#I care a lot about miss juniper woods
voidwritesstuff · 8 months
Long Way To The Truth
Cw:misgendering (accidental).
Summary: Lucas makes it to Colorado and helps a young kid with their identity.
->chapter 4: Colorado.
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By Next morning he was already in Colorado, as he has breakfast in a small cafeteria, he thinks back on last night. In hindsight,he feels like he just pulled a Wheeler and acted as the guidance counselor of three 20 Year olds. And it didnt bother him one bit.
For lunch, he stops at a small family owned restaurant. Its really quaint with its ochre colored walls, the plants growing from the pots placed infront of the blue framed Windows.
He steps through the double Doors made of some dark brown wood, and the smell of spicy,home made food greets him. He relaxes a little, Rolling Back one of his shoulders instintctually to then take off his army baseball cap.
As he joins the line,he sees a young kid going out to take the trash that Belongs to the stablishment. They have long dyed purple hair in box braids, tied up by a yellow and white bandana, they drag the heavy trash bag as they walk down one of the back area halls, the door to said Hall is Open which is why Lucas can see the kid.
--Thanks son!--Says a male voice from the kitchen. The kid seems to scowl and mutter something under their breath before resuming their walk.
Lucas orders once its his turn, as he eats hes contempt to watch the news since hes written down his entry of the day during breakfast. The news show how in a few months,a New ship was going to be comissioned by Mayer, the SS Thanatos.
"Kind of an edgy name,isnt it " he thinks,munching down on his chili. The spiciness of it all Burning his tongue,but he doesnt seem to care." Though, its interesting,why would mayer comission a New ship? What are they bringing?".
Hes quick to Scribble down his thoughts on his Journal in a small spot between his Many little doodles he had done during a particular terrible traffic jam on the way here.
--Ive told him so Many fucking times-- he hears the kid from before say-- its not- its not son,goddamnit-- Lucas perks up at the voice,filled with anger and sadness. Theres this look in their eyes of feeling misunderstood.
He watches them walk away and outside the restaurant through that Hall they went down earlier. Theres a slight suspicion in his mind as to what the kids discontent had to do with, bit he knows its none of his business.
"This ain't a song for the broken-hearted
No silent prayer for the faith-departed
I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd
You're gonna hear my voice when I shout it out loud"
As the News didnt show anything interesting after a while, the owner changed the channel to MTV. Where Bon jovi's "its my life" was playing.
Lucas drums along to the rythm of the song as he walks out of the restaurant. He gets approached by the owner of the restaurant,tall,dark skin and warm brown eyes, he looks worried.
--Hey,Sir. Excuse me- have you seen my son? His-their name is Juniper-- he asked,cleaning his sweaty hands on his apron-- about yay high,purple hair?
It takes him a moment to pinpoint the kid as he puts on his army baseball cap-- uh yeah, why?
--Hes been missing and he hasnt been replying to my calls-- he explains-- he seemed a little annoyed and I wanted to ask him where he was
Always the Smart one, the ex soldier nodds-- yeah,saw 'im by the parkin' lot-- he replied ,gesturing to the opposite side of where the kid had actually gone. The Dad runs away in a panic, and he takes that opportunity to go the actual way the kid left.
He knows he shouldnt have lied,but from experience he knew that sometimes parents would make things worse. And it looks like Wheeler rubbed off of on him because hes on his way to adopt yet another child.
Now that the owner wasnt there,nobody paid him any attention as he snuck into the Hall that the kid left through, it leads down an empty sort of backyard. Theres a small half broken concrete wall that seemed to be the wall that acted as a barrier to a previous,smaller, Back yard and the outside world.
Through the cracks and missing chunks of the wall,he can spot a set of purple hair blowing in the passing breeze. He sighs inwardly and tries to channel Wheeler as he leans on the Fallen wall and says.
--Yer dad's lookin' for ya
The kid gets startled, throwing a small pebble sized Chunk of Fallen wall towards him. He barely ducks out of the way and adds-- nice aim
--Who are you and what do you want?--The kid asks, pressing their knees against their chest. Their locks fall to cover half of their face since the bandana is no longer restricting them.
--'m the guy who told yer dad to go the other way so he didnt piss you off further
The kid looks at him and then looks away, growling-- good. I wouldve ripped his face off.
--Can I at least ask whats pissin' you off before I leave you alone? You look like yer either gonna hurl a piece of debrie at yer old Man or break down cryin'
--You wouldnt get it-- they reply,looking away
--kid, you'd be surprised at the ammount of shit ive seen. Try me
The kid sighs loudly and gets ready to throw another pebble sized chunk. But its not at Lucas, he throws it at a nearby tree stumpt And misses it by an INCH.
--So...so i dont really feel like a boy,or- or a girl-- they start, grabbing another pebble-- I asked my folks recently if they could use well- gender neutral words for me- but they Keep forgetting, especially my dad
"It's my life, it's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive"
God,how loud was the TV? He could hear it all the way from here.
Lucas nodds,folding his arms over his chest-- n 'm guessing thats what pissed you off?
They nodd-- its not that hard-- They followed up-- and it hurts when they dont do it- I call 'em ma and pa but they cant use the words I like?
--I get that kiddo-- he replied,looking at the tree stumpt,littered with previous atrempts of hitting it. His eyes narrow as he calculates the distance between them and the stumpt.-- parents can take a while to accept New things 'bout their kids
--How would you know?--his companion asked, throwing the pebble and missing,again,by an inch.
--well,kid-- the ex soldier grabs a pebble and throws it at the stumpt, hitting it dead in the middle--im Bisexual,and a soldier with PTSD,from a family of soldiers who also had....issues . So I'd get it
When the kid sees Lucas hit the stumpt,they look up at him and ask-- HOW DID YOU DO THAT?
he chuckled-- permission to approach?
--Uh,permission granted--They followed along with the joke,a small excited smile.
Lucas sits with them and grabs another pebble,handing it over. Now up close he can see that their eyes are puffy and a little red,and he softens his gaze-- keep your pulse steady-- he starts,showing them how to fix their aim.
His companion tries again and they hit the stumpt dead in the centre. They look all happy and they smile wide.
--Yknow,your old Man worried about you. Even corrected himself when he messed up your pronouns. -- the ex soldier added as the kid tried again.
--did...did he?--They ask,Setting down the pebble.
--Yup, do you go by juniper?
They nodd enthusiastically-- he even remembered my name?
Juniper smiled and stood up, all happy and with a Pep in their step. Lucas noticed the bon jovi black shirt and raised an eyebrow internally. They tie their yellow and white bandana around their purple hair and dust off their black shirt, they flap their hands a little.
--'m gonna talk to him-- they said,walking past Lucas.
--Hey kid, just one thing. Tell yer dad that it makes you feel bad when he doesnt use the right words. Otherwise he wouldntve known I think, but also know that not all parents Will understand New things
The kid puts their hands inside their pockets-- and what If he doesnt understand?
--Well...-- he trails off and points to the air,as if hes pointing at the music hanging on the breeze.
"It's my life
My heart is like the open highway
Like Frankie said I did it my way
I just wanna live while I'm alive
It's my life"
--I dont like the idea of my dad not understanding though-- Juniper adds, looking a little concerned. Their eyes go to the entrance of the Hall that they came out of.
--i understand but ive realized that well, if it makes you happy then its worth it. Parents be damned-- Lucas stands up,holding Back a wince as his back stings a little. But he manages and leans on the wall-- hell,im drivin' all the way from Florida to Washington
--Why would you do that?--his companion asked-- thats kinda weird --Theres a brief silence and they add-- right,because it makes you happy
--'m tellin' you this cuz when I was your age,I wouldve liked to know that i dont--he makes a pause,hands going to the dogtags around his neck-- that I dont need other peoples approval to be enough.
Juniper nodds,to then perk up as they hear their dad calling out for them-- thanks -- they reply, glancing Back at the ex soldier-- hey by the way,if you go all around over there-- he points at to where Lucas' Back is facing-- youll come out the other way. Just so my dad doesnt think anything weird if he sees you with me
He nodds-- ten four,much obliged-- he tips the visor of his cap like a cowboy would, making the kid laugh at his slight weirdness before leaving for the restaurant.
Lucas goes back to his van through the way the kid told him, and just as he hops into his vehicle, through the outside mirror he sees Juniper and their dad talking. The kid seems dead serious as they talk to their old Man,who nodds and gives them a big hug.
--There we go,happy thoughts kid-- he mutters,seeing a little of his past in the way the father and the kid hug things out. Whenever he would get into dumb arguments with Wheeler,they'd talk it out and hug it out.
He clears his throat,Trying to not get sappy this early in the day,and so he continued his merry way through Colorado.
Switching the radio on, he hears.
"This is for the ones who stood their ground
It's for Tommy and Gina who never backed down
Tomorrow's getting harder, make no mistake
Luck, it ain't enough, you've got to make your own breaks"
But as he drives he notices something in the rearview mirror,a black SUV following along a few cars away. He squints and decides to take an alternative Route he had mapped for ocassions like this.
Thankfully,he does lose them and by nightfall, he stays on a small inconspicuous motel on the outskirts of the state of Utah. Keeping an eye out on his van and resting in between watches
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Death by Peanut Allergy
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Word Count: 1306
Summary: While on a quest Dave, the Son of Demeter comes into contact with an abandoned peanut packaging warehouse with some friends. Little does he know that this is the final quest.
Warnings: Named Character Death
A/N: Not going to lie this was supposed to be a comedy piece but I did the thing that writers do where we black out and then suddenly it gets weirdly sad. Also, I know this is different from my usual Criminal Minds fics, don't worry I still have plenty of those! I had this idea a few days ago and needed to write it. I hope you enjoy it, again my inbox is open for ships, requests, and questions!
The year was 1992. This was supposed to be my final year of Camp Half-Blood. Being a half-blood is probably the most dangerous job in the world, and worse there is no pay and no benefits. But regardless someone had to do it so the gods went around mating with mortals and these demigods were born to do their bidding. There had been little to no missing or dying campers in at least 5 years, which was a huge deal considering how many were lost in the past. It isn’t uncommon for campers to go missing or die. As I said being a half-blood is a dangerous job. If they went missing it was somewhere near Zeus’ Fist, and death was common, especially for those who were dumb enough to go into the woods unarmed to fight the monsters in hand-to-hand combat, RIP Trevor you will be missed. Hopefully, there will never be such a significant loss again, but it’s Camp Half-Blood so who knows for sure? 
Anyway, everyone knows that being a demigod can kill you because of gods and monsters, and you have to be careful about who you piss off, but most people don’t assume the mundane will kill them, especially not allergies. Sure there was the occasional camper who was allergic to hay or horses or goats, those can be really awkward to explain especially since a lot of the staff here is half barnyard animal, oh and pollen allergies are pretty common too, friendly reminder that the Dryads do NOT like to be sneezed on, again, sorry about that Juniper. There have even been stories of demigods having lactose intolerance. But no sane demigod believes that their allergies are going to kill them. Death by a monster? Yeah everyday concern, but not something as dumb as a nut allergy, which is exactly what happened to me. My name is Dave Gardner. I was a demigod, a son of Demeter, and I died…because of my peanut allergy. 
The quest was going normally. We had a lot of close encounters with death, which nobody was a stranger to. That’s just a typical Tuesday for a camper. On this quest I had Steve and Greg as my group, a son of Hephaestus and a son of Apollo, yes I know how ironic that is; me dying on a quest with the son of the god of medicine. I have to give him credit though, he tried hard to save me. Everything was fine until the Canadians attacked. Technically not Canadians they’re Listerine giants or something like that. I can never remember their proper names though, that was for the kids of Athena. 
We had gotten pretty damn far, finally getting to Fairbanks Alaska in order to get some weird herb that Chiron needed for some kind of protection thing for the camp's borders. You see, there was something really weird going on, there were way more monsters out and about than usual. To make a long story short the giants caught up with us because I had made a wrong turn and gotten us lost and we were forced to leave our supplies behind, including my bag which had my epi-pen and my emergency stash of nectar and ambrosia, the food and drink of the gods that was able to heal demigods, but not too much or you’d spontaneously combust. I figured that we’d be able to circle back and grab our gear before moving on, but boy was I wrong. 
We were forced into an old warehouse to hide, immediately I thought it was a bad idea, and started having an anxiety attack and everything, well I thought that it was an anxiety attack. All of the symptoms were there for a panic attack, I had clammy skin, uncontrollable sweating, lightheadedness, and of course breathing problems. Still, my choices were either becoming a toothpick for giants or forcing myself to hide in an old abandoned warehouse. I chose the latter. 
There were old crates and boxes everywhere with faded writing, nobody would be able to read that even if they didn’t have dyslexia. Greg had managed to confuse the giants with some weird arrow that was given to him by an older camper from the Hermes cabin, I couldn’t remember his name though, but it managed to give us time so we had a few seconds to hide and pray to whoever would be listening that they wouldn’t find us. 
We found an old storage closet with even more barrels and crates and decided to hide in the largest one, all three of us fit in there okay, it was a little cramped. As we were hiding I felt that panic attack getting worse, my throat had started to swell big time and it was getting hard to see, not just because it was dark, but because my vision had become very blurry. And that is when it hit me, I was having a very bad allergic reaction. I had never had one this horrible and painful before. I hate to admit it, but I was absolutely terrified. Not being able to breathe and knowing that I am actively dying was worse than staring down any monster. 
I couldn’t help but think about my baby sister Katie, she was barely 9 years old, and I had only been able to see her a handful of times. I thought about my Dad, I don’t know where my mom was or if she could even hear me but I was still praying to her. Not for my life but for the protection of Katie, I wish I could see her one last time. 
The rest of my death felt like an out-of-body experience, it was like I was watching a movie, where some random side character that people still loved for whatever reason, died. I saw my body collapse to the floor, my friends turned quickly. Thankfully Steve managed to catch my body before I fell too hard, which would give away our position. The giants were in the warehouse now, I could still hear them throwing things around yelling about how much they wanted to destroy me and my friends. I don’t know how I knew but I knew that they were getting closer, the guys couldn’t hear me as I was screaming at them to run. 
Greg was looking around the box and the storage room for something, anything that could be used to save my life. My voice was silent as I begged them to run, to leave me behind and save themselves. If they died too I would never be able to forgive myself, they had brothers and sisters back at camp. I tried banging on the walls, banging on the crates, the barrels, and even the guys themselves but nothing worked. I tried everything I could but I knew that I couldn’t do anything. I could see Steve crying, he never ever cried. 
I closed my eyes and turned away but when I opened them again, I didn’t see my friends or the storage room, I saw a line, a line of people standing in front of a gate, and a large dog with three heads. I knew where I was, I was in Hades, the underworld, the afterlife, whatever you want to call it. I had accepted my death towards the end, but what I couldn’t accept, was not knowing if my friends made it or not. I had no idea if they made it out of the warehouse in one piece. I have no idea if they survived the giants. I hoped that they did. People say that the worst part of dying is that you never know what happens to those around you. But the worst part for me is not having a chance to say goodbye.
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ministarfruit · 3 years
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aa5 spoilers // hey old friend. we've been here before
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roseborough-if · 2 years
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[a slife of life / romance story set in the countryside of emerald acres]  🤍
Note from the author: Hi and welcome! I'm Vilna (she/any). This is my first interactive fiction project that is still very early in developement. I was inspired by various medias, primarily Stardew Valley and Harvest Moon, to develope my own little game in novel format written in twine. I hope you enjoy your stay! 
Tales from Roseborough and this blog is only suitable for 18+ audience for eventual optional sexual content. Ask box is open for any kind questions (nsfw included).
You are a farmer who has very recently become one after your distant grandparents you've never met have died and have left their old farm and everything that comes with it solely to you.
You don't know why they would do such a thing but you have been quite bored of your current life for some time so you decide to take a leap faith and leave the comforts of the city behind to move into the idyllic Emerald Acres for a new beginning. The countryside is certainly breathtakingly beautiful; your new farmhouse comes with a huge garden exceeding all of your expectations and the animals are so cuddly and cute, too!
