#more junie content soon...
writingcold · 1 year
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Hi there - welcome to chapter 5!  If you’ve not been reading, you can find the master list here.  I decided to do a bonus post.  I love this chapter.  I needed Mr. Jacob to come back.
What did you think about our last chapter?  I think our friends are quite lovely.  We have a lot that happens in this chapter.
This is a work of fiction, and is totally mine.  Please do not take it for your own personal use.  I’ve put in hours of research, hours upon hours of writing, re-writing, screaming, yelling and vomiting over this epic of a story.  But it is mine.
Thank yous go out to @lvnterninthenight @gardensgatedaisy and @whitesuitjake
Content Warnings: Some angst and verbal arguing, Sam X Susannah smut.  Oh my.  Minors DNI.
Word count: approx. 8500 
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Chapter Five: Permanent Post, Junie’s Wedding - Cora
     Cora arrived in town at 7:20 in the morning.  The dark blue material of the outfit that Molly insisted that she keep back for Saturday, swished against her calves as the breeze had picked up.  She came to a stop before the shop door, clutch held calmly at her side.  She had barely slept: between her sister’s fear of her pending nuptials and speaking to Mr. Kiszka, her brain stirred with thoughts every few minutes.  Poor Junie flinched and jittered throughout the night.  Her dreams were plagued by the unknown of what she was to be as a wife to Mr. Archer.  If there was a way to shield her from her mother’s decision, Cora would have gladly been her knight and savior.
     Hearing the door’s bell ring behind her, she turned to greet her employer who stood with his typical toothy smile and warm eyes.
     “Good morning, sir,”  she said brightly.
     He admitted her and she moved directly to the register to place her light coat and purse down in the cabinet.  He politely waited for her to settle before he started to speak.
     “I have been impressed, Miss Janas, by your work this past week.  You are a very quick study,”  he said with his formal tone.  
     “Thank you, Mr. Kiszka,”  she said with a friendly smile.
     “Thanks to your new friend Molly, you have certainly grasped the expectation of attire as well,”  he continued.  “I must say, however, I’m disappointed that you have utilized the kindness of my brothers this week.”
     Her brows flinched, but she was able to keep any other emotion from surfacing.  Keeping her voice friendly, she said, “I can only blame my own ignorance, sir, that I did not fully realize the need for better shoes for the posting.  If you have decided to keep me, my priority will be to rectify the issue as soon as possible.”
     “You’re very well-spoken for a farm girl,”  he observed.
     “My father placed high importance on education, Mr. Kiszka.  He taught my sister and me to teach the other children of our family, not just to read but to enjoy a wide range of academia.”
     Mr. Kiszka nodded with a thoughtful look.  “Have you had any formal schooling?”
     Her cheeks colored against her wishes.  “No, sir.  Not school proper - just my father.  He did attend normal school, though.  He was a professor at a small college for a while.”
     “Sounds like you received a proper enough education,”  he remarked, the same thoughtful expression playing in his eyes.  “Aside from literature, what other subjects did he educate you in?  Mathematics?  Sciences?”
     “Arithmetic certainly.  He had me helping with the farm accounting before he passed, sir.”
     “You have bookkeeping experience?”
     “Yes, sir, but just the kind to keep the farm-”
     “No different than a business, Miss Janas.  I’m impressed all the more.”  He glanced at the large clock above her head, then checked it against his fancy gold pocket watch.  “I see no reason to continue your training post.  You have exceeded my humble expectations.”
     Her smile instantly brightened the space around her.  “Thank you, Mr. Kiszka.”
     “You are welcome.”  He moved towards the register to begin morning duties.
     “Sir, I do have one question,”  she said as she reached for her apron.  “Are employees allowed to purchase goods?”
     “It would save a trip to town for my mother if I could purchase our few needs here in town.  Of course, I expect to pay the full price, but-”
     “Oh,” he said sharply.  After a moment of thought, he nodded.  “Of course.  Place the items you need near your personal items - there should be room in that cabinet.  We’ll deduct it from your wages.”
     “Thank you, sir,”  she said with a nod.
     Renee walked through the door as he returned his attention back to setting up the cash drawer.  The girl’s eyes flicked to their employer before looking at her with questions in her eyes.  Cora grinned with a nod as her only conveyance that she was a permanent hire.  She settled into straightening and stocking the dry goods.  Renee worked on the display cases of baked goods.  By the time Mr. Kiszka opened the doors for customers, she knew it was going to be a busy day.  He retreated to his office with a “ladies” and a nod.
     The morning was fairly typical, lots of customers at first, then backing off midday to allow them time for cleaning, stocking and ten minutes each for lunch.  Cora took the reprieve to clean the wound on her foot, amazed that there was no pain as she unwrapped the bandages.  She reapplied the salve and rewrapped the wound in between bites of bread and butter.  
     The afternoon was busier than ever.  Cora found herself up and down the ladders.  Her foot was beginning to tire and stiffen, but she pushed herself.  Now that she survived the trial period, it meant that she would have to buckle down and hone whatever skills that she could to ensure that her tenure in the shop was never in question.  
     It was nearing five o’clock when the door swung open to admit Mr. Samuel and Mr. Daniel.  She was up on the ladder reaching for a bolt of fabric when Jacob's voice struck her ear.  She paused only for a moment, forcing herself not to stop or even to look in the direction she thought he would be in.  Instead, she made her way back to the ground to finish her task, the hem of her skirt swishing around her calves.  
     As she turned, she caught sight of him as he was closing the door to the office.  The heat coming off his face told her that there was an issue, however, there was a twinge in his eyes that made her stop completely.  Nobody had ever looked upon her in such fashion.  It was like he was seeing something within her that she could not cover and hide.  Before she could analyze further, he had closed the door and broken the spell that may have only lasted seconds, but she felt like it would be a lifetime to really discern the meaning.
     Minutes before six, Mr. Samuel and Mr. Daniel strolled out of the office.  Samuel looked particularly tight, like he was trying to figure out the hardest problem in the county.  Daniel, however, took a moment to share a smile as they made their way back out of the shop.  Renee was just finishing up sweeping, while Cora was aiding a gentleman with a large order to carry out his goods and wares.  She was lifting the last of the crates of dry foods for the man when she spied the twins at the back of the store.  Stepping out to the man’s wagon, she smiled warmly.  When she returned to the shop, Mr. Kiszka was handing Renee her wages for the week with a handshake.
     Cora's eyes were drawn back to the office door, but did not see Jacob anywhere.  Taking off the apron, she started to settle herself up for leaving.  She drew close to Mr. Kiska and pulled up the few items she had selected and an empty potato sack.  
     “This is all you need, Miss Janas?”  Mr. Kiska asked, eyeing the three cans of corn, two sacks of beans, two tins of dried beef, two jars of beets, a small sack of flour, a brick of lard and a few pieces of penny candy for them to indulge in.
     She knew the items would come out to $1.10.  She nodded as he was writing the ticket for her.  He reached into the drawer and withdrew two dollar bills.  When he tried to give her the money, she withdrew her hand.
     “I’m sorry, sir, that was not the agreed upon wage,”  she said, her brows pinching.  “With my items removed from my earnings, I should only receive seventy cents, Mr. Kiszka.”
     The smell of a fresh lit cigarette filled her nose and nearly distracted her.  Mr. Kiszka tilted his head as his eyes moved to Jacob who was moving behind her.
     “And if I say the extra is a tip?”  he asked with a raised eyebrow.
     “I would say that is not the agreed upon wage and a dollar thirty would be too generous to be considered a tip,”  she said with a nod.
     He smiled, but this time it was not the toothy smile he used in his business transactions.  It was warm.  Genuine.  “She’s quite sharp, isn’t she, Jacob?  Very well, Miss Janas.  I appreciate your honesty but I insist you take at least this to call your week square with me.”
     He took back one of the dollars.  She nodded and took it, although did not feel good about the extra thirty cents.  Cora smiled as she put the items into the empty potato bag.
     “We will see you here eight sharp Monday, Miss Janas,”  Mr. Kiszka remarked as he started walking back towards his office.  “You did really good work this week.”
     She put away her apron and retrieved her clutch before turning to find Jacob waiting for her at the main door.  He smiled as she came out from behind the counter.
     “Are you ready?”  he asked, taking her sack of goods to carry.
     She nodded.  They walked from the shop out into the crisp evening.  Her hand was tucked in the crook of his elbow as they moved together.  His car was waiting out on the boulevard.  She watched as he opened the door for her, setting her bag behind the seat before holding his hand out for her.  
     Straight home.  Jacob, unlike his younger sibling, drove straight to her home.  She did not have to remind him where to turn.  She did not have to remind him her family was waiting for her.  For the briefest of moments, Cora felt a little sad that her short time with Jacob was over.
     She watched as he slipped out his door and walked to her side.  Their eyes met when he held his hand out for her to take.
     “Thank you for bringing me home,”  she said, noticing that he did not let go of her hand right away.
     He smiled almost shyly, the evening light catching in his features.  “Thank you for allowing me to bring you home.”
     Cora watched as he reached around her to retrieve her grocery items, then held out his elbow for her to take.  Before they took a step, she paused.
     “I’ve been remiss, Jacob.  Thank you for talking to Mr. Kiszka about my posting.  I cannot believe he has made the position permanent.”
     “That was all you.  I never was able to speak with him.  You honestly impressed him.”
     She felt a blush cross her cheekbones as he grinned at her.  Her heart began to pound as he started to walk her to the door.
     “Perhaps I will see you tomorrow during church services,”  he said, his tone was warm, simple.
     Cora looked at him.  She had not realized that he had noticed her on Sundays.  He never seemed to see anything about her before.
     “I’m sure,”  she said with a nod.  “My sister marries tomorrow after regular services.”
     “Oh, happy celebration then.”
     She hesitated and his smile dimmed.  “No, you’re right.  Happy celebration.”
     “I was not aware you had an older sister.”
     “No.  It’s my younger sister, actually.”
     His brows pinched together like he was troubled.  “I see.”
     She felt the corners of mouth twitch.  When Cora looked up at him, she certainly tried to hide the hurt for her Junebug, but he saw it.  He looped one finger through her own and gave it a squeeze.  He handed her the sack of groceries before he stepped back.
     The door opened revealing her mother.  Jacob nodded to her with a pleasant “good night”.  Cora watched as he walked away.  Her body yelled at her to follow, but she turned towards her mother’s solemn form, handing her the sack of goods and the dollar she made.
     “At least that man had the sense to get you home for supper,”  she remarked coldly.
     Cora looked out at the automobile.  He had cranked the engine and was looking back at her from behind the wheel.  She held her hand up and he mirrored her before she moved inside the home.  The children were all at the table waiting.  Junie was filling the bowls with thin chicken stew.  Matthew, Jonathan, and George watched her as she hung up her light jacket to reveal the expensive material of her dress.  Junie grinned as she sat down, though the lightness of her expression waned in a quick fashion.
     Once they were all seated, they prayed and ate in silence.  Cora’s mind was on the night before that she had shared with her new friends.  She played the conversation through her mind.  It was a foreign concept to her that eating and interacting could be enjoyable and fun.  The joy they showed each other made her smile inwardly.  She found herself wondering if Jacob behaved like Samuel at meals - animated and happy, talking about the picture show or a piece of music he had heard, or perhaps even a story he had read.
     The curve of his red lips as he smiled echoed across her memory.  The way that curve appeared each time her eyes met his made her skin warm and her cheeks blush.  Clearing her throat, she sat up straighter and refocused on her simple meal.
     Looking over to her mother, another memory struck her mind.  One that drew her back before her father went to Europe to fight in that horrific war.  The memory was brief, probably lasted for a few moments, but it was startling in the way it struck her.  It was back when it was just her parents, herself, Junie, and Matthew.  There had been laughter.  Her father would tell them stories as they would eat.  His features would light with love and caring when he looked across his whole family as they hung on to each and every of his words.  That light was extinguished before he returned home.  Cora would always remember that the man that called himself her father had lost his grit years before his demise.       Cora noticed that her sister pushed around the stew in her bowl.  Whatever glimmer a bride should have in her before her wedding was not present.  Her mother had known some kind of happiness in her marriage.  The notion of not allowing her daughter to know that kind of emotion stabbed at her.  She wondered how long Rosemary would keep the yoke of the family in place on herself - until Matthew was old enough to earn a wage?  Until all the boys were gone?  Her mother did not hide the fact that she kept Cora from leaving to marry because she could not support the boys alone.
     The need to cry was overwhelming.  She realized that her mother was shunning her daughters from joy, just in two different manners.  To marry off Junie to a much older man ensured the girl would have a relationship that would never be equal.  Keeping Cora close to ensure she was viewed as too old to marry and keep her a spinster, void of knowing love.  A flash of mixed emotions crashed through her.  A glance to her mother, especially in the silence, would have sent her into a rage.  A look at Junebug would have sent her into despair.  Instead, she closed her eyes and moved inward.
     Jacob sitting in the Earl, his dark eyes upon her.  She should have run right back at him.  She should have told him to drive anywhere, just take her with him.  She was very aware that it was nothing but girlish fantasy, but the thought kept her from flying apart amongst the muted clanks and scrapes that was the only sound of their meal.  Her body felt the flame of her anger towards her mother and the iciness of sorrow for her sister.  Her mind provided her only escape - images of her week in the shop and the evolution of how Jacob looked upon her scrolled through her thoughts.  Frivolous lines of poetry began to pair with each frame, just like the picture show that her mother had allowed her to take Junie to for her birthday the previous autumn.
     “Junie, if you’re not going to finish…”
     Cora did not hear what her mother said as she continued to speak.  She instead looked at her sister who appeared defeated, head hanging forward.  The dread in the poor girl’s eyes did nothing to move their mother.  Reaching over, Cora took the bowl and rose up from the table to take care of it.  Rosemary scoffed, but she ignored her.  The boys were sent to go prepare for bed under their mother’s care, leaving the sisters alone.
     Cora allowed Junie to stay at the table.  The girl’s soft cries did not go unnoticed.  With care, she wrapped her arms around her sister’s frail shoulders, discovering she was trembling in her effort to stay quiet.
     “Oh, Junebug,”  she whispered before pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
     Her mother’s derisive snort from behind them made them both freeze.  Slowly, Cora rose up, keeping her hands on Junie’s shoulders.     “Why all this bother?  Mr. Archer is the president of the Northern Trust bank.  He may not be a terribly rich man, but tomorrow night, you will be living in a nice home with food in your belly,”  Rosemary said without covering the edge of her impatience.  “Your situation will be very much improved.  Even better than the plans that Cora thinks she has for the rest of us.”
     Cora felt her rage step to the fore.  Her skin sizzled from its heat.  “How can you be like this towards your daughter?  You can see Junie is frightened and you act like she should waltz into this situation like she asked for it.”
     “Scared of what?  A house that won’t flood when it rains and won’t be cold in the winter?  Or maybe it’s the real food that she will be able to prepare?  Oh.  I know what it is,”  her mother groused as the girls watched her incredulously.  “She must be afraid of having nice clothes and a respectable position in town?  Everything that you seem to be aiming for, Cora Rosemarie.”
     Cora swallowed hard.  “She’s afraid of not being loved,”  she said, surprised she was able to form the words.
     To further her surprise, her mother barked out a laugh.  It was harsh and horrible, distorting her features.  She glanced at Junie before sliding her hand into her sister’s.
     “Love?  What a stupid girl you are, Cora.  There is no such thing - not for people like us.”
     “You and Papa had it,”  she whispered as Junie’s body pressed up against her back.
     Her mother fell quiet, her eyes empty.  “Tolerance is what your father and I had.  Forget about what your Papa let you read in those storybooks, because there is no such thing.  He was a fool to let you think otherwise.”
     The girls folded against each other.  Junie pressed her cheek against Cora’s shoulder blade as she sobbed.  Cora bit into her lip trying to hold back her own tide, but failed.
     “Get supper cleaned up and get to bed, both of you.  I don’t want to see either of you until dawn.”
     Rosemary stomped out of the house leaving them sniffling behind her.  Cora, in her fury, lashed out at the air before wiping at her face.
     “Junebug,”  she said, voice rough.  “Come on, Junie.”
     The younger girl flinched as Cora pulled out her hanky and began to dry her cheeks.
     “Come on, Junie, it’s going to be well,”  she said with more determination.  “Let’s get this taken care of before she comes back.”
     Mechanically, they cleaned the tiny kitchen.  Cora’s heart sloshed around painfully as she watched Junie.  It was as if the light was dimming right out of her.  She took a moment to change the wrapping on her foot like Jacob wanted her to before they prepared for bed.  She heard her mother walk back inside just as they lay down.  Junie allowed her to pull her body in close, holding on to each other as exhaustion overtook them.  She closed her eyes in hopes of avoiding her mother.  Instead, she drifted into a shallow sleep, aware of Junie's soft cries.
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Chapter Five: Pt. 2, Susannah
     She smiled at the news.  Cora had won Joshua over on her own merit, that was something to be happy about.  What they did for her was nothing but window dressing, but it was what it would always be - an extension of friendship.  
     The sight of her walking from the store to Jacob’s car in the early evening made her heart trip a bit.  She watched from the upper window of the dancehall with Molly at her side.  The dark blue of her dress matched that of his car, a nice touch on Molly’s part, and one that did not go unnoticed by Jacob, she was sure. 
     The way he kept his eyes on her, the touch of his hand on her elbow as they crossed the street, the smile as he held the door for her.  It was as natural as breathing.  Molly was rambling on, but she could not look away from the spectacle of Cora and Jacob.  She wondered if either of them realized the shine that they gave off when they were near each other.
     “It would be one too many meddling incidents to help that situation out, wouldn’t it?”  she sighed as the auto moved out of sight.
     Molly’s grin made her feel squishy.  “I don’t think there’s going to be any meddling needed in that case, love.”
     Standing up, she went to the wardrobe to dig through the costumes for her shift.  Her head swam with ideas, but the edge of not wanting to interfere with what would obviously happen naturally if left alone was very present.  
     “Any of the black numbers tonight,”  Molly called from the door.  “Remember, Joshua wanted us to match the formal attire.”
     She rolled her eyes.  Susannah pulled the black dress with the slit that would end directly on her hip bone and the plunge of the neckline ended at her bellybutton.  She grinned at the memory of the last time, and only time, she had worn the satin number.  Samuel lost every shred of control by the end of the night and it was days before either one surfaced in the world.  
     Hair perfect with the flawless curl against her cheek and ostrich feather tickling her bare shoulder; makeup in place, and the final touches of the stark white gloves, Susannah was ready like she was going to battle.  Hiking down the private stairs that would lead her all the way to the speakeasy, she hummed softly to the faint music that would welcome her like an old friend the moment she slipped into the cramped space.  
     The dance floor was empty, save for Molly, who strutted and swirled and romped her sinful frame to the wonderment of everyone who would watch.  Her eyes strayed back to the table where Joshua would hold court for his family, only to find that he sat with Catherine in a frosty frame of a picture.  She watched as Josh turned to look at the woman, his face void of emotion.  There was a single word that crossed his mouth before she stood, mouth pursed.  Susannah would swear she just witnessed Catherine being cut away from the eldest Kiszka’s side, but when her eyes drifted back to Molly, she second guessed herself.
     Catherine walked past her without a word.  The woman’s eyes looked destroyed.  Susannah watched as the woman slipped through the door to the stairs and the relief that washed over her made her smile.  Done.  She could hear Josh say it - crisp and final.  She was so focused on events beyond the floor that she missed her cue.  
     Molly, ever in step, had her sexy stroll turned on and moved before her with a sultry sway of her hips.
