, explaining he’s a grown man. You can only stare in shock.
Once it is confirmed that you are indeed no threat, Lisa Lisa describes the recent events to you. You listen intently, arms crossed. You don’t particularly care for humans, but you don’t like the cockiness displayed by the awakened Pillar Men, nor their supposed intentions. In your current state, you could use some entertainment. You might as well lend a hand to the amusing individuals that found you.
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fairyrcts · 1 month
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bags , m.s.
by fairyrcts contents - intended lowercase , use of y/n , cursing , resolved angst , 3rd person
as y/n walked up to the triplets front door, chris opened it before even giving her a chance to knock.
"well, seems as someone was waiting." she spoke, givng him a face. he rolled his eyes, opening the door to give her room to walk in.
"matt's in his room." chris spoke.
y/n nodded before heading up to see her best friend.
y/n's had feelings for matt since they were in highschool. of course, she'd never do anything to put their friendship in jeopardy, so she kept silent. as much as she wanted to tell him just to put that label on it, she was content with their current friendship. they already acted as if they were in a relationship, but she'd always wondered if it'd be different when they had that label.
she opened the door to matt on his phone. his eyes looked up to the door, his lips forming into a smile as he saw her.
"hey, missy. how are ya?" he asked whilst he sat up.
"exhausted. i was just at the gym for like two hours." she whined before setting her bag down and plopping on his bed next to him. matt grabbed the remoted on his nightstand and turned it on.
"mm, i'm sorry. we can watch one of your movies. those.. indie films or the joseph gorgon-levitt one ya like."
y/n's face lit up at his words. "which one are we talking? don jon? (500) days of summer? mysterious skin? 10 things i hate about you? 50/50? brick?"
her knowledge cause matt to laugh. "i was thinkin (500) days of summer. i never understand that title, theres only like 70 days in summer."
y/n moved up and sat next to him, leaning against the headboard. his lack of knowledge made her roll her eyes. "it's because they spent 500 days together and her name is summer. so the movies is about what he endured the 500 days of knowing summer."
"you're such a cornball" matt's arm slung around her shoulder, pulling her head on his shoulder. he turned on the movies and the room filmed with a comfortable silence.
around 30 minutes into the movie, y/n speaks up. "y'know, i always thought that could be us someday."
her words made matt's breath hitch in his throat.
"what?" he moves himself up and took away his arm from her.
y/n eyes wandered his face, trying to read him.
"y/n you can't just fucking say that." he spoke with his eyebrows furrowed.
"i'm sorry, i didn-"
"no, that's not fucking fair. i just got over you. i spent the entirety of my teenage years loving you and you just now decide you have interest in me? that's bullshit. it took me six years to get over the fact that you weren't interested in me. no matter how many times chris and nick told me no chance, i held out hope. but turning twenty-one made me stop and realize that they're right. i, mentally, cannot deal with the fact that it took me six whole years for me to stop loving you that way, and you just start. i won't."
he was now standing up with tears in his eyes while y/n sat on the bed, her jaw agape.
"matt, i've liked you since we were 17. i never knew you felt that way about me. i never thought you ever would." she said just above a whisper.
"well, get it through your stubborn fucking skull, y/n. my god, this is such bull." he ran a hand through his hair.
"what? matt, what the fuck are you even saying, are you hearing yourself? you're being goddamn selfish. you think this is one-sided?"
"yeah! yeah, i do think it's one sided because you've never once expressed any kind of romantic feelings until that little comment of yours just now!"
y/n was now in tears.
"i- i didn't know how. you didn't either."
matt let out a humorless laugh as he began talking with his hands. "seriously? never? because kissing your hand, your forehead, buying you whatever you want, calling you pet names, listening to every song youve ever asked me to, making you playlists, opening up to you about stuff not even nathan knows about, carrying you around when your feet hurt, giving you all of my hoodies and cuddling with you while i watch an insufferably sad joseph gorgon-levitt film is so platonic?! is that so fucking platonic to you?"
tears started streaming down matthew's face as he spoke with such pent-up emotions. y/n didn't know what to say so she stood there before grabbing her bag and jogging down the stair, wiping the tears from her eyes.
"i'm not fucking finished, y/n!" he yelled down the stairs, but she was already out the door.
she wasted no time getting in her car and driving off.
matt was left standing at the top of the stairs, thoughts running through his head. he smacked a fist against the wall before sliding himself down it, crying his eyes out. chris ran up those stairs, nick following. they hugged him and supported him while he ranted on about what happened.
meanwhile, y/n dangerously drove with tears flowing through her eyes non-stop. when she arrives home, she sat on her couch, wrapping herself in a blanket and cried herself to sleep.
the next morning, she woke up with puffy eyes and very little sleep. notifications flooded her phone, causing her to look up at the lit screen.
i'm sorry.
y/n i'm sorry
did you get home safe?
are you okay?
turn off your fucking dnd
i'm worried about you
please text me when you get this
i didn't mean to lash out
i still love you, y/n.
y/n rubbed her eyes as she read them, the message causing her to cry again. she walked herself to her bathroom and cleaned herself up as she called matt.
"y/n? i know i screwed up. i'm sorry, i'm so sorry. i love you, i never meant to hurt you or say those hurful things, i'm sorry." his words came through the phone speaker rushed and panicked.