Unfortunately, you have no idea what you're doing but it can't be that hard to run a small farm all by yourself. Can it? Maybe with some help from the other residents of Emerald Acres you may have a better chance at making it...
Fully customizable MC. Decide your character's name, gender (trans + non-binary inclusive), pronouns, physical appearance, personality & background ++ The only thing that is locked in is that MC will always be queer-coded, no matter how you play them. 🏳️‍🌈
Name and maintain your farm by taking care of your animals and garden. Do you thrive in your new life as a farmer or do you hate every second of it? Will you settle down permanently or will you return back to the city with your tail between your legs?
Discover family secrets! Apparently the farm and the house come with certain strings attached.
Choose an animal companion who will follow along with you on your adventures.
Explore the Emerald Acres: the village of Roseborough, the Wuthering Woods, Honeyfur river and other surroundings.
Romance 1 out of 6 possible candidates. Queerplatonic routes are available for Juniper and Bunny/Bo.
Build lasting friendships with the other main cast + side characters.
🧸 Bunny / Bo Abernathy [F/M], she/her or he/him. || intro.
B, along with their daughter Sunny, is your new friendly neighbour who owns a farm a couple of kilometers away from you. They are always willing to listen to your troubles and help in any small or big way they can. They are one of the kindest people you've ever met but remain surprisingly tight-lipped about themself, perhaps for a good reason.
»»-----------► I've never known someone like you. Someone who makes me feel so loved and happy that I feel like I could just float away.
🔧 Oskari Kivi [M], he/him. || intro.
You never expected to meet him again here of all places. Oskari is a city boy through and through and your past with him is complicated (whether you were lovers or just friends) and you haven't seen him in at least four years since your fallout. You're not sure whether it's a good or bad thing that he hasn't changed at all.
»»-----------► I missed you. A lot. I just wanted you to know that.
🐾 James Briar [F], she/her. || intro.
The fact that James is hot as hell only slightly makes up for her rude and disagreeable behaviour when you first meet her. She is the town's only vet so you will need her services from time to time whether you like it or not. James seems to have great love for animals, but claims that fellow humans are not her thing. You don't quite know what to make of her.
»»-----------► When I first met you I thought you were a spoiled city brat. Turns out I sort of like it.
🦋 Juniper Starling [NB], fae/faer. || intro.
Juniper is an eccentric but respected figure in Roseborough as fae runs a small (and free!)  healer's clinic offering help without turning anyone away. Fae must be one of the most beautiful people you've ever met and seems to always have a line of suitors following faer wherever fae goes. You need to stick out if you want faer attention.
»»-----------► You are certainly an interesting one, kitten. I will have to keep a close eye on you.
🥧 Willow / William Higgins [F/M], she/her or he/him. || intro.
Will is almost as new in the town as you; they bought the tavern of Rosebud a few months prior and are still adjusting to their job and everything that comes with it. Will clearly feels out of place and lonely in their current situation, at least before meeting you. They seem friendly, if a little overly flirty, and eager to get to know you.
»»-----------► Oh, you are absolutely precious, sunshine. I could just eat you up for a dessert. 
🔮 Sage Moonfall [NB], he/him and they/them. || intro.
The people of Roseborough call him the Hermit of Wuthering Woods but that seems to be only a fraction of the truth. There's a rumour that they are over a century old and something not entirely human, but no one has the courage to approach them to actually ask. He seems to be endlessly fascinated by you.
»-----------► Tell me: what do you desire? I could make that happen with the snap of my fingers.
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onbeinganangel · 3 years
writing bits and bobs ✨
oh i loooooove this!!! thank you @sweet-s0rr0w for starting this and for sharing yours! i feel like procrastinating via research is any writer’s favourite activity 😂 i have a fair few but here are some of my random shit I am an internet expert on now thanks to fanfic:
i did lots of research for Inevitable (From The Very Start), but the most relevant stuff was possible Animagus forms for Draco, for which i compiled a long list of several animals and their characteristics, which was really fun
for Rebirth (Coming Home), as well as animagus forms research (this time for Regulus, who ended up as a stoat), i did a fair bit of research on different woods for Harry’s wandmaking wee business! i also remember looking at geodes for a very long time for this fic, for what ended up being a mention of geodes in like one line
Aeternus Solem took a lot of research because I have never been to Brazil! that research was massively supported by irl brazilian friends as well as my darlings @sitp-recs and @teacup-tai, so that i was sufficiently convinced that nothing i wrote in that was too nonsensical, from food to weather, to christmas traditions
Out to Sea was half based on some vague notions i already had about fishing from growing up on the coast, but i did end up researching the day-to-day of a fisherman on a small fishing vessel and a lot of technical terms i — of course — never used in the end
i learned lots from the research i did for Juniper & Seawater! I got to look at so many non-christian (and non-religious at all) newborn blessing traditions and naming ceremonies around the world and, even though i ended up basing it mostly on pagan and wiccan practices, it was really cool to see beyond what's the "western norm"
however, by far, the most research i've done for a fic is for my current yet-to-be-titled WIP, my wolfstar road trip fic. mostly because it's set in 1979/1980, which is before I was born, so there's lots i have to be careful with so i don't write complete nonsense. i have gotten road maps of britain from my FIL for this fic, i've drawn my own map with all the stops Remus and Sirius make along the way, i've made a playlist (there's a cassette mixtape at one point because, as we all know, true love is stored in mixtapes), i have looked at cars that would commonly be seen on the road in britain around that time (Remus drives an extremely sexy ford cortina with green leather seats). and most recently i found myself wondering if penny presses were commonly seen at touristy places then like they are these days. all of this and this fic is not even a quarter of the way done so... i've got plenty of crazy rabbit holes to fall down yet still!
i am SO sorry if you've already been tagged or indeed already done this and i missed it but i'm passing this along to @slytherco @nv-md @pennygalleon @softlystarstruck @thesleepiesthufflepuff @xanthippe74 and @pineau-noir 💕
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valdomarx · 4 years
Octoberfest Masterpost
This October I wrote a geraskier ficlet every day using prompts from monthly fests. It was lots of fun and I ended up writing nearly 25k in total, which is a lot for me! The fics are also posted here on AO3. Hope you enjoy!
1. A Marriage of Convenience (T, fake dating) Jaskier has some trouble with his inheritance: if he's not married by the age of 35, he'll be cut out of his family's will. Geralt, being the good friend he is, offers to help him out by marrying him.
2. A Timely Rescue (T, kidnapped) Jaskier gets kidnapped by Nilfgaardians looking for Princess Cirilla. Too bad he doesn't have any information to give them.
3. A Bit of Rough (M, manhandled) Geralt habitually manhandles Jaskier. Jaskier doesn't hate it.
4. The Chase (E, woods + predator & prey chase) Jaskier likes to be chased. Geralt is happy to oblige.
5. An Unconscionable Scandal (T, game of seduction) Geralt is faced with a most delicate situation when sharing a bed with Jaskier.
6. Beastly Appetites (M, 5+1 + monsterfucking) Five times Jaskier seduced the monster (and one time he seduced the monster hunter).
7. Your Song (T, misunderstandings) Geralt has noticed something about Jaskier's songs - they seem to have a rather distinct theme. He's starting to that Jaskier might be in love.
8. Scratching the Itch (M, outercourse) Jaskier tries to sneak away from camp to take care of some... personal business. Geralt won't let him leave though, and that's going to be an issue.
9. In the Eye of the Beholder (G, cat eyes) Geralt's cat eyes catch Jaskier's attention.
10. Incident and Injury (T, trail of blood) Jaskier gets hurt in a tavern fight, and Geralt has unexpected feelings about it.
11. An Unexpected Perk (T, only one bed) Geralt is a man who likes his space but, to his annoyance, Jaskier keeps pressing up close when they sleep.
12. A Most Grievous Injury (G, broken bones) Jaskier suffers what he insists is a most grievous injury while travelling with Geralt. Whatever will they do?
13. Like a Storm, Like a Flood (T, kiss in the rain) Jaskier is leaving for the winter, and Geralt can't bear the thought of not seeing him for months.
14. A Perfectly Natural Reaction (M, monsters + bondage) Geralt needs Jaskier to act as bait for a hunt. Jaskier enjoys it more than he expects.
15. Almost (T, near miss kiss) An almost kiss on a quiet night camping in the forest.
16. A Matter of Preference (T, right person in front of them the whole time) Jaskier is a man of broad and varying tastes. But recently, he‘s started to wonder if he’s developed a type.
17. In Need of Inspiration (T, blackmail) Jaskier, most distressingly, has writer's block. He turns to Geralt for help.
18. Conspicuous in Its Absence (T, ghosts) After the mountain, Geralt catches glimpses of Jaskier everywhere he goes.
19. With Shaking Hands (T, shaky hands) The first time Jaskier patches Geralt up after he's injured on a hunt.
20. The Unforgiving Cold (T, hypothermia) Jaskier is struck down with hypothermia, and Geralt does his best to help.
21. You're On (T, the bet) Geralt bets Jaskier he won't be able to go a whole evening at a banquet without falling into someone's arms. How hard could that be to resist?
22. An Idle Curiosity (G, withdrawal) Jaskier looks like he gives great hugs. But he doesn’t hug Geralt, obviously. That would be weird.
23. The Scent of Home (T, exhaustion) When Jaskier is excited, he smells like juniper and pine. (A love story in scents.)
24. Dead Doesn’t Mean Gone (M, ghosts) People say it’s a ghost story, but it isn’t. It’s a love story.
25. Primal Instinct (E, fuck or die) Strange flowers are having a profound and most disconcerting effect on Geralt, but Jaskier seems fine with it.
26. Weak and Wanting (T, I think I’ve broken something) After the mountain, Jaskier tries to compose music and himself.
27. Comfortably Ensconced (T, extreme weather) Oh to be a bard cozied up under a pile of blankets in Kaer Morhen.
28. High Toxicity (M, high toxicity) The potions give him the edge he needs to take on larger, more dangerous monsters. But once the killing blow is struck and a trophy claimed, he’s left like this, with poison running through his veins and bile building in the back of his throat.
29. Siren Song (T, modern reboot of a classic tale) Jaskier is a siren, but he longs to leave his home beneath the waves for a life of adventure. When he meets a witcher, he might just have his chance.
30. Leave a Mark (E, marking) Geralt enjoys leaving his mark on Jaskier.
31. Untouchable (M, cursed) Jaskier is cursed to feel terrible pain whenever he touches anyone... Anyone except Geralt, that is.
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draconic-ichor · 3 years
In the Steel Steeds Heart
Chapter 27: Lessons in House Beneviento
Warnings: strong language, sexual themes, hints of trauma
Summary: Juniper takes a visit to the Beneviento house for sewing lessons.
Feedback appreciated. 18+
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“It’s not too late to cancel,” Heisenberg pointed out, almost hopeful, as he watched Juniper get ready.
“It is.” She insisted, combing her fingers through her hair.
“Nah, I have a phone right over here!” He strode over to it, “I can give her a quick call in no time flat.”
“Heis.” Juniper’s voice was a warning.
He seemed to deflate, shoulders sagging. “There’s no way to talk you out of it?” He pressed.
“Nope.” Juniper stuck firm, tying her curls back into a poofy ponytail.
It didn’t stop him from trying. He badgered her the whole way through the village, ever worried he wouldn’t be with her. Juniper kept firm, knowing she needed to learn this. His constant pestering didn’t cease until they were at the dilapidated wood bridges. Juniper gulped as she started across. The closer they got to the far side the more the mists thickened. By the time her boots made contact with solid ground again the air was heavy with it.
The path was narrow with overgrown hedges, small garden statues covered in ivys here and there.
Something drew Juniper’s attention. She paused as Heisenberg kept walking, turning to squint for better visibility.
A human stood in the mist, almost obscured from view. As Juniper came closer she could make out everything but the face.
It was a woman, about Juniper’s height and sporting the same ebony curls, but the other woman's hair was mostly tied back into a messy bun.
Juniper sucked in a breath, even without a face the woman pulled at a deeply familiar string of her heart.
The woman’s featureless face looked down, her light almond hands bunched into her floral skirt. She almost made a weeping sound.
“My dear….my angel.” The woman cried softly, “I've missed you.”
Juniper felt frozen, a tear running down her cheek. She wanted desperately to remember her face, her smell…anything.
“I’m sorry.” Juniper’s voice wavered.
She suddenly felt a strong hand on her shoulder, she turned enough to see Heisenberg chin almost on her shoulder.
“They aren’t real, buttercup.” He soothed, whispering into her ear, “Only hallucinations.”
Juniper tried to nod, blinking away more moisture from threatening her eyes.
She shook to clear her head a bit, the other woman fading.
Heisenberg saw his own share of ghosts among the mists, though he did his best to ignore them.
A sturdy outline of a man stepped forward down a fork in the path.
“Du bist so groß geworden, mein Kleiner.” The man smiled.
Heisenberg grimaced. He looked away, ignoring the shadow. It wasn’t who it pretended to be, it was just a cruel twist of his heart.
He led Juniper ever forward through the mists. Eventually their path opened onto a clearing. A mound of stones and flowers occupied the center, while a door stood on the opposite side’s rock wall.
“It looks like a grave…” Juniper frowned, seeing the dolls stacked up around the large stone.
“It is.” Heisenberg trudged forward, around the delicate stones and blooming yellow flowers.
Juniper read the stone:
Juniper gulped, picking up her pace to rejoin Heisenberg. They went through the small door, following a cave path to an elevator. It looked out of place but was still alive with electricity.
Boarding it, Juniper looked around. This elevator was much more lavish and comfortable then the ones in the factory, more suited for recreational use.
Leaving the elevator and darkness of the caverns, Juniper gasped in awe.
“It’s beautiful!” She exclaimed.
Before them the old estate sat on a hill surrounded with blooming yellow flowers. A large waterfall thundered behind it, it’s mist coating the valley.
“Mhm.” Heisenberg agreed almost dismissively. His sour mood worsened with every step towards the estate, knowing every boot length was that much closer to not turning back.
Juniper stepped up onto the wooden porch, closing the distance to the heavy door. Before she reached for the knocker she glanced back to see Heisenberg did not step onto the porch himself, instead grimacing at the edge like an old dog.
Juniper turned back to the door, lifting the heavy knocker, drumming it a few times. Almost instantly Donna answered, pushing open the door, Angie close behind. They looked happy to see her, Juniper worried she had kept them waiting.
“Hello!” Angie exclaimed, “We’re so happy you came!”
“Hello.”Juniper smiled.
The sound of a throat clearing drew their attention. The three turned to look at Heisenberg.
“Return my girl in one piece.” Heisenberg spoke with his lips a thin line.
“We will.” Angie nodded.
“And no turning her into a fucking doll or some shit.” His voice was a steely warning.
“We know that!” Angie snapped.
He gave a cold look at the doll, “I wasn’t talkin’ to you.” His pale eyes shifted upwards, “Donna I’m serious, take care of her…she means an awful lot to me.”
Donna gave a slow nod before raising a single finger to her chest. She made a little ‘x’ motion over her heart.
Heisenberg nodded back in understanding, mimicking the gesture, “Cross my heart.”
Juniper watched them closely, never seeing him act in such a way with another person before. The small interaction was almost childlike.
Whatever weight that gesture held seemed to be enough for Heisenberg. He tipped his hat to the three before turning back and heading into the mists.
They watched him disappear until Angie started hopping. Her tiny feet made a tapping sound as she happily spoke, “Come on, come on!”
Donna pulled open the thick wooden doors, a warm glow cascading over the porch from within.
Juniper walked behind her as Angie trailed closely. The door seemed to close on its own after they all entered.
“We made cookies!” Angie exclaimed.
“Oh, thank you.” Juniper stammered, being led into the main hall. The estate house was very cozy inside, with ornate woodwork and flowery designs on the rugs.
The air held the smell of spices and herbs, a heavy hanging of dust as well but Juniper was used to far worse.