     “Ready, baby girl?”  she asked loudly, ensuring those around them heard.
     Susannah blushed, but only for a moment.  “Take me out, Mama.”
     Molly grasped her hands, making a show of pulling her out to the main floor to cheering and wolf whistles.  She blew her friend a kiss as Molly twirled away at the closing notes of her own number.  Susannah retreated her thoughts to a quiet space, filled with tall grasses and the sound of a creek that she visited with Sammy the autumn prior.  It held the magic that would protect her from how her body worked through suggestive slides and luxuriant poses that showed her body in a manner that would make most women blush.  The music drove her muscles through it while her brain pictured her laying in the grass, her Sammy kissing her gently under the waning afternoon sunshine.  And before she knew it, her dance would be over.
     She felt her chest rise and fall as she gasped for breath.  The crush of people were clapping for her as she peeled herself from the floor.  The sticky heat of the room mixed with the clammy feel that she was always left with when her performance was complete.  Sam was waiting at the edge, a drink in hand waiting for her.  With the strength she had left, she sauntered over, making sure her long legs were seen along with the lacy garter and flash of her breast that had fallen from the security of her gown, as if it were a mistake.  People were so gullible and easily shocked, parting with their money to tip the poor girl who’s routine was always mired in some kind of slip that exposed her in some manner.  
     He did not say a word.  He only handed her the drink - whiskey, neat.  His eyes were nearly black, his body taut.  She sipped at the velvety liquid, her eyes steady on her man as he licked at his bottom lip.
     “Hey, daddy,”  she whispered, her voice low and sensual.
     It was the breaking point she needed.  He latched onto her wrist, glass falling to the floor.  He did not even bother to make sure she was decent before they were falling out onto the street.  Susannah’s heels clanked on the boards of the walkway quickly as she tried to keep up with the man’s long strides.  He pulled her all the way to her home, shoving through the door and kicking it closed behind them as his hands grasped her arms, shoving her towards the bedroom.
      “You think you can do that and not pay my toll, girlie?”  he asked as he practically ripped his coat off.
      “I love when you’re so needy,”  she cooed, taking down the zipper of her dress.
      He huffed as his vest, followed by his dress shirt, hit the floor.  “I’m not the one flaunting my titties all over like I need to be fucked proper.”
      “While that may be so,”  she said as he kicked off his shoes, “I’m not the one walking around with a bone the size of Texas, darling.”
      “That cock is about to split you in half,”  he nearly growled as he watched as her dress fell to a pool at her feet.  “Keep the heels on.”
      He tore her panties away, leaving the pretty garters, stockings and her shoes on.  She nipped at his neck as he slid out of his pants to reveal his dick, hard as rock and seeking her warmth.  He gripped her by the hips and pushed to the bed to sit.  She started to wiggle back, but he stopped her.  He bent, grabbing hold of one ankle and extending it up until it rested on his shoulder.  He leaned in, his large hand coming down against her cunt, pinching and pulling at her clit until she hissed.
       “Let it go, sugar,”  he whispered, his lips against her neck.
      Two fingers pressed into her entrance and her body quaked as his tongue lapped against the fragile skin beneath her ear.  He was so deft at bringing her to climax.  He coaxed it from her.  He bent his fingers just so, kissed her just right and the combination of having her melt at his feet was complete.  She came hard around his hand, her entire body losing its ability to stay upright.  He did not wait for her to ride her tide downwards.  He pulled her to standing, bending her over until her hands hit the floor.
      Her breath came in waves as she prepared herself for his pleasure.  His hands disappeared from her hips.  Reluctantly, she opened her eyes, looking between her knees to find him standing, looking at her folded over, totally open.  Their eyes met for a long moment.  
     “Samuel?”  she asked as she started to move.
      His hands came down on her to stop her.  He knelt with his knees in between her spread legs.  “Susannah, do you understand what you do to me?  Damn you’re so beautiful.”
      His eyes were soft as he took her in.  She reached back, running her fingers along his hardened dick, looking to give him something to feel.  He rolled his eyes closed before he leaned in against her, a chase kiss to her clit.  Sam hummed as a smile crossed his mouth.  
      He flattened out his tongue and gave her one long pass from clit to ass, sending shivers through her body.  He sucked one lip in then the other before doing it over again.  She mumbled a curse that she wasn’t even sure what it was as he set in to worshiping her pussy in the most delicious of manners.  His tongue danced languidly between all her points, taking his time to love each one.  The tip of his nose grazed across her ass cheek before his tongue pressed against the back entrance.  Her breath was coming in hard waves before cutting out completely at the feel of his teeth digging into the fleshy part of her ass with a groan.  
       He scooted his hips closer to her face without stopping his mouth.  She could only move a fraction, but it was enough to suck in the tip of his dick and pull hard.  He wrapped his hand around his shaft, pumping himself as she swirled her tongue the best she could as he continued to worship her pussy.  Sam began to bite the inside of her thigh as he picked up his own pace.  She sucked hard and his head tilted back as he groaned deep in his chest.  He licked the skin at the very top of her thigh before plunging back in, focusing in on her clit, switching between hard sucks and kitten licks that sent her crashing forward blindly towards another high.  He came hard with her, shooting into her mouth and across her chin as she cried out in pleasure.  Her knees crumpled under her own weight.  He caught her, bringing her down against him before kicking his legs out to lay her against him on the floor.
      Their heavy breathing was all that could be heard.  He snaked his hands across her waist and held her tightly.  “Love you, baby,”  he whispered, kissing the damp skin of her neck.  “You are so good for me.”
     “Good enough to take me to the picture show, walk in with me and not just meet me in the dark?  Good enough to take for a stroll through the town?”  she asked with a sad smile.    
     He passed a finger down her cheek.  “Soon enough, Susannah, we’ll be able to do that.  Just now…”
    She sighed as she turned away from him, reaching for her robe.  Before he could touch her again, she slipped away.  “I know, Sammy.  It’s just for now, not always.”  The words they had repeated to each other over the course of their eight months together.  Somehow, the words held less gravity than they once did.  Her heart felt dark as she tried to keep her back to him as he cleaned up and dressed.  A glance to him reinforced the idea that perhaps the words were feeling thin to him as well.       
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Chapter Five: Pt. 3, Cora
     Cora was up before dawn, slipping into her barn coat and boots.  She roused Matthew and they sleepily walked towards the Kilbourne barn.  The boy rubbed at his face as she pushed open the heavy doors.  Together, they pulled out the wagon.  Mr. Kilbourne appeared on his way to milk the cows.  He eyed her skeptically.
     “Coming back to me, girl?”  he asked as he waddled past.
     “No, sir,”  she said with a grin.  “I’ve earned myself a permanent posting.”
     He made a rude noise, but continued on.  Matthew stopped her before they moved towards the horses.  A look of annoyance crossed through his features as he seemed to draw up his shoulders.  For the briefest of moments, she saw her father standing in her brother’s space, and it sent a wistful breath across her lips.
     “Why are you and Junie so mad with Mama?”  he asked, holding onto her arm.
     “Not angry, Matthew,”  she sighed as she started to yawn.  “Just upset.”
     “I thought women wanted to get married,”  he said innocently.  
     She smiled warmly at her brother.  He looked so like their father with his chiseled jaw and dark brown hair.  “We’re all meant to marry and to love.  Junie…  Mama…”
     He made a face just like their father would when she struggled to find words.  Tears blurred her eyes as he reached for her shoulder.
     “Men have an easier lot in this life, Matthew.  At least when it comes to the affairs between men and women.  It’s been that way forever it seems,”  she whispered.  “Mother has had to make a decision that will give Junie a challenge, but will lessen the burden on the family as whole.  It was a difficult decision.  Of that I am sure.  But for Junie, it means that she must go her own path.  She has to do this alone.  She’s scared of what it may bring.”
     “If I could help you and Mama, you know I would, Cora,”  he said, his voice strong and sure.  
     “I’m sure Mama will be asking Mr. Kilbourne any day now to have you be paid for your chores,”  Cora remarked as her eyes moved back to the end of the barn where the farmer was working.  “You will be helping sooner than you think.”
     They got the two horses out and hitched up to the wagon before tying them off with feed bags.  Matthew was quiet at her side as they walked back down to the cottage until they were almost to the door.
     “I’m sorry that Mama was so upset last night,”  he said, his smile sad.  He paused as a sparkle moved through his eyes.  “Do you think that Mr. Jacob might be back with that automobile?”
     “You liked that one, huh?”
     “Yes.  It looked fast.”  He made to walk ahead, but stopped again.  “And I liked that he was kind to you.”
      Cora smiled as she watched him open the door for her just like a gentleman would for a lady.  She tousled his hair as she passed.  They sat down with bread and a smear of butter before getting ready for church.  She could hear Georgie rousing and moved to get him ready before her mother had to.  The littlest of them looked up at her with large dark blue eyes and arms raised for a hug.  She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him up despite him being half her size.
      Dressed in their church clothes, Cora helped Junie to tie her hair into braids that flattered her with delicate curls around her ears.  Their mother barely looked at either of them as they climbed into the wagon with Mr. and Mrs. Kilbourne on the driver’s bench.  Cora told herself that perhaps her words had sunk through the woman’s skull and made some semblance of sense to her, but she very much doubted it.  Instead, she sat with Georgie tucked into her left side and Jonathan in her right.  The boys were lulled back to sleep in the swaying of the wagon and long ride into town.   
     While Mr. Kilbourne aided his own wife from the wagon, he left the Janas family behind with a malign smirk.  Cora climbed her own way down with Matthew’s help then proceeded to help the others.  Their mother led the way towards the church, with Cora holding Junie’s hand tightly in support.  Her eyes strayed as they entered the hall, looking for Jacob and his brothers.  Mr. Archer approached with his two children in tow.  He politely said hello to the family.  Cora noticed that Junie was correct, though he spoke to her directly, he did not truly look at her, nor her face.  The oddness bothered her.
     Cora felt a tap on her shoulder and she turned to find Mr. Samuel and Mr. Daniel.  They greeted her warmly, much to her mother’s displeasure. To rub it in further, she turned from her sister’s future husband to say hello to the two men.
     “You look well,”  Daniel remarked with a warm smile.
     “I am doing very well, thank you,”  she said, nodding.
     “Congratulations on your posting,”  Samuel said with a huge smile.  “I knew you could do it.  You’re a total natural in that shop.”
      She smiled wide as Jacob came into her line of sight.  His dark suit made his tanned skin look rich.  He had not seen her yet, but the way he removed his hat, running his fingers over his hair to keep it out of his eyes made her insides feel warm.  
     “Cora,”  her mother called out.
     She smiled once again at Daniel and Samuel before turning back to her family.  They were walking with Mr. Archer and his children.  Though he walked next to her, the gentleman did not acknowledge his would-be bride.  She felt the pit of her stomach clench as she followed.  The man was talking about going to their home after the services for supper.  The family would be welcomed any time they were in town.  Junie tried to make mention that Cora was now working in town, but he just talked right over her like she was a child.  
     Taking their position in the hall, she sat down at the end of the row, her brain firing thoughts off so quickly that she could barely keep up with the shift in ideas.  The preacher’s wife and family appeared at the front and shortly after, the Kiszka’s and Mr. Daniel walked in from the back.  Her eyes trained on Jacob as he moved, his hat in his hands and his face turned in her direction.  She hoped that he had seen her, but was unsure as he took his place six rows in front of her family.
     Georgie started babbling and reaching for her.  Cora snuggled him close and he sighed against her face with his hands on her cheeks.
     “I miss you, sister,”  he whispered, pressing his nose against hers.
     She smiled as she put his head on her shoulder.  “I miss you too, Georgie,”  she said into his hair, breathing him in.
     The air in the hall grew uncomfortably warm as the preacher moved through the service.  Cora’s brain was not focused on the sermon at all.  Her hand held the youngest of her brother’s while her eyes were unfocused on the pew before her.  The man’s words held no importance.  The music was unmoving.  The coil that was being tightened in her chest made her want to grab hold of her siblings and run.  Instead, she sat like a good girl and pretended to be part of the faithful.  Her brain bent between being selfish and watching Jacob and the nuptials that would take place after the services.  
     Georgie looked up at her, his small, mischievous face bade her to turn her attention back to him.  She allowed him to crawl back up onto her lap, to which he was asleep in moments.  Locked into her place as the congregation began to dismiss, she glanced down the row, watching as Mr. Archer was standing up, his eyes trained to the front.  With all the movement, she did not see much until a soft tap on her shoulder drew her back to her edge of the pew.
     “Good morning, Cora,”  Jacob said as he crouched down, his hand landing on Georgie’s back, smoothing down his shirt until his fingers brushed her own, looping his pinky with her index.
     “Good morning,”  she breathed, feeling the heat rise on her cheeks.
     “Mr. Kiszka,”  Mr. Archer called from behind her.
     Jacob did not rise to meet the gentleman at first.  His gaze dropped away, annoyance appearing at the corners of his mouth.  He stood, his professional disinterest forming in his features.  He did not offer his hand at first.  Cora noticed that his jaw tightened when he finally reached out to take Mr. Archer’s offered handshake.
     “Mr. Archer,”  Jacob said.  He returned his gaze to hers, but it was not the same.  “I shall see you tomorrow, then.”
     She looked back at the corner of the pew as Georgie roused dreamily.  She turned to look behind her, seeing him stop to speak with Sam and Daniel.  He kept his back to her, but she saw that he turned his chin to his shoulder.  
     “Sister,”  Georgie whispered in her ear.
     “I got you, baby,”  she cooed.
     The preacher and his wife were walking towards their family, their round faces filled with what Cora assumed was to be joy.  Pastor Butterman was all hands on Mr. Archer as he shook the man’s hand and patted his shoulder.  His eyes fell to her mother with a nod before finally moving to her.
      “So this is the bride, then,”  he started, beaming towards her.  “Miss Cora, you are looking very happy today!  I am sure your whole family shares this sentiment.” 
      Cora’s mouth opened but no sound came out.  Instead her eyes darted back to the last spot that Jacob had been in, finding that he was now looking back at her, having heard the voice of the minister carry.  Jacob’s dark eyes were hardening on the situation as she shook her head, near panic choking her to silence. 
      “No, sir,”  her mother finally said, pulling Junie closer to her.  “Junie is our bride today.”
      So many of the words that had crossed her lips over the past days were hanging on her tongue.  The wrongness of the moment pierced her.  Georgie must have felt her stress and wrapped his hands tight around her neck.  Cora fought with herself.  The look on her mother’s face was stern, making her rethink what she wanted to voice.
     The preacher hesitated.  “Right.  Junie, what a blessed day this is for you and us all.”
     He took her sister’s hand and motioned for Mr. Archer to follow.  Cora set Georgie down and took him by the hand.  She felt her heart slog in her chest as she followed behind the family.  She wanted to scream and fight for her sister to stay with the family and not marry a complete stranger.  She wanted to slap her mother to force some sense into the situation.  
     Instead, she stood like a coward, heart in her throat while Junie looked like she was going to vomit.  The preacher was droning on about happiness and love.  Cora made a  sound that made him stop.  She kept her eyes down, but the pause made her have a bit of satisfaction.  The man continued on, talking about commitment and loyalty - loyalty that the families can share as they become one family instead of two.  Her stomach flopped at the notion.  
      The ceremony was over before she knew it.  Junie’s terrified eyes met hers for the briefest of moments before Mr. Archer kissed her mouth with a quick peck.  Cora could not hide the curl of disgust as her sister seemed to recoil.  Rosemary smiled at the minister as if in triumph.  Somehow, Cora knew that Junie was broken inside.  Her big sister did nothing to come to her rescue.  Instead, the family turned away, making their way from the church hall into the day beyond.  Mr. Kilbourne and his wife were already back to their wagon, waiting.  Cora’s mouth dropped when her mother told Mr. Archer that they needed to be moving along.  They would have to visit another day.
       Grabbing her sister into a hard embrace, Cora whispered into her ear.  “Junebug.  I love you.  I treasure you so.  Keep that close.”
       She nodded, eyes on their mother who was already in the wagon with the boys.  The coolness of the woman’s face stoked the fire within Cora.  Matthew moved to edge, sitting down to provide her some support to climb up and take her place.  Georgie crawled into her lap, his little face moving until he was nose to nose with her.
      “Where’s Junebug?”  he asked with all the seriousness that a six year old could muster.
      Cora swallowed.  “She has her own home now, baby.  Perhaps she’ll visit us soon.”
      “When you go to your own home, will you take me?”  he asked, his hands pressing against her cheeks.
      She sucked in a breath, startling the young boy.  He threw his arms around her neck and held on tight.  Her emotions that she had reigned in through the day were breaking loose.  Her mother’s face grew hard.  Cora found herself not caring.  Georgie’s hands patted her back and he hummed a tune that was meant to be comforting as she wept for her sister.  Matthew’s hand slipped into hers.  She looked at her eldest brother and for a moment, it was her father looking back at her.  Her heart hurt.  Her mind hurt.  She knew if her father had been there, things would not have been much different.  In all likeliness, she would have been married to a man she did not know.  She more than likely would have had a baby already.  Blowing out a breath, she trained her mind onto the day to come.   
      When the night came, and she was alone, cleaning the supper dishes, her hands came down on the wash tub.  If given the opportunity, she would choose Jacob.  He may still have been a stranger, but he at the very minimum showed kindness.  He showed interest.  She could only imagine what her sister was facing at that moment in a strange house, with a strange man, and expectations that she had no idea how they fit in with her own existence.
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Chapter Five: Pt. 4, Molly
      When Molly roused, Daniel was gone.  She sat up, listening for anything in the house, but there was no sound.  Her brows pinched as she slid out of bed, grasping for her robe.  The stillness bothered her.  Sunday.  She hated the idea of Sunday.  Danny was required by Joshua to attend church services to keep up their appearance of being good businessmen, no matter what.  
     There was a light tap on her door as she was fixing a kettle.  Susannah peeked her head around, the same weary look on her face.  
     “Hey, baby doll,”  Molly said in a welcome, pointing her to sit at the table.  “Eggs?”
     “If you’re fixin’ them, sure,”  she sighed.
     Molly did not like the look that shone in her friend’s eyes.  It was a common look that appeared frequently.  Fishing out a few eggs and a heavy cast iron pan, she set into fixing breakfast.  She waited until they were sitting down with food and coffee before them to ask what was going on.
     “Have you ever wondered when we’ll be respectable enough to go to church with them?”  she asked, hands folded in her lap.  “Sure, we’re all right to take to the diner or the cafeteria.  But anywhere else?  We’re hidden, Mols.”
     Molly took a sip of her coffee, eyes hard on the table before her.  She hated that Susannah could openly ask such a question.  She could not even form the words in her brain that there would ever be a time that Danny would deny that she would be part of him.  That was not the truth, not fully.  Sundays.  Sundays belonged to nurturing their personas in the public.  The four of them would attend church, visit others who were in their sphere - other businessmen and their families.  They would travel all over the town through the day as a group.  As they were bachelors, it was never expected for them to host anyone - why would they invite people to their home that was in the center of the row of mansions on the way out of town?  Instead, they sat and conversed with those that were the pillars of the community as if their wings did not hold the soot of the underbelly they fed on a nightly basis.
      “I hate Sundays,”  Molly grumbled before shoving eggs into her face.  
      “I know I should feel stupid for even thinking this, but, really?  When will we be able to walk on the arms of our men?  They love us.  Isn’t that enough?”  Susannah whispered sullenly.