"come over. please, i just need you." y/n spoke softly with a sniffle.
"i'll be there in five." hanging up the phone, y.n wiped the mascara that was run down her face, but didn't bother changing into clean clothes. she put on the pajama set she had a few nights before, not caring what matt saw her in. all she knew was that she wanted to be in the arms of her best friend again.
matt walked in without knocking. "y/n?" he spoke as he ran to her.
her arms slung around his waist as his shirt begain filling up with tears. his chin rested on her head and his arms gently ran through her hair.
"you're okay. oh, sweet girl, i'm sorry. please forgive me?"
she nodded her head against his chest before looking up at him. she placed a small kiss to his cheek while he smiled softly.
"do you think we could work this out? that we could be something?"
her words made matt nod immediately. "yes, yes, of course. if it means being with you, yes anything."
her lips formed into a smile and without hesitation, she moved a hand to his cheek and pulled him into a kiss. his lips moved with hers and the world went quiet.
authors note - short little story ! i got bored and was listening to beabadoobee because this was orginally gonna be called the way things go but i think imma save that for a chris angst. i kinda hate this cuz i didnt take my time on it, but i'll improve with time, you just gotta trust my writing process i promisw. anyways if you read fully through, thank you soo much! if you wanna be extra kind a spread a smile, likes, reblogs and comments are much appreciated!!
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gorgeouslypink · 1 year
Hello, my lovely followers. I know a lot of you are "states" girls or hard-core followers of Neville and if you are, please skip this post. Love you guys still though <3
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Okay so for my girls who are left, I wanted to share a few things that helped me in my void journey that I think can help you.
1. Using the Law in a Way that You Actually Believe Works for You:
One of my friends (@junkyutueme) opened up to me about a lot of their struggles and how they were kind of having a very toxic mindset trying to force themselves to occupy the state of someone who already enters the void and we talked about it and then we discovered that they didn't really believe in states and I advised them to just manifest in a way they actually believe so which is something that sometimes seems "wrong" on loa tumblr.
I've been in the void community for a long time and so exposure to the loa community is inevitable and I've seen it go through so many trends. I remember the days when SATs was THAT thing, yk? Like people would not stop talking about STATs and there were so many success stories. Then, there was a slight shift to Joseph Murphy and how his ideas aligned with Neville and that was a thing and people were succeeding everywhere. Then, we got affirm and persist. Like I know we all remember the 10k challenge. Now, we're on states. I remember the community being obsessed with Sammy Ingram, then went to Electrasoul, now we're on Edward Art.
I'm not saying these methods don't work. They do. They literally become trends because people succeed with them. The problem is that sometimes the loa community thinks that the trend is the only way to manifest. It is not. So are we going to go and tell all those success stories who just affirmed like a robot for the void that they manifested wrong? What about everyone who just used subliminals and got in?
What you assume to be true is true.
If you really don't understand how a method could work or you're trying to do a method but have doubts, it's not going to work. All you're doing is wasting your time.
This isn't to say the law is a waste of time. Please take advantage of the law 😭 It is so real and so powerful and you cannot see all these picture results with subliminals and so many celebrities talking about it and not realize this. I swear almost every successful person has manifested their success, like it's so weird to me when I'm randomnly watching a youtuber or celebrity interview and they reveal a manifestation method that worked for them and they don't even realize that they were manifesting.
But the problem arises when you enter a community that thinks manifesting is whatever is trending at the moment and maybe you're lucky and the trend is compatible with you. But if it's not, you're just wasting your time.
Take some time to read Neville. Personally I like Joseph Dispenza more because I'm a bit more logical. Please remember that these 2 dudes are also not gods or anything, don't adopt their limiting beliefs, just read to understand how they view the law and what works for them. Then, think about yourself. What is a way you have manifested before? If you don't have a way, think about all the methods and explanations and what acctually makes sense to you and do that and only that.
I always stress compatibility on my blog and that applies to the law and manifesting as well. Manifesting in a way compatible to you will guarantee your results, I promise.
2. EFT Tapping
I've talked about this before, I feel like it was a micro trend and then died out but EFT tapping is so powerful and I swear anyone who has acctually tried it will back me up on this.
I use EFT tapping a lot when I'm feeling sad. I'm going to go on a bit of a tangent here but I feel like a lot of people think that once you can enter your void, you're just going to be happy forever. The thing is you're still human and you still have feelings. I didn't revise my past or wipe my memory of it and I went through a lot of trauma which is something that I'm dealing with now and EFT has honestly helped me a lot when I'm feeling down and can't pinpoint why or when I'm feeling overwhelmed.
But going back on track, here is a great EFT track I recommend to help you manifest entering the void:
3. This is just a subliminal that I recommend everyone to add to their playlist. I recommend listening to 30 minutes but just listen how much ever you want to:
If you're in or were in the subliminal community, you know this subliminal but for those who aren't, back when I was in the subliminal community and hadn't entered the void, this subliminal blew up and everyone was getting such great results. I was someone who got a few results but I never really got my main ones including when I used void subliminals but I still tried this and I swear my days improved a lot. So I definetly recommend adding this to your playlist.
You've got this and I truly believe in you 💗
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