Where Lady Dimitrescu’s home was a lavish palace, a place of showy status-ship; and Heisenberg’s factory was raw and hazardous, a cesspool of secrecy and honed functionality. Donna’s home was neither.
It was smaller but looked to be well lived in and even held remnants of a loving family. Juniper had known this house once belonged to Donna’s parents but was very unprepared for it to still hold the shadows of normality to it. Certain things looked to be completely untouched since the time of the previous owners, left to sit as a time capsule to happier days.
Juniper was led into a parlor of sorts, a heavy table set with linens and dying flowers was in the middle. A smaller sitting room lay off to the side. The whole place was covered in porcelain dolls. Not surprising, considering Donna was called the Doll-maker, but Juniper thought she saw one more out of the corner of her eye. She stifled a shiver, wondering if Angie wasn’t the only sentient one.
“Come sit.” Angie instructed, “We’ll get the tea.”
She did as she was told, sitting and waiting as the pair went out the far door.
The manor was eerily quiet, Juniper hadn’t realized how used she was to the constant hum of machinery. It almost made her anxiety thicken.
Was this what Heisenberg felt like whenever he was away?
She thought. He’d been living in the sounds much, much longer then she had.
The sound of an elevator piqued her interest, a small sliver of something familiar.
They returned rather quickly, Donna holding a tea tray and Angie pushing the door open for her. Donna set the tray down, busing herself with preparing three cups.
“Donna makes her own tea!” Angie told Juniper, hopping up in a chair.
“Yea! She’s really good at it.” The doll gushed proudly.
Donna set a porcelain teacup in front of Juniper, offering her a bowl of sugar cubes.
“Oh, thank you.” She smiled, putting two into her tea before stirring it.
She brought it to her lips almost tentatively, the liquid dancing over her tongue. It was nothing like the prepackaged stuff Heisenberg kept around, no this was fragrant with floral notes and hints of herbs. Juniper took a deeper gulp, smiling.
Donna offered her a plate of cookies neatly stacked.
The cookies were a type of butter cookie, small and crisp with an aftertaste of vanilla. Juniper took a big bite.
“We made them from scratch!” Angie announced proudly. She happily picked up a cookie and began to dip it profusely into a cup of tea. She cackled as tea splashed out onto the lace tablecloth.
Donna seemed not to notice, lifting her cup up. She carefully moved the veil eough to take a sip.
After they enjoyed their tea and cookies, Angie telling Juniper so many random things during, they started to head towards Donna workspace.
They took another elevator, the one Juniper had heard earlier, down to the basement. They led her down a hallway lined with white painted doors before opening one.
The room had dirt floors and a heavier curtain of dust. The walls were lined with heaving shelving, filled with all assortment of fabrics and sewing supplies.
Angie excitedly showed Juniper the rarer fabrics, things the Duke had brought from far off places, as Donna cleaned off the table in the center of the room
The three sat down with a little pile of supplies before each.
Donna nodded, picking up a needle and threading it easily.
It took a while for the woman to find her voice, and when she did it was breathy and strained. Juniper thought it must’ve been a long while since it was used in any stretch.
Donna frequently forgot the proper words for items or techniques, having to stop for a moment to think how to explain things. Juniper was ever patient, just thankful the woman was taking the time to teach her at all.
When she did get going, Donna’s fingers were nimble and quick, making even intricate stitching look simple. She could put a sewing machine to shame.
Juniper tried to keep up, showing her results. It was lopsided and messy, earning a concerned little “Oh!” From Donna. It sent Angie into a fit of giggles.
“Take your time.” The woman instructed, “Make every stitch the same size.”
Juniper nodded, trying again.
“Not like that silly!” Angie pointed to the cloth, “Tinier! Make them cute and tiny.”
“Ok.” Juniper smiled at the doll’s enthusiasm.
“Practice stitching is im-important.” Donna nodded, “Mother made me sew for hours on spare fab-ric.”
“How do you make the clothing for the dolls?” Juniper asked, thinking clothes that size could easily be augmented to fit a baby.
“Are you making dolls?” Angie asked excitedly.
“W-well…” she thought, almost sweating, “I may, there’s not much to do around the factory you know.” She lied.
“How do you deal with living in that grimy old factory?” Angie asked.
“I've gotten used to it.” Juniper shrugged, “Its home now.”
“But what about Heisenberg?” The doll pressed, “He’s so mean!”
“Oh he’s not all bad.” Juniper looked at her hands, cheeks gaining a rosy blush, “He’s just a bit rough around the edges.”
“And loud!”
“He is rather loud.” Juniper agreed, giggling.
“But Donna is super good at making cute outfits!” Angie got back on topic.
Donna nodded, standing to look on the shelves behind her. She pulled a handmade book free, brushing dust or before setting it on the table.
“These are my patterns for the common clothes I make for them.” She opened the book.
Juniper looked it over, seeing many small measurements around the sketches. It reminded her of the schematics Heisenberg made of his Soldats.
She asked little questions here or there. Mostly about how Donna found the correct sizes and how to properly measure an object to make clothing for it.
She soaked everything the quieter woman said like a dry sponge. Even pulling out a sketchbook to make notes. Donna and Angie loved to have someone care so much after so many years of solitude.
Eventually Juniper’s eyes caught the clock overhead. She gasped, “Is it that late already?”
“Time flies when you’re having fun?” Angie laughed.
They cleaned up her workspace before heading back up into the estate.
Donna sent Juniper home with a better stocked sewing kit, easy patterns to practice with, a bag of scrap fabric, and a container of cookies for Heisenberg.
“Thank you for taking the time today.” Juniper’s voice was genuine.
“Oh it was fun!” Angie gushed, “Come back soon, ok!”
Juniper nodded, taking the bag thankfully from Donna. It was very sweet for her to provide so many spare materials.
Heisenberg was already waiting on the end of the porch, looking irritated as he smoked the last bit of a cigar.
He dropped it, tamping it out with the end of his boot before he stepped towards the three.
“You’re late.” Heisenberg growled when he was close to Juniper.
“And you didn’t send the Lycans?” She smiled playfully.
He gave a huff.
Juniper handed him the bag, he took it questionably. “What’s all this?” He asked.
“Sewing supplies for me and something for you.” Juniper answered.
Heisenberg glanced into the bag, making a little sound of surprise when he saw the parcel of cookies. He quickly looked up to Donna and Angie, almost embarrassed.
“Thank you!” He stammered, cheeks a bit rosey.
Donna nodded happily, waving them goodbye.
Juniper smiled, taking Heisenberg’s free hand and started the walk back to the factory.
“Not used to gifts, are you?” She giggled, seeing how flustered he was at the simple gesture.
He made a grumbling sound, not entertaining her with a real answer.
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doublebadger · 3 years
3 (past), 5 and 10 (present), 1 (future) for our favorite angry bird :D
Past 3: Describe their family. Who raised them, and who had the most impact on them? Did they have any siblings? Who were they closest to? What were the family dynamics like? Her mother’s family fled the Steppes of Arazeal when she, Lyra, was nearly full grown. She married Karl out of necessity after her parents succumbed to the unknown diseases of Nehrim. Karl, son of Johan, was well-intentioned and even kind, at first. He needed a wife and children to help him run the family farm. He was a pious man, as he was raised to be. He attended the new priest’s sermons, as his father has attended the old priest’s sermons. He was faithful, but something was wrong. Though he made regular offerings at the shrines and at the temple, the old farm was failing. He spent more and more time in worship, seeking the blessing of the Creator. His whole family joined him in the requisite practices, and though it was never enough, their penitence pleased him. Lyra tried to give Wren and Catherine the childhood she had. Flowers in their hair, adventures foraging in the woods, and stories about all the stars in this foreign sky. Children need stories. They need them to learn how to hope. They need them to learn when and where to hide.
Present 5: What kind of people do they usually interact with? Who are their friends, the people they look up to/trust, and who are their “associates”? Once Wren gets to Enderal, even with all the pressure from her newfound abilities and unwanted importance, she is building a new family. Lishari, Calia, Bushybeard- they are all a kind of family now. They have been kind to her, and she is loyal to them. When she’s saved up enough to buy the house in the market, she’s excited to start inviting these people over for her very edible dinners. She does not care for Arantheal’s vibes. Most of the Order is relegated to “business associate” status. …I realize now that I could have answered this question a lot faster by just telling you that she’s an aquarius.
Present 10: What do they always carry with them and why? A bit of money and a knife, though the knife is more widely useful. A pipe, for she is not without vices. A trinket to remind her of her first family, though it is not original to them. Some dried fruit and nuts, for snacking and sharing with birds. Fletcher’s tools, and lockpicks. Soap that smells of juniper. A lock of Thaizo’s hair and a small pouch of Jespar’s smoking stuffs, for when she misses their scents (Thaizo belongs to @zomnas, of course).
Future 1: Briefly describe their life in the future, regardless of how far into the future this is. She is mist. She walks through dreams. She bargains with beings older than time. She looks for hope and uses it to fan the flicker of humanity remaining in her. She hunts.
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whiskehorange · 4 years
My request, Feat. The Lester Requester! (That's me.) Could I pleaseeee have Lester Sinclair with a female!s/o that's secluded in the woods and kind of steals pieces of roadkill for her witchy business and that's how Lester first sees her and it's very sweet and weird and they're both kinda awkward grimy sweethearts. (Bonus points for Lester calling her his "WIIIITCHY WOMAN!")
you know I love you, right??
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Lester usually didn’t get too good of a look at her anytime she stopped at the pit, she scurried off the moment she saw Lester’s truck pull up to dump the day’s roadkill
He really only started noticing that she was there because he would notice bones going missing from time to time, but figured it was an animal or Jonesy having a little snack from time to time. Eventually, he caught a glimpse of something he thought could have been another stray dog. They like to hang around the pit and grab a bite
In an attempt to...”catch” whatever was taking the bones, he set a little pile to the side and stand post to maybe see who the culprit is. Lester wouldn’t mind having another dog, until he realized that it was a woman taking the bones
Of course, the moment Lester open the truck door, she took off before she could hear Lester telling her to come back. It took a few days for her to come back to the junk pile, but eventually Lester was able to lure her back and confront her
She was a pretty little thing, especially to Lester. Her brown hair was shoulder length, greasy, and pretty frizzy when it was down, but sometimes she would put it up in a little messy bun to get it all out of her face
She dressed a little like Lester too, but only because they’re both little grimy trash gremlins who love nature. her neck, wrists, and ankles were covered in different type of bone jewelry, and had oddly nicely kept hands and nails
They’ve never really exchanged names formally, but Lester likes to call her his Witchy Woman, to which he loudly sings for her whenever he see’s her. She isn’t magical, really, just gives Lester a witchy sort of vibe. Someone tell him she’s wiccan (her real names Juniper)
Her and Lester do little goblin things, like showing off heir knife collection or making bone jewelry for him to wear. Bo is always questioning where Lester got that shit from, but doesn’t really care about who she is too much
The two of them together are absolute chaos and get into everything they shouldn’t, but whenever Lester does bring her back to the house she’s very quiet and respectful. Rarely talks either. Bo doesn’t pay no mind to her and Vincent thinks she’s pretty neat, so that’s a plus
Juniper has got a lot of animal friends. From being out in nature all the time in a little shack, she’s made friends with tones of crows, turtles, snakes, possums, raccoons, and more. None of them really have any names, just something like “hey turtle”
Lester is a little sketched out about how the animals don’t attack her, but actually get excited to see her come back home and flock and follow her everywhere. He hasn’t had very good experiences with raccoons
She introduces Lester and they all seem to enjoy his presence too, but her crows still like to peck at him and mock laugh when he yells. It takes some getting used to, especially for Jonesy
And I can’t forget about their favorite pass time activity. Lester and Juniper exchange their cassettes and tapes to pop into his truck radio or her player and slow dance in the forrest at dusk. It’s so romantic and pretty, with the dingy yellow lights she’s found and strung up in the trees while they enjoy each other’s company
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andy-the-8th · 3 years
Things Green and Growing
Part 9 of Creatures That Defy Logic
Read on AO3
Sam's last day at the greenhouses for the summer and seeing her sister off back to college.
cw: homophobic language
A/N: I just really like the idea of Sam and Jess being biology bros
Also we meet Sam's dad. He's an asshole.
The rushing fans and cool mist of the greenhouse definitely made the late August heat more bearable - no matter how much you might love your job, there's only so much summer sun you (or your plants) could take without some assistance.
"Am I doing this right?"
Jess looked up at Sam from the other side of a table of junipers, a spiky carpet of green across the long low table, contrasting the spotty gray of the wet concrete greenhouse floor. He'd come by the greenhouse a few times over the summer - even though he didn't work there, he insisted he help with something if he was going to hang out. Sam had eventually agreed to let him take care of some of the more innocuous tasks.
Pruning clippers in hand, Jess had been tasked with cutting back the overgrown shoots from the Japanese star junipers - the small conifers were popular for their hardiness as a ground cover, especially as a more durable and eco-friendly replacement for grass. This meant though that their lower branches would snake over the edges of the black plastic pots they were growing in, running sideways in every direction, getting tangled in each other, burning and drying out foliage.
Sam walked over to inspect his handiwork. Actually not too bad.
"Yeah, they look fine."
"Awesome. Thanks for letting me prune something, feels more important than moving things around from table to table" Jess said cheerfully.
"No problem" Sam had come to genuinely enjoy spending time with Jess, and not just as a confidant. Sure, he never got any less excessively enthusiastic, would still frequently go off on tangents of facts and theories, but she'd gotten used to his pattern of speaking. He'd clearly been scared of being annoying the first time he'd visited, and pretty much stayed quiet the few times he'd met Jackie or Jen. Trying to be a bit more normal around new people.
So in a way, she was glad he was comfortable being himself around her now.
Sam went back to the table of peace lilies: graceful, broad glossy dark green leaves with their delicate white alien blooms on long stalks above the thick cluster of greenery at the base. Like the junipers - like most potted plants packed together for commercial purposes - the lower levels were at risk of suffocation, for both light and air, and had to be clipped off before they turned yellow and started to attract mold.
They kept working in silence for a long while, the only sound in the greenhouse the gentle rush of the fans, the occasional hiss of the misting system, the soft clicks of the pruning clippers punctuating at either end of the space.
"So school starts back up in a week."
Sam caught that that was both a perfectly normal observation and a veiled question about what they'd both been thinking since August started. Cody was supposed to be back soon.
"Do you think he'll come back at night? So no one sees him transform back?"
"I don't know, probably." Of course Sam still missed her boyfriend, but it had also been good to spend the summer focusing on her own interests, her own friends, away from swimming and social drama. But she knew she looked forward to seeing him.
Still, it would be a lie to say she wasn't more than a little apprehensive as well.
Like, he literally wasn't human. A lot had probably changed from spending some time as a full-time merman. And what sort of sea creatures were they anyway? Were merpeople more like whales, pelagic, solitary, mostly sticking to the vast fathoms of the open oceans? Living alone or in two or three individuals? Or were they more like dolphins, staying in the shallows in big social pods? Was it like in the movies, secret underwater cities of merpeople with their own cultures, music, governments?
It wasn't too unrealistic to imagine that any of those might significantly change someone's demeanor or even personality. She still got hung up on the whole telepathy thing as well - if Cody came back able to read minds, that might just be too weird of a thing to deal with on top of starting high school.
Jess didn't seem to see any of those questions as anxieties, of course. Quite the opposite. To be fair, he wasn't the one dating him either.
"Gosh, I wonder what it all was like." His voice that that airy sort of awe he'd had back when Cody was still going through the transformations. They actually hadn't really talked about him much over the summer, which Sam had found a little surprising - Jess seemed equally excited to just talk with her, especially with their shared interests in biology. He'd listened attentively when Sam wanted to talk over her mom's work with environmental regulations, or projects she was taking on with the envi-sci club at school next year, or balancing swimming with her other extracurriculars.