      She blew out a long breath.  Shaking her head, Molly dragged her teeth across her upper lip.  “Unless we leave this town with them, I do not think that will happen, love.  Too many men have seen…  our act.  Joshua would never allow their current reputation to be tarnished.”
      “I don’t understand sometimes why we need to be ashamed of our work, when half the men in this town have been there cheering us on.  Aren’t they just as tarnished in that sense?”  she grumbled.
     Molly nodded sympathetically, but knew this was an argument waiting to happen.  Instead, she kept to her coffee and finished her eggs.  She adored her friend, but the moods that overtook her at times were dark and complicated, there was no winning until her cooler thoughts returned.  
     Susannah helped to clean up then drifted back to her own home next door.  Molly rummaged around her rooms, straightening up, pulling out the week’s clothes.  She found pieces that would look good on Cora and set them aside to perhaps spend some time fixing them for her newest friend to wear.  It also meant more to do to keep her busy until Danny returned.
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Hope you liked this little bit longer chapter. Next week will be different - a chapter only for Cora - but you won't want to miss it! Hearts will be fluttering. I do have a tag list, you can join here or just let me know
@lvnterninthenight @doodle417 @luverleaver @jakesgrapejuice @fictional-duchess @whitesuitjake @milkgemini @positivegvfthings @songbirds-sweet @streamingcolors-gvf @gretavanbitches @samsurfgreenbass @joshkiszkas-admin @gardensgatedaisy @babyhoneygvfarchive @myownparadise96 @josh-iamyour-mama @starcatchercarol @loveisonaroll @jakesstarlight @myownparadise96 @reesetrippingthelight @kyrose11 @builtby-gvf @ignite-my-fire @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @wetkleenex-gvf @gold-mines-melting @starsasone @puzzle-gvf @mysticalstarcatcher @montenegroisr @takenbythemadness @brookes-so-done @way-to-go-lad @cal-a-bungaa @lightmylove-gvf @thewritingbeforesunrise @leftjudgeempathsuitcase @brokenbells11 @imborrowedshesblue @vanfleeter @sammysvanfeet @jakekiszkasbuttsweat
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juniper-pines · 1 year
Help Please! Commissions! Art for Doodles! Drive to Immediately Stabilize!
So I have a little under 80 days as of this writing to make about $8,000.00 - $10,000 USD
I have been struggling without work. Unpayed bills from the past few months have piled up. I've lost so much already, and I'm at risk of losing even more. On top of that, I need to move halfway across the country by the end of October, since the family I'm staying with is moving out of the country. I can't really follow them with my financial situation.
This escalation happened about a week after I had finally reached a point where I'm able to complete commissions and take in new ones. So now I have additional plans and schedules and stuff that need to be done... Additional money needs to be made, and fast, before I can settle into a more sensible work flow.
So... I'm doing everything. EVERYTHING! Whatever I can do! It's crunch time x1000!
The Quick Summary:
I have a Carrd now! There, you can find links to all my socials, Patreon, Ko-fi, GoFundMe, the form for requesting Commissions or Doodles-For-Donations and Monthly Patreon Doodles, and more! Check it out: https://juni-p.carrd.co/
My Patreon has been updated and makes sense finally! Monthly Doodles can be requested from the form at the bottom of the Commissions page on my Carrd for each monthly Patreon contribution!
You can request Doodles-For-Donations on that same form if you're donated anywhere! Ko-fi, Patreon, wherever! Check out the bottom of the Commissions page on my Carrd for info and a link to the form!
Commissions are open for requests right now! I'll start taking new ones very soon, so get your requests in! Look for the form link on the bottom of my Carrd's Commissions page!
My GoFundMe is still available, and has been updated with info about the move and such. You can read that for more info about it all and donate if you're feeling generous <3 (Also, this still counts for Doodles-for-Donations, too, if you want!)
Soon I'll have a store! With stickers and stuff! Maybe even shirts! I'll send out notifications when there's merch and stuff up, and the links will be up on my Carrd too!
Lots more specifics below, so keep reading! And thank you in advance for any help!
I have an income tracker on the Carrd, under News. When I hit a milestone, I'll be doing something special! ...though I haven't figured out what the special thing is just yet! Pls let me know if you have ideas. I wanna make it nice b/c TYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYthankyou~
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All Patreon backers now get a Doodle per month! Details and request form are on the Carrd! It's the same form as Commissions, so just make sure you pick the "Patreon" option, okay? I'm still thinking of what other incentives I can put on there. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know! I really appreciate y'all so much~
KOFI and Donation Doodles!
Like the Patreon doodles, but for one-time donations and things like that I'll be doing these whenever I'm on stream, too, so come say hi! Same request form! It's all on the Carrd!
Commission Requests are open!
I'll be taking new ones soon, once I get more of my backlog done, so if you want a commission, get your requests in! Pricing and details all on the Carrd! I'm working hard <3 <3
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Also I'm doing Animations now, too! And YCH stuff soon! I'm excited about it!!! :D :D :D Pic related to both <3 (Thank you X!!!)
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My GoFundMe's been updated to explain my situation some, and to help give me some relief from the amount of work I now have to do in such a short time. Shares, reblogs, etc, are just as appreciated as the donations. Thank you <3
I'm also opening a RedBubble with stickers and prints and stuff!
I don't know what to put there yet, but I already have the storefront and such. More to come soon, of course <3 It's empty at the time of posting, but there'll be stuff there soon!
Finishing commissions comes first, of course~
If you read all of that, TY
I am going through the climax of this whole ordeal I've been in for the past few years and/or most of my life Honestly, the uncertainty hitting such a high is scary, but I'm gonna do my best ( TuT)9 My DMs on Discord are always open if you have any thoughts or questions, okay? TY, everyone, for sticking with me through it all <3
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hanawrites404 · 1 year
Do u have favourite ocs from your mutuals? I know u like Farris but is there any more ocs u simp or like from other friends?
I'm glad you asked, Anon! But get ready because it's a lot uehehehehhe...
@aesopsbaby : I like all of their characters but my favourite has got to be Nathan. I dunno! I like that old-fashioned lover boy vibes lol. I would wanna see more of him.
@naciela : Sir, she is the queen of making hottest characters and this syndrome is so bad that I would have to name a whole list of family whom I like 😭. But for now, I would stick to two of her characters. That is, Li Shui and Raafa.
@kumaronoa : KAI!!!! KAI!!!!! KAI!!!!!
and he has a free pass of stepping on me fr. Jen is a legend herself. Good art but also good characters?! Get a load of her!
@babufactory : They are also one of the artist friends whom I really enjoy. I have watched their streams and it's honestly a vibe jam. Of course, I would have to go with Nielh as my favourite. They are a very well-written and sexy character and I love that so damn much.
@boiling-potato : I'm very sorry but I seriously gotta mention the sweet potat herself, okay? Other than Farris, I also enjoy Luke and Cyrus. Talking about the girls, I absolutely adore Ink (and Lunie too. I miss her bitter face fr 😭)
@boundinparchment : Karina My Beloved, please marry me. I have a ring pop to offer~
I mean, yes! Juni's characters are very deep and likeable. I like how much love and effort she puts in all of her characters. It's very intresting and enjoyable to watch them through their stories how they bloom and wilt and bloom bigger than ever! If you are to search ‘character development' in urban dictionary, Juni's name is ought to be there.
@the-soupiest-artist : I!!! ABSOLUTELY!!! ADORE!!! HER!!!! CHARACTER!!! DESIGNS!!!!
There is just something about her art that really draws me in. It's not only the character development but also I love how enthusiastic Layne is! And honestly it would pain me to choose a favourite out of her characters. But if I'm very obliged to, I would take the horny bastard, Sebastièn.
@honey-para : That priest dude from the unholy trinity? He has my heart, sir. He can step on me and drown me in holy water, I will not complain.
Honey can take any fandom and turn it magically sexy by their bomb art, prove me wrong. They have literally sucked me in through their fandom content, it's addictive 😭!!!
@kerwixi : ANOTHER UNDERRATED ARTIST!!! I enjoy their works too!! They have cool character designs and colour schemes. I honestly like Navere the most. And since Fontaine is soon about to arrive, I anticipate him shining more!
@vodyaniks : Crow aesthetic? Check. Lovecraftian elderich horror? Check. The coolest artist around? Check!
Y'all have a full package of a super cool person right here, lovelies! Plus, they have a lot of OCs but my favourite is Maya (pls marry me).
I think that's all I can recall. If I have forgotten anybody, I'm very sorry AHH. If y'all are reading this, I LOVE Y'ALLS OCS AND EACH OF THEM GET A WEDDING RING POP FROM MEEEEEEE!!!!!
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umbralsound-xiv · 17 days
Prompt #7 - Morsel
Character: Eir
Age: 120
Location: The Bozjan Southern Front, 4, Seventh Astral Era
Warnings: None
An apple had never looked so tempting before, in all the cycles he had lived. Presented to him with gloved hands under the dim light of the barracks, Eir's eyes hadn't known where to look.
"You... You got this for me...?" Eir asks, swallowing dryly as soon as the words had left his lips. A long sun of delivering messages had left him parched and hungry, and Juny had quietly requested a moment of his time before the rest of their detatchment returned.
"I did." Juny beams. He holds out the apple more pointedly, and when Eir doesn't immediately reach to take it, he instead reaches for the Viera's hand, settling the fruit within.
"I... Do not know what to say..." Eir manages, gaze averted and cheeks a little red. "It has been cycles since i have seen one, much less tasted one. Are you sure...?"
The question is barely finished before Juny shakes his head. "I'm sure." He beams, wide, pale eyes closing in some manner of contentment as his tail swished back and forth.
"Juhni'a..." Eir looks as though he might cry, but swallows the emotion away, tucking the rosy red apple to his chest. "How... How did you get this...?"
A small, nervous laugh leaves him, then. But the prideful grin is enough for him to raise his head with a short wiggle of his ears. "I... May have relieved it from a fruitbowl in some important meeting or another. They won't miss it, and not even appreciate it half as much as you would. I'd have stolen the whole fruit bowl if i could have gotten away with it!"
A small huff leaves Eir, then. Flattered and a little flustered, he looks to the Keeper before him. "...Thank you."
"...It was the least i could do, Angeir." He replies, smiling as Eir takes a bite from the apple. "...Happy Namesday."
It was the sweetest apple he'd ever tasted, he was certain.
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daegudrama · 1 year
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Title: Together Tomorrow As Well
Pairing: Yeonbin
Summary: In which Soobin never debuted due family tragedy and is trying to regain the friendship he once had with the other members.
Word Count: 3,045 Words
The pictures of Tomorrow by Together on my twitter are tormenting me right now. I miss them so much, but even if I tried to reach out I doubt they'd want to talk to me after what I did. 
I'm not sure what I thought I was doing when I made a fan account for the band I was supposed to be a part of. Add onto the fact that my username is @yeonjunsexbf and that proves I'm fucking insane. Not even Kai knows I have this account and for some reason I've gained a huge following. Of course, I haven't revealed my face and don't ever plan too. 
Way too many moa know my account but no one has figured out I'm the mysterious fifth member that has been blocked out of all predebut content. No one will recognize me because they re-recorded and reshot everything for debut when I left. They had to push back months and I feel horrible everytime I think about it. It was out of my hands I had to leave and that meant cutting off my closet friends.
Today I want to repair the damage I've caused over the last year and a half. It's a fool's dream to hope they will forgive me. When I had to leave I was in a bad place and at the time I felt like it was best to cut off contact with everyone. I settled my contract, paying an ungodly amount of money, so I could be with my family. 
Yeonjun's serious face appears as I scroll down my timeline. I remember him smiling a lot more when I was there. Kai tells me he isn't the same, but he's okay now. He doesn't talk about me constantly or try to find ways to contact me anymore. The boys have encouraged him to date but it's futile. They are so busy it wouldn't work. We worked because we were together all the time and understood what the other was going through. 
Regret lives in my body every day for breaking up with him like I did. My pride gets in the way of trying to fix it and at this point I'm not sure he'd even speak to me at all. I've asked Kai about it but Yeonjun won't say anything about me. They try not to say my name. Kai makes it seem like the boys try to pretend that I don't exist. I suppose that's what I deserve because I did the same thing to them. 
I click the tweet of Yeonjun to see the replies. One from someone with a Kai layout says, 'is it just me or did juni look happier and smile more predebut?' There is a lot of replies like and a few defending Yeonjun. I'm very careful about what I tweet. The less personal information about me or the boys I say the better. I've jumped in on theories occasionally even made a joke AU once but I try to not give too many opinions. My heart hearts thinking I might be the reason he has less smiles now.
An alarm rings on my phone reminding me I need to leave soon if I want to get the venue on time. Buying tickets to their one year anniversary show was much more stressful than I thought it would be. That makes me proud. They have had so much success that I wonder if it would be the same with me. Maybe it's best I had to leave. 
My twitter followers know I'm going to the show but none of them know what I look like and I'm wearing a mask and cap just in case. I thought about texting my old manger but I'm not sure that's the best idea. I want to have the option to chicken out and if I contact him I won't be able to. 
Yeonjunsexbf: Might do something stupid today pray for me 🤪
I tweet as I walk towards the cab I've called. I'm instantly flooded with replies asking if I'm already at the venue and what I'm going to do. I decide not to answer until one of my closer mutuals says,
CrownTaehoney: This better be about your ex S,,,
I've talked about Yeonjun and the boys, without naming them. Mostly I talk about how much I miss them and wish things could be like they used too. This mutual has reached out and we've spoke about it in more depth. They want me to have closure or to rekindle the friendships. I'm the one that treated them badly because my world was turned upside down.
Yeonjunsexbf: coincidentally it might be. No further questions pls 
In the car Kai texts me asking why I'm in the same city as them. I posted a view from my window with a location tag on it last night wondering if he'd reach out. Kai has been my best friend practically since the moment I met him. When I tried to cut him off he refused and was more persistent than the rest. I let him in because I needed someone, but I wasn't ready to have everyone. He's the only member I've kept contact with. 
Soobin: I'm visiting a friend
Kai: I'm not stupid. Are you coming to the show?
In true post leaving bighit fashion I ignore his texts and go back to twitter. People are already inside and frantically tweeting about the stage setup. Accounts I follow are meeting each other and I wish that was possible for me. 
The staff outside doesn't recognize me and I get into the venue without a hitch. I take my front row seat and hunch over my phone. I don't talk to the people around me while I wait for the show to start. 
Yeonjun is the first to enter the stage and my heart races as my ears are filled with screams. He's just as pretty as the last time I saw him in person. Maybe even more so now. He looks happy and healthy something most pictures of him don't show these days. His hair is still a light blue color and they are wearing matching outfits. 
The other boys look over the moon to be preforming for their moas. I'm so happy to see the people I once called my best friends doing what they love. Each of these boys are so talented and deserve so much. I had to leave and of course I wish what caused me to go away never happened.
I keep my mask on for nearly half the show before lowering it only when I get too hot from jumping around. It's interesting hearing songs I once sang being done without me. It gives Kai more room to shine and my become misty when he sings Our Summer. They move on to another dance and that's when I'm spotted.
One moment they are in synch dancing flawlessly then the last person I would expect stops. Yeonjun freezes staring me dead in the face and I hear my name echo through the venue. In the next second Taehyun has pulled his shoulder and he's back dancing flawlessly with a confused look on his face. 
The fans around me are muttering wondering what the hell just happened. Yeonjun is the last person anyone expects to stop dead in the middle of a performance. He hasn't seen me since I got the news from my mother. I packed up and left the dorm before they could get home from rehearsal. 
Before the song is over a staff member comes to my seat. I recognize him, he often worked security for the building when I was a trainee. His eyes sweep over my face and body confirming that I am in fact Choi Soobin. 
"Would you please come with me?" The staff member asks and I look beside me to see three girls freaking out. They must think I'm lucky but they don't know what I'm about to go through. I'm sure they think I'm about to live a Y/N fantasy but that's probably the furthest thing from the truth.
"Of course. Lead the way." I stand following the staff member through the aisle and back around to get backstage. 
It's darker back here and smells vaguely wet. The walls are concrete and I feel a sort of excitement finally being backstage. I never preformed a real show with them because I left just before our debut.
I wonder where is taking me when we arrive at the green room. He leaves me beside hair and makeup artists. They don't speak to me but I can see surprise on their face. The stylists know me; they dressed me for months.
I open twitter to see my timeline tweeting about Yeonjun stopping and saying my name. People are mentioning me asking if I have a better angle of the video because they know I was in front. Some are accusing me of being the person who made Yeonjun freeze. I think about privating my account but that would look too suspicious. Moa are worried that Yeonjun has taken a secret lover.
After a few minutes of awkward silence Taehyun bursts into the room looking ready to lunge at me. Kai holds him back while I hear Beomgyu yelling in the hallway. 
"Yeonjun no! Come here!"
Taehyun starts shouting at me just like I deserve, but that doesn't make it hurt less. His face is red already covered in sweat from dancing. Taehyun struggles against Kai's grip but he won't let go.
"Why did you do this to him?! To me, to Beomgyu?You could have reached out to us! You have no idea what we've gone through trying to help him get over you. If you're just going to leave again then don't even try talking to us." Taehyun relaxes from his tense stance falling to the floor. He looks up at me with sad eyes. "He's like a shell of a person without you. We all understand you needed to leave but you didn't have to cut us off like we didn't mean anything to you."
"I'm so sorry. Please understand-"
"Taehyun, Kai you have to change." One of the stylists says pulling them away to another room.
I'm sat there waiting for them to come back, watching them from the screen in the room. Yeonjun is putting on his best happy face and if I didn't know any better I'd think it was real. 
"He only looks like that on stage. Moa make him really happy otherwise he's been very moody." The make up artist to my left says like I need more of a guilt trip.
This isn't what I imagined my life would be. I should be on the stage next to my best friends answering questions from Moa. I trained so hard only to have something earth shattering happen so close to debut. I had to go home and help my family, staying here would've been the most selfish thing I could do. 
When my sister died I wasn't thinking straight. I couldn't breathe or form a coherent thought. No one's words could help me or make me feel better. It's been a year and a half and I'm still distraught but my emotions are more stable. I've realized how many people I hurt.
I packed all my things and left without a word to my members. They knew what happened because I was told at dance practice. I didn't have the mental capability to keep my relationships with them alive at the time and I regret that every day. My mother said I should stay but I knew that wasn't what she really wanted. 
We paid off my contract so I could go home and rebuild my family. Yeonjun tried to text me and call me but I couldn't handle picking up the phone. My every thought was filled with my poor sister. I wish I could give her one last hug and tell her how much she inspired me. 
We broke up over text because I refused to answer the phone. I know how horrible that is and I feel like a jerk every time I think about it. They gave me space for awhile before trying to contact me. I changed my number so they'd stop calling. The last thing I wanted was to feel more sadness. 
"Yeonjun is waiting for you in the hall." Kai says sometime later. "Please be careful."
I nod my head hoping I won't hurt anyone more than I already have. Yeonjun is waiting just outside the door. He must have started crying the money he left the stage because his face is covered in tear tracks. 
The first thing he does is unexpected. He pulls me into a hug and cries onto my shoulder. I rub his back trying to pull away to a more private area.
"I'm so sorry for what I did. You didn't deserve any of that. What I was going through is no excuse for how I treated you."
We walk into a small room that has clothes in it and I shut the door behind us. I wipe the tears from his eyes and my heart is threatening to beat out of my chest. 