"Guess we'll find out." Sam carefully kept any apprehension out of her voice. She did want to know about it, as much as Cody wanted to tell her - but she also wanted to keep their first year of high school as normal as possible after junior high's supernatural finale.
"Yeah. I think I've gotten all the shoots on the junipers."
"Alright, thanks Jess. I'm finishing up here, then will have to be getting home. Jackie's leaving for college again tonight, and I think my dad will be coming to see her off as well."
Sam bit her lip at that. She didn't like having to talk about her father. It wasn't like having divorced parents was abnormal - she guessed that was the case for Jess as well, since he never talked about his mom - but she still didn't like having to bring up her father in more detail than necessary.
"Oh, OK. D'you want me to stick around and help clean up?"
"Nah it'll be fine. Ms. Brantwood should be coming by soon anyway, before I lock up."
"Alright." Jess walked over to the open greenhouse door, where he'd leaned his bike against the frame. He paused for a moment, wiping his glasses with the hem of his shirt where they'd fogged up from the quick temperature and humidity shift, squinting in the sun.
Sam had turned back to the peace lilies, arranging them with proper spacing on the low table, fishing the spray bottle where it had disappeared in the thick stand of leaves, pots, and dirt.
"Yeah?" she turned her head over her shoulder to where he was still just outside the door, helmet strapped on, hands on the bike ready to go.
"Can you call me if you hear first when he comes back?"
Sam smiled and exhaled out her nose, relaxed her shoulders. "Of course. You too, OK? You're a lot closer to the water than me."
"Oh definitely." Jess balanced to one side on the bike, ready to kick off. "See'ya!"
"See'ya later Jess."
She heard him head off, wheels crunching over the gravel down to the sidewalk, saw him blurred through the glass walls, disappear as he went around the front of the building.
Grabbing the spray bottle and the clippers, she walked them down to the worn wooden cabinets and coat rack built into the wall next to the greenhouse office, hung her gloves on the hook. She took the broom back over to the peace lily table, made sure she hadn't missed any stray leaves or sprinkles of soil on the wet concrete floor. The bell on the door of the office jingled once as it opened and closed - Ms. Brantwood, the owner, came out then, clipboard in one hand, glasses perched on the end of her nose. Ms. Brantwood always looked like some hybrid of a farmer and a librarian, flannel shirt, sleeves rolled up to her elbows, workboots, her gray hair in a tight bun, glasses held on a colorful beaded strap around her neck.
"Ms. Brathwaite," she said congenially. "Here you go." She handed Sam an envelope.
"Thanks Ms. B." Her paycheck from the summer, headed straight for her college savings once she got home.
"Thanks for all the help this summer! The peace lilies never looked better." She smiled approvingly over at the displays where Sam had spent most of the afternoon. "We'd be happy to have you back again."
"That'd be great! Thank you again for having me" Sam tucked the envelope in her canvass bag, slung it over her shoulder, and started to the door.
"Good luck with high school - it's scary at first but you'll do great."
Sam smiled again and backed out the open door, closing it behind her, the screen making a quick whoosh sound before the door clacked on the wood frame. She shifted her bag on her shoulders and started down the sidewalk for home.
"If you really have that much of a problem with it, you can just leave."
Lindsey crossed her arms and leaned back on her kitchen counter, staring down her ex-husband, who was at the bottom of the stairs next to the front door, one hand on the newel post, head hanging down in frustration.
"I don't have a problem, I have an opinion. Goddamnit, do you have to make everything into one of your crusades?"
"I don't have crusades, Steve, I have morals. It's none of your business how she looks, Jackie is a grown woman."
"Staying in a house that I pay to keep you in."
"Don't bullshit me like that. You known damn well I supported us. The house was only ever in my name, for fucks sake. Your child support checks aren't anything we rely on."
"Trust me, they wouldn't exist if the court didn't say so."
Steve glared back at her, the silence tense. Lindsey huffed and went back to packing granola bars and sandwiches in the lunchboxes on the table - snacks to send with Jackie for the car ride to the airport.
"You shouldn't have let her go to that school either."
"She got a full scholarship" Lindsey snapped. She was rapidly reaching the end of her rope with this conversation and was just about ready to throw Steve out of her house if he continued like he was. He was the father of her kids, he technically had visitation rights - but she wouldn't have him talk like this in their house. Thank God Jackie was outside, and Sam still at work.
"Yeah, well, maybe if she'd gone to a state university instead of some liberal arts bullshit, she wouldn't be dressing like some fucking dyke now."
That was it - he was through.
"Get out. Now."
She threw every bit of venom she could into the final word, her gaze ice cold, her knuckles white gripping the edge of the kitchen counter.
Steve sneered cruelly at her as he shifted to  go and roughly put his hand on the door knob. "Wonder where she got that from."
He opened the door quickly to find Sam on the doorstep, her face surprised and pale. Steve stopped, also startled for a moment. He didn't know how much she'd heard - he didn't care. She was grown up enough to start knowing about the real world unfiltered, as far as he was concerned.
"Hey, Dad," she offered shakily, awkwardly. He just looked down at her coldly.
"Good luck in school next year." He turned back for one last glare at Lindsey, then pushed past Sam down the front steps, to his car in the driveway, leaving the front door open. He slammed the car door as he got in, backed down past Lindsey's car into the cul-de-sac where Jackie was standing next to Vanessa's old Jeep, and sped off around the corner, tires spinning harsh squeals, out of the neighborhood.
Jackie and Vanessa quickly looked over at Sam, clearly worried. Jackie walked up across the small front yard, making herself smile sarcastically, trying to conjure humor for her sister who still was frozen and scared-looking on the doorstep.
"Another grand finale and exit from the father of the year, ladies and ladies!" she announced dramatically.  Sam smiled a little at that - Jackie's features relaxed in relief. Vanessa stayed by the Jeep, eyes closed and looking down, fingers pressed to her temples, shaking her head in exasperation.
"Hey, Sam." Jackie looked hard at her, serious. "Don't listen to anything he says. He's an asshole. Got it?"
"Yeah Jackie. Got it." Sam went inside and put her bag down on the floor next to the kitchen table, where Lindsey was aggressively zipping up the lunch boxes. She might have chided Jackie for using that kind of language in front of her, in less charged circumstances.
"I just have one more box upstairs, 'kay Mom?"
"Alright, don't keep Vanessa waiting out there too long though. I'm set to go when you are."
Sam bit her lip and looked down at the wood grain in the kitchen table, at the lines in the linoleum floor. "Mom, I'm going to put my stuff upstairs too, I'll be down to see them off."
Sam quickly took the stairs, two at a time. She tossed her bag on her bed, closed the door, and turned down the hall to Jackie's room.
She was standing at her bureau, small cardboard box in hand, quickly putting her many rings, chokers, and bracelets in, her back to the door. She turned her head, hearing Sam step into the door frame.
"What's up?"
"Jackie, I- something Dad said -"
"Hey, what'd I tell you? Ignore him. He doesn't know shit." Jackie huffed and went back to gathering things off the top of the bureau.
"Yeah I know." Sam looked down, nervous. "But what he said about how you looked, like a...a.."
"A dyke?"
To Sam's surprise Jackie actually laughed a little, put her last few bits of jewelry in the box, shoved it into her black backpack, covered in pins and patches. She crossed the room and put her hands on her sister's shoulders. She breathed in, and Sam looked up at her a little.
"Listen to me again now. We are strong, modern women. We can look how we want. We can be how we want. It's a new millennium, we can't stay stuck in that patriarchal bullshit forever."
Jackie definitely looked how she wanted - hair spiked up today, black nailpolish, Bikini Kill shirt with cut off sleeves over her black jeans.
"So, does that mean...?"
Jackie smiled and rolled her eyes. "Actually, no. I'm straight, I'm just goth and like to piss off old men." She paused, serious again. "But there'd be nothing wrong with that if I were, Sam. If anyone were."
"Um, oh. Yeah, OK, I jus-"
Jackie's eyes flicked up, past Sam's face and cutting her off, looking past her face to the doorway. Lindsey was standing there, arms folded, lips pursed, her eyes nervous.
She and Jackie held eye contact for a noticeable moment - Sam turned her head to look at her mom as well. Lindsey's eyes calmed and softened almost too quickly to notice.
"You guys about ready to head out?"
"Yeah Mom, we're done." Jackie walked back over and hauled her backpack up onto one shoulder, the buttons rattling into each other with the motion. Sam turned back and walked past her mom, leading the way down the stairs and out the front door. She paused on the doorstep to let them pass. Jackie hoisted her backpack straighter and stopped in front of Sam on the doorstep.
"You know you can always call me if you want. High school can suck sometimes, if you want to talk to someone who already did it you know where to find me."
"Hey, I was in high school once too" Lindsey added, smiling a bit, trying to lighten the mood as well. Jackie rolled her eyes dramatically.
"'kay, how about if you want to talk to someone who did high school within the last hundred years, THEN call me."
Jackie hugged Sam tight, and walked across the grass to where Vanessa was waiting by the car. Vanessa and Jackie both went to college in Philadelphia - Vanessa at Temple University, Jackie at Haverford College. They were on the same flight over - Vanessa's mom was an airline pilot, so would drive the Jeep back home from the airport after they'd left.
Lindsey followed her down to the side of the car, stopping on the curb, arms crossed over her chest. The air had cooled significantly as the sun went down, almost chilly in contrast to the day's heat.
"Call me when you get in, OK?"
"Yeah of course, same as always." Lindsey hugged Jackie and Vanessa, stepped back from the Jeep as they pulled away with the windows down. Jackie turned up the radio, the energetic chugging guitar and drums filling the summer night, bouncing off the houses around the cul-de-sac.
"WOOOOOOOO!!" as Vanessa steered them away from the sidewalk, Jackie looked back with a wild excited smile, hands up in the rock gesture.
"DRIVE SAFE GIRLS" Lindsey called over the loud music, waving as they turned the corner and out of the development, the music fading as they left.
Lindsey stayed looking down the road for a few moments after the Jeep was gone - from where she was leaning against the front door, Sam saw her mom's eyes were a bit wet. Lindsey walked back up the yard and into the house, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.
"Sorry, sorry, just you girls are growing up so fast." She smiled then as they both walked back inside. As she closed the door behind them, she un-did and re-did her bun, pushing back the loose red strands from the day, refreshing, restoring order.
Following their routine pattern, Sam walked to the kitchen, got two glasses of water, handed one to her mom as they both settled at the table.
Lindsey took the glass, gently clinked it against Sam's. "Hydrate or die!" she said cheerfully, familiarly as part of their home-from-work/inside joke ritual they'd organically developed over the summer, with Sam getting back from the greenhouses the same time Lindsey got back from the offices.
"Hydrate or die." Sam replied, smiling. They both sipped their water silently, decompressing from the day, from Steve, from Jackie's departure.
"You got everything you need for next week?"
"Yeah, I'm set on everything. I got paid from Brantwood today too."
"Oh good, I'm going by the bank tomorrow morning, I can deposit it for you."
"Thanks Mom."
Eventually Lindsey got leftovers from the fridge to heat up - dinner passed at a welcomely-uneventful rate, just chatting about work from the day, errands to run. They finished the dishes and Sam filled up one of the watering cans on the counter to bring upstairs to her plants. She'd put the succulents on a nightly watering schedule, better to accommodate the extra heat this time of year without extra evaporation.
"Goodnight Mom."
Lindsey looked up from the reports she had absentmindedly been paging through after finishing the dishes - environmental justice never sleeps. "Night hon. You OK?" Her voice was gentle, but firm enough that she indicated that she was leaving it open if Sam wanted to talk about any of the commotion from earlier.
Maybe not tonight.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Goodnight." Sam was up the stairs and out of sight.
Lindsey closed the folder on the table, shuffled it back into the small pile she'd pulled from her briefcase. She leaned forward, hands on her forehead, taking long, soothing breaths with her eyes closed. She stayed like that a while, listening to Sam moving about above - back and forth around her room with the watering can, down the hall to the bathroom and back, waiting til she heard her door click shut for the night. She got up, quietly pushed her chair back under the table. She filled her glass at the sink, downing it in one draft, slowly and smoothly, letting the coolness spread through her whole body.  Hydrate or die.
Filing folders back into her briefcase could wait til morning. It had been a long day.
I imagined the song Jackie and Vanessa are listening to is Rebel Girl by Bikini Kill
Tune in next time for more of "which of Sam's supporting cast is going to be a lesbian"
Jackie and Lindsey continue to be fun and interesting to write - maybe future spinoffs? Does it still count as fanfiction when the original characters get spinoffs?
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gaamagirl565 · 4 years
Matters of the heart S3 ep 2
Matters of the heart Season 3 Ep 2 A question of faith
{OPENING CREDITS} {Open to early morning and everyone sleeping in their respective tents or by the fire; fade to Eugene sleeping in his tent with Rapunzel on his chest; A whinny from a horse sounds out and Eugene opens his eyes and sits up} Rapunzel: What’s wrong? Eugene: shhh… {He grabs his sword and steps out of his tent; he keeps his eye on the treeline; a few people wake up around the fire and stay still; Varian peeks out of his tent with Zapada} Zapada: What happens here? Varian: I don’t know… {Isaiah walks out of the tent with his sword and a smirk before Varian and Zapada yank him back by the collar of his shirt} Varian: Boy I swear-! {Eugene hides behind one of the trees and waits as a person walks out of the treeline with a sword in hand} Stoica: o, mulțumesc lui dumnezeu! Te-am găsit! {Eugene Jumps out at him and swings his sword; Stoica blocks the blow with his own sword} Eugene: urrghh… {Zapada runs out of the tent towards them} Varian: Zapada, NO! {She runs in between them and pushes Eugene off} Zapada: Your majesty! Please stop! Stoica: Zăpadă! Zapada: Stoica! { She jumps on him and hugs him} Zapada: what are you doing here!? Stoica: I heard of terrible things in Corona! I had to return and see that you were okay! Zapada: oh, fratele meu … i’m more than okay. {Pan over to Varian and Rapunzel walking up to Eugene} Eugene: um..Var? Am I missing something? Varian: Everyone can rest easy he's not an intruder he's a friend! {Everyone in the camp relaxes and some go back to sleep} Varian:  Eugene,  Rapunzel,  this is my brother-in-law. Stoica. Rapunzel:  great to meet you! Stoica: likewise your majesty. Eugene:  yeah sorry about the whole almost cutting your head off thing. Zapada: Where is the rest of us? Stoica:  they're coming along as well.  I went along ahead.   I was so filled with worry after I saw the city. Rapunzel:  you saw it!? Stoica:  your majesty I tried to enter.  there were some new guards in Black armor. they looked hostile. Varian: any citizens? {Stoica shakes his head somberly} Stoica: I apologize but... the city was covered in these strange stones and they... they were wheeling out a cart of dead. {Rapunzel gasps and runs of in horror; Eugene follows her} Eugene: Sunshine wait! {Pan to Isaiah listening from his tent and sadly closing the flap; Cut to Isaiah sitting by a tree as the other kids play; Lily notices and walks and sits next to him} Lily: You okay? Isaiah: people died... Lily:  yeah people do that. Isaiah: Lily! Lily:  sorry I'm just trying to lighten the mood.  I get it. it sucks. Isaiah: it more than sucks!  the cult took our home!  they're killing the people of Corona! Lily: I get that! They’re my subjects! How do you think I feel!? how do you say my family feels!?  but there's nothing we can do about it right now... {they both sigh in frustration; Lily lays her back across his lap} Isaiah: You know my dream is to always be a guard. Lily: huh? Isaiah: protect the citizens of Corona and serve my country. go off on glorious Adventures.  now when my country is actually in danger of being wiped off the map I'm just sitting here. Juniper: and for good reason little guy. Both: AHH! Juniper: sorry I didn't mean to scare you. hehe, I guess I can be pretty scary at times. Isaiah:  no kidding! Lily:  I think my heart just went into my throat and I just had to swallow it down again. Juniper:  look.. Isaiah right?  bottom of the line you're still just a little kid. {Isaiah stands up knocking Lily off his lap in the process} Isaiah:  I'm 13 and I'm about to be 14 in a few months! Juniper: sit down little man! you're a baby. Isaiah: A BABY!? Juniper:  yes a baby.  there's a reason you're not doing anything.  first of all we barely have any food or supplies that's the first thing we have to worry about.  the Caravan coming into Camp will help with some of the supplies problems but in the end those are just more mouths to feed as well.  on top of everything, we have all those sick victims from your village. Isaiah: Bu- Juniper:  secondly we don't know anything.  we don't know their numbers or strengths or weaknesses.  the only thing we know is everything your dad knows about them.  the next item on our list would be to find out more about them.  the only way to do that would be to infiltrate the city without being spotted which ended up itself is an incredibly Dangerous Mission not something for a young teenager. {Isaiah stares at her with rage and looks away} Juniper:  look kid I'm not trying to offend you or anything I'm just giving you the hard facts.  to put it bluntly kid we just don't have the resources. {Juniper walks away; Lily looks over at a beet red Isaiah} Lily:  ok... Isaiah breathe in and breathe out Isaiah: RRAAHHH!!! Lily: that is not breathing… Isaiah: what does she know!?  I've seen tons of battles I know how they work! {Akina and Benny walk up} Benny:  what is stinky screaming about this time? Lily:  someone told him he couldn't do something. Benny : oh so the usual… Akina:  I'm sure she didn't mean anything personal Isaiah… Isaiah: she called me a little kid! Akina:  but... we are kids… {Isaiah stuffs his head into a nearby hollow tree and screams before going limp} Lily: it's okay guys I've seen this many times before we just have to let him rage himself out. {Cut to Varian chopping wood; Ruddiger climbs on his shoulder} Varian: oh hi bud! {Stoica walks up} Stoica: Varian...may we speak? Varian: huh? Oh, yeah sure! What’s on your mind? Stoica: I’ve been talking to others and trying to fill in the blanks of what I’m missed since last here...You thought your son had perished? {Varian flinches} Varian: Y-yeah...he was...pushed off of a cliff.  we thought he was dead. Stoica:  and you became violent. Varian: what!? Stoica:  some of your villagers admit that you became a bit hostile after the supposed death of your son. I want to be sure that you didn't do anything to my sister. Varian: Stoica,  whatever you've heard I'm sure is highly exaggerated. yes, I'm not proud of some of my actions but I never would lay a hand on Zapada! Stoica: and that's why I'm coming to you.  I want to hear your side of it. Varian:...  you have to understand something first. I had a wife before Zapada.  she's been gone for a long time. all I had left of her was our son. When I thought Isaiah was dead I felt like my entire world fell apart.  so yes I lashed out at a lot of people.  but I want to make something clear... I would never hurt her. Stoica:  life comes in waves Varian. sometimes it's happy and sometimes it's laced with tragedy.  whenever the tragedy comes around I need to know that you are able to keep yourself in check.  I need to know that you're not a violent man. Varian:  a violent man? Stoica:  do you lash out every time something bad happens? Varian: No! of course not I've been through many horrible things in my life but I didn't lash out at those who cared for me every single time! Stoica: I want you to understand I'm not trying to be a bad guy here. I'm just trying to protect my own.  I know you can be a good man.  I just hope that you can remember to be one. {He walks away leaving Varian looking fearful; cut to Isaiah sneaking over to the supply station; he hides as a person walks away from it; he smirks as he notices the supply chart} Lily: What are you doing? Isaiah: Gyah! What is wrong with volume people and scaring me do you want me to have a heart attack!? Lily:  answer my question… Isaiah:  I can't just sit by and do nothing.  especially with wild man’s daughter telling me that I'm only a little kid and can't do much to help Lily: that's...not what she said.  well I mean it's partially what she said but it's not all of what she said! Isaiah:  I'm going to get the list of supplies that we need... it's still early afternoon.  if I can find out what we need and use the tunnels  I might be able to sneak into the main city unnoticed. Lily:  How are you supposed to get all of the supplies we need back here without a cart.  secondly, how would you put a cart in the tunnels to begin with. Isaiah: uhhh… Lily:  exactly thank goodness you have me… {She walks up and grabs the supply list} Isaiah: Lily! Lily:  come on let's go. Isaiah:  no I can't risk taking you! Lily: why not?  We’ve gone on adventures that were just as dangerous if not more. Isaiah:  I can't risk losing you! {Isaiah blushes at what he said and Lily blushes as well; he realizes he grabbed her hand and he lets go sheepishly} Lily: umm..right.. but I know Wayne to the city that nobody else knows about! We’d be able to fit a cart there! Isaiah: where is it? Lily:  there's a hole in the wall that the guard were supposed to fix up the day that everything happened. Isaiah:  are you telling me you guys were just overlooking a giant gaping hole in Corona's main wall? Lily: NO!... the bricks were old and weak and it totally wasn't because me and my siblings were messing around and caused part of the wall to collapse… Isaiah: ... I would question him but we really don't have the time... you think we can get in without being noticed? {Lily strikes a confident pose} Lily: Totally!  the collapse happened behind some houses in the main village so it's totally hidden! we'd be able to hide in the alleyways and sneak into the backsides of businesses and get the supplies we need. Isaiah: You’re a genius! C’mon! Lets get my horse and set him up on a cart! {He takes her hand and pulls her out of frame; cut to Varian as he walks over to his and Zapada’s tent; He stands for a moment in the entranceway and watches Zapada tuck in Sterling; he smiles softly}
Zapada: Iubirea mea? every thing al-!?
{He abruptly pulls her into a hug}
Zapada: Varian? what is this?
Varian: I...Seeing you with your brother again..and how happy you were...You gave up a lot to be with me. To be with us. I haven’t been the best of husbands. I just wanted to let you know I love you and...And I’m sorry...
Zapada: oh, Iubirea mea...what happened? Varian:I just..got to thinking...After we thought Isaiah.. ya know... I wasn't exactly the best person to be around.  and I keep recalling things that I could have done better. things I could have said better. Zapada: Varian- Varian:  no you can't just say you've already forgiven me or it's okay because in truth it's really not.  I shouldn't have been taking things out on you and the ones that I cared about. {He turns away from her and looks out at the camp} Varian: I've noticed that whenever I experienced some sort of loss or something particularly bad... tend to take it out on people that are only trying to make it better for me. maybe I am a violent man. {Zapada hugs him from behind} Zapada: Iubirea mea..you were frightened and you had just lost your son... our son.  you were under intense pressure. I have come to understand this and have already forgiven you. so please try to forgive yourself.  you're not a violent man. You’re a good man. {Varian turns around and kisses her before hearing Sterling squeal} Varian: There’s my little man! {He picks Sterling up and holds him} Varian: Getting bigger every day! Sterling: eiii! {Sterling gurgles and pulls on his hair} Varian: ha! What is it with every child I have and pulling my hair? Zapada: Easy to grab, no? {She leans up and kisses him; Eugene runs up to the tent} Eugene: Varian Th-... am I interrupting something? Varian: uh..ahem..no of course not. what's going on? Eugene:  Lily and Isaiah are missing! Varian: son of a-  seriously I leave that kid alone for 5 minutes. {He hands Sterling back over to Zapada} Varian: Don’t worry we’ll find them. {He runs out of frame with Eugene; Cut to Isaiah and Lily with cloaks and hoods pulled up as they pull up to the side of Corona’s side wall} Isaiah: it’s so quiet...where is this hole? Lily: A little further down… {Once they come upon it Isaiah pulls the wagon to a stop and gazes at the hole} Isaiah: How did you even accomplish this? Lily:  all the business district was having some competitive problems and mama trying to solve them so me and my siblings went behind the business and start chucking rocks at the wall... we were bored okay? Isaiah: and the result was a giant gaping hole probably big enough to fit a small elephant? Lily:  I hit a weak spot on the wall apparently and it just came tumbling down… Isaiah:....oh my god… { he gets off the driver's seat it makes his way through the hole} Isaiah: and you're sure nobody will notice us? {Lily climbs through} Lily:  nobody comes to the side of the wall... the only reason they would have known that the hole was here was that Mom heard it collapse and we had to tell her…  as long as we're quiet and don't draw attention to ourselves we should be okay. What’s first on the list? Isaiah: we need food.  Like you said before as long as we use the alleyways and the back entrances we should be able to grab whatever we need without being noticed. Lily:  well for the food I'm sure the bread inside the bakery is still good. Isaiah: I probably steer clear of the butcher shop...blech… Lily:  that poor man is going to come back to such a stench when this is all over. {They start moving through the back alley towards the bakery; cut back to camp with everyone on the look out for Isaiah and Lily} Rapunzel: Lily!? Cyrus: Lily answer us! Eugene: Lilianna Fitzherbert you answer us now! Eddard and Rosie: Liiiilllyyy~! Varian: Isaiah? Where are you, buddy? {Hector walks up to him with his son and daughter} Varian: find anything? Bjørn: We found some tracks that we think might belong to them where the horses are kept.  one of the horses is missing and so is a wagon we also found wagon tracks leading out of camp. Hector:  we checked and everybody in Camp has accounted for other than those two so they must have taken the horse and wagon and went somewhere. but the question is where and why. Juniper:  oh for the sake of all things good… Hector: Little bird?  something to say? Juniper:  I know where they are… Varian: You do!? Hector: Where!? Juniper: They...those kids went “shopping”... {She facepalms and everyone looks at her with either a shocked or confused face} Hector: ...eh? {Cut back to Corona where Isaiah and Lily are about to turn the corner and enter the bakery; Just as their about to enter the shop Isaiah grabs Lily and ducks behind some barrels; cult members walk past the alleyway and look down it} Cult member 1: come on we have to get this car unloaded... they're going to start stinking soon.. Cult member 2:  I know but doesn't this seem a bit undignified? {Isaiah looks at Lily and sneaks to the entrance of the alleyway and peeks out to listen;  however, when he peeks out he sees four bodies loaded in a cart and immediately ducks back behind the wall in horror} Cult member 2:  think about it don't you think they deserve a proper burial I mean they're still people. {Isaiah takes a breath and peeks back out at the cart of deceased people with purplish spots on their skin} Cult member 1:  look I get your concerns but at the same time it's not our problem these people opposed larkspur's Rule and you know the punishment for that. Cult member 2:  wouldn't it have been more humane to just...I don't know use a sword? Cult member: ... probably. {Isaiah goes back into the alleyway taking deep breaths trying to calm himself} Lily:  what did you see? what's going on? Isaiah:  it was another cart of dead bodies… Lily: *gasp* Isaiah:  it looks like there was some sort of resistance within the city.  they didn't last very long.  also it turns out whatever biological component was in that gas is fatal. Lily: what!? Isaiah:  all of the victims in the cart had the same skin markings. I'm guessing they used the gas on the resistance. Lily:  I think I'm going to be sick… Isaiah:  This is all the more reason to just get what we need and get out. We need food medicine and weapons.  we can find all of that in the nearby stores. we just have to stick to our original plan and not get caught. Lily: o-okay… {he moves her face to look at him} Isaiah: It's going to be okay... I'm not going to let anything happen to you okay? { she smiles and nods} Lily: mmhmm {Start montage of the two entering businesses, taking what they need, maneuvering around Alleyways, and evading cult members; They throw some weapons from the blacksmith shop into a bag and tie off the bag} Isaiah: is that everything? Lily: yeah I think this was our last stop. Isaiah:  all right just like before out the back.. { they sneak back out into the alleyway and start making their way back towards where the hole in the wall was;  Lily turns around and notices a cloaked figure following them} Lily: Isaiah! Isaiah: Crap! we've been spotted get moving! { they start running down the Alleyways trying to avoid the figure following them.} Lily: he's gaining on us! Isaiah:  just keep running when we get to the horse we'll easily be able to outrun him! {Lily trips on a loose stone and hurts herself} Lily: Ah! My leg! {Isaiah stops and turns around; The cloaked figure stops by Lily and bends down} Lily: AHH! Isaiah: NO! {Isaiah  grabs his sword from his belt and charges the cloaked figure preparing to swing his sword down on its head;  just to see swings downward the cloaked figure grabs his wrist and pulls back it’s hood to reveal a very angry Varian} Isaiah: oh..hi dad... Lily:  is it bad that I prefer it just being a cult member… Varian: you are in a sea of trouble buddy… {He picks Lily up} Isaiah: B-but dad-! Varian: Move it! Isaiah:...yes sir. {Cut to Varian with Hector in their own wagon as Isaiah drives his cart with Lily in back with a bandaged leg; they drive up to camp and Rapunzel and Eugen run up} Rapunzel: Lily! Eugene: Lily! You’re hurt! {They hug her and look her over} Rapunzel: where on Earth were you!? {Varian hops off the wagon} Varian:  they were in Corona. Eugene: What!?  what were you doing there!?  Lily do you know how dangerous it is it right now!? you could have been killed! Rapunzel:  what were you thinking!? Isaiah: it's my fault your Majesties. Rapunzel: Isaiah? Isaiah:  I just... it's my fault.  Princess Lily had nothing to do with this. please don't be mad at her. Varian:  come on young man we need to have a talk. {He pulls Isaiah off to the side and crosses his arms} Varian: …. well? are you going to tell me why you did this? Isaiah: I..umm… Varian:  yeah I'm waiting… Isaiah:   someone had to do something!  we needed supplies!  we needed information! Varian:  we were already working on a plan to get both!  do you realize how much danger you just put yourself in!?  what if you had been caught!? Isaiah: I had my sword! Varian:  Isaiah Cadáin Stein, you are a 13 year old boy with minimal fighting experience you would have been slaughtered! Isaiah:  I'm not a child to stop talking and treating me like I'm one! {Varian’s eyes dilate in anger} Varian:   Isaiah regardless of what you believe you are a child!  I lost you once already because of these people and I am not going to lose you again!  you were to stay within the camp's perimeter at all times if you wish to go somewhere you will be escorted from here on out am I understood!? Isaiah: What!?   dad that’s not fair! Varian:  I don't care what is fair!  am I understood? {They stare angrily at each other before Isaiah turns away} Isaiah:...fine. { cut to later at night;  a cauldron of stew sits on top the fire; Eugene walks over with a bowl and hands it to Rapunzel} Rapunzel: Thanks… so umm...How did the talk with Lily go? Eugene: I did what we agreed on she's grounded for 2 weeks. Rapunzel:  good... I really hate to admit it but they really did help our supply. Eugene:  and we did get some valuable information about the disease that our sick have.  but we still agree what they did was incredibly stupid right? Rapunzel:  oh yes 100%!  don't even worry about it!... how's her injury? Eugene:  deep cut down her shin.. required some stitches but other than that she should be good. {rapunzel sighs} Eugene: sunshine? you okay? Rapunzel:  I just can't believe we almost lost her today... and I never thought that my rule is Queen would be like this. {Eugene wraps and arm around her} Eugene:... life sucks. {he takes a sip from his soup as Rapunzel chuckles} Rapunzel:  that it does sometimes… Eugene:  and to be honest sunshine... I think you're doing a pretty good job.  I mean yeah things could be better but let's look at the positives.  we're together,  we have five amazing children, for the most part, everyone's here and doing okay, and even those things could be better we're not throwing a pity party. we're sticking together as a real Kingdom should {Camera pans around the camp as Eugene speaks; Hector leans against a tree with his son; Adira and lance watch as Akina plays with her brother; Stoica being flirted with by various women in camp; Varian sits on a log by the fire and rests his head on Zapada’s shoulder smiling as she feeds Sterling; Cut back to Eugene} Rapunzel: You really think we're doing a good job? Eugene: yeah... Yeah, I do. {Cut to Isaiah sitting under a tree watching the fire; Juniper walks up with two bowls} Juniper: hey kid…hungry? Isaiah:... *venomously* hey… Juniper: Euggh, still mad at me huh? Isaiah: What do you think!? Juniper:  to be fair I didn't really do anything I just told you the facts. I wasn't telling you to go into town and put yourself in danger. Isaiah: if this is an apology you're pretty crap at it. Juniper:  fine I'm sorry if I made you feel inadequate. you have to understand where I'm coming from though. I grew up in a house with a brother and a dad who's whole world is battle and survival.   I know a thing or two of what I'm talking about.  you may not like me but I'm not trying to look for friends. {Isaiah keeps looking away from her; she hands him his bowl; Isaiah takes it with a grumble} Juniper:  I know you're mad at me because you got in trouble but at the same time you should be glad that you have a dad that cares so much about you that he's willing to get that angry. {Isaiah glances at her} Isaiah:  does your dad get mad a lot? Juniper: oh you don't even know the half of it. {She takes a sip of her stew and sits down} Juniper:  never me and my brother would do something stupid when we were younger dad would get furious.  the dark kingdom is in nice place now back when we were young...I mean really young,  it was still pretty dangerous.  even just wondering off for a few minutes would get us yelled at. Isaiah: geez. sounds kind of harsh. Juniper:  yeah I guess... to someone else it would sound harsh.  but then when I started growing older I started realizing the reason he would yell at us so much.  It’s because he loves us. he wants to keep us safe. Isaiah: ... I'm starting to feel a lesson coming out of this or something… Juniper:  what I'm trying to say is don't be too hard on your dad.  the fact that he freaked out so bad means that he loves you a lot. He just doesn't want to see you get hurt.  all I'm asking is for you to see it from his perspective, okay kid? {Isaiah looks over at his dad and Zapada; he groans and get up, walking over to them; Varian looks over at him and they star at each other for a moment before Isaiah sits down and leans his head on Varian; Varian smiles and wraps an arm around him} Isaiah: I’m...uh..s-sorry… Varian: I know bud...I know. {END CREDITS}
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electricfied-wolf · 3 years
Man I used to love yo-kai watch. I miss it so much. Hit me with those ocs. -s4m
HECK YEAH- It’s so great in it’s own weird way, im mad that hulu doesn’t have it without hulu live, unfair, I wanna rewatch it- Im gonna ramble about em’ here, but i’m super focused on doing the sideblog. Also, be aware this is what I have for their rewritten versions, some of their story isn’t completed, and some of it is salvaged bits from their old stories (which were made YEARS ago). Also I am treading the thin line of complying with canon and also FUCK canon.