"I've spent every day since you left hoping that things could go back to normal. All I wanted for so long was our relationship to be the same, but after awhile I want you in our group more. Being a leader is hard and it's not the same without you." Yeonjun slides his back against the wall lowering himself to the floor. "I miss you and it's annoying. I can't get over a guy I dated for less than a year. You broke my heart into a million pieces but I know if I could find all the pieces and put it back together I'd let you do it all over again."
"I'm so sorry I hurt you." I say squatting in front of him. I sweep a piece of hair out of his eyes and realize my hand is shaking. "I miss you too and I know I don't deserve a second chance but all I want is to make amends with you and the other members."
His eyes shine with hope but the remaining tears remind me of the pain I've caused him. I must be careful because I only have one shot to make it right. The last thing I want is to cause anyone more pain. I want my boyfriend back and my best friends. 
"You left us hanging like we meant nothing to you. You changed your phone number and blocked us out. We wanted to be there for you because we thought we were your best friends." He sighs sitting up straighter as he continues, "Then you started talking to Kai and not the rest of us. That hurt so much. How did you tell me you love me when you couldn't even pick up the phone to properly breakup with me." 
"I was in a very bad place mentally but that doesn't excuse how I treated you and I'm sorry. You deserve serenades and thousands of roses spelling out your name not being broken up with through text." I look into his eyes taking a deep breath. "I've thought about every day since I left and lord knows I tried to stop but I can't. You mean too much to me and I know I'll have to earn your trust back, but that's all I want. Just a chance."
We talk for a few more minutes before Beomgyu finds us. Beomgyu doesn’t look as mad as Taehyun did but there is definitely resentment in his eyes. All I want is to fix this.
“Come back to our hotel with us.” Taehyun says moments later when the rest of the members have joined us. “We need to talk.”
And that’s what we do for the rest of the night. I order food for everyone and we have deep discussions about what happened over the last year. Of course, I know what’s happened with them Kai keeps me updated. They don’t know that I’ve been working at a bakery and still writing music. 
We talk about the possibility of me rejoining the group but I don’t think it’d be fair for me to do that. The four of them have worked so hard re-recording and making it through their rookie year, it’d be wrong for me to jump on the success they’ve made. 
“I’ll be real it doesn’t feel complete without you.” Taehyun says quietly looking out the dark window behind me. 
“It’d be hard since I already dropped my contract. I’ll see what I can do, but it feels wrong jumping in on your success.” I rub my hands together nervously.
“We wouldn’t be here without you.” Beomgyu says leaning against the headboard. “You were our glue predebut and after the pain you cause was our main source of motivation.”
I motivated them by leaving? Sadistic. Did they want me to realize how good they could be without me? That would make sense but now they want me back. I doubt I’ll be let back into the company but at least I have my boys.
“Can you guys go in the other room?” Yeonjun asks when it’s nearly 12 a.m.
Kai raises his eyebrow at me but without a word they file out of the room. I’m left alone with my ex boyfriend who I still love dearly.
“I know I’m probably getting annoying at this point but I’m so sorry.” I say standing as I start pacing the room confining my babbling. 
I’m cut short when Yeonjun catches my shoulder turning me around so he can kiss me. Fireworks erupt in my chest and my head feels fuzzy. It’s been so long since I kissed someone I had forgotten how amazing it feels. It’s soft and short when he pulls back he looks surprised like he’s shocked he did that. 
“It’s going to take awhile but I want it all. I miss you so much and I don’t want to spend another day without you.”
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ministarfruit · 3 years
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aa5 spoilers // hey old friend. we've been here before
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bigkpopstan · 2 years
txt being face fucked
18+ content, 18+ only.
warnings; sub txt, graphic depictions of oral, talks of strap/cock, hair pulling, dacryphilia, bed/pillow humping mention, bratty sub txt talk too, exhibition/semi public sex, messy/gaging too, facial talk, I think that’s all; if I missed anything tell me.
- god please he’d look so gorgeous
- his eyes rolled back or making eye contact
- a moan every time your hips thrust into his face and your strap/cock hits the back of his throat
- he prefers to be either on his knees or be laying on the bed when you fuck his throat
- mostly the bed bc he can grind down into it and on his knees bc it’s more denial of his own pleasure on certain days
- watery eyes, trust me half the time he bobs his head as if he’s giving you head if you don’t hold him in place while you thrust your hips.
- which means he can be a little tease/brat but he just gets so needy and loves when you fuck his throat
- like genuinely I think he would love it
- just his heavy breathing and trying to press his face closer to your abdomen to feel it deeper in the back of his throat bc he likes when his mouth is filled
- keeps his eyes closed except for when he can tell the act is going to be finished soon bc either you’re going to cum or if you guys are moving on the the next act.
- so like when he opens his eyes and makes eye contact their all watery and he’s humming/moaning around your strap/cock 🥺
- oh my god and eager junie on his knees with his hands placed obediently in between his thighs not touching but he’s shifting in his spot bc he’s getting so needy- fuck the image is so good.
- probably uses a lot of tongue and when you pull back he always at least tries to when he isn’t too far gone run his tongue against the tip
- or dragging it against the vein on the underside when you push back down his throat again ughhh
- but if you are using a strap the previous things won’t have as much-well the mental image of it might have a good effect on you but if it doesn’t actually physically bring pleasure…yeonjun does enjoy doing it anyway and it gets him going
- will literally pull back covered in saliva and any other various bodily fluids appropriate for this act
- ha ha ha…haha…literally so whiny
- like I feel like he enjoys the aspect of being used, (esp if it brings his partner pleasure) but I do not think he likes it much
- does either your cum/precum or possible artificial one from a strap leaking down his throat get him going…yes.
- makes his lips so pink-speaking of his lips, dragging your cock/strap across his lips (esp again if there is a substance involved) also really gets him going.
- likes to drag his teeth against the shaft once in awhile.
- this isn’t something I see binnie enjoying much so I don’t really have a lot to say
- maybe !! he really likes when you have him on his hands and knees and fuck his face like that.
- whines if your grip his hair 🥺
- likes it more if he’s in a comfortable position-maybe lying on his side near the edge of the bed so he’s comfy but in a good position to be used?
- it does seem like an act he’d participate in just cause or maybe he was bored
- likes when you gently fuck his face, or !! just prefers when your thrusts are harder rather than faster but he does know the days when it’s actually more about your pleasure. he’d tell you if he wasn’t really up for it that day though.
- circling back to laying on his side in a comfortable position I think binnie would like to cuddle a pillow while you fuck his throat…then also if he gets worked up enough he can rock his hips and get a little stimulation
- another one that I think will really enjoy this act.
- his favorite version is when he’s being a brat in public and you pull him into the bathroom to fuck his throat 😌‼️
- if you are amab he likes when you cum a lot and it leaks down his mouth/chin, he likes being messy. if you’re using a strap…specifically Idk I can just see him whining on his knees when you’re about to face fuck him but you’re not making a move yet so like it’s right in his face but it isn’t in his mouth yet
- I feel like he’s txt’s resident orally fixated member, so this isn’t necessarily face fucking exactly but he will wanna suck you for fun. or just, cause like during a movie or smth
- he gets bored and wants it in his mouth okay?? but it is his favorite if you get needy (maybe bc you wanna wreck him) and start taking over
- will bob his head with your thrusts and will whine when you hold him still but moans a lot at you taking over like that
- messy…like really messy where there’s a pool of salvia and any possible other substances
- gags a little bit sometimes but he likes it, especially when it’s obvious what you both were just doing when he has messy hair and red moist lips
- his eyes are mesmerizing quite literally
- they’re always so big & sparkly so he’d definitely look so good on his knees
- don’t get me started on his lips and how good they’d look, or his cheeks 🥲
- oh my god imagine rubbing your hand against his cheek while he sucks you off oh my god. with his big eyes and defined cheek bones-fuck
- dragging your finger across his bottom lip while his mouth is full >>
- they way his lips would be all red and swollen 😔
- will kiss you after, breathlessly while he pulls you closer or on top of him depending on the area
- really likes to put on a show where he’ll have you lay back and do all the work staring up at you without letting you touch him</3
- I really don’t know what else to say for tyun 😭😭 I’m sorry
- I have another one!! he seems like he’d like it rough, so deep hard thrusts where he’s almost constantly gagging, he’ll sit on his knees with his hands behind his back and let you use him to relieve your stress or anger </3
- he’s literally so pretty his long lashes resting on his cheekbones while he sucks you?? please.
- if possible-again cock or cumming strap scenario but…giving him a facial 😩
- for someone seemingly so innocent I think he’d be eager to be used
- he’d sit on his knees really pretty looking up through his lashes with his hands between his knees while he moans
- running your hands through his soft hair while he does it too>>
- I’m sorry but I think he’d look really cute with his cheeks all full and chubby looking
- tell me he wouldn’t look pretty with a content look on his face as his lips become swollen while bobbing his head on a strap/cock?? you can’t.
- no for the actual face fucking bc I got distracted, he’ll just sit there and moan while your hands are on his head holding him still as you thrust in his mouth
- also a little bit of a gag-er occasionally
- maybe he’d have a small blush on his face while it happens too 🥺
- again he’s literally so eager to please and would probably secretly love having his mouth full, but he does like using a little teeth sometimes
- his eyes water but he’s constantly moaning around you while his eyes roll back even tho he’s trying to keep eye contact so bad 🥺
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bensonsbobblehead · 3 years
I'll be home - Part 3
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x FEM!reader (ft BAU!team)
Category: Angst with a bit of fluff
Content warnings: Prison Reid and sadness. Happy ending?
Word count: 1.1k
a/n: this is the last part of my first ever series :( but don't worry there may or may not be an Epilogue for this haha.
Part One, Part two, Final Part
*not my gif*
The day you had been waiting for was finally here. His court hearing would determine if he would be able to come home pending trial. We were all confident he would make bail but when his bail was denied by a judge who didn't care how Spencer wasn't a flight risk or a criminal. Using your pregnancy against him, saying how a real father would never leave his pregnant girlfriend for drugs.  Your heart broke into pieces for him, June, and yourself. He turned to you and said something about how he loves you and June.
You were at a loss at this point. You never imagined life without Spencer since you met him in the bullpen on your first day. You were making your coffee with extra extra sugar. In a rush to get back to the round table you turned too fast running into Spencer spilling your coffee all over him. You ended up giving him one of your extra graphic tees from your go bag. After the case he showed up to your apartment with a freshly folded Micheal Myers black and red tee shirt. You invited him in and you both talked for hours upon hours.  Since then you both have been in love with each other.
Now years later with a beautiful baby girl and lots of memories the love is growing stronger. The need for each other was growing stronger. Seeing him being taken to the back like he is some bad man hurts both you and the team. How could the judge not see that he would never do anything like this.
Spencer has taken blow after blow when it came to his life and you couldn’t imagine how he felt right now. You walked out into the hallway where Penelope had your daughter. She was asleep but you still held her regardless. Junie was her fathers twin and even so small just like him. You were so scared that she would never know Spencer. That she would never hear him read her a bedtime story or somehow have an answer to every question she could ask. This entire situation has taken a toll on your mental health but spending time with June helped you greatly. You knew with one parent not here right now you had to push how you felt to the side and show up for your baby girl. You didn’t want to hire a babysitter yet so with leftover paid time off you decided to hold off on going back to work.
Spencer only allowed you to visit him in prison once before taking your name off the list.
“I hate that they are looking at you like you’re a piece of meat.” he said quietly. You were visiting him for the second  and last time. The other prisoners were looking at you like a kid in a candy store.  “Spencer, I'm yours and no one else's. I don't care that they are looking, I'm here for you” you said with a slight smile that caused him to smile. He looked beat down and so sad it destroyed you. He told you about a friend he met that was actually helping him through this. Soon after visiting hours were over and you had to leave.
“I love you so much Spence and so does June. I'll see you next week.” You said as you got up to leave. That day Spencer took you off the visitors list. Spencer didn't want the mother of his child around this no matter how much it hurt you.
“Hey Em, why can't I go visit spence?”  Emily told you it's because Spencer didn’t want you to see him like this. You knew it was worse then she was letting on but you couldn’t afford to push. The truth was Spencer was attacked in prison. He was getting worse mentally and had to keep you away. He never liked when you would worry. You still had not officially returned to work yet but you were still helping with Spencer's case. Gracia would always keep you updated on days when you couldn't get to work because of June.
It’s been 5 months and June is getting more active and even more hungry. You had to focus on raising her the best you could without Spencer. You and the team were still working on the case and felt you were getting close to clearing his name. You were sending letters back and forth to each other talking mostly about June and how she looks so much like you both. You sent him so many pictures of you and June. Spencer also wrote letters to June even though she couldn't read yet. You would read them to her without caring if she understood. You could tell in his letters he wasn’t doing well from the way he talked about how the week would be going.
You knew that they weren’t getting anywhere with the case and it started to sink in. That he wouldn’t be here to see her grow.  Her first time sitting up, her first time saying ‘dada’ her  first steps and it terrified you. Spencer was ready to be a dad and he was just trying to help his mother. You had realized he hadn't even spent a full day with her yet. June was 6 months old now and you were afraid she wouldn't even recognize her own father.
You were on the couch watching a rerun of Boy Meets World while feeding June when you got the call to come to the BAU. You could tell it was urgent so you sped down there as fast as you could. You entered the bullpen pushing in her stroller while holding her bag in the other hand and that’s when he turned around. Spencer Reid, in the flesh, with a very new dad bod that you would get the full experience with later and his long scruffy, brown hair.
A wide grin appeared on his face as he ran up to you and took you in. He kissed the top of your head and finally you both made eye contact “I told you I’ll come home to you” he said as he brought his lips to yours. The moment was interrupted when a very loud baby girl began to wail. That’s when you and Spencer turned to June with her tight curls similar to his. As he went to pick her up you saw tears in his eyes. “ You have grown so much Junie baby!” He said smiling as he picked her up and June smiled back as if he had never left.
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1kook · 3 years
not an idea but.. could u write something for attachment jk OR late fee pls ? ☹️
Jungkook’s shuffling through the contents of his closet floor when you drop by, sifting through the hamper full of clean clothes he keeps forgetting to fold for his latest lost copy of Junie B. Jones. Coming up behind him, you take note of the extra fluff to his curls, hand reaching up to gently card your fingers through the chocolate tresses. The touch startles Jungkook, makes him whirl around with wide eyes to face his unexpected guest. “Oh, it’s you,” he says, and the saucer-like appearance of his eyes is replaced with a low-lidded, dreamier gaze as he takes your hand in his, lips to your knuckles.
“Just me,” you hum, ducking forward to press a peck against his forehead. He leans into the touch, nearly falls face first into the carpet as he chases after it. “No luck? Maybe you did leave it in the library.” In which case, Namjoon’s probably found it and mixed it up with the thousands of other books there without bothering to see if it was checked out or not. You don’t tell Jungkook that, bending down to his height instead. He’s got some nasty under eye circles, the direct result of his last few weeks of the semester. Combined with the fact he’s moving out of his campus apartment soon, Jungkook’s stressed beyond belief.
When you plop down, dead set on folding his laundry for him, you’re met with that head of soft curls against your shoulder, the strands tickling your cheek as Jungkook all but melts into your side. “But if I actually lost it, it’s a twelve dollar fee to replace,” he frowns, turning to rub his forehead against the cotton knit of your pullover. You don’t even have the heart to warn him about breaking out; Jungkook has, like, maybe thirty dollars total in his account right now. “Help meee.”
You roll your eyes. “That’s what I’m trying to do,” you snort, nudging him off your shoulder. He’s gotten even bigger and meatier than when you first met. Ever since he discovered weightlifting and started targeting specific muscle groups to enhance his godly appearance, he’s become a true threat to society. You reach for the first rumpled shirt in the pile. “I’ll cover it.”
He snatches the shirt away, leveling you with a tired frown. “No,” he sighs, “that’s lame. Making my girlfriend pay for my Junie B. Jones book? They’ll never let me live it down.”
‘They’ being his group of greasy friends, all of which hail Jungkook as the Coolest Man on Earth. Which he is, but you fear admitting as much will only fuel that high school-esque fantasy of his in which he’s the cool jock on campus and you’re the nerdy shy girl who takes her glasses off and suddenly becomes hot. Youre far from fitting that character type, but you know Jungkook practically feeds off that fantasy— “we can roleplay it,” he beams, kissing along your shoulders, “and then you can give a really sick speech about being your true self or whatever in the end” —so you’re in charge of keeping a lid on it for now. Anyway. ‘They’ can’t know you’re going to pay for Jungkook’s lost Junie B. Jones book.
You fall into a rhythm, picking articles of clothing off the pile until you’ve got a couple neat stacks of fresh clothes laid out before you. “It’s twelve dollars,” you point out, moving his underwear pile to the side. When you first started dating, just seeing his underwear band against his waist was enough to turn you into a blushing, stammering idiot. These days, seeing Jungkook’s underwear selection is as normal as seeing the handful of Funko Pop dolls above his desk— that is to say, you can’t step into his room without seeing them.
“Twelve dollars is at least two drinks at Starbucks,” he retorts, and eventually gives up on your clothes folding mission, leaving the last few items up to you. He flops down on the floor, big, muscular thighs all spread out and juicy. He looks good and strong. Like he could hold you against the shower wall and completely rearrange your guts. You can’t believe he’s spent the last two weeks reading that godawful children’s series.
“Yeah, well,” you manage, biting down on the raging urge to straddle his bulging thighs and ride him into tomorrow. Jungkook wouldn’t mind it— he would love it, actually —but he’s still a little mopey, so you let your fantasy go in favor of comforting him some more. “I’ll check the library for you. Maybe you left it in your corner.” The one where he frequently lures you into for a quick fuck after closing. “Don’t trip, chocolate chip.”
A tiny peal of laughter. He rolls onto his side, wraps his arms around as much of your waist as he can from his awkward angle. “I’m your chocolate chip,” he sighs, cuddling closer. His foot knocks over the t-shirt pile. Boo. “I’m gonna steal that.” And then, “chocolate chip,” he purrs. It’s so not sexy. But the hard-on beneath his shorts is.
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lue-arlert · 3 years
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Summary: June meets a stranger during an unfavorable situation with her boyfriend—they form a closeness that is quite soon broken by the discovery of Jean’s true identity; just as quickly as it’s broken, it’s pieced back together, only for an old acquaintance to become a sudden imposition.
WC: 6.9k
Chapter content warnings: OC content, modern au, ‘fantasy’ au, smut (18+ MDNI), fingering (18+ MDNI), creampie (18+ MDNI)
Previous Chapter 5 Next
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A Brief History
“For fuck’s sake!” June groaned in frustration as she tried to apply makeup over her healing bruises, but her skin was either too sore, or the spots weren’t covering up like she wanted them too—maybe that meant she needed new makeup.
“I fucking give up, he saw my face already.” She grumbled and washed her face carefully before tossing everything back into its bag and shoving it into the cabinet under the sink.
After glancing at the clock, she realized she needed to order the food so that it would arrive just after the time her weather app said the sun would set.
June quickly punched all the information into her ordering app and submitted the payment. She settled for Chinese food, after discussing it at length with Jean over text.
Jean K: I’m on my way now. Be there in about 20 minutes.
Junie: okay!
She exhaled dramatically and removed her red flannel from her shoulders, tying it around her waist and leaving the bathroom to trot down the stairs into her kitchen, where she would sit anxiously for the next twenty minutes at her breakfast nook.
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A knock on the kitchen door brought her to her feet and she sheepishly cracked it open, only to find the delivery boy on the other side.
“Oh!” She quickly dug through her pocket and handed him a $7 tip. “Thank you!”
“You’re welcome, have a good night!” He grinned and they exchanged money and food, then he left for his car for his next delivery.