Juniper- Intense pure chaos but also slightly reasonable, a kid who has been surrounded by the spirits since they were a baby. They lost their parents, and were straight up adopted by Yo Kai. Some of them (most) are fan-made Yo-kai i’ve done, one is a wolf fella, another is a fox lady whom is very much based on Kyubi, she’s more ice themed tho. She’s also real tall. Juni has their own sorta necklace-like watch, their Yo kai family made it for them so that they’ll always be able to see their family. Juniper doesn’t take shit from anyone, they’re stubborn and they know when someone is wronging them (perks of being raised around troublesome spirits), so they’ve got an attitude, especially towards people who behave like complete jerks. They do have a sweet side, lots of empathy. You could call them a wild-child, since they live in a house in the woods with a bunch of spirits, even if they roam the town sometimes. and of course, it’s important to note that they’re autistic, because most of my me-themed ocs are.
Shard- The ice fox lady! This is the best name I could come up with. She’s sorta like Juniper’s “mom”, and basically the mom for all the Yo-kai that live with them. She’s where Juniper got a lot of the “don’t be a bitch or i’ll kill you” kind of thought. Shard was pure royalty when she was alive, and so she’s quite literally a queen, but she doesn’t flaunt her status unless someone pisses her off. She’s protective of her family, they may not be ‘blood’ related, but they’re a kind of family nonetheless, and she cares about them so hard.
Juno- The wolf fella! Kinda fire-themed, walking bookshelf, heart of gold and social anxiety. He’s where Juniper gets their education, since they don’t go to school. He’s a very good teacher, what he lacks in his desire to be extroverted, he more than makes up for it in his sweet personality and his skills in education. 10/10, would be his friend.
They’re the only three so far that have development, but there are a lot, trust me. I love these guys...missed em’ so much.
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theycallmegothboy · 4 years
1-100 >:DDDD REVENGE!!!
FELIXXXXXXXXXXXX >:(( 1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?  -spotify  2. is your room messy or clean? -it’s pretty messy i guess  3. what color are your eyes? -blue and grey
4. do you like your name? why? -yeah it’s fine 5. what is your relationship status? -single 6. describe your personality in 3 words or less -certified intrusive thot 7. what color hair do you have? -brown and rn it’s red 8. what kind of car do you drive? color? -i dont have a car 9. where do you shop? -hot topic, goodwill, target 10. how would you describe your style? -comfy emo 11. favorite social media account -of mine, probably discord or youtube 12. what size bed do you have? -twin >:(( 13. any siblings? -i have 1.5 brothers  14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? -probably vancouver, idk canada seems lit 15. favorite snapchat filter? -i like the one with devil horns and a tail but its cute 16. favorite makeup brand(s) -i dont wear makeup 17. how many times a week do you shower? -i used to shower every day, but i dont do anything that gets me dirty so like maybe 3 times but if i leave the house then i shower 18. favorite tv show? -stranger things 19. shoe size?  -8 or 9 20. how tall are you? -5′6 with shoes >:(( 21. sandals or sneakers? -sneakers wtf 22. do you go to the gym? -lol no 23. describe your dream date -making some pie or something together and then eating the pie and then sitting on some rooftop looking at stars 24. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? -quite a bit actually but i’m saving up for a phone lol so soon it will be like maybe 10 dollars lmao 25. what color socks are you wearing? -not wearing socks but the ones i had earlier were white (ankle length) 26. how many pillows do you sleep with? -just one but it sucks 27. do you have a job? what do you do? -NO BUT IM TRYING TO GET A JOB BUT THE FUCKIN PEOPLE THERE ARE GHOSTING ME AND WONT REPLY TO MY EMAILS SO LIKE SBJHBJS 28. how many friends do you have? -like 4 lmao 29. whats the worst thing you have ever done? -idk nothing super bad but i do a lot of small shit that makes me feel guilty when i realize what i did 30. whats your favorite candle scent? -juniper rosewood 31. 3 favorite boy names -leo, clay, charlie 32. 3 favorite girl names -ivy, uh... idk thats all ive got 33. favorite actor? -no clue 34. favorite actress? -no clue 35. who is your celebrity crush? -not a celeb but i’d smash danny phantom 36. favorite movie? -nightmare before christmas or edward scissorhands 37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? -no, but my fav book is probably the prince and the pauper? idk 38. money or brains? -CASH MONEYYYY jk probably brains but if your entire personality is being “smart” like fuck off lmao   39. do you have a nickname? what is it? - a bunch of people call me son (see #49, #100), some call me rat, dumdum, goth boy
40.how many times have you been to the hospital? -just once i think when i was birthed. i also went once with my brother cause he kicked some scissors i left out on the floor and it sliced his toe the fuck open and he needed stitches and i watched him get the stitches and almost passed out :/ 41. top 10 favorite songs -please dont make me do this i dont have it in me 42. do you take any medications daily? -yea i take 20mg of vyvanse but i need to get it raised to 30 cause 20 is Not Enough 43. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) -i got some dry fuckin skin yall dont even know 44. what is your biggest fear?  -it depends. the dark is a pretty constant one though 45. how many kids do you want? -like 2 or 3 eventually 46. whats your go to hair style? -in my face, looking stupid 47. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)  -it’s pretty small 48. who is your role model? -i dont fuckin know lmao  49. what was the last compliment you received? - “i belive in you, my son, you’re an amazing human being“ (same friend mentioned in #100, not actually a parent of mine) 50. what was the last text you sent? -”no it’s a raccoon“ YOU GET NO CONTEXT LMAO 51. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? -i dont think i ever hardcore believed in him, maybe i did though i remember sleeping under the tree one christmas eve waiting for him but i was like “oh yeah that makes sense“ i guess 52. what is your dream car?  -i honestly dont give a shit as long as it actually fucking works 53. opinion on smoking? -cigarettes? fuck no that’s nastyyy. weed? that’s fine i guess but wait till you’re like 18.  54. do you go to college? -no. am sophomore n highschool 55. what is your dream job?  -musician/palentologist 56. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?  -fuck the suburbs lmao, but also im tired of rural, so like.. semi urban?? 57. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?  -no but i take the little soaps >:)) 58. do you have freckles?  -yes 59. do you smile for pictures? -awkwardly, yes 60. how many pictures do you have on your phone?  -dont have a phone but i have like 12 on my computer currently. 4 are of me, the rest are of my cat or random shit 61. have you ever peed in the woods?  -yes 62. do you still watch cartoons?  -cartoons these days kinda suck but like if they were good fuck yeah i would like gravity falls can come hang yknow? 63. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? -i had nuggets from mcdonalds today so i guess them? i dont really care 64. Favorite dipping sauce?  -i got sweet and sour but i dont like it that much. that schezuan sauce was great 65. what do you wear to bed?  -wouldnt you like to know? ;))  66. have you ever won a spelling bee?  -NO ive only been in two. the first one i misspelled the word “turmoil“ cause i had never heard it before and the second one i spelled the word “owed“ as “ode“ cause i was thinking like ode to joy and then i felt like a big Fool afterwards :(( 67. what are your hobbies? -lol what hobbies 68. can you draw?  -i am physically able to draw, but not well, no 69 (haha). do you play an instrument? -yeah i play a few 70. what was the last concert you saw?  -i saw Chicago in either georgia or tennessee i cant remember in like 2016 71. tea or coffee? -hot coffee, iced tea. NOT the other way around. (i love both though) 72. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? -starbucks 73. do you want to get married? -sure why not 74. what is your crush’s first and last initial? -dont have a crush 75. are you going to change your last name when you get married?  -idk maybe 76. what color looks best on you?  -i dont know but i wear black a lot and that’s pretty dope 77. do you miss anyone right now? -yeah  78. do you sleep with your door open or closed? -closed 79. do you believe in ghosts? -on the fence. not 100% “oh my god look at these gHoSt oRbS i need to sage my house!!!“ but i accept that there’s some things i wont understand about the world and that i have no answers to. i wouldnt be surprised if there are, and i wouldnt be surprised if there aren’t. 80. what is your biggest pet peeve? -whatever my adhd decides i viscerally hate with a firey passion right at that moment  81. last person you called -my brother (the 1 of the 1.5 from #13 and the one who sliced his toe in #40) 82. favorite ice cream flavor?  -chocolate is dope 83. regular oreos or golden oreos?  -regular double stuff. if you say golden, mint, peppermint, or thin oreos i’m gonna have to euthanize you, i dont make the rules.  84. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? -rainbow cause it’s prettier  85. what shirt are you wearing?  -queen shirt from hot topic 86. what is your phone background? -i didnt get a phone between question 60 and now but my computer one is some mountains with the moon in the background 87. are you outgoing or shy? -really depends on who i’m around 88. do you like it when people play with your hair? -YES FUCK AAAAAAA (this girl played with my hair literally once in middle school and i was like oh shit and i had a crush on her until the end of middle school true story,,, so ashley if you’re out there-) 89. do you like your neighbors? -to the left they’re fine and their dog is nice but idk what happened to the horses so that’s sus but that’s where our cat came from so they can hang  guess, behind me they’re fine but their boys are loud, to the right they’re fine, and even further to the right are the dope neighbors and waaaaaaaaaay far to the right is a llama and he’s dope as hell 90. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? -whenever the fuck i remember to/have the energy 91. have you ever been high?  -i dont think so but i wouldnt put it past myself 92. have you ever been drunk?  -not that i can remember, no 93. last thing you ate?  -sloppy joe from a can 94. favorite lyrics right now -”not gonna waste my life, cause i’ve been fucked up“ 95. summer or winter?  -fall. fuck you 96. day or night?  -night but i like it when it’s actually night and it doesnt get dark at like 4 fucking pm cause that makes me depressed 97. dark, milk, or white chocolate? -dark is good, milk is fine, white is only suitable for fancy stripes on chocolate covered strawberries 98. favorite month?  -i vibe with september 99. what is your zodiac sign -sagittarius (was almost a scorpio but i was holding out >:))) 100. who was the last person you cried in front of?  -in person, my mom like 6 months ago, on a discord call, my friend (i love you by the way, you’re the best,,, i dont think he has tumblr but im just putting it out there) like a month or so ago. i hate crying in front of people, i turn into such a hyperventilating snot monster which is not suitable for human gaze and thats the real tea :/
felix this took like 2 hours of my life i will never get back i hate you and i hope you’re happy with what you’ve done <3 <3
also anyone who wants to stalk me, enjoy this information that im handing to you on a silver platter :)) <3
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agent-barnes40 · 4 years
The Celestial Turmoil
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He watched as she lit the tiki torch and look up to the moon, his sister. Chandra, his name was. Chandra watched every moonrise for his lunar half to see her growth every day, besides it was a thousand years until he could see her again.
You all know him as The Man in The Moon. She knows him as Proteus. She didn't know of their connection or the pain her brother went through, watching her fall and die from their reign in the night. "You've changed since I last saw you, sister. You've gotten.. happier."
"There's a meteor shower tonight. It'll be my first, you know. I cant wait to see what it looks like."
"It is going to be gorgeous, dear. I'll make sure I get them just like you used too." He responded, and the teenager nodded as if they were talking to each other.
"Thank you." She mumbled, focusing on her laptop, littered with stickers from various games and franchises. He chuckled and just watched her.
Chandra turned when he heard heels clacking behind him and turned to look at his eldest sister. Oriana, she was the one who banished their youngest sister. "Are you still talking to the human?"
Chandra scoffed. "She's our sister, do not call her a human."
"You know that's what she is now, though. She will never become a celestial again." Oriana said, her light blue fringe shifting as she talked. Chandra ran a hand through his black hair, his dark blue eyes glaring at her. "She will be a celestial again. You know how that spell went."
Oh, yes, the spell, I forgot to mention that. The spell that Oriana used to banish their youngest sister had a twist.
After a thousand years of dormant sleep, when the one the spell was cast on sees what they were meant to do, they will return.
"It's tonight, Oriana, and you know it!" Chandra snapped. Oriana scoffed and grabbed at his shoulder. "Chandra, it won't be her. You know that."
The young girl yawned as she lay down on her blanket and closed her laptop. She put her headset on and just stared at the night sky. "I wish I could go up there. Visit all of the planets, see all the stars. It's so beautiful."
Oriana stilled as she heard the voice. "It sounds just like her."
Chandra laughed. "I told you."
"When will she return?" Oriana asked, pushing her hair behind her shoulder. Chandra rolled his eyes. "Tonight. That's all I was told."
"I shall wait here with you until she arrives," Oriana said, turning to a spare maid. "Get everyone in your staff to work on Galaxia's room. She's returning tonight."
The maid nodded and scurried off. The two watched for hours, watching Galaxia bring her items inside and came out a few hours later. "I don't see any meteors.."
They held their breath as she turned to look over the roof of the house and stared where the Milky Way was supposed to rest. Galaxia spun and held her head.
Galexia stared directly at the castle. "You two better get down here!"
Chandra and Oriana hurried to get into a chariot to bring them to her. As Galaxia tried to get her memories in order, she waited for them to arrive.
Chandra hurried over to her when they landed, and Galaxia took in his attire and face. "Oh, brother, how long has it been since I've seen you?"
"A thousand and sixteen years," Chandra whispered as he shakily reached out and rested his hands on her shoulders. "I've missed you."
"I wish I could say the same. I didn't even know who I was." Galaxia whispered and pushed herself into his chest, wrapping her arms around him. Oriana watched the scene as she walked over, she knew she wasn't going to get a welcome as Chandra did.
"Sister?" Oriana whispered, and Galaxia jerked back from Chandra and glared at her fellow Celestial. "I am not your sister, Oriana. You're the one who banished me like I was no-one to you!"
Oriana took a step back and just stared at Galaxia. "You wanted to connect us with another galaxy!"