Before June could shut the door, she saw Jean getting out of his own car.
Her heart skipped, and she stood awkwardly by the door frame and watched him walk through the parking lot.
“Hey.” He smiled at her as he finally reached her door.
“Hi.” She gave him a quick glance over.
He wore a cream colored crew neck sweater tucked into black plaid pants with a black belt, and tan slip on canvas shoes that matched the stitching accents in his sweater.
His hair was slicked back behind his ears, showing off two silver hoops that matched the silver chain hanging around his neck.
“The food smells good.” Jean commented, standing in front of her.
“Oh, yeah,” she blinked herself out of her gaze. “Yeah, I’m hungry.” June turned and sat the food on the breakfast nook, beginning to unbag the contents.
She glanced over her shoulder to see him still standing in the doorway. “Are you gonna come in?”
“I have to be invited in.” He gave her a chagrin smile and stuck his foot at the door frame, but it came in no further.
“I, uh… come in… please.” June rubbed the back of her neck with warm cheeks. “Sorry…”
“Don’t be.” His smile turned up and he stepped in, shutting the door behind him. “Your apartment is nice.” He glanced around and stuck his hands in his pockets.
“Thank you. Did you have any trouble finding it? The parking lot can be a little weird.”
“No, not at all.” He smiled and watched her finish unpacking the food. “So, we eating here?” He pointed to the table and took a step to it.
“We can, or in the living room, which is probably more comfortable.” June handed him his food, but didn’t release the tub when he grabbed it. “How can you eat human food, then?” She looked up at him with furrowed brows.
Jean chuckled. “I’ll answer all your questions once we actually sit down—did they pack chopsticks?”
“Oh, yeah!” She reached into the bag again and pulled out two pairs. “I’m glad I’m not the only weirdo who can eat with them.”
Jean laughed with her and grabbed one of the sets and followed her into her living room.
“I’m sorry I still look like shit.” June implied about her bruises and sat on her couch with one leg bent underneath her, leaning her side to the back of the couch. She turned on a random tv channel and laid the remote down, leaving it only for background noise.
“I disagree—the bruises don’t take away from your beauty at all.”
She blushed under the purple marks and looked up at him as she sat in front of her, mirroring her sitting position with a smile on his face.
“Um… thank you.” She wasn’t expecting him to have anything to say in return for her self-deprecating joke.
“So, I owe you an explanation.” He popped his tub open and mixed the noodles around with his chopsticks. “This is a bit awkward for me, I’m not gonna lie. I’ve never had to explain myself to anyone.”
“Well… answer this one for me.” She pointed to his food before opening her own container.
“Okay—so I can eat regular human food. While I’m a member of the undead, I am still human, and have human organs.”
“How are you ‘a member’ of the undead but not undead itself?”
“Well…” He said through a mouthful, finished chewing, then swallowed. “I didn’t die before I was turned. If you’re dead and then you turn, then you are the undead—but I was still alive, so I’m only, like, an honorary member of the undead.” He chuckled and scooped another large bite into his mouth.
“How does… what’s the difference?” June popped a piece of chicken into her mouth.
“I was bitten, filled with the venom, then fed vampire blood—”
“So it really works that way?” She raised her eyebrows and reached for her bottled soft drink.
“Yes,” Jean laughed. “If someone is killed either before or after the bite, the vampire blood needs mixed into the bloodstream quickly, so generally a slice at the wrist of the vampire and the human, then pressing them together will help the turning—this is honestly the best way I can describe it to you.”
“This all sounds ridiculous.” June shook her head and dug into her food again.
“I know it does. It’s, um,” Jean looked down into his food. “It’s strange to tell someone.”
“You haven’t told anyone?” June stared at him and watched strands of hair fall around his eyebrows.
“No… not in this century, at least.” He looked up at her eyes, his own sad.
“What do you mean?” Her heart thumped at his gaze.
“There was… a man around the First World War that knew I was a vampire.”
“Yeah?” June lowered her food to her lap.
“Yeah.” He nodded in response. “I miss him sometimes. He was… he was a lover of mine.”
“Really?” June’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Interesting.”
“I hope that doesn’t bother you.” His face softened.
“Of all the things that are bothering me with any of this, you having a gay lover is not one of them.” She scoffed playfully and plucked the little basket of rice from the table.
“I suppose.” He gave her a half smile. “What else do you wanna know?”
June thought for a moment, the tv in the background buzzing through her pondering, before nodding. “How old are you exactly?”
“What?!” June’s eyebrows creased together.
“I was born in 1834. My birthday was actually yesterday…”
“And you didn’t—I mean—I’m sorry, that was gonna be a stupid question.”
Jean pursed his lips into a smile and tucked his chopsticks into his food. “I don’t celebrate—there’s no reason to. No one to celebrate with.”
“Okay, so another question—” Her mind jumped from that statement. “—what were you doing in the alley that night we met?”
He sighed and sat his container on the table. “Honestly, I was going to feed on you both.” He turned to look at her again. “But I heard the way he was talking to you, and it didn’t seem right with the way you were upset. I thought he was some random guy raping you, at that point, but it sounded too personal.”
June stared at him with her lips closed while she tapped her chopsticks to her food bowl. “Can you show me your teeth again?” She asked in almost a whisper.
Jean smiled with the corner of his mouth, then parted his lips to expose his teeth and let his canines extend through his gums.
She still couldn’t believe it. Her eyes fixated on his mouth, and she knew for certain she saw this, but was it real? Was it really happening?
June lifted her hand and touched her middle finger to his bottom lip—to his surprise—and her index finger to his right fang. It definitely felt real.
When she realized what she did, she blushed and started to pull her hand back, but Jean took it into his, wrapping his fingers around hers with his thumb cradled in her palm.
“I’m sorry—” She began to whisper, but she was cut off by his mouth carefully touching hers. For one moment, her eyes widened, but then fell shut as she kissed him back.
He pulled his lips away but his nose lingered against hers. “I want to say sorry for that,” he whispered, “but I’m not sorry at all.”
June’s eyes fluttered as she looked into his sparkling hazel eyes—once again, giving her butterflies. She stuttered to say anything and found herself speechless.
Jean leaned back from her with her hand still in his and gazed at her. “Juniper, why aren’t you afraid of me?”
“I am,” she breathed. “I just… I just don’t want to be away from you.”
He was nervous about this, and tried wracking his brain for any reason she would feel this way—but nothing came to mind. If his control didn’t work on her, then she truly felt these things on her own volition.
“June,” she corrected, then chuckled. “You don’t have to call me by the name on my work name tag.”
He pursed another smile at her. “June—what do you see in me?”
“Kindness.” She blinked once. “You’ve been nothing but nice to me since we met. Aside from biting me, of course, though.”
“That, I am sorry for—I’m sorry, now. If I’d known I didn’t have control over you. I wouldn’t have scarred you like that.”
June touched the right side of her neck. “They went away after a few days. Now I’m only emotionally scarred,” she joked with a tiny grin.
Jean laughed in return. “Well, I still stand by that. I wouldn’t have done it if I’d known you were conscious.”
She nodded in understanding and looked to the coffee table, blindly staring at its surface, and their food containers sitting beside each other. “What if I asked you to do it again? Would you?” She looked to him again and picked at her nails.
“I beg your pardon?” His eyes widened. “June, you—”
“Listen, these feelings are all very new and scary to me. I’ve obviously never met a vampire before and this is… this is insane.” She glanced away from his eyes down at her hands. “I’ve always loved vampire movies. The idea of vampires was always a fantasy, I’ve seen so many movies and tv shows. My own personal aesthetic sometimes is based around vampires.”
June lifted her face to look at him again. “I’ve been called a vampire by kids in high school, I’ve always dressed like this,” she motioned to her all-black outfit. “You’re… you’re fascinating to me. I think that’s one of the reasons I don’t want to be away from you. You’re… you’re almost a familiar feeling to me.”
Now Jean was speechless. He didn’t think anyone would find him to be that way, no one had ever paid him any mind, save for his old lover from 1917.
He blinked his thoughts away and leaned to her again, kissing her lips less gently than before.
This made June wince and pull back, bringing her fingers to the small cut on her lip.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I didn’t mean to.”
“It’s okay.” She nodded. “It only stings a little bit.”
Jean nodded. “I-I’m sorry… I, um… do you have any more questions for me?” He shifted to take a small scoot away from her, clearing his throat.
“Will you stay the night with me?”
He looked at her with wide eyes again. “You really want me to?”
June nodded. “Please. I want to learn more about you.”
He paused for a moment, mulling over the pros and cons of her request, then finally licked his lips and nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, I’ll stay with you tonight.”
She gave him a smile and turned to look at their food again, rubbing her nose. “Are you finished?” She asked, pointing to the containers.
“Uh, yeah,” he nodded, “I’ll save mine for later.”
“‘Kay.” She quickly stood and gathered everything and took long strides into the kitchen.
Jean took a deep breath and covered his nose and mouth with both of his hands, shutting his eyes.
Is this really happening? He thought. How is this happening?
He rubbed his eyes with a quiet sigh and turned to her when she came back into the living room.
“Do, um… do you wanna watch a movie?” She pointed her thumb at the tv that was playing an old black and white film.
“Sure.” He smiled gently to her and watched her pick up the remote, then held his hand out to her.
June carefully placed her hand in his and stepped around him, sitting by his side where he guided her and pulled up her streaming services on her television.
Jean inched closer to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders on the back of the couch, taking in the warmth that radiated from her body.
They eventually settled on a B-rank horror film that neither of them (surprisingly) had heard of—both had a love of horror films, so a new one was welcomed.
Throughout the movie, June had progressively leaned closer and closer into his chest, until she fully leaned against him while he laid his cheek on the top of her head, her messy bun tickling the back of his ear.
His arm made its way form the back of the couch to the back of her neck, then slowly dropped down her spine until his hand cupped the small of her waist, his thumb rubbing her lower rib.
This was the calmest and most content he had felt in years. Her warm body soothed him, and the way she melded into his shape was only helping the fluttering in his chest.
June felt safe in his grip. It was like her fears of his being ‘a monster,’ per Hollywood’s standards, were washed away with how he held her, and dissipated more and more with each rise of his chest against her shoulder as she curled into him.
When the movie ended, they discussed at length all the absolutely wonderful cheesy moments, the best and worst parts, which actors were their favorites, and how horrible of a film score it played.
June eventually began to feel tired, her eyes growing heavy as she leaned her head further into him, nuzzling his neck under his chin.
“Is it your bedtime?” Jean glanced at a clock on the wall—11:47pm.
“I think so, yeah.” She cooed, sighing through her nose as she shut her eyes. “Are you still going to stay with me?”
“Do you want me to stay in your bed with you?” He looked down at her as best he could, staring at the top of her head. “Or do you want me to sleep on the couch?”
“With me,” she grumbled. “You’ll keep me warm.”
“I don’t know about that.” He chuckled and brought his hand to the back of her head. “Let’s go, then.”
June stood with a groan and held her hand to him, taking his and lacing her fingers through his own, then led him to ascend her stairs, then around to her left into her bedroom past the bathroom.
“You’re not worried about sharing a bed with me?”
She shook her head and looked over at him. “No,” she breathed.
Jean nodded and lowered his face to look at the ground. “Do you have any sweatpants or anything I can borrow?” He figured even with her wide hips, they would wear roughly the same size bottoms of a loose-fitting garment, with the way he towered over her in his broad frame.
“Uh, yeah.” June took a step to her dresser and squatted down to the bottom drawer, digging around.
Jean glanced away, his face warm from having just watched her ass as she bent to the ground.
“Here.” She handed the pants to him and he quickly thanked her, leaving the room briefly to change in the bathroom.
While he was out, June quickly shimmied out of her jeans and tee shirt, then slipped into a pair of gray and black shorts with a matching short-sleeved shirt, buttoning it up just as Jean returned, donning her black skull pajama bottoms and a black tee shirt he had worn beneath his sweater.
He blushed once again, staring at her unclothed legs that were covered in colorful tattoos. “I like this one.” He stepped up to her and pointed at a coffin that lined the front side of her shin.
“Oh,” she chuckled. “I forgot I had that one.” June looked up at him with a tired smile.
He smiled back and stared at her for a moment before turning to look at her messy bed. His stomach fluttered at the idea of sharing it with her; this would be his first night with another person in over seventy years.
June cleared her throat and stepped past him to shut her door, then turned on her lamp beside her bed just before turning off the room’s overhead light.
She crawled into bed, looking over at him and nodding her head back in her direction for him to follow.
Jean walked around to the left side of the bed and pulled his knees onto the mattress, laying beside her with the blanket partially over his legs and torso.
“Your bed is soft.” He commented with a smile, rolling onto his elbow to look at her.
“Thanks.” She returned the smile, laying on her back with a knee bent up and her hands on her stomach.
They stared at each other for a few moments, neither speaking. The only sounds that could be heard was a faint muffling of traffic through the window, and their quiet breathing.
June hesitantly lifted a hand and wrapped her fingers around the back of his neck, just barely applying pressure to pull him to her.
Jean shifted and met her the rest of the way, softly bringing their lips together while he propped himself up with his arm across her and his hand beside her shoulder flat on the mattress.
With a wince, June pulled back just enough to quickly lick her split lip to curb the stinging, then brought her mouth to his again.
He propped himself up more, now perched fully above her, his legs resting against the side of hers.
June kept her hand on the back of his neck and brought her other to his arm, gently gripping his bicep. Her fingers slid up into his thick mullet, her nails barely grazing his scalp.
Jean exhaled heavily through his nose and cautiously licked the part in her lips, hoping for entrance to taste her more, but not wanting to hurt her lip further.
She opened her mouth and immediately took in his tongue, meeting it with her own as her chest rose and fell. Her hand on his bicep crept up his arm under his sleeve, brushing her fingers over the ball of his shoulder and edge of his collarbone.
He exhaled again, this time a soft moan in his throat from her touch. He remembered how she had licked his tongue and teeth the last time they kissed, and he re-enacted this in her mouth, causing her to gasp. A proud smirk took over his lips against hers.
June pulled away from him and gazed up into his eyes, her own glassy from his kiss.
“What’s wrong?” He whispered, bringing a hand to her cheek.
“Nothing, nothing.” She shook her head and smiled at him. “Nothing is wrong.” June wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him back down to her lips.
Jean kissed her again and removed his hand from her cheek to hold onto her arm, rubbing his palm gently over her skin while he straddled her thigh.
Her propped knee pushed gently into his side as he lowered himself over her, both of them now breathing heavily against each other’s faces as their kisses grew deeper.
The stinging in her lip had long gone away now, replaced by a dull throbbing that seemed non-existent in comparison to the lush sensation of his mouth and tongue gliding over hers.
June could feel a growing pressure on her thigh, causing her stomach to flutter in a nervousness that was slowly presenting itself as anticipation.
She allowed her hands to travel over his back, one finding its way back into his soft hair, the other working down his spine and sides before resting her palm over his hip, her finger pressing into his lower back.
“June,” their lips smacked as Jean pulled away from her. He stared down into her eyes, his shoulders rising with each deep inhale. “June, how far are you wanting to go?”
“However far you want to.” She released her hand from his hair and moved it to his cheek.
“You’re sure?”
She nodded and swallowed deeply before asking, “Don’t you want me?”
“I do.” Jean nodded. “I wanted to make sure you want me, too.” He leaned down again and kissed her once more, bringing a hand to her stomach to first caress her, then slowly rub his thumbs over the buttons of her shirt, and finally began to undo them when she did not pull back from his touch.
June brought her knee up higher on his side, her bare foot now off the bed and grazing the side of his thigh and calf.
This made him let out a low groan into her mouth and shift his own knee up so that it just barely touched her core, causing her to breathe out a small moan.
“Dammit, June.” He grumbled and sat up, removing his shirt from his torso, tousling his hair on its way over his head. “I want you.”
“Then take me.” She finished unbuttoning her shirt and helped him pull it open and started to remove it from her shoulders, but stopped when he touched the curve of her neck. “What?” She furrowed her brows in confusion.
“I…” He gazed over her body, admiring the curves and dips of her torso and her breasts, and the tattoo of a spider web that started from the bottom of her sternum and fanned out over the lower area of her rib cage down to just above her belly button, a small red-brown spider painted off to the left side dangling from one of the strands, a green gem dangling on the opposite side beneath her heart. “You’re so beautiful, June.”
He gingerly touched the lines of the web, feeling the raised skin beneath his fingertip. “You’re a walking piece of artwork.”
June blushed and looked down at his hand. His knuckles danced over her ribs and side, making her breath hitch at the tickling shivers they were giving her.
Jean watched the goosebumps dance across her skin, making her nipples hard at his touch. “June, I want you.” His voice held a little more sense of urgency than before as his hands came up her side and over her breasts, and he tucked his lip between his teeth to hold back a moan as he touched her.
June did not hold back a moan—she let it squeak out of her while her back arched into his hands, and she shifted her thigh around beneath him, feeling his erection over her skin.
This brought a deep groan out of his throat, and he brought his knee over her leg to allow it out from beneath him, then shifted his weight.
Just as quickly as he did, June pulled her knee out and up to his side to mirror her other knee. Her breathing was beginning to turn into lustful pants, and her hands shot back up to his neck, pulling him down to kiss her, then one at a time removed her hands to finish pulling her shirt from her shoulders before bringing them back into his hair and grabbing on tightly to his ashy locks.
Jean growled in his throat and pressed his hips into hers, grinning against her lips when she let out another moan. His grin soon fell into a dropped jaw when she crossed her ankles behind his lower back and pulled him further into her body and bucked her hips.
“June!” He grunted.
“Stop pulling away from me.” She nearly growled herself and tugged at his hair, pulling his mouth down to hers again. “Finish undressing me.” She demanded.
Jean obliged and shifted to his knees, grabbing at her shorts and thighs to straighten her legs in front of him and pull the rest of her clothing off her hips, tossing them to the side.
June reached down and shoved her thumbs into the waistband of Jean’s bottoms and tugged for them to be removed.
He quickly did so and leaned down to kiss her again, their naked bodies pressing together while they both moaned and gasped.
Jean let his hand wander over her skin, his thumb playing with her nipples along the way, until he came down to her thigh and hiked it up against his side, his fingers brushing her leg and abdomen until he reached her warm, wet center.
“Ohh,” June breathed, leaning her head back.
“You definitely want me,” he smirked, running his fingers over her lower lips and watching her squirm beneath him.
“I told you I did,” she grumbled as she rocked her hips up into his touch. “I want you, Jean.”
He leaned to kiss her again, then ran his tongue across her lips, and moved his kisses down her chin to her neck, grinning when she moaned loudly while he played with her clit.
“Jeannn,” she whined and wiggled her hips. “Oh, my god.”
“God’s not here,” he growled in her ear as he finally slid a finger into her, smirking when she moaned. “I’m here, I’m the one you should be calling for.”
June rocked her hips to the rhythm of his finger inside of her, pressing her heel into his back as she arched her chest into his with her eyes shut tightly. “Jean,” she whimpered.
He brought his mouth back down to her neck and left sloppy kisses, sucked on her skin, and grazed his teeth over her throat. His gums throbbed at the desire to sink his fangs into her and drink, but he suppressed the urge and kissed down to her chest.
Jean slid another finger inside of her and purred when she gasped beneath him as he left hickies over the tops of her breasts and flicked his wrist faster, brushing the pads of his fingers against her inner walls searching for the spot he wanted to touch the most.
June let out staggered moans, her hips twitching with each graze of his touch. “Oh, Jean,” she squealed, grabbing at his shoulders just as his mouth found its place over her right nipple.
“Say my name again,” he mumbled on her skin.
“Jeaaannn,” she dragged out, sliding her fingers into his hair.
“Can you tell me what you want?” He glanced up at her through his eyelashes and smirked at the sight of her mouth quivering with her moans.
“I want you, Jean.” She breathed, tugging his hair.
“What do you want from me?”
“I want you to make me feel good.” She cooed.
“How do you want me to do that?” He finally found her spot and let out a throaty laugh when she shrieked and jerked beneath him.
“I want you to fuck me, Jean, I want you to fuck me!”
He drew his hand from her and positioned himself between her legs, pulling her leg from his waist up over his shoulder. “I wanna take you, June, I want you so bad.”
“Take me, Jean, take me, please.” She growled at him and held her hand to the side of his neck, her fingers trembling against his skin.
Jean lowered himself to kiss her and gently ease into her at once, and as she opened her mouth to moan, he slid his tongue over hers and groaned with her. He waited for her to adjust to him before rocking his hips and letting out a stuttering breath as he kissed her again.
June’s face scrunched up as she kissed him back, her spine quivering. “Jean, I want you to go faster,” she whispered. “Faster, please.”
He pulled her thigh closer to his torso and sped up his rhythm, breathing her name as he rolled his head back. “June, you feel so good.”
She smiled with her eyes closed as her body bounced with his, gripping the pillow beneath her head. “Oh, that—that’s perfect, don’t stop that.”
“I won’t, I won’t stop.” Jean held her hips and shifted his leverage on his knees to pull her against him as his thrusts steadied into her.
June felt her head grow fuzzy as the absolute gratification that built up inside of her radiated through her body. The way her leg was draped over his torso made her feel powerful, like she was in control of how he held her, his hands all over her legs and hips.
Jean stared down at her, his heart fluttering at how beautiful she was beneath him, the sweat on her body glistening in the dim light of the room over her curves. He was drawn into her eyes as she gazed up at him with her lips between her teeth, and laid himself over her with her knee now bent in his arm, never breaking eye contact as he continued to push himself inside of her.
“You’re beautiful,” she whispered under her moans, bringing her hands to his face and rubbing her thumbs over his cheeks.
He laughed a breathy laugh and leaned his forehead on hers, his face scrunching up. With a grunt, he pulled himself out of her and whimpered, pulling his face away from hers.
“No, why’d you stop?” She whined and pouted at him.
“I almost came, I’m not finished with you yet.” He kissed her deeply, shoving her leg to the side and wrapping a hand around the back of her neck.
“How do you want me?” June breathed as she held his face, panting over his lips.
“From behind.” He grumbled on her mouth and pulled her to sit up, pressing his palm into her hip to indicate he wanted her to flip over, to which she happily obliged and propped herself up, resting on her elbows.
Jean held onto her waist as he slid back into her without pause, letting out a low shout while he thrusted and rocked her back and forth. He craned his head back and moaned in sync with her, then after a moment he slid his hands up her spine and took a fistful of her black hair into one, gripped her shoulder with his other, and gave a firm tug to pull her upright so she was pressed into his torso.
“Oh, my g—oh, Jean.” June’s mouth hung open as her chest arched at the new position, one she’d never been in before and now one she thoroughly enjoyed.
He held onto her tightly, moving her hair away from the right side of her neck and draping it over her left shoulder. He brought his mouth to the curve of her neck and kissed her roughly, leaving little love spots over her skin and up under her ear, which he found to be a sweet spot for her when she let out a surprised yelp.
Jean groaned in her ear when she rocked her hips back with his motions and reached his right hand around her to grip her breast, her draping hair laced through his fingers, and with his left hand he held onto her jaw as his lips made their way back to her shoulder and neck. He felt his gums throb again and this time he couldn’t stop his fangs from protruding, but his mouth only hovered over her skin, his reflexes demanding to pierce his teeth into her.
June gasped when he hit her spot, and shifted her hips to make sure he continued to do so while begging him not to stop. She had one hand wrapped around behind her holding onto his neck and the other down by her side clawing at his hip.
“June, I can’t—” He breathed while creasing his eyebrows, his teeth just barely grazing her skin. “I need—”
He was interrupted by her throaty shriek, her nails further digging into his skin, fingers yanking his hair to roll his head back, his fangs no longer near her neck.
This heavy tug on his hair sparked a warmth inside of him while her walls tightened around him with her orgasm and he soon followed after her, letting out his own staggered yell as he spilled inside of her. He continued to pump into her so they could both still ride their highs until he felt June go limp in his arms.
She wheezed loudly as her hands left his skin and she plopped down to her hands, her whole body trembling at the release of her tensed limbs. “Jean,” she whispered.
He quickly retracted his fangs back into his gums and helped lower her to her belly, crawling out from behind her to lay at her side. His heavy breaths matched hers and he gazed into her watery eyes as her cheek pressed into her pillow.
June stared back at him, her lips parted, strands of hair stuck to her forehead. She reached over and took his shaky hand into her own and held it between them, a small smile creeping in the corner of her mouth.
“You’re amazing,” Jean whispered. “I-I haven’t felt,” he panted, “that good in years.”
She nodded in agreeance and swallowed a heavy breath. “I haven’t felt that good at all.”
He furrowed his brows and rubbed his thumb over her knuckles. “What do you mean? Todd never made you feel that way?”
She shook her head against the pillow. “He always came first,” she inhaled, “he rarely made me.”
Jean leaned over and kissed her, his eyes fluttering shut as their skin touched. “Let me always make you feel good.” He whispered against her lips, removing his hand from hers to place it gently on the back of her head.
June’s face blanketed in a smile and she kissed him again, bringing her hand to his cheek. “I think I will,” she whispered back.
“I have to be honest with you about something, June.”
“What is it?” She searched his eyes as her brows furrowed just slightly, unsure of the meaning of his tone.
“I… I almost bit you—twice. It took everything in me not to.”
“Oh.” She didn’t say anything else, but her eyebrows stayed creased and she absently glanced over his face.
“I’m sorry. I was afraid I was going to, but when you pulled my hair, that stopped me. I could’ve hurt you.”
“Jean… it’s okay.” She rubbed her thumb under his eye. “You didn’t hurt me. You tried to stop yourself. I’m not upset with you. A little nervous now,” she chuckled, “but not upset.”
Jean nodded in understanding. “I’m gonna work on controlling myself. I don’t want to feel that again. I don’t want to feed off of you again.”
“Why not?”
He blinked in surprise. “What do you mean, ‘why not?’”
“I mean, why wouldn’t you?” She shrugged. “I’d be, like, a permanent blood supply for you—you wouldn’t have to go to the hospital and get donated blood anymore.” She grinned playfully.
“June—fresh human blood is different from a plastic sack of blood. There’s a risk that I would drain you. I’m not doing that.”
“When you lure people to your house to drink from them, do you drain them?”
“Well, no, I—”
“What makes me any different?”
Jean paused in thought—she was right. If he could control his drinking from strangers to keep them alive while satiating his hunger, it should be the same (if not less) for her. “Would you really want that?”
June shrugged again. “The vampire fantasy that humans always have is just a fantasy—people like me have daydreamed about being swept away by a vampire, but… we never really believed they—you—were real. I mean, you’ve seen movies; you know what we write about, what’s portrayed in the media, by Hollywood. This isn’t something I ever expected to happen, not even a little bit. The last couple weeks feel like a fever dream—not that I’m complaining, though…” she chuckled, “but that’s why I was so scared when you first bit me, I wasn’t expecting it. Now that… that I know you exist, it feels different.”
“Different how?”
“Like… like relieving, almost? Like when you get closure on something and know the truth about something. Like, I know you exist now.”
“So your fantasies of vampires are coming true?” He raised an eyebrow with a light smirk.
“I—” She blushed and stifled a snicker. “I guess so.”
Jean let out a laugh and kissed her. “This is interesting. I haven’t fully interacted with a human like I have with you, in many years. Getting your take on my existence has been enlightening.”
June giggled and kissed him again. “We should get some sleep.”
“You should get some sleep; this is when I’m awake.”
“Oh.” She glanced past him at the window to look at the night sky. “I guess you’re right. I can stay up with you.”
“No, no,” he shook his head and shifted to his elbows. “You get some sleep, I’ve clearly worn you out.”
They laughed together, June squeezing his hand.
He continued, “I’ll keep myself entertained here. Unless you want me to leave.”
“No.” June reached out and wrapped her hands around his bicep. “Stay with me. At least until you need to get home before sunrise.”
Jean nodded, giving her a gentle smile. “I can do that.”
She smiled gently and shifted to her elbow, leaning over to give him a kiss.
“If you keep kissing me,” he breathed. “I’m gonna have to start touching you again.”
“Another time.” She smirked. “I need to sleep—I can’t ruin my sleep schedule while I’m off work.”
“Then sleep.” Jean gave her one last kiss before sliding out of the bed, looking for his bottoms and underwear.
“Where are you going?”
“To finish my dinner.”
“You can bring it to bed with you. I don’t mind.” June rolled onto her back and pulled her blanket over her.
He smiled and wiggled his hips into the pajama pants before walking around the bed and leaving the room, keeping the door cracked for his return.
The soft carpet beneath his feet muffled his quick steps down the stairs until he came into the kitchen, where the linoleum floors stuck to his feet as he made his way to the fridge. He carefully rummaged through the leftovers until he found his, and took it to the microwave to warm it up.
Jean quickly popped open the microwave to keep the beeping from continuing so he wouldn’t bother June, then grabbed his food, a plastic fork from a utensil jar on the counter, and quietly made his way back up the stairs. He made a short stop at the bathroom to grab his phone from his clothing that he left neatly folded on the counter, then peeked into June's bedroom and found her passed out, her tattooed arms hugging her pillow to her face. A smile came over his lips as he walked around the bed once more, and cautiously sat on the bed, so as to not wake her, and silently ate his food while he scrolled through a news app.
While reading through an article in the newest local bill for a plot to build a chain pharmacy, he felt a nudge on his leg and looked down to see June’s hand resting against the side of his thigh.
Jean sat his food container beside him on the table and held her hand as he swallowed his mouthful.
She looked so beautiful beside him, her shoulder blades exposed from the blanket having been kicked down her back as she rolled around.
He couldn’t help but admire her, the way her back dipped with the curve of her spine, the way her hair draped her face, the way her lips parted with a pout while she slept.
How did I get so lucky to find you?
He released her hand and stroked her hair with his knuckles, letting out a gentle sigh. He truly did feel lucky to find someone he could talk to, someone he could be near. Seventy years of not having a companion, even an acquaintance, could really do a number on a person—human or vampire.
June mumbled against her pillow and pulled her hand into her chest, rolling to her side so her back faced Jean.
He chuckled to himself and rested his hand on the curve of her waist and turned his attention back to his phone.
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Previous Chapter 5 Next
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Taglist: @seriouslyprongsies @coffeeforday @lavenderdaisyhoney @sinnerofthewalls @fierydiamond @porcoqalliard @reiner69er @loitering-in-levis-tea-shop
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spencersawkward · 4 years
not to go full fluff central but omg can you write a one shot about matthew hanging out with his kids?? i see him as a girl dad and he would 100% play dress up with them and they would be wrapped around his finger and itd be so sweet it could cause cavities lmao i just want that man to have children so bad
ugh yes i want him to have kids so bad and YES he 100% is a girl dad i definitely agree. this was super interesting to write tbh bc i did it from his perspective but i'm glad i did and i'm glad you asked for it bc we love a saccharine one-shot! also i'm so bad at names for characters i'm sorry lol.
summary: Matthew has a day off with his two daughters!
content warnings: none! literally just fluffy fluff with a side of fluff.
word count: 2.1k
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when Matthew wakes up to the press of a crayon on his forearm, he nearly startles. his head jerks up to see his daughter, Juniper, trying to draw on him. her hair is neatly braided and the other side of the bed is empty, indicating that his wife has already gotten up.
"good morning, sweetpea." he says to Juniper with a tired smile, wincing when she tries in vain to draw on him. wax on skin doesn't work that way.
"it isn't working, Dad." she pouts. she throws the purple crayon onto the bed and stares at him. she's got dark lashes framing huge, beautiful eyes, and a gap between her front teeth. she pried out the baby tooth a week ago-- seven years old and already determined to take it out herself-- and has been showing it around the house like a trophy.
"maybe we can try with markers after I get up." he suggests. she peers at him with an impatient expression.
"fine." although the word is venomous, she crawls up the bed until she's tucked beneath his arm and he kisses the top of her head. Matthew smiles to himself as he holds her, happy to have the whole day to spend with his kids. he hasn't had a day off in forever.
"should we make breakfast for you and your sister?" he asks cheerfully.
"yes!" she leaps up to stand on the bed, jumps around a little bit on the cushy mattress. "come on!"
"okay, okay," he chuckles, throwing off the covers. "let me brush my teeth first, sweetheart."
"I'm coming with." Juniper is insistent as she follows him. he takes out his toothbrush and toothpaste while she paws through her mother's makeup drawers and skincare. she grabs a bottle of perfume and examines it carefully. "what is this?"
"let's be careful with that." Matthew turns from the mirror, where he can see the rat's nest of hair on his head while he brushes his teeth, and gently puts the glass bottle back on the counter. Juniper crosses her arms.
"what is it?" she repeats. her father finishes up, then lifts her into his arms like she's a sack of potatoes.
"it's your mom's favorite smell." he clarifies. after kissing her little cheek, he walks into the kitchen with Juniper's arms wrapped around his neck. she clings to him like he is everything in the world, and he realizes that this is one of his favorite parts of the day. whenever he holds his daughters, he feels the kind of joy that simply can't be replicated. his heart overflows for them.  
"morning, sleepyhead." Y/N looks up from the counter, where she's biting into a piece of toast and talking excitedly to their other child, Autumn. Matthew grins at the sight of her, so beautiful when she's laughing with her daughter.
"morning." he's smitten.
"I have to go in a minute, but I figured you'd be able to handle a day with them?" she comes over to him and kisses his lips, saying the last part softly. Juniper leans her head on her father's chest, staring at her mother with those enormous eyes.
"with these two devils?" Matthew nods to the girls. "of course."
Y/N shakes her head with a laugh and gives each of her daughter's foreheads before grabbing her purse.
"bye, Mama!" Juniper and Autumn say in unison.
"bye, my angels. I love you very much." she smiles warmly, ruffling Autumn's silky curls before touching Matthew's arm tenderly and heading out of the kitchen. he watches her go, waits for the sound of the lock clicking into place, before he looks conspiratorially between the remaining household.
"who wants pancakes?" he smirks. their ensuing squeals are affirmation enough.  
"Dad, can I show you my ballet tutu?" Autumn surprises Matthew by grabbing onto his leg while he's making pancakes. Juniper is standing on a stool beside him, watching and helping to flip the flapjacks.
"nobody wants to see that, Autumn." Juniper scowls impatiently at her younger sister. Matthew turns to his little one and smiles.
"I would love to see your new tutu, sweetheart." he says. Autumn gives the other girl a triumphant look before running off to her room. when Matthew looks at Juniper, she blushes. "be nicer to your sister, Juni." he says gently.
the little scolded creature crosses her arms over her chest and turns her gaze to the pancakes. she knows she's not supposed to be mean, but sometimes Autumn is just so annoying. Matthew can't even pretend to stay mad for long, however, and offers the spatula to her.
"do you wanna flip it?" he smiles.
"yep!" Juniper quickly slides the utensil under the pancake, her father's hand guiding hers to make sure she doesn't accidentally burn herself. she's a smart girl, but she's inherited his lack of coordination (and his nose). they giggle together at the sound of the batter slapping the pan.
"dad, look!" Autumn tugs on the leg of his pants and he glances down to see her wearing a bright pink tutu over her leggings. his jaw drops open in wonderment, tinged with a smile.
"oh my goodness!" he gasps, hoisting her into his arms and burying his face in her curls. "you look just like a princess!"
she giggles. Matthew turns off the stove for a moment to spin her around in his arms before setting her down again and crouching to look at her. "can we see your dance routine after breakfast?"
Autumn nods shyly. he holds her tiny hand in his and kisses the back of it before standing back up. Juniper waits for him on her stool. they get back to cooking, both girls chatting about anything and everything while their father listens intently.
once they set the plates out on the table, Juniper volunteers to distribute forks and knives, and soon they've got a whole spread of golden brown pancakes, whipped cream, and fruit. they heap their dishes with food. the girls have a tendency to take more than they can actually eat, but that's okay. he loves the look of excitement in their eyes when they drizzle syrup over everything.
"nice job, kiddos." he nods, impressed, like they've made the whole meal themselves. both siblings grin back at him proudly. "let's dig in!"
he's hungry. Matthew cracks a couple jokes while they eat, pokes Autumn's stomach when she gets full halfway through her third pancake, and then both he and Juniper watch her do her ballet routine for them. she spins, twirls, smiles as she finishes the dance by throwing both arms into the air like she's won an Olympic gold medal. in his eyes, she has.
even Juniper is supportive and claps with a smile at her sister's achievement. although she teases and can be a bit too harsh with her younger sibling at times, the truth is that she's proud of her. it's evident in the way they play together in the summer, running around beneath the sun while Matthew and his wife sip on glasses of iced tea.  
"brava!" he cheers when she skips back to her seat at the table. "a royal performance!"
"dad, can we have more whipped cream?" Juniper eyes the canister on the table with hungry eyes. he mulls this over for a second, enamored with the fact that she is so clearly his daughter. down to her features and mannerisms, her tendency to crawl onto the couch and watch the scary movies with him that she probably shouldn't be watching at her age. Autumn looks more like her mother, sweet and optimistic. a dreamy expression on her face.
he grabs the canister from the middle of the spread and pops the cap off the top.
"only if you don't tell your mother." he laughs. Juniper shakes her head vehemently like a half promise and opens her mouth as he puts a pile of whipped cream in it. he does it to Autumn next, then himself. they lean back in their chairs, rubbing their bellies with satisfaction.
"yummy." Juniper grins.
"whipped cream is the best topping in the world," Matthew says matter-of-factly, passing down a pearl of knowledge that will stay with them forever. "don't ever let anyone tell you different."
the three of them clean the dishes together, blowing suds all over the room while they listen to Sam Cooke and dance. the house rings with their laughter and the sounds of feet hitting the ground in rhythmic elation, the kitchen their personal concert hall.
if he could only bestow a few life lessons on them, one of them would be the importance of listening to old music.
Matthew wishes that he could spend all his days with them, making breakfast and hearing their crazy ideas. the world is so full and open to them, he sometimes finds himself thinking about how they're going to conquer it. they've got a grittiness to them that they could only get from their mother-- an absolute sureness that stiffens their little spines-- and an imagination that could fill books with stories. he wants to paint for them, do everything for them.
but for today, they head to Autumn's room and play dress-up with the enormous chest of costumes by her bed. should he work on not spoiling her so much? maybe. he doesn't care. she's absolutely adorable when she hauls out princess dresses, doctors' jackets and stethoscopes, other disguises. he thinks she's going to be an actress; she loves to take on different jobs and throw herself into them, walking around the house ordering that her next patient be brought in or for someone to prepare her microscope. her mind is full of ideas.
Juniper pretends to be disinterested in dressing up, but she gives up the act once Autumn hands her a tiara to wear and pours her imaginary tea.
"what flavor is this?" Matthew takes a sip from his miniature cup, fanning his mouth like it's hot. "it's divine."
"it's normal tea, you cuckoo bird." Autumn giggles. she sets the teapot down on the plastic table.