Galaxia growled, and her eyes glowed white. "I am not continuing a thousand and sixteen-year fight."
Chandra wrapped his arm around Galaxia and led her to the chariot. "I'll have someone bring you to your kingdom, Oriana."
Galaxia spared a look at Oriana, before getting in the chariot. "Let us go home, Chandra."
A few nights had passed when Galaxia emerged from her room, wearing an old gown of hers. She slowly walked down the halls, occasionally looking out the windows to stare down at the earth. "Is this who I am meant to be?"
"Am I meant to just rule at night?" She asked quietly, running a hand through her fast-growing hair that was starting to change color to a dark blue with silver spots. Her eyes were also changing color, from their dark brown to a glowing bright blue.
"You don't just rule at night, sister. You rule at all times." Chandra said as he walked up and stood next to her at the window they were at. "I was just coming to see you."
"I've been trying to figure out the two lives I've lived. I can't just leave the castle to wander through woods since we don't have any."
"I'll get some trees planted in the garden for you," Chandra responded, suddenly knowing this wasn't Galaxia talking; it was the teenager he watched over.
"I never meant for you to be left alone for so long, Chandra," Galaxia said, turning to look at him. "It's not like Oriana had anything against the other galaxies."
Chandra nodded and rolled his hand, offering for her to continue talking. He wanted to get everything off her chest.
"I never expected to be a queen, either." Galaxia started to speak again. "I didn't want to have this much on my shoulders. What if a war happens? I have to command troops while defending an entire galaxy. I don't want anyone dying for my mistakes.."
She started walking, her hair shining. "I don't want you dying, Chandra. I can't just send you off to war."
"And you will never have to, sister," Chandra said as he followed her. Galaxia turned to him. "How can you be so sure?"
"I haven't died yet, sister," Chandra replied as he ran a hand through her hair, trying to slow her down. "Just let yourself transition back to what you looked like before you died."
"I didn't die! My body disintegrated while my mind flew through a family, leading to this one. A thousand and sixteen years later!" Galaxia screamed and finally broke down crying.
A lot was damaged in her fall from the galaxy and in her thousand and sixteen-year banishment. Galaxia's transition from a human to a celestial was breaking her mind.
In the next several months, Galaxia and Chandra were slowly getting Galaxia's mind back together while getting her prepared to take her kingdom back.
"Chandra!?" Galaxia yelled as she hurried through the halls. "We have a meeting with constellations!"
She burst into his room, chuckling at his attempt to get his bowtie together. "Here, let me."
Chandra sighed as he looked down at her. "I tried really."
"Andromeda is getting really impatient, waiting for you. The Ursa's are ready to leave. I almost sent a servant to grab you."
"Let us hurry then." Chandra grabbed her hand and started to lead her to the meeting room. The two entered at the same time and sat together at the head of the table. "Now shall we start, everyone?"
Ursa major piped up. "Is everything going to change now that you're back?"
Galaxia sighed. "Not much will change. Chandra will be going back to his kingdom once I deem myself ready to run alone again. As of right now, Chandra is my advisor as we transition into my ruling solo."
Ursa Major nodded while holding Minor in her arms, rubbing his back. The meeting went on a while longer, while the constellations asked many questions. Chandra and Galaxia answered as many as they could.
The youngest and eldest celestials still had a significant rift, which caused an uneasiness throughout the universe, so Chandra had to schedule a meeting with the two of them.
Chandra and Galaxia met Oriana on Juniper, and immediately the two got tossed into a match. "How dare you assume that I never cared about you?" Oriana asked as they sat down at a table.
"Oh, just banishing me onto earth for over a thousand years means you care for me now?" Galaxia asked back, her eyes glaring into Oriana's. "I very well know what it means, Oriana."
"What does it mean, Galaxia?" Oriana asked, staring her down. Galaxia rubbed her face. "You've hated me since I was born. I'm the youngest, and in the prophesize, it has always been said that when the youngest born of the royal, born with stary hair, she will rule the galaxy. You hoped the prophecy was wrong; that'd you'd rule the sun and the galaxy."
Oriana sighed and glared at her. "Yes, that's true, but I grew to care for you when you didn't have to be my keeper."
"I'm not your keeper, Oriana. I am your sister. It just so happens to be I was prophesied to rule the galaxy." Galaxia sighed, staring at her. "I just wanted an older sister to see how I want to rule the first time  I try once to work on the Andromeda galaxy, and I get banished."
Oriana opened her mouth, and Galaxia held a hand up. "No. You don't get to speak. You get to sit there and listen." The Celestial got up and stalked toward her. "Maybe the sun should learn what it is like to be banished."
Chandra hurried over. "Galaxia! No!" Galaxia tossed him aside with her magick and continued to stalk toward Oriana. "From this moment forward, Oriana, you shall be banished for a thousand years on your prophesied part of the universe."
As Galaxia spoke, her eyes glowed white, and her hair flowed with the magic flowing through her body. Oriana whimpered in pain. She felt her body be forcefully removed from Jupiter and on a safe part of the sun. Where hopefully, she resides there for the next nine-hundred and ninety-nine years.
@natasha-romanova-anon​ (Courtesy tags) @darkbuckybarnesanon​ @piper-koko-barnes-rogers​
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theonceoverthinker · 4 years
When Will My Life Begin? (Fair Game, 13/?)
Summary: Tangled AU. Clover Callows has been confined to a tower for all of his life, and given the threat that his Uncle Tyrian says his semblance poses to his safety, he accepts that fate. It’s the only life he’s ever known, after all. But when he’s offered the opportunity to fulfill his greatest dream after a chance encounter with a thief -- or bandit, as Qrow Branwen insists there’s a difference between the two -- both Clover and Qrow will discover joys that they never knew life could offer them before. AO3
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Let it never be said that Qrow Branwen was ever either without a plan or very far from concocting one.
Developing plans was a skill that certainly helped him as a bandit, and in a matter of minutes, that skill would faithfully serve him once more as he and Clover proceeded to Lil’ Miss Malachite’s.
Qrow took pride in the fact that he knew the world well, that between his intelligence and his semblance, he was able to manipulate the knowledge he possessed as well as his own ‘charms’ to do all manner of things for him.
In fact, the only aspect of the world Qrow felt that he couldn’t say he completely understood was anything regarding Clover -- nor that grouchy raven of his -- but even with Clover, he was starting to make progress on that front. 
After all, most people didn’t show nearly as much of their personalities as Clover did in just the three hours they’d known each other, and there was plenty that Qrow gleaned from what he saw there. Qrow wouldn’t deny that he had more pressing matters to attend to regarding the very satchel Clover was keeping him from, but as he studied Clover as to best redirect him towards that end, he couldn’t help but take some interest in the mystery that was Clover. 
Sure, Clover was without a doubt the oddest person on the planet, his poorly-named bird had done nothing to curry Qrow’s favor in either of their directions, and of course, he was still holding Qrow’s satchel hostage.
But honestly, for someone raised all alone in a tower, Clover was pretty impressive in his own right -- strong, smart, witty, handy with that fishing pole of his, and unfortunately for Qrow, not bad at holding someone to a deal. 
It was almost something of a shame that after this stop and the return to Clover’s tower, they’d be rid of each other for good. 
Still, it had to be done if Qrow was to get that satchel of his back. 
But that didn’t mean Qrow couldn’t allow himself to muse on his traveling companion for the time they still had left together, if for no other reason than it gave him something to do besides just navigate through the forest that stretched on as far as the eye could see.
Clover was...absolutely unlike anyone else Qrow had ever known before -- naive, but only to a point, curious, but also scared easily, and determined, but clearly conflicted as to what he should be determined about. 
“Did you get us lost, Qrow?”
Finally, apparently, he was patient, that is, until he got hungry.
There was an inescapable patronizing -- though almost teasingly so -- tone in Clover’s voice as he spoke, a tone that was well reflected in the deadpan accusatory look he gave Qrow.
“No.” Qrow said, half grumbling as he waved a dismissive hand. “It’s close by. I just know it.”
“You sure about that?” Clover shot back. “Because you said that five minutes ago.”
Oh, and cheeky. Clover was undeniably, borderline groan-inducingly cheeky.
Qrow was about to show Clover a bit of his own cheekiness when he suddenly spotted something.
“I see the roof,” he said, pointing just above a hill as a recognizing smile grew on his face. “This way, muscles.”
Yet again, Clover huffed at the nickname, but Qrow didn’t care -- he loved it, for no other reason than how it riled Clover up just enough to get an annoyed pout out of him.
Qrow could watch Clover make that look all day.
“There it is! Lil’ Miss Malachite’s, in the flesh!”
Qrow half expected Clover to pull out a double dose of cheekiness and correct him by saying that buildings didn’t have flesh, but upon glancing at Clover, Qrow saw he was too entranced by the building to bother.
True to Qrow’s word, but three feet from them was a sign for the establishment, green letters against a blue background that read ‘Lil’ Miss Malachite’s,’  and just beyond that sign was the tavern itself.
Qrow had to hand it to himself -- even though he’d been in and out of this place more times than he could count, its quaint outer surface still even managed to fool him for a second into thinking the pub was...different from its current reputation.
Seemingly crafted nestled against the large oak tree that curled behind it, Lil’ Miss Malachite’s was simply lovely looking. Within the clearing where it stood, a purple and green speckled roof covered the restaurant’s wooden front alongside colorful carvings around every window and door.
For Gods’ sake, there were even horses in front of it!
How much more picturesque could it get?
Clover had clearly fallen in love with the place. Right now, he was marveling at the horses.
This guy…he clearly liked nature and animals a lot.
Qrow considered seeing if he could find that puppy they spotted earlier on their way back to the tower after this and give it to Clover as a little animal friend.
It would certainly be an improvement over that bird on his shoulder, no matter what Clover thought.
Then again, that uncle of Clover’s didn’t know he’d left on this trip, so there’d be no way he could sneak a dog up the tower without giving that little detail away. 
Maybe he’d just grab Clover a butterfly or something.
That would make him happy, right?
Well, either way, he’d decide on that after his plan worked.
And it would work.
“Isn’t it just picture perfect?” Qrow asked, turning to Clover. “Nice and quaint. After all, no need to scare you off from this trip of yours, right?”
“It is beautiful,” Clover admitted, smiling. “I mean, if we’re going to stop somewhere to eat, this looks like a good spot.”
Qrow smirked. “See, muscles? Who knows better than Qrow Branwen?”
Clover snorted amusedly. “With all that bragging you do, you’re more like a peacock than a crow, if you ask me.” He seemed pretty happy with the quip, and apparently couldn’t help but burst out into laughter at the deadpan look Qrow shot his way for it.
He was not a peacock.
“Well, let’s not wait any longer,” Qrow said, gesturing his hand towards the restaurant and dodging Clover’s quip.
“Sounds great!”
They made their way to the restaurant’s door, and with a creak, Qrow carefully opened it.
“Table for two!” he called out, though confident that over all the ruckus of the tavern, he wouldn’t be heard.
For his money, Qrow preferred that it would have stayed that way, especially by the management. 
If he had timed their arrival right -- and he was certain he did -- one particular part of that management team wouldn’t be here. The window was tight, but Qrow believed he could manage it.
After all, as long as he had anything to say about it, luck was decidedly not on her side.
How unfortunate would it be for her to have missed them.
Oh, well.
Clover walked halfway through the now opened door...and then he stopped.
Qrow knowing exactly why, smirked, as he looked into the dark tavern.
Unlike its quaint outskirts, Lil’ Miss Malachite’s interior was anything but quaint -- unless your definition of ‘quaint’ was closer to anyone else’s definition of ‘seedy.’ Dark wood covered the walls and through the inclusion of some olive green curtains, only a handful of candles and a small fireplace in the back provided light for the tavern. 
However, the most interesting feature of the place -- like any place -- was its people. As far as the eye could see ahead, people occupied the tables and standing space, all with tones and looks that came across as rowdy as the day was long.
Speaking from experience, Qrow could attest to the fact that the impression was one well earned by Lil’ Miss Malachite’s patrons.
They looked like crooks.
They looked like miscreants.
They looked like everyone that that uncle of Clover’s had probably ever warned him about.
And Qrow, putting his hands on Clover’s shoulders from behind him, inched him towards them.
Finally, his plan was in motion.
Clover immediately took out Kingfisher, brandishing it close to his chest with shaking hands as he and Qrow waded through the unruly masses.
Everyone had a weapon -- spears, hammers, tridents, sharp crossbows with sharper arrows, and more blades than there were hours in a day. Granted, those weapons largely weren’t in use -- most in sheathes and lazily left on the floor -- but it was their sheer presence and numbers that Qrow was counting on.
And oh, did those miscreants come through for him.
At this point, they’d probably be out of here before they even got a table.
He could practically hear every word Clover was thinking, but it really just came down to three words.
‘Damn it, Qrow…’
Happy to play the role of the devil when thought of, Qrow leaned in his head close to Clover’s left ear.
“Smell that, muscles?” he asked, absolutely rhetorically. “Take a deep breath of that through the nose. Lots of different types of stinks around here. There’s man stink, ma’am stink, and good old regular stink stink.” Qrow took a pronounced deep breath of his own, content laced in his voice like dirt in a puddle of mud. “Mmm. Gotta love that stink stink.”
No, no Clover did not seem to love that ‘stink stink’ at all, nor did he likely feel any obligation to love it.
“What do you think?” Qrow went on. “What’s your favorite of the stinks?”
Clover, scowling in front of Qrow, turned back to him, clearly about to tell him to shut up when all of the sudden, he stopped.
Qrow looked ahead.
Someone was touching Kingfisher’s tip, and their team had assembled to inspect the bar’s newest occupant alongside her.
Oh, this was likely going to do him in.
The people surrounding Clover -- the Juniper Jaggers -- they weren’t mean or cruel or even necessarily all that scary, but what they were was loud, brash, boundlessly energetic, and in regards to the girl who presently touched Clover’s weapon, lacking in almost any regard for personal space.
They’d been pains in the asses for Qrow to share a bar with in the past, but for the purposes of this particular mission, they were exactly what he needed.
Clover was frozen in place as he looked at the source of the tug.
When he found it, he saw the team’s four members -- two boys and two girls -- standing two to each of his sides -- undoubtedly far too close to him for his liking. 
Then, they started asking questions.
“Where are your shoes?” one of the girls asked. 
“Forget that, Phyrra,” one of the boys dismissed, “Where are your sleeves? We get it, you’ve got muscles -- no need to show them off so much.”
“Looks like someone’s jealous, Jaune,” the other girl teased. “But what I want to know is what’s up with the fishing pole?” She flicked Kingfisher’s rod backward on her finger before releasing it, creating a ‘boing’-like sound. Raven squawked. “Ooh! And your bird! Tell me all about her!”
“And how do you keep your clothes so clean?”
“Ren! This barefoot, muscle-bound guy with a weird fishing pole and a bird walks in, and his cleanliness is what you choose to ask him about?” 
Ren shrugged. “I can’t help it if my curiosity is more inclined to ask about his laundry skills, Nora.”
The four of them continued, mixing arguments amongst themselves with the questions they kept coming up with for Clover.
The initial questions flew at Clover like rapid fire, and others in the bar, while not joining in the questioning, did feast their eyes on the scene, and specifically, Clover.
While the questions themselves were harmless enough, Qrow could tell they were coming at Clover so quickly and with such a large audience that it was overwhelming.
Qrow was tempted to pull him back right there and then -- albeit with much laughing on his part because of how relatively benign they were -- but before he could, Clover took an action all his own.
He ran away.
Unfortunately for him though, the only clear direction to run in was ahead, further into the tavern, so that’s where he went. The Juniper Jaggers, seemingly too caught up in their own musings to realize that the subject of their curiosity had fled, continued arguing amongst themselves.
The laughter bubbling in Qrow’s belly couldn’t contain itself any longer, flowing out of him like water out of a destroyed dam.
Bringing Clover to ‘Lil Miss Malachite’s was a stroke of pure genius.