"I'm a cuckoo bird?" he pretends to be offended. "you're a cuckoo bird!"
"no I'm not!" Autumn protests, but Matthew is already wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her into his lap. he tickles her sides.
"you're the cuckoo bird!" he repeats through her fits of laughter. she squeals and kicks with joy until he sets her back on her feet.
"your hair is crazy." Juniper scolds. Matthew sighs and runs a hand through the unruly curls. they always tease him about it, and somehow it never gets old.
"probably because this one messed it up with her claws." he pokes Autumn's side and he suppresses a gleeful smile.
"Dad, you need a tiara, too." Juniper points to the empty spot on his head. "Autumn, get him one."
the younger sister looks like she's going to defy her sister's bossy demand, but decides against it and runs off to grab another bejeweled piece to place on her father's head. it's comical, the way the tiny thing sits.
"thank you, sweetpea." he smiles at his youngest, pinching her cheek before glancing between the two of them seriously. "how do I look?"
"silly." Juniper giggles. she straightens it out on his head and he wrinkles his nose.
"hey! boys can wear tiaras, too," he defends with mock attitude. "now, can I have more tea, please? I finished mine already."
"of course." Autumn stands diplomatically and pours him a new cup while they pretend to snack on baked goods. Matthew tells them about the new movie he's directing, dipping into his storyteller voice and wiggling his fingers with every mention of a spooky plot point. the girls sit at rapt attention, hanging on his every word, despite the fact that he's got a miniature tiara on his head.
they adore him, and every second he's there, they revel in it. they love their mother, too, of course. but days with their dad are just... different. he lets them eat whipped cream by themselves and tells them stories, kisses their foreheads and dances in the kitchen with them. they always have fun together, no matter how dreary the day is. and those feelings won't change as they get older; he's their rock, their security. he always will be.
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toastedkiwi · 4 years
Returning The Favor
Summary: after realizing you’ve been taken advantage of your friendship with Sebastian, you’ve decided to spoil him like he does with you.
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Rich!Reader
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You knocked on Sebastian’s door. No answer. You knock again. Still no answer. You pouted and grabbed the door knob. You turn it and head into the apartment. You close the door and lock it.
“Sebastian?” You called out looking around his open floor plan.
You head to his bedroom and opened up the door. And then you hear the puking. You frowned and head into the bathroom. Sebastian’s hugging the porcelain as he throws up his guts. You immediately think of what he does for you when you’re sick and you spring into action. You start rubbing his back which makes him question who’s in his apartment.
“The fuck you doing here?” Sebastian grunted seeing your high heels and he flushes the toilet.
“Well clearly taking care of you,” you said brushing his sweaty hair out of his eyes.
He’s shaking in his skin. Truly, you wanted to take him out to his favorite restaurant for lunch and treat him since you saw that terrible article a reporter did on him but your favorite man is sick. It was about time for you to return the favor because who knows how many times you’ve called him over something and he comes over quickly to comfort you or help fix the problem. He’s called you and you wouldn’t show up claiming to be too busy for him.
“I didn’t call you,” he said.
“I know. I tried calling you but you didn’t pick up,” you said.
“‘M sorry,” he mumbled.
“It’s okay,” you said grabbing his bicep. “Let’s get you into the shower.”
He groaned as you helped the 200 lbs man onto his feet but he’s a bit confused at your behavior. You leaned him against the bathroom counter and opened the glass door of the shower. You turned on the shower and found the right temp. You spin around to a butt ass naked Sebastian and he isn’t bothering covering anything. He’s definitely gifted.
“Fuck modesty,” he said giggling and making his way into the shower as you keep your eyes to the ceiling.
You closed the shower door behind and said, “please never do that to me again.”
You leave him in the shower and head into his bedroom. You take the bedsheets, sheets, blankets, and pillowcases off the bed shoving them into the laundry basket knowing it’ll be better for him to have clean ones on his bed instead of dirty ones. You try to make quick work even though it’s a struggle.
“Y/N!” Sebastian called out whining. “HELP!”
You come into the bathroom and he’s peaking his head out of the shower. The poor man looks absolutely miserable and exhausted. He holds the shampoo bottle to you. You take it and he lowers his head. His greasy wet hair falls forward dripping onto the rug. You opened the shampoo bottle. You squeeze more than enough in the palm of your hand. You put the shampoo bottle on the floor and then run your fingers through his hair. You make sure you’re gentle and lather every strand on his scalp. He nearly moans.
“There. Now rinse,” you said.
He does what you say and you rinse your hands in the sink. You then dry your manicured hands.
“Towel, please?” Sebastian begged after the water turns off.
You grab a towel on the rack and his bathrobe that you sent him because it was too big for you and was not your style. You hand him the towel as he steps out and he covers his dick thankfully since he doesn’t want to flash you this time. You help in his robe and you tie the belt around his waist. 
“Are you feeling alright?” Sebastian sniffled looking at you.
“Yes. Why do you ask? Do I look sick?” You asked frantically. 
You spin around and look in the mirror. Sebastian chuckles before coughing. His arms go around your waist after putting the towel on the counter.
“You look beautiful, Y/n,” he said. “Always do.”
You spin back around placing your hands on his broad shoulders and you look up at your proclaimed BFF. The shower seems to have helped him out a bit.
“Then why did you ask?” you questioned.
“You don’t come over unless you need me,” he said.
You frowned but know he’s right. You’re quite the selfish person. It’s bad. Real bad. But thankfully, you’ve started realizing it and you don’t want to be that way anymore.
“So, what do you need from me?” He asked.
“I need you to get better but for now, you’re gonna camp out on the couch while I make your bed and do your laundry,” you said.
Sebastian laughed before going into a coughing fit. You pat his back and you’re pretty worried about him. 
“I gotta see this,” he said.
You pouted and lead him into his bedroom. He seats himself in the chair that usually houses clothes he throws on it. He sees his sheets and what not on the floor in a pile.
“You’re really gonna make my bed?” he asked shaking a bit in his seat.
“Yes, I am,” you bragged. “You won’t even want to sleep on it since it’ll look so amazing and you won’t want to ruin it.”
Sebastian grins knowing you’re in over your head. You don’t know how to make a bed. You grew up with a rich daddy and mommy who had maids and nannies raise you and clean up after you and your snobby ass sister. Your dad funds your lifestyle with a maid still even though you’re 25. 
“I can’t wait,” he sniffled.
You rush off grinning and giving him your “I got this” look. It’s quite adorable especially with your black long sleeved shirt underneath the dress you’re wearing and the heels. You always wear heels. It’s what you were taught to wear. It’s very old fashioned but a good dress and heels are great for any event.
“I don’t like this!” you whined and pouted as the fitted sheet keeps coming off of the corners.
“Prinţesă-,” Sebastian said. 
“Shh!” you shushed the fool.
He stands up and treads over to you. You crossed your arms over your chest and glare at the poor sick man.
“You’re going diagonally. Start on one side, Prinţesă,” he said.
You huffed with an adorable pout and start getting to work. You even have your best friend sit on a very stubborn corner as you get the rest.
“I did it!” You exclaimed happily.
Sebastian smiles and you hug him as he’s still seated.
“Congrats, Prinţesă,” he said. “Can you grab me some medicine? It’s in the cabinet by the fridge.”
You nod and head off pretty proud of yourself. It makes him smile briefly before he has to lay down on his unmade bed with a blanket you grabbed. You’ll probably be mad since you didn’t finish but you’ll just have to make the bed with him in it.
“What are you--?” You asked.
“’M tired, baby,” he said.
You sit down on the edge of the bed placing the medicine down on his bedside table along with a glass of water. He sits up a bit so he can take the medicine. You give him some cough syrup and then some cold medicine after reading the labels.
“I feel like shit,” he groaned laying back.
“I know,” you said caressing his cheek. “But you’ll be all better soon.”
“You’ll probably get sick from being near me, darling,” Sebastian said.
“Then we can be sick together and I can call Junie to come take care of us,” you said with a smile.
He shakes his head no and said, “we are both adults. We can take care of ourselves, Y/n.”
“So, does that mean you want me to leave while you wallow away in your misery?” You asked.
“Don’t go,” he whined and weakly grabbed your arm. “I like you taking care of me.”
His words brought the biggest smile on your face. It’s bigger than when you go shopping and make him hold your bags. No shopping trip can get that smile.
“Alright, it’s only because I love you so much,” you said.
It’s his turn to smile wide as he’s feeling quite drowsy with the medicine kicking in.
“I love you too,” Sebastian said. “You should cuddle me. It’ll make me feel better.”
“But you’ll need to eat something,” you said.
“Just until I fall asleep, please?” he begged with a puppy dog look and a pout you can’t say no to. “I’ll eat for ya later.”
You take off your heels and then lay beside him. He tucks you under his arm and wraps both arms around you. You both sigh contently.
“I think I’ve been a shitty friend to you,” you admitted.
He frowns but knows you’re right. He can’t argue on it if he wanted to. He’s adored you for the last four years. Yes, you’re younger than him and maybe he’s got a thing for chicks younger than him but he can’t help it. You’ve got the poor man wrapped around your finger and he’s completely and utterly hooked.
“What made you come to that conclusion?” Sebastian asked and it sounded a bit snippier than he would’ve liked.
“My other friends are pretty shitty and... you aren’t. You treat me like a queen and never expected me to treat you like a king,” you said. “Which I’ve been taking you for granted and you deserve better but I’m quite selfish and instead of letting this friendship go, I’m gonna do better for you, Sebastian.”
Sebastian smiles. It warms his heart. 
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jangosweat · 3 years
Surprise (Part One)
Pairing: younger Boba Fett x female reader Summary: Boba is on a mission, you happen to have more than just some information for him. Length: don't @ me ok this got away from me pretty quickly, the gc chose violence the other day and my brain ran the fuck away with it so... LONG. Warnings: NSFW, Boba smokes in this ok (smoking is bad ofc), strong language, explicit content, alcohol consumption, virgin!Boba, eventual p in v Tagging these bucket fuckers: @batfamily14 @kavecika @aurea-corde @beskarprincessjenny @ahoeformando @onabouteverything @rosethornsxx @latenightsthoughtsnstuff @deewithani @hobbitlover23 @thisgirl-knm @adonishxney @vegethiagoddess @the-siren-writes-it @tibbietibbs @meabravo @kenob1 @theifofstars @metchachotto @blissful--moon @mysticalgalaxysalad
It was a shame really, having flown out all this way with a strong signal until the night Boba Fett had landed his ship down on this bustling planet, after a month of hunting and beating the information out of humans and a few droids he needed for his latest quarry he had come up short.
He hated being let down, he was on a roll with capturing quarry after quarry, bringing them to their knees with a swift prowess only he seemed to encapsulate. His father's genes he would think thoughtfully as he laid in bed. The cuts and bruises would soon fade, adding to his track record as being one of the up and coming best bounty hunter in the parsec. He was making a name for himself, preening when he'd enter some dive bar or cantina, all eyes on him and rumor had it that if you saw his painted beskar, someone was in big kriffing trouble.
A pompous man only known to the hunter by the name of Tarrik was all he knew and that the client he was hired by wanted his payment. Now.
Boba tapped on his holopad, filling in his planner of sorts, archiving his triumphs as he sat wide legged at the edge of his bed aboard Slave I. He bit his lip, opening a new tab on the blueish screen, setting his sights on a map of the city. He used his fingers to expand the map, reaching absently at the table next to him to retrieve a lit cigarette of sorts. The shredded tobacco type substance was sweet and fragrant, coils of smoking spiraled around his fingers before he took a drag and kept on with his search.
He was on the right planet, nearby to where this theif was either hiding deftly among the people and aliens just outside from the landing areas restricted section or he was one step ahead of Fett and that thought alone made his eyebrows crease together. That was his job, to be on the Frontline, to outsmart his naïve prey. He sighed and kept the map page open, looking from a top view of what looked to be a little shopping center, a jewelry store with the name Tarrik's Trinkets lit up neon on the screen.
"Did you take inventory yet?"
"I'm on it right now!" You called back to one of your coworkers, she was on her way out to lunch, leaving you in charge of the jewelry store for the next hour. Your boss Tarrik had left a rather cryptic note of explanation that he had a family emergency and you and Juni were to be in charge of keeping to store up and running for the next few days.
She shrugged on a jacket, careful not to snag the flow of her long head-tails before leaving, telling you she'd bring you back something sweet.
The low chime of the store from the door opened and closed as you grabbed the holopad and set to work.
Only a few moments passed when you heard the chimes again, crouched underneath a display case you sing songed out. "Back so soon?"
You were met with silence.
That's odd you thought, you know you heard the door open...
More silence.
When you finally stood to your full height you didn't see a soul in the store, you set the holopad down on the glass counter and rounded about the side. "Hello?"
"Good afternoon."
You jumped at the voice that answered you, that was definitely not Juni. You turned around to find a tall man, covered literally head to toe in some sort of hard armor and gloves, not a lick of his skin was presented to you, a T visor looked down at you. 
Stealthy son of a bitch you thought as you relaxed a little.
"Oh! Good afternoon sir." You smoothed your hands at your sides, curious as to who he might be. You've seen and met quite a few strangers, of all sorts but none as mysterious as the man before you. He tilted his helmet in acknowledgement and rested his gloved hands at his waist, fingers displaying on a utility belt.
"Nice place you've got here." His voice was covered with a thick modulator, you could hear the nice smooth tone of it even through the slight crackles.
"Thank you, we pride ourselves on serving the best and making the best. Even the gentry have been known to visit from time time, by their aides and associates of course. Is there something in particular you're looking for sir?" You asked.
The helmeted man looked around the empty store then back to you after a moment. "Is the owner perhaps around?"
"Not today. But I can be of any assistance you might need."
The man hummed and tapped his belt, strong and quiet as he peered around again as if casing the joint and that set you on edge, tiny hairs on the back of your neck prickled and you moved back behind the display case you were just working on.
"Do you do customized pieces?" The man asked, turning on his heel to see where you had scurried off to.
"Of course we do! Do you have something in mind?"
The man pondered and leaned against the top of the case, a sweet smell wafted into your nose as he looked down at some of the pieces laid out on a fine Vermillion felt. "What might you suggest?"
"Is it for you or a someone special? A partner perhaps? A special occasion maybe..."
"I'm not a married man if that's what you're asking. Jewelry doesn't fit in with my armor. Someone special I suppose."
"Alrighty, how special are we talking?" You asked using one of your hands to showcase what you had at this case. "We have earrings, these are a popular buy or if want something more flashy we have bracelets and necklaces over there."
"A necklace will do I think."
"Excellent! Why don't you follow me over here then," you waved him over and he followed slowly after you, stopping to look at how nicely you had placed the varying lengths and sizes of adornments. "What kind would you like? Have you seen them in something familiar in style or coloring? A gemstone or two maybe..."
"What would you like?"
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me. What would you like to receive as a gift?"
No one had ever asked you for your personal opinion on the matter, not in that way at least. You had modeled a few items for your customers, if you were a similar size neck or wrist for the client but never had someone asked what you would prefer to wear.
No one had bought you jewelry before so the question had you stunned for a moment to think.
"Well... I don't like gaudy items, I'm more of a dainty subtle kinda' girl. If it were me, I'd go with a lariat style. It's just enough to catch someone's eye and when the sun hits it just it right, you know it's something special."
"Hmm can you show me? Might be interested in something like that." The man was sold you could tell, you were top in sales last month after all.
You smiled and bent down and brought out the style you were talking about, proudly showing off the necklace. "What do you think?"
The man hummed and touched the slinky necklace, as if he could feel the smoothness through those thick gloves. "Classy. You said I could add an gemstone no?"
"Absolutely sir, whatever modification you'd like we can do. It will cost extra of course." You explained and the man chuckled through his modulator.
"Of course. Money is of no expense to me smart girl. Three emeralds will do I think."
Emeralds? Three emeralds no less! This man had expensive taste and could afford it.
"Placement? They would like very royal spaced out like this," the man nodded once in agreement once you showed him your idea. "How about length?"
His T visor rose slowly from the necklace, taking his time to look at you as if you could see his face underneath. "Their about your size I suppose."
"For my neck I'd prefer a sixteen inch in length."
"Let's do it then."
That was easy, you smiled and made a quick sketch on a spare holopad nearby, a glimpse of what his custom piece would look like and cost. He agreed to the amount and gave his signature on the pad.
All it said was Mando when you took it back.
"As I'm sure you're aware sir, Emeralds can take some time to set, about a week or so, is that ok?"
"Absolutely." The man breathed and took out a strange looking square of steel, placing it in your hand before he took a step back and took his leave.
The chimes of the door sang again as he left, leaving you with his personal comm link number on the back of what looked like an imperial credit business card. But no name was present.
Boba thought of you while he took off his armor for the night, snagging a few bags of food from a very skittish man and woman at a food stall on his way back from the shopping market.
You had called him Sir, either out of sheer politeness or intimidation. Not that he was taught to call attention to himself or his armor or profession, like his father had instilled in him as a boy, but it alarmed him. Took him down a notch. He was just a man to you, clad in his father's beskar. He wasn't scary to you and that humbled him, where his name proceeded him nowadays, being unrecognizable was in a way a touch of honey to the battered man.
You didn't know his name like so many others had. Didn't cower in fear that he was possibly after you. No, he was after your boss. He didn't want to scare you, he was after one man not an army and certainly not a shopkeeper like yourself.
He had hoped you would call him the next day, give him details about the necklace that he bought on a whim with no real flesh and blood person to give it to. It was a means to an end, get in good with you, nonchalant and easy in order to find out the whereabouts of Tarrik.
It was only one meeting with you but as he sat in just his underclothes, untying the bag of steaming food, he couldn't help but feel a little off about using you. Strange as that may seem.
You didn't call the next day or the next after that, four days later he wondered if he should stop by the shop again just to see. Scope it out even though the puck he toyed with wasn't blinking.
He lit one of his cigarettes while he cleaned his armor, leaning his hip against one his many weaponry crates that made their home in the hull of his ship. He let it dangle from his lip before maneuvering it between his front teeth as he cleaned his helmet. The unsuspecting call from his comm link took him out of his routine, he popped the piece next to his chest plate into his ear.
"Mando?" You sounded unsure of yourself, Boba narrowed his eyebrows as to why until he realized his helmet was in his hands, not placed on his head.
"Speaking. Everything going alright?" It never occurred to him that he had given you a name to call him but he didn't catch yours, too preoccupied with his song and dance of trying to sus out information and how you smiled at him. Not knowing the predator he truly was.
"Yeah yeah everything is fine with your piece it's just you forgot to put in your credit information. I was looking it over and-"
"When should I come in?" Boba stabbed out his cigarette.
"Oh uh whenever you're free would be great, were open until nine tonight if that works out for you?" You sounded excited and nervous which made him feel the same.
"I'll see you soon then."
You fumbled through some goodbye by the sound of it, Boba smiled and got dressed.
Tarrik's Trinkets seemed to be in a rush, there were people picking up some of their cleaned items and some were being helped, you were behind the register handing off a bag to a very excited young Twi’lek couple, they even kissed in front of everyone. An engagement Boba thought to himself, smiling under his helmet. As he made his way through the busy little store the engaged couple made eyes with him, wide ones as they hurried past, even as he had gave them a pleasant nod of his helm. 
The people outside in the shopping center had done the same when they had seen him strolling through the street.
None the wiser were you to his presence, another girl was asking you a question before returning to her own set of waiting customers.
He didn't know why all of a sudden a strange pang in his gut hit him then, she was close to you, her face next to your ear her hand on your elbow as you turned and answered her.