It was perfect. The folks here weren’t dangerous, per se, but what they were was energetic, weapon-clad, and menacing enough looking.
And Clover was absolutely freaked out by them.
Looks like he knew Clover well after all.
Qrow walked over in his direction, ready to end his plan before Clover ended up passing out, when suddenly, a voice called out to him.
“Well, hello Qrow,” a woman behind the counter scoffed as her hands cleaned a glass with a rag. “Haven’t seen you around here in a long while.” She had cream colored hair and a cream, green, and dirt colored apron.
Among all of the other things Qrow knew, this woman’s identity was one of them.
“Robyn, always a pleasure,” Qrow greeted, bowing his head in an over-the-top manner before shrugging. “Haven’t had a reason to be here in a long while.”
“Oh?” Robyn asked, a rhetorical nature in her words as clear as glass. “What about that tab of yours? I think you forgot to pay that off before you went to do...whatever it was you did.”
“I didn’t forget,” Qrow excused, raising a countering finger. “I just...need a bit of time to get the funds together.”
At that, Robyn sighed. It was an excuse she probably expected, and if Qrow was being honest with himself, it was a mindset well merited. This hadn’t been the first exchange they’d had over this very topic, or even at these very spots they currently stood in.
No, those aspects of the conversation were similar, at least. Others...were different.
Suddenly, he remembered a whole different reason he wanted to be out of here as soon as possible...
“Look,” she said, “I’m not gonna say anything to anyone, but if Lil’ Miss Malachite herself sees you, your time’s gonna be up. You’d better get out of here fast.”
Qrow was about to thank her and ask how much time he had before she was due to get back, but before he could, he heard the now unmistakable sound of Raven squawking at someone who was approaching Clover from behind. 
Jeez, even half a tavern away, he squawks came at his eardrums with the force of an anchor falling into the ocean.
Robyn snorted. “Who’s that guy? White clothes, a fishing rod, a bird on his shoulder, looks scared out of his wits -- what kind of weirdo did you bring to my bar? We’ve already got more than enough of them to go around.”
“Him?” Qrow started, thinking up a quick lie. “He’s just a tourist browsing. I told him myself the nicest pub in all of Remnant was here, and he wanted to see for himself.”
Looks like it was about time to bring this plan home.
“But,” Qrow continued, “I think he’s had his fill of the scenery. I’ll go get him out of your way.”
Robyn shot Qrow a deadpan look, clearly not believing a word of what he said, but Qrow just innocently shrugged as he headed once more for Clover.
He looked terribly freaked out, and so small. If he were in any actual danger, Qrow wouldn’t have been as amused as he was. Even still though, he did take some pity on him.
“Clover,” Qrow said, approaching him, feigning an innocent and concerned tone in his voice. He took a gentle hold of Clover’s shoulder -- the one without Raven on it -- and tugged him in the direction of the exit. “You don’t look so good. Should we turn around, maybe get you home? I mean, this place is a five star joint, and if you can’t handle being here, it might just be best for you to get back to your tower.”
“I know what you’re trying to pull, Qrow, a-and it’s not going to work,” Clover said. “I’m not going back to my tower without seeing those lanterns.” 
Qrow smirked. “Then may I ask why it is you’re following me out of this lovely establishment?”
“I’m still going to see the lanterns,” Clover asserted. “I’m just not going to eat here on the way to see them.”
“We’re gonna have to see people eventually once we get to the capital, and believe me, there’s only more like this crowd to come. What are you gonna do, then?” It was a lie, but one that wasn’t completely a work of fiction by a longshot. After all, while the kingdom’s capital was home to plenty of perfect normal folks such as himself, it also had characters that ranged from as eccentric as the Juniper Jaggers to as shady as Mercury to as uppity as the Ace Ops.
Much to Clover’s evident frustration, it was a legitimate question he’d asked.
“Well,” Clover started, clearly not prepared with an answer. “I’ll-”
“Hold up!” a voice called, interrupting Clover. It was the shout of an older woman with a drawl, and like Robyn, Qrow knew its source all too well. “I’d know that raspy voice anywhere. Branwen! Where are you?”
Crap. He’d taken too much time.
The boss was back.
“Well,” Qrow said, playing up a happy tone, “if it isn’t Lil’ Miss Malachite herself!”
Qrow turned around to shoot at Lil’ Miss Malachite a fake, yet charming enough to him smile, only to pause towards the end of his rotation upon seeing what she held in her hand.
“Looks like you got yourself into a little bit of trouble,” she said, showing off a copy of Qrow’s wanted poster to all of the tavern’s patrons. She then pointed to the bottom of the poster where the word ‘reward’ was listed. “Ooh, and look here! You’re actually worth something. Who’d have ever guessed. After all the money you’ve stiffed me of over the years, I think this reward will settle our debts quite nicely.”
Qrow, urging Clover to get behind him with an arm of his raised cutting off Clover from the rest of the bar, stepped back slowly to try to get out the door.
However, before he could, the door slammed shut. 
“Cardin!” she called out to a young man who stood by the door, watching the scene play out with eager anticipation. “Go get the royal guards. That reward for his head’s gonna have us set for life. Monkey boy, you go guard the door in his place.”
In the blink of an eye, Cardin zoomed out the door and into the forest. The door had been left closed, but abandoned. However, it was only for a second until a blond boy dropped down from the ceiling to block the path to it.
“And you, Robyn!” Lil’ Miss Malachite shouted once more. “Have that motley crew of yours go capture Branwen!”
From behind him, Qrow could feel Clover staring at him, but not with the heat of a glare. 
Instead, it was with worry.
Qrow couldn’t turn back to look at him, whether to assure that they’d be okay, or to give Clover warning before something...less than pleasant happened, for Robyn had jumped up from the bar, whistled for her friends to surround Qrow, and approached him herself.
“Robyn,” Qrow protested.
As she was just a few steps away from him, Robyn bit her lip. 
“Sorry, Qrow,” she said, remorse heavy in her voice. “But a job’s a job, and I can’t afford to lose mine.”
Immediately, Qrow rushed to grab Harbinger, but his arm was grabbed midswing by Robyn’s teammate Fiona, the tips of his fingers only gliding over the blade’s handle for a fraction of a second. The other arm was grabbed a second later by another one, Johanna. Qrow kicked his legs in an attempt to free himself, but they were grabbed all the same by the final member of Robyn’s group, May. All the while as her teammates kept him in place, Robyn looked over the scene to see if they left any stones unturned that could lead to his escape.
And dammit, they didn’t.
He could see Clover in the distance, at a complete loss for what to do.
Qrow couldn’t blame him. Clover had been outside his tower for what -- maybe three hours. To see his guide of all people grabbed and bound, ready to be arrested had to be scary stuff, on top of being surrounded by nothing but miscreants and crooks as far as the eye could see. Clover was strong, but he wouldn’t instigate a fight, not under these circumstances.
Now, the only one of them he knew he could count on to not let him get hurt was captured, likely to be arrested within the next hour.
What was he going to do now?
Completely captured, Qrow tried looking around for a means of escaping his captors, but found none. 
Qrow was good at working with things and qualities he had to find solutions, but at that moment, he really didn’t know what to do next, nor was any idea appearing. 
For the first time in a long time, he was completely left without a plan.
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lycorogue · 5 years
Marinette’s Song: Chapter 5
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
UPDATE (2/15/20): You can also now read this story over on AO3, on FFN, or on DA.
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Summary: Whenever Luka creates music it affects people. He can’t handle having to hide his music anymore, and so he goes to the Tom & Sabine Charms and Potions shop for some help. Can Marinette’s witchcraft allow Luka to finally share his music with the world? Witch and Mythological Magic AU
Rating: General Audiences
Words: 10,943 Words This Chapter: 1715
Status: Completed; 7 chapters
Disclaimer: I wanted to anchor Marinette’s magic in Wiccan as opposed to “Hollywood witchcraft”, but I’m Christian. I tried to do my research, but I also know I’m taking a lot of creative liberties. If you notice any glaring misrepresentation of Wiccan, please let me know.
She was gone for only a few minutes, but Luka felt feverish the whole time. He was anxious about her potentially finding him a way to subdue his power, and whether or not he truly wanted it. He also missed her terribly already, and struggled to keep her song trapped in his mind.
“Back.” Marinette pushed through the curtain with a flourish before making her way back to her seat at the head of the circular table. “I hope this works.” She sat down and placed a small wooden charm on the center of the table. It was a snake, wrapped around itself like a pendent, with a coil of its tail leaving a loop for string or a chain to slide through. Its head contently rested on its back at the bottom of the circle the rest of its body knotted into.
Luka gestured to pick up the charm, and Marinette nodded approval. The charm was about the size of a ten Euro cent coin. The snake's coils themselves were about as thick as a phone charger cable. The back half of the pendent was flat, sanded wood, but the front was rounded and finely detailed. Each scale was etched onto the charm, and a surprisingly expressive face was carved onto the head. The snake's eyes seemed welcoming, and soothed Luka as he looked into them. Even the faint scent of rose coming from the wood calmed him.
“Luka,” Marinette cut in, “I believe you're descended from Sirens. That's why your family feels comfortable near the water, why you think in terms of music, why songs constantly play in your head, and – most importantly – why your music profoundly effects the mood of others.”
“Sirens? Juleka and I are Sirens?”
“Well, you yourselves aren't Sirens, but you have their blood, and – ugh, excuse the pun, but – watered down versions of their power.”
It made sense. All of it felt true as Marinette said it.
“But.” Marinette dragged out the word as she tapped on the charm in Luka's hand. “This little guy here should help you with the powers bit.” She held out her hand, and Luka gave her the wooden snake charm.
“It's lovely. Did you make that charm, Marinette?”
“Huh? Oh! Oh no. No. I'm not this good at woodworking. There's a local craftsman we get our talismans from, and then we imbue whatever spell we need the charm to possess. Here.” Marinette handed Luka a long spool of black hemp cord. Then she picked the course stone back out of the bamboo stand, and handed that to him as well. “While I work on the charm, I need you to work on the string. Wrap it tightly around the limestone while picturing your power fading inside you; unable to reach anyone else.”
Luka nodded and began to do what he was told. Marinette pulled a needle-fine chisel from her pocket, and leaned close to the table. Muttering to herself, she flipped the snake charm to the smoothed back, and started to carve into the head. It only kept a few seconds, with her surface area so small, and then she held the tip of the chisel in the flame of the Northern candle beside her. With the tip hot, she again took to her carving, now slightly charring the wood around the etching. A few more seconds, and she pulled the chisel away, resting her left hand on the charm and muttering a couple more words.
Abruptly, she stood, and held the wooden charm at the very height of the Northern candle flame, just barely kissing the back of the charm with the heat of the fire. She then walked to the Eastern candle and did the same. She slid between Luka and the other collapsible chair as she again baptized the charm with the flame of the Southern candle.
Luka stopped his winding as he watched Marinette, so when she finished with the Southern candle she quickly tapped him in the shoulder, and pointed to the limestone in his hand. With a little start, he went back to winding the string around the rock, picturing himself playing his guitar on the deck of The Liberty without worrying about others within earshot. He was performing with Juleka in front of their friends. He was humming while making his deliveries around town. He was playing Marinette's song for her as she sat on the foot of his bed. It was all possible. Marinette was going to make it possible, because she was such an amazing girl.
Marinette finished her ritual by kissing the back of the snake charm with the flames of the Western candle, and sat back in her spot. She held out her hand for Luka to pass her the bound rock, and he complied, hoping he wrapped it tight enough and enough times.
“Luka Couffaine.” Marinette spoke as if she were presenting him with a metal: stern and distant, but still warm and encouraging. “Your animal guide is that of the Snake. They move quietly among others while exuding a magnetic energy that draws people to them. Snakes are well mannered, dignified, and charming. Snakes can weigh people up quickly and decisively, with a natural psychic ability that lends itself well to your power. Most importantly, Snakes never give in when there is a battle for something they believe in, and their incredible compassion makes them ready to help others. This is why I chose the snake charm for you.” She held it up, pinched between her thumb and forefinger.
She then held up the wrapped limestone on her left palm. “I also thought that perhaps you are an Earth Snake, and maybe you are, in part. Earth Snakes are serene, enjoy down-to-earth conversation, and are rarely roused to anger. Because of this, I had you twine this string around the limestone as a way of binding the protection of Earth into it.”
Marinette gently placed the stone on the table, making sure none of Luka's winding undid. She then rolled the snake charm onto her right palm, holding it out for Luka to see. “Instead, it is clear that you are a Wood Snake. For you, things must be in balance; in harmony. You care deeply for those in your life, but you still remain a bit of a loner. You possess kindness and compassion unlike any other Snakes influenced by the other elements. You are also far less egotistical than other Snakes may be. Despite the chaos you live in, Wood Snakes appreciate stability in their lives, in their family, in their friendship, and in their love. You have a firm foundation on which you can build a great life. This is why your charm is made of juniper wood. Juniper is an evergreen bush that thrives year-round; allowing you to equally thrive throughout the full year. Juniper is also a symbol of protection and purification; allowing your true talent to shine through without the influence of your Siren heritage.”
With a single finger, Marinette flipped the snake charm over. The back of it was blackened by the flames Marinette passed it through, but it still seemed sturdy; the natural flowery scent of the juniper stronger now. Tapping by the head of the snake, Marinette showed off her carving. It was a straight line running the length of the snake's head. Up by the neck, there was a smaller line, angled down and to the right at a forty-five-degree angle. By the nose, another small line – equal in length to the upper one – slanted up and to the left at a forty-five-degree angle. The symbol itself looked like a slanted Z reflected in a mirror.
“This is the Eihwaz Rune. It symbolizes the yew tree, for further protection from your home element. It is also a magical protector and facilitator. Its job is to absorb the magic your music spills out, and traps it for you.” Sitting back in her chair, Marinette placed a pair of scissors on the table, then began unwinding the string wrapped around the limestone. Once she had a strand about as wide as her chest – a few more lengths of string still bound around the rock – she laced the string through the looped body of the snake charm.
She then stood up, stone in hand and string stretched out before her. Walking around to Luka, she stood behind his chair. “Keep facing forward,” she instructed, “and imagine your music only moving people because of how good it is.” She lowered her arms on either side of Luka's head, so the string stretched in front of him as well. She leaned close to his ear, measuring the twine against his neck. “Picture playing for your friends. Hold that image in your mind.”
Marinette's breath on his ear made Luka only imagine her: a concert for one; the only one he painfully wanted to play for. Her song was now as clear as a recording, and his whole body softly vibrated in yearning. This magic charm will work. He will be able to play for her. She will hear exactly what he does whenever he's around her.
A few more coils of string were unwound from the rock before Marinette held it out for Luka. “Cut the string here, as close to the stone as you can.” He did as he was told, holding the loose end of the string so it wouldn't fall. Marinette then placed the stone on the table, collected the scissors from Luka, and accepted his end of the string. Again she walked the table, singing the ends of the string with fire from all four cardinal candles. Her task completed, she carefully tied the twine into an intricate knot to hold the charm in the center of the string.
Looping back behind Luka, Marinette draped the necklace across his neck. She nestled the charm within the notch between his collar bones, then held it in place with a light touch of her hand. Her fingers rested against Luka's hot skin, and he wanted them to stay there. With his eyes closed, he placed his hand on top of hers, and the world stilled.
Read Chapter 6
A LOOOOT of research went into this part.
For information on animal guides, the fact that the snake is kinda perfect for Luka, and the fact that there is no Air Snake (which is why that element was missing last chapter), I used the website Witches Lore.
I used the Learning Religions website to learn about bindings.
For learning about the Elder Futhark runes, I used The Rune Site.
Between those two sites, I discovered that the best type of wood that could be used for runes would be nut-bearing trees, so after researching THAT I decided that juniper was the best option, and used info from Tree Symbolism.
Luka’s charm is based off this one I found on Amazon. I then doctored it up, so this is, more-or-less, what Luka’s choker looks like.
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