Boba Fett waited for the crowd to die down, patiently waiting towards the back wall full of portraits  of clients showing off the jewelry that was made here.
But once the rush was over he watched you close up the drawer and hang your head with a bit of exhaustion, your hands on the tabletop before he took his turn and made his way over to you.
"Busy night huh?"
You sprang up at the distinct tone of his modulated tone, eyes wide with Sprite but with a smile. "Mando! You’ve gotta’ stop sneaking up on me."
"I told you I was coming."
"Yeah but I didn't think so soon!" Your smile made him smile, you took out a holopad from underneath the glass, scrolling through until you found his name and lack of information. You handed it over to him.
"You said you closed at nine, wanted to get here before you closed." Boba answered while tapping in his numbers.
"Were still open for another hour, Mando." You countered, a flirty smile on your face as he handed the pad back to you.
"Had to be sure you didn't forget about me."
"How could I forget?"
So this was happening.
Usually when Boba flirted it was for information, nothing more than that and in a way it was exactly that but something more, some lingering feeling that felt natural when he spoke to you. 
The women he did flirt with always wanted something from, dank farrik everyone wanted something from him. To hire him to use him to dispose of him when they were through, he didn't let it bother him too much to waste sleepless nights on it but sometimes it hurt. Just a little bit. 
You were genuine about it though as he studied your face.
"So what is there to do around here? I haven't been on this side of the planet in a long time." He wanted to keep you talking, to hear your voice.
"Well that depends, what do you like to do? I doubt hiking with all that armor on." You pointed.
Boba chuckled, smiling at the fact he'd just left the dessert before landing here a few days ago. "Not exactly. What do you like to do?"
"Well I like art so I go to the museums a lot. There's quite a few bars and cantinas around too. A bunch of stuff really." You shrugged.
Boba hummed along and took a chance. "Do you go out for drinks a lot?"
"Sometimes I'll go out with Juni after work."
"Oh! My coworker, she's around here somewhere." You looked around the store but didn't see her, neither did Boba and he was grateful for the one on one conversation.
"Ah ha. You know you never did tell me your name the other day."
You're face had look of shock when you looked up at him then. "I didn't?! That wasn't very professional of me, was it?”
"I won't tell on you."
You bit your bottom lip before apologizing, adding your name at the end with your hand out for him to take. It was dwarfed by the size of his hand and glove.
He cemented it to his brain, rolling it over and mouthing it behind the beskar of his helmet. "Mesh'la."
"Excuse me?"
"Mesh'la. It means beautiful in my native language."
"Oh! I like that."
Boba suddenly realized he was still holding your hand before he took it back gently. "Are you going out tonight?"
"Not that I'm aware of, why?" You cocked your head. "You wanna ask me out?"
Very bold little one.
"Maybe. Would you go out with me? Just for a drink, you can tell me about all the other places I should visit while I'm waiting."
"Sure. Why not?"
Boba's stomach twisted at your coy smile. "It's a date. I'll be waiting outside."
"Outside? Mando I still have an hour to work!" You protested.
He tapped the side of his helmet and the clock counter showed him the time. "Forty-five minutes. I can be patient." Boba then patted the glass counter, noticing the way you twisted in place as if bashfulness had grabbed you by the throat and strutted towards the door, looking over his shoulder at you still watching him as he chimed through the door.
He had done his job and damn well if he was being truthful to himself. He was proud and took up post just to the side of the store front, noticing how others jogged across the street from him while a few reckless others strolled by giving him a side eye.
They're lucky I'm not after them he thought as he checked the time again, only three minutes have passed and for some unexplained reason all he could do was picture your face and repeat your name over until it sounded faintly like an ancient prayer.
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lunawritesaa · 2 years
i'm going through a rough patch at the moment and seeing that you posted something new made me feel a little bit more at ease. your writing in general is helping with a lot and i always love rereading your works. thank you for being here, writing away for silly fictitious lawyers and detectives :]c
aw junie :( i’m sorry you’re having a rough time! if there’s anything i can do, even if it’s just needing to vent to someone or whatnot, im here for you! feel free to message me anytime, it won’t be a bother :)
i’m glad, though, that my writings are helping making you feel better! even if it’s just a little that still means the world to me that i can help. i’m so glad that they’re bringing you comfort during this time, it’s honestly my pleasure to provide content that you enjoy.
thank you for your kind words! i hope things get better for you soon, you’re a lovely person! <3
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juniwilson · 2 years
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Zoom Call | The Wilson Family
Includes (top to bottom): Clover, Brook, Autumn, Glenn, Sky, Robin, Holly & Juniper Wilson; mentions of Cliff & River Wilson, and @chris-grimaldi When: Fri. April 29, 2022, late morning/early afternoon Notes: Due to Juni’s pregnancy, the producers have allowed them to make a private, camera-free Zoom Call to tell their family. Triggers/Content Warnings:
Juni was beyond grateful the production crew arranged for them to reach out to their family for a brief, private moment to share the news of their pregnancy. They had no idea just how many of their family members would end up on the Zoom call but at the designated time, the screen soon filled with seven other windows popping up with the faces of their mother and six of their seven siblings.
“Juniper, dear! Oh my goodness, it’s so good to see you! How are you? I can’t believe it’s been months since we’ve heard directly from you!” Their mother, Sky, began.
“Well, it’s been months for you all,” Robin pointed out in his usual even tone, “I spoke to June last month.”
“Still jealous,” Clover added while their mother simultaneously lamented, “We know, Robin. We know.”
“So what’s going on?” Brook asked, cutting right to the point. “You’ve got us all here, does this mean you get to leave the island soon, or that you get to make a home visit like some of the others did?”
Holly chimed in, “Orrr is this another prize win and you’ll get to talk to more than one of us for a little while?”
Juni shook their head, “No, it’s nothing like that. I--”
“Maybe she’s going to tell us some more about Chris-freaking-Grimaldi!” Clover gushed. “By the way, I did not expect him to show up on Ship-Wrecked at all but wow! Heart eyes for my sibling? I am so here for it! Please tell me that’s legit and not just really crafty editing because wow, talk about an instant attraction! Tell him that banana bouquet was SUPER cute! I laughed but also thought it was so sweet!”
“Wait, wait, wait, back up a second,” Glenn said, sitting ramrod straight while his eyes bugged, “Chris Grimaldi. AKA the top tier Chris, AKA Batman AKA my favorite actor is on that island?! On that show? And he’s interested in you, Juni?! When the hell was anybody gonna tell me?!”
“Language, Glenn,” Sky chided.
“I’ve been keeping you posted about Juni being on the show, so you have no one to blame here,” Clover pointed out.
Holly sighed, “And I tried to tell you two weeks ago that you should really start watching, Glenn.”
“Yeah but you didn’t say anything about Chris being on there,” he accused with a scowl and then looked to Juniper, “So wait. He’s interested in you Juni, yeah? I always knew he had good taste.”
“Did you forget he’s been divorced twice already?” Brook pointed out.
“So? What’s your point?” Glenn argued back with a shrug, popping some food in his mouth. “He still has great taste, especially if he’s got heart eyes for my big sis.”
Juni smiled and managed to say, “We did decide to date, yes. And I don’t think the show will finish wrapping up until sometime this summer, so--”
Glenn interrupted again, mid-snacking, “Wow. That’s not all that far away but that’s also a helluva long time for you to have been gone. I didn’t realize shows like that filmed for so long.”
“They don’t. Not normally,” Brook said flatly. “Juni do you really think this was a good idea? I know you want to find love but you’ve been gone for months. Even Survivor and all those other reality shows don’t film for this long.”
“I know, but... it won’t be that much longer.”
“What about your job?” Robin asked. “Are they as understanding or was all of this worked out in your contract when you signed to be on?”
“Guys!” Autumn waved her hands as though she was swatting some flies away. “Let Juni talk!”
“Yes, really,” Sky agreed and then nodded to Juni on her screen. “Go ahead, Junebug, dear.”
Juniper took a deep breath. “I know Chris hasn’t been here on the island all that long yet, but, Clover, I don’t know what all you’re seeing on the episodes but it’s not any sort of editing. There was something there for us pretty quickly after we first met. It does feel really fast--it is, I know it...and... I know that’s probably unsettling for some people but he makes me happy. And I’m glad that we’re dating and continuing to get to know each other and see where things go between us, especially because, I’m--”
“I knew it!” Clover burst out excitedly. “I mean it’s always nice to have you confirm it but I knew it wasn’t just the cameras editing and triyng to make it look like there was something there. Like you guys looked so cute when you first met, and I saw you guys had a picnic date, which...adorable!”
“It really was,” Autumn agreed, “He was really smooth taking to your interest in astrology to get that kiss. Like, serious brownie points to him for that.”
“Right?!” Clover borderline squealed. “Like he always seems super chill and charming in interviews but wow!”
Brook rolled her eyes, “You guys do remember that he’s an actor, right? And sorry Glenn, I know you’d jump his bones if you had the chance--no offense, Junes--but I really don’t think that having two divorces under your belt is something to just brush off, especially when he’s now got his eyes on our sibling. Getting close to him on an island is one thing but what about when you get back to the real world?”
“Brook,” Holly started in an eldest sister, reprimanding tone.
“No, Holly, this needs to be said. “It’s easy to get swept up in Fantasy Island but Juni deserves to keep the realities of who she’s getting close to in mind too. Chris could say a lot of sweet things that could sweep anyone off of their feet but does that mean that he’s someone who’s right for Juni?”
Robin wasn’t easily riled but he spoke up again in his more monotonous tone, “His ex-wife cheated and married his brother who also impregnated her, which wasn’t his fault or in his control. And his ex-husband’s a senator and trans activist. Not exactly something to be ashamed of but how many politicians do you know are actively working as politicians while married to a working actor?”
Everyone on the call fell silent for a moment but Glenn licked his index finger and swiped a tally mark in the air. “I rest my case.”
“You didn’t make one,” Brook pointed out, scowling this time.
Sky spoke up again, “Brook, honey, being on the island is also allowing Chris and Juniper, and all of the other couples time to get to know one another well. That certainly counts for something crucial for a relationship to work. And really, it isn’t fair to reduce Chris to a cliche just because he’s an actor or divorced.”
Juni’s eyes were down as their hand came to rest on their stomach. They didn’t want to cry and they didn’t want to throw up but both feelings were beginning to rise in them. Autumn and Holly seemed to notice at almost teh same time and spoke their concerns over one another.
“Are you okay, June?”
“Juni, it’s okay, what’s wrong?”
Juniper took a deep breath and when she lifted her head up, she finally told her family, “I’m pregnant.”
“WHAT?!” nearly all of them said.
“The baby is Chris’s.”
“OH MY GOD!” Autumn, Clover, Brook and Holly said in near unison and with varied inflections.
 That’s why I got this call with you guys.”
“Didn’t see that coming,” Robin said, quirking an eyebrow up. By far and away, his reaction was the calmest of them all.
“You mean, I’m gonna be the uncle to Chris Grimadli’s child?!” asked Glenn. “I’m gonna call the kid Damien. Or you know, heavily suggest it as a baby name, regardless of gender.”
“Shut up, Glenn,” his twin retorted.
Brook asked, “When did this happen?!” in a very indignant tone.
“It was the nighttime picnic, wasn’t it? I bet it was,” Clover gushed, hands pressed to both of her cheeks. “If someone did something like that for me, I’d probably end up pregnant too.”
Autumn waved them off again, “Clover, hush! What does it matter ‘when’? Juni are you sure? Are you okay?”
She nodded, wiping at her eyes before any tears could form, “I’m sure. The medics here confirmed it a while ago. And honestly? I’m happy, and I’m scared, and-... and I just needed you guys to know.”
“Oh, Juniper...” their mother frowned. “I just want to wrap my arms around you right now. It’s going to be alright, dear. And I’ll talk to your dad about making a trip out to see you as soon as you get home, okay?”
Brook couldn’t completely tamp down the acid in her voice as she asked, “How’s Chris handling all of this?”
“He’s been amazing. Really. Neither of us planned this, of course, but he’s been really attentive of me even before I told him. But he’s excited to become a dad, and we both plan to keep on figuring things out as time goes on. We’re only telling our families right now though, and he’s told his best friend who I think is basically family to him, so.. if you guys could not tell anyone--not yet. I just want to get through the first trimester.”
“Of course,” Sky spoke before any of her children could. “None of us will say a thing--we understand. And you have no idea how good it is to hear that Chris is already being involved and supportive. There’s plenty I’m sure that you two have to sort through, not only becoming new parents but becoming a new couple. And obviously your sister, Brook, has made her reservations known but I’m sure she comes from a well-intended place.”
“Of course I do!” Brook stated. “Juniper’s my sibling, my family. I love her and I want her happy. Do you think I’d be saying anything at all if I didn’t?” After huffing, she looked right at Juniper and said, “Listen to me. Mom’s right, I have my...reservations, as she put it. But that doesn’t mean I want you to be miserable or alone or both. And it doesn’t mean I won’t be Auntie Brook to your baby any more or less than I am to River’s kids, or Autumn’s, Holly’s, or Glenn’s. But I don’t know Chris and until I do, I’m going to be a skeptic.”
Autumn sighed, “To be fair to Brook, she was that way with all of us who’ve got spouses. It took her what felt like a millennium to warm up to Lance, even after we got engaged.“
“Well, she is a family lawyer after all,” Robin reminded.
Holly hummed, “True. Brook’s always been like the Wilson family bouncer for significant others too. Or at least that’s how Sheila puts it.”
Brook sniffed and shrugged hearing her siblings speak of how she’d behaved towards her in-laws, obviously unapologetic for her earned title in the family.
“And she knows she’s going to get it tenfold if she ever brings a significant other around to meet the family,” Glenn added helpfully.
“Pretty much,” Robin agreed despite being as single as his twin brother and Brook currently were.
Sky smiled at Juniper on the screen, “Junebug, just please take care of yourself and my littlest grandchild. That includes your mental and spiritual health, alright? And if your fear is stemming from how fast things are moving between you and Chris, just remember that every relationship runs on its own timeline. Some people get together and just know and it works out for them to have a long time commitment to one another. Some take much longer to discover that special someone. Just look at your own family. Your father and I were only together for three months before we took our vows and here we are almost thirty-nine years later. Autumn and Lance were high school sweethearts and are happily married with their family of four now. Holly and Sheila were together for five years before marrying and have their own child, and River and Tiffany had a shotgun wedding after only six months of courtship. Now they have three children and a great life together! And although Glenn and his ex aren’t together, they both make wonderful co-parents.”
“Awww, thanks, Mom,” Glenn crooned, feigning a bashful expression that earned him eye rolls from his other siblings and a small chuckle from Juniper.
“The point is,” Sky said, “That no matter what speed or direction things go, you don’t have to follow anyone’s expectations, except for the ones you set and pursue.”
Smiling softly, Juniper could feel fresh but different tears welling up. “Thanks, Mom. Thank you so much. And thank you all for being here for me.” They took a deep breath, “I have to get going because I am feeling a bit queasy and the producers weren’t giving me too long to be on here, but I promise when I get another chance, I’ll call, okay? Please let River and Dad know what’s going on, and give Dad a big hug for me? I miss him. I miss all of you!”
“We miss you too!” They all replied back over one another in varied tones.
“Love you, June,” Robin spoke while Holly and Autumn blew kisses. Clover and Glenn waved, Brook gave a solitary nod and the tiniest of smiles to their sibling, and Sky pressed a hand to her own heart while keeping her eyes on Juniper.
“Take care, dear. We’ll see you before you know it.”
Juni nodded back and smiled, “Bye, Mom,” before ending the call. And sure enough, with their stomach churning, Juni only had mere seconds to make it to the nearest bathroom.
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rosenallies · 3 years
fluff with pregnant rosé in rosejan?
Rosé gritted her teeth as she walked through the door, every step more painful than the last. She noticed Jan sat on the couch, engrossed in some reality tv show while she brushed Juniper’s hair out.
“Mama!” Juniper yelled, jumping up and nearly into Rosé’s arms.
“Hey, hey, cool it, June bug. You gotta be careful around Mama’s belly, your baby brother is in there,” Jan reprimanded, the little girl stepping back and hugging Rosé’s legs instead.
“Hi baby girl,” Rosé said, leaning down and kissing her daughter’s head, but not without wincing in pain and hoping nobody, especially not Jan, noticed.
Jan only narrowed her eyes, but didn’t press as she puckered her lips for a kiss that Rosé happily gave her. “How was work?”
“It was good, just really tired,” she lied.
“Okay, well, why don’t you get comfy and I’ll worry about dinner. I promised Juni we’d order a pizza anyway.”
The little girl clapped and jumped up and down. “Yay! Pizza!”
Rosé chuckled and ruffled her hair. “Come on, baby, come sit with mama while mommy orders food.”
Juniper curled up on the couch tucked underneath Rosé’s arm after pouting that she couldn’t quite sit in her lap, her 30 week bump in the way.
They stayed on the couch, Jan joining them afterwards, taking care of everything from getting the pizza from the door and the dishes. Rosé knew that Jan knew, but still didn’t say anything. But Rosé knew Jan, she knew that as soon as Juniper was asleep she’d be getting an earful.
And an earful was an understatement, when she tried to follow Jan into Juniper’s room, she allowed one goodnight kiss and sent Rosé off to bed.
When Jan came back, she stood at the edge of the bed with her arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. “What’s going on?”
Rosé bit the inside of her cheek, feigning a smile. “I’m fine, just tired.”
Jan rolled her eyes. “You’re almost 31 weeks pregnant, of course you’re tired. But there’s something else. Is it migraines? Your back? Your feet?”
Blinking, Rosé just stared at her.
“You can’t lie to me, I know what it’s like to be pregnant, you know.”
The redhead sighed, eyes misty. “My back and my feet.”
Jan hummed, sitting down at the end of the bed, tender fingers working out the pain in her feet and ankles, Rosé sighing with relief. “Why didn’t you tell me you were hurting?”
Rosé blushed. “I didn’t want to worry you, and you know, I always take care of you,” she said quietly.
“Rosie, you do take such good care of me and Juniper, but that doesn’t mean I can’t take care of you too.”
“I know, I just didn’t want to bother you.”
Jan smiled. “You’ll never bother me. How about I run you a hot bath like you did for me when I was pregnant?”
The thought of being enveloped in warm water up to her neck with her favorite scents wafting in the air, made Rosé smile. “Yes, please.”
Jan stood up, leaning over her to kiss her forehead. “Okay, stay here, I’ll go run your bath.”
Rosé listened as Jan clanged around in the bathroom, the water running and fizzing as she dropped in god knows how many bath bombs to make the water sparkly and pink.
“Okay, your bath is ready,” she announced proudly.
Rosé started to get up, only for Jan to hurry to her side and help her, arm around her waist the whole way to the bathroom.
“Let me take care of you, baby,” she whispered, helping Rosé undress, kissing her bare shoulder.
Once she was fully undressed, Jan carefully helped lower her into the water. Rosé sighed contently as the water soothed all her aches and pains, replacing them with a sated and sleepy feeling, there was only one thing missing.
“Will you get in with me?”
Jan looked surprised. “Are you sure? I don’t wanna hurt you any more than you already do.”
Rosé shook her head, now reveling in the feeling of being the one being taken care of. “No, I want you. Please.”
“Of course, baby,” she cooed, stripping her own clothes off and slotting herself behind Rosé, wrapping her arms around her shoulders.
The redhead lolled her head back against Jan’s shoulder. “Thank you for taking care of me tonight. I love you.”
Jan kissed her cheek. “I love you too, my Rosie.”